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Story: Amerika takes it in the ass!

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Sep 11, 2001, 12:36:12 PM9/11/01

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center
towers in Manhattan on Tuesday in what President Bush called "an
apparent terrorist attack on our country."

About an hour after those crashes, an explosion forced the
evacuation of the Pentagon in Washington and a fire erupted on
the Washington Mall. Another fire was reported at the State

Sources told CNN that one of the planes was an American
Airlines Boeing 767 that had been hijacked after take-off
from Boston.

The United States has existed as a vassal of the Israeli
state for too long. For more information, please visit or


We Hail Osama Bin Laden,
Adolf Hitler, Yassar Arafat
And Any Others Who Act Against
The Jewish State or Christianity.

Heil Satan

this nation is murder
we bear the morals of a vengeful people from the middle east
save your world - gas a jew
beat a christian
and separate the races
fuck morality
nature is law
law is nature
fuck you
fuck gOD
fuck jewsus

Where do you want to scam today?

Fun Fax 'Bout Blax

Support China in future wars against the U.S.

Boycott Apple for Anti-LSD policies

Fight for Your Rights as a Headbanger

Chuck Robinson

Sep 11, 2001, 10:55:23 AM9/11/01
Keep your mouth open, We'll find you.

"Iyartiphy" <> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2001, 12:29:40 PM9/11/01
Fuck You and your "cause" Obviously your nation is Murder as well.....murdering
thousands of innocent people this morning. Murdering for thousands of years,
stomping on basic human rights that's what your nation means to me. Next time
why dont you call us out and fight like the men that you think you are. Go toe
to toe with us you fucking faggot.

Jay Berg

Sep 11, 2001, 12:37:16 PM9/11/01
The kid wasn't a part of any group. He's just a kid with a loose sense of
reality and access to a keyboard.

Let's find out what the hell is going on, before we start blaming anyone.

"IggyFurd" <> wrote in message

fumunda cheeze

Sep 11, 2001, 4:45:55 PM9/11/01
you low life motherfucker, I wish you sons a bitches had Adolph Hitler alive
again so you could suck his cock. capitalism will take care of these fine
patriots who blow up people. Sooner or later someone will (for enough money)
turn the fucking ragheads over to the authorities. I hope the usa bombs the
palestinians. That will take care of 99% of the terrorism in the whole

Jay Berg

Sep 11, 2001, 4:55:50 PM9/11/01
So, you show as much hate and irrational emotion as the terrorists.

How about everyone calms down and help figure out how to deal with this. Not
with the revenge. But rather with the 10-75,000 dead and injured people!
Think of the hundred of thousands of relatives of the dead and how they need
our help and support. Think of the need for blood donations. Think of the
people risking their lives searching for survivors.

Why waste even a moment with hate?!

"fumunda cheeze" <> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2001, 5:37:14 PM9/11/01
want to be a martyr for allah?
step right up motherfucker
we'll be glad to send you to raghead heaven...

Jay Berg

Sep 11, 2001, 5:55:49 PM9/11/01
So killing them/him makes us better than the ones flying the planes into the
Trade Center towers?

How about if we all take a vacation from hate and try to figure out how to
deal with this new world we've woken up to today.

"BaadHubby8" <> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2001, 6:37:58 PM9/11/01
"Jay Berg" <> wrote in message

> So, you show as much hate and irrational emotion as the terrorists.
> How about everyone calms down and help figure out how to deal with this.
> with the revenge. But rather with the 10-75,000 dead and injured people!
> Think of the hundred of thousands of relatives of the dead and how they
> our help and support. Think of the need for blood donations. Think of the
> people risking their lives searching for survivors.
> Why waste even a moment with hate?!

For most people, there's one reason. It enables them to feel like they're
doing something about the problem, without their having to make any real

If they actually cared, they'd be donating blood, praying for the bereaved,
donating food, or volunteering to help. They have no intention of doing
this. But if they get angry and spew venom, it *feels* like they've climbed
Mt. Everest, like they've accomplished something. It feels like they've make
their country safer, and provided for their children's future, when all
they've done is sow another crop of the same old evil for a new generation,
and insured that it will happen again.

That must suck, when you think about it.


"I have as much authority as the Pope.
I just don't have as many people who believe it."

Robert Holladay

Sep 11, 2001, 7:24:53 PM9/11/01
On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:36:12 GMT, (Iyartiphy)

I won't dignify you with a quote. I just wish you had the guts to
show up at my front door.


Sep 11, 2001, 8:43:07 PM9/11/01
<< For most people, there's one reason. It enables them to feel like they're
doing something about the problem, without their having to make any real

If they actually cared, they'd be donating blood, praying for the bereaved,
donating food, or volunteering to help. >>

If I were on the East Coast I would have volunteered anything to help out the
victims of these senseless killings. I posted a somewhat harsh letter earlier,
and it was only in response to what the original poster had stated. Later, I
did happen to go out and donate blood.

I am a proud American. I was raised with respect and love for my country and
for my fellow human being. My grandfathers put their lives on the life to face
this same sort of evil 60 years ago and I thank them for that. My father
served our country during the early days of the Cold War and did so with pride
and love. My brother laid down his life because my country asked him to do so
in the Persian Gulf. Even after my government denied that my brother died
there, I was still proud of him and what he did for me and for all of us.
Because of all of these people and nameless millions others in addition to the
many thousands of victims today I have the right and the privilege to say what
I feel about that post. Just as it is that original posters right to say what
he said. I don't agree with his words and I can state my opinion to that fact.

I never thought I would see the day when the country that I love and its many
and diverse population were attacked in such a manner. It breaks my heart and
makes me angry. I do wish for retribution as do many many of my fellow
citizens. I just hope and pray that this all does not escalate into something
that will be with us for years. And unfortunately, I fear that is the case

Thank you for your patience.


Sep 11, 2001, 9:17:22 PM9/11/01
You fucking moron, Adolf Hitler was Roman Catholic. That is

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:36:12 GMT, (Iyartiphy)

Chuck Robinson

Sep 11, 2001, 9:15:14 PM9/11/01

"Phantom" <> wrote in message

> You fucking moron, Adolf Hitler was Roman Catholic. That is
> Christianity.
He was BORN a Roman Catholic.


Sep 11, 2001, 10:04:53 PM9/11/01
Your cause is worse than the US or Christianity has ever been.
Too bad you where not on one of those flights!
It is one thing to declare war and another to blow up buildings with
innocents people unaware that they are in danger but then again the people
you listed as heroic are the most EVIL madman ever born.
and you are not worth the effort of killing....

"Iyartiphy" <> wrote in message

fumunda cheeze

Sep 11, 2001, 10:32:13 PM9/11/01
I served my country also in the early part of the vietnam war. Before we
were supposed to even be there. I would die for my country and would damned
sure give blood but I can't with type 1 diabetes. I also was just replying
to this poster who probably didn't have any of his relatives die on the
orders of herr hitler. This tragedy must see America united in it's quest to
see justice meeted out to these despicable people F. Cheeze


Sep 12, 2001, 12:08:13 AM9/12/01
A once wise man said a people that doesn't learn from it's past is
DOOMED to repeat it! Evidently this moron doesn't reason to much


Sep 12, 2001, 3:00:49 AM9/12/01
Hey !
Did I hear you whine ?
Come on, you're all soldiers seing your strong positions regarding other
countries internal affairs and the way you directly take part in them.
Wise men don't whine, they plan the consequences of their involvements and
assume their mistakes.
Are you just sour losers ?!
Nish from Hong Kong, where noone fears Palestinian air attacks... I wonder


Sep 12, 2001, 5:03:14 AM9/12/01
In article <3b9e8865$>, "Jay Berg" <> wrote:

>How about if we all take a vacation from hate and try to figure out how to
>deal with this new world we've woken up to today.
Yes !!!

Perceptions, by definition, are valid and although I agree that we now
see a different world (and will forevermore), it's always been there.
Rude awakenings are rarely enjoyable, but are a part of reality.

I agree wholeheartedly with your intent and your aspirations.

Don't try to teach a pig to sing ...
It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Arthur W Smith

Sep 12, 2001, 6:07:03 AM9/12/01
Sounds like this guy is an asswipe cocksucker for Osami bin Laden

"Iyartiphy" <> wrote in message

Sep 12, 2001, 7:38:38 AM9/12/01

DO You really think that puppet Bush and his band od right - whing extremist
will really shed tears for the victims of this attack? They will use the
peoples justified anger to take more money from America taxpayers for the
military, and for their secret service *herion smugglers) friends, and to
destroy whoever is behind this horrific and covardly attack. This is good,
but they will also use the new power to clap on whoever is Liberal, freedom
thinking and not right - whing.

