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Daniels Parents Death!

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Colin Ross Smith

Jun 19, 2001, 6:45:26 PM6/19/01
Ok, let me get it Straight. How many parents has Daniel had that have died?
In "The Gamekeeper" it says that Daniels Parents die in an accident at the
New York Museum when in actual fact they had died in a plane crash. Either
his real parents died in a plane crash and that was his foster parents we
saw die or the writers have made another Goof-up.


See you on the other side!

Colin Ross Smith - Stargate Hyperspeed owner
Stargate Hyperspeed

25 Stargates (founder)

Gareth Kitchener

Jun 19, 2001, 6:50:07 PM6/19/01
In article <>, says...

> Ok, let me get it Straight. How many parents has Daniel had that have died?
> In "The Gamekeeper" it says that Daniels Parents die in an accident at the
> New York Museum when in actual fact they had died in a plane crash. Either
> his real parents died in a plane crash and that was his foster parents we
> saw die or the writers have made another Goof-up.

Where did the "plane crash" get mentioned?

Gareth Kitchener
Bedfordshire, England

Colin Ross Smith

Jun 19, 2001, 8:01:25 PM6/19/01
> Where did the "plane crash" get mentioned?

Haven't you read Stargate? It was mentioned in the book written by Dean
Devlin and Roland Emmerich. They wrote the story from an omniscient view
point therefore they knew everything about the charcters and they went into
detail on Daniel and Jack's past lives. Apparently Daniel's parents were
killed in a plane crash. You would think the writers would at least get
that bit right. Anyway it would be hard to place Daniel's Parents Death
into context of that episode. It would be really expensive to do los of
plane crashes again and again. Perhaps then they should have looked at
something to do with Carter.


Jun 19, 2001, 8:59:21 PM6/19/01

>> Where did the "plane crash" get mentioned?
>Haven't you read Stargate? It was mentioned in the book written by Dean
>Devlin and Roland Emmerich. They wrote the story from an omniscient view
>point therefore they knew everything about the charcters and they went into
>detail on Daniel and Jack's past lives. Apparently Daniel's parents were
>killed in a plane crash. You would think the writers would at least get
>that bit right. Anyway it would be hard to place Daniel's Parents Death
>into context of that episode. It would be really expensive to do los of
>plane crashes again and again. Perhaps then they should have looked at
>something to do with Carter.

Books are usually not considered Canon. You only go by what you see on

Chan @trebutechdotcom John @ Trebutech

Jun 19, 2001, 11:35:41 PM6/19/01

"Colin Ross Smith" <> wrote in message

> > Where did the "plane crash" get mentioned?
> Haven't you read Stargate? It was mentioned in the book written by Dean
> Devlin and Roland Emmerich. They wrote the story from an omniscient view
> point therefore they knew everything about the charcters and they went
> detail on Daniel and Jack's past lives. Apparently Daniel's parents were
> killed in a plane crash. You would think the writers would at least get
> that bit right. Anyway it would be hard to place Daniel's Parents Death
> into context of that episode. It would be really expensive to do los of
> plane crashes again and again. Perhaps then they should have looked at
> something to do with Carter.

Nope, haven't read the novels... It should be the other way around, couldn't
the author of the novels get it right? :) The series on TV is considered
canon, books are just derived...

So... Go with the episode where they get crushed to death instead :)

Colin Ross Smith

Jun 20, 2001, 9:24:31 AM6/20/01

> Nope, haven't read the novels... It should be the other way around,
> the author of the novels get it right? :) The series on TV is considered
> canon, books are just derived...

I'm talking about the story that spawned the series, the film that was made
in 1994. Not the Ashley McConnel Sg-1 Novels.

> So... Go with the episode where they get crushed to death instead :)

But the book is right. The series is wrong. The book was the story of the
film, Stargate. It explained evrything and the series went on from that.
Anyway the death of Daniels parents is related to his alergies. I bet you
never knew that if you hadn't read the books. His parents died in a plane
crash and ever since then Daniel has had a fear of travelling, especially
Aeroplanes. Whenever he travels it brings on his Alergies. The fear
triggers his allergies. He does have allergies in the series, it continues
from the idea he had Allergies in the film. The film couldn't go into the
same detail as a book to explain Daniels Allergies. The only mention of his
parents in the film was of a photograph that catherine was looking at. All
he said in the film was that he gets allergies when he travles. This is
triggered through a fear of travelling because of his parents death. Why do
you think he was sp nervous about going through the Stargate?



Jun 20, 2001, 10:31:45 AM6/20/01
On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:24:31 +0100, "Colin Ross Smith" <>

>> Nope, haven't read the novels... It should be the other way around,
>> the author of the novels get it right? :) The series on TV is considered
>> canon, books are just derived...
>I'm talking about the story that spawned the series, the film that was made
>in 1994. Not the Ashley McConnel Sg-1 Novels.
>> So... Go with the episode where they get crushed to death instead :)
>But the book is right. The series is wrong. The book was the story of the
>film, Stargate. It explained evrything and the series went on from that.

Colin, there is no "right and wrong" where a fictional series is

If you're talking about a novelization of the movie, then remember
that all it is, is one writer's take on what happens in the movie. The
writer is given the script (usually before the final edit of the movie
itself) and is asked to fill in some of the blanks, as long as it
doesn't contradict anything in the movie. But the book is considered
an adjunct to the film, and not particularly vital to the storyline.

If the folks who made the original Stargate movie had decided to make
a second movie, they would have totally ignored any changes/editions
made in the book. It simply would not have been important to them. In
the same way, the folks who made the series picked up from the
original film and went on from there. They would not have -- nor did
they -- pay any attention to novelizations.

