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Darin Gasperson

Sep 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/13/98
I'm a writer working on an assignment. I need to hear from y'all
generation x people.

What do you look for when you get ready to rent an apartment? What is
it to you? Do you look upon it as a permanent home or just a stepping
stone to the next, better place? What amenities do you look for? What
kind of people do you look for? I realize that your answers will vary
quite a bit.

Post your answers here or send me email. Thanks.

Tina Gasperson

Sep 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/13/98
Joon wrote:

> In article <>, Darin Gasperson <>
> wrote:
> - I'm a writer working on an assignment. I need to hear from y'all
> - generation x people.
> You and twenty billion other marketeers . . .
> I'll answer that one for $50 though.

Say, is that a one-way mirror?

I prefer stalactites in my apartment. I'm not tall, so it doesn't bother me,
but I get a kick out of seeing my tall guests duck all the time.

And the bat guano really adds to the ambience of the place.

To reply, replace "spam-me-not" with "geocities".

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?

Douglas Lathrop

Sep 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/14/98
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you..."How NOT to Begin a Post to ASG-X,"
number 1 in a series:

Darin Gasperson <> wrote in article

> I'm a writer working on an assignment. I need to hear from y'all

> generation x people.

Douglas P. Lathrop
lathrop at primenet dot com

"Pop culture, classic movies, non-Euclidean geometry, spelling
flames -- you name it, it's Lathropian." -- David Mooney

David Mooney

Sep 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/14/98
Darin Gasperson <> wrote:
> I'm a writer working on an assignment. I need to hear from y'all
> generation x people.
> What do you look for when you get ready to rent an apartment? What is
> it to you?

It's a place to keep Zorak things.

> Do you look upon it as a permanent home or just a stepping
> stone to the next, better place?

I'd like them to be permanent, but I always end up having to move when
the owners come back from vacation and find me there.

> What amenities do you look for?

Abandoned buildings, dark alleyways, "armed response" signs on what
businesses remain.

> What kind of people do you look for?

I look for lots of strung-out junkies passed out on the street. This is
usually a sign that suggests that I'll be able to find a crackhouse -- or
a heroin dealer at the very least -- somewhere within easy walking

> I realize that your answers will vary quite a bit.


> Post your answers here or send me email. Thanks.

Any time.

David Mooney | "Pointless, yes, but not strikingly pointless."


Sep 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/14/98

Darin Gasperson wrote:

> I'm a writer working on an assignment.

Wow, essays were sure harder when I went to school.

I need to hear from y'all
> generation x people.

Well, y'all get ready for my answers.

> What do you look for when you get ready to rent an apartment?

My checkbook.

What is
> it to you?

A place to live.

Do you look upon it as a permanent home or just a stepping
> stone to the next, better place?

Deoends on how big the closets are.

What amenities do you look for?

A nice live-in boyfriend is always a plus.

> kind of people do you look for?

See answer above.

I realize that your answers will vary
> quite a bit.

> Post your answers here or send me email. Thanks.

Pas de probleme. Come again.



Dave Mooney's .sigs should be bumper stickers!

Your girl

Sep 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/14/98
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Anne-Marie wrote:

> Darin Gasperson wrote:
> > I'm a writer working on an assignment.
> Wow, essays were sure harder when I went to school.
> I need to hear from y'all
> > generation x people.

i found this amusing in the original post, mostly because y'all is used
incorrectly in the sentence. (saying "you generation x people" would be
the correct term, or even "y'all generation-xers" but the response ...

> Well, y'all get ready for my answers.

now, i would normally let this pass, but i'm not sure whether you really
intended to use it as second person collective, or as second person

i sincerely hope that you are using this as the second person collective
plural; this is how it is correctly used. y'all (though it is a bit
hick) is much easier than saying "all of you people" or even <shudder>
"youse guyze".

but i live in texas, so i'm a bit biased. :)

okay, so i'm a grammarnazi on my days off.
the correct use of y'all is one of my pet peeves.

Steve Hawley

Sep 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/14/98
In article <6tjb9b$>, (David Mooney) wrote:

> It's a place to keep Zorak things.

Ooooh! I loved that game! I found that if you kept things in the
display case in the house that the thief wouldn't steal them.

I always had problems at the bank of Zorak, though.

Steve Hawley
Bit Banger
"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals. I am a vegetarian because
I hate plants" -- A. Whitney Brown

Sep 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/14/98
Joon wrote:

> In article <>, wrote:
> - And the bat guano really adds to the ambience of the place.
> !!!
> How'd you know about the batshit in the storeroom!!?!?

:::lovingly strokes Tarot deck:::

Sep 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/14/98
Your girl wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Anne-Marie wrote:
> > Darin Gasperson wrote:
> >
> > Wow, essays were sure harder when I went to school.
> >
> > I need to hear from y'all
> > > generation x people.
> i found this amusing in the original post, mostly because y'all is used
> incorrectly in the sentence. (saying "you generation x people" would be
> the correct term, or even "y'all generation-xers" but the response ...
> > Well, y'all get ready for my answers.
> now, i would normally let this pass, but i'm not sure whether you really
> intended to use it as second person collective, or as second person
> singular.
> i sincerely hope that you are using this as the second person collective
> plural; this is how it is correctly used. y'all (though it is a bit
> hick) is much easier than saying "all of you people" or even <shudder>
> "youse guyze".
> but i live in texas, so i'm a bit biased. :)

Y'all is one of my favorite words, one I use on a very regular basis, but
only in the second person collective plural. I get a lot of comments about
it, but since I've lived in both Virginia and Florida (near the Alabama
state line), I come by it honestly.


Sep 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/15/98

Your girl wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Anne-Marie wrote:

> > Well, y'all get ready for my answers.
> now, i would normally let this pass, but i'm not sure whether you really
> intended to use it as second person collective, or as second person
> singular.

