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Chik'ki's updated furvey

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Chikki Millson

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Hiya folks *Big hugs all round*

It's been so long since I last posted, and so much has changed that I
thought I'd post a revised furvey to try and put it all into some sort of
order };)


If you are posting a revised copy of your Furvey, then please list
below your current -and- previous email address(es) and name(s): (if
you want to avoid spam, you could replace the @ with a %)

1) Are you male, female or transexual?

2) How old are you?

3) What zodiac sign are you?
Scorpio, near the cusp of Saggitarius, during Libra rising

4) What year were you born in, and what is your Chinese New Year animal?

5) What month/day were you born in?
November 18th

6) Are you left handed or right handed?
Right handed for most things

7) What interests/hobbies do you have?
Reading, drawing, role playing, card games, cross stitch embroidery

8) What do you do for a living?
Currently unemployed, but usually an electronics engineer

9) What talents do you have?
I can sing after a fashion. I can draw sometimes. At least that's all a
matter of opinion };)

10) What annoys you the most, in general?
Intolerance. I hate narrow mindedness and an unwillingness to accept people
for who they are.

11) Where in the world do you live?
Currently in Havant, near Portsmouth in the UK. Hopefully I'll be living in
Massachusettes before too long.

12) What part of your country do you live in?
Town bordering on rural countryside.

13) Do you consider yourself to be psychic, in any way?
I have certain empathic abilities and have even been able to experience a
limited form of telepathy with a close friend

14) Do you consider yourself to be of above-average intelligence?
I think taht is an unfair question. I think everybody is equally
intelligent, though some do not use their intelligence as well as others.

15) Is your living space (e.g. room/house/apartment etc) furry themed?
Do dozens of tiger plushies, posters, models and books count?

16) What kind of music do you like?
I'm fairly open to any kind of music that displays talent. I discount the
mass produced commercial rubbish that seems popular with teenagers today.

17) What do you do to relax/wind down?
I read a lot, watch movies, stitch a variety of animal themed designs

18) Do you draw/write/make furry things?
Occasionally. I generally need inspiration to start drawing or writing,
inspiration that hits very rarely.

19) Have other furs seen them?
Quite a few have seen some of my efforts, yes };)

20) Have non-furs seen them?
Yes as most are based in my role playing games that I share with non furs.

21) Have they been shown somewhere ? (Avatar, newgroups, web pages, comics,
No, I'm not that confident or competant. Except for one cross stitch design
that was auctioned at AC this year.

22) Are you a meat eater?
Most definitely, yes };)

Being furry

23) How does furriness influence your life?
All my life decisions are based in my furry persona. It defines me, therefor
it defines how I live.

24) Do you think about furriness more than anything else?
Onlt to the extent that I think about myself and my life.

25) Was your furriness evidence from a young age?
I'm not sure. I was not aware of it until about three years ago, but I can
remember incidences in the past that with hindsight I can relate to my furry

26) What do you like most/least about being furry now?
There is nothing to like or dislike really, except that having found the
community, my life has gone uphill, with all sorts of friendships being
formed, mostly very close.

27) What is/are your phenotype(s)?
Sumatran tiger

28) How, and when, did you realise your furriness?
About three months after coming within a few feet of a wild tigress in
Sumatra, I started to question how I knew she was a tigress from her scent,
having little experience in the company of tigers. That combined with other
factors, my relationship to other felines, certain aspects of my sexuality,
and my understanding of feline behaviour, made me look closer within myself.
I found a tiger staring back at me and realised that the tiger was my soul.

29) Was it by accident, or did you strive to discover why you felt this way?
I wouldn't say it was an accident, but a natural progression od seld

30) Do you think that your (human) body resembles, in any way, an animal?
Besides the basic mamallian shape, not really.

31) Do you think that your personality resembles that of any animal/furry?
I suppose I could be likened to Hobbes in a few ways, but generally I have a
similar temperament to a tiger, although somewhat more controlled.

32) Would you prefer to not feel furry?
I would hate to feel any other way than what I am. If I were not to feel
furry, how could I be myself.

33) What kind of furry interests/hobbies do you have?
Besides my limited talents, I enjoy the art of furrydom, I love animals,
felines in particular. I have extensively studied feline behaviour and
taxonomy, as well as that of other animals.

