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Today in Scientology -- April 10th *************************

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Scientology Today

Apr 10, 2016, 12:24:42 PM4/10/16
Today April 10th in Scientology history

Court Upholds Damages In Kirkland Teen's Anti-Cult Case
April 10, 1998, Bob Egelko, AP, Seattle Times

SAN FRANCISCO - A $1.09 million damage award against an anti-cult
organization for its role in trying to "deprogram" a Washington
teenager at his mother's request was upheld Wednesday by a federal
appeals court.

There was evidence to support a jury's finding that a volunteer was
acting on behalf of the Cult Awareness Network when she referred the
mother, Kathy Tonkin of Kirkland, to deprogrammer Rick Ross, the 9th U.
S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in its 2-1 ruling.

Tags: Cult Awareness Network, Eric Lieberman, Gerald Beeny, Jason Scott,
Judge Beezer, Judge Schwarzer, Kathy Tonkin, Life Tabernacle, Paul Lawrence,
Rick Ross, Shirley Landa


Council may rethink rehab decision
April 10, 2008, Wanganui Chronicle

The WANGANUI Chronicle's investigation into a planned church-run drug
and rehabilitation centre in Papaiti Rd has prompted the Wanganui
District council to take another look at the application.

The council is asking for more information on the application to
establish a residential centre at Holly Lodge, community development
committee chair Ray Stevens said yesterday.

Tags: Narconon, New Zealand


1 The early years
April 10, 2009, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

As a teenager, Maureen Bolstad hoped Scientology would help her treat
her sick mother: very soon though, she witnessed the disturbing effects
of its therapy.

Maureen Bolstad was only 11 in 1977 when she was first introduced to

Her mentor was the man her mother was seeing, Bill Ward. "He moved in
and he had a bunch of books," she recalled.

Tags: 1950, 1965, 1977, 1979, 1982, Auditing, Australia, California,
Clearwater, Dianetics, Ethics, Flag Land Base, Florida, Kevin Anderson,
Kingsley Wimbush, Maureen Bolstad, Quicky, Sea Org, Suppressive Person,


Nutritional Detox Facility Gets Walloped
April 10, 2009, Anrica Deb, Mission Local

At least one client has hurt himself. Neighbors said there were at
least three attempted suicides at the center, but Murphy said there has
been just one, when a man cut up his arms with a razor.

Murphy noted that this client had not yet been tapered off his
medication and that the reaction had nothing to do with his nutritional

Tags: Alternative to Meds Center, California, California Alcohol and Drug
Programs Department, Chiropractor, Christina Olague, Detox, Elizabeth Zitrin,
Genita Petralli, Gillean Gillette, Joel Lopez, Kathrin Moore, Lyle Murphy,
Narconon, Ortho-molecular medicine, San Francisco, Stealth Narconon, Travis
Svensson, William Lee


Church's history key to future
April 10, 2010, Carla Hinton, NewsOK

The Rev. James McLaughlin, senior pastor, said the April 17 walk of
about three miles is symbolic of the faith church leaders showed when
they made the move from the Deep Deuce in 1959.

Tags: James McLaughlin


April 10, 2011, Jefferson Hawkins, Leaving Scientology

I'm changing the format of Leaving Scientology a bit to put more
emphasis on information and less on discussion. The truth is, I have
little time for a Scientology blog these days: my business is booming
and requires a lot of my attention, and I have many other interests
that I would rather be spending my time on.

Scientology, in my opinion, has many ways to trap you, and one of them
is to mire you in endless blog discussions after you have left. The
discussions on this blog have been good, even therapeutic, but more and
more I feel like I am simply repeating myself, and listening to others
repeat themselves. At one time I thoroughly enjoyed the discussions,
but of late maintaining the blog has become a tedious chore, one that I
do not enjoy and have no time for. I am not one to continue doing
things I have lost interest in.

And I have little to no interest in Scientology these days. I have
written extensive critiques, I have said what I want to say about it.
Those essays are preserved here for anyone to read. As to further
discussion, I have little interest in it. I have much more exciting
things to do with my time than to continue to discuss Scientology.

Tags: Quicky


Mecca Meltdown
April 10, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

What follows are the official minutes of the Flag OT Committee (OTC) of
4 April, 2011. Mind you, this is the senior OT Committee of all OT
Committees, being the OT Committee of the "Mecca of Technical
Perfection", the OT base of Scientology Inc.

It should not require a lot of interpretation for those in the know in
order to explain the title I've chosen for this post publishing the OTC

Nonetheless, I will raise a couple of questions to get the ball rolling.

