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Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

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Jun 26, 2016, 7:41:52 PM6/26/16

Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church
should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them.


Jun 27, 2016, 1:11:27 AM6/27/16
-- The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious Belief As Eucharist To Yourself

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 26 June, 2016

dolf: "Hail God of Hymen!

#15CE ... #34CE ... #65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic'

What do you say to the claim that Jubilee 2000 celebrations was the
worship of Satanism?

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the Theory of
Number constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans



1) Torah's Sabbath (HOMOIOS) view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] is a genuine Sabbath based Genesis reprise [Exodus 20:8;
Deuteronomy 5:15];

2) Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theorem: a² = b² + c² is fascist (see image below)


I have as an Intellectual Property, a mathematical paradigm as an
alternative HOMOIOS Theory of Number being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine and a determined
contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos OF
NATURE-genesis), language, rationality and the reasoned mind:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2


It is not a claim that the earth and universe is only 6,000 years old,
but rather a proposition of relativity within billions of years and a
noumenal focal point as a development by which rationality transpires,
reason springs forth and that is characteristic to being human:

HOMO ('man') / HOMOIOS (*same*, *equal* *in* *force*, *a* *match* *for*
*one*, *all* *one* *to* *us*, of *numbers*, *square*, *the* *product*
*of* *two* *equal* *factors*), SAPIENS ('thinker') / SAPIENT ('being a
wise/wisdom thinker') [Deuteronomy 4:32; Genesis 1:26]

The development of the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON is my claim to an
Intellectual Property as being compliant with a Natural Law and Common
Law right, in that it establishes the prima facie claim, that my past
conduct has integrity, and with regards to an expression of Autonomy of


dolf: "Voicing your religious opinions of another's Judaeo-Christian
belief is as fascist conduct unlawful.

"Hast thou faith?

Have it to thyself before God.

Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he
alloweth." [Romans 14:22 (KJV)]

How readest thou?"

Hence there is nothing holy about such a wet biscuit as your 'Gift of
Grace' which I have in silent witness and as comfort of the afflicted
and tormented, observed several times by Cardinal (then Archbishop)
George Pell's refusal of communion to all individuals wearing a rainbow


.jackNote@zen: 6, row: 2, col: 8, nous: 30 [Super: #244 / #21 - Guiding
the Physical, Emptying the Heart; I-Ching: H31 - Influence; Tetra: 42 -
Going to Meet, Ego: #418 / #30 - Government without Coercion, Be Chary
of War; I-Ching: H45 - Congregation; Tetra: 59 - Massing]

I quote now from Sections #21 and #30 from Richard John Lynn's
translation related to the Chinese Classic on the Way of Virtue known as
Tao Te Ching:

SECTION #21: "A capacity for the virtue of emptiness, this alone allows
conformance with the Dao.

The Dao as such is but dim, is but dark (ie. the appearance of that
which is formless and not attached to anything).

Dark, oh, dim, oh, but within it some image is there. Dim, oh, dark,
oh, but within it something is there.

Abstruse, oh, indistinct, oh, but within it the essence of things is there.

Its essence is most authentic, for within it authentication occurs.

From antiquity until now, its name has never been revoked.

We use it to convey what the father of everything is.

How do I know that the father of everything is so? It is by this."

SECTION #30: "One who would assist the ruler of men in accordance with
the Dao does not use military force to gain power over all under Heaven.

As for such matters, he is wont to let them revert (ie. rebound: those
that live by the sword die by the sword)."

Where armies deploy, there *thistles* and *thorns* grow [cf: Hebrews
6:8]. The aftermath of great military operations is surely a year of famine.

One good at this desists when result (ie. result [guo] means relief
[ji]) is had and dares not use the opportunity to seize military supremacy.

Have result but do not take credit for it; have result but do not boost
about it; have result but do not take pride in it;

Have result but only when there is no choice; have result but do not try
to gain military supremacy.

Once a thing reaches its prime, it grows old. We say it goes against
the Dao, and what is against the Dao comes to an early end. (ie. a
whirlwind does not last an entire morning, and a rainstorm does not last
an entire day; Thus a sudden *rise* surely goes against the Dao and will
come to an early end)"


IMAGE: Eucharist & Pope Saint John Paul II (from 1978 to 2005)
Karol Józef Wojtyła (b. 18 May 1920 - d. 2 April 2005)
He is widely known to Catholics as Saint John Paul the Great, especially
in the names of institutions.

Note: I ought to give a definition to this divisive (ie. tending to
cause disagreement or hostility between people) use of the expression
'wet biscuit':

1) being foolish: as in the sense of 'take the biscuit' to being 'the
most remarkable or foolish of its kind';

2) the submissive male demeaned by a group male masturbatory act: as the
seminal (ie. strongly influencing later developments) recipient (ie. a
person or thing that receives or is awarded something) as the product of
group male wank (ie. contemptible conduct; bragging; nonsense; bullshit;
meaningless discussion over abstract theories) as activity;


.jackNote@zen: 6, row: 3, col: 4, nous: 42 [Super: #382 / #49 - Sage's
Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Initial Difficulties; Tetra: 4
- Barrier, Ego: #385 / #42 - Generating Things, Reason's Modifications;
I-Ching: H60 - Restraint; Tetra: 52 - Measure]

I quote now from Sections #49 and #42 from Richard John Lynn's
translation related to the Chinese Classic on the Way of Virtue known as
Tao Te Ching:

SECTION #49: "The sage has no constant heart/mind [changxin] but takes
the heart/mind of the common folk as his heart/mind.

The good I regard as good; those who are not good I also regard as good.

This is to transform goodness into virtue.

The trustworthy I trust; those who are not trustworthy I also trust.
This is to transform trust into virtue. The sage resides among all
under Heaven with perfect equanimity and impartiality and for the sake
of all under Heaven merges his heart/mind with theirs.

The common folk all fix their ears and eyes on him. And the sage treats
them all as his children."

SECTION #42: "The Dao begets the ONE; the ONE begets TWO; TWO begets
THREE; and THREE beget the myriad things. The myriad things, bearing
YIN (female) and embracing YANG (male), form a unified harmony through
the fusing of these vital forces."

+ 0, 27, 54 {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}
+ 0, 9, 18 {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
+ 0, 3, 6 {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}
+ 1, 2, 3 {ie. Formula of Progression of individual phenomena as myriad
of things (Wan Wu)}

= Tetragrammation hierarchy value as NUMBER.

+ 0, 81, 9(9²+1)/2 = #369 {ie. Organization of the myriad or number of


COMMENTARY: "Although the myriad things [Wan Wu] exist in a myriad of
forms, they all revert to the ONE.

What is it due to that they all ultimately become ONE?

It is due to *NOTHINGNESS* [Wu]."

Note the Aramaic Targum of possibly dated circa before the fall of Rome
in 476 CE in Job Chapter 36 speaks of:

"Show them their deeds, and their transgressions because they have made
themselves strong..." [verse 9] and

"Unstops their hearing for correction, and he says that they should turn
from your evil deeds which are like *NOTHINGNESS*" [verse 10]


IMAGE: Author consoling Catholic mother of a gay son & PFLAG President,
Nanette McGregor - The Rainbow Sash Protest (Refusal of Communion) on
'Pentecost Sunday' 31 May 1998, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne

The Australian newspaper (front page) of 1 June 1998

(c) 1 June 1998 - James Croucher (photographer), News Ltd / Newspix,
Licenced for Facebook usage, Commercial Use, Internal Use For Company Or
Organisation, Internal Newsletter Or Document, Print And Digital (up to
1,000 copies)

"Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things.
Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a
fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it
defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course-TROCHOS of
nature-GENESIS; and it is set on fire of hell.

For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things
in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can
no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith
bless we God, even the Father; and therewith *curse* we men, which are
made after the similitude of God." [James 3:5-9 (KJV)]

MattB (trdell12345): "Yes Roman Catholic hate filled Fundies.

Your point?

So far you haven't told us your definition? Think you feel cornered and
afraid to try."

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "I follow Jesus; you follow Satan. You're
very clear about that."

MattB (trdell12345): "No, you follow [a faux-]Paulinity that is plain
[as a HETEROS v's HOMOIOS Theory of Number misapprehension of his
encapsulation of knowledge conveyed by his Epistle to the Romans Chapter

A Paulinity/Pagan mix that became the Roman Catholic Church.

Yes, there are many within the Roman Catholic Church that are good people.

Then there are the bad and those that defend the bad like you and Patrick."

Rod (Catholic) Eastman: "[Dolf] you have been reported."

dolf: "I will not keep silent about your hate speech and your murderous
intent as medieval witch-hunt directed towards me made under the false
pretense of a Christian and religious piety.

SEE ALSO: Drown The Witch (God Almighty Blasphemous Christ Deniers,
Murderous Dogs) [Part 1]


SEE ALSO: Drown The Witch (God Almighty Blasphemous Christ Deniers,
Murderous Dogs) [Part 2]


And we are quite entitled to use the strongest possible language to
voice our opposition TO YOU ALL--which by the perverted and depraved,
who think themselves holy (when they are not), such that it could be
improperly misconstrued as hate speech and extremist."

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "You don't even know what 'Paulinity' is
about. Which, BTW, was disproved long, long ago.

Again, you just make a total fool of yourself everyday.

This by a loser that was rejected by the Roman Catholic Church. It's
interesting to note that it's the fundie and unlearned groups that cry
the loudest.

But I'll give you a chance. Describe Paulinity in your own words. I
assure you. This is going to be fun for me and embarrassing for you."

Patrick (Catholic) Barker: "[His] answer will be the same as when he
described his fantasy fundies. Oh, that's right. He couldn't answer
that one either."

dolf: "I thought that I had conveyed within this chapter, a more than
adequate explanation regarding the quintessential issue.

1) Jesus Christ's (prior to 34 CE) wilderness temptation, was a refusal
of the Satanic prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the Pythagorean
HETEROS Theory of Number and its reliance upon the progression of #15
... #369 as faux-sophistic wisdom) which is against the Sovereignty of
Roman Empire Governance as the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD
(OIKOUMENĒ) all this power (EXOUSIA).

It is made in deference for the HOMOIOS basis to the Theory of Number as
more appropriately constituting the mind created in the similitude and
image of the Creator God as the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind)
[Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans 1:16-32; James 3:5-9 (KJV)]

2) The Apostle Paul (53-57 CE) states within his Letter to the
Corinthians, and I paraphrase:

Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my
liberty judged of another man’s conscience? For if I by grace be a
partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?

*WHATSOEVER* (ie. a kind of, any man, thing, thing at all) *YE* *DO*
(ie. *BAND* *TOGETHER* [ie. form a group or unite such as marriage]),
*DO* *ALL* *TO* *THE* *GLORY* *OF* *GOD*." [1 Corinthians 10:27-33 (KJV)]

3) The Apostle Paul (57–58 CE) states it plainly within his Epistle to
the Romans Chapter 1, as being a misapprehension over encapsulation of
knowledge as HETEROS v's HOMOIOS Theory of Number [Romans 1:16-32]

4) Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God
that which is God's." [Luke 20:25]

Which bestows upon same sex marriage a recognition of an authority (ie.
Emperor Caesar Nero's power of veto and a sense of infallibility to his
person by the attributions: sacrosanctity, inviolability ) as a power to
invoke it as a civil right, which is recognized by Jesus of Nazareth.

INVOKE (verb)
Cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action
or in support of an argument:
- call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration.
- call earnestly for: she invoked his help against this attack.
- summon (a spirit) by charms or incantation.
- give *rise* to; evoke

5) Roman Emperor Caesar Nero's (54-68 CE) historical record as an
account of the enactment of both the civil and sacred as the
ecclesiastical to right of same-sex marriage within 65CE. In that, he
had himself undertaken the rite of marriage to another male, and this
occurred in addition to his having already participated within the
conventional and heterosexual form of marriage.

And such a practice of same sex marriage, made in compliance to the
sensibilities of various religious belief systems such as the Roman
State Religion, then continued for approximately a further 300 years.

This occurred at the time, when he had also ascribed a sense of
infallibility to his person by the attributions: sacrosanctity,
inviolability; the notion of the Son of God adopted since Julius Caesar;
the power of veto over any decision by any other magistrate, assembly,
or the Senate; and further titles such s: Pontifex Maximus, Pontifex and
Father of the Country.

Being principles of status and authorities later adopted by the Pope as
the head of the Roman Catholic Church and it's city-state empire:

in an attempt to overcome the state of deprivation which is otherwise
evident by their absence.

Can anyone say: Hypocrisy?"

PETER: "Ancient Greek Democracy!"

DOLF: "On a day in 399 BCE the philosopher Socrates stood before a jury
of 500 of his fellow Athenians accused of 'refusing to recognize the
gods recognized by the state' and of 'corrupting the youth.'

If found guilty; his penalty could be death.

The trial took place in the heart of the city, the jurors seated on
wooden benches surrounded by a crowd of spectators. Socrates' accusers
(three Athenian citizens) were allotted three hours to present their
case, after which, the philosopher would have three hours to defend himself.

Socrates was 70 years old and familiar to most Athenians.

His anti-democratic views had turned many in the city against him.

Socrates was found guilty by a vote of 280 to 220.

The philosopher was taken to the near-by jail where his sentence would
be carried out. Athenian law prescribed death by drinking a cup of
poison hemlock.

Socrates would be his own executioner.

He just gave the man his stolid look, and asked, 'How say you, is it
permissible to pledge this drink to anyone?

May I?'

The answer came, 'We allow reasonable time in which to drink it.'

'I understand', he said, 'we can and must pray to the gods that our
sojourn on earth will continue happy beyond the grave. This is my
prayer, and may it come to pass.'

With these words, he stoically drank the potion, quite readily and

'Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double
according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her
double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so
much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a
queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.' [Revelation 18:6-7 (KJV)]

Now it is your turn to drink that cup.

Take your time."

"Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee
And I detest all my sins
Because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell.
But most of all because I love Thee,
And I want so badly to be good." [(c) 2012 Madonna, Boy Toy]

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Madonna - Girl Gone Wild


dolf: "This is a public Usenet (Google Groups) post with an emailed
blind courtesy copy to the clinical psychologist at the Melbourne
Fertility Control Clinic.

I have in the past provided the Melbourne Fertility Control Clinic with
they had a universal natural and common law compliant, cultural values
independent statement of religious belief, by which they could provide
their services.

The campaign slogan:

'[Mr Abbott,] Get your rosaries off our ovaries' is therefore a truism.

I was at the time, pursuing my philological research which was
conglomerated within a work-in-progress chapter titled, 'Making the Most
of the Moment' around the time of New Moon of Sabbath 21 July 2001 just
after the *Solar* *Eclipse* Thursday 21 June 2001, when I first went to
the Melbourne Fertility Control Clinic and as philanthropy wrote for
them some prose for a condom usage uptake campaign:

"Perhaps its all in the tune,
This soulless sentimentality.
But a *funeral* *song*,
As someone goes too soon,
Hardly constitutes a reality."

[In Memory of Steve Rogers, Security Guard & Friend to Others,
Assassinated: 16 July, 2001 at Melbourne's Fertility Control Clinic]

Nous: #39
Date: 2001.7.16
Torah: #6 #5 #6 %81 = #17
Dao: Achieving Oneness, Root of Order
Tetra: #76 - Aggravation
I-Ching: H28 - Excess

Latin: Mirabilis {Great & High God} Alt: Natahyah {The Cutting of God} {
4. Reno
Zerubbabel {Offspring of Babylon/A stranger at Babylon; dispersion of


#6, #50, #2, #5, #30, #400, #10 - bahal (H926): 1) to disturb, alarm,
terrify, hurry, be disturbed, be anxious, be afraid, be hurried, be
nervous; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be disturbed, dismayed, terrified,
anxious; 1a2) to be in haste, be hasty; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make haste,
act hastily, be hurried, be hastened; 1b2) to dismay, terrify; 1c)
(Pual); 1c1) to hasten; 1c2) hastened, hastily gained (part.); 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to hasten, hurry, make haste; 1d2) to dismay, terrify;

#2, #300, #200, #1 - besar (Aramaic) (H1321): 1) flesh;

"And it is a rare thing that the king requireth, and there is none other
that can show it before the king, except the gods, whose dwelling is not
with flesh {besar (Aramaic)-flesh [H1321]: #503}." [Daniel 2:11]

#2, #400, #6, #30, #10, #5, #50 - bethuwliym (H1331): 1) virginity;

"And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name
upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found
her not a maid {bethuwliym-virginity [H1331]: #503}:" [Deuteronomy 22:14]

#50, #3, #30, #10, #400, #10 - galah (H1540): 1) to uncover, remove; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to uncover; 1a2) to remove, depart; 1a3) to go into exile;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) (reflexive); 1b1a) to uncover oneself; 1b1b) to
discover or show oneself; 1b1c) to reveal himself (of God); 1b2)
(passive); 1b2a) to be uncovered; 1b2b) to be disclosed, be discovered;
1b2c) to be revealed; 1b3) to be removed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to uncover
(nakedness); 1c1a) nakedness; 1c1b) general; 1c2) to disclose, discover,
lay bare; 1c3) to make known, show, reveal; 1d) (Pual) to be uncovered;
1e) (Hiphil) to carry away into exile, take into exile; 1f) (Hophal) to
be taken into exile; 1g) (Hithpael); 1g1) to be uncovered; 1g2) to
reveal oneself;

#3, #40, #30, #400, #10, #20 - gamal (H1580): 1) to deal fully with,
recompense; 2) (Qal) to wean a child (Niphal) to be weaned; 3) (Qal) to
*ripen*, bear ripe (almonds); 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to deal out to, do to;
1a2) to deal bountifully with; 1a3) to recompense, repay, requite;

#2, #5, #30, #20, #6, #400, #40 - haliykah (H1979): 1) going, doing,
travelling company, way; 1a) going, walk, marching, doings; 1b)
travelling company, caravan;

"And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast
your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor
{ga`al-abhor [H1602]: #503} you." [Leviticus 26:30]

"They have seen thy goings {haliykah-way [H1979]: #503}, O God; even the
goings {haliykah-way [H1979]: #503} of my God, my King, in the
sanctuary." [Psalm 68:24]

"She looketh well to the ways {haliykah-way [H1979]: #503} of her
household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." [Proverbs 31:27]

"He shall recount his worthies: they shall stumble in their walk
{haliykah-way [H1979]: #503}; they shall make haste to the *wall*
thereof, and the defence shall be prepared." [Nahum 2:5]

"He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the
nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual
hills did bow: his ways {haliykah-way [H1979]: #503} are everlasting."
[Habakkuk 3:6]

#5, #8, #40, #400, #10, #40 - chowmah (H2346): 1) *wall*;

#300, #3, #200 - sheger (H7698): 1) offspring, young or offspring of beasts;

#1, #20, #100, #70, #1, #300, #1, #10 - akroates (G202): 1) a hearer;

#1, #40, #1, #100, #300, #10, #1, #50 - hamartia (G266): 1) equivalent
to 264; 2) that which is done wrong, sin, an offence, a violation of the
divine law in thought or in act; 3) collectively, the complex or
aggregate of sins committed either by a single person or by many; 1a) to
be without a share in; 1b) to miss the mark; 1c) to err, be mistaken;
1d) to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and honour, to do or
go wrong; 1e) to wander from the law of God, violate God's law, sin;

#3, #100, #8, #3, #70, #100, #8, #200, #1, #10 - gregoreuo (G1127): 1)
to watch; 2) metaph. give strict attention to, be cautious, active; 2a)
to take heed lest through remission and indolence some destructive
calamity suddenly overtake one;

#9, #5, #70, #4, #10, #4, #1, #20, #300, #70, #10 - theodidaktos
(G2312): 1) taught of God;


#6, #30, #4, #2, #10, #200 - debiyr (H1687): 1) the holy of holies, the
innermost room of the temple or tabernacle; 2) (TWOT) oracle; 1a)
hindmost chamber, innermost room of the temple of Solomon, most holy
place, holy of holies;

#7, #40, #200, #5 - zimrah (H2172): 1) music, melody, *song*;

#2, #40, #5, #200, #5 - meherah (H4120): 1) haste, speed; 1a) hastily,
speedily (as adverb); 1b) in haste (with prep);

#6, #200, #1, #40, #5 - ra'am (H7213): 1) (Qal) to *rise*;

#5, #80, #8, #30, #9, #70, #50 - eperchomai (G1904): 1) to come to
arrive; 2) to come upon, overtake, one; 1a) of time, come on, be at
hand, be future; 2a) of sleep; 2b) of disease; 2c) of calamities; 2d) of
the Holy Spirit, descending and operating in one; 2e) of an enemy
attacking one;

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come
{eperchomai-come [G1904]: #252} upon thee, and the power of the Highest
shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be
born of thee shall be called the Son of God." [Luke 1:35]

"But when a stronger than he shall come {eperchomai-come [G1904]: #252}
upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he
trusted, and divideth his spoils." [Luke 11:22]

"Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things
which are coming {eperchomai-come [G1904]: #252} on {eperchomai-come
[G1904]: #252} the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
[Luke 21:26]

#20, #1, #20, #10, #1, #200 - kakia (G2549): 1) malignity, malice,
ill-will, desire to injure; 2) wickedness, depravity; 3) evil, trouble;
2a) wickedness that is not ashamed to break laws;

.JACKNOTE@ZEN: 5, ROW: 3, COL: 9, NOUS: 39 [DATE: 2016.7.16, SUPER: #503


@memeBrain [Telos: #1541, Super: #76 - Strength's Warning Signs,
Revealers of Virtue; I-Ching: H20 - Contemplation; Tetra: 64 - Sinking,
Ego: #2 - Contrast of Terms, Self-Culture; I-Ching: H11 - Peace; Tetra:
16 - Contact]




@memeBrain [Telos: #2641, Super: #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude;
I-Ching: H46 - Moving Upward; Tetra: 8 - Opposition, Ego: #49 - Sage's
Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Initial Difficulties; Tetra: 4
- Barrier]


@memeBrain [Telos: #1202, Super: #32 - Natural Guide, Virtue of
Holiness; I-Ching: H44 - Coming On; Tetra: 43 - Encounters, Ego: #68 -
Coinciding with Nature, Complying With Heaven; I-Ching: H14 - Great
Possessions; Tetra: 38 - Fullness]


#1, #20, #30, #50, #10 = 'akal (H398): 1) to eat, devour, burn up, feed;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to eat (human subject); 1a2) to eat, devour (of beasts
and birds); 1a3) to devour, consume (of fire); 1a4) to devour, *slay*
(*of* *sword*); 1a5) to devour, consume, destroy (inanimate subjects -
ie, pestilence, drought); 1a6) to devour (of oppression); 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be eaten (by men); 1b2) to be devoured, consumed (of fire); 1b3)
to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh); 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to cause to eat,
feed with; 1c2) to cause to devour; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to feed; 1d2) to
cause to eat; 1e) (Piel); 1e1) consume;

#80, #30, #1 = pele' (H6382): 1) wonder, marvel; 1a) wonder
(extraordinary, hard to understand thing); 1b) wonder (of God's acts of
judgment and redemption);

#2, #90, #4, #10, #5 = tsediyah (H6660): 1) lying in wait, ambushing;

#5, #40, #60, #6 = macac (H4549): 1) to dissolve, melt; 1a) (Qal) to
waste away; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to melt, vanish, drop off, melt away;
1b2) to faint, grow fearful (fig.); 1b3) wasted, worthless (participle);
1c) (Hiphil) to cause to melt;

#5, #30, #20, #50, #6 = halak (H1980): 1) to go, walk, come; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to go, walk, come, depart, proceed, move, go away; 1a2) to die,
live, manner of life (fig.); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to walk; 1b2) to walk
(fig.); 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to traverse; 1c2) to walk about; 1d)
(Niphal) to lead, bring, lead away, carry, cause to walk;

#30, #70, #2, #9 = `abat (H5670): 1) to take a pledge, give a pledge
(for a debt); 1a) (Qal) to take a pledge, give a pledge (for a debt);
1b) (Piel) to interchange; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to give a pledge;

#4, #2, #100, #5 = dabaq (H1692): 1) to cling, stick, stay close,
cleave, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, join to,
overtake, catch; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cling, cleave to; 1a2) to stay with;
1b) (Pual) to be joined together; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to cleave
to; 1c2) to pursue closely; 1c3) to overtake; 1d) (Hophal) to be made to

#6, #2, #40, #50, #8, #5 = minchah (H4503): 1) *gift*, tribute,
offering, present, oblation, sacrifice, meat offering; 1a) *gift*,
present; 1b) tribute; 1c) offering (to God); 1d) grain offering;

#1, #4, #50, #50, #6 = 'adown (H113): 1) firm, strong, lord, master; 1a)
lord, master; 1a1) reference to men; 1a1a) superintendent of
household,of affairs; 1a1b) master; 1a1c) king; 1a2) reference to God;
1a2a) the Lord God; 1a2b) Lord of the whole earth; 1b) lords, kings;
1b1) reference to men; 1b1a) proprietor of hill of Samaria; 1b1b)
master; 1b1c) husband; 1b1d) prophet; 1b1e) governor; 1b1f) prince;
1b1g) king; 1b2) reference to God; 1b2a) Lord of lords (probably = 'thy
husband, Yahweh'); 1c) my lord, my master; 1c1) reference to men; 1c1a)
master; 1c1b) husband; 1c1c) prophet; 1c1d) prince; 1c1e) king; 1c1f)
father; 1c1g) Moses; 1c1h) priest; 1c1i) theophanic angel; 1c1j)
captain; 1c1k) general recognition of superiority; 1c2) reference to
God; 1c2a) my Lord,my Lord and my God; 1c2b) Adonai (parallel with Yahweh);


#6, #10, #8, #40, #50, #5 = yacham (H3179): 1) to be hot, conceive; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be hot, become hot; 1a2) to mate (of animals); 1a3) to be
or become hot (fig. of anger); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to conceive (sexually);
1b2) to be in heat (of animals);

#100, #8, #5, #6 = laqach (H3947): 1) to take, get, fetch, lay hold of,
seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take
away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take, take in the hand; 1a2) to take and carry
along; 1a3) to take from, take out of, take, carry away, take away; 1a4)
to take to or for a person, procure, get, take possession of, select,
choose, take in marriage, receive, accept; 1a5) to take up or upon, put
upon; 1a6) to fetch; 1a7) to take, lead, conduct; 1a8) to take, capture,
seize; 1a9) to take, carry off; 1a10) to take (vengeance); 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be captured; 1b2) to be taken away, be removed; 1b3) to be
taken, brought unto; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be taken from or out of; 1c2)
to be stolen from; 1c3) to be taken captive; 1c4) to be taken away, be
removed; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1) to be taken unto, be brought unto; 1d2) to
be taken out of; 1d3) to be taken away; 1e) (Hithpael); 1e1) to take
hold of oneself; 1e2) to flash about (of lightning);

#30, #5, #4, #10, #70 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive
and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e)
to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess;
1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a
person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in; 1a5) to have
knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be or become
known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be perceived;
1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d) (Poal) to cause
to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one known,
acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare; 1g)
(Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known, reveal

#6, #50, #8, #50, #5 = chanah (H2583): 1) to decline, incline, encamp,
bend down, *lay* *siege* *against*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to decline; 1a2) to

#6, #10, #30, #70, #3 = la`ag (H3932): 1) to mock, deride, ridicule; 1a)
(Qal) to mock, deride, have in derision; 1b) (Niphal) to stammer; 1c)
(Hiphil) to mock, deride;


@memeBrain [Telos: #1183, Super: #61 - Virtuous Humility at Using
'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Before Completion; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge,
Ego: #49 - Sage's Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Initial
Difficulties; Tetra: 4 - Barrier]


#6, #50, #80, #30, #6 = naphal (H5307): 1) to fall, lie, be cast down,
fail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *fall* (*of* *violent* *death*); 1a3) to fall
prostrate, prostrate oneself before; 1a4) to fall upon, attack, desert,
fall away to , go away to, fall into the hand of; 1a5) to fall short,
fail, fall out, turn out, result; 1a6) to settle, waste away, be
offered, be inferior to; 1a7) to lie, lie prostrate; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1)
to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock out, lay prostrate; 1b2) to
overthrow; 1b3) to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot;
1b4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.); 1b5) to cause to fall; 1c)
(Hithpael); 1c1) to throw or prostrate oneself, throw oneself upon; 1c2)
to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself; 1d) (Pilel) to fall;

#6, #10, #100, #10, #40, #6 = quwm (H6965): 1) to *rise*, arise, stand,
rise up, stand up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to arise; 1a2) to arise (hostile
sense); 1a3) to arise, become powerful; 1a4) to arise, come on the
scene; 1a5) to stand; 1a5a) to maintain oneself; 1a5b) to be
established, be confirmed; 1a5c) to stand, endure; 1a5d) to be fixed;
1a5e) to be valid; 1a5f) to be proven; 1a5g) to be fulfilled; 1a5h) to
persist; 1a5i) to be set, be fixed; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to fulfil; 1b2) to
confirm, ratify, establish, impose; 1c) (Polel) to raise up; 1d)
(Hithpael) to raise oneself, rise up; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to cause to
arise, raise; 1e2) to raise, set up, erect, build; 1e3) to raise up,
bring on the scene; 1e4) to raise up, rouse, stir up, investigate; 1e5)
to raise up, constitute; 1e6) to cause to stand, set, station,
establish; 1e7) to make binding; 1e8) to carry out, give effect to; 1f)
(Hophal) to be raised up;

#6, #10, #20, #70, #60, #6 = ka`ac (H3707): 1) to be angry, be vexed, be
indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke
to anger; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger;

#10, #70, #90, #2 = `atsab (H6087): 1) to hurt, pain, grieve, displease,
vex, wrest; 2) to shape, fashion, make, form, stretch into shape, (TWOT)
worship; 1a) (Qal) to hurt, pain; 1b) (Niphal) to be in pain, be pained,
be grieved; 1c) (Piel) to vex, torture; 1d) (Hiphil) to cause pain; 1e)
(Hithpael) to feel grieved, be vexed; 2a) (Piel) to shape, form; 2b)
(Hiphil) to form, copy, fashion;


#70, #90, #2, #6 = `atsab (H6087): 1) to hurt, pain, grieve, displease,
vex, wrest; 2) to shape, fashion, make, form, stretch into shape, (TWOT)
worship; 1a) (Qal) to hurt, pain; 1b) (Niphal) to be in pain, be pained,
be grieved; 1c) (Piel) to vex, torture; 1d) (Hiphil) to cause pain; 1e)
(Hithpael) to feel grieved, be vexed; 2a) (Piel) to shape, form; 2b)
(Hiphil) to form, copy, fashion;

#5, #20, #30, #5, #10, #80, #8, #10 = ekleipo (G1587): 1) fail; 2) to
fail; 1a) to leave out, omit, pass by; 1b) to leave, quit; 2a) to leave
off, cease, stop; 2b) of the failing or *eclipse* *of* *the* *light*
*of* *the* *sun* *and* *the* *moon*;

#9, #8, #100, #1, #50 = thera (G2339): 1) a hunting of wild beasts to
destroy them; 2) [metaphor] of preparing destruction for men;

"And David {well-beloved, dear} saith, Let their table be made a snare,
and a trap {thera-trap [G2339]: #168}, and a stumblingblock, and a
recompense unto them:" [Romans 11:9]


@memeBrain [Telos: #3096, Super: #30 - Government without Coercion, Be
Chary of War; I-Ching: H45 - Congregation; Tetra: 59 - Massing, Ego: #18
- Origin of Ethical Concepts, Palliation of Vulgarity; I-Ching: H33 -
Withdrawal; Tetra: 49 - Flight]


#1, #1, #200 = 'arar (H779): 1) to *curse*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to curse;
1a2) cursed be he (participle used pr in curses); 1b) (Niphal) to be
cursed, cursed; 1c) (Piel) to curse, lay under a curse, put a curse on;
1d) (Hophal) to be made a curse, be cursed;

#6, #70, #10, #50, #10, #50, #6 = `ayin (H5869): 1) eye; 2) spring,
fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye; 1a2) as showing mental
qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties (fig.);

#6, #1, #50, #100, #40, #5 = naqam (H5358): 1) to avenge, take
vengeance, revenge, avenge oneself, be avenged, be punished; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to avenge, take vengeance; 1a2) to entertain revengeful feelings;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to avenge oneself; 1b2) to suffer vengeance; 1c)
(Piel) to avenge; 1d) (Hophal) to be avenged, vengeance be taken (for
blood); 1e) (Hithpael) to avenge oneself;

#6, #10, #90, #10, #30, #50, #6 = natsal (H5337): 1) to snatch away,
deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to tear
oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be
delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip oneself;

#6, #5, #80, #10, #90, #5, #6 = puwts (H6327): 1) to scatter, be
dispersed, be scattered; 2) (Qal) to flow, overflow; 3) to break; 1a)
(Qal) to be dispersed, be scattered; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be scattered;
1b2) to be spread abroad; 1c) (Hiphil) to scatter; 1d) Hithpael)
scatter; 3a) (Polel) to shatter; 3b) (Pilpel) to dash to pieces;

#2, #90, #4, #100, #6 = tsedeq (H6664): 1) justice, rightness,
righteousness; 1a) what is right or just or normal, rightness, justness
(of weights and measures); 1b) righteousness (in government); 1b1) of
judges, rulers, kings; 1b2) of law; 1b3) of Davidic {well-beloved, dear}
king, Messiah; 1b4) of Jerusalem as seat of just government; 1b5) of
God's attribute; 1c) righteousness, justice (in case or cause); 1d)
rightness (in speech); 1e) righteousness (as ethically right); 1f)
righteousness (as vindicated), justification (in controversy),
deliverance, victory, prosperity; 1f1) of God as covenant-keeping in
redemption; 1f2) in name of Messianic king; 1f3) of people enjoying
salvation; 1f4) of Cyrus {as miserable; as heir};

#6, #50, #40, #100, #6 = maqaq (H4743): 1) to decay, pine away, rot,
*fester*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to fester (of wounds); 1a2) to rot, rot
away; 1a3) to moulder away; 1a4) to pine away; 1b) (Hiphil) to cause to

#30, #5, #70, #90, #2, #5 = `atsab (H6087): 1) to hurt, pain, grieve,
displease, vex, wrest; 2) to shape, fashion, make, form, stretch into
shape, (TWOT) worship; 1a) (Qal) to hurt, pain; 1b) (Niphal) to be in
pain, be pained, be grieved; 1c) (Piel) to vex, torture; 1d) (Hiphil) to
cause pain; 1e) (Hithpael) to feel grieved, be vexed; 2a) (Piel) to
shape, form; 2b) (Hiphil) to form, copy, fashion;

#6, #50, #1, #60, #80, #5 = 'acaph (H622): 1) to gather, receive,
remove, gather in; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to gather, collect; 1a2) ; 1a3) to
bring up the rear; 1a4) ; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to assemble, be gathered;
1b2) (pass of Qal; 1b2a) to be gathered to one's fathers; 1b2b) to be
brought in or into (association with others); 1b3) (pass of Qal; 1b3a)
to be taken away, removed, perish; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to gather (harvest);
1c2) to take in, receive into; 1c3) rearguard, rearward (subst); 1d)
(Pual) to be gathered; 1e) (Hithpael) to gather oneself or themselves;

#6, #50, #100, #40, #6 = naqam (H5358): 1) to avenge, take vengeance,
revenge, avenge oneself, be avenged, be punished; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
avenge, take vengeance; 1a2) to entertain revengeful feelings; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to avenge oneself; 1b2) to suffer vengeance; 1c) (Piel)
to avenge; 1d) (Hophal) to be avenged, vengeance be taken (for blood);
1e) (Hithpael) to avenge oneself;

#6, #100, #90, #6 = qets (H7093): 1) end; 1a) end, at the end of (of
time); 1b) end (of space);


#40, #80, #50, #10, #6 = paniym (H6440): 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b)
presence, person; 1c) face (of seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of
animals); 1e) face, surface (of ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1)
before and behind, toward, in front of, forward, formerly, from
beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in front of, before, to the front of,
in the presence of, in the face of, at the face or front of, from the
presence of, from before, from before the face of;

#10, #90, #6, #70, #10 = yatsuwa` (H3326): 1) couch, bed; #40, #100,
#40, #6 = maqowm (H4725): 1) standing place, place; 1a) standing place,
station, post, office; 1b) place, place of human abode; 1c) city, land,
region; 1d) place, locality, spot; 1e) space, room, distance; 1f)
region, quarter, direction; 1g) give place to, instead of;

#10, #70, #50, #50, #6 = `anah (H6030): 1) to answer, respond, testify,
speak, shout; 2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a
witness; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive
answer; #2, #80, #100, #4 = paqad (H6485): 1) to attend to, muster,
number, reckon, visit, punish, appoint, look after, care for; 2)
musterings, expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to, observe; 1a2)
to attend to; 1a3) to seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need,
miss, lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in
review, muster, number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge,
deposit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed, be missed, be
lacking; 1b2) to be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4) to be
appointed; 1b5) to be watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up; 1d)
(Pual) to be passed in review, be caused to miss, be called, be called
to account; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer, appoint an
overseer; 1e2) to commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit; 1f)
(Hophal); 1f1) to be visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made
overseer, be entrusted; 1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered;

#6, #50, #4, #70, #50, #6 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to
perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself;

#4, #1, #10, #40, #70, #50, #10, #1 = daimonion (G1140): 1) the divine
power, deity, divinity; 2) a spirit, a being inferior to God, superior
to men; 3) evil spirits or the messengers and ministers of the devil;

#8, #3, #5, #40, #70, #50, #10 = hegemon (G2232): 1) a leader of any
kind, a guide, ruler, prefect, president, chief, general, commander,
sovereign; 1a) a legatus Caesaris, an officer administering a province
in the name and with the authority of the Roman emperor; 1a1) the
governor of a province; 1b) a procurator, an officer who was attached to
a proconsul or a proprietor and had charge of the imperial revenues;
1b1) in causes relating to these revenues he administered justice. In
the smaller provinces also, which were so to speak appendages of the
greater, he discharged the functions of governor of the province; and
such was the relation of the procurator of Judaea {the praise of the
Lord; confession} to the governor of Syria {who is happy; or walks; or
looks}; 1c) of a principal town as the capital of the region;

"And thou Bethlehem {house of bread}, in the land of Juda {the praise of
the Lord; confession}, art not the least among the princes
{hegemon-governor [G2232]: #186} of Juda: for out of thee shall come a
Governor, that shall rule my people Israel {who prevails with God}."
[Matthew 2:6]

#20, #1, #100, #4, #10, #1, #50 = kardia (G2588): 1) the heart; 1a) that
organ in the animal body which is the centre of the circulation of the
blood, and hence was regarded as the seat of physical life; 1b) denotes
the centre of all physical and spiritual life; 2a) the vigour and sense
of physical life; 2b) the centre and seat of spiritual life; 2b1) the
soul or mind, as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts, passions,
desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavours; 2b2) of the
understanding, the faculty and seat of the intelligence; 2b3) of the
will and character; 2b4) of the soul so far as it is affected and
stirred in a bad way or good, or of the soul as the seat of the
sensibilities, affections, emotions, desires, appetites, passions; 1c)
of the middle or central or inmost part of anything, even though inanimate;

#5, #20, #30, #1, #10, #70, #50 = klaio (G2799): 1) to *mourn*, weep,
lament; 2) to weep for, mourn for, bewail, one; 1a) weeping as the sign
of pain and grief for the thing signified (i.e. for the pain and grief);
1b) of *those* *who* *mourn* *for* *the* *dead*;

#5, #20, #100, #10, #50, #1 = krino (G2919): 1) to separate, put
asunder, to pick out, select, choose; 2) to approve, esteem, to prefer;
3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion; 4) to determine,
resolve, decree; 5) to judge; 6) to rule, govern; 7) to contend
together, of warriors and combatants; 5a) to pronounce an opinion
concerning right and wrong; 5a1) to be judged, ie. summoned to trial
that one's case may be examined and judgment passed upon it; 5b) to
pronounce judgment, to subject to censure; 5b1) of those who act the
part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or pass judgment
on the deeds and words of others; 6a) to preside over with the power of
giving judicial decisions, because it was the prerogative of kings and
rulers to pass judgment; 7a) to dispute; 7b) in a forensic sense; 7b1)
to go to law, have suit at law;

#5, #20, #30, #70, #3, #8, #50 = ekloge (G1589): 1) the act of picking
out, choosing; 2) a thing or person chosen; 1a) of the act of God's free
will by which before the foundation of the world he decreed his
blessings to certain persons; 1b) the decree made from choice by which
he determined to bless certain persons through Christ by grace alone;
2a) of persons: God's elect;


Dr. Susie Allanson, the clinic's psychologist can therefore substantiate
my claim, that my autonomous, sovereign, common and natural law
constitutional initiative which was later synchronised to #41 - 13-17
September 2001, was in existence prior to the New York (et al) terrorist
EVENTS of 11 September, 2001.

Because I gave them a token of it as a *gift* and it has now *born*
*fruit*: "For the body is not one member (ie. is it just the head as the
encephalon), but many. If the foot shall say, 'Because I am not the
hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?'

And if the ear shall say, 'Because I am not the eye, I am not of the
body; is it therefore not of the body?'

If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?

If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it
hath pleased him.

And if they were all one member, where were the body?

But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say
unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I
have no need of you.

Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble,
are necessary: And those members of the body, which we think to be less
honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely
parts (ie. shapeless, that is, [figuratively] inelegant:--uncomely; the
pudenda as genitals) have more abundant comeliness.

For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body
together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should
have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all
the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members
rejoice with it.

Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily
prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings,
helps, *GOVERNMENTS* (KUBERNĒSIS: [of Latin origin]: to steer; pilotage,
that is, [figuratively] directorship [in the church]:--government),
diversities of tongues." [1 Corinthians 12:14-28 (KJV)]

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Australian Sex Party 2016 Election Ad #VaticanCan


That the dag *festering* anal-sadistic maggot Roman Catholic street
protesters can now eat shit (an exclamation expressing anger or contempt
for, or rejection of, someone) and f@ck off.

