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[NEWS] - Lucas: Original STAR WARS versions will never see DVD

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Stan Jensen

May 21, 2002, 4:18:28 PM5/21/02
Lucas: Original STAR WARS versions will never see DVD
Originals not destroyed?

In an interview carried in the latest STAR WARS INSIDER magazine, George
Lucas reiterated he will never allow the original, non-SPECIAL EDITIONS of
the STAR WARS movies to be released on DVD.

When asked if the films could be included as part of the supposedly massive
DVD boxed set release of the original trilogy, Lucas said, '"I don't think
so. I think of the film as THE SPECIAL EDITION. I don't think of it as the
early version, any more than I would put early rough cuts on.... I consider
THE SPECIAL EDITION as being the final version at this point. I don't even
worry about the other ones, because it went through a lot of incarnations
to get to the final stage."'

This seems an interesting take on the subject, since Lucasfilm said in 1997
the original versions of the films were destroyed in order to create the
SPECIAL EDITIONs. Seems they do exist after all.

Originals not destroyed?

In an interview carried in the latest STAR WARS INSIDER magazine, George
Lucas reiterated he will never allow the original, non-SPECIAL EDITIONS of
the STAR WARS movies to be released on DVD.

When asked if the films could be included as part of the supposedly massive
DVD boxed set release of the original trilogy, Lucas said, '"I don't think
so. I think of the film as THE SPECIAL EDITION. I don't think of it as the
early version, any more than I would put early rough cuts on.... I consider
THE SPECIAL EDITION as being the final version at this point. I don't even
worry about the other ones, because it went through a lot of incarnations
to get to the final stage."'

This seems an interesting take on the subject, since Lucasfilm said in 1997
the original versions of the films were destroyed in order to create the
SPECIAL EDITIONs. Seems they do exist after all.

Mark R. Bohn

May 21, 2002, 6:58:04 PM5/21/02
Guess he either doesn't care or doesn't realize this just strengthens the
bootleg market for these movies. That or he foolishly thinks he's going to
put a stop to it.


"Stan Jensen" <> wrote in message


May 21, 2002, 7:26:14 PM5/21/02
Like Blade Runner, the stupid Director's Cut. Took away all the was
of worth in the original movie when the DC was put out and the
original stopped.

I fortunately have copies of the original SW and those are the only
ones I am interested in having. I enjoyed seeing the Special Editions
but that was before I realized what a loose cannon GL actually is
(hmmm, wonder if he modelled Anakin Skywalker in Ep II after


Derek Balling

May 21, 2002, 7:44:16 PM5/21/02
In article <>, Stan Jensen
<> wrote:

> Lucas: Original STAR WARS versions will never see DVD
> Originals not destroyed?

There's got to be at least one print surviving... didn't AFI tell Lucas
to pound sand when he tried to give them a "Special Edition" print for
the AFI100 archives?



May 21, 2002, 10:19:58 PM5/21/02
Stan Jensen <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Lucas: Original STAR WARS versions will never see DVD
> Originals not destroyed?
> In an interview carried in the latest STAR WARS INSIDER magazine, George
> Lucas reiterated he will never allow the original, non-SPECIAL EDITIONS of
> the STAR WARS movies to be released on DVD.
> When asked if the films could be included as part of the supposedly massive
> DVD boxed set release of the original trilogy, Lucas said, '"I don't think
> so. I think of the film as THE SPECIAL EDITION. I don't think of it as the
> early version, any more than I would put early rough cuts on.... I consider
> THE SPECIAL EDITION as being the final version at this point. I don't even
> worry about the other ones, because it went through a lot of incarnations
> to get to the final stage."'

This isn't news. Lucas has maintained this position since forever...


May 21, 2002, 11:48:26 PM5/21/02
This is what all the Lucas apoligists fail to understand:

The version of ATTACK OF THE CLONES you saw is just a "rough cut".
10 years from now we'll have the AOTC:SESE, with a zillion more flying
bugs cg'd over the human actors (if they remain at all).

Fuck Lucas, he's a revisionist, lying asshole.

If I was arsed I'd dig out all the interviews he gave circa-JEDI when
he said that SPFX were nothing, if there wasn't a human in the costume
it just doesn't work.

But it wouldn't matter....all the Lucas apoligits would be out in full
force, kneepads and all, telling me to "get over it".


May 22, 2002, 12:03:21 AM5/22/02
Looks like I have no choice but to go with the bootlegs then.

Frank Malczewski

May 22, 2002, 1:38:20 AM5/22/02
romaRio <> wrote:

I've never even seen the revised versions, may or may not even like them
if/when I finally ever do.

But yeah, fer cryin out loud, get on with your lives!

(How's that?)


May 22, 2002, 2:28:59 AM5/22/02
Why don't people just make their own cut of the star wars movies when they
finally come out on DVD. By then DVD burners will be common and you can edit
the video files and create your own version.


