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Superhuman Features & Abilities in Fiction (and Magic)

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Jul 15, 2010, 1:52:28 AM7/15/10
My head practically explodes when I explore the possibilities for the
creation and invention of new magical effects from this list. Magic
is in need of new directions, hopefully this list will fall into the
right hands. I'm printing it out and placing it with my Fitzkee and
Ortiz books on invention:


bill page

Jul 15, 2010, 4:49:48 PM7/15/10
sta leee spiderman the real rubber man pus new deas ofa ral guy wh
aqbleto take the cold temptetures by making his own body heat plus stan
lee meets a guy who loves allkings of spidrs even trantulas of every
kind on any state or island extc ad teaches cool stan lee more ideas for
spidermen movies


Jul 15, 2010, 6:30:09 PM7/15/10

Hey Bill, have you and Bob been following the news on the Chinese UFO
that shut down the airport? A lot of new photos and videos are
popping up in the mainstream news and on Youtube. The link below is
the clearest picture I've seen yet:

You can find more on which happens to be about the
best run paranormal website on the net-- always up-to-date with the
latest news.


bill page

Jul 17, 2010, 9:14:47 AM7/17/10
thanks mitch leary yes if its the one that sntv2 medi msn vide hasi dvd
vide recodrd it on my dvd-r disc moe then once it has music in back
ground twosongs chinessor japnsesongs they both are col songs too:)
the secoundsong reminds me ofmoral kombat video game sngs pls movies too
that has game codestofind in those movies i dont know if ob knows
about this yt but i willsendthi and many ufo info to him pluseverypne
else to:)
in Christ allways fat bill page illusionist magician in fun
samebt tme same batchannel
your friendly nighbor hod spider man
bill page <> has sent you the following web link:

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NASA loses original tapes of first moon landing
Aug 15 02:11 PM US/Eastern

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NASA no longer knows the whereabouts of the original tapes of man's
first landing on the moon nearly 40 years ago, an official of the US
space agency said.
"NASA is searching for the original tapes of the Apollo 11 spacewalk on
July 21, 1969," said Ed Campion, a spokesman for NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, a Washington suburb.

The tapes record the famous declaration of Apollo astronaut Neil
Armstrong, the first man on the moon, as he set foot on its surface:
"That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."

The original tapes could be somewhere at the Goddard center or in the
archives network of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Campion said.

The search for the tapes began about a year and a half ago when the
Goddard Space Flight Center's authorities realized they no longer knew
where they were after retired employees asked to consult them.

Armstrong, the first human to walk on the moon, was the commander of the
first US lunar mission aboard the Apollo 11 capsule, with astronauts
Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.

His landing on the moon's surface on July 21, 1969, was watched by
millions of television viewers worldwide.

The original tapes of the Apollo 11 mission were recorded at three
tracking stations: Goldstone in California and Honeysuckle Creek
Tracking Station and Parkes Observatory in Australia.

They were then sent to the Goddard Space Flight Center, which
transferred them to the National Archives in late 1969. Later, NASA
asked to recover the tapes and that is where the trace disappeared.

"A search is being planned, aimed at finding what happened to the
Goddard-recalled Apollo 11 mission data tapes," Campion said.

The search effort involves sifting through 30-year old records and
contacting retired Goddard personnel, he added.

oops wrong info lolsilly me forgot toput the thing in reverse
ps line from witch hqazelwhen she tries to fly her witces romm on buggs
bunnycartoon show

bill page

Jul 17, 2010, 10:54:28 AM7/17/10
bill page <> has sent you the following web link:

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S-4 (Sector Four)
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S-4 (Sector Four) is an alleged United States Air Force installation
located at Papoose Lake, in the restricted Area 51. The site came to
public attention in 1989 when Bob Lazar stated that he had worked there,
studying UFOs. Lazar claims the installation contains nine hangars
featuring nine different-shaped craft.[citation needed]

Contents [hide]
1 The S-4 installation
2 Lazar at S-4
2.1 Propulsion
2.2 UFO sightings
3 S-4 and the MJ-12 documents
4 Skeptical viewpoints
5 In fiction
6 References

[edit] The S-4 installation
According to Lazar, S-4 consists of nine hangars excavated into the side
of the mountain range just off the Papoose Lake bed. The hangars are
sloped at 60 degrees and are camouflaged to blend in with the
mountainside. S-4 also contains a number of interior shop areas in
addition to the hangars, such as a briefing room, a laboratory, a
nurse's office, a restroom, and the reception area.