If you're talking about the other series of "Stargate" paperbacks, you
have to consider those books sort of an "alternate universe" to that
of the series. Take a look at all the differences between the two.
What happens to Daniel's wife and to Skaara in the books, as opposed
to the television series? Are there any characters named Teal'c or
Samantha Carter?

Use the movie as a starting point. The books then imagine what happens
to the characters after that -- in one direction. The television show
takes those same characters -- in a totally other direction.

So the Daniel in that novel series may have lost his parents in a
plane crash, but the one in the television series definitely lost his
in a museum accident.

Colin Ross Smith

Jun 20, 2001, 11:34:31 AM6/20/01
> If you're talking about a novelization of the movie, then remember
> that all it is, is one writer's take on what happens in the movie. The
> writer is given the script (usually before the final edit of the movie
> itself) and is asked to fill in some of the blanks, as long as it
> doesn't contradict anything in the movie. But the book is considered
> an adjunct to the film, and not particularly vital to the storyline.

The novelisation of the film was written by the same people wh wrote the
script. Dean Devlin (producer) and Roland Emmerich (Director) both wrote
the Script. They turned it into a novel. They wrote it, bot some Yahoo
writer who is good at transferring scripts to Novel. they also did the same
with ID:4 and Godzilla (not 100% sure abou Godzilla, but 75% sure they wrote
the novel as well). So they did not fill in the blanks in the Novel. The
out in the Novel what they couldn't fit into the film. Did you know that
the Novel has got some swearing and very gory details? And that Daniel was
so depressed that he had turned to drinking. If Catherine had not turned up
who knows where he would have ended up.

> If the folks who made the original Stargate movie had decided to make
> a second movie, they would have totally ignored any changes/editions
> made in the book. It simply would not have been important to them. In
> the same way, the folks who made the series picked up from the
> original film and went on from there. They would not have -- nor did
> they -- pay any attention to novelizations.

They never did. They had a script and well this time they were too busy
with other films to write a Novel so Bill McCay wrote the Novel. And I'm
pretty sure that there was some mention of Daniels Allergies beeing
triggered by Travelling and death of his parents.

> If you're talking about the other series of "Stargate" paperbacks, you
> have to consider those books sort of an "alternate universe" to that
> of the series. Take a look at all the differences between the two.
> What happens to Daniel's wife and to Skaara in the books, as opposed
> to the television series? Are there any characters named Teal'c or
> Samantha Carter?

I wasn't refferring to the Bill McCay's Novels. I can accept the
differences in that. it's a totally different Kettle of Fish.

> Use the movie as a starting point. The books then imagine what happens
> to the characters after that -- in one direction. The television show
> takes those same characters -- in a totally other direction.
> So the Daniel in that novel series may have lost his parents in a
> plane crash, but the one in the television series definitely lost his
> in a museum accident.

The Daniel in the film is the same Daniel. He lost his parents in a plane
crash. But the series of books went another way with his life and the TV
series went another way. But in the end, his parents would still have died
in a plane crash when he was young. But what I want to know is that were
the people who died in the Museum accident his foster parents? Because he
did have foster parents.



Jun 20, 2001, 1:47:23 PM6/20/01
>Subject: Re: Daniels Parents Death!
>From: "Colin Ross Smith"
>Date: 6/20/01 9:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <>

>I'm talking about the story that spawned the series, the film that was made
>in 1994. Not the Ashley McConnel Sg-1 Novels.

As I understand it, the original movie and the TV series must be considered
two, slightly different, universes--while much of the original movie was
retained for the series, not all facts are exactly the same.
This is usually the fact when stories are translated from one medium to
another, out of necessity [for a number of reasons, besides the obvious ones of
length/ time]--not every scene, character, or event, or even overall plot, in a
large book can be (or is desirable to be) translated intact into a 2-hr. movie,
for example. Ditto for movies to TV. This is also why, I understand [tho I
haven't seen any of them,] 2 sets/series of novelizations exist, one using
canon for the movie, and one with canon for the SG-1 series. ...tonyC



Jun 20, 2001, 2:06:26 PM6/20/01
On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 16:34:31 +0100, "Colin Ross Smith" <>

>> Use the movie as a starting point. The books then imagine what happens

>> to the characters after that -- in one direction. The television show
>> takes those same characters -- in a totally other direction.
>> So the Daniel in that novel series may have lost his parents in a
>> plane crash, but the one in the television series definitely lost his
>> in a museum accident.
>The Daniel in the film is the same Daniel. He lost his parents in a plane
>crash. But the series of books went another way with his life and the TV
>series went another way. But in the end, his parents would still have died
>in a plane crash when he was young. But what I want to know is that were
>the people who died in the Museum accident his foster parents? Because he
>did have foster parents.

Okay, let's put it this way -- the folks who write, direct, and
produce the television series either didn't read the book, or didn't
care about what is said in the book. And even then, there are a few
discrepencies between the actual movie and the tv show. As I recall,
the visualization of what is going on inside Ra is vastly different
from the snake-like aliens we eventually ended up with.

So -- as far as most people who follow the television series are
concerned, the people who died in the museum accident are his real
parents. There was no plane crash.

Of course -- this is fiction. If you want to posit that those folks in
the museum were actually his foster parents, you are absolutely free
to do so. You could even write some fanfic about it, if you wanted

Jette Goldie

Jun 20, 2001, 2:32:46 PM6/20/01

Barbara <> wrote in message

With most TV shows "canon" is what is seen on screen, and
tie-in books, no matter how "canon" the writer tries to make them,
must be considered liable to correction if TPTB have an idea
for an episode that contradicts them.

So in other words, what happens onscreen is "truth".

