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Palin To Be Indicted For Embezzlement Scandal

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Jul 4, 2009, 11:25:42 AM7/4/09
She was to have been in office until 2010. Something else is going on
here above and beyond what she's saying, though I don't know what yet.
Josh Marshall seems to agree, noting in his "first signs of what
happened" coverage:

[T]his clearly happened so quickly that Palin hasn't even had a chance
to come up with a coherent cover story for her resignation. ...
Remember that based on the public record, Palin is a wildly unethical
public official, guilty at a minimum of numerous instances of abusing
her authority as governor. And a lot of very damaging information has
come out about her in the last few days --- though mainly embarrassing
information about her character rather than new evidence of bad acts.
I would not be surprised if this latest round of revelations shook
something else loose that we haven't heard about yet."

I'd expect another shoe to drop very soon here...Looking into
it...More shortly here...

UPDATE: Alaskan Sarah Palin authority (and occasional BRAD BLOG guest
blogger) Shannyn Moore, who broke the news at HuffPo today, tells me
she believes, with good reason, that there is an "iceberg scandal
that's about to break. She's doing damage control."

She says Palin is "resigning as part of damage control" due to a
scandal that is "not of a family nature." ...

"The governor would not be able to continue her job when it comes
out," she told me on the phone just now, before adding: "Why would
Mark Sanford not resign, but Sarah Palin did? Her family didn't even
know about the resignation until they were standing with her by the
lake" when she made her announcement.

Yes. It seems another shoe, apparently a big one, will indeed be
dropping, likely within the next week or so. Perhaps earlier now that
everyone will be poking around up there.

FURTHER UPDATE: Okay, I've now been able to get independent
information from multiple sources that all of this precedes what are
said to be possible federal indictments against Palin, concerning an
embezzlement scandal related to the building of Palin's house and the
Wasilla Sports Complex, built during her tenure as Mayor. Both
structures, it is said, feature the "same windows, same wood, same
products." Federal investigators have been looking into this for some
time, and indictments could be imminent, according to the Alaska

The BRAD BLOG has not been able to receive confirm from any federal
sources on this. Our information comes from local Alaskans who follow
Palin, and who have been keeping an eye on this for some time, while
keeping it quiet at the request of federal investigators.


Jul 4, 2009, 11:29:03 AM7/4/09
On Jul 4, 8:25 am, Tempest <> wrote:

Details on the scandal:

THE $12.5 MILLION sports complex and hockey rink that is the lasting
monument to Palin's two terms as Wasilla mayor is also a monument to
the kind of insider politics that dismays Americans of both parties.
Six months before Palin stepped down as mayor in October 2002, the
city awarded nearly a half-million-dollar contract to design the
biggest project in Wasilla history to Kumin Associates. Blase Burkhart
was the Kumin architect on the job—the son of Roy Burkhart, who is
frequently described as a "mentor" of Palin and was head of the local
Republican Party (his wife, June, who also advised Palin, is the
national committeewoman). Asked if the contract was a favor, Roy
Burkhart, who contributed to her campaign in the same time frame that
his son got the contract, said: "I really don't know." Palin then
named Blase Burkhart to a seven-member builder-selection committee
that picked Howdie Inc., a mostly residential contractor owned at the
time by Howard Nugent. Formally awarded the contract a couple of weeks
after Palin left office, Nugent has donated $4,000 to Palin campaigns.
Two competitors protested the process that led to Nugent's contract.
Burkhart and Nugent had done at least one project together before the
complex—and have done several since.

A list of subcontractors on the job, obtained by the Voice, includes
many with Palin ties. One was Spenard Builders Supply, the state's
leading supplier of wood, floor, roof, and other "pre-engineered
components." In addition to being a sponsor of Todd Palin's snow-
machine team that has earned tens of thousands for the Palin family,
Spenard hired Sarah Palin to do a statewide television commercial in
2004. When the Palins began building a new family home off Lake
Lucille in 2002—at the same time that Palin was running for lieutenant
governor and in her final months as mayor—Spenard supplied the
materials, according to Antoine Bricks, who works in its Wasilla
office. Spenard actually filed a notice "of its right to assert a
lien" on the deed for the Palin property after contracting for labor
and materials for the site. Spenard's name has popped up in the trial
of Senator Stevens—it worked on the house that is at the center of the
VECO scandal as well.

