Ansible 337 -- August 2015

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Jul 31, 2015, 1:40:45 PM7/31/15
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From DAVID LANGFORD, 94 London Road, Reading, Berks, RG1 5AU, UK. Website ISSN 0265-9816 (print); 1740-942X (e). Available for SAE, nudged-quantum storage units or sophons.

[NET NOTE. See for the nice HTML version. Mailing list subscribe/unsubscribe information appears below -- please don't send such requests to my own e-mail address. DRL]

IT'S A CON! Another Langford ebook from Ansible Editions: _Don't Try This At Home: Selected Convention Reports_, an occasionally esoteric compilation ranging from Mancon 5 in 1976 to Loncon 3 in 2014. Pounds1 goes to TAFF for each copy sold. See <>.


GEORGE LUCAS is one of those receiving 2015 lifetime honours from the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts. The ceremony, hosted by some chap called Obama, will be in December. (BBC, 15 July) [MPJ]

GEORGE R.R. MARTIN, as homage to his characters' gory deaths in _Game of Thrones_, makes a cameo appearance in an already much circulated clip from the aptly titled _Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!_ 'as a moviegoer who gets brutally attacked by a shark that somehow jumps out of the movie screen and into his face.' (, 23 July)

MICHAEL MOORCOCK's profile/interview (_New Statesman_, 24 July) had a subhead saying he 'revolutionised science fiction with symbolism, sex and psychoactive drugs. Now, at 75, he has invented another genre.' Also included was the mandatory MM quotation 'I think Tolkien was a crypto-fascist'. Mike has since issued a disclaimer: 'He was a nice bloke and it's a generous, well-meant, piece but I'm afraid I read it saying "no I didn't" and "I never said that" so many times that it was a relief to get to the last, more accurate, para. My fault, maybe, for talking too fast and modifying too frequently. I've never claimed the authority of being working class! I'm from the class most artists come from, the hated petite bourgeoisie, though I had a variety of relatives who didn't. I have spent half my life saying that Jerry Cornelius is not a "secret agent". Feel like I've just taken a turn on the same old roundabout. But I'll do a lot for four good pork pies. / Oh, and I absolutely LOVE hobbits. I'm just looking for the best recipe.' (, 24 July) [JL]

F.W. MURNAU, director of the classic vampire film _Nosferatu_ (1922), was in the news again in July with reports that his skull was stolen from his grave in Stahnsdorf cemetery near Berlin. (BBC, 15 July) [MPJ] If this were a Tim Powers novel there would be excellent magical reasons for this theft, and others too would lose random body parts.

CHARLES PLATT and his long-time partner Erico Narita were married on 2 July in Arizona: 'please, no wedding presents.'

AMY SCHUMER, US comedian, annoyed the galactic overlords of _Star Wars_ by appearing dressed as Princess Leia in a naughty _GQ_ magazine photo feature: in bed with ardent robots C-3PO and R2-D2, in a high-kicking chorus line with Imperial Stormtroopers, and so on. 'Lucasfilm & Disney didn't approve, participate in or condone the inappropriate use of our characters in this manner,' thundered the official _Star Wars_ Twitter feed. (BBC, 17 July) [MPJ]

BENJANUN SRIDUANGKAEW, Thai author identified in 2014 as the former abusive blogger Requires Hate or Winterfox, has been further outed by a stalker who posted details of her 'true identity and her extremely privileged extended family'. All online, but let's not link to it.

J.R.R. TOLKIEN is now commemorated on maps of Saturn's moon Titan, where by IAU convention the mountains are named for those of Middle-earth and the hills for its characters: hence Mountains of Moria (Moria Montes) and Gandalf Hills (Gandalf Colles). [BH] Freta, straits or channels, get the names of characters in Asimov's _Foundation_ series. The IAU has yet to approve the _New Horizons_ team's name Cthulhu for a dark region on Pluto, where underworld connotations predominate -- though 'Writers associated with Pluto' could give a chance to Disney.


