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Don't Know How It Happened

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Nov 17, 2003, 10:50:49 PM11/17/03
I'm happily cleanin' pipes last night. So I'm polishin' the stem of a GBD
Canadian. I got the buffin' wheel on high speed and I'm just buffin' may ass
off. Suddenly the wheel grabs that freakin' stem outta' my tremblin' hand
and flings it across the room. It was like the buffin' demon had a mind of
its own and decided it just flat didn't want me to have that stem. Well,
this ain't the fist time this has happened to me (surprise, surprise) so I
didn't think nothin' about it. I simply did the search. I looked in the
direction the evil Buffelzebub sent my stem and figured it'd be somewhere in
the general vicinity of my desk. WRONG! I freakin' looked everywhere for
that sumna' bitch. It was gone. Vanished! I even got out special goddamn
floodlights fer chris'sakes. Geez the thing couldn't've left the freakin'
house could it? It wasn't alive was it? Did one a' the dogs yawn at the
moment a' lift off and the miz'rable stem shot down its throat? Nah,
couldn't be. Whatever beast got hit in the larynx woulda' reacted somehow
right? Wouldn't've thought it was some kinda bizarre treat would he? Nah.
just couldn't be. So finally I gave up and went on to another pipe. Tonight
I'm here cleanin' pipes again and I remember the horrible missin' stem and
the Demented Stem Stealing Buffer, I try one more search. I look under a
chair and that stem is just layin' there kinda' grinnin'. Holy shit, I found
it!!!! Okay, now, where is that pipe it goes on? Huh? Hey!!!!! Where the
hell is that freakin' shit. How can this be? I hadn't even touched the
freakin' pipe. It's gone! I swear. Geez, by now I don't even remember what
the damn thing looks like. It ain't anywhere. Yesterday I shipped some pipes
so I'm tryin' to imagine if I could possibly have wrapped that stemless pipe
up and sent it to somebody but it ain't here so it's definitely within the
realm a' possibility. The point is if anyone gets a half a' pipe. a GBD,
they weren't expectin' that ain't your Frenchy's Freebie it's a pipe created
in hell. Very slowly back away from it and call me. I'll walk you through
the process a' gettin' rid of it safely. Remember, it's only a pipe. it's
only a pipe.



Nov 17, 2003, 11:12:55 PM11/17/03
>I'm happily cleanin' pipes last night. So I'm polishin' the stem of a GBD
>Canadian. I got the buffin' wheel on high speed and I'm just buffin' may ass
>off. Suddenly the wheel grabs that freakin' stem outta' my tremblin' hand
>and flings it across the room.

Yikes, what speed is that buffer?



Nov 17, 2003, 11:17:54 PM11/17/03
Frenchy's lament snipped.

Frenchy, give it another day and check back under that chair.
If the stummel is sittin' there grinning at ya,
Get rida that sucker...asap.


Mark Tinsky

Nov 18, 2003, 12:55:07 AM11/18/03
In article <>, Cheryl
<> wrote:

HI Frenchy

That happened to me once. Well sort of. My dad would come up from Fla
to visit and he always wanted to "help" in the shop. I figured he
couldn t hurt much or himself buffing. Well he lost a stem in the w
heel I heard it go flying hit something and bounce somehwere.

We looked for the stem for quite sometime, It was only a 12X 20
shed, and we couldn t find it. No big deal I thought it would turn up;
but over the next couple weeks it didn t, or months or years.

Finally when i moved that shop to Pocono Lake I figured I d finally
find the stem with all the equipment out of there. You know what, it
must have disapeared down a black hole or something as I never
found it. Must be a bin in somewhere in heaven for misplaced stems.
I m sure yours is there too. MT


Nov 18, 2003, 7:26:06 AM11/18/03
to will show up frenchy. bufflebub has taken us all for long

"Frenchy" <> wrote in message

Stephen E. Williamson

Nov 18, 2003, 7:57:18 AM11/18/03

Poltergeists. They are known to do things like that, Frenchy. Get
yourself an exorcist. :-)

Jeff Folloder - The Elitist Snob (TES)

Nov 18, 2003, 8:09:52 AM11/18/03
> will show up frenchy. bufflebub has taken us all for long
> rides<g>

Ain't it the truth! When buffing pipes, it will eventually happen to
each of us!

Jeff's safety rules for buffing (not really mine, but passed along in
the hopes that it will save somebody else):

1) Always attach the buffing motor to the workshop bench securely.
Preferably with lag bolts and thick rubber washers. This will keep the
motor in place, your teeth from chattering from motor vibration, and
your brain reasonably clear by reducing the vibration noises that your
motor can cause (ask Art).

