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"Reverend" Jesse Jackson and His Sympathies to Marxist Nelson Mandela (who Tortured to Death his Opposition)

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Oct 27, 2002, 5:55:16 AM10/27/02
The following was a reply to:
Subject: Comrade Jesse Jackson By Joseph Farah -- WorldNet Daily News....R_1016
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 02:42:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I will embellish my original post with more material relating to Jesse Jackson,
his links to communists, and torturer Nelson Mandela.

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 23:24:33 -0400, <>
GeorgiaRepublican <> wrote:

>Jesse Jackson is too stupid and full of shit to be anything.

That "may be" true but he has many lemmings who follow his lead and vote the way
he directs them to which makes him dangerous to all people who want to be free
from socialism/communism. Remember the Jesse Jackson types embrace communist
Nelson Mandela who used "necklacing" to deal with his opposition! For those who
don't know about the Liberal's hero Nelson Mandela and what "necklacing" is then
consider this:

<<<In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed
a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit
research and educational purposes only. - FAIR USE INTENDED>>>

All links active October 27, 2002 for verification purposes.

Atrocities of the Marxist ANC
'Truth' commission reveals Mandela's bloody path to power

By Anthony LoBaido


The misdeeds of the Soviet-sponsored African National Congress have been well
chronicled. It operated under and parallel to the South African Communist Party,
established in the early 1920s as the first Communist Party outside the Soviet


The crimes committed by the ANC in the name of liberation are legion. First,
there was the practice of "necklacing," in which a gasoline-filled tire is
placed around the neck of a victim and set ablaze -- an action carried out by
Winnie Mandela and her minions. Another horror was the "Church Street Massacre,"
in which Nelson Mandela approved of a bomb set to explode at rush hour to
maximize casualties of Afrikaner women, children and babies.

The same Mandela who told the black youth of South Africa to "burn down" their
schools has produced a lawless, unemployable generation. Mandela recently
traveled to Libya and presented Qaddafi with South Africa's highest military


Any search at GOOGLE.COM using selected key words from the above article will
retrieve hundreds of like articles as shown above!!

Proof that Jesse Jackson embraces torturer Nelson Mandela:

CNN offers an insightful and topical forum hosted by one of America's most
dynamic and controversial public figures, Jesse Jackson. Both Sides with Jesse
Jackson is a weekly half-hour public affairs program that concentrates on
compelling social and political issues. BOTH SIDES WITH JESSE JACKSON airs
Sundays from 5:30-6:00 p.m. (ET) on CNN/U.S.

Guests on the program have included Nelson Mandela...

Jesse Jackson is one of America's foremost political figures. His two
presidential campaigns in 1984 and 1988 broke new ground in U.S. politics by
encouraging millions to join the political process. Jackson has often served as
an international diplomat in sensitive situations, playing a central role, for
example, in the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa.


Who did Jesse Jackson side with regarding South Africa? ANSWER: Marxist

Any search at GOOGLE.COM using selected key words from the above article will
retrieve hundreds of like articles as shown above!!

Here is what I posted originally regarding Jesse Jackson and his communist ties:

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
Comrade Jesse Jackson
By Joseph Farah

WASHINGTON -- We've found out in recent weeks that Jesse Jackson is a financial
chiseler and a marital cheat.

What most Americans still don't know about him is that he is also in bed with
the American Stalinists of the Communist Party USA.

Here's the evidence of what I charge:

* In the January 1984 edition of Political Affairs, "the theoretical journal of
the Communist Party USA," self-described "Harlem organizer for the New York
Communist Party" Kevin Mercadel boasted, "Our '84 electoral activity began with
the formation of the Rainbow Coalition in Harlem in support of Jesse Jackson's
campaign for the presidency." Mercadel added that the Communists were not only
allowed to work in the coalition, "but, indeed, it was expected of us."

* One of Jackson's top organizers is Jack O'Dell, who served as director of
international affairs of the National Rainbow Coalition. He is also a Communist
Party USA veteran.

* The late Gus Hall, longtime boss of the Communist Party USA, endorsed
Jackson's presidential campaign in 1988, as the height of "a new level of united
independent political action, within and outside the Democratic Party," he said
in the September-October 1988 edition of Political Affairs.

* In the July 1989 edition of Political Affairs, John Holme, chairman of the
Northern California political action commission of the party, wrote, "Like many
of the campaigns in which Communists play an active role, the Jackson '88
campaign was an 'inner Democratic Party struggle.'"

* In the March 1989 edition of Political Affairs, James Steele, a member of the
executive committee of the party, wrote, "If we Communists are not prejudiced by
form; if we do not have a jaundiced attitude toward inner-Democratic party
struggles, our party can make a unique contribution toward helping the Rainbow
achieve its goal of consolidating a mass membership organization corresponding
to the size of its electoral support."

* The July 1988 edition of Political Affairs notes, "In Pittsburgh, separatism
was disguised with charges that 'white communist elements' took over the Jackson
campaign." Apparently, even the Michael Dukakis campaign realized just how
deeply infiltrated and compromised was the Jackson campaign.

* Jackson was the keynote speaker at a 1985 commemoration of the 10th
anniversary of "the liberation of Vietnam" sponsored by the Communist Party USA,
according to the Daily World, May 7, 1985 edition.