Todd Palin told Fox News that he built the two-story, 3,450-square-
foot, four-bedroom, four-bath, wood house himself, with the help of
contractors he described as "buddies." As mayor, Sarah Palin blocked
an effort to require the filing of building permits in the wide-open
city, and there is no public record of who the "buddies" were. The
house was built very near the complex, on a site whose city purchase
led to years of unsuccessful litigation and, now, $1.3 million in
additional costs, with a law firm that's also donated to Palin
collecting costly fees from the city.

Dorwin and Joanne Smith, the principals of complex subcontractor DJ
Excavation & Development, have donated $7,100 to Palin and her allied
candidate Charlie Fannon (Joanne is a Palin appointee on the state
Board of Nursing). Sheldon Ewing, who owns another complex
subcontractor, Weld Air, has donated $1,300, and PN&D, an engineering
firm on the complex, has contributed $699.

Ewing was one of the few sports-complex contractors, aside from
Spenard, willing to address the question of whether he worked on the
house as well, but he had little to say: "I doubt that it occurred,
but if it did indirectly, how would I know anyhow?" The odd timing of
Palin's house construction—it was completed two months before she left
City Hall and while she and Todd Palin were campaigning statewide for
the first time—raises questions, especially considering its synergy
with the complex.

Salon's David Talbot recently visited the complex, which, he said,
resembled "a huge airplane hangar" so far away from the city's center
that kids can't bike or walk there. It's adorned by a plaque
commemorating Palin. Even as a governor, she is still such a champion
of the complex—which loses money every year—that she just steered
state funding for a new kitchen to it.


Jul 4, 2009, 11:34:33 AM7/4/09
On Jul 4, 8:25 am, Tempest <> wrote:

It just keeps getting better:

Update: This just in my inbox, from a source connected sometimes to

"Here's a quote I got from law enforcement here in Alaska yesterday
afternoon regarding Palin "a criminal indictment is pending


Jul 4, 2009, 11:48:54 AM7/4/09
On Jul 4, 8:25 am, Tempest <> wrote:

Many political observers in Alaska are fixated on rumors that
federal investigators have been seizing paperwork from SBS in recent
months, searching for evidence that Palin and her husband Todd steered
lucrative contracts to the well-connected company in exchange for
gifts like the construction of their home on pristine Lake Lucille in
2002. The home was built just two months before Palin began
campaigning for governor, a job which would have provided her enhanced
power to grant building contracts in the wide open state.

SBS has close ties to the Palins. The company has not only
sponsored Todd Palin’s snowmobile team, according to the Village
Voice’s Wayne Barrett, it hired Sarah Palin to do a statewide
television commercial in 2004.

Though Todd Palin told Fox News he built his Lake Lucille home
with the help of a few “buddies,” according to Barrett’s report,
public records revealed that SBS supplied the materials for the house.
While serving as mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin blocked an initiative
that would have required the public filing of building permits—thus
momentarily preventing the revelation of such suspicious information.

Just months before Palin left city hall to campaign for governor,
she awarded a contract to SBS to help build the $13 million Wasilla
Sports Complex. The most expensive building project in Wasilla
history, the complex cost the city an addition $1.3 million in legal
fees and threw it into severe long-term debt. For SBS, however, the
bloated and bungled project was a cash cow.

Alaska bloggers have reported in recent weeks that “a long simmering
embezzelment/IRS scandal is still being looked at by the feds.” In her
press conference today, Palin asked the public to “trust me with this
decision and know that it is no more politics as usual.” But she also
bemoaned “political operatives” who have “descended on Alaska” to
investigate “all sorts of frivolous ethics violations.” Palin said
this “politics of personal destruction” was one of the key motivating
factors behind her decision today.

Bob Eld

Jul 4, 2009, 11:52:28 AM7/4/09

"Tempest" <> wrote in message

Well it's either that or she just got some multi-million dollar deal from
Fox News or some other republican Pravda to spew her version of rambling
reality to the conservative masses, ditto heads and other malcontents who
love listening to her. Such a deal would be a real coup, millions more than
she could get continuing as governor and with much less heat from political
detractors. Murdoch is already funding her book deal for $11 million, look
for more from Murdoch likely at Faux News. Watch for Palin to become a
female Glenn Beck. We haven't heard the end of Caribou Barbie, stay tuned!


Jul 4, 2009, 12:43:38 PM7/4/09
On Jul 4, 8:25 am, Tempest <> wrote:

Did you see the size of the house the Palin's had built with city

The thing is MASSIVE. No "buddies" built this place.

The float plane sitting in front looks like a car in a driveway,
that's how big the house is. Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers

Jul 4, 2009, 1:46:23 PM7/4/09

"Tempest" <> wrote in message

Remember that liberal blather from 4 years ago., Well what happened maggots?