Lt General Bosslady, SG-6, Search and Rescue.
The difference between men and boys
is the cost of their toys"

The Evil Emperor Zurg

Jun 20, 2001, 2:53:48 PM6/20/01
> > So the Daniel in that novel series may have lost his parents in a
> > plane crash, but the one in the television series definitely lost his
> > in a museum accident.
> The Daniel in the film is the same Daniel. He lost his parents in a plane
> crash. But the series of books went another way with his life and the TV
> series went another way. But in the end, his parents would still have
> in a plane crash when he was young. But what I want to know is that were
> the people who died in the Museum accident his foster parents? Because he
> did have foster parents.

I thought he went to live with his grandfather? (never read the books)

I was always of the opinion that books are a nice addition to a series, but
what we see on the screen is canon, and the books should not try to
contradict it. If a novelist writes something that the series writers
contradict later, then tough luck. (as in ST:TNG novel "Dark reflection")

This brings the following conclusions:
I) Captain Kirk is dead.
II) Boba Fett is a complete stranger to all the Star Wars characters at the
start of A New Hope.
III) James T. Kirk is dead.
IV) No-one is called "Darth Sidious" (it's just a dumb name)
V) I cannot stress this enough... KIRK = DEAD.


Jun 20, 2001, 3:51:55 PM6/20/01
On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 19:32:46 +0100, "Jette Goldie"
<> wrote:

>Barbara <> wrote in message

<stuff snipped for space>

>> Of course -- this is fiction. If you want to posit that those folks in
>> the museum were actually his foster parents, you are absolutely free
>> to do so. You could even write some fanfic about it, if you wanted
>> to...
>With most TV shows "canon" is what is seen on screen, and
>tie-in books, no matter how "canon" the writer tries to make them,
>must be considered liable to correction if TPTB have an idea
>for an episode that contradicts them.
>So in other words, what happens onscreen is "truth".

Oh, absolutely. But considering the kind of playing around with canon
I've seen in some of the fanfic stories, I thought that if Colin
really wanted to play with the idea that those were Daniel's foster
parents under that big rock, I wasn't going to discourage him. <g>


Jun 20, 2001, 4:59:40 PM6/20/01
>> So... Go with the episode where they get crushed to death instead :)

Colin said:
>But the book is right. The series is wrong. The book was the story of the
>film, Stargate.

The movie came first, before the book. The book was built as a companion to the
movie, so the movie is more canon than the book. The series came next, and did
an excellent job of incorporating much from the film. However, not everything
always transfers from the movie to the series.

However, in this case, it is canon - for the entire series - that Daniel's
parents died of crushing injuries when those stones fell on 'em.


Colin Ross Smith

Jun 20, 2001, 5:46:58 PM6/20/01
> The movie came first, before the book. The book was built as a companion
to the
> movie, so the movie is more canon than the book. The series came next, and
> an excellent job of incorporating much from the film. However, not
> always transfers from the movie to the series.

I don't think they would have added in that point afterwards. I think the
point about his parents death causing his allergies would have been in their
mind from the beginning. Movies nowadays is an art form. The Moving
picture is Modern Art. Film writer make a big film they have the whole
thing planned out. the only things that are normally added in later are the
ad libs and stuff. Like the chicken man Jpke in the movie. That was added
during the filming. It developed on the set. About transferring from the
movie to the series. I know that some stuff did not work out, but that was
like Ra. Ra was an Alien in the form of a Roswell Grey. They changed them
to be snake like for the better. Ithelped develop their story. Wheras
Daniel had Allergies. He only got them when Travelling because of this
accident. However, in the series jack made out that Daniel had allergies
period. This was not the case. Only when travelling. But of course, Jack
might not know this. he might think that Daniel has allergies period.

> However, in this case, it is canon - for the entire series - that Daniel's
> parents died of crushing injuries when those stones fell on 'em.

Well if Daniels paretns were crushed to death then the writers can make up
anything about Jack. I bet when we see the Episodes with Jack in his teen
years we wont see him as a uncouthed youth. H'll be a smart alec kid who
wanted to join up in the army. Wheras the real Jack O'Neil was brought
forth before the court for about the fourth time by the time he was 18. he
had two choices, go to Jail for a year or enlist. Jck enlisted and proved
to be an excellent soldier. Progressing through the ranks efficiently and
being promoted to the Special Force group which I have completely forgot.
he was sent to do the most dangerous and distasteful missions like
assasinating Americas political enemies. There is some kind of mention of
this in Cor'Ai. O'Nill States, "I have benn ordered to dome pretty damn
distasteful things!" I hope they do go into Jacks Teen years by the way the
original writers outlined it because it would be really interesting to see
is life in a way that doesn't make him out to be a sweet little teenager who
everyone loves because he is so funny.



Jun 20, 2001, 6:14:11 PM6/20/01
>Subject: Re: Daniels Parents Death!
>From: "The Evil Emperor Zurg"
>Date: 6/20/01 2:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <zk6Y6.9694$>
>... If a novelist writes something that the series writers

>contradict later, then tough luck. (as in ST:TNG novel "Dark reflection")

What exactly is wrong with "Dark Reflection"? [I've never read it.]


Jun 20, 2001, 9:08:27 PM6/20/01

"John @ Trebutech" <John Chan @ Trebutech Dot Com> wrote in message

Now go on to rec.arts.drwho and argue that case. Oh and praise the McCoy
area :) (joking!! don't do it.......ESPECIALLY the McCoy thing)


The Evil Emperor Zurg

Jun 21, 2001, 11:08:00 AM6/21/01

"TONYC" <acer4...@aol.comunneeded> wrote in message

It was written around series 3 or 4 of TNG about the Mirror Universe from
Captain Kirk's day and how it got along after he left.

