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Wisconsin Public Employees Are Underpaid

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Bradley K. Sherman

Feb 20, 2011, 8:47:57 AM2/20/11
| A new Economic Policy Institute study released this week
| finds that full-time state and local government employees
| in Wisconsin are undercompensated by 8.2%, when compared to
| otherwise similar private-sector workers. By using a
| comprehensive database that is updated monthly by the U.S.
| Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics, the study
| provides an accurate comparison of public- and
| private-sector compensation in Wisconsin.
| ...



Feb 20, 2011, 2:48:30 PM2/20/11
Bradley K. Sherman wrote:

What did Governor Wanker do? Cut taxes for the wealthy and shoved the
burden onto the middle class and blamed the middle class for their
financial woes.


Feb 20, 2011, 5:04:40 PM2/20/11
Infant democraps temper tanrums wrote:

> "Bradley K. Sherman" <> wrote in message
> news:ijr62d$n65$
> Average MPS Teacher Compensation Tops $100k/year
> [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] MacIver News Service - For the first time in
> history,
> the average annual compensation for a teacher in the Milwaukee Public
> School
> system will exceed $100,000.
> That staggering figure was revealed last night at a meeting of the MPS
> School Board.
> The average salary for an MPS teacher is $56,500. When fringe benefits are
> factored in, the annual compensation will be $100,005 in 2011.
> The graduation rate in Milwaukee public schools is 46 percent. The
> graduation rate for African-Americans in Milwaukee public schools is
> 34 percent. Shouldn't somebody be protesting that?

Governor Wanker of Wisconsin gives tax breaks to the rich and then takes
the money from the middle class and blames the middle class.


Feb 20, 2011, 5:28:24 PM2/20/11
> <>
>     --bks

Exactly right. Here's the REAL scandal in our country, folks. Let's
take this country back from the thieves:

[begin quote]
The 400 richest families in America, who saw their wealth increase by
some $400 billion during the Bush years, have now accumulated $1.27
trillion in wealth. Four hundred families! During the last fifteen
years, while these enormously rich people became much richer their
effective tax rates were slashed almost in half. While the highest-
paid 400 Americans had an average income of $345 million in 2007, as a
result of Bush tax policy they now pay an effective tax rate of 16.6
percent, the lowest on record.

Last year, the top twenty-five hedge fund managers made a combined $25
billion but because of tax policy their lobbyists helped write, they
pay a lower effective tax rate than many teachers, nurses and police
officers. As a result of tax havens in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and
elsewhere, the wealthy and large corporations are evading some $100
billion a year in U.S. taxes. Warren Buffett, one of the richest
people on earth, has often commented that he pays a lower effective
tax rate than his secretary.

But it's not just wealthy individuals who grotesquely manipulate the
system for their benefit. It's the multinational corporations they own
and control. In 2009, Exxon Mobil, the most profitable corporation in
history made $19 billion in profits and not only paid no federal
income tax—they actually received a $156 million refund from the
government. In 2005, one out of every four large corporations in the
United States paid no federal income taxes while earning $1.1 trillion
in revenue. [close quote]



Feb 20, 2011, 6:34:30 PM2/20/11

And you feel you're entitled to another person's wealth why?? Because
Obogus says you are??


Feb 20, 2011, 8:48:35 PM2/20/11
Overpaid POS Democrap Union Thugs wrote:

> "Salad" <> wrote in message

> ==============
> To Obama Nazis on welfare like you, anyone that pays taxes is ' Rich".

You Republican guys are real economic geniuses. First you trash the fed
government financially. Now you go on to finish the job at the state level.

Hey, the immigration policies of Obama are working! There's not enough
Mexicans to do cheap labor. What, oh what should we do? No worries.
Right now Republicans are working like mad to repeal child labor laws.
Their motto. "No Mexicans? We got kids!" Now you know the real reason
Republicans say they are against aborthion. THey need a cheap labor force.

The US Titanic, a beacon for the world, sunk by Republicans.

Message has been deleted

Ian B MacLure

Feb 21, 2011, 1:28:29 AM2/21/11
"Overpaid POS Democrap Union Thugs" <Obama's Union Thugs @RATS.Gov>
wrote in news:dZi8p.97286$Gq3....@newsfe09.iad:

> "Salad" <> wrote in message

> ==============
> To Obama Nazis on welfare like you, anyone that pays taxes is ' Rich".

