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How does Bitcoin mining Work?

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Feb 22, 2018, 1:04:03 PM2/22/18

"You can mine and earn Bitcoin the old fashioned way, by methods that are designed to take a lot of time and energy, or alternatively even by playing video games or publishing blog posts or someday ... yes even by that repetitive task..."

Feb 22, 2018, 9:37:24 PM2/22/18
On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 1:04:03 PM UTC-5, Bozo de Niro wrote:
> "You can mine and earn Bitcoin the old fashioned way, by methods that are designed to take a lot of time and energy, or alternatively even by playing video games or publishing blog posts or someday ... yes even by that repetitive task..."

I have heard of bitcoins. You can add them to the long and growing list of things I know hardly anything about and care even less. It's like asking a guy slated for execution the following morning what the weather is going to be like next week. I'm not living in the past, but I'm not living in the future either. Fuck the future.

Mr. Here & Now

Feb 23, 2018, 10:25:10 AM2/23/18
I use shitcoins.

Feb 23, 2018, 10:46:19 PM2/23/18
I don't use money, I just take what I want, and if anybody doesn't like it, tough fucking shit.

Feb 24, 2018, 10:59:01 AM2/24/18
All money is fake, it is what people will give you for it that counts.

Feb 24, 2018, 4:21:13 PM2/24/18
On Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 10:59:01 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> All money is fake, it is what people will give you for it that counts.

I agree, been saying that for years. Anything that can be counterfeited is fake.

"Hey, what's this you're giving me here - looks like counterfeited counterfeit."

Feb 24, 2018, 8:30:53 PM2/24/18
Once a counterfeit is used in a real exchange it is as good as anything else. The government needs a monopoly on it.

Feb 24, 2018, 11:21:34 PM2/24/18
On Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 8:30:53 PM UTC-5, wrote:

> Once a counterfeit is used in a real exchange it is as good as anything else. The government needs a monopoly on it.

How about when the Feds have a sting operation to arrest people selling counterfeit apparel at flea markets and so forth, like fake Tommy Hilfinger jeans for example. If they can be counterfeited, how good can they be? I am torn on the caveat emptor thing. I believe it is the buyers duty to beware, at the same time when it comes to medicine and other certain things I am not so quick to feel the same way. I wouldn't mind having some counterfeit money. I'd try to find a way to sell it at half price to someone, get it out of my hands.

I have only seen two counterfeit bills in my life. One was one I passed on a late night walk. The streets were deserted and I knew it would be there when I got back. I did not want to stop my walk and pick it up till I got back. It was on the sidewalk close to my starting point. When I got back I picked it up. It was shoddy, very weak, bleached out. I figured it was just old, tore up from being in the rain and sun or whatever. The next day I tried to use it at the store across the street and the woman behind the counter says, "You really think we're going to take this thing?", and I said, "Why not?", and she said, "because it's obviously fake." I asked her how she knew and she pulled out one of those counterfeit detector pens and drew across it and it came up black - a fake. I taped it to my wall at home. The other one I got in the cab one night, don't know from who, and have no way if they were foisting it off on me or if they themselves didn't know it was fake. I didn't know till I tried to use it one day and they wouldn't take it and again proved to me it was fake using the pen.

I have encountered lots of fake bills that are taped together. Gotta give those guys credit. They take a 1 dollar bill and cut off the edges only and seal the edges of $100 bills in their place. It has to be dark or it could be detected, or the one getting it has to be in a hurry. But the work is good with some of them. I think they steam them on. That is very low level counterfeiting, but I give whoever does it credit for a job well done.

Feb 25, 2018, 11:59:56 AM2/25/18
Seems counterfeiting paper money is not worth it these days. Most theft is hi tech now. Even robbing convenience and liquor stores has got to be less lucrative. Best to get a degree, go work for a corporation and steal that way.

hit any key

Feb 25, 2018, 3:23:26 PM2/25/18
Best counterfeit movie?

Feb 25, 2018, 6:19:47 PM2/25/18
On Sunday, February 25, 2018 at 11:59:56 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> Seems counterfeiting paper money is not worth it these days. Most theft is hi tech now. Even robbing convenience and liquor stores has got to be less lucrative. Best to get a degree, go work for a corporation and steal that way.

Hi-tech security will result in one thing only, the need for torture. Where once you could simply rob someone at an ATM machine, today you may need to kidnap and torture them to get their stash. Every new security measure not of your own making can be dealt with easily. For example, bank money that explodes and covers you with dye as you leave the bank - not a good idea. Back when it was new and nobody knew about it, ok, it may have worked then. But now any bank robber with brains knows he could get dyed up and ID'd. All it means is now he's going to have to kill all witnesses. No matter how far they go with security measures, the responses will be just as severe.

"Leave no witnesses" - (Remember the Clutter Family!)

Feb 25, 2018, 6:21:33 PM2/25/18
On Sunday, February 25, 2018 at 3:23:26 PM UTC-5, hit any key wrote:

> Best counterfeit movie?

It won't be the "Bozo the Clown" movie, that's for sure. Nobody's gonna want a copy of that piece of shit. The fucking thing hasn't even hit the theaters yet and already people are walking out.