34) Do you ever doubt how furry you are?
I nevr doubt who or what I am.

35) Are you ashamed/proud of being furry?
I am proud that I have the courage to be who I am. Too few people these days
take pride in themselves, and try to live a life not their own.

36) Have you ever worried about your 'furriness'?
I sometimes worry how other people may react, but I have never been worried
about my nature myself.

37) Did you ever think you were childish/weird/confused?
All three. All the time. Life's no fun if you go through it being right and
well behaved all the time.

38) Did you every attempt to seek professional advice/write to a problem
Nope. I have always dealt with these things myself. Until i discovered
others like me, that is, and found the strength to share my feelings.

39) Have you ever had a furry dream?
All the time };)

40) Do you have them on a regular basis?
All the time. My dreams are where I can transcend my body and become what I
am inside.

41) Do you wear 'furry' clothes? (not necessarily fursuits)
T shirts, a collar. I sometimes wear a mask in furry company.

42) How do you act furry in public/in private/with friends?
(furry and non-furry friends)
I am always myself, and people, furry or not, can take me as I am or leave

43) Do you collect items relating to your phenotype? e.g. statues,
plushies etc.
Lots. My room is full of plushies, posters, etc....

44) Do you collect miscellaneous furry items? e.g.books, magazines, etc
Oh yes

45) Has a major event in your life ever been affected by your furriness,
or had a furry theme? e.g. a wedding
My trip to America was a direct result of my discovering the furry
community, and of the love I found there, particulrly the love of one

46] Do you think you are furry for a reason, if so, why?
If there is a reason, all i can think of is that hyoomans like us are furry
to help close the gap between mankind and his links to nature. Something
that is so often forgotten by "normal" hyoomans.

Being 'truly' furry

47) What would you most/least like about being 'truly' furry?
You have to ask? The body of a tiger? What's not to like?

48) Do you ever worry about being furry not being as you imagine?
Only in that a dream come true never lives up to expectations, and that
eventually would be taken for granted instead of celebrated as it should be.

49) Would you worry about being shunned by society/friends/family if you
became 'truly' furry?
Nope. If true furries were common, there would be racism, sure, but
generally most ppl would be accepting of the situation.

50) Would you (given the chance) live in a furry-only world?
Book me a ticket on the next flight };)

51) Would you become an animal/furry (assuming you could change back), given
the chance?
In a heartbeat

52) Would you become an animal/furry (assuming you *couldn't* change back),

given the chance?
I'd have to think about it. It's easy to say yes now, but if the option were
there, I would have to take the time to really consider the consequences. I
think though, that ultimately, the answer would be yes.

53) Do you ever fantasise about being 'truly' furry?
All the time

54) Describe your furry alter ego.
My alter ego can be pure tiger or anthro depending on how I feel or what I
am dreaming. I stand at 5'8", covered with tiger fur, which is dark orange
with broader stripes than a Bengal,walking digitigrade, with retractable
claws, just like a tiger. My pure form looks just like a Sumatran tiger.

55) Is your furry alter ego a carnivore/vegetarian/ominvore?
Omnivourous with a preference for meat.

Furry fandom

56) What furry things do you watch/read? e.g. films, cartoons, books etc
I watch Road rovers, Disney films, Pinky and the Brain, Animorphs
I read Hepcats, Animal mystic, Spellsinger books


57) Are you religious?
Not in any "standard sense, but I do have certain beliefs that may be
interpreted as religious.

58) What religion are you?
Again, non denominational.

59) Do you think that being furry is like a religion?
Not really, although furry does feature strongly in my belief structure.

60) Does being furry make you question your religion/beliefs?
No. Like I said, furriness forms the basis of certain of my beliefs.

Other people

61) Are there others in your family who are furry?
Two of my sisters, although they do not know all that furry encloses, they
are aware of their own animalistic natures.

62) Do you worry about people knowing about your furriness?
Nope. i don't care what other people think.

63) Are there people who are intolerant of your furry lifestyle?
Just one, and he is known to certain members here. We work around our
differences, though. He is still afriend despite our differences of belief.

