Necessitas alpha 4, a New Hope!

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BogDan Vatra

Aug 26, 2012, 6:20:14 PM8/26/12
to android-qt, Necessitas
Hello folks,

Today I have the great honor to announce the alpha 4 release of
Necessitas. Since Nokia’s radical change of direction, Qt has had a
very hard time and many asked themselves whether it was worth
investing their time and money in it anymore. I’m not going to comment
further on Nokia’s recent stupid decisions because I value too highly
the contributions Nokia has made to Qt.
Instead, I want to comment on the future of Qt and how to make sure
it will survive no matter what. I didn't comment on this matter until
now because I was too busy getting this release out, and how better to
prove to you folks that we are committed to Qt than to continue our
work with this new release? First and foremost Qt is free software,
according to the KDE Free Qt Foundation[1] Nokia (and most probably
also Digia) must release it under both the LGPL 2.1 and the GPL 3.
Otherwise *"the Foundation has the right to release Qt under a
BSD-style license or under other open source licenses. The agreement
stays valid in case of a buy-out, a merger or bankruptcy."* So from
this point of view you don't have anything to worry about! What about
Qt's future development, who will continue to work on it now that
Nokia have dropped it? While we all share great hopes that Digia will
manage the Qt Project well, the beauty of free software if that it
doesn't need any single company behind it, it also needs a committed
community; KDE, Necessitas, ICS, KDAB etc, and most importantly *YOU*!
Now more than ever it is very important for all of us to join together
and for you to show your support and appreciation. You have to ask
yourself which option is better for you:
- to be selfless and to spend some of your time (or your money) to
make the things you love better and to keep them free for everybody...
- or to be selfish, forget about Qt and start learning some crappy
closed source C# or iFramework instead which, some day (sooner or
later), will die with the *ONLY* company behind it?

We choose the first option. The Necessitas developers will do their
best to succeed where Nokia has failed: to make Qt available on a huge
number of (Android-powered) devices. Yes baby, the next billion is
This alpha 4 release is one of the final steps that we needed to do.
It *should* be our last alpha release! If there are no show-stopping
regressions reported, in one and a half months we'll ship the first
beta release. Why one and a half months? From now on, to be sure that
there are no regressions introduced, releases will be made in two
- The first step is to release the SDK, and to push the new Android
libs to Ministro's testing repository. The new Android libs will stay
in the testing repository for at least one month to give developers
enough time to test their apps using them. They should use the
Ministro configuration tool to switch to the testing repository.
Additional updates will be released in the testing repository and this
period may be extended if any regressions are reported. A new update
must stay for at least two weeks in the testing repository; known
issues are not considered regressions!
- Once the new libs in the testing repository are determined to be
regression-free, they will land in the stable repository and they will
be available to all Android users.

In other words developers should perform the following two steps:
- Update the SDK, use the Ministro configuration tool to switch to
the testing repository, update your apps, and report any regressions.
*DO NOT* publish any apps on Google Play until the version from the
testing repository reaches the stable repository, otherwise they will
stop working!!!
- *WAIT* for the alpha 4 release to land in the stable repository,
then you can publish the updated apps on Google Play!
Go back and carefully read these two statements one more time!

The alpha 4 release will stay in the stable repository for another
two weeks, then *if no regressions* are reported, it will be
re-released as beta 1. Basically we'll simply re-label it as beta 1!
From that moment we'll guarantee that the ABI/API will remain stable
and therefore you can safely deploy any apps you like on Google Play!

The most important changes:
Necessitas has a new home page:
Here you can find latest news and information on how to get involved
(, how to help and to get
help ( and much more.
We've also moved the wiki and the bugs from to KDE's infrastructure.

Qt framework:
- Update to Qt 4.8.2
- Native Android look&feel for classic widgets.
- Native Android menus - known limitation: Android menus support only
one submenu. We'll try to find a solutions for this problem in a
future release (follow to
check its progress).
- Fixed user Java/C++ interaction.
- New assets access scheme. Please add "assets:" prefix, check for more
- SMP safe atomics.
- Many bug fixes.
Known issues/limitations:
- As stated above, native Android menus support only one submenu.
- While some demos and examples work fine, many will not, particularly
on Windows.
- No other new issues.

- Extracts Android native look&feel.
- Secure config files downloading.
- Bug fixes.
Known issues/limitations:
- None.

Qt mobility:
- Android Bluetooth implementation.
- A few bug fixes.
Known issues/limitations:
- No new issues.

- Updated to 2.6 (alpha).
- Fixed bug in ma-make.exe where all rule commands were run through a
batch file leading to each 8192nd character being dropped. Now
CreateProcess is used for nearly all commands, and a work around for
the (MS) batch file bug was also implemented.
- A few other bug fixes.
Known issues/limitations:
- This release is based on an un-released QtCreator version, so some
unexpected issues may occur.
- When you install the qt src package, the source paths mapping is not
set automatically anymore so to debug the qt libraries at the source
level, you need to set it manually: put
“/tmp/necessitas/unstable/Android/Qt/482” in the source path and
“YOUR_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/Android/Qt/482” in the target path.
- On Windows, adb loses track of the connected devices a lot and
otherwise misbehaves (worse with emulators), causing QtCreator to
hang. When this happens, to get it to respond again you can execute:
android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe kill-server &
android-sdk\platform-tools\adb start-server &
android-sdk\platform-tools\adb devices (from cmd.exe in
taskkill /F /IM adb.exe /T (from cmd.exe in any directory)

SDK Installer framework has been updated with upstream’s latest
changes. One of the biggest improvements is the ability to add
3rd-party repositories, so:
- If you are a developer who has something interesting to share for
Android (e.g. plugins, custom widgets, QML controls, etc.) please add
your repository to
- If you are a developer looking for something which is not shipped
with the Necessitas SDK, you can check the same page:
Known issues/limitations:
- Due to some bugs, the old installer can’t be used update the SDK, so
you need to reinstall the SDK using the new installers.