Bye Bye suckers, the Boss is already won!


Sep 12, 2001, 7:59:51 AM9/12/01
On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:36:12 GMT, (Iyartiphy)
You may think that you are right, but I assure you that we will take
action against you in much the same way that your heros did, but with
one exception we will give you a few seconds to kiss your loved ones
goodbye, MAYBE


Sep 12, 2001, 11:32:26 AM9/12/01

No, Mr Fucking Moron - he was not. However, this was not a public
fact. Hitler knew to distrust the general public (people like you).

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 01:17:22 GMT, Phantom <>

Where do you want to scam today?


Sep 12, 2001, 11:33:05 AM9/12/01

Go for it, you brave Internet Big Bear(tm)
I'll use your skull for drinking root beer

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 11:59:51 GMT, Charles <>


Sep 12, 2001, 1:49:48 PM9/12/01
"Iyartiphy" <> wrote in message

> You know you're stupid; now realize humanity is overpopulated; what
> *is* your life really worth?

Yours is worth precisely one word... *plonk*

Sep 12, 2001, 3:06:21 PM9/12/01

Sep 12, 2001, 3:09:30 PM9/12/01


Sep 12, 2001, 3:46:39 PM9/12/01
Hear Hear Fuckers will pay with thier lives. 1 american dead----1000
Ragheads dead!!!!!!!!!!
<> wrote in message


Sep 12, 2001, 3:47:27 PM9/12/01

BaadHubby8 <> wrote in message


Sep 12, 2001, 3:49:40 PM9/12/01
Pussy fuck I bet you don't even know how to defend yourself. Complain about
thre military machine but when your life and family are threatened your the
first screaming help me. You pasifists make me sick
PoGo <> wrote in message


Sep 12, 2001, 3:50:16 PM9/12/01
Not better but ALIVE
<> wrote in message

Adam Kemp

Sep 13, 2001, 12:19:09 AM9/13/01

Looking "from the outside in" ( I'm in Australia) We all feel for you
guys down here, but I have to say that Bush character is SCARY!
I don't think he is helping the World's perception of the US. He seems
pretty hard-line.

Also, after the anger dies down, I hope that people start to realise
that it is'nt any Country to blame, rather an element who are almost
certainly outside the country of their birth, but CLAIM to represent
all of the peoples of that country (or religion).

Fortunately, the condemnation of the act has been universally and
unreservedly denounced by every major power, including China(!)

>"Iyartiphy" <> wrote in message



Sep 13, 2001, 1:53:25 AM9/13/01
"J&S" <> wrote in message
> I think Thomas Paine summed it up best
> " Hands that help are far better than hands that pray"
> Silas
> "Al Klein" <> wrote in message
> > On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:39:36 GMT, (Iyartiphy)
> > posted in alt.atheism:
> >
> > [piggybacking]
> >
> > >On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:37:58 GMT, "Gordon" <>
> > >wrote:

> >
> > >>If they actually cared, they'd be donating blood
> >
> > The lines are going around the corner at most centers.

The people helping aren't the ones I'm addressing. They aren't the ones
spewing hatred. They don't have time. They're too busy looking for ways to

> > > praying for the bereaved,
> >
> > Praying? Where was your god yesterday morning?

Mine was still in control of the universe. Yours?

> > >>donating food, or volunteering to help.
> >

> > The city doesn't need any more volunteers unless they're
> > professionals.

Right-- no sense in looking for a way to contribute, when it's so much
easier and so much less risk, to whine.

> > >>That must suck, when you think about it.
> >

> > It's religion - the driving force behind the attack - that sucks.
> >
> > If not for religion, thousands of people would be going to work at the
> > WTC tomorrow.

Not so. The buildings would never have existed in the first place, nor would
Europeans be in the new world.


Sep 13, 2001, 4:41:14 AM9/13/01
to (Iyartiphy) wrote in

This person, and I use the term loosly, does not even dignify a response.


Sep 13, 2001, 9:07:07 AM9/13/01

>This person, and I use the term loosly, does not even dignify a response.

Yet you responded, retard.

Sep 13, 2001, 7:41:13 AM9/13/01
Usually, I'm a peaceful person. Everyone should have their own opinions as

but here, little brain.

Studies have shown that pro nazis (neo Nazis) such as yourself grow up into
adulthood with infant penis (in your little words "you got a little dick".
Tend to be lower-class white trash, very low in I.Q., usually tend to be on the
ugly unhealthy side. So they blame everyone else and call themselves the
"master race". Funny, Hitler was a short HALF-JEW, ugly little man - yet the
little turd talked about the perfect German, BIG, BLONDE and hmmmm sounds kinda
gay to me.

Arabs, these people are the older version of nazi retards. Dur to desert sun,
their brains are a little bit fried. If you look at the history of the middle
east, we see that these "things", have NOT CONTRUIBUTE anything to humanity.
What is the middle-east known for?

- terrorist
- treat their own women like shit
- hateful and stupid - even to the point of killing each other
- Oil

Nothing more. They're hateful people with evil thoughts, they can't fight like
men, but coward and hide like little mice. Oh SHIT! I didn't mean to call
these terrorist "People", insult to humans, and to call them animals would be
an insult to the animals. No, they are shit. Useless walking shit.

Osnot-a bin laymen, is a rich pussy. He has his little PUSSY chicken shit
turds on orders to bomb allied cities when he is finally killed. I pledge and
HOPE and as it SHOULD BE, that if ant ALLIED city is fallen to nuke or bio
attack by walking shit. That EVERY NATION in the world, and yes this means

You of fucking terrorist will not be happy until you start WW3 and cause the
deaths of millions, if not billions of people. What an evil God you must pray
to, Allah? death and destruction is all Muslims seem to do, sounds like the
work of a "devil" to me. And since the only reason that the middle east is so
"rich" is because of the USA, Europe and Asia from buying the ONLY thing worth
value in your shit hole desserts is the black shit underground - then every
Anti-Western walking shit IS in fact PART of "THE AMERICAN' machine.

Maybe you should blow your own heads apart.

I've worked with Iranians, thought they were okay. After shit like this, it
seems that no one from the middle east can be trusted. They lie, they hide,
the fuck over anyone and everyone they can. I'd say, terminate them all. So
many of them pretending to want to live with the rest of the human race.

yes... where does this SHIT END?

The USA bombed JAPAN with 2 nukes to end the war. The ground war on Japan
would have dragged on for years costing the lives of many Japanese and
Americans. I cry when I think of those poor civilians that were killed by
those bombs.

if bin laden can only terrorize the entire world with his constant attacks, no
DEATH is slow enough or painful enough, then the best result to the rest of
humanity is the destruction of all Muslims countries. (And we ALL get cheaper
oil for now on!). Better to WIPE out 6-7 countries today, than to have
constant back-pack nukes blowing up cities all over the world every month.

The ONLY thing to do is TO DESTORY EVERY FUCKING terrorist middle east country.
It'll be ugly, no matter what. If you walking shits think the USA, Europe,
Russia and Asia is going to spend the rest of time scared about these COWARD
sissy attacks on them, then you are just as dumb as I think you are.

Sad, I really thing that NOTHING will get through to their head except their
own destruction. Be with allah - die.

note: Adolf Hitler had a fetish. He liked women to piss and shit on him.

note: I would love for their to be world peace. I do NOT like to go around
thinking that a solution is the destruction of a race. Seeing those walking
shits laughing and dancing in the middle east over the deaths of civilians is
SICK, If *I* was there, I'd with for a few AR-15 rifles, fully auto and shoot
off all their limbs and let them bleed to death. I would not laugh, but I
would ask them to laugh some more. I didn't laugh during the GULF WAR, it was
not funny - it is not good that non military people were killed, but lets see -
saddam fart-insane (Iraq leader) orders people to live around military targets
to say "ooo I'm a victim" - its YOUR own fault for keeping such a big piece of
shit in power.

This isn't over. I think millions of American will die from this, the WTC is
the match to start the fire. For the good of the world, every country will be
AGAINST the arabs and will WIPE out every one of those countries.

My race is pretty much gone by the white settlers of this country. Am I pissed
- no, it was a long time ago - nothing can be done about it. I live, I work
and continue the blood line of what's left. Most Arabs holds grudges for
centuries, constantly killing each other for revenge and they WILL NEVER EVER

Sorry folks for such negative thoughts.

Lukas Mariman

Sep 13, 2001, 7:25:36 AM9/13/01
"Gordon" <> schreef in bericht

> > > > praying for the bereaved,
> > >
> > > Praying? Where was your god yesterday morning?
> Mine was still in control of the universe. Yours?

You must be mad if you still believe that nonsense.