May 22, 2002, 7:04:08 AM5/22/02
>Subject: Re: [NEWS] - Lucas: Original STAR WARS versions will never see DVD
>From: "P.F."
>Date: 5/22/2002 2:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

>Why don't people just make their own cut of the star wars movies when they
>finally come out on DVD. By then DVD burners will be common and you can edit
>the video files and create your own version.
Better yet people should just make their own SW movies casting family and
friends and improving all the parts they bitch about...Joe Six Pack as Obi

Arminio Grgic

May 22, 2002, 2:44:13 PM5/22/02
On Tue, 21 May 2002 20:18:28 GMT, Stan Jensen <>

>Lucas: Original STAR WARS versions will never see DVD
>Originals not destroyed?

Excuse me about rude language in following text but I am pi**ed !!!


For God sake, he must be out of his mind !
I definitelly prefer 70-80's originals than any fucking
special-edition-CGI-enhanced-crap-made-to-get-money-money-MONEY !
Originals are far superior to stupid special editions he put in
distribution in 90's ! I think I don't need to mention details but
bunch of irritating CGI additions and totally senselles creatures,
"better" explosions and simmilar bullshits are aded and put before
audience instead of original movie that was made using incredibly
cleverness and heart, where groundbreakig FX are used - and now he
destroyed that with CGI enhancements and want to definitelly destroy
any trace of original vision ?!?!


Now, I seriously think to boycot "Attack of the Clones" ... Sorry
Lucas, but you become an idiot!

I just hope that Exorcists will not be buried by "Never seen" dreck
like SW trilogy :(((((

Q. What are your qualifications to be a film critic?
A. I can watch movies, I can think, and I can write.
From Dale's Movie Page at
* Za bolju kvalitetu DVD izdanja u Hrvatskoj:

Peter Briggs

May 22, 2002, 9:00:59 AM5/22/02
Stan Jensen <> wrote:

> This seems an interesting take on the subject, since Lucasfilm said in 1997
> the original versions of the films were destroyed in order to create the
> SPECIAL EDITIONs. Seems they do exist after all.

That's not quite true. Look at the final chapters of the second ILM
book for better clarification. The truth is, the negatives were in
horrible shape, and the film had to be pieced bacck together from a
variety of sources.

Only George's personal original Technicolor (?) prints seem to be the
ones that are in the best shape. They could still be transferred.

Peter Briggs

May 22, 2002, 9:29:28 AM5/22/02
Arminio Grgic <> wrote:

> I just hope that Exorcists will not be buried by "Never seen" dreck
> like SW trilogy :(((((

Uh...have you seen the DVD? <g>


May 22, 2002, 2:21:39 PM5/22/02
>>>In an interview carried in the latest STAR WARS INSIDER magazine, George
Lucas reiterated he will never allow the original, non-SPECIAL EDITIONS of
the STAR WARS movies to be released on DVD.<<<

And later . . .

>>>When asked if the films could be included as part of the supposedly massive
DVD boxed set release of the original trilogy, Lucas said, '"I don't think

Talk about naked misquoting. How did "I don't think so" become "never?"

In any case, this is the same George Lucas who swore we wouldn't see TPM on DVD
until after Episode III was finished,

And just who believed the nonsense about the originals being "destroyed" in
order to create the Special Editions?

Scot Gardner

May 22, 2002, 3:11:44 PM5/22/02
"Stan Jensen" <> wrote in message
> Lucas: Original STAR WARS versions will never see DVD
> Originals not destroyed?
> In an interview carried in the latest STAR WARS INSIDER magazine,
> George Lucas reiterated he will never allow the original,
> non-SPECIAL EDITIONS of the STAR WARS movies to be released
> on DVD.
> When asked if the films could be included as part of the supposedly
> massive DVD boxed set release of the original trilogy, Lucas said,
> '"I don't think so. I think of the film as THE SPECIAL EDITION. I
> don't think of it as the early version, any more than I would put
> early rough cuts on.... I consider THE SPECIAL EDITION as being
> the final version at this point. I don't even worry about the other
> ones, because it went through a lot of incarnations to get to the
> final stage."'
> This seems an interesting take on the subject, since Lucasfilm said in
> 1997 the original versions of the films were destroyed in order to
> create the SPECIAL EDITIONs. Seems they do exist after all.

Geez Louise! George Lucas owns the Star Wars movies and he has the right
to make changes to these movies, no matter how absurd and utterly
asinine these changes may seem to be. If Kubrick could do it, so can he.
George was very happy with the added scenes and digital changes that he
made to _American Graffiti_ and he will continue to make changes to all
of his other movies. George's love of music -- so evident in _American
Graffiti_ -- will be further emphasized as the first three Star Wars
episodes are changed into musicals.

Here are some of the changes George has planned for Episode IV:

The first Star Wars movie will become a musical extravaganza and many
new scenes will be inserted, including one called "Extraterrestrial Gold
Diggers of 2003." The plot of Episode IV will now serve as little more
than a holding tank for many additional intergalactic dance numbers
which will replace the tired, old original scenes. As in _Attack of the
Clones_, we will be seeing special effects without any movie.

