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Rough draft of revised Born Innocent (Moco saves Chris)

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Oct 10, 2010, 4:08:41 AM10/10/10

Chris Parker (Linda Blair, The Exorcist) is a young girl 14 years
of age, she comes from a middle-class home. Her relationship with
her mother is not good, they are always arguing, and Chris runs away.

One day Mrs. Parker (Kim Hunter, The Planet of the Apes)
believes her money is missing, and accuses her daughter of
stealing it. Chris runs away from home, and is sent to a
reformatory school for juvenile delinquent girls, she’s
declared an ’’incorrigible run away.’’ When Chris arrives
at the school she meets, Moco (Nora Heflin,

Love Field 1992), pinches her hard and screams at her.
Chris becomes scared, and tries to avoid Moco at all costs.

Later Chris goes for a shower, and there, some of the other
mean-spirited girls push Chris down, and pepares to rape her in the
but then Moco rushes in and beats the other girls, causing them to
run out. Moco stares at Chris with a slight scowl, then leaves.
Chris gets up, shocked and confused at what just happened.

Life for Chris at school is now emotionally disturbing,
she goes to class depressed, and doesn’t trust anyone.

Chris attempts to run away from the school to no avail, and is chased
guards in a pick up truck, and grabbed when trying to climb a barb
wire topped
fence to freedom. She is placed into isolation. While there, Chris
looks out
of the window, and sees Moco looking back at her, but this time Moco
sad, and has tears in her eyes. Chris is still scared, and stays away
the window, and begins to cry.

When Chris goes back to the cottage, she angers Lasko, who threatens
punish her and the other girls for what she did. Chris gets an
extremely angry scowl
on her face, and begins hissing at Lasko, and gets ready to claw her
face. Moco looks at Chris angrly,
and treatens her, but immediatly realises what she did right when
Chris suddenly becomes very frigtened, and runs out of the room, and
Chris runs into Moco's dorm, Moco corners Chris in there. Chris begins
hissing again, and growling in an
almost animal like manner. Moco grabbs Chris, who starts thrashing,
and restrains her,
holding her tight in her arms "BABY! SWEET GIRL, PLEASE CALM DOWN!"
Moco pleads to her. Moco puts her hand firmly
over Chris's mouth and holds her very tightly. "Baby, it's OK, it's
OK, I won't let anybody hurt
you!" Moco whispers to Chris. Chris still tries to thrash, but then
breaks down and cries heavily. Moco
apologises to Chris for scaring her. Chris continues to sob and tells
Moco that her family
mistreated her. She also tells Moco she is deathly afraid of her dad.

Moco holds Chris into her arms, and asks Chris to let her be her
Chris, completely broken, surrenders to her, and tells her that she
to Moco. Moco and Chris talk for a long time, and both develop and
strong and loving mother-daughter relationship. Chris breaks down
and begs Moco to never allow her father to find her. Moco reassures
Chris that
she would never allow that monster or anybody else to lay a finger on
Lasko comes into the room, but Chris hides behing Moco, not letting go
of her.
Moco in a somewhat pissed off tone tells Lasko that Chris is
traumatised and
to leave her alone. Chris begins yelping and holds Moco tighter, but
Lasko leaves.

Chris tearfuly tells Moco that she is sorry, but Moco sits down with
Chris in her lap
and holds her close "it's not your fault, my little child. I won't let
anybody in here
or anywhere else harm you, I swear!" Moco reassures Chris.

With the intervention of Moco (Nora Heflin) Chris begins
to feel much better, and begins to blend in with the other

Meanwhile, it’s visiting day for the girls, and this day is
dreadful for some of the girls especially Chris; she fears her father
might come and try to take her back home. Many of these girls are
unloved, and unwanted, some are pregnant. Chris stays in Moco's dorm
as Moco
holds a sobbing and frightened Chris. Even the prospect of a home
visit doesn’t go over to with her. Chris father does come, but is
turned away
by staff. This seems to enrage him.

Mean while Moco, and Chris befriend Janet who is pregnant. Moco
Chris to help Janet trhough her pregnancy, and both assist Janet. A
shower is thrown in class the next day. Moco plays the piano upon

Later on, one night, Moco and Chris are awoken by Janet's screams,
both rush to her dorm. Janet is giving birth much earlier than
but is miscarrying, Moco and Chris run around the cottage franticly
for help, and trying to find Lasko, who had walked out, and left the
on their own. Their screams attract the attention of a school guard,
rush in and seeing Janet bleeding profusely, summon the paramedics.
Lasko comes in, but it's too late. Late that night, they get a phone
call informing the girls that Janet lost the baby.

Chris breaks down, and hugs Moco tigtly, sobbing, and begins to
blame herself.
Moco comforts Chris, and tells her that she did nothing wrong, and
that she
is a good mid-wife. Despite this, Chris becomes numb, and blank. Moco
cries, seeing how
traumatized Chris is, and holds her all night. Moco becomes enraged
Lasko walks into the dorm. She looks up at Lasko, with a skowl on her
face and
tells Lasko "do not go any where near this beautiful child, you evil
monster! You
will not hurt my Chris ever again!". Lasko begins choking back tears,
and leaves.

A funeral is held, and Chris, still holding tightly to Moco, and the
girls attend. Lasko begins talking about honoring Janet's people, and
that she
had gone through this trauma quietly. Chris becomes very upset and
yells "No
she didn't! She was screaming, she was screaming for help! And Lasko
was not there
to save her!". Chris turns back to Moco, and buries herself in her
arms, and
Moco holds her tightly. Moco looks at Lasko with a very angry skowl
this one even angrier than the last.

At the cafeteria, Moco and Chris are sitting with eachother. Lasko
walks by, and the
room drops to silence. Lasko tells Chris and Moco that it was not her
and that she can't be in the cottage 24/7 without a cigarette break.
Moco retorts,
saying that both she and Chris were screaming for help and she wasn't
there to
help. Lasko begins grumbling about having to deal with girls all of
the time
being pregnant. She then finishes, saying "even a dog can get
pregnant." This
causes Chris to snap and try to attack Lasko, but Moco pushes her
back down in her seat and
tells Chris to run out of the cafeteria - quick. Shortly after Chris
Moco throws her food tray at Lasko, and proceeds to violenty attack
and thrash
at her, and the other girls use the moment to start a mass food fight
each other, as security guards try to keep Moco - and Lasko - from
each other.

Moco is put into isolation for what she did. She sits in the cell
for a while,
still trying to calm down when she hears a girl from the cell next to
the girl is Chris! Moco is shocked and says "Baby what are you doing
in here!
You shouldn't be in a place like this!" Chris replies "I couldn't let
be alone, so I got myself locked in here too!" Moco expressed some
with Chris, seeing that she got herself in trouble to be locked in
with her,
but then she breaks down in tears of happiness and gives a teary
"thank you"
to Chris. "I will never leave you" Chris replies.

Meanwhile, Lasko gets a hearing, and the other staff dete rmined
what she
did was wrong. They decide to fire her. A distraught Lasko runs out
of the meeting,

2 months later, Moco and Chris is released from the school together.
Moco and Chris are both emancipated from their abusive families. Moco
legaly adopts Chris, and takes her
to remote farm, away from all of the horrors of the world, and raises
her as her child. To this day, they are together, with a deep,
unbreakable love.

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