* Jackson was again the star of a Berkeley symposium July 20, 1984, sponsored by
the Marxist Black Scholar magazine and including presentations by three CPUSA

I could go on and on. Jackson may not be an official, card-carrying member of
the Communist Party USA, but he could not be serving the group's interests more
if he was. The Communists love him. He's been their standard-bearer in electoral
politics and grass-roots community organizing for at least 15 years.

More importantly, suggests the voluminous coverage Jackson has received in the
official Communist press, he represents the party's best political hope to
hijack the Democratic Party for its own purposes.

Study the issues. See if you can detect even the slightest disagreement or
conflict between the positions of the Communist Party and the Rev. Jesse
Jackson. I dare you. You won't find much. They are strong political allies
because they agree 99 percent of the time.

Of course, it's nothing new for the Communist Party to work within the
Democratic Party. They did it with Franklin D. Roosevelt. Then they split along
with Henry Wallace. But they came back into the Democratic Party political fold
in 1972, when George McGovern got the nomination. And they have been there ever
since -- sometimes working directly on behalf of the nominee, as they did with
Al Gore in 2000, and sometimes working for a dissident like Jackson.

But no "mainstream" political leader in U.S. history has ever cozied up quite so
close to the Communists as Jackson.

Crook, cheat, commie with a small "c" -- does Jesse Jackson need to collect any
more baggage before we dismiss him and his discredited, statist, collectivist
ideas from the national debate?


As for the statement (detailed in the document above): "Of course, it's nothing
new for the Communist Party to work within the Democratic Party. They did it
with Franklin D. Roosevelt" here is what a communist activist group states about
the communist role in the American electoral process and their backing Democrats
and notice Franklin Delano Roosevelt (who implemented the first socialistic
programs) is mentioned:
Vol.60/No.28 August 5, 1996


In keeping with its long history of class collaboration, the Communist Party USA
(CP) has come out early and vocally in favor of the Democratic Party in the
November presidential and Congressional elections.

"Ridding the U.S. Congress of the fascist-like wing of the Republican Party and
its criminal Contract On America is the greatest challenge our people and our
country face," wrote Gus Hall, national chair of the CP, in a recent pamphlet.


In drumming up support for U.S. president William Clinton, Tyner applauds the
"most outstanding effort" of the trade union officialdom to register voters. He
lauds the AFL-CIO officials' "Union Summer," linking it with the union
bureaucracy's plans to raise $35 million to garner backing for Democratic Party


The Communist Party likewise backed President Franklin Roosevelt during World
War II...


Isn't the old maxim of: "You're judged by the company you keep" applicable to

More about Jesse Jackson and other Marxist filth and human rights violations:

Brother Noah, Black Capitalist (pg 163) Also see the documents in the back of
the book - regarding Noah Robinson (Jackson's half brother) who is now locked up
for life in prison for murder-by-hire, racketeering, and drug trafficking.

Crying racial conspiracy runs in the family.... Also see (pgs 225) Where Noah
Robinson (Jackson's half brother) likens himself to Nelson Mandela, and claims
that he was a victim of a political and racist conspiracy

Chapter 16: Election 2000

The Pardons (pgs 391-393)

Jackson asked Clinton to grant clemency to three friends-which he got. Top on
the list was Dorothy Rivers, a well-known Chicago social activist who was
sentenced to five years and ten months in prison in 1996, following a
forty-count indictment that detailed how she defrauded the homeless of $5
million in government grants-the money that was earmarked to build shelters for
homeless families and pregnant teens. When challenged why he asked for her
pardon, Jackson retorted, "She ain't shot nobody. She ain't dealt in drugs. She
ain't [running] a house of prostitution...She's a good person who overspent a
grant or so." Jackson requested one more pardon, for his half brother Noah
Robinson Jr. who is serving multiple life sentences for murder by hire,
racketeering, and drug trafficking. This is the only pardon request that didn't
go through...


Will the Voices of Peace Be Heard?
By Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.


Similarly in South Africa under apartheid, repression generated violent reaction
that generated more repression. It was a figure of the church, Bishop Tutu, who
waging non-violent protest transformed the way the world, and ultimately the
South Africans viewed the situation. Again, a non-violent movement pointed the
way out. And Nelson Mandela, upon his release from prison, understood and took
leadership in that movement of forgiveness and reconciliation. An unimaginable
transformation took place without violence....


I guess Jesse Jackson doesn't think burning a person to death by "necklacing" to
be violent!! Once again the atrocity of "necklacing":

The United Nations Exposed
by William F. Jasper


The A.N.C., the African National Congress, became known for its signature style
of torture/execution known as the necklace------in which we are not referring to
the gold and silver or pearl jewelry that women wear, of course, but to a tire
which the A.N.C. would place over the necks of their intended victims, mostly
black men, women and children of South Africa. The tire then was filled with a
flammable fluid, petrol, gasoline, diesel and set afire. And then as the hapless
victim writhed in agony and died from this process, a howling mob of A.N.C.
terrorists would gather around them and stab and stone and hack them to death.
The A.N.C. practiced this and it still continues in South Africa....


"The governments to whom we give your tax dollars are so corrupt that they, like
Nelson Mandela's wife Winnie, would arrest anyone who voices opposition to their
power (because they have no guns with which to defend themselves) and hang a car
tire around your neck, fill the inside with gasoline, tie your hands behind your
back, and light the sucker..."


Any search at GOOGLE.COM using selected key words from the above article will
retrieve many like articles as shown above!!