Sep 13, 2001, 7:54:29 AM9/13/01
In article <3b9e8865$>,

>So killing them/him makes us better than the ones flying
>the planes into the Trade Center towers?

to a degree, no. But like disease, you sometimes have to
amputate. This is not like the Nazi/ Jewish thing or other
racism. Jews were murdred for being Jews.

So Arabs are terrorist or support terrorist because of
their religion. They go all over the world in the name of
their "God" (if he was so big, why don't he DO IT HIMSELL?

>How about if we all take a vacation from hate and try to
figure out how to
>deal with this new world we've woken up to today.

Because these terrist coward camel fuckers are NEVER GOING
TO STOP. What if the CITY you live in get bio-attacked and
half your family dies? These crazy sick cowards can do
this kind of shit every other week.

That's why the USA is kind of fuckup on itself. We hand
slap murderers & rapist, throw away the key to those who
commit victimless "crimes" (pot smoking, positution). Many
of our kids are growing up WILD because they have NO sense
of respect to themselves, their parents or people in
general. The arabs won't stop until somebody kills them

Okay, Bush attacks 1-2 countries, kills the camel fucker
(Ben landin) chicken shit RICH from Americans (He'd be out
fucking a goat in the mountains if his parents didn't make
money selling OIL to the USA and Japan, etc - wait, he's
fucking goats anyways) phyco.

a few of his buddies blow up 2-3 cities a few weeks later,
we attack some more camp grounds of these camel fuckers.

They blow up more cities... look at Irland with the stupid
war between Christians and Catholics (Never mind they both
pray to the same God).

When does the hate end??

I hate, hate

Sep 13, 2001, 8:01:50 AM9/13/01
In article <9nn1du$t42$>, says...

As I recall, the USA saved your ass (China) from the
Japanese about 57 yeas ago. And China is messing with
Taiwan. They supprted the North Korens against the south.

China does some lite-fucking with the USA, considering how
much business we do together.

As I recall, Vietnam, Korea and Kuwait ASK for help when
attack from the other countries.


Sep 13, 2001, 7:53:35 AM9/13/01
"Lukas Mariman" <> wrote in message

Not at all. Remind me again of atheism's contributions to the world?

Sep 13, 2001, 8:11:19 AM9/13/01
I didn't vote for the retard either... but the government
and the people are PISSED OFF.

But this is NOT about being PISSED OFF...

If the USA does NOTHING, then that is the green light for
these camel rapists to contune to KILL Americans and our
allies at will... What happens if such and such happens?

This is why StarWars II is stupid waste of our money, no
AMOUNT of the "Defense Shield" would have prevented this -
Anyone with common sense KNEW this before the retard bought
his election. The BEST defense against such attacks as
today was proven to be the people in the 4th hijacked
plane, when they found out that they were gonna die- it was
to save lives by doing what ever they did to those walking
turds or the plane itself.

A $30 billion "Defense shield" of OUR money would NOT have
prevented this. Having BETTER paid security and more CIA
out in the field in trouble spots WOULD HAVE.

I'm not thinking revenge, but prevention. This is what MAD
was about during the code war. Mutal Assured Destruction -
USSR didn't NUKE US, cause we'd NUKE'I'M Back.

In article <>, says...

fumunda cheeze

Sep 13, 2001, 10:00:13 AM9/13/01
To my friend in Australia, There are a lot of us here that think Bush is
scary, but not as a right-wing extremist. We that feel that way think that
he is fucked up economically. As far as him wanting to do a job on the
ragheads that hide Osama bin laden, fuck em, let em burn. The next time the
russians invade em, fuck em. Fumunda Cheeze

Andrew Non

Sep 13, 2001, 10:47:53 AM9/13/01
At some point in the past (Tue, 11 Sep 2001 16:36:12 GMT, as it happens),
somebody called Iyartiphy made the following views known to all at

>NEW YORK (CNN) -- Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center
>towers in Manhattan on Tuesday in what President Bush called "an
>apparent terrorist attack on our country."
>About an hour after those crashes, an explosion forced the
>evacuation of the Pentagon in Washington and a fire erupted on
>the Washington Mall. Another fire was reported at the State
>Sources told CNN that one of the planes was an American
>Airlines Boeing 767 that had been hijacked after take-off
>from Boston.
>The United States has existed as a vassal of the Israeli
>state for too long. For more information, please visit
> or
>We Hail Osama Bin Laden,
>Adolf Hitler, Yassar Arafat
>And Any Others Who Act Against
>The Jewish State or Christianity.

You're going to be popular.


Sep 13, 2001, 10:46:10 AM9/13/01
Yeah yeah, you guys saved the world huh ? Or did you just impose your
material culture onto others ?
A good way to avoid being judged for crimes of war isn't it ?
If the Germans deserved Nurenberg for Auswitsch, you deserved the same
treatment for Hiroshima. Only your media saves your face.
And let's not forget that when you "save" some country you become very hard
to kick out: check out how the French had to insist for you to leave their
country after WWII.
Stop the hypocrisy, you intervene only when there's something to get out of
it or some interest to protect. Now you've got the consequences of your
actions. I read that 90% of you want revenge. Fine ! Pretend you don't
understand the lesson, there will be more of them at the expense of you and
other innocent people around the world. Take Bush away while you still can !
How could u let him be president when he didn't even win the elections !?
The Germans paid the high price for stupidely pretending to be the ones who
would save the planet from the general idea at that time that there was a
"Jew threat".
Go ahead and be the stupid ones who save the planet from Muslims, ha ha ha,
don't u realise u're infiltrated already like most european nations are ?
Now you've only got the Muslim extremists mad but yeah go ahead and put more
pressure; you'll get more Muslims mad and you'll be the ones to be sorry.
America should have understood long long time ago that supporting Israel was
an idea that didn't match with the one of freedom and tolerance. The images
of that kid and his dad shot in the street were the last warning for you
guys to leave it alone. You didn't, they couln't forget nor forgive. You
wouldn't have either. Now you pay. Stop now or you'll pay more while
dragging other countries along in hell.
And by the way, take a break and ask your old hippies what they thought of
Afghanistan as they went on their way to India and Nepal. They'll tell you
that Afghan people are the nicest most welcoming people they ever met on the
road. Yeah Turkey was a bit hot, Iran wasn't exactly Nirvana but Afghanistan
was heaven. Then Russians came, then the Talibans, then you I suppose...
Hey, enough ! I'll come back in 3000 years when you get out of Middle Age,
ok ?

<> wrote in message

Sep 13, 2001, 12:17:09 PM9/13/01
to (Iyartiphy) wrote:
>>DO You really think that puppet Bush and his band od right - whing extremist
>>will really shed tears for the victims of this attack? They will use the
>>peoples justified anger to take more money from America taxpayers for the
>>military, and for their secret service *herion smugglers) friends, and
>>destroy whoever is behind this horrific and covardly attack. This is good,
>>but they will also use the new power to clap on whoever is Liberal, freedom
>>thinking and not right - whing.
>>Bye Bye suckers, the Boss is already won!
>Right or Left, they just work to strengthen their party and its
>corporate backers while the working class starves.
>National Socialism is the final solution.

I would do to you the same thing that you wont to do to yews. The earth will
never be in peace until the last fachist is extermineted from the face of
the earth. This is only real FINAL SOLUTION.

>Where do you want to scam today?
>Fun Fax 'Bout Blax
>Support China in future wars against the U.S.
>Boycott Apple for Anti-LSD policies
>Fight for Your Rights as a Headbanger

Eando Binder

Sep 13, 2001, 12:18:48 PM9/13/01

"Gordon" <> wrote in message

> > > >>That must suck, when you think about it.
> > >
> > > It's religion - the driving force behind the attack - that sucks.
> > >
> > > If not for religion, thousands of people would be going to work at the
> > > WTC tomorrow.
> Not so. The buildings would never have existed in the first place, nor
> Europeans be in the new world.

You really have no idea at all, do you? It makes no difference whether
religion is involved or not, people explore, colonize, build, etc. - it's
just more likely that religion will be responsible when violence happens.

Sep 13, 2001, 12:29:10 PM9/13/01

"Amy M. Whetzel-Koelbl" <> wrote:
>A culture based on revenge. First of all, let me clear up once and for all,
>I am not Jewish. You have some how deluded yourself into thinking I am,
>it probably helps your hateful cause.
>Your culture or the one most Arabs and Palestinians belong to is absolutely
>vengeful. You sit around on a daily basis how you can hurt your won women
>and other people. So, I do not want to hear your hypocritical crap!
>Furthermore, you failed to respond to any fact I have given you about the
>Q'uran, Arab states, and other things. Am I to assume you know I am right,
>or should I think that you are just a hateful person who has never read
>Q'uran a day in your life.