7-9 Aug [] NINE WORLDS GEEKFEST (multimedia), Heathrow. Pounds110; child (5-15) Pounds55. Day rates Pounds47.50, Pounds23.75. Advance booking online only at _Rates rise on 1 August and at the door._

12 Aug [] BSFA OPEN MEETING, Blackett Lecture Theatre 1, Blackett Laboratory Building, Imperial College, London -- _note venue and 2nd (not 4th) Wednesday of month_. 7pm. With Peter F. Hamilton. Free.

19-23 Aug [] SASQUAN (Worldcon), Spokane Convention Center, Spokane, WA, USA. $210 reg; $105 YA/military; $90 child; $40 supp. _Advance registration closes 2 August: $240 at the door._ See

21 Aug - 20 Sep [] EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Floating Cinema films and events at various Regent's Canal moorings, London. On board Pounds5-Pounds12; open-air free. See

21-23 Aug [] WADFEST (Discworld camp con), Wood Green, Animal Shelter, King's Bush Farm, London Road, Godmanchester, Cambs, PE29 2NH. Campers Pounds35, visitors Pounds17.50, _rising 1 August to Pounds40 and Pounds20_. See; contact waddy at wadfest dot co dot uk.

27-31 Aug [] FRIGHTFEST (horror film festival), Glasgow Film Theatre. Bookings: or 0141 332 6535.

28-31 Aug [] THE ASYLUM (steampunk), Lincoln. Tickets Pounds35 (day Pounds13), under-17s Pounds18 (Pounds6.50), plus fees. See

23-25 Oct [] FANTASYCON, Orchard Hotel, Nottingham. Now Pounds75 reg; couples Pounds130; under-16s Pounds35; under-5s free. _Rates rise 1 September._ There are discounts for BFS members: see

21 Nov [] SLEDGE-LIT (Edge-Lit extra), QUAD Centre, Derby. Tickets Pounds25. Book online at

RUMBLINGS. _Worldcon 2015:_ Sasquan had over 10,000 members as of 15 July. Nearly 3,000 Hugo ballots were cast by 24 July. _Worldcon 2017:_ mailed/emailed site selection ballots (Helsinki, Nippon, Montreal or Washington DC) must be received by 24:00 PDT on 10 August. See _Worldcon 2022:_ a bid for Doha, Qatar -- challenging the Chicago bid -- has appeared at No further details.


AS OTHERS INVOKE US. Charles Bukowski on Henry Miller: '_Star Trek_ contemplation sperm-jizz babble'. (C. Bukowski, _On Writing_, 2015)

AWARDS. _Prometheus_ (libertarian): Daniel Suarez, _Influx_.
     _Rhysling_ (poetry): SHORT Marge Simon, 'Shutdown' (_Qualia Nous_ ed. Michael Bailey). LONG F.J. Bergmann, '100 Reasons to Have Sex with an Alien' (2014 SFPA Poetry Contest).
     _SF Poetry Association Grand Master:_ Marge Simon, Steve Sneyd.
     _World Fantasy Life Achievement:_ Ramsey Campbell, Sheri S. Tepper.
     _Shirley Jackson_ (suspense/horror): NOVEL Jeff VanderMeer, _Annihilation_. NOVELLA Daryl Gregory, _We Are All Completely Fine_. SHORT Alison Littlewood, 'The Dogs Home' (_Spectral Book of Horror Stories_). COLLECTION Helen Marshall, _Gifts for the One Who Comes After_. ANTHOLOGY Ellen Datlow, ed., _Fearful Symmetries_.