BTW I made this post which documented factually how Bill Clinton and Al Gore
have ties with communists and were supported by communists. (Bill and Al
believed "one hand washes the other."):

Newsgroups: alt.politics.democrats,alt.politics.liberalism,
Subject: MUST READ!! Former President (and traitor) Bill Clinton's Ties to
Communists (as well as Al Gore Jr's)
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 20:36:53 -0500
Message-ID: <>

The post is too new on this date to be at GOOGLR but it may be retrieved in a
few days by using this method:

SPECIAL NOTE: All posts which show a MESSAGE ID may be retrieved and
verified at GOOGLE'S archives using this method:
"To retrieve/verify any archive(s) go to the GOOGLE web site for USENET archive
retrievals <> and Copy'N'Paste
the MESSAGE IDs into the field labeled: "Message ID Find the message with
message ID" and then activate GOOGLE SEARCH. If you see such as this:
"Message-ID: <>" just Copy 'N' Paste without the "<" and ">" and do as
I said to do above to retrieve the archive."


Christopher Morton

Oct 27, 2002, 12:10:23 PM10/27/02
On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 04:55:16 -0600, Tavish
<ta-v-i...@ix.n-et-co-m.comRemoveHyphens2Mail> wrote:

>The following was a reply to:
>Subject: Comrade Jesse Jackson By Joseph Farah -- WorldNet Daily News....R_1016
>Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 02:42:22 -0500
>Message-ID: <>
>I will embellish my original post with more material relating to Jesse Jackson,
>his links to communists, and torturer Nelson Mandela.
>On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 23:24:33 -0400, <>
>GeorgiaRepublican <> wrote:
>>Jesse Jackson is too stupid and full of shit to be anything.
>That "may be" true but he has many lemmings who follow his lead and vote the way

You're a hate filled imbecile no better than Louis Farrakhan.

What is a Nazi?

A Nazi is above all else, a craven coward.

A Nazi is afraid to compete with others as
equals because he knows he can't measure up.

A Nazi is afraid of his own inadequacy, so
he wants to murder his betters.

A Nazi is afraid of the truth, so he wants
to murder those who tell it.

A Nazi is afraid of history, so he wants to
murder the past, to wipe out the knowledge
of the degeneracy, cowardice and failure of
National Socialism.

Finally, a Nazi is afraid of the power of
educated, informed adults. Freedom of
choice terrifies him... which is why he
chooses minor children as sexual partners.
He can't interact with competent adults in
a consensually sexual way. He needs to be
able to impose himself on a helpless victim,
be it a prepubescent boy, or a patient in a
mental hospital.

These are the things that a Nazi is, and
there's nothing polite or honest about it.

"sure an a nigger is going to use denigrate." - Glen Yeadon

"Who gives an FF what anyone says about the jooz." - Judy Diarya

"Jews mean nothing to me." - Judy Diarya

"Everyone but you knows the jews were behind 9-11." - Judy Diarya

"Stop using that term homophobia, you idiot. Normal people don't fear
the queers. We just don't like them. Call me a homobigot." - Judy Diarya

Oct 27, 2002, 2:03:42 PM10/27/02
On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 12:10:23 -0500, Christopher Morton
<> wrote like a right wing scumbag:

Then why do conservatives exhibit so many of the characteristics of

Looks like only the language, icons and idols change from country to

Beck writes :

>Buy yourself a quality pistol. (I recommend the Beretta 92F, but
>that's just me. Aesthetic considerations have been admirably served
>in my own case with the FS - stainless steel - and custom black walnut
>grips, but all that is your lookout.) Get yourself qualified to
>handle it. Make damned sure you know what you're doing. Once that's
>done, get yourself a bunch of dry-fire rounds in your caliber.
>They're usually available at any quality gun shop in bubble-packs of
>five for less than about fifteen dollars. (The ones I use are
>transparent red plastic, with the pad spring visible above the brass,
>inside.) Keeping one in the chamber at all times, never watch the
>TEEVEE without your dry-fire pistol near at hand. Whenever The Lying
>Bastard appears, exploit the opportunity and your visceral reaction
>for purposes of target acquisition training and full-grip squeeze


>VRWC Fronteer

Christopher Morton

Oct 27, 2002, 2:26:24 PM10/27/02

Why don't you find a conservative and ask him?


Oct 27, 2002, 2:55:44 PM10/27/02

"Christopher Morton" <> wrote in message

I'm a Conservative. What makes me a Nazi? My being against abortion? That
I want everyone's taxes lowered? Or that I think citzens have a right to

David L. Moffitt

Oct 27, 2002, 3:17:08 PM10/27/02

"Robin*" <> wrote in message

Leftist Bill of Rights

Leftists talk about human rights as if they invented them, and as if
everyone to their right spent every waking minute thinking of ways to
enslave humanity. To see the hypocrisy of this posturing, let's take a trip
through the original 10 amendments in the Bill of Rights1, laying them out
not as they are written, but as the Left practices them.

Article I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, and
shall prohibit the free exercise thereof. The freedom of speech, or of the
press, shall be absolute except in cases of speech that is conservative,
religious, or deemed "offensive". No person who is a white male,
conservative, religious, or an owner of firearms, shall have the right to
claim to be "offended" by any speech. Likewise, the right of the people to
peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of
grievances shall be respected, except in the case of the classes of persons
listed above, or in the case of petitioners demanding that the Government
restrict its activities to those authorized by the Constitution.

