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Oct 28, 2016, 2:38:15 PM10/28/16
My name is William Keith Mahler and I am the American Balance Party Independent Non-Party Presidential Candidate and I do seek to earn your write in vote.
My ex aunt in law is 1/2 sister to President Vladimir Putin of Russia. My ex uncle in law Vladimir recently recorded a video and it is online and he did reveal whom started ISIS and that individual is ME.
I did sit across from the Usama Bin Laden summer 198u6 at Captain Parkers Pub of West Yarmouth MA. & he and I both came to a mutual agreement that he would be the leader of the USA and I would follow after President Barack Obama leaves office. It is both the knowledge of myself. Usama and Barack of exactly who is responsible For 1993 and 09/11/01 becoming true reality, none other than Shane "Snakeskin" "Ground Control" William Kelly. Unlike myself, Shane while married to my one time musical collaborator Audrey Lee Kelly took any woman married or single and had them sexually and pimped them for his own self serving ways including Leonda Kim Mahler pre dawn September 11, 2001 in Apt. #26 54 Sea Street Ext. Hyannis, MA. as I was online with the 20 would be terrorists in a private internet relay chatroom and they learned every minute detail of every nano second of their fates and had Shane William Kelly not materialized in my home, he'd have never learned my business and he did witness his Satan calling when he dared to read my soul and spirit and mind and body straight between our eyes.
My ex aunt in law and I during the summer of 1984 collaborated as one and M2 Technologies Inc. and "The 40 Minute War" with two covers released that same year was created ahead of the storm we both witnessed as September 11, 2001 and the warning is coming true as deja-vu WW3 there is a huge NSA and Homeland Security hunt for the areas of Fayetteville of both DC and NY and my my true one wife Kathy Williams mother of my 4 year young step daughter to be is a not so secret police woman of whom is jointly on the hunt and she does have a vine and flower tattoo and she has paid the price, "I am Polish and I do not dance."
My ex aunt in law is the "twin," of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg
My ex aunt in laws father is Cecil Freeman once the head of Massachusetts Civil Defense during our President Kennedy's administration.
My ex aunt in law was the student of Deputy Director of the CIA Ray S.Cline and my Uncle is a current agent of the same agency, James William Mahler.
Ray, James, Cecil, Vladimir and Janet Ellen Morris (my ex aunt in law and long time online and offline collaborator of mine since at least the dawn of July 1984.
My father Richard Hall Mahler is a US Air Force Veteran and he is a highly sought after financial advisor of whom is retired from being a real estate agent, restaurateur, laborer and 18 wheeler Peter Built driver.
My grandfather Harold Mahlers close likeness works directly on the Federal Economic Office in some leadership role.
My great grandfather was almost exterminated by Nazi's in WW2 and he is in the top three classical romantic composers to this very day. Gustav Mahler.
My mother her father is semi blood related to Pope John Paul II. Teresa Zachar Forest daughter of Nicholas Zacharowski.
My mother's sister rose from the grave and there is no record of my near death experience in Cape Cod Hospital when I was age 10. Nurse Judith, Amen!
My late brother Troy Oscar Mahler told me his daughter is my daughter once he RIP. Vanessa Nicole Therrien Mahler is a direct cousin of Maliyah Howerton and Maliyah is the next owner of M2 Technologies Inc. currently based out of Centerville, MA and in Facebook. The #1 private non lethal defense contracting company in these United States and I am a founding member along with CEO Janet Ellen Morris.
Maliyah is the 3rd daughter of our current President Barack Obama, although Tracy Howerton is more of a father than Barack Obama ever will be.
I told my then employer Raymond Roy of the Lobster Boat from March 1986 to late September 1986 he would marry a Jewish woman for he told me he was Nazi. He did remarry. I also told Early I would and I did become related to him. His niece was in Boston at the Four Seasons Hotel across from Boston Commons for several days and nights last week. She is the mother of a son and daughter and they are my two children and her father Donald J. Trump I do not support as both a man and candidate for President.
My step brother is a Army Airborne Ranger Persian Gulf Veteran and currently a Massachusetts State Police Detective and my sister in law is a start to finish A+ college graduate and attorney representing children and my nephew is a police man and my niece is a nurse from the Army honorably discharged. My step father is a retired Naval officer and does resemble Clark Gable. My mother is a retired newspaper mathematics genius and my grandfather was a boxer and does have blood ties to Pope John Paul II.