AS WE SEE US. Stephen Baxter explains Wellsian sf in a _Guardian_ interview: 'So it's like therapy, you're telling a story because you're frightened of the future.' (25 July)

CAREER ADVICE to fugitives from US justice: don't star in even a low-budget horror film under your own name, as did bank robber Jason Stange in _Marla Mae_ (forthcoming 2016). Police relentlessly noticed him in advance-publicity photos, and pounced. (BBC, 29 July) [MPJ]

R.I.P. _Renee Alper_ (1957-2015), US filker and playwright long active in Tolkien fandom (she founded the American Hobbit Association in 1977) and the Mythopoeic Society, died on 27 July aged 58. [CC]
     _Theodore Bikel_ (1924-2015), Austrian-born actor whose long career included genre tv roles in _The Amazing Spider-Man_, _The Return of the King_ (1980, as Aragorn), _Beauty and the Beast_, _Star Trek: TNG_, _Babylon 5_ and others, died on 21 July; he was 91. [DL]
     _Edward Burnham_ (1916-2015), UK actor whose credits include _Quatermass and the Pit_ (1959), _Doctor Who_ (1968, 1974-1975), and _The Abominable Dr. Phibes_ (1971), died on 30 June aged 98. [MPJ]
     _George Coe_ (1929-2015), US actor seen in _The Stepford Wives_ (1975), _The Entity_ (1982), _Max Headroom_ (1987-1988 tv) and _Star Wars: The Clone Wars_ (2009 tv), died on 18 July aged 86. [PDF]
     _Douglas Cook_, US screenwriter best known for _The Rock_ (1996), whose coming _Criminal_ (2016) is an sf thriller involving identity transfer, died on 19 July; he was 56. [PDF]
     _E.L. Doctorow_ (1931-2015), noted US author of historical fiction who used fantastic themes in _Big as Life_ (1966) and the steampunkish _The Waterworks_ (1994), died on 21 July; he was 84. [JC]
     _Blaine Gibson_ (1918-2015), US animator whose Disney credits include _Alice in Wonderland_ (1951), _Peter Pan_ (1953), _Sleeping Beauty_ (1959) and _101 Dalmatians_ (1961), died on 5 July aged 97. As a sculptor he also created many statues and characters for Disneyland. [PDF]
     _Fred Hemmings_, UK fan active in the 1960s and 1970s, publishing the fanzine _Mescific_ (later _Viewpoint_) and involved with the BSFA, died on 6 May; he was 71. [ME via GC]
     _Steve Kennedy_ (1945-2015), US art dealer who specialized in pulp and represented various artists (or their estates) including Hannes Bok, Rafael DeSoto and J. Allen St. John, died on 4 July aged 70. [CP/AIP]
     _Alan Kupperberg_ (1953-2015), US comics artist who worked on several titles for Marvel (_Defenders_, _Invaders_, _Punisher_, _Spider-Man_, _Thor_, _X-Men_ etc) and later DC (including _Justice League of America_), died on 17 July aged 62. [PDF]
     _Aubrey Morris_ (1926-2015), UK character actor whose genre credits include _The Prisoner_ (1967 tv), _A Clockwork Orange_ (1971), _The Wicker Man_ (1973), _Lifeforce_ (1985) and _Necessary Evil_ (2008), died on 15 July aged 89. [PDF]
     _Tom Piccirilli_ (1965-2015), prolific US horror, crime and sf author who won several Bram Stoker awards, died on 11 July; he was 50.
     _Olaf Pooley_ (1914-2015), UK actor seen in _Doctor Who_ (1970), _Doomwatch_ (1971), _Beastmaster III: The Eye of Braxus_ (1996) and _Star Trek: Voyager_ (2000), died on 14 July. He was 101. [MPJ]
     _Roger Rees_ (1944-2015), UK actor whose credits include _Robin Hood: Men in Tights_ (1993), _The Scorpion King_ (2002), _The Prestige_ (2006) and _Warehouse 13_ (2009-2013 tv), died on 10 July aged 71. [MMW]
     _Jeff Rice_ (1944-2015), best known as creator of the tv series _Kolchak: The Night Stalker_ (1974-1975), died on 1 July aged 71. The series pilot was _The Night Stalker_ (1972), adapted by Richard Matheson from Rice's then-unpublished novel of the same title which appeared in 1973. [F770]
     _Alex Rocco_ (1936-2015), US actor whose credits include _The Entity_ (1982), _A Bug's Life_ (1998) and _The Country Bears_ (2002), died on 18 July aged 79. [MMW]
     _Leonard Starr_ (1925-2015), US cartoonist who drew _Annie_ from 1979 to 2000 and developed and wrote the animated _ThunderCats_ (1985-1989) for Rankin/Bass (but had to sue for his share of merchandise profits), died on 30 June aged 89. [PDF]
     _Jerry Weintraub_ (1937-2015), US film/tv producer whose genre work includes _Oh, God!_ (1977), _My Stepmother Is an Alien_ (1988), _The Avengers_ (1998) and forthcoming _Tarzan_ and _Westworld_ tv series, died on 6 July; he was 77. [MMW]
     _John A. Williams_ (1925-2015), US writer and poet whose sf novels -- beginning with _The Man Who Cried I Am_ (1967) -- focused on America's racial conflicts, died on 3 July; he was 89. [JC]
     _George 'Foghorn' Winslow_ (1946-2015), erstwhile US child actor who starred in the sf comedy _The Rocket Man_ (1954), died on 13 June aged 69. [MPJ]
     _Markus Wolfson_ (pseudonym of Mark McCann, 1945-2015), UK author of _The Magonia Stone_ (2015) and a number of short stories, died of cancer on 30 June; he was 69. [GC]