Although the hangars at S-4 contained nine extraterrestrial crafts,
Lazar only had close contact with one such craft, which he nicknamed the
"Sport Model". The sizes and shapes of the craft at S-4 varied
considerably. The Sport Model had the appearance of a classic flying
saucer, while some of the other craft resembled a top hat or a Jello

Personnel working at S-4 would reach the base by first arriving at Groom
Lake and then taking a bus to the installation via a very long and
winding dirt road. Once the bus reached S-4, the bus would drive the
length of the hangars and then park at the entrance area at the back of
the installation. Lazar claims that at one time Russian scientists
worked at the base, but were kicked out.

[edit] Lazar at S-4
In 1988, Lazar asserts to have sent resumes to various government labs,
hoping to get a job in a scientific field.[2] In addition, he also sent
a resume to Dr. Edward Teller, who he met in 1982 after a lecture Teller
gave. (Teller later refused to either confirm or deny if he had met
Lazar.)[3] Shortly after sending out resumes, Lazar says Teller
personally called him and referred him to a man in Las Vegas, whom he
arranged an interview.

Lazar arrived for the interview, impressed the interviewers with his
technical knowledge and qualifications, and was hired to work on a
propulsion project in an "outer area".[2] He was assigned to the EG&G
building at McCarran Airport for work, and met Dennis Mariani, his
soon-to-be supervisor at S-4. Lazar signed a variety of forms in which
he agreed to waive his constitutional rights, and a short time later he
and Mariani arrived at S-4.

Lazar claims he worked at S-4 for a period of six months, beginning in
late 1988 and ending in early 1989. His official job description was a
senior staff physicist. Scientists at S-4 worked on a buddy system:
every scientist was assigned a work partner, and workers could
collaborate only with their work partner. Lazar's work partner was Barry
Castillo.[citation needed] At first, he claims he did little more than
read briefing reports in the briefing room, which brought him up to
speed about the nature of the projects at S-4 and the scope of the
historic interaction between extraterrestrials and humans. While reading
these reports, Lazar learned that the craft came from the Zeta Reticuli
binary star system, and that extraterrestrials have been performing
genetic alterations on humans for the past 10,000 years.[citation

He also learned that S-4 was home to three scientific projects: Project
Galileo, Project Sidekick, and Project Looking Glass. Project Galileo,
the project that Lazar worked on, dealt with the craft's propulsion
system, while Projects Sidekick and Looking Glass dealt with the
application of gravity propulsion to the development of a beam weapon
and the effects of gravity on the passage of time, respectively.

Upon Lazar's second or third visit to S-4, he noticed that one of the
hangar doors were open revealing what appeared to be a 52-foot (16 m)
diameter flying saucer, the "sport model". Lazar initially believed that
the saucer was built by the U.S. and that it was disguised to look like
an alien craft. However after entering the craft and realizing that it
was too small for humans, it dawned on Lazar that the craft was not of
earthly manufacture. He realized that the goal of Project Galileo was
not of manufacturing the saucers but rather of back-engineering them.

[edit] Propulsion
Lazar provides basic details of the propulsion system of the sport
model. A 223-gram (7.9 oz) sample of Element 115 is inserted into the
top of a reactor where it is bombarded with protons. Bombarding Element
115 transmutes it to Element 116, which in turn decays and produces two
anti-protons in the decay process. The anti-protons are led down a tuned
tube and annihilate with a gaseous matter target at the end of the tube.
The heat from this reaction is converted into electricity via a nearly
100% efficient thermoelectric generator.[4] According to Lazar, the
strong nuclear force of the Element 115 atom extends just past the
perimeter of the atom, which makes it possible to access and amplify
this force. Lazar claims that the strong nuclear force is a kind of
gravity, which he calls "Gravity A", and that gravity amplifiers located
at the bottom level of the craft are able to access and amplify Gravity
A, producing an extreme distortion of space-time.

The saucer has two flying modes:[5]

A default mode by which the craft hovers over planetary gravitation
using only one generator. Augmenting this with the secondary generator
to project a perpendicular gravitational force creates movement.
"Delta mode" at which all three generators are pointed in a single
direction—the bottom of the craft—in order to warp space
for large distance faster-than-light travel.
It is this extreme distortion of space-time, according to Lazar, that
allows the craft to greatly shorten the distance between the location of
the craft and its destination, making interstellar travel feasible.