64) How do you cope with these people?
I either work around the differences, or ignore them if they are too

65) Do you know someone who might be furry, but isn't aware of it?
Quite a few peoplr, actually.

66) How can you tell?
Behaviour, attitude to life, a sort of "sixth sense" about them.

67) Have you ever introduced somebody into furrydom?
Yes, but not intentionally. She learnt about me, but found her own path
before she was aware of it.

68) Is your Significant Other furry?
[i.e. your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife. Animals don't count!]
My life mate is furry yes. She's a wolf.

69) Do you think the world would be better if everyone was furry?
Probably not. Just because we are animals inside, doesn't mean we think any
differently than other people. There would be just as much trouble.

The Internet

70) What newsgroups do you subscribe to?
[please avoid abbreviations like afd, and include a brief description]
This one, Alt.horror.were.wolves

71) What furry-internet activities do you do?
Yiffnet. Lycanthrope chat.

72) Do you access FurryMuck (or similar), to live out a virtual furry life?
I tried it, but it just didn't seem right for me.

73) How important do you think the Internet is in your furry lifestyle?
Very. it keeps me in touch with friends I would otherwise have trouble
keeping in touch with.

74) Do you access/did you join the Internet just for the furry stuff?
No. I found the community purely by accident.

75) Do you have your own web page/FTP site?
Not yet

76) What kind of things are on it?

77) How did you discover the online furry community?
I had just got onlins and was looking at a list of newgroups. ALF caught my
eye and piqued my curiosity. I had a look and WHAMMO!!!! I never looked
back };)

Furry community

78) How did you discover the furry community?
Through ALF and yiffnet.

79) Are you glad that you discovered the 'furry community'?
Oh, most definitely. My life has changed in so many ways for the better
since I found the group.

80) How have you benefited from the 'furry community'?
Lots of ways. With the help of teh group, I have learned to be myself and
stop hiding behind a wall of false "humanity". I have made so many good
friends, and most importantly of all, it was on this group that I found the
one person who has made my life complete.

81) Have you met (real life) furries?
Oh yes. I regularly organise or attend meets in the UK, and I was at
Anthrocon in Valley Forge this year where I met so many furs I previously
only knew online };) In addition, I have many RL fur friends I see on a
regular basis };)

82) Do you often go to furry gatherings? e.g. Confurence, informal
Whenever I can };)

83) What activities do you parcipitate with other furries in real life?
Curries play a big part in any get together in the UK. Walks, chats,
furpiles, fursuit construction. Dressing up and parading in public places.
All sorts, really, whatever takes our fancy };)


84) Do you own any pets, or have access to animals? (stables etc)
I have a tarantula friend called Sarabeth who shares my living space. She is
a five year old Trinidad Chevron tree spider. I also share space with a
silver tabby called Bluey.

85) Would you like to own some pets, or have access to animals?
I would like to spend time working with tigers in captivity.

86) Do you work / have you ever worked / do you want to work with
There are a few zoos not too far from me, but I have been turned down by
both. I'm still trying, though.

87) Do you 'bond' easily with animals?
Yes, mainly felines. I have a couple of furends who were witness when I
bonded with several large cats in zoos.

88) Do you agree with hunting?
For food yes, for sport, no. Well not unless it is an animal as big as the
hunter, and on it's own terms. ie unarmed but for natural weapons. I mean
how many people would be interested in aquring a tiger's head to go on teh
wall if they had to fight the tiger hand to paw?

89) Are you concerned about the environment?
Very much so. I often cry whenever I see news items showing the destruction
of natural habitats.

90) About cruelty to animals?
Cruelty serves no useful purpose and should be punished severely.

91) What are your favourite kinds of pet?
The strong willed independant kind that aren't really pets, but tolerate
your presence. (Like cats, for instance)

92) Are you interested in real animals as well as furries?
Oh yes.

93) Do you have a greater-than-average knowledge of your phenotype(s)?
i.e. do you own books on wolves or foxes, etc.
Oh yes. I know a few things even some zoo keepers don't. I guess being part
feline gives me insights that hyoomans rarely share.