"Then Eliakim {resurrection of God}, Shebna {who rests himself; who is
now captive}, and Joah {fraternity; brother of the Lord} said to
Rabshakeh {cup-bearer of the prince; chief of the princes}, 'Pray, speak
with your servants in Aramaic {highness, magnificence, one that
deceives; *curse*}, for we understand it; do not speak with us in the
language of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} before the people
who are on the *wall*.'

But Rabshakeh said, 'Has my master sent me to speak these words against
your master and against you, and not against the men sitting on the
*wall*, who are doomed with you to eat their own dung and drink their
own urine ([KJV]: piss) in the *siege*?'

The Rabshakeh stood and cried out in a loud voice in the language of
Judah: 'Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria {who is
happy; or walks; or looks}!

Thus says the king, 'Do not let Hezekiah {strength of the Lord} deceive
you, for he will not be able to deliver you.'

Do not let Hezekiah make you rely on the Memra of the LORD by saying,
'The LORD will surely deliver us; this city will not be handed over into
the hand of the king of Assyria.'" [(c) 1990 The Order of Saint
Benedict, Isaiah 36:11-15 (Aramaic Targum]

It's now too late for them to apologize:

They are *cursed* by God Almighty.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Apologize" (c) 2007 One Republic from 'Dreaming Out
Loud' album


What faithfulness, dignity, integrity and honor can they possibly bestow
as unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest and depraved individuals?

Who are no doubt driven by an unrestrained tumultuous and animalistic
nature--for which national ethos they ought to serve an indeterminate
term (ie. depends on what you are capable of from one moment to the
next) prison sentence.

Got the gist of it now?"

- dolf

Excerpts from Facebook post: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious
Belief As Eucharist To Yourself Only!"


SEE ALSO: "Q&A Musings On BREXIT" of 25-26 June 2016


Initial Post: 25 June, 2016

SUBJECT WAS: Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.


Jun 27, 2016, 1:28:57 AM6/27/16
"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Francis has been hailed by many in the gay community for being the most
merciful pope towards them in recent history while conservative
Catholics have criticised him for making comments they say are ambiguous
about sexual morality.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
treated them." [(c) The Guardian Newspaper, "Pope Francis says
Christians should apologise to gay people", 0655 hours 27 June, 2016]


It's too late for the Catholic Church to Apologize, the statements by
Pope Francis aren't sufficiently remorseful, just platitudes,
immaterially non-specific without any compulsion as tangible reparation
for grievous sin and blasphemy.

They are *cursed* by God Almighty.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Apologize" (c) 2007 One Republic from 'Dreaming Out
Loud' album


What faithfulness, dignity, integrity and honor can they possibly bestow
as unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest and depraved individuals?

Who are no doubt driven by an unrestrained tumultuous and animalistic
nature--for which national ethos they ought to serve an indeterminate
term (ie. depends on what you are capable of from one moment to the
next) prison sentence.

Got the gist of it now?"

- dolf

Excerpts from Facebook post: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious
Belief As Eucharist To Yourself Only!" of 25-27 June, 2016


SUBJECT WAS: Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Francis has been hailed by many in the gay community for being the most
merciful pope towards them in recent history while conservative
Catholics have criticised him for making comments they say are ambiguous
about sexual morality.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
treated them." [(c) The Guardian Newspaper, "Pope Francis says
Christians should apologise to gay people", 0655 hours 27 June, 2016]


It's too late for the Catholic Church to Apologize, the statements by
Pope Francis aren't sufficiently remorseful, just platitudes,
immaterially non-specific without any compulsion as tangible reparation
for grievous sin and blasphemy.

They are *cursed* by God Almighty.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Apologize" (c) 2007 One Republic from 'Dreaming Out
Loud' album


What faithfulness, dignity, integrity and honor can they possibly bestow
as unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest and depraved individuals?

Who are no doubt driven by an unrestrained tumultuous and animalistic
nature--for which national ethos they ought to serve an indeterminate
term (ie. depends on what you are capable of from one moment to the
next) prison sentence.

Got the gist of it now?"

- dolf

Excerpts from Facebook post: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious
Belief As Eucharist To Yourself Only!" of 25-27 June, 2016


Jun 27, 2016, 7:12:48 AM6/27/16
On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:41:32 +1000, "RamRodOz" <> wrote:


>Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.
>The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
>discriminated against, but respected.

Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but
loves the sinner.

"The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts are,
and that homosexuals should try to be chaste."

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.

>Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church
>should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them.

the dukester, American-American

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI

Lucifer Morningstar

Jun 27, 2016, 8:00:53 AM6/27/16
On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 06:12:42 -0500, duke <> wrote:

>On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:41:32 +1000, "RamRodOz" <> wrote:
>>Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.
>>The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
>>discriminated against, but respected.
>Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but
>loves the sinner.

God hates everybody.

>"The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts are,
>and that homosexuals should try to be chaste."

That's not biblical.

>Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.

Did God freely choose to make us all sinners?

>the dukester, American-American


It's actually quite easy for a creationist to make an atheist feel humiliated...
He just has to remind him that they both belong to the same species


Jun 27, 2016, 8:13:40 AM6/27/16
"RamRodOz" <> wrote:

>Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church
>should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them.

So what?


Jun 27, 2016, 11:33:31 AM6/27/16

"duke" wrote in message

On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:41:32 +1000, "RamRodOz" <>


>> Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.
>> The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
>> discriminated against, but respected.

> Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin
> but
> loves the sinner.

I did not ignore it, I simply quoted the only first few lines from that

> "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
> are,
> and that homosexuals should try to be chaste."

> Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.

They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic.


Jun 27, 2016, 11:37:32 AM6/27/16

"PATRICK" wrote in message
Well I simply quote the note, so if you do not understand it than I suggest
you are your Pope, not me.

Maybe he has seen some of your notes, and giving you the


Jun 27, 2016, 12:07:17 PM6/27/16
Maybe the pope is sorry that he didn't do more to get rid of the
scourge of the world.


Jun 27, 2016, 2:00:44 PM6/27/16
On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 08:13:43 -0400, PATRICK <>
Remember Patrick Barker is a hate filled Fundie of the RCC.. He only
talks about God being of love when he thinks of Pedophiles.


Jun 27, 2016, 6:35:08 PM6/27/16

"PATRICK" wrote in message
But you would not like that, the Pope getting rid of you the scourge of the


Jun 28, 2016, 7:59:27 AM6/28/16
On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 01:33:22 +1000, "RamRodOz" <> wrote:

>"duke" wrote in message
>On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:41:32 +1000, "RamRodOz" <>
>>> Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.
>>> The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
>>> discriminated against, but respected.
>> Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin
>> but
>> loves the sinner.
>I did not ignore it, I simply quoted the only first few lines from that
>> "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
>> are,
>> and that homosexuals should try to be chaste."
>> Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.
>They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic.

There is only one God, and he said "the active homosexual will not inherit the
kingdom of God". That's addressed to all mankind.

>>> Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church
>>> should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated
>>> them.


Jun 28, 2016, 7:59:58 AM6/28/16
You're too stupid to understand.


Jun 28, 2016, 10:52:15 AM6/28/16
On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 06:59:54 -0500, duke <> wrote:

>On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 11:00:49 -0700, MattB <> wrote:
>>On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 08:13:43 -0400, PATRICK <>
>>>"RamRodOz" <> wrote:
>>>>Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church
>>>>should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them.
>>>So what?
>>Remember Patrick Barker is a hate filled Fundie of the RCC.. He only
>>talks about God being of love when he thinks of Pedophiles.
>You're too stupid to understand.

You're right I will never understand Pedophiles or people like Earl
Weber. For that I am thankful.


Jun 28, 2016, 12:27:50 PM6/28/16

"duke" wrote in message

On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 01:33:22 +1000, "RamRodOz" <>

>"duke" wrote in message
>On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:41:32 +1000, "RamRodOz" <>
>>>> Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.
>>>> The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
>>>> discriminated against, but respected.
>>> Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin
>>> but
>>> loves the sinner.
>> I did not ignore it, I simply quoted the only first few lines from that
>> information.
>>> "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
>>> are,
>>> and that homosexuals should try to be chaste."
>>> Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.
>> They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic.

> There is only one God, and he said "the active homosexual will not inherit
> the
> kingdom of God". That's addressed to all mankind.

What you wish to believe, you can, but the majority of the world does
believe everything that your church say is correct and most people and not
involved in your church.


//There are an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world, according
to Vatican figures.\\

Number of people in the world.........

//7.125 billion (2013)\\


Jun 28, 2016, 4:24:48 PM6/28/16

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 29 June, 2016

The following American persons of Roman Catholic religious belief have
engaged within unremorsed Anti-Semitic (Judaeo-Christian) conduct:


I'm disseminating this complaint publicly so there is appropriate action
taken by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church to intervene,
rectify and cease this Internet anti-semitic conduct--and to apologise
with an appropriate reparation given such gravitas.

dolf: "Well, then make yourselves an altar (eg. sacrifice someone/thing
on/at the altar of) so as to wail, gibber and squawk impunities of
questionable intent, by getting cut up about it all."

I think the idea comes from the story of the prophet Elijah (ie. God the
Lord, the strong Lord) having a stand-off with the priests of Baal: [1
Kings 18:24-39 (KJV)]"

Skeet DoW #420 (skeeter@kooks): "It was one of my better moments."

dolf: "Managing flystrike on *wethered* sheep.

Wethers (ie. castrated) are less aggressive than rams:

'Preventing flystrike is more economical than treating it. Short term
management tools such as *strategic* *chemical* *application*,
*crutching* and shearing, and controlling worms and *dags* will be
beneficial in the short term, whilst producers looking for a longer term
solution should investigate genetic options such as *breeding* for
reduced *dags* and *wrinkle*.'"


1) But what complaint can a senile impotent prick, a dag festering
arsehole and a coward with no balls ('wethered') that you are--by hiding
under a cloak of anonymity, when you can only bleat (ie. speak or
complain in a weak, querulous, or foolish way) as an onomatopoeia.

2) As you are without any *foundation* and have the moral scruples of a
dag festering ANAL-SADISTIC (ie. displaying abnormal aggressive and
destructive tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at the anal stage
of development) MAGGOT--anti-semitic that you are.

3) That the dag *festering* anal-sadistic (ie. displaying abnormal
aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at
the anal stage of development) maggot Roman Catholic street protesters
can now eat shit (an exclamation expressing anger or contempt for, or
rejection of, someone) and f@ck off.



ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Dolf... in your muted ramblings... is there a
point to be made?"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "I hate to break it to you Dolf ole' bean... but
Ashkenazim Jews are Europeans without the genetic trait [AND] trying to
steal the inheritance of the real Jews. The real Jews, are alive and
well in spite of Satan's efforts to find and eradicate them.

And it is God that protects them... you will NEVER get to them, EVER.

So file your lawsuits and shut up!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "All of them describe you, Dolf, particularly
#3, displaying abnormal aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly
caused by fixation at the anal stage of development."

"Then Eliakim {resurrection of God}, Shebna {who rests himself; who is
now captive}, and Joah {fraternity; brother of the Lord} said to
Rabshakeh {cup-bearer of the prince; chief of the princes}, 'Pray, speak
with your servants in Aramaic {highness, magnificence, one that
deceives; *curse*}, for we understand it; do not speak with us in the
language of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} before the people
who are on the *wall*.'

But Rabshakeh said, 'Has my master sent me to speak these words against
your master and against you, and not against the men sitting on the
*wall*, who are doomed with you to eat their own dung and drink their
own urine ([KJV]: piss) in the *siege*?'

The Rabshakeh stood and cried out in a loud voice in the language of
Judah: 'Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria {who is
happy; or walks; or looks}!

Thus says the king, 'Do not let Hezekiah {strength of the Lord} deceive
you, for he will not be able to deliver you.'

Do not let Hezekiah make you rely on the Memra of the LORD by saying,
'The LORD will surely deliver us; this city will not be handed over into
the hand of the king of Assyria.'" [(c) 1990 The Order of Saint
Benedict, Isaiah 36:11-15 (Aramaic Targum]

"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
treated them." [(c) The Guardian Newspaper, "Pope Francis says
Christians should apologise to gay people", 0655 hours 27 June, 2016]


It's too late for the Roman Catholic Church to apologize, and the recent
statements by Pope Francis, aren't sufficiently remorseful, just
platitudes, immaterially non-specific without any compulsion as tangible
reparation for grievous sin and blasphemy--just pissing in the wind.

They are *cursed* by God Almighty:

I said as much: 'You are cursed, you are cursed, you are thrice cursed',
one day within their arch-diocese Melbourne offices after having given
them, as their only bestowal of mercy, a preliminary copy of my GRAPPLE

They know it to be a matter of fact.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Apologize" (c) 2007 Timbaland - One Republic from
'Dreaming Out Loud' album


What faithfulness, dignity, integrity and honor can they possibly bestow
as unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest and depraved individuals?

Who are no doubt driven by an unrestrained tumultuous and animalistic
nature--for which national ethos they ought to serve an indeterminate
term (ie. depends on what you are capable of from one moment to the
next) as prison sentence.

Got the gist of it now?"

Colonel (Atheist/Buddhist) Burke: "Wot's a dag, Dolf?"

Is it edible?"

dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a sheep's arse, that often
*festers* as a wound and gets riddled with maggots--it's not pleasant:

How strangely can that miscreant enchanter, who is my enemy,
transmogrify things to thwart me?

Know [this] Sancho {truthful and sincere, Saint, Holy}, that it is a
very easy matter for necromancers to make us assume what[ever] shapes
they please; and the malicious wretch who persecutes me, envying the
glory I should have gained in this battle, hath doubtless metamorphosed
the squadrons of the foe, into flocks of sheep ..." [Miguel de Cervantes
(1547-1616), translated by Tobias Smollett, Don Quixote, 1755; Courtesy:
Word of the Day,]

Ugly one ( "What a fruit cake!!!"

dolf: "Four words don't convey any substance of an informed opinion.

After all, your comment is directed towards my 31 pages of lawyer
briefing notes as "Q&A Musings On BREXIT" with respects to my filing
particulars of a *suit* *at* *law* with appropriate Legal Attorneys by
email at 1735 hours on 26 June, 2016 (AEST).

Following an earlier enquiry to the Referral Service of the Law
Institute of Victoria on 16 June, 2016 with a 'summary of particulars of
complaint' in order to 'obtain a favourable and successful outcome in
the circumstance of there being a lack for any 'definitive, adequate and
categorical parameterisation' of my prioritized legal claim (ie. which
occurs on their www-page).

So as to appropriately characterise which legal faculty as practice area
of law: 'Administrative & Constitutional + Insurance Disputes' is most

My instructions to the lawyer, is that I possess the 'capability (ie. as
coherent, lucid and integral apperception) to effectively prosecute the
composite and compounding civil and criminal matters:

'All I require, is for the legal practice to undertake the necessary
legal process (ie. which is entirely within their means and affords no
grounds for refusal) before an appropriate Court of Legal Jurisdiction
(ie. Supreme Court) with sufficient diligence, rigour and fiduciary
care, such that it's undertaking is unprejudiced by any manner
whatsoever, neither by any acts of commission or omission and conforms
to all necessary considerations of judicial rules, legal practice and
principles in full accordance with the law.


So that the complainant 'ought to be challenged within an appropriate
court of law to give such an accountability for his actions.

And failing which, he is held subject to any civil and consequential
criminal liabilities (ie. false report to police, perjury and perverting
the course of justice by criminal and willful conduct having the
gravitas of treason arising from the Corporate actions taken) within
their appropriate jurisdictions.

I have prepared various statements in relation to further aspects of the
claim which gives substance to my actions and have been published on
Facebook, however the "Lawyer Briefing - Q&A Musings on BREXIT" Portable
Document Format gives a good summary.

Should you have any particular questions, I can invariably direct you to
which of these are appropriate as required.

Thank-you for your considerations with this matter."

Can you give a more reasoned, logical statement in refutation and by
which we can determine your presumption of rationality?

But they are a reflection upon your being a self-opinionated narcissist,
who is nothing more than a bastard son of Heidegger and a Babylonian
whore (ie. promiscuous relative to being and time)."

A court-certified expert on extremism who once worked as an attorney for
the Southern Poverty Law Center before becoming a criminology professor
has a powerful message for academia: "If it really supports diversity,
let conservative students and speakers have their say on campus.

'We can't just give lip service to diversity of ideas,' Professor Brian
Levin said in a recent telephone interview with The College Fix. 'The
academia has to realize that there are people of goodwill on both sides,
and they have an obligation to respect the entire spectrum of viewpoints.'

The comments come in an era of hypersensitivity, when political
correctness often reigns supreme on college campuses.

Levin, director of Cal State University of San Bernardino's nonpartisan
Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism, passionately diverges with
much of academia, which enforces campus speech codes and similar
policies and programs that limit speech some find offensive.

'As the son of a Nazi-era prisoner of war and grandson of immigrants
from totalitarian regimes, I have the same appreciation that most
Americans share for the special *gift* that our system of civil, yet
uncensored, discourse has given to the world,'

Levin explains on the center's website:


Citing examples such as conservative speakers being disinvited from
campuses, Levin said, he believes: "it's a disgrace that we don't have
more conservative voices of goodwill on college campuses. The academia
has been far too dismissive of conservative viewpoints." [26 June 2016,
Williams Nardi, Roger Williams University, "'Hate and extremism' expert
says campus conservatism faces discrimination, suppression"]


dolf: "This second part has followed upon those earlier lawyer briefing
notes and details God's act of grace accompanying my goodwill *gift*
towards the Melbourne Fertility Control Clinic in resolving their
perennial pestilent problem of now over decades duration, involving
predominantly Roman Catholic, but not exclusively, as murderous
anti-abortionist street protestors.

How readest thou?"

- dolf

SEE ALSO: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious Belief As Eucharist To
Initial Post: 28 June, 2016

SUBJECT WAS: Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.


Jun 28, 2016, 5:13:05 PM6/28/16

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 29 June, 2016

"Ye do the deeds of your father.

Then said they to him, 'We be not born of fornication; we have one
Father, even God.'

Jesus said unto them, 'If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I
proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent

Why do ye not understand my speech?

Even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil,
and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and
the father of it.

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Which of you convinceth me of sin?

And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not,
because ye are not of God.'

Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, 'Say we not well that thou
art a Samaritan {watch-mountain}, and hast a devil?'

Jesus answered, 'I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do
dishonour me.'" [John 8:41-49 (KJV)]
"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
treated them." [(c) The Guardian Newspaper, "Pope Francis says
Christians should apologise to gay people", 0655 hours 27 June, 2016]


It's too late for the Roman Catholic Church to apologize, and the recent
statements by Pope Francis, aren't sufficiently remorseful, just
platitudes, immaterially non-specific without any compulsion as tangible
reparation for grievous sin and blasphemy--just pissing in the wind.

They are *cursed* by God Almighty:

I said as much: 'You are cursed, you are cursed, you are thrice cursed',
one day within their arch-diocese Melbourne offices after having given
them, as their only bestowal of mercy, a preliminary copy of my GRAPPLE

They know it to be a matter of fact.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Apologize" (c) 2007 Timbaland - One Republic from
'Dreaming Out Loud' album

"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is
antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that
acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in
you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard
from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the
Son, and in the Father. And this is the promise that he hath promised
us, even eternal life.

These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye
need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you
of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught
you, ye shall abide in him." [1 John 2:22-27 (KJV)]

Leroy N. Soetoro #666

Jun 28, 2016, 5:13:37 PM6/28/16


Jun 28, 2016, 5:13:52 PM6/28/16


Jun 29, 2016, 7:33:06 AM6/29/16
On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 02:27:35 +1000, "RamRodOz" <> wrote:


>>>>> Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.
>>>>> The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
>>>>> discriminated against, but respected.

>>>> Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin
>>>> but
>>>> loves the sinner.

>>> I did not ignore it, I simply quoted the only first few lines from that
>>> information.
>>>> "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
>>>> are,
>>>> and that homosexuals should try to be chaste."
>>>> Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.

>>> They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic.

>> There is only one God, and he said "the active homosexual will not inherit
>> the kingdom of God". That's addressed to all mankind.

>What you wish to believe, you can, but the majority of the world does
>believe everything that your church say is correct and most people and not
>involved in your church.

The people of the world don't count. Only God does, and he said that the active
homosexual at death is not worthy of the kindgom of God. 1 Cor 6:9-10


Jun 29, 2016, 7:33:50 AM6/29/16
On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 07:52:38 -0700, Mattb. <> wrote:

>On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 06:59:54 -0500, duke <> wrote:
>>On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 11:00:49 -0700, MattB <> wrote:
>>>On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 08:13:43 -0400, PATRICK <>
>>>>"RamRodOz" <> wrote:
>>>>>Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church
>>>>>should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had treated them.
>>>>So what?
>>>Remember Patrick Barker is a hate filled Fundie of the RCC.. He only
>>>talks about God being of love when he thinks of Pedophiles.
>>You're too stupid to understand.
>You're right I will never understand Pedophiles or people like Earl
>Weber. For that I am thankful.

You SB fundies do have a problem with truth.


Jun 29, 2016, 11:15:01 AM6/29/16
On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 11:00:49 -0700, MattB <>

I thought you were going to try to be nice....


Jun 29, 2016, 2:43:33 PM6/29/16
ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Dolf... in your muted ramblings... is there a
point to be made?"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "I hate to break it to you Dolf ole' bean... but
Ashkenazim Jews are Europeans without the genetic trait [AND] trying to
steal the inheritance of the real Jews. The real Jews, are alive and
well in spite of Satan's efforts to find and eradicate them.

And it is God that protects them... you will NEVER get to them, EVER.

So file your lawsuits and shut up!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "All of them describe you, Dolf, particularly
#3, displaying abnormal aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly
caused by fixation at the anal stage of development."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence of action and words
relative to being and time.

Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
ones spoken words and their concord within action.

Such that, there is no a lack of virtue and dignity by engaging within
ethical sexual opportunism which judges each recreational sexual
encounter on its own individual and circumstantial merits--how many is

"Of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of
Israel {who prevails with God}, ye shall nor go in to them, neither
shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart
after their gods: Solomon {peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses}
clave unto these in love.

And he had *seven* *hundred* wives, princesses, and *three* *hundred*
concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.

For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away
his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD
his God, as was the heart of David {well-beloved, dear} (ie. who
murdered Uriah {the Lord is my light or fire} the Hittite {one who is
broken; who fears} to obtain his wife Bathsheba {the seventh daughter;
the daughter of satiety, enough, sufficiency} [2 Samuel 11:15, 27; Psalm
32:1; 39:1]) his father.

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth {flocks; sheep; riches} he goddess of
the Zidonians {hunting; fishing; venison}, and after Milcom {their king}
the abomination of the Ammonities {a people; the son of my people}.

And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after
the LORD, as did David (cf: '200 Philistine foreskins brought to King
Saul' [1 Samuel 18:19]) his father." [1 Kings 11:2-6 (KJV)]

"The queen Sheba {captivity; old man; repose; oath} of the south shall
rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for
she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of
Solomon; and, behold, a greater than is here." [Matthew 12:42-45; Luke
11:31-36 (KJV)]

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "What you wish to believe, you can, but
the majority of the world does[n't] believe everything that your church
say[s] is correct and most people a[re] not involved in your church."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "The people of the world don't count. Only
God does, and he said that the active homosexual at death is not worthy
of the kindgom of God. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10]"

dolf: "Au contraire: just yesterday, with the assistance of your
contemptuous and delusional attitude of life.

I damned to hell the religious belief of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics
worldwide by denying and depriving them any tangible hope of
eternity--because of a habitual haughty and narcissistic disrespect such
as yours which has been routinely shown towards me.

And only as a supererogatory courtesy, then paraded such a fact
throughout the Islamic world, so as draw a comparison between the
consequential effect of my purposed, temperate and peaceful action and
the Islamic irrationality, distemper and violence at Istanbul."

- dolf

On 29/06/2016 21:33, duke wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 02:27:35 +1000, "RamRodOz"
<> wrote:
>>>>>> Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay
>>>>>> people. The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay
>>>>>> people should not be discriminated against, but
>>>>>> respected.
>>>>> Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God
>>>>> hates the sin but loves the sinner.
>>>> I did not ignore it, I simply quoted the only first few lines
>>>> from that information.
>>>>> "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
>>>>> homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be
>>>>> chaste."
>>>>> Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.
>>>> They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic.
>>> There is only one God, and he said "the active homosexual will
>>> not inherit the kingdom of God". That's addressed to all
>>> mankind.
>> What you wish to believe, you can, but the majority of the world
>> does believe everything that your church say is correct and most
>> people and not involved in your church.
> The people of the world don't count. Only God does, and he said
> that the active homosexual at death is not worthy of the kindgom of
> God. 1 Cor 6:9-10
> the dukester, American-American
> ***** "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer." Pope Paul VI
> *****


(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 29 June, 2016

"Ye do the deeds of your father.

Then said they to him, 'We be not born of fornication; we have one
Father, even God.'

Jesus {savior; deliverer} said unto them, 'If God were your Father, ye
would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I
of myself, but he sent me.

Why do ye not understand my speech?

Even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of
his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Which of you convinceth me of sin?

And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not,
because ye are not of God.'

Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, 'Say we not well that thou
art a Samaritan {watch-mountain}, and hast a devil?'

Jesus {savior; deliverer} answered, 'I have not a devil; but I honour my
Father, and ye do dishonour me.'" [John 8:41-49 (KJV)]

The following American persons of Roman Catholic religious belief have
engaged within unremorsed Anti-Semitic (Judaeo-Christian) conduct:


I'm disseminating this complaint publicly so there is appropriate action
taken by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church to intervene,
rectify and cease this Internet anti-semitic conduct--and to apologize
with an appropriate reparation given such gravitas.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Hozier - Take Me To Church"

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that Babylonian {incongruity; confusion;
mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence of action and words relative to
being and time.

Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
ones spoken words and their concord within action.

Such that, there is no a lack of virtue and dignity by engaging within
ethical sexual opportunism which judges each recreational sexual
encounter on its own individual and circumstantial merits.

"Of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of
Israel {who prevails with God}, ye shall nor go in to them, neither
shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart
after their gods: Solomon {peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses}
clave unto these in love.

And he had *seven* *hundred* wives, princesses, and *three* *hundred*
concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.

For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away
his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD
his God, as was the heart of David {well-beloved, dear} (ie. who
murdered Uriah {the Lord is my light or fire} the Hittite {one who is
broken; who fears} to obtain his wife Bathsheba {the seventh daughter;
the daughter of satiety, enough, sufficiency} [2 Samuel 11:15, 27; Psalm
32:1; 39:1]) his father.

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth {flocks; sheep; riches} he goddess of
the Zidonians {hunting; fishing; venison}, and after Milcom {their king}
the abomination of the Ammonities {a people; the son of my people}.

And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after
the LORD, as did David (cf: '200 Philistine foreskins brought to King
Saul' [1 Samuel 18:19]) his father." [1 Kings 11:2-6 (KJV)]

"The queen Sheba {captivity; old man; repose; oath} of the south shall
rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for
she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of
Solomon; and, behold, a greater than is here." [Matthew 12:42-45; Luke
11:31-36 (KJV)]

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "What you wish to believe, you can, but
the majority of the world does[n't] believe everything that your church
say[s] is correct and most people a[re] not involved in your church."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "The people of the world don't count. Only
God does, and he said that the active homosexual at death is not worthy
of the kindgom of God. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10]"

dolf: "Au contraire: just yesterday, with the assistance of your
contemptuous and delusional attitude of life.

I damned to hell the religious belief of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics
worldwide by denying and depriving them any tangible hope of
eternity--because of a habitual haughty and narcissistic disrespect such
as yours which has been routinely shown towards me.

And only as a supererogatory courtesy, then paraded such a fact
throughout the Islamic world, so as draw a comparison between the
consequential effect of my purposed, temperate and peaceful action and
the Islamic irrationality, distemper and violence at Istanbul."

"Then Eliakim {resurrection of God}, Shebna {who rests himself; who is
now captive}, and Joah {fraternity; brother of the Lord} said to
Rabshakeh {cup-bearer of the prince; chief of the princes}, 'Pray, speak
with your servants in Aramaic {highness, magnificence, one that
deceives; *curse*}, for we understand it; do not speak with us in the
language of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} before the people
who are on the *wall*.'

But Rabshakeh said, 'Has my master sent me to speak these words against
your master and against you, and not against the men sitting on the
*wall*, who are doomed with you to eat their own dung and drink their
own urine ([KJV]: piss) in the *siege*?'

The Rabshakeh stood and cried out in a loud voice in the language of
Judah: 'Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria {who is
happy; or walks; or looks}!

Thus says the king, 'Do not let Hezekiah {strength of the Lord} deceive
you, for he will not be able to deliver you.'

Do not let Hezekiah make you rely on the Memra of the LORD by saying,
'The LORD will surely deliver us; this city will not be handed over into
the hand of the king of Assyria.'" [(c) 1990 The Order of Saint
Benedict, Isaiah 36:11-15 (Aramaic Targum]

"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
treated them." [(c) The Guardian Newspaper, "Pope Francis says
Christians should apologise to gay people", 0655 hours 27 June, 2016]


It's too late for the Roman Catholic Church to apologize, and the recent
statements by Pope Francis, aren't sufficiently remorseful, just
platitudes, immaterially non-specific without any compulsion as tangible
reparation for grievous sin and blasphemy--just pissing in the wind.

They are *cursed* by God Almighty:

I said as much: 'You are cursed, you are cursed, you are thrice cursed',
one day within their arch-diocese Melbourne offices after having given
them, as their only bestowal of mercy, a preliminary copy of my GRAPPLE

They know it to be a matter of fact.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Apologize" (c) 2007 Timbaland - One Republic from
'Dreaming Out Loud' album


"Who is a liar but he that denieth that {savior; deliverer} is the Christ?


Jun 29, 2016, 2:46:35 PM6/29/16
ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Dolf... in your muted ramblings... is there a
point to be made?"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "I hate to break it to you Dolf ole' bean... but
Ashkenazim Jews are Europeans without the genetic trait [AND] trying to
steal the inheritance of the real Jews. The real Jews, are alive and
well in spite of Satan's efforts to find and eradicate them.

And it is God that protects them... you will NEVER get to them, EVER.

So file your lawsuits and shut up!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "All of them describe you, Dolf, particularly
#3, displaying abnormal aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly
caused by fixation at the anal stage of development."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth {*flocks*; *sheep*; riches} he goddess
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 02:27:35 +1000, "RamRodOz"
<> wrote:
>>>>>> Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay
>>>>>> people. The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay
>>>>>> people should not be discriminated against, but
>>>>>> respected.
>>>>> Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God
>>>>> hates the sin but loves the sinner.
>>>> I did not ignore it, I simply quoted the only first few lines
>>>> from that information.
>>>>> "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
>>>>> homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be
>>>>> chaste."
>>>>> Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.
>>>> They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic.
>>> There is only one God, and he said "the active homosexual will
>>> not inherit the kingdom of God". That's addressed to all
>>> mankind.
>> What you wish to believe, you can, but the majority of the world
>> does believe everything that your church say is correct and most
>> people and not involved in your church.
> The people of the world don't count. Only God does, and he said
> that the active homosexual at death is not worthy of the kindgom of
> God. 1 Cor 6:9-10
> the dukester, American-American
> ***** "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer." Pope Paul VI
> *****

dolf: "Managing flystrike on *wethered* *sheep*.
DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth {flocks; *sheep*; riches} he goddess of
the Zidonians {hunting; fishing; venison}, and after Milcom {their king}
the abomination of the Ammonities {a people; the son of my people}.

And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after
the LORD, as did David (cf: '200 Philistine foreskins brought to King
Saul' [1 Samuel 18:19]) his father." [1 Kings 11:2-6 (KJV)]

"The queen Sheba {captivity; old man; repose; oath} of the south shall
rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for
she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of
Solomon; and, behold, a greater than is here." [Matthew 12:42-45; Luke
11:31-36 (KJV)]

"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a *sheep*'s arse, that
often *festers* as a wound and gets riddled with maggots--it's not pleasant:

How strangely can that miscreant enchanter, who is my enemy,
transmogrify things to thwart me?

Know [this] Sancho {truthful and sincere, Saint, Holy}, that it is a
very easy matter for necromancers to make us assume what[ever] shapes
they please; and the malicious wretch who persecutes me, envying the
glory I should have gained in this battle, hath doubtless metamorphosed
the squadrons of the foe, into *flocks* *of* *sheep* ..." [Miguel de


Jun 29, 2016, 2:47:52 PM6/29/16
dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a *sheep's* arse, that


Jun 29, 2016, 2:54:13 PM6/29/16
the LORD, as did David (cf: '200 Philistine {those who dwell in
villages} foreskins brought to King Saul {demanded; lent; ditch; death}'


Jun 29, 2016, 2:54:46 PM6/29/16
ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Dolf... in your muted ramblings... is there a
point to be made?"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "I hate to break it to you Dolf ole' bean... but
Ashkenazim Jews are Europeans without the genetic trait [AND] trying to
steal the inheritance of the real Jews. The real Jews, are alive and
well in spite of Satan's efforts to find and eradicate them.

And it is God that protects them... you will NEVER get to them, EVER.

So file your lawsuits and shut up!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "All of them describe you, Dolf, particularly
#3, displaying abnormal aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly
caused by fixation at the anal stage of development."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

- dolf

On 29/06/2016 21:33, duke wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 02:27:35 +1000, "RamRodOz"
<> wrote:
>>>>>> Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay
>>>>>> people. The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay
>>>>>> people should not be discriminated against, but
>>>>>> respected.
>>>>> Here's what he said that you are ignoring. Remember, God
>>>>> hates the sin but loves the sinner.
>>>> I did not ignore it, I simply quoted the only first few lines
>>>> from that information.
>>>>> "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
>>>>> homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be
>>>>> chaste."
>>>>> Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life.
>>>> They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic.
>>> There is only one God, and he said "the active homosexual will
>>> not inherit the kingdom of God". That's addressed to all
>>> mankind.
>> What you wish to believe, you can, but the majority of the world
>> does believe everything that your church say is correct and most
>> people and not involved in your church.
> The people of the world don't count. Only God does, and he said
> that the active homosexual at death is not worthy of the kindgom of
> God. 1 Cor 6:9-10
> the dukester, American-American
> ***** "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer." Pope Paul VI
> *****

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that Babylonian {incongruity; confusion;
mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence of action and words relative to
being and time.

Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
ones spoken words and their concord within action.

Such that, there is no a lack of virtue and dignity by engaging within
ethical sexual opportunism which judges each recreational sexual
encounter on its own individual and circumstantial merits.

"Of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of
Israel {who prevails with God}, ye shall nor go in to them, neither
shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart
after their gods: Solomon {peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses}
clave unto these in love.

And he had *seven* *hundred* wives, princesses, and *three* *hundred*
concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.

For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away
his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD
his God, as was the heart of David {well-beloved, dear} (ie. who
murdered Uriah {the Lord is my light or fire} the Hittite {one who is
broken; who fears} to obtain his wife Bathsheba {the seventh daughter;
the daughter of satiety, enough, sufficiency} [2 Samuel 11:15, 27; Psalm
32:1; 39:1]) his father.

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth {flocks; *sheep*; riches} he goddess of
the Zidonians {hunting; fishing; venison}, and after Milcom {their king}
the abomination of the Ammonities {a people; the son of my people}.

And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after
the LORD, as did David (cf: '200 Philistine foreskins brought to King
Saul' [1 Samuel 18:19]) his father." [1 Kings 11:2-6 (KJV)]
"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a *sheep*'s arse, that


Jun 29, 2016, 3:06:44 PM6/29/16
dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence of action and words
relative to being and time.

Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
one's spoken words and their concord within action.
dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a *sheep's* arse, that

Beam Me Up Scotty #666

Jun 29, 2016, 3:07:01 PM6/29/16


Jun 29, 2016, 3:08:11 PM6/29/16


Jun 29, 2016, 3:21:50 PM6/29/16
ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Dolf... in your muted ramblings... is there a
point to be made?"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "I hate to break it to you Dolf ole' bean... but
Ashkenazim Jews are Europeans without the genetic trait [AND] trying to
steal the inheritance of the real Jews. The real Jews, are alive and
well in spite of Satan's efforts to find and eradicate them.

And it is God that protects them... you will NEVER get to them, EVER.

So file your lawsuits and shut up!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "All of them describe you, Dolf, particularly
#3, displaying abnormal aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly
caused by fixation at the anal stage of development."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence of action and words
relative to being and time.

Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
one's spoken words and their concord within action.

Such that, there is no lack of virtue and a loss of dignity by engaging
within ethical sexual opportunism which judges each recreational sexual
encounter on its own individual and circumstantial merits--how many is

"Of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of
Israel {who prevails with God}, ye shall nor go in to them, neither
shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart
after their gods: Solomon {peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses}
clave unto these in love.

And he had *seven* *hundred* wives, princesses, and *three* *hundred*
concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.

For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away
his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD
his God, as was the heart of David {well-beloved, dear} (ie. who
murdered Uriah {the Lord is my light or fire} the Hittite {one who is
broken; who fears} to obtain his wife Bathsheba {the seventh daughter;
the daughter of satiety, enough, sufficiency} [2 Samuel 11:15, 27; Psalm
32:1; 39:1]) his father.

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth {*flocks*; *sheep*; riches} the goddess


Jun 29, 2016, 3:57:00 PM6/29/16
dag festering ANAL-SADISTIC (ie. displaying abnormal aggressive and
destructive tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at the anal stage
of development) MAGGOT--anti-semitic that you are.

3) That the dag *festering* anal-sadistic (ie. displaying abnormal
aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at
the anal stage of development) maggot Roman Catholic street protesters
can now eat shit (an exclamation expressing anger or contempt for, or
rejection of, someone) and f@ck off.



ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Dolf... in your muted ramblings... is there a
point to be made?"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "I hate to break it to you Dolf ole' bean... but
Ashkenazim Jews are Europeans without the genetic trait [AND] trying to
steal the inheritance of the real Jews. The real Jews, are alive and
well in spite of Satan's efforts to find and eradicate them.

And it is God that protects them... you will NEVER get to them, EVER.

So file your lawsuits and shut up!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "All of them describe you, Dolf, particularly
#3, displaying abnormal aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly
caused by fixation at the anal stage of development."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence {eg: an *oath*} of
action and words relative to being and time.

Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
one's spoken words and their concord within action.

Such that, there is no lack of virtue and a loss of dignity by engaging
within ethical sexual opportunism which judges each recreational sexual
encounter on its own individual and circumstantial merits--how many is

"Of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of
Israel {who prevails with God}, ye shall nor go in to them, neither
shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart
after their gods: Solomon {peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses}
clave unto these in love.

And he had *seven* *hundred* wives, princesses, and *three* *hundred*
concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.

For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away
his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD
his God, as was the heart of David {well-beloved, dear} (ie. who
murdered Uriah {the Lord is my light or fire} the Hittite {one who is
broken; who fears} to obtain his wife Bathsheba {the seventh daughter;
the daughter of satiety, enough, sufficiency} [2 Samuel 11:15, 27; Psalm
32:1-11; 39:1-13]) his father.

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth {*flocks*; *sheep*; riches} the goddess
of the Zidonians {hunting; fishing; venison}, and after Milcom {their
king} the abomination of the Ammonities {a people; the son of my people}.

And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after
the LORD, as did David (cf: '200 Philistine {those who dwell in
villages} foreskins brought to King Saul {demanded; lent; ditch; death}'
[1 Samuel 18:19]) his father." [1 Kings 11:2-6 (KJV)]

"The queen Sheba {captivity; old man; repose; *oath*} of the south shall
rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for
she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of
Solomon; and, behold, a greater than is here." [Matthew 12:42-45; Luke
11:31-36 (KJV)]

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "What you wish to believe, you can, but
the majority of the world does[n't] believe everything that your church
say[s] is correct and most people a[re] not involved in your church."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "The people of the world don't count. Only
God does, and he said that the active homosexual at death is not worthy
of the kindgom of God. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10]"

dolf: "Au contraire: just yesterday, with the assistance of your
contemptuous and delusional attitude of life.

I damned to hell the religious belief of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics
worldwide by denying and depriving them any tangible hope of
eternity--because of a habitual haughty and narcissistic disrespect such
as yours which has been routinely shown towards me.

And only as a supererogatory courtesy, then paraded such a fact
throughout the Islamic world, so as draw a comparison between the
consequential effect of my purposed, temperate and peaceful action and
the Islamic irrationality, distemper and violence at Istanbul."

"Then Eliakim {resurrection of God}, Shebna {who rests himself; who is
now captive}, and Joah {fraternity; brother of the Lord} said to
Rabshakeh {cup-bearer of the prince; chief of the princes}, 'Pray, speak
with your servants in Aramaic {highness, magnificence, one that
deceives; *curse*}, for we understand it; do not speak with us in the
language of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} before the people
who are on the *wall*.'

But Rabshakeh said, 'Has my master sent me to speak these words against
your master and against you, and not against the men sitting on the
*wall*, who are doomed with you to eat their own dung and drink their
own urine ([KJV]: piss) in the *siege*?'

The Rabshakeh stood and cried out in a loud voice in the language of
Judah: 'Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria {who is
happy; or walks; or looks}!

Thus says the king, 'Do not let Hezekiah {strength of the Lord} deceive
you, for he will not be able to deliver you.'

Do not let Hezekiah make you rely on the Memra of the LORD by saying,
'The LORD will surely deliver us; this city will not be handed over into
the hand of the king of Assyria.'" [(c) 1990 The Order of Saint
Benedict, Isaiah 36:11-15 (Aramaic Targum]

"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had


Jun 29, 2016, 4:10:27 PM6/29/16
DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence {eg: an *oath*} of
action and words relative to being and time: 'we hold that there is no
more infallible evidence of insincerity of purpose, short of overt acts,
than a face that smiles when there is no occasion, and the tongue that
is out of measure smooth.' [James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder, 1840;
Courtesy: Word of the Day;]
"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had


Jun 29, 2016, 4:56:46 PM6/29/16
DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence {eg: an *oath*} of
action and words relative to being and time: 'we hold that there is no
more infallible evidence of insincerity of purpose, short of overt acts,
than a face that smiles when there is no occasion, and the tongue that
is out of measure smooth.' [James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder, 1840;
Courtesy: Word of the Day;]

Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
one's spoken words and their concord within action.