Updated the Android NDK and Android SDK to latest versions. Please do
not use the Official Google Android NDK, instead use our Necessitas
Special version.
The following people have made large contributions to this release
(alphabetic ordering):
- Marco Bernasocchi <> Moved all the bugs from to He is also one of the Necessitas website & wiki
- Ray Donnelly <> as usual he had a decisive
contribution to this project. He created a custom Android NDK (the
official NDK-r8b was not able to build Necessitas), gdb with Python
support, and most importantly, the Windows and Mac OS X SDKs.
- Willy Gardiol <> reworked most of Necessitas
website and wiki pages. He is also one of the Necessitas website &
wiki maintainers.
- Marijn Kruisselbrink <> and Chris Browet
<> did most of the native Android menu integration.
- Lauri Laanmets <> Android Bluetooth
- Tyler Mandry <> reworked Java/C++ interaction,
added support for Android QML debugging in QtCreator.
- BogDan Vatra <> Most of the QtCreator Android
Plugin, Ministro updates, SDK Installer updates, Android native
look&feel (Qt and Ministro implementation), cleanup of native Android
menus integration, new assets implementation, SMP safe atomics, most
of the bug fixes.

As usual, special thanks goes to KDE for their hosting and support!

I'll also like to personally thank everyone who has summited bugs (and
even better, patches for some of them!)

You can check out Necessita's glory wall
( for a complete list of all
contributors (who agreed to be listed).

You can grab the new SDK installer for the following platforms:


-Mac OS X:

Yours sincerely,


Aug 26, 2012, 6:21:29 PM8/26/12
to, Necessitas

Andrei Zuse

Aug 26, 2012, 10:30:48 PM8/26/12
Amazing Job!

Thanks Necessitas Developers!

Ruslan Vorobei

Aug 27, 2012, 3:54:53 AM8/27/12
to, Necessitas
Good Job!

Peter Bočan

Aug 27, 2012, 3:07:16 PM8/27/12
to, Necessitas
Great work, BogDan, well done :).

Dňa pondelok, 27. augusta 2012 0:20:14 UTC+2 BogDan napísal(-a):

Nalin Savara

Aug 27, 2012, 3:14:23 PM8/27/12
to, Necessitas
On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 3:50 AM, BogDan Vatra <> wrote:
Hello folks,

 Today I have the great honor to announce the alpha 4 release of
Necessitas. Since Nokia’s radical change of direction, Qt has had a

Very awesome to BogDan, Ray and entire team!!!


and thank you for your sweat and blood invested-- to all contributors... we are all indebted to you guys...



Aug 27, 2012, 5:16:47 PM8/27/12
Congratulation :) yeee !

I have tested the alpha 4 :

1)- the release apk is always named "debug" : is it normal ? does it means that the apk contains debug information (I don't wants to provide apk with debug info inside) ?
2)- my application is fully qml : if I don't enable opengl lib in qt creator, all images are awvfull (gradiant not good looking) : If I enable opengl, my application is more fluid and the images looks good : good gradiant .. Perhaps it's good to have opengl enable by default when the application is qml based ? or at least add this information in documentation ?

2012/8/27 Nalin Savara <>

Nalin Savara

Aug 27, 2012, 5:33:16 PM8/27/12
On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 2:46 AM, qtnext <> wrote:
Congratulation :) yeee !

I have tested the alpha 4 :

1)- the release apk is always named "debug" : is it normal ? does it means that the apk contains debug information (I don't wants to provide apk with debug info inside) ?

yes; the release apk is always named "debug".

Not sure abt normal... but myself, to be double-sure  create a release apk by:
a. cd to android folder in project dir
b. use command: ant clean release

2)- my application is fully qml : if I don't enable opengl lib in qt creator, all images are awvfull (gradiant not good looking) : If I enable opengl, my application is more fluid and the images looks good : good gradiant .. Perhaps it's good to have opengl enable by default when the application is qml based ? or at least add this information in documentation ?

This is expected behavior:-
a)  not including opengl will use the software renderer-- available on all phones... but worse looks, performance.

b) enabling opengl will use hardware renderer-- may not be available in all-- but faster 

Hope this helps...




Aug 28, 2012, 4:15:57 AM8/28/12

2012/8/27 Nalin Savara <>

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 2:46 AM, qtnext <> wrote:
Congratulation :) yeee !

I have tested the alpha 4 :

1)- the release apk is always named "debug" : is it normal ? does it means that the apk contains debug information (I don't wants to provide apk with debug info inside) ?

yes; the release apk is always named "debug".

