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Boston Burgermunch

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Sep 4, 1993, 4:55:48 AM9/4/93

Topic: Boston Munch

September 13, Monday, 6 PM - Cambridgeside Galleria Food Court

Join in some relaxed, friendly socializing... Burger Munch style. Look
for the black and blue balloons (or ribbons, if the Mall Police won't
allow balloons).

Parking in the garage is inexpensive - 99 cents/99 minutes. The
Lechmere T stop is quite close, too.

Of course, you don't have to eat burgers or show up exactly at 6 PM.
How late will it run? Depends... 8 o'clock or so for sure.

As with all Burger Munches, this is open to *everyone*! The idea for it
came up during a "d/scussion" with several other locals; we'll all be
there.... Hope you will, too!

Smiles, -<@


Sep 5, 1993, 2:52:45 PM9/5/93
Sounds absolutely wonderful. i've been reading with envy for months about
Burgermunches all over the country. Now we have our turn.

You can count on Marchessa and i being there (if she's not too worn out from
all the ASB partying at WorldCon. Wow does she have stories to tell!!!!!)


Fnord Prefect Fnord (the little blue guy)

Sep 5, 1993, 8:36:02 PM9/5/93
In <>, Anna writes:

>September 13, Monday, 6 PM - Cambridgeside Galleria Food Court

I won't be able to make it there, since the humans won't let me go alone,
and on Mondays they go to a class to learn how to top their hounds.
Have fun anyway.

They're all *crazy* about me! ---


Sep 6, 1993, 12:34:43 PM9/6/93
to (Fnord Prefect Fnord)) writes:
>In <>, Anna writes:
>>September 13, Monday, 6 PM - Cambridgeside Galleria Food Court

>I won't be able to make it there, since the humans won't let me go

>alone, nd on Mondays they go to a class to learn how to top their
>hounds. Have fun anyway.

well, since fnord won't be there, i guess that i will be. now if we
could teach the humans to control that little twirling piece of
whatever, life would be perfect [well, better anyway]

["Mom and dad say I should make my life an example of the principles I
believe in. But every time I do, they tell me to stop it." calvin]

Ornoth Liscomb

Sep 9, 1993, 2:22:22 PM9/9/93
In article <>, (Xiphias Gladius) writes:
> (Frank Wilson) writes:

>>In article <> (topazzz) writes:
>>>Now we have our turn.
>>My sentiments exactly ! See you there.
>I'll be looking forward to seeing people that I know only by writing.

Ailsa and I are planning on making it, as well.

Twist my arm... ;^)

-David/Orny Liscomb "If privacy is outlawed, only
MediQual Systems Inc. outlaws will have privacy."
Westborough, MA USA -Phil Zimmermann, from May/June
'93 issue of Wired
Your_Insult: I know you'd love to stutter like the burgermeister

Sep 9, 1993, 8:31:40 PM9/9/93
to (Wayne S Garmil) writes:

If I may ask, how are people plainning t dress for this event? I'll be coming
from work, so I'll have to be in my shirt and tie with no "thrills". I'm
just curious here.


I'm going to be wearing a grass skirt, a necklace of human skulls, and a
bone through my nose.

*blink* Nightfly *blink*

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Xiphias Gladius

Sep 10, 1993, 12:24:42 AM9/10/93
to writes:

>I'm going to be wearing a grass skirt, a necklace of human skulls, and a
>bone through my nose.

> *blink* Nightfly *blink*

Oh. How are we going to recognize you, then? :)

I may be wearing a red shirt, black pants, and a flamingo tie,
but that's purely conjecture at this point. My roommate has assured
me that he will most likely be wearing clothing. He's not sure yet.

- Ian

Wayne S Garmil

Sep 10, 1993, 2:14:01 PM9/10/93
In article <> writes:
>I'm going to be wearing a grass skirt, a necklace of human skulls, and a
>bone through my nose.