Such that, there is no lack of virtue and a loss of dignity (eg. King
Henry VIII [born: 28 June 1491, crowned: 21 April 1509, died: 28 January
1547] had six wives) by engaging within ethical sexual opportunism which
"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had


Jun 29, 2016, 5:51:31 PM6/29/16
DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence {eg: an *oath*} of
action and words relative to being and time: 'we hold that there is no
more infallible evidence of insincerity of purpose, short of overt acts,
than a face that smiles when there is no occasion, and the tongue that
is out of measure smooth.'" [James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder,
1840; Courtesy: Word of the Day;]

Colonel (Athiest/Buddhist) Burke: "What color are your underpants Dolf?"

dolf: "Even commando has it's colour: Did that make you blush?

A blushing bride is used to humorously refer to a woman on her wedding day.
"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had


Jun 29, 2016, 7:58:44 PM6/29/16

"duke" wrote in message
Well they would should they all leave the Catholic Church.

> Only God does, and he said that the active
> homosexual at death is not worthy of the kindgom of God. 1 Cor 6:9-10

That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.

It would seems that Jesus never was against homosexuals, as it seems that
only one who wrote against homosexuality for Christianity was Paul.

Yes, and there is some writing in the old testament, but again it could have
been people who are against it.

It is also noted that looking at different Bibles 1 Cor 6:9-10 has many

You of course must believe one that suits Catholic belief.

Others do not have to believe that.


BTW are you going to accept what the current Pope said "Christians should
apologise to gay people" ?


Jun 29, 2016, 8:14:14 PM6/29/16
You ought to educate yourself:

MattB (trdell12345): "No, you follow [a faux-]Paulinity that is plain
[as a HETEROS v's HOMOIOS Theory of Number misapprehension of his
encapsulation of knowledge conveyed by his Epistle to the Romans Chapter

A Paulinity/Pagan mix that became the Roman Catholic Church.

Yes, there are many within the Roman Catholic Church that are good people.

Then there are the bad and those that defend the bad like you and Patrick."

Rod (Catholic) Eastman: "[Dolf] you have been reported."

dolf: "I will not keep silent about your hate speech and your murderous
intent as medieval witch-hunt directed towards me made under the false
pretense of a Christian and religious piety.

SEE ALSO: Drown The Witch (God Almighty Blasphemous Christ Deniers,
Murderous Dogs) [Part 1]


SEE ALSO: Drown The Witch (God Almighty Blasphemous Christ Deniers,
Murderous Dogs) [Part 2]


And we are quite entitled to use the strongest possible language to
voice our opposition TO YOU ALL--which by the perverted and depraved,
who think themselves holy (when they are not), such that it could be
improperly misconstrued as hate speech and extremist."

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "You don't even know what 'Paulinity' is
about. Which, BTW, was disproved long, long ago.

Again, you just make a total fool of yourself everyday.

This by a loser that was rejected by the Roman Catholic Church. It's
interesting to note that it's the fundie and unlearned groups that cry
the loudest.

But I'll give you a chance. Describe Paulinity in your own words. I
assure you. This is going to be fun for me and embarrassing for you."

Patrick (Catholic) Barker: "[His] answer will be the same as when he
described his fantasy fundies. Oh, that's right. He couldn't answer
that one either."

dolf: "I thought that I had conveyed within this chapter, a more than
adequate explanation regarding the quintessential issue.

1) Jesus Christ's (prior to 34 CE) wilderness temptation, was a refusal
of the Satanic prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the Pythagorean
HETEROS Theory of Number and its reliance upon the progression of #15
... #369 as faux-sophistic wisdom) which is against the Sovereignty of
Roman Empire Governance as the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD
(OIKOUMENĒ) all this power (EXOUSIA).

It is made in deference for the HOMOIOS basis to the Theory of Number as
more appropriately constituting the mind created in the similitude and
image of the Creator God as the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind)
[Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans 1:16-32; James 3:5-9 (KJV)]

2) The Apostle Paul (53-57 CE) states within his Letter to the
Corinthians, and I paraphrase:

Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my
liberty judged of another man's conscience? For if I by grace be a
partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?

*WHATSOEVER* (ie. a kind of, any man, thing, thing at all) *YE* *DO*
(ie. *BAND* *TOGETHER* [ie. form a group or unite such as marriage]),
*DO* *ALL* *TO* *THE* *GLORY* *OF* *GOD*." [1 Corinthians 10:27-33 (KJV)]

3) The Apostle Paul (57–58 CE) states it plainly within his Epistle to
the Romans Chapter 1, as being a misapprehension over encapsulation of
knowledge as HETEROS v's HOMOIOS Theory of Number [Romans 1:16-32]

4) Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to God
that which is God's." [Luke 20:25]

Which bestows upon same sex marriage a recognition of an authority (ie.
Emperor Caesar Nero's power of veto and a sense of infallibility to his
person by the attributions: sacrosanctity, inviolability ) as a power to
invoke it as a civil right, which is recognized by Jesus of Nazareth.

INVOKE (verb)
Cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an authority for an action
or in support of an argument:
- call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness, or for inspiration.
- call earnestly for: she invoked his help against this attack.
- summon (a spirit) by charms or incantation.
- give *rise* to; evoke

5) Roman Emperor Caesar Nero's (54-68 CE) historical record as an
account of the enactment of both the civil and sacred as the
ecclesiastical to right of same-sex marriage within 65CE. In that, he
had himself undertaken the rite of marriage to another male, and this
occurred in addition to his having already participated within the
conventional and heterosexual form of marriage.

And such a practice of same sex marriage, made in compliance to the
sensibilities of various religious belief systems such as the Roman
State Religion, then continued for approximately a further 300 years.

This occurred at the time, when he had also ascribed a sense of
infallibility to his person by the attributions: sacrosanctity,
inviolability; the notion of the Son of God adopted since Julius Caesar;
the power of veto over any decision by any other magistrate, assembly,
or the Senate; and further titles such s: Pontifex Maximus, Pontifex and
Father of the Country.

Being principles of status and authorities later adopted by the Pope as
the head of the Roman Catholic Church and it's city-state empire:

in an attempt to overcome the state of deprivation which is otherwise
evident by their absence.

Can anyone say: Hypocrisy?"

PETER: "Ancient Greek Democracy!"

DOLF: "On a day in 399 BCE the philosopher Socrates stood before a jury
of 500 of his fellow Athenians accused of 'refusing to recognize the
gods recognized by the state' and of 'corrupting the youth.'

If found guilty; his penalty could be death.

The trial took place in the heart of the city, the jurors seated on
wooden benches surrounded by a crowd of spectators. Socrates' accusers
(three Athenian citizens) were allotted three hours to present their
case, after which, the philosopher would have three hours to defend himself.

Socrates was 70 years old and familiar to most Athenians.

His anti-democratic views had turned many in the city against him.

Socrates was found guilty by a vote of 280 to 220.

The philosopher was taken to the near-by jail where his sentence would
be carried out. Athenian law prescribed death by drinking a cup of
poison hemlock.

Socrates would be his own executioner.

He just gave the man his stolid look, and asked, 'How say you, is it
permissible to pledge this drink to anyone?

May I?'

The answer came, 'We allow reasonable time in which to drink it.'

'I understand', he said, 'we can and must pray to the gods that our
sojourn on earth will continue happy beyond the grave. This is my
prayer, and may it come to pass.'

With these words, he stoically drank the potion, quite readily and

'Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double
according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her
double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so
much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a
queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.' [Revelation 18:6-7 (KJV)]

Now it is your turn to drink that cup.

Take your time."

"Oh, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee
And I detest all my sins
Because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell.
But most of all because I love Thee,
And I want so badly to be good." [(c) 2012 Madonna, Boy Toy Inc]

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Madonna - Girl Gone Wild


dolf: "This is a public Usenet (Google Groups) post with an emailed
blind courtesy copy to the clinical psychologist at the Melbourne
Fertility Control Clinic.

I have in the past provided the Melbourne Fertility Control Clinic with
they had a universal natural and common law compliant, cultural values
independent statement of religious belief, by which they could provide
their services.

The campaign slogan:

'[Mr Abbott,] Get your rosaries off our ovaries' is therefore a truism.

I was at the time, pursuing my philological research which was
conglomerated within a work-in-progress chapter titled, 'Making the Most
of the Moment' around the time of New Moon of Sabbath 21 July 2001 just
after the *Solar* *Eclipse* on Thursday 21 June 2001, when I first went
to the Melbourne Fertility Control Clinic and as philanthropy wrote for
them some prose for a condom usage uptake campaign:

"Perhaps its all in the tune,
This soulless sentimentality.
But a *funeral* *song*,
As someone goes too soon,
Hardly constitutes a reality."

[In Memory of Steve Rogers, Security Guard & Friend to Others,
Assassinated: 16 July, 2001 at Melbourne's Fertility Control Clinic]

Nous: #39
Date: 2001.7.16
Torah: #6 #5 #6 %81 = #17
Dao: Achieving Oneness, Root of Order
Tetra: #76 - Aggravation
I-Ching: H28 - Excess

Latin: Mirabilis {Great & High God} Alt: Natahyah {The Cutting of God} {
4. Reno
Zerubbabel {Offspring of Babylon/A stranger at Babylon; dispersion of


#6, #50, #2, #5, #30, #400, #10 - bahal (H926): 1) to disturb, alarm,
terrify, hurry, be disturbed, be anxious, be afraid, be hurried, be
nervous; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be disturbed, dismayed, terrified,
anxious; 1a2) to be in haste, be hasty; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make haste,
act hastily, be hurried, be hastened; 1b2) to dismay, terrify; 1c)
(Pual); 1c1) to hasten; 1c2) hastened, hastily gained (part.); 1d)
(Hiphil); 1d1) to hasten, hurry, make haste; 1d2) to dismay, terrify;

#2, #300, #200, #1 - besar (Aramaic) (H1321): 1) flesh;

"And it is a rare thing that the king requireth, and there is none other
that can show it before the king, except the gods, whose dwelling is not
with flesh {besar (Aramaic)-flesh [H1321]: #503}." [Daniel 2:11]

#2, #400, #6, #30, #10, #5, #50 - bethuwliym (H1331): 1) virginity;

"And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name
upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found
her not a maid {bethuwliym-virginity [H1331]: #503}:" [Deuteronomy 22:14]

#50, #3, #30, #10, #400, #10 - galah (H1540): 1) to uncover, remove; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to uncover; 1a2) to remove, depart; 1a3) to go into exile;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) (reflexive); 1b1a) to uncover oneself; 1b1b) to
discover or show oneself; 1b1c) to reveal himself (of God); 1b2)
(passive); 1b2a) to be uncovered; 1b2b) to be disclosed, be discovered;
1b2c) to be revealed; 1b3) to be removed; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to uncover
(nakedness); 1c1a) nakedness; 1c1b) general; 1c2) to disclose, discover,
lay bare; 1c3) to make known, show, reveal; 1d) (Pual) to be uncovered;
1e) (Hiphil) to carry away into exile, take into exile; 1f) (Hophal) to
be taken into exile; 1g) (Hithpael); 1g1) to be uncovered; 1g2) to
reveal oneself;

#3, #40, #30, #400, #10, #20 - gamal (H1580): 1) to deal fully with,
recompense; 2) (Qal) to wean a child (Niphal) to be weaned; 3) (Qal) to
*ripen*, bear ripe (almonds); 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to deal out to, do to;
1a2) to deal bountifully with; 1a3) to recompense, repay, requite;

#2, #5, #30, #20, #6, #400, #40 - haliykah (H1979): 1) going, doing,
travelling company, way; 1a) going, walk, marching, doings; 1b)
travelling company, caravan;

"And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast
your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor
{ga`al-abhor [H1602]: #503} you." [Leviticus 26:30]

"They have seen thy goings {haliykah-way [H1979]: #503}, O God; even the
goings {haliykah-way [H1979]: #503} of my God, my King, in the
sanctuary." [Psalm 68:24]

"She looketh well to the ways {haliykah-way [H1979]: #503} of her
household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." [Proverbs 31:27]

"He shall recount his worthies: they shall stumble in their walk
{haliykah-way [H1979]: #503}; they shall make haste to the *wall*
thereof, and the defence shall be prepared." [Nahum 2:5]

"He stood, and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the
nations; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual
hills did bow: his ways {haliykah-way [H1979]: #503} are everlasting."
[Habakkuk 3:6]

#5, #8, #40, #400, #10, #40 - chowmah (H2346): 1) *wall*;

#300, #3, #200 - sheger (H7698): 1) offspring, young or offspring of beasts;

#1, #20, #100, #70, #1, #300, #1, #10 - akroates (G202): 1) a hearer;

#1, #40, #1, #100, #300, #10, #1, #50 - hamartia (G266): 1) equivalent
to 264; 2) that which is done wrong, sin, an offence, a violation of the
divine law in thought or in act; 3) collectively, the complex or
aggregate of sins committed either by a single person or by many; 1a) to
be without a share in; 1b) to miss the mark; 1c) to err, be mistaken;
1d) to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and honour, to do or
go wrong; 1e) to wander from the law of God, violate God's law, sin;

#3, #100, #8, #3, #70, #100, #8, #200, #1, #10 - gregoreuo (G1127): 1)
to watch; 2) metaph. give strict attention to, be cautious, active; 2a)
to take heed lest through remission and indolence some destructive
calamity suddenly overtake one;

#9, #5, #70, #4, #10, #4, #1, #20, #300, #70, #10 - theodidaktos
(G2312): 1) taught of God;


#6, #30, #4, #2, #10, #200 - debiyr (H1687): 1) the holy of holies, the
innermost room of the temple or tabernacle; 2) (TWOT) oracle; 1a)
hindmost chamber, innermost room of the temple of Solomon, most holy
place, holy of holies;

#7, #40, #200, #5 - zimrah (H2172): 1) music, melody, *song*;

#2, #40, #5, #200, #5 - meherah (H4120): 1) haste, speed; 1a) hastily,
speedily (as adverb); 1b) in haste (with prep);

#6, #200, #1, #40, #5 - ra'am (H7213): 1) (Qal) to *rise*;

#5, #80, #8, #30, #9, #70, #50 - eperchomai (G1904): 1) to come to
arrive; 2) to come upon, overtake, one; 1a) of time, come on, be at
hand, be future; 2a) of sleep; 2b) of disease; 2c) of calamities; 2d) of
the Holy Spirit, descending and operating in one; 2e) of an enemy
attacking one;

"And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come
{eperchomai-come [G1904]: #252} upon thee, and the power of the Highest
shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be
born of thee shall be called the Son of God." [Luke 1:35]

"But when a stronger than he shall come {eperchomai-come [G1904]: #252}
upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he
trusted, and divideth his spoils." [Luke 11:22]

"Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things
which are coming {eperchomai-come [G1904]: #252} on {eperchomai-come
[G1904]: #252} the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken."
[Luke 21:26]

#20, #1, #20, #10, #1, #200 - kakia (G2549): 1) malignity, malice,
ill-will, desire to injure; 2) wickedness, depravity; 3) evil, trouble;
2a) wickedness that is not ashamed to break laws;

.JACKNOTE@ZEN: 5, ROW: 3, COL: 9, NOUS: 39 [DATE: 2016.7.16, SUPER: #503


@memeBrain [Telos: #1541, Super: #76 - Strength's Warning Signs,
Revealers of Virtue; I-Ching: H20 - Contemplation; Tetra: 64 - Sinking,
Ego: #2 - Contrast of Terms, Self-Culture; I-Ching: H11 - Peace; Tetra:
16 - Contact]




@memeBrain [Telos: #2641, Super: #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude;
I-Ching: H46 - Moving Upward; Tetra: 8 - Opposition, Ego: #49 - Sage's
Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Initial Difficulties; Tetra: 4
- Barrier]


@memeBrain [Telos: #1202, Super: #32 - Natural Guide, Virtue of
Holiness; I-Ching: H44 - Coming On; Tetra: 43 - Encounters, Ego: #68 -
Coinciding with Nature, Complying With Heaven; I-Ching: H14 - Great
Possessions; Tetra: 38 - Fullness]


#1, #20, #30, #50, #10 = 'akal (H398): 1) to eat, devour, burn up, feed;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to eat (human subject); 1a2) to eat, devour (of beasts
and birds); 1a3) to devour, consume (of fire); 1a4) to devour, *slay*
(*of* *sword*); 1a5) to devour, consume, destroy (inanimate subjects -
ie, pestilence, drought); 1a6) to devour (of oppression); 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be eaten (by men); 1b2) to be devoured, consumed (of fire); 1b3)
to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh); 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to cause to eat,
feed with; 1c2) to cause to devour; 1d) (Hiphil); 1d1) to feed; 1d2) to
cause to eat; 1e) (Piel); 1e1) consume;

#80, #30, #1 = pele' (H6382): 1) wonder, marvel; 1a) wonder
(extraordinary, hard to understand thing); 1b) wonder (of God's acts of
judgment and redemption);

#2, #90, #4, #10, #5 = tsediyah (H6660): 1) lying in wait, ambushing;

#5, #40, #60, #6 = macac (H4549): 1) to dissolve, melt; 1a) (Qal) to
waste away; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to melt, vanish, drop off, melt away;
1b2) to faint, grow fearful (fig.); 1b3) wasted, worthless (participle);
1c) (Hiphil) to cause to melt;

#5, #30, #20, #50, #6 = halak (H1980): 1) to go, walk, come; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to go, walk, come, depart, proceed, move, go away; 1a2) to die,
live, manner of life (fig.); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to walk; 1b2) to walk
(fig.); 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to traverse; 1c2) to walk about; 1d)
(Niphal) to lead, bring, lead away, carry, cause to walk;

#30, #70, #2, #9 = `abat (H5670): 1) to take a pledge, give a pledge
(for a debt); 1a) (Qal) to take a pledge, give a pledge (for a debt);
1b) (Piel) to interchange; 1c) (Hiphil) to cause to give a pledge;

#4, #2, #100, #5 = dabaq (H1692): 1) to cling, stick, stay close,
cleave, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, join to,
overtake, catch; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cling, cleave to; 1a2) to stay with;
1b) (Pual) to be joined together; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to cleave
to; 1c2) to pursue closely; 1c3) to overtake; 1d) (Hophal) to be made to

#6, #2, #40, #50, #8, #5 = minchah (H4503): 1) *gift*, tribute,
offering, present, oblation, sacrifice, meat offering; 1a) *gift*,
present; 1b) tribute; 1c) offering (to God); 1d) grain offering;

#1, #4, #50, #50, #6 = 'adown (H113): 1) firm, strong, lord, master; 1a)
lord, master; 1a1) reference to men; 1a1a) superintendent of
household,of affairs; 1a1b) master; 1a1c) king; 1a2) reference to God;
1a2a) the Lord God; 1a2b) Lord of the whole earth; 1b) lords, kings;
1b1) reference to men; 1b1a) proprietor of hill of Samaria; 1b1b)
master; 1b1c) husband; 1b1d) prophet; 1b1e) governor; 1b1f) prince;
1b1g) king; 1b2) reference to God; 1b2a) Lord of lords (probably = 'thy
husband, Yahweh'); 1c) my lord, my master; 1c1) reference to men; 1c1a)
master; 1c1b) husband; 1c1c) prophet; 1c1d) prince; 1c1e) king; 1c1f)
father; 1c1g) Moses; 1c1h) priest; 1c1i) theophanic angel; 1c1j)
captain; 1c1k) general recognition of superiority; 1c2) reference to
God; 1c2a) my Lord,my Lord and my God; 1c2b) Adonai (parallel with Yahweh);


#6, #10, #8, #40, #50, #5 = yacham (H3179): 1) to be hot, conceive; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to be hot, become hot; 1a2) to mate (of animals); 1a3) to be
or become hot (fig. of anger); 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to conceive (sexually);
1b2) to be in heat (of animals);

#100, #8, #5, #6 = laqach (H3947): 1) to take, get, fetch, lay hold of,
seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take
away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to take, take in the hand; 1a2) to take and carry
along; 1a3) to take from, take out of, take, carry away, take away; 1a4)
to take to or for a person, procure, get, take possession of, select,
choose, take in marriage, receive, accept; 1a5) to take up or upon, put
upon; 1a6) to fetch; 1a7) to take, lead, conduct; 1a8) to take, capture,
seize; 1a9) to take, carry off; 1a10) to take (vengeance); 1b) (Niphal);
1b1) to be captured; 1b2) to be taken away, be removed; 1b3) to be
taken, brought unto; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be taken from or out of; 1c2)
to be stolen from; 1c3) to be taken captive; 1c4) to be taken away, be
removed; 1d) (Hophal); 1d1) to be taken unto, be brought unto; 1d2) to
be taken out of; 1d3) to be taken away; 1e) (Hithpael); 1e1) to take
hold of oneself; 1e2) to flash about (of lightning);

#30, #5, #4, #10, #70 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to perceive
and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate, distinguish; 1a1e)
to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit, acknowledge, confess;
1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted with; 1a3) to know (a
person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in; 1a5) to have
knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be or become
known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be perceived;
1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d) (Poal) to cause
to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one known,
acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare; 1g)
(Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known, reveal

#6, #50, #8, #50, #5 = chanah (H2583): 1) to decline, incline, encamp,
bend down, *lay* *siege* *against*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to decline; 1a2) to

#6, #10, #30, #70, #3 = la`ag (H3932): 1) to mock, deride, ridicule; 1a)
(Qal) to mock, deride, have in derision; 1b) (Niphal) to stammer; 1c)
(Hiphil) to mock, deride;


@memeBrain [Telos: #1183, Super: #61 - Virtuous Humility at Using
'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Before Completion; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge,
Ego: #49 - Sage's Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Initial
Difficulties; Tetra: 4 - Barrier]


#6, #50, #80, #30, #6 = naphal (H5307): 1) to fall, lie, be cast down,
fail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *fall* (*of* *violent* *death*); 1a3) to fall
prostrate, prostrate oneself before; 1a4) to fall upon, attack, desert,
fall away to , go away to, fall into the hand of; 1a5) to fall short,
fail, fall out, turn out, result; 1a6) to settle, waste away, be
offered, be inferior to; 1a7) to lie, lie prostrate; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1)
to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock out, lay prostrate; 1b2) to
overthrow; 1b3) to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot;
1b4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.); 1b5) to cause to fall; 1c)
(Hithpael); 1c1) to throw or prostrate oneself, throw oneself upon; 1c2)
to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself; 1d) (Pilel) to fall;

#6, #10, #100, #10, #40, #6 = quwm (H6965): 1) to *rise*, arise, stand,
rise up, stand up; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to arise; 1a2) to arise (hostile
sense); 1a3) to arise, become powerful; 1a4) to arise, come on the
scene; 1a5) to stand; 1a5a) to maintain oneself; 1a5b) to be
established, be confirmed; 1a5c) to stand, endure; 1a5d) to be fixed;
1a5e) to be valid; 1a5f) to be proven; 1a5g) to be fulfilled; 1a5h) to
persist; 1a5i) to be set, be fixed; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to fulfil; 1b2) to
confirm, ratify, establish, impose; 1c) (Polel) to raise up; 1d)
(Hithpael) to raise oneself, rise up; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to cause to
arise, raise; 1e2) to raise, set up, erect, build; 1e3) to raise up,
bring on the scene; 1e4) to raise up, rouse, stir up, investigate; 1e5)
to raise up, constitute; 1e6) to cause to stand, set, station,
establish; 1e7) to make binding; 1e8) to carry out, give effect to; 1f)
(Hophal) to be raised up;

#6, #10, #20, #70, #60, #6 = ka`ac (H3707): 1) to be angry, be vexed, be
indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke
to anger; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger;

#10, #70, #90, #2 = `atsab (H6087): 1) to hurt, pain, grieve, displease,
vex, wrest; 2) to shape, fashion, make, form, stretch into shape, (TWOT)
worship; 1a) (Qal) to hurt, pain; 1b) (Niphal) to be in pain, be pained,
be grieved; 1c) (Piel) to vex, torture; 1d) (Hiphil) to cause pain; 1e)
(Hithpael) to feel grieved, be vexed; 2a) (Piel) to shape, form; 2b)
(Hiphil) to form, copy, fashion;


#70, #90, #2, #6 = `atsab (H6087): 1) to hurt, pain, grieve, displease,
vex, wrest; 2) to shape, fashion, make, form, stretch into shape, (TWOT)
worship; 1a) (Qal) to hurt, pain; 1b) (Niphal) to be in pain, be pained,
be grieved; 1c) (Piel) to vex, torture; 1d) (Hiphil) to cause pain; 1e)
(Hithpael) to feel grieved, be vexed; 2a) (Piel) to shape, form; 2b)
(Hiphil) to form, copy, fashion;

#5, #20, #30, #5, #10, #80, #8, #10 = ekleipo (G1587): 1) fail; 2) to
fail; 1a) to leave out, omit, pass by; 1b) to leave, quit; 2a) to leave
off, cease, stop; 2b) of the failing or *eclipse* *of* *the* *light*
*of* *the* *sun* *and* *the* *moon*;

#9, #8, #100, #1, #50 = thera (G2339): 1) a hunting of wild beasts to
destroy them; 2) [metaphor] of preparing destruction for men;

"And David {well-beloved, dear} saith, Let their table be made a snare,
and a trap {thera-trap [G2339]: #168}, and a stumblingblock, and a
recompense unto them:" [Romans 11:9]


@memeBrain [Telos: #3096, Super: #30 - Government without Coercion, Be
Chary of War; I-Ching: H45 - Congregation; Tetra: 59 - Massing, Ego: #18
- Origin of Ethical Concepts, Palliation of Vulgarity; I-Ching: H33 -
Withdrawal; Tetra: 49 - Flight]


#1, #1, #200 = 'arar (H779): 1) to *curse*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to curse;
1a2) cursed be he (participle used pr in curses); 1b) (Niphal) to be
cursed, cursed; 1c) (Piel) to curse, lay under a curse, put a curse on;
1d) (Hophal) to be made a curse, be cursed;

#6, #70, #10, #50, #10, #50, #6 = `ayin (H5869): 1) eye; 2) spring,
fountain; 1a) eye; 1a1) of physical eye; 1a2) as showing mental
qualities; 1a3) of mental and spiritual faculties (fig.);

#6, #1, #50, #100, #40, #5 = naqam (H5358): 1) to avenge, take
vengeance, revenge, avenge oneself, be avenged, be punished; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to avenge, take vengeance; 1a2) to entertain revengeful feelings;
1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to avenge oneself; 1b2) to suffer vengeance; 1c)
(Piel) to avenge; 1d) (Hophal) to be avenged, vengeance be taken (for
blood); 1e) (Hithpael) to avenge oneself;

#6, #10, #90, #10, #30, #50, #6 = natsal (H5337): 1) to snatch away,
deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to tear
oneself away, deliver oneself; 1a2) to be torn out or away, be
delivered; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to strip off, spoil; 1b2) to deliver; 1c)
(Hiphil); 1c1) to take away, snatch away; 1c2) to rescue, recover; 1c3)
to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death); 1c4) to deliver from sin
and guilt; 1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out; 1e) (Hithpael) to strip oneself;

#6, #5, #80, #10, #90, #5, #6 = puwts (H6327): 1) to scatter, be
dispersed, be scattered; 2) (Qal) to flow, overflow; 3) to break; 1a)
(Qal) to be dispersed, be scattered; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be scattered;
1b2) to be spread abroad; 1c) (Hiphil) to scatter; 1d) Hithpael)
scatter; 3a) (Polel) to shatter; 3b) (Pilpel) to dash to pieces;

#2, #90, #4, #100, #6 = tsedeq (H6664): 1) justice, rightness,
righteousness; 1a) what is right or just or normal, rightness, justness
(of weights and measures); 1b) righteousness (in government); 1b1) of
judges, rulers, kings; 1b2) of law; 1b3) of Davidic {well-beloved, dear}
king, Messiah; 1b4) of Jerusalem as seat of just government; 1b5) of
God's attribute; 1c) righteousness, justice (in case or cause); 1d)
rightness (in speech); 1e) righteousness (as ethically right); 1f)
righteousness (as vindicated), justification (in controversy),
deliverance, victory, prosperity; 1f1) of God as covenant-keeping in
redemption; 1f2) in name of Messianic king; 1f3) of people enjoying
salvation; 1f4) of Cyrus {as miserable; as heir};

#6, #50, #40, #100, #6 = maqaq (H4743): 1) to decay, pine away, rot,
*fester*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to fester (of wounds); 1a2) to rot, rot
away; 1a3) to moulder away; 1a4) to pine away; 1b) (Hiphil) to cause to

#30, #5, #70, #90, #2, #5 = `atsab (H6087): 1) to hurt, pain, grieve,
displease, vex, wrest; 2) to shape, fashion, make, form, stretch into
shape, (TWOT) worship; 1a) (Qal) to hurt, pain; 1b) (Niphal) to be in
pain, be pained, be grieved; 1c) (Piel) to vex, torture; 1d) (Hiphil) to
cause pain; 1e) (Hithpael) to feel grieved, be vexed; 2a) (Piel) to
shape, form; 2b) (Hiphil) to form, copy, fashion;

#6, #50, #1, #60, #80, #5 = 'acaph (H622): 1) to gather, receive,
remove, gather in; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to gather, collect; 1a2) ; 1a3) to
bring up the rear; 1a4) ; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to assemble, be gathered;
1b2) (pass of Qal; 1b2a) to be gathered to one's fathers; 1b2b) to be
brought in or into (association with others); 1b3) (pass of Qal; 1b3a)
to be taken away, removed, perish; 1c) (Piel); 1c1) to gather (harvest);
1c2) to take in, receive into; 1c3) rearguard, rearward (subst); 1d)
(Pual) to be gathered; 1e) (Hithpael) to gather oneself or themselves;

#6, #50, #100, #40, #6 = naqam (H5358): 1) to avenge, take vengeance,
revenge, avenge oneself, be avenged, be punished; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
avenge, take vengeance; 1a2) to entertain revengeful feelings; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to avenge oneself; 1b2) to suffer vengeance; 1c) (Piel)
to avenge; 1d) (Hophal) to be avenged, vengeance be taken (for blood);
1e) (Hithpael) to avenge oneself;

#6, #100, #90, #6 = qets (H7093): 1) end; 1a) end, at the end of (of
time); 1b) end (of space);


#40, #80, #50, #10, #6 = paniym (H6440): 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b)
presence, person; 1c) face (of seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of
animals); 1e) face, surface (of ground); 1f) as adv of loc/temp; 1f1)
before and behind, toward, in front of, forward, formerly, from
beforetime, before; 1g) with; 1g1) in front of, before, to the front of,
in the presence of, in the face of, at the face or front of, from the
presence of, from before, from before the face of;

#10, #90, #6, #70, #10 = yatsuwa` (H3326): 1) couch, bed; #40, #100,
#40, #6 = maqowm (H4725): 1) standing place, place; 1a) standing place,
station, post, office; 1b) place, place of human abode; 1c) city, land,
region; 1d) place, locality, spot; 1e) space, room, distance; 1f)
region, quarter, direction; 1g) give place to, instead of;

#10, #70, #50, #50, #6 = `anah (H6030): 1) to answer, respond, testify,
speak, shout; 2) (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully; 3) (Qal) to dwell; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to answer, respond to; 1a2) to testify, respond as a
witness; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to make answer; 1b2) to be answered, receive
answer; #2, #80, #100, #4 = paqad (H6485): 1) to attend to, muster,
number, reckon, visit, punish, appoint, look after, care for; 2)
musterings, expenses; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pay attention to, observe; 1a2)
to attend to; 1a3) to seek, look about for; 1a4) to seek in vain, need,
miss, lack; 1a5) to visit; 1a6) to visit upon, punish; 1a7) to pass in
review, muster, number; 1a8) to appoint, assign, lay upon as a charge,
deposit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be sought, be needed, be missed, be
lacking; 1b2) to be visited; 1b3) to be visited upon; 1b4) to be
appointed; 1b5) to be watched over; 1c) (Piel) to muster, call up; 1d)
(Pual) to be passed in review, be caused to miss, be called, be called
to account; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to set over, make overseer, appoint an
overseer; 1e2) to commit, entrust, commit for care, deposit; 1f)
(Hophal); 1f1) to be visited; 1f2) to be deposited; 1f3) to be made
overseer, be entrusted; 1g) (Hithpael) numbered; 1h) (Hothpael) numbered;

#6, #50, #4, #70, #50, #6 = yada` (H3045): 1) to know; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to know; 1a1a) to know, learn to know; 1a1b) to perceive; 1a1c) to
perceive and see, find out and discern; 1a1d) to discriminate,
distinguish; 1a1e) to know by experience; 1a1f) to recognise, admit,
acknowledge, confess; 1a1g) to consider; 1a2) to know, be acquainted
with; 1a3) to know (a person carnally); 1a4) to know how, be skilful in;
1a5) to have knowledge, be wise; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be made known, be
or become known, be revealed; 1b2) to make oneself known; 1b3) to be
perceived; 1b4) to be instructed; 1c) (Piel) to cause to know; 1d)
(Poal) to cause to know; 1e) (Pual); 1e1) to be known; 1e2) known, one
known, acquaintance (participle); 1f) (Hiphil) to make known, declare;
1g) (Hophal) to be made known; 1h) (Hithpael) to make oneself known,
reveal oneself;

#4, #1, #10, #40, #70, #50, #10, #1 = daimonion (G1140): 1) the divine
power, deity, divinity; 2) a spirit, a being inferior to God, superior
to men; 3) evil spirits or the messengers and ministers of the devil;

#8, #3, #5, #40, #70, #50, #10 = hegemon (G2232): 1) a leader of any
kind, a guide, ruler, prefect, president, chief, general, commander,
sovereign; 1a) a legatus Caesaris, an officer administering a province
in the name and with the authority of the Roman emperor; 1a1) the
governor of a province; 1b) a procurator, an officer who was attached to
a proconsul or a proprietor and had charge of the imperial revenues;
1b1) in causes relating to these revenues he administered justice. In
the smaller provinces also, which were so to speak appendages of the
greater, he discharged the functions of governor of the province; and
such was the relation of the procurator of Judaea {the praise of the
Lord; confession} to the governor of Syria {who is happy; or walks; or
looks}; 1c) of a principal town as the capital of the region;

"And thou Bethlehem {house of bread}, in the land of Juda {the praise of
the Lord; confession}, art not the least among the princes
{hegemon-governor [G2232]: #186} of Juda: for out of thee shall come a
Governor, that shall rule my people Israel {who prevails with God}."
[Matthew 2:6]

#20, #1, #100, #4, #10, #1, #50 = kardia (G2588): 1) the heart; 1a) that
organ in the animal body which is the centre of the circulation of the
blood, and hence was regarded as the seat of physical life; 1b) denotes
the centre of all physical and spiritual life; 2a) the vigour and sense
of physical life; 2b) the centre and seat of spiritual life; 2b1) the
soul or mind, as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts, passions,
desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavours; 2b2) of the
understanding, the faculty and seat of the intelligence; 2b3) of the
will and character; 2b4) of the soul so far as it is affected and
stirred in a bad way or good, or of the soul as the seat of the
sensibilities, affections, emotions, desires, appetites, passions; 1c)
of the middle or central or inmost part of anything, even though inanimate;

#5, #20, #30, #1, #10, #70, #50 = klaio (G2799): 1) to *mourn*, weep,
lament; 2) to weep for, mourn for, bewail, one; 1a) weeping as the sign
of pain and grief for the thing signified (i.e. for the pain and grief);
1b) of *those* *who* *mourn* *for* *the* *dead*;

#5, #20, #100, #10, #50, #1 = krino (G2919): 1) to separate, put
asunder, to pick out, select, choose; 2) to approve, esteem, to prefer;
3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion; 4) to determine,
resolve, decree; 5) to judge; 6) to rule, govern; 7) to contend
together, of warriors and combatants; 5a) to pronounce an opinion
concerning right and wrong; 5a1) to be judged, ie. summoned to trial
that one's case may be examined and judgment passed upon it; 5b) to
pronounce judgment, to subject to censure; 5b1) of those who act the
part of judges or arbiters in matters of common life, or pass judgment
on the deeds and words of others; 6a) to preside over with the power of
giving judicial decisions, because it was the prerogative of kings and
rulers to pass judgment; 7a) to dispute; 7b) in a forensic sense; 7b1)
*to* *go* *to* *law*, *have* *suit* *at* *law*;

#5, #20, #30, #70, #3, #8, #50 = ekloge (G1589): 1) the act of picking
out, choosing; 2) a thing or person chosen; 1a) of the act of God's free
will by which before the foundation of the world he decreed his
blessings to certain persons; 1b) the decree made from choice by which
he determined to bless certain persons through Christ by grace alone;
2a) of persons: God's elect;


Dr. Susie Allanson, the clinic's psychologist can therefore substantiate
my claim, that my autonomous, sovereign, common and natural law
constitutional initiative which was later synchronised to #41 - 13-17
September 2001, was in existence prior to the New York (et al) terrorist
EVENTS of 11 September, 2001.

Because I gave it to them as a token of goodwill and as a *gift* which
has now *born* *fruit*: "For the body is not one member (ie. is it just
the head as the encephalon), but many. If the foot shall say, 'Because I
am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?'

And if the ear shall say, 'Because I am not the eye, I am not of the
body; is it therefore not of the body?'

If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?

If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it
hath pleased him.

And if they were all one member, where were the body?

But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say
unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I
have no need of you.

Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble,
are necessary: And those members of the body, which we think to be less
honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely
parts (ie. shapeless, that is, [figuratively] inelegant:--uncomely; the
pudenda as genitals) have more abundant comeliness.

For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body
together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:
That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should
have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all
the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members
rejoice with it.

Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily
prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings,
helps, *GOVERNMENTS* (KUBERNĒSIS: [of Latin origin]: to steer; pilotage,
that is, [figuratively] directorship [in the church]:--government),
diversities of tongues." [1 Corinthians 12:14-28 (KJV)]

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Australian Sex Party 2016 Election Ad #VaticanCan


That the dag *festering* anal-sadistic (ie. displaying abnormal
aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at
the anal stage of development) maggot Roman Catholic street protesters
can now eat shit (an exclamation expressing anger or contempt for, or
rejection of, someone) and f@ck off.

"Then Eliakim {resurrection of God}, Shebna {who rests himself; who is
now captive}, and Joah {fraternity; brother of the Lord} said to
Rabshakeh {cup-bearer of the prince; chief of the princes}, 'Pray, speak
with your servants in Aramaic {highness, magnificence, one that
deceives; *curse*}, for we understand it; do not speak with us in the
language of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} before the people
who are on the *wall*.'

But Rabshakeh said, 'Has my master sent me to speak these words against
your master and against you, and not against the men sitting on the
*wall*, who are doomed with you to eat their own dung and drink their
own urine ([KJV]: piss) in the *siege*?'

The Rabshakeh stood and cried out in a loud voice in the language of
Judah: 'Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria {who is
happy; or walks; or looks}!

Thus says the king, 'Do not let Hezekiah {strength of the Lord} deceive
you, for he will not be able to deliver you.'

Do not let Hezekiah make you rely on the Memra of the LORD by saying,
'The LORD will surely deliver us; this city will not be handed over into
the hand of the king of Assyria.'" [(c) 1990 The Order of Saint
Benedict, Isaiah 36:11-15 (Aramaic Targum]

"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
treated them." [(c) The Guardian Newspaper, "Pope Francis says
Christians should apologise to gay people", 0655 hours 27 June, 2016]


It's too late for the Roman Catholic Church to apologize, and the recent
statements by Pope Francis, aren't sufficiently remorseful, just
platitudes, immaterially non-specific without any compulsion as tangible
reparation for grievous sin and blasphemy--just pissing in the wind.

They are *cursed* by God Almighty.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Apologize" (c) 2007 One Republic from 'Dreaming Out
Loud' album


What faithfulness, dignity, integrity and honor can they possibly bestow
as unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest and depraved individuals?

Who are no doubt driven by an unrestrained tumultuous and animalistic
nature--for which national ethos they ought to serve an indeterminate
term (ie. depends on what you are capable of from one moment to the
next) as prison sentence.

Got the gist of it now?"

Colonel (Atheist/Buddhist) Burke: "Wot's a dag, Dolf?"

Is it edible?"

dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a sheep's arse, that often
*festers* as a wound and gets riddled with maggots--it's not pleasant:

How strangely can that miscreant enchanter, who is my enemy,
transmogrify things to thwart me?

Know [this] Sancho {truthful and sincere, Saint, Holy}, that it is a
very easy matter for necromancers to make us assume what[ever] shapes
they please; and the malicious wretch who persecutes me, envying the
glory I should have gained in this battle, hath doubtless metamorphosed
the squadrons of the foe, into flocks of sheep ..." [Miguel de Cervantes
Excerpts from Facebook post: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious
Belief As Eucharist To Yourself Only!" of 25-27 June, 2016


SEE ALSO: "Q&A Musings On BREXIT" of 25-26 June 2016


Initial Post: 25 June, 2016


Jun 30, 2016, 8:46:27 AM6/30/16
We don't invite fags into the Catholic Church.

>> Only God does, and he said that the active
>> homosexual at death is not worthy of the kindgom of God. 1 Cor 6:9-10
>That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.

I have never seen Jesus alive either.
Nor have I met Abraham Lincoln, George Washington or Thomas Jefferson.

>It would seems that Jesus never was against homosexuals, as it seems that
>only one who wrote against homosexuality for Christianity was Paul.

Jesus had 12 bodyguards who kept the fags away.

>Yes, and there is some writing in the old testament, but again it could have
>been people who are against it.
>It is also noted that looking at different Bibles 1 Cor 6:9-10 has many
>You of course must believe one that suits Catholic belief.
>Others do not have to believe that.

Which bible do you go by?

>BTW are you going to accept what the current Pope said "Christians should
>apologise to gay people" ?

The pope said that Christians who show animosity, hatred or vitriol
against gay people should re-think their thoughts about what it is to
be considered a Christian. We may certainly hate the sin, but we
should love the sinner. Would you like further explanation?


Jun 30, 2016, 8:49:43 AM6/30/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" <> wrote:

Nope. God gets the only vote.

>> Only God does, and he said that the active
>> homosexual at death is not worthy of the kindgom of God. 1 Cor 6:9-10

>That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.

Another sucker falls for that one.

>It would seems that Jesus never was against homosexuals, as it seems that
>only one who wrote against homosexuality for Christianity was Paul.