Two years later in DS9, however, Kira and Bashir discovered it on the
screen. (no similarities whatsoever)

Jette Goldie

Jun 21, 2001, 1:32:22 PM6/21/01

The Evil Emperor Zurg <> wrote in message

> "TONYC" <acer4...@aol.comunneeded> wrote in message
> > >Subject: Re: Daniels Parents Death!
> > >From: "The Evil Emperor Zurg"
> > >Date: 6/20/01 2:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
> > >Message-id: <zk6Y6.9694$>
> > >[snip]
> > >... If a novelist writes something that the series writers
> > >contradict later, then tough luck. (as in ST:TNG novel "Dark
> > [snip]
> >
> > What exactly is wrong with "Dark Reflection"? [I've never read it.]
> > ...tonyC.
> It was written around series 3 or 4 of TNG about the Mirror Universe from
> Captain Kirk's day and how it got along after he left.

I think you got the name wrong - the book is by Diane Duane and is
actually called "Dark Mirror". (worth reading just for the mental
image of Picard in a tight black leather uniform - YOWW!)

ST books are never "canon" - or to be more precise "they're canon
till they're contradicted". Authors =have= to stick to the established
canon, but the show's writers are not tied to anything that happens
in a book.


Jun 21, 2001, 2:10:16 PM6/21/01
> All
>he said in the film was that he gets allergies when he travles. This is
>triggered through a fear of travelling because of his parents death. Why do
>you think he was sp nervous about going through the Stargate?

Can't think. I expect I'd be fine if faced with stepping through a big blue
pond that re-integrates your atoms on the other side of the universe <g> Who am
I kidding I'm too scared to go on the big fairground rides.


The Evil Emperor Zurg

Jun 21, 2001, 2:23:59 PM6/21/01

"Jette Goldie" <> wrote in message

I remember it was full of hokey Irish references. And the cover had a cool
dual pic of good/evil picard

Jette Goldie

Jun 21, 2001, 2:40:50 PM6/21/01

The Evil Emperor Zurg wrote

"Dark Mirror"

> I remember it was full of hokey Irish references. And the cover had a cool
> dual pic of good/evil picard

Well the Irish references would be because Diane lives
there with her husband Peter Morwood. She's rather
fond of her adopted homeland. Check out their website

Our local library had it in the "horror" section because
the blurb on the counter said "the ultimate terror lies
within". ;-)


Jun 21, 2001, 9:09:37 PM6/21/01
> Okay, let's put it this way -- the folks who write, direct, and
> produce the television series either didn't read the book, or didn't
> care about what is said in the book.

Jonathan Glassner (or was it Brad Wright?) admitted to not having read the
book before writing scripts for the series.

Daniels' parents died in a plane crash. And Daniel's dad did NOT look like
Setesh. ;)
The Sg-1 series has got many things wrong.
I like to think that the person that invented the character of Daniel (I
think it was Dean Devlin) gets to decided how his parents died.


Jun 21, 2001, 9:14:53 PM6/21/01

> The movie came first, before the book.

You don't know that do you?
The book was PUBLISHED at the same time the movie was released, but the
ideas in the book are much more elaborate than in the movie, indicating how
the writers wanted it to be in movie. The Stargate is described soooo much
differently than it is shown in the movie.
If the book was made AFTER the movie, then they would have wrote about the
stargate as it was made in the movie, so that it made 'sense' you know. It
seems by their budget they couldn't make the stargate prop how they had
previously written about in the novel.

I'm shocked to learn people here don't know who wrote the Stargate novel, or
would even consider anything on the Stargate Sg-1 el cheapo tv series to be
canon. MAJOR ROFL @ them!


Jun 21, 2001, 9:16:43 PM6/21/01
> > Nope, haven't read the novels... It should be the other way around,
> couldn't
> > the author of the novels get it right? :) The series on TV is
> > canon, books are just derived...

You lack the necessary knowledge to say such things.


Jun 22, 2001, 5:56:21 AM6/22/01
Hi Erika!

> Can't think. I expect I'd be fine if faced with stepping through a big
> pond that re-integrates your atoms on the other side of the universe <g>
Who am
> I kidding I'm too scared to go on the big fairground rides.

LOL, we went to AquaCity when we were on holiday and my brother told me to
go on the Kamikaze ride as its 'such fun', well after a half hour climb to
the top as it was so high up I launched myself down this chute and all I can
say is that its the closest I've ever come to a near death experience <g>.
Peter had to haul me out of the water at the bottom gasping for breath and
unable to walk, if that's fun then I'll eat my hat!



Jun 22, 2001, 12:09:17 PM6/22/01
>I'm shocked to learn people here don't know who wrote the Stargate novel, or
>would even consider anything on the Stargate Sg-1 el cheapo tv series to be

Tis canon, for the series, which is what "Stargate SG-1" is, whereas the movie
is canon for "Stargate" (no SG-1).


Colin Ross Smith

Jun 22, 2001, 1:02:08 PM6/22/01

> > I'm shocked to learn people here don't know who wrote the Stargate
> or
> > would even consider anything on the Stargate Sg-1 el cheapo tv series to
> be
> > canon. MAJOR ROFL @ them!

> Please note newsgroup name (el cheapo tv series) NOT
> Sg1 might have been based on the movie, but so what? They've practically
> changed everything and made it into a separate universe...

But so what? Without the Movie there would have been no series. At least
give Centropolis their dues for coming up with the film. Because without it
we would have no SG-1 or Jack O'Neill or Goa'uld or anything to do with it.

And what the hell is this el cheapo talk? If both of you are trying to say
that either the film and the series is cheap then think again. Stargate was
a spectacular movie using some excellent SFX and it was filmed on Brilliant
and Exotic Locations which gave it an Epic look. It had Casts of Thousands,
Huge sets, huge Budget. Maybe not as big as some of Todays Blockbusters,
but no way was it cheap. And the same goes with the TV show. I heard that
each episode costs about $2 Million give or take a few. 22 Episodes a year
would be about $44 Million for a series. Then again it might be even
bigger. Either way both series and film cost about $50 Million to make. So
I wouldn't consider it cheap.