Jul 4, 2009, 1:57:42 PM7/4/09
On Jul 4, 10:46 am, "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> "Tempest" <> wrote in message

> Remember that liberal blather from 4 years ago., Well what happened maggots?

Libby was Rove's fall guy.

Remember that, rightard?

Fredric L. Rice

Jul 4, 2009, 2:18:12 PM7/4/09
Tempest <> wrote:

>[T]his clearly happened so quickly that Palin hasn't even had a chance
>to come up with a coherent cover story for her resignation. ...
>Remember that based on the public record, Palin is a wildly unethical
>public official, guilty at a minimum of numerous instances of abusing
>her authority as governor.

Don't forget that the insane cultist committed numerous felonies by
utilizing email accounts discovered by the Channers/Anonymous which
proved she was a criminal trying to hide accountability evidence.

Soylent Stang: He's what's for dinner


Jul 4, 2009, 2:28:13 PM7/4/09
On Jul 4, 10:46 am, "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> "Tempest" <> wrote in message

> Remember that liberal blather from 4 years ago., Well what happened maggots?

Libby was Rove's fall guy.

Remember that, rightard?


Jul 4, 2009, 2:58:23 PM7/4/09
On Jul 4, 10:46 am, "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> "Tempest" <> wrote in message

> Remember that liberal blather from 4 years ago., Well what happened maggots?

Libby was Rove's fall guy.

Remember that, rightard?

John Black

Jul 4, 2009, 3:37:23 PM7/4/09
In article <gCM3m.3001$dd4....@newsfe10.iad>, "Obummah's Tanking Poll
Numbers" <obama> says...

> "Tempest" <> wrote in message
> Remember that liberal blather from 4 years ago., Well what happened maggots?

From the same "sources" like

John Black

Arizona Bushwhacker

Jul 4, 2009, 5:25:56 PM7/4/09
Damn, this Palin quitting her post and
showing her true colors sure has you
flipped out? What's the matter? Did
your Pit-bull in lipstick turn out to be just
another Pig in lipstick?

Don't worry...
I'm sure she still hates America and
freedom every bit as much as you do.


Jul 4, 2009, 7:18:42 PM7/4/09

"Tempest" <> wrote in message

> On Jul 4, 10:46 am, "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama
>> wrote:
>> "Tempest" <> wrote in message
>> Remember that liberal blather from 4 years ago., Well what happened
>> maggots?

So anyone who was against the Iraq war is a "maggot" at least you didn't use
anti American like your buddies in fox news.
Obama will never prosecute Rove. He is protecting the criminals in the Bush
administration just like the republicans protected Clinton and just like the
next republican President will protect him. Its all one big hoax. Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers

Jul 5, 2009, 6:49:02 PM7/5/09

"Tempest" <> wrote in message

Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they
publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is under federal
This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who republish the
defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, The New York Times and The
Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory
material without answering to this in a court of law," Van Flein warned,
citing Alaska liberal blogger Shannyn Moore.

Much like Palin did in her Facebook statement Saturday, Van Flein savages
the news media in his letter.

"Just as power abhors a vacuum, modern journalism apparently abhors any type
of due diligence and fact checking before scurrilous allegations are
repeated as fact," the Anchorage attorney wrote.

the letter, Van Flein writes: "'The Alaska Constitution protects the right
of free speech, while simultaneously holding those "responsible for the
abuse of that right.'. These falsehoods abuse the right to free speech;
continuing to publish these falsehoods of criminal activity is reckless,
done without any regard for the truth, and is actionable."
We are aware of no subpoenas on [the Wasilla supply company that supplied
equipment for the construction of the sports arena and Palin home] regarding
the Palins

The attorney also addressed another of the bloggers' claims: that Palin
purchased building materials to build her own home from the same supply
store as was used by those who built the arena.

"Prior to the construction of Lowe's and Home Depot within the last few
years in Wasilla, Spenard Builders Supply was the primary building supply
company in Wasilla," Van Flein writes. "It can hardly come as a surprise
that it would sell materials to small homeowners or that it would also bid
to supply commercial contracts."

To be blunt - this 'story' was alleged during the campaign, evaluated then
by national media and deemed meritless. Nothing has changed."

Fredric L. Rice

Jul 5, 2009, 8:31:55 PM7/5/09
"Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
>"Tempest" <> wrote in message
>Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
>attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they
>publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is under federal

LOL! Translation: She's a criminal.