The relationship between R2-D2 and C-3PO will be developed in more
detail. A new scene being added to Episode IV will feature a song called
"The Can Can-Do." This will be a tightly choreographed dance sequence in
which R2-D2's metal-clad body proves vulnerable to C-3PO's "can opener."
For comic relief, C-3PO will be seen fumbling with a galvanized condom
before he and R2-D2 do the horizontal bop.

Changes to Episode V will include:

An exhilarating musical number in which Yoda and hundreds of his
look-alike, foam rubber companions goose step to the beat of "Springtime
for Lando." The cosmic education of Luke(ass) Skywalker, as taught by
the mystical words of Yoda, will be turned into a
follow-the-bouncing-ball sing along. In a startling revelation, Darth
Vader will reveal that he is a transsexual.

Episode VI will also get a much-needed facelift:

The scene in _Return of the Jedi_, where Princess Leia is imprisoned by
Jabba the Hutt, will be changed into a Jitterbug orgy spectacle. Leia's
scanty clothes will be digitally removed, as well as the clothes of all
other characters. However, in order to obtain an "PG" rating, digital
scenery will be created to conceal all nudity. This will allow the
"enhanced" musical DVD version of Jedi to retain the digitally changed
scenes. The Deathstar will serve as the stage for several Ewok escapades
as the little buggers scurry around the ship to the accompaniment of
Ethel Merman's "I Love A Parade." Throughout all of this, the
sentimentality and utter incomprehensibility of _Return of the Jedi_
will be carefully maintained.

As always, you are advised to keep your Star Wars LaserDiscs.

May the farce be with you.

Princess Leia is suffering from PMS (Phantom Menace Stress)


Brian Barker

May 22, 2002, 6:46:10 PM5/22/02
And I just thought that he was going to completely re-film the originals,
when Ewan McGregor was older, and Jake Lloyd would be old enough to play
Darth Vader again.

Aaron P. Brezenski

May 22, 2002, 7:14:34 PM5/22/02
In article <0iAG8.680$>,

Mark R. Bohn <> wrote:
>Guess he either doesn't care or doesn't realize this just strengthens the
>bootleg market for these movies. That or he foolishly thinks he's going to
>put a stop to it.

The bootlegs of the originals look pretty decent, although I wish they had
split them across two discs and used a PCM track; the sound seems a little
thin. And I wish the lip-sync problem wasn't there. Since I don't have
an LD player or the LDs, I guess I can't complain too much, though.

It's a shame Lucas is being so weird about this, as I'd pay in an instant
for an official release of the originals, and would even wait for them
until 2006 or whenever he thinks he can get around to doing them; since
he's restated his stance that Greedo Shall Henceforward *Always* Shoot First
and Luke Shall Scream Like A Whiny Little Bitch As He Falls on any official
release, I'm left to procure my own for historical purposes.

Ah, well. It's his money he's throwing away.

Aaron Brezenski
Not speaking for my employer in any way

Scot Gardner

May 22, 2002, 11:33:37 PM5/22/02
"Brian Barker" <> wrote in message

> And I just thought that he was going to completely re-film the
> originals, when Ewan McGregor was older, and Jake Lloyd would
> be old enough to play Darth Vader again.

Well, yeah, Lucas could do that. But I sincerely believe that Alec
Guinness' presence in Episodes IV, V & VI, as Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi, gave
the first Star Wars movies a sense of style and dignity that will be
impossible to duplicate.

Most remakes are never as good as the originals.

Jay Pennington

May 22, 2002, 11:50:37 PM5/22/02
On 22 May 2002 18:21:39 GMT, (WinningerR) wrote:

>And just who believed the nonsense about the originals being "destroyed" in
>order to create the Special Editions?

They were. The original negatives were recut for the Special Editions.

However, that doesn't mean the original cuts couldn't be recreated in
the video realm for DVD release...and there are interpositives and
such of the originals that could be utilized.

-Jay Pennington
datalore at eff dee enn dot com
(replace the strange words with the characters they sound like)

See the Star Wars Special Edition FAQs in Treadwell's Techdome!

Arminio Grgic

May 23, 2002, 9:55:49 AM5/23/02

I have seen it in theathers - crap crap CRAP !
Especially ending and additonal (read: stupid) scenes + CGI "enhacned"
effects !? UNBELIEVEABLE !

Peter Briggs

May 23, 2002, 8:11:28 AM5/23/02
Jay Pennington <> wrote:

> On 22 May 2002 18:21:39 GMT, (WinningerR) wrote:
> >And just who believed the nonsense about the originals being "destroyed" in
> >order to create the Special Editions?
> They were. The original negatives were recut for the Special Editions.

The answer's not quite that simple.

A lower-quality master interpositive had been struck from the negative
in 1985 for the video releases (including the 1993 THX laserdisc box
set, and the 1995 THX VHS set). However, this was not of sufficient
quality for the re-releases.

In late '94, according to former Disney lab restoration veteran Leon
Briggs (no relation!), it was discovered that the original six reels of
negative (stored at a constant 50 - 53 degrees in vaults in Kansas,
converted from a former salt mine) had faded some 10 to 15%, and
embedded dirt had badly scratched and pitted them.