The Series is canon for all the new things that they have developed, but for
the original ideas you have to look at the Movie. Some things where changed
for the better. I.E. The Goa'uld (Ra's race were so named) became Snake
Like creatures rather than Alien Roswell Gray Creatures, but that was done
for the better. If they at all cared about the Characters in anyway then
they should have stuck with their Original Concepts of Characters. Anyway,
whats done is done and cannot be changed. I enjoy the show and so do we all
so lets leave it there.

Chan @trebutechdotcom John @ Trebutech

Jun 22, 2001, 12:27:38 PM6/22/01

"Goa`uld" <goauld(a)> wrote in message

> I'm shocked to learn people here don't know who wrote the Stargate novel,
> would even consider anything on the Stargate Sg-1 el cheapo tv series to
> canon. MAJOR ROFL @ them!

Please note newsgroup name (el cheapo tv series) NOT

Mike Harrison

Jun 22, 2001, 8:09:56 PM6/22/01
On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 12:27:38 -0400, John @ Trebutech wrote
(in message <3b3371fd$0$25466$>):

> "Goa`uld" <goauld(a)> wrote in message
>> I'm shocked to learn people here don't know who wrote the Stargate novel,
> or
>> would even consider anything on the Stargate Sg-1 el cheapo tv series to
> be
>> canon. MAJOR ROFL @ them!
> Please note newsgroup name (el cheapo tv series) NOT

el cheapo? Stargate SG1 is far from a cheap sci-fi series. A lot of SFX go
into each and every episode. Some episodes probably have more effects than
the average Star Trek episode. You want cheap sci-fi, go watch Sliders. Now
that was a cheap show, to the extent you could tell when the show was running
out of budget by the effects that were left out.

Hogwasher: You don't have to sacrifice friendliness for power

Chan @trebutechdotcom John @ Trebutech

Jun 22, 2001, 10:44:23 PM6/22/01

"Mike Harrison" <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 12:27:38 -0400, John @ Trebutech wrote
> (in message <3b3371fd$0$25466$>):
> >
> > "Goa`uld" <goauld(a)> wrote in message
> >
> >>
> >> I'm shocked to learn people here don't know who wrote the Stargate
> > or
> >> would even consider anything on the Stargate Sg-1 el cheapo tv series
> > be
> >> canon. MAJOR ROFL @ them!
> >
> > Please note newsgroup name (el cheapo tv series) NOT
> >!
> >
> el cheapo? Stargate SG1 is far from a cheap sci-fi series. A lot of SFX
> into each and every episode. Some episodes probably have more effects than
> the average Star Trek episode. You want cheap sci-fi, go watch Sliders.
> that was a cheap show, to the extent you could tell when the show was
> out of budget by the effects that were left out.

Hey I'm not saying its el-cheapo :) He is and I'm just repeating it for
emphasis that this newsgroup is for SG1, HIS view of a elcheapo series :>

I'm a great fan, watched every episode etc etc etc :>

Chan @trebutechdotcom John @ Trebutech

Jun 22, 2001, 10:47:34 PM6/22/01

"Colin Ross Smith" <> wrote in message
Read my other message... Not my view its "el-cheapo" .. its his, I love it.
Anyway I liked the movie too, but it was basically a blockbuster flop
[Wow...Battlefield Earth comes to mind - off the Aus cinemas in less than a

Cost is no measure of a shows quality... Farscape has a 2million/episode
cost as well, and not to offend anyone but I think the money could have
gotten better used instead of wasting it all on makeup. They filmed one
episode in a garbage dump for christ sakes [Made in Sydney, not so far from


Jun 23, 2001, 4:08:41 AM6/23/01
On Sat, 23 Jun 2001 00:09:56 GMT, Mike Harrison <>

>On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 12:27:38 -0400, John @ Trebutech wrote
>(in message <3b3371fd$0$25466$>):
>> "Goa`uld" <goauld(a)> wrote in message
>>> I'm shocked to learn people here don't know who wrote the Stargate novel,
>> or
>>> would even consider anything on the Stargate Sg-1 el cheapo tv series to
>> be
>>> canon. MAJOR ROFL @ them!
>> Please note newsgroup name (el cheapo tv series) NOT
>el cheapo? Stargate SG1 is far from a cheap sci-fi series. A lot of SFX go
>into each and every episode. Some episodes probably have more effects than
>the average Star Trek episode.

I reckon that SG1 has the best production/effects/sets/props of any
Sci-fi show out there now-a-days.

>You want cheap sci-fi, go watch Sliders. Now
>that was a cheap show, to the extent you could tell when the show was running
>out of budget by the effects that were left out.

I hope that this isn't a sign of the Sci-Fi channel - who are bringing
us the new B5: Legend of the Rangers series!?!

> Hogwasher: You don't have to sacrifice friendliness for power

Guardian of Willow's resolve face.

Colin Ross Smith

Jun 23, 2001, 9:09:23 AM6/23/01
"> Read my other message... Not my view its "el-cheapo" .. its his, I love
> Anyway I liked the movie too, but it was basically a blockbuster flop
> [Wow...Battlefield Earth comes to mind - off the Aus cinemas in less than
> week!].

Oh my god! I cannot belive you just compared Stargate to Battlefield Earth?
Stargate a flop! For fricken sake man. Stargate was given a budget of $50
Million and it came out with a total of $200 Million give or take a few.
Wheras Battlefield earth had a budget of $73 Million and only gained about
$11 or maybe $20 Million. Now thats what you call a flop. It gained less
than it cost to make. Now you've got Godzilla another Centropolis
Production which was budgeteed at $125 Million and maed about $200-$300
Million, give or take a few. Then you've got ID:4 which was budgeted at $75
Million just about the smae as Battlefield earth and The Mummy returns.
ID:4 went on to make about $700 Millionish. Lets look at the rsults in
regards with more successful

ID:4- they gained about 10 times more than what their film cost.
Stargate- they gained 4 times more than what the film cost to make.
Godzilla- they gained about 2 1/2 times more than what their film cost to
Battlefield Earth- they gaind about 1/3 of what it cost to make thier film.