Tags: Author Services Inc, Basics, CIA, Clearwater, Coachman, David
Miscavige, DEA, Ellie Bolger, Ethics, Ethics Officer, Field Staff Member,
Flag Service Organization, Freewinds, HBO, Ideal Org, International
Association of Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard, Membership, Mission, Oak Cove,
Org Board, OT, OT Committee, OT Phenomena, OT V, OTC, Pat Clouden, Potential
Trouble Source, Purif, Quicky, Rick Alexander, Rundowns, Sandcastle, Super
Power, Tampa


Is Lisa Marie Presley Telling Off Scientology in a Song?
April 10, 2012, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

For a couple of days now, our excellent tipsters have been alerting us
to this new song from Lisa Marie Presley.

It's not that they're big Lisa Marie fans -- although this song really
isn't bad, I must say. No, the reason Scientology Watchers are
fascinated by Lisa Marie's new single, "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet,"
released ahead of her new album Storm and Grace, is that the lyrics of
this song sure read like a big middle finger to the Church of

Give it a listen, and then let's go over the lyrics together.

Tags: 2001, Applied Scholastics, Australia, Birmingham, Bryan Seymour,
Canada, CBC, Chuck Beatty, Clear, David Love, Delphi, Denmark, Dianetics,
Facebook, Gerry Armstrong, Google, Howard University, Hubbard College, Jason
Beghe, Jefferson Hawkins, LAPD, Lisa Marie Presley, Los Angeles, Melbourne,
Moscow, Nancy Cartwright, Narconon, New Times Los Angeles, Nicole Kidman, No
Child Left Behind, Ohio, Orange County, Paulette Cooper, Phoenix, Quicky,
Rupert Murdoch, Russia, Scientology celebrity, Sea Org, Today Tonight, Tom
Cruise, Toronto, Trois-Rivi?res, Writers of the Future, Xenu


New York Times Says God Is Alive
April 10, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Well, that may be an over-statement. But, a column in the Sunday
edition of the New York Times by Nicholas D. Kristof may also be a good
sign of how the times are changing, Learning to Respect Religion.
Kristof notes that atheists and scientists seem to be increasingly
recognizing the good that religion has done in the evolution of
humanity across the centuries.

A little detour is in order to explain why I view Kristof's column so

Philosopher Ken Wilber treats the differentiation of the fields of art,
morals (religion), and science as the foundation that ushered in the
age of enlightenment in his thought-provoking book A Brief History of
Everything. He reminds us that until a few hundred years ago religion
made advances in science and art a dangerous proposition. But, he
brings the conversation up to the present and suggests a further
positive step in our evolution. That is, a trend toward more
integration of art, morals, and science. That is not to say regression
back to the days where one got burned at the stake for looking through
a telescope and reporting what he saw. Instead, Wilbur is talking about
understanding and integrating the spirit into art and science,
integrating advances in rational thought into art and study of the
spirit, and integrating aesthetics in religion and science.

Tags: Catholic Church, New York Times, Quicky


Scientology's Orange County Org Uses Koi Fish, Cat in YouTube Video to Call
for Volunteers
April 10, 2012, Josh Dulaney, Orange County News

We learned last week that the Church of Scientology in Orange County
may be struggling to build its Ideal Org center at Sycamore and Fifth
streets at the former Santa Ana Performing Arts and Event Center.

Apparently, they also are short on staff.

A video posted on YouTube shows staffers (including koi fish and a
kitty cat) getting zany while urging folks to "Join staff!" Peep the
video after the jump.

Tags: Ideal Org, Orange County


Brit Writer's 27 Years in Scientology is Suddenly News in France - Our Man in
Paris Explains Why
April 10, 2013, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

RJ Ellory [Photo: E. Garault] We have a very special treat for you
today. We noticed recently that French publications were suddenly
making a big deal about a British crime writer and his long association
with the Church of Scientology. Naturally, we turned to our man in
Paris for help understanding why.

Jonny Jacobsen is a Brit who lives in Paris and writes one of the best
blogs on Scientology, Infinite Complacency. He was good enough to
provide us with this explainer - tomorrow, a longer version will show
up at his site.

[ALSO TODAY: A report from Nathan Baca about Narconon in Nevada.]