Hitler and Sarah Palin:


Jul 5, 2009, 10:17:32 PM7/5/09
On Jul 5, 4:49 pm, "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> "Tempest" <> wrote in message

Let her try and sue for l-i-b-e-l. Please, please, please.

S. Olsom

Mike C.

Jul 6, 2009, 12:20:16 AM7/6/09
Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers wrote:
> "Tempest" <> wrote in message
> Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
> attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations
> if they publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is
> under federal investigation
> This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who republish the
> defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, The New York Times and The
> Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate
> defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law," Van
> Flein warned, citing Alaska liberal blogger Shannyn Moore.

Let me guess- the hypocrites on the right who are (falsely) accusing Obama
of trying to clamp down on critics think this is a great idea.

Good luck, Palin. When you lose, it'll show everybody just how powerless,
thin skinned and unsuited for the national spotlight that you really are.


Jul 6, 2009, 12:40:44 AM7/6/09
On Jul 5, 9:20 pm, "Mike C." <> wrote:
> Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers wrote:
> > "Tempest" <> wrote in message
> thin skinned and unsuited for the national spotlight that you really are.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -



Jul 6, 2009, 10:45:01 AM7/6/09
On Jul 5, 8:31 pm, (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
> "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> >"Tempest" <> wrote in message

> >
> >
> >Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
> >attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they
> >publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is under federal
> >investigation
> LOL!  Translation: She's a criminal.

LOL! The FBI says otherwise.,0,7018263.story

Tim Crowley

Jul 6, 2009, 11:10:05 PM7/6/09
On Jul 6, 7:45 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> On Jul 5, 8:31 pm, (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
> > "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> > >"Tempest" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > >
> > >Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
> > >attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they
> > >publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is under federal
> > >investigation
> > LOL!  Translation: She's a criminal.
> LOL! The FBI says otherwise.

No they don't. Why do you lie?

hint: you never served. You lied and claimed you were active duty and
ran like hell when you were called on it.

you're nothing.


Jul 7, 2009, 8:39:02 AM7/7/09
On Jul 6, 11:10 pm, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> On Jul 6, 7:45 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> > On Jul 5, 8:31 pm, (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
> > > "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> > > >"Tempest" <> wrote in message
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
> > > >attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they
> > > >publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is under federal
> > > >investigation
> > > LOL!  Translation: She's a criminal.
> > LOL! The FBI says otherwise.
> No they don't.  Why do you lie?

Why did you delete the link? The FBI came out and stated that they
were NOT investigating Governor Palin. Here, let me restore the link.
I suggest you actually read it.,0,7018263.story

"There is absolutely no truth to those rumors that we're investigating
her or getting ready to indict her," Special Agent Eric Gonzalez said
in a phone interview Saturday. "It's just not true." He added that
there was "no wiggle room" in his comments for any kind of inquiry.

> hint: you never served.  You lied and claimed you were active duty and
> ran like hell when you were called on it.

Ran? I'm right here. Waiting for you to be specific. Why are you
scared to be specific?

Tim Crowley

Jul 7, 2009, 10:25:52 AM7/7/09
On Jul 7, 5:39 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> On Jul 6, 11:10 pm, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > On Jul 6, 7:45 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 5, 8:31 pm, (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
> > > > "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> > > > >"Tempest" <> wrote in message
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
> > > > >attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they
> > > > >publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is under federal
> > > > >investigation
> > > > LOL!  Translation: She's a criminal.
> > > LOL! The FBI says otherwise.
> > No they don't.  Why do you lie?
> Why did you delete the link? The FBI came out and stated that they
> were NOT investigating Governor Palin.

I didn't delete anything The link is still right where you put it. It
did NOT say that ex-governor Palin is not a criminal. Just that she is
not being investigated by this one agency. The fact of the matter is
that she has serious ethics problems and has had to already return
much money that she stole from the people of Alaska.

Once again, you lied you got caught. Seems to be a habit with you.

So, why do you lie so much? Why are you a racist KKKunt? Seriously,
what the fuck happened to turn you into such a piece of dog shit?

Tim Crowley

Jul 7, 2009, 10:32:20 AM7/7/09
On Jul 7, 5:39 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> Ran? I'm right here. Waiting for you to be specific. Why are you
> scared to be specific?

I am specific. Prove it. So simple even you can understand it.
there is only one possible reason you have not even made an effort to
find proof. You have none. Now, run some more little girl. it's all
you ever do.