Article II
Heavily armed military and police, being necessary to the preservation of
government power, the keeping and bearing of arms by the people shall be
prohibited, except for certain members of Congress, and certain celebrities.

Article III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace or war, be permitted to discuss his
profession with students or other young people, encourage them to consider a
military career, or appear in a school or on a campus in his uniform, lest
he cause "offense" to persons other than those listed in Article I.

Article IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
except in cases of "offense", or in the cases of persons who own firearms,
are religious, or who otherwise violate Article I by conservative or
religious thought or speech.

Article V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous,
crime, without sufficient evidence and formal indictment, unless on
accusation of Sexual Harassment, rape, or racial hatred toward persons other
than white males, Christians, or owners of firearms. This shall not be
applied to high government officials who support unlimited abortion. No
person shall be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy,
unless it be the past financial affairs of a sitting white male Christian
conservative President. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law, excepting members of obscure Christian
sects. No private property shall be taken for public use without just
compensation unless authorized by Environmentalists. No property shall be
considered private when in conflict with the objectives of
Environmentalists, Gun Control Organizations, or tax agents.

Article VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy
and public trial, by impartial jury of the State and district wherein the
crime shall have been committed, and to be informed of the nature and cause
of the accusation and to be confronted with the witnesses against him,
except in cases of rape, or Sexual Harassment. Members of juries shall be of
the same race and sex as the accused, excepting cases in which the accused
is a white male, Police Officer, or member of the Armed Forces.

Article VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty
dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact
presented to the jury need be recognized in cases of class-action suits in
which the accused is a large and wealthy Corporation, or other wealthy
individuals or groups such as physicians. The accused individuals need not
be participants in the actual alleged offense, so long as a recognized Trial
Attorney has determined that large amounts of money may be extracted from

Article VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, unless
the accused is a member of a wealthy group or class as described in Article
VII. No cruel and unusual punishments, such as imprisonment in circumstances
more comfortable than those of the victims of the crime, shall be inflicted,
except that members of obscure Christian sects may be burned alive. No term
of imprisonment shall be required to be fully served, except in cases of
groups identified in articles I-VII.

Article IX
Rights not enumerated in the Constitution do not necessarily belong to the
People. Possession of such rights shall be determined on a case-by-case
basis, with consideration of membership in groups specified by articles
I-VII. In certain cases, the Courts shall have the power to create new
rights for specific classes of citizens, and to abolish rights held by other

Article X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the Federal Government and
the Judiciary, and not to the people. All acts not prohibited are


Jim Kennemur

Oct 27, 2002, 6:53:18 PM10/27/02
>Christopher Morton" <> wrote in message

We keep trying to ask you, House and you keep running away in denial.

I don't see you going after the white supremacist bastard that posted the
original Subject Header calling Nelson Mandela a Communist.

I see you attacking the liberals on these groups.

Face what you are, House.

Like Brother Malcolm, said.


Christopher Morton

Oct 27, 2002, 7:32:00 PM10/27/02
On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:53:18 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>

>> Why don't you find a conservative and ask him?
>> --
>We keep trying to ask you, House and you keep running away in denial.

I'm a liberal.

You're impersonating a drooling White supremacist named Jim

Oct 27, 2002, 9:42:20 PM10/27/02
On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 19:32:00 -0500, Christopher Morton

<> wrote like a right wing scumbag:
>On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:53:18 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
>>> Why don't you find a conservative and ask him?
>>> --
>>We keep trying to ask you, House and you keep running away in denial.
>I'm a liberal.

You're a fuckwit gunwhore, MORTONLOON


Oct 27, 2002, 10:30:12 PM10/27/02
The following was a reply to:
Subject: Comrade Jesse Jackson By Joseph Farah -- WorldNet Daily News....R_1016
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 02:42:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I will embellish my original post with more material relating to Jesse Jackson,
his links to communists, and torturer Nelson Mandela.

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 23:24:33 -0400, <>
GeorgiaRepublican <> wrote:

>Jesse Jackson is too stupid and full of shit to be anything.

That "may be" true but he has many lemmings who follow his lead and vote the way

By Anthony LoBaido





Comrade Jesse Jackson
By Joseph Farah







Chapter 16: Election 2000

The Pardons (pgs 391-393)






Subject: MUST READ!! Former President (and traitor) Bill Clinton's Ties to
Communists (as well as Al Gore Jr's)
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 20:36:53 -0500
Message-ID: <>

If the link above does not work in your web browser then try this link:

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Still Only $9.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>

Jim Kennemur

Oct 28, 2002, 9:50:54 AM10/28/02

"Christopher Morton" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:53:18 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
> wrote:
> >> Why don't you find a conservative and ask him?
> >> --
> >
> >We keep trying to ask you, House and you keep running away in denial.
> I'm a liberal.
> You're impersonating a drooling White supremacist named Jim
> KKKennemur.

I'm agreeing with Brother Malcolm in your case House:

From "A Message to the Grass Roots" by Malcolm X

Detroit, Michigan, November 10, 1963

To understand this, you have to go back to what the young brother here
referred to as the house Negro and the
field Negro back during slavery. There were two kinds of slaves, the house
Negro and the field Negro. The
house Negroes-they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good,
they ate good because they ate
his food-what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still
they lived near the master; and they
loved the master more than the master loved himself. They would give their
life to save the master's house-
quicker than the master would. If the master said, "We got a good house
here," the house Negro would say,
"Yeah, we got a good house here." Whenever the master said "we," he said
"we." That's how you can tell a
house Negro.