94) Do you ever get annoyed about how animals (in particular,
your phenotype) are portrayed in fables/mythology?
Not annoyed, no. I can forgive ignorance, if not intolerance.

95) Have you ever/do you enjoy watching animals in the wild? e.g. lions
on safari, foxes in your backyard etc
I frequently go on night walks to see foxes play and hunt. The best time of
it was the time on Mt. Tujuh when I was so close to tigers in the wild, even
though I never saw one. The tigress I got close too was unseen through the
thick vegetation, even through a few feet.

96) What is your least favourite kind of animal/pet?
Mosquitoes. I hate mosquitoes.

97) Do you read books/magazines/etc about animal spiritualism and other
furry lifestyle topics?


98a) What is your gender preference?

You can either specify your answer by checking the appropriate box:

[ ] Heterosexual (attracted to opposite sex)
[X] Bisexual (attracted to same sex and opposite sex)
[ ] Homosexual (attracted to same sex)

...or if you want to be more exact, on a scale ranging from
0 (strictly heterosexual) to 9 (strictly homosexual):

[6] Your exact gender preference

Of course this is purely physical attraction that does not take emotional
attraction into consideration.

98b) What are your sexual preferences and activities?

You can specify your answers either by simply checking the box:

X = 'yes, I'm interested in this' / 'yes, I do this'

...or on a scale from 0 ('not interested at all' / 'I don't do this')
to 9 ('very interested in this' / 'I do this a lot')
? "have not reried, therefore no opinion"
[ ] Group sex
[X] Outdoor sex
[ ] Pony play (being tressed up and paraded as an animal)

[X] TinySex (sex over the Internet)
[X] Human sex (sex in real life with a non-fursuited human)

[X] Fursuit sex (with, or as, a person in an animal fursuit)
[X] Zoophile/Zoosexual (with real animals)
[X] Plushophile (with plush animals)
[X] Toonophile (attracted to cartoon characters)
[X] Furerotica (looking at erotic furry artwork)

99) Does outdoors sex make you feel more furry?
No, just more excited.

100) Do you prefer humans, animals, plushies, furries, or are they equal?
I prefer living partners, regardless of species or gender, but my some of
plushies have a "special" place in my heart.

101) Is your sexual orientation with humans the same as it is with animals?

102) What species of animal do you find sexy?
Big Cats, wolves, foxes, certain breeds of dog

103) In what aspects of your sexuality are you open?
Are non-furries aware of your furry sexuality (if appropriate)
Totally open with other furs, but more guarded about the zoo/plushie/toon
aspects in non furry company.

104) Do you enjoy sex with animals and humans simultaneously?
Never tried

105) Are any of your plushies anatomically correct?
Yes, and one even has an SPH

106) It is a common case for many furries to live their lives as
heterosexual, and then through furry to discover their attraction for the
same sex, (be it same sex humans or furries) - is this the case with you?
No, my sexuality hasn't changed, although I have become more open and
accepting of it since I discovered the community.

107) Has your discovery of being furry made you re-evaluate your sexuality?
Yes and no. I have always been attracted to felines, but never knew why
until I realised I was of feline nature myself.

108) Do you feel you are more open sexually due to furriness?
Yes. Being able to open up to other furs has given me the confidence to be
more open.

109) Do you enjoy casual sex with furries/non furries?
I used to, but since my heart was taken by a certain wolf, I tend to feel
guilty whenever I get yffy feelings for others.

110) Do you practice safe sex?

111) How do your masturbation fantasies involve furries? (if appropriate)
Every fantasy involves furries, one in particular.

112) Does sex in a fursuit make you feel more furry?
Although I have yet to try it, the idea excites me, and I imagine it would
make my partner feel more like they were yiffing a tiger if I were to wear
one, although I would feel just as furry with or without.

113) Do you compare a relationship (sexual or not) as being analogous to a
pack or pride behaviour?
Not really. I'm not really a social animal in that respect, although the
hyooman side of me craves that kind of companionship, I've never considered
a relationship to be analogous to pack behaviour.

Well, that's it. Hope I didn't bore you.

Thaks for reading



Ursus Californicus

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Chikki Millson wrote in message <7r3i23$9l$>...