Looking at the money raked in and the popularity of Stargate I would say it
was not a flop. Hell, if it was a flop do you think MGM would have turned
it into a TV Series. Hell no! Now take another choclate covered pretzel




Jun 23, 2001, 11:17:09 AM6/23/01
Colin Ross Smith wrote:
> Looking at the money raked in and the popularity of Stargate I would say it
> was not a flop. Hell, if it was a flop do you think MGM would have turned
> it into a TV Series. Hell no! Now take another choclate covered pretzel
> man.
I have to agree that Stargate was NOT a flop. I went & saw Stargate
(the Movie) opening night in Santa Monica, CA and it was literally
standing room only. There were people sitting in the aisles because the
theatre was so packed and they oversold tickets. From what I was told
by other friends (who saw it in different theatres), that was pretty
much the norm for that night. May have just been a local thing, but it
definitely was NOT a flop in our area.

Jen Persinger


Jun 23, 2001, 2:04:57 PM6/23/01
On Sat, 23 Jun 2001 15:17:09 GMT, Velvet <>

According to numbers at, Stargate did $125,000,000 in
total box office in non-USA markets. Didn't do nearly as well in U.S.
markets, but it did make some cash.


Jun 23, 2001, 3:20:47 PM6/23/01

Hi Lisa

Nice to see you. I've often wondered about the evil designers of rides. Do they
actually sit down and calculate how close to actually dying through fear can
still be counted as 'fun'

Hey you and Diane are going to Wolf aren't you? I'm going with a friend and
meeting a couple of other US S/J people. We are wondering what people wear in
the evening, It's not posh is it?

diane brewster

Jun 23, 2001, 3:54:42 PM6/23/01

Eken95 wrote in message <>...

>Hey you and Diane are going to Wolf aren't you? I'm going with a friend and
>meeting a couple of other US S/J people. We are wondering what people wear
>the evening, It's not posh is it?

nah... not posh, although if I ever find the RED dress I'm looking for I'll
do a fair imitation of a hussy for you<g>, You don't even have to take part
in the fancy dress<g>

yes we're going - as is Ankh?, and Jette I think? I'll have 3 daughters
with me plus my friend and her 5yr old son and Andrew's cousin and her 2 yr
old daughter! (we're bringing her to babysit<ggg>).

This means I am easily identifiable.... look for a trail of children and
I'll be either in front or behind them!


Jette Goldie

Jun 23, 2001, 3:59:48 PM6/23/01

diane brewster <> wrote in message

> Eken95 wrote in message <>...
> >Hey you and Diane are going to Wolf aren't you? I'm going with a friend
> >meeting a couple of other US S/J people. We are wondering what people
> in
> >the evening, It's not posh is it?
> >Erika
> nah... not posh, although if I ever find the RED dress I'm looking for
> do a fair imitation of a hussy for you<g>, You don't even have to take
> in the fancy dress<g>
> yes we're going - as is Ankh?, and Jette I think? I'll have 3 daughters
> with me plus my friend and her 5yr old son and Andrew's cousin and her 2
> old daughter! (we're bringing her to babysit<ggg>).

So far Darling Hubby is booked for Wolf. Me, I'm seriously
thinking of it - but I have to get the Highlander con in LA
out of the way first. Come September I'll book - assuming
they haven't sold out. <g> (August is gonna be one h*ll
of a birthday month for me this year <g>)


Jun 23, 2001, 4:20:46 PM6/23/01
diane brewster wrote:

> Erika wrote:
> >Hey you and Diane are going to Wolf aren't you? I'm going with a friend
> >meeting a couple of other US S/J people. We are wondering what people
> in
> >the evening, It's not posh is it?
> >Erika
> nah... not posh, although if I ever find the RED dress I'm looking for
> do a fair imitation of a hussy for you<g>, You don't even have to take
> in the fancy dress<g>

Are you planning to this year, Diane?

> yes we're going - as is Ankh?

Not sure, hon. The person I was persuading to go has just lost her mum so
it's not something I can discuss with her right now. If I do go it'll be one
of those last minute things.:-( I do want to as I missed meeting up with
you guys last time.

<waves> Hi, Erika! Welcome back.

> This means I am easily identifiable.... look for a trail of children and
> I'll be either in front or behind them!

I remember them from last year. Seriously cute kiddies.<g>



Jun 23, 2001, 6:56:14 PM6/23/01
> Read my other message... Not my view its "el-cheapo" .. its his, I love
> Anyway I liked the movie too, but it was basically a blockbuster flop
> [Wow...Battlefield Earth comes to mind - off the Aus cinemas in less than
> week!].

Stargate wasn't a flop at all. You sound like a bit of a newbie.
It did better than a lot of other "blockbuster" films, even Independence
Get your facts straight mate.


Jun 23, 2001, 6:58:44 PM6/23/01
> el cheapo? Stargate SG1 is far from a cheap sci-fi series. A lot of SFX
> into each and every episode. Some episodes probably have more effects than
> the average Star Trek episode. You want cheap sci-fi, go watch Sliders.
> that was a cheap show, to the extent you could tell when the show was
> out of budget by the effects that were left out.

If you rate something's quality by how much money was spent, and what
special effects it has, then I pity you so much.
My comment about 'el cheapo' was related to the amount of thought that goes
into the storylines, and how only the ones that relate to the movie seem to
be appealing. The rest is just trekkie garbage.