Being a homosexual is not a sin. Some people, like you, has a natural tendency
that way. However, acting on it is the sin. Remember, God hates the sin but
loves the sinner. Keep the zipper up.

>Yes, and there is some writing in the old testament, but again it could have
>been people who are against it.
>It is also noted that looking at different Bibles 1 Cor 6:9-10 has many

Nope, not a chance. You're confused between valid bibles and invalid garbage.
Different bibles are translations from language to language, not interpretation
to interpretation.

>You of course must believe one that suits Catholic belief.

See above.

>Others do not have to believe that.

Then said bibles are good only for lighting fires.

>BTW are you going to accept what the current Pope said "Christians should
>apologise to gay people" ?

It's a matter of "hate the sin, but love the sinner". It's not new.


Jun 30, 2016, 9:33:05 AM6/30/16
In article <>, PATRICK
АА True but your church does nothing to cull out those who seek to have
anal sex with boys.
> >> Only God does, and he said that the active
> >> homosexual at death is not worthy of the kindgom of God. 1 Cor 6:9-10
> >
> >
> >That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.
> I have never seen Jesus alive either.
> Nor have I met Abraham Lincoln, George Washington or Thomas Jefferson.
> >It would seems that Jesus never was against homosexuals, as it seems that
> >only one who wrote against homosexuality for Christianity was Paul.
> Jesus had 12 bodyguards who kept the fags away.

АА The Disciple John never married. Apparently he wasn't interested.


Jun 30, 2016, 11:13:49 AM6/30/16
>€€ True but your church does nothing to cull out those who seek to have
>anal sex with boys.

Actions by the Vatican - taken to stop the abuse crisis…..

Catholic bishops in the 50's and 60's viewed sexual abuse by priests
as "a spiritual problem, one requiring a spiritual solution, i.e.
prayer". However, starting in the sixties, the bishops came to adopt
an emerging view based on the advice of medical personnel who
recommended psychiatric and psychological treatment for those who
sexually abused minors. This view asserted that, with proper
treatment, priests who had molested children could safely be placed
back into ministry. This approach viewed pedophilia as an addiction,
such as alcoholism which many feel cannot be cured but which can be
treated and restrained.
In 1962, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, Secretary of the Sacred
Congregation of the Holy Office, sent a letter which became known as
the Crimen sollicitationis. In this letter, the Holy Office laid down
procedures to be followed in dealing with cases of clerics (priests or
bishops) of the Roman Catholic Church accused of having used the
sacrament of Penance to make sexual advances to penitents. In
addition, it reiterated the seriousness and gravity of ever breaking
the seal of confession.
In 1983, the Vatican promulgated a revised Code of Canon Law which
included a canon (1395, 2) which explicitly named sex with a minor by
clerics as a canonical crime.
The burgeoning number of scandals evoked deep concern among some
Catholic observers, and in 1985 a confidential report entitled "The
Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy: Meeting the
Problem in a Comprehensive and Responsible Matter" was submitted to
the Catholic hierarchy. The authors included Gauthe's attorney, F. Ray
Mouton, and two clerics [priests], Thomas P. Doyle and Michael
Peterson.... The group warned of the need to take urgent action in the
face of scandals, to react swiftly to complaints, and also to avoid
charges of secretive proceedings or cover-ups. (p. 37) Tragically,
either this advice was not followed, or not followed often enough.
This approach continued to be practiced by the bishops well into the
mid-1980s, a period which characterizes as the "tipping point in the
understanding of the problem within the church and in society".
Pope John Paul II took a number of steps to address the problem of
priestly formation. On March 25, 1992, he completed the apostolic
exhortation Pastores Dabo Vobis ("I Shall Give You Shepherds"), one of
the longest papal documents in history. This explored the crisis of
priestly identity, the renewal of priestly life and the reform of
seminaries in detail. Some have attributed the scant number of abuse
allegations from the 1990s as evidence that the late Pope's reform
efforts were fruitful.
In April 2001, Pope John Paul II issued Sacramentorum sanctitatis
tutela (Safeguarding the Sanctity of the Sacraments). This replaced
the Crimen sollicitationis. All priestly sex crimes cases were to be
placed under the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
which, in most cases, would authorize the bishops to conduct trials
themselves. In May 2001, a letter from the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, in line with the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the
1990 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, was sent to the Catholic
Pope John Paul II declared in 2003 that "there is no place in the
priesthood and religious life for those who would harm the young".
With the approval of the Vatican, the hierarchy of the church in the
United States instituted reforms to prevent future abuse including
requiring background checks for Church employees and volunteers and,
noting the preponderance of adolescent males (teenage boys) amongst
victims of abuse, warned that a more searching inquiry is necessary
for a homosexually oriented man; and the worldwide Church also
prohibited the ordination of men with "deep-seated homosexual
Early in 2010 Cardinal Claudio Hummes, the head of the Congregation
for Clergy, said that instances of sexual abuse by priests were
"criminal facts" as well as serious sins and required co-operation
with the civil justice system
The Pope took the extraordinary steps of ordering the retirement of
Cardinal Bernard Law Archbishop John Aloysius Ward, the most senior
member of the Roman Catholic Church in Wales, in the wake of a
paedophile scandal which rocked their dioceses to its foundations. The
72-year-old archbishop Ward, who had been under severe criticism from
clergy and congregations following the convictions of two priests for
child sexual abuse offences, was forced to resign despite making clear
his determination to stay in office. He had been accused of repeatedly
ignoring warnings about the two priests' conduct.

Governor Swill

Jun 30, 2016, 11:26:23 AM6/30/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" wrote:
>That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.

This is my biggest issue with Christianity. More and more, the
Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form the basis of the
churches' doctrines.

Donald J. Trump: The asteroid destined to destroy
a party of dinosaurs. - Samantha Bee

Trump has written a lot of books about business, but they all
seem to end in Chapter 11. - Hillary Clinton

S. E. Cupp has characterized Trump as wearing the Republican party
like a rented tuxedo. When the prom is over, it's going to end up on
the floor with the liquor stains and cigarette butts.

So if you are thinking of voting for Donald Trump,
the charismatic guy promising to ‘Make America Great
Again,’ stop and take a moment to imagine how you
would feel if you just met a guy named Donald Drumpf:
a litigious, serial liar with a string of broken business
ventures and the support of a former Klan leader who
he can’t decide whether or not to condemn.
Would you think he would make a good president,
or is the spell now somewhat broken? - John Oliver

Governor Swill

Jun 30, 2016, 11:29:22 AM6/30/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 (•RLMeasures) wrote:
>True but your church does nothing to cull out those who seek to have
>anal sex with boys.

Why would they? No birth control need be used, no abortions need be
done, but you still get some sweet, tight, ass to play with.

Everybody wins!

Governor Swill

Jun 30, 2016, 11:31:23 AM6/30/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 04:43:23 +1000, duke wrote:

I don't understand why you post this tripe. Does anybody read it? And
who is "dolf"? You talking about the poster in my killfile who posts
similarly stupid crap?


Jun 30, 2016, 12:47:43 PM6/30/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:23 -0400, Governor Swill
<> wrote:

>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" wrote:
>>That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.
>This is my biggest issue with Christianity. More and more, the
>Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form the basis of the
>churches' doctrines.

Do you have any examples of the gospels being ignored.


Jun 30, 2016, 1:26:50 PM6/30/16

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 1 July, 2016
dag festering ANAL-SADISTIC (ie. displaying abnormal aggressive and
destructive tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at the anal stage
of development) MAGGOT--anti-semitic that you are.

3) That the dag *festering* anal-sadistic (ie. displaying abnormal
aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly caused by fixation at
the anal stage of development) maggot Roman Catholic street protesters
can now eat shit (an exclamation expressing anger or contempt for, or
rejection of, someone) and f@ck off.



ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Dolf... in your muted ramblings... is there a
point to be made?"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "I hate to break it to you Dolf ole' bean... but
Ashkenazim Jews are Europeans without the genetic trait [AND] trying to
steal the inheritance of the real Jews. The real Jews, are alive and
well in spite of Satan's efforts to find and eradicate them.

And it is God that protects them... you will NEVER get to them, EVER.

So file your lawsuits and shut up!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "All of them describe you, Dolf, particularly
#3, displaying abnormal aggressive and destructive tendencies supposedly
caused by fixation at the anal stage of development."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Adultery and fornication?: Consider then King Solomon with 700
wives and 300 concubine v's 2 idols of other gods."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "I don't understand
why you post this tripe.

Does anybody read it?

And who is 'dolf'?

You talking about the poster in my kill-file who posts similarly stupid

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence {eg: an *oath*} of
action and words relative to being and time: 'we hold that there is no
more infallible evidence of insincerity of purpose, short of overt acts,
than a face that *smiles* when there is no occasion, and the *tongue*
that is out of measure smooth.'" [James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder,
1840; Courtesy: Word of the Day;]

COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST) BURKE: "What color are your underpants Dolf?"

dolf: "Even commando has it's colour: Did that make you blush?

A blushing bride is used to humorously refer to a woman on her wedding day."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Rod, you have let your superficial morals get [even] worse!

You see, when you don't repent it doesn't just stop there."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Hmmmmm, are you that close to 'the Colonel'."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Actually, it [requires you to surrender all, you silly
Catholic fellow], now piss off Satanist."


Here is what scripture says which you totally ignore, and why do you
ignore it?

Because you are an inbred, rude dog.

Jesus spoke about ass-clowns like you in the Scripture when He cursed
them so why don't you change your sorry ways before I have to go to the
trouble of kill filing you once more?

"One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection
with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how
shall he take care of the church of God?)

Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the
condemnation of the devil.

Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he
fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double-*tongued*, not given to
much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;

*Holding* *the* *mystery* *of* *the* *faith* *in* *a* *pure*
*conscience*." [1 Timothy 3:4-9 (KJV)]

"For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity (ie.
*supererogatory*; an unnecessarily or excessively large amount or number
of something) of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted
word, which is able to save your souls.

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, *deceiving* *your*
*own* *selves*.

For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a
man beholding his natural face in a glass:

For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth
what manner of man he was.

But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth
therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this
man shall be blessed in his deed.

If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his
*tongue*, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit
the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself
unspotted from the world." [James 1:20-27 (KJV)]

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Clueless silly Catholic fellow!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Clueless is you, troll."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Get out of that false religious organisation!!!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "You have spots all over you... hypocrite."

rant (tm) as much as the next person, but could you try to keep it down
to 20 lines?

I don't have the time, or inclination, to read 400+ lines of crazy.

Thanks so much:

'Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting' -- John Russell."

BDK (CON...@WORLDCONTROL.COM): "Do you have any question it's a kOOk rant?

It is too long, but there's a shitload of crazy in there.

I might do the whole thing at work tonight."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "[snip 698 lines of
unreadable waffle]

Dud! Brevity. Be succinct. Do you have a point?

'Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be
proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it
around... And PLEASE don't try to shove it down my child's throat. - Anon"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Do you love your neighbor as yourself, Michael?"



You don't love your neighbor by calling him a filthy fallen man and a
child molester, you stinking mistake of a bad bowel movement."

RL MEASURES: "True but your church does nothing to cull out those who
seek to have anal sex with boys."

No birth control need be used, no abortions need be done, but you still
get some sweet, tight, ass to play with.

Everybody wins!"

PATRICK (CATHOLIC) BARKER: "Catholic bishops [often] viewed sexual abuse
by priests as 'a spiritual problem, one requiring a spiritual solution,
ie. prayer'.

Bishops came to adopt an emerging view based on the advice of medical
personnel who recommended psychiatric and psychological treatment for
those who sexually abused minors.

This view asserted that, with proper treatment, priests who had molested
children could safely be placed back into ministry.

This approach viewed pedophilia as an addiction, such as alcoholism
which many feel cannot be cured but which can be treated and restrained.

For information of actions by the Vatican - taken to stop the abuse
crisis see:"


dolf: "As an atheistic Catholic driven entirely by an animal nature, you
are immodestly thinking with your loins and then deceptively and
improperly as wrongdoing, imputing to me such a manner of conduct. When
it is over the course of time, entirely your characteristic as a
determinant within life.

And the Apostle Peter expresses it, as the need to be sober (ie. make or
become more serious, sensible, and solemn) minded, which is actively
engaged in as a prerequisite mode of conduct, required to survive the
evil age until such time as the Man of Sin is revealed.

And have we not done so with our HETEROS (wickedness) v's HOMOIOS
(piety) articulation of the THEORY OF NUMBER as the passionate (ie.
having, showing, or caused by strong feelings or beliefs; arising from
intense feelings of sexual love) basis of the human mind created in the
likeness of the Divine (Godhead). As it is written: "Wherefore girding
up the *loins* *of* *your* *mind*, be sober and set your hope perfectly
on the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus

As children of obedience, not fashioning yourselves according to your
former lusts in the time of your ignorance: but like as he who called
you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living; because
it is written, Ye shall be holy; for I am holy." [1 Peter 1:13-16]

The Biblical notion being advanced within the Apostle Paul's Epistle to
the Romans Chapter 1 as a HETEROS v's HOMOIOS Theory of Number
misapprehension of his encapsulation of knowledge, is made in relation
to being mindful in our knowing of God (ie. not changing the truth of
God into a lie), which is expressed by the Apostle Paul about not having
a mindset encapsulated by the profession of wisdom that is contradictory
(ie. a situation in which inconsistent elements are present) and
ostensibly presumptuous conduct, as our ability of the mind to not be
intentioned by the preoccupation in the engagement of foolishness and
vain imaginations.

Encapsulated knowledge is not precisely explicit, even though this term
has generally been juxtaposed with tacit knowledge, because it is
knowledge concealed from its users, and explicitness implies observability.

An example of this conception as the concealment of encapsulated
knowledge relating to the religious mysteries associated with a
perspective on the constant sequence of the sun/moon cycle and the
ordering of male/female as the canonical model for all eternity. Is
that of a book titled, "The Canon of Supreme (secret) Mystery" by Yang
Hsiung, which provides a treatise on time attributed schemas concerning
the amalgam of the #64 elements comprising the I CHING and the #81
elements comprising the DAO TE CHING as concerns for Chinese empire
governance published in 4 BCE.

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,
except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed,
the son of perdition;

Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that
is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing
himself that he is God.

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time."
[2 Thessalonians 2:3-6 (KJV)]"

COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST) BURKE: "I really liked the penis part, Rod."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Rodney, the truth is not your servant."

dolf: "In reply just today to a bi/str8 guy with an 11 inch penis who
said to me, 'Why ain't [you] here, I want your cock.'

I quipped, 'Let me tell you something of myself as my final comment to you.

If you think your physical endowment is magnificent, then understand
this as my own God-given endowment:

Yesterday, I damned to hell 2.1 billion Roman Catholics by denying them
any hope of eternity--because of their universal disrespect shown
towards me.

And then paraded that fact throughout the Islamic world, so as draw a
comparison between my purposed and peaceful act and the Islamic violence
at Istanbul.

Such that, your disrespect towards me--of contemptuous sarcasm and then
silence as not even worthy of community.

Is sufficient to render the same consequence to you:

So it's 2.1 billion + 1 (you).

I'll show you no further respect--enjoy what you have.

There is nothing more...'"

unfortunate, the alt-0153 (tm) turned into a ? [mark].

I wasn't asking a question, but I see now that my funny (tm) wasn't.
[*smile* emoticon]

Can you give us a synopsis?

That one was a ? [mark]."

dolf: "That's alright dude (ie. a dandy: a man unduly concerned with
looking stylish and fashionable).

Besides declaring your own ignorance as an opinionated, narcissistic and
exonerated state of being.

Albeit by the profession of an inadequacy (ie. you have a right to vote
after all we are a democracy) and a lack any rigor as intellectual
capability because my manner of speech as the product of my own racial,
values, culture, heritage and life experience is discordant to your own
xenophobic sensibilities.

I don't like reading the fascist inspiring German philosopher Martin
Heidegger (26 September 1889-26 May 1976) for the same reason--but I
nevertheless can refute him.

You haven't actually said anything of sufficient substance, to be
defamatory of my teflon demure and have not imputed to yourself any real
legal culpability of guilt by your self incriminating statement, except
to skank your own reality with the stench of tolerance as predilection
for fascism: change your nappy.

Such that it wouldn't give me any real and tangible opportunity to
pursue you in a court of law.

Got anything further to say you fascist c@nt?"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Yeah... I do you... you're going down, loon.
You are my new mission in life. I told you not to spam my inbox, did't I

You did it anyway, didn't you loon?

Life is going to become extremely difficult for you from now on."

BARRY (ATHEIST/LUCIFER MORNING STAR): "Please keep us appraised of your

MATTB (TRDELL1234): "So why the attacks?"

PATRICK (CATHOLIC) BARKER: "Why do you continuously expect me to read
your mind?

Perhaps you should try to explain your opinion.

I cannot read your mind."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "He apologized to Patrick for what he has done,
Duke. I have seen it, Patrick has seen it."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "The worm never strays far from the dung.
His last sentence was to insult the Roman Catholic Church.

I fully suspect his character is too weak to keep it up."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "What have you got?

Or are you just [like Barry O'Grady] a dumb atheist with nothing?"

dolf: "Barry is not an atheist as he has a depraved, perverse, dishonest
and promiscuous religious values based belief which is why he now calls
himself, 'Lucifer Morning Star'."

MATTB (TRDELL1234): "That is my problem with organized religion how
easily it can be corrupted and how many fall in line with whatever it says."

PATRICK (CATHOLIC) BARKER: "Do you have any examples of the Roman
Catholic Church in the past - say - 100 years?"

MATTB (TRDELL1234): "When it becomes a sin to criticize the organization
or worse when it can be called heresy to disagree in any way."

PATRICK (CATHOLIC) BARKER: "That was hundreds of years ago. Try to come
into the 21st Century."

MATTB (TRDELL1234): "That organization has flaws. All major groups seem
to have those flaws."

PATRICK (CATHOLIC) BARKER: "Yes, all organizations do have flaws. That
is because there is usually one person who feels he knows more and
better than everyone else, and tried to push a certain agenda.

The Roman Catholic Church is a huge bureaucracy that CANNOT move quickly
to change policy, or doctrine, or dogma. This is a GOOD thing. If you
do not believe what is proclaimed in the Nicene Creed, don't even
pretend to be a Catholic."

MATTB (TRDELL1234): "This is a example of the evil that killed thousands
if not millions: 'Papal Bulls of the 15th century gave Christian
explorers the right to claim lands they 'discovered' and lay claim to
those lands for their Christian Monarchs. Any land that was not
inhabited by Christians was available to be 'discovered', claimed, and
exploited. If the 'pagan' inhabitants could be converted, they might be
spared. If not, they could be enslaved or killed.'

Religion working with government is easily corrupted in pronouncing
God's will to man. I can't imagine Jesus would have approved of the
Doctrine of Discovery and such."

PATRICK (CATHOLIC) BARKER: "I am sure Jesus would not have approved of
the decree.

However, (and I can't say for sure), I believe that this decree may have
saved thousands of lives. Why? It would have stopped every exploring
ship that discovered a new bay, a new island, a new piece of land in
the Americas from claiming that land for themselves, or their king, or
their own religion.

The decree basically told people to stay on their own side of the line
and not to wage war for something that God created for us all.

Sometimes there is no good answer that is available to us humans.

That is when we try to allow someone to make a compromise that will stop
shedding bloodshed on the innocents."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "[snip 909 lines of
unreadable waffle]


What must it be like inside your head?

Do the voices ever stop?

The mental health services in this country have a lot to answer for. I
hope you get the treatment you need."

dolf: "Which statement (ie. as top inclusion being the most relevant,
contextual and as truthful representations of you) did you particularly
have difficulty with?

A failure to answer that explicit and unambiguous question with clarity,
will result in a legal claim of defamation, slander and unlawful use of
telecommunications carriage service for harassment being made against
you in due course.

Your absence of any rational, reasoned explanation beyond defamatory and
untruthful characterizations as pejoratives, speaks of the great abysmal
depth of depravity and perversity which is entirely your own claim to a
faux-piety (ie. did you have a church wedding? A check of the Government
agency: Register of Birth, Deaths and Marriages will determine that) as
an enduring exonerated state of being and cockroach ignorance which it
claims is a virtue.

You are as an Atheist, no different to a Christ-killer Catholic neophyte
(ie. disbelief and non-belief) after all.

I have the substance of apperception to make such an unremorseful pious
claim as the lawful basis of my own religious belief.

I've now ceased all civil pleasantry with your ilk and am purposefully
engaged in a more rigorous tone of dialogue.

Godless scum that you are.

Have I made myself clear enough for you this time you fascist
anti-Semitic c@nt?"

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "[Many things were] written by Paul who
never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "This is my biggest
issue with Christianity.

More and more, the Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form
the basis of the churches' doctrines."

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "Why are you such an in-your-face, f@cking
sociopathic moron?

More than 800 lines, not counting wrap around, deleted."

BARRY (ATHEIST/LUCIFER MORNING STAR): "Dolt craves attention. Don't
give it to him."

dolf: "Given your unrestrained violent 'treasonable' hate speech and
Tourette Syndrome like manner:

'most often associated with the exclamation of obscene words or socially
inappropriate and derogatory remarks (coprolalia).'

It would not be improper to characterise you as having an incapability
of any rationality as your own abnormal psychopathic state--this is
evidently a mental condition of which you are self-aware as you used the
labelling term:

'sociopathic moron'.

Whilst traveling by train earlier this week, I had an occasion to make
such an observation of the daemonic animalism exhibited by an imbecilic
youth with a congenital defect known as Down Syndrome.

As we approached the last train stop, I stood in proximity to a male and
female member of the transit police whose proximity to this imbecilic
individual, was then sufficient neurological stimuli to cause him to
behave in an entirely anal-sadistic manner by conveying a gibberish
litany of anal-fixated and sexually explicit verbalisms.

I then said to the police-women, I had earlier that day had such a
conversation with my General Practitioner made in relation to a context
of my paradigm of mind.

And my observation of the unethical modalism, circumstantial morality
and daemonic driven manner of conduct characterising some persons which
is devoid of any intellectual postulation as an intrinsic lack of
rationality exhibited by now estranged individuals within my life, who
were methamphetamine addicted:

'Their contrary responses as a mode of survival, which changes according
to the impetus conveyed by any immediate stimulus, lacks a capacity for
exhibiting any intellectual or reasoning of your own as befits a human
being who is capable of deploying the higher faculties of mind.

As an intrinsic human characteristic, rather than being driven by an
entirely animal natured temporal existence (ie. and that which changes
every 5 minutes) as the type of humanity which you evidently also are.

We ought not to be amazed that such a being is speech endowed and can
makeup clever things to say, but as always it is unreasoned, unfounded
and the dishonest means to preserve their own ego as self-identity.'

My doctor essentially agreed with my proposition."

BARRY (ATHEIST/LUCIFER MORNING STAR): "I know God from the bible and

MICHAEL CHRIST: "'Poof' and bang it all appeared out of nowhere and nothing.

Idiot atheists."

BARRY (ATHEIST/LUCIFER MORNING STAR): "Michael says God is a poof."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "He sure gets under your skin."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Does he? [*smile* emoticon]."


MICHAEL CHRIST: "Non-quoting accusing pretend Christians are way higher
up the list, my gay friend."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "First of all I am not a queer.

Second of all, I am not your friend."

BARRY (ATHEIST/LUCIFER MORNING STAR): "Nobody is falling for your shit
turd boy."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "If you really want to screw Mikey up... Install
a second and even a 3rd NIC on your box and [then] connect them all to
the same router. You will need approx. 50 meg of bandwidth for all 3
NICS, but constant pinging will bring down Mikey's network leg.

The network leg will be locked up for weeks while they try to repair it.

Take him out!

And now for anyone with a dislike for this loon, here is how to take the
aussie sponge bob out:

1) Use an anonymous server;
2) They only retain logs for 30 minutes, [and]
3) No tracing back to you.

ping -t -f -4 182-239-143-139 at the DOS prompt.

To stop the ping ctrl+C.

And I will keep posting those IP's [of Dolf's]. Eventually he will have
enough pissed off people pinging those ip ranges constantly that his
Internet Service Provider will be left with no choice but to take him

dolf: "Once I get my priority legal matter out of the way and have
established a threshold of gravity--I intend to pursue each and every
one of those vile mouths including Barry OGrady.

Beyond that, I will NOT divulge my legal strategy, except to say:

'Ik kom voor jou...

Wees bang, wees heel bang.'

Translation: 'I'm coming for you...

Be afraid, be very afraid."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Dolf has posted as the Colonel in two posts
this week.

The IP address on those posts leads back to the same one on two of the
Colonel's posts and the time zones are the same on them.

Other posts of the Colonel are on different servers and time zones, but
the language used is still the same.

Dolf is server hopping..."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Shut up Rod, you're a dirty filthy scumbag sinner who
won't repent."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Nope. Shut me up yourself.

If it were possible to repent of being or the same species as you I
would, you Harold Camping fraud."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "So you are doomed every bit as much as you doom others."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Blah blah blah... this is just like that curse
that you put on me and [others]... laughable... like your troll postings.

You are a disgrace to the human race."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "You idiot."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: " I would have to be to follow a fake like you,
fortunately, I know that you are a loon."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "I know, you don't like the truth."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "You have never been in possession of the truth
Michael, but that hasn't prevented you from being stupid enough to
believe that you have... Oh delusional fraud that you are..."


At least Dolf picked a real military hero as his mentor, Rod.

You could only get AIDS-infected faggots to follow you, you big queerboi.

LOL x 2!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Yeah... right, cowardice under fire. You're a
real military coward alright?

[At the l]ast push of the Vietcong you were seen running from them with
a gun in your hand, even shooting one of your own men in the back
because he couldn't get out of the way fast enough, you rotten bastard!"

COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST) BURKE: "[He] learned to fight from an early
age on account he was such a doofus-assed lookin' dorkwad.

See wot I mean?"

dolf: "Snipe, snipe. All you can do is snipe."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "And ruining discussion for the rest of us
who care."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Yeah, and they know it."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Their being generally weak of character
means they don't care.

Worse yet, they lack the knowledge to even engage in actual discussion.

However, the best part is that it allows us to present the truth."

dolf: "Speaking of a lack of any verity, voracity and veracity as the
effectualness of actions relative to time, is Pope Francis statements
and the earnest call for the ignorant piazza mass to pray in silence
concerning the recent Istanbul airport terrorist attack: "Pope Francis
has denounced the 'brutal terrorist attack' at Istanbul's airport and is
calling for the killers behind it to change their ways.

However, the authorities believe that the killers as three men armed
with Kalashnikov rifles who attacked the airport, detonated suicide
vests when confronted by police officers.

In a noontime blessing from his studio window, Pope Francis went on to
say that he was praying for the victims, their families 'and the dear
Turkish people.'

He asked the entire piazza to pray in silence and then led the crowd in
the Hail Mary {rebellion} prayer.

He said: 'May the Lord convert the hearts of the violent ones and
support our efforts toward the path of peace.'" [2054 hours on 29 June,
2016 as reported by The Guardian Newspaper www-page]


ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Amen {ie. 'So be it; truly'} on that."

dolf: "Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "What you wish to believe, you can, but
the majority of the world does[n't] believe everything that your church
say[s] is correct and most people a[re] not involved in your church."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "The people of the world don't count. Only
God does, and he said that the active homosexual at death is not worthy
of the kindgom of God. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10]"

dolf: "Au contraire: just yesterday, with the assistance of your
contemptuous and delusional attitude of life.

I damned to hell the religious belief of 2.1 billion Roman Catholics
worldwide by denying and depriving them any tangible hope of
eternity--because of a habitual haughty and narcissistic disrespect such
as yours which has been routinely shown towards me.

And only as a *supererogatory* courtesy, then paraded such a fact
throughout the Islamic world, so as draw a comparison between the
consequential effect of my purposed, temperate and peaceful action and
the Islamic irrationality, distemper and violence at Istanbul."

"Then Eliakim {resurrection of God}, Shebna {who rests himself; who is
now captive}, and Joah {fraternity; brother of the Lord} said to
Rabshakeh {cup-bearer of the prince; chief of the princes}, 'Pray, speak
with your servants in Aramaic {highness, magnificence, one that
deceives; *curse*}, for we understand it; do not speak with us in the
language of Judah {the praise of the Lord; confession} before the people
who are on the *wall*.'

But Rabshakeh said, 'Has my master sent me to speak these words against
your master and against you, and not against the men sitting on the
*wall*, who are doomed with you to eat their own dung and drink their
own urine ([KJV]: piss) in the *siege*?'

The Rabshakeh stood and cried out in a loud voice in the language of
Judah: 'Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria {who is
happy; or walks; or looks}!

Thus says the king, 'Do not let Hezekiah {strength of the Lord} deceive
you, for he will not be able to deliver you.'

Do not let Hezekiah make you rely on the Memra of the LORD by saying,
'The LORD will surely deliver us; this city will not be handed over into
the hand of the king of Assyria.'" [(c) 1990 The Order of Saint
Benedict, Isaiah 36:11-15 (Aramaic Targum]

"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

Francis repeated a slightly modified version of the now-famous 'Who am I
to judge?' comment he made about gay people on the first foreign trip
after his election in 2013.

'The questions is: if a person who has that condition, who has good
will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?'

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the pope, by saying
'has that condition', did not imply a medical condition but 'a person in
that situation'. In Italian, the word 'condition' can also mean 'situation'.

'We Christians have to apologise for so many things, not just for this
(treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness, not just
apologise; forgiveness. Lord, it is a word we forget so often.' he said.

Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic
Church should seek forgiveness from gay people for the way they had
treated them." [(c) The Guardian Newspaper, "Pope Francis says
Christians should apologise to gay people", 0655 hours 27 June, 2016]


It's too late for the Roman Catholic Church to apologize, and the recent
statements by Pope Francis, aren't sufficiently remorseful, just
platitudes, immaterially non-specific without any compulsion as tangible
reparation for grievous sin and blasphemy--just pissing in the wind.

They are *cursed* by God Almighty:

I said as much: 'You are cursed, you are cursed, you are thrice cursed',
one day within their arch-diocese Melbourne offices after having given
them, as their only bestowal of mercy, a preliminary copy of my GRAPPLE

They know it to be a matter of fact.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: "Apologize" (c) 2007 Timbaland - One Republic from
'Dreaming Out Loud' album


"Who is a liar but he that denieth that {savior; deliverer} is the Christ?

He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that
acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning.

If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye
also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.

And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.

These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.

But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye
need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you
of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught
you, ye shall abide in him." [1 John 2:22-27 (KJV)]

What faithfulness, dignity, integrity and honor can they possibly bestow
as unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest and depraved individuals?

Who are no doubt driven by an unrestrained tumultuous and animalistic
nature--for which national ethos they ought to serve an indeterminate
term (ie. depends on what you are capable of from one moment to the
next) as prison sentence.

Got the gist of it now?"


Is it edible?"

dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a *sheep's* arse, that
often *festers* as a wound and gets riddled with maggots--it's not pleasant:

How strangely can that miscreant enchanter, who is my enemy,
transmogrify things to thwart me?

Know [this] Sancho {truthful and sincere, Saint, Holy}, that it is a
very easy matter for necromancers to make us assume what[ever] shapes
they please; and the malicious wretch who persecutes me, envying the
glory I should have gained in this battle, hath doubtless metamorphosed
the squadrons of the foe, into *flocks* *of* *sheep* ..." [Miguel de
SEE ALSO: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious Belief As Eucharist To
Initial Post: 28 June, 2016


Jun 30, 2016, 1:48:11 PM6/30/16
On 1/07/2016 01:31, Governor Swill wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 04:43:23 +1000, duke wrote:
> I don't understand why you post this tripe. Does anybody read it? And
> who is "dolf"? You talking about the poster in my killfile who posts
> similarly stupid crap?
> Swill


(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 1 July, 2016
dolf: "Managing flystrike on *wethered* *sheep*.
dolf: "Adultery and fornication?: Consider then King Solomon with 700
wives and 300 concubine v's 2 idols of other gods."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "I don't understand
why you post this tripe.

Does anybody read it?

And who is 'dolf'?

You talking about the poster in my kill-file who posts similarly stupid

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
As we approached the last train stop, I stood next to a male and female
member of the transit police whose proximity to this imbecilic
individual, was then sufficient neurological stimuli to cause him to
behave in an entirely anal-sadistic manner by conveying a gibberish
litany of anal-fixated and sexually explicit verbalisms.

I then said to the police-woman, I had earlier that day had such a

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Non-quoting accusing pretend Christians are way higher
up the list, my gay friend."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "First of all I am not a queer.

Second of all, I am not your friend."

BARRY (ATHEIST/LUCIFER MORNING STAR): "Nobody is falling for your shit
turd boy."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "If you really want to screw Mikey up... Install
a second and even a 3rd NIC on your box and [then] connect them all to
the same router. You will need approx. 50 meg of bandwidth for all 3
NICS, but constant pinging will bring down Mikey's network leg.

The network leg will be locked up for weeks while they try to repair it.

Take him out!

And now for anyone with a dislike for this loon, here is how to take the
Aussie sponge bob out:

1) Use an anonymous server;
2) They only retain logs for 30 minutes, [and]
3) No tracing back to you.

ping -t -f -4 182-239-143-139 at the DOS prompt.

To stop the ping Ctrl+C.

And I will keep posting those IP's [from Dolf]. Eventually he will have
enough pissed off people pinging those IP ranges constantly, that his
Internet Service Provider will be left with no choice but to take him

dolf: "Once I get my priority legal matter out of the way and have
established a threshold of gravity--I intend to pursue each and every
one of those vile mouths including Barry O'Grady.
dolf: "Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
one's spoken words and their concord within action.

Such that, there is no lack of virtue and a loss of dignity (eg. King
Henry VIII [born: 28 June 1491, crowned: 21 April 1509, died: 28 January
1547] had six wives) by engaging within ethical sexual opportunism which
judges each recreational sexual encounter on its own individual and
circumstantial merits--how many is enough?

"Of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of
Israel {who prevails with God}, ye shall nor go in to them, neither
shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart
after their gods: Solomon {peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses}
clave unto these in love.

And he had *seven* *hundred* wives, princesses, and *three* *hundred*
concubines: and his wives turned away his heart.

For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away
his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD
his God, as was the heart of David {well-beloved, dear} (ie. who
murdered Uriah {the Lord is my light or fire} the Hittite {one who is
broken; who fears} to obtain his wife Bathsheba {the seventh daughter;
the daughter of satiety, enough, sufficiency} [2 Samuel 11:15, 27; Psalm
32:1-11; 39:1-13]) his father.

For Solomon went after Ashtoreth {*flocks*; *sheep*; riches} the goddess
of the Zidonians {hunting; fishing; venison}, and after Milcom {their
king} the abomination of the Ammonities {a people; the son of my people}.

And Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD, and went not fully after
the LORD, as did David (cf: '200 Philistine {those who dwell in
villages} foreskins brought to King Saul {demanded; lent; ditch; death}'
[1 Samuel 18:19]) his father." [1 Kings 11:2-6 (KJV)]

"The queen Sheba {captivity; old man; repose; *oath*} of the south shall
rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for
she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of
Solomon; and, behold, a greater than is here." [Matthew 12:42-45; Luke
11:31-36 (KJV)]

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "What you wish to believe, you can, but
the majority of the world does[n't] believe everything that your church
say[s] is correct and most people a[re] not involved in your church."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "The people of the world don't count. Only
God does, and he said that the active homosexual at death is not worthy
of the kindgom of God. [1 Corinthians 6:9-10]"

dolf: "Au contraire: just yesterday, with the assistance of your
contemptuous and delusional attitude of life.

I damned to hell the religious belief of 2.1 billion Roman Catholics
worldwide by denying and depriving them any tangible hope of
eternity--because of a habitual haughty and narcissistic disrespect such
as yours which has been routinely shown towards me.

And only as a *supererogatory* courtesy, then paraded such a fact

Is it edible?"

dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a *sheep's* arse, that
often *festers* as a wound and gets riddled with maggots--it's not pleasant:

How strangely can that miscreant enchanter, who is my enemy,
transmogrify things to thwart me?

Know [this] Sancho {truthful and sincere, Saint, Holy}, that it is a
very easy matter for necromancers to make us assume what[ever] shapes
they please; and the malicious wretch who persecutes me, envying the
glory I should have gained in this battle, hath doubtless metamorphosed
the squadrons of the foe, into *flocks* *of* *sheep* ..." [Miguel de


Jun 30, 2016, 3:31:05 PM6/30/16
1840; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 29 June 2016;]

COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST) BURKE: "What color are your underpants Dolf?"

dolf: "Even commando has it's colour:

Did that make you blush?

A blushing bride is used to humorously refer to a woman on her wedding day."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Rod, you have let your superficial morals get [even] worse!

You see, when you don't repent it doesn't just stop there."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Hmmmmm, are you that close to 'the Colonel'."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Actually, it [requires you to surrender all, you silly
Catholic fellow], now piss off Satanist."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Catholic insanity [is] when you refuse to
follow his teachings as you refuse."



Here is what scripture says which you totally ignore, and why do you
ignore it?

Because you are an inbred, rude dog."

dolf: "Ya towser:

- a big dog.
- [Informal]: a big, hearty person, especially one who is very
energetic; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 30 June 2016,]"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Jesus spoke about ass-clowns like you in the
bliss, you must be extraordinarily happy!"

dolf: "Your new moons and your appointed feasts my Memra despises; they
are before me as something despicable;

I have forgiven much.

And when the priests spread forth their hands to pray for you, I take up
the face of my Shekhinah from you; even though you pray much concerning
yourselves, there is no pleasure before me to accept your prayers; your
hands are full of innocent blood.

Return to the law; make yourselves clean from your sins; remove the evil
of your deeds from before my Memra; cease to do evil.

'Learn to do good; seek judgment, acquit him that is robbed, judge the
case of the fatherless, act on the complaint of the widow.

Then, when you return to the law, you will beseech before me [Alt (KJV):
Come now, and let us reason together], and I will carry out your
request,' says the LORD: 'though your sins are scarlet like dyed cloth,
they shall be white like snow; though they are red like crimson, they
shall become like pure wool.

If you are willing and attend to my Memra [Alt (KJV): If ye be willing
and obedient], you shall eat of the good of the land; but if you refuse
and do not attend to my Memra, by the adversary's sword you shall be
killed; for by the Memra of the LORD it has been so decreed.'

How the faithful city's deeds have turned to become as [those of] a
harlot, she that was full of those who perform judgment!

Truth was done in her, and now they are become killers of souls." [(c)
1990 The Order of Saint Benedict, Aramaic Targum of Isaiah 1:14-21]

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "There was nothing inappropriate, liar - just
[b]ecause you don't like the language used for emphasis and contempt.

[more of this off-topic rudeness, [s]tupidity and nastiness deleted]"

dolf: "It would not be improper to characterise you as having an
BARRY (ATHEIST/LUCIFER MORNING STAR): "You are a robot for the Roman
Catholic Church."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Exactly. I prefer love over hate, right
over wrong, good over bad. You're the opposite. It's lucifer in you."

ANDREW W (...@OPTUS.NET.AU): "There is zero indication of that, which
shows that you have religious delusions and paranoia."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Then kiss your butt goodbye."

ANDREW W (...@OPTUS.NET.AU): "Why exactly? You don't scare me."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Because it is what God taught us."

ANDREW W (...@OPTUS.NET.AU): "It's what your religion (men) taught you.
Get with reality."

RL MEASURES: "Reality is the eternal enemy of organized religion and its

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Only the ignorant would say something like
that. As I just told aw, it's the dung between the alpha and the omega.

As Jesus sent them forth to teach what he taught, how do you
differentiate. It all boils down to a) love and obey God and b) love
your neighbor as you love yourself. That's the alpha and the omega, the
beginning and the end.

You're trying to fill the middle with dung. You can't get away with it."

dolf: "Hail God of Hymen!

#15CE ... #34CE ... #65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic'

What do you say to the claim that Jubilee 2000 celebrations was the
worship of Satanism?

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the Theory of
Number constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans



1) Torah's Sabbath (HOMOIOS) view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] is a genuine Sabbath based Genesis reprise [Exodus 20:8;
Deuteronomy 5:15];

2) Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theorem: a² = b² + c² is fascist (see image below)


If language then has a cosmological basis (ie. rational PI), as an
Anthropic Principle which was known from antiquity, then language isn't
just a metaphorical derivation, but it also has an absolute epistemology
(from Greek ἐπιστήμη, epistēmē meaning 'knowledge', and λόγος, logos,
meaning 'word') as the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from
the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called
Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." [Genesis
1:3-5 (KJV)]

I have previously said, that the motto of the British Monarchy and our
Justice System is DIEU ET MON DROIT (ie. GOD AND MY RIGHT) and this
totality of a "Sovereign and Autonomous Right" as the "Power to Rule"
and "Dispense Justice" by "Edict as a Divine Authority", can be
understood in God (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) being defined by:

- "I am Alpha (ie. of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet)
and Omega (ie. last letter of the Greek alphabet)" [Revelation 1:8, 11;
21:6, 13],
- "The first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS" [Revelation 1:11; 22:13];
- "The beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS" [Revelation 1:8; 21:6; 22:13].

So there ought not to be then any instance of perverse Justice.

My retirement activity involves an informal philosophical and
theological research into a mathematical, chronological and taxonomical
metaphysical natural and common law paradigm which underpins the
Australian Constitution--As a common view held of:

- Egyptian Hieroglyphics (ie. Anthropic Cosmological Principle conveyed
by the image of the deity Thoth),
- the Torah's Sabbath view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] [Exodus 20:8; Deuteronomy 5:15] and
- the Daoist natural and common law perspective of the Tetragrammaton.