The physics of the sport model's propulsion system has been criticized,
most notably by Stanton Friedman, Dr. David L. Morgan, and Edward
Halerewicz.[6][7] Dr. Morgan maintains that the antimatter reactor would
produce no net energy, since the energy needed to accelerate a proton to
the speed necessary to transmute Element 115 to 116 would be equivalent
to the energy released by the anti-protons annihilating the gaseous
matter target. Halerewicz observes that an extension of the strong
nuclear force beyond the perimeter of the Element 115 atom is forbidden
by quantum mechanics. It is also unclear how 223 grams of Element 115
would be sufficient to power the sport model. Lazar claims that such a
quantity can power the craft for 20 or 30 years at a roughly 100
megawatt load, but calculations show that this quantity would be enough
to power the disk for a few months at most. [citation needed]

[edit] UFO sightings
During the spring of 1989, Lazar took several of his friends to Groom
Lake, where they witnessed an unidentified flying object at the exact
time that Lazar claimed it would be there. One of Lazar's friends who
saw the UFO, Gene Huff, described it:

The disc came up around the same place but, this time, it staged a
breathtaking performance. It repeated moves similar to the week before,
but this time it came down the mountain range toward us. At first it
seemed far away, then you'd blink and it would seem a lot closer, then
you'd blink again and it would seem a LOT closer. It wasn't the same
sensation as seeing a set of headlights on a car or landing lights on a
jet approach you at night time. There was no sense of continual movement
toward you, it just sort of "jumps" toward you and this is very alarming
to your brain. Bob explained that this is because of it's [sic] method
of propulsion and the way it distorts space/time and light.[2]
The witnessing of the UFO by Lazar's friends is one of the few examples
where Lazar's story was corroborated by dependant witnesses. Lazar,
Huff, and others who witnessed the UFO claim that it was
extraterrestrial, while more parsimonious explanations, such as unmanned
aerial vehicles, cannot be discounted.[8] Lazar would later take friends
to view two more such events and on the third such excursion they state
they were caught by security personnel who asked for identification, and
let them go with a warning.[citation needed]

The next day when Lazar reported to work at EG&G, his supervisor, Dennis
Mariani, informed him that he would not be going to Groom Lake. He and
Mariani instead drove to Indian Springs Air Force Base, and during the
drive Mariani reprimanded Lazar for bringing friends to view a disk test
flight. At Indian Springs, Lazar was debriefed and was told that he and
his friends would be arrested for espionage if they ever trespassed on
Groom Lake again.[citation needed]

However, bringing his friends to see the test flight was not the only
reason his employment at S-4 was terminated. Government agents had
discovered that Lazar's wife was having an affair, and feared that once
Lazar found out about this it would negatively impact his psychological
health.[citation needed] He had the opportunity to apply for employment
at S-4 again in 6 to 9 months.[citation needed]

After he lost his job at S-4, he states he was harassed. According to
Lazar, his phones were tapped, he was frequently followed, and on one
occasion a drive-by shooter made an attempt on his life.[9] Fearing for
his safety, Lazar approached George Knapp of KLAS-TV in Las Vegas to
tell the public about his story. His first interview with Knapp in May
1989 drew international attention.

[edit] S-4 and the MJ-12 documents
A purported Majestic 12 (MJ-12) document, the "SOM 1-01 Extraterrestrial
Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal" manual, makes mention of
an Area 51 S-4. It stipulates the conditions under which alien artifacts
are to be taken to Area 51 S-4.[10][unreliable source?]

[edit] Skeptical viewpoints
Critics claim that "S-4" is most likely a fabrication by Lazar and a
corruption of "Site 4", a secret radar testing facility near the Tonopah
Test Range.[citation needed]

[edit] In fiction
Sector 4 (S4) was also the title and subject of the 2009 sci-fi spoof,
"S4", in which the U.S. government attempted to create alien hybrid
super warriors by impregnating combat marines.[11]

[edit] References
^ a b c
[show]v • d • eUFOs and ufology

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Arthur massacre (1996) · TWA Flight 800 (1996) · Russian
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citizenship / religion · CIA drug trafficking · CIA-Osama bin
Laden link · Dulles' Plan · HAARP · Montauk Project
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mafia · Satanic ritual abuse (Blood libel) · Soviet space
program (1957–1966) · Titanic alternative theories (1912)

Verified Dreyfus affair (1894) · Affaire Des Fiches
(1904–1905) · Gleiwitz incident (1939) · Lavon Affair
(1954) · Operation Northwoods (1962) · Watergate (1972) ·
Project MKULTRA (1975) · COINTELPRO · Operation Mockingbird
· Iran-Contra affair (1986) · Swiss secret files scandal
(1989) · Niger uranium forgeries (2001)

Coordinates: 37°06′27″N
115°49′00″W / 37.1075°N
115.8167°W / 37.1075; -115.8167
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Lincoln County, Nevada | Conspiracy theories | UFO-related
This page was last modified on 17 July 2010 at 04:20.

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