Jun 23, 2001, 8:40:56 PM6/23/01
>My comment about 'el cheapo' was related to the amount of thought that goes
>into the storylines, and how only the ones that relate to the movie seem to
>be appealing. The rest is just trekkie garbage.

Er, then why do you watch it???


Jun 23, 2001, 10:20:21 PM6/23/01
In hope that they may come out with something good. Which they often do....
but not often enough.
It's my favourite show, but it could be a lot better.
Maybe you're into those crap episodes like "Divide and Conquer" and
"Entity", but then again, you're also using AOL, so you don't have the best
of taste.

"Elyse" <jrd...@aol.comNOSPAM> wrote in message


Jun 24, 2001, 1:42:55 AM6/24/01
Erika wrote

> Nice to see you. I've often wondered about the evil designers of rides. Do
> actually sit down and calculate how close to actually dying through fear
> still be counted as 'fun'

LOL, I think they're masochists in disguise and that people who enjoy them
must be sadists <g>.

> Hey you and Diane are going to Wolf aren't you? I'm going with a friend
> meeting a couple of other US S/J people. We are wondering what people wear
> the evening, It's not posh is it?

Yes, we shall be there :-). No its not post at all, some people dressed in
fancy dress stuff, others just got changed and some people who were only
there for the day just wore the same stuff.

I'm looking forward to seeing you :-)



Jun 24, 2001, 1:44:43 AM6/24/01
diane wrote

> nah... not posh, although if I ever find the RED dress I'm looking for
> do a fair imitation of a hussy for you<g>, You don't even have to take
> in the fancy dress<g>

LOL, you could always go as Kynthia and get to snog George <g>.

> yes we're going - as is Ankh?, and Jette I think? I'll have 3 daughters
> with me plus my friend and her 5yr old son and Andrew's cousin and her 2
> old daughter! (we're bringing her to babysit<ggg>).

We've got to twist Ankh's and Jette's arms, they're still at the dithering
stage, we must have an ng get together this year :-).

> This means I am easily identifiable.... look for a trail of children and
> I'll be either in front or behind them!

*giggle* that's how I first knew Diane was Diane, went to the loo and there
was this woman with a gaggle of children in there, who else could it have


Jun 24, 2001, 1:47:46 AM6/24/01
Ankh wrote

> Not sure, hon. The person I was persuading to go has just lost her mum so
> it's not something I can discuss with her right now. If I do go it'll be
> of those last minute things.:-( I do want to as I missed meeting up with
> you guys last time.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :-(. I hope you do come though, like Allie said
if its a last minute thing you are more than welcome to share the madhouse
that is our room <g>, we honestly never kept wine and other alcohol in the
bidet, whoever said we did is lying, honest!

> <waves> Hi, Erika! Welcome back.

Yeah, its nice to see you back again Erika :-)

> I remember them from last year. Seriously cute kiddies.<g>

Yep, I'm looking forward to seeing my buddy Lizzie again, I've got a serious
12 step plan for her so that I can undo Dianes shippy indoctrination <g>.
I'm gonna make her a Daniel doll and spend the weekend extolling the virtues
of teamness and Danielness and Toe'kraness and Jackness to her. Then she
can go home and subliminally desensitize Diane <wg>


diane brewster

Jun 24, 2001, 8:23:09 AM6/24/01

Ankh wrote in message <9h2tg7$duf$>...

>Not sure, hon. The person I was persuading to go has just lost her mum so
>it's not something I can discuss with her right now. If I do go it'll be
>of those last minute things.:-( I do want to as I missed meeting up with
>you guys last time.

I'm sure we will always find a bit of bed or floor space<g> I've booked 3
rooms just to be on the safe side<g>


diane brewster

Jun 24, 2001, 8:25:17 AM6/24/01

Lisa wrote in message <9h3v12$c0d6s$>...

>Yep, I'm looking forward to seeing my buddy Lizzie again, I've got a
>12 step plan for her so that I can undo Dianes shippy indoctrination <g>.
>I'm gonna make her a Daniel doll and spend the weekend extolling the
>of teamness and Danielness and Toe'kraness and Jackness to her. Then she
>can go home and subliminally desensitize Diane <wg>

a lot of wasted effort being planned there Lisa!! she is the shippiest
person I know - apart from her Father who *really* enjoys love stories<g>.
You can bond with the eldest, who at 10 thinks it's all pretty gross when
talked about by old people like us!


diane brewster

Jun 24, 2001, 8:28:16 AM6/24/01

Lisa wrote in message <9h3v11$c0d6s$>...

>diane wrote
>> nah... not posh, although if I ever find the RED dress I'm looking for
>> do a fair imitation of a hussy for you<g>, You don't even have to take
>> in the fancy dress<g>
>LOL, you could always go as Kynthia and get to snog George <g>.

hmmmm... now there's an evil thought<g> mind you - hard to better last
year's Kynthia for technique!


>> This means I am easily identifiable.... look for a trail of children and
>> I'll be either in front or behind them!
>*giggle* that's how I first knew Diane was Diane, went to the loo and there
>was this woman with a gaggle of children in there, who else could it have

and even if you get it wrong I'll be somewhere close , Jette got the
children right, just got them with the wrong adult (my friend Karen who will
be there again) so my children had to whip me off to introdice me to Jette,
which of course they loved doing<g>


Colin Ross Smith

Jun 24, 2001, 9:09:37 AM6/24/01
> Stargate wasn't a flop at all. You sound like a bit of a newbie.
> It did better than a lot of other "blockbuster" films, even Independence
> Day.
> Get your facts straight mate.

I wasn't just reading what they each made in the US Market. I was looking
at the overall budget which was about $200 Millionish. And with regards to
money made Goa'uld, ID:4 was more successgful. It made 10 times more than
it's original cost wheras Stargate made 4 x it's cost.