I have as an Intellectual Property, a mathematical paradigm as an
alternative HOMOIOS Theory of Number being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine and a determined
contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos OF
NATURE-genesis), language, rationality and the reasoned mind:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2


It is not a claim that the earth and universe is only 6,000 years old,
but rather a proposition of relativity within billions of years and a
noumenal focal point as a development by which rationality transpires,
reason springs forth and that is characteristic to being human:

HOMO ('man') / HOMOIOS (*same*, *equal* *in* *force*, *a* *match* *for*
*one*, *all* *one* *to* *us*, of *numbers*, *square*, *the* *product*
*of* *two* *equal* *factors*), SAPIENS ('thinker') / SAPIENT ('being a
wise/wisdom thinker') [Deuteronomy 4:32; Genesis 1:26]

The development of the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON is my claim to an
Intellectual Property as being compliant with a Natural Law and Common
Law right, in that it establishes the prima facie claim, that my past
conduct has integrity, and with regards to an expression of an Autonomy
of Will."
Courtesy: Word of the Day for 27 June 2016,]


Jun 30, 2016, 5:03:52 PM6/30/16
the Romans Chapter 1 as a HETEROS v's HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER
misapprehension of his encapsulation of knowledge, is made in relation
to being mindful in our knowing of God (ie. not changing the truth of
God into a lie), which is expressed by the Apostle Paul about not having
a mindset encapsulated by the profession of wisdom that is contradictory
(ie. a situation in which inconsistent elements are present such as in
the HETEROS {*1* - *MONAD*, *2* - *DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD*} formulation
ostensibly presumptuous conduct, as our ability of the mind to not be
intentioned by the preoccupation in the engagement of foolishness and
vain imaginations.

Encapsulated knowledge is not precisely explicit, even though this term
has generally been juxtaposed with tacit knowledge, because it is
knowledge concealed from its users, and explicitness implies observability.

An example of this conception as the concealment of encapsulated
knowledge relating to the religious mysteries associated with a
perspective on the constant sequence of the sun/moon cycle and the
ordering of male/female as the canonical model for all eternity. Is
that of a book titled, "The Canon of Supreme (secret) Mystery" by Yang
Hsiung, which provides a treatise on time attributed schemas concerning
the amalgam of the #64 elements comprising the I CHING and the #81
elements comprising the DAO TE CHING as concerns for Chinese empire
governance published in 4 BCE:

+ 0, 27, 54 {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}
+ 0, 9, 18 {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
+ 0, 3, 6 {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}
+ *1*, *2*, *3* {ie. Formula of Progression of individual phenomena (Wan

= Tetragrammaton hierarchy value as HOMIOS THEORY OF NUMBER.

+ 0, 81, 9(9²+1)/2 = #369 {ie. Organization of the myriad or number of
a) love and obey God ,and
b) love your neighbor as you love yourself.

That's the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

You're trying to fill the middle with dung.

You can't get away with it."

dolf: "Hail God of Hymen!

#15CE ... #34CE ... #65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic'

What do you say to the claim that Jubilee 2000 celebrations was the
worship of Satanism?

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
alternative HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER being a theoretical and


Jun 30, 2016, 6:30:20 PM6/30/16
In article <>, PATRICK
€€ but only a sphymomanometer test can reveal this malady and nobody in
the org thought of doing that.

> Early in 2010 Cardinal Claudio Hummes, the head of the Congregation
> for Clergy, said that instances of sexual abuse by priests were
> "criminal facts" as well as serious sins and required co-operation
> with the civil justice system
> The Pope took the extraordinary steps of ordering the retirement of
> Cardinal Bernard Law Archbishop John Aloysius Ward, the most senior
> member of the Roman Catholic Church in Wales, in the wake of a
> paedophile scandal which rocked their dioceses to its foundations. The
> 72-year-old archbishop Ward, who had been under severe criticism from
> clergy and congregations following the convictions of two priests for
> child sexual abuse offences, was forced to resign despite making clear
> his determination to stay in office.

€€ there's no fool like an old fool.

>He had been accused of repeatedly
> ignoring warnings about the two priests' conduct.

€€ Interesting blurb PB.


Jun 30, 2016, 6:33:04 PM6/30/16
In article <>, Governor Swill
<> wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 (•RLMeasures) wrote:
> >True but your church does nothing to cull out those who seek to have
> >anal sex with boys.
> Why would they? No birth control need be used, no abortions need be
> done, but you still get some sweet, tight, ass to play with.
> Everybody wins!
> Swill

€€ Chortle


Jun 30, 2016, 6:44:24 PM6/30/16
But what do you make of this statement?

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "This is my biggest
issue with Christianity.

More and more, the Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form
the basis of the churches' doctrines."

It seems to convey some sort of Roman Catholic (disbelief and
non-belief) baggage...
DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

RL MEASURES: "True but your church does nothing to cull out those who
seek to have anal sex with boys."


No birth control need be used, no abortions need be done, but you still
get some sweet, tight, ass to play with.

Everybody wins!"

PATRICK (CATHOLIC) BARKER: "Catholic bishops [often] viewed sexual abuse
by priests as 'a spiritual problem, one requiring a spiritual solution,
ie. prayer'.

Bishops came to adopt an emerging view based on the advice of medical
personnel who recommended psychiatric and psychological treatment for
those who sexually abused minors.

This view asserted that, with proper treatment, priests who had molested
children could safely be placed back into ministry.

This approach viewed pedophilia as an addiction, such as alcoholism
which many feel cannot be cured but which can be treated and restrained.

dolf: "*Which* *statement* (ie. as top inclusion being the most
relevant, contextual and as truthful representations of you) *did* *you*
*particularly* *have* *difficulty* *with*?


CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "What a fuckimg moron.

You post thousands of off-topic rudeness and stupidity to a whole slew
of newsgroups where it is neither wanted nor needed, and you pretend
that having it treated as such, and your being treated with the contempt
you deserve for it, is defamation and slander'?

And if anything is harassment, it is your own behaviour towards those

Why aren't you on anti-psychotic medication to make function like a
normal human being towards others?

[more than a thousand more lines of needless, unsolicited, in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity, deleted]"

dolf: "A failure to answer that explicit and unambiguous question with
clarity, will result in a legal claim of defamation, slander and
unlawful use of telecommunications carriage service for harassment being
made against you in due course.

Your absence of any rational, reasoned explanation beyond defamatory and
untruthful characterizations as pejoratives, speaks of the great abysmal
depth of depravity and perversity which is entirely your own claim to a
faux-piety (ie. did you have a church wedding? A check of the Government
agency: Register of Birth, Deaths and Marriages will determine that) as
an enduring exonerated state of being and cockroach ignorance which it
claims is a virtue.

You are as an Atheist, no different to a Christ-killer Catholic neophyte
(ie. disbelief and non-belief) after all.

I have the substance of apperception to make such an unremorseful pious
claim as the lawful basis of my own religious belief.

I've now ceased all civil pleasantry with your ilk and am purposefully
engaged in a more rigorous tone of dialogue.

Godless scum that you are.

Have I made myself clear enough for you this time you fascist
anti-Semitic c@nt?"

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "[Many things were] written by Paul who
never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive."

"Pilate {armed with a dart} therefore said unto him. 'Art thou a king then?'

Jesus {savior; deliverer} answered, 'Thou sayest that I am a king. To
this end was I born, and for this cause I into the world, that I should
bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my

Pilate saith unto him, '*What* *is* *truth*?'

And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith
unto them, 'I find in him no fault at all.'" [John 18:37-38 (KJV)]
RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "What you wish to believe, you can, but
the majority of the world does[n't] believe everything that your church
say[s] is correct and most people a[re] not involved in your church."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "The people of the world don't count. Only
God does, and he said that the active homosexual at death is not worthy
"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

POPE FRANCIS TOOK ACTION" of 28 June - 1 July, 2016



Jun 30, 2016, 7:25:56 PM6/30/16
It's been the trend for a long time.


Jul 1, 2016, 7:32:43 AM7/1/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:31:23 -0400, Governor Swill <>

>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 04:43:23 +1000, duke wrote:
>I don't understand why you post this tripe. Does anybody read it? And
>who is "dolf"? You talking about the poster in my killfile who posts
>similarly stupid crap?

I don't post it nor does anyone else but dolf. Dolf is some hateful clown in
Australia managing to post under many names. Just ignore him. Easy to spot -
1000 line posts.



Jul 1, 2016, 8:08:22 AM7/1/16
On 1/07/2016 18:17, Michael Christ wrote:
> On Friday, 1 July 2016 01:51:59 UTC+10, Rod wrote:
>> On 6/30/2016 6:17 AM, Michael Christ wrote:
>>> Nothing, nowhere.
>> That is you, turd boy..
> How unified you are with a foolish atheist. :-).
> However, Rodders, best you button that big gob of yours, because
> every word you will have to eat.
> Evvvvveeeerrrrry word.
> By the way, it is very wonderful that you love your neighbour as
> yourself like you promote.
> Do you think, given the facts, that you are a bullshit artist??
> Michael Christ

On 1/07/2016 21:32, duke wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:31:23 -0400, Governor Swill
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 04:43:23 +1000, duke wrote:
>> I don't understand why you post this tripe. Does anybody read it?
>> And who is "dolf"? You talking about the poster in my killfile
>> who posts similarly stupid crap?
> I don't post it nor does anyone else but dolf. Dolf is some hateful
> clown in Australia managing to post under many names. Just ignore
> him. Easy to spot - 1000 line posts.
>> Swill
> the dukester, American-American
> ***** "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer." Pope Paul VI
> *****


GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "I don't understand why you
post this tripe.

Does anybody read it?

And who is 'dolf'?

You talking about the poster in my kill-file who posts similarly stupid

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "I don't post it nor does anyone else but

Dolf is some hateful [ass-]clown in Australia managing to post under
many names.

Just ignore him.

Easy to spot - 1000 line posts."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "How unified you are with a foolish atheist. :-)"

dolf: "Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence {eg: an *oath*} of
action and words relative to being and time: 'we hold that there is no
more infallible evidence of insincerity of purpose, short of overt acts,
than a face that *smiles* when there is no occasion, and the *tongue*
that is out of measure smooth.'" [James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder,
1840; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 29 June 2016;]

COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST) BURKE: "What color are your underpants Dolf?"

dolf: "Even commando has it's colour:

Did that make you blush?

A blushing bride is used to humorously refer to a woman on her wedding day."


Is that some sort of Nazi name?



'There was once a time when all people believed in God and the church

This time was called The Dark Ages' -- Richard Lederer."

dolf: "I think that racialism, anti-semitism and political values
statement as a fascist predisposition, came off your lying lips a little
too easily:

Adolf Hitler also served in France and Belgium from October 1914 in the
16th Bavarian Reserve Regiment.

It was in very poor taste, especially on this 1 July 2016 of all days,
when the British Monarchy themselves have remembered the 100 year
anniversary of the Battle of the Somme (1 July-18 November 1916) during
the World War I.

The motto of the British Monarchy and our Justice System is DIEU ET MON
DROIT (ie. GOD AND MY RIGHT)--for which you have now shown contempt.

You wont escape justice--wasn't I kill-filed by you?

Lest we forget."

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "The troll exterminator is
himself a troll."

!JONES (...@FUBAHOR.COM): "You *gotta* be shitting me!!!"

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "I wouldn't shit you! You're
my favorite turd!" [@ 1326 hours on 1 July 2016]

!JONES (...@FUBAHOR.COM): "Damn! Scant there is that escapes your keen
powers of observation, huh?

Didn't I tell you to f@ck off? Why have you not done so yet?"

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "Because you haven't cited
your bullshit claim." [@ 1327 hours on 1 July 2016]

MICHAEL CHRIST: "... [Y]ou have let your superficial morals get [even]
= Tetragrammaton hierarchy value as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER.
dolf: "The Roman Catholic Church had questionable Sovereign Authority to
issue such Papal Bulls: "In 1452 CE, Pope Nicholas V issued to King
Alfonso V of Portugal the bull Romanus Pontifex, declaring war against
all non-Christians throughout the world, and specifically sanctioning
and promoting the conquest, colonization, and exploitation of
non-Christian nations and their territories.

Under various theological and legal doctrines formulated during and
after the Crusades, non-Christians were considered enemies of the
Catholic faith and, as such, less than human. Accordingly, in the bull
of 1452, Pope Nicholas directed King Alfonso to "capture, vanquish, and
subdue the saracens, pagans, and other enemies of Christ," to "put them
into perpetual slavery," and "to take all their possessions and property."

Acting on this papal privilege, Portugal continued to traffic in African
slaves, and expanded its royal dominions by making "discoveries" along
the western coast of Africa, claiming those lands as Portuguese territory.


In that by 1582 CE, the Julian Calendar had by then already lost 11 days
and so no longer had a HEALTHY (ie. in a good physical or mental
condition; in good health; (of a part of the body) not diseased; normal,
natural, and desirable; indicating or promoting good health) CONGRUITY
AND WHOLESOME (ie. conducive to or characterized by moral well-being)
RELEVANCE with any regime of Roman Empire governance associated to
attributed time."

PATRICK (CATHOLIC) BARKER: "I am sure Jesus would not have approved of
the decree.

However, (and I can't say for sure), I believe that this decree may have
saved thousands of lives. Why? It would have stopped every exploring
ship that discovered a new bay, a new island, a new piece of land in the
Americas from claiming that land for themselves, or their king, or their
own religion.

The decree basically told people to stay on their own side of the line
and not to wage war for something that God created for us all.

Sometimes there is no good answer that is available to us humans.

That is when we try to allow someone to make a compromise that will stop
shedding bloodshed on the innocents."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "[snip 909 lines of
unreadable waffle]


What must it be like inside your head?

Do the voices ever stop?

The mental health services in this country have a lot to answer for. I
hope you get the treatment you need."

dolf: "*Which* *statement* (ie. as top inclusion being the most
relevant, contextual and as truthful representations of you) *did* *you*
*particularly* *have* *difficulty* *with*?"

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "What a f@cking moron.

You post thousands of off-topic rudeness and stupidity to a whole slew
of newsgroups where it is neither wanted nor needed, and you pretend
that having it treated as such, and your being treated with the contempt
you deserve for it, is defamation and slander'?

And if anything is harassment, it is your own behaviour towards those

Why aren't you on anti-psychotic medication to make function like a
normal human being towards others?

[more than a thousand more lines of needless, unsolicited, in-your-face
rudeness and stupidity, deleted]"

dolf: "It would seem that you are completely deranged as you can't even
focus on a simple question about which statement you have difficulty with?


I don't require your permission as solicitation, in order to post..."

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "Project much, pathological liar?

The admission that you are psychopath. You'll post your unsolicited
nonsense where it neither wanted nor needed, and you don't care, you're
going to do it anyway.

[more than a thousand lines of unsolicited rudeness and stupidity deleted]

Do you really expect people to waste their time and effort, reading your

dolf: "I'm not projecting...

You are the one making a profession of a psychiatric disorder--where I'm
speaking of paradigm of a rational and reasoned mind--What is truth?



I'm not the one who crashed a whole slew of groups to spam them with
thousand-line posts containing complete nonsense, and who lies about
those who point out how unwelcome they are."

dolf: "I'm terraforming and making the planet more conducive to human
life--do I need to consult you first?"

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "Is there any other label to describe someone
who obsessively spams unrelated groups with unsolicited, thousand-line,
off-topic, irrelevant posts?


dolf: "A failure to answer that explicit and unambiguous question with
clarity, will result in a legal claim of defamation, slander and
unlawful use of telecommunications carriage service for harassment being
made against you in due course.

Your absence of any rational, reasoned explanation beyond defamatory and
untruthful characterizations as pejoratives, speaks of the great abysmal
depth of depravity and perversity which is entirely your own claim to a
faux-piety (ie. did you have a church wedding? A check of the Government
agency: Register of Birth, Deaths and Marriages will determine that) as
an enduring exonerated state of being and cockroach ignorance which it
claims is a virtue.

You are as an Atheist, no different to a Christ-killer Catholic neophyte
(ie. disbelief and non-belief) after all.

I have the substance of apperception to make such an unremorseful pious
claim as the lawful basis of my own religious belief.

I've now ceased all civil pleasantry with your ilk and am purposefully
engaged in a more rigorous tone of dialogue.

Godless scum that you are.

Have I made myself clear enough for you this time you fascist
anti-Semitic c@nt?"

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "[Many things were] written by Paul who
never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive."

RL MEASURES: "Paul {small; little} (Saul {demanded; lent; ditch; death})
of Tarsus {winged; feathered} never met Jesus {savior; deliverer} or
heard one of Jesus' lectures."

dolf: "Why would the Apostle Paul {small; little} ever need to have
either met or heard Jesus {savior; deliverer} of Nazareth {sovereign;
one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned; sanctified} as he was the
personification and the incarnated embodiment of the Torah:

"Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that
accuseth you, even Moses {taken out; drawn forth}, in whom ye trust. For
had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for [*Moses*] *wrote*
*of* *me*.

But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?"
[John 5:45-47 (KJV)]

And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while
I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were
*written* *in* *the* *law* *of* *Moses*, *and* *in* *the* *prophets*,
*and* *in* *the* *psalms*, *concerning* *me*.

Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the
scriptures..." [Luke 24:44-45 (KJV)]

"But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning
this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against.

And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his
lodging; to whom *he* *expounded* *and* *testified* *the* *kingdom* *of*
*God*, *persuading* *them* *concerning* *Jesus*, *both* *out* *of* *the*
*law* *of* *Moses*, *and* *out* *of* *the* *prophets*, from morning till

And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.
And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that
Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias {the
salvation of the Lord} the prophet unto our fathers, Saying, 'Go unto
this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand;
and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive:'" [Acts 28:22-26 (KJV)]

How readest thou?"

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "This is my biggest
issue with Christianity.

More and more, the Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form
the basis of the churches' doctrines."

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "Why are you such an in-your-face, f@cking
sociopathic moron?

More than 800 lines, not counting wrap around, deleted."


Don't give it to him."

dolf: "Given your unrestrained violent 'treasonable' hate speech and
Tourette Syndrome like manner: 'most often associated with the
exclamation of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory
remarks (coprolalia).'"


dolf: "Your new moons and your appointed feasts my Memra despises; they
are before me as something despicable;

I have forgiven much.

And when the priests spread forth their hands to pray for you, I take up
the face of my Shekhinah from you; even though you pray much concerning
yourselves, there is no pleasure before me to accept your prayers; your
hands are full of innocent blood.

Return to the law; make yourselves clean from your sins; remove the evil
of your deeds from before my Memra; cease to do evil.

'Learn to do good; seek judgment, acquit him that is robbed, judge the
case of the fatherless, act on the complaint of the widow.

Then, when you return to the law, you will beseech before me [ALT (KJV):
Come now, and let us reason together], and I will carry out your
request,' says the LORD: 'though your sins are scarlet like dyed cloth,
they shall be white like snow; though they are red like crimson, they
shall become like pure wool.

If you are willing and attend to my Memra [ALT (KJV): If ye be willing
It's Lucifer in you."
As providence would have it today at just after 1310 hours (AEST) on 1
July 2016, I was on my way down the street in order to get a hamburger,
when there were two male zealotry Christians on a street corner calling
for repentance opposite the clock-tower in Raymond Street, Sale and
within proximity to a voting booth for tomorrow's Federal election.

And with such vigor, I then called them each to repentance and when they
faltered, I cursed them to hell and forbade them to speak in their
manner within my presence and get themselves off the street.

The conviction was such, that there was a momentary silence within the
street. By the time I had returned, on my way home with 2 litres of
milk, they had departed.

How readest thou?

Praise be the Lord."

- dolf




Jul 1, 2016, 9:45:42 AM7/1/16
Do you have any examples of: " Gospels are ignored while the writings


Jul 1, 2016, 12:08:00 PM7/1/16
In article <>, PATRICK
<> wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 23:25:55 +0000 (UTC), Ted&Alice
> <> wrote:
> >PATRICK <> wrote:
> >> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:23 -0400, Governor Swill
> >> <> wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" wrote:
> >>>> That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.
> >>>
> >>> This is my biggest issue with Christianity. More and more, the
> >>> Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form the basis of the
> >>> churches' doctrines.
> >>
> >> Do you have any examples of the gospels being ignored.
> >
> >It's been the trend for a long time.
> Do you have any examples of: " Gospels are ignored while the writings
> of Paul form the basis of the churches' doctrines."

€€ Saul/Paul was a proponent of ritual cannibalism.
All Christian sects try like hell to ignore the Sermon on the Mount
because it is so simple.


Jul 1, 2016, 12:48:45 PM7/1/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:23 -0400, Governor Swill <>

>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" wrote:
>>That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.
>This is my biggest issue with Christianity. More and more, the
>Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form the basis of the
>churches' doctrines.

Jesus gave it to Paul.

Galatians 1:11-12New International Version (NIV)
Paul Called by God
11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not
of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it;
rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.



Jul 1, 2016, 12:49:36 PM7/1/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 23:25:55 +0000 (UTC), Ted&Alice <>

Not in the least with people of God.


Jul 1, 2016, 12:51:33 PM7/1/16
Galatians 1:11-12New International Version (NIV)
Paul Called by God
11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not
of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it;
rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

>It would seems that Jesus never was against homosexuals, as it seems that
>only one who wrote against homosexuality for Christianity was Paul.
>Yes, and there is some writing in the old testament, but again it could have
>been people who are against it.
>It is also noted that looking at different Bibles 1 Cor 6:9-10 has many
>You of course must believe one that suits Catholic belief.
>Others do not have to believe that.
>BTW are you going to accept what the current Pope said "Christians should
>apologise to gay people" ?


Jul 1, 2016, 3:01:40 PM7/1/16
No they don't.
And Paul merely followed the very words of Jesus.


Jul 1, 2016, 4:12:02 PM7/1/16
You said, "There will never be a magical saviour of our species"

What Jewish cult do you belong to?

"There was in the days of Herod {son of a hero}, the king of Judaea {the
praise of the Lord; confession}, a certain priest named Zacharias
{memory of the Lord}, of the course of Abia {the Lord is my father}: and
his wife was of the daughters of Aaron {a teacher; lofty; mountain of
strength}, and her name was Elisabeth {the oath, or fullness, of God}.

And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments
and ordinances of the Lord blameless. And they had no child, because
that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in
years. And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest’s office
before God in the order of his course, According to the custom of the
priest’s office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the
temple of the Lord. And the whole multitude of the people were praying
without at the time of incense. And there appeared unto him an angel of
the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. And when
Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him:

"The one and twentieth to Jachin {he that strengthens and makes
steadfast}, the two and twentieth to Gamul {a recompense}, The three and
twentieth to Delaiah {the poor of the Lord}, the four and twentieth to
Maaziah {the strength of the Lord}. These were the orderings of them in
their service to come into the house of the LORD, according to their
manner, under Aaron {a teacher; lofty; mountain of strength} their
father, as the LORD God of Israel {who prevails with God} had commanded
him." [1 Chronicles 24:17-19 (KJV)]

"And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and
went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their
face, and stood behind them:

And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel;
and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to
these: so that the one came not near the other all the night.

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the
sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea
dry land, and the waters were divided." [Exodus 14:19-Exodus 14:21 (KJV)]

"For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the
Gentiles, I magnify mine office: If by any means I may provoke to
emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.

For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what
shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be
holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches be broken off,
and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with
them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; Boast not
against the branches.

But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

Thou wilt say then, 'The branches were broken off, that I might be
grafted in.'

Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith.

Be not high-minded, but fear:

For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare
not thee.

Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell,
severity; but toward thee, goodness, *if* *thou* *continue* *in* *his*
*goodness*: *otherwise* *thou* *also* *shalt* *be* *cut* *off*.

And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in:
for God is able to graft them in again.

For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and
wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more
shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own
olive tree?

For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery,
lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is
happened to Israel {who prevails with God}, until the fulness of the
Gentiles be come in.

And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, 'There shall come
out of Sion {noise; tumult} the Deliverer, and shall turn away
ungodliness from Jacob {that supplants, undermines; the heel}:

For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.'

As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as
touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

For the *gifts* *and* *calling* *of* *God* *are* *without* *repentance*.

For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained
mercy through their unbelief: Even so have these also now not believed,
that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. For God hath
concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how
unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

For who hath known the mind of the Lord?

Or who hath been his counsellor?

Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be
glory for ever. Amen." [Romans 11:13-36 (KJV)]

Now with respects to our quoted portion relating to Hitler and putting a
stop to things, is this recent media report which came to my attention
concerning a Twitter Post by the Islamist (anti-islamophobia
protagonist) Zakia Belkhiri posted @ 1334hrs on 29 November 2012 reads:
"Hitler didnt kill all the jews, he left some. So we know why he was
killing them #f@ckrs"


We can easily resolve the authenticity, congruity, integrity and
wholesomeness of this initial Twitter Post, by examining the Grapple
noumenon entry for the specific time @ 1334hrs of day when it was made.

And the result is as follows:

Nous: #18
Time: 13:30 hrs
Date: 2016.10.16
Torah: #50 #400 #5 %81 = #50
Dao: Origin of Ethical Concepts, Palliation of Vulgarity
Tetra: #49 - Flight
I-Ching: H33 - Withdrawal

Latin: Exaltator {God who gives wisdom} Alt: Vahavyah {Cry unto God Who
is God} {
4. Charcumis
Hezron {The dart of joy; the division of the song}

SUPER (MALE): #482

#6, #400, #1, #8, #7, #50, #10 - 'achaz (H270): 1) grasp, take hold,
seize, take possession; 1a) (Qal) to grasp, take hold of; 1b) (Niphal)
to be caught, grasped, be settled; 1c) (Piel) to enclose, overlay; 1d)
(Hophal) fastened;

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take {'achaz-hold [H270]:
#482} hold {'achaz-hold [H270]: #482} on judgment; *I* *will* *render*
*vengeance* *to* *mine* *enemies*, and *will* *reward* *them* *that*
*hate* *me*." [Deuteronomy 32:41]

#4, #8, #10, #400, #50, #10 - dachah (H1760): 1) to push, thrust, chase,
overflow, totter, sore, drive away or out, be outcast, be cast down; 1a)
(Qal) to push, push violently; 1b) (Niphal) to be thrust down, be cast
down; 1c) (Pual) to be thrust down;

"Let them be as chaff before the wind: and *let* *the* *angel* *of*
*the* *LORD* *chase* {dachah-outcast [H1760]: #482} them." [Psalm 35:5]

"There are the *workers* *of* *iniquity* *fallen*: *they* *are* *cast*
{dachah-outcast [H1760]: #482} *down* {dachah-outcast [H1760]: #482},
and *shall* *not* be *able* *to* *rise*." [Psalm 36:12]

"*How* *long* *will* *ye* *imagine* *mischief* *against* a man? Ye shall
be slain all of you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering
{dachah-outcast [H1760]: #482} fence." [Psalm 62:3]

"Thou hast thrust {dachah-outcast [H1760]: #482} sore at me that I might
fall: but the LORD helped me." [Psalm 118:13]

"*Keep* *me*, *O* *LORD*, *from* *the* *hands* of the wicked; preserve
me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow {dachah-outcast
[H1760]: #482} my goings." [Psalm 140:4]

#400, #4, #30, #8, #40 - dalach (H1804): 1) to stir up, make turbid; 1a)
(Qal) to stir up, trouble, make turbid;

"Son of man, take up a lamentation for Pharaoh {that disperses; that
spoils} king of Egypt {that troubles or oppresses; anguish}, and say
unto him, Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a
whale in the seas: and thou camest forth with thy rivers, and troubledst
{dalach-trouble [H1804]: #482} the waters with thy feet, and fouledst
their rivers." [Ezekiel 32:2]

"I will destroy also all the beasts thereof from beside the great
waters; neither shall the foot of man trouble them any more, nor the
hoofs of beasts trouble {dalach-trouble [H1804]: #482} them." [Ezekiel

#2, #10, #30, #4, #6, #400, #10, #20 - yalduwth (H3208): 1) childhood,

"Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the *beauties*
*of* *holiness* *from* *the* *womb* of the morning: thou hast the dew of
thy youth {yalduwth-youth [H3208]: #482}." [Psalm 110:3]

#50, #6, #300, #70, #50, #6 -yasha` (H3467): 1) to save, be saved, be
delivered; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;

"Happy art thou, O Israel {who prevails with God}: who is like unto
thee, O people saved {yasha`-save [H3467]: #482} by the LORD, the shield
of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! And thine enemies
shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high
places." [Deuteronomy 33:29]

#6, #20, #30, #10, #6, #400, #10 - kilyah (H3629): 1) kidneys; 2) (TWOT)
reins; 1a) of physical organ (lit.); 1b) of seat of emotion and
affection (fig.); 1c) of sacrificial animals;

"His archers compass me round about, he cleaveth my reins
{kilyah-kidneys [H3629]: #482} asunder, and doth not spare; he poureth
out my gall upon the ground." [Job 16:13]

"Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not
another; though my reins {kilyah-kidneys [H3629]: #482} be consumed
within me." [Job 19:27]

"Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the
just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins {kilyah-kidneys
[H3629]: #482}." [Psalm 7:9]

"I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins
{kilyah-kidneys [H3629]: #482} also instruct me in the night seasons."
[Psalm 16:7]

"Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins {kilyah-kidneys [H3629]:
#482} and my heart." [Psalm 26:2]

"But, O LORD of hosts, that judgest righteously, that triest the reins
{kilyah-kidneys [H3629]: #482} and the heart, let me see thy vengeance
on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause." [Jeremiah 11:20]

"Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they grow, yea, they
bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, and far from their
reins {kilyah-kidneys [H3629]: #482}." [Jeremiah 12:2]

"I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins {kilyah-kidneys [H3629]:
#482}, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to
the fruit of his doings." [Jeremiah 17:10]

"But, O LORD of hosts, that triest the righteous, and seest the reins
{kilyah-kidneys [H3629]: #482} and the heart, let me see thy vengeance
on them: for unto thee have I opened my cause." [Jeremiah 20:12]

#6, #30, #10, #30, #6, #400 - layil (H3915): 1) night; 1a) night (as
opposed to day); 1b) of gloom, protective shadow (fig.);

"And it came between the camp of the Egyptians {that troubles or
oppresses; anguish} and the camp of Israel {who prevails with God}; and
it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night
{layil-night [H3915]: #482} to these: so that the one came not near the
other all the night {layil-night [H3915]: #482}." [Exodus 14:20]

#20, #40, #20, #400, #2 - miktab (H4385): 1) writing, thing written; 1a)
handwriting; 1b) thing written; 1c) writing;

"And the tables were the work of God, and the writing {miktab-writing
[H4385]: #482} was the writing {miktab-writing [H4385]: #482} of God,
graven upon the tables." [Exodus 32:16]

"And they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote upon
it a writing {miktab-writing [H4385]: #482}, like to the engravings of a
signet, HOLINESS TO THE LORD." [Exodus 39:30]

#6, #40, #30, #400, #6 - millah (H4405): 1) word, speech, utterance;

"Do ye imagine to reprove words {millah-word [H4405]: #482}, and the
speeches of one that is desperate, which are as wind?" [Job 6:26]

"*Shall* *not* *they* teach thee, and tell thee, and *utter* *words*
{millah-word [H4405]: #482} *out* *of* *their* *heart*?" [Job 8:10]

"Doth not the ear try words {millah-word [H4405]: #482}? and the mouth
taste his meat?" [Job 12:11]

"Hear diligently my speech {millah-word [H4405]: #482}, and my
declaration with your ears." [Job 13:17]

"Should he reason with unprofitable talk? Or with speeches {millah-word
[H4405]: #482} wherewith he can do no good?" [Job 15:3]

"That thou turnest thy spirit against God, and lettest such words
{millah-word [H4405]: #482} go out of thy mouth?" [Job 15:13]

"I also could speak as ye do: if your soul were in my soul's stead, I
could heap up words {millah-word [H4405]: #482} against you, and shake
mine head at you." [Job 16:4]

"How long will it be ere ye make an end of words {millah-word [H4405]:
#482}? Mark, and afterwards we will speak." [Job 18:2]

"How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words
{millah-word [H4405]: #482}?" [Job 19:2]

"Oh that my words {millah-word [H4405]: #482} were now written! Oh that
they were printed in a book!" [Job 19:23]

"Hear diligently my speech {millah-word [H4405]: #482}, and let this be
your consolations." [Job 21:2]

#6, #50, #70, #50, #300, #6 - `anash (H6064): 1) to fine, amerce,
punish, condemn, mulct; 1a) (Qal) to fine, punish; 1b) (Niphal) to be
fined, be punished, be mulcted;

"When the scorner is punished {`anash-punish [H6064]: #482}, the simple
is made wise: and when the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge."
[Proverbs 21:11]

#1, #20, #1, #100, #80, #70, #10, #200 - akarpos (G175): 1) metaph.
without fruit, barren, not yielding what it ought to yield;

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful {akarpos-unfruitful [G175]:
#482} works of darkness, but rather reprove them." [Ephesians 5:11]

"And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that
they be not unfruitful {akarpos-unfruitful [G175]: #482}." [Titus 3:14]

"For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall
neither be barren nor unfruitful {akarpos-unfruitful [G175]: #482} in
the knowledge of our Lord Jesus {savior; deliverer} Christ." [2Peter 1:8]

"These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you,
feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried
about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without {akarpos-unfruitful
[G175]: #482} fruit {akarpos-unfruitful [G175]: #482}, twice dead,
plucked up by the roots;" [Jude 1:12]

#2, #10, #70, #400 - bios (G979): 1) life; 1a) life extensively; 1a1)
the period or course of life; 1b) that by which life is sustained,
resources, wealth, goods;

"And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard,
go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this
life {bios-life [G979]: #482}, and bring no fruit to perfection." [Luke

"And a *woman* *having* *an* *issue* *of* *blood* *twelve* *years*,
which had spent all her living {bios-life [G979]: #482} upon physicians,
neither could be healed of any," [Luke 8:43]

#10, #5, #100, #1, #300, #5, #10, #1, #50 - hierateia (G2405): 1) the
priesthood, the office of a priest;

"According to the custom of the priest's {hierateia-priest's [G2405]:
#482} office {hierateia-priest's [G2405]: #482}, his lot was to burn
incense when he went into the temple of the Lord." [Luke 1:9]

#20, #1, #300, #1, #2, #70, #30, #8, #50 - katabole (G2602): 1) a
throwing or laying down; 2) a founding (laying down a foundation); 1a)
the *injection* *or* *depositing* *of *the* *virile* *semen* *in* *the*
*womb*; 1b) of the seed of plants and animals;

"That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I
will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept
secret from the foundation {katabole-foundation [G2602]: #482} of the
world." [Matthew 13:35]

"Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed
of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation
{katabole-foundation [G2602]: #482} of the world:" [Matthew 25:34]

"That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation
{katabole-foundation [G2602]: #482} of the world, may be required of
this generation;" [Luke 11:50]

"Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me
where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for
thou lovedst me before the foundation {katabole-foundation [G2602]:
#482} of the world." [John 17:24]

"Who verily was foreordained before the foundation {katabole-foundation
[G2602]: #482} of the world, but was manifest in these last times for
you," [1Peter 1:20]

#80, #70, #300, #10, #7, #5, #10 - potizo (G4222): 1) to give to drink,
to furnish drink; 2) to water, irrigate (plants, fields etc.); 3)
metaph. to imbue, saturate one's mind;

"And whosoever shall give {potizo-give [G4222]: #482} to drink
{potizo-give [G4222]: #482} unto one of these little ones a cup of cold
water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in
no wise lose his reward." [Matthew 10:42]

"For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave
{potizo-give [G4222]: #482} me drink {potizo-give [G4222]: #482}: I was
a stranger, and ye took me in:" [Matthew 25:35]

"Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an
hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave {potizo-give [G4222]: #482}
thee drink {potizo-give [G4222]: #482}?" [Matthew 25:37]

"For I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye
gave {potizo-give [G4222]: #482} me no drink {potizo-give [G4222]:
#482}:" [Matthew 25:42]

"And straightway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with
vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave {potizo-give [G4222]: #482} him
to drink." [Matthew 27:48]

"For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews
or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made
{potizo-give [G4222]: #482} to drink {potizo-give [G4222]: #482} into
one Spirit." [1Corinthians 12:13]

"And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon {incongruity;
confusion; mixture} is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she
made {potizo-give [G4222]: #482} all nations drink {potizo-give [G4222]:
#482} of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." [Revelation 14:8]

#200, #10, #50, #10, #1, #200, #1, #10 - siniazo (G4617): 1) to sift,
shake in a sieve; 2) fig. by inward agitation to try one's faith to the
verge of overthrow;

And the Lord said, Simon {that hears; that obeys}, Simon, behold, Satan
hath desired to have you, that he may sift {siniazo-sift [G4617]: #482}
you as wheat:" [Luke 22:31]

EGO (FEMALE): #309

#6, #50, #200, #3, #50 - nirgan (H5372): 1) to murmur, whisper; 1a)
murmurers; 1b) backbite, slander, talebearer, backbiter;

"The words of a talebearer {nirgan-talebearer [H5372]: #309} are as
wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly."
[Proverbs 18:8]

"Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no
talebearer {nirgan-talebearer [H5372]: #309}, the strife ceaseth."
[Proverbs 26:20]

#300, #1, #3, #5 - sheagah (H7581): 1) roaring; 1a) of lion, the wicked,
distress cry;

"And he knew their desolate palaces, and he laid waste their cities; and
the land was desolate, and the fulness thereof, by the noise of his
roaring {sheagah-roaring [H7581]: #309}." [Ezekiel 19:7]

"There is a voice of the howling of the shepherds; for their glory is
spoiled: a voice of the roaring {sheagah-roaring [H7581]: #309} of young
lions; for the pride of Jordan {the river of judgment} is spoiled."
[Zechariah 11:3]

#2, #300, #6, #1 - sow' (H7721): 1) (Qal) rising (infinitive);

"Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise
{sow'-arise [H7721]: #309}, thou stillest them." [Psalm 89:9]

#1, #30, #70, #8, #200 - aloe (G250): 1) aloe, aloes The name of an
aromatic tree which grows in eastern India and Cochin China, and whose
soft and bitter wood the Orientals used in fumigation and in *embalming*
*the* *dead*. The tree grows to a height of 120 feet (40 m) and a girth
of 12 feet (4 m).;

"And there came also Nicodemus {victory of the people}, which at the
first came to Jesus {savior; deliverer} by night, and brought a mixture
of myrrh and aloes {aloe-aloes [G250]: #309}, about an hundred pound
weight." [John 19:39]

#2, #1, #100, #1, #2, #2, #1, #200 - Barabbas {son of shame, confusion}
(G912): 1) the captive robber whom the Jews begged Pilate {armed with a
dart} to release instead of Christ;

"Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate {armed with a dart}
said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas
{Barabbas-Barabbas [G912]: #309}, or Jesus {savior; deliverer} which is
called Christ?" [Matthew 27:17]

The ROSH was known for his independent legal reasoning: "WE MUST NOT BE

Geonim is the plural of (Gaon'), which means "pride" or "splendour" in
Biblical Hebrew and since the 19th century "genius" as in modern Hebrew.

The period of the Geonim began in 589 CE and concluded in circa 1040
CE--hence the activity of the Geonim covers a period of nearly 450 years.

However, as I have said previously, the great thing about this as a
legal argument: (Dieu et mon droit) is that this technology for
"Judging, Weighing and Integrity of Words" is not only embedded within
the Bible as Scriptures and given assent to through an oath, swearing by
Almighty God, but is compatible with the regime of numbered and natural
jurisprudence (ie. the Categories of Understanding as #729 appraisals
within the Grapple noumenon, in being a reasonable consideration, then
ought to equate with the numbered paragraphs) as being a mandatory
prerequisite for the presenting of any legal case before a court of law.

Skeet DoW #420 (kooks): "Oh! That's what I thought you meant."

dolf: "It will still be here when you're sobered up..."

Skeet DoW #420 (kooks): "I don't drink, but it is starting to occur to
me that it might help reading your babble.

[that's in the book ya know]

[look up babel (ie. incongruity; confusion; mixture)]"

You are engaging in deceptive and whorish (ie. promiscuous:
demonstrating or implying an unselective approach; indiscriminate or
casual) conduct as you said:

'Time to put on my *beer* *goggles*.'"

Skeet DoW #420 (kooks): "That sounds like a porn flick, count me in."

dolf: "God help me!

You seem to have been the one handy with a dildo (ie. [vulgar slang] a
stupid or ridiculous person) and it's all your show of messy incontinent
perversity as deviancy and depravity.

If your question was all this time: 'Any mention of monkeys in the book?'

Then you ought to have intelligently framed the question as such."

Vallor: ( "It's also interesting to see him working out
an epistemology for himself, where he is contemplating if there is any
worth to Kant's 'noumenon'. (Though, that's certainly not original to

Nadegda (nad318b404): "Be that as it may, his way of writing is
definitely kooky and not very conducive to being understood, as is his
habit of vomiting out book-length posts at a rate of several per *hour*..."

Vallor: ( "Because anyone who has any sense of
contemplation eventually works out their own philosophy, and their own

Nadegda (nad318b404): "I know, having done it myself."

Vallor: ( "Sometimes, they even share them with the
rest of us -- and sometimes, that is beneficial."

Nadegda (nad318b404): "Sometimes? In this instance, the main benefit is
amusement and livening up May's kook awards.


dolf: "Even the Russians would understand that! ;-)"

Fakey's Dogwhistle (AUKTard Polizia): "Wow! You put this in the right
newsgroup bud! It's almost as if you 'knew' it belonged here."

dolf: "I thought there were a couple of nice flourishes associated with
respects to our quoted portion above relating to Hitler and putting a
stop to things."

Fakey's Dogwhistle (AUKTard Polizia): "I hope that works out for you."

dolf: "I also sent it to aus.religion.judaism and of special note to
them will be this text:

"And it came between the camp of the Egyptians {that troubles or
oppresses; anguish} and the camp of Israel {who prevails with God}; and
it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night
{layil-night [H3915]: #482} to these: so that the one came not near the
other all the night {layil-night [H3915]: #482}." [Exodus 14:20]

In that, the Torah element: #50 #400 #5 %81 = #50 which is associated by
me to the fourth dimensional (chronological) plane of nine in total,
then gives the 'Categories of Understanding' as computed: EGO (FEMALE):
#309 and cushioned: SUPER (MALE): #482 made in relation to that verse.