Its worse than that.
To the Dhimmicraps anyine who isn't completely dependent on public
largesse is "rich".



Feb 21, 2011, 11:23:32 AM2/21/11
Ian B MacLure wrote:

Republicans believe by making everything free that you can pay with air.


Feb 21, 2011, 2:18:02 PM2/21/11
On Feb 20, 8:48 pm, Salad <> wrote:
> Overpaid POS Democrap Union Thugs wrote:
> > "Salad" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Infant democraps temper tanrums wrote:
> >>> "Bradley K. Sherman" <> wrote in message
> >>>news:ijr62d$n65$
> >>> Average MPS Teacher Compensation Tops $100k/year
> >>> [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] MacIver News Service - For the first time in
> >>> history,
> >>> the average annual compensation for a teacher in the Milwaukee Public
> >>> School
> >>> system will exceed $100,000.
> >>> That staggering figure was revealed last night at a meeting of the MPS
> >>> School Board.
> >>> The average salary for an MPS teacher is $56,500. When fringe
> >>> benefits are
> >>> factored in, the annual compensation will be $100,005 in 2011.
> >>> The graduation rate in Milwaukee public schools is 46 percent. The
> >>> graduation rate for African-Americans in Milwaukee public schools is
> >>> 34 percent. Shouldn't somebody be protesting that?
> >>>

> >> Governor Wanker of Wisconsin gives tax breaks to the rich and then
> >> takes the money from the middle class and blames the middle class.
> > ==============
> > To Obama Nazis on welfare like you, anyone that pays taxes is ' Rich".
> You Republican guys are real economic geniuses.  First you trash the fed
> government financially.  Now you go on to finish the job at the state level.
> Hey, the immigration policies of Obama are working!  There's not enough
> Mexicans to do cheap labor.  What, oh what should we do?  No worries.
> Right now Republicans are working like mad to repeal child labor laws.
> Their motto.  "No Mexicans?  We got kids!"  Now you know the real reason
> Republicans say they are against aborthion.  THey need a cheap labor force.
> The US Titanic, a beacon for the world, sunk by Republicans.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Republican Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, has declared all-out
war on workers. He's slashing taxes for the richest residents of his
state, and wants to eliminate the rights of teachers, health care
workers and thousands of others to organize a union, bargain for fair
wages or advocate for decent pay and benefits.1

The attacks on the middle class won’t stop with Wisconsin. In the
U.S. Congress and across the country, we’re seeing similar attacks on
working families and the middle-class. That’s why we must continue to
stand together in every state until we've secured the rights of
people, not corporations, to control our government.

Fight back! Thousands of people are gathering in state capitols
across the country. Join a solidarity rally in your state today.

Governor Walker’s election was partially financed by the infamous
billionaire Koch brothers who donated millions last year to elect
politicians who represent Wall Street CEOs and the wealthy over middle
class working people. These politicians are not on our side.

That’s why Wisconsin’s fight is OUR fight. We will not allow these
corporate funded politicians to play political games with our jobs,
our rights and our communities. Now is the time to stand up and show
these Governors and Members of Congress that we will not back down.

In fact, they are all part of a larger strategy funded by corporations
to take over our government and to roll back protections for middle
class consumers by repealing the Affordable Care Act, privatizing our
Medicare and Social Security, and allowing oil companies and drillers
to destroy our environment so they can make more profits.

It’s time to take action today to send a message to those on front
lines and to stop these enemies of working people. Find a solidarity
rally in your local community.

In Solidarity,
Melinda Gibson

Eddie Haskell

Feb 21, 2011, 2:25:13 PM2/21/11

"Raymond" <> wrote in message

Translation: WI public sector unions have declared war on the WI tax payer,
but since DNC tactic number one is to claim that your political opponent
guilty of what you know you are guilty of I'll lie and claim the opposite of
what is true.

-Eddie Haskell


Feb 21, 2011, 2:48:19 PM2/21/11

We just want them to pay their fair share.

For example, it was the people who own stocks in energy companies that
benefited from the opening of the Iraqi oil market after the invasion.

Those who benefited should pay the bill for the war.

If the top 400 families really paid their share, they wouldn't be able
to amass such fortunes.