But you wore that to the Fetish Fleamarket party last month! I was hoping
to see you in something different this time :)

Seriously, will I be out of place in my shirt and tie there? I did feel
slightly out of place thw way I was dressed at that party last month (good
jeans and casual blue/green shirt). Since I'll be coming from work, I won't
have the opertunity to change chothes...

sigh. the thing I do just to earn a paycheck :)

_ __ _ __ Remember: The WildCard always stacks
' ) / // / / ) / the deck in his favor. Anyone care
/ / / o // __/ / __. __ __/ for a game of strip poker? My deal.
(_(_/ <_</_(_/ (__/ (_/|_/ (_(_/_ (

Alan Smith

Sep 10, 1993, 7:14:46 PM9/10/93
In article <> (Wayne S Garmil) writes:
>Nightfly notes:

>>I'm going to be wearing a grass skirt, a necklace of human skulls, and a
>>bone through my nose.
[It bears informing those of our readership unfamiliar with Indian dieties
that this is the traditional getup of Kali, goddess of death, pain, and
suchlike. Kind of aprapos for this group...]

>But you wore that to the Fetish Fleamarket party last month! I was hoping
>to see you in something different this time :)
>Seriously, will I be out of place in my shirt and tie there?

Well, I've seen wierder costumes. I'm going as incorpral myself, as I have
to leave my body in Colo.

Be careful you don't scare anybody though.

>sigh. the thing I do just to earn a paycheck :)

Ties always struck me as being a form of self-bondage. Specifically, a self
breath scene. Never did go in for them.

Big Al. <gasp> "safeword." "Who are you talking to?" "My tie." "Do
you expect that to help?"

Alex Martelli

Sep 11, 1993, 3:05:20 AM9/11/93
to (Wayne S Garmil) writes:

>Seriously, will I be out of place in my shirt and tie there? I did feel
>slightly out of place thw way I was dressed at that party last month (good
>sigh. the thing I do just to earn a paycheck :)

I suspect, since you don't seem to LIKE wearing that attire, that this may
make you uncomfortable and "out of place". Me, I've gone around in suits
to just about every "inappropriate" event for them you can think, but then
that's because I *LIKE* suits! "Freak the non-mundanes":-).

ObFashionACcessory: a small tasteful flogger on one's belt may make all the
difference... (i.e. this way you get a chance to freak the mundanes, too, at
the same time!-)

____ Alex Martelli - Bologna, Italia
\/\bi/ In every cry of every Man, // In every Infant's cry of fear,
\/ In every voice, in every ban, // The mind-forg'd manacles I hear.

Sep 11, 1993, 3:56:32 AM9/11/93
Hi, all, Nightfly here, AGAIN. (Wayne S Garmil) writes:

>>I'm going to be wearing a grass skirt, a necklace of human skulls, and a
>>bone through my nose.

>But you wore that to the Fetish Fleamarket party last month! I was hoping
>to see you in something different this time :)

You know, goddamnit, I was hoping to avoid turning into some horrible
amalgamation of Imelda Marcos and Nancy Reagan and buying a new ensemble
for every single occasion, but NO. Now I suppose you'll bitch at me
for wearing a grass skirt after Labor Day.

>Seriously, will I be out of place in my shirt and tie there? I did feel
>slightly out of place thw way I was dressed at that party last month (good

>jeans and casual blue/green shirt). Since I'll be coming from work, I won't
>have the opertunity to change chothes...

Seriously, who would know? I have no clue about what everyone's going to
wear, I DON'T propose to poll people to find out, and since I too will be
coming from work, I rather doubt that I'm going to be wearing anything
but my standard work that would look like. Out
of place in a shirt and tie? This is the Cambridgeside Galleria, not
Paddles or the Vault. It's a burgermunch, and while it's the first and
so the "feel" isn't established yet, I think it's safe to say that it's
not going to be some kind of fashion show with people standing around
with scorecards ("9.6" "9.6" "9.5" "9.2" <-- Czech judge). It's not a
playparty and it's not a costume ball and we will be surrounded by
mundanes, so a shirt and tie are hardly going to seem odd.