If the master's house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to
put the blaze out than the master
would. If the master got sick, the house Negro would say, "What's the
matter, boss, we sick?" We sick! He
identified himself with his master, more than his master identified with
himself. And if you came to the house
Negro and said, "Let's run away, let's escape, let's separate," the house
Negro would look at you and say, "Man,
you crazy. What you mean, separate? Where is there a better house than this?
Where can I wear better clothes
than this? Where can I eat better food than this?" That was that house
Negro. In those days he was called a
"house nigger." And that's what we call them today, because we've still got
some house niggers running around

Don't You Just Love a Web Site With a Happy Ending?

Jim Kennemur

Oct 28, 2002, 9:52:55 AM10/28/02
<> wrote in message

> On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 19:32:00 -0500, Christopher Morton
> <> wrote like a right wing scumbag:
> >On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:53:18 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>> Why don't you find a conservative and ask him?
> >>> --
> >>
> >>We keep trying to ask you, House and you keep running away in denial.
> >
> >I'm a liberal.
> You're a fuckwit gunwhore, MORTONLOON

Chris Morton, a barrel sucking net troll who spends every waking moment
attacking liberals on these groups.

You are a liberal like DubYa is a MENSA candidate, House.


Oct 28, 2002, 11:20:48 AM10/28/02
On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 12:10:23 -0500, <>
Christopher Morton <> wrote:

>On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 04:55:16 -0600, Tavish
><ta-v-i...@ix.n-et-co-m.comRemoveHyphens2Mail> wrote:
>>The following was a reply to:
>>Subject: Comrade Jesse Jackson By Joseph Farah -- WorldNet Daily News....R_1016
>>Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 02:42:22 -0500
>>Message-ID: <>
>>I will embellish my original post with more material relating to Jesse Jackson,
>>his links to communists, and torturer Nelson Mandela.
>>On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 23:24:33 -0400, <>
>>GeorgiaRepublican <> wrote:
>>>Jesse Jackson is too stupid and full of shit to be anything.
>>That "may be" true but he has many lemmings who follow his lead and vote the way
>You're a hate filled imbecile no better than Louis Farrakhan.

How is that Christopher? You deleted what I posted from your reply and then you
make personal attacks against me.

>What is a Nazi?
>A Nazi is above all else, a craven coward.
>A Nazi is afraid to compete with others as
>equals because he knows he can't measure up.
>A Nazi is afraid of his own inadequacy, so
>he wants to murder his betters.
>A Nazi is afraid of the truth, so he wants
>to murder those who tell it.
>A Nazi is afraid of history, so he wants to
>murder the past, to wipe out the knowledge
>of the degeneracy, cowardice and failure of
>National Socialism.
>Finally, a Nazi is afraid of the power of
>educated, informed adults. Freedom of
>choice terrifies him... which is why he
>chooses minor children as sexual partners.
>He can't interact with competent adults in
>a consensually sexual way. He needs to be
>able to impose himself on a helpless victim,
>be it a prepubescent boy, or a patient in a
>mental hospital.
>These are the things that a Nazi is, and
>there's nothing polite or honest about it.

Personal attack is all you are ever about Christopher Morton! Why can't you for
once ever refute what I post on a factual and logical basis instead of resorting
to ad hominem personal attacks? The real answer is-- YOU CAN'T REFUTE WHAT I
POST!! I left your cheap attacks fully intact above and I restore the material I
posted and which you deleted below and I want you to show where I advocated
Nazism or showed anything that I would deserve your cheap attacks. Read my maxim
at the bottom and ponder how your methods of reply reflects on YOU and not the
person you're smearing.

For the archives so future readers can compare what I posted to how Christopher
Morton replies. One would guess that he calls me a Nazi because he has sympathy
for communists and those that sympathize with them. I guess he also approves of
necklacing too!

What Morton deleted:

The following was a reply to:
Subject: Comrade Jesse Jackson By Joseph Farah -- WorldNet Daily News....R_1016
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 02:42:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

I will embellish my original post with more material relating to Jesse Jackson,
his links to communists, and torturer Nelson Mandela.

On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 23:24:33 -0400, <>
GeorgiaRepublican <> wrote:

>Jesse Jackson is too stupid and full of shit to be anything.

That "may be" true but he has many lemmings who follow his lead and vote the way

By Anthony LoBaido





Comrade Jesse Jackson
By Joseph Farah







Chapter 16: Election 2000

The Pardons (pgs 391-393)






Subject: MUST READ!! Former President (and traitor) Bill Clinton's Ties to
Communists (as well as Al Gore Jr's)
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 20:36:53 -0500
Message-ID: <>

If the link above does not work in your web browser then try this link:


Now for my maxim of debate:

My "Maxim Concerning Debate"- Originally written in a letter to Liberal
Radio Talk Show Host Jim Hightower:
"I am tired of seeing people get attacked for speaking
the truth and the hecklers not being able to prove their point
other than scorn or ridicule.
Liberals can't refute the truth so all liberals instead
attempt to make the truth bearer into a buffoon hoping to draw the
public's attention away from the message!
I will tell you a secret and I hope that you learn from it!
This is my original- "If I hear something being debated pertaining
to a subject that I am not cognizant of, therefore impartial, I
examine the manner of the debate and conduct. I know who is telling
the truth and who is lying by the tactics employed- the liar always
attacks the opposing person and the truth teller always attacks the
opposing premise!"
-Subject: Tavish Maxim Concerning Debate.
-Date: 1997/12/09
-Message-ID: <>

The Socialists/Marxists/Leftists/Liberals or whatever name they choose
to exist under are the primary users of smear and innuendo thus they
typically resort to personal attacks instead of dealing in FACT.