Heh heh...


Batshit crazy and dogshit stupid, every single last one of you.


Feb 21, 2011, 2:51:47 PM2/21/11
On Feb 21, 2:25 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> "Raymond" <> wrote in message

As another poster wrote...

The Republicans are trying to start a class war between the people
Republican policies fucked over and those who had a union to protect


Feb 21, 2011, 3:27:20 PM2/21/11
> Melinda Gibson- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

We need to get Government dependent leeches like Melinda out of our
pockets. Teachers only work nine months out of the year for all the
pay and benefits they get while the rest of America works 11 to 12
months a year. A point never mentioned about teacher benefits is the
dollars they receive from taxpayer dollars to educate their kids while
the taxpayer struggles to get enough put together to educate their
own. Teachers get to retire at age 57 while the people who pay them
have to work till age 65. On top of that these liberal little bitch
leeches now want us to pay for the " illegal immigrant " anchor
babies. Parasites!


Feb 21, 2011, 3:32:58 PM2/21/11

Why Should We Tax the Rich? Because They Have the Money ...
Have the Very Wealthy Achieved Victory in Their Class-War?

How rich—and powerful—have today’s rich become? Some numbers can help
tell the story. In 1974, the most affluent 1% of Americans averaged,
in today’s dollars, $380,000 in income.

Now let’s fast-forward. In 2007, the most recent year with stats,
households in America’s top 1% averaged $1.4 million, well over triple
what top 1% households averaged back in 1974—and, remember, this
tripling came after adjusting for inflation.

Americans in the bottom 90%, meanwhile, saw their average incomes
increase a meager $47 a year between 1974 and 2007, not enough to foot
the bill for a month’s worth of cable TV.

The bottom line: top-1% households made 12 times more income than
bottom-90% households in 1974, 42 times more in 2007.

The numbers become even more striking when we go back a bit further
in time and focus not on the top 1%, but on the richest of the rich,
the top 400, the living symbol of wealth and power in the United
States ever since America’s original Gilded Age in the late 19th

In 1955, our 400 highest incomes averaged $12.3 million, in today’s
dollars. But the top 400 in 1955 didn’t get to enjoy all those
millions. On average, after exploiting every tax loophole they could
find, they actually paid over half their incomes, 51.2%, in federal
income tax.

Today’s super rich are doing better, fantastically better, both
before and after taxes. In 2006, the top 400 averaged an astounding
$263 million each in income. These 400 financially fortunate paid,
after loopholes, just 17.2% of their incomes in federal tax.

After taxes, as a group, the top 400 of 2006 had $84 billion more in
their pockets than 1955’s top 400, $84 billion more they could put to
work bankrolling politicians and right-wing think tanks and Swift Boat
ad blitzes against progressive candidates and causes.


“Every generation needs a new revolution.”
Thomas Jefferson quotes (American 3rd US President (1801-09). Author
of the Declaration of Independence. ...

> Rightards...
> Batshit crazy and dogshit stupid, every single last one of you.- Hide quoted text -


Feb 21, 2011, 4:20:20 PM2/21/11
Overpaid POS Democrap Union Thugs wrote:

> "Salad" <> wrote in message


> We have millions of welfare leeches not working because they found that
> by voting democRAP they can live off the paychecks of others. Well let
> them work those jobs and kick em off wellfare.

God bless the USA.

Eddie Haskell

Feb 21, 2011, 5:15:49 PM2/21/11

"SilentOtto" <> wrote in message

As another poster wrote...

It wasn't republican policy that promised the undeliverable moon to unions
for votes and without the slightest regard for being able to pay for it.

Now, when did you decide to shill for government cheese without the
slightest regard yourself?

Wasn't that you I saw with that shit eating grin on your face looting after
Rodney King and Katrina?

Corrupt democrat politicians, working hand in hand with their corrupt
constituents to loot and destroy the country.

Oh, and this whole episode is a resounding positive for we republicans.
Can't thank you enough..

-Eddie Haskell

Eddie Haskell

Feb 21, 2011, 5:19:56 PM2/21/11

"Sage2" <> wrote in message

The governor is asking them to pony up a mere 5% of their salaries rather
than zero for their retirement while the people in the private sector
footing the bill have to pay much more.