Jun 24, 2001, 9:35:12 AM6/24/01
On Sun, 24 Jun 2001 08:56:14 +1000, "Goa`uld" <goauld(a)>

Not according to the list of top grossing movies in the U.S.
market. Independent Day was number 9 at $306,200,000 total box office;
Stargate didn't even make it into the top 230.

In international box office sales (not including the U.S.), Stargate
came in at number 149, while Independence Day was number 3.

So while it definitely wasn't a flop by any stretch of the
imagination, it didn't come close to Indepedence Day. (Showing, IMO,
that the most popular movies aren't necessarily the best movies...)


Jun 24, 2001, 10:18:36 AM6/24/01

diane brewster wrote:
> Ankh wrote in message <9h2tg7$duf$>...

> I'm sure we will always find a bit of bed or floor space<g> I've booked 3

> rooms just to be on the safe side<g>

That's really kind. Thanks for the offer.:-) I'm really tempted to go and
meet up with you guys.



Jun 24, 2001, 10:36:15 AM6/24/01
Lisa wrote:

> Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :-(. I hope you do come though, like Allie
> if its a last minute thing you are more than welcome to share the madhouse
> that is our room <g>, we honestly never kept wine and other alcohol in the
> bidet, whoever said we did is lying, honest!

Diane just made a similar offer. I love you guys!:-)
No, I haven't been drinking. Why do you ask?
Bidet? Well, for what else would you use a bidet?

> > <waves> Hi, Erika! Welcome back.
> Yeah, its nice to see you back again Erika :-)

She's gone again. We'll have to duct tape her to a chair when she comes
back. Ditto RB and Steve.

> > I remember them from last year. Seriously cute kiddies.<g>
> Yep, I'm looking forward to seeing my buddy Lizzie again, I've got a
> 12 step plan for her so that I can undo Dianes shippy indoctrination <g>.
> I'm gonna make her a Daniel doll and spend the weekend extolling the
> of teamness and Danielness and Toe'kraness and Jackness to her. Then she
> can go home and subliminally desensitize Diane <wg>

LOL. Somehow I think it's too late. That poor child... She'll be reading
Mills and Boons before you know it. I think the Daniel doll is a bad idea.
Diane would probably cut off the toes and send them through the mail, one by
one, to Toe'kra HQ.<g>



Jun 24, 2001, 12:58:58 PM6/24/01
Goa`uld <goauld(a)> wrote in message

> In hope that they may come out with something good. Which they often
> but not often enough.
> It's my favourite show, but it could be a lot better.
> Maybe you're into those crap episodes like "Divide and Conquer" and
> "Entity", but then again, you're also using AOL, so you don't have the
> of taste.


We have a very friendly and tolerant crowd here and, on the whole, we
respect each other. When we disagree about Stargate SG-1 or other
things, we don't stoop to ad hominem attacks, like you just did. We try
to explain why we think something is crap and listen to other people's
opinion why they think it isn't. This process is called a *discussion*,
in which everybody is entitled to their own opinion, whether the rest of
us agree with it or not.


Join the Stargate SG-1 SETI@home Team


Jun 24, 2001, 1:13:54 PM6/24/01
>In hope that they may come out with something good. Which they often do....
>but not often enough.
>It's my favourite show, but it could be a lot better.
>Maybe you're into those crap episodes like "Divide and Conquer" and
>"Entity", but then again, you're also using AOL, so you don't have the best
>of taste.

Bwahahahahhaahahaha! A troll! <G>



Jun 24, 2001, 2:18:54 PM6/24/01
diane wrote

> a lot of wasted effort being planned there Lisa!! she is the shippiest
> person I know - apart from her Father who *really* enjoys love stories<g>.
> You can bond with the eldest, who at 10 thinks it's all pretty gross when
> talked about by old people like us!

I can see I shall have to do that then and just wander about sighing alot
when you and Lizzie get shippy on me <g>.



Jun 24, 2001, 2:21:15 PM6/24/01
Ankh wrote

> Diane just made a similar offer. I love you guys!:-)

We love you too hon!

> No, I haven't been drinking. Why do you ask?

LOL! I'm about to start, curry is cooking nicely, children have been shooed
to bed, Peter is doing a Picasso thing and painting the Land Rover Nato
green at the moment, so I'm heading for my Baileys, a quick guilty peek at
Big Brother which I'm ashamed of myself for enjoying and then I'm gonna
watch Farscape and the Royle Family.

> Bidet? Well, for what else would you use a bidet?

I dread to think!

> She's gone again. We'll have to duct tape her to a chair when she comes
> back. Ditto RB and Steve.

Definitely, plenty of duct tape needed here.

> LOL. Somehow I think it's too late. That poor child... She'll be reading
> Mills and Boons before you know it. I think the Daniel doll is a bad idea.
> Diane would probably cut off the toes and send them through the mail, one
> one, to Toe'kra HQ.<g>

*gasp* with a ransom note for the rest of the doll?



Jun 24, 2001, 2:22:22 PM6/24/01
diane wrote

> hmmmm... now there's an evil thought<g> mind you - hard to better last
> year's Kynthia for technique!

LOL, I still giggle when I remember JR's face as he watched it and then Don
turns to him and says "you didnt think the old boy had it in him, did you?",
absolutely priceless look on JR's face <g>.


Colin Ross Smith

Jun 24, 2001, 3:55:27 PM6/24/01

Whatza Troll got to do with this?


Jun 24, 2001, 5:48:17 PM6/24/01
>> >"Entity", but then again, you're also using AOL, so you don't have the
>> >of taste.
>> >
>> Bwahahahahhaahahaha! A troll! <G>

Colin Ross Smit

>Whatza Troll got to do with this?

A troll is someone who says stuff just to aggravate other people. But on the
other hand, that person may just be unhappy individual who needs to pick on
people for their choice of ISP, without even knowing the person....

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