Oct 28, 2002, 12:07:44 PM10/28/02

It is the Democrats who "exhibit so many of the characteristics of

Just as Democrats want the Nazis wanted too.


Strong centralized government.

Government controls all means of production and distribution.

Government control over education (private education banned)

Private ownership of firearms abolished.

Socialized healthcare.

Euthansia aka mercy killings.

Just as Democrats embrace environmentalism so did the Nazis with their worship
of the soil.

Just as Democrats by far and large abandon the Church to praise Gaia and other
cult gods so did the Nazis.

Just as Democrats resort to smear and defamation so did the Nazis.

Just as Democrats legislate against "hate speech" which is any speech in
opposition to The Party so did the Nazis.

Just as Nazis burned books so do Democrats by their removing many works from
public libraries.

Just as the Nazis wanted a people's car the Democrats likewise try to limit our
choices of what we drive. SUVs are not politically acceptable.

Just as Nazis had children spying on their parents the Democrat Smoking Nazis
encourage children to report their parents for any activity harmful to their
nurturing environment.


Conservatives do NOT share the beliefs that Democrats and Nazis did and do!!

There are more comparisons and I invite others who get tired of being called
Nazis by Democrat Leftists to join in.

Here is some documentation on the origins of Nazis and the Nazis definitely
weren't conservatives or Republican in origin. Their roots were Social


NSDAP = National Socialist Democratic Worker's Party

Lewis J. Goldberg - Editor
Far-Left Hate - Part 1 or do I repeat myself?
'Hate' has become the buzzword of those seeking to appear
compassionately in-tune with the downtrodden - their ear firmly to
the ground for the latest in oppressionist discourse. Hate is almost
exclusively identified with the so-called right wing of politics.
When a Leftist wants to destroy his opposition, he simply inserts
the 'N' word [Nazi] strategically into his defamation, and presto!
He instantly delegitimizes his prey. No longer does the Leftist have
to debate a peer with valid ideas, he is now looking down upon an
idealistic toadie, worthy of ridicule and chastisement.
The odd thing about it all is that the 'right' never was
the origin of 'hate.' Credit for the ultimate hate group - the
Nazis - goes to the Left. The forgotten 'right' in pre-Nazi Germany
was represented by von Hindenburg, whom Hitler rode out of town on
a rail. The word 'Nazi' isn't a word at all, but a mutilated acronym
for the German phrase 'National Socialist Democratic Worker's Party.'
[in German, NSDAP] How it got to be pronounced [and spelled] Nazi,
I am not aware. It is immaterial, save that as long as we keep using
the term 'Nazi,' the true nature of the party is hidden.
True to their name, they were national, they did socialise
a lot of the economy of Germany, they were democratically elected,
and they appealed to the 'working man' for the core of their support.
Sounds like the Left, because it is.
Josef Stalin - another icon of the Left and murderous,
hateful monster. He killed more people than Hitler, yet there are
those on the Left who still refuse to speak ill of him. This is not
Nikolai Ceaucescu was another big murderer, so was Envor
Hoxha, so was Pol Pot. We could go on, but this short list was
intended simply to get one to think about all the folks in recent
history of whom we should have cause to fear emulation. One element
in common among these men is their communist affiliation. These
men represent where the Left proudly proclaims they want the world
to end up. Oh, they call it 'socialism,' but make no mistake,
socialism is simply good, old-fashioned communism in a shiny new
So...back to the 'right wing' hate. On the right we, we have. Who do we have? Oh, yes! The Pope!...Theocracy,
and all that. The Pope controls everything, doesn't he? Murders
millions annually, doesn't he? I'm sure of it. I read it

The Nationalsozialismusarbeiterspartei -- the National Socialist
Democratic Worker's Party -- Nazis for short -- took advantage of the anti-
reason ideas in the German cultural atmosphere put there by Kant,
Hegel, and Marx.

The National Socialist Democratic Worker's Party (NSDAP) by the
early '30s.

I now ask the fundamental questions; what really is the difference
between Socialist Democrats and the Democratic Socialists the Democrat
Party in America aligns himself with? Their agenda is the same. What
really is the difference between socialism and communism? Hitler and Stalin
weren't enemies on account of ideology; they were adversaries because of their
struggles for world domination.

Proofs that American Democrats are aligned with Communists and Democratic
Socialists and I challenge my opposition to find fault with any of my sources. I
merely show what my enemies have stated and made public and I am called a Nazi
because I dare expose my enemies for what they are.