Not sure abt normal... but myself, to be double-sure  create a release apk by:
a. cd to android folder in project dir
b. use command: ant clean release

2)- my application is fully qml : if I don't enable opengl lib in qt creator, all images are awvfull (gradiant not good looking) : If I enable opengl, my application is more fluid and the images looks good : good gradiant .. Perhaps it's good to have opengl enable by default when the application is qml based ? or at least add this information in documentation ?

This is expected behavior:-
a)  not including opengl will use the software renderer-- available on all phones... but worse looks, performance.

b) enabling opengl will use hardware renderer-- may not be available in all-- but faster 

It's not evident for common dev that when opengl is enable in a qml apps, it automaticaly switch to an opengl backend with good gradiant ... 
it's good to indicate this in wiki for example 

Marco Bernasocchi

Aug 28, 2012, 4:20:17 AM8/28/12

wiki contributions are always welcome.

Marco Bernasocchi (mobile)

Ray Donnelly

Aug 28, 2012, 4:27:13 AM8/28/12
Yeah, the OpenGL stuff is almost too easy!

It's a really nice implementation I think but definitely worth a mention.


Aug 28, 2012, 6:05:40 AM8/28/12
to, Necessitas
What about the announced Digia Qt port to Android? Will Necessitas merge with whatever official Android port will come from Digia, or there will be 2 different Qt for Android projects (the official Digia one and Necessitas)?

Thanks a lot for all your hard work and wish you all the best,


Sep 4, 2012, 11:55:31 AM9/4/12
to, Necessitas
 I have on question to ask you??
did Necessitas beta release in these year

Ruslan Vorobei

Sep 4, 2012, 12:46:57 PM9/4/12
to, Necessitas
maybe :D

вторник, 4 сентября 2012 г., 18:55:31 UTC+3 пользователь abdallah написал:


Sep 4, 2012, 3:01:51 PM9/4/12
to android-qt
As I said in the announce, *IF* everything goes right and nobody
reports any show stopper, will ship beta on mid Oct.

This week or early next one we plan to release an update which fixes
all regressions reported until now.


Marco Bernasocchi

Sep 4, 2012, 8:34:22 PM9/4/12
to, BogDan Vatra

hi bogdan any news on the sub menu front?

Marco Bernasocchi (mobile)


Sep 5, 2012, 1:42:59 AM9/5/12
to android-qt
Just a few bad news, I need to rewrite most of the current
implementation and it will take a while.


On 5 sep., 03:34, Marco Bernasocchi <> wrote:
> hi bogdan any news on the sub menu front?
> ciao
> Marco Bernasocchi (mobile)

Marco Bernasocchi

Sep 5, 2012, 12:57:10 PM9/5/12
On 09/05/2012 12:42 PM, BogDan wrote:
> Just a few bad news, I need to rewrite most of the current
> implementation and it will take a while.
:( pity, I'd love to help but my java is waaaay bad... discussing today
in IRC: will setting 'QT_USE_ANDROID_NATIVE_STYLE=0' in '
completely disable the new menu thing?

ciao Marco
> Cheers,
> BogDan.
> On 5 sep., 03:34, Marco Bernasocchi <> wrote:
>> hi bogdan any news on the sub menu front?
>> ciao
>> Marco Bernasocchi (mobile)
>> On Sep 5, 2012 2:01 AM, "BogDan" <> wrote:
>>> As I said in the announce, *IF* everything goes right and nobody
>>> reports any show stopper, will ship beta on mid Oct.
>>> This week or early next one we plan to release an update which fixes
>>> all regressions reported until now.
>>> Cheers,
>>> BogDan.
>>> On 4 sep., 18:55, abdallah <> wrote:
>>>> I have on question to ask you??
>>>> did Necessitas beta release in these year

Marco Bernasocchi

Kate Alhola

Sep 10, 2012, 6:26:49 AM9/10/12
On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 1:20 AM, BogDan Vatra <> wrote:

Thank you about this new great release.
Why Mac OSX version is using .7z format ? .7z is not supported by OSX
as default configuration and it looks that
finding one is not one click away, trying to find one i get dead
domains, suspicious download pages etc. I admit
that using work and courage one could find one but it would be much
user friendly way to use some format
supported by mac as default.


Ray Donnelly

Sep 10, 2012, 6:40:16 AM9/10/12
Hi Kate,

Unfortunately I couldn't find a compression scheme that I liked and
was native to Mac OS X so I ended up compiling 7z (so no need to visit
those dodgy sites):

...but to be honest, for the installer I should have just used xar or
tar.bz2. We will change it.



Alaa Hossam

Sep 16, 2012, 4:51:53 AM9/16/12
to, Necessitas
BogDan you are awesome !!,please keep up the good work,and congratulations on the release.


Sep 17, 2012, 8:01:50 AM9/17/12
to, Necessitas
Is there news on how to proceed? Are there much regressions? Is it time to (re)release apps written with Alpha4 yet, or switch from testing to stable?

Is there any ETA or at least confirmation about Alpha4 not working on Android 2.3 _at all_ while working fine on Anroid 4.0, like has been posted in some threads on this group?

Op maandag 27 augustus 2012 00:20:14 UTC+2 schreef BogDan het volgende:
Hello folks,

 Today I have the great honor to announce the alpha 4 release of


Sep 17, 2012, 9:44:33 AM9/17/12
to, Necessitas

Hello Group.