Jul 7, 2009, 4:48:22 PM7/7/09
On Jul 7, 10:25 am, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> On Jul 7, 5:39 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> > On Jul 6, 11:10 pm, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 6, 7:45 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 5, 8:31 pm, (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
> > > > > "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> > > > > >"Tempest" <> wrote in message
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
> > > > > >attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they
> > > > > >publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is under federal
> > > > > >investigation
> > > > > LOL!  Translation: She's a criminal.
> > > > LOL! The FBI says otherwise.
> > > No they don't.  Why do you lie?
> > Why did you delete the link? The FBI came out and stated that they
> > were NOT investigating Governor Palin.
> I didn't delete anything The link is still right where you put it.

Lie, you deleted it from your response.

> It
> did NOT say that ex-governor Palin is not a criminal. Just that she is
> not being investigated by this one agency.

Exactly. She is NOT being investigated by the FBI, as was claimed.

> The fact of the matter is
> that she has serious ethics problems and has had to already return
> much money that she stole from the people of Alaska.

The fact of the matter is that she has been cleared of ethics charges.
Why do you insist on lying?

> Once again, you lied you got caught. Seems to be a habit with you.

How so? The claim was made that she was being investigated by the FBI,
and the FBI came out and said that they were NOT investigating Palin.

> So, why do you lie so much?  Why are you a racist KKKunt?  Seriously,
> what the fuck happened to turn you into such a piece of dog shit?

How am I a racist exactly? How have I lied? Why are you scared to be
specific? Why are you such a pussy?


Jul 7, 2009, 4:49:49 PM7/7/09

No you haven't been the least bit specific. You have tap danced around
what you would accept as proof in around 50 posts. If anyone here is a
running bitch, it's you. I can provide any sort of specific proof you
want. I want nothing more than to embarrass you, so man the fuck up
and be specific, or STFU.

Tim Crowley

Jul 7, 2009, 11:56:38 PM7/7/09
On Jul 7, 1:49 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> On Jul 7, 10:32 am, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > On Jul 7, 5:39 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> > > Ran? I'm right here. Waiting for you to be specific. Why are you
> > > scared to be specific?
> > I am specific.  Prove it.  So simple even you can understand it.
> > there is only one possible reason you have not even made an effort to
> > find proof. You have none.   Now, run some more little girl. it's all
> > you ever do.
> No you haven't been the least bit specific.

I am complelty specific.

You have tap danced around
> what you would accept as proof in around 50 posts. If anyone here is a
> running bitch, it's you. I can provide any sort of specific proof you
> want. I want nothing more than to embarrass you, so man the fuck up
> and be specific, or STFU.

Lot's of words and not proof. Buahahahahahahaha.

run away little girl.

hint: you will never shut me up, KKKunt.

Tim Crowley

Jul 7, 2009, 11:59:15 PM7/7/09

Fuck, at least don't quote the thread that proves your lying.

CLAIM: > > > > > LOL! Translation: She's a criminal.

YOUR LYING REPONSE > > > > > LOL! The FBI says otherwise.

You lie.

> and the FBI came out and said that they were NOT investigating Palin.
> > So, why do you lie so much?  Why are you a racist KKKunt?  Seriously,
> > what the fuck happened to turn you into such a piece of dog shit?
> How am I a racist exactly?

I have no idea. I would guess your Mom is to blamce. I've been asking
you for years. How did you get to be such a racist KKKUnt?

>How have I lied?

You always lie, bitch.

Fredric L. Rice

Jul 8, 2009, 12:42:37 AM7/8/09
Tim Crowley <> wrote:
>On Jul 7, 1:49=A0pm, Daniel <> wrote:
>> On Jul 7, 10:32=A0am, Tim Crowley <> wrote:

>>> On Jul 7, 5:39=A0am, Daniel <> wrote:
>>>> Ran? I'm right here. Waiting for you to be specific. Why are you
>>>> scared to be specific?
>>> I am specific. =A0Prove it. =A0So simple even you can understand it.

>>> there is only one possible reason you have not even made an effort to
>>> find proof. You have none. =A0 Now, run some more little girl. it's all

>>> you ever do.
>> No you haven't been the least bit specific.
> I am complelty specific.

It's neat. Palin has admitted that the law has their hand on her shoulders
and that's why she's fleeing office and yet rightards still try to hold out
hope that she's not on her way to prison. }:-} Just another Republican
crook like all the rest.

Bill O'Reilly phone rape:


Jul 9, 2009, 6:04:19 PM7/9/09
On Jul 7, 11:56 pm, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> On Jul 7, 1:49 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> > On Jul 7, 10:32 am, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 7, 5:39 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> > > > Ran? I'm right here. Waiting for you to be specific. Why are you
> > > > scared to be specific?
> > > I am specific.  Prove it.  So simple even you can understand it.
> > > there is only one possible reason you have not even made an effort to
> > > find proof. You have none.   Now, run some more little girl. it's all
> > > you ever do.
> > No you haven't been the least bit specific.
> I am complelty specific.