The fucking audacity!

-Eddie Haskell

Alfred Stomacker

Feb 21, 2011, 8:56:29 PM2/21/11
On Sun, 20 Feb 2011 13:48:30 -0600, Salad <>

no actually he wants the unions to act like good Americans that care
about the future of the country and their state . Greedy unions area
major problem and the state just can not pay the bill. When times get
hard you need to tighten up the belt for your own good . these people
just do not want to do that . they want others to do it more so they
do not have to do it at all

Alfred Stomacker

Feb 21, 2011, 8:57:39 PM2/21/11
On Mon, 21 Feb 2011 10:23:32 -0600, Salad <>

odd statement since it is the democrats that want everything to be
free . the rest of us do not mind paying our way .

Alfred Stomacker

Feb 21, 2011, 8:58:39 PM2/21/11
On Sun, 20 Feb 2011 23:16:05 -0500, Mr.B1ack <> wrote:

> (Bradley K. Sherman) wrote:
>> |

>> | A new Economic Policy Institute study released this week
>> | finds that full-time state and local government employees
>> | in Wisconsin are undercompensated by 8.2%, when compared to
>> | otherwise similar private-sector workers.

> Pretty typical ... but, right now, it's far more
> politically useful to scapegoat civil servants,
> make it seem like they're getting rich, make it
> seem like their perks are excessive and dragging
> down the state.
> So truth be damned.
> Hey ... maybe govt can just use illegal aliens and
> prisoners instead - slave labor. Remember 'Clockwork
> Orange' ... where they used thugs as policemen ?
> And other govt stuff, it'll be SO much better when
> it's done the Mexican Way ..... :-)
seems like they have been working towards that


Feb 21, 2011, 9:47:23 PM2/21/11
Alfred Stomacker wrote:

No. He's busting the unions. Not the ones that supported him, the ones
against him. He cuts taxes for the rich and then cries about not having
money. What a joke.


Feb 21, 2011, 9:49:11 PM2/21/11
Alfred Stomacker wrote:

Not so. Republicans cut taxes for the top 2% and then push the cuts
onto the rest of us. It's called the "piss on you" crybaby tactic.

Ian B MacLure

Feb 21, 2011, 10:50:05 PM2/21/11
Salad <> wrote in

>>>>>>>ns_ fight_in_madison_is_a_disgrace/page/2

>>>>>>Governor Wanker of Wisconsin gives tax breaks to the rich and then
>>>>>>takes the money from the middle class and blames the middle class.
>>>>>To Obama Nazis on welfare like you, anyone that pays taxes is '
>>>> Its worse than that.
>>>> To the Dhimmicraps anyine who isn't completely dependent on
>>>> public largesse is "rich".
>>>> IBM
>>>Republicans believe by making everything free that you can pay with
>> odd statement since it is the democrats that want everything to be
>> free . the rest of us do not mind paying our way .
> Not so. Republicans cut taxes for the top 2% and then push the cuts
> onto the rest of us. It's called the "piss on you" crybaby tactic.

Never mind of course that the top N% pay the lion's share of taxes.
Limiting tax cuts to the low limits the dollar amounts that can be
Which is of course part of the Dhimmicrap game plan.


Feb 22, 2011, 12:43:59 AM2/22/11
Ian B MacLure wrote:


> Limiting tax cuts to the low limits the dollar amounts that can be
> cut.
> Which is of course part of the Dhimmicrap game plan.

No true.

It's funny. One would think you have a pot to piss in on this horse race.

Ray Fischer

Feb 22, 2011, 2:00:17 AM2/22/11

Not "they".

You. You who hates unions and wants people to work for peanuts.

Ray Fischer | Mendacracy (n.) government by lying | The new GOP ideal


Feb 22, 2011, 2:13:39 PM2/22/11

"Eddie Haskell" <> wrote in message

Bullshit, you haven't a clue & proved it by saying they don't pay anything
towards it. Some state workers do, I know because I pay a mandatory 10% of
my wage. Compare that to your 6.2% for SS.

You fucking idiots repeat anything you hear without looking into facts.


Feb 22, 2011, 2:27:56 PM2/22/11
On Feb 21, 5:15 pm, "Eddie Haskell" <> wrote:
> "SilentOtto" <> wrote in message

It was Republican policy that pitted middle class American workers
against third world economic slaves, rightard.