I was asked as derision, "Please elaborate, so we at AUK can evaluate
you for candidacy for the 72 Raisins Award as well. [snicker]"


#6, #400, #1, #8, #7, #50, #10 - 'achaz (H270): 1) grasp, take hold,
seize, take possession; 1a) (Qal) to grasp, take hold of; 1b) (Niphal)
to be caught, grasped, be settled; 1c) (Piel) to enclose, overlay; 1d)
(Hophal) fastened;

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take {'achaz-hold [H270]:
#482} hold {'achaz-hold [H270]: #482} on judgment; *I* *will* *render*
*vengeance* *to* *mine* *enemies*, and *will* *reward* *them* *that*
*hate* *me*." [Deuteronomy 32:41]

Is that, the Torah element known in Kabbalistic terms as an ANGEL or a
'Technology of the Soul' is itself a spacial overlay of 3 x 72
characters which is obtained by a juxtaposition of three consecutive
Biblical Scriptures." [Exodus 14:19-21]

Checkmate DoW #1 (Lunatic...@The.Edge): "People who believe in a god
always want to assign noble and benevolent qualities to him. This seems
more a matter of wishful thinking, than one supported by even the
thinest shred of evidence. If a child was saved from a house fire,
'god' saved him. If he died an unimaginably painful and tortuous death,
it was just god's will, and ours is not to reason why.

Since both extremes play out every day all over the world, is it
realistic to say that this 'god' gives one shit about the outcome of any
of us?

One can only conclude that if there is a god, he has no compassion or
vested interest in our well-being. Given that, I'd prefer that he just
didn't exist at all..."

But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is
heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call
his name John. And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall
rejoice at his birth. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord,
and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled
with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb. And many of the
children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. And he shall go
before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the
fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just;
to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." [Luke 1:5-17 (KJV)]
This assertion relates to my undertaking of an intentioned
anti-terrorism initiative as PLANS. And this occurring as my only
activity made in SUPPORT, continued whilst I remained a recipient of a
salary continuance benevolence made under the provisions of an Insurance
Policy in full compliance as an acceptance of my Total and Permanent
Disability status. Is then capable of being established, as an
indisputable matter of fact, by a transcription record of the 7
December, 2001 proceedings occurring as an extra-ordinary hearing before
the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). It records my
self representation in a dispute with AXA Group Insurance made in
relation to my salary continuance policy. And my attempt to explain as
testimony then given to the Tribunal of my relative and lived actions,
as an activity which occurred contemporaneously to the Islamic terrorist
EVENTS of 11 September, 2001. As my ardent (ie. very enthusiastic or
passionate; [archaic or literary] burning; glowing) belief in it being
at the time, a milestone date as TELOS (ie. an ultimate object or aim.
In the hedonistic life, people lose some moral purpose, a telos which
provides the moral justification for the society).

And further on the notion of TELOS I would agree (beyond its Biblical
eschatological notion) with Epicurean and other Greek Philosophers
additional deliberations of it:

Epicurus regarded ataraxia (tranquility, freedom from fear) and aponia
(absence of pain) as the height of happiness and that such pleasure is
the ultimate good (telos). He also considered prudence an important
virtue and perceived excess and overindulgence to be contrary to the
attainment of ataraxia and aponia. [Epicurus, "Letter to Menoeceus",
contained in Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Book X;
Wikipedia 2016:Epicurus]

There is also in relation to TELOS, a sense of eudemonia (flourishing),
by the enabling of work as the service or a duty in regard of others and
pursuit of a higher ideal. I believe that the work I do genuinely serves
others, fulfilling the Telos of work, thereby reflecting the im­age of
God. [Created to Serve: The Telos of Work, Josh Satre, The Augustine

Through tying it to the Dead Sea Scrolls 364 day/year calendar reprise
EVENT occurring on the Equinox of Wednesday 20 March, 1996 / New Moon of
Thursday 21 March, 1996 and then further associating it to the
historical and conventional mapping as a Magic Square paradigm (ie.
Celestial Hierarchy) of attributed time and governance, providing a
custodial centre #41 of the seven #369 magic squares on 13-17 September,
2001. I had by such a cataclysmic EVENT and a transcendent
chronological/mathematical principle, seriously challenged the
foundations of Islamic belief, internalized and silenced their
conflicted state and that of other religious belief systems such as
Judaism, Freemasonry, Catholicism and Christianity in it's many forms.

In truth, I doubted that I would find (BUT I HAVE NOW) an American who
disagreed with my embryonic PLANS of a courageous, covert action, as
having an essence of chutzpah which was invested in because of a
presumption relating to the corresponding significance of an earlier
cosmological EVENT that was entirely unrecognized by others. Being a
divergent view, contemporaneously held at the time of those cataclysmic
EVENTS of 11 September, 2001. As then the intentioned and determined
basis for anti-terrorism SUPPORT action made in response to such, which
was subsequently undertaken.

That accordingly, I can unambiguously characterize this unreasonable
public as willful Internet conduct engaged in by Christopher A. Lee, as
conduct conveying a sufficient degree of seriousness or "moral
culpability" as to be a matter of public concern.

Which is not directed against the information and reasoned argumentation
as that I have patiently provided, but against my person, dignity,
virtuous conduct and well-being, and is the UNFORTUNATE AND UNINTENDED
CONSEQUENCE AS AN UNCONSCIOUS "intent to assist, an enemy at war with
both the United States of America and Commonwealth of Australia". As a
grievous wrong perpetuated against the "public interest" and thereby
under our Legislation constitutes a TREASONABLE ACT.

The impetus and nature of my own covert religious based activism and
advocacy activity as an anti-terrorism initiative, has sought:

a) To effect a denial of any claimed "divine imperative" by the Islamic
terrorist group Al-Qaeda associated to the EVENT of 11 September, 2001
as terror attacks against the United States of America;

b) A PLAN to undermine the foundations of Islamic extremist religious
belief; and

c) Give an auxiliary and prerogative (ie. a privileged right of the
sovereign that is theoretically subject to no restriction) SUPPORT to
any Gay and Lesbian Community's initiatives towards the adoption of same
sex marriage legislation.

Such perverse and adversarial public Internet conduct that I have been
routinely subject to, is an unbridled and unrestrained attempt to impede
the successful completion of the above stated goals (which I have
concluded), to murder my reputation and human dignity without any
conscious acceptance of the merit to the aforementioned action against
religious extremism as anti-humanity, anti-society, anti-civilization
and anti-religion activity.

I would then on the basis of such a cosmological fact as previously
disclosed, and it's probable basis, as the origins of the initial Hebrew
language (ie. 22 letters, base-7 chronology, rational Pi and the ennead
of Thoth) then go so far as to suggest:

That had it's proof of concept as lunar/solar cycles which is asserted
by the Dead Sea Scrolls 364 day/year chronology and 6 year calendar only
discovered in 1946/1956, been known at the time of the fascist
inspiration, given by the philosopher Martin Heidegger (d. 1976), when
he advanced such notions as:

- On the Essence of Language,

- Being and Time

That the nihilistic consequence as Jewish non-existence (which as an
atheist you imply by the denial of such a cosmological fact to the
contrary) would not have then been manifested as a holocaust of over 6
million people.

As if it wasn't shameful enough that the Jewish people could not speak
up about their own history and prior experience of annihilation by Roman
military pogrom, to which such a fact was then associated by daily
practice in the Jerusalem (King Herod's) Temple [Luke 1:5]. And of which
event in 69CE, the arch of Titus in Rome records.

The greater shame is, that your continued denial of a such a
cosmological fact, bestows upon you the consideration that you are a
fascist apologist and your presence here as public conduct within these
newsgroups should be condemned with the utmost vigor.

Your only hope is that some other atheist with a capacity to think as
becomes a human being, can rescue you from such a depravity of being.

And not be equally mired by wearing the same disgusting mantle themselves.

Let them so speak--nothing restrains you so they similarly ought not to
have any inhibitions in answering such a consideration of being
themselves fascist apologists and empathizers.

A record of my dissatisfaction of your atheistic values and conduct of
some 15-20 years within these religious newsgroups is now a matter of
public record--justify yourself if you can!"


This edition within the Grindr Life... series is based on a dialog with
a 23yo Israeli Traveler as a wrongful hysteria and extrapolated
assertion that I'm antisemitic, simply because I proffered an opinion,
as to the lack of any meaningful social discourse from the Jewish
religious community at the time as their reaction in being so defined by
those very elements as the Sabbath day, Kabbalistic origins of the
Hebrew language and a dependence upon an attribution time as spatial
overlay and technology of soul that are essentially contained within
Heidegger's published works on Being & Time and Origins of Language.

SEE ALSO: "Reaching Out to Hassidic Judaism at"


This opinion of mine was made to mitigate the circumstance whereby a
German gay buddy of mine was unnecessarily suffering from a
disproportionate cultural guilt associated with the holocaust.

Last week, despite my ernest and forthright assertions of having an
empathy towards Jewish Hassidic philosophical and theological (without
any asceticism as a practised behavioural element) belief, which despite
its apparent innate mutually exclusive and contradictory presence of
mind and being. I was then repeatedly defined as having an intrinsic
disability as narcissistic character attribution, the embodiment of
views of a white supremacist and labelled a fascist by members of the
Gippsland Gay community Facebook group who were unable to resolve this
apparent dichotomy of motive, intent and presence mind and being and
were then driven to abandon all reasonableness in entering into a
delusional state of holocaust denial.

SEE ALSO: "Rainbow Muslims Made A Statement In This (2016) Year’s Sydney
Gay And Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade"


None of these racialisms as asserted innate characteristics of
superiority were manifestly apparent to my German buddy.

I said, "I had an interesting conversation with a German man and friend
who expressed a cultural concern to me about a disproportionate
holocaust guilt, which started me thinking.

I replied to him that Heidegger was responsible for much of the
transformative thinking to our Western philosophy of that age and which
together with some pseudoscientific rationalisations gave rise to
socialism as fascism.

He existed within the fabric of the institutional educational thinking
of the time and contributed to such concepts as origins of language and
being & time.

That the Jewish people are themselves uniquely defined by an attribute
of time such as the sabbath day and the language centric Kabbalah
together with the paradigm known as the celestial hierarchy as an
attributed time and technology of the soul which also permeated
Christian identity in the Middle Ages and Islam particularly.

From my observation (If in error, I will welcome correction) the Jewish
communal isolationism from the general German society, then failed to
raise any voice of objection or make any contributions to the contrary
of those advanced by Heidegger's view--I can't readily find to this day,
any Jewish philosophers and theological thinkers who from their Torah
perspective, actually challenged that branch of German thinking.

If they did, the outcome might have been different."

23yo Israeli Traveler: "Man that's too much for the morning."

I said, "I suppose that it is, but never the less, I'd be pleased if you
could consider it as I made it the subject of a Facebook post today."

23yo Israeli Traveler: "So basically you 'blame' the Jews for creating
the socialism / communism because you had a bad romance with an Israeli
guy. Some people can blame you on being antisemitic."

I said, "I think it's a reasonable response to the issue of
disproportionate holocaust guilt by German culture.

I've read a lot on but I don't see much dialog on the issue of
the Kabbalistic approach to attributed time.

As I pointed out of Heidegger's work On Time and Being (which I have in
my library but a reluctance to read because of the thought complexity)
is something that ought to have generated a dialogue, but I have never
found it as such and he died in 1976 and whilst some blame him for
fascism as I would, they never proved it.

My Israeli boyfriend had nothing but contempt for Jewish religious
belief, so I could never ask him."

23yo Israeli Traveler: "It's antisemitic and very unmodern to say it
that way. Jewish doesn't need socialism to exist and the world doesn't
need Jewish to create communism.

The communist regime in Russia didn't protected the Jews and Isreal, as
the state of the Jewish people is far from being socialist. The logical
connection between the two was made up in a very unsaintly mind."

I said, "I'm not anti Semitic at all.

And I use the term Jewish as a religious construct only and as distinct
from any nationality as Israeli statehood identity.

I don't think it is antisemitic in that regard."

SEE ALSO: "Loins of Your Mind: Sin as religion in which "world-rulers of
darkness and powers" engage"


23yo Israeli Traveler: "I didn't say you are. I think what you are
saying is.

You should separate the terms 'Jewish' and 'Israel' then.

It's likely, I'll say that because you had a bad experience with an
Israeli, and you then became antisemitic.

It stands upon the same fucked up logic you are using for your first

I got accused of being antisemitic today by a 23yo Israeli guy. I had
asked him to comment on the rationale I gave to a German guy on why he
shouldn't feel a disproportionate holocaust guilt.

It's rare to find any Jewish person with the necessary theosophical and
philosophical foundations to make an informed opinion (I believe, and I
could be wrong in that Kabbalah mysticism isn't taught to them until
they reach an age of 40yo), so this 23yo Israeli grasped at the only
thing he knew and that was a hysteria as claimed antisemitism.

But at least he didn't block me.

I had told him for instance, that I once had an Israeli boyfriend during
the year he qualified for Australian Citizenship, and who had nothing
but contempt for Jewish religious belief.

The 23yo Israeli then extrapolated from that a bad experience with the
relationship, which in his mind at least, because I never stated it, was
then the substantive cause of my disaffection of Jews and antisemitic views.

He couldn't win, but I did strike him back with my knowing the rarity
(never to be repeated in our lifetime) as a recent astronomical
conjunction occurring on Wednesday 20 March 1996 / New Moon 21 March.
Being a relevant comprehension of the chronological starting point or
their reprise and the understanding of the Dead Sea Scrolls 6 year X
#364 day calendaring cycle, together with the reestablished ordering as
Gamul the 22nd (of the 24 divisions in total) Course of the priestly
service to the Jewish temple in Jerusalem (a sequencing of time
established from 1550 BCE and ceasing in 69 CE when it's theatre of
staging was destroyed by the Romans and to which the Arch of Titus in
Rome refers to this day) and for which as an Israeli of a Jewish
religious heritage he had no answer--will the real Jew please stand up!

My final comment to him was summarily this (with later enlargements and
grammatical considerations additional): I have had a long interest in
systems of belief associated with attributed time and have constructed
an alternative model comprising 7 X #369 magic squares, together with a
heterospiragyra transformative layer and the amalgamation of the Chinese
I Ching/Dao Te Ching model of Empire Governance published in4 BCE.

This alternative model provides a cohesive and equitable mathematical
distribution of number throughout the daily and yearly cycle, rather
than the symbolic spacial overlay accompanying the traditional
progression of magic squares from #15 to #369 in the belief that such a
historic view derived from antiquity is both superseded and an
internalised, self contained, intrinsic functional essence provided by
the usage of the 7 X #369 model--whereby the cushioning male and the
referential mapped female correspondences (mirroring the Pythagorean
spermatic conception of number) conformed (in my mind at least as a
theoretically a noumenon) to the Kantian philosophical Categories of
Understanding that are computed gematric entities as derived
attributions mapped entirely and embedded within the Biblical Hebrew and
Greek Lexicon, as then the theological justification for same sex
marriage (as the degree of maleness / femaleness are internal
characteristics of a each person's being rather than exclusively defined
by gender)

SEE ALSO: "Number (HETEROS) Mysticism as the Canonical Basis for
Religious Dogma on Marriage as Opposition to Same Sex Marriage"


Given my explanation of the Dead Sea Scroll's Calendar, I then used this
chronological reprise (the Genesis Principle as to why the sun and the
moon as the elements of an undisrupted chronology, unlike the Julian
calendar altered in 1582/1751 by adopting the Gregorian Reforms, were
manifestly created on the fourth day) as an anchorage point for then
mapping the traditional Jewish Kabbalah model of time (4, 5 & 6
arbitrary associations), with a further connection made by subscribing
to the universal memetic architecture advanced by the Spiral Dynamic
(Beck & Cowan (c) 1996) 9 layer universal psychological paradigm which
is then independent and unshackled from its historical usage as a model
of governance known as the Celestial Hierarchy (Seraphim, Cherubim,
Thrones ... Arch-Angels, Angels) that is common and foundational to
Judaism, Christianity and Islam (which invalidates the Islamic use of
the gematria value of centre #41 for its schematic of good and bad
Angels) religious identities. And then establishes by the transcendence
of time and it's anchorage to the Dead Seas Scrolls Calendar of
Wednesday 20 March 1996 as a chronological reprise, an established
strategic point of seizure during the 11 September 2001 Terrorist
Events, against the #41 centre which is common characteristic
attribution of the universal 9x9 magic squares (in tic tac toe which is
based on the 3x3 square such a strategic seizure of the centre, results
in either a draw or a win scenario) as manifestly a triumphant
millennial accomplishment, occurring by no other force of nature, other
than the equitable transition as passage of time as experience common to
all peoples at the same time oblivious to the ecliptic transitional
event in otherwise being focussed on the religiously motivated terrorist
events in New York of 11 September, 2001.

SEE ALSO: "The Illegality Defence: Has Your Insured Been Misbehaving on
This Anzac Day of 25 April 2016?"


In all that time as the passage over two decades, I have collected some
books which establish by only scant reference that the specific reliance
on the progression of magic squares, precedes the conception of the
Kabbalistic geometric model as an indestructible thought atom and the
original basis to the Hebrew language upon which all Jewish religious
belief is then established.

Yet I can't find anyone within the Jewish community who is even able and
let alone willing to publicly discuss that observation, as the highest
magnitude thinking regarding the establishment and validation of the
entire universal Kabbalah paradigm unquestionably continually used to
this day.

And it would be impossible for me (by virtue or by no virtue at all, as
specific prohibitions towards homosexual acts immutably within the
Torah) to even be capable of a direct life sustaining association, with
anything other than a meagre and passively remote viewing of the
essentially of Hassidic Jewish religious belief (without any dependence
asceticism) simply because I am a gay man and excluded by it.

So once again, I have raised deep thinking relevant issues as the
substantial basis for establishing the claim, that I am not being
inherently antisemitic in raising a question about disproportionate
transference of a cultural holocaust guilt which is mitigated by a
silence from the Jewish religious community on the philosophical issues
foundational and causally intrinsic to their very existence, but I do
realise that Jewish religious belief is a segmented community and it is
futile to discuss many such matters when it exclusively the intellectual
providence of one specific group.

I know that the Jewish Kabbalah of attributed time obtains its non
unique, symbolic spatial overlay from a magical contrivance performed
upon the symmetry if the Biblical text of Exodus 14:19-21 and have
alternatively proposed a mathematical 7 X # 369 magic square cubic model
which is then inclusive of a heterospiragyra transformative layer
together with the Chinese system of empire governance published within
4BCE as an universal and equitable system which then puts an immense
pressure as the questioning the validity of existence to Islamic
religious belief and it's lack of rationality in making a continuing
historical usage of the progression of magic squares.

I thank you again for your patience and courtesy, despite the hysterical
accusation of antisemitism and the other causal factors contributing to
the holocaust over which I disagree with you.

But it will now be a poisonous explanation from today onwards, in being
published on Facebook as a public forum. When heretofore it has never
been publicly disclosed, instead by exception to only a select number of
friends as an intensely private secret

I said, "It is lengthy and apologise for that in advance and because of
it's intensity as subject matter which you initially raised as your
first reaction and now you may feel a compulsion to block as the only
available rationality in order to deal comfortably with it.

Thank you again for your willingness to express a point of view."

23yo Israeli Traveler: "You can add that I said you are a very poor
person who doesn't know how to debate properly and you really didn't get
me. I didn't try to win the game that you put me into.

I dunno how you call yourself, but philosophy is none of your concern
and definitely it is not a philosophical debate and honesty writing.

And write also that I did block you after I saw how you described the
chat in a very unfair way.

I said, "You resorted to a series of extrapolations as inventions to
give some semblance of respectability to your statements as pejorative
(derogatory term, a term of abuse, or a term of disparagement) so that
it might become self apparent to others as a characterisation of me and
therefore stand by themselves. And which I simply did not make and they
were contrivances of your affections.

With all due respect, you are a product of your Jewish culture which
doesn't give you any valid intellectual conception of the matters you
are now arguing against, until you reach an age of at least 40 years old."

"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God
gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not
convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication,
wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate,
deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful,
proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which
commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have
pleasure in them that do them." [Romans 1:28-32 (KJV)]

dolf: "As an atheistic religionist driven entirely by an animal nature,
"To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in
their hearts turned back again into Egypt, Saying unto Aaron, Make us
gods to go before us: for as for this Moses, which brought us out of the
land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. And they made a calf in
those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the
works of their own hands.

Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it
is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye
offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in
the wilderness?

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god
Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you
away beyond Babylon." [Acts 7:39-43 (KJV)]

By contrast the GRAPPLE paradigm comprises a nine stratum matrix whereby
the 1st to 7th as magic squares each give the sum of #369, the 8th as
Hetero-square Spirogyra order and the 9th as the Tetragrammation to the
I-Ching's Hexagram associators published by Yang Hsiung's T'AI HSUAN
CHING in circa 4 BCE.

This gives rise to the possibility, with respect to the understanding
applied to the contemporaneous and traditional perspective of the
Kabbalistic Tree of Life, which is frequently referred to as MALKUTH
with the 9 upper stratum leading to Kether. To viewing its whole
Geometric form as capable in point of fact, of being subsumed into a
cube with a centre:

IMAGE: Kabbalistic Tree of Life


The purpose of this was to see if there was any common genre and source
between the HEBREW (Semitic) language group, its chronological basis to
the GENESIS literature of the BIBLE and the origins of the metaphysical
Chinese Mystery literature known as the DAO TE CHING--That the
Kabbalistic AIN SOF as the infinite nothing from which is emanated the
reality of the KLI as soul, may be equivalent to the Chinese universal

The Chinese Mystery in grand fashion comprising Heaven's Origin, finds a
norm in the constant sequence of the sun and moon, and in the order of
male-yang and female-yin {ie.

In this ken context the DAO's #81 interspersals throughout the tropical
year as the yin and yang vitality of life as (Gk.) entelechy or
universal phenomenal chi'i; (used by Aristotle 384-322 BCE), from en-
‘within’ + telos ‘end, perfection’ + ekhein ‘be in a certain state’;
might be considered equivalent to the Grapple dialectic daemon as
categories of understanding and mathematical dynamic natural associator
to the vitality of life.

} and makes them the canonical model for all eternity--This cosmological
paradigm observes their revolutions with regard to the Seven Regulators {

From the ruling authorities to the sun, moon and 5 visible planets
given by the Imperial / Religious nomenclature for the first hour of the
day--the Western tradition devises the days of the week accompanying
hymeneal (Arsenokoite -- Heteros autonomic transformative prototype as
marriage associated to the symbolic usage of number, the Osiris myths
and the execution of Jesus of Nazareth [John 1:45; 5:39-47]) practices
prohibited by Torah Judaeo-Christianity's dependency on the Everlasting
Covenant 'oth chronological cosmological cycle [Deuteronomy 4:15-19;
Romans 1:20-25; Luke 7:24-28; Matthew 11:7-30]

} associated to the zodiac and astrological examinations for patterns of
the Dragon and Tiger (eastern and western quadrant constellations) and
contemplation of the lines of the Bird and Turtle (southern and northern
quadrant constellations). Has its instigation within a 60 year cycle as
CHIA TZU year as established on the 1st day of the new moon commencing
with midnight on the winter solstice of 104 BCE.

That this lunar sequence instigated within the Chinese Han Dynasty has a
calendaring and Imperial equivalence to the Jewish history and
perspective of the mysteries involving John Hyrcanus I who reigned in
135-104 BCE as Maccabean high priest, ruler and suspected false prophet
[? cf. 4Q339] as member of the Hasmonean family. [cf. Josephus
Antiquities 13.299-300]

The answer to this riddle is perhaps found in an explanation of the
notion of a cosmological turning point in the calendar in relation to
the 28 year cycle that was based on a solar year of 365.25 days, and
accepted as part of the adoption of the Julian calendar. Which is now
known as being only nearly precise. The Julian calendar loses one day of
accuracy about every 128 years.

Whereas the Temple calendar of 364 days and its concerns for the 22nd
Course of Gamul in the month of Tishri within the 6th year, obtained its
cosmological turning point from a 294 x 364 day cycle on Equinox of
Wednesday 20 March: "To show itself from the east and to shine forth in
the center of the sky at the base of the expanse of the sky, from
evening to morning on the 4th day from Sabbath, during the course of the
sons of Gamul, in the first month of the first year." [4Q320]

According to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, the primary source for the
institution of Birkat Hachama is a Beraita mentioned in the Talmud: "Our
rabbis taught: 'One who sees the sun at its turning point...recites the
blessing of 'the maker of works of creation." The middle of this clause
in the beraita (elided here) speaks of other astronomical phenomena, the
interpretation of which is ambiguous. The Gemara clarifies when the
'turning point' mentioned in the beraita occurs:

"And when does this happen? Abaye answers: every 28 years..." Next, the
gemara explains the basis of the 28 years:

"...when the cycle renews and the 'season of Nisan' (i.e. vernal
equinox) falls in Saturn, on the evening of Tuesday going into
Wednesday." This explanation provided by Abaye is based on a ruling of
Samuel of Nehardea (165 -257 CE) also mentioned in the Talmud:

This table represents a week with all the 24 hours marked and labelled
by the "planet", actually a celestial light in direct translation, which
corresponds to them according to the ancient geocentric model of
"planet" order. It is based on Rashi's commentary to Eruvin 56a. We
create this table by noting that in the Bible the stars were created on
Wednesday at twilight so we place Saturn (the first "star") at hour 1
(or 6:00 p.m.). Then we follow with all the 6 other "planets" (Jupiter,
Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon) and repeat the order until all the
hours of the week have a "star" assigned to them.

- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Sunday Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc
Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat
Monday Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup
Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun
Tuesday Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven
Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon
Wednesday Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon
Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar
Thursday Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun
Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc
Friday Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon
Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup
Saturday Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar
Sun Ven Merc Moon Sat Jup Mar Sun Ven

We assume the world was created in the Hebrew month of Nissan, not
Tishrei. So hour 1 (sunset) on Wednesday on this chart represents the
beginning of Tekufat Nissan (Spring) in the first year of creation, the
Hebrew year 1. For the purpose of Birkat Hachama, the calculation of
Samuel of Nehardea (165 -257 CE) for the length of a tropical year is
used not the more accurate calculation of the later 3rd to 4th century
Adda bar Ahavah.

Therefore a year is assumed to be 52 weeks and 1 day and 6 hours (365.25
days). This means that a year after creation Tekufat Nissan will occur 1
day and 6 hours later on this chart, or on Thursday at the 6th hour,
Jupiter. Each year this will shift another day and 6 hours. It will take
28 years for Tekufat Nissan to return to being on Wednesday at twilight.

It is worth noting that the true spring equinox occurs on March 21 yet
Birkat Hachama is said 18 days later. This inaccuracy accrued over
thousands of years as a result of using the inexact calculation of
Samuel for the length of the year.

Yet the Torah perspective of cosmogony associated to the Mysteries as
conveyed by GENESIS appears identical to the Chinese literature: "The
Mystery of which we speak in hidden places, as dazzling light from the
infinite and fiery brilliance out of the boundless unfolds (li or chang:
'to expand') the myriad species (categories) from the primordial chaos
as the holding place for Being, without revealing a form of its own:

It fashions the stuff of (ie. gives birth to and nourishes) Emptiness
and Formlessness (of the primordial chaos), giving birth to the
regulations (ie. the circular motion of the sun). Tied to the gods in
Heaven and the spirits on Earth {ie. The Way is a daemonic equivalent to
these potencies; cf: #60}, it fixes the models (mo: numbers or shu:
calculations). It pervades and assimilates past and present, originating
the categories. It unfolds and intersperses yin and yang, generating the
chi'i (as the vitality which informs the entire cosmos and binds all
humans to the rest of phenomena)." [Nylan, Hsuan Li (Evolution of the
Mystery), Canon of Supreme Mystery 1993:429, 64]

And this is relevant to the Jewish pogrom against its own people
associated to an understanding of the Religious /Political Mysteries
{According to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world
began but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known
to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God
[Romans 16: 25-26]} as anchoraged given them by the Apostle Paul's
depiction of events on the Road to Damascus:

"Suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the
ground and heard a voice"

Is consistent with DAOIST contemporaneous metaphysical thought of those
Religious and Imperial Political Mysteries:

"The Mystery of which we speak in hidden places, as dazzling light from
the infinite and fiery brillance out of the boundless unfolds (li or
chang: 'to expand') the myriad species (categories) from the primordial
chaos as the holding place for Being, without revealing a form of its own."

"Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of
the Lord, went to the high priest and asked for letters from him to the
synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way {ie.

'We neither received letters from Judea concerning you, nor have any of
the brethren who came [to Rome] reported or spoken any evil of you. But
we desire to hear from you what you think; for concerning this sect, we
know that it is spoken against everywhere.' [Acts 28:21-22]

}, whether men or women he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

And as he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone
around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground and heard a voice
saying to him, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?'

And he said, 'Who are you, Lord?'

And the Lord said, 'I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for
you to kick against the goads.'"

And the Lord said to him, 'Arise and go into the city, and you will be
told what you must do.'

And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but
seeing no one." [Acts 9:1-7]

I've recently been asked the question, as to when can we see the Holy
Spirit talking to you? My answer to this is that in the beginning of
things, when there was formless and void--with darkness on the face of
the deep, when this Spirit was hovering over the face of the waters.
Simply look at the hypostatic dynamics of the speech as the categories
of understanding: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with
God, and the word was God." [John 1:1]

dolf: I've previsouly postulated ...

Polly the Parrot (John Phillips: aka
flatulantdingo, dogfart): "[hige snip...] Prozac finished again, dolt?"

I've previously postulated regarding the existence of these specific
nous conceptual zones as elements of mind and whether they can in any
way be affected in their connectedness as meta-descriptors of categories
and instances by which to cognize events and that might actually happen
in the natural world and are given journalistic coverage by the news media.

- dolf



POPE FRANCIS TOOK ACTION" of 28 June - 1 July, 2016


SEE ALSO: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious Belief As Eucharist To
Yourself Only!" of 25-27 June, 2016


SEE ALSO: "Q&A Musings On BREXIT" of 25-26 June 2016


On 1/07/2016 20:22, �RLMeasures wrote:
> In article <>, dolf
> <> wrote:
>> On 1/07/2016 07:53, �RLMeasures wrote:
>>> In article <>, PATRICK
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> You asked me " How many wrote about it in Scripture??" I
>>>> answered your question.
>>> 16€ Saul of Tarsus never met Jesus or heard one of Jesus'
>>> lectures.
>> Why would the Apostle Paul need to as Jesus of Nazareth was the
>> personification as incarnated embodiment of the Torah:
> ** Jesus was not the promised Jewish Messiah, he was a rabbi who
> spoke the truth about what is expected of us. There will bever be a
> magical saviour of our species. end

What is the nature of your religious/spiritual belief and does it have a
organisational context?

That is a perverse and wicked statement on whose mind (ie. the Divine
Mind as Godhead) matters--it shows a disregard for the unambiguous word
of God:

"According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our
Lord: In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith
of him. Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you,
which is your glory.

For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That he would
grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with
might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your
hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able
to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and
depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth
knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto
him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or
think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in
the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.
Amen." [Ephesians 3:11-21 (KJV)]

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in
the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made
himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and
was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he
humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the
cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name
which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the
earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence
only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with
fear and trembling.

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good

Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke,
in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as
lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice
in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in
vain. Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your
faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all." [Philippians 2:5-17 (KJV)]

Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one
toward another according to Christ Jesus:

That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the
glory of God.

Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the
truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: And that
the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this
cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name.
And again he saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people. And again,
Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him, all ye people. And
again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall
rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust."
[Romans 15:5-12 (KJV)]

"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for
they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they
are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things,
yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the
Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." [1
Corinthians 2:14-16 (KJV)]

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in
the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made
himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and
was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he
humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the
cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name
which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should
bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the
earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father." [Philippians 2:5-11 (KJV)]

"Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm
yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the
flesh hath ceased from sin;

That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the
lusts of men, but to the will of God. For the time past of our life may
suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in
lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and
abominable idolatries:

Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same
excess of riot, speaking evil of you:

Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the
dead. For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are
dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live
according to God in the spirit.

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch
unto prayer." [1 Peter 4:1-7 (KJV)]

How readest thou?

- dolf
>> "Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one
>> that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye
>> believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for [*Moses*] *wrote*
>> *of* *me*. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe
>> my words?" [John 5:45-47 (KJV)]
>> And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you,
>> while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which
>> were *written* *in* *the* *law* *of* *Moses*, *and* *in* *the*
>> *prophets*, *and* *in* *the* *psalms*, *concerning* *me*. Then
>> opened he their understanding, that they might understand the
>> scriptures..." [Luke 24:44-45 (KJV)]
>> "But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as
>> concerning this sect, we know that every where it is spoken
>> against.
>> And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into
>> his lodging; to whom *he* *expounded* *and* *testified* *the*
>> *kingdom* *of* *God*, *persuading* *them* *concerning* *Jesus*,
>> *both* *out* *of* *the* *law* *of* *Moses*, *and* *out* *of* *the*
>> *prophets*, from morning till evening.
>> And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed
>> not. And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed,
>> after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by
>> Esaias the prophet unto our fathers, Saying, Go unto this people,
>> and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and
>> seeing ye shall see, and not perceive:" [Acts 28:22-26 (KJV)]
>> How readest thou?
>> - dolf


Jul 1, 2016, 4:31:36 PM7/1/16
On 2/07/2016 02:07, �RLMeasures wrote:
Sadly, Rabbi Michael Lerner (representing American Jews) eulogy given at
the Muhammad Ali memorial wasn't as informed as he claims to be--it's
easy to have solidarity with another's belief systems which commonly
deploys a Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theory of Number basis to their Kabbalah
System (ie. Celestial Hierarchy) as a Technology of Soul--Babylonian
Harlotry as Idolatry.

Governor Swill

Jul 1, 2016, 5:34:51 PM7/1/16
On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 12:47:51 -0400, PATRICK <>

>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:23 -0400, Governor Swill wrote:
>>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" wrote:
>>>That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.
>>This is my biggest issue with Christianity. More and more, the
>>Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form the basis of the
>>churches' doctrines.

>Do you have any examples of the gospels being ignored.

Sure. In my own Protestant upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were
sacrosanct and the basis of everything. Today, there are entire
churches based on Paul's books or focusing on one or another of them.
One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
preached from on Sunday.

Donald J. Trump: The asteroid destined to destroy
a party of dinosaurs. - Samantha Bee

Trump Claim: Ambassador Chris Stevens "was left helpless to die
as Hillary Clinton soundly slept in her bed..."
Fact: The attack in Benghazi was at 3:45 pm, Eastern.
Hillary was wide awake when the call came in.
Trump is a liar.


Jul 1, 2016, 7:57:27 PM7/1/16
In article <>, PATRICK
€€€ Jesus was dead, resurrected and long gone when Saul/Paul showed up.


Jul 1, 2016, 8:03:16 PM7/1/16
When you exceed the word limit I balk.

In article <>, dolf
> >>>> ,,, ,,,


Jul 1, 2016, 8:07:09 PM7/1/16
Too long.

In article <>, dolf
> >>>>>... ...

Governor Swill

Jul 1, 2016, 8:22:14 PM7/1/16
GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "Sure. In my own Protestant
upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were sacrosanct and the basis of
everything. Today, there are entire churches based on Paul's books or
focusing on one or another of them.

One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
preached from on Sunday."

dolf: "Delusional and fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and nothingness."

On 2/07/2016 07:34, Governor Swill <> wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 12:47:51 -0400, PATRICK <>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:23 -0400, Governor Swill wrote:
>>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" wrote:
>>>> That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.
>>> This is my biggest issue with Christianity. More and more, the
>>> Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form the basis of the
>>> churches' doctrines.
>> Do you have any examples of the gospels being ignored.
> Sure. In my own Protestant upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were
> sacrosanct and the basis of everything. Today, there are entire
> churches based on Paul's books or focusing on one or another of them.
> One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
> the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
> preached from on Sunday.
> Swill


DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Here's what [Pope Francis] said that you
are ignoring. Remember, God hates the sin but loves the sinner.

[I quote:] "The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but
homosexual acts are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.'

Thus it's time for you to eliminate the sin from your life."

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "They are not my sins as I am not a Catholic."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "There is only one God, and he said, 'the
active homosexual will not inherit the kingdom of God'. That's
addressed to all mankind."

dolf: "Adultery and fornication?

Consider then King Solomon with 700 wives and 300 concubine v's 2 idols
of other gods."

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "I don't understand why you
post this tripe.

Does anybody read it?

And who is 'dolf'?

You talking about the poster in my kill-file who posts similarly stupid

HD (HER...@BIGPOND.COM): "Dolf is a queer. Most of them become
religio-phobics. Dolf tries hard to convince himself that on the eight
day God created homosexuals."
GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "You just do that
to annoy Rudy, don't you? :)"

dolf: "Rudy was actually my informal and familiar name within the
Victoria Police Force until I made (according to law) a Change of Name
Registration on 9 July 1987 to my entry of a Birth Registration kept at
the office of 'Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages' in the State of
Victoria, in the Commonwealth of Australia."
dolf: "As an atheistic Catholic driven entirely by an animal nature, you
Got anything further to say you fascist whore?"
BBB DOW #14 (R0LLINTHRU@KOOKS): "Phuck 0ff ya edjut (ie. educational
entertainment [also referred to by the portmanteau neologism
edutainment] is content designed to educate and to entertain0.

Heads up for whom is ripe for deportation back to the sh!thole y'all.
Slid out of? [rhet[oric]]"

The acronym EDJUT has a life path number 6. Individuals with the life
path number six are strong and dependable having the capacity to stand
their ground in any circumstance.

People with a strong sense of compassion. Decency and the welfare of
others is of extraordinary significance to this life path. The biggest
priority is always your home and family. Ready to help others in need
without a second thought. You see magnificence in creative expressions
and music. Harmonious interpersonal connections and community are vital
to you. This attribute makes you a magnificent host.


dolf: "That's not a comprehensible sentence: shit for brains."

BBB DOW #14 (R0LLINTHRU@KOOKS): "Sum gerbil from West of Town [replied].

'Spastic' does that to yer :-/

... or multiple TAFE fails over basic entry eengrish. haw haw :-|"

Oh fskn Dear... how 0ff mark was I..[?]

Not only the **wrong** Town buuut the [wrong] fskn STATE..!

/slaps cheek silly

Sooo.. yer buried deep in the City....

...bugs up yer arse after yer night job carvin' rotting meat offn that
flyspeckled wheel onto crepes ... adding lashings of mongrel Filipino
manufactured ketchup... an' thinking ewe have a 'job' :-/"

dolf: "There is always a delicious churrasco (barbecue) of sausages on
Saturday morning provided by the locals as community minded people doing
fund-raising and especially so on State or Federal Election days."
[Courtesy: Word of the Day for 1 July 2016,]

BBB DOW #14 (R0LLINTHRU@KOOKS): ""worse... yew'l be voting tamorra for
that shrunken head kewpie doll Bandt ...!... wankin' an' wishin' the
weather in Melbourne will somehow resemble normal for Australia in the
next Parliament...!

Lucks with that ... yer freeloading retard'd ethnic :-}

haw...phuking HAW ..!"

dolf: "Your sentence structure conveys an undeniable sense of
derangement, disordered thinking and are schismatic as if you are within
an embrace of a bi-polar episode--such is their incomprehensibility."

BBB DOW #14 (R0LLINTHRU@KOOKS): "dolf <--- yer a sicko ferret phucker

Is [that] the best ewe got :-}



dolf: "You aren't mentally stable...

That is most apparent."



dolf's Friday *PM* 'stopped clock right twice a day' moment:

SPNAK! on murphy."

dolf: "A failure to answer that explicit and unambiguous question with
clarity, will result in a legal claim of defamation, slander and
unlawful use of telecommunications carriage service for harassment being
made against you in due course.

Your absence of any rational, reasoned explanation beyond defamatory and
untruthful characterizations as pejoratives, speaks of the great abysmal
depth of depravity and perversity which is entirely your own claim to a
faux-piety (ie. did you have a church wedding? A check of the Government
agency: Register of Birth, Deaths and Marriages will determine that) as
an enduring exonerated state of being and cockroach ignorance which it
claims is a virtue.

You are as an Atheist, no different to a Christ-killer Catholic neophyte
(ie. disbelief and non-belief) after all.

I have the substance of apperception to make such an unremorseful pious
claim as the lawful basis of my own religious belief.

I've now ceased all civil pleasantry with your ilk and am purposefully
engaged in a more rigorous tone of dialogue.

Godless scum that you are.

Have I made myself clear enough for you this time you fascist
anti-Semitic whore?"

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "[Many things were] written by Paul who
never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive."

RL MEASURES: "Paul {small; little} (Saul {demanded; lent; ditch; death})
of Tarsus {winged; feathered} never met Jesus {savior; deliverer} or
heard one of Jesus' lectures."

dolf: "Why would the Apostle Paul {small; little} ever need to have
either met or heard Jesus {savior; deliverer} of Nazareth {sovereign;
one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned; sanctified} as he was the
personification and the incarnated embodiment of the Torah:

"Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that
accuseth you, even Moses {taken out; drawn forth}, in whom ye trust. For
had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for [*Moses*] *wrote*
*of* *me*.

But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?"
[John 5:45-47 (KJV)]

And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while
I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were
*written* *in* *the* *law* *of* *Moses*, *and* *in* *the* *prophets*,
*and* *in* *the* *psalms*, *concerning* *me*.

Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the
scriptures..." [Luke 24:44-45 (KJV)]

"But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning
this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against.

And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his
lodging; to whom *he* *expounded* *and* *testified* *the* *kingdom* *of*
*God*, *persuading* *them* *concerning* *Jesus*, *both* *out* *of* *the*
*law* *of* *Moses*, *and* *out* *of* *the* *prophets*, from morning till

And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.
And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that
Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias {the
salvation of the Lord} the prophet unto our fathers, Saying, 'Go unto
this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand;
and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive:'" [Acts 28:22-26 (KJV)]

How readest thou?"

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "This is my biggest
issue with Christianity.

More and more, the Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form
the basis of the churches' doctrines."

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "Sure. In my own Protestant
upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were sacrosanct and the basis of
everything. Today, there are entire churches based on Paul's books or
focusing on one or another of them.

One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
preached from on Sunday."

dolf: "Delusional and fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and nothingness."
dolf: "Hail God of Hymen!

#15CE ... #34CE ... #65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic'

What do you say to the claim that Jubilee 2000 celebrations was the
worship of Satanism?

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans



1) Torah's Sabbath (HOMOIOS) view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] is a genuine Sabbath based Genesis reprise [Exodus 20:8;
Deuteronomy 5:15];

2) Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theorem: a² = b² + c² is fascist (see image below)


"Pilate {armed with a dart} therefore said unto him. 'Art thou a king then?'