>  You have tap danced around


> > what you would accept as proof in around 50 posts. If anyone here is a
> > running bitch, it's you. I can provide any sort of specific proof you
> > want. I want nothing more than to embarrass you, so man the fuck up
> > and be specific, or STFU.
> Lot's of words and not proof.  Buahahahahahahaha.
> run away little girl.
> hint: you will never shut me up, KKKunt.

I have yet to run, I have been in your face, just waiting for you to
tell me what document you would accept as proof so I can embarrass
your pathetic ass. You're the only one running, bitch.


Jul 9, 2009, 6:12:36 PM7/9/09
> your pathetic ass. You're the only one running, bitch.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Jesus, Tim, Dannyboy must be practically having a seizure. This is
called 'foaming at the mouth.'

S. Olson


Jul 9, 2009, 6:16:36 PM7/9/09

So you have no idea why you're calling me a racist. Figures, you're
just a troll.

> >How have I lied?
> You always lie, bitch.

Failure to cite, as usual.


Jul 9, 2009, 8:53:29 PM7/9/09

I like how you pretend that referring to the President as 'obammy,'
which you think is a really clever way of getting the word 'mammy' in
there, is not racist.

S. Olson


Jul 10, 2009, 7:25:00 PM7/10/09

Once, again, you fail to provide a cite to prove your point.

Poor Merkin

Jul 10, 2009, 10:03:30 PM7/10/09

"Daniel" <> wrote in message


Once agin y'aalls lie like a rug.


Jul 10, 2009, 11:44:06 PM7/10/09
On Jul 10, 10:03 pm, "Poor Merkin" <> wrote:
> "Daniel" <> wrote in message

No, there is no cite there, just opinion. So, it looks like you're a
liar just like him.

Tim Crowley

Jul 11, 2009, 12:26:24 PM7/11/09

It's so funny to watch you demand a cite. At least you were able to
prove one thing. You have proven without any doubt that you never
served in the USA Military and that you are a lying KKKKunt. Ask me
for a"cite", bitch. I demand it______>

Tim Crowley

Jul 11, 2009, 12:27:30 PM7/11/09

still waiting for proof.





Buahahahahahahahahaha. you just have no idea what a silly fool you
look like.


Jul 11, 2009, 1:26:30 PM7/11/09
On Jul 5, 6:49 pm, "Obummah's Tanking Poll Numbers" <obama> wrote:
> "Tempest" <> wrote in message

> Ratcheting up her offensive against the news media, Gov. Sarah Palin's
> attorney threatened on Saturday to sue mainstream news organizations if they
> publish "defamatory" stories relating to whether Palin is under federal
> investigation
Dear Illiterate Rightard:

Let us know when the summons and complaint are served so we can be
there to horse-laugh when the judge zaps it on a motion to dismiss for
failure to state a claim on which relief may be granted.


Jul 11, 2009, 7:11:55 PM7/11/09

You haven't proven anything, except how good of a tap dancer you are.
I know what I do for a living, and can provide you any document you
ask for, yet you're a fraid to ask. Why is that?

Tim Crowley

Jul 12, 2009, 11:50:04 AM7/12/09
On Jul 11, 4:11 pm, Daniel <> wrote:

> You haven't proven anything,

Correct. I did not prove it. Learn to read YOU proved it. You re-
enfoce the proof everytime you dance away from the demand to back up
your lie. Of course you won't offer any proof. You lied, you got
caught. End of story.

In the meantime, I haven't seen any of these lawsuits the OP stated
this thread about. Buahhahahahahahahahahahaha.

hide, bitch.


Jul 12, 2009, 12:53:02 PM7/12/09
On Jul 12, 11:50 am, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> On Jul 11, 4:11 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> > You haven't proven anything,
> Correct. I did not prove it.  Learn to read YOU proved it.   You re-
> enfoce the proof everytime you dance away from the demand to back up
> your lie.  Of course you won't offer any proof. You lied, you got
> caught.  End of story.

Ummm.....I have never danced away from you. I have nothing to dance
about. I know what I do for a living and can prove it as soon as you
tell me what document would be acceptable. Why are you so scared to be


Jul 12, 2009, 3:39:33 PM7/12/09

Why are you so scared to prove it, 11-year-old poser? Hell, you dance
away from me all the time... remember the cite you were supposed to
retrieve where you "thought" I had said pirates hijacked a US ship
during the Bush administration... remember how you FAILED to find any
such thing then danced away?