I was intending to show off just how American I've become since that
Greensboro summer. Don't tell me I need to go back and learn some more,
because hell no, I won't go. And y'all can quote me on that.

=JK4=Joshua Kaderlan()

Sep 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/15/98
In article <>,

Your girl <> wrote:
>i sincerely hope that you are using this as the second person collective
>plural; this is how it is correctly used. y'all (though it is a bit
>hick) is much easier than saying "all of you people" or even <shudder>
>"youse guyze".

As any Pittsburgher can tell you (is Leah still around?), the correct
version is "yunz guys."

En aht.

Clayton Colwell

Sep 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/15/98
Your girl ( wrote:

: > Well, y'all get ready for my answers.

: now, i would normally let this pass, but i'm not sure whether you really
: intended to use it as second person collective, or as second person
: singular.

: i sincerely hope that you are using this as the second person collective

: plural; this is how it is correctly used. y'all (though it is a bit
: hick) is much easier than saying "all of you people" or even <shudder>
: "youse guyze".

: but i live in texas, so i'm a bit biased. :)

Oh, feh. *I* live in Texas, and I know for a fact that "y'all"
can be used for either singular or plural.

Now, "all y'all" -- *that's* definitely plural!

****** Clay Colwell (aka StealthSmurf) ********** ******
* "In the future, we will recognize software crashes as technologically *
* mandated ergonomic rest breaks - and we will pay extra for them." *
* -- Crazy Uncle Joe Hannibal *

Christina Stanley

Sep 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/15/98
Darin Gasperson ( wrote:

What is it to you?

No, what's it to *you*?


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing..if you can
fake that, you've got it made. Groucho Marx

James Wright

Sep 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/15/98
to Darin Gasperson

Darin Gasperson wrote:

> I'm a writer working on an assignment. I need to hear from y'all
> generation x people.

> What do you look for when you get ready to rent an apartment?

I look at my finances first, find out what kinda price range I'm looking
for and then begin looking in apt. guides and the newspaper (I've have done
this many, many, many times!!)

> What is it to you?


> Do you look upon it as a permanent home or just a stepping stone to the
> next, better place?

Usually a stepping stone, I always try to never go back to the same
situation or condition that I came from. I started off in a foul lil
studio apt, then I moved up in class and space (I got a boyfriend :) ) toa
one bedroom mid-class apt., then I just now moved up to a luxury one BR apt
with my fiance (my boyfriend) :) and next we'll go to a duplex/townhouse
or house to rent, and then another 5 years down the road I foresee a real
house of our own.

> What amenities do you look for?

Washer/Dryer or at least the hook ups. Now that I'm spoiled in my luxury
apt, I have to have a dishwasher and disposal too :) I like our bathroom
setup also with separate shower and bath facilities with two sinks. Also
*I* love having a balcony!!

> What kind of people do you look for?

I used to not even care in the beginning. But now, I know that you need
someone that is gonna be there. I usually don't like brown-nosing people,
cuz i'm not *high-class* but when I need maint. done to my apt. I expect it
to be done, and done right, and I don't want to have to feel like it's a
burden on them - it's their job, not mine.

> I realize that your answers will vary
> quite a bit.
> Post your answers here or send me email. Thanks.

> Tina Gasperson

Good luck, any more ?, email away!

"You gotta mean what ya say, you gotta say what ya
mean, trying to please everyone, sacrifice ya own
needs, check in the mirror my friend, no lies will be
told then, pointin' the finger again, you can't blame
nobody but you!!" -- janet.

James Wright

Sep 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/15/98
to Your girl

Your girl wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Anne-Marie wrote:

> > Darin Gasperson wrote:
> >
> > > I'm a writer working on an assignment.
> >

> > Wow, essays were sure harder when I went to school.
> >

> > I need to hear from y'all
> > > generation x people.

> i found this amusing in the original post, mostly because y'all is used
> incorrectly in the sentence. (saying "you generation x people" would be
> the correct term, or even "y'all generation-xers" but the response ...

> > Well, y'all get ready for my answers.
> now, i would normally let this pass, but i'm not sure whether you really
> intended to use it as second person collective, or as second person
> singular.
> i sincerely hope that you are using this as the second person collective
> plural; this is how it is correctly used. y'all (though it is a bit
> hick) is much easier than saying "all of you people" or even <shudder>
> "youse guyze".
> but i live in texas, so i'm a bit biased. :)

> julie
> __________________________________________________
> okay, so i'm a grammarnazi on my days off.

> the correct use of y'all is one of my pet peeves.
> __________________________________________________

*AHEM* but *I* live in Kentucky, and since all of America deems us the #1
Hick state, and also since we're the only state that promotes a water tower
with "Florence Y'all" on it (It used to say Florence Mall, but they had to
change it) then I believe it should be up to us to decide how it is used.
Here in Kentucky, it is used in every way possible. Including the way that
the original poster used it.

Peter Dubuque

Sep 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/15/98
James Wright <> wrote:

> *AHEM* but *I* live in Kentucky, and since all of America deems us the #1
> Hick state,

Nope. That distinction belongs to West Virginia.

Peter F. Dubuque - - Enemy of Reason(TM) O-

=JK4=Joshua Kaderlan()

Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
In article <6tmtha$>,

Peter Dubuque <> wrote:
>James Wright <> wrote:
>> *AHEM* but *I* live in Kentucky, and since all of America deems us the #1
>> Hick state,
>Nope. That distinction belongs to West Virginia.

Really? I would have said Arkansas.

Douglas Lathrop

Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
=JK4=Joshua Kaderlan() <j...@lana.uucp> wrote in article

Nah. Arkansas just gave us our Number One Hick.