2) Wear eye protection. Either the piece you are working on, buffing
compound, or a wax chunk, or compound, strands from the buffing wheel,
or whatever, will fly into your face.

3) See #2

4) If you do not have a dust collection system (read: powered, not
cleaning up afterwards), wear, at least a paper breathing filter or a
respirator and work in an open, well ventilated area. Some of the
components of polishing compounds are certainly not meant to be inhaled
on a continuous basis. If you do have a collection system, consider
wearing a filter anyway!

5) You will lose your grip on a piece. It will be flung at speeds that
approach the speed of light. In many cases, the wheel will fling it
straight down. What's on the ground below your buffer? I've got 4
layers of thick carpet samples. Gives me a good landing zone for the
ones that get away and gives my feet something comfy to stand on for
extended periods. Of course, I seldom wear shoes (and I should while
buffing). Had my right arch assaulted once...

6) Always have some spackle and appropriate paint handy. There will be
those times when the piece does not get hurled straight down. It will
be flung against the ceiling or wall at terminal velocity. The spackle
and paint are to hide the hole you just made.

7) Have lots of buffing wheels. Dedicate one wheel to one compound and
task. As in Tripoli on, Tripoli off, white diamond on, white diamond
off, carnauba on, carnauba off, etc. Mark the wheels with a Sharpie
(you'll feel like Terrell Owens!). This will save you aggravation in
the long run. Remember that new wheels shed strands in a copious
manner. Be prepared.

8) Clean up after you're done or your significant other will kick your ass.


Jeff Folloder

Please visit Jeff's Ashtray:


Nov 18, 2003, 8:32:03 AM11/18/03
>This will keep the
>motor in place, your teeth from chattering from motor vibration, and
>your brain reasonably clear by reducing the vibration noises that your
>motor can cause (ask Art).

And never let visitors mess with your buffing motor as they shall surely end up
ripping it off the bench that it has been attached to for over three years (ask
Jeff) ;-))))

BTW, Jeff's rubber washer idea is a pretty good one as these little motors will
transfer a lot of vibration to the bench and any attached shelving causing some
stuff to slowly "walk" off the edge.


Jeff Folloder - The Elitist Snob (TES)

Nov 18, 2003, 8:49:49 AM11/18/03
Mingkahuna wrote:

I knew that was coming. It was a wonder that thing stayed in place as
long as it did! Hell, if a wispy little nothing like me can move it...


Nov 18, 2003, 9:05:44 AM11/18/03
>I knew that was coming. It was a wonder that thing stayed in place as
>long as it did! Hell, if a wispy little nothing like me can move it...

The simple answer is that not a whole lot of pressure is applied with buffing,
so it doesn't take all that much to hold a motor in place. But, i have to
admit tha tthe screws that I used were probably inadequate for even a wispy

As far as stuff shooting across the room or workshop, I've been there many
times, but that was mostly way back when when I was using a 3450 rpm motor.
There is nothing worse than enduring that split second of silence between when
you have realized that the work has left your hands and the sound of impact.
Then when you hear the impact you sit there cocking your head like James
Franciscus on Longstreet trying to get a bead on where the damn thing landed.


gerard montoya

Nov 18, 2003, 9:39:27 AM11/18/03
This reminded me of one of those "how bizarre" moments
that I've had in my fine spring afternoon I
was trimming the hedges at the front corner of my
house, pleasantly enjoying the warm afternoon, pipe in
mouth, hedge trimmers full tilt.

Apparently, my trimming disturbed a hornet's nest in
the hedge, since two or three of the sumbitches flew
directly at my face! In the ensuing nano-seconds I
managed to; drop the hedge trimmers, spit out my pipe
and while trying to swat the buggers away from my face,
flicked my glasses off, all while doing 90 mph backward
away from the bush! Amazingly only one tried to latch
on, never actually stinging and the rest must have gone
back into the hedge.

So, I try to collect myself, the family has just
watched me do the hornet dance and are coming over to
help when I remember and yell out, "watch out for my
pipe and my glasses!" Fortunately the pipe landed
safely on the pine straw straight down from the hedge,
but my damn glasses were nowhere to be found. We
searched and searched the frikken area for at least an
hour, looking inside other nearby bushes, in the grass,
next door, nothing. So there I am, my only pair of
glasses probably carried off by hornets, blind as a
bat, trying to reconstruct what happened...

