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Only leftists hate USA

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no surrender

Nov 27, 2007, 7:58:28 AM11/27/07


The World Doesn't Hate America, the Left Does
By Dennis Prager, radio show host, contributing columnist for,
and author of 4 books including Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human
Nature Repair Manual.

"One of the most widely held beliefs in the contemporary world -- so
widely held it is not disputed -- is that, with few exceptions, the world
hates America. One of the Democrats' major accusations against the Bush
administration is that it has increased hatred of America to unprecedented
levels. And in many polls, the United States is held to be among the
greatest obstacles to world peace and harmony.

But it is not true that the world hates America. It is the world's left that
hates America. However, because the left dominates the world's news media
and because most people, understandably, believe what the news media report,
many people, including Americans, believe that the world hates America.

That it is the left -- and those influenced by the left-leaning news and
entertainment media -- that hates America can be easily shown.

Take Western Europe, which is widely regarded as holding America in
contempt, but upon examination only validates our thesis. The French, for
example, are regarded as particularly America-hating, but if this were so,
how does one explain the election of Nicolas Sarkozy as president of France?
Sarkozy loves America and was known to love America when he ran for
president. Evidently, it is the left in France -- a left that, like the left
in America, dominates the media, arts, universities and unions -- that hates
the U.S., not the French.

The same holds true for Spain, Australia, Britain, Latin America and
elsewhere. The left in these countries hate the United States while
non-leftists, and especially conservatives, in those countries hold America
in high regard, if not actually love it.

There is another obvious argument against the belief that the world hates
America: Many millions of people would rather live in America than in any
other country. How does the left explain this? Why would people want to come
to a country they loathe? Why don't people want to live in Sweden or France
as much as they wish to live in America? Those are rich and free countries,

The answer is that most people know there is no country in the world more
accepting of strangers as is America. After three generations, people who
have emigrated to Germany or France or Sweden do not feel -- and are not
regarded as -- fully German, French or Swedish. Yet, anyone of any color
from any country is regarded as American the moment he or she identifies as
one. The country that the left routinely calls "xenophobic" and "racist" is
in fact the least racist and xenophobic country in the world.

Given that it is the left and the institutions it dominates -- universities,
media (other than talk radio in America) and unions -- that hate America,
two questions remain: Why does the left hate America, and does the American
left, too, hate America?

The answer to the first question is that America and especially the most
hated parts of America -- conservatives, religious conservatives in
particular -- are the greatest obstacles to leftist dominance. American
success refutes the socialist ideals of the left; American use of force to
vanquish evil refutes the left's pacifist tendencies; America is the last
great country that believes in putting some murderers to death, something
that is anathema to the left; when America is governed by conservatives, it
uses the language of good and evil, language regarded by the left as
"Manichean"; most Americans still believe in the Judeo-Christian value
system, another target of the left because the left regards all religions as
equally valid (or more to the point, equally foolish and dangerous) and
regards God-based morality as the moral equivalent of alchemy.

It makes perfect sense that the left around the world loathes America. The
final question, then, is whether this loathing of America is characteristic
of the American left as well. The answer is that the American left hates the
America that believes in American exceptionalism, is prepared to use force
to fight what it deems as dangerous evil, affirms the Judeo-Christian value
system, believes in the death penalty, supports male-female marriage,
rejects big government, wants lower taxes, prefers free market to
governmental solutions, etc. The American left, like the rest of the world's
left, loathes that America.

So what America does the American left love? That is for those on the left
to answer. But given their beliefs that America was founded by racists and
slaveholders, that it is an imperialist nation, that 35 million Americans go
hungry, that it invades countries for corporate profits, and that it is
largely racist and xenophobic, it is a fair question.
I will enjoy reading the Left's rejoinders.



Nov 27, 2007, 10:05:26 AM11/27/07
no surrender wrote:

> I will enjoy reading the Left's rejoinders.