>"Iyartiphy" <> wrote in message
>> Point out a single illegal thing in my email.
>> You're just a bitter fascist because the world finally called the
>> US/Israel/the UN on their bullying tactics.
>> What's so sacred about Jewish lives that isn't sacred for Palestinian
>> ones?
>> Oh, I forgot... your paranoid and deluded God.
>> You fucking Jew... a culture based on revenge will produce nothing but
>> revengeful, holier-than-thou types like yourself.
>> Death to kikes! Kill a Jew for Justice!
>> On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 20:31:08 GMT, "Amy M. Whetzel-Koelbl"
>> <> wrote:
>> >I sent your email to the FBI in hopes they might extinguish you! I sent
>> >all relevant info including email, headers, and properties.

>> >
>> >
>> >"Iyartiphy" <> wrote in message
>> >

>> >> On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:00:49 +0800, "Pascal" <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >Hey !
>> >> >Did I hear you whine ?
>> >> >Come on, you're all soldiers seing your strong positions regarding
>> >> >countries internal affairs and the way you directly take part in them.
>> >> >Wise men don't whine, they plan the consequences of their involvements
>> >and
>> >> >assume their mistakes.
>> >> >Are you just sour losers ?!
>> >> >Nish from Hong Kong, where noone fears Palestinian air attacks...
>> >wonder
>> >> >why...
>> >>
>> >> Man, you hit the nail on the head. Everyone's whining but they don't
>> >> realize WHY these attacks occurred. America has been fucking over
>> >> people worldwide and when we get a dose, we cry. What annoying
>> >> Judeo-Christians!
>> >>
>> >> Steps to a Better Tomorrow:
>> >>
>> >> 1) Gas the Jews and Christians
>> >> 2) Burn the Judeo-Christian holy books
>> >> 3) Replace capitalism with cooperative National Socialism
>> >> 4) Separate the races
>> >>
>> >> Did you know that even wealthy blacks are 7 times more likely to
>> >> commit homicide than whites?

>> >>
>> >> Where do you want to scam today?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Fun Fax 'Bout Blax
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Support China in future wars against the U.S.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Boycott Apple for Anti-LSD policies
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Fight for Your Rights as a Headbanger
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> Where do you want to scam today?
>> Fun Fax 'Bout Blax
>> Support China in future wars against the U.S.
>> Boycott Apple for Anti-LSD policies
>> Fight for Your Rights as a Headbanger
You are wrong, and that other bastard is also wrong. The yews and palestinians
should be forced to make peace just as Bosnians are forced. Amerika has brought
this on their heads because their shameful politics in the Middle east. Let
face is, they (yews and palestinians) are bloddy killers and shoud be strongarmed
to peace.


Sep 13, 2001, 12:37:50 PM9/13/01
to (Adam Kemp) wrote:
>Looking "from the outside in" ( I'm in Australia) We all feel for you
>guys down here, but I have to say that Bush character is SCARY!
>I don't think he is helping the World's perception of the US. He seems
>pretty hard-line.
>Also, after the anger dies down, I hope that people start to realise
>that it is'nt any Country to blame, rather an element who are almost
>certainly outside the country of their birth, but CLAIM to represent
>all of the peoples of that country (or religion).
>Fortunately, the condemnation of the act has been universally and
>unreservedly denounced by every major power, including China(!)
>The woice of reason is always lost in the linching mob. Dont spread the
good will, hate and join the fun.

B. D.

Sep 13, 2001, 12:38:59 PM9/13/01
Actually, there are theories that the death toll for both Japanese and, of
course american lives, was much less, because the bombs were so horrific.

The Japanese started that war. The factions in power in Japan wanted war.
They had no thoughts of surrendering. Their fatalistic view left no options
of just ending the war.

Invading Japan would have set in motion a national fight to a Japanese
annihiliation, in my opinion. Since no American actually invaded Japan, it
let the Japanese people themselves the face to call of hostilities and

We, Americans, never said that we are saving the world from Muslims. That
is just your inane rantings to puff yourself up. We are interested, quite
vehemently, in exterminating fanatics that pervert their religion so they
can blame somebody so they have a reason to kill.

Speaking of the French, if they asked, we then left!

Korea, South Viet Nam and Kuwait asked for our help.

Terrorist fanatics always need to point their ignorant finger and say their
the devil, or whatever religious term, and call a holy crusade against them,
instead of fixing their own problems.

"Pascal" <> wrote in message


Sep 13, 2001, 1:43:39 PM9/13/01
Viet-nam asked for ur help ? Oh you mean the French colonialists who were
unable to fix the communists eventhough you guys were pouring money and
weapons of them ? Really ? They called you as they left ? I don't remember
they did but if u say so.
And right now, say... in Nepal, u guys wouldn't be supporting a king
fratricide and autocratic by any chance, just to make sure the country
doesn't turn communist ? I'm sure the Nepali would call you if it did indeed
turn maoist like it could ?
You guys have put your nose in every country under any sort of pretext
regardless of the consequences on people. Take Thailand for instance and
your brilliant consideration for the tribes who lived out of opium. Fine you
fight against drugs, and what about the people who's economy it was ? I'm
not talking about barons, I'm talking about farmers who kill a chicken once
a week and eat shit the rest of the time !
Do u know how they live in the nepalese mountains ? In the Afghan desert ?
In Jerusalem east ? Do u really think they couldn't do better if you didn't
maintain strong militarist governements that keep them in misery ? And don't
tell me you didn't help Ben Laden get you rid of the Russians in
Afghanistan. They're really happy, the Afghans now, with such a governement.
Thank you for them !
Leave people alone !

"B. D." <> wrote in message


Sep 13, 2001, 1:52:11 PM9/13/01
In article <NZ2o7.23168$>, fumunda
cheeze says...

The United States of America has so thoroughly involved itself in other people's
business largely through illegal covert activities by the CIA, that they are
universally regarded as the greatest threat to freedom and world peace ever

The American military has on more than one occasion engaged in the slaughter of
thousands of people in other nations without any declaration of war!

I don't condone the crashing of hijacked planes into American cities. No one
could or would who values human lives. However, Americans must take this
opportunity in spite of their grief, in spite of their anger, in spite of the
great loss of loved ones and ask 'what are WE doing that some people hate our
nation so much that they would do such a thing?'

The American people have an enemy far more dangerous on their own territory than
they will ever find on foreign shores.

The information that scares the hell out of Fred:

See the Freddy movie starring Freddy's head!

B. D.

Sep 13, 2001, 3:02:46 PM9/13/01
The Afgahnis wanted the Russions gone. That is not the same as Ben Laden.
We treat people as honest first. We don't assume they are a raving ignorant
fanatic beforehand.

Now you chinese take a different tack. Imprison, torcher and put to death
with very little to no evidence.

"Pascal" <> wrote in message


Stacie Skelley

Sep 13, 2001, 3:36:14 PM9/13/01
Let's get the facts straight:


This, from a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing:

America: The Good Neighbor

Widespread but only partial news coverage was given
recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from
Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television
commentator. What follows is the full text of his
trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional

"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the
Americans as the most generous and possibly the least
appreciated people on all the earth.

Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and
Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the
Americans who poured in billions of dollars and
forgave other billions in debts. None of these
countries is today paying even the interest on its
remaining debts to the United States.

When the Franc was in danger of collapsing in 1956,
it was the Americans who propped it up, and their
reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets
of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the
United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59
American communities were flattened by tornadoes.
Nobody helped.

The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped
billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now
newspapers in those countries are writing about the
decadent, warmongering Americans.

I'd like to see just one of those countries that
is gloating over the erosion of the United States
dollar build its own airplane. Does any other country
in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo
Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10?
If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the
International lines except Russia fly American Planes?

Why does no other land on earth even consider putting
a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese
technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German
technocracy, and you get automobiles.

You talk about American technocracy, and you find
men on the moon - not once, but several times -
and safely home again.

You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs
right in the store window for everybody to look at .
Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded.
They are here on our streets, and most of them, unless
they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American
dollars from Ma and Pa at home to spend here.

When the railways of France, Germany and India
were breaking down through age, it was the Americans
who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and
the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are
still broke.

I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced
to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name
me even one time when someone else raced to the
Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside
help even during the San Francisco earthquake.

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one
Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get
kicked around. They will come out of this thing with
their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled
to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating
over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not
one of those."

Stand proud, America!

"Pascal" <> wrote in message


Sep 13, 2001, 6:52:10 PM9/13/01
"Eando Binder" <> wrote in message

Do remind me of the contributions that atheism has made to the world.
Other than the Khmer Rouge's genocide and Stalin's butchery, I mean.