When I try to deploy application on andriod tablet, initallly I got Can’t find Ministro service, the application can’t start . But after solving this problem(by installing ministro || apk), I am encountering with Invalid Qt version error on android tablet.

FYI: I have used linux-online-necessitas-alpha4.1-sdk-installer

Someone please help me.

BogDan Vatra

Sep 17, 2012, 10:54:09 AM9/17/12
We've found a few regressions and update will be available soon.

2012/9/17 dipje <>:

BogDan Vatra

Sep 17, 2012, 10:55:13 AM9/17/12
Pleas read my initial post one more time, this time please have the
patience to read it entirely.


2012/9/17 BogDan Vatra <>:

Vijay shan

Sep 17, 2012, 11:15:50 AM9/17/12
Great work and a big thanks to everyone involved. Any news about the QtMultimedia stuff? Will that be a part of the Beta? QML video is what I am looking for specifically.


Christian Lopes

Sep 17, 2012, 12:09:13 PM9/17/12

You have to change repo as stated on initial e-mail


Sep 17, 2012, 12:33:05 PM9/17/12

What does below statement mean. Please give me little more information.

"You have to change repo as stated on initial e-mail"


Sep 17, 2012, 2:51:38 PM9/17/12
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Mohan_qt_developer
<> wrote:
> What does below statement mean. Please give me little more information.
> "You have to change repo as stated on initial e-mail"

It means that please read Bogdan's original e-mail carefully, the
answer is right there:)

CHEN Xing / 陈醒


Sep 17, 2012, 4:27:17 PM9/17/12
to, Necessitas

@ dipje
I think you are misinformed about alpha4 not working with android 2.3.  I'm using it daily in my phone with android 2.3.
Message has been deleted


Sep 18, 2012, 3:47:25 AM9/18/12

I am really sorry, I have gone through Bogdan's original e-mail but still not able to get through the problem.

Please see below two instances I encountered after following the intial mail.

Instance 1 : When I install only ministro configuration tool || on android tablet, after deploying the qt application, Tablet is prompting me to install latest ministro from ...
Instance 2: When I stall only minitro || on android tablet, after deploying the qt application, Tablet does some configuration by referring ministro ||(already installed on tablet). But after configuration process, it throws warning like QT version not valid.

Whether manually building QT libraries using tool chain and giving the path of QT library while deploying shall work????

I am really desperated for some help.

FYI: My android tablet has android 2.3.5 version.



Sep 18, 2012, 5:01:31 AM9/18/12
to, Necessitas
Curious how you managed that. I'm not the only one who reported problems getting it to work.

First I thought it was just the emulator image from the SDK 2.3.3, but then someone reported the exact same problem on a real 2.3.3 device (still, while real android 4.0 device _and_ android 4.0 emulator works fine).
What kind of device you use it on? It it android 2.3.3 but with a recent processor? It might be that arm5 architecture has problems with the new Qt libs  in testing.

I do a new install of Alpa4 SDK. I make sure to use the SDK and NDK supplied with alpha4. I make a new Qt gui project, and just put a label on the form to have something.
I take a new android 2.3 image from the SDK. I use adb to install the latest MinistroII from the KDE site, and do the same with ministroconfigurationtool.
I start the config tool, set it to testing, then build the just created project in Qtcreator and let it run. It pushes everything, starts the app.
The app says it needs to download qt libraries (like it should, new image) and happily goes downloading stuff. After that, it just disappears and you're back at the launcher or homescreen of the emulator.
If you start the app again, you see the ministro splash image, and then a second a black screen, and then back to launcher/homescreen.

It does this with emulator image 2.3.3, google-image 2.3.3, my old Htc Hero with cyanogenmod7 (android 2.3.3) and a chinese cheap tablet with android 2.3.3.
If I do the exact same thing with any emulator 4.0 image, or my Htc Sensation (android 4.0), or cyanogenmod10 (Android 4.1) or my Transformer TF101 (android 4.1).. it just works and I see the app.

I tried turning off 'native look & feel', and I've been searching crazy if I see an indication for 'sdk target' anywhere, because maybe it's set to high. But nothing. The only api-target I see is already set to 7, while 10 or higher is required for android2.3.3.

So I'm at a loss.
Message has been deleted


Sep 20, 2012, 9:12:24 AM9/20/12
Dear Elites,

I am still struggling to see qt application running on android tablet/emulator.
In order get cross compiled qt libraries, I tried to compile android-qt downloaded from but no luck(compilation errors)==> git://

Is there any way to link cross compiled qt libraries((Deploy local qt libraries) during deployment.

Please help me Elites..


Anjin Lu

Sep 20, 2012, 9:27:12 AM9/20/12
1)  Download and install the latest Ministro II.apk
2)  Run Ministro Configuration Tool to switch to "testing" repository.
3)  Run your application
     You will be asked to download the QT libs.
Lood luck.


Sep 20, 2012, 10:47:25 AM9/20/12
I have already tried this.

When I install only ministro configuration tool || on android tablet, after deploying the qt application, Tablet is prompting me to install latest ministro from ...

When I install only minitro || on android tablet, after deploying the qt application, Tablet does some configuration by referring ministro ||(already installed on tablet). But after configuration process, it throws warning like QT version not valid


Sep 20, 2012, 12:56:29 PM9/20/12
to, Necessitas
I had a similar issue today using the MinistroII.apk.  I installed the MinistroII 8.9 apk and made sure it was still set to use the testing repository and it started working as expected.