In addition, 62 shots of "Star Wars" were filmed using low-light,
fast-speed Kodak CRI (Color Reversal Intermediate) #5249, which was
discovered to be (unfortunately) very prone to additional fading.

After viewing a DeLuxe Labs print struck from the negative, a shocked
Fox post-production exec Ted Gagliano urgently arranged a showing for
McCallum. (Lucas had already expressed grave concerns about the state
of the movie, as every print he had was bad.)

At a further ILM screening, Lucas was "disappointed, but relieved",
citing that the neg was "fixable".

Under Leon Briggs, Tom Christopher was the editor in charge of
integrating the new footage; Pacific Title recomposited the opticals;
and YCM Labs did color-timing.

Briggs cleaned the neg in a 100 degree plus bath solution (although two
of the four film stocks used couldn't be subjected to the heat, and had
to be washed separately.)

The optical elements were sent to Tom Kennedy at ILM and digitally
scanned. For those sections that were too badly damaged, they were
forced to resort to the interpositive elements.

The model negatives were stored at Lucasfilm, and were brought out of
the archive. An old optical printer which had been retired was dusted
off, and used to add wipes and skip-frames.

For the bulk of the optical recompositing (a HUGE job, which everyone
who blithely slags off the Special Editions does an enormous disservice
to them) Pacific Title took the elements from Lucasfilm and using their
11 state-of-the-art optical printers with improved lenses and stock, and
put the shots back together again, giving what Pacific Title vice
president Phillip Feiner says were "boosted resolution and colour

Briggs' team also used the original YCM (yellow-cyan-magenta) separation
masters, that weren't prone to fading.

Also, two three-strip Technicolor prints came to the rescue, one of
which was Lucas' private print from the basement of his own home. This
was used for color-timing.

Although it's obvious that any print of the "Original" version made for
the future "Ultimate DVD set" is going to be of lower quality than the
Special Editions, from the abovethere are obviously still a couple of
fallback options for mastering the "Original" versions onto DVD.

Eric Evans

May 23, 2002, 9:05:44 AM5/23/02
Good lord, how do you come by this information? I'm not doubting, mind you,
I'm just wondering where this account is recorded at.

"Peter Briggs" <> wrote in message


May 23, 2002, 12:10:41 PM5/23/02
I would be quite satisfied with a DVD release based on the 1993 THX
Laserdisc edition.
I still regret not buying this set back then. It was $200, but I read
somewhere that there was something wrong with the audio (only for a minute
or so) on one of the platters.


"Peter Briggs" <> wrote in message

Brian Barker

May 23, 2002, 7:50:22 PM5/23/02
That was a joke......... I'm pretty happy with the Special Editions. I can
understand why people would want the originals, but still I like the work he
went back and did. The one thing I'm curious about though, is that Lucas
says that there isn't a lot of "making of" stuff to include for the eventual
release of episodes 4-6 on DVD, well what better "making of" feature could
you ask for but the original film, as seen for the first time on the big

Scot Gardner

May 24, 2002, 12:23:25 AM5/24/02
"Brian Barker" <> wrote in message

The original Episodes 4-6 are all I want. Unfortunately, they are not
available on DVD.

Marin County and hot tubs and John Walker Lindh -- oh my!

"What's going on up there at Skywalker Ranch? The wrong man-child ran
away from Marin to join the Taliban. At least John Walker Lindh has a
story to tell."

"Like his reverse-ordered movies -- sequels, prequels and Nyquils --
Lucas is regressing in time. "American Graffiti" and the original "Star
Wars" were for the teenager in everyone. His two most recent "Star Wars"
movies are for the toddler in every preteenager."

Check out this article that ran yesterday in the San Francisco

Arminio Grgic

May 24, 2002, 8:18:42 AM5/24/02
On Thu, 23 May 2002 23:50:22 GMT, "Brian Barker" <>

>That was a joke......... I'm pretty happy with the Special Editions. I can
>understand why people would want the originals, but still I like the work he

Gee ! Originals are "the right thing" - not enhanhed and crapped
"extended editions" ! Why he wouldnpot leave that moiveas as they re
instead ruining it by adding CGI characters and enhanchig effects ? I
simply can't understand what was wrong with originals to do that ?
He could use CGI or whatever to improve quality of the print but not
to alter scenes and chage effects ! It ruined magic of the originals
.. :(

>went back and did. The one thing I'm curious about though, is that Lucas
>says that there isn't a lot of "making of" stuff to include for the eventual
>release of episodes 4-6 on DVD, well what better "making of" feature could
>you ask for but the original film, as seen for the first time on the big

There is excelent 1 hour documentary about making of episode 4 - it
was on our TV in early 80-es several times and I remember it was
great thing that I enjoy to watch ... so - there is pretty decent
documentary that can mbe used (at leat for EP4).