Todd Sandrock

Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
In article <joon-ya02408000R1509982110150001@news-server>, says...
>In article <01bde107$7efef260$d968dacf@datel-customer>, "Douglas Lathrop"
><> wrote:
>- =JK4=Joshua Kaderlan() <j...@lana.uucp> wrote in article
>- <6tmvff$bdv$>...
>- > In article <6tmtha$>,
>- > Peter Dubuque <> wrote:
>- > >James Wright <> wrote:
>- > >> *AHEM* but *I* live in Kentucky, and since all of America deems us
>- the #1
>- > >> Hick state,
>- > >
>- > >Nope. That distinction belongs to West Virginia.
>- > Really? I would have said Arkansas.
>- Nah. Arkansas just gave us our Number One Hick.
>I woulda said Louisiana...

I think, on account of sheer numbers, CA should be defined as the #1 Hick
state. :P

No one could really get upset at this distinction, as no one is actually
born in CA, are they?

Todd, ducks

return address:
s a n d r o c k *at* n o r t e l *dot* c o m
These are my opinions and not those of Nortel

Jennifer Basil

Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
Joon ( wrote:
: In article <01bde107$7efef260$d968dacf@datel-customer>, "Douglas Lathrop"
: <> wrote:

: - =JK4=Joshua Kaderlan() <j...@lana.uucp> wrote in article
: - <6tmvff$bdv$>...
: - > In article <6tmtha$>,
: - > Peter Dubuque <> wrote:
: - > >James Wright <> wrote:
: - > >

: - > >> *AHEM* but *I* live in Kentucky, and since all of America deems us

: - the #1
: - > >> Hick state,
: - > >
: - > >Nope. That distinction belongs to West Virginia.
: - >

: - > Really? I would have said Arkansas.
: -
: - Nah. Arkansas just gave us our Number One Hick.

: I woulda said Louisiana...

'Bama! Definitely Alabama.


Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
In article <>, (Clayton Colwell) wrote:
> Your girl ( wrote:

> : y'all (though it is a bit hick)

Speaking in the vernacular doesn't necessarily imply that there's an El Camino
on blocks out'n fronna th' trailer. Although it's critical to be clear in the
written language you use; standards are somewhat relaxed for spoken language.

That's not an opinion as much as it is a reality. While I wouldn't write
"y'all" in anything with any degree of formality, I certainly use it in
every-day speech.

> Oh, feh. *I* live in Texas, and I know for a fact that "y'all"
> can be used for either singular or plural.
> Now, "all y'all" -- *that's* definitely plural!

Which is best used by a great aunt or grandmother calling you and your 25
cousins in for lunch, as in "All y'all come inside and wash your hands."

Nobody ever believes me when I mention that y'all does have a plural, and that
this is it.

My other favorite Texas-ism is that all sodas are "cokes." When somebody asks
if you want a coke, they don't necessarily mean a Coca-Cola.

--Amanda, Dallas native

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Christina Stanley

Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
to wrote:
: My other favorite Texas-ism is that all sodas are "cokes." When somebody asks

: if you want a coke, they don't necessarily mean a Coca-Cola.

Growing up, I used "coke" and "soda" interchangeably. When I went to
school in the midwest, suddenly it was pop, pronounced "pahp". It's also
pop here in the northwest. I still catch myself saying "coke" when I mean
some other soda.


Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
On Wed, 16 Sep 1998 wrote:

> My other favorite Texas-ism is that all sodas are "cokes." When somebody asks
> if you want a coke, they don't necessarily mean a Coca-Cola.

I love the way Texans pronounce things.

"Manor" is pronounced "May-ner" (as opposed to "mah-nor").

As a fresh transplant to Texas from the Mid-Atlantic area, I was chatting
with another non-native-Texan who also noticed this screwy pronunciation,
with an emphatic: "Who ever heard of Stately Wayne Mayner?"


(I can now pronounce Manor, Koenig, Manchaca, and various other words like
a Texan now.)

Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
to wrote:

> My other favorite Texas-ism is that all sodas are "cokes." When somebody asks
> if you want a coke, they don't necessarily mean a Coca-Cola.

My Michigan-raised mom used to call colas "coke", but all sodas were called
"pop". It wasn't until we moved to California that I realized most people didn't
use the word pop to describe carbonated drinks.

Sep 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/16/98
Joon wrote:

> In article <>,
> (Todd Sandrock) wrote:
> - In article <joon-ya02408000R1509982110150001@news-server>,
> - says...
> - >In article <01bde107$7efef260$d968dacf@datel-customer>, "Douglas Lathrop"
> - ><> wrote:
> - >
> - >- =JK4=Joshua Kaderlan() <j...@lana.uucp> wrote in article
> - >- <6tmvff$bdv$>...
> - >- > In article <6tmtha$>,
> - >- > Peter Dubuque <> wrote:

> - >- > >James Wright <> wrote:
> - >- > >> *AHEM* but *I* live in Kentucky, and since all of America deems us

> - >- the #1
> - >- > >> Hick state,

> - >- > >
> - >- > >Nope. That distinction belongs to West Virginia.
> - >- > Really? I would have said Arkansas.
> - >- Nah. Arkansas just gave us our Number One Hick.

> - >I woulda said Louisiana...
> -
> - I think, on account of sheer numbers, CA should be defined as the #1 Hick
> - state. :P
> Welp, there's some scary little hicktowns up north and in the southeastern
> deserts,

Fillmore, anyone? Kinda near Simi Valley. A place I've never been to, but
friends have told me that its population would probably feel right at home in

Clayton Colwell

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
zye ( wrote:

: On Wed, 16 Sep 1998 wrote:

: > My other favorite Texas-ism is that all sodas are "cokes." When somebody asks
: > if you want a coke, they don't necessarily mean a Coca-Cola.

: I love the way Texans pronounce things.