Mohan Rajanna

Sep 20, 2012, 1:01:36 PM9/20/12
Can you please let me know how to set to testing repository ??, I think I am going wrong some where in this part.
Thanks for help.

Ray Donnelly

Sep 20, 2012, 1:14:36 PM9/20/12
It's on the android device or emulator, run the App called "ministro
configuration tool" and select it from the drop down, then press back.


Sep 21, 2012, 6:42:53 AM9/21/12

Hello Mr.,

Now I am able to set to testing repository from drop down menu. But still I am not able to run qt application on android :(

Now I am seriously thinking to compile QT framework source code. Yesterday I downloaded qt-android from

git:// but I was encountering with lot of compilation issues.

Someone please share the archive for git://

If I  am at least able to build it, then I shall be having cross compiled library which I can link to qt application while deploying to android tablet.

Thanks a lot

Ray Donnelly

Sep 21, 2012, 7:01:01 AM9/21/12
I'm not meaning to be rude here, but if you're having trouble getting
Necessitas to work (where we try hard to make things easy for the
users) the I don't think you'll get *anywhere* with trying to build it
from source. Dealing with the source code makes things a lot more
complicated, not any easier.

Can you set up a simple test project (Qt Quick hello world for
example) then try to use the local Qt libraries (as it seems that you
can't get Ministro to work correctly).

1. Go to Projects on the side-bar at the left
2. Select Run from <Build/Run>
3. Press <Details> on Deploy Configurations.
4. Tick "Deploy local Qt libraries"
5. Tick "Use local Qt libraries"

Once you've got this working you can again re-try with Ministro using
the help that people have given you already.


Ray Donnelly (not; that's a project name and an email address)


Sep 21, 2012, 8:10:09 AM9/21/12

Hello Donnelly,

Sorry for calling you as

FYI: I have already tried with the steps suggested by you.

But still after following your steps, I am ending with process died.

Below is log for your reference.

Starting remote process...D/dalvikvm(17716): GC freed 821 objects / 60200 bytes in 317ms
D/dalvikvm(17716): GC freed 80 objects / 3288 bytes in 161ms
I/System.out(17716): My path is: /data/local/qt/jar/QtIndustrius-7.jar
D/dalvikvm(17716): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'QtIndustrius-7.jar' (bootstrap=0) ---
D/dalvikvm(17716): DexOpt: --- END 'QtIndustrius-7.jar' (success) ---
D/dalvikvm(17716): DEX prep '/data/local/qt/jar/QtIndustrius-7.jar': unzip in 41ms, rewrite 1154ms
D/dalvikvm(17716): Trying to load lib /data/local/qt/lib/ 0x44e8efe8
D/dalvikvm(17716): Added shared lib /data/local/qt/lib/ 0x44e8efe8
D/dalvikvm(17716): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/local/qt/lib/ 0x44e8efe8
D/dalvikvm(17716): Trying to load lib /data/local/qt/lib/ 0x44e8efe8
D/dalvikvm(17716): Added shared lib /data/local/qt/lib/ 0x44e8efe8
D/dalvikvm(17716): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/local/qt/lib/ 0x44e8efe8
D/dalvikvm(17716): Trying to load lib /data/local/qt/plugins/platforms/android/ 0x44e8efe8
D/dalvikvm(17716): Added shared lib /data/local/qt/plugins/platforms/android/ 0x44e8efe8
I/Qt      (17716): qt start
D/dalvikvm(17716): Trying to load lib /data/data/org.kde.necessitas.example.mohan_sample/lib/ 0x44e8d3f0
D/dalvikvm(17716): Added shared lib /data/data/org.kde.necessitas.example.mohan_sample/lib/ 0x44e8d3f0
D/dalvikvm(17716): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/org.kde.necessitas.example.mohan_sample/lib/ 0x44e8d3f0
D/Qt      (17716): QAndroidPlatformIntegrationPlugin::create "android"
D/Qt      (17716): QAndroidPlatformIntegration::QAndroidPlatformIntegration():  creating QAndroidPlatformScreen => Using Raster (Software) for painting
I/Qt JAVA (17716): surfaceChanged: 480,762,480,762

'org.kde.necessitas.example.mohan_sample' died


Ray Donnelly

Sep 21, 2012, 8:16:23 AM9/21/12
Ok so you've got a crash happening or your app exits. Debug it? Can
you try the most basic QtQuick app ("Hello World") and see if it




Sep 21, 2012, 8:52:55 AM9/21/12

Basic Hello world program is also encountering with same problem.


Ray Donnelly

Sep 21, 2012, 9:24:34 AM9/21/12
Zip up your source and build folders and put them somewhere where we
can investigate please.


Sep 22, 2012, 7:37:31 AM9/22/12

Hello Ray,

Please find the attachments you asked for.

Attached application has form(ui) that has push button widget with 'Hello World' name.

After selecting local qt libraries and build, I am seeing FATAL CRASH in emulator.

During project selection, I have selected 'arm5'. Emulator is the default one that comes with Necessitas alpha 4.


Ray Donnelly

Sep 22, 2012, 7:48:09 AM9/22/12

Ok thanks. I can't look at this for the next for days as I'm on holiday.


Sep 24, 2012, 6:28:14 AM9/24/12

Since Ray is on vacation, Could someone give me solution for this question.