May 24, 2002, 1:44:17 AM5/24/02
Arminio Grgic wrote:
> On Thu, 23 May 2002 23:50:22 GMT, "Brian Barker" <>
> wrote:
> >That was a joke......... I'm pretty happy with the Special Editions. I can
> >understand why people would want the originals, but still I like the work he
> Gee ! Originals are "the right thing" - not enhanhed and crapped
> "extended editions" ! Why he wouldnpot leave that moiveas as they re
> instead ruining it by adding CGI characters and enhanchig effects ? I
> simply can't understand what was wrong with originals to do that ?
> He could use CGI or whatever to improve quality of the print but not
> to alter scenes and chage effects ! It ruined magic of the originals
> .. :(

If it upsets you so, just watch your VHS or pick up a
laserdisc player. You can watch "the originals" any time you

There's no law that says everything you want must be on DVD.


Arminio Grgic

May 24, 2002, 1:11:04 PM5/24/02
On Fri, 24 May 2002 05:44:17 GMT, JoeS <> wrote:

>If it upsets you so, just watch your VHS or pick up a
>laserdisc player. You can watch "the originals" any time you
>There's no law that says everything you want must be on DVD.

I don''t want crappy VHS or laserdiscs - I want it on DVD !
It is true that it does not need to be on DVD - but it is also true
that Lucas force enhanced version on DVD instead originals and -
moreover, he want to destroy originals ... :(

Peter Briggs

May 24, 2002, 9:26:03 AM5/24/02
Eric Evans <> wrote:

> Good lord, how do you come by this information? I'm not doubting, mind you,
> I'm just wondering where this account is recorded at.

Last chapter of the second ILM book!

Scot Gardner

May 24, 2002, 10:56:10 AM5/24/02
"JoeS" <> wrote in message

That is absolutely correct. DVD is a privilege, not a right. We have had
numerous discussions about directors who go back to their original works
and hack them up and/or embellish them. For example, although it was the
original 129-minute version of _Tom Jones_ that won the Academy Award
for best picture of 1963, director Tony Richardson decided in 1989 that
the movie was too long. The bastard then proceeded to make a 121-minute
director's "cut" out of _Tom Jones_ by removing 8 minutes of the
original award-winning movie and then haphazardly splicing what was left
into a hodgepodge of unconnected scenes and disjointed music. With key
elements now missing from the plot, character development suffered
tremendously. (MGM has since released 129-minute DVD version of _Tom

The Coen Brother's editing of _Blood Simple_ has already been discussed
in depth on this newsgroup. I originally objected to the shortening of
films that have already been released to theaters. For those who will
miss the deleted footage, there are still plenty of alternate sources
which contain the missing scenes.

I realize that I am making yet another of my regurgitative omnibus
posts. However, the following advise bears repeating. On July 18, 2000,
Norm gave me his definitive opinion on how we should approach the
subject of director-revisitation:

"The thing is, Scot, that each case of revisitation is a different
animal, and it's rather foolish to take a blanket stance for or against
_all_ such editing ventures. Some recuts help, and some don't. But as
far as "Blood Simple" goes, there are literally millions of copies of
the original version out there to be watched again and again, both on
VHS and on laserdisc, and I'm not going to get all frothy over the
possibility of a botched editing job until I see the new version for
myself, and form an informed opinion."

Norm Wilner
Starweek Magazine

So, there you go. Plenty of copies of the original Star Wars movies are
available on low-quality VHS tapes and rotting LaserDiscs. It is still
too early to complain about the bastardized Star Wars DVD versions of
Episodes 4-6 because they have not yet been released. In fact, they may
never be released.

In the meantime, the classic Star Wars episodes play on cable and
satellite stations all the time. Hardcore fans should take the
opportunity to tape these movies before they disappear forever. As the
good folks at Disney always say, "When they're gone, they're gone!"

You can watch "the originals" any time you want. There's no law that
says everything you want must be on DVD.

Amen to that.

Scot Gardner

May 24, 2002, 12:15:06 PM5/24/02
"Arminio Grgic" <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 24 May 2002 05:44:17 GMT, JoeS <> wrote:
> >If it upsets you so, just watch your VHS or pick up a
> >laserdisc player. You can watch "the originals" any time you
> >want. There's no law that says everything you want must be
> >on DVD.
> I don''t want crappy VHS or laserdiscs - I want it on DVD !
> It is true that it does not need to be on DVD - but it is also true
> that Lucas force enhanced version on DVD instead originals and -
> moreover, he want to destroy originals ... :(

I know, believe me, I know. You are saying that for $60 you should be
able to buy all three of the original Star Wars movies on DVD. These
DVDs would feature anamorphic video and 6-channel sound.

You are offended by those who suggest that you must willingly accept the
compromises that VHS tapes and LaserDiscs present. Nearly everyone has a
VHS player, but not everyone has a LaserDisc player. It's not easy to
"pick up" a reliable, used LaserDisc player.

Even if you were to find a reliable, used LaserDisc player, you would
still need to "pick up" Star Wars episodes 4-6 on un-rotted,
un-scratched, un-warped LaserDiscs. This is not as easy as it sounds.
You would end up investing many hours of your time and hundreds of
dollars in this project. In the end, you would probably be left with a
broken-down LaserDisc player and a bunch of rotted disks. This is what
happened to me and I'm not the only one who has had this unpleasant

And of course, there's George Lucas. He wants to destroy the original
Star Wars movies before they become available on DVD.