: "Manor" is pronounced "May-ner" (as opposed to "mah-nor").

And Waco is "way-ko". And Llano is "lan-oh". And Austin is
"the land of the commie-pinko-faggot liberals". ;-)

: As a fresh transplant to Texas from the Mid-Atlantic area, I was chatting

: with another non-native-Texan who also noticed this screwy pronunciation,
: with an emphatic: "Who ever heard of Stately Wayne Mayner?"

Heh. I remember asking someone for directions to the "Man-cha-ka"
Public Library. Their first response: "You're new around here,
aren't you?" (Apparently the popular pronunciation is "Man-shack"
which was odd to me since the spelling was "Manchaca".)

: Erika

: (I can now pronounce Manor, Koenig, Manchaca, and various other words like
: a Texan now.)

Austinite. Ya *gotta* be! Quick -- how do you pronounce Guadalupe?

One of the latest threads in austin.general is on the popular
pronunciation of Cesar Chavez St., no lie.

Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

> No one could really get upset at this distinction, as no one is actually
> born in CA, are they?

CA or .ca?


Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

zye wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Sep 1998 wrote:
> > My other favorite Texas-ism is that all sodas are "cokes." When somebody asks
> > if you want a coke, they don't necessarily mean a Coca-Cola.
> I love the way Texans pronounce things.
> "Manor" is pronounced "May-ner" (as opposed to "mah-nor").

> As a fresh transplant to Texas from the Mid-Atlantic area, I was chatting
> with another non-native-Texan who also noticed this screwy pronunciation,
> with an emphatic: "Who ever heard of Stately Wayne Mayner?"
> Heh.

> Erika
> (I can now pronounce Manor, Koenig, Manchaca, and various other words like
> a Texan now.)

but, can you properly pronounce;

El Paso
San Antonio
San Angelo
et al

with the appropriate nasal twang.....?


Austin Ziegler

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:46:36 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x article <>, Kerry Lutz ( wrote:
: San Antonio

*cough* YM "San Antone" HTH

-f, San Antone resident for nearly seven years; non-resident for five since
austin ziegler * * webpages temporarily down
There is no luck without discipline * Ni bhionn an rath ach
my words my opinions my ideas * mar a mbionn an smacht

Clayton Colwell

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
Austin Ziegler ( wrote:

: On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:46:36 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x article <>, Kerry Lutz ( wrote:
: : San Antonio

: *cough* YM "San Antone" HTH

Heh. Beat me to it.

Austin Ziegler

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
On 17 Sep 98 16:38:53 GMT, in alt.society.generation-x article
<>, Clayton Colwell ( wrote:

: Austin Ziegler ( wrote:
: : On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:46:36 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x
: : article <>, Kerry Lutz (
: : wrote:
: : : San Antonio
: : *cough* YM "San Antone" HTH
: Heh. Beat me to it.

All I can say is ... leave it to someone who lives in Dallas to try to
dictate what the rest of the state is like.

-f, remembers a common sentiment that Dallas didn't really belong to the
Lone Star State...

Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

Austin Ziegler wrote:

> On 17 Sep 98 16:38:53 GMT, in alt.society.generation-x article
> <>, Clayton Colwell ( wrote:
> : Austin Ziegler ( wrote:
> : : On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:46:36 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x
> : : article <>, Kerry Lutz (
> : : wrote:
> : : : San Antonio
> : : *cough* YM "San Antone" HTH
> : Heh. Beat me to it.
> All I can say is ... leave it to someone who lives in Dallas to try to
> dictate what the rest of the state is like.

dictate this.

kerry, and it's Sayn Ayntoneeo

Austin Ziegler

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 12:43:15 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x article
: <>, Kerry Lutz ( wrote:

Maybe in the hickville known as Dallas it is, but in San Antone it ain't.



Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
On 17 Sep 1998, Clayton Colwell wrote:

> : Erika

> : (I can now pronounce Manor, Koenig, Manchaca, and various other words like
> : a Texan now.)

> Austinite. Ya *gotta* be! Quick -- how do you pronounce Guadalupe?


Erika, neoAustinite

David Mooney

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
Douglas Lathrop <> wrote:
> Nah. Arkansas just gave us our Number One Hick.

Is it true that Arkasas is going to put "Home of the #1 Hick" on their
licence plates?

dave.. live free or die ehn aht
David Mooney | "Pointless, yes, but not strikingly pointless."

David Mooney

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

Come here and say that.


Clayton Colwell

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
zye ( wrote:

: Gwah-dah-loop!

Yup, it's official. Have a Chronicle and a flower bush
from the Governor's Mansion as your valuable prizes.

Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

Austin Ziegler wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 12:43:15 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x article
> : <>, Kerry Lutz ( wrote:
> : Austin Ziegler wrote:
> : > On 17 Sep 98 16:38:53 GMT, in alt.society.generation-x article
> : > <>, Clayton Colwell ( wrote:
> : > : Austin Ziegler ( wrote:
> : > : : On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:46:36 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x
> : > : : article <>, Kerry Lutz (
> : > : : wrote:
> : > : : : San Antonio
> : > : : *cough* YM "San Antone" HTH
> : > : Heh. Beat me to it.
> : > All I can say is ... leave it to someone who lives in Dallas to try to
> : > dictate what the rest of the state is like.
> : dictate this.
> : kerry, and it's Sayn Ayntoneeo
> Maybe in the hickville known as Dallas it is, but in San Antone it ain't.

you are just an insufferable twit aren't you Austin?

kerry, just doesn't quite recall addressing the peanut gallery


Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Kerry Lutz wrote:

> > (I can now pronounce Manor, Koenig, Manchaca, and various other words like
> > a Texan now.)

> but, can you properly pronounce;
> Waco
> El Paso
> San Antonio
> San Angelo
> et al
> with the appropriate nasal twang.....?