Go fuck yourself, rightard.

Eddie Haskell

Feb 22, 2011, 3:05:07 PM2/22/11

"SilentOtto" <> wrote in message

You lose again.

-Eddie Haskell


Feb 22, 2011, 3:12:11 PM2/22/11
On Feb 21, 10:50 pm, Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
> Salad <> wrote

> > Alfred Stomacker wrote:
> >> On Mon, 21 Feb 2011 10:23:32 -0600, Salad <>
> >> wrote:
> >>>Ian B MacLure wrote:
> >>>>"Overpaid POS Democrap Union Thugs" <Obama's Union Thugs @RATS.Gov>
> >>>>wrote innews:dZi8p.97286$Gq3....@newsfe09.iad:

The rich don't pay their fair share. They paid more equitably at one
time. A progressive tax rate up to 45% is fair, which is typical of
the European countries like Germany, France, Norway, Finland, and

Thankfully death taxes have kicked back in, so you can go ahead and
die if you'd like. But you're probably a dirt-poor toady of the rich,
and a rather dim little shill.

And if you didn't but know it increasing taxes paid by the wealthy
actually stimulates the economy:

Eddie Haskell

Feb 22, 2011, 3:20:21 PM2/22/11

"Nanno" <> wrote in message

"In an effort to close a $3.6 billion budget gap (about 14 percent of the
state’s total general fund budget), new Republican Gov. Scott Walker asked
state and local government workers to contribute more for their health care
and pension benefits. Currently, the overwhelming majority of public sector
workers pay nothing toward their pension benefits; Walker is requiring a 5.8
percent contribution, which is matched by the government. "

> Some state workers do


> I know because I pay a mandatory 10% of my wage.

You're a teacher in WI?

> Compare that to your 6.2% for SS.

Why? We're not talking about SS.

> You fucking idiots repeat anything you hear without looking into facts.

"Governor Walker’s budget repair bill strikes a fair balance—asking public
employees to make a modest 5.8% pension contribution, which is about the
national average, and 12.6% health insurance contribution, which is about
half the national average."

-Eddie Haskell

Ray Fischer

Feb 23, 2011, 1:47:10 AM2/23/11
JLS <> wrote:
>The rich don't pay their fair share. They paid more equitably at one
>time. A progressive tax rate up to 45% is fair, which is typical of
>the European countries like Germany, France, Norway, Finland, and


Feb 23, 2011, 3:22:55 PM2/23/11

"Eddie Haskell the ASSHOLE REPUBLICUNT" <> wrote in
message news:7UU8p.146938$

PFFFFTTTT! Exactly what are his plans in cuts for the other 86% of the

>> Some state workers do
> And?
>> I know because I pay a mandatory 10% of my wage.
> You're a teacher in WI?

Did I say that?

>> Compare that to your 6.2% for SS.
> Why? We're not talking about SS.

Yeah, hide your head in your ass when confronted with facts. SS "IS" the
average working person's pension.

>> You fucking idiots repeat anything you hear without looking into facts.

> "Governor Walker's budget repair bill strikes a fair balance-asking

> public employees to make a modest 5.8% pension contribution, which is
> about the national average, and 12.6% health insurance contribution,
> which is about half the national average."

> -Eddie Haskell the "can't understand mathematics" bobble head.

Idiot, I just told you many state worker's & myself pay 10% towards
pensions, some pay as much as 12%. Do you not comprehend that is more than
the national average? Too fuckin funny!!!!!!!


Feb 23, 2011, 3:55:27 PM2/23/11

NAFTA was a Republican plan pass with Republican majorities.

You lose again, rightard.


Feb 23, 2011, 4:04:57 PM2/23/11

> You lose again, rightard.
> Heh heh...
> Rightards...
> Batshit crazy and dogshit stupid, every single last one of you.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Another liberal Leech liar. The inception of NAFTA was 1994
after it was signed into effect by the " impeached
president " Bill Clinton .