May 24, 2002, 12:29:11 PM5/24/02

I find it hilarious that your home is the focal point in the
Universe for disc rot, DVD and laser! Got a bunch of CDs
that have gone bad, also?

My Star Wars laserdiscs are fine....the THX individuals
(original), the Definitive Collection (original), the US
Special Edition box and the Japanese Special Edition box. (I
have some of the early (bad) releases, but I never play
them...wouldn't matter to me if they rotted)

Oh, my laserdisc player is also functioning well, too. Some
luck I have, eh?

I think it's your Karma.


Scot Gardner

May 24, 2002, 1:46:09 PM5/24/02
"JoeS" <> wrote in message

<<find it hilarious that your home is the focal point in the Universe
for disc rot, DVD and laser! Got a bunch of CDs that have gone bad,

<<My Star Wars laserdiscs are fine....the THX individuals (original),
the Definitive Collection (original), the US Special Edition box and the
Japanese Special Edition box. (I have some of the early (bad) releases,
but I never play them...wouldn't matter to
me if they rotted)>>

<<Oh, my laserdisc player is also functioning well, too. Some luck I
have, eh?>>

<<I think it's your Karma. Joe>>

Well, at least you aren't denying the existence of LaserDisc Rot.

My Pioneer LD-700 LaserDisc player is barely plodding along. (This model
was the first of the low-heat, drawer-load models.) It will not spin a
12-inch disk from a cold start. What I must first do is put in a 7-inch
disk, allow it to play for 10 minutes and then move on to a 12-inch
disk. I have used this workaround for over 5 years and I see no need to
try to have the unit repaired.

My original _Star Wars_, _Raiders of the Lost Arc_, _Metropolis and
other valuable titles are still in good condition. However, Laser Rot
has taken its toll. A _Gone with the Wind_ set (Pioneer replaced that
one under warranty and the new one is still OK), Olivia Newton John's
_Physical_, _Grease_, _Annie Hall and several other titles have rotted.
My disk-rot problems were minimized when I stopped buying LaserDiscs
altogether, before my collection reached 20 titles. After that, I only
rented them and got full credit for every rotted rental title.

So far, I have had no trouble with any of my audio CDs or CD-ROMS. I
must have about 500 of these types of disks.

My problems with rotted DVDs (so far, only 4 titles), rotted LaserDiscs
and a problematic LaserDisc player definitely makes my house the
"Bermuda Triangle" of optical disk playback difficulties.


May 24, 2002, 3:32:34 PM5/24/02
For what it's worth, my CAV monolithic boxed set of the original theatrical
versions of the "sacred trilogy" showed signs of laser rot within a year of its
release. Unfortunately, I could never find a replacement in stores. Luckily, my
CLV discs of the theatrical cuts still play just fine.



May 24, 2002, 4:27:27 PM5/24/02
If you want them on DVD, why not look for the bootlegs on either DVD or VCD?

I hear some of the DVD bootlegs look pretty decent. Now it's a matter of
finding them somewhere other than on EBAY. I recall someone mentioning where
they found them for like 10-15 dollars each. I wish I had written it down.

Now as far as the THX LD versions are concerned of the originals, is there
someplace that still sells them?

Paul Arnette

May 24, 2002, 6:39:10 PM5/24/02

"Mkebeliev" <> wrote in message

> If you want them on DVD, why not look for the bootlegs on either DVD or

Why indeed? Now you opened up a whole can of worms. ;)

> I hear some of the DVD bootlegs look pretty decent. Now it's a matter of
> finding them somewhere other than on EBAY.

They certainly look better than VHS. Anyway...

>I recall someone mentioning where they found them for like 10-15 dollars
>I wish I had written it down.

It might have been me who mentioned that, regardless, here's the place I
frequent ( I've bought eight different DVDs here with no problems other than
an occasional lengthy wait):

If it doesn't say "You are currently at DVD Section" at the top of the page,
make sure you click the DVD hyperlink. Enjoy.

BTW, I have no affiliation with this site other than a desire to see people
not get ripped off on eBay.
Paul Arnette

Brian Barker

May 24, 2002, 8:21:50 PM5/24/02
OK, I understand that a lot of people like you aren't happy with the special
editions. The thing is Lucas was happy with the originals. I don't think
that he ruined the films by adding to them. I do admit that there are some
points that were better before, Greedo didn't have to shoot first, and the
extended music video in Return of the Jedi wasn't necessary, but in the end
it's still the same film from before, and to me, the magic remains.