I'm working on it. I was riding through a small town with a few Texas
friends a few weeks back and we stopped to get something to drink ... one
of the people I was with asked where we could find a cafe or store and the
guy who answered was, to me, totally unintelligible ... my Texas friends
understood him, though.

My favorite Texas town name: Nacgodoches.


Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

> On 17 Sep 1998, Clayton Colwell wrote:
> > Austinite. Ya *gotta* be! Quick -- how do you pronounce Guadalupe?



Todd Sandrock

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
In article <joon-ya02408000R1609981033210001@news-server>, says...

>In article <>,
>(Todd Sandrock) wrote:

>- No one could really get upset at this distinction, as no one is actually
>- born in CA, are they?
>Hey, I bet there's even some hicks in, oh, Manitoba? <dig dig dig>

You'll notice I'm no longer there...

Hyuck. Hyuck. Hyuck. [Sandrock and Conlon laugh].


Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

zye wrote:

My favorite Texas town name: Nacgodoches.



Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

David Mooney wrote:

> Kerry Lutz <lutzatnorteldotcom> wrote:
> >> No one could really get upset at this distinction, as no one is actually

> >> born in CA, are they?

> > CA or .ca?
> Come here and say that.

ok. send me some fare quotes I'm itchin' to get outta town.


Austin Ziegler

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:34:55 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x article
<>, Kerry Lutz ( wrote:
: Austin Ziegler wrote:
: > On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 12:43:15 -0500, in alt.society.generation-x article

Oh, I'm *so* touched that my responses bother you, Kerry, just *so*
touched. I think that because I have offended the Great and Wonderful Kerry
Lutz in the Insurpassable Metropolis of Dallas I shall just hang my head in
shame and leave.

On second thought, fuck off, Kerry. You don't want responses? Don't
post. You don't like my responses? Ignore them and don't be an
insufferable brat. Because I'm not going away just because you want to
be an ass toward me, as you've been since day one.

I have better things to do with my time than wonder if I've bugged you. It
amuses me to no end, but that's only because you can't bug me.

-f, always found Dallasites insufferable and usually wrong about the rest
of Texas

Todd Sandrock

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
In article <>, says... sale city after the AC strike. Call early (or have an agent do
it for you) to avoid disappointment. C'mon up 'n' see the leaves turn...

And gas is down to 0.45 per litre. That's, uh, US$1.10 a US gallon. While
Rome burns, the market crashes, and the dollar drops into the toilet, at
least I'll still be able to mow the lawn.

Todd, in bonds for 4 weeks now...mwahahahahaha



Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Austin Ziegler wrote:

> -f, always found Dallasites insufferable and usually wrong about the rest
> of Texas

I've met a few people from Dallas and so far, they've been some of the
coolest Texans I've had the chance to get to know. Friendly to the core
and just all-around good people.

the one guy I talked to from Fort Worth, he said "Don't get my hometown
mixed up with that OTHER place" (meaning Dallas) ... but he was kidding.


Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

Austin Ziegler wrote:

Oh, I'm *so* touched that my responses bother you, Kerry, just *so*
touched. I think that because I have offended the Great and Wonderful Kerry
Lutz in the Insurpassable Metropolis of Dallas I shall just hang my head in
shame and leave.

On second thought, fuck off, Kerry. You don't want responses? Don't
post. You don't like my responses? Ignore them and don't be an
insufferable brat. Because I'm not going away just because you want to
be an ass toward me, as you've been since day one.

I have better things to do with my time than wonder if I've bugged you. It
amuses me to no end, but that's only because you can't bug me.

-f, always found Dallasites insufferable and usually wrong about the rest
of Texas

wow, yer cool.  off the cuff rebuttal to end all.....defensive response resulting
from an offensive move.  you're the cat's meow.  what wit.  what style.  what
cunning biting repartee.  3.5 paragraphs written for me.  just for little old me.
the ostentatious use of vulgarity and ability to drive a point home truly sets
you apart in a crowd.  my hat's off to ya man.  23 skidoo toots, you rule.  i
luv ya man.  when someone needs an example of a quality argument for a
presentation, i send them you your posts.  you the dude.  nothing beats a
belligerent attitude for shutting up one's foes.  ttfn punkin'.  kisses.

kerry, impressed by  ~f , the wanker formerly known as Austin's ability to retort.

Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

Todd Sandrock wrote:

> Todd, in bonds for 4 weeks now...mwahahahahaha

you dumped before the slump?

kerry, looking at a -25% issue

Todd Sandrock

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
In article <>, says...

>Todd Sandrock wrote:
>> Todd, in bonds for 4 weeks now...mwahahahahaha
>you dumped before the slump?

[giggle] I dumped *all* of my NTL at 85. Sixty bucks at today's close.
Sure, it *was* 100 before the Bay merger, but, still, call me smug.


>kerry, looking at a -25% issue

Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

Todd Sandrock wrote:

> In article <>, says...
> >Todd Sandrock wrote:
> >> Todd, in bonds for 4 weeks now...mwahahahahaha
> >
> >you dumped before the slump?
> [giggle] I dumped *all* of my NTL at 85. Sixty bucks at today's close.
> Sure, it *was* 100 before the Bay merger, but, still, call me smug.

you bum. smart bum. nice bum. hey bum, can I borrow some of your
options? :)


Kerry Lutz

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98

zye wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Austin Ziegler wrote:

> > -f, always found Dallasites insufferable and usually wrong about the rest
> > of Texas

> I've met a few people from Dallas and so far, they've been some of the
> coolest Texans I've had the chance to get to know. Friendly to the core
> and just all-around good people.
> the one guy I talked to from Fort Worth, he said "Don't get my hometown
> mixed up with that OTHER place" (meaning Dallas) ... but he was kidding.

there's a ton of us dallasites who suck.........but we do it well. ;)

it's not such a bad place at least now that's it's started raining again.

kerry, wants to transfer his house, job, truck and pool to Oregon.


Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
--On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 2:32 PM -0400 "David Mooney" <> wrote:

> dave.. live free or die ehn aht

I'm just so *snif* ... *proud* ... to have propagated so much quality
Pittsburghese around USENET.

Tammarah, en aht, Mayor Murphy is givin' me a gian' killbahsah dahntahn.

Leslie Devlin

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
zye <> wrote:
>My favorite Texas town name: Nacgodoches.

For me it's a toss-up between Dime Box and Marfa. Yes, with an F.


Russell Stewart

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
In article <6tshlr$>, says...

> zye <> wrote:
> >My favorite Texas town name: Nacgodoches.
> For me it's a toss-up between Dime Box and Marfa. Yes, with an F.

No, no. Stink Creek.

OK, it's not a town, but it is in Texas.

Russell Stewart | E-Mail: diamond (at) swcp (dot) com
UNM Physics Department | WWW:
2 + 2 = 5, for very large values of 2.

Sep 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/17/98
Kerry Lutz wrote:

> zye wrote:
> My favorite Texas town name: Nacgodoches.

> SupercalifragalisticgotdrunkinNacgodoches.

Ooh, ya beat me to it! :p

To reply, replace "spam-me-not" with "geocities".

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?

Elizabeth R. Upton

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
Kerry Lutz <> wrote:

>kerry, wants to transfer his house, job, truck and pool to Oregon.

You and me both, Kerry, even if I don't have a pool or a truck.

living on the suburban frontier

Elizabeth Randell Upton

Daniel R. Reitman

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 16:26:56 -0500, Kerry Lutz <>

>. . . .

>kerry, wants to transfer his house, job, truck and pool to Oregon.

We'll have to give you the Oregon pronunciation test first:

Couch Street

(10 pts)

Dan, ad nauseam

Kerry Lutz

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98

Joon wrote:

> In article <>, lutzatnorteldotcom wrote:
> - there's a ton of us dallasites who suck.........but we do it well. ;)
> *wriggle*
> stop by Raaaaahchestah on yer way up to Otterwuh, will yew?

Toronto....and just meet me there. :)


Kerry Lutz

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98

Leslie Devlin wrote:

> zye <> wrote:
> >My favorite Texas town name: Nacgodoches.

> For me it's a toss-up between Dime Box and Marfa. Yes, with an F.

> -LeslieD

mine's Mexia (meh-ha-ya)


Kerry Lutz

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98

Daniel R. Reitman wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 16:26:56 -0500, Kerry Lutz <>
> wrote:
> >. . . .
> >kerry, wants to transfer his house, job, truck and pool to Oregon.
> We'll have to give you the Oregon pronunciation test first:

> Eugene (u-jean)
> Keizer (key-zer)
> Couch Street (comfy)
> Santiam (san-tea-um)
> Siuslaw (soos-law)
> Yachats (bless you)


Steve K.

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
In article <>,

Elizabeth R. Upton <> wrote:
>You and me both, Kerry, even if I don't have a pool or a truck.

Hey! Look who's come back for the Fifth Anniversary Special!

/me waves

--Steve Kleinedler--

James Walker

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98

A collective sigh of disappointment is heard from Ottawa ...



James A. Walker E-mail:
Department of Linguistics WWW:
University of Ottawa "Gai tuhng ngaap gong"

Diana Ben-Aaron

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98

>I'm just so *snif* ... *proud* ... to have propagated so much quality
>Pittsburghese around USENET.

>Tammarah, en aht, Mayor Murphy is givin' me a gian' killbahsah dahntahn.

I can't stand it any more. What does "en aht" mean? Can it be
transcribed in Standard English?


David Mooney

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
Todd Sandrock <> wrote:
> Todd, in bonds for 4 weeks now...mwahahahahaha

Stevek is on the flight there.

David Mooney | "Pointless, yes, but not strikingly pointless."

David Mooney

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
Todd Sandrock <> wrote:
> [giggle] I dumped *all* of my NTL at 85. Sixty bucks at today's close.
> Sure, it *was* 100 before the Bay merger, but, still, call me smug.

Paul Martin will get his revenge. I cashed in a bunch of my IBM last year
to pay the downpayment on the condo and got reamed on capital gains. And
I'm looking at more of the same at closing next year. Erk.

David Mooney

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
Kerry Lutz <lutzatnorteldotcom> wrote:

> David Mooney wrote:
>> Come here and say that.
> ok. send me some fare quotes I'm itchin' to get outta town.

They don't list Dallas->Toronto, but it's probably CAD299 return.

dave.. ready to scratch that itch

James Walker

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
On 18 Sep 1998, David Mooney wrote:

> Kerry Lutz <lutzatnorteldotcom> wrote:
> > David Mooney wrote:
> >> Come here and say that.
> > ok. send me some fare quotes I'm itchin' to get outta town.
> They don't list Dallas->Toronto, but it's probably CAD299 return.

Which is about $5 US these days ...

Kerry Lutz

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98

James Walker wrote:

> On 18 Sep 1998, David Mooney wrote:
> > Kerry Lutz <lutzatnorteldotcom> wrote:
> > > David Mooney wrote:
> > >> Come here and say that.
> > > ok. send me some fare quotes I'm itchin' to get outta town.
> >
> >
> >
> > They don't list Dallas->Toronto, but it's probably CAD299 return.
> Which is about $5 US these days ...

i checked for a dfw to to flight in october time frame.


uh, no.


Todd Sandrock

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
In article <6tu53v$>, says...