Al Klein

Sep 13, 2001, 7:46:04 PM9/13/01
On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 05:53:25 GMT, "Gordon" <>
posted in alt.atheism:

>> "Al Klein" <> wrote in message

>> > Praying? Where was your god yesterday morning?

>Mine was still in control of the universe. Yours?

So it was your god's plan that thousands die at the hands of a few

>> > The city doesn't need any more volunteers unless they're
>> > professionals.

>Right-- no sense in looking for a way to contribute, when it's so much
>easier and so much less risk, to whine.

No, rather storm into the city when the mayor specifically said that
they don't want any non-professionals "volunteering" any more. Screw
the officials in charge, you're going to listen to your god, huh?

>> > If not for religion, thousands of people would be going to work at the
>> > WTC tomorrow.

>Not so. The buildings would never have existed in the first place, nor would
>Europeans be in the new world.

How does your head fit through doorways? Or between stellar systems?
Al - Unnumbered Atheist #infinity
rukbat at optonline dot net

Al Klein

Sep 13, 2001, 7:46:07 PM9/13/01
On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 13:25:36 +0200, "Lukas Mariman"
<> posted in alt.atheism:

They believe that it was a warning for our turning away from their
god. Just more apocalyptic, fundamentalist drool.

Sep 13, 2001, 8:55:57 PM9/13/01
Sorry you have a little dick, no need to be pissed off at
the world because of it.

- Japan attack the USA first
- Japan was WARNED that they face destruction if they dont
- Japan was then bombed.
- The military leaders of Japan DID NOT want to surrender
- They were bombed a 2nd time.
- The military leaders of Japan DID NOT want to surrender
after the 2nd either.

In article <9nqh7k$1r1a$>, says...

>Yeah yeah, you guys saved the world huh ? Or did you just
impose your
>material culture onto others ?
>A good way to avoid being judged for crimes of war isn't
it ?
>If the Germans deserved Nurenberg for Auswitsch, you
deserved the same
>treatment for Hiroshima. Only your media saves your face.
>And let's not forget that when you "save" some country you
become very hard
>to kick out: check out how the French had to insist for
you to leave their
>country after WWII.
>Stop the hypocrisy, you intervene only when there's
something to get out of
>it or some interest to protect. Now you've got the
consequences of your
>actions. I read that 90% of you want revenge. Fine !
Pretend you don't
>understand the lesson, there will be more of them at the
expense of you and
>other innocent people around the world. Take Bush away

As you said "innocent people", you and your kind are not
innocent. Just living shit.

>How could u let him be president when he didn't even win
the elections !?

No country is perfect. It was a fucked elections.

>The Germans paid the high price for stupidely pretending
to be the ones who
>would save the planet from the general idea at that time
that there was a
>"Jew threat".
>Go ahead and be the stupid ones who save the planet from
Muslims, ha ha ha,

Why don't you reverse what you just said, hamster lover.

"Muslims are the stupid ones who'll save the planet from
the modern people".

>don't u realise u're infiltrated already like most
european nations are ?

Yes, like the cowards you shits are. Understand that, you
FUCKERS are COWARDS. Little dicks who can't please women,
so you lock them up. You hide behind a "god" who
apparently believes everyone should be killed. The fact
you know english, shouldn't that be a bad thing - perhaps
its time for you TO terrorize yourself and put a bullet in
your head.

PS: who built your computer? Whose software are you using?
Well look here, you're using an American designed computer
using American software for your email and web browser...
Simple proof that your arab fucks can't program worth a
shit. Oh yeah, other than drill oil (with equipment built
in OTHER countries, including America), the only thing you
guys can do is fuc- I mean herd sheep and kill each other
and humans.

>Now you've only got the Muslim extremists mad but yeah go
ahead and put more
>pressure; you'll get more Muslims mad and you'll be the
ones to be sorry.

And the end result will have the be the complete
extermination of the muslim race. If such steps are
required, I hope your ben vanlandin (whatever his stupid
ugly name is, he's ugly too - even goats don't like him)
will witness the DESTUCTION of his race before his eyes
before he's slowly and very painfully executed.

It will not be a sad day when not a single person in the
world will ever pray to allah again. Because he killed
them and the extremist brain dead fuckers who twisted his
words into the perversion that it is today. Be with allah
if you love him so, DIE.

Come on people, we need to read the book that Rushdie

I have no problems with you being muslim... but with your
crazy chicken shit attacks, you and your kind forfiet your
rights to live.

>America should have understood long long time ago that
supporting Israel was
>an idea that didn't match with the one of freedom and

Yes to a degree, they wanted to go back to their "holy"
land that you guys took over and kicked out many years ago.
It is unfortunete that the two couldn't simply live
together. it was a fuckup on ALL sides.

Killing each other is NOT a solution, but since you and
your kind do not have the ability to discuss anything, but
to kill EACH other and people who have nothing to do with
your bullshit. We Are NOT going to go through time being
scared of YOU. If the USA bends, then we lose and you'll
keep up with your shit. We want those involved and what
ever countries support them. Retaliation to the western
and MODERN world will result in YOUR DESTRUCTION.

>wouldn't have either. Now you pay. Stop now or you'll pay
more while
>dragging other countries along in hell.

Uh, why cant YOU FUCKS stop? Oh yeah, that requires
something called "THE HUMAN BRAIN". You are the guys
starting it, if it needs to be, the entire world WILL END
this by turning your deserts into glass. ie: your ALL

>And by the way, take a break and ask your old hippies what
they thought of
>Afghanistan as they went on their way to India and Nepal.
They'll tell you
>that Afghan people are the nicest most welcoming people
they ever met on the
>road. Yeah Turkey was a bit hot, Iran wasn't exactly

Then the extermist gained power, brainwashed and FORCED
their people with torture and murder to become the crazy
fucks you are today.

You're poor, uneducated and behind the rest of the world -
because YOU don't have the ability to go against your
government - you vent your anger at an easier target.

And yeah, Bush from the 80's fucked up by not helping Iraq
kick out Saddam hussain... we could have helped half the
country that DID NOT want saddam as their leader - oh yeah,

>Hey, enough ! I'll come back in 3000 years when you get
out of Middle Age,
>ok ?

Uh, you muslim retard, your race is STILL living in the
middle ages! Actually thats not quite true... You are
still living the same way as you did for the past 10,000
years. No advancement your your culture or intelligence.
And the USA and other countries were stupid enough to give
them shiney toys and guns to play with.

Go with Allah, DIE right now. Go get your gun or knife
that you have. come back here and post "I'm going to Allah
now" and slit your own throat. Be on the news...

Tens of Thousands of muslims decided to be with Allah and
slit their throats in their own homes.

Be brave, make a real statement to the world - be with
Allah, cause the rest of the world doesn't!

Sep 13, 2001, 10:19:54 PM9/13/01
I agree Dubyu is retarded but can you imagine if Al Gore was at the helm. I
guess he would want to call in Erin Brockavitch like he suggested during his
battle for Florida. Here is a man who believes the crap he sees on TV and
at the movies is real. The man is worse that retarded.

<> wrote in message

Sep 13, 2001, 10:35:57 PM9/13/01
Right on the money. Bull's Eye. I have been saying this for years. It is
too bad however, that the government will incite the people into revenge
mode rather than to stand back and ask themselves why this happened.

"Ron" <> wrote in message


Sep 13, 2001, 10:24:05 PM9/13/01
"Al Klein" <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 05:53:25 GMT, "Gordon" <>
> posted in alt.atheism:
> >> "Al Klein" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > Praying? Where was your god yesterday morning?
> >Mine was still in control of the universe. Yours?
> So it was your god's plan that thousands die at the hands of a few
> madmen?

Who in all of history has ever died without God's allowing it?

> >> > The city doesn't need any more volunteers unless they're
> >> > professionals.
> >Right-- no sense in looking for a way to contribute, when it's so much
> >easier and so much less risk, to whine.
> No, rather storm into the city when the mayor specifically said that
> they don't want any non-professionals "volunteering" any more. Screw
> the officials in charge, you're going to listen to your god, huh?

I'm not talking about storming the city, nor even necessarily going there.
But why read for comprehension when continuing to whine is so much easier?

> >> > If not for religion, thousands of people would be going to work at
> >> > WTC tomorrow.
> >Not so. The buildings would never have existed in the first place, nor
> >Europeans be in the new world.
> How does your head fit through doorways? Or between stellar systems?

Just fine. Still using yours for a doorstop, I see.