Sep 24, 2012, 6:46:42 AM9/24/12
Hello Group,

I have a question.

To support deploying of Qt application on Android, Bogdan and his team has developed Necessitas and ministro.

Whether is there a similar approach to deploy Qt application on Apple's IPAD ??


Marco Bernasocchi

Sep 24, 2012, 7:34:15 AM9/24/12
On 09/24/2012 05:46 PM, Mohan_qt_developer wrote:
> Hello Group,
> I have a question.
> To support deploying of Qt application on Android, Bogdan and his team has
> developed Necessitas and ministro.
> Whether is there a similar approach to deploy Qt application on *Apple's
> IPAD* ??
Did it ever occur to you to ask google? :)

> Thanks
> Mohan
> On Monday, September 24, 2012 3:58:14 PM UTC+5:30, Mohan_qt_developer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Since Ray is on vacation, Could someone give me solution for this question.
>> Thanks,
>> Mohan
>> On Saturday, September 22, 2012 5:18:12 PM UTC+5:30, wrote:
>>> Ok thanks. I can't look at this for the next for days as I'm on holiday.
>>> On Sep 22, 2012 1:37 PM, "Mohan_qt_developer" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Ray,
>>>> Please find the attachments you asked for.
>>>> Attached application has form(ui) that has push button widget with
>>>> 'Hello World' name.
>>>> After selecting local qt libraries and build, I am seeing FATAL CRASH in
>>>> emulator.
>>>> During project selection, I have selected *'arm5'*. Emulator is the
>>>>>>>> I/System.out(17716): My path is: /data/local/qt/jar/**QtIndustrius-7.jar
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'QtIndustrius-7.jar'
>>>>> (bootstrap=0)
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): DexOpt: --- END 'QtIndustrius-7.jar' (success)
>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): DEX prep '/data/local/qt/jar/**QtIndustrius-7.jar':
>>>>>>>> unzip
>>>>>>>> in 41ms, rewrite 1154ms
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): Trying to load lib /data/local/qt/lib/libQtCore.
>>>>> **so
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8efe8
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): Added shared lib /data/local/qt/lib/libQtCore.*
>>>>> *so
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8efe8
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): No JNI_OnLoad found in
>>>>>>>> /data/local/qt/lib/libQtCore.**so
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8efe8
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): Trying to load lib
>>>>> /data/local/qt/lib/
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8efe8
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): Added shared lib /data/local/qt/lib/
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8efe8
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): No JNI_OnLoad found in
>>>>> /data/local/qt/lib/
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8efe8
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): Trying to load lib
>>>>>>>> /data/local/qt/plugins/**platforms/android/libandroid-**
>>>>> 0x44e8efe8
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): Added shared lib
>>>>>>>> /data/local/qt/plugins/**platforms/android/libandroid-**
>>>>> 0x44e8efe8
>>>>>>>> I/Qt (17716): qt start
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): Trying to load lib
>>>>>>>> /data/data/org.kde.necessitas.**example.mohan_sample/lib/**
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8d3f0
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): Added shared lib
>>>>>>>> /data/data/org.kde.necessitas.**example.mohan_sample/lib/**
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8d3f0
>>>>>>>> D/dalvikvm(17716): No JNI_OnLoad found in
>>>>>>>> /data/data/org.kde.necessitas.**example.mohan_sample/lib/**
>>>>>>>> 0x44e8d3f0
>>>>>>>> D/Qt (17716): QAndroidPlatformIntegrationPlu**gin::create
>>>>> "android"
>>>>>>>> D/Qt (17716):
>>>>>>>> QAndroidPlatformIntegration::**QAndroidPlatformIntegration():
>>>>> creating
>>>>>>>> QAndroidPlatformScreen => Using Raster (Software) for painting
>>>>>>>> I/Qt JAVA (17716): surfaceChanged: 480,762,480,762
>>>>>>>> 'org.kde.necessitas.example.**mohan_sample' died
>>>>>>>>>> git://**qt.git<>but I was encountering with lot
>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> compilation issues.
>>>>>>>>>> Someone please share the archive for
>>>>>>>>>> git://**qt.git<>

Marco Bernasocchi


Sep 25, 2012, 1:45:14 AM9/25/12

Hello Elites,

When I browsed the internet, I got to know there is a development going on for qt-iphone support. I would like to know whether the tool is available for the users.

Since Ray is on vacation, Could some one please look in to my problem and help me.

Vinayak has given solution like:

I downloaded the hello_world_test.tar.gz. Deleted the android folder and ran it on my Samsung Galaxy 10" tablet. It shows the Hello World text as expected.

But above solution didn't work for me, since without android folder, deployment process is not starting up.

For your information: I tried deploying on android SDK that comes as default with Necessitas alpha 4. I even tried on android tablet with android 2.5 version but still it is not working.

Someone's help would be highly respected.

There is a latest version of Necessitas released in last week. Whether using that version shall solve my problem.



Sep 25, 2012, 5:04:16 AM9/25/12
Hello Elites,

When I browsed the internet, I got to know there is a development going on for qt-iphone support. I would like to know whether the tool is available for the users.

Since Ray is on vacation, Could some one please look in to my problem and help me.

Vinayak has given solution like:

I downloaded the hello_world_test.tar.gz. Deleted the android folder and ran it on my Samsung Galaxy 10" tablet. It shows the Hello World text as expected.

