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Human-Animal, Human-Insect, Chimera In Florida, Origin?

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Saint Ram Bone

Dec 13, 2009, 4:14:48 AM12/13/09
below is today's post on Mobile Audit Club website by
Kurt Brown,
alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC federal bank examiner, forced
medical procedures victim, maybe Chimera, part man part ?

Mobile Audit Club

and Youtube Saintrambone videos (some were edited by Youtube or

Daily Foreword December 11, 2009: It stunned me when I discovered
Chimera, or human and animal hybrids were being born and killed
instantly in our era. I know the lies of genetic engineering will
show one proof -- you do not tamper with mother nature without
repercussions. The human need to covet and rise above will allow some
of the chimera to live and many will call them abominations and try to
kill them, us.

I say us because I suspect my genome has been tampered with, either
during my life time and most likely before. I was and am just a
guinea pig. I will never step into another VA hospital as I know they
do forced injections and forced medical procedures. All I did was
park outside the gate. I prayed for God to kill me when I was locked
up and forced injections and medical procedures. He missed, several

If I become ill, I will have to get care outside of government
sources. Death is an easy pill to swallow. Torture and deception and
fear of a medical practitioner is a hard pill to swallow.

I once feared nuclear war as a child. Now I see that we are always
weapons of greater destruction, we are the chimera, the outcasts, the
ill, special, the abomination among the various monkey mix of Rhesus,
Gorilla, and Bonobo, hence the average human being who often monkeys
with genetics.

We should see those children as victims but their behavior may fool
us. We are not the same as any of you, will be their claim. You
will eat cows and some will see cannibals. You will swat bugs, and
some will see.

In ancient Egypt Chimera were seen and somehow worshipped as deities.
It is likely that they were practicing genetic engineering and the
manufacture of chimera even back then. In the past century it was
likely more rampant.

Many chimera can not handle alcohol. Their make up is different.
Many can not handle various drugs for the same reason. They will, and
we will, suffer a host of diseases that are difficult to explain.
They will be like syndromes that run in families. Our hearts, our
minds, everything, attacked. And they expect us to follow them to war
to kill something, someone. Someone called me yellow for not wanting
to fight Afghanistan. I think they are cowardly because they can not
live under the light of life.

I remember when I was young and there were a lot of African Americans
around, and one was a near and dear babysitter who would bounce me on
her knee in the sun. I uttered the word the neighbors used and I hurt
her. I felt it and did not do it again. I loved the woman. I wonder
how many Africans are Chimera, or perhaps, they were spared. But I
doubt it. I weep inside. I have lost everything. These things
revealed to me have saddened me and my grandmother warned me.

I suspect women were either forced or cajoled into allowing someone to
implant or alter the DNA that was integrated with their eggs. It is
like something out of Hell to go through in the end. A sort of rape.
I once had a dream when I first suspected this and the man in the
dream said, "If you are not expecting genetic mixes of various
creatures of man, you had better get used to it." Yes, and in
reality, a government official told me he had been told I could not
enter my native government. The anonymous one telling me to be told.
I wonder if he made chimera in the past, as I know he makes war in the
present. It is not my government. It is the government of
abominations against mankind and the so-called chimera. Hold your
children as we are on the slippery slide. And at the bottom is
another chimera, Maggot Brain, played here by Funkadelic on Youtube.

My mother said some things that made we wonder, a sort of hiding. She
did not see the Indian in my father and his mother, but I think she
saw the Greek or mediterranean in her grandmother, and she looked much
like this woman in this picture,

but she was in America before World War Two. More like around World
War one she was adopted in a North Florida home. Perhaps, and
jokingly, this was my great great grandfather, Gavrilo Princip,

as he was good at stirring up shee-it too. Who got the genetic flip,
the Indian, the Mediterranean, or the poor Alabama peasant of North
European descent.? To quote Princip in his attacks on his subjugators,
I repeat the same to ours, those who killed an innocent man at the
FDIC and who attacked me, "I am the son of peasants and I know what is
happening in the villages. That is why I wanted to take revenge, and I
regret nothing"

You could change the words to the quote above, "villages" to "FDIC
offices" and I will stand by that quote. An FDIC EEOC officer said
that no one liked a martyr when I told him I would stand up for
disabled veterans rights. I like a martyr, but I have to agree with
Neturei Karta's implied statement as I see it, "It is better to stay
away from a murderous government". Princip was killed and nothing has
changed. We need space ships or colonies, or perhaps, this is the end.
I came to close I think, or not close enough, to the truth in my
investigative journalistic endeavors of 1999-2001. No newspaper will
hire me. No government will hire me. Perhaps someday, payment in a
stipend will be ours.

Daily Foreword December 10, 2009: I have added several posts to the
Quatrains 9 page and the Love Line 8 page in the past few days.

We are an increasing world of technological marvels, and technological
holocausts. The creation of Human-Animal hybrids has been going on
now for a few years under public scrutiny, in particular the Cow and
Human hybrids, or Chimera as they call them.

Unfortunately these sorts of things have been going on for a much
longer time and I and others in my family may be those hybrids. The
problem with making human and other animal hybrids is that you create
genetic medical syndromes that are passed from generation to
generation, and into the human population.

