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Mary Phelan, former KMOV anchorwoman

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Kathy J.

Dec 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/20/98
John Vogel wrote:
> Sad to report the death of Mary Phelan, 37, on Sunday, Dec. 20, from
> injuries received in an auto accident last night. She was a veteran
> anchor at the local St. Louis CBS TV affiliate, KMOV, and was a voice on
> KEZK radio. She had resigned her position as she had wanted to concentrate
> on starting a family. She and her husband had been married for 3 weeks.
> Her husband, who was in the car with her, was reportedly unhurt.
> Their car, which was stopped after being involved in an accident, was
> struck broadside by another vehicle.
> John

This is sad news, indeed. I believe she was on the radio
at KMOX when I lived in St. Louis and was just starting
her television work at KMOV. In addition to her fine
broadcasting skills, she was also an excellent singer
and performed in local choruses.


John Vogel

Dec 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/21/98

Art Wholeflaffer A. S. A.

Dec 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/21/98

Maybe it was more than an "accident." It would be worth seeing
what kind of stories she recently did, or what she was working on.
It is kind of unusual that one person was killed and the other


Dec 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/21/98
>It is kind of unusual that one person was killed and the other
Not really. Two years ago my brother was killed in a car accident (he was
driving) and the guy in the passenger seat sustained minor injuries (broken
collar bone).

John Vogel

Dec 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/22/98
Art Wholeflaffer A. S. A. ( wrote:
: Maybe it was more than an "accident." It would be worth seeing

: what kind of stories she recently did, or what she was working on.
: It is kind of unusual that one person was killed and the other
: wasn't.

Not at all unusual. 18 years ago, my cousin was riding with another
person. They rolled over on an icy road. Driver was unhurt. My cousin
sustained a severe head injury that put him in a coma for 5 months. He is
permanently disabled. And I know someone who was in a Suzuki rollover.
Driver was unhurt, back seat passenger had severe facial trauma but she
recovered. The person I know (passenger seat) broke her neck and is a
quadriplegic to this day.

I read stories in the newspaper all the time about two or more people in a
single car - one dead and the other not a scratch.

If you saw the aftermath of the wreck (it was televised), you could see
how it occured - the side where she was sitting was badly mangled and they
had to cut her out with the jaws of life.


Thos1 art

Dec 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/23/98
>It is kind of unusual that one person was killed and the other

If you'd seen the BMW she was riding in, you could see how she was the only one
hurt- the whole passenger side of the car was caved in as the BMW hit the truck
sideways. Ms. Phlean was wearing her seatbelt, but succumbed to massive head
BTW, I met her briefly about five years ago; a very talented and energetic
person who loved her career. She hadn't worked since August, i believe. Still
you do raise an interesting point re: what kind of stories she'd most recently
worked on.

I bid you peace.

"Thank you, Goodnight and God Bless..."

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