But above solution didn't work for me, since without android folder, deployment process is not starting up.

For your information: I tried deploying on android SDK that comes as default with Necessitas alpha 4. I even tried on android tablet with android 2.5 version but still it is not working.

Someone's help would be highly respected.

There is a latest version of Necessitas released in last week. Whether using that version shall solve my problem.


On Monday, September 24, 2012 5:04:29 PM UTC+5:30, Marco Bernasocchi wrote:


Sep 26, 2012, 12:24:08 AM9/26/12
Hello Ray,
Are you back from vacation ?


Sep 26, 2012, 12:05:57 PM9/26/12
Hello Ray,

I downloaded Necessitas again today(26 september) for linux. Now it is absolutely working fine. My qt application has qtwebkit requirement. My qt application is perfectly running on android emulator.

Thanks for your help.

Hello Bogdan,

Kudos to your work. God bless you.



Oct 21, 2012, 10:32:00 PM10/21/12
to, Necessitas
i made a VOIP app,so i had to capture/play audio stream. by alpha 3,i can modify qtmain_android.cpp to load java class AudioRecord and AudioTrack to do that because there was no implemention in necessitas yet. now alpha 4 released, qtmain_android.cpp is missing,i see that you said "user java/c++ interaction is support",but i have no idea how to do it,could you post some simple example? thx very much! 

在 2012年8月27日星期一UTC+8上午6时20分14秒,BogDan写道:
Hello folks,

 Today I have the great honor to announce the alpha 4 release of
Necessitas. Since Nokia’s radical change of direction, Qt has had a
very hard time and many asked themselves whether it was worth
investing their time and money in it anymore. I’m not going to comment
further on Nokia’s recent stupid decisions because I value too highly
the contributions Nokia has made to Qt.
 Instead, I want to comment on the future of Qt and how to make sure
it will survive no matter what. I didn't comment on this matter until
now because I was too busy getting this release out, and how better to
prove to you folks that we are committed to Qt than to continue our
work with this new release? First and foremost Qt is free software,
according to the KDE Free Qt Foundation[1] Nokia (and most probably
also Digia) must release it under both the LGPL 2.1 and the GPL 3.
Otherwise *"the Foundation has the right to release Qt under a
BSD-style license or under other open source licenses. The agreement
stays valid in case of a buy-out, a merger or bankruptcy."* So from
this point of view you don't have anything to worry about! What about
Qt's future development, who will continue to work on it now that
Nokia have dropped it? While we all share great hopes that Digia will
manage the Qt Project well, the beauty of free software if that it
doesn't need any single company behind it, it also needs a committed
community; KDE, Necessitas, ICS, KDAB etc, and most importantly *YOU*!
Now more than ever it is very important for all of us to join together
and for you to show your support and appreciation. You have to ask
yourself which option is better for you:
  - to be selfless and to spend some of your time (or your money) to
make the things you love better and to keep them free for everybody...
  - or to be selfish, forget about Qt and start learning some crappy
closed source C# or iFramework instead which, some day (sooner or
later), will die with the *ONLY* company behind it?

 We choose the first option. The Necessitas developers will do their
best to succeed where Nokia has failed: to make Qt available on a huge
number of (Android-powered) devices. Yes baby, the next billion is
 This alpha 4 release is one of the final steps that we needed to do.
It *should* be our last alpha release! If there are no show-stopping
regressions reported, in one and a half months we'll ship the first
beta release. Why one and a half months? From now on, to be sure that
there are no regressions introduced, releases will be made in two
  - The first step is to release the SDK, and to push the new Android
libs to Ministro's testing repository. The new Android libs will stay
in the testing repository for at least one month to give developers
enough time to test their apps using them. They should use the
Ministro configuration tool to switch to the testing repository.
Additional updates will be released in the testing repository and this
period may be extended if any regressions are reported. A new update
must stay for at least two weeks in the testing repository; known
issues are not considered regressions!
  - Once the new libs in the testing repository are determined to be
regression-free, they will land in the stable repository and they will
be available to all Android users.

 In other words developers should perform the following two steps:
  - Update the SDK, use the Ministro configuration tool to switch to
the testing repository, update your apps, and report any regressions.
*DO NOT* publish any apps on Google Play until the version from the
testing repository reaches the stable repository, otherwise they will
stop working!!!
  - *WAIT* for the alpha 4 release to land in the stable repository,
then you can publish the updated apps on Google Play!
Go back and carefully read these two statements one more time!

 The alpha 4 release will stay in the stable repository for another
two weeks, then *if no regressions* are reported, it will be
re-released as beta 1. Basically we'll simply re-label it as beta 1!
From that moment we'll guarantee that the ABI/API will remain stable
and therefore you can safely deploy any apps you like on Google Play!

The most important changes:
Necessitas has a new home page:
Here you can find latest news and information on how to get involved
(, how to help and to get
help ( and much more.
We've also moved the wiki and the bugs from to KDE's infrastructure.

Qt framework:
- Update to Qt 4.8.2
- Native Android look&feel for classic widgets.
- Native Android menus - known limitation: Android menus support only
one submenu. We'll try to find a solutions for this problem in a
future release (follow to
check its progress).
- Fixed user Java/C++ interaction.
- New assets access scheme. Please add "assets:" prefix, check for more
- SMP safe atomics.
- Many bug fixes.
Known issues/limitations:
- As stated above, native Android menus support only one submenu.
- While some demos and examples work fine, many will not, particularly
on Windows.
- No other new issues.