Most people in the USA, at least those posers on Television, are more
interested in wealth and their actions indicate they do not care for
any human being other than themselves. Another animal is like that,
alligators. Pigs are not even as bad as that.

The USA government has pushed me down and out. I can not get work. I
know I was forced medical procedures and injections at a federal
facility, Los Angeles California in Westwood. I know I have scars
in my mouth that I can not explain and they became infected after I
was forced to stay in one locale after being injected and tortured by
that filth, our mortal enemies, those federal war criminals in power
in the USA and likely many other nations. I know that I have some
strange anatomical features that do not fit with the humane genome.
I also have special strengths that and weaknesses. I would look
forward to a full drawn war with them if I was promised that if I was
defeated, the world and all of my offspring and family would be
destroyed and spared any of the ruling regime's tortures or torments.

I do not believe anything the war criminals in power say. They likely
knocked down the twin towers in NYC to eliminate competition and to
stimulate a war like mentality in the USA and NATO alliance. They
have blacklisted me from federal employment after working at the FDIC
and pointing to something askew in the way the offices were run.

Many people in the USA are full of rage and want to attack almost
anyone. They are the most easily deceived and manipulated.

Recently I had some come view my house that I am trying to sell. When
we got in the home and we were finishing the tour, the man was behind
me and we were walking East to the exit. I do not know if he did
something to me or something else happened, but he sensed or knew what
I sensed and he made a joke.

He said, "Wow, what was that?" and then he said something about being
touched by God. Now, that is dangerous. For instance, in the area I
live is a lot of technological warfare equipment nearby for the
military. It is possible that he did something to me or something
from nearby or in space was activated in my area.

In the Bible these days were predicted and it was said we will have
many things revealed to us. I already feel dead very often due to the
injections and torture and exile and repeated attacks on the roads of
the USA and Canada. I may have to let my home go into foreclosure
because the government has boxed me in and not allowed it to sell.
The FHA tacks on 7500 in closing on a 127000 home and they will not
finance an extra 2500 for the buyer. I lost the sell. Soon, they can
likely go to Hell. I am looking for a new home out of the USA.

Protect your children and yourselves. The Chimera is a holocaust
victim approved of by the regime in power. I am above a bug only in
my own mind. Perhaps my genetics were mixed with something.

I do not mind the end of human time. I welcome it. I am treated like
a bug by the ruling regime and a medical experiment victim or forced
medical procedure victim.

When the potential customer said something like, "Did you feel that",
and then he said something about God doing it. I turned and smiled and
said nothing. I am accustomed to strange things happening around me.
It kind of felt like a phase shift really, and there are guns that can
be pointed at the head to mimic hertz patterns in the brain. I found a
segment in the Bible that resembles what I saw, but it was just a
plane in a way, different and lighted, and it felt a bit like being
lifted and then rolled to view something. Here is the quote from
Matthew 24:29-34, "they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds
of heaven with power and great glory". I did not see the Son of Man
there. But do not be deceived or tricked as we are surrounded, and
when the time comes, the time is right. We have liars among us who
will deceive us and steal everything we have. They have no God. They
have no apparent soul nor human empathy. Their love for money
outstrips their love for kindness sake.

One time I was with a relative and a large black dot was sort of
between us and he pointed it out. Life is strange. My family will
likely have many members die young if we are in fact descendants of a
medical atrocity victim, like the Chimera. Names like another species
for a human being. We have retards trying to pretend to be God, and
they called me insane for being in fear of their killers when
trillions of US dollars are invovled. Eat my sweet Shee-it you F-DIC
and federal scum, here and overseas. Buy my house, God. Lots of
laughs. Now I will contact the Vatican in Rome to see if I have any
winged relatives or are they just chewing the cud. The bible said to
beware of those who chew the cud. Perhaps the Chimera will mount an
offensive to stop these atrocities. They can sleep in my truck with
me, somewhere hidden. But I will have to remove the electronics the
government has likely placed into the truck and we will have to remove
all metal from our mouths and bodies to make sure the genetically
engineered tracking apparatus is reduced to a bug's whisper or a cow's

We are being targeted by the regime in power. Those federal war
criminals like those in Mobile Alabama who kick me to the dirt and ram
things up nostrils, and those federal officials in Los Angeles who
forcibly injected me, and those people who injected me in Flagstaff
Arizona at their medical center and who stole my money and truck keys,
can go straight to Hell in a happy hand basket. Where is sanctity?. I
live in a nightmare state. I live like the living Chimera, a freak
outcast, BOD.

I am entitled to VA healthcare. An area where the Navy pulled a tooth
unnecessarily and who butchered my mouth and put a large metal bridge
have left almost all of my teeth coming out on the bottom jaw on one
side. I will likely being doing the next tooth extraction with a
bottle of whiskey and an old Indian or a relative chimera.

My grandmother who knew of atrocity told me that things are never as
bad as they seem. So I see comedy in these dark holocaust moments. The
last words the Chimera, or human and other animal mixes, will say to
man is, "Don't monkey with us."

This concludes today's post on Mobile Audit Club website by
Kurt Brown,
alias Saint Ram Bone, surviving FDIC federal bank examiner, forced
medical procedures victim, maybe Chimera, part man part ?

Mobile Audit Club

and Youtube Saintrambone videos (some were edited by Youtube or

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