Feb 23, 2011, 4:13:11 PM2/23/11


The Republicans won the 1994 mid term elections to take both the
House & Senate but did not take power until January of 1995. The "
impeached president " Bill Clinton and the DEMagoues were in power
when NAFTA was passed and signed into law . Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Ian B MacLure

Feb 24, 2011, 1:01:22 AM2/24/11
Salad <> wrote in

> Ian B MacLure wrote:
>> "Overpaid POS Democrap Union Thugs" <Obama's Union Thugs @RATS.Gov>
>> wrote in news:dZi8p.97286$Gq3....@newsfe09.iad:

>>>"Salad" <> wrote in message
>>>>Infant democraps temper tanrums wrote:
>>>>>"Bradley K. Sherman" <> wrote in message
>>>>>Average MPS Teacher Compensation Tops $100k/year
>>>>>[Milwaukee, Wisconsin] MacIver News Service - For the first time in
>>>>>the average annual compensation for a teacher in the Milwaukee
>>>>>Public School
>>>>>system will exceed $100,000.
>>>>>That staggering figure was revealed last night at a meeting of the
>>>>>MPS School Board.
>>>>>The average salary for an MPS teacher is $56,500. When fringe
>>>>>benefits are
>>>>>factored in, the annual compensation will be $100,005 in 2011.
>>>>>The graduation rate in Milwaukee public schools is 46 percent. The
>>>>>graduation rate for African-Americans in Milwaukee public schools
>>>>>is 34 percent. Shouldn't somebody be protesting that?

>>>>>_ fight_in_madison_is_a_disgrace/page/2

>>>>Governor Wanker of Wisconsin gives tax breaks to the rich and then
>>>>takes the money from the middle class and blames the middle class.
>>>To Obama Nazis on welfare like you, anyone that pays taxes is '

>> Its worse than that.
>> To the Dhimmicraps anyine who isn't completely dependent on
>> public largesse is "rich".
>> IBM
> Republicans believe by making everything free that you can pay with
> air.

I believe you have mixed things up. Its the Dhimmicraps who believe
that everything should be free.



Feb 24, 2011, 1:27:01 AM2/24/11
Ian B MacLure wrote:

We really should call your ilk "clowns" to your face. Like the clowns
that protested healthcare reform with signs "Don't touch my Medicare"
you guys want something for nothing.

Ray Fischer

Feb 24, 2011, 1:51:38 AM2/24/11
Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
>Salad <> wrote in
>> Republicans believe by making everything free that you can pay with
>> air.
> I believe you have mixed things up. Its the Dhimmicraps who believe
> that everything should be free.

You're a lying rightard. It is you right-wing crooks who have run up
$12 trillion of debt and don't want to pay for any of it. You think
that the wars you wanted should be free. You think that the tax cuts
for the rich were supposed to be free. You think that deregulation
was supposed to be free. And now that the bill is due you don't want
to pay for any of it.

Eddie Haskell

Feb 24, 2011, 3:47:04 PM2/24/11

"SilentOtto" <> wrote in message


And signed by Clinton.

And then there's this:

I win again.

-Eddie Haskell

Eddie Haskell

Feb 24, 2011, 4:01:29 PM2/24/11

"Nanno" <> wrote in message

WTF..? Please tell me that you're not a math teacher.

Or any kind of teacher.

>>> Some state workers do
>> And?
>>> I know because I pay a mandatory 10% of my wage.
>> You're a teacher in WI?
> Did I say that?

What you pay bears as much relationship to what WI public union employees
pay as does the amount Walker is asking them to contribute to their pension
compared to the deficit.

You are stupid.

>>> Compare that to your 6.2% for SS.
>> Why? We're not talking about SS.
> Yeah, hide your head in your ass when confronted with facts. SS "IS" the
> average working person's pension.

We are talking about their pensions vs private sector retirement plans, not
SS, moron. Furthermore, 6.2% is MORE than what Walker is asking them to pay
into their pension, MORON.

>>> You fucking idiots repeat anything you hear without looking into facts.
>> "Governor Walker's budget repair bill strikes a fair balance-asking
>> public employees to make a modest 5.8% pension contribution, which is
>> about the national average, and 12.6% health insurance contribution,
>> which is about half the national average."
>> -Eddie Haskell the "can't understand mathematics" bobble head.

Goddamn the irony.

> Idiot, I just told you many state worker's & myself pay 10% towards
> pensions, some pay as much as 12%. Do you not comprehend that is more
> than the national average? Too fuckin funny!!!!!!!