Tags: 1986, 1991, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, Abuse, Amazon,
Angry Gay Pope, Anonymous, Birmingham, Caliente, Celebrity, Daily Telegraph,
England, Foundation for a Drug-Free World, France, Haydn James, Infinite
Complacency, International Association of Scientologists, J. Swift, Jenna
Miscavige Hill, Jim Lippard, John Duignan, John Sweeney, Jonny Jacobsen, KLAS-
TV, Las Vegas, Lawrence Wright, L'Express, Marla McDade Williams, Movie,
Narconon, Nathan Baca, Nevada, New York, New York Times, Paris, Purification
Rundown, Quicky, Rainbow Canyon Retreat, Registrar, Sea Org, Skeptic
magazine, Study Technology, Telegraph, The Complex, Wikipedia


The Hits Just Keep Coming...
April 10, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Someone had better clamp down on Buffalo and their "NonE Campaign"
before they blow everything into public view....

Following yesterday's 10 year old reg selling overpriced
"leatherbounds" for the "Non Existence" campaign, here is today's
confession of insanity from the original "Ideal Org" and source of the
infamous "Buffalo Pattern."

They announce loud and proud the Fully Automated Robot TV (FART) Div 6
"strategy" of David Miscavige. All you have to do is push a button and
they will cognite. OMG! For anyone who has read even the first few
policies from Volume 6 this is tantamount to taking out full page ads
in the local newspaper and banner ads across the internet "WE ARE

Tags: Buffalo, Command Intention, David Miscavige, Ideal Org, Quicky


Toronto -- Ideal Org Bust
April 10, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

One of the few Scientology orgs in the world that does not need a NEW
building to be purchased for the Great Ideal Org Boondoggle is Toronto.
This org was purchased in the late 70's pursuant to the LRH BIC
(Building Investment Committee) program.

Yes, more than 10 years AFTER the launch of David Miscavige's "Ideal
Org Strategy" for Planetary Clearing, Toronto, the CONTINENTAL Org for
Canada remains unrenovated. Not only not much Planetary Clearing, but
it seems not much Canadian Clearing. Or even Toronto Clearing....

So, in desperation, the org with the largest field in Canada (it used
to be one of the largest orgs in the world) has come up with a new
fundraising technique. Because after 10 years they could not even
scrape together the cash to install the FART Div 6 and renovate their
How can this be?)

Tags: ANZO, Buffalo, Building Investment Committee, Canada, Clear, CLO
Canada, David Miscavige, DC, Halifax, Humanitarian, Ideal Org, International
Association of Scientologists, L. Ron Hubbard, Mark Hanna, New York, Office
of Special Affairs, OSA Int, Planetary Clearing, Quicky, Rehabilitation
Project Force, Scarlett DeBoer, Toronto, USA


Why Learn Something Of Quantum Theory?
April 10, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Some people have inferred that I am implying that people ought to
become expert in quantum mechanics as some sort of alternate route to
enlightenment. Not so. I am studying it ? and suggest people involved
with Scientology get some familiarity with it ? so that they can fully
appreciate and enhance what they attained or learned from Scientology.

First, if you've been involved with Scientology, and know much about
it, you know through most of his presentation of it that L. Ron Hubbard
claimed it was a scientifically precise route to spiritual freedom. He
claimed to have married Western scientific rigor with Eastern wisdom.
In the light of that, it would seem that a person calling himself a
'Scientologist' ought to have at least a little curiosity about
science, particularly since it has surged forward in quantum leaps
since Hubbard lived and wrote.

Second, Scientology has become so laden with doctrine, dogma, values,
morality, morality disguised as ethics, opinion, politics, and
prejudices, that as many fanatics and close-minded religionists seem to
emerge from it as do enlightened beings. Learning a bit about what
Scientology says and does that aligns with what can be demonstrated can
help to cut through that fog.

Tags: 1954, Clear, Quicky, TIME


You Have Got To Be Kidding Me
April 10, 2013, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Unfortunately, this is not a joke.

Is there no limit to the depths of depravity to which they will sink?

They are actually PROMOTING this - KIDS selling bs leatherbound books
for the Non Existence campaign for the oldest Ideal Org of all!! How's
that Ideal Org strategy working out for you David Miscavige? After 10
years they are just getting around to getting out of Non Existence?
Providing of course enough kids sell books.

Tags: Buffalo, David Miscavige, Ideal Org, OT, Quicky


Cult Wars at the Council of Europe
April 10, 2014, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

French deputy Rudy Salles is under fire for his report on protecting
children from "sects", to be debated by the Parliamentary Assembly of
the Council of Europe (PACE) today. And some of his critics are aiming

Is Rudy Salles fair game? He is certainly in the firing line.

Proposals he has submitted to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on
how to protect children from the excesses of "sects" have provoked the
wrath of a small army of lobby groups.