Jim Burgan

May 25, 2002, 12:41:47 AM5/25/02
I bought the "Star Wars Trilogy Widescreen Collectors Edition Laser Disc
Set" (aka:The Definitive Collection) when it first came out in '93. I paid
somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 for it, and it was one of the best
investments I have ever made. It has everything a true Star Wars fan could
All 3 original films in widescreen, CAV format. They have audio
commentaries by Lucas, Ken Ralston and a host of others who were responsible
for the first trilogy plus all the trailers etc. There are tons of extras,
a hard-cover book and a booklet on the chapter stops. The films were
reasserted to THX standards, and have a remastered Dolby Pro Logic
soundtrack (not exactly DD5.1, but it is the best audio currently available
for the original trilogy).
While I prefer the original Star Wars films over the newer SE's, I don't
dislike the SE's. I saw all 3 in theatres and enjoyed them a bunch. I am
not real happy with the Greedo shot first scene, but overall I enjoyed the
SE's and it was nice to see them get upgraded SFX.
However, if Lucas does what he says he is going to do, the original trilogy
will never see the light of day on a DVD, which means that my $300 probably
bought me the final and best media containing the original trilogy. That
makes it a pretty good bargain as far as I'm concerned. This boxed set has
been selling for upwards to $500 on eBay and I see that increasing
exponentially in the future.
The only problem I have with my boxed set.... You gotta flip the disc every
29 minutes and the picture quality, while it's the best there is for the
original trilogy, is also not even close to the vivid color and brightness
of DVD. That's why the DVD/CVD clones form this set are marginal at best.
But... There are no flaws in this set....
I wonder how many of these boxed sets were originally sold? What will the
maximum amount of money these will be worth in the future?
As for the much-talked-about "Laser Rot"... I was one of the first people in
the free world who bought a laser disc player. I bought it in the early
80's (exact date unknown) at Video Concepts (remember those, a big-time mall
chain?) and it was a Magnavox with a lid that flipped open from the top.
You opened the lid and put the LD on the spindle (looked just like a
turntable with a 45rpm spindle). I have seen my share of bad discs...
Quality control was horrible in the early years of Laserdisc, which I always
said had a lot to do with why they never caught on big-time as a consumer
device (quality control, plus cost of equipment and the cost of software).
Pioneer and associates didn't catch on to current pricing policies for many
more years (lowering prices of hardware to sell software, and dropping
prices as manufacturing costs drop). Several of the original MCA DiscoVision
LD's were crap right out of the box. The only consistently good pressings
came from the Pioneer pressing plant in Japan or by 3M's/Scotch plant (it
was in the USA but I never knew where it was). My main point... and I could
be wrong about this: I don't believe laser rot exists.... and I never have.
If a disc was bad, it was bad out of the shrink wrap and if it was good, it
stayed good. I have yet to see any of my 500+ remaining LD's (I sold
several hundred on eBay when I replaced them with DVD's) degrade in any way
with age. The bad discs were the result of poor quality control in the
pressing plant, not the result of poor or rotting materials). I have an MCA
DiscoVision CAV pressing of Redford's The Great Waldo Pepper (all of the
original MCA DiscoVision pressings were in CAV format I believe) that was
manufactured around 1980 (I believe). It plays as good as it did the day it
was born. Not a single one of my LD's have deteriorated by age (except one
or two that got warped by being left in a hot car on a summer day).
Therefore, I have every reason to believe that my copies of the original
Star Wars Trilogy (Ep. IV, V ands VI) will be a good in 20 years as they are
Sorry for the lengthy post, but there are several different issues I have

Jay Pennington

May 25, 2002, 6:42:55 AM5/25/02
On Thu, 23 May 2002 13:11:28 +0100, (Peter
Briggs) wrote:

>Jay Pennington <> wrote:
>> On 22 May 2002 18:21:39 GMT, (WinningerR) wrote:
>> >And just who believed the nonsense about the originals being "destroyed" in
>> >order to create the Special Editions?
>> They were. The original negatives were recut for the Special Editions.
>The answer's not quite that simple.

[snip of some great stuff]

Thanks for all that nitty-gritty...I love this stuff.

However, since the original neg was taken apart and much of it
replaced, my answer was correct....of course, for all practical
purposes it had already been "destroyed" all by itself. But I concede
WinningerR probably wasn't concerned so much with the neg condition as
much as the possibility of releasing the original version on DVD,
whatever the film source material.


May 27, 2002, 8:54:06 AM5/27/02
On Fri, 24 May 2002 04:23:25 GMT, "Scot Gardner" <>

>"Brian Barker" <> wrote in message
><<That was a joke......... I'm pretty happy with the Special Editions. I
>can understand why people would want the originals, but still I like the
>work he went back and did. The one thing I'm curious about though, is
>that Lucas says that there isn't a lot of "making of" stuff to include
>for the eventual release of episodes 4-6 on DVD, well what better
>"making of" feature could you ask for but the original film, as seen for
>the first time on the big screen.>>
>The original Episodes 4-6 are all I want. Unfortunately, they are not
>available on DVD.

Same here. Maybe someone can make a decent copy from those laserdics
mentioned in an earlier post in this thread. I'd be eternally happy
for one of those. I didn't mind the SE, but can take it or leave it.
It's like colourizing. I don't care for tampering of originals
(unless strictly to restore, which doesn't include colourizing). When
something is remastered or restored, I find that different. Even
great works of art like the statue of David or Sistein Chapel are
cleaned and the ravages of time fixed, aren't they? That isn't, for
me the same thing as what he did with the SE.