Patrick Buchanan doesn't hate the USA, but he is making arrangements for the
funeral mass:

no surrender

Nov 27, 2007, 11:13:38 AM11/27/07

"bowman" <> wrote in message

> no surrender wrote:
> > I will enjoy reading the Left's rejoinders.
> Patrick Buchanan doesn't hate the USA, but he is making arrangements for
> funeral mass:
It appears you've missed his point entirely.



Nov 27, 2007, 12:11:35 PM11/27/07
Dennis are you getting this from somewhere, or is this your postings?
I would really like to know, email me please.

no surrender

Nov 27, 2007, 12:51:45 PM11/27/07

"Einstein" <> wrote in message

> Dennis are you getting this from somewhere, or is this your postings?
> I would really like to know, email me please.
Getting what, Ein?



Curly Surmudgeon

Nov 27, 2007, 2:10:50 PM11/27/07

As you've indicated, it is the wacko right that is destroying America.

But who expects a rational presentation by our own resident wacko? "no
surender" is more intent on trolling than rational dialog.

-- Regards, Curly

no surrender

Nov 27, 2007, 3:45:36 PM11/27/07

"Curly Surmudgeon" <> wrote in message

> On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:05:26 -0700, bowman wrote:
> > no surrender wrote:
> >
> >> I will enjoy reading the Left's rejoinders.
> >
> > Patrick Buchanan doesn't hate the USA, but he is making arrangements for
> > the funeral mass:
> >
> >
> As you've indicated, it is the wacko right that is destroying America.
> But who expects a rational presentation by our own resident wacko? "no
> surender" is more intent on trolling than rational dialog.
> -- Regards, Curly
Puh-leeze, Curlie Sue, do grow up. You're becoming a boor.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Nov 27, 2007, 8:36:45 PM11/27/07
Their Bad News Is Our Good News

By Shaun Walker.

Recently in Slovakia, the anti-White practice, which is misnamed
"Affirmative Action," was deemed illegal and the practice has now
ended. This is while the nation of Slovakia still has its racial
composition under control. Slovakia does have a small non-White
population whom must ultimately be repatriated, and a sizable
Gypsy population to deal with, but they have not experienced the
massive damage that cities like Frankfurt in Germany, or Brussels
in Belgium have suffered. So, the fact that this East European
country understands the cause and effect with regards to race at
the early stages of the Jew-led race-destruction process is very
encouraging. The wonderful European city of Bratislava will
continue to look like a European city, despite the best efforts
of the Jews and their liberal supporters.

Just to the north of Bratislava, over the Tatary Mountains is
Poland. This White nation of 40 million has a large unemployment
rate, a large young population, and one of the highest birthrates
for all the White nations. It is also fortunate to contain a
sizeable element of the population who understand the Jews and
the importance of race. This is most likely because the Poles
suffered terribly under Communism, and many of the anti-Communist
uprisings over the past decades had a distinct anti-Jewish flavor
to them.

In Poland, a new man has been elected as the next president --
and best of all, he is not from the party that was supported by
George W. Bush. Now, before I move on, let's look back at Poland
for a moment.

The US State Department had worked hand-in-hand with the current,
out-going Polish government, made up of former Communists. These
are the same Communists that the US government allegedly opposed
back in the 1980s, when the US was backing the Solidarity
Movement, headed by Lech Walesa. Solidarity was a trade union
federation started in 1980 at the shipyards in Gdansk, Poland,
and was probably the single most important movement which
contributed to the fall of Communism.

Yet, when Lech Walesa, the leader of Solidarity (who spent some
time in the Communist's prison) was elected as President of
Poland, he was shunned by the US State Department. His trade
union-turned-political party was to experience the famous
US-double-take treatment, along with Saddam Hussein of Iraq,
Manuel Noriega of Panama, the assassinated President Diem of
South Vietnam, and others, who all experienced the US State
Department's famous deceit and back-stabbing. Lech Walesa was
only a tool to help the Capitalists dismantle the Communist East.
Once that was done, he needed to be replaced.

His term as president was marred by US mistreatment. He was
replaced by the very same people who had tried to crush the
Solidarity movement in the first place. These "former" Communists
had "privatized" the wealth of Poland, which means they took the
wealth of Poland for themselves. About ten percent of Poland
ended up fairly well off. Suddenly, these 'former' Communists
forgot about the economic principles of Communism, which they
never believed in anyway, and overnight became Capitalists. These
are the people who just wanted to be in power; to hold
prestigious positions of authority…

The rest is history. Solidarity stumbled and the Communists took
the reigns again with a very openly pro-US stance. Some Americans
might think this is good. Actually it isn't.

The US government is controlled by the worst scum on the planet,
and will ultimately destroy the White race if they are not
removed from power. So, when other nations back the US government
today, this is actually very bad for the White race overall. So,
when things go poorly for the US government today, then you can
be assured that this is almost always a good sign for the White
race. What is bad for the Jews and the US government, is good for
the White race - and vice versa.

Anyway, the Jew-backed, former Communists caused even more
problems in Poland, so they were going to be replaced by a new
Jew-friendly Polish government. The Polish party next in line to
serve the bidding of the US state department and international
Zionism, was the Civic Platform party, lead by Donald Tusk.

But, the Jews don't control everything; never have; never will,
but they did think they had this election in the bag. The turn of
events came this week when the Law and Justice Party, lead by
Lech Kaczynski, won the national election.

And one interesting point to this is the fact that his Law and
Justice Party is called a leftist party and the Civic Platform
party is called a right-wing party. These definitions are so worn
out and archaic that they don't describe anything these days…

The entire country, from the big cities to the rural hiking
trails, is adorned with religious icons. The oddest religious
icon I saw was near Sopot, Poland, in between two busy roads.
Everyday, I would see Polish women dodging traffic to get out to
this island in between the roads to lay down flowers and pray. At
first I thought it was where a traffic death occurred, but it is
an old religious site and these Poles like it where it is.

So, when I met these members of the Law and Justice Party, I
first thought they were a religious-based party, similar to the
Republican faction of the religious-right in America, such as the
Pat Robertson types. But when discussing the economic issues,
they sounded like Communists or at least far-left socialists.

However, they hated the Communists. Their hatred of Communism,
though, was two-fold. First, they hated being dominated by the
Soviet Union; they wanted real national independence. This was
easy to understand. The second point was that they hated the Jews
who created communism and caused so much suffering. This was also
easy for me to understand, but I realized that most Americans
still don't understand this.

When pressed on the issue of Jews, these Poles are really split
right down the middle on their understanding of Jews. About half
understand the Jews as a powerful political force which has
caused harm to everyone, the other half of Poles would be
classified in the American lexicon as religious bigots. Many of
them really didn't seem to care about the current plight of the
White race, but only about religion. These are of course the ones
who always get air-time on the Jewish-controlled TV. Instead of
discussing the ongoing problems that the Jews cause everyday,
they fall back to quoting religious scripture to justify their
beliefs towards Jews. This really doesn't help explain matters at
all and is even counter-productive.

Suffice it to say that the Law and Justice Party had so many more
elements within it that would make them "right-wingers" in
America, but they are called leftists. And the only real reason I
could discern was their stance on America. The right-wing parties
were pro-West and pro-American.

The Poles who are anti-American were called leftists. This again
only highlights the fact that the left-versus-right definitions
are practically useless today.

Well, one thing I did learn from the Law and Justice members were
that they didn't trust Americans, Jews, Germans or Russians. To
them, all these groups posed problems for them. There are even
some Poles who strongly agree with National Socialism, but
strongly dislike Germans. They really have a variety of beliefs
which are modified for their own national interests. So, in that
regard, they are more-or-less isolationists and nationalists.
But, Law and Justice wasn't very strong back then.

In 2000, they only made up about 10% of the vote in Poland. In
the recent elections they received 53% of the vote, and now Lech
Kaczynski will become the president. This is bad news for the
Jews and the US State Department, but ultimately good news for
White people.

I remember a conversation I had with some Law and Justice members
in Krakow. We were sitting in the open-aired plaza, which was
incidentally the largest Renaissance plaza in all of Europe. Most
Poles don't speak English, so several of them interpreted for me,
and this group did like my take on politics and race. While
sitting at the open-air restaurant on this sunny day, quite a few
Poles picked up their coffees and moved and sat down beside us.
It literally turned into a public question and answer session.
Many of these Poles feel the exact same way towards Jews as the
National Alliance does, but they never heard an American say so.
They had heard that the Jews controlled the American media, but
they wanted to hear it from an American. The Poles have a better
understanding of US politics than do the vast majority of

They weren't so savvy on race, though. Most thought of Mexicans
as just Italians. They didn't understand why I didn't like
Mexicans. I had to explain to them that Mexicans were not White
and were basically like Gypsies. This was an over-simplification,
but it worked. It is almost a universal reality that East
Europeans dislike or strongly hate Gypsies.

But, I need to clarify a few things here. Five years ago, when
Law and Justice was much smaller, they had a better understanding
of the issues. Over the last few years, there have been
compromises and a watering down of the core beliefs of Law and
Justice. But, there also was no major rift within Law and
Justice. They didn't undergo a split or an exodus of the core
members who do understand the Jew problem. In fact, many of them
are in key positions within the party. And, this week, they have
won the seat of the President of Poland. This ain't bad news from
where I'm sitting.

But, like I was saying at the beginning, what is good for us is
bad for the Jews and the US Government (since these two groups
are basically one in the same these days).

But, the Jews did not want Law and Justice to win the election.
Law and Justice is against US aggression around the world and
speaks out against the moron from Texas. Law and Justice is
against non-Whites moving into Poland and allowing non-Whites to
become Polish citizens. Law and Justice is against anti-White
"Affirmative Action" laws in Poland, much like what was just
struck down in Slovakia. Law and Justice is against faggots and
lesbians in about every manner you can think of. Law and Justice
is for large families and traditional values. Law and Justice is
against allowing Poland to become a puppet state for America,
Russia, or the European Union.

This used to be a normal political choice of many countries
throughout time; it's called neutrality. Switzerland became
famous and prospered as a neutral country. But today, with
Americans being brainwashed daily by the Jew media, there are no
such things as neutral nations anymore. The new double-speak of
today, in the George Orwell fashion, is to call neutral nations
as "rogue nations." But, no matter, Law and Justice stands for
being a neutral nation in our current Jew-dominated world. This
is good for us and bad for the Jews.

The coming year in Poland will really be telling. If the leaders
of Law and Justice can withstand the forces of the American CIA,
the British MI6 and the Israeli Mossad, then they will create a
good government for the Polish people. And the Russians have an
interest in Poland, too, but their powerful spy organization, the
FSB, formerly called the KGB, is staffed about half by pro-Jew
Internationalist types and half by anti-Jew Russian nationalist
types. Let's hope that Putin has been successful in putting the
Russian nationalists in key positions. If so, they might be able
to help the members of Law and Justice.

And let's not forget that there are selfish, opportunistic people
in every group including Law and Justice, but Poland has been
given a chance. Let's hope them well and help them where we can.

Another event, just south of Poland and about one hour west of
Bratislava, occurred in the capital of Austria, in the
architectural gem named Vienna.

Here there was another election with outstanding results. When I
say it is outstanding, I mean really good for the White race. The
US State Department and the Jews in Israel are very annoyed at
the outcome. Isn't it amazing how the world events are so easy to
gauge, by the approval or disapproval of the Jew media? It really
does make matters simple. This is something of a weakness for
Jews. Jews evolved being sneaky and lying about everything. When
Jews are in the seat of power and rule over the White people,
they are forced to openly pick a side, which is unnatural for
them. They have to try to sway people to agree with them and this
forces them to openly define their message, which makes it very
easy to determine what their plans are. This is a weakness that
Jews can't get around, but what is bad for them, is good for us.

But, the event in Austria that I'm referring to is the elections
in Vienna in which the Austrian Freedom Party won 15% of the
state election. This was after their former leader, Jorg Haider,
left the Freedom Party and formed his own party. Mr. Haider has
done a lot of good for our Cause and has many good racialists in
his camp, but his recent political platform is so much of a
compromise, so much of a watering down of the pro-White message,
that it is good he is out of the Freedom Party. And I don't say
this with spite or hatred. I have admired Mr. Haider for many
years. He is the governor of the state of Corinthia and I stopped
by his office several years ago. His staff was very friendly and
greeted me, and even brought me into Mr. Haider's office, but he
was in Rome at the time, so I missed him.

But, I do have to disagree with Mr. Haider's softening on the
immigration question. We see that his new, weak stance with
regard to immigration cost him a lot. His new party only won one
percent of the vote in Vienna, while the Freedom Party, with a
strong, pro-White, anti-immigration stance, cleaned the floor
with him and won over 15 percent. In fact the Freedom Party of
Austria has actually strengthened the language within their
official party platform with regards to immigration. This just
goes to show that Haider was wrong. I don't say this to speak ill
of the man, but I do hope he comes to his senses soon. He is a
talented leader and we need him back on our side.

The news from around the world is really looking up. You know,
even though this time of year is the Fall, I think that even the
flowers look happier.

We need all good White men and women on our side, working for our
Cause day and night, to rebuild our White world and awakening our
Folkish spirit that resides within us all. We need to create our
new racial renaissance and we need you, White men and women to
join with us, the National Alliance.

The Trucker

Nov 28, 2007, 2:50:21 PM11/28/07
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 07:58:28 -0500, no surrender wrote:

> The World Doesn't Hate America, the Left Does
> By Dennis Prager, radio show host, contributing columnist for,
> and author of 4 books including Happiness Is a Serious Problem: A Human
> Nature Repair Manual.
> "One of the most widely held beliefs in the contemporary world -- so
> widely held it is not disputed -- is that, with few exceptions, the world
> hates America. One of the Democrats' major accusations against the Bush
> administration is that it has increased hatred of America to unprecedented
> levels. And in many polls, the United States is held to be among the
> greatest obstacles to world peace and harmony.

True. Now for the lying:

> But it is not true that the world hates America. It is the world's left that
> hates America. However, because the left dominates the world's news media
> and because most people, understandably, believe what the news media report,
> many people, including Americans, believe that the world hates America.

This is the standard false frame that depicts those who are not rightarded
as being "left". By confusing "left" of center with the much larger and
actually "centrist" plurality the rightards perpetrate their "Liberal
media" lie along with all the rest of their lies concerning the anyone
who is not a total rightard.

When people see the words "left" or "leftist" or "Liberal" they
automatically identify that with those who are on the left of the
political spectrum. What the "right" does is to redefine the "left" as
anyone or anything that disagrees with their extreme views, thus casting
the centrist plurality as "leftists" or Liberal. Once you fall for the
frame you are dead meat. All news sources other than Faux are immediately
"Liberal" and the word "left" can be used as a Satan word to
conveniently describe any segment of the population as

> That it is the left -- and those influenced by the left-leaning news and
> entertainment media -- that hates America can be easily shown.

Wait!! Let me fasten my seat belt.

> Take Western Europe, which is widely regarded as holding America in
> contempt, but upon examination only validates our thesis. The French, for
> example, are regarded as particularly America-hating, but if this were so,
> how does one explain the election of Nicolas Sarkozy as president of France?

I voted for Reagan, too. The government of France may actually have
ventured too far "left" as in left of center and the real political "left".

> Sarkozy loves America and was known to love America when he ran for
> president. Evidently, it is the left in France -- a left that, like the left
> in America, dominates the media, arts, universities and unions -- that hates
> the U.S., not the French.

This is the standard false framing of "hate" and is again a rightarded
play on words. The plurality of the people in France are not communists
or socialists thought they are Liberal. Many Liberals voted for Reagan
because the Democrats had moved too far left at that time. For the most
part those other than the extreme "right" actually do hate Bush and
everything he stands for. This translates to a true dislike and a
loathing of those who would allow such a person to remain in a position of
power. This is the "America" that is disliked by the rest of the world.

> The same holds true for Spain, Australia, Britain, Latin America and
> elsewhere.


LIE alert. It is the MAJORITY of the people in these nations that hold
America in contempt for allowing the current administration to continue in
office, destroying the real America with each passing day.

> The left in these countries hate the United States while
> non-leftists, and especially conservatives, in those countries hold America
> in high regard, if not actually love it.

But who is in the majority? The rightards would have us believe that if
there is one devote Bush butt sucker living in the UK then the UK must
actually "love" Bush and his America and that the only dissenters are
those "leftists" (defined by the rightards as anyone who is not a
rightard) who are being reported on in the "leftist" (not rightarded) news.

> There is another obvious argument against the belief that the world hates
> America: Many millions of people would rather live in America than in any
> other country. How does the left explain this? Why would people want to come
> to a country they loathe? Why don't people want to live in Sweden or France
> as much as they wish to live in America? Those are rich and free countries,
> too.

The United States has more natural resources per capita than any of the
nations you have mentioned. Assuming a democratic form of government that
would normally translate into a better standard of living and with the
exception of health care that has been the case until now. The government
can be changed. The reality of the natural world is a different matter.

> The answer is that most people know there is no country in the world more
> accepting of strangers as is America.

Translation: The USA is has been able to accommodate more people without
undue hardship to the current population because the natural resources of
America have been quite adequate. That is now changing due to population
growth. That population growth is from immigration. The government of the
United States has been democratic and capitalist. But that is not the
_CAUSE_ of the abundance. Natural abundance is not _caused_ by politics
or economics.

> After three generations, people who
> have emigrated to Germany or France or Sweden do not feel -- and are not
> regarded as -- fully German, French or Swedish. Yet, anyone of any color
> from any country is regarded as American the moment he or she identifies as
> one. The country that the left routinely calls "xenophobic" and "racist" is
> in fact the least racist and xenophobic country in the world.

Yes... We seem to have had fewer "xenophobic" and "racist" people in the
USA until the latest wave of illegal immigrants. But the ones we have are
certainly very loud and rightarded.

> Given that it is the left and the institutions it dominates -- universities,
> media (other than talk radio in America) and unions -- that hate America,
> two questions remain: Why does the left hate America, and does the American
> left, too, hate America?

The vast majority of the left have never hated America just as the
current majority (non rightards) in America do not and have not ever
hated America. What is being confused here is the identity of America as
versus the identity of the latter day Republicans and the Bush
administration (the rightards). There is simply no way that the majority
of America (non rightards) hate anything other then the Republican
rightards and their version of America.

> The answer to the first question is that America and especially the most
> hated parts of America -- conservatives, religious conservatives in
> particular -- are the greatest obstacles to leftist dominance.

Actually, the rightarded are the greatest obstacle to freedom, liberty,
and justice. And it is freedom liberty and justice that actually DEFINE
the real America that Liberals love.

> American
> success refutes the socialist ideals of the left;

That is actually true if you now quickly redefine the left as that portion
of left that is communist and state socialist. It is, to me, disgusting
the way the rightarded use the word "left" as a Satan word. In the
vernacular of the rightard the word "left" has been totally stripped of
any meaning but for "Satanic".

> American use of force to
> vanquish evil refutes the left's pacifist tendencies; America is the last
> great country that believes in putting some murderers to death, something
> that is anathema to the left; when America is governed by conservatives, it
> uses the language of good and evil, language regarded by the left as
> "Manichean"; most Americans still believe in the Judeo-Christian value
> system, another target of the left because the left regards all religions as
> equally valid (or more to the point, equally foolish and dangerous) and
> regards God-based morality as the moral equivalent of alchemy.

The standard appeal to rightardedness; to absolute knowledge of perfect
righteousness. The vast majority of the people in the USA both left and
right are Christian. Only the rightarded believe that George Bush and Pat
Robertson are Gods emissaries here on earth.

> It makes perfect sense that the left around the world loathes America.

When you consider that anyone who loathes the Bush administration is being
defined as "left" then it certainly does "make sense".

> The final question, then, is whether this loathing of America is
> characteristic of the American left as well. The answer is that the
> American left hates the America that believes in American
> exceptionalism, is prepared to use force to fight what it deems as
> dangerous evil, affirms the Judeo-Christian value system, believes in
> the death penalty, supports male-female marriage, rejects big
> government, wants lower taxes, prefers free market to governmental
> solutions, etc. The American left, like the rest of the world's left,
> loathes that America.

Here we see the rightarded wrap themselves in holy cloth as the champions
of Jesus while they trample on everything that is truly Christian
and truly American. So long as you make sure the holy cloth and the flag
are wrapping up your assault on liberty then you can skate. The other
trick, of course, is to invent EEEEEEEVVVIIIILLLEEEEEEEE that is going to
eat the kids. The Martians are coming next week and we need to make sure
that Bush and company have plenty of money and military equipment to fend
them off.

> So what America does the American left love? That is for those on the
> left to answer.

Read the Constitution and the history surrounding the ratification of
that document and you will find the answer to your question. We _LOVE_
the _REAL_ America.

> But given their beliefs that America was founded by
> racists and slaveholders,

That "belief" is shared by a very small community of "leftards", or
"moonbats, or even some who call themselves "progressives". These are not
to be confused with Liberals and Centrists; not to be confused with the
vast majority of America that is not rightarded.

> that it is an imperialist nation,

The USA as ruled by rightarded Republicans is an imperialist nation

> that 35
> million Americans go hungry,

Never actually counted em, myself.

> that it invades countries for corporate
> profits,

Actually, it is a very small minority of America that uses the American
military or just American military prowess to invade other countries and
exploit their people and resources for the benefit of this small minority.
There is not even a necessity that such people conspire or collude in this
ongoing abuse of democracy. These individuals are the real supporters of
the Republican party and they employ the Republican party and "stink
tanks" such as _Cato_ as their marketing department. It is the Republican
party that is the true conspiracy. The "stink tanks" are part of
the Republican conspiracy but they are actually funded by the same
non-colluding non-conspiring small nobility that funds the Republican

> and that it is largely racist and xenophobic,

And this is a flat out lie. Not even the total "leftards" believe that
the majority of Americans are "racist and xenophobic".

> it is a fair
> question. ******
> I will enjoy reading the Left's rejoinders.

Have a good time, Liar.

"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers
of society but the people themselves; and
if we think them not enlightened enough to
exercise their control with a wholesome
discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by
education." - Thomas Jefferson

The Trucker

Nov 28, 2007, 2:52:18 PM11/28/07
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 09:11:35 -0800, Einstein wrote:

> Dennis are you getting this from somewhere, or is this your postings?
> I would really like to know, email me please.

Dennis is cut and paste only.

no surrender

Nov 28, 2007, 6:24:09 PM11/28/07

"The Trucker" <> wrote in message

> On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 09:11:35 -0800, Einstein wrote:
> > Dennis are you getting this from somewhere, or is this your postings?
> > I would really like to know, email me please.
> Dennis is cut and paste only.
Actually you're quite wrong, as usual. That's why we expect so very little
from you, and are never disappointed..



Nov 28, 2007, 8:16:05 PM11/28/07
On Nov 27, 5:36 pm, Topaz <> wrote:
> *quit reading when I saw the Jew bashing, otherwise probably a fair post, but I cannot tolerate obvious racism.

Tim Crowley

Nov 28, 2007, 11:38:50 PM11/28/07

you're a leftist?

Tim Crowley

Nov 28, 2007, 11:40:56 PM11/28/07
On Nov 28, 3:24 pm, "no surrender" <> wrote:
> "The Trucker" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 09:11:35 -0800, Einstein wrote:
> > > Dennis are you getting this from somewhere, or is this your postings?
> > > I would really like to know, email me please.
> > Dennis is cut and paste only.
> *******
> Actually you're quite wrong, as usual.

actually, he hit the nail on the head. all you can ever do is copy
and paste, whenever discussion starts you go into retard mode.

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