>Hiya folks *Big hugs all round*

<Ursus waves a paw at the yiffy tiger!>

Ah! Another bi-furry! Excellent! Now all we need is a lion, and we can do
the line from "The Wizard of Oz" ("Lions and tigers and bears, oh, my!" You
can be the tiger, I'm the bear, of course, and who wants to be the lion?

Even though you're not really an ALF virgin, I offer you my traditional
welcoming present of a freshly caught salmon (*what* season? I'm a bear!)
with some Nutella on the side. Kitties like fishies, yes?

Yours in fur,

Ursus Californicus (the Yiff Beast of Sacramento and proud Wobbly)
-- "NOT a Teddy bear!"


email: I love yiffing, but you'll have to take it out of my email address
to reach me!
ICQ: 35334602

Geocities sucks! Instead, check out my *new* webpage address:

Fur Code::
FUGh4s A$ C++ D+++ H+++ M-- P+++ R+ T++ W***$ Z Sm+++ RLA/GP/MC a++ cn++$ d?
e+++$ f+++ h+++ iwf+++ j* p sm+++


Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
[Domino opens the Root Bar for Chik'ki. It is stocked with root beer,
cream soda, and orange cream soda on tap. Plus it has vanilla ice cream,
orange sherbert, and of course mugs] "There is everything here to make
any kind of float you could want so hello for the first time, welcome
back, and enjoy.

"People are animals too" -Domino
FCAms3a A+ C- D H M- P R+ T+++ W Z+ Sm RLAT a21 c+ d+ e f++++ h* iwf++
j+ p- sm--

David Cooke

Sep 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/9/99
Chikki Millson ( wrote:

> If you are posting a revised copy of your Furvey, then please list
>below your current -and- previous email address(es) and name(s): (if
>you want to avoid spam, you could replace the @ with a %)


*grin* I saw the junglelink prompotion at Euston 2 weeks back. A
lion & a tiger fursuit wandering around the station with leaflets.
Quite suprised me in my half awake mood. I kinda hoped they'd be
there for the London Fur meet on the Saturday, but they only did
one day.

>27) What is/are your phenotype(s)?
>Sumatran tiger

Well, its customary to offer food, so I think some curry is in order!
Makan for the macan *grin*

David Cooke.

In a world without fences, who needs Gates ?" - Scott McNealy
[ Address munged: replace "screwdriver.SPAM" with "" to reply. ]

Chik'ki Millson

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
>*grin* I saw the junglelink prompotion at Euston 2 weeks back. A
>lion & a tiger fursuit wandering around the station with leaflets.
>Quite suprised me in my half awake mood. I kinda hoped they'd be
>there for the London Fur meet on the Saturday, but they only did
>one day.
>>27) What is/are your phenotype(s)?
>>Sumatran tiger
>Well, its customary to offer food, so I think some curry is in order!
>Makan for the macan *grin*
> David Cooke.
LOL! One of the names I considered using was "Macan Besar" - big tiger. But
"Chik'ki" seemed to fit me better };)

As for curries, that is a serious concern. I might have to learn to cook my
own if I'm going to survive in the US };)


Chik'ki Millson

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99

>Even though you're not really an ALF virgin, I offer you my traditional
>welcoming present of a freshly caught salmon (*what* season? I'm a bear!)
>with some Nutella on the side. Kitties like fishies, yes?

This kitty does };) *SNUGS*

Here, have some rum balls....



D.Jean Cooper

Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99

Chik'ki Millson wrote:

> >*grin* I saw the junglelink prompotion at Euston 2 weeks back. A
> >lion & a tiger fursuit wandering around the station with leaflets.
> >Quite suprised me in my half awake mood. I kinda hoped they'd be
> >there for the London Fur meet on the Saturday, but they only did
> >one day.
> >

> >>27) What is/are your phenotype(s)?
> >>Sumatran tiger
> >

> >Well, its customary to offer food, so I think some curry is in order!
> >Makan for the macan *grin*
> >
> > David Cooke.
> >
> LOL! One of the names I considered using was "Macan Besar" - big tiger. But
> "Chik'ki" seemed to fit me better };)
> As for curries, that is a serious concern. I might have to learn to cook my
> own if I'm going to survive in the US };)
> Chik'ki