Sep 10, 1993, 6:09:54 PM9/10/93
DATE: 10-SEP-93 19:15:52 REF: 0000353A.FR2 SUMMARY: MBBS: ML@FR2 {} M{> (Wayne S Garmil) writes: M{> If I may ask, how are people plainning t dress for this event? I'll be M{>coming coming fr work, so I'll have to be in my shirt and tie with no "thrills". Nightfly replies (with *blinks*): M{>I'm going to be wearing a grass skirt, a necklace of human skulls, and a M{>bone through my nose. Wildcard, "A tie with no thrills"? Any tie can be quite thrilling when used "correctly"... not necessarily around someone's neck, under a shirt collar, though. Nightfly, in view of your proposed attire, maybe we should be situated in the "No Smoking" section. Seriously (well, as serious as I can be at the moment), from what I gather by reading about other burgermuches, most of the folk will also be arriving from work, and depending on the nature of their workplace, will be dressed in correspondingly vanilla or fetish clothes. Sorry, the mall *does* require clothes... Smiles, -<@ Fluffster, who hasn't even begun to think about what she'll wear -<@,, "Fluffy Everywhere" -<@ Sent via MailLink, 10-SEP-93, 19:15:52, from: (FR1) [0;1m

Wayne S Garmil

Sep 12, 1993, 11:35:44 PM9/12/93
In article <> writes:
> (Wayne S Garmil) writes:
>You know, goddamnit, I was hoping to avoid turning into some horrible
>amalgamation of Imelda Marcos and Nancy Reagan and buying a new ensemble
>for every single occasion, but NO. Now I suppose you'll bitch at me
>for wearing a grass skirt after Labor Day.

Uh oh... I think I'm going to find it hard to sit before this Burger Munch
is over :) (The real challenge is issueing the punishment in public, but I
know Nightfly will think of something).

> >Seriously, will I be out of place in my shirt and tie there? I did feel

>Seriously, who would know? I have no clue about what everyone's going to
>wear, I DON'T propose to poll people to find out, and since I too will be
>coming from work, I rather doubt that I'm going to be wearing anything
>but my standard work that would look like. Out
>of place in a shirt and tie? This is the Cambridgeside Galleria, not
>Paddles or the Vault. It's a burgermunch, and while it's the first and
>so the "feel" isn't established yet, I think it's safe to say that it's
>not going to be some kind of fashion show with people standing around
>with scorecards ("9.6" "9.6" "9.5" "9.2" <-- Czech judge). It's not a
>playparty and it's not a costume ball and we will be surrounded by
>mundanes, so a shirt and tie are hardly going to seem odd.

Maybe that was the problem I "felt" last month: I really was not dressed for
the occassion and location. Thanks for the reassurence, NIghtfly. I really
didn't want a repeat of last month...

> *blink* Nightfly *blink*

WildCard, the Random One (lost in time, as always)

Sep 13, 1993, 3:16:26 PM9/13/93
to (Wayne S Garmil) writes:

In article <> writes:
> (Wayne S Garmil) writes:
>You know, goddamnit, I was hoping to avoid turning into some horrible
>amalgamation of Imelda Marcos and Nancy Reagan and buying a new ensemble
>for every single occasion, but NO. Now I suppose you'll bitch at me
>for wearing a grass skirt after Labor Day.

Uh oh... I think I'm going to find it hard to sit before this Burger Munch
is over :) (The real challenge is issueing the punishment in public, but I
know Nightfly will think of something).

Oh, you do, do you? Well, I know Nightfly won't be thinking of anything
along those lines, and I'm surprised that you would think so (since, as you
have mentioned several times, you were at the Ramrod party in July).
"Punishing" people is not in the least to my taste, much less someone I've
never met before, and in a mundane setting at that.

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