- Extracts Android native look&feel.
- Secure config files downloading.
- Bug fixes.
Known issues/limitations:
- None.

Qt mobility:
- Android Bluetooth implementation.
- A few bug fixes.
Known issues/limitations:
- No new issues.

- Updated to 2.6 (alpha).
- Fixed bug in ma-make.exe where all rule commands were run through a
batch file leading to each 8192nd character being dropped. Now
CreateProcess is used for nearly all commands, and a work around for
the (MS) batch file bug was also implemented.
- A few other bug fixes.
Known issues/limitations:
- This release is based on an un-released QtCreator version, so some
unexpected issues may occur.
- When you install the qt src package, the source paths mapping is not
set automatically anymore so to debug the qt libraries at the source
level, you need to set it manually: put
“/tmp/necessitas/unstable/Android/Qt/482” in the source path and
“YOUR_INSTALLATION_FOLDER/Android/Qt/482” in the target path.
- On Windows, adb loses track of the connected devices a lot and
otherwise misbehaves (worse with emulators), causing QtCreator to
hang. When this happens, to get it to respond again you can execute:
android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe kill-server &
android-sdk\platform-tools\adb start-server &
android-sdk\platform-tools\adb devices (from cmd.exe in
taskkill /F /IM adb.exe /T  (from cmd.exe in any directory)

SDK Installer framework has been updated with upstream’s latest
changes. One of the biggest improvements is the ability to add
3rd-party repositories, so:
- If you are a developer who has something interesting to share for
Android (e.g. plugins, custom widgets, QML controls, etc.) please add
your repository to
- If you are a developer looking for something which is not shipped
with the Necessitas SDK, you can check the same page:
Known issues/limitations:
- Due to some bugs, the old installer can’t be used update the SDK, so
you need to reinstall the SDK using the new installers.

Updated the Android NDK and Android SDK to latest versions. Please do
not use the Official Google Android NDK, instead use our Necessitas
Special version.
The following people have made large contributions to this release
(alphabetic ordering):
 - Marco Bernasocchi <> Moved all the bugs from to He is also one of the Necessitas website & wiki
 - Ray Donnelly <> as usual he had a decisive
contribution to this project. He created a custom Android NDK (the
official NDK-r8b was not able to build Necessitas), gdb with Python
support, and most importantly, the Windows and Mac OS X SDKs.
 - Willy Gardiol <> reworked most of Necessitas
website and wiki pages. He is also one of the Necessitas website &
wiki maintainers.
 - Marijn Kruisselbrink <> and Chris Browet
<> did most of the native Android menu integration.
 - Lauri Laanmets <> Android Bluetooth
 - Tyler Mandry <> reworked Java/C++ interaction,
added support for Android QML debugging in QtCreator.
 - BogDan Vatra <> Most of the QtCreator Android
Plugin, Ministro updates, SDK Installer updates, Android native
look&feel (Qt and Ministro implementation), cleanup of native Android
menus integration, new assets implementation, SMP safe atomics, most
of the bug fixes.

As usual, special thanks goes to KDE for their hosting and support!

I'll also like to personally thank everyone who has summited bugs (and
even better, patches for some of them!)

You can check out Necessita's glory wall
( for a complete list of all
contributors (who agreed to be listed).

You can grab the new SDK installer for the following platforms:


-Mac OS X:

Yours sincerely,


Anjin Lu

Oct 22, 2012, 9:56:00 AM10/22/12
to, Necessitas
With Alpha4, you can have your own JNI_OnLoad in your module ( shared lib), it will be called when your lib is loaded.
You can add this function in main.cpp.
Q_DECL_EXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* /*reserved*/)
    // Do what you need to here.
    return JNI_VERSION_1_4;

Tomas Raf

Mar 3, 2013, 11:39:59 AM3/3/13
to, Necessitas
I found one issue when launching emulator from Necessitas on win7. I always get error "LoadLibrary failed with error 998: Invalid access to memory location" I found that it's related with android-sdk/Tools/ emulator.exe. When I launch it from command line emulator-arm.exe -avd Android_QVGA_AVD it starts emulator with android OS.

Sebastian Diel

Mar 3, 2013, 12:49:41 PM3/3/13
Am 03.03.2013 17:39, schrieb Tomas Raf:
I found one issue when launching emulator from Necessitas on win7. I always get error "LoadLibrary failed with error 998: Invalid access to memory location" I found that it's related with android-sdk/Tools/ emulator.exe. When I launch it from command line emulator-arm.exe -avd Android_QVGA_AVD it starts emulator with android OS.
Just a quick shot: are all involved directory names free of spaces and special characters?


May 17, 2014, 12:12:19 PM5/17/14
I would like to build an app to access postgresql server from qt necessitas. but i was failed to build psql driver.i tried all the ways, i did the following and installed qt necessitas
2.clone QGIS, QGIS-Android and Quantum-GIS libs with with postgresql-dev and i got
4.and i placed libpq in qt-src directory but still im getting driver not loaded

i build another gui-apps working smoothly, Tell me how to build the psql driver

Thanks in advance.
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