Sep 13, 2001, 10:52:55 PM9/13/01
Little dick or not you're the one who's got it up his sore asshole. :)))
This time who doesn't want to understand ? I'll just sit and watch u get
another spanking then, ok ?
I can see the show isn't over yet. U guys really haven't got anything better
to do ? Sad.

<> wrote in message

Michael L. Zickefoose

Sep 14, 2001, 12:27:45 AM9/14/01
Hmm, lets see...when was the last time an athesit or an agnostic like
myself ever had a rabid radical funamentalist group try and force their
views down anyone's throat? When was the last time a group of atheists
went and blew up a buliding, an abortion clinic, had an Inquistion, had
a jihad or Crusade agaist those who didn't believe in their views? But
then this is the wrong time to be discussing stuff like this, when we
should be giving our sympathies and help to the victims and their
families, when all faiths/creeds/races/geners and those of us who may
not have a definitive faith need to be pulling together as Americans or
As a larger World community to condemn these acts and hunt those people
responsible down.
Mike Zickefoose


Sep 13, 2001, 11:59:29 PM9/13/01
In article <9noe42$fnl$>, "Elmo" <> wrote:
>Pussy fuck I bet you don't even know how to defend yourself. Complain about
>thre military machine but when your life and family are threatened your the
>first screaming help me. You pasifists make me sick
>PoGo <> wrote in message
>> In article <3b9e8865$>, "Jay Berg" <>
>> <Snip>

>> >
>> >How about if we all take a vacation from hate and try to figure out how
>> >deal with this new world we've woken up to today.
>> >
>> >
>> ------------------------------------
>> Yes !!!
>> Perceptions, by definition, are valid and although I agree that we now
>> see a different world (and will forevermore), it's always been there.
>> Rude awakenings are rarely enjoyable, but are a part of reality.
>> I agree wholeheartedly with your intent and your aspirations.
>> --
>> PoGo
After twenty military years (including 5 Vn Carrier tours)followed by
ten with the "Military Industrial Complex", this is the first time
anyone has ever labeled me a pacifist. Maybe I should think about that
.. or ...maybe not.

Don't try to teach a pig to sing ...
It wastes your time and annoys the pig.


Sep 14, 2001, 1:51:22 AM9/14/01
In article <h2eo7.845$>, says...

You aren't alone. You are right however about the gubmint and it's pet media
inciting the people. It's going to be very hard for people who lost friends and
relatives to think past the anger and grief to the more reasoned and permanent

You might be interested in

Sep 14, 2001, 2:46:12 AM9/14/01
As a nonmember of the human race, I hope you and your
family die the death you deserve, painful and worthless.

What do YOU have better to do?

When your people are getting wiped out by the human race,
remember your stupid fucking words.


This is not a threat from me to you. This is the game you
shits are going to play, you will ALL DIE. If I die
because of your attack, I already know that the USA will
fucking NUKE your ASS.

I'm sure china will help deport your ass back to your dirt
hole to die the the rest.

Peace - through Superior Firepower.

In article <9nrrl7$rhr$>, says...

>Little dick or not you're the one who's got it up his sore
asshole. :)))
>This time who doesn't want to understand ? I'll just sit
and watch u get
>another spanking then, ok ?
>I can see the show isn't over yet. U guys really haven't
got anything better
>to do ? Sad.
><> wrote in message


Alan Braeckman

Sep 14, 2001, 7:29:06 AM9/14/01
Whether Bush won the election or not does not matter. He is the one who took
the oath, he is the one who sits in the office. He is the one who will lead

"Pascal" <> wrote in message


Sep 14, 2001, 1:38:33 PM9/14/01
"Michael L. Zickefoose" <> wrote in message
(top-posting, so *that's* atheism's legacy to the world!)

> Hmm, lets see...when was the last time an athesit or an agnostic like
> myself ever had a rabid radical funamentalist group try and force their
> views down anyone's throat?

Other than the revolutions in Russia and China, you mean?

> When was the last time a group of atheists
> went and blew up a buliding, an abortion clinic, had an Inquistion, had
> a jihad or Crusade agaist those who didn't believe in their views?

I see you forgot to mention your faith's two proudest contributions:
Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge
Stalin's purges.

Got any others?

> But
> then this is the wrong time to be discussing stuff like this, when we
> should be giving our sympathies and help to the victims and their
> families, when all faiths/creeds/races/geners and those of us who may
> not have a definitive faith need to be pulling together as Americans or
> As a larger World community to condemn these acts and hunt those people
> responsible down.
> Mike Zickefoose

When you've already made your attack, it's easy to pretend to be supportive
of others.

> Gordon wrote:
> > "Lukas Mariman" <> wrote in message
> > news:3ba09c50$0$36476$
> > > "Gordon" <> schreef in bericht
> > > news:pRXn7.571297$
> > > > > > > praying for the bereaved,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Praying? Where was your god yesterday morning?
> > > >
> > > > Mine was still in control of the universe. Yours?
> > >
> > > You must be mad if you still believe that nonsense.
> >
> > Not at all. Remind me again of atheism's contributions to the world?
> >
> > -------
> > Gordon
> >
> > "I have as much authority as the Pope.
> > I just don't have as many people who believe it."


Sep 14, 2001, 5:45:17 PM9/14/01
In article <>,
<> wrote:
> (snip 200 lines of racist diatribe)
>Sorry folks for such negative thoughts.

No, you aren't. You're just interested in sharing with everyone else
how much like the people who hijacked those planes you can be.

Congratulations -- you sound about the same.


Mark Meiss ( 812/855-1878 / Disciple of Loki and / Fomenter of Entropy
Researcher, Advanced Network Management Lab /-----------------------------
Wanna-be Author of Novels and Short Fiction / What fools these normals be.

Al Klein

Sep 14, 2001, 8:35:23 PM9/14/01
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 02:24:05 GMT, "Gordon" <>
posted in alt.atheism:

>"Al Klein" <> wrote in message


>> So it was your god's plan that thousands die at the hands of a few
>> madmen?

>Who in all of history has ever died without God's allowing it?

Er, um - everyone who ever died.

>> >> > The city doesn't need any more volunteers unless they're
>> >> > professionals.

>> >Right-- no sense in looking for a way to contribute, when it's so much
>> >easier and so much less risk, to whine.

>> No, rather storm into the city when the mayor specifically said that
>> they don't want any non-professionals "volunteering" any more. Screw
>> the officials in charge, you're going to listen to your god, huh?

>I'm not talking about storming the city, nor even necessarily going there.
>But why read for comprehension when continuing to whine is so much easier?

You're talking about doing precisely what both the mayor and the fire
commissioner have expressly asked people to NOT do - volunteer to help
Those not willing to fight for freedom don't deserve freedom.
Extremism in defense of liberty is *not* a vice.
Al - rukbat at optonline dot net

Sep 14, 2001, 5:48:31 PM9/14/01
In article <>,

<> wrote:
>Sorry you have a little dick, no need to be pissed off at
>the world because of it.
>- Japan attack the USA first
>- Japan was WARNED that they face destruction if they dont
>- Japan was then bombed.
>- The military leaders of Japan DID NOT want to surrender
>- They were bombed a 2nd time.
>- The military leaders of Japan DID NOT want to surrender
>after the 2nd either.

But we didn't bomb the military leaders of Japan. We bombed civilians
with no say in the matter.

B. D.

Sep 14, 2001, 9:34:16 PM9/14/01
If we had bombed their "God Emperor" there would have been no possibility of
peace. You need to take in a nations mindset before you make statements.

<> wrote in message


Sep 14, 2001, 10:06:38 PM9/14/01

> From: <>
> Organization: Zfree New Zealand - Complaints to
> Reply-To: <>
> Newsgroups:
> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:29:10 GMT
> Subject: Re: Kill A Jew For Justice


Actually, all I want to do is read more erotic stories and drool over pics
of naked chicks. But I do wish you all receive a dictionary for
Christmas/Hannakuh/Eid/Halloween/fat tuesday, or whatever day you hold

Michael L. Zickefoose

Sep 15, 2001, 12:14:44 AM9/15/01
hmm, seems you were the first to attack those who hold different beliefs from
yourself. Granted, I was miffed when writing that, but calmed down through
what i wrote to concentrate on more important matters. I do take insult that
you compare all atheists and agnostics to monsters of humanity like Stalin and
Pol Pot. My point i was trying to show is that Christianity has commited
atrocities in it's past when it became the predominate religion and really was
trying to show that Fundementalism or Fanaticism, no matter whether it is from
a muslim, christian, agnostic or any group, I a dangerous thing and we need to
be open minded enough to listen to others with different views and work
towards common ground.
Mike Zickefoose


Sep 15, 2001, 12:35:04 AM9/15/01
"Al Klein" <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 02:24:05 GMT, "Gordon" <>
> posted in alt.atheism:
> >"Al Klein" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> So it was your god's plan that thousands die at the hands of a few
> >> madmen?
> >Who in all of history has ever died without God's allowing it?
> Er, um - everyone who ever died.