Well somewhere along the way, my boy goes into the
backyard on the same side of the house and you guessed
it, my glasses were some 40 ft. away from where I was,
over the fence and in the back yard, sitting in the
grass in fine shape!

I still think those little bastards carried them back

BTW, smoking some BB Flake in a MdePaja bent egg...


Nov 18, 2003, 2:17:37 PM11/18/03
Yep, I know I'm amongst fellow buffin' wheel victims but the real problem is
not what the sinister buffelzebub did with the little stem it
unceremoniously ripped from my grasp. I actually found that mamaluke layin'
under the aforementioned chair, but the pipe itself. What the hell happened
to that freakin' GBD?! Where'd it go? It wasn't anywhere near the Bastid
Buffer. Where'd the business end a' the pipe go to fer chris'sakes? I
sweated blood findin' the damn stem and felt so victorious for outfoxin' the
miz'rable buffer. I was so relieved to have found that tiny black vulcanite
missile. And triumph was snatched from my hands 'cause now I lost the pipe
itself. It was layin' on my bench when the stem was launched and now I find
the freakin' stem and the goddamn pipe's gone. How ironic, nay, demonic is
that? Where'd the fuckin' GBD go to???!!!! Now the stupid stem sits on my
work bench guffawin' at my frustration. "Ya' found me hah big shot? Ya' got
my shiny ass but ya' lost the fucking war 'cause the briar just flew the
coop hoss! See if ya' can get yer NY Italian head outta' yer ass long enough
try and find that little jewel." Hell with it, that GBD's somewhere in the
goddamn Twilght Zone and I'm done lookin' for it. Hey, anybody wanna buy an
estate GBD stem? I'll let it go cheap.

"gerard montoya" <> wrote in message

Sonam Dasara

Nov 18, 2003, 2:41:13 PM11/18/03
Yes, unless of course, if it is followed by a soft "thwonk" as it
impacts a body part of the one buffing...

Sonam Dasara (who learned long ago to wear safety equipment, even if
the buffer will be on "only for a few seconds")



Nov 18, 2003, 2:46:18 PM11/18/03
...and I'm just thinkin' about the number a' buffers I need. So I got three
but I actually need six, three for puttin' on and three for takin' off.
Geez, I've just been puttin' on compound and workin' it in till it kinda'
disappeared then rubbed it down with a cloth. And I ain't been usin' a mask
I guess I should right? The worst thing for me is the flannel buffs. Jesus
them things shed worse'n my dog Norman. My nose gets all stuffed up when I'm
usin' them. And when I'm finally done cleanin' and buffin' I set up to do
the pictures and invariably when the light goes on the stems get dull spots
and I realize I gotta buff 'em some more. Pain in the ass...hey, I devote
untold freakin' hours a' cleanin' and sterilizin' and buffin' on a pipe I
sell fer twenty measly bucks? What am I nuts? I must really love this huh?
Or, and this is the more likely answer, I'm a moron.


"Frenchy" <> wrote in message


Nov 18, 2003, 3:19:52 PM11/18/03
In article <>,

> ...and I'm just thinkin' about the number a' buffers I need. So I got three
> but I actually need six, three for puttin' on and three for takin' off.
> Geez, I've just been puttin' on compound and workin' it in till it kinda'
> disappeared then rubbed it down with a cloth. And I ain't been usin' a mask
> I guess I should right? The worst thing for me is the flannel buffs. Jesus
> them things shed worse'n my dog Norman. My nose gets all stuffed up when I'm
> usin' them. And when I'm finally done cleanin' and buffin' I set up to do
> the pictures and invariably when the light goes on the stems get dull spots
> and I realize I gotta buff 'em some more. Pain in the ass...hey, I devote
> untold freakin' hours a' cleanin' and sterilizin' and buffin' on a pipe I
> sell fer twenty measly bucks? What am I nuts? I must really love this huh?
> Or, and this is the more likely answer, I'm a moron.
LMAO! The further adventures of Frenchy! Frenchy, we should have to pay
you for the entertainment you provide us for free.



Nov 18, 2003, 3:55:45 PM11/18/03
It ain't all that entertainin' from this end. I finish up most days puffin'
and thinkin' to myself, "what the hell happened?" Matter a' fact that's what
I want on my tombstone, that and "What the hell are you lookin' at?"

"buck12ga" <> wrote in message

Richard Martin

Nov 18, 2003, 4:08:11 PM11/18/03
Ah Frenchy,
The mind is the second thing to go.
When I remember the first thing, I'll let you know.

On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 13:17:37 -0600, "Frenchy" <>

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