Tim Crowley

Jul 12, 2009, 6:37:52 PM7/12/09

Well well well, yet another danny post lacking: PROOF. Are you now
claiming you don't know what the word means. You're an anonymous

hint: you lied. you prove it post after post.
hint: you're a racist KKKunt, you prove it post after post.
hint: Buahahahahahahahahahahahahaha



Jul 14, 2009, 6:07:00 PM7/14/09
On Jul 12, 6:37 pm, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 9:53 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> > On Jul 12, 11:50 am, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 11, 4:11 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> > > > You haven't proven anything,
> > > Correct. I did not prove it.  Learn to read YOU proved it.   You re-
> > > enfoce the proof everytime you dance away from the demand to back up
> > > your lie.  Of course you won't offer any proof. You lied, you got
> > > caught.  End of story.
> > Ummm.....I have never danced away from you. I have nothing to dance
> > about. I know what I do for a living and can prove it as soon as you
> > tell me what document would be acceptable. Why are you so scared to be
> > specific?
> Well well well, yet another danny post lacking: PROOF.  Are you now
> claiming you don't know what the word means. You're an anonymous
> child.

You claiming anyone is dancing away from you is side-splittingly


Jul 14, 2009, 10:51:00 PM7/14/09

Yet another post from Danny the Pussy Boy that dances away from the
fact he never was in the military.


Jul 15, 2009, 6:30:20 PM7/15/09

You're the only one dancing. I told you time and time again as soon as
you specify what document you would accept as proof, you will see it.
I know what I do for a living, and you're the only dancer here. I'm
right in your face, every day pointing out that you're a troll.


Jul 15, 2009, 6:55:15 PM7/15/09
On Jul 7, 1:49 pm, Daniel <> wrote:

I will be specific, You are a Jesus Fucker and your Jesus Fucking
parents named you after a fake chracter in the Fake Jesus Book, There,
specific enough for you??


Jul 16, 2009, 12:21:53 AM7/16/09
On Jul 15, 4:30 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> On Jul 14, 10:51 pm, Iarnrod <> wrote:
> > On Jul 14, 4:07 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 12, 6:37 pm, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 12, 9:53 am, Daniel <> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 12, 11:50 am, Tim Crowley <> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 11, 4:11 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> > > > > > > You haven't proven anything,
> > > > > > Correct. I did not prove it.  Learn to read YOU proved it.   You re-
> > > > > > enfoce the proof everytime you dance away from the demand to back up
> > > > > > your lie.  Of course you won't offer any proof. You lied, you got
> > > > > > caught.  End of story.
> > > > > Ummm.....I have never danced away from you. I have nothing to dance
> > > > > about. I know what I do for a living and can prove it as soon as you
> > > > > tell me what document would be acceptable. Why are you so scared to be
> > > > > specific?
> > > > Well well well, yet another danny post lacking: PROOF.  Are you now
> > > > claiming you don't know what the word means. You're an anonymous
> > > > child.
> > > You claiming anyone is dancing away from you is side-splittingly
> > > hilarious.
> > Yet another post from Danny the Pussy Boy that dances away from the
> > fact he never was in the military.
> You're the only one dancing.

Nope, you are. You just did it again.

> I told you time and time again as soon as
> you specify what document you would accept as proof, you will see it.

BWAHAHAHAAAA!!! The classic stall from a loser!!

Tell ya what, pussy, YOU pick. Post any ol' doc you want for us to
peruse. DO IT NOW, Pussy Boy.

We know you won't. You'll stall again with the ol' "I'm waiting for
you to specify which one!" BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

Post your junior high report card, Danny.

> I know what I do for a living,

You suck your momma's teat while she let's you use her Commodore 64.

> I'm
> right in your face, every day pointing out that you're a troll.

BWAHAHAHAAAAA!!! You're making a supreme ASS of yourself. Danny. Keep
it up! We KNOW you won't post proof because it does not exist. Here
comes more jitterbugging from Danny.....

The Ugly Republican Brand is Dead

Jul 16, 2009, 12:27:20 AM7/16/09

"Iarnrod" <> wrote in message

Hey now, that's a slam at us *good* Commodore users.
He was probably using one of these...