Jesus {savior; deliverer} answered, 'Thou sayest that I am a king. To
this end was I born, and for this cause I into the world, that I should
bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my

Pilate saith unto him, '*What* *is* *truth*?'

And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith
unto them, 'I find in him no fault at all.'" [John 18:37-38 (KJV)]

If language then has a cosmological basis (ie. rational PI), as an
Anthropic Principle which was known from antiquity, then language isn't
just a metaphorical derivation, but it also has an absolute epistemology
RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "What you wish to believe, you can, but
the majority of the world does[n't] believe everything that your church
say[s] is correct and most people a[re] not involved in your church."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "The people of the world don't count. Only
God does, and he said that the active homosexual at death is not worthy
"Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.

The pontiff says Church teachings dictate that gay people should not be
discriminated against, but respected.

The Church teaches that homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts
are, and that homosexuals should try to be chaste.

As providence would have it today at just after 1310 hours (AEST) on 1
July 2016, I was on my way down the street in order to get a hamburger,
when there were two male zealotry Christians on a street corner calling
for repentance opposite the clock-tower in Raymond Street, Sale and
within proximity to a voting booth for tomorrow's Federal election.

And with such vigor, I then called them each to repentance and when they
faltered, I cursed them to hell and forbade them to speak in their
manner within my presence and get themselves off the street.

The conviction was such, that there was a momentary silence within the
street. By the time I had returned, on my way home with 2 litres of
milk, they had departed.

How readest thou?

Praise be the Lord."

- dolf



POPE FRANCIS TOOK ACTION" of 28 June - 1 July, 2016


SEE ALSO: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious Belief As Eucharist To
Yourself Only!" of 25-27 June, 2016


SEE ALSO: "Q&A Musings On BREXIT" of 25-26 June 2016



Jul 1, 2016, 8:35:28 PM7/1/16
Eternity Lost...

On 2/07/2016 10:03, RLMeasures wrote:
> When you exceed the word limit I balk.


On 2/07/2016 10:07, RLMeasures wrote:
> Too long.

The real reason is that you have no substantial explanation, except to
claim a delusional and fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and nothingness.

The real purpose of my response was to include aus.religion.judaism and
to repay the alt.usenet.kooks participants for their faux-awards and
besmearing parody with a Hitler aggrandizing and fascist idolization as
arse-licking whore travesty of decency conveyed by a youTube video:


Uploaded on Aug 8, 2012: The sock from gets Pwned (ie.
utterly defeat an opponent or rival)



Your Godless dag festering anal-sadistic maggot USENET solicitations as
misuse of a telecommunications carriage for harassment are contemptuous
responses to my Internet campaigning of many years for only nothing more
than my equitable and Human Rights.

And which in conclusion was recently expressed in the instance of a
field test as "Slave Mentality" poetry being the exercise of a
determined willed and voluntary focus of thought upon a specific
Daemon/Angel which is temporally mapped to the 4th July being the day of
celebration for American Independence:

A slave mentality:

- Tips for pay.
- To this day,
- So I say,
- Poverty preys.

It was an undeniable refutation of the FASCIST inspiring philosopher
German Philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), I demonstrated that the
theoretic concept of a metaphysical noumenon as the basis to 'Metaphor,
Essence and Origin of Language' by the thinking of a human being--is
proven to be true.

So cease your FASCIST contempt for my human rights and refrain from
sending me any further of your USENET solicitations and go to HELL.

You are not my people.

I can't put it any more succinctly than that.


-- SOME PEOPLE HAVE NO SHAME (120 Days Of Sodom [Salo/*Sale*]) AND THINK

-- THIS (120 Days Of Sodom [Salo/*Sale*]) IS SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSED TO

-- ISIS threatens Las Vegas, San Francisco with site-specific video: 120
days of Sodom [Salo/*Sale*]

-- WINNERS - June 2016 Usenet Kook Awards: (120 Days Of Sodom [Salo/*Sale*])

YOUTUBE: 120 days of Sodom: Salo - A film by Pier Pasolini (Condensed)




"This documents the essence of the Refused Classification (in Australia)
film "Salo" by Pier Pasolini.

It includes the opening credits, a few scenes from the movie (no nudity,
fake blood, chocolate or marmalade), the closing scene and the final credit.

Full (uncut) versions are legal in France, New Zealand, Japan, the
Netherlands, Sweden and were legal in Australia (rated R) from 1993 to 1998.

Ethnic films are seemingly free from Australia's strict classification

For full details of this film consult the Internet Movie Database"




As providence would have it today at just after 1310 hours (AEST) on 1
July 2016, I was on my way down the street in order to get a hamburger,
when there were two male zealotry Christians on a street corner calling
for repentance opposite the clock-tower in Raymond Street, *Sale* and
within proximity to a voting booth for tomorrow's Federal election.

And with such vigor, I then called them each to repentance and when they
faltered, I cursed them to hell and forbade them to speak in their
manner within my presence and get themselves off the street.

The conviction was such, that there was a momentary silence within the
street. By the time I had returned, on my way home with 2 litres of
milk, they had departed.

How readest thou?

Praise be the Lord."

> In article <>, dolf
> <> wrote:
>> On 2/07/2016 02:07, �RLMeasures wrote:
>>> In article <>, PATRICK
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 23:25:55 +0000 (UTC), Ted&Alice
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> PATRICK <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:23 -0400, Governor Swill
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> ,,, ,,,


dolf: "As an atheistic Catholic driven entirely by an animal nature, you
RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "[Many things were] written by Paul who
never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive."

RL MEASURES: "Paul {small; little} (Saul {demanded; lent; ditch; death})
of Tarsus {winged; feathered} never met Jesus {savior; deliverer} or
heard one of Jesus' lectures."

dolf: "Why would the Apostle Paul {small; little} ever need to have
either met or heard Jesus {savior; deliverer} of Nazareth {sovereign;
one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned; sanctified} as he was the
personification and the incarnated embodiment of the Torah:

"Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that
accuseth you, even Moses {taken out; drawn forth}, in whom ye trust. For
had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for [*Moses*] *wrote*
*of* *me*.

But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?"
[John 5:45-47 (KJV)]

And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while
I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were
*written* *in* *the* *law* *of* *Moses*, *and* *in* *the* *prophets*,
*and* *in* *the* *psalms*, *concerning* *me*.

Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the
scriptures..." [Luke 24:44-45 (KJV)]

"But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning
this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against.

And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his
lodging; to whom *he* *expounded* *and* *testified* *the* *kingdom* *of*
*God*, *persuading* *them* *concerning* *Jesus*, *both* *out* *of* *the*
*law* *of* *Moses*, *and* *out* *of* *the* *prophets*, from morning till

And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not.
And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that
Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias {the
salvation of the Lord} the prophet unto our fathers, Saying, 'Go unto
this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand;
and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive:'" [Acts 28:22-26 (KJV)]

How readest thou?"

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "This is my biggest
issue with Christianity.

More and more, the Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form
the basis of the churches' doctrines."

- dolf



POPE FRANCIS TOOK ACTION" of 28 June - 1 July, 2016


SEE ALSO: "The Wet Biscuit Limits Your Religious Belief As Eucharist To
Yourself Only!" of 25-27 June, 2016


SEE ALSO: "Q&A Musings On BREXIT" of 25-26 June 2016



Jul 1, 2016, 8:42:11 PM7/1/16
So is Clark Gable.
I still get to see him every once in a while.


Jul 1, 2016, 8:45:51 PM7/1/16
On Fri, 01 Jul 2016 17:34:50 -0400, Governor Swill
<> wrote:

>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 12:47:51 -0400, PATRICK <>
>>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:23 -0400, Governor Swill wrote:
>>>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" wrote:
>>>>That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.
>>>This is my biggest issue with Christianity. More and more, the
>>>Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form the basis of the
>>>churches' doctrines.
>>Do you have any examples of the gospels being ignored.
>Sure. In my own Protestant upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were
>sacrosanct and the basis of everything. Today, there are entire
>churches based on Paul's books or focusing on one or another of them.
>One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
>the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
>preached from on Sunday.

I don't belong to that church.
I have never heard of a church that does that.
I also would not participate in snake handling or drinking poison.
I would not also participate in many Baptist ceremonies.

However, catholic Churches (this newsgroup is about Catholics) do not
ignore the Gospel Writings. We actually read a different Gospel
reading during every single MASS.


Jul 2, 2016, 7:41:10 AM7/2/16
On Fri, 01 Jul 2016 09:07:52 -0700, (•RLMeasures) wrote:

Galatians 1:11-12New International Version (NIV)
Paul Called by God
11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not
of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it;
rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.


Jul 2, 2016, 7:43:14 AM7/2/16
People like you normally make the mistake of not knowing that Jesus sent Paul
forth to teach what Jesus himself had revealed to Paul as the great Apostle to
the gentiles.


Jul 2, 2016, 7:45:54 AM7/2/16
On Fri, 01 Jul 2016 17:34:50 -0400, Governor Swill <>

>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 12:47:51 -0400, PATRICK <>
>>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 11:26:23 -0400, Governor Swill wrote:
>>>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 09:58:33 +1000, "RamRodOz" wrote:
>>>>That was written by Paul who never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive.
>>>This is my biggest issue with Christianity. More and more, the
>>>Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form the basis of the
>>>churches' doctrines.
>>Do you have any examples of the gospels being ignored.
>Sure. In my own Protestant upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were
>sacrosanct and the basis of everything. Today, there are entire
>churches based on Paul's books or focusing on one or another of them.

But never, NEVER, the RCC. If you've ever been to a Mass, you're immediately
see that the primary reading is always, ALWAYS, from one of the 4 gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.

>One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
>the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
>preached from on Sunday.

Like I said.


Jul 2, 2016, 7:48:06 AM7/2/16
That's why every protest_er church is a breakaway from the Catholic Church
founded by Jesus Christ. And, in protest, they do their own thing.

Lucifer Morningstar

Jul 2, 2016, 8:02:52 AM7/2/16
He lied.

>the dukester, American-American


It's actually quite easy for a creationist to make an atheist feel humiliated...
He just has to remind him that they both belong to the same species


Jul 2, 2016, 10:03:59 AM7/2/16
In article <>, dolf
<> wrote:

> Eternity Lost...
> On 2/07/2016 10:03, RLMeasures wrote:
> > When you exceed the word limit I balk.
> >
> Narcissist...
> On 2/07/2016 10:07, RLMeasures wrote:
> > Too long.
> The real reason is that you have no substantial explanation, except to
> claim a delusional and fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and nothingness.
** Logohorriec posts are a faux pas. Keep it up Dolf and you will surely
become an anathema.


Governor Swill

Jul 2, 2016, 5:32:06 PM7/2/16
On Fri, 01 Jul 2016 20:45:49 -0400, PATRICK <>

>>>Do you have any examples of the gospels being ignored.
>>Sure. In my own Protestant upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were
>>sacrosanct and the basis of everything. Today, there are entire
>>churches based on Paul's books or focusing on one or another of them.
>>One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
>>the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
>>preached from on Sunday.
>I don't belong to that church.
>I have never heard of a church that does that.
>I also would not participate in snake handling or drinking poison.
>I would not also participate in many Baptist ceremonies.


>However, catholic Churches (this newsgroup is about Catholics) do not
>ignore the Gospel Writings. We actually read a different Gospel
>reading during every single MASS.

"This" newsgroup is alt.politics.republicans. Catholics more often
vote Democrat.

Governor Swill

Jul 2, 2016, 5:40:40 PM7/2/16
On Sat, 02 Jul 2016 06:48:07 -0500, duke wrote:
>That's why every protest_er church is a breakaway from the Catholic Church
>founded by Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ didn't found the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ didn't
found any church at all. He was a political dissident and a religious
objector who was executed by his people for the treason of spreading
the word that we should all get along and treat each other well.

I see an awful lot of Christians who don't know that.

Governor Swill

Jul 2, 2016, 5:42:01 PM7/2/16


Jul 2, 2016, 6:52:51 PM7/2/16
DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Catholic insanity [is] when you refuse to
follow his teachings as you refuse."

SG1 ( "The Dolt: He is having a conversation with
one of his voices on another n[ews] g[roup]."


You mean Stargate?"

dolf: "Has heaven's gate ever opened for you to answer your call?

Keep calm Colonel, but quiet contemplation can even bring you before all
that is Sovereign."

YOUTUBE: Inside Story: Heaven's Gate Cult (BBC Documentary Part 1)




Here is what scripture says which you totally ignore, and why do you
ignore it?

Because you are an inbred, rude dog."

dolf: "Again you are showing the utmost contempt for the autonomy of
self identity, sovereign authority, law and order as justice.

You are engaged within foolish, defamatory conduct and vain imaginations
by preserving your egoistic self identity through making a profession of
a psychiatric disorder of others. Where as I'm speaking entirely of a
mathematical paradigm of rational and a reasoned mind.

Q. *What* *is* *truth*? [Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth before #34CE]

A. *Truth* is a cosmogonic consideration.

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans

1) Torah's Sabbath (HOMOIOS) view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] is a genuine Sabbath based Genesis reprise [Exodus 20:8;
Deuteronomy 5:15];


This is an alternative HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine and a determined
contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos OF
NATURE-genesis), autonomous sovereignty as empire governance, language,
rationality and the reasoned mind of religious belief:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2

+ 0, 27, 54 {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}
+ 0, 9, 18 {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
+ 0, 3, 6 {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}
+ *1* - *MONAD*, *2* - *DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD* {ie. Formula of Progression
of individual phenomena (Wan Wu)}

= Tetragrammaton hierarchy value as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER.

+ 0, 81, 9(9²+1)/2 = #369 {ie. Organization of the myriad or number of

2) Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theorem: a² = b² + c² is associated to Roman
Empire Governance, Roman Catholicism (et al) and fascist (see image below)


Satan's temptation against Jesus {He is saved/A savior; a deliverer} of
Nazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned;
sanctified} within the wilderness is made against the Sovereignty of
Roman Empire Governance:

a) Showed unto him all the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD (OIKOUMENĒ);

b) Said unto him, 'All this power (EXOUSIA) will I give thee";

Jesus Christ's wilderness temptation was a refusal of this Satanic
prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of
Number and its reliance upon the progression of #15CE ... #34CE ...
#65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic' Tradition et al as
faux-sophistic wisdom) in deference for a HOMOIOS regard to the Creator
God as the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV);
Romans 1:16-32; James 3:5-9 (KJV)]"

The argument on the '*CAUSE* *OF* *TRUTH*' being advanced within the
Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans Chapter 1 as a HETEROS v's HOMOIOS
THEORY OF NUMBER misapprehension of his encapsulation of knowledge, is
made in relation to being mindful in our knowing of God (ie. not
changing the *truth* of God into a lie), which is expressed by the
Apostle Paul about not having a mindset encapsulated by the profession
of wisdom that is contradictory (ie. a situation in which inconsistent
elements are present such as in the HETEROS {*1* - *MONAD*, *2* -
*DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD*} formulation represents GOD as MIND, SEMINAL
*TRUTH* being HERMAPHRODITE) and ostensibly presumptuous conduct, as our
ability of the mind to not be intentioned by the preoccupation in the
engagement of foolishness and vain imaginations."

arguments don't usually work on religious people. Otherwise, there
wouldn't be religious people' - Doris Egan"

dolf: "Ya towser:

- a big dog.
- [Informal]: a big, hearty person, especially one who is very
energetic; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 30 June 2016,]"


I am contemptuous of both "god" and the British monarchy.

One being fictitious and the other a bunch of useless parasites."

dolf: "Making a reasonable supposition as a logical, probable and
hypothetical proposition, which is then predicated upon by a determined
course of affirmative action to inform oneself through inquisition as
elimination--is the process of a rational mind practiced in acquiring
knowledge and explicit specification within categories of understanding.

That in my view, punctiliousness is an intrinsic phonetic correspondence
and functional cognitive characteristic of mind. [Courtesy: Word of the
Day for 2 July 2016,]

For example, if all but the first and last letters are scrambled and the
sentence is entirely ambiguous, you can still disambiguate the word and
fully comprehend the sentence, Cambridge University researchers suggest:

"Taht in my veiw, psciiouelnunsts is an insniirtc phteinoc
conrecoednprse and fancounitl cvgiinote cartarseiichtc of mnid."


Confusion like fear and paranoia which steadfastly and habitually
refuses to overcome its ignorant state by informing itself, can then be
considered delusional."

RL MEASURES: "When you exceed the word limit I balk."

dolf: "Eternity Lost...

Why are you an Apologist for Nothingness -- What Godless Jewish cult do
you belong to?"

RL MEASURES: "Too long."

dolf: "Narcissist...

120 Days Of Sodom [Salo/*Sale*]?"

NICHOLI TRAPOLSKY (EUROTRASH...@GRU.RU): "Why [do] you act this way?

R U [a] brain damaged American?"

dolf: "Ye do the deeds of your father."


dolf: "You pig anal sadistic and fascist Bulgarian."


Любител на задници!"

[Translation: Amateur ass?]


How do you wipe Yer Bum?

(a) Like a woman, from asshole to pussy?


(b) Like a man, from cock to anus?

Just answer the question..."

dolf: "A profound life question Colonel, which I once asked a friend
from the Babel {incongruity; confusion; mixture} faculty of Melbourne
University to consider for me one day in specific relation to morbidly
obese persons who's arms are disproportionate to their body mass and
they impossibly can't reach round.

He resolved this question simply by empirical formula--in that he peered
into the cubical and reported it back to me.

Generally it would be (b) as your mother taught you, but unless
extraneous circumstances exists such as morbidity it would then be (a)."

COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST): "A question of briefs.

Do you wear any?

Dolf, how about you?"

dolf: "Either BONDS or 2(x)ist for me."


dolf: "You simply cannot be regarded as anything other than anti-semitic
with a userid of:


"For many years, Bulgarian politicians have had the habit of boasting of
the country’s model of ethnic tolerance. But the country also shows
other forms of tolerance that are rather questionable, as we have again
seen so recently with the Lukov March and the current visit by the Night
Wolves being allowed to go ahead.

The same country that seven decades ago stood up with conspicuous
courage to prevent the deportation of Bulgarian Jews to Nazi death
camps, thus standing in the way of Bulgarian Jews meeting the fate of
the more than six million murdered in the Holocaust, is showing a bit
less backbone these days.

Without delving too deep into the question of the validity of the
Bulgarian model of ethnic tolerance, it may be said that it is like the
curate’s egg – good in parts. The country has never descended into the
kind of conflicts that so tore apart many of its close neighbours, and
nor is it ever likely to." [The Sofia Globe, by Clive Leviev-Sawyer,
"Bulgarian tolerance – from the Lukov March to the Night Wolves", 1 July


COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST): "Wot the heck is 'You pig anal sadistic and
fascist Bulgarian' that anywho?"

dolf: "Are you so confused and can't even disambiguate a sentence?

The real reason is that you have no substantial explanation, except to
claim a delusional and fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and

RL MEASURES: "Logo[rrheic] posts are a faux pas. Keep it up Dolf and
you will surely become an anathema."

dolf: "The purpose of my response was to include aus.religion.judaism
and to repay the alt.usenet.kooks participants for their faux-awards and
besmearing parody with a Hitler aggrandizing and fascist idolization as
arse-licking whore travesty of decency conveyed by a youTube video:


Uploaded on Aug 8, 2012: The sock from gets Pwned (ie.
utterly defeat an opponent or rival)



(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 3 July, 2016

"Ye do the deeds of your father.

Then said they to him, 'We be not born of fornication; we have one
Father, even God.'

Jesus {savior; deliverer} said unto them, 'If God were your Father, ye
would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I
of myself, but he sent me.

Why do ye not understand my speech?

Even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the *truth*,
because there is no *truth* in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh
of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And because I tell you the *truth*, ye believe me not.

Which of you convinceth me of sin?

And if I say the *truth*, why do ye not believe me?
I hate to break it to you Dolf ole' bean... but Ashkenazim Jews are
Europeans without the genetic trait [AND] trying to steal the
inheritance of the real Jews. The real Jews, are alive and well in spite
of Satan's efforts to find and eradicate them.

And it is God that protects them... you will NEVER get to them, EVER.

So file your lawsuits and shut up!"

Governor Swill.


You mentioned your confusion earlier."

dolf: "Thank-you for clarifying your singularity of being and that the
Internet personas, whilst both are engaged in equivalent perverse and
depraved conduct of trolling:


Are in reality, two distinct individuals and both having valid email

And that GOVERNOR SWILL has me kill-filed."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "You just do that
to annoy Rudy, don't you? :)"

dolf: "Rudy was actually my informal and familiar name within the
Victoria Police Force until I made (according to law) a Change of Name
Registration on 9 July 1987 to my entry of a Birth Registration kept at
the office of 'Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages' in the State of
Victoria, in the Commonwealth of Australia."

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "The troll exterminator is
himself a troll."

!JONES (...@FUBAHOR.COM): "You *gotta* be shitting me!!!"

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "I wouldn't shit you! You're
my favorite turd!" [@ 1326 hours on 1 July 2016]

!JONES (...@FUBAHOR.COM): "Damn! Scant there is that escapes your keen
powers of observation, huh?

Didn't I tell you to f@ck off? Why have you not done so yet?"

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "Because you haven't cited
your bullshit claim." [@ 1327 hours on 1 July 2016]

MICHAEL CHRIST: "... [Y]ou have let your superficial morals get [even]

You see, when you don't repent it doesn't just stop there."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "Since you asked,
it reads like you went into battle with two religious nuts and
demonstrated your superiority.


You're clearly the best religious nut in your town."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Hmmmmm! Are you that close to 'the Colonel'?"

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Actually, it [requires you to surrender all, you silly
Catholic fellow], now piss off Satanist."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Catholic insanity [is] when you refuse to
follow his teachings as you refuse."

SG1 ( "The Dolt: He is having a conversation with
one of his voices on another n[ews] g[roup]."


You mean Stargate?"

dolf: "Has heaven's gate ever opened for you to answer your call?

Keep calm Colonel, but quiet contemplation can even bring you before all
that is Sovereign."

YOUTUBE: Inside Story: Heaven's Gate Cult (BBC Documentary Part 1)




Here is what scripture says which you totally ignore, and why do you
ignore it?

Because you are an inbred, rude dog."

dolf: "Again you are showing the utmost contempt for the autonomy of
self identity, sovereign authority, law and order as justice.

You are engaged within foolish, defamatory conduct and vain imaginations
by preserving your egoistic self identity through making a profession of
a psychiatric disorder of others. Where as I'm speaking entirely of a
mathematical paradigm of rational and a reasoned mind.

Q. *What* *is* *truth*? [Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth before #34CE]

A. *Truth* is a cosmogonic consideration.

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans

1) Torah's Sabbath (HOMOIOS) view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] is a genuine Sabbath based Genesis reprise [Exodus 20:8;
Deuteronomy 5:15];


This is an alternative HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine and a determined
contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos OF
NATURE-genesis), autonomous sovereignty as empire governance, language,
rationality and the reasoned mind of religious belief:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2

+ 0, 27, 54 {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}
+ 0, 9, 18 {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
+ 0, 3, 6 {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}
+ *1* - *MONAD*, *2* - *DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD* {ie. Formula of Progression
of individual phenomena (Wan Wu)}

= Tetragrammaton hierarchy value as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER.

+ 0, 81, 9(9²+1)/2 = #369 {ie. Organization of the myriad or number of

2) Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theorem: a² = b² + c² is associated to Roman
Empire Governance, Roman Catholicism (et al) and fascist (see image below)


Satan's temptation against Jesus {He is saved/A savior; a deliverer} of
Nazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned;
sanctified} within the wilderness is made against the Sovereignty of
Roman Empire Governance:

a) Showed unto him all the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD (OIKOUMENĒ);

b) Said unto him, 'All this power (EXOUSIA) will I give thee";

Jesus Christ's wilderness temptation was a refusal of this Satanic
prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of
Number and its reliance upon the progression of #15CE ... #34CE ...
#65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic' Tradition et al as
faux-sophistic wisdom) in deference for a HOMOIOS regard to the Creator
God as the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV);
Romans 1:16-32; James 3:5-9 (KJV)]"

The argument on the '*CAUSE* *OF* *TRUTH*' being advanced within the
Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans Chapter 1 as a HETEROS v's HOMOIOS
THEORY OF NUMBER misapprehension of his encapsulation of knowledge, is
made in relation to being mindful in our knowing of God (ie. not
changing the *truth* of God into a lie), which is expressed by the
Apostle Paul about not having a mindset encapsulated by the profession
of wisdom that is contradictory (ie. a situation in which inconsistent
elements are present such as in the HETEROS {*1* - *MONAD*, *2* -
*DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD*} formulation represents GOD as MIND, SEMINAL
*TRUTH* being HERMAPHRODITE) and ostensibly presumptuous conduct, as our
ability of the mind to not be intentioned by the preoccupation in the
engagement of foolishness and vain imaginations."

arguments don't usually work on religious people. Otherwise, there
wouldn't be religious people' - Doris Egan"

dolf: "Ya towser:

- a big dog.
- [Informal]: a big, hearty person, especially one who is very
energetic; Courtesy: Word of the Day for 30 June 2016,]"


I am contemptuous of both "god" and the British monarchy.

One being fictitious and the other a bunch of useless parasites."

dolf: "Making a reasonable supposition as a logical, probable and
hypothetical proposition, which is then predicated upon by a determined
course of affirmative action to inform oneself through inquisition as
elimination--is the process of a rational mind practiced in acquiring
knowledge and explicit specification within categories of understanding.

That in my view, punctiliousness is an intrinsic phonetic correspondence
and functional cognitive characteristic of mind. [Courtesy: Word of the
Day for 2 July 2016,]

For example, if all but the first and last letters are scrambled and the
sentence is entirely ambiguous, you can still disambiguate the word and
fully comprehend the sentence, Cambridge University researchers suggest:

"Taht in my veiw, psciiouelnunsts is an insniirtc phteinoc
conrecoednprse and fancounitl cvgiinote cartarseiichtc of mnid."


Confusion like fear and paranoia which steadfastly and habitually
refuses to overcome its ignorant state by informing itself, can then be
considered delusional."

RL MEASURES: "When you exceed the word limit I balk."

dolf: "Eternity Lost...

Why are you an Apologist for Nothingness -- What Godless Jewish cult do
you belong to?"

RL MEASURES: "Too long."

dolf: "Narcissist...

120 Days Of Sodom [Salo/*Sale*]?"

NICHOLI TRAPOLSKY (EUROTRASH...@GRU.RU): "Why [do] you act this way?

R U [a] brain damaged American?"

dolf: "Ye do the deeds of your father."


dolf: "You pig anal sadistic and fascist Bulgarian."


Любител на задници!"

[Translation: Amateur ass?]


How do you wipe Yer Bum?

(a) Like a woman, from asshole to pussy?


(b) Like a man, from cock to anus?

Just answer the question..."

dolf: "A profound life question Colonel, which I once asked a friend
from the Babel {incongruity; confusion; mixture} faculty of Melbourne
University to consider for me one day in specific relation to morbidly
obese persons who's arms are disproportionate to their body mass and
they impossibly can't reach round.

He resolved this question simply by empirical formula--in that he peered
into the cubical and reported it back to me.

Generally it would be (b) as your mother taught you, but unless
extraneous circumstances exists such as morbidity it would then be (a)."

COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST): "A question of briefs.

Do you wear any?

Dolf, how about you?"

dolf: "Either BONDS or 2(x)ist for me."


dolf: "You simply cannot be regarded as anything other than anti-semitic
with a userid of:


"For many years, Bulgarian politicians have had the habit of boasting of
the country’s model of ethnic tolerance. But the country also shows
other forms of tolerance that are rather questionable, as we have again
seen so recently with the Lukov March and the current visit by the Night
Wolves being allowed to go ahead.

The same country that seven decades ago stood up with conspicuous
courage to prevent the deportation of Bulgarian Jews to Nazi death
camps, thus standing in the way of Bulgarian Jews meeting the fate of
the more than six million murdered in the Holocaust, is showing a bit
less backbone these days.

Without delving too deep into the question of the validity of the
Bulgarian model of ethnic tolerance, it may be said that it is like the
curate’s egg – good in parts. The country has never descended into the
kind of conflicts that so tore apart many of its close neighbours, and
nor is it ever likely to." [The Sofia Globe, by Clive Leviev-Sawyer,
"Bulgarian tolerance – from the Lukov March to the Night Wolves", 1 July


COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST): "Wot the heck is 'You pig anal sadistic and
fascist Bulgarian' that anywho?"

dolf: "Are you so confused and can't even disambiguate a sentence?

The real reason is that you have no substantial explanation, except to
claim a delusional and fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and

RL MEASURES: "Logo[rrheic] posts are a faux pas. Keep it up Dolf and
you will surely become an anathema."

dolf: "The purpose of my response was to include aus.religion.judaism
and to repay the alt.usenet.kooks participants for their faux-awards and
besmearing parody with a Hitler aggrandizing and fascist idolization as
arse-licking whore travesty of decency conveyed by a youTube video:


Uploaded on Aug 8, 2012: The sock from gets Pwned (ie.
utterly defeat an opponent or rival)


The Biblical notion over the '*CAUSE* *OF* *TRUTH*' being advanced
within the Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans Chapter 1 as a HETEROS
v's HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER misapprehension of his encapsulation of
knowledge, which is not precisely explicit, even though this term has
MICHAEL CHRIST: "Rodney, the *truth* is not your servant."
Got anything further to say you fascist c@nt?"
relevant, contextual and as *truthful* representations of you) *did*
speaking of paradigm of a rational and reasoned mind--What is *truth*?



I'm not the one who crashed a whole slew of groups to spam them with
thousand-line posts containing complete nonsense, and who lies about
those who point out how unwelcome they are."

dolf: "I'm terraforming and making the planet more conducive to human
life--do I need to consult you first?"

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "Is there any other label to describe someone
who obsessively spams unrelated groups with unsolicited, thousand-line,
off-topic, irrelevant posts?


BBB DOW #14 (R0LLINTHRU@KOOKS): "Phuck 0ff ya edjut (ie. educational
entertainment [also referred to by the portmanteau neologism
edutainment] is content designed to educate and to entertain).
fund-raising and especially so on State or Federal ('Ballot Paper Secure
Work Zone') Election days." [Courtesy: Word of the Day for 1 July 2016,]

BBB DOW #14 (R0LLINTHRU@KOOKS): "Worse... yew'l be voting tamorra for
that shrunken head kewpie doll Bandt ...!... wankin' an' wishin' the
weather in Melbourne will somehow resemble normal for Australia in the
next Parliament...!

Lucks with that ... yer freeloading retard'd ethnic :-}

haw...phuking HAW ..!"

dolf: "Your sentence structure conveys an undeniable sense of
derangement, disordered thinking and are schismatic as if you are within
an embrace of a bi-polar episode--such is their incomprehensibility."

BBB DOW #14 (R0LLINTHRU@KOOKS): "dolf <--- yer a sicko ferret phucker

Is [that] the best ewe got :-}



dolf: "You aren't mentally stable...

That is most apparent."



dolf's Friday *PM* 'stopped clock right twice a day' moment:

SPNAK! on murphy."

dolf: "A failure to answer that explicit and unambiguous question with
clarity, will result in a legal claim of defamation, slander and
unlawful use of telecommunications carriage service for harassment being
made against you in due course.

Your absence of any rational, reasoned explanation beyond defamatory and
*untruthful* characterizations as pejoratives, speaks of the great
*Truth* was done in her, and now they are become killers of souls." [(c)

1) Torah's Sabbath (HOMOIOS) view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] is a genuine Sabbath based Genesis reprise [Exodus 20:8;
Deuteronomy 5:15];

2) Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theorem: a² = b² + c² is fascist (see image below)


"Pilate {armed with a dart} therefore said unto him. 'Art thou a king then?'

Jesus {savior; deliverer} answered, 'Thou sayest that I am a king. To
this end was I born, and for this cause I into the world, that I should
bear witness unto the *truth*. Every one that is of the *truth* heareth
MICHAEL CHRIST: "I know, you don't like the *truth*."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "You have never been in possession of the
*truth* Michael, but that hasn't prevented you from being stupid enough
to believe that you have...

Oh delusional fraud that you are..."


At least Dolf picked a real military hero as his mentor, Rod.

You could only get AIDS-infected faggots to follow you, you big queer boi.

LOL x 2!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Yeah... right, cowardice under fire.

You're a real military coward alright?

[At the l]ast push of the Vietcong you were seen running from them with
a gun in your hand, even shooting one of your own men in the back
because he couldn't get out of the way fast enough, you rotten bastard!"

COLONEL (ATHEIST/BUDDHIST) BURKE: "[He] learned to fight from an early
age on account he was such a doofus-assed lookin' dorkwad.

See wot I mean?"

dolf: "Snipe, snipe. All you can do is snipe."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "And ruining discussion for the rest of us
who care."

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Yeah, and they know it."

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "Their being generally weak of character
means they don't care.

Worse yet, they lack the knowledge to even engage in actual discussion.

However, the best part is that it allows us to present the *truth*."
ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: " Oh? You cursed us? Allow me to repay the
favor, faggot."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Rod, requesting your attention to this matter: is this
your much publicised 'loving your neighbour as thyself'?

Can I assume you are full of it?"

poorly written Eliza program.

It has no intelligence."

dolf: "And only as a *supererogatory* courtesy, then paraded such a fact
of all things, and is *truth*, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught
you, ye shall abide in him." [1 John 2:22-27 (KJV)]

What faithfulness, dignity, integrity and honor can they possibly bestow
as unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest and depraved individuals?

Who are no doubt driven by an unrestrained tumultuous and animalistic
nature--for which national ethos they ought to serve an indeterminate
term (ie. depends on what you are capable of from one moment to the
next) as prison sentence.

Got the gist of it now?"


Is it edible?"

dolf: "It's wool matted dung which hangs from a *sheep's* arse, that
often *festers* as a wound and gets riddled with maggots--it's not pleasant:

How strangely can that miscreant enchanter, who is my enemy,
transmogrify things to thwart me?

Know [this] Sancho {*truthful* and sincere, Saint, Holy}, that it is a
But they are a reflection upon you're being a self-opinionated
for repentance opposite the clock-tower in Raymond Street, *Sale* and
within proximity to a voting booth for tomorrow's Federal election.

And with such vigor, I then called them each to repentance and when they
faltered, I cursed them to hell and forbade them to speak in their
manner within my presence and get themselves off the street.

The conviction was such, that there was a momentary silence within the
street. By the time I had returned, on my way home with 2 litres of
milk, they had departed.

How readest thou?

Praise be the Lord."

- dolf



CATHOLIC ANTI-SEMITISM" [Part 1] of 28 June - 2 July, 2016


CATHOLIC ANTI-SEMITISM" [Part 2] of 28 June - 2 July, 2016


Jul 2, 2016, 6:55:31 PM7/2/16
to duke
On 2/07/2016 21:41, duke <> wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Jul 2016 09:07:52 -0700, (•RLMeasures) wrote:
> Galatians 1:11-12New International Version (NIV) Paul Called by God
> 11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I
> preached is not of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any
> man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from
> Jesus Christ.
> the dukester, American-American
> ***** "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer." Pope Paul VI
> *****

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "[Many things were] written by Paul who
never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "This is my biggest
issue with Christianity.

More and more, the Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form
the basis of the churches' doctrines."

Governor Swill

Jul 2, 2016, 7:23:36 PM7/2/16
to Governor Swill
MICHAEL CHRIST: "Clueless silly Catholic fellow!"

ROD (CATHOLIC) EASTMAN: "Clueless is you, troll."

MICHAEL CHRIST: "Get out of that false religious organisation!!!"

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "That's why every protest_er church is a
breakaway from the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ."

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "Jesus Christ didn't found
the Catholic Church.

Jesus Christ didn't found any church at all.

He was a political dissident and a religious objector who was executed
by his people for the *TREASON* of spreading the word that we should all
get along and treat each other well."

dolf: "These twelve Jesus {savior; deliverer} sent forth, and commanded
them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of
the Samaritans {watch-mountain} enter ye not:

But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel {who prevails
with God}. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at
hand. [Matthew 10:5-7 (KJV)]

Then Jesus {savior; deliverer} went thence, and departed into the coasts
of Tyre {strength; rock; sharp} and Sidon {hunting; fishing; venison}.

And, behold, a woman of Canaan {merchant; trader; or that humbles and
subdues} came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, 'Have
mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David { well-beloved, dear}; my
daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.'

But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him,
saying, 'Send her away; for she crieth after us.'

But he answered and said, 'I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the
house of Israel.'

Then came she and worshipped him, saying, 'Lord, help me.'

But he answered and said, 'It is not meet to take the children’s bread,
and to cast it to dogs.'

And she said, '*Truth*, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall
from their masters' table.'

Then Jesus answered and said unto her, 'O woman, great is thy faith: be
it unto thee even as thou wilt.'

And her daughter was made whole from that very hour." [Matthew 15:21-28

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "I see an awful lot of
Christians who don't know that."

dolf: "For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the
How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

For who hath known the mind of the Lord?

Or who hath been his counsellor?

Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be
glory for ever. Amen." [Romans 11:13-36 (KJV)]


- dolf

On 3/07/2016 07:40, Governor Swill <> wrote:
> On Sat, 02 Jul 2016 06:48:07 -0500, duke wrote:
>> That's why every protest_er church is a breakaway from the Catholic
>> founded by Jesus Christ.
> Jesus Christ didn't found the Catholic Church. Jesus Christ didn't
> found any church at all. He was a political dissident and a religious
> objector who was executed by his people for the treason of spreading
> the word that we should all get along and treat each other well.
> I see an awful lot of Christians who don't know that.
> Swill

DUKE (CATHOLIC) EARL WEBER: "That's why every protest_er church is a
breakaway from the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ."

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "Jesus Christ didn't found
the Catholic Church.

Jesus Christ didn't found any church at all.

He was a political dissident and a religious objector who was executed
by his people for the *TREASON* of spreading the word that we should all
get along and treat each other well."

dolf: "These twelve Jesus {savior; deliverer} sent forth, and commanded
them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of
the Samaritans {watch-mountain} enter ye not:

But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel {who prevails
with God}. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at
hand. [Matthew 10:5-7 (KJV)]

Then Jesus {savior; deliverer} went thence, and departed into the coasts
of Tyre {strength; rock; sharp} and Sidon {hunting; fishing; venison}.

And, behold, a woman of Canaan {merchant; trader; or that humbles and
subdues} came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, 'Have
mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David { well-beloved, dear}; my
daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.'

But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him,
saying, 'Send her away; for she crieth after us.'

But he answered and said, 'I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the
house of Israel.'

Then came she and worshipped him, saying, 'Lord, help me.'

But he answered and said, 'It is not meet to take the children’s bread,
and to cast it to dogs.'

And she said, '*Truth*, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall
from their masters' table.'

Then Jesus answered and said unto her, 'O woman, great is thy faith: be
it unto thee even as thou wilt.'

And her daughter was made whole from that very hour." [Matthew 15:21-28

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "I see an awful lot of
Christians who don't know that."

dolf: "For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the
How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

For who hath known the mind of the Lord?

Or who hath been his counsellor?

Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?

For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be
glory for ever. Amen." [Romans 11:13-36 (KJV)]

RAMRODOZ (...@TRUTHONLY.COM): "[Many things were] written by Paul who
never saw Jesus when Jesus was alive."

GOVERNMENT (FASCIST) SHILL #2 (GOV....@GMAIL.COM): "This is my biggest
issue with Christianity.

More and more, the Gospels are ignored while the writings of Paul form
the basis of the churches' doctrines."

GOVERNOR SWILL (GOVERNO...@GMAIL.COM): "Sure. In my own Protestant
upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were sacrosanct and the basis of
everything. Today, there are entire churches based on Paul's books or
focusing on one or another of them.

One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
preached from on Sunday."

dolf: "Delusional and fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and nothingness."

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "Why are you such an in-your-face, f@cking
sociopathic moron?

More than 800 lines, not counting wrap around, deleted."


Don't give it to him."

dolf: "Given your unrestrained violent '*TREASONABLE*' hate speech and
gravitas of *TREASON* arising from the Corporate actions taken) within


Jul 2, 2016, 8:52:24 PM7/2/16
On Sat, 02 Jul 2016 17:32:06 -0400, Governor Swill
<> wrote:

>On Fri, 01 Jul 2016 20:45:49 -0400, PATRICK <>
>>>>Do you have any examples of the gospels being ignored.
>>>Sure. In my own Protestant upbringing. Decades ago, the Gospels were
>>>sacrosanct and the basis of everything. Today, there are entire
>>>churches based on Paul's books or focusing on one or another of them.
>>>One church I attended briefly some years ago made regular readings of
>>>the book of Acts mandatory for students and was the book most often
>>>preached from on Sunday.
>>I don't belong to that church.
>>I have never heard of a church that does that.
>>I also would not participate in snake handling or drinking poison.
>>I would not also participate in many Baptist ceremonies.
>>However, catholic Churches (this newsgroup is about Catholics) do not
>>ignore the Gospel Writings. We actually read a different Gospel
>>reading during every single MASS.
>"This" newsgroup is alt.politics.republicans. Catholics more often
>vote Democrat.

Yeah, I know..... tis a shame.


Jul 3, 2016, 7:49:16 AM7/3/16
On Sat, 02 Jul 2016 22:03:54 +1000, Lucifer Morningstar <>
The pagan bo speaks.

Lucifer Morningstar

Jul 3, 2016, 7:59:52 AM7/3/16
Pagans are better than protest_ants.


Jul 3, 2016, 8:08:04 AM7/3/16
On Sat, 02 Jul 2016 17:40:38 -0400, Governor Swill <>

>On Sat, 02 Jul 2016 06:48:07 -0500, duke wrote:
>>That's why every protest_er church is a breakaway from the Catholic Church
>>founded by Jesus Christ.
>Jesus Christ didn't found the Catholic Church.

Of course he did. He took on a 3-year ministry teaching the new way coming
including the Holy Trinity, the Last Supper, the 7 Sacraments, the 14-man
Apostleship etc. He died on the cross teaching us to love and obey God and to
love our neighbor as we love ourselves. And he rose from the dead in his
glorified body to teach us for another 40 days before ascending to the Father.

And you actually think he didn't found the Catholic Church???

