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Donald Trump voters -- you're never going to get your wall

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Donald's dupes

Apr 25, 2017, 9:06:26 PM4/25/17
APRIL 26 2017 - 9:17am

Sorry, Donald Trump voters, you got scammed - you're never going to get your wall

Washington: When he ran for president, Donald Trump made building a wall along the entirety of our southern border - and making Mexico pay for it - the emotional centrepiece of his campaign. A bunch of nerds with "facts" and "arguments" might have pointed out all the ways it was nearly impossible, but that was no match for the visceral thrill Trump's supporters got when they chanted "Build the wall! Build the wall!"

Yet like so many of Trump's promises, it seems to be fading when confronted with the cruel realities of governing:

: The White House sought on Monday to calm a jittery Washington ahead of a showdown with Congress over spending, and President Trump softened his demand that a deal to keep the federal government open include money to begin construction on his long-promised border wall...

: In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall's construction, White House officials signaled on Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

: Trump showed even more flexibility on Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

I'm sure there are many in Trump's hard core of supporters who will hold fast to their faith in the president and tell themselves that their beloved wall will get built eventually. This was the single most important promise Trump made, the one that distinguished him from his primary opponents, animated his supporters, drew out people who hadn't voted in years, and defined the kind of president he was supposed to be and the America he was supposed to create.

And it's never going to happen.

It is simply impossible to overstate the symbolic importance both the wall and the idea that Mexico would pay for it had in 2016.

Everything about Trump was embodied within it: the xenophobia, the vision of a world of threats and danger, the belief that complex problems have easy solutions, and most of all, the desire to stand tall and humiliate others, which was so critical to voters who felt beaten down and humiliated themselves.

That's why the preposterous notion that Mexico would pay for the wall was so critical: not because we need Mexico's money, but because forcing them to pay would be an act of dominance, making them kneel before us, open up their wallets, and pay us for their own abasement.

Whenever a Mexican official would say that of course they weren't going to pay for a wall, Trump would tell his crowds, "The wall just got ten feet higher!" And oh, would they cheer, thrilled beyond measure at the idea of punishing Mexico for its insolence and showing them who the boss is. Yes, the wall was about fear and hatred of immigrants, but more than anything it was a vision of empowerment.

But just look what Trump has been reduced to now:

Those are the words of a man who knows that he can't keep his promise.

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