>Todd Sandrock <> wrote:
>> [giggle] I dumped *all* of my NTL at 85. Sixty bucks at today's close.
>> Sure, it *was* 100 before the Bay merger, but, still, call me smug.
>Paul Martin will get his revenge. I cashed in a bunch of my IBM last year
>to pay the downpayment on the condo and got reamed on capital gains. And
>I'm looking at more of the same at closing next year. Erk.

Unless you have (like I do) tons of capital losses from previous years.
You and Spam slept in that capital loss a few years back...

Todd "So you're saying, I can't lose with Real Estate?" Sandrock

Derek Decoste

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
Hmm what do I look for in an apartment.... Good question...

Something that is close toa bar... ahhh... needs to have a cable hook
up... let's see a dishwasher is always nice too. As far as how I feel
about an apartment before I rent it? I would say that it is merely a
place to hang your hat til you move to another town to get a higher paying
job, or you get outsized.

Something with enough space that is close to where everybody knows your
name.... and their always glad you came... you wanna be where people...
sorry about that.

Darin Gasperson <> wrote:
: I'm a writer working on an assignment. I need to hear from y'all
: generation x people.

: What do you look for when you get ready to rent an apartment? What is
: it to you? Do you look upon it as a permanent home or just a stepping
: stone to the next, better place? What amenities do you look for? What
: kind of people do you look for? I realize that your answers will vary
: quite a bit.

: Post your answers here or send me email. Thanks.

: Tina Gasperson

Derek DeCoste

David Mooney

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
Todd Sandrock <> wrote:
> says...

>> Paul Martin will get his revenge. I cashed in a bunch of my IBM last year
>> to pay the downpayment on the condo and got reamed on capital gains. And
>> I'm looking at more of the same at closing next year. Erk.
> Unless you have (like I do) tons of capital losses from previous years.
> You and Spam slept in that capital loss a few years back...

You say "capital loss", I say "frat house".

> Todd "So you're saying, I can't lose with Real Estate?" Sandrock

One word: plastics.


Steve K.

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
In article <6tu4r8$>,

David Mooney <> wrote:
>Todd Sandrock <> wrote:
>> Todd, in bonds for 4 weeks now...mwahahahahaha
>Stevek is on the flight there.

Thank you for pointing out the juicy unintentional
double entendre that I totally missed. It's good
to know some people here have my best interests at

--Steve Kleinedler--

Douglas Lathrop

Sep 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/18/98
Austin Ziegler <> wrote in article

> On second thought, fuck off, Kerry. You don't want responses? Don't
> post. You don't like my responses? Ignore them and don't be an
> insufferable brat. Because I'm not going away just because you want to
> be an ass toward me, as you've been since day one.

Didn't someone else on this newsgroup just recently get a big fat
net.spanking for this sort of behavior? Just asking.

Douglas P. Lathrop
lathrop at primenet dot com

"Pop culture, classic movies, non-Euclidean geometry, spelling
flames -- you name it, it's Lathropian." -- David Mooney

Peter Dubuque

Sep 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/19/98
Douglas Lathrop <> wrote:
> Austin Ziegler <> wrote in article
> <pFdM1.1$>...

> > On second thought, fuck off, Kerry. You don't want responses? Don't
> > post. You don't like my responses? Ignore them and don't be an
> > insufferable brat. Because I'm not going away just because you want to
> > be an ass toward me, as you've been since day one.

> Didn't someone else on this newsgroup just recently get a big fat
> net.spanking for this sort of behavior? Just asking.

Hey, if the rest of you want to appoint me the official net.cop of asgx,
with a salary to match, I'll give out net.spankings to anyone who needs
'em. But it's not like I haven't given Austin his share of
tongue-lashings, and in this case he was provoked by Kerry, who followed
up a rather innocuous statement of Austin's with probably the rudest thing
I've ever seen him write. Since it's his first offense, I'm overlooking
it. ;)

Peter F. Dubuque - - Enemy of Reason(TM) O-

Clayton Colwell

Sep 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/19/98
Peter Dubuque ( wrote:
: Douglas Lathrop <> wrote:

: > Didn't someone else on this newsgroup just recently get a big fat

: > net.spanking for this sort of behavior? Just asking.

: Hey, if the rest of you want to appoint me the official net.cop of asgx,
: with a salary to match, I'll give out net.spankings to anyone who needs
: 'em.

Visualize Master Peter.

Sounds like a winning career move, dude.

****** Clay Colwell (aka StealthSmurf) ********** ******
* "In the future, we will recognize software crashes as technologically *
* mandated ergonomic rest breaks - and we will pay extra for them." *
* -- Crazy Uncle Joe Hannibal *

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98
In article <fxbM1.3$>, (Austin Ziegler) wrote:

> All I can say is ... leave it to someone who lives in Dallas to try to
> dictate what the rest of the state is like.

Huh? Having grown up and attended college in and around Dallas, I can
safely ask "wha-chu-talkin'-bout, Willis?" Dallas was always too busy
worrying about its social and business standing to worry about the rest
of the state.

FWIW, the pronunciation of "San Antonio" is "Saan-Tone-Ya." That's how
my relatives from South Texas say it. That's how people in Austin, Houston
and the Panhandle say it. You may find people dropping the "ya" part,
which must be where the confusion is.

Honestly, I've never heard anybody who wasn't in a made-for-TeeVee
movie say "San Antone"; I mean, when discussing the Alamo, have you
ever heard anybody actually say "Santa Anna"?

(Yes, people still talk about the Alamo. The battle, not the building.)

The Mes-kins were always led by San-anna. Except in Texas History class,
where you were supposed to pronounce things more correctly.

> -f, remembers a common sentiment that Dallas didn't really belong to the
> Lone Star State...

Dallas is a freaky place, but not the freakiest place I've ever lived. It's
very clean place, almost hermetically sealed. My favorite Dallas story is
that when they built the new art museum downtown, the designer started
chiseling the name of the place into the stone and discovered that the space
alotted wasn't going to be enough for all the letters.