<dr. evil> Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. </dr. evil>

> >> >> > The city doesn't need any more volunteers unless they're
> >> >> > professionals.
> >> >Right-- no sense in looking for a way to contribute, when it's so much
> >> >easier and so much less risk, to whine.
> >> No, rather storm into the city when the mayor specifically said that
> >> they don't want any non-professionals "volunteering" any more. Screw
> >> the officials in charge, you're going to listen to your god, huh?
> >I'm not talking about storming the city, nor even necessarily going
> >But why read for comprehension when continuing to whine is so much
> You're talking about doing precisely what both the mayor and the fire
> commissioner have expressly asked people to NOT do - volunteer to help
> out.

Great suffering polecats, you're an idiot.
Stick your head in a bucket of ripe persimmons while you ponder the question
of when I ever said people should only volunteer to help within NYC.
When it occurs to you that there are other places to help besides inside NYC
itself, you can take it out.


Sep 15, 2001, 12:40:30 AM9/15/01
"Michael L. Zickefoose" <> wrote in message
(top-posing again? netiquette would be nice to observe and practice)

> hmm, seems you were the first to attack those who hold different beliefs
> yourself.

Check the attributions below. Here, I'll help:

> > > > "Lukas Mariman" <> wrote in message
> > > > news:3ba09c50$0$36476$

> > > > > > > > Praying? Where was your god yesterday morning?

> > > > > You must be mad if you still believe that nonsense.

That's a pretty clear case of an attack.

> Granted, I was miffed when writing that, but calmed down through
> what i wrote to concentrate on more important matters. I do take insult
> you compare all atheists and agnostics to monsters of humanity like Stalin
> Pol Pot.

It is as directly appropriate as comparing all theists to Crusaders or
fire-bombing antiabortionists.

> My point i was trying to show is that Christianity has commited
> atrocities in it's past when it became the predominate religion and really
> trying to show that Fundementalism or Fanaticism, no matter whether it is
> a muslim, christian, agnostic or any group, I a dangerous thing and we
need to
> be open minded enough to listen to others with different views and work
> towards common ground.

That's a better sentiment than what you actually wrote. I would dump the old
stuff and stick with that. It works better.




Sep 15, 2001, 2:17:19 PM9/15/01
Twenty-eight years ago a Canadian journalist, Gordon Sinclair, from
Toronto, Canada, wrote the following piece concerning critics of US
Foreign Policy in the Vietnam War. It is worth posting at this time and
under these circumstances. It is as true today as when it was first


Gordon Sinclair

This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the
most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the

Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted
out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of
dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is
today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United

When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans

who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on
the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that
hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened
by tornadoes. Nobody helped.

The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars into
discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing
about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the
erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplane. Does any
other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet,
the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10? If so, why don't they fly
them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American

Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on
the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You
talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about
American technocracy, and you find men on the moon - not once, but

several times and safely home again. You talk about scandals, and the

Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at.

Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded. They are here on
our streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws,

are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here.

When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down
through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the
Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned
them an old caboose. Both are still broke.

I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other
people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced
to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even
during the San Francisco earthquake.

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned
tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this
thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb
their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I
hope Canada is not one of those.

Stand proud, America!

For those of you who do not agree with this article, don't waste your
time with flames. Your opinions of it or myself are of monumental
unimportance to me.

Honour is like an island, rugged and without a
beach; once we have left it, we can never return.

Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux 1636-1711


Sep 16, 2001, 12:37:47 AM9/16/01
Wrong newsgroup!!!!!...........
This one may not be monitored, but you can bet it's being watched.

Please let me know where you will be carring on at, I always find it amusing
to watch two people argue points that don't have a grasp of history.

"Michael L. Zickefoose" <> wrote in message


Sep 16, 2001, 1:17:10 AM9/16/01
why dont you just fuck off


Sep 16, 2001, 4:22:28 AM9/16/01

>No, you aren't. You're just interested in sharing with everyone else
>how much like the people who hijacked those planes you can be.
>Congratulations -- you sound about the same.

It's not a question of methodology, but design.

Remove Israel - it's a better design.

Sep 16, 2001, 3:42:42 AM9/16/01
In article <fn6o7.7215$>, says...

Scary shit too... What is our country doing to others?

A good link site, but severly out-dated :

As it is, the Bushes help Bin Landin get to where it is

Sep 16, 2001, 4:07:36 AM9/16/01
In article <9nttpd$5op$>,

>In article <>,
> <> wrote:
>> (snip 200 lines of racist diatribe)
>>Sorry folks for such negative thoughts.
>No, you aren't. You're just interested in sharing with everyone else
>how much like the people who hijacked those planes you can be.
>Congratulations -- you sound about the same.

No, I don't consider it the same.

If they WILL never ever stop, then what choice is there in the matter?

If the hold the rest of the modern world as hostage, then they win.

They kill each other, they kill everyone. They have twisted the Islamic religion to
brain wash people. Of course, Christians and the various flavors have done the same

I'm MAD as hell, but not surprised by this... it was coming. Articles on such attacks
have been around for years. This proves that bushes Star Wars 2 (Jay and Silent Bob
Strike back) "Defense shield" is a joke. The idea was a joke before.

I'm still pissed off by these so called "holy Islam" fucks who have nothing but shit
between the ears.

But, unlike these terrorist and those who THINK like them (the fucks who were dancing in
the street) - I get passed my anger.

I will apologize to my statements "TO KILL ALL ARABS".

It is not right to kill innocent people. A person who is a TRUE Islamic does NOT KILL
people and are NOT allowed to commit sucide.

Those turds who crashed the planes are going to their holy hell. They killed Muslims in
the towers, they killed Muslim fire fighter, they even killed other Muslims in the
planes themselves.

These few terrorist, perhaps about 10~15,000 around the world endanger and make the GOOD
people of their "race" and religion look bad. Make them look very very bad.

If anything, All mid-east militaries should be out to stop these terrorist - especially
if they don't want the rest of the world coming down on them.

Afghanistan is threatening the USA and any allies if we retaliate. Its going to happen,
are we supposed to cry and moan and let this shit continue? If they retaliate, then
they are BEGGING to be NUKED out of existence. Any other country that retaliates
because of that will end up in the same boat.

This is all bullshit... we humans are the dumbest fucking animals in the whole world.
To a major degree, our entire species isn't worth very much if we're this stupid.

This is my statement...

For tomorrow we shall all be dead...

Because of a bunch of shit-for-brains terrorist fucks who lie to each other thinking
their "holy" and the various USA CIA and other such "spies" for starting this. Their
drug dealings and weapons selling. Anyone remember Olly North, Reagun & Bush deal...
aka: The IRAN-CONTRA affair? drugs/money/weapons

They bring down our country in the 80s with high debt, and do it again with DEATH.

Sep 17, 2001, 3:58:22 AM9/17/01
I know this is OFF TOPIC, but there isn't a site to get it.

I just got this JPG image of the rebuilt WTC.

This is to the terrorist who did this to the innocent!

I was thinking of doing the same thing, someone else beat

Enjoy the pic.

I've included it another message in case you were

Noble Eagle

Sep 17, 2001, 3:51:15 AM9/17/01
Pascal, your right. The next time Germany wants the worthless pasture
between them and the English channel...We will stay home!


Sep 18, 2001, 10:56:07 AM9/18/01
I dislike people who talk about issues that is above there heads. star wars
II is not a defense against attacks from the ground or at low lvls, but
against missiles so why is it even being brought up. for another thing such
research has devoloped 100s of deferant developments for use in our lives.
so even if it is never used the byproducts discoverd through research will
still be useful to us.

<> wrote in message


Sep 18, 2001, 11:36:22 AM9/18/01
In article <>, croaker says...

>I dislike people who talk about issues that is above there heads. star wars
>II is not a defense against attacks from the ground or at low lvls, but
>against missiles so why is it even being brought up. for another thing such
>research has devoloped 100s of deferant developments for use in our lives.
>so even if it is never used the byproducts discoverd through research will
>still be useful to us.

Could you post a few dozen of those '100s of deferant developments for use in
our lives'?

Thank you.

The information that scares the hell out of Fred:

Rui Oliveira

Sep 18, 2001, 12:50:19 PM9/18/01

Ron <> escreveu na mensagem

> In article <>, croaker says...
> >
> >I dislike people who talk about issues that is above there heads. star
> >II is not a defense against attacks from the ground or at low lvls, but
> >against missiles so why is it even being brought up. for another thing
> >research has devoloped 100s of deferant developments for use in our
> >so even if it is never used the byproducts discoverd through research
> >still be useful to us.