Everyone consider these archives:

Subject: MUST READ!! Former President (and traitor) Bill Clinton's Ties to
Communists (as well as Al Gore Jr's)

Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 20:37:40 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Democratic Socialists in Congress, Their Agenda, Their Values, and
Their FIGHTING Songs! R_1026
Message-ID: <>
Date: 26 Oct 2002 20:29:49 +0100
Subject: Communist Party USA Backed Democrats! (Their Own Words Too!) R_1026
Organization: none
Message-ID: <>
Date: 26 Oct 2002 20:30:09 +0100

Of course here is the archive to the very post (this one) which my enemies
deleted all the documented material and then laid on personal attacks and smears
which proves I am winning because all my opposition can do is name call.
Subject: "Reverend" Jesse Jackson and His Sympathies to Marxist Nelson Mandela
(who Tortured to Death his Opposition)
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 04:55:16 -0600
Message-ID: <>

>Looks like only the language, icons and idols change from country to

Your personal insults aren't based on fact. I showed facts above and I showed
facts in what I originally posted for which I am now being savaged by obvious
communist sympathizers.

>Beck writes :
>>Buy yourself a quality pistol. (I recommend the Beretta 92F, but
>>that's just me.

You won't be able to do that and you won't be able to own any handgun if the
National Socialist Democrats have their way. In any area in America where the
National Socialist Democrats have control you get "protective custody" for
having a firearm. You will also get "protective custody" in National Socialist
Democrat controlled areas if you use a firearm in self defense. When Colin
Fergeson went on his Long Island RailRoad killing spree the gun was demonized
and Fergeson's murders were excused as black rage BUT when Bernard Goetz used a
firearm to defend himself from getting robbed and beat up he was prosecuted. He
should have called the police! The National Socialist Democrats want the sole
monopoly in defending you from harm's way so you don't need a gun. If you are
about to be car jacked or your house is being broken into then call the police--
they will save you from harm!! :-)

Michael Ejercito

Oct 28, 2002, 8:06:20 PM10/28/02
Christopher Morton <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:53:18 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
> wrote:
> >> Why don't you find a conservative and ask him?
> >> --
> >
> >We keep trying to ask you, House and you keep running away in denial.
> I'm a liberal.
> You're impersonating a drooling White supremacist named Jim
> KKKennemur.
What do you suppose is his motivation?


Liberals HATE America .',.

Nov 2, 2002, 9:38:31 AM11/2/02

"Robin*" <> wrote in message

No, none of that. What makes you a Nazi is that you disagree with liberals.
It's automatic. Disagree with a liberal and get called a Nazi.

Liberals HATE America.

Liberals HATE America .',.

Nov 2, 2002, 1:49:43 PM11/2/02

<> wrote in message
> On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 19:32:00 -0500, Christopher Morton
> <> wrote like a right wing scumbag:
> >On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:53:18 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>> Why don't you find a conservative and ask him?
> >>> --
> >>
> >>We keep trying to ask you, House and you keep running away in denial.
> >
> >I'm a liberal.
> You're a fuckwit gunwhore, MORTONLOON

Just more typical flames and personal attacks from left-wing America-Hating
extremist Rosell, the proven and EXPOSED Liar and America-Hater. When are
you going to admit you LIED about the "whither on the vine" remark and that
it was nothing but a left-wing campaign of LIES?? Huh?? Huh???

Let's recap:

You said:

> REMINDING them of "wither on the vine", you stupid fuck. <<Insult of

I said: (which you have completely ignored like a left-wing coward):

Oh that old tired left-wing communist LIE again. Newt was not talking about
Medicare but about the Health Care Financing Administration, the useless
health care bureaucracy that gets between a patient and their doctor. That's
what must "wither on the vine." Of course the LYING LEFT-WING America-Hating
liberals like yourself knew this was a lie, know the quote had NOTHING to do
with Medicare, but they ran with the blatant lie anyway and still hold onto
it like grim death.

Here's the FULL quote for you to stick up your LYING liberal America-Hating
ass which you can find on your beloved CNN:

"What do you think the health care financing administration is?" Gingrich
asked. "It's a centralized command bureaucracy. It's everything we're
telling Boris Yeltsin to get rid of. Now we don't get rid of it in round one
because we don't think that's politically smart and we don't think that's
the right way to go through a transition. But we believe it's going to
wither on the vine because we think people are going to voluntarily leave
it. Voluntarily."

Now ADMIT you were wrong. ADMIT you LIED!

"God Bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her,
through the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the
prairies, to the oceans white with foam. God Bless America, my Home Sweet

Jul 18, 2014, 10:16:04 AM7/18/14
Il brano "You'll Go Ahead" dedicato a NELSON MANDELA, scritto - suonato - interpretato e prodotto dal Chitarrista/Polistrumentista e Vocalist TONY BRASCHI sta scalando le Charts U.S.A.

Con You'll Go Ahead, il nuovo brano dedicato alla scomparsa di Nelson Mandela, l'artista Tony Braschi è approdato nelle classifiche americane.

Definito "Il JOE COCKER ITALIANO" per la voce e il Nuovo JOHNNY WINTER come chitarrista, Tony Braschi è uno dei pochissimi artisti italiani che ha il privilegio di essere distribuito oltre oceano. Negli USA è stato recensito positivamente da DWMmusic. L'artista ha rilasciato una dichiarazione in cui afferma: "Questo brano e' un inedito che riposava nel cassetto da 9/10 anni. Qualche settimana fa mi e' tornato in mente ed e' diventato un mio tormentone.