Feb 25, 2018, 6:25:58 PM2/25/18
I would be a terrible criminal. Would have easily been caught. No honesty is my best policy.

Feb 25, 2018, 7:13:14 PM2/25/18
On Sunday, February 25, 2018 at 6:25:58 PM UTC-5, wrote:

> I would be a terrible criminal. Would have easily been caught. No honesty is my best policy.

I am not jailhouse material. I too would make a lousy criminal. But I must admit I was pretty good at shoplifting. I stole mostly food. But sometimes I stole impulsively. I am proud of some of my efforts. One time I had a used stereo tuner stolen from me and decided to price one at the Broadway Department Store on Hollywood and Vine - fifth floor. I stood around for a long time waiting to be waited on. No one showed up. I had a girl with me. I had just met her. It was not planned, it just hit me. I started looking at a tuner and touching it. Then I picked it up and started heading for the elevator. The girl was walking along with me. We took some steps too. As we walked along - my nerves were jumping - she put a pencil behind my ear and started telling people, "Let the maintenance man through please", as we worked our way down and out of the store to a cab sitting in front, which we took one block to a room I was staying in at the time. Another time in PA I stole a pet dog. I went in to buy a guinea pig. I already had a few at home. Then I saw the dog cage and started petting a few. I reached in and snagged one. Put it in my coat pocket and kept my hand in the pocket, stroking it to keep it quiet - bought the guinea pig and paid for it with one hand and walked out. I have a ton of good shop lifting stories - a fucking ton of them.

Feb 25, 2018, 7:42:49 PM2/25/18
It was a question — what was the best movie about counterfeiting you think you ever saw?

hit any key

Mar 1, 2018, 12:29:06 PM3/1/18
"To live and die in LA" — not bad music either

Mar 1, 2018, 1:02:15 PM3/1/18
What do you call a canary in a bitcoin mine?

hit any key

Mar 2, 2018, 10:05:55 PM3/2/18
i dunno — what?

Mar 4, 2018, 7:46:18 PM3/4/18
I never saw it but will remember it if I see it pop up on TV. Then I'll have an opinion about it. Is that ok with you?

Mar 4, 2018, 7:47:18 PM3/4/18
A two bit yellow bellied spineless future corpse.............

Mar 5, 2018, 7:24:58 AM3/5/18
I started to watch a movie about bit coin but it got boring real fast. started to talk about central banks and the federal reserve. I already know it is a racket.

Mar 5, 2018, 5:04:03 PM3/5/18
On Monday, March 5, 2018 at 7:24:58 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> I started to watch a movie about bit coin but it got boring real fast. started to talk about central banks and the federal reserve. I already know it is a racket.

See, this is what pisses me off about Bozo's posts about me being 'overly opinionated'. I don't know a thing about bit coins. There are many things I know nothing about, probably because I don't care. A lot of times someone will start talking about something I have no interest in or have no knowledge of, like the stock market (example), or mortgages (example), and I'll say, "I don't know anything about that stuff", and they'll go, "Well, you see, a mortgage is like when.....................", and I'll cut them off saying, "Please, don't waste your time, if I were interested I'd already know about it." And it's true, there are many things I have no knowledge of, mainly because I have no interest. I have never had any interest in mortgage for example because I never could picture myself owning a home. I had enough trouble paying rent (which I still maintain for most is a better option than owning a home anyway). But I won't argue the point. I have always maintained that a lawn is just a horizontal wall and a mortgage is just another word for rent. But there are lots of stuff I don't understand and don't care to know about, and bit coins are one of them. So I probably would not find the movie to my liking either. Of course I could say that about most movies because movies are something I do know something about - and what I know mainly about them is that most of them suck in a very bad way and I will never again step into a movie theater unless it's with a fully loaded automatic weapon, or if it's an old fashioned movie theater with a stage and they're looking for an old school emcee to work the house between movies. Remember those days?

Mar 6, 2018, 7:27:43 AM3/6/18
You work and buy a house and pay tons more in interest than the house will ever be worth than when it is paid of you still got insurance and taxes. Renting is the way to go.

Mar 6, 2018, 11:30:44 PM3/6/18
On Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 7:27:43 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> You work and buy a house and pay tons more in interest than the house will ever be worth than when it is paid of you still got insurance and taxes. Renting is the way to go.

I never debated it even in my own head because the idea of owning a house or much of anything seemed so out of line with the path my life had taken from the start, so I won't brag about knowing more than most, but yes, I will do so just a bit because, yes, I have always believed that renting is the way to go, not only for the usually mentioned reasons, but also because if the neighborhood goes down, and believe me they all do, all you have to do is pack your bags and go. Get out of Dodge. Vamoose. Skidaddle. Get the fuck out of here!

Mar 7, 2018, 7:32:05 AM3/7/18
The hole in the ground is your true home.

Mar 7, 2018, 4:30:35 PM3/7/18
On Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 7:32:05 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> The hole in the ground is your true home.

Never leaving home is a true sign that one loves where they live.

Mar 7, 2018, 4:30:58 PM3/7/18
On Wednesday, March 7, 2018 at 7:32:05 AM UTC-5, wrote:

> The hole in the ground is your true home.

The smallest hotel room known to man.
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