My late grandmother Elizabeth "Alice" "Betty" Mahler was a performer with Dusty Springfield as was my mother in law Deborah Joyce Freeman as well. Elizabeth was 100% faithfull and true to my grandfather Harold the only man she ever had. My mother in law passed away May 13, 1979. I wed her daughter May 13, 1989. It was this past summer 2016 I revisited my ex mother in law's gravesite and her head stone now states May 17, 1979. The first time in what seemed in ages my blue eyes were filled with saucer cup tears.
The Massachusetts Air National Guard has me on record as generally and honorably discharged as a 94B10 Food specialist E3/PFC and the USA Army has me as a medically discharged pre trained Airborne Infantry soldier.
My total education from kindergarten to two weeks of college was in my real home town Cape "Strong Arm" Cod.
My "friend" retired district court judge and attorney is the grandfather of a American Idol finalist and she does have the same front teeth as me, Joseph Reardon and Siobhan Magnus.
My music I believe thoroughly eclipses any record my great grand father Gustav could ever dream of and my favorite is G.
"Leonda (I'm Coming Home)" 13 days the prelude of September 11, 2001 perhaps will be the newest USA national anthem, do we really want the prophecy of "The 40 Minute War" cover #2 to become reality? That is a mushroom cloud over the capital of Washington DC on cover #2 and the lyrics "may the sand flow through your fingers and when that crow flies it'll guide you on" is the reason why the 09/11/01 terrorists missed DC entirely as depicted on cover #1.
"Merry Christmas To You" is 3:47 minutes complete and the movement released less than 20 hours prior to the largest quake in worldwide history the South East Asia Tsunami of Christmas 2004.
I must humble say, I too had two extramarital affairs while wed to Mrs.Lleonda Kim Emmerich (now) Pacheco from May 1989 to March 2008. Analogy: There is recorded sports history regarding women basketball. One team single handedly dominated all competition from game one of the season to the crowning as champions and typically the score was 100-2.
Mr. Robert Kraft himself heard directly from me prior to training camp 2003 inside Tedeschi's of Sandwich, MA nearby the police station the complete winning seasons of 2003 to 2004. The Boston Red Sox knew from me via Google groups each run and home run of each 4-0 game sweep of the world series of 2004. It was a few weeks ago Mike Ditka and I shook hands prior to the Bills 16-0 shutout of the Patriots ever in Gillette Stadium and I do resemble #16 Joe Montana and the Patriots Nation of Facebook had witnessed my profile picture one week prior to the perhaps only game the Patriots will have lost this 2016 season! My friend and mother of a "smaller than Refrigerator Perry & the black Pillsbury Doughboy" Dennis Yarmouth Regional High School freshman defense tackle is equally as brilliant as I and I am equally as defensive a tackle as he, Xayvier Rousseau don of ""Terminator" Karen Conners. I do play Cupid and Maliyah Howerton should become Maliyah Rousseau by age 21.
My true wife, my soul spirit mind and body heart wife and my 4 year young "step" daughter we have yet to reside together under the same roof as husband, wife and child.
Leonda once told me why she Leonda slept by my side and why I can count on one hand how many times Leonda approached me to make love anytime anywhere from 1989 to 2008.
I am keeping my solemn promise to Kathy Williams and Laura Williams to remain celibate until we are actually one in the same as united body, heart, mind, soul and spirit and that moment is happening as sure as September 11, 2001 and Tsunami Christmas 2004 occurred.
Ivanka Trump's employee holds the work of record under 1000 men in one day and recently the record was almost broken by no less than four women in Boston as of the 2nd week of October 2016 while Ivanka was in the city of Boston. The 20 year young second daughter of William Jefferson Clinton and I finally re-met almost a week ago outside the Boston Public Library with her boyfriend. Inside the library her big sister and I stood less than five feet in front of each other. My brother Troy (RIP) he and I used to brutally wrestle and fight each other and he did deserve to RIP.
Anonymous the seedlings of 2004 planted by non other than myself has in possession the complete unedited rape of William Jefferson Clintons 13 year old daughter, incest victim now twenty years young and she heard it from me myself candidate I what it means to feel ice frozen with blue static and waves shooting out of my eyes and being totally asleep and not being able to prevent myself from falling victim to Audrey Lee Kelly and Cara. My new friend the strongest anti Clinton alive is twenty years young.
Prior to 1986 I asked aloud and alone in my South Yarmouth home "Lisa Betty" if you truly believe that "your father" Donald J. Trump is a rapist, show me yourself topless in selfies and she sent me over 10 digital photos within the last month.