Riascoltandolo ho avuto i brividi e, per la prima volta dopo anni, mi sono commosso. Il giorno stesso ho appreso della scomparsa terrena di NELSON MANDELA. Sono rimasto senza parole. Poi le ho ritrovate nel mio inedito che proprio in quei giorni era diventato il mio tormentone: la mia reiterata ossessione. A quel punto ho capito che il brano era stato una Premonizione. E cosi' ho deciso di pubblicarlo cosi' com'e': esattamente il demo inedito che riposava nel mio archivio d'inediti. Ora e' pronto per vivere di luce propria insieme allo spirito del suo ispiratore, il grande Uomo di questo Nuovo Millennio".

Tony Braschi In Italia è stato Inserito a pieno merito dalla stampa e dagli addetti ai lavori tra i primi 50 migliori chitarristi italiani, vicino a nomi quali Ricky Portera, Andrea Braito, Nick Becattini, Alex Britti, Paolo Bonfanti, Maurizio Solieri, Alex Masi, Pino Daniele... etc.

A suo tempo IL POPOLO DEL BLUES di Ernesto De Pascale lo lanciò nel circuito internazionale(

Ora reduce dalla pubblicazione del suo Tributo a Joe Cocker, e poche settimane dopo con il nuovo brano dedicato a Nelson Mandela, You'll go ahead, l'artista - per problemi di salute - non sembra intenzionato ad iniziare un nuovo Tour, ma ha deciso di pubblicare una parte consistente del suo cospicuo materiale inedito.

Tony Braschi negli U.S.A. è approdato nell'Air Play raidofonico del circuito 365 trasmesso insieme ad Artisti quali: Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy, Albert Collins, Joe Bonamassa, Johnny Lang,Alvin Lee, ed altri grandi.
Il suo Album ROCK BLUES EXPERIENCE ha avuto la presenza di ospiti internazionali, tra i quali: HERBIE GOINS, KARL POTTER, DEREK WILSON, DAVE SUMNER, ERIC DANIEL, DANIELE SEPE, AGOSTINO MARANGOLO, MARK HANNA, DOUGLAS MEAKIN, e venne stato recensito come il miglior cd rivelazione dell'anno sulla rivista Chitarre accanto all'album di B.B. KING.

Rock Blues Experience ha avuto la consacrazione della critica anche in Italia.

> Rock & blues italiano DOC, ma dal respiro internazionale, non solo per la scelta di cantare in Inglese, ma per la struttura dei brani, il modo di suonare e la validità del risultato che non temono confronti con produzioni analoghe provenienti da altre nazioni.

AXE - Mario Milan

> Nei 14 brani arrivano sferzate e colpi di pennata tipiche dei vecchi maestri in vena di sfoderare grinta e mestiere. Rock my Blues è un piccolo capolavoro con la sua andatura Shuffle, compreso l'assolo centrale a deliziare i fan di E. Clapton, S. Ray Vaughan.

CHITARRE - Mauro Salvatori

> Definito spesso il Johnny Winter italiano, Tony Braschi è uno dei più sorprendenti e talentuosi chitarristi della scena blues italiana. Il suo tono vocale rauco e pungente che ci riporta spesso alla mente tanto Joe Cocker quanto George Thorogood.


> Solo la chitarra sarebbe più che sufficiente per mandare in visibilio lo zio Fender. Inoltre Tony Braschi fornisce una grande dimostrazione della sua abilità di cantante, sprigionando una voce calda alla Bruce Springsteen.

DNA MUSIC - Alessio Romani

> Braschi compone con organicità una musica dai toni contemporanei che comunica confidenza e si snoda armonicamente con classe ed eleganza e che non teme confronti con quelli di artisti di più grosso calibro del circuito internazionale.


> Riferimenti possono sicuramente essere trovati in Sound come quello dei Led Zeppelin e anche dei Metallica più morbidi. L'accostamento più naturale nel Sound è sicuramente quello con Buddy Guy e Eric Clapton.

LIVE CITY - Federico Armeni

> Ciò che caratterizza questo disco in modo particolare è la grande energia sprigionata da Tony in studio che rispecchia in tutto e per tutto l'esplosiva potenza dei suoi concerti.

FOLK BULLETTIN - Salvatore Esposito

> Tony Braschi tira fuori un blues a cavallo tra passato e futuro, tra grande produzione e intenso artigianato musicale, solismo raffinato e riconoscibile. Non perdete questo cd: un'indimenticabile esperienza rock blues.


> Difficile trovare un brano migliore dell'altro, dal primo all'ultimo minuto Tony Braschi riesce a dare emozioni in ogni suono, in ogni armonia.

SONIK MUSIK - Camozzato Loris

> Braschi ha dato alle stampe un ottimo disco. lo ha fatto con mestiere, intelligenza e onestà verso chi ascolta. L'energia è infatti ben presente, così come l'ottima capacità compositiva.

L'ISOLA CHE NON C'ERA - Michele Manzotti

> Compositore attento alle tendenze d'oltralpe, i suoi brani hanno fatto immediatamente il giro d'Europa, restando primi in classifica in Danimarca, Germania, Inghilterra e Olanda e a breve faranno rotta su Los Angeles e i paesi dell'Est. Tanto personale e attuale, da riuscire intrigante anche per la diffusione radiofonica.

CAMPANIA ON WEB (novembre '05) Dario de Simone

> He became a fantastic European attraction because of his incredible live performances. These songs are powerful and melodic blues which at times, invoke the spirit of Bob Seger.



MP3 You'll Go Ahead:


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