THE WEAKEST BUT VERY TOPICAL LINK. _Richard Osman:_ 'What is the title of the third book in the _Hunger Games_ trilogy?' _Contestant:_ '_To Kill a Mockingbird_.' (BBC2, _Two Tribes_) [PE]

AWARDS SHORTLISTS. _British Fantasy_, novels: FANTASY K.T. Davies, _Breed_; Robert Jackson Bennett, _City of Stairs_; Frances Hardinge, _Cuckoo Song_; Lavie Tidhar, _A Man Lies Dreaming_; Neil Williamson, _The Moon King_; Edward Cox, _The Relic Guild_. HORROR Gary McMahon, _The End_; M.R. Carey, _The Girl with All the Gifts_; Rich Hawkins, _The Last Plague_; Adam Nevill, _No One Gets Out Alive_; Emily St. John Mandel, _Station Eleven_; Alison Littlewood, _The Unquiet House_.
     _Man Booker Prize_ longlist of 13: one book of sf/fantasy interest, _The Chimes_ by Anna Smaill. [L]
     _Sidewise_ (alt-history): LONG Alexander M. Grace, Sr, _Second Front: The Allied Invasion of France, 1942-1943: An Alternative History_; Kristine Kathryn Rusch, _The Enemy Within_; Tony Schumacher, _The Darkest Hour_; Allen Steele, _V-S Day: A Novel of Alternate History_; Jo Walton, _My Real Children_. SHORT Ken Liu, 'The Long Haul: From the Annals of Transportation, The Pacific Monthly, May 2009' (11/14 _Clarkesworld_); Igor Ljubuncic, 'The Girl with the Flaxen Hair' (_Wars to End All Wars: Alternate Tales from the Trenches_); Robert Reed, 'The Principles' (4/14 _Asimov's_); Aaron Rosenberg, 'Let No Man Put Asunder' (_Europa Universalis IV: What If? The Anthology of Alternate History_); Lewis Shiner, 'The Black Sun' (Summer 2014 _Subterranean_); Harry Turtledove, 'The More It Changes' (_Europa Universalis IV_ as above).
     _World Fantasy:_ NOVEL Katherine Addison, _The Goblin Emperor_; Robert Jackson Bennett, _City of Stairs_; David Mitchell, _The Bone Clocks_; Jeff VanderMeer, _Area X: The Southern Reach Trilogy_; Jo Walton, _My Real Children_. For further World Fantasy categories see

COURT CIRCULAR. The iron jackboot of Disney came down hard on the British 'Joker's Masquerade' fancy-dress retailer, which had long used and related domains for relevant themed costumes. Disney duly complained to Nominet, which ruled in its favour -- 'Star Wars cannot sensibly refer to anyone else other than the complainant' -- and described the registration as 'abusive'. (BBC, 9 July) [MPJ]