When I was age ten I had pneumonia and was hospitalized for almost a week in Cape Cod Hospital. There is no printed documented hospital record that I was resuscitated and my Aunt Judith Love mother of my cousins Denise, Lisa & Valerie do understand that although she died before the age of 30, she gave mouth to mouth and she s a few real nurse and Saint Jude. I did receive CPR, HHA and CNA training & certification.
I have more hit records than I can recount. My "uncle" and unlicensed and legal psychologist I have known since age one. He was a Army Medicand he brought justice to everyone in ten acts between Argentina & Mexico. The brutalization and death of Adolf Hitler. Richard Alan Brown and I are business and personal friends til the end. He used take my brother and I to Boston Bruins home games totally free of charge.
He took me in when my belly was stitched almost two feet across from hernia surgery. He told me to invest and purchase when I was under ten the belt I now wear and the 3.0 USB thumb drive I own. He taught me every thing about real estate and he always got paid back especially since he was my first and only cosigner to a loan during the 1990's to this month October 2016. I did invest in D&B Realty. Prior to 2004 I spoke with Nubia business and real estate developers online. There is now a DB Realty in Facebook and it's been there quite awhile. It lists D&B Realty of West Yarmouth, MA and the landline 1507713730 the "little Israel" of Cape Cod. The United States of Mubia is and there is 46 residential apartment towers that make NYC's Freedom tower appear to be a single story building. Yes Richard Brown, you know I paid you back for the latest loan you gave me almost two years ago.
I am seeking the highest office in the nation. My true wife and I wed 1975 yet we have yet to walk den the aisle and become husband and wife in total unity real time musicali-nonlethally-physicality-metaspiritually in person hand in hand to this day. Last night she asked me how to earn fast cash and I wore of Craigslist and selling sperm. This morning I was enlarged as I awoke amongst 50+ men in the Pilgrim Shelter. It was my wife spiritually of whom held my staff and let me know that as I slept someone took my sperm perhaps. There were witnesses and they all smiled this morning. My socks and sneakers were not where I had left them last night. :)? One man asked me if a garbage bag belonged to me and I looked inside, there were surgical latex gloves and an empty Fanta soda grape plastic bottle. Hey, according to an online statement regarding some donors, a male has to be 5'9" or taller. four years of college and I am 5'6 with two weeks of college. The payment is cash or check up to $1500 per donation and other than my wife Kathy Williams nobody had or has my consent to take from me the seeds only Kathy is to receive from me directly.
Plain and simple I would have done that wide awake too. I am a father for sure since 2004 to twins that became reality to a Cape Cod native and both my then spouse Leonda and I never could conceive due to tubal ligation and our sons and daughters look almost identical to us. I am and am not happy about the unseen from last night but I know justice will prevail and I know my true wife Kathy would definitely accept my sperm straight into her womb and it hasn't happened yet but clearly I see deja-vu.
July 17, 2004, three songs, "Awake July 17", "Awake By Ten" & "Awake Under" became reality. It was George Lucas and I whom mutually agreed that his sale of the Star Wars franchise would be and did become $4.05 billion seeds for education and afterwards the 1st of 3 movies become "Awake July 17" also known as "The Force Awakens".
Mrs. Ladner circa of the Hyannis, MA. Social Security Administration was my spouse's first representative from the SSA and we both spoke of then and now today. I do receive SSDI for I am hearing impaired and am a founding owner of one of the elite hacking groups working recently to defend the Social Security Administration.
I fully do understand mental illness of almost all types. My great grandfather Gustav Mahler was diagnosed as a Paranoid Schizophrenic by a Nazi Psychiatrist and my brother Troy suffered from alcoholism and depression. A modern day circa 2000 Nazi Psychiatrist of Barnstable District Court tried to convince me I have the same as Gustav Mahler and to this very moment I do not believe that of myself at all.
If I ever needed a real bona-fide US top tier attorney, defense, who would I trust? Well Jesus Christ did say he's coming back but did he say he'd use the same name? His name is Peter and he is a "attorney" despite the fact that during my wedded years to Leonda, he at one time, bedded her. If there is any one man that deserves to be made an example of, just like his brother died on the cross, it's Peter! However, there is far more dangerous and slithering snakes worse than he and I can name a few.