Tags: 1995, 2006, 2011, 2012, Council of Europe, Cult, Eric Roux, France,
Georges Fenech, Hungary, Legal, Mission, Miviludes, Paris, Quicky, Rudy
Salles, Strasbourg, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker


Golden Age Of Fundraising
April 10, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Now that the Garcia's have forced the opening of the SP Building, they
are moving on to new false promises of what will accomplish planetary

This time, it is the "LRH Hall."

But note the admission about the "success" of the SP Building and the
people "pouring in" from "all over the world" for GAG II ...
comparatively, this is still a trickle that will soon reach epic flood

Tags: Clear, Florida, Fundraising, LRH Hall, Quicky, Super Power


Is a Scientology front group among those fighting a European effort against
April 10, 2014, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Jonny Jacobsen Our man in Paris, Jonny Jacobsen, has a detailed report
for us about one of the groups making noise about a European effort to
crack down on "sects" that harm children. It's a timely report, as a
debate will be broadcast live about the issue today from Strasbourg -
and Jonny's provided us with a live link to listen in.

Campaigners are fighting a European initiative to protect children from
the excesses of "sects," arguing that it attacks religious freedom.

But not all of them have been clear about who they are - and what stake
they have in the issues up for debate.

Tags: 1995, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2012, Budapest, Catholic, Central-
European Religious Freedom Institute, Council of Europe, Eric Roux, Facebook,
France, Hinduism, Hungary, Jonny Jacobsen, Kristi Wachter, Leslie Hyman,
Membership, Mike Bennitt, Monique Rathbun, Moonies, Paris, Quicky, Ray
Jeffrey, RFI, Rudy Salles, Sea Org, Strasbourg, UK, WISE, World Institute of
Scientology Enterprises


Australia: Xenophon back in the fray
April 10, 2015, Jonny Jacobsen, Infinite Complacency

Senator Nick Xenophon has called on Australia's charity regulators to
investigate Scientology in the wake allegations set out in Alex
Gibney's bombshell documentary on the movement.

The shockwaves created by Alex Gibney's documentary on Scientology,
Going Clear, have reached Down Under.

More than five years after first denouncing Scientology's activities in
Australia, independent Senator Nick Xenophon has returned to the fray,
calling on the authorities to investigate Scientology's charitable

Tags: 1970, 1977, 1999, 2009, 2011, ABLE, Alex Gibney, Applied Scholastics,
Australia, Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, Charity,
Chris Owen, Clear, Criminon, David Miscavige, David Touretzky, Disconnection,
England, FBI, France, Georges Fenech, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood,
and the Prison of Belief, HBO, Hollywood, John Travolta, Marty Rathbun,
Melbourne, Mike Rinder, Narconon, Nick Xenophon, Perth, Queensland, Quicky,
Second Chance, Snow White Program, Sydney, Tom Cruise, Tony Ortega,
Underground Bunker, Vicki Dunstan, Victoria, Violence, Wales, Warburton,
Western Australia


David "Let Him Die" Miscavige Lies Again
April 10, 2015, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Caught with his appendage in a wringer, David Miscavige has done what
he has always done. Shouted "THEY'RE LIARS, THEY'RE LIARS."

But this time he is truly the boy who cried wolf.

He had his lawyer, Michael Hertzberg say this to the LA Times:

Tags: 9/11, California, David Lubow, David Miscavige, Elliot Abelson, Gary
Soter, Hemet, Jenna Miscavige Hill, John Travolta, Kendrick Moxon, Leah
Remini, Linda Hamel, Malmo, Marty Rathbun, Michael Hertzberg, Monique
Rathbun, OSA Int, OT, Pat Broeker, Police, Quicky, Religious Technology
Center, Ron Miscavige, Shelly Miscavige, Tom Cruise, Warren McShane, West


L. Ron Hubbard's Navy record: Chris Owen critiques the 'Business Insider'
April 10, 2015, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

One of the great results of Lawrence Wright's New Yorker article on
Paul Haggis and Scientology, which grew into his book Going Clear, was
that he got the Church of Scientology to turn over a huge amount of
documentation of L. Ron Hubbard's life.

In that trove turned out to be a number of records concerning Hubbard's
career in the US Navy and the 21 medals Hubbard had supposedly been
awarded, including two Purple Hearts for being injured in combat. But
Wright had his own set of records that he'd acquired directly from the
Navy, and they differed from the church's documents in a number of
ways, including a lack of any Purple Hearts or any other medals having
to do with combat - since Hubbard hadn't seen any. The implication
seemed clear: Scientology wasn't above doctoring things to make
Hubbard's World War II career appear more valorous than it was.