<G> Unless you can find an India-style Indian curry restaurant when you get to
the US, Chik'ki, you're going to want to learn real fast. Also, there's some
folks who think we Americans don't get the 'real' stuff, spice-wise. If you
have a resource for it in the UK, you might want to send some over ahead of you
and make sure you can have more sent to you. -Walk in Balance

Ambergold Wolfeyes
SCA: Lady Aelfreda O'Llyn Ewig
D.Jean Cooper

Swamp Gator

Sep 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/11/99
In article <>, D.Jean Cooper
<> writes

><G> Unless you can find an India-style Indian curry restaurant when you get to
>the US, Chik'ki, you're going to want to learn real fast. Also, there's some
>folks who think we Americans don't get the 'real' stuff, spice-wise. If you
>have a resource for it in the UK, you might want to send some over ahead of you
>and make sure you can have more sent to you. -Walk in Balance a fellow curry addict you can rely on me to send you regular
parcels from home containing all the necessary spices and other
ingredients you would need to make a truly excellent curry.

-- *please remove the spamtrap*
Fur Code V1.3 FDA5s A+ C++>+++ D H+++ M- P+++ R++ T+++ W- Z- Sm S++
RLS a cn+ d- e++ f++ h* i+ j- p sm+

Jeremy DuCharme

Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
Chikki Millson wrote:
> Hiya folks *Big hugs all round*
> It's been so long since I last posted, and so much has changed that I
> thought I'd post a revised furvey to try and put it all into some sort of
> order };)

/Nikas finally untangles himself enough to get back to the furvey's.
"Well if you were gone long enough then welcome for the first time."

> 7) What interests/hobbies do you have?
> Reading, drawing, role playing, card games, cross stitch embroidery

Interesting, any particular game systems for RPGing?

> 15) Is your living space (e.g. room/house/apartment etc) furry themed?
> Do dozens of tiger plushies, posters, models and books count?

"I think well let it count." :>

> 54) Describe your furry alter ego.
> My alter ego can be pure tiger or anthro depending on how I feel or what I
> am dreaming. I stand at 5'8", covered with tiger fur, which is dark orange
> with broader stripes than a Bengal,walking digitigrade, with retractable
> claws, just like a tiger. My pure form looks just like a Sumatran tiger.
> 55) Is your furry alter ego a carnivore/vegetarian/ominvore?
> Omnivourous with a preference for meat.

Good, then would you like to try some baklava?

"You've made a fine mess Captain Sheridan. Half the generals in Earth
Force want to kiss you on the cheek and give you the Medal of Honor.
The other half want to have you taken out and shot. As a politician
you learn to compromise so, I should give you the Medal of Honor, then
have you shot."
Babylon 5 "Rising Star"
B-5 is alive on TNT!!!! E-mail to:

Chik'ki Millson

Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
>> 7) What interests/hobbies do you have?
>> Reading, drawing, role playing, card games, cross stitch embroidery

>Interesting, any particular game systems for RPGing?

Mainly AD&D, for which I have created rules for lycanthropic Pcs and
Anthropomorphic PCs in a Spellsinger style campign world.

>> 55) Is your furry alter ego a carnivore/vegetarian/ominvore?
>> Omnivourous with a preference for meat.

>Good, then would you like to try some baklava?

What's Baklava, then?



Jeremy DuCharme

Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
Chik'ki Millson wrote:
> >> 7) What interests/hobbies do you have?
> >> Reading, drawing, role playing, card games, cross stitch embroidery
> >Interesting, any particular game systems for RPGing?
> Mainly AD&D, for which I have created rules for lycanthropic Pcs and
> Anthropomorphic PCs in a Spellsinger style campign world.
> >> 55) Is your furry alter ego a carnivore/vegetarian/ominvore?
> >> Omnivourous with a preference for meat.
> >
> >Good, then would you like to try some baklava?
> >
> What's Baklava, then?
> *HUGS*

Baklava is an eastern european pastry, it contains walnuts, sugar,
filo dough, sugar, almonds, honey (boiled down to increase the sugar
content), cinnamon, did I mention the sugar? :>

/The sea otter starts jittering with more than the usual mustelid

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