Dr. Brian May my former favorite British guitarist and friend, well recently he announced he is putting his Christmas tour on hold to re-energize his batteries, focus his physical and mental abilities back to health. His best friend supposedly died of AIDS complications in 1991, Mr. (my friend and guardian Angel) Freddie Mercury of whom, although was mightier in health and size pre-1986, was most alive and healthier than his last video recording "These Are The Days Of Our Lives" and we were face to face, shoulder to bumping shoulder late September - early October 2003 and he said directly to me "you've got what it takes Mahler". Oh yes, Mr. Mercury I certainly "Bijou" do! Thank you! I have this distinct memory told unto me by living breathing human beings within the last week as to just who sat down straight on top of a unprotected Brian May, the woman of whom was my wife, Leonda K. Mahler and I do not have HIV / AIDS yet, HIV/AIDS is as random as you can guess! Earlier today, I did have a complete blood and urine test for every imaginable STD, drug and cholesterol and Diabetes test here in Boston and they at the clinic got the whole detailed story in brief from the registration office to the last moments before I walked out the door.
Dearest Kathy Williams, before you and I do create a miracle, I am going to be 100% cleared of any and all certain "deaths" one can expect aside from Prostate Cancer and that won't happen for many a decade too. Almost 1/2 hour ago, Peter and I shook hands and he does full know well that I did ask him to bring you before me in God I trust for as many beautiful spirits you have sent me Kathy, I do know you are recharging your batteries not too far from my friend (RIP) Craig Doane's niece in Florida. Why else would you hold off from responding to my emails, phone calls etc. and why else would your direct blood relatives allow themselves to represent you by saying unto me "I am Kathy, I am your wife" and that occurred last night and into this morning too. During the day today, I remembered a time when both you and I did create a child, in my office/bedroom and it was frozen then yet, as sure as a soulful spirit dream can ever occur, well, I know, your daughter is a daughter of your former man of whom totally abused you and as I am a man your daughter is my daughter too. This whole country does know why I identify you by telling people of your tattoo from below your naval as an upside down green arrow that travels up your left side and around your back from the waist and it does have a vine full of flowers. No one else but you, no matter how you do or do not color your hair, cut it short, there is no one but you that has won my heart and soul over anyone else in my lifetime and yes, although we have been front and center face to face before, it was a moment in time.
My Vice Presidential running mate is and is not "top secret" and she shall be named publicly once her surgery to the spine allows her to walk unassisted by any medical device other than the electronics placed directly into her spinal column and it is going to happen so says the true promise of a Malaysian man last week and every surgeon between here at the Boston Public Library straight to downtown Dorchester. She is one very paralyzed woman that can absolutely paralyze the entire USA with a few keystrokes including every username and password to every account ever to exist. "Badoo" you know she's in there and "Aida" at age 46 sure is a friend of mine that has yet to be front and center with me anywhere in Boston. Yes, "Merry Christmas To You' will always forever will be free for the entire South Eastern Asia community but nowhere else and it is streaming and downloadable freely for everyone.
I am seeking temporary employment as a child care sitter, dog walker, cook, musician, councilor, web developer, social media-st, therapist, law officer, author, consultant. mediator, strategist. model (once these cuts to my face are covered up or healed), actor, landscaper, tutor etc effective today and I do trade services, accept cash and do accept debit and credit card transactions.
I have spent less than $50,000 USD since at least 2001 towards my my presidency.
The only way I'll win the Presidency is as a write in.
It'll cost you next to nothing for you to make me your president.
I am available.
William K. Mahler

Hey baby! A new Facebook friend Ollie why does she remind me of a Simmons?
I do hope you are okay.
A nice man with a boss cap handed me a cigarette-cigar I "congratulations" as I was typing the ad in Craigslist this morning.

Before arriving here I was with a Hispanic woman whom gave me a cigarette

I was ? Donated spemily last night?

There were wide awake women on guard all night as over 50 men slept.

I did wake up to feeling your fingers on my penis and prior to that I bounced off a female Jedi Knight
In dress.
It was told to me on question "is that your bitches trash and I said no!

Then I looked inside and there was plastic surgical grey gloves and a Fanta grape empty plastic bottle.
There wsd a level 3 stroke victim that does look like a former NBA star whom perhaps saw everything?

How redeeