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Re: fantastic negative result

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Oleg Smirnov

Jun 17, 2016, 1:24:28 AM6/17/16

Crimes of the War on Terror

Should George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Others Be Jailed?


.. Operation Condor ..

And what was the U.S. role in Operation Condor? Washington did not (for once)
plan and organize this transnational program of assassination and torture, but
its national security agencies were certainly involved, as declassified
Defense Department communications indicate <>. In his
book The Condor Years <>, Columbia University journalism
professor John Dinges reported <> that the CIA provided
training for Chile's secret police, computers for Condor's database, telex
machines and encoders for its secret communications, and transmitters for its
private, continent-wide radio communications network. Chilean Colonel Manuel
Contreras, one of Condor's chief architects (who was then on the CIA payroll),
met with CIA Deputy Director Vernon Walters four times. And what did the CIA
get in return? Among other things, access to the "results" of interrogation
under torture, according to Dinges. "Latin American intelligence services," he
added, "considered U.S. intelligence agencies their allies and provided timely
and intimate details of their repressive activities. I have obtained three
documents establishing that information obtained under torture, from prisoners
who later were executed and disappeared, were provided to the CIA, the FBI and
the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency). There is no question that the U.S.
officials were aware of the torture." ..

Torture and the U.S. Prison System ..

.. we live in the country that jails the largest proportion
<> of its own population (except for the Seychelles
islands), and that holds the largest number of prisoners in the world. Abuse
and torture - including rape, sexual humiliation <>,
beatings, and prolonged exposure <> to extremes of heat
and cold - are routine realities of the U.S. prison system. Solitary
confinement - presently being experienced <> by at least
80,000 people in our prisons and immigrant detention centers - should also be
considered a potentially psychosis-inducing form of torture.

Every nation that institutionalizes torture, as the United States has done,
selects specific groups of people as legitimate targets for its application.
In the days of Operation Condor, Chilean torturers called their victims
"humanoids" to distinguish them from actual human beings. Surely, though, the
United States hasn't done that? Surely, there's no history of the torture of
particular groups? Sadly, of course, such a history does exist, and like so
many things in this country, it's all about race.

The practice of torture in the U.S. didn't start with those post-9/11
"enhanced interrogation techniques," <> nor with the
Vietnam War's Phoenix Program <>, nor even with the
nineteenth century U.S. war in the Philippines <>. It
began when European settlers first treated native peoples and enslaved
Africans as subhuman savages. .. And it didn't stop with emancipation. After
the end of slavery, southern states began the practice of convict leasing ..

Then there's lynching <>. Many people think of it as an
extrajudicial death by hanging. As it was practiced in the Jim Crow South,
however, it was a form of public, state-approved torture, often involving the
castration or disembowelment of the living victim, sometimes followed by death
by fire <>. Lynching thus continued the practice of
treating black minds and bodies as legitimate targets of torture. So maybe we
shouldn't be surprised that, of the more than two million prisoners in the
United States today, 40% are black, while the U.S. population is only 13%

Here's the problem, then. When we say that putting George W. Bush, Dick
Cheney, and other top officials in their administration in prison for war
crimes would be justice, we endorse a criminal justice system that is more
criminal than just, and where torture is a daily occurrence.

Do we want to do to Bush, Cheney, and their accomplices essentially what they
did to their victims? ..

Read it in full <>

We would need a full and public accounting not just of the CIA's activities,
but of the doings of other military and civilian agencies and outfits,
including the Joint Special Operations Command. We also would need a
full-scale airing of the White House's drone assassination program, and
perhaps most important of all, a full accounting of the illegal, devastating
invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Justice would also require - to the extent possible - making whole those who
had been harmed. In the case of the "war on terror," this might begin by
allowing torture victims to sue their torturers in federal court (as the U.N.
Convention against Torture requires). With one exception, the Obama
administration has until now blocked all such efforts on national security
grounds. In the case of the Iraq War, justice would undoubtedly also require
financial reparations to repair the infrastructure of what was once a modern,
developed nation.

We're unlikely to see justice in the "war on terror" until that cruel and
self-defeating exercise is well and truly over and the country has officially
acknowledged and accounted for its crimes. Let's hope it doesn't take another
40 years.

> <>
> 'He was not killed, he died': Kremlin critic's Magnitsky movie premiers in
> US, exposing Browder

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 21, 2016, 1:19:59 PM6/21/16

"hello, lenin!" three components of america's misguided foreign policy

Edward Lozansky and Jim Jatras | June 20, 2016

Since the end of the Cold War, American foreign policy could almost have been
designed to undermine our national interests. Whether under Republican George
W. Bush or Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, we have seen "regime
changes" and "color revolutions," facilitation of global jihadism while
claiming to combat it, and gratuitous confrontation with post-communist Russia
which was going out of its way to become our reliable ally.

For those familiar with the operational code of the late Soviet Union, the
counterproductive skew of American policy has a familiar ring. The Bolsheviks
sacrificed the interests of the Russian people in pursuit of their
Marxist-Leninist vision. In his famous work, "The Three Sources and Three
Component Parts of Marxism," <> Vladimir Lenin, the
founder of the Soviet state, described the roots of his ruling ideology in
19th century German philosophy, British political economy, and French utopian

It's time to ask why, under GOP and Democrat administrations alike, American
foreign policy is so dysfunctional. Also, one could notice that this policy
has three components as well.

First, consider the power of money centered in the Washington establishment,
sometimes summarized as the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC). This huge
network of institutions, both public and private, whose bread and butter
depend on global adventurism, today extends well beyond the MIC that outgoing
President Dwight Eisenhower described in 1960. Reportedly, an earlier draft
of the speech used the term "military-industrial-Congressional" complex. Asked
about the omission from the final text, Eisenhower is said to have answered
<>: "It was more than enough to take on the military and
private industry. I couldn't take on the Congress as well."

The bipartisan "oligarchy" <> (as Senator Jeff Sessions
calls it) or the "deep state" <> (as author Mike Lofgren
calls it) includes elements of all three branches of the U.S. government, the
financial industry, government contractors, think tanks, many NGOs, the
political parties and their campaign operatives, lobbyists and PR flacks for
any of the foregoing as well as for foreign interests (think of Saudi
contributions to the Clinton Foundation), and of course the Mainstream Media
that serve as bulletin boards for official information (ask Ben Rhodes
<>). Somebody is making a lot of money, but it sure isn't
the ordinary folk in what the elite of both parties concentrated on the coasts
disdain as "Flyover Country." <>

Second, it would be a mistake to think this is all just money-grubbing. The
same way as members of the old Soviet nomenklatura depended on Marxism-
Leninism both as a working methodology and as a justification for their
prerogatives and privileges, the entrenched duopoly of Democrat liberal
interventionists and Republican neoconservatives relies upon an ideological
imperative. A 1996 article by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, misleadingly
titled "Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy" <>
called for the U.S. to establish and maintain indefinitely "benevolent global
hegemony" <> - American world domination for its own
sake. Kristol and Kagan laid down virtually all of the elements that have
guided U.S. foreign policy during the ensuing years, including confronting
Russia and China.

It is no accident that the same folks were enthusiastic supporters of Bill
Clinton's Balkan interventions of 1990s <>, under the
guidance of people like then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
<>, who once opined regarding the sanctions-related
deaths of a half million Iraqi children that "the price is worth it." Few on
either side of the partisan aisle would dissent from Albright's conviction
that a militant United States has a special wisdom: "If we have to use force,
it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall
and we see further than other countries into the future", said Albright, with
Nobel Peace laureate Barack Obama repeating this line over and over again. We
are the midwife of history: Lenin couldn't have said it better.

Third, the bipartisan Washington network and its ideological "software" are an
open invitation to ethnic and foreign lobbies bent on spoiling the historic
opportunity for rapprochement with Russia and making Moscow an ally instead of
an adversary. The first round of NATO expansion (Poland, Czech Republic,
Hungary) was thoughtlessly influenced by the above mentioned MIC and
neocons/neolibs and Bill Clinton's belief that it would help him to win
reelection in 1996 by bolstering his appeal with immigrant communities
<>. Today, weak allies like the Baltic States and Poland
that contribute nothing to American security - along with non-allies Ukraine
and Georgia - are happy to behave provocatively towards Russia, the only power
on earth capable of destroying us, because Uncle Sam has their back. How many
Americans would imperil New York for Tallinn, if they even know where that is?
One could say the same for Obama's game of chicken with Beijing in the South
China Sea, risking war to support the claims of Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan,
and Brunei. In Syria, Saudi and Turkish intelligence services support
Wahhabist jihadists with Washington's blessing - and then we're shocked when
terrorists hit us at home.

Donald Trump is right to question the value of these foolish and dangerous
commitments. If he is elected, he needs to take a hard look at the three
components that have ill-served us for so long and should be jettisoned the
same way Russia dumped Marxism-Leninism in 1991. If on the other hand Hillary
Clinton, a Leninist if ever there was one, is elected, we know that she will
continue and even intensify them with potentially catastrophic consequences

Edward Lozansky is president of the American University in Moscow. Jim Jatras
is a former U.S. diplomat and foreign policy adviser to the Senate GOP
leadership. He shortly will release a major study on the media's role as a
transmission belt for "wars of choice."

> <>
> Nuland to Congress: We Spend $100 Mil a Year Trying to Destabilize Russia

Piss on Putin

Jun 21, 2016, 3:39:07 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 11:19 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> "hello, lenin!"

Russkie WW3 provocation:

Russian military strategy causing dangerous encounters

The Russian su-27 fighter jet photographed next to a Swedish
intelligence plane.

A full list of 39 incidents since March 2014

As classified by the European Leadership Network

High Risk Incidents

On 3 March 2014 a close encounter occurred between a SAS passenger plane
taking off from Copenhagen and a Russian reconnaissance aircraft which
did not transmit its position 50 miles south east of Malmo. A collision
was apparently avoided thanks only to good visibility and the alertness
of the passenger plane pilots. The SAS 737 plane was carrying 132
passengers to Rome.
On 5 September 2014 an Estonian security service operative, Eston
Kohver, was abducted by Russian agents from an Estonian border post, on
Estonian, and therefore NATO, territory. He was later taken to Moscow
and accused of espionage. The incident itself involved communications
jamming and the use of smoke grenades, and took place immediately after
President Obama’s visit to the region and his repetition of security
assurances to the Baltic States.
Between 17-27 October, 2014 a major submarine hunt by Swedish
authorities was prompted by credible intelligence reports of
“underwater activity†in the Stockholm archipelago in Swedish
territorial waters. Supreme Commander General Sverker Göranson
underlined that Sweden was ready to use “armed force†to bring the
vessel to the surface if necessary. Russia issued denials and attempted
to ridicule Swedish concerns. The major search operation stopped on Oct. 24.
Serious Incidents with Escalation Risk

On 12 April 2014 an unarmed Russian fighter aircraft made 12 passes of
the American warship the USS Cook in the Black Sea. Such aggressive
behaviour, if repeated by an armed aircraft, could have resulted in the
ship commander targeting the aircraft in an act of self-defence.
On April 23 2014 an armed Russian fighter undertook very threatening
manoeuvres in the vicinity of an American reconnaissance aircraft in the
Sea of Okhotsk. These manoeuvres involved demonstrating that the fighter
was armed. Such behaviour is far removed from what would be expected in
a relatively routine encounter.
In June 2014 armed Russian aircraft approached the heavily populated
Danish island of Bornholm before breaking off in what appears to have
been a simulated attack. The Danish intelligence service described the
incident as “of a more offensive character than observed in recent
On 16 July 2014 an armed Russian aircraft intercepted a Swedish
surveillance plane conducting operations between Gotland and Latvia in
international airspace, and flew within 10 metres of the plane. This
indicated a far more aggressive approach to intercepting aircraft than
in previous encounters.
On 18 July 2014 an American surveillance plane conducting operations
near Kaliningrad was chased into Swedish air-space after being
approached by Russian fighters. This evasive action took place without
Sweden’s prior approval that the US aircraft could enter Swedish airspace.
In early September, 2014 Russian strategic bombers in the Labrador Sea
near Canada practiced cruise missile strikes on the United States. The
Russian aircraft stayed outside of Canada’s ADIZ but this was still a
provocative move in light of the NATO summit ongoing at the time. Cruise
missiles launched from the Labrador Sea would have Ottawa, New York,
Washington, Chicago, and the Norfolk Naval Base in range.
On 7 September 2014 HMCS Toronto (a frigate) was buzzed by a Russian
aircraft in the Black Sea, with the plane coming within 300 metres of
the warship. HMCS Toronto locked its radar on the Russian plane but took
no further action as the aircraft was not armed. This incident coincided
with larger Russian naval combat training activities near Sevastopol.
Such aggressive behaviour, if repeated by an armed aircraft, could have
resulted in the ship commander targeting the aircraft in an act of
On 17 September 2014 two Russian military aircraft crossed into Swedish
air-space south of the island of Oland. The Russian Su-24 bombers
intentionally violated Swedish airspace possibly to test the
capabilities of the air defence system strengthened after previous
incidents. The Swedish Foreign Minister described the incident as the
‘most serious aerial incursion’ in years.
On 19 September 2014 Russian officers detained a Lithuanian shipping
vessel in international waters in the Barents Sea, subsequently towing
it to Murmansk. This represented a clear escalation in Russian attempts
at the provocation and intimidation of the Baltic States.
On 3 October 2014 a Russian fighter flew “within metres†of Swedish
surveillance aircraft in the Baltic in an incident deemed “unusually
provocative†. A collision between the aircraft would have had serious
repercussions for bilateral relations and increased military tensions
across the entire Baltic area.
From 28-30 October 2014, Russia conducted a major air exercise in the
North Sea, Atlantic, Black Sea and Baltic Sea. In a series of
developments, aircraft from NATO states and partners tracked Russian
long-range bombers conducting missions across this entire area,
including a large formation of Russian fighters and bombers conducting
missions over the Baltic Sea. All missions were conducted in
international airspace but their scale and use of different kinds of
aircraft and different zones of operation has added significantly to
increased tensions between NATO and Russia.
Near Routine Incidents

On 10 April 2014 two Russian Navy vessels involved in live missile
firing exercises entered Lithuania’s Baltic maritime economic zone,
causing serious disruption to shipping.
On 20 April 2014 a Russian recon aircraft observed Swedish military
installations. Unclear if there was a Swedish response.
On 23 April 2014 a Russian aircraft entered Dutch airspace before being
intercepted by Dutch fighter aircraft.
On 24 April 2014 RAF fighters intercepted and shadowed Russian aircraft
in international airspace over the North Sea.
On 28 April 2014, fighters with the Nato Baltic Air Policing force
scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft in international airspace.
On 9 May 2014 Russian aircraft approached to within 50 miles of the
Californian coast, the closest such Russian military flight since the
Cold War.
On 18 May 2014 RAF fighters intercepted a Russian helicopter and
shadowed it back to its parent corvette in the Baltic Sea; the fighters
later performed several passes of the Russian warship.
In late May, early June 2014 Russian aircraft carried out several
incursions into the US and Canadian Air Defence Identification Zones in
the Arctic.
On 12 June 2014, Nato fighters intercepted Russian aircraft in
international airspace near Latvia.
On 17 June 2014, RAF fighters intercepted a Russian air formation in
international airspace.
On 19 June 2014; HMS Montrose, a British frigate, was sent to
investigate a Russian corvette in international waters near Denmark’s
Baltic coast. HMS Montrose was subsequently circled by Russian maritime
patrol aircraft.
From 21 May to 13 August 2014, a series of short airspace violations by
Russian aircraft were reported over the Estonian island of Vaindloo.
On 1 August, Polish fighters of the Nato Baltic air-policing mission
intercepted Russian aircraft flying near Estonia airspace.
In early August 2014 several Russian air incursions were reported into
the Alaskan Air Defence Identification Zone.
On 7 August 2014 anti-submarine forces of Russia’s Northern Fleet
reportedly expelled an American submarine from the Barents Sea. The US
denied its submarines were operating in the area.
On 28 August 2014, there was an air incident involving an unknown Nato
country and Russia. No details beyond aircraft type except that incident
took place over the Baltic.
In August/September 2014, Russian naval and air units interfered with
the operations of a Finnish research vessel on two separate occasions.
In late August, 2014, multiple breaches of Finnish air-space by Russian
state aircraft were reported. In response, Finland has already indicated
that it will react more firmly to violations of its airspace in future.
On 11 September 2014, Canadian jets intercepted Russian aircraft in
international airspace.
Between the 17 and 18 September 2014, Russian jets entered the ADIZ off
the coast of Alaska (officials say such incidents happen around 10 times
a year) on two separate occasions, once on the evening of Wednesday 17th
Sep (USA ADIZ) and once on the morning of Thursday 18th Sep (Canadian
ADIZ, Beaufort Sea). The Russian planes were intercepted by American and
Canadian fighters. These incidents coincide with Ukrainian President
Petro Poroshenko’s visits to Ottawa and Washington.
On 19 September 2014, RAF jets shadowed Russian aircraft in
international airspace above the north sea.
On 29 September 2014, Latvian forces observed a Russian warship
operating 14 miles from Latvian territorial waters; article observes
that Russian jets and warships have been detected 173 times near
Latvia’s borders as of September.
On 20 October 2014, planes from the Baltic Air Policing mission
intercepted Russian surveillance Il-20 aircraft in international airspace
On 21 October 2014 Baltic Air Policing planes (Portuguese F-16s)
intercepted Russian Il-20 surveillance aircraft which entered Estonian
airspace next to the island of Saarema for about a minute.
On 31 October 2014, RAF Typhoons intercepted Russian aircraft
approaching UK airspace.

Governor Swill

Jun 22, 2016, 12:16:41 AM6/22/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
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On Tue, 21 Jun 2016 17:19:32 -0000, "Oleg Smirnov" wrote:

>Since the end of the Cold War, American foreign policy could almost have been
>designed to undermine our national interests. Whether under Republican George
>W. Bush or Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, we have seen "regime
>changes" and "color revolutions," facilitation of global jihadism while
>claiming to combat it, and gratuitous confrontation with post-communist Russia
>which was going out of its way to become our reliable ally.

*laughs and points*

S. E. Cupp has characterized Trump as wearing the Republican party
like a rented tuxedo. When the prom is over, it's going to end up on
the floor with the liquor stains and cigarette butts.

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 23, 2016, 7:11:36 AM6/23/16

Why Bibi and Vlad Get Along

Paul Pillar | June 21, 2016

In a recent article <> on Israel's foreign relations,
Robert Danin observes that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
Russian President Vladimir Putin "clearly enjoy a better relationship with
each other than either does with U.S. President Barack Obama." ..

In other words, the Russian and Israeli leaders share an interest in jointly
sticking a finger in the eye of the United States.

This sort of situation, in which two states team up to frustrate and oppose
a third, is one instance of exercising what realists would call a balance
of power. It is such a realist explanation, more so than analyses of body
language or leadership styles, that tell us why meetings between Netanyahu
and an un-slouching Putin seem to go so well.


That's the most great analytics I ever had read.

> <>
> The Long History of Rusophobia, Starting With Its Religious Roots

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 23, 2016, 7:20:10 AM6/23/16

German Government Agrees to Ban Fracking but Keep Door Open

Charles Kennedy | Jun 21, 2016

The German government has agreed to ban fracking for shale gas for an
indefinite period, but would allow test drilling to be carried out if state
governments permit it, news agencies reported on Tuesday. <>

The two parties in Germany's ruling coalition - the Christian Democrats (CDU)
and the Social Democrats (SPD) - agreed to what is being called an
"indefinite" ban, but the agreement calls for a review in five years, leaving
the door open for a possible lifting of the ban.

Parliament must still approve the ban.

Environmental groups are not satisfied with the agreement, and have vowed to
step up opposition.

"The coalition's agreement on a fracking permission law is hair-raising. The
law must be stopped and replaced with a true fracking ban," Hubert Weiger, who
heads the environmental group, said in a statement carried by Reuters.

France has banned fracking, while the United Kingdom has gone back and forth
over the issue. In late May <>, a local English government
approved the first fracking permit in Western Europe for natural gas since

The last fracking incident in Britain occurred in 2011, when the U.K.-based
oil and gas company Cuadrilla Resources admitted <> that
two minor earthquakes in north-west England had been caused by the company's
use of the controversial drilling practice.

France's Socialist government has been under pressure from environmentalists
not only to ensure that fracking never takes place on French territory, but
also to ensure that no fracked gas enters its territory.

Concerns have recently been expressed <> by some members of
French parliament that American LNG exports to Europe have contained natural
gas that is 40 percent shale gas - which environmentalists and some lawmakers
argue contradicts France's own ban on shale gas exploitation using hydraulic


Americans still remain to be lab rats.

> <>
> Juncker Proclaims Himself All-Knowing God Of EU

Piss on Putin

Jun 23, 2016, 10:50:13 AM6/23/16
On 6/23/2016 5:13 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> Keep Door Open

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 23, 2016, 6:30:06 PM6/23/16

Curb Your Enthusiasm: BREXIT Isn't Happening No Matter How the People Vote
This is the EU remember -- it's not a democracy



Looks like the British chickens remain on the roost.

> <>

Piss on Putin

Jun 23, 2016, 11:59:46 PM6/23/16
On 6/23/2016 4:29 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> This is the EU

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 24, 2016, 12:55:43 AM6/24/16
> <>
> Curb Your Enthusiasm: BREXIT Isn't Happening No Matter
> How the People Vote (Infographic)
> This is the EU remember -- it's not a democracy
> <>
> ...
> Looks like the British chickens remain on the roost.

I was wrong, the British are not chickens ;)

The pollsters predicted 'remain', was it a little fraud?

From Russian perspective this vote means a little, but to me
its positive value is that it'll shake the swamp of the rotten
Atlanticist establishment, make them less delusional.

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 24, 2016, 11:40:30 AM6/24/16

Russia Investment Bet Turning Out A Winner

Kenneth Rapoza | June 3, 2016

.. His Russian Growth fund is up 23.76% year-to-date ending May 31. That beats
the Market Vectors Russia (RSX) exchange traded fund, up 16.7%; the MSCI
Emerging Markets, gold, oil, and the S&P 500. ...


Learn how to earn huge profits via the Moscow Exchange <>

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 24, 2016, 11:42:02 AM6/24/16

The London Economic ‏@LondonEconomic
The UK is no longer the world's 5th largest economy. The £ has fallen so
far that France has overtaken us. #EUref


The UK is not 'the world's 5th largest economy', it's a delusion.
The non-delusional picture looks like this <>.
Also you may notice that the French and British numbers are extremely close.

> <>

Governor Swill

Jun 24, 2016, 4:15:16 PM6/24/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
On Fri, 24 Jun 2016 04:55:19 -0000, "Oleg Smirnov" <>
That's your delusion. The UK/US relationship is unlikely to change
much if at all.

Trump has written a lot of books about business, but they all
seem to end in Chapter 11. - Hillary Clinton

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 25, 2016, 1:55:03 AM6/25/16
Governor Swill,
> On Fri, 24 Jun 2016 04:55:19 -0000, "Oleg Smirnov"
> <> wrote:
>>> <>
>>> Curb Your Enthusiasm: BREXIT Isn't Happening No Matter
>>> How the People Vote (Infographic)
>>> This is the EU remember -- it's not a democracy
>>> <>
>>> ...
>>> Looks like the British chickens remain on the roost.
>> I was wrong, the British are not chickens ;)
>> The pollsters predicted 'remain', was it a little fraud?
>> From Russian perspective this vote means a little, but
>> to me its positive value is that it'll shake the swamp
>> of the rotten Atlanticist establishment, make them less
>> delusional.
> That's your delusion. The UK/US relationship is unlikely
> to change much if at all.

I did not say they are to change much.

You can't accurately understand what I mean on
the regular basis, and due to that your replies
are a talk with the voices in your head.

Governor Swill

Jun 25, 2016, 12:30:26 PM6/25/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
On Sat, 25 Jun 2016 05:53:09 -0000, "Oleg Smirnov" wrote:
>You can't accurately understand what I mean on
>the regular basis, and due to that your replies
>are a talk with the voices in your head.

Or maybe it's because, as your paragraph above, your English reads
like nonsense.

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 25, 2016, 1:13:44 PM6/25/16
Governor Swill, <>
> On Sat, 25 Jun 2016 05:53:09 -0000, "Oleg Smirnov" wrote:

>> You can't accurately understand what I mean on
>> the regular basis, and due to that your replies
>> are a talk with the voices in your head.
> Or maybe it's because, as your paragraph above, your
> English reads like nonsense.

I do not force you to reply,
and it's enough that my English
is understandable to you.

Governor Swill

Jun 26, 2016, 12:48:29 PM6/26/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
On Sat, 25 Jun 2016 17:12:44 -0000, "Oleg Smirnov" <>
The point was that it *wasn't* understandable. It was nonsenesical.

You don't even understand what you read in English, how can you aspire
to compose in a language you don't understand?

Donald J. Trump: The asteroid destined to destroy
a party of dinosaurs. - Samantha Bee

Trump has written a lot of books about business, but they all
seem to end in Chapter 11. - Hillary Clinton

S. E. Cupp has characterized Trump as wearing the Republican party
like a rented tuxedo. When the prom is over, it's going to end up on
the floor with the liquor stains and cigarette butts.

So if you are thinking of voting for Donald Trump,
the charismatic guy promising to ‘Make America Great
Again,’ stop and take a moment to imagine how you
would feel if you just met a guy named Donald Drumpf:
a litigious, serial liar with a string of broken business
ventures and the support of a former Klan leader who
he can’t decide whether or not to condemn.
Would you think he would make a good president,
or is the spell now somewhat broken? - John Oliver

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 27, 2016, 1:13:50 AM6/27/16

Give Hawaii back

Mike VanOuse | June 25, 2016

Britain just seceded from the EU. Secession from the U.S. is a power
possessed by each of the 50 states. But is there a mechanism for 49 of the 50
states to reject one and boot it from the Union?

When I arrived on the island of Oahu in 1982 to become an assistant machine
gunner in the 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry "Wolfhounds" (25th Infantry
Division, Schofield Barracks), we were warned at the Replacement Detachment
not to venture to downtown Honolulu alone: always travel in pairs.

It seems the locals had a distaste for GIs (especially Marines), and if they
caught you alone, you were likely to get pummeled, hospitalized, and possibly
killed. ..

Now it appears that Hawaii's not real fond of our Constitution, either. ..
Since they don't like our GIs, and they don't like our Constitution, at what
point do the rest of us get to say, "Enough! Get out!"? ..


Hawaii is under illegal American occupation for about a century, in the 1890s
there was an anti-constitutional 'regime change' implemented by American
agents and backed by the US army, after which Hawaii was illegally annexed.

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 27, 2016, 1:13:50 AM6/27/16

Gazprom Plans to Further Increase Gas Exports to Non-CIS Countries

June 23, 2016
Gazprom plans to export at least 165 billion cubic meters of gas to
non-CIS countries in 2016 .. The Russian gas giant's exports to
non-CIS countrues had increased by 8% year-on-year in 2015, reaching
159.4 billion cubic meters .. The main factor for the annual increase
of company's gas exports to non-CIS countries by 11.8 billion cubic
meters was the drop in the volume of gas production in Europe. ..

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 1, 2016, 3:35:36 PM7/1/16

Hillary: Ordinarily Awful or Uncommonly Awful?


Throughout her far too long public life, Hillary Clinton has demonstrated
repeatedly how clueless and inept she is; her tenure as Secretary of State is
riddled with examples from around the world.

Libya, Syria and Iraq are the jewels in the crown of the Queen of Chaos, as
Diana Johnstone has aptly described her. But nearly everything that the Madam
Secretary did at State went awry. She is the Empress of Ineptitude too.

And yet, conventional wisdom has it that she is a foreign policy whiz.
Conventional wisdom is often wrong, but this is extreme. How did it come about
that the conventional wisdom and the truth got to be so wildly out of line? ..

But is she really worse than the others?
Compared to Barack Obama, the answer is surely Yes. Obama is a foreign policy
dunce, but Hillary will make him look downright statesman-like in comparison.
No wonder he is so eager to get her elected; she is his best, perhaps his only,
chance actually to be appreciated and missed. ..

Read the long read in full <>

> <>
> Brexit Is Only the Latest Proof of the Insularity and Failure of Western
> Establishment Institutions

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 7, 2016, 5:04:11 AM7/7/16

Putin ascendant over NATO as Turkey turns tail

L. Todd Wood | June 30, 2016

.. In any event, the episode exposes the weakness on NATO's southern flank in
the face of a resurgent Russia and cements Mr. Putin's image as the strongman
of Europe. The Kremlin has shown it will not blink first and is ready to bear
any hardship until the West comes around. This is happening with the sanctions
on Russia for Ukraine as well. Russia is just biding its time and recently
extended the ban on European food imports, increasingly confident that Europe
will blink as well eventually.

The West needs to realize that in a waiting game, the Russians will always
win. It's in their genes. The only way to change Moscow's behavior is with the
threat and the will to use force. As distasteful as preparing for war is for
progressives and liberals, it is the only way to prevent one, especially when
dealing with Russia. We have learned this throughout history, or at least some
of us have. The left refuses to confront this reality.


'The West' needs to realize, the staging of the violent anti-constitutional
anti-democratic 'regime change' in the Ukraine was not a good idea, as well as
other their misdeeds, instead of 'preparing for war' the 'Western' (primarily
American) policymakers have to repent throughly for their misdeeds, there's no
doubt that sooner or later they will have to do that.

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 30, 2016, 4:26:05 AM7/30/16

False flags fluttering in the Empire's hot air

July 29, 2016

When I think of the recent developments in the USA (Dallas shooting, Orlando
shooting) and Europe (Nice, murdered priest, Germany shooting) I get this
unpleasant feeling that something is not quite right. For one thing, the
perpetrators are absolutely ridiculous: pseudo-Muslims who turn out to be
drinking homosexuals, ex-patients of mental institutions - the kind of people
I call "overnight Muslims": they all make darn sure to say Allahu Akbar a
number of times, but other than that, they have no sign of Islam at all. In
fact, far from being trained Daesh fighters, they are all losers with weak
personalities. Exactly the kind of people the special services (and religious
sects) like to prey on because they are weak and easy to manipulate. Oh yes, I
know, the good folk a Daesh do end up claiming that the perpetrator is one of
them, but that really proves nothing (except maybe that Daesh is desperate to
increase its notoriety).

I have no proof of that, of course, but I am getting the very strong feeling
that somebody is putting great deal of effort to scare the bejesus out of the
TV-watching crowd. But why? Why would anybody go to the effort to create a
completely fictional threat?

And should we really dismiss all the innumerable witnesses who speak of "more
than one shooter"? What about the absolutely ridiculous police "overkill" when
hundred of policemen are sent in to deal with one single shooter. Does that
not strike you as odd? Am I the only one with the feeling that what is shown
to us is a carefully choreographed show? ..

Think of it: their great hope was that Russia would "invade" the Donbass (or,
even better, the entire Ukraine) and liberate it from the Nazi crazies the
Neocons put in power in Kiev. .. But then, almost at the same moment when
the Neocons came to realize that the Russians were not taking the bait, the
steady flow of refugees coming from the Middle-East and Africa suddenly
sharply increased, courtesy of the mayhem and chaos created by the Neocon
policies in the Middle-East. How long do you think it took the rulers of the
Empire to realize the fantastic opportunity this influx of refugees had just
created for them? ..

Ideally, the European population should become polarized between, on one hand,
those who pretend like the refugees are no problem at all, and those who blame
everything on them. The more polarized the society becomes, the more there
will be a "need" to keep law and order.

Does that all look familiar to you? ..

Is it really a coincidence that the US Presidential elections features
extremely polarizing figures like Hillary and Trump and that low-levels of
violence have already been triggered by the hysterically anti-Trump propaganda
of the US corporate media? Just imagine for one second what could happen in
the USA if a "lone gunman" was to kill either Hillary or Trump? The society
would literally explode and law and order would have to be "restored".

The modalities might be different, but in both the EU and the USA we now see
heavily armed and generally militarized forces in the streets to "protect" us
from some exotic and scary threat.

Might that have something to do with the fact that the ruling elites are
absolutely hated by the vast majority of Europeans and Americans? Of course it

I am convinced that was is taking place is the gradually suppression of the
civil society under the pretext of protecting it - us - from some very scary
threat. I am also convinced that part of this plan is to polarize our society
as much as possible to create civil strife and to hide the real systemic and
structural problems of our completely dysfunctional society and discredited
and illegitimate political order. ..


> <>
> Will Putin Get a Pulitzer?

Beam Me Up Scotty

Jul 30, 2016, 10:36:21 AM7/30/16
On 07/30/2016 04:19 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> they are all losers with weak personalities. Exactly the kind of people the special services (and religious sects) like to prey on because they are weak and easy to manipulate. Oh yes, I know, the good folk a Daesh do end up claiming that the perpetrator is one of them, but that really proves nothing (except maybe that Daesh is desperate to increase its notoriety).
> I have no proof of that, of course, but I am getting the very strong feeling
> that somebody is putting great deal of effort to scare the bejesus out of the
> TV-watching crowd. But why?

> Why would anybody go to the effort to create a completely fictional threat?

To convince people that they want gun control....

That's Karma ;)

#95 - If a marriage license can *NOT* tell you who *you must marry*
depending on their sexual identity how can a business license tell you
*who* *you must engage in commerce with* depending on their sexual identity?

Oleg Smirnov

Oct 3, 2016, 4:03:09 AM10/3/16

Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange
Posted on October 2, 2016

.. Clinton's State Department was getting pressure from President Obama and
his White House inner circle, as well as heads of state internationally, to
try and cutoff Assange's delivery of the cables and if that effort failed,
then to forge a strategy to minimize the administration's public embarrassment
over the contents of the cables. Hence, Clinton's early morning November
meeting of State's top brass who floated various proposals to stop, slow or
spin the Wikileaks contamination. That is when a frustrated Clinton, sources
said, at some point blurted out a controversial query.

"Can't we just drone this guy?" Clinton openly inquired, offering a simple
remedy to silence Assange and smother Wikileaks via a planned military drone
strike, according to State Department sources. The statement drew laughter
from the room which quickly died off when the Secretary kept talking in a
terse manner, sources said. Clinton said Assange, after all, was a relatively
soft target, "walking around" freely and thumbing his nose without any fear of
reprisals from the United States. Clinton was upset about Assange's previous
2010 records releases, divulging secret U.S. documents about the war in
Afghanistan in July and the war in Iraq just a month earlier in October,
sources said. At that time in 2010, Assange was relatively free and not living
cloistered in in the embassy of Ecuador in London. Prior to 2010, Assange
focused Wikileaks' efforts on countries outside the United States but now
under Clinton and Obama, Assange was hammering America with an unparalleled
third sweeping Wikileaks document dump in five months. Clinton was fuming,
sources said, as each State Department cable dispatched during the Obama
administration was signed by her. ..

Following Clinton's alleged drone proposal, another controversial remedy was
floated in the State Department to place a reward or bounty for Assange's
capture and extradition to the United States, sources said. Numbers were
discussed in the realm of a $10 million bounty. A State Department source
described that staff meeting as bizarre. ..


> <>
> Ten Largest Corporations Have More Wealth Than Most Nations Combined

Oleg Smirnov

Oct 7, 2016, 9:38:27 AM10/7/16

Russian Drugging Incident Raises US Concerns

An incident at a hotel bar in which two U.S. officials were drugged during a
U.N. anti-corruption conference in St. Petersburg, Russia has caused concern
at the State Department.

WASHINGTON -- Two U.S. officials traveling with diplomatic passports were
drugged while attending a conference in Russia last year, and one of them was
hospitalized ..

The incident at a hotel bar during a UN anti-corruption conference in St.
Petersburg in November 2015 caused concern in the U.S. State Department, which
quietly protested to Moscow, according to a U.S. government official with
direct knowledge of what occurred.

But it wasn't until a dramatic event in June, when an accredited U.S. diplomat
was tackled outside the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, that officials in Washington
reexamined the November drugging and concluded they were part of a definite

The State Department suggested the harassment has become a particular concern
in the past two years.

According to the U.S. government official, and another former official also
knowledgeable about the case, the drugged diplomats were part of a delegation
of Americans attending the Conference of the States Parties to the United
Nations Convention against Corruption, held on November 2-6 in St. Petersburg.

'Date Rape Drug'

RFE/RL contacted several of the people attending from nongovernmental
organizations; all said they were unaware of the drugging.

The U.S. government official told RFE/RL that U.S. investigators concluded
that the two Americans -- a man and a woman -- were slipped a so-called date
rape drug, most likely at a bar in the St. Petersburg hotel where they were

One of the Americans was incapacitated and brought to a Western medical clinic
in the city for treatment, and to have blood and tissue samples taken in order
to determine precisely what caused the sudden illness. However, while the
person was at the clinic, the electricity suddenly went out and the staff was
unable to obtain the necessary tissue samples, the official said.

The individual was then flown out of the country for further medical
treatment, but by then it was too late to gather proper samples, the official

Because the U.S. officials in attendance at the conference were not top-level
State or Justice officials, the State Department decided to take a quiet
approach to the incident. A formal note of protest was lodged, the official
said, but Russian authorities asked for evidence that the person had been
drugged, and the Americans lacked samples.


They write that 'the electricity suddenly went out' in such a way as it might
be a deliberate action in order to prevent a medical analysis of the blood and
tissue samples. In fact, a large blackout happened in St Pete November 5 and
6, a pretty rare / extraordinary force majeure when a third part of the city,
about 1.5 million residents, found themselves without electricity. So the idea
that the malicious Russians deliberately hid the evidence by turning off the
electricity in a hospital does not hold water.

The blackout happened at about 2:07 pm local time November 5. The affected
facilities began to get the electricity at 3 pm, and at 6 pm it was completely
restored. Next day, November 6, there was a repeated blackout in mostly the
same city areas (the same substation) since 9:50 to 10:45 am. Besides that,
most of the medical facilities in the city have diesel generators as redundant
power supplies, and they would have to start them shortly. I do not know what
exactly they mean by 'Western medical clinic'. There are no 'western' clinics
in Russia, there may be specific / advanced/ expensive private clinics etc.
Such clinics should have to have redundant power supplies as well. Anyway, the
period of four hours (the maximum estimation) in daylight does not seem to be
so long that made it impossible to take and preserve the samples for analysis.

Another, 'event in June' was discussed in detail here <>.

It's a known rotten narrative of the American propaganda that the FSB agents
allegedly do a crap into the beds of the American diplomats in Russia, however
all 'stories' are somewhat similar to the above.

The Atlanticist propaganda tries its best to maintain negative attitudes and
hostile sentiments towards Russia among it audience. So, the MSN masterminds
use various false pretexts and even promote fictional stories for this goal.
They play dirty. For example, three years ago the British public was
well-brainwashed by the 'small island' fiction <>.
The horror stories about the incredible harassment of the American diplomats
in Russia are being invented in a similar manner and for similar purposes.


Oct 8, 2016, 1:10:34 AM10/8/16
On 10/7/2016 8:36 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>

Interesting article..But!! I know of no medical facility on the planet
that does not have instant Electrical back up Generators or storage
batteries. I find this somewhat suspect. For what reason would Russia
date rape drug common Functionaries that have no real intell value?
We are talking about a country that has one of the most sophisticated
Intelligence gathering arms in the world.
It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but *They mean to govern*. They promise to
be good masters, *but they mean to be masters*. Daniel Webster

Oleg Smirnov

Oct 20, 2016, 2:20:42 AM10/20/16

Philippines' Duterte says 'goodbye' to US ties in Beijing

20 Oct 2016

BEIJING: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said it was "time to say goodbye"
to the US during a visit to China on Wednesday, as the combative leader
reconfigures his country's diplomatic alliances. ..

"Your stay in my country was for your own benefit. So time to say goodbye, my
friend," he said, as if addressing the US.

"I will not go to America anymore. I will just be insulted there," he added,
before once again referring to US President Barack Obama as a "son of a whore".
Duterte, who took office in late June, said he was fed up with the Philippines'
foreign policy being dictated by a Western agenda. ..


What Mr. Duterte says looks like a long accumulated reaction to American
arrogance. Obama is an immature person of extreme vanity, and he is very fond
to put himself in 'patronizing' position. Hence the result.

Many others likely feel similar but they are afraid to express their feelings.

> <>
> Chinese ambassador upbeat on warming China-PH relations

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 17, 2016, 3:15:53 PM11/17/16



Evil Empire-bashing is no longer the preserve of the right.

During the old Cold War, it tended to be right-wing Western politicians who
were most comfortable stoking the fires of anti-Russian fear and loathing.
Think of McCarthyite warnings of reds under the beds in 1950s America or of US
president Ronald Reagan's attacks on the 'evil empire' in the 1980s. But no
more. Today, conjuring up Russia as the nefarious demiurge of world affairs,
with Vlad the Bad Putin as demon-in-chief, has almost become the self-styled
progressive's stock-in-trade. .. While there are of course still plenty on the
right of Western politics (to the extent that a right exists) who cling to the
certainties of the old Cold War, it's the liberals, the left-leaning, the now
frayed and frazzled establishment, who seem most keen to fuel the fires of the
new Cold War, in an attempt to rediscover some sense of moral purpose. ..

In fact, Clinton has been an orchestrator-in-chief of the anti-Russian forces.
She has spoken of seeking to 'confine, contain, [and] deter Russian aggression
in Europe and beyond'; she said Russia's annexation of Crimea after the
West/EU-stoked unrest in Ukraine, was reminiscent of Hitler's justification
for taking over parts of Eastern Europe; and, in the run-up to her failed
election bid, she declared, 'I remain convinced that we need a concerted
effort to really up the costs on Russia and in particular on Putin'.

This is not just rhetoric. .. This is the effect the new liberal, right-
thinking purveyors of the Cold War have been having on world affairs. They
have been destabilising relationships, exacerbating tensions and prompting
Russia to retroactively aggress, act out, protect itself. ..


Atlanticism is a world bully, and its right and left wings - their mainstream
factions - support the basic bullying agenda. The right wing represents more
'classical', barefaced imperialistic stance. The left wing seeks to justify
subversion and aggression as a mission to promote progressive democracy and
'responsibility to protect' someone somewhere from tyranny and dictatorship.

The left-wing-related issues are somewhat more orwellian.

There are, of course, peaceful left and peaceful right, but not in dominance.

> <>
> Prosperity Capital Management: Misinformation About Russia ..

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 20, 2016, 11:21:24 AM11/20/16

Saying goodbye to Obama's clowns

Adam Garrie | 2016-11-18

The blood soaked policies of the Obama administration is no laughing matter.
Nevertheless, some of his most trusted political aids are.

On their surrealistic 1974 concept album The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, the
musical band Genesis performed a song called The Grand Parade Of Lifeless
Packaging. I can think of no better title for the key figures of the Obama
administration who will soon be parading their way out of a job.

But in the spirit of Donald Trump putting America back to work again, I think
I may find a derelict building somewhere in Manhattan and open up a comedy
club. I've already got the acts all lined up.

Here's who it would be ..


> <>


Nov 20, 2016, 9:32:14 PM11/20/16
On 11/20/2016 10:17 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> Saying goodbye to Obama's clowns

The sad part is that we will provide a salary, Protection and sustenance
to these people and their families for the rest of their lives.
They will have Plaudits written that will praise them in our History
books. Even though they worked hard to destroy America's reputation in
the world.

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 27, 2016, 2:22:25 PM11/27/16
The Atlanticist MSM hits a new low.

I'm likely intended to take this list as a basis and compile my own list of
'alternative' English-speaking media that is interesting enough and worthy of
readers' attention.



Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New,
Hidden, and Very Shady Group

Ben Norton, Glenn Greenwald | 2016-11-26

THE WASHINGTON POST ON THURSDAY NIGHT promoted the claims of a new, shadowy
organization that smears dozens of U.S. news sites that are critical of U.S.
foreign policy as being "routine peddlers of Russian propaganda." ..

The group's list of Russian disinformation outlets includes WikiLeaks and the
Drudge Report, as well as Clinton-critical left-wing websites such as
Truthout, Black Agenda Report, Truthdig and Naked Capitalism, as well as
libertarian venues such as and the Ron Paul Institute. ..

Yet the article is rife with obviously reckless and unproven allegations, and
fundamentally shaped by shoddy, slothful journalistic tactics. .. Its huge
flaws are self-evident. But the Post gleefully ran with it and then promoted
it aggressively ..

More troubling still, PropOrNot listed numerous organizations on its website
as "allied" with it, yet many of these claimed "allies" told The Intercept,
and complained on social media, they have nothing to do with the group and had
never even heard of it before the Post published its story. ..



Washington Post Promotes Shadowy Website That Accuses 200 Publications of
Being Russian Propaganda Plants

The anonymous PropOrNot is calling for investigations of websites including
Wikileaks and major progressive publications.

Max Blumenthal / AlterNet November 25, 2016

A shady website that claims "Russia is Manipulating US Opinion Through Online
Propaganda" has compiled a blacklist of websites its anonymous authors accuse
of pushing fake news and Russian propaganda. The blacklist includes over 200
outlets, from the right-wing Drudge Report and Russian government-funded
Russia Today, to Wikileaks and an array of marginal conspiracy and far-right
sites. The blacklist also includes some of the flagship publications of the
progressive left, including Truthdig, Counterpunch, Truthout, Naked
Capitalism, and the Black Agenda Report, a leftist African-American opinion
hub that is critical of the liberal black political establishment. ..

Despite the Washington Post's charitable description of PropOrNot as a group
of independent-minded researchers dedicated to protecting the integrity of
American democracy, the shadowy group bears many of the qualities of the red
enemies it claims to be battling. In addition to its blacklist of Russian
dupes, it lists a collection of outlets funded by the U.S. State Department,
NATO and assorted tech and weapons companies as "allies." ..

PropOrNot's malicious agenda is clearly spelled out on its website. .. The
group also seeks to brand major progressive politics sites (and a number of
prominent right-wing opinion outlets) as "'gray' fake-media propaganda
outlets" influenced or directly operated by Russia's Federal Security Service
(FSB). .. By these standards, any outlet that raises the alarm about the
considerable presence of extreme right-wing elements among the post-Maidan
Ukrainian government or that questions the Western- and Saudi-funded campaign
for regime change in Syria can be designated a Russia dupe or a paid agent of
the FSB. ..


> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 27, 2016, 6:23:20 PM11/27/16

Noam Chomsky Favored a U.S. War to Conquer Russia

Eric Zuesse | Sunday, Nov 27, 2016

Noam Chomsky, who in a 2005 global poll was voted as the "world's top public
intellectual", told Qatar's Al Jazeera television, in a November 24th
interview, that Hillary Clinton's "positions are much better than Trump's on
every issue that I can think of", so that Americans who didn't vote for her to
become the next President were "making a bad mistake."

One of those issues (on which he preferred her "position") was whether to go
to war against Russia - an issue on which her statements were remarkably
consistent (unlike her positions on most other issues) - namely, that we
should engage in a hot war against Russia, and that as the U.S. President she
would do so. Trump was opposed to her position ..


Not only Chomsky, some other prominent 'left' figures that were supposed to be
anti-war and / or Russia-friendly, still campaigned for Killary. In part it
may be explained by the 'lesser evil' logic. However, there's also some more
peculiar thing. [Some of] the smart left-wingers are smart(ass) enough to be
not averse to allow a 'bad' figure in power, - provided that they could play
'good' complement to it, i.e. they need a 'bad cop' that would enable them to
play 'good cop' in addition to. Such ethological subtleties.

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Dec 28, 2016, 6:11:27 AM12/28/16

.. Let us take a few moments to meditate on the last eight years.

a.. The U.S. is still bogged down in Iraq <>.
b.. The U.S. military is still protecting poppy fields in Afghanistan
<>. It's been America's longest poppy field protection
operation. And its longest war.
c.. The first black president expanded <> AFRICOM and
the shadow wars and classified drone operations in Africa.
d.. He also destroyed Libya, the most prosperous, developed nation in North
Africa. As expected, his justification for doing so was later revealed to be
massive baloney bullshit <>.
e.. He "created <> a secret drones program
<> to kill terrorist suspects worldwide without public
acknowledgement or due process. Under his watch, the US has expanded the field
of battle in the "war on terrorism" to a dozen countries and constructed
institutions and routines of surveillance and assassination - such as the
so-called 'disposition matrix' <> and 'Terror Tuesdays'
<> that will have serious consequences beyond his
f.. Then there's Ukraine. Don't even get us started.
g.. The "Asia pivot" is also working out great. So glad that we're now
provoking the Chinese in an ocean called the South China Sea.
h.. And of course, there's Syria. The Obama administration's greatest, most
moderate success.
i.. In general, everything is terrible. ..

> <>
> Nobel Peace Prize ex-secretary regrets Obama being awarded

Oleg Smirnov

Dec 29, 2016, 10:49:13 AM12/29/16

Democracies? Where are Democracies?

Dmitry Babich | 18.12.2016

.. Like the majority of Russians, I had my first doubts about some of the
Western countries being democracies after NATO's attack against Yugoslavia in
1999. I gave credence to Western reports about "hundreds of thousands" of
Albanians having been slaughtered in Kosovo before the start of NATO's bombing
in spring 1999, so I expected the mass graves to be uncovered soon after the
Serb troops left Kosovo in summer the same year. But months went by, and those
same Western journalists who had written about the mass graves in Spring 1999
suddenly lost interest in the theme, compensating the absence of apologies to
readers with continued curses against Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.

Influenced by them, I was eager to denounce Milosevic as an extremist
nationalist in my liberal newspaper where I worked at the time, The Moscow
News. So, I took the Serb-Russian dictionary, went to library and read all of
Milosevic's speeches in search of ethnic slurs and great power posturing. I
COULD NOT FIND A SINGLE QUOTE. So much for modern Western democracies not
de-humanizing their opponents. But may be it was just an aberration? Maybe
democracies still avoid ethnic slurs themselves and are immune to "spy-mania"?
OK, I read a recent article in The New York Times, about "two top Republicans
in Congress supporting investigations into possible Russian cyberattacks to
influence the American election."

"The Russians are not our friends," the Senate's majority leader Mitch
McConnell is quoted as saying, having accused "Russians" of hacking the
Democrats' email servers - without any evidence presented. "We need to
approach all these on the assumption the Russians do not wish us well,"
McConnell added.

The phrase made me nostalgic of Cold War times. Even in the period of tension
in the early 1980s it was unthinkable for a Soviet official to say that
America as a nation were our enemies. We Soviets, in fact, had our own variant
of political correctness, without knowing it. "Certain circles in Washington"
and some faceless "world imperialism" were our enemies, not "Americans" ..


That's true, in the Russian political culture it's considered inappropriate
to heavily use tribalist terms for marking political entities. It's especially
not welcome in official statements and presentable analysis. It comes in
contrast to the typal 'western' tribalism, which is expressed in the figures
of speech like 'the Them'. It also involves your xenophobic custom to demonize
foreign leaders (including the incredible cult of Putin personality in 'the
West'), - it's just another side of the tribalist coin.

Some of Atlanticist liberals sincerely believe they represent 'universal
values', but from the Russian perspective it looks rather like an opinionated
obscurantist naivety.

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 28, 2017, 5:54:50 AM2/28/17

A Nazi Skeleton in the Family Closet

Arina Tsukanova | February 27, 2017
Exclusive: Canada's fiercely anti-Russian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland
says her Ukrainian grandfather struggled "to return freedom and democracy to
Ukraine," but she leaves out that he was a Nazi propagandist justifying the
slaughter of Jews, writes Arina Tsukanova.

On Jan. 10, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau replaced Foreign Minister
Stephane Dion with Chrystia Freeland, a former journalist proud of her
Ukrainian roots and well-known for her hostility toward Russia. ..

.. Freeland's grandfather - rather than being a helpless victim - was given a
prestigious job to spread Nazi propaganda, praising Hitler from a publishing
house stolen from Jews and given to Ukrainians ..



Nazism is a natural state of mind to the 'western' mindset. Hitler was not an
original thinker, he was a natural product of the genuine 'western' culture.
That's why the 'western' criticism of the 'classical' Nazism is fixated mainly
on the 'not nice' Jews-related issues while avoiding broader understanding.
But the German Nazism was a natural spawn of the western idea to consider 'the
west' a center of the universe that has to implement some mission towards the
rest of the world. This basic Nazism has not gone away with the German Nazism,
it was cultivated in the British imperial 'civilization' ideology, it is now
cultivated in the ideas of the American exceptionalism, it's reborn in the new
'left' German 'community of values' narratives, and like that. If there are
someone's bold rants about 'our values' then it usually means a kind f Nazism.

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Mar 4, 2017, 12:02:23 PM3/4/17

.. The most forceful such statement came from Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.,
who tweeted that she had "been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years. No call
or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever. Ambassadors call members of Foreign Rel

That was quickly proven untrue.

A pair of tweets first unearthed by National Review's Charles C.W. Cooke
showed McCaskill twice wrote messages about meetings with Kislyak, in 2013 and
2015. ..

McCaskill later blamed Twitter's character limit for the seeming disparity in
her claims, suggesting the limit prevented her from being more specific in
Thursday's tweet. She told The Weekly Standard there was "no contradiction,"
and clarified she never had a "one-on-one meeting" with the ambassador. still labeled McCaskill's claim as "false." ..

President Trump also took a shot Friday at top Democrats seeking to expose his
supposed Russia ties - tweeting out a newly unearthed photo of a younger Sen.
Chuck Schumer and Vladimir Putin enjoying coffee and donuts.

"We should start an immediate investigation into @SenSchumer and his ties to
Russia and Putin. A total hypocrite!" Trump tweeted.

Schumer tweeted back: "Happily talk re: my contact w Mr. Putin & his
associates, took place in '03 in full view of press & public under oath. Would
you &your team?"

While Putin has had contact with U.S. officials for decades, Kislyak also
would be a familiar face for longtime Washington lawmakers. He's been the
ambassador to the U.S. since 2008, and served in various posts representing
the former Soviet Union in the 1980s.

"I've met with the Russian ambassador with a group, in my capacity, with a
group of other senators," Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., told CNN. "That's in my
official capacity. That's nothing. That's my job."

Republican Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, defending Sessions, said he's spoken with
the Russian ambassador as well.

Meanwhile, The Daily Caller reported that Kislyak is listed as visiting the
White House at least 22 times between 2009 and 2016. They likely were a mix of
personal meetings and group visits. Roughly half of the visits involved
broader receptions with other visitors. ..


Looks like an infant school.

> <>
> A Budget Without Russians

Oleg Smirnov

Mar 15, 2017, 4:49:47 PM3/15/17

The Democrats Anti-Russia Campaign Falls Apart

March 14, 2017

.. After raising all kinds of shambolic rumors about "Russian interference"
the "western" intelligence agencies are walking back their previous outrageous

a.. Former DNI James Clapper admits <> that he
has zero evidence for any Trump-Russia collusion;
b.. The British Secretary of Shame now says <> there is
"no evidence" of any Russian interference with British democracy;
c.. The German secret services have no proof <> (in
German) for any Russian disinformation campaign.

There is no evidence for any Russian interference in the U.S., or any other,
election. No evidence has been show, despite many claims, that Russia or its
proxies hacked John Podesta's emails or the DNC or collaborated with

Even the Democrats now concede <> that the whole mountain of
bullshit their anti-Trump and anti-Russian campaign created stinks to high

[S]ome Democrats on the Intelligence Committee now quietly admit, after
several briefings and preliminary inquiries, they don't expect to find
evidence of active, informed collusion between the Trump campaign and known
Russian intelligence operatives, though investigators have only just begun
reviewing raw intelligence. Among the Intelligence Committee's rank and
file, there's a tangible frustration over what one official called "wildly
inflated" expectations surrounding the panel's fledgling investigation. ..

The Democrats failed in their anti-Trump, anti-Russia campaign.



> <>
> Mainstream Media's 'Victimhood'

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 21, 2017, 7:47:36 AM6/21/17

.. Pax Americana is over .. global governance is in shambles. The
recent failure of the G7 meeting in Taormina, Sicily, with the lack of
agreement on measures to tackle climate change and the refugee crisis,
is only the latest event to signal a breakdown of international
cooperation. The unipolar world order of American hegemony is over.

This is not necessarily bad news: the so-called Pax Americana has been
anything but peaceful, ushering in an endless string of wars that have
inflamed the Middle East. ..


Thus spoke the Qatari news (hacked by the Russians, you know).

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jun 30, 2017, 1:41:04 PM6/30/17

.. Media Recklessness on the Russia Threat

Glenn Greenwald | June 27 2017

THREE PROMINENT CNN journalists resigned Monday night after the network was
forced to retract and apologize for a story linking Trump ally Anthony
Scaramucci to a Russian investment fund under congressional investigation. ..

BUT CNN IS hardly alone when it comes to embarrassing retractions regarding
Russia. Over and over, major U.S. media outlets have published claims about
the Russia Threat that turned out to be completely false - always in the
direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links
between Moscow and the Trump circle. In virtually all cases, those stories
involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media
outlets uncritically treated as fact, only for it to be revealed that they
were entirely false.

Several of the most humiliating of these episodes have come from the
Washington Post. ..

Read it in detail <>

Weeks earlier, Slate published another article that went viral on Trump and
Russia .. After that story was hyped by Hillary Clinton herself, multiple news
outlets (including The Intercept) debunked it, noting that the story had been
shopped around for months but found no takers. ..

A few weeks later, C-SPAN made big news when it announced that its network had
been "interrupted by RT programming" .. That led numerous media outlets, such
as Fortune, to claim that this occurred due to Russian hacking - yet that,
too, turned out to be totally baseless ..

In the same time period - December 2016 - The Guardian published a story by
reporter Ben Jacobs claiming that WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange,
had "long had a close relationship with the Putin regime." That claim, along
with several others in the story, was fabricated ..

Perhaps the most significant Russia falsehood came from CrowdStrike, the firm
hired by the DNC to investigate the hack of its email servers. .. Yet that
story also fell apart. In March, the firm "revised and retracted statements it
used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American
presidential election campaign" after several experts questioned its claims ..

WHAT IS MOST notable about these episodes is that they all go in the same
direction: hyping and exaggerating the threat posed by the Kremlin. All media
outlets will make mistakes; that is to be expected. But when all of the
"mistakes" are devoted to the same rhetorical theme, and when they all end up
advancing the same narrative goal, it seems clear that they are not the
byproduct of mere garden-variety journalistic mistakes. ..



It's called 'collective psychosis' or 'collective madness', - it's somewhat
close to the things happened in Germany of the 1930s, or at the time of the
Protestant witch hunts etc etc

> <>


Jun 30, 2017, 4:57:50 PM6/30/17
On 7/1/2017 5:40 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> .. Media Recklessness on the Russia Threat
> Glenn Greenwald | June 27 2017
> THREE PROMINENT CNN journalists resigned Monday night after the network was
> forced to retract and apologize for a story linking Trump ally Anthony
> Scaramucci to a Russian investment fund under congressional
> investigation. ..

At least they didn't suffer the Russian treatment of reporters who didnt
say what Putin wanted

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 1, 2017, 8:25:32 AM7/1/17

NYT Finally Retracts Russia-gate Canard

Robert Parry | June 29, 2017

Exclusive: A founding Russia-gate myth is that all 17 U.S. intelligence
agencies agreed that Russia hacked into and distributed Democratic emails,
a falsehood that The New York Times has belatedly retracted ..



> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 5, 2017, 11:42:34 AM7/5/17

People's Daily senior official urges Chinese, Russian media to work together
to break dominance of Western discourse

People's Daily Online | July 04, 2017

Chinese and Russian media should work together to break the Western dominance
in discourse, Lu Xinning, deputy editor-in-chief of the People's Daily said at
the third China-Russia Media Forum held in Moscow on July 4, 2017.

Lu said the West is trying to force a Hobbes' style world view upon China and
Russia. They distort facts and hype up claims that China and Russia are self
interested and have no regard for international orders and rules.

Lu said that strategic cooperation between China and Russia, two major powers
in the world, is crucial to the global stability. Their cooperation on
discourse is also important. The mass media era has redefined how we get and
spread information, and this has created an opportunity for China and Russia
to win in discourse.

It was suggested that the media in both countries should work together to
expand their international influence.

> <>
> Russia Insider Special Report by Awara Accounting: Russia's Economy Emerges
> Stronger Than Ever After Sanctions, Years 2014 - 2016

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 7, 2017, 5:58:02 AM7/7/17

The Undeniable Pattern Of Russian Hacking

July 06, 2017

A wide review of news sources finds an undeniable patter of international
"Russian hacking" claims:

- Many, if not all such accusation, are based on say-so by some anonymous
"official" or self-promoting "expert".

- Many, if not all such accusation, are rebutted within a few days or weeks.

- News about any alleged "Russian hacking" is widely distributed and easy to

- News of the debunking of such claims is reported only sparsely (if at all)
and more difficult to retrieve.

Examples: ...

Click the link to observe examples <>

The undeniable patter of "Russian hacking" is that any claim thereof is likely
not true and will be debunked in due time. ..



What do you feel while being cheated?
Don't you feel yourself a bit stupid?
Do you like the people that abused your credulity?

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 8, 2017, 12:55:45 AM7/8/17

The Moscow Times Closes Print Edition

July 5, 2017

.. The decision sees the publication move to a web-only format, with the
majority of staff losing their jobs. ..


These folks diligently promoted the narrative about depressive and dying
Russia, and now it's nice to know the toxic rag eventually goes towards
bankruptcy itself.

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 8, 2017, 12:55:45 AM7/8/17
.. "If we want to resolve bilateral and acute international issues, we
definitely need personal meetings. I'm delighted to be able to meet you in
person Mr. President, and I hope -- as you have said -- that our meeting will
yield positive results," Putin added. ..


"I'm delighted to be able to meet you" - the American translation incorrectly
conveys the connotation of what Putin actually said: "I'm pretty / very glad /
happy to meet you", it doesn't go beyond the standard courtesy (read more here
<>). Statements of the Russian
officials should always be verified through official Russian sources. The
Kremlin's own translators sometimes make silly mistakes too, but such mistakes
are usually corrected within a few days.

> <>
> I Hope Hell Has Cable TV So That Brzezinski Can Watch the US Empire Implode


Jul 12, 2017, 11:43:24 AM7/12/17
"#BeamMeUpScotty" wrote in message news:qgr9B.124479$W87.1...@fx27.iad...

On 07/12/2017 11:21 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>> Trump is a lame duck from the very beginning.
> Democrats have made themselves dead ducks from the beginning....
> Democrats will lose bigger in 2018, even their base rarely shows up for
> off year elections.

Every time they squawk, they ensure Trump's re-election all the more...

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 15, 2017, 8:33:33 PM7/15/17

Duterte eyes Russian help in war on terror


President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday said he expects Russia to help the
Philippines in its fight against terror as government forces continue their
operations to clear Marawi City of Maute terrorists.

In his speech during the 26th anniversary of the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology at Camp Aguinaldo, Duterte said he has sought to reduce the
Philippines' reliance on the United States and build much closer ties with
China and Russia. ..



Jul 16, 2017, 6:31:01 PM7/16/17
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:okec1h$b7q$
> President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday said he expects Russia to help the
> Philippines in its fight against terror as government forces continue
> their operations to clear Marawi City of Maute terrorists.

Just what the Russians need, another conflict to tie down their armed forces
that are already stretched too thin...


Jul 16, 2017, 7:31:26 PM7/16/17
Since the 'rebels' are leftists I can see a conflict of interests when
their funder turns up to rid the Philippines of their sort

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 16, 2017, 8:23:24 PM7/16/17

How America's Lack of Historical Knowledge is Aiding Its Decline

D. Amari Jackson | July 14, 2017

.. Keep in mind, Horne says, America began as a slaveholder's republic under
the cause of "white supremacy. But under unrelenting pressure from below by
Africans, and from the international community, the United States had to
retreat reluctantly and agonizingly from that national credo and its
slaveholding status." Then, continues Horne, "it invented this national myth
that the constitution, which was designed to entrench slavery and white
supremacy forevermore, was somehow flexible enough to encompass the rest of
us. This, apparently, is not the case as the exoneration of police officers
who kill us on a regular basis tends to show," as it produces a disconnect
between the official stated policy of nondiscrimination and "what's actually
happening to Black people in the streets."
Consistently, the disconnect between America's citizens and its history is
just as large. .. Such widespread historical ignorance is problematic for a
nation currently grappling with deeply entrenched issues of economics, power
and race. ..



> <>
> .. Saudi Arabia Doubles Down On Political Repression And Regional Aggression

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 19, 2017, 10:50:52 AM7/19/17

Mass Arrests of Protesters: Outrageous in Russia, Barely Worth Mentioning in


Major media's relative lack of interest in the mass arrests by Metro DC police
on Inauguration Day is a fact noted by activists and journalists since the
incident almost six months ago. One way to measure the dearth of coverage is
to compare the attention paid to comparable protester arrests in Russia last
month. ..

More than 200 Americans were arrested on January 20 after "rioting" broke out
in downtown Washington, DC, in the hours leading up to and after President
Donald Trump's inauguration. Some were let go over the next few weeks, but the
bulk of the 200+ still face 10-80 years in federal prison for "felony
rioting." .. all 217 people arrested took part in an orgy of violence.

When Russian protesters were arrested about five months later, the news led
the three most prestigious US newspapers' front pages the following day ..
Neither the New York Times or Wall Street Journal carried front - page photos
- or even front-page mentions - the day after the DC mass arrests ..

American readers were given the distinct impression, time and again, that
those arrested in DC on Inauguration Day were Black Bloc anarchists hell-bent
on violence and mayhem ..

To the extent there was coverage, it almost never mentioned that seven
journalists were among those jailed by police. In the couple of days after the
mass arrests, neither the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, MSNBC,ABC,
CBS or NBC mentioned that journalists had been detained. .. In stark
contrast, the Moscow protesters were depicted as defiant heroes confronting
jack-booted thugs. ..

There are obvious differences in these mass arrests, in both directions, but
the eagerness of US media to disproportionately cover and empathize with those
in Russia, while either ignoring or toeing the government's line when it comes
to mass arrests stateside, speaks to the nationalistic blinders at work. Some
200 Americans face decades in federal prison for what amounted to little more
than property damage, the most visually potent example of which occurred after
everyone charged had already been detained. This would no doubt be a scandal
if it took place in another country - especially one deemed an enemy of the US
- but here the arrestees are at best overlooked, and at worst uniformly



> <>
> How Russia-gate Met the Magnitsky Myth


Jul 19, 2017, 11:52:22 AM7/19/17
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:oknrct$ubr$
> Mass Arrests of Protesters: Outrageous in Russia, Barely Worth Mentioning
> in US

Latest threat to Russian state security: fidget spinners. State-run news
outlets in Russia have identified fidget spinners as a potential threat to
state security, saying the toys are an attempt to influence young people.

That Devious Plot to ‘Zombify’ Russia: The Fidget Spinner

JULY 18, 2017

MOSCOW — The West in general and the United States in particular are
hatching all manner of diabolical anti-Russian plots, if reports in the
state-controlled news media are to be believed.

Yet the latest example of what is being portrayed as American skulduggery
might be a stretch, even by the elastic standards of Russian television.

Beware the so-called fidget spinner, a hand toy that spins and has become a
rage in Russia and the United States, particularly among middle school

Such a harmless trinket, you might think, would be destined for a moment in
the spotlight followed by a long fall into oblivion, where it would join pet
rocks, Beanie Babies and New Kids on the Block.

Perhaps not so harmless, according to one recent report on Rossiya 24
suggesting that Russia’s opposition parties were trying to lure young
supporters and raise money by hawking spinners. (The fact that many of the
participants in recent nationwide demonstrations organized by the
anticorruption crusader Aleksei A. Navalny were young Russians had to be
explained somehow.)

“It is a mystery why it has become so popular in Russia right now,” the
television reporter said. “Who is promoting this to the masses so actively?”

Cut to a clip of a video blogger selling spinners during anticorruption
demonstrations in June under the banner “Spinners from Navalny.”

A recent report on state-run television in Russia about the perceived danger
posed by fidget spinners:

The reporter then held up another piece of evidence from his investigation:
a spinner bought at a Moscow children’s store packaged with writing only in
English. “Not a word in Russian!” he cautioned.

Commentators piled on, noting that the spinners might indeed be an attempt
to “zombify people” so that they could be manipulated.

“In such a manner, our opposition is luring the youth,” Ruslan Ostashko, the
editor in chief of a pro-Kremlin website,, told Rossiya 24 in
a separate report. “Those who understand political technologies, they
understand very clearly that this simple thing is controlling the masses.”

Russia’s consumer protection agency, Rospotrebnadzor, got into the act on
Tuesday, announcing that it would investigate the toys.

“There has been an aggressive promotion of so-called spinners among children
and teenagers in Russia recently,” the agency said in a statement. “Taking
into consideration the anxiety among the community of parents and teachers,
Rospotrebnadzor, in cooperation with child health research institutions,
will study the effect spinners are having on children, including the
possible negative impact.”

Of course, Russia is not alone in harboring concerns about spinners. The
hand-held devices have been modified to carry all manner of harmful things,
like knives and firecrackers, becoming more weapon than toy.

In Germany, customs officials confiscated 35 tons of spinners in May. There
was no clear indication of who made them, said Christine Strass, a
spokeswoman for the customs authority, and they posed a danger to young
children, who could swallow small parts like the ball bearings that make the
toys spin.

Although some therapists have said that the spinners help people with
attention disorders, various schools in the United States have banned them
as a distraction.

The toy seemed to achieve cult status recently after the comedy show
“Saturday Night Live” produced a spoof advertisement for a diamond-encrusted
fidget spinner from Cartier.

In Russia, you can actually buy a real gold spinner for almost $17,000.

Russia also seems to have cornered the market on politicizing the potential
side effects.

Mr. Navalny, never one to miss an opportunity to mock the government or its
suspicions, posted a video of himself on Tuesday that showed him spinning a
small device while awaiting the verdict in one of his recent trials.

The consumer protection agency going after spinners, he said, was “a gang of
freeloaders sitting on our necks.”


Jul 19, 2017, 11:56:34 AM7/19/17
On 07/19/2017 10:50 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> Mass Arrests of Protesters: Outrageous in Russia, Barely Worth
> Mentioning in
> US
> ADAM JOHNSON | JULY 13, 2017
> Major media's relative lack of interest in the mass arrests by Metro DC
> police
> on Inauguration Day is a fact noted by activists and journalists since the
> incident almost six months ago.

Poor little Democrats robots didn't get all the media attention they
wanted by breaking laws, tough shit.
That's Karma

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 19, 2017, 12:28:52 PM7/19/17
#BeamMeUpScotty, <news:RiLbB.186064$lx.1...@fx43.iad>
Trump himself worries very much about, say, Venezuelan protesters.

Does not he?

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 19, 2017, 12:28:53 PM7/19/17
Byker the Shithead, <>
> "Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message

> A recent report on state-run television in Russia about
> the perceived danger posed by fidget spinners:
> The reporter then held up another piece of evidence from
> his investigation: a spinner bought at a Moscow
> children's store packaged with writing only in English.
> "Not a word in Russian!" he cautioned.

You don't understand the Russian style of irony well.


Jul 19, 2017, 1:07:57 PM7/19/17
They don't get much NEWS MEDIA time here for protesting in Venezuela....

The fact TRUMP mentions it is because there is no media coverage and the
media is too busy putting out FAKE NEWS.

That's Karma


Jul 19, 2017, 1:20:15 PM7/19/17


Jul 19, 2017, 3:54:40 PM7/19/17
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:oko14m$hn7$

Byker the Shithead, <>
> "Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message
>> A recent report on state-run television in Russia about
>> the perceived danger posed by fidget spinners:
> You don't understand the Russian style of irony well.

Maybe so:

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 22, 2017, 3:38:27 AM7/22/17

.. Democracy, and the End of America ..

BOYD D. CATHEY | JULY 21, 2017

Re-reading Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America (1835) can be a
sobering experience. .. One of Tocqueville's more notable observations
is that: "Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality
without faith." This, he noted, must be true absolutely for the new
American republic. ..

In the name of "democracy" and "equality" we see today the imposition
of a kind of "soft" statist totalitarianism: the abolition not only of
the rights of the states but of individual liberties, the enforcement
of a rigid and dogmatic political correctness, and worship at the altar
of an ideology termed cultural Marxism which is, in fact, more ruthless
and spiritually disemboweling than anything ever envisaged by the older,
bureaucratic form of Communism. ..


To the Americans, Tocqueville seems to be a fetish figure, his writings
contributed to their self-idolatry and creation of national myths about
the US.

But the liberty-morality-faith troika grabbed my attention.

That's true that democracy can work properly only if the voters as well
as rivals for leadership have more or less reliable moral restraints.
But the next turn to faith requires some clarification. Not every faith
can serve as a basis of democracy. In the 'western' history, the basis
was provided by non-fundamentalist Christianity.

Render unto Caesar the things that
are Caesar's, and unto God the things
that are God's

It gave basic moral spirit, but warned against abuse of doctrinairism.

It's different, say, for the Islamic faith, it doesn't imply spiritual
detachment from "Caesar's" things, and the same is true for the
traditional Judaism as well, and maybe for other kinds of faith, which
demand implementation of heavily "Caesar's" non-spiritual things not by
agreement of people but rather in accordance with "what God said".

The decline of spiritual (lowercase 's') Christianity and degeneration
of the 'western'-style democracy into the mediacracy are, in fact, two
manifestations of the same process.

In turn, what the writer above calls "dogmatic political correctness"
and "cultural Marxism" is, in fact, a kind of religion itself, and this
modern religion is essentially similar to Islam and Judaism, - in the
sense that it similarly seeks to impose non-spiritual "Caesar's" things
on behalf of 'God' (dressed as 'universal values' and like that).

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 23, 2017, 4:11:31 AM7/23/17


Jeremy Scahill | July 22 2017

A new book by the famed historian Alfred McCoy predicts that China is set to
surpass the influence of the U.S. globally, both militarily and economically,
by the year 2030. At that point, McCoy asserts the United States Empire as we
know it will be no more. He sees the Trump presidency as one of the clearest
byproducts of the erosion of U.S. global dominance, but not its root cause. At
the same time, he also believes Trump may accelerate the empire's decline.

McCoy argues that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was the beginning of the end.
McCoy is not some chicken little. He is a serious academic. And he has guts.

For the majority of Americans, the 2020s will likely be remembered as a
demoralizing decade of rising prices, stagnant wages, and fading international
competitiveness. ..



> <>

Jul 23, 2017, 5:33:13 AM7/23/17
On Thursday, December 29, 2016 at 7:49:13 AM UTC-8, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> Democracies? Where are Democracies?

> Dmitry Babich | 18.12.2016
> .. Like the majority of Russians, I had my first doubts about some of the
> Western countries being democracies after NATO's attack against Yugoslavia in
> 1999. I gave credence to Western reports about "hundreds of thousands" of
> Albanians having been slaughtered in Kosovo before the start of NATO's bombing
> in spring 1999, so I expected the mass graves to be uncovered soon after the
> Serb troops left Kosovo in summer the same year. But months went by, and those
> same Western journalists who had written about the mass graves in Spring 1999
> suddenly lost interest in the theme, compensating the absence of apologies to
> readers with continued curses against Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic.
> Influenced by them, I was eager to denounce Milosevic as an extremist
> nationalist in my liberal newspaper where I worked at the time, The Moscow
> News. So, I took the Serb-Russian dictionary, went to library and read all of
> Milosevic's speeches in search of ethnic slurs and great power posturing. I
> COULD NOT FIND A SINGLE QUOTE. So much for modern Western democracies not
> de-humanizing their opponents. But may be it was just an aberration? Maybe
> democracies still avoid ethnic slurs themselves and are immune to "spy-mania"?
> OK, I read a recent article in The New York Times, about "two top Republicans
> in Congress supporting investigations into possible Russian cyberattacks to
> influence the American election."
> "The Russians are not our friends," the Senate's majority leader Mitch
> McConnell is quoted as saying, having accused "Russians" of hacking the
> Democrats' email servers - without any evidence presented. "We need to
> approach all these on the assumption the Russians do not wish us well,"
> McConnell added.
> The phrase made me nostalgic of Cold War times. Even in the period of tension
> in the early 1980s it was unthinkable for a Soviet official to say that
> America as a nation were our enemies. We Soviets, in fact, had our own variant
> of political correctness, without knowing it. "Certain circles in Washington"
> and some faceless "world imperialism" were our enemies, not "Americans" ..
> ...
> That's true, in the Russian political culture it's considered inappropriate
> to heavily use tribalist terms for marking political entities. It's especially
> not welcome in official statements and presentable analysis. It comes in
> contrast to the typal 'western' tribalism, which is expressed in the figures
> of speech like 'the Them'. It also involves your xenophobic custom to demonize
> foreign leaders (including the incredible cult of Putin personality in 'the
> West'), - it's just another side of the tribalist coin.
> Some of Atlanticist liberals sincerely believe they represent 'universal
> values', but from the Russian perspective it looks rather like an opinionated
> obscurantist naivety.
> > <>
> >

Jul 23, 2017, 5:35:20 AM7/23/17
On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 10:20:15 AM UTC-7, Byker wrote:
> "Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:oko14g$hn7$

many of those websites are run by Pedio Deep state fuckers, you kind, eh?


Jul 24, 2017, 1:17:35 AM7/24/17
Baloney! The new world leaders will be the Ultra-Rich Technocrats, Like
Apple, Microsoft, Alibabba, Facebook etc. Governments of the world will
take a back seat.
There will be a cull or trimming of the worlds Populations.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to
the security of a free State, the right of the people
to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

Jul 24, 2017, 2:03:40 AM7/24/17
so a robber, criminal , a foreigner and a fraudjew will rule the world?
lolz> --

Jul 24, 2017, 2:05:06 AM7/24/17
On Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 10:17:35 PM UTC-7, Zinger wrote:
> On 7/23/2017 3:09 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> > <>
> >

so facebook now is buying tanks and Google is buying a boat load of AR-15s?

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 24, 2017, 2:14:47 PM7/24/17

'Mass hysteria' in US politics over alleged Russian meddling - Lavrov

Published time: 24 Jul, 2017

"Sane people" in Washington arguing for common sense in relations with Moscow
now find themselves in "a difficult position," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey
Lavrov has said, branding the recent mood in American political circles "mass

"We do understand how difficult it is for the people who try to stick to
common sense amid the total, paranoid Russophobia," Lavrov said in an
interview with the Kurdish news agency Rudaw on Monday.

At the same time, Lavrov added, months of investigation have failed to produce
a single fact that could prove Russia's alleged meddling in American affairs.
"Sane people find themselves in a difficult position there," the foreign
minister said. ..

"I was in touch with many of them while working in New York, and I am quite
surprised to see what is happening now," Lavrov said.

However, he believes the media frenzy fanning speculation about the alleged
Russian interference will run out of steam at some point, "just because not a
single fact has yet been provided" to support the claims.

Lavrov also said the deplorable state of US-Russia relations is largely part
of the legacy left by the Obama administration.

"We inherited a bulk of problems, 'time bombs' and simply undermining
decisions from the Obama administration,"Lavrov said.

He added that those decisions had been made "in the period of agony when the
outgoing administration ...chose to do nasty things to undermine US-Russia
relations in the first place." ..


Oleg Smirnov

Jul 25, 2017, 9:54:01 AM7/25/17

.. Pentagon Report Calls for Total State as American Empire "Collapsing"

C. Mitchell Shaw | 24 July 2017

A recently released Department of Defense risk assessment report shows that
the "primacy" of the United States in the order of nations is in danger of
collapse. The American empire - like others before it - is falling under its
own bloated weight. Rather than suggesting a return to the roots of the
American Republic as outlined in the Constitution, the report suggests
expansions of force, surveillance, and propaganda to reinforce the crumbling
empire. .. In short, "the status quo" of interventionism .. is - predictably -
"fraying" and "may, in fact, be collapsing." .. Rather than face the fact that
American imperialism is a failed experiment, the study - which reads like a
chapter of Orwell's 1984 - presses for a more powerful, more heavy-handed,
less liberty-friendly total state leveraging more force, more manipulation,
and more surveillance. If followed, these recommendations will inevitably lead
to the collapse of not just American imperialism, but America itself.


> <>


Jul 26, 2017, 12:45:59 AM7/26/17
On 7/25/2017 8:52 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> .. Pentagon Report Calls for Total State as American Empire "Collapsing"

You will of course post the irrefutable Proof of this allegation?
Your URL is questionable.
It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but *They mean to govern*. They promise to
be good masters, *but they mean to be masters*. Daniel Webster

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 26, 2017, 3:39:43 AM7/26/17
PaxPerPoten, <news:ol96if$2af$>
> On 7/25/2017 8:52 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

>> <>
>> .. Pentagon Report Calls for Total State as American Empire "Collapsing"
> You will of course post the irrefutable Proof of this allegation? Your URL
> is questionable.

Read also <> (just in milder terms).

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 27, 2017, 6:36:33 AM7/27/17

The Myth of American Exceptionalism


Like too many nations, the United States likes to think of itself as a chosen
nation and a chosen people. Presidential inauguration statements are
typically an exercise in proclaiming American exceptionalism, and this
mentality has far too much influence in the United States. It's particularly
regrettable when individuals who should no better indulge the kind of hubris
and triumphalism associated with American exceptionalism.

An excellent example of our exceptionalism appeared in Sunday's Washington
Post in the form of an op-ed by Tom Malinowski, the former assistant secretary
of state for democracy, human rights and labor in the Obama administration.
In a fatuous display of ignorance, Malinowski lambasted Russian President
Vladimir Putin for stating that the United States frequently meddles in the
politics and elections of other countries. Malinowski argued that it is
Russia that interferes in democratic elections, such as the U.S. presidential
race in 2016, but that the United States consistently "promotes democracy in
other countries."

One of the reasons why the United States has so little credibility in making
the case against Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election is the
sordid record of the White House and the Central Intelligence Agency in
conducting regime change and even political assassination to influence
political conditions around the world. ..

Before former U.S. officials such as Tom Malinowski decide to lambaste Putin
for cynicism and treachery, it would be a good idea to become familiar with
U.S. crimes and calumny. ..

Read more about the American misdeeds <>


> <>
> Russia: An Industrial Powerhouse With Nukes


Jul 27, 2017, 6:49:02 AM7/27/17
On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 13:35:27 +0300, "Oleg Smirnov" <>
stop parading your (well deserved) inferiority complex...

take heart and study at the feet or more advanced nations...
that way you may at least improve your position a bit



Jul 27, 2017, 6:51:47 AM7/27/17
On 7/26/2017 2:39 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> PaxPerPoten, <news:ol96if$2af$>
>> On 7/25/2017 8:52 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>>> <>
>>> .. Pentagon Report Calls for Total State as American Empire "Collapsing"
>> You will of course post the irrefutable Proof of this allegation? Your
>> URL
>> is questionable.
> Read also <> (just in milder terms).