AS OTHERS SEE US. Joshua Rothman tackles the genre rather as Julius Caesar dealt with Gaul: 'Sci-fi stories divide roughly into three categories. First, there are stories about regular people who just happen to live in the future, like "Star Trek" and "Star Wars." Second, there are transhumanist stories, such as "Dune" and "Sense8," in which human nature is somehow altered. And third, there are robot stories, in which human nature is, for the most part, fixed, the better to be inherited by our technological replacements -- the Cylons in "Battlestar Galactica," say, or Ava, the robot in Alex Garland's recent film, "Ex Machina."' (_The New Yorker_, 14 July) [SM] That should help us pare down the interminable list of _SF Encyclopedia_ theme entries to, say, three.

MAGAZINE SCENE. A new Edinburgh-based sf magazine, _Shoreline of Infinity_, launched on 2 July with its Summer 2015 issue (both print and digital). Read all about it at

I SAY IT'S SPINACH. 'Popeye is very, very similar to these medieval sculptures. You have a sense of transcendence taking place here. Here with Popeye it's transcendence of male energy. He eats that spinach and he transcends into the strength. And I think, you know, that's the art; the spinach is art.' (Jeff Koons in _Imagine ... Jeff Koons: Diary of a Seducer_, BBC1, as featured in _Private Eye_'s 'Pseud's Corner', 24 July)

RANDOM FANDOM. '_Bill Burns_ is currently indisposed. There will be no updates until further notice.' Thus Bill's (host site to innumerable fanzines) in late July; he's recovering well from a bug picked up while in hospital for a routine minor op.
     _Gary Farber_ is also not having fun: 'I crushed my foot, fracturing the calcaneus bone into at least five fragments, which will be requiring surgery.'
     _James Nicoll_ posted 'my 109th review of a book by a woman this year, which means I can now say I have reviewed more books by women in 2015 than, _Romantic Times_ (spec fic only), _SFX_, _Strange Horizons_, _Interzone_, io9, _F&SF_, _Vector_, _Analog_, _Asimov's_, _NYRSF_, _Science Fiction Studies_, _Foundation_, _CSZ_, and _LARB_ did in 2014. / On track to exceed _Locus_' numbers in this matter on or around the 7th of August.' (29 July)

THE DEAD PAST. _60 Years Ago_, a touch of politics in UK fandom: '_European_ May '55 featured a 11 page article on s-f by one Gerald Hooley; an enthusiast's article one would never expect to see published in a prozine, mentioning over a 100 _Astounding_ stories (man's an enthusiast) and others, plus a fairly well-balanced survey. Only drawback is, _European_ is the leading Fascist organ in this country. Do we want to know Hooley or not?' (_Science Fantasy News_ 13, August 1955)
     _50 Years Ago_, the second London Worldcon was imminent with Brian Aldiss as guest of honour: 'The largest ever conclave of sf writers, editors, readers and fans will gather this weekend, 27th-30th August, at the Mount Royal Hotel, Marble Arch, London. Come along and join the fun. Better early than late. Many conventioneers are already in attendance, expectant with baited breath!' (_Skyrack_ 82, August 1965)

C.O.A. _Jordin & Mary Kay Kare_, 1567 Keesling Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125, USA. _Ian Watson & Cristina Macia_, Avda de la Constitucion 15, 4 derecha, 33208 Gijon, Spain. _Sarah Mooring_ (nee Dibb): C/ San Ignacio de Loyola 9, 5 izda, 03013 Alicante, Spain.

FANFUNDERY. _GUFF 2016_ voting is open: Jukka Halme is contending against Hold Over Funds. See

MISCELLANEOUS MEDIA MINUTIAE. _Curt Siodmak Award_ (German): SF FILM _Guardians of the Galaxy_; SF TV _Doctor Who_. [SFS]

THOG'S MASTERCLASS. _Pluto Revealed!_ 'Originally it revolved around another sun, some star which was light-years away. How it tore loose from that star we'll probably never know -- the star might have simply become too dim, their planet might have been on a shaky orbit, an experiment of theirs might have jarred it loose, many things could have happened.' (Donald A. Wollheim, _The Secret of the Ninth Planet_, 1959) [JN]
     _Neat Tricks._ '"Why, yes, Simon," she said, looking up at him through her eyelashes.' (Susan Elia MacNeal, _Mr. Churchill's Secretary_, 2012) [PB]
     _Dept of Rocks and Hard Places._ 'We are between the wild thoat of certainty and the mad zitidar of fact -- we can escape neither.' (Edgar Rice Burroughs, _The Gods of Mars_, 1918)
     _Mot Juste Dept._ 'Rugolo glanced at the greenness carpeting the plain, which he had taken to be a variety of grass or moss, forms of verbiage common on many worlds ...' (Barrington J. Bayley, _Eye of Terror_, 1999) [BA]
     _Dept of Baleful Dessert._ '... a face pink and stern as frozen strawberry custard.' (Ayn Rand, _Ideal_, written 1934; published 2015) [PB]


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[] British Isles --

### ENDNOTES ###

[] 14 August 2015, Summer Meal for the Brum Group, 7:30pm for 8pm at the Bull, Price Street, Birmingham: Pounds5 deposit required. Contact bhamsfgroup at yahoo co uk. Normal venue is the Briar Rose Hotel, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham city centre. Normal meetings 7:30pm for 8pm there; Pounds4 or Pounds3 for members. Future meetings: 11 September 2015, Edward James; 9 October 2015, Justina Robson; 6 November 2015, Emma Newman; 4 December 2015, Xmas Social; 8 January 2016, AGM and Book Auction.

PAYPAL TIP JAR THINGY. Support _Ansible_, cover website costs and keep the editor happy! Or just buy his books.

R.I.P. SUPPLEMENT. _Toby English_, British book dealer who used to sell sf/fantasy in UK convention dealers' rooms, died from cancer on 25 July. His shop in Wallingford had closed earlier in 2015. [BA] [] _Adrienne Martine-Barnes_ (1942-2015), US author and costume fan who began publishing fiction in 1982 and produced both solo novels and multiple collaborations with Marion Zimmer Bradley and Diana L. Paxson, died on 23 July. [SFS]

THE DEAD PAST II. _30 Years Ago,_ the screen flashed Game Over: '_Imagine_ magazine bit the dust in August, the issue on the stands being appropriately numbered 30. This is all TSR's fault: "Der Fuhrer Amerikanisch has ordered the final solution," wailed erstwhile editor Paul Cockburn. "You lucky sod, Langford, you're the only contributor to issue 31 who's being paid," report envious (and premature) games fans. Within hours of the sinking, ace film reviewer Colin Greenland was scuttling aboard the rival ship _White Dwarf_ (where his column resumes in January)....' (_Ansible_ 44, September 1985)

FREE EBOOKS of fannish interest remain available at the TAFF site, with no more strings attached than a gentle suggestion that if you enjoy them a donation to TAFF would be welcome:

ARE YOU GOING TO THE WSFS BUSINESS MEETING? It would be ever so helpful if you could let them know:

RAMSEY CAMPBELL COSPLAY HORROR! Presumably because his formal Cthulhu outfit had been damaged by blasphemous ichor, Ramsey was reduced to academic robes on the occasion of his Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University for 'outstanding contribution to literature'. Congratulations....

THOG'S SECOND HELPING. _The Lumpy Eyes Have It._ 'Maybe it was his eyes, like two unpolished stones.' (Paul Halter, _The Invisible Circle_, 1996; trans John Pugmire 2014)

Ansible 337 Copyright (c) David Langford, 2015. Thanks to Brian Ameringen, Paul Barnett, Graham Charnock, John Clute, Gary Couzens, Catherine Crockett, File 770, Paul Di Filippo, Martin Easterbrook, Martyn P. Jackson, Denny Lien, Jim Linwood, Locus, Scott Martin, James Nicoll, Curt Phillips, Andrew I. Porter, Private Eye, SF Site, Martin Morse Wooster, and our Hero Distributors: Dave Corby (BSFG), SCIS/Prophecy, Alan Stewart (Australia). 

31 July 2015

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