So they changed the name.

Texans are funny people. *They* are allowed to say things about
That Woman Uncle Joe Bob Married, Who Thinks She's Better than Everybody
Else; but outsiders, including members of military families who had
the privelege of living in the State for a few years, had better call
her Miz Violet Anne, lest all hell break loose.

It's not a double standard, exactly; it has more to do with investment
in a place. Bringing this back around to topic, I wonder if we'll find
that to be true as Americans become more nomadic.

For instance, I grew up in Dallas and have lived in Washington DC for
several years. It's hard to feel any kind of ties to the DC Metro area,
because the nature of the area is that people live here for four years,
and that all your neighbors move out at election time.

But neither Manhattan nor Seattle felt much like home either. I guess I
don't buy the whole "home is where you hang your hat" ethos.

I guess what I'm saying is that a lot more people transplant
themselves to follow the job market now. And it's difficult to put
down new roots into nothing, when in the back of your mind you're
thinking that you'd do it all again for the right job or opportunity.

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Your girl

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Russell Stewart wrote:

> In article <6tshlr$>, says...

> > zye <> wrote:
> > >My favorite Texas town name: Nacgodoches.
> >
> > For me it's a toss-up between Dime Box and Marfa. Yes, with an F.

> No, no. Stink Creek.
> OK, it's not a town, but it is in Texas.

Even though I grew up and presently live in Texas,
the most amusing town name that I've seen was in Tenessee. Two friends
of mine and I were driving to a wedding in Michigan (yes, from Houston). I
had finally given over the wheel to my then-boyfriend at about midnight
for his shift, and was attempting to sleep (not an easy thing for me in a
car). I had finally dropped off into something resembling slumber in spite
of occasional sleep deprivation giggle fits, when they let out the most
excruciating howls of laughter I've ever heard from two people. I shit
you not - the town we passed was called Bucksnort. We giggled about that
for the rest of the trip, told the people at the wedding about it ( they
had similar reactions), and got memorabilia on the way back to prove that
the place did, in fact, exist.

According to the locals, the name came about thus:
I'm going to Buck's for a snort.
snort=shot of alcohol.

Kerry Lutz

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98

Douglas Lathrop wrote:

> Didn't someone else on this newsgroup just recently get a big fat
> net.spanking for this sort of behavior? Just asking.

Damnit, I want the spanking.


Douglas Lathrop

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98
Kerry Lutz <> wrote in article

And after the spankings...the ORAL SEX!

Daniel R. Reitman

Sep 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/22/98
On Fri, 18 Sep 1998 07:45:25 -0500, Kerry Lutz <>

>Daniel R. Reitman wrote:

>> We'll have to give you the Oregon pronunciation test first:

>> Eugene (u-jean)

Half credit. The emphasis is critical.

>> Keizer (key-zer)


>> Couch Street (comfy)

Sorry. It's Cooch.

>> Santiam (san-tea-um)

Close. SAN-tee-AM

>> Siuslaw (soos-law)

Sorry. SIGH-you-slaw

>> Yachats (bless you)

That one was the tough one. It's Yah-hots.


Dan, ad nauseam

Kerry Lutz

Sep 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/22/98

Daniel R. Reitman wrote:

> >> Siuslaw (soos-law)
> Sorry. SIGH-you-slaw

yeah, even going through the forest with the guide inmy hands I couldn't
parse the pronunciation and couldn't
find anyone who wasn't a tourist to pronounce it for me.

> >> Yachats (bless you)
> That one was the tough one. It's Yah-hots.

and for 10 bonus pts. ;)

kerry, guess I better stay in Tejas.

Tina Gasperson

Oct 28, 2022, 1:09:09 PM10/28/22
Thanks for your kindness!

On Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, James Wright wrote:
> Darin Gasperson wrote:
> > I'm a writer working on an assignment. I need to hear from y'all
> > generation x people.
> >
> > What do you look for when you get ready to rent an apartment?
> I look at my finances first, find out what kinda price range I'm looking
> for and then begin looking in apt. guides and the newspaper (I've have done
> this many, many, many times!!)
> > What is it to you?
> ?
> > Do you look upon it as a permanent home or just a stepping stone to the
> > next, better place?
> Usually a stepping stone, I always try to never go back to the same
> situation or condition that I came from. I started off in a foul lil
> studio apt, then I moved up in class and space (I got a boyfriend :) ) toa
> one bedroom mid-class apt., then I just now moved up to a luxury one BR apt
> with my fiance (my boyfriend) :) and next we'll go to a duplex/townhouse
> or house to rent, and then another 5 years down the road I foresee a real
> house of our own.
> > What amenities do you look for?
> Washer/Dryer or at least the hook ups. Now that I'm spoiled in my luxury
> apt, I have to have a dishwasher and disposal too :) I like our bathroom
> setup also with separate shower and bath facilities with two sinks. Also
> *I* love having a balcony!!
> > What kind of people do you look for?
> I used to not even care in the beginning. But now, I know that you need
> someone that is gonna be there. I usually don't like brown-nosing people,
> cuz i'm not *high-class* but when I need maint. done to my apt. I expect it
> to be done, and done right, and I don't want to have to feel like it's a
> burden on them - it's their job, not mine.
> > I realize that your answers will vary
> > quite a bit.
> >
> > Post your answers here or send me email. Thanks.
> >
> > Tina Gasperson
> Good luck, any more ?, email away!
> --
> Cisco
> "You gotta mean what ya say, you gotta say what ya
> mean, trying to please everyone, sacrifice ya own
> needs, check in the mirror my friend, no lies will be
> told then, pointin' the finger again, you can't blame
> nobody but you!!" -- janet.
0 new messages