Again..that URL is questionable. However I do believe we need to
reformat our Military and the over 400 Jackasses in our Government that
got us into the hole that we are in. We also need to execute Spies and
Traitors in public with extreme predigest. The coddling of Homosexuals
and other of abnormal beliefs etc needs to come to a screeching halt.
Outfits like BLM are antiAmerican and should be tried, convicted and
executed for promoting the murders of Law enforcement. Israel needs to
be cut off from our coffers and this dual citizenship bullshit to come
to a screeching halt. If Russia is proven to be guilty of fucking with
American Politics... We need to balance that with whatever we have been
doing with Russian Politics. And seek a fair revenge is such is warranted.

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 27, 2017, 2:13:02 PM7/27/17

.. Is Trump going to sign bill restricting his own power?

Zhang Dongmiao | 2017-07-27

WASHINGTON, July 26 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Donald Trump was facing an
impending showdown after lawmakers overwhelmingly approved a bill of sanctions
against Russia, Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

As the bill, gaining bipartisan support in Congress, was likely to pass the
Senate soon, Trump would have to decide whether or not to sign the legislation
that would restrain his power ..

But Trump "may have no choice but to sign," ..


Trump is now close to a piece of nothing, - the mass media and the Congress
have made him so. As an opportunist, the best thing he can do is to try to run
ahead of the locomotive. Which does not change the fact though.

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 27, 2017, 2:13:02 PM7/27/17
abelard, <>
> On Thu, 27 Jul 2017 13:35:27 +0300, "Oleg Smirnov"
> <> wrote:
>> <>
>> The Myth of American Exceptionalism

> stop parading your (well deserved) inferiority complex...
> take heart and study at the feet or more advanced
> nations... that way you may at least improve your
> position a bit

If you were younger, you'd have a chance to achieve enlightenment.
But that's not the case, so I'd suggest you to start mulling about
the afterlife. It would be more relevant to you.

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 28, 2017, 6:13:26 AM7/28/17
In the very end of his infamous presidency, Osama expelled 35 Russia's
diplomats and blocked access to a couple of buildings in the status of
diplomatic property.

Now, Kremlin offers to the US to cut the number of its diplomatic staff in
Russia to make it equal to the number of the Russian staff in the US.
As far as I understand, for the Yanks, it's a reduction much more than 35.
Also they hint that if the Americans would expel more Russian staff then
Moscow will simply mirror it to make the number of the staff equal.

In addition to that, the Kremlin has deprived the American diplomats from
use of the US diplomatic property buildings in Russia somewhat similar to
those in the US blocked by Obama.

<> original statement

They did not wait until Trump signed the bill.

The latter may (or may not) mean they no longer take him seriously.

> <>
> .. U.S. Crushes All Other Countries In Latest Obesity Study

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 30, 2017, 11:35:42 PM7/30/17

Gloss and misery of Western sanctions

Veronika Susová-Salminen | 26.7.2017

.. The problem is that the West or the Atlantic community is in an existential
crisis, that is only deepening, and it's a crisis that is caused not only by
the demographic (EU) and economic (shrinking of the share in the world
economy, which is moving to Asia) realities but also by the decline in the
ideological plane (western patterns to follow, seductiveness of western
prosperity, belief in Western democracy). The world's focus diverges towards
Asia, resulting in certain consequences.

Indeed, the manifestation of this crisis is the very fact that Donald Trump
has become the President of the United States. His figure signals .. a
terrible decline of political and other elites in the US, .. The American
domestic oligarchies have to fight hysterically with the new reality of the
US' retreat ..


> <>
> The U.S. Empire Continues To Stumble Towards Ruin

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 30, 2017, 11:35:42 PM7/30/17

Why The Fall of the American Empire Will Come by 2030

PAUL RATNER | July 30, 2017

Living in such tense and mercurial times, it's easy to see that most Americans
do not have a strong confidence in their country's future, with about 60%
thinking it's headed in the wrong direction, according to the polling data
from RealClear Politics <>
.. All negative trends that are plaguing America now are likely to get much
worse, growing rapidly by 2020, and would "reach a critical mass no later than
2030." ..

.. The growing failures within the "intellectual infrastructure of the
country" as being responsible for America's downturn. .. The disturbing PISA
rankings that have American students coming in 41st in math and 25th in
science on the global scale. Students from countries like Singapore, Hong Kong
and, China are in the top 5 in all categories. .. This "erosion" of
educational standards in the U.S. leading to "very serious implications for
our military technology." The American military might will suffer greatly ..


> <>
> Survey in Germany. Majority rejects new US sanctions against Russia


Jul 31, 2017, 12:05:34 AM7/31/17
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:olm8ap$qmi$

> Indeed, the manifestation of this crisis is the very fact that Donald
> Trump has become the President of the United States. His figure signals ..
> a terrible decline of political and other elites in the US, .. The
> American domestic oligarchies have to fight hysterically with the new
> reality of the US' retreat ..

Buyer's remorse.


Jul 31, 2017, 5:49:44 PM7/31/17

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 4, 2017, 8:20:28 PM8/4/17


James Howard Kunstler | August 4, 2017

Russia hysteria has become a full-blown national psychosis at a moment in
history when a separate array of troubles poses the real threat to America's
well-being. Most of these have to do with the country's swan dive into
bankruptcy, but meeting them honestly would force uncomfortable choices on the
grifters and caitiffs in congress. Meanwhile, the Treasury Dept is burning
through its dwindling cash reserves, and all government activities will face a
shutdown at the end of the summer unless congress votes to raise the debt
ceiling - which may be way harder than passing the stupid Russia sanctions

That bill, vaingloriously called The Countering America's Adversaries Through
Sanctions Act will only blow up in America's face. This country's actual trade
with Russia is negligible, but the bill aims to interrupt and punish Europe's
trade, centering on oil and natural gas, which they need desperately. ..

Germany is certain to not stand for it, and like it or not, they are the straw
that stirs the European drink. The sanctions pretend to seek to isolate
Russia, but the effect will only be to isolate the United States. Europe will
laugh at the measure as impinging on their sovereign prerogatives to trade as
they please. And Russia can turn around and sell all the natural gas it wants
to customers in Asia. Left undiscussed in the moronic American media is the
American gas industry's hidden role in pushing the sanctions so it can sell
liquefied gas overseas - which would only end up raising the price for
American gas customers to heat their homes.

The stupid bill pretends to be a lever for improving relations between the US
and Russia, but is actually designed to make relations much worse. In the
meantime, the US Deep State military and intelligence matrix is engineering
new crises and confrontations for absolutely no good reason. ..

Another interesting unanticipated consequence of the sanctions bill is that it
will only intensify Russia's effort, already well underway, to provide for
itself many of the products it currently imports. Import replacement, as the
process is called, is actually the same dynamic that led to the rise of the
USA as a great industrial power in the 19th century, so the bill only prompts
Russia to diversify and strengthen its economy.

So what exactly was Mr. Trump thinking when he signed the "deeply flawed" (his
words) Russian Sanctions bill coughed up like a hairball by congress? It's a
ridiculous piece of legislation from any angle. It limits the president's own
established prerogatives for negotiating with foreign nations (probably
unconstitutionally), and will only provoke economic warfare (at least) against
the US that can easily lead to shattering global trade relations entirely. ..

The "Russian meddling in our election" story hasn't produced any credible
evidence after a full year - and speaking to foreign diplomats is not a
crime - but the Russian meddling juggernaut rolls on perfectly well, and might
accomplish its ends, without it. Just repeating "Russian meddling" five
thousand times on CNN has surely induced many poorly-informed citizens to
believe that Russia changed the numbers in American voting machines though, in
fact, voting machines are not connected to the Internet.

All of this psychotic political behavior screams for the rise of a new party,
or more than one new party, composed of men and women who have not lost their
minds. I'm sure they're out there. Plenty of traces on the Internet attest to
the existence of a higher and better political consciousness in this country.
It just hasn't found a way to congeal. Yet.



Aug 4, 2017, 9:15:05 PM8/4/17
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:om32oj$pcp$

Mueller is digging into Trump's financial history. I wonder how many condos
sold by Trump to numbered companies will be traced back to people hit by the
Magnitsky Act?

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 8, 2017, 2:02:32 PM8/8/17

Polls: US Is 'the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today'

ERIC ZUESSE | 07.08.2017

.. on August 1st of 2017, Pew Research Center has issued results
of their polling of 30 nations in which they had surveyed, first
in 2013, and then again in 2017 .. The "major threat" category
was selected by 35% of respondents worldwide for "US power and
influence" ..


Governor Swill

Aug 8, 2017, 9:15:49 PM8/8/17
On Tue, 8 Aug 2017 20:49:19 +0300, "Oleg Smirnov" <>

>Polls: US Is 'the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today'

With Trump at the helm, I can't argue that.

"Bungled collusion is still collusion." -- Charles Krauthammer.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 10, 2017, 2:59:29 AM8/10/17

Equality Or Diversity? - An 'Outrageous' Memo Questions Google

August 08, 2017

A Google engineer, James Damore, recently wrote an internal memo about
"Google's Ideological Echo Chamber - How bias clouds our thinking about
diversity and inclusion":

At Google, we're regularly told that implicit (unconscious) and explicit
biases are holding women back in tech and leadership. Of course, men and
women experience bias, tech, and the workplace differently and we should
be cognizant of this, but it's far from the whole story. On average, men
and women biologically differ in many ways. These differences aren't just
socially constructed because:
- ...

Google company policy is in favor of "equal representation" of both genders.
As the existing representation in tech jobs is unequal that policy has led to
hiring preferences, priority status and special treatment ..

The author cites scientific studies which find that men and women (as
categories, not as specific persons) are - independent of cultural bias -
unequal in several social perspectives. These might be life planning,
willingness to work more for a higher status, or social behavior. The
differences evolve from the natural biological differences between men and
women. A gender preference for specific occupations and positions is to be
expected, Cultural bias alone can not explain it. It therefore does not make
sense to strive for equal group representation in all occupations. ..

Google fired the engineer. ..

Several scientist in the relevant fields have stated <> that
the author's scientific reasoning is largely correct. The biological
differences between men and women do result in observable social and
psychological differences which are independent of culture and its biases. It
is to be expected that these difference lead to different preferences of
occupations. ..


It's close to my line of reasoning within this thread <>.

A subtle thing is about how to accept the natural biological differences and
handle them in a proper way, i.e. without abuse. It's known that the 'natural
biological differences' argument tends to be abused by reactionary thinkers,
for example, by fundamentalist interpretations of religious doctrines. Similar
speculations about 'races' / 'cultures' may be even more faulty and evil.

On the other hand, the idea that equality of rights, opportunities, treatment
etc must lead to equal representation in every field of occupation is itself a
primitive mechanistic extrapolation.

On the third hand, any inequality of representation always poses a suspicion,
to what extent it's a result of 'natural differences' and to what extent it's
a result of policies of oppression or favoritism towards certain groups.

It's complicated, but it can't be solved by aspiration to 'diversity' as such.

> <>
> America's Demographic Crisis

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 10, 2017, 1:56:08 PM8/10/17

Scientists Say American Sperm Counts Are on the Decline


Concerned scientists say the sperm count of men in Western nations has dropped
significantly since the 1970s, a change that may signify underlying public
health issues. ..

The last 40 years seem to have seen a slow but significant sperm slump among
American and other Western men. The studies recorded an average annual
decrease of 1.6 percent, yielding a total loss of 59.3 percent over the
38-year study period. The same could not be said for men in the "Other" group,
whose sperm count appeared to experience no significant change.

The authors of the current paper seem alarmed by their own findings. ..



Oleg Smirnov

Aug 11, 2017, 8:54:42 AM8/11/17

On national security, we are our own worst enemy

ERIK GOEPNER | 08/10/17

.. Too many Americans see themselves as victims, which historically speaking
is decidedly un-American. Throughout last year's presidential campaign, Donald
Trump successfully peddled a message of victimization, assuring Americans that
he alone could fix all of their problems. Mexico, Japan and China, he claimed,
had taken advantage of them and stolen their jobs. Americans were in perpetual
danger of being murdered by ISIS and illegal aliens. And, militarily, we just
didn't win anymore. All three claims were absurd, yet tens of millions
embraced them as true. ..

Instead, Americans should be embracing the good news. .. America remains the
dominant military power. The U.S. isn't losing any military contests, although
it is true that military force cannot compel Afghan or Iraqi security forces
to fight bravely or cajole their political leaders to govern competently.

Why do Americans' perceptions diverge so far from reality?

Sociologists at UCLA and West Virginia University argue that a "victimhood
culture" is emerging in America, supplanting the previous honor and dignity
cultures. In the victimhood culture, people display "high sensitivity to
slight, have a tendency to handle conflicts through complaints to third
parties, and seek to cultivate an image of being victims who deserve

Power has been transferred. In an honor culture, you have the power. If you
have a problem, you fix it. However, in a victim culture, individuals cede
their power, relying instead on "hypersensitivity and fragility" to catalyze
others to affect change on their behalf.

This runs contrary to America's founding principles. ..

Americans also lack resilience. The American Psychiatric Association and other
scholars estimate Americans suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder at a
rate 74 percent higher than the global average. .. This lack of resilience has
translated into unhealthy behaviors. Data from the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development indicate nearly four in 10 Americans are obese,
placing the U.S. dead last out of all 35 member states.

Americans have also taken refuge in drugs. Most recently, the chairwoman of
the Federal Reserve linked the opioid addiction rates to declining labor force
participation, particularly among prime-age workers. Businesses have trouble
finding Americans who can pass a basic pre-employment drug test.

Finally, Americans fall short in the core skills needed to compete in a global
economy. High school students place below average in mathematics ..
Domestically, the average score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test dropped
substantially ..