Goddamned moron.

Do NOT post to me again.

Fucking idiot!

-Eddie Haskell

Ian B MacLure

Feb 24, 2011, 10:47:09 PM2/24/11
to (Ray Fischer) wrote in

> Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
>>Salad <> wrote in
>>> Republicans believe by making everything free that you can pay with
>>> air.
>> I believe you have mixed things up. Its the Dhimmicraps who
>> believe that everything should be free.
> You're a lying rightard. It is you right-wing crooks who have run up
> $12 trillion of debt and don't want to pay for any of it. You think
> that the wars you wanted should be free. You think that the tax cuts
> for the rich were supposed to be free. You think that deregulation
> was supposed to be free. And now that the bill is due you don't want
> to pay for any of it.

Its $14 trillion. $4 trillion on Soetaro's watch in just two years.
At least $1 trillion of that pissed away down the Porkulus sewer
to no discernable advantage.
And-uh he proposes to go on this way.
Speaking of lying tools.


Ray Fischer

Feb 25, 2011, 2:56:07 AM2/25/11
Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
> (Ray Fischer) wrote in
>> Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
>>>Salad <> wrote in
>>>> Republicans believe by making everything free that you can pay with
>>>> air.
>>> I believe you have mixed things up. Its the Dhimmicraps who
>>> believe that everything should be free.
>> You're a lying rightard. It is you right-wing crooks who have run up
>> $12 trillion of debt and don't want to pay for any of it. You think
>> that the wars you wanted should be free. You think that the tax cuts
>> for the rich were supposed to be free. You think that deregulation
>> was supposed to be free. And now that the bill is due you don't want
>> to pay for any of it.
> Its $14 trillion.

$12 trillion is the debt that is directly the fault of the GOP,

> $4 trillion on Soetaro's watch in just two years.

You're lying, fascist bigot.

Ian B MacLure

Feb 25, 2011, 9:19:39 PM2/25/11
to (Fay Pischer) wrote in news:4d676097$0$10522

> Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
>> (Ray Fischer) wrote in
>>> Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
>>>>Salad <> wrote in
>>>>> Republicans believe by making everything free that you can pay with
>>>>> air.
>>>> I believe you have mixed things up. Its the Dhimmicraps who
>>>> believe that everything should be free.
>>> You're a lying rightard. It is you right-wing crooks who have run up
>>> $12 trillion of debt and don't want to pay for any of it. You think
>>> that the wars you wanted should be free. You think that the tax cuts
>>> for the rich were supposed to be free. You think that deregulation
>>> was supposed to be free. And now that the bill is due you don't want
>>> to pay for any of it.
>> Its $14 trillion.
> $12 trillion is the debt that is directly the fault of the GOP,
> dumbass.

Sez you Fay and quite frankly your credibility is suspect.

>> $4 trillion on Soetaro's watch in just two years.
> You're lying, fascist bigot.

Fay, Fay, Fay...
You invoked the N word ( Nazi ).
Automatic loss.


Ray Fischer

Feb 26, 2011, 12:14:13 AM2/26/11
Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
> (Fay Pischer) wrote in news:4d676097$0$10522
>> Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
>>> (Ray Fischer) wrote in
>>>> Ian B MacLure <> wrote:
>>>>>Salad <> wrote in
>>>>>> Republicans believe by making everything free that you can pay with
>>>>>> air.
>>>>> I believe you have mixed things up. Its the Dhimmicraps who
>>>>> believe that everything should be free.
>>>> You're a lying rightard. It is you right-wing crooks who have run up
>>>> $12 trillion of debt and don't want to pay for any of it. You think
>>>> that the wars you wanted should be free. You think that the tax cuts
>>>> for the rich were supposed to be free. You think that deregulation
>>>> was supposed to be free. And now that the bill is due you don't want
>>>> to pay for any of it.
>>> Its $14 trillion.
>> $12 trillion is the debt that is directly the fault of the GOP,
>> dumbass.
> Sez you

Says anybody with a brain, fascist rightard.

You want the breakdown? Reagan and Bush quintipled the national debt
from $1 trillion to $5 trillion and left office with an annual
deficit. The debt rose to $6 trillion during Clinton's terms but he
left office with a balanced budget.