> Could you post a few dozen of those '100s of deferant developments for use
> our lives'?

Good idea... I'm curious...

Sep 12, 2001, 4:49:18 PM9/12/01
Hatred is probably not the right response, but that doesn't mean that we
shouldn't necesarily bomb the bejeebees out of Afghanistan *if* the
"more likely story" turns out to be true.

You don't have to hate dangerous people to kill them, and you don't have
to want to kill people to kill them, either. The "just go after those
directly responsible" approach doesn't work. That should be clear by

After the Libyan bombing, direct state-sponsored terrorism went way
down; thus, the Taliban *says* that they are "controlling" him and that
they are opposed to this sort of terrorimsm.

But there is plenty of reason to suspect that they aren't being enirely
forthright and that they have, in fact, been protecting him. (He's a
wanted man in his native land.)

Unless the government (Taliban) of Afgahistan pays the price along with
bin Laden, others will be encouraged to be equally two-faced about
supporting terrorism rather than to truly stop supporting it.

Also, all should understand that, unfortunate though it may be, in a
ware there will be some "friendly fire" and "collatoral damage"
(civilian casualties). Thus is is in all wars. And this is war.

In article <3b9e8865$>, Jay Berg <> wrote:

|So killing them/him makes us better than the ones flying the planes into the
|Trade Center towers?

|How about if we all take a vacation from hate and try to figure out how to
|deal with this new world we've woken up to today.

|"BaadHubby8" <> wrote in message
|> want to be a martyr for allah?
|> step right up motherfucker
|> we'll be glad to send you to raghead heaven...

Brian T. Schellenberger . . . . . . . (work)
Brian, the man from Babble-On . . . . (personal)

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Sep 18, 2001, 3:39:44 PM9/18/01
Any of you "ragheads" feel like dying for allah come on down to the
South, I'm sure someone will speed you on your way!!

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:55:23 -0500, "Chuck Robinson"
<> wrote:

>Keep your mouth open, We'll find you.

>"Iyartiphy" <> wrote in message

>> NEW YORK (CNN) -- Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center
>> towers in Manhattan on Tuesday in what President Bush called "an
>> apparent terrorist attack on our country."
>> About an hour after those crashes, an explosion forced the
>> evacuation of the Pentagon in Washington and a fire erupted on
>> the Washington Mall. Another fire was reported at the State
>> Department.
>> Sources told CNN that one of the planes was an American
>> Airlines Boeing 767 that had been hijacked after take-off
>> from Boston.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>> The United States has existed as a vassal of the Israeli
>> state for too long. For more information, please visit
>> or
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>> We Hail Osama Bin Laden,
>> Adolf Hitler, Yassar Arafat
>> And Any Others Who Act Against
>> The Jewish State or Christianity.
>> Heil Satan
>> this nation is murder
>> we bear the morals of a vengeful people from the middle east
>> save your world - gas a jew
>> beat a christian
>> and separate the races
>> fuck morality
>> nature is law
>> law is nature
>> fuck you
>> fuck gOD
>> fuck jewsus

fumunda cheeze

Sep 20, 2001, 2:19:43 PM9/20/01
I got a better idea. Kill every son of a bitch in the world who aspires to
fundamentalism of any religion . There have been more innocent people killed
in the name of religion than there ever was for any other reason. A fucking
moslem who runs around calling a holy war on someone just being in his
country should be the first one to go meet allah and people like jerry
falwell and pat robertson should be hastened to meet their maker. Personally
I think it's all bullshit that he preaches too. Fuck em all. The old pope
goes around telling good catholics to fuck like rabbits from the time a girl
first bleeds until she reaches menopause. Fuck him, the world is full
enough. Any son of a bitch that gets up and says a whole plane load of
people have to die because an old boy is on the plane that has a magazine
that shows naked women, then if that is true, his god is not for me and not
just. And then the jew, he has suffered greatly. I sympathise with him but I
still don't think he has the right to steal land that belongs to someone


Sep 20, 2001, 3:34:58 PM9/20/01
Star Wars II does not work, will not work. Read any
article. They can barely HIT a missle, and that is when
they know where its coming from and the time it launched
and the course is known.

Missles from the enemy are not like that. Think China or
whoever is going to call the USA and say "Oh yeah, missle
#78 is headed towards S.Califorina and such and such
degrees - you have 2mins to get to it before it deploys
its 12 war heads."

SDI is about wasting our money.

The point is, our defense money is wasted so our president
and his friends will make a killing with all their stocks
in military contractors. The billions of dollars he is
spending on it will never stop terrorist attacks.

It won't stop a full scale nuke war, much less a few
missles. May in fact start a nuclear war. Know what MAD
is? Mutal Assured Destruction If the enemy feels that
their nukes can't get us, they may simply fire 10 times the
nukes at us. Who knows.

what kept the USA & USSR from starting a war the fact they
knew that EACH side will totally destroy each other. No
matter what there would be no winner.

In article <>, says...

>I dislike people who talk about issues that is above there
heads. star wars
>II is not a defense against attacks from the ground or at
low lvls, but
>against missiles so why is it even being brought up. for
another thing such
>research has devoloped 100s of deferant developments for
use in our lives.
>so even if it is never used the byproducts discoverd
through research will
>still be useful to us.
><> wrote in message


Doug Evans

Sep 20, 2001, 2:36:02 PM9/20/01
All lands have been either stolen or gained by the conquering of the last

Regards, Doug

"fumunda cheeze" <> wrote in message

Mr Slot

Sep 20, 2001, 9:19:59 PM9/20/01
On 20 Sep 2001 19:34:58 GMT, (J) chose to put into
words the following :-

>Star Wars II does not work, will not work. Read any
>article. They can barely HIT a missle, and that is when
>they know where its coming from and the time it launched
>and the course is known.
>Missles from the enemy are not like that. Think China or
>whoever is going to call the USA and say "Oh yeah, missle
>#78 is headed towards S.Califorina and such and such
>degrees - you have 2mins to get to it before it deploys
>its 12 war heads."
>SDI is about wasting our money.
>The point is, our defense money is wasted so our president
>and his friends will make a killing with all their stocks
>in military contractors. The billions of dollars he is
>spending on it will never stop terrorist attacks.
>It won't stop a full scale nuke war, much less a few
>missles. May in fact start a nuclear war. Know what MAD
>is? Mutal Assured Destruction If the enemy feels that
>their nukes can't get us, they may simply fire 10 times the
>nukes at us. Who knows.
>what kept the USA & USSR from starting a war the fact they
>knew that EACH side will totally destroy each other. No
>matter what there would be no winner.

The scary thing about SDI is if it does work. It means that whoever's
in charge can hammer away at that button and know that no one will
ever be able to retaliate in kind. That doesn't mean that countries
couldn't fight back at all, it just means that they have to do what
terrorists do now, fight from behind the enemy lines.

SDI would take the M out of MAD.

Mr Slot

Stories now available at
in Text, HTML, PDF, and Palm Pilot Format.

It's always funny till someone gets hurt...
and then it's absolutely friggin hysterical
--- Running with scissors.

Justin Harper

Sep 21, 2001, 8:05:44 PM9/21/01
Let me just say that this entire thread is completely OFF-TOPIC. Post
sex stories or shut the fuck up.


Sep 22, 2001, 10:53:56 AM9/22/01
Pascal wrote:

like it or not, (and i, a floridian, do not) we americans are and will overrun
the world. we will remake it all into the dumbass plastic culture of our
choosing, as utterly reinventible as madonna. capitalism/consumerism is all
aboutinstant gratification of even the most base desires. and we have the will
and technology to invade your very mind.

sorry i couldn't be of better help.



Sep 22, 2001, 8:06:41 PM9/22/01
Noble Eagle, I think your right. But maybe we Americans should take it a
step further. We were the ones attacked last week and yet we send 50
billion dollars to the euro to prop up thier economy? Maybe we should just
close our borders and let the rest of the world sink.

As for the rest of people that have posted the anti-american crap, if our
way of life is so bad, why do so many of the people in your country's want

"Noble Eagle" <> wrote in message

Tané Mahuta

Oct 1, 2001, 10:22:13 AM10/1/01
fumunda cheeze <> wrote:

hehehehe sounds to me like you are pretty much a fundamentalist bent on
killing people too...

any chance you could take your hate threads to another newsgroup ?
perhaps one not called ? personally I dont want anyone
to die, and I dont give a shit about religion.

Jul 4, 2019, 9:12:11 AM7/4/19
The anglosphere must stay together
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