Tim Crowley

Jul 16, 2009, 10:12:04 AM7/16/09

Hey, if you can
t prove it. Just admit it. You gotta admit this, you like like a
complete idiot trying to blame me for your failure to defend your
claim. You made the claim, it's your job, not mine to prove it. Of
course I knew from the instant I read your lie that you would play
this silly game. Fact. Danny is a lying racist bitch. Thanks for the


Jul 16, 2009, 11:45:18 PM7/16/09
On Jul 15, 6:55 pm, stmarysbloodycunthole <>

LOL.....keep foaming k00k.


Jul 16, 2009, 11:47:36 PM7/16/09

Exactly how is asking you to be specific "daincing"?

> > I told you time and time again as soon as
> > you specify what document you would accept as proof, you will see it.
> BWAHAHAHAAAA!!! The classic stall from a loser!!

Exactly how is asking you to be specific stalling?

> Tell ya what, pussy, YOU pick. Post any ol' doc you want for us to
> peruse. DO IT NOW, Pussy Boy.
> We know you won't. You'll stall again with the ol' "I'm waiting for
> you to specify which one!" BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

Nope, I am asking you to be specific because I know that no matter
what I post, you will simply say it isn't proof.


Jul 16, 2009, 11:48:39 PM7/16/09

I'm not blaming you for anything, I'm merely asking you to be


Jul 17, 2009, 12:57:36 AM7/17/09

What is "daincing?"

Look, moron, you're only asking me to "be specific" to avoid posting
care. Stop waiting for ME to decide for YOU. WTF kind of "soldier" are
you anyway, Pussy Boy?

> > > I told you time and time again as soon as
> > > you specify what document you would accept as proof, you will see it.
> > BWAHAHAHAAAA!!! The classic stall from a loser!!
> Exactly how is asking you to be specific stalling?


Because you could have posted proof, if you had any, on the very first
request. You're stalling. Post or STFU.

> > Tell ya what, pussy, YOU pick. Post any ol' doc you want for us to
> > peruse. DO IT NOW, Pussy Boy.
> > We know you won't. You'll stall again with the ol' "I'm waiting for
> > you to specify which one!" BWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
> Nope, I am asking you to be specific because I know that no matter
> what I post, you will simply say it isn't proof.

Try it.

We know you won't <tee hee>


Jul 17, 2009, 3:11:54 PM7/17/09

Look who's talking about foaming, Mr. Bubble himself.

S. Olson


Jul 17, 2009, 3:24:19 PM7/17/09

I'm a 19K3O, that's what kind of Soldier I am.


Jul 17, 2009, 6:57:36 PM7/17/09

What, no cite, pussy boy? Whatta surprise.


Jul 18, 2009, 3:36:58 PM7/18/09

It is EXACTLY what YOU asked for.


Jul 18, 2009, 8:03:34 PM7/18/09

That's code for 'REMF.'

S. Olson


Jul 18, 2009, 11:47:06 PM7/18/09

Oh, so sorry, Pussy Boy, but I asked for PROOF. Your statement isn't
even a CITE let alone PROOF of anything. It's just you making one more
worthless lying claim. You FAILED, like you fail at everything in your
miserable life.

Tim Crowley

Jul 19, 2009, 1:13:14 AM7/19/09

specific. PROVE IT.

of course you never will.

hint: you lied, you got caught.

Tim Crowley

Jul 19, 2009, 1:14:10 AM7/19/09

another post, no proof.


how long before danny changes her name. I give her 3 weeks.

Tim Crowley

Jul 19, 2009, 1:14:30 AM7/19/09

she lied, she got caught.


Jul 19, 2009, 11:42:09 AM7/19/09

GOP Cocksuckers always look for someone or something else to blame for
why their lives don't turn out the way they dream or why people
continue to laugh derisively at them.

S. Olson


Jul 19, 2009, 12:52:53 PM7/19/09

Actually, that would be something like a 92Y, not an armored vehicle
crewman. In other words, a 19K3O is an M1A1 tank commander. I'm
surprised you didn't at least google it so you could talk some
intelligent shit, instead of looking like a moron like you usually do.


Jul 19, 2009, 12:53:29 PM7/19/09

Why would I change my name? I gave you exactly what you asked for.

Tim Crowley

Jul 19, 2009, 1:08:31 PM7/19/09

2 days ago, you lied and said you would ignore me. I asked you for
proof. You're a lying KKKunt.

fact: you claimed to have served our nations military. You were asked
to prove it. You failed.

of course you'll change your name.


Jul 19, 2009, 3:35:56 PM7/19/09
> intelligent shit, instead of looking like a moron like you usually do.-

Thanks for the correction. You're REMF-in-Chief.

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