Then Bush took office, cut taxes for the rich, spent hundreds of
billions on wars, and created the worst recession in 70 years. The
result was a $13 trillion debt and the worst annual deficit ever.

Did you know ANY of that, moron?

Ian B MacLure

Feb 27, 2011, 12:07:15 AM2/27/11
to (Fay Pischer) wrote in news:4d688c25$0$10539

Sez you Fay and thos like you.
In short those almost too stupid to live.

> You want the breakdown? Reagan and Bush quintipled the national debt
> from $1 trillion to $5 trillion and left office with an annual

Reagan made three terrible mistakes.
All of them involved trusting Dhimmicraps.
All of them involved raising taxes in return for cuting
spending. In each case taxes got raised but the spending cuts?
Not so much.
Reagan and Bush should have made much more use of the veto.

> deficit. The debt rose to $6 trillion during Clinton's terms but he
> left office with a balanced budget.

Only because Congress wouldn't let him do otherwise and he
benfited from the Internet Buvbble.

> Then Bush took office, cut taxes for the rich, spent hundreds of
> billions on wars, and created the worst recession in 70 years. The
> result was a $13 trillion debt and the worst annual deficit ever.

The recesion was creatd by Klintoon.
He left the mortgage timebomb ticking away.
Whose idea was it to require banks to provide loans
to "underserved populations"?
Whose idea was it to use the GSEs ( Fannie/Freddie )
as a carrot to get the banks to go along? Installing
Franklin Raines et al to ensure the GSEs played along
was criminal.
Whose idea was it to install Roberta "Achtung" Achtenberg at
DOJ to try and create a stick in the form of findings of red-
lining, disparate impact, or anything else they could prove?
As it hapened that was a massive failure but it wasn't for lack
of trying.

> Did you know ANY of that, moron?

Evidently far more than you do. Fay.


Ray Fischer

Feb 27, 2011, 2:57:43 PM2/27/11
>> You want the breakdown? Reagan and Bush quintipled the national debt
>> from $1 trillion to $5 trillion and left office with an annual
> Reagan made three terrible mistakes.

Selling weapons to America's enemies?
Promoting terrorism is Central America?
Quadrupling the national debt?
Raising taxes repeatedly?

>> deficit. The debt rose to $6 trillion during Clinton's terms but he
>> left office with a balanced budget.

>> Then Bush took office, cut taxes for the rich, spent hundreds of
>> billions on wars, and created the worst recession in 70 years. The
>> result was a $13 trillion debt and the worst annual deficit ever.
> The recesion was creatd by Klintoon.

Amazing. Clinton "created" a recession eight years after he left
office, and W and the GOP were too stupid to do anything about it.

Ian B MacLure

Feb 27, 2011, 11:07:39 PM2/27/11
to (Ray Fischer) wrote in news:4d6aacb7$0$10602

Nice try but no cigar.
The increased taxes were supposed to be offset by spending cuts
the Dhimmicraps promised on their hono(u)r (HA!) would come if only
Reagan agreed to the taxes.
Surprise, surprise we got the txes but the spending cuts? Never

>>> deficit. The debt rose to $6 trillion during Clinton's terms but he
>>> left office with a balanced budget.
>>> Then Bush took office, cut taxes for the rich, spent hundreds of
>>> billions on wars, and created the worst recession in 70 years. The
>>> result was a $13 trillion debt and the worst annual deficit ever.
>> The recesion was creatd by Klintoon.
> Amazing. Clinton "created" a recession eight years after he left
> office, and W and the GOP were too stupid to do anything about it.

Yeah he did. He was the one who lit the fuze on the mortgage
"W and the GOP" tried but a certain AMerican COmmunist Party fought
tooth and nail to prevent anything being done.
We are now paying the price.


Ray Fischer

Mar 1, 2011, 11:15:19 PM3/1/11

The crazy crazy rightard bigot refuses to accept the truth.

Nobody is surprised.

>>> The recesion was creatd by Klintoon.
>> Amazing. Clinton "created" a recession eight years after he left
>> office, and W and the GOP were too stupid to do anything about it.
> Yeah he did.


Ian B MacLure

Mar 5, 2011, 8:23:39 AM3/5/11
to (Fay Pischer) wrote in news:4d6dc457$0$10593

You can lie through your teeth all you like.
It won't change the facts one iota.

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