On Tuesday, Business Insider decided to take a look at the
discrepancies in those sets of war records in what appeared to be a
very detailed and rigorous article. Our readers noted that it made the
front page of Yahoo News, so that tells us it was seen by a lot of

Tags: 1941, 1942, 1945, 1946, 1979, 2011, 2012, 2013, Alex Gibney, Austin,
Australia, Business Insider, California, Chairman of the Board, Chris Owen,
Colony Capital, Daniel Powell, David Miscavige, Facebook, Going Clear:
Scientology and the Prison of Belief, Golden Era Productions, Hemet, Infinite
Complacency, Int Base, IRS, Jessica Feshbach, Jonny Jacobsen, Lawrence
Wright, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Michelle Clerkin, New Yorker, Nick
Xenophon, Paris, Paul Haggis, Ron Miscavige Sr, San Francisco, Santa Monica,
Sea Org, Tampa, TMZ, Tommy Davis, US Navy, Wisconsin, Yahoo News


Scientology 'On Lockdown!' Church Bans TV, Internet, Newspapers In The Wake
Of 'Going Clear,' Former Member
April 10, 2015, Jen Heger, Radar Online

HBO's bombshell documentary Going Clear has sent the Church of
Scientology scrambling for cover, according to a former member.
One-time high-ranking Scientologist Tom DeVocht tells
exclusively that church leader David Miscavige has put members on
"lockdown" mode in an attempt to stem the fall-out from recent
explosive allegations.

DeVocht told Radar exclusively, "I have spoken with someone within the
Church. This person is one of the higher-ups, and David Miscavige has
ordered the Church to go on lockdown in response to Going Clear."

"The order told members to not watch any television, read newspapers,
or go online because the Church is under attack," DeVocht claimed.

Tags: Alex Gibney, David Miscavige, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and
the Prison of Belief, HBO, John Travolta, Tampa Bay Times, Tom Cruise, Tom


(VIDEO) Critical Q&A #52
April 10, 2016, Chris Shelton, Critical Thinker at Large

The show where I answer your questions. Please leave any comments or
feedback in the comments section here below. I see everything and want
to hear from you.

Link to CFI booksigning event:

The questions I answer this week are:

Tags: Critic, Marijuana, Nation of Islam, Quicky, Sea Org, YouTube


Regraded Being
April 10, 2016, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

He's baaack.

Tags: Quicky, Regraded Being


Spider-Man goes drug-free for Scientology, and more in our weekly social
media review!
April 10, 2016, Tony Ortega, Underground Bunker

Time again for Rod Keller's Scientology Social Media Review! Rod's well
known for his indispensable "ARS Week in Review," which ran for nine
years when ARS - the Usenet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology - was
the most important daily source for Scientology news. More recently,
Rod has made a specialty of hunting down the odd and wonderful things
Scientologists post to social media. Rod is a chronicler who piece by
piece builds a highly detailed assessment of what Scientology is doing
around the world, and this is what he found for us this week?

Freedom Medal winner and Scientology attorney Tim Bowles has been
traveling in Liberia this week with Youth For Human Rights activist
Joseph Yarsiah. The pair raised over $25,000 on Gofundme to pay for the
trip, which is promoting L. Ron Hubbard's study tech methods to fight
illiteracy in that country.

Scientologists Gracia Bennish, Paula Gutiererz and Gladys Jourdain met
with representatives from the Miami Hispanic community this week to
deliver literature from the front group United for Human Rights. Below,
with Erika Marcano and Gianfranco Napolitano from Doral News.

Tags: 1991, 2012, 2015, alt.religion.scientology, Ana Maria Pineres, Applied
Scholastics, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Battlefield Earth, California, Catherine
Cros, Celebrity Centre, Colombia, Colorado, Cuba, Denver, Eric Sherman,
Foundation for a Drug-Free World, France, Frank Castaneda, Freedom Medal,
Gladys Jourdain, Gracia Bennish, Hollywood, Ideal Org, International
Association of Scientologists, Jim Meskimen, Joseph Yarsiah, Kate Wakley, Ken
McLeod, Kiev, Liberia, London, Los Angeles, Mauro Calcioli, Miami, Mission,
Moscow, Movie, Narconon, Neil Gaiman, Odessa, Paula Gutiererz, Purification
Rundown, Quicky, Review, Rod Keller, Russia, Sacramento, Scientology Missions
International, Sea Org, Stockton, Susan Chalmers, Timothy Bowles, Tokyo,
Tonie Pepperstreet, Ukraine, Ukrainia, United for Human Rights, Venezuela,
Wilfredo Gort, Writers of the Future, Youth for Human Rights International


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