In short, today's Americans are rather un-American by historical standards. ..


By historical standards, the US is just a green cocky teenager in front of the
nations that track their continuity for a millennium or longer, experienced
ups and downs etc, - and the writer's tune fits to such a juvenile ardor well.

The s.c. victim mindset he blames so enthusiastically is basically a 'leftist'
thing. He blames Trump for 'a message of victimization', but the fact is that
Trump just managed to use the soil well prepared by the 'leftists' previously.
The shoddy left and the shoddy right are complementary. Right-wing regimes
cultivating victimhood is not an unusual thing. Poland may be an example. The
post-Soviet Polish 'liberals' strongly promoted the message of victimization
among the populace, the right-wingers hijacked it, came to power, and brought
it to even higher level of insane absurdity. Trump is not as insane as those
Polish, but the case is somewhat similar (and he expressed a sympathy to them)

By the way, the so called Russia-gate is itself a glaring indication of the
(neo-)American victimhood culture, - the losers could not accept the idea that
they lost the election honestly, they want to consider themselves a victim and
seek for a believable image of the abuser (ie. 'Russia'), and they desperately
try their best to make up something in order to 'prove' it.

What is going on in the US today is not 'un-American', it simply means that
it's time for the greenhorn teenager to realize that all this is not so easy
as it seemed. And in light of all this, the 'American decline' is an
inevitable thing. The question is whether the US would accept and manage it
gracefully or try to make a delusional destructive tantrum on the world scale.

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2017, 8:30:39 AM8/17/17

The Story of Charlottesville was Written in Blood in the Ukraine

Ajamu Baraka | 2017-08-15

.. More than two years ago I wrote that:

"The brutal repression and dehumanization witnessed across Europe in the
1930s has not found generalized expression in the U.S. and Europe, at
least not yet. Nevertheless, large sectors of the U.S. and European left
appear to be unable to recognize that the U.S./NATO/EU axis that is
committed to maintaining the hegemony of Western capital is resulting in
dangerous collaborations with rightist forces both inside and outside of

The impetus of that article was to critique the inherent danger of the Obama
Administration's cynical manipulation of right-wing elements in Ukraine to
overthrow the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych. Not only
was it dangerous and predictably disastrous for the Ukrainian people, but
because U.S. support for a neo-fascist movement in Ukraine took place within a
context in which the political right was gaining legitimacy and strength
across Europe. The political impact of the right gaining power in Ukraine
could not be isolated from the growing power of the right elsewhere. Which
meant that the Obama Admiration's selfish, short-term objective to undermine
Russia in Ukraine had the effect of empowering the right and shifting the
balance of forces toward the right throughout Europe.

But because Obama was incorrectly seen as a liberal, he was able to avoid most
criticism of his policies in Ukraine, in Europe and domestically. In fact,
liberals and the left both in the U.S. and in Europe generally supported his
Ukraine policies. ..


Fuck Obama, fuck the 'liberals'.

Sane left should separate, distance themselves from the shoddy stinky 'left'.

> <>
> Far-right in US & Ukraine - same problem, different approach ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2017, 8:30:41 AM8/17/17

Charlottesville: What You Wish Upon Others, You Wish Upon Yourself

August 13, 2017

U.S. "liberals" cuddle fascists and right-wing religious extremists in Libya,
Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela and elsewhere.

But when similar movements appear on their own streets they are outraged. ..

Politicians and media hail such persons when they appear, often hired by the
CIA, to overthrow the government of some foreign country. They condemn the
same mindset and actions at home. ..

You can not have only one of these. ..



Fuck the 'liberals' once more.

> <>
> Google Censors Block Access to CounterPunch and Other Progressive Sites


Aug 17, 2017, 11:00:22 AM8/17/17
On 8/17/2017 6:26 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> The Story of Charlottesville was Written in Blood in the Ukraine

Bullshit Commie lie - you need to DIE, Ivan!


Aug 17, 2017, 11:00:44 AM8/17/17
On 8/17/2017 6:29 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> What You Wish Upon Others,

Commie lies are DISMISSED!

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 17, 2017, 12:38:59 PM8/17/17

Ukraine erects a new fascist statue and America remains silent

Adam Garrie | 2017-08-16

The American elites are not concerned with fascism and Donald Trump is
certainly not a fascist nor anything else but a new brand of American
politician. While non-fascist statures in the US are being vandalised, actual
fascist statues are being erected in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian regime authorities have unveiled a statue honouring the fighters
who are engaged in an aggressive war of ethnic cleansing against the people of

The monument located outside of central Kiev has already attracted attention
for its 'art' work being a rip-off of graphics from a popular video game known
as Diablo III.

But even more sinister than the apparent intellectual property theft, is the
fact that this just one of many monuments that have recently been erected in
Ukraine which celebrate the fascist ideology and murderous Nazi collaborators,
including the infamous Stepan Bandera whose followers massacred Russians,
Soviet Ukrainians, Poles and Jews.

The regime which openly honours dead Nazi collaborators and contemporary
fascists is one that came to power through the coup in 2014 that was supported
and engineered by state and non-state actors from the USA and EU. ..

While some on the US far-right promulgate the symbolism and ideology of
Hitler, even among this group, few understand what it actually means. For most
it is a matter of appropriating controversial symbolism in order to express a
rage which has not yet coalesced into a modern political programme. ..

By contrast, in Ukraine, the war currently being waged is for all intents and
purposes a proxy conflict fought by those who still fail to accept the
political, ethnic, linguistic and geo-political settlement of 9 May 1945. ..

If America is so desperate to fight fascism, America could withdraw its
support for the Ukrainian regime .. Of course, this will never happen because
America is neither concerned about neo-fascism nor about human rights,
especially when the rights of Russians are involved. ..


> <>


Aug 17, 2017, 1:25:55 PM8/17/17
On 8/17/2017 10:38 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> Ukraine erects a new fascist statue and America remains silent

Fuck off you exterminable commie troll.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 18, 2017, 3:16:05 AM8/18/17

Flashback: That Time McCain Met And Praised Actual Neo-Nazis In Ukraine

Robert Donachie | 08/17/2017

.. The senator took a trip to Kiev, Ukraine, where he spoke to thousands of
protesters gathered in the city's main square to protest former Ukrainian
President Viktor Yanukovych's decision to cut trade relations with Europe and
instead engage with Russia.

His visit was reportedly to show U.S. support for the protesters, but his trip
to Ukraine was notable for another reason. McCain was repeatedly photographed
standing next to and meeting with Oleh Tyahnybok, the leader of the right-wing
nationalist Svoboda Party ..

The Svoboda Party has gained some traction and notoriety in Ukraine .. Svoboda
has a history of anti-Semitism. When it was founded in 1995, the party had a
logo eerily similar to the Nazi swastika. .. Tyahnybok has a history of making
anti-Semitic comments. He was expelled from parliament in 2014 after he
demanded the Ukranian people wage war against the "Muscovite-Jewish mafia," -
both words are insults aimed at the nation's Russian and Jewish citizens. In
2015, Tyahnybok wrote letters in which he demanded Ukraine fight against acts
"of Jewry."

Tyahnybok was at the forefront of the Ukranian protests, so McCain's choice to
meet with him isn't all that surprising. ..


The article is inaccurate in some details, but the basic narrative is correct.

Tyahnybok was at the forefront for a reason, and the reason was that those
Ukrainian protests were driven mainly by standard national-socialist passions
and slogans (and I told that before). There were violent 'protesters' - the
militant far right that clashed with the riot police while trying to enter the
government quarter - and there were peaceful protesters that were peacefully
chanting national-socialist slogans in another place. Today, the Nazis are not
largely presented in the parliament of the post-coup post-Ukraine, but they
don't really need it because they are represented by armed groups that can
exercise their powers over officials / politicians in a non-parliamentary way.

The leftist tantrum about the Charlottesville events looks ugly and obscene
against the fact that the very same leftie morons were in no way squeamish to
appreciate and greet those violent far right in the Ukraine.

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 10, 2017, 3:36:25 AM9/10/17

.. Nearly Half Of Working Age Men Not In The Labor Force Take Opioids Daily

Esteemed Princeton professor and former Obama White House economist Alan
Krueger is back with yet another prediction about why Americans, particularly
men between the ages of 25-54, suddenly no longer have any interest in
working. .. The labor force participation rate among men, aged 25-54, started
dropping around 1965 and has been steadily declining ever since. .. After
spending months, or maybe even years, running very complicated regressions
that your simple mind could never possibly understand, Krueger would like for
you to know that it's the growing opioid epidemic that is forcing men to sit
on their couches all day rather than look for work.

Here's a summary of his findings from the Brookings Institute ..



The prescription opioid drugs epidemic phenomenon in the US contributes not
only in the workforce related issues but more generally in the US politics, -
because all such voters are in a state of somewhat altered consciousness ;-)

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 16, 2017, 3:54:20 PM9/16/17

From FDR to Donald Trump - the decline of the American empire


.. George W Bush, whose response to international Islamic terrorism was to
attempt a late-imperial demonstration of unilateral military might, while
perhaps hoping to get more oil. It didn't work, all but bankrupting the
exchequer in Washington, while its rising rival China expanded its economy
without limitation.

With the continuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the bills were due for
payment. The US economy crumpled and, despite Barack Obama's attempts to pull
back from expensive dead-end foreign struggles, the underlying global economic
shift towards Asia brought its predictable consequences in America. As incomes
failed to rise in the same way as they had over the past seven decades and the
great postwar US economic ascendancy approached its limit, suffering from
unsustainable national debt, the centre would no longer hold. ..

.. The world .. is now under increasing strain, as a new cold war with Russia
threatens, chaos consumes the Middle East and North Korea sabre-rattles in the
East. With a diminishing American economic share of the world pie and its
citizens fighting with each other to protect or increase their own share of
the remaining domestic pie, the US is unlikely to remain a willing or even
able guarantor of peace and trade abroad. ..

America, in other words, is hurtling today towards Second World status. It
lacks a leader who possesses any idea of how to prepare the nation for the
changing structure of the world; a world in which Americans will have to share
their relative decline more equitably at home, or face ever-worsening social
and political fragmentation and conflict and diminishing authority abroad. ..

President Trump may well be forced to resign under the 25th Amendment to the
US constitution, on the grounds that he is "unable to discharge the powers and
duties of his office". / That outcome will not, however, change the dynamics
of the global economy and the inevitable decline of the American empire. ..


> <>
> America's Fragile Future

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 17, 2017, 2:33:46 PM9/17/17

Russian TV report about North Korea internals (eng sub).




Macron and Putin call for negotiations ..
On Friday, Russian presidents Vladimir Putin and French Emmanuel Macron
called for "direct negotiations" with Pyongyang, stressing the "need to
solve this extremely complicated situation exclusively by political and
diplomatic means." ..


> <>
> Shock Poll: Most Countries Prefer Putin Over Trump

D.R. Strange

Sep 17, 2017, 5:06:38 PM9/17/17
On 9/17/2017 12:32 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> Russian TV report

Fuck off, Putin's little whore.


Sep 17, 2017, 10:25:06 PM9/17/17
On 9/17/2017 1:32 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> Russian TV report about North Korea internals (eng sub).
> ...
> <>
> 16/09/2017
> Macron and Putin call for negotiations ..
> On Friday, Russian presidents Vladimir Putin and French Emmanuel Macron
> called for "direct negotiations" with Pyongyang, stressing the "need to
> solve this extremely complicated situation exclusively by political and
> diplomatic means." ..

Screw that idea. I remember clearly the many months and maybe a year or
more that the North demanded the way the meeting tables to be arranged
and then kept changing their mind. Negotiating with North Korea is a
waste of time and can never be achieved. That is why the Korean war was
never an accord. Remains open to this day. Macron is an Idiot and Putin
is having fun at our expense.

It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but *They mean to govern*. They promise to
be good masters, *but they mean to be masters*. Daniel Webster

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 18, 2017, 11:01:33 AM9/18/17
PaxPerPoten, <news:opnaq1$rkb$>
> On 9/17/2017 1:32 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

>> <>
>> Russian TV report about North Korea internals (eng sub).
>> ...
>> <>
>> 16/09/2017
>> Macron and Putin call for negotiations ..
>> On Friday, Russian presidents Vladimir Putin and French Emmanuel
>> Macron called for "direct negotiations" with Pyongyang, stressing
>> the "need to solve this extremely complicated situation exclusively
>> by political and diplomatic means." ..
> Screw that idea. I remember clearly the many months and maybe a year or more
> that the North demanded the way the meeting tables to be arranged and then
> kept changing their mind. Negotiating with North Korea is a waste of time
> and can never be achieved. That is why the Korean war was never an accord.
> Remains open to this day. Macron is an Idiot and Putin is having fun at our
> expense.

'You' and Kim just deserve each other.

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 18, 2017, 1:04:25 PM9/18/17

How The Military Defeated Trump's Insurgency

September 18, 2017

Trump was seen as a presidential candidate who would possibly move towards a
less interventionist foreign policy. That hope is gone. .. The military has
taken control of the White House process ..

It is schooling Trump on globalism and its "indispensable" role in it. Trump
was insufficiently supportive of their desires and thus had to undergo
reeducation .. Trump was hauled into a Pentagon basement 'tank' and
indoctrinated by the glittering four-star generals he admired since he was a
kid .. Trump was sold the establishment policies he originally despised. ..

It is indisputable that the generals are now ruling in Washington DC. ..

Trump's success as the "Not-Hillary" candidate was based on an anti-
establishment insurgency. Representatives of that insurgency, Flynn, Bannon
and the MAGA voters, drove him through his first months in office. An intense
media campaign was launched to counter them and the military took control of
the White House. The anti-establishment insurgents were fired. Trump is now
reduced to public figure head of a stratocracy - a military junta which
nominally follows the rule of law. .. Everything of importance now passes
through the Junta's hands .. Other countries noticed how the game has changed.
The real decisions are made by the generals, Trump is ignored as a mere
figurehead ..

Read it in full <>


Declining America chronicle.

> <>
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