So, anyone interested in making a DVD out of laserdisc original
trilogy and selling? Oops, maybe it isn't appropriate to mention that
here? Anyway, set me straight either way.

(Would love a copy. Can't afford anything right now but hopefully in
very near future?? I'm recovering financially from serious illness,
so although I'm okay now won't be breathing easier financially or
another couple of months. Maybe by then, someone will have been able
to do this?)


>"Like his reverse-ordered movies -- sequels, prequels and Nyquils --
>Lucas is regressing in time. "American Graffiti" and the original "Star
>Wars" were for the teenager in everyone. His two most recent "Star Wars"
>movies are for the toddler in every preteenager."

(Cracked me up. Thanks for the laugh.)


May 27, 2002, 8:56:07 AM5/27/02
On Fri, 24 May 2002 05:44:17 GMT, JoeS <> wrote:

Well, aren't you the happy and helpful one! No, no law says so. But
don't you think it would be nice?


Anyhoo, if there is a way to copy those original versions on laserdisc
to DVD, perhaps someone can get a trade system going? There's a
trading ng for vhs, wonder if there is one for DVD? That'd be great!


May 27, 2002, 9:03:05 AM5/27/02
On Fri, 24 May 2002 14:56:10 GMT, "Scot Gardner" <>

>"JoeS" <> wrote in message

Or how about what the stupid director did "Bladerunner"???!!!

I bought my "Director's Cut" in the days when I knew even less than I
do now of such issues. Didn't know what it meant but I thought, "hey,
great! An enhanced version of some sort. This should be great!"

I marched right back the next day to get my money back and I taxed the
salesperson on it. He explained all to me.

So, this abomination is the director's original vision of the film
instead of the pablum version he was _forced_ to make? Yeah, well I'm
glad I don't have to live in his universe.

The narration _and_ the ending are what _made_ the film. Yes, we must
all be a bunch of stupid idiots for not being able to mind-read what
the characters are doing.

And, sure, we must be a romantic stupid lot for wanting to know what
he was going through and the uncertainties and the difficulties by his

And, oh god, yes, we're so stupid in wanting a happy ending. We just
went through 2 hours or whatever of hell with practically no relief.
No, we don't want him to have a happy ending at all. Hell, we go
through life miserable and we don't want to have hope either, why
should Decker??


May 27, 2002, 12:21:19 PM5/27/02
DragonRider wrote:
> On Fri, 24 May 2002 05:44:17 GMT, JoeS <> wrote:
> >Arminio Grgic wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, 23 May 2002 23:50:22 GMT, "Brian Barker" <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >That was a joke......... I'm pretty happy with the Special Editions. I can
> >> >understand why people would want the originals, but still I like the work he
> >>
> >> Gee ! Originals are "the right thing" - not enhanhed and crapped
> >> "extended editions" ! Why he wouldnpot leave that moiveas as they re
> >> instead ruining it by adding CGI characters and enhanchig effects ? I
> >> simply can't understand what was wrong with originals to do that ?
> >> He could use CGI or whatever to improve quality of the print but not
> >> to alter scenes and chage effects ! It ruined magic of the originals
> >> .. :(
> >
> >
> >If it upsets you so, just watch your VHS or pick up a
> >laserdisc player. You can watch "the originals" any time you
> >want.
> >
> >There's no law that says everything you want must be on DVD.
> Well, aren't you the happy and helpful one! No, no law says so. But
> don't you think it would be nice?

Nice? Sure. But the poster was acting as if he the movies he
wants to see can't be seen.

> Sheesh.
> Anyhoo, if there is a way to copy those original versions on laserdisc
> to DVD, perhaps someone can get a trade system going? There's a
> trading ng for vhs, wonder if there is one for DVD? That'd be great!

They are readily available for (illegal) purchase. When you
get some money together, ask again and someone will tell you
where you can buy them.


Geena Phillips

Jun 11, 2002, 12:27:28 PM6/11/02
ksgemini7 wrote:

> >Subject: Re: [NEWS] - Lucas: Original STAR WARS versions will never see DVD
> >From: "P.F."
> >Date: 5/22/2002 2:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time
> >Message-id: <>
> >
> >Why don't people just make their own cut of the star wars movies when they
> >finally come out on DVD. By then DVD burners will be common and you can edit
> >the video files and create your own version.
> Better yet people should just make their own SW movies casting family and
> friends and improving all the parts they bitch about...Joe Six Pack as Obi
> Wan,etc

Hey, it's good enough for Turkey... :)

Queen of The Danged
Geena-- Worrier Princess

"Reciprocity... is the key to every relationship."
--LAPD Capt. Dudley Smith (James Cromwell), in L.A. Confidential

"Andy Warhol once said that everyone would be famous for fifteen minutes. The
unfortunate corrolary is that everyone will also appear in a Freddie Prinze, Jr.
movie for fifteen minutes."

"This is like driving a Rolls Royce, naked, in mink underpants."
--Tony Bourdain

"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if
you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very
least you need a beer."
-- Frank Zappa

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