>Jesus Christ didn't
>found any church at all. He was a political dissident and a religious
>objector who was executed by his people for the treason of spreading
>the word that we should all get along and treat each other well.
>I see an awful lot of Christians who don't know that.

God gave that to Moses in the 10 Commandments. Didn't work.



Jul 3, 2016, 9:03:29 AM7/3/16
On Sun, 03 Jul 2016 21:59:49 +1000, Lucifer Morningstar
Why? Do they drive bigger cars?


Jul 4, 2016, 8:02:01 AM7/4/16
On Sat, 02 Jul 2016 17:42:01 -0400, Governor Swill <>


NOte the dolf posting 2400 lines below. Ignore.


Jul 4, 2016, 9:10:25 AM7/4/16
-- Karl Barth on Knowledge of God

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 4 July, 2016

For all his Wisdom, Karl Barth is proven incorrect within this statement:

"There is no knowledge of God apart from the way which Jesus walked, the
way which Jesus is, the way which Jesus called his disciples to follow.
There is no knowledge of God apart from this response of faith." [Karl
Barth CD II/1, 29]



Q. *What* *is* *truth* [Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth before #34CE]
that you need to hide it?

A. *Truth* is a cosmogonic consideration.

If language then has a cosmological basis (ie. rational PI), as an
Anthropic Principle which was known from antiquity, then language isn't
just a metaphorical derivation, but it also has an absolute epistemology
(from Greek ἐπιστήμη, epistēmē meaning 'knowledge', and λόγος, logos,
meaning 'word') as the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God *divided* the light
from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he
called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."
[Genesis 1:3-5 (KJV)]

I have previously said, that the motto of the British Monarchy and our
Justice System is DIEU ET MON DROIT (ie. GOD AND MY RIGHT) and this
totality of a "Sovereign and Autonomous Right" as the "Power to Rule"
and "Dispense Justice" by "Edict as a *DIVINE* Authority", can be
understood in God (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) being defined by:

- "I am Alpha (ie. of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet)
and Omega (ie. last letter of the Greek alphabet)" [Revelation 1:8, 11;
21:6, 13],
- "The first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS" [Revelation 1:11; 22:13];
- "The beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS" [Revelation 1:8; 21:6; 22:13].


'For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any
two-edged sword, piercing even to the *dividing* asunder of soul and
spirit, and of the joints of the marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intentions of the intents of the heart' [Hebrews 4:12]

The great thing about this Intellectual Property of MINE as a legal
argument: (Dieu et mon droit) is that this technology for "Judging,
Weighing and Integrity of Words" is not only embedded within the Bible
as Scriptures and given assent to through an *oath*, swearing by
Almighty God, but is compatible with the regime of numbered and natural
jurisprudence (ie. the Categories of Understanding as #729 appraisals
within the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON as a theoretical and metaphysical
conception of the Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind, in being a reasonable
consideration, then ought to equate with the numbered paragraphs) as
being a mandatory prerequisite for the presenting of any legal case
before a court of law.

So there ought not to be then any instance of perverse Justice.

Making a reasonable supposition as a logical, probable and hypothetical
proposition, which is then predicated upon by a determined course of
affirmative action to inform oneself through inquisition as
elimination--is the process of a rational mind practiced in acquiring
knowledge and explicit specification within categories of understanding.

That in my view, punctiliousness is an intrinsic phonetic correspondence
and functional cognitive characteristic of mind. [Courtesy: Word of the
Day for 2 July 2016,]

For example, if all but the first and last letters are scrambled and the
sentence is entirely ambiguous, you can still disambiguate the word and
fully comprehend the sentence, Cambridge University researchers suggest:

"Taht in my veiw, psciiouelnunsts is an insniirtc phteinoc
conrecoednprse and fancounitl cvgiinote cartarseiichtc of mnid."


Confusion like fear and paranoia which steadfastly and habitually
refuses to overcome its ignorant state by informing itself, can then be
considered delusional.

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans

1) Torah's Sabbath (HOMOIOS) view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] is a genuine Sabbath based Genesis reprise [Exodus 20:8;
Deuteronomy 5:15];


This is an alternative HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/*DIVINE* and a
determined contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos
OF NATURE-genesis), autonomous sovereignty as empire governance,
language, rationality and the reasoned mind of religious belief:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2

+ 0, 27, 54 {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}
+ 0, 9, 18 {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
+ 0, 3, 6 {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}
+ *1* - *MONAD*, *2* - *DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD* {ie. Formula of Progression
of individual phenomena (Wan Wu)}

= Tetragrammaton hierarchy value as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER.

+ 0, 81, 9(9²+1)/2 = #369 {ie. Organization of the myriad or number of

It is not a claim that the earth and universe is only 6,000 years old,
but rather a proposition of relativity within billions of years and a
noumenal focal point as a development by which rationality transpires,
reason springs forth and that is characteristic to being human:

HOMO ('man') / HOMOIOS (*same*, *equal* *in* *force*, *a* *match* *for*
*one*, *all* *one* *to* *us*, of *numbers*, *square*, *the* *product*
*of* *two* *equal* *factors*), SAPIENS ('thinker') / SAPIENT ('being a
wise/wisdom thinker') [Deuteronomy 4:32; Genesis 1:26]

The development of the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON is my claim to an
Intellectual Property as being compliant with a Natural Law and Common
Law right, in that it establishes the prima facie claim, that my past
conduct has integrity, and with regards to an expression of an Autonomy
of Will."

2) Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theorem: a² = b² + c² is associated to Roman
Empire Governance, Roman Catholicism (et al) and fascist (see image below)


I am showing you by this hymenealism (ie. marriage as an
institutionalized values based religious belief, disbelief or
non-belief) the cause of an utmost contempt for the autonomy of self
identity, sovereign authority, law and order as justice.

Satan's temptation against Jesus {He is saved/A savior; a deliverer} of
Nazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned;
sanctified} within the wilderness is made against the Sovereignty of
Roman Empire Governance:

a) Showed unto him all the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD (OIKOUMENĒ);

b) Said unto him, 'All this power (EXOUSIA) will I give thee";

Jesus Christ's wilderness temptation was a refusal of this Satanic
prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of
Number and its reliance upon the progression of #15CE ... #34CE ...
#65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic' Tradition et al as
faux-sophistic wisdom) in deference for a HOMOIOS regard to the Creator
God as the Father (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV);
Romans 1:16-32; James 3:5-9 (KJV)]"

The argument on the '*CAUSE* *OF* *TRUTH*' being advanced within the
Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans Chapter 1 as a HETEROS v's HOMOIOS
THEORY OF NUMBER misapprehension of his encapsulation of knowledge, is
made in relation to being mindful in our knowing of God (ie. not
changing the *truth* of God into a lie), which is expressed by the
Apostle Paul about not having a mindset encapsulated by the profession
of wisdom that is contradictory (ie. a situation in which inconsistent
elements are present such as in the HETEROS {*1* - *MONAD*, *2* -
*DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD*} formulation represents GOD as MIND, SEMINAL
*TRUTH* being HERMAPHRODITE) and ostensibly presumptuous conduct, as our
ability of the mind to not be intentioned by the preoccupation in the
engagement of foolishness and vain imaginations."

And which in conclusion was recently expressed in the instance of a
field test as "Slave Mentality" poetry being the exercise of a
determined willed and voluntary focus of thought upon a specific
Daemon/Angel which is temporally mapped to the 4th July being the day of
celebration for American Independence:

A slave mentality:

- Tips for pay.
- To this day,
- So I say,
- Poverty *preys*.


It was an undeniable refutation of the FASCIST inspiring philosopher
German Philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), I demonstrated that the
theoretic concept of a metaphysical noumenon as the basis to 'Metaphor,
Essence and Origin of Language' by the thinking of a human being--is
proven to be true.

I would then on the basis of such a cosmological fact as previously
disclosed, and it's probable basis, as the origins of the initial Hebrew
language (ie. 22 letters, base-7 chronology, rational PI and the ennead
of Thoth) then go so far as to suggest:

That had it's proof of concept as lunar/solar cycles which is asserted
by the Dead Sea Scrolls 364 day/year chronology and 6 year calendar only
discovered in 1946/1956, been known at the time of the fascist
inspiration, given by the philosopher Martin Heidegger (d. 1976), when
he advanced such notions as:

- On the Essence of Language,

- Being and Time

I don't like reading the fascist inspiring German philosopher Martin
Heidegger (26 September 1889-26 May 1976) for the same reason--but I
nevertheless can refute him.

So you cannot consider me just a self-opinionated Dutch/Frisian
narcissist who is nothing more than a bastard son of Heidegger and a
Babylonian whore (ie. promiscuous relative to being and time).

Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity; confusion;
mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence {eg: an *oath*} of action and
words relative to being and time: 'we hold that there is no more
infallible evidence of insincerity of purpose, short of overt acts, than
a face that *smiles* when there is no occasion, and the *tongue* that is
out of measure smooth.'" [James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder, 1840;
Courtesy: Word of the Day for 29 June 2016;]

That the nihilistic consequence as Jewish non-existence (which as a
Christian you imply by the denial of such a cosmological fact to the
contrary) would not have then been manifested as a holocaust of over 6
million people.

As if it wasn't shameful enough that the Jewish people could not speak
up about their own history and prior experience of annihilation by Roman
military pogrom, to which such a fact was then associated by daily
practice in the Jerusalem (King Herod's) Temple [Luke 1:5]. And of
which event in 69CE, the arch of Titus in Rome records.

The greater shame is, that your continued denial of a such a
cosmological fact, bestows upon you the consideration that Karl Barth's
denials of FASCISM by the Barmen Declaration was correct but lacked the
effectual means:

"In 1934, as the Protestant Church attempted to come to terms with the
Third Reich, Barth was largely responsible for the writing of the Barmen
declaration (Ger. Barmer Erklärung). This declaration rejected the
influence of Nazism on German Christianity by arguing that the Church's
allegiance to the God of Jesus Christ should give it the impetus and
resources to resist the influence of other lords, such as the German
Führer, Adolf Hitler. Barth mailed this declaration to Hitler
personally. This was one of the founding documents of the Confessing
Church and Barth was elected a member of its leadership council, the

He was forced to resign from his professorship at the University of Bonn
in 1935 for refusing to swear an *oath* to Hitler.

Barth then returned to his native Switzerland, where he assumed a chair
in systematic theology at the University of Basel. In the course of his
appointment he was required to answer a routine question asked of all
Swiss civil servants: whether he supported the national defense. His
answer was, 'Yes, especially on the northern border!'

The newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung carried his 1936 criticism of Martin
Heidegger for his support of the Nazis.

But what answer do you have to the Nazi inspiring German Philosopher
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) which otherwise places cautious demands
upon us: "Whether his thinking as contributions to Phenomenology and
Existentialism should be identified as part of such philosophical
movements and which can only occur with extreme care and qualification."

- Although remaining unfinished, his first and best known book: Being
and Time (1927), approached the question through an inquiry into the
being that has an understanding of Being, and asks the question about
it, namely, what is a human being?

For Heidegger thinking is about things originally discovered in our
everyday practical engagements. The consequence of this is that our
capacity to think cannot be the most central quality of our being
because thinking is reflective upon this more original way of
discovering the world. Heidegger argues that human being is even more
fundamentally structured by its Temporality, or its concern with, and
relationship to time, existing as a structurally open

He emphasized the importance of Authenticity in human existence,
involving a truthful relationship to our thrownness into a world which
we are "always already" concerned with, and to our Being-towards-death,
the Finitude of the time and being we are given, and the closing down of
our various possibilities for being through time.

- Heidegger made considerations on Metaphor, Essence and Origin of
Language (1939 Lectures) and his "most extensive discussions of metaphor
occur within this context, namely, a rethinking of our bodily
experience. The sensible/intelligible opposition that metaphor entails
precludes the possibility of thinking the originary openness to beings
that makes language possible in the first place.

Specifically, Heidegger’s concern is twofold: he hopes to think of (1)
language apart from the sensible/intelligible opposition and (2) the
originary openness that makes language possible. Metaphor, in his view,
implies a framework structured by the sensible/intelligible opposition,
and thus is inappropriate for a thinking of the essence of language"
[(c) May 2014 - Joel Meservy, B.A., University of Tennessee, 2009]

In 1938 he wrote a letter to a Czech colleague Josef Hromádka in which
he declared that soldiers who fought against the Third Reich were
serving a Christian cause."

Barth's unease with the dominant theology which characterized Europe led
him to become a leader in the Confessing Church in Germany, which
actively opposed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. In particular, Barth
and other members of the movement vigorously attempted to prevent the
Nazis from taking over the existing church and establishing a state
church controlled by the regime. This culminated in Barth's authorship
of the Barmen Declaration, which fiercely criticized Christians who
supported the Nazis.

One of the most prolific and influential theologians of the twentieth
century, Barth emphasized the sovereignty of God." [Wikipedia 2016:

Nous: #23
Time: 06:50 hrs
Date: 2016.7.4
Torah: #40 #5 #300 %81 = #21
Dao: Constancy of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence
Tetra: #26 - Endeavor
I-Ching:H18 - Arresting Decay

Latin: Verus {God saviour} Alt: Nanael {Pray to God} {
4. Teut or Theuth
Mahalalel {Praise (fame) of God}


The substance of such evidence as my knowledge of God was obtained from
parsing Karl Barth's (10 May 1886-10 December 1968) quote about knowing
God with this very mathematical and rational paradigm of the *DIVINE*
mind as Godhead previously defined by me as an intellectual property.

.jackNote@zen: 3, row: 3, col: 7, nous: 23 [Date: 2016.7.4, Time: 1736
hrs, Super: #390 / #62 - Construing a Guide, Practise Reason; I-Ching:
H23 - Disintegration; Tetra: 70 - Severance, Ego: #337 / #23 - Constancy
of Guiding Concepts, Emptiness & Non-Existence; I-Ching: H18 - Arresting
Decay; Tetra: 26 - Endeavor]


@memeBrain [Telos: #4920, Super: #43 - Absolute Negation, It's Universal
Application; I-Ching: H50 - Cauldron; Tetra: 44 - Stove, Ego: #60 -
Skill Rulership, Maintain One's Place; I-Ching: H15 - Modesty; Tetra: 5
- Keeping Small]


#10, #2, #30, #1 = bela' (Aramaic) (H1080): 1) (Pael) to wear away, wear
out; 1a) to harass constantly (fig.);

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear
{bela' (Aramaic)-wear [H1080]: #43} out the saints of the most High, and
think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand
until a time and times and the *dividing* of time." [Daniel 7:25]


#30, #1, #20, #7, #2 = 'akzab (H391): 1) deceitful, treacherous,
deception, lie, deceptive, disappointing;

"Why is my pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be

Wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar {'akzab-liar [H391]: #60}, and
as waters that fail?" [Jeremiah 15:18]


@memeBrain [Telos: #2566, Super: #54 - Culturing Perspectives and
Intuition; I-Ching: H55 - Abundance; Tetra: 45 - Greatness, Ego: #55 -
Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching: H22 - Grace; Tetra: 54 - Unity]


#40, #5, #3, #1, #30, #8, #10 = megas (G3173): 1) great; 2) predicated
of rank, as belonging to; 3) splendid, prepared on a grand scale,
stately; 4) great things; 1a) of the external form or sensible
appearance of things (or of persons); 1a1) in particular, of space and
its dimensions, as respects; 1a1a) mass and weight: great; 1a1b) compass
and extent: large, spacious; 1a1c) measure and height: long; 1a1d)
stature and age: great, old; 1b) of number and quantity: numerous,
large, abundant; 1c) of age: the elder; 1d) used of intensity and its
degrees: with great effort, of the affections and emotions of the mind,
of natural events powerfully affecting the senses: violent, mighty,
strong; 2a) persons, eminent for ability, virtue, authority, power; 2b)
things esteemed highly for their importance: of great moment, of great
weight, importance; 2c) a thing to be highly esteemed for its
excellence: excellent; 4a) of God's preeminent blessings; 4b) of things
which overstep the province of a created being, proud (presumptuous)
things, full of arrogance, derogatory to the majesty of God;

"To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest {megas-great
[G3173]: #97}, saying, 'This man is the great {megas-great [G3173]: #97}
POWER (DUNAMIS: force [literally or figuratively]; specifically
miraculous power [usually by implication a miracle itself]:--ability,
abundance, meaning, mighty deed, worker of miracles, power, strength,
violence, mighty wonderful work) of God.'" [Acts 8:10]


#10, #70, #30, #5 = `alah (H5927): 1) to go up, ascend, climb; 1a)
(Qal); 1a1) to go up, ascend; 1a2) to meet, visit, follow, depart,
withdraw, retreat; 1a3) to go up, come up (of animals); 1a4) to spring
up, grow, shoot forth (of vegetation); 1a5) to go up, go up over, rise
(of natural phenomenon); 1a6) to come up (before God); 1a7) to go up, go
up over, extend (of boundary); 1a8) to excel, be superior to; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be taken up, be brought up, be taken away; 1b2) to
take oneself away; 1b3) to be exalted; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to bring up,
cause to ascend or climb, cause to go up; 1c2) to bring up, bring
against, take away; 1c3) to bring up, draw up, train; 1c4) to cause to
ascend; 1c5) to rouse, stir up (mentally); 1c6) to offer, bring up (of
gifts); 1c7) to exalt; 1c8) to cause to ascend, offer; 1d) (Hophal);
1d1) to be carried away, be led up; 1d2) to be taken up into, be
inserted in; 1d3) to be offered; 1e) (Hithpael) to lift oneself;

"For so it was, that the children of Israel {who prevails with God} had
sinned against the LORD their God, which had brought {`alah-come
[H5927]: #115} them up out of the land of Egypt {that troubles or
oppresses; anguish}, from under the hand of Pharaoh {that disperses;
that spoils} king of Egypt, and had feared other gods," [2Kings 17:7]


@memeBrain [Telos: #3923, Super: #72 - Self-Love, Holding Oneself Dear;
I-Ching: H39 - Obstacles; Tetra: 79 - Difficulties, Ego: #35 - Great
Guiding Signs?, Virtue of Benevolence; I-Ching: H17 - Allegiance; Tetra:
19 - Following]


#50, #70, #8, #40, #1 = noema (G3540): 1) a mental perception,
thought; 2) an evil purpose; 3) that which thinks, the mind, thoughts or

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds {noema-mind
[G3540]: #169} of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious
gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
[2Corinthians 4:4]

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself
against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought
{noema-mind [G3540]: #169} to the obedience of Christ;" [2Corinthians 10:5]


#20, #70, #60 = ka`ac (H3708): 1) anger, vexation, provocation, grief;
1a) vexation; 1a1) of men; 1a2) of God; 1b) vexation, grief, frustration;

"A fool's wrath {ka`ac-grief [H3708]: #150} is presently known: but a
prudent man covereth shame." [Proverbs 12:16]

"A foolish son is a grief {ka`ac-grief [H3708]: #150} to his father, and
bitterness to her that bare him." [Proverbs 17:25]

#5, #100, #10, #9, #5, #10, #1, #10 = eritheia (G2052): 1)
electioneering or intriguing for office; 1a) apparently, in the NT a
courting distinction, a desire to put one's self forward, a partisan and
fractious spirit which does not disdain low arts; 1b) partisanship,

"But unto them that are contentious {eritheia-strife [G2052]: #150}, and
do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,"
[Romans 2:8]

"The one preach Christ of contention {eritheia-strife [G2052]: #150},
not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds:" [Philippians 1:16]


@memeBrain [Telos: #2990, Super: #76 - Strength's Warning Signs,
Revealers of Virtue; I-Ching: H20 - Contemplation; Tetra: 64 - Sinking,
Ego: #74 - Controlling Feelings, Overcome Delusion; I-Ching: H39 -
Obstacles; Tetra: 80 - Labouring]


#1, #80, #70, #4, #5, #10, #60, #5, #10 = apodeixis (G585): 1) a making
manifest, showing forth; 2) a demonstration, proof;

"And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's
wisdom, but in demonstration {apodeixis-demonstration [G585]: #245} of
the Spirit and of POWER (DUNAMIS: force [literally or figuratively];
specifically miraculous power [usually by implication a miracle
itself]:--ability, abundance, meaning, mighty deed, worker of miracles,
power, strength, violence, mighty wonderful work):" [1 Corinthians 2:4]


#20, #90, #4, #10, #100 = tsaddiyq (H6662): 1) just, lawful, righteous;
1a) just, righteous (in government); 1b) just, right (in one's cause);
1c) just, righteous (in conduct and character); 1d) righteous (as
justified and vindicated by God); 1e) right, correct, lawful;

"The lips of the righteous {tsaddiyq-righteous [H6662]: #224} feed many:
but fools die for want of wisdom." [Proverbs 10:21]

"As the whirlwind passeth, so is the wicked no more: but the righteous
{tsaddiyq-righteous [H6662]: #224} is an everlasting foundation."
[Proverbs 10:25]

Word of the Day corresponding to the time of your
#karl-barth-for-dummies Facebook post is:

1. a whirlwind or something resembling a whirlwind.
2. a firework that rises spirally.

Tourbillion entered English from the French tourbillon meaning
'whirlwind.' Ultimately, it can be traced to the Latin turbō meaning
'something that spins.' It entered English in the mid-1400s. [Courtesy:
Word of the Day for 3rd (4th - AEST) July 2016,]

- dolf

Facebook Post "Karl Barth on Knowledge of God" of 4 July, 2016


Initial Post: 4 July, 2016

SUBJECT WAS: -- Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.


- alt.atheism
- alt.christnet.christianlife
- alt.dear.whitehouse


dolf: "MR CHRISTOPHER LEE has on this 4th July, 2016 (AEST) steadfastly
refused to engaged within reasonable, rational and coherent dialog and
instead resorted to his unrestrained anal-sadistic violent
'*TREASONABLE*' hate speech and Tourette Syndrome like manner: 'most
often associated with the exclamation of obscene words or socially
inappropriate and derogatory remarks (coprolalia).'"

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "You don't even know what reasonable,
rational and coherent dialog is - you spam inappropriate newsgroups with
unsolicited, multi-thousand line, question-begging nonsense and repost
it under the forged ID of those who object.

Do you seriously expect people to read beyond the first page of utterly
senseless rubbish?

Do you really not understand the difference between your nonsensical
monologues and dialog?

And do you really not understand the language used to express emphasis
and contempt for your unsolicited rudeness and stupidity?"

dolf: "He has by such acts, which are motivated entirely by a daemonic
animalistic driven human nature, continued to convey distorted realities
of a perverse, depraved, inconsequential and circumstantial morality (ie.


- I'm terraforming as anti-terrorism activity so as to make the planet
more conducive to human life;


- I'm frogging only to tag and tarnish their often anonymous identity
(why ought mine be scat upon) to bring their misdemeanors and misconduct
to their attention by negating any kill-file mechanism.

) and as conduct expressing a manner of speech conveying unambiguous and
contemptible racialism, psycho-sexualism, vehement anti-religiosity and
fascist characterizations that are knowingly false.

He has been advised that a failure to respond to each of the questions
and evidence placed before him with an answer that is explicit,
unambiguous and with clarity, will result in a legal claim of
defamation, slander and unlawful use of telecommunications carriage
service for harassment being made against him in due course--HE IS


So I will repeat it again for you on this 4 July, 2016 (AEST) and warn
you to be careful of your conduct lest you pervert the DAY and offend
the American national ethos.

EXISTENCE OF WHAT FUCKING DEITY was Adolph the psycho who spams his
unsolicited and off-topic nonsense to a whole slew of groups and then
forges those who tell him where to shove it, lying about?"

dolf: "Again you are showing by a hymenealism (ie. marriage as an
institutionalized values based religious belief, disbelief or
non-belief) an utmost contempt for the autonomy of self identity,
sovereign authority, law and order as justice.

You are engaged within foolish, defamatory conduct and vain imaginations
by preserving your egoistic self identity through making a profession of
a psychiatric disorder of others.

Where as I'm speaking entirely of a mathematical paradigm of rational
and a reasoned mind.

Q. *What* *is* *truth*? [Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth before #34CE]

A. *Truth* is a cosmogonic consideration.

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans


- dolf

-------- Forwarded Message --------
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2016 11:37:57 -0500
From: Christopher A. Lee <>
Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.christnet.christianlife,
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2016 11:37:55 -0500
Message-ID: <>
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On 4/07/2016 02:37, Christopher A. Lee wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Jul 2016 02:27:31 +1000, "Christopher A. Lee"
> <> wrote:
>> Path:!!!not-for-mail
>> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2016 11:27:32 -0500 From:
>> "Christopher A. Lee" <> Subject: -- TOO GUTLESS
> DEITY was Adolph the psycho who spams his unsolicited and off-topic
> nonsense to a whole slew of groups and then forges those who tell him
> where to shove it, lying about?
> [more than three thousand lines of sheer insanity deleted]
> The original has been forwarded to,

dolf: "An anonymous poster is a non-entity just like your claim of God


That your concern over such a non-entity is an illogical response from
you--evidently you can't address the 3,000+ lines of evidence conveying
a unity of apperception about the existence of God Almighty."

CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "The anonymous user hiding behind the nym
"dolf" is certifiably insane.

[nearly 5,000 lines of mind-numbing stupidity, deleted]"


CHRISTOPHER (ATHEIST) LEE: "It's not our job to do your work for you.

You're supposed to know what evidence there is for something you can't
even describe, but we're not mind readers to know what you think you've got.


pretending you are too stupid to understand.

We have no idea what you think you've got, and you never describe your
hypothetical god in such a way that we even know what you're talking about."

So I will repeat it again for you on this 4 July, 2016 (AEST) and warn
you to be careful of your conduct lest you pervert the DAY and offend
the American national ethos.


You won't read this, but it was published all over the place and went
viral on the net. It describes *you*.

He won't read this, but it describes *him*...

dolf: "The substance of such evidence as courteous response to your
earnest questioning was obtained from the date of 14 February 2014 for
the publication of the report titled: 'INTERNET TROLLS REALLY ARE
SADISTIC' which was produced by you using the very mathematical and
rational paradigm of the *DIVINE* mind as Godhead previously defined by
me as an intellectual property.

Nous: #55
Date: 2014.2.14
Torah: #1 #6 #40 %81 = #47
Dao: Abstruse Mysterious Signs
Tetra: #54 - Unity
I-Ching:H22 - Grace

Latin: Annunciatus {Patient God} Alt: Lalahel {That Which is Not is Not
of God} {
4. Phuonisie
Boaz {In strength}


dolf: "Let me explain it in the juxtaposed manner of a recent study,
where trolls were identified in a variety of ways. One was by simply
asking survey participants what they 'enjoyed doing most' when on online
comment sites, offering the following options:

- Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others),
- narcissism (egotism and self-obsession),
- psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and
- sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).

Ultimately, the allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists, who
presumably have limited opportunities to express their sadistic
interests in a socially-desirable manner.


The real reason is that they show the utmost contempt for the autonomy
of self identity, sovereign authority, law and order as justice and have
no substantial alternative explanation, except to claim a delusional and
fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and nothingness."


Speaking of which, I liked this flourish in my response to your claim
there was no evidence produced:


"Swarms of locusts have invaded parts of Russia, including Sochi, which
hosted the Winter Olympics in 2014.

Emergency services say the number of vermin is on the increase due to
the migration of the Moroccan locust species from the south of the country."


#1, #20, #100, #10, #4, #5, #200 - akris (G200): 1) a locust,
particularly that species which especially infests oriental countries,
stripping fields and trees. Numberless swarms of them almost every
spring are carried by the wind from Arabia into Palestine, and having
devastated that country, migrate to regions farther north, until they
perish by falling into the sea. The Orientals accustomed to feed upon
locusts, either raw or roasted and seasoned with salt (or prepared in
other ways), and the Israelites also were permitted to eat them.;

dolf: "Again you are showing by a hymenealism (ie. marriage as an
institutionalized values based religious belief, disbelief or
non-belief) an utmost contempt for the autonomy of self identity,
sovereign authority, law and order as justice.

Has heaven's gate ever opened for you to answer your call?

Keep calm Colonel, but quiet contemplation can even bring you before all
that is Sovereign."


Britain's Queen Elizabeth has stressed the need for political leaders to
make "room for quiet thinking and contemplation" to deal with
developments in a "fast-moving world".

The monarch used her address at the opening of the fifth session of the
Scottish Parliament to refer to "increasingly complex and demanding" times.

The opening ceremony was held just over a week after the UK voted to
leave the European Union - but Scotland's vote to stay prompted fresh
fears over the future of the Union, with a second independence
referendum now a real possibility.

The Queen said: "Of course we all live and work in an increasingly
complex and demanding world where events and developments can and do
take place with remarkable speed, and retaining the ability to stay calm
and collected can at times be hard.


#60, #200, #20, #10, #50 - carek (Aramaic) (H5632): 1) chief, overseer;

"All the presidents {carek (Aramaic)-president [H5632]: #340} of the
kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counsellors, and the
captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to
make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or
man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den
of lions." [Daniel 6:7]

#5, #100, #10, #9, #5, #10, #1, #200 - eritheia (G2052): 1)
electioneering or intriguing for office; 1a) apparently, in the NT a
courting distinction, a desire to put one's self forward, a partisan and
fractious spirit which does not disdain low arts; 1b) partisanship,


"Nothing is resolved. If Malcolm Turnbull forms Government it will be
with the barest of majorities, or in an alliance with the crossbench.

He will face enemies across the aisle and in his ranks and a Senate with
at least as many weird moving parts as the one he just expunged.

In his early morning speech he invoked John Howard's narrow victory in
1998 as a talisman for how he might cobble something that looks like a
victory from this ruin.

The comparison fails because Mr Howard was a consummate politician and
the Prime Minister has just proved, again, that he is not.

He appealed to Australians to trust him but too many recalled the
Coalition's shattered promises of the 2014 Budget.

Labor's 'Mediscare' campaign was outrageous but it worked because the
Coalition had provided field evidence that people had a reason to be afraid.

Mr Turnbull promised stability, expecting people to forget how he got
his job.

Given he made such heavy work of his first months as Prime Minister it
is not unreasonable to ask how he will navigate the rough water on the

His intellect is not in question, it's his capacity to unify his party
and successfully get any of his, modest, agenda through both houses of



dolf: "You are engaged within foolish, defamatory conduct and vain
imaginations by preserving your egoistic self identity through making a
profession of a psychiatric disorder of others.

Where as I'm speaking entirely of a mathematical paradigm of rational
and a reasoned mind.

Q. *What* *is* *truth*? [Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth before #34CE]

A. *Truth* is a cosmogonic consideration.

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans

- dolf



Initial Post: 4 May, 2016




Jul 4, 2016, 2:34:39 PM7/4/16
On Sun, 03 Jul 2016 21:59:49 +1000, Lucifer Morningstar <>
Satan definitely agrees with you.


Jul 4, 2016, 6:11:55 PM7/4/16
-- Karl Barth on Knowledge of God

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 4 July, 2016

For all his Wisdom, Karl Barth is proven incorrect within this statement:

"There is no knowledge of God apart from the way which Jesus walked, the
way which Jesus is, the way which Jesus called his disciples to follow.
There is no knowledge of God apart from this response of faith." [Karl
Barth CD II/1, 29]


Richard Keith (Minister)
Leeton Presbyterian Church
Cypress Street, Leeton, New South Wales, Australia
Mobile: 0487 520 450



dolf: "Are you this individual?

I just wish to confirm your details before corresponding with you


Although I prefer to be called a person rather than an individual."

dolf: "Could you explain to me why you continued to remove the
visibility of my guest post from your #karl-barth-for-dummies Facebook

And give sufficient explanation for why you ought not to be publicly
held accountable as FASCIST and pursued in a court of law for TREASON
which is well within my means?

I've publicised your actions worldwide and I await your reasoned
explanation. And placed the above notice on the Facebook post which I
have made.

If you object to it, then I'd be pleased to hear from you as to why.

To aus.religion.judaism I made the following response:

Just look at the dammed zombie on the Facebook 'Karl Barth for Dummies'

That is barf-vomit for you.

Wickedness is what wickedness does."

KEITH (MINISTER) RICHARD: "God is he whom we may love above all things.
[Karl Barth CD II/1, 32]

Our love for God and our obedience to him is not true love or true
obedience unless it is free, an exercise of permission, a liberation, an
authorization." [Karl Barth CD II/1, 33]

dolf: "LIARS.

Karl Barth would be turning within his grave at their perverse and
depraved denial of truth by hiding my guest post from visibility on
their timeline."

RICHARD (MINISTER) KEITH: "Do you even English?"

dolf: "Language is intrinsic to one's inner being and happens to reflect
experience as the journey of life and is often shaped by common
association, phoneme and memetic exchange within one's social context.

To say nothing of the ethereal attribution one acquires as an element of
character when one is practised in maintaining a connectedness between
one's spoken words and their concord within action."

Q. *What* *is* *truth* [Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth before #34CE]
that you need to hide it?

A. *Truth* is a cosmogonic consideration.

If language then has a cosmological basis (ie. rational PI), as an
Anthropic Principle which was known from antiquity, then language isn't
just a metaphorical derivation, but it also has an absolute epistemology
(from Greek ἐπιστήμη, epistēmē meaning 'knowledge', and λόγος, logos,
meaning 'word') as the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

And God saw the light, that it was good: and God *divided* the light
from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he
called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."
[Genesis 1:3-5 (KJV)]

I have previously said, that the motto of the British Monarchy and our
Justice System is DIEU ET MON DROIT (ie. GOD AND MY RIGHT) and this
totality of a "Sovereign and Autonomous Right" as the "Power to Rule"
and "Dispense Justice" by "Edict as a *DIVINE* Authority", can be
understood in God (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) being defined by:

- "I am Alpha (ie. of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet)
and Omega (ie. last letter of the Greek alphabet)" [Revelation 1:8, 11;
21:6, 13],
- "The first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS" [Revelation 1:11; 22:13];
- "The beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS" [Revelation 1:8; 21:6; 22:13].


'For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any
two-edged sword, piercing even to the *dividing* asunder of soul and
spirit, and of the joints of the marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intentions of the intents of the heart' [Hebrews 4:12]

The great thing about this Intellectual Property of MINE as a legal
argument: (Dieu et mon droit) is that this technology for "Judging,
Weighing and Integrity of Words" is not only embedded within the Bible
as Scriptures and given assent to through an *oath*, swearing by
Almighty God, but is compatible with the regime of numbered and natural
jurisprudence (ie. the Categories of Understanding as #729 appraisals
within the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON as a theoretical and metaphysical
conception of the Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind, in being a reasonable
consideration, then ought to equate with the numbered paragraphs) as
being a mandatory prerequisite for the presenting of any legal case
before a court of law.

So there ought not to be then any instance of perverse Justice.

Making a reasonable supposition as a logical, probable and hypothetical
proposition, which is then predicated upon by a determined course of
affirmative action to inform oneself through inquisition as
elimination--is the process of a rational mind practiced in acquiring
knowledge and explicit specification within categories of understanding.

That in my view, punctiliousness is an intrinsic phonetic correspondence
and functional cognitive characteristic of mind. [Courtesy: Word of the
Day for 2 July 2016,]

For example, if all but the first and last letters are scrambled and the
sentence is entirely ambiguous, you can still disambiguate the word and
fully comprehend the sentence, Cambridge University researchers suggest:

"Taht in my veiw, psciiouelnunsts is an insniirtc phteinoc
conrecoednprse and fancounitl cvgiinote cartarseiichtc of mnid."


Confusion like fear and paranoia which steadfastly and habitually
refuses to overcome its ignorant state by informing itself, can then be
considered delusional.

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans

1) Torah's Sabbath (HOMOIOS) view of Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c²
[9(9²+1)/2] is a genuine Sabbath based Genesis reprise [Exodus 20:8;
Deuteronomy 5:15];


This is an alternative HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/*DIVINE* and a
determined contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos
OF NATURE-genesis), autonomous sovereignty as empire governance,
language, rationality and the reasoned mind of religious belief:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2

+ 0, 27, 54 {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}
+ 0, 9, 18 {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
+ 0, 3, 6 {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}
+ *1* - *MONAD*, *2* - *DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD* {ie. Formula of Progression
of individual phenomena (Wan Wu)}

= Tetragrammaton hierarchy value as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER.

+ 0, 81, 9(9²+1)/2 = #369 {ie. Organization of the myriad or number of

It is not a claim that the earth and universe is only 6,000 years old,
but rather a proposition of relativity within billions of years and a
noumenal focal point as a development by which rationality transpires,
reason springs forth and that is characteristic to being human:

HOMO ('man') / HOMOIOS (*same*, *equal* *in* *force*, *a* *match* *for*
*one*, *all* *one* *to* *us*, of *numbers*, *square*, *the* *product*
*of* *two* *equal* *factors*), SAPIENS ('thinker') / SAPIENT ('being a
wise/wisdom thinker') [Deuteronomy 4:32; Genesis 1:26]

The development of the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON is my claim to an
Intellectual Property as being compliant with a Natural Law and Common
Law right, in that it establishes the prima facie claim, that my past
conduct has integrity, and with regards to an expression of an Autonomy
of Will."

2) Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theorem: a² = b² + c² is associated to Roman
Empire Governance, Roman Catholicism (et al) and fascist (see image below)


I am showing you by this hymenealism (ie. marriage as an
institutionalized values based religious belief, disbelief or
non-belief) the cause of an utmost contempt for the autonomy of self
identity, sovereign authority, law and order as justice.

Satan's temptation against Jesus {He is saved/A savior; a deliverer} of
Nazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned;
sanctified} within the wilderness is made against the Sovereignty of
Roman Empire Governance:

a) Showed unto him all the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD (OIKOUMENĒ);

b) Said unto him, 'All this power (EXOUSIA) will I give thee";

Jesus Christ's wilderness temptation was a refusal of this Satanic
prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of
Number and its reliance upon the progression of #15CE ... #34CE ...
#65CE ... #2000CE < --- Holy Catholic 'Satanic' Tradition et al as
faux-sophistic wisdom) in deference for a HOMOIOS regard to the Creator
God as the Father (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV);
Romans 1:16-32; James 3:5-9 (KJV)]"

The argument on the '*CAUSE* *OF* *TRUTH*' being advanced within the
Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans Chapter 1 as a HETEROS v's HOMOIOS
THEORY OF NUMBER misapprehension of his encapsulation of knowledge, is
made in relation to being mindful in our knowing of God (ie. not
changing the *truth* of God into a lie), which is expressed by the
Apostle Paul about not having a mindset encapsulated by the profession
of wisdom that is contradictory (ie. a situation in which inconsistent
elements are present such as in the HETEROS {*1* - *MONAD*, *2* -
*DUAD*, *3* - *TRIAD*} formulation represents GOD as MIND, SEMINAL
*TRUTH* being HERMAPHRODITE) and ostensibly presumptuous conduct, as our
ability of the mind to not be intentioned by the preoccupation in the
engagement of foolishness and vain imaginations."

I don't like reading the fascist inspiring German philosopher Martin
Heidegger (26 September 1889-26 May 1976) for the same reason--but I
nevertheless can refute him.

So you cannot consider me just a self-opinionated Dutch/Frisian
narcissist who is nothing more than a bastard son of Heidegger and a
Babylonian whore (ie. promiscuous relative to being and time).

Sexual promiscuity (like that of Babylonian {incongruity; confusion;
mixture} whoredom) has an inconsequence {eg: an *oath*} of action and
words relative to being and time: 'we hold that there is no more
infallible evidence of insincerity of purpose, short of overt acts, than
a face that *smiles* when there is no occasion, and the *tongue* that is
out of measure smooth.'" [James Fenimore Cooper, The Pathfinder, 1840;
Courtesy: Word of the Day for 29 June 2016;]

On 4/07/2016 22:02, duke <> wrote:
> On Sat, 02 Jul 2016 17:42:01 -0400, Governor Swill
> wrote:
>> Forge.
>> Swill
> NOte the dolf posting 2400 lines below. Ignore.
> the dukester, American-American
> *****
> "The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
> Pope Paul VI
> *****


SUBJECT WAS: -- Pope Francis says Christians should apologise to gay people.


- alt.atheism
- alt.christnet.christianlife
- alt.dear.whitehouse


dolf: "MR CHRISTOPHER LEE has on this 4th July, 2016 (AEST) steadfastly
refused to engaged within reasonable, rational and coherent dialog and
instead resorted to his unrestrained anal-sadistic violent
'*TREASONABLE*' hate speech and Tourette Syndrome like manner: 'most
often associated with the exclamation of obscene words or socially
inappropriate and derogatory remarks (coprolalia).'"

unambiguous and with clarity, will result in a legal claim of
defamation, slander and unlawful use of telecommunications carriage
service for harassment being made against him in due course--HE IS


So I will repeat it again for you on this 4 July, 2016 (AEST) and warn
you to be careful of your conduct lest you pervert the DAY and offend
the American national ethos.

EXISTENCE OF WHAT FUCKING DEITY was Adolph the psycho who spams his
unsolicited and off-topic nonsense to a whole slew of groups and then
forges those who tell him where to shove it, lying about?"

dolf: "Again you are showing by a hymenealism (ie. marriage as an
institutionalized values based religious belief, disbelief or
non-belief) an utmost contempt for the autonomy of self identity,
sovereign authority, law and order as justice.

You are engaged within foolish, defamatory conduct and vain imaginations
by preserving your egoistic self identity through making a profession of
a psychiatric disorder of others.

Where as I'm speaking entirely of a mathematical paradigm of rational
and a reasoned mind.

Q. *What* *is* *truth*? [Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth before #34CE]

A. *Truth* is a cosmogonic consideration.

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans
no substantial alternative explanation, except to claim a delusional and
fantastical belief in myths, hearsay and nothingness."

imaginations by preserving your egoistic self identity through making a
profession of a psychiatric disorder of others.

Where as I'm speaking entirely of a mathematical paradigm of rational
and a reasoned mind.

Q. *What* *is* *truth*? [Pilate asked Jesus of Nazareth before #34CE]

A. *Truth* is a cosmogonic consideration.

It is an argument between which 'HETEROS' v's 'HOMOIOS' as the THEORY OF
NUMBER constitutes the mind created in the image of the Creator God as
the Father (Godhead/*DIVINE* Nature as Mind) [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV); Romans

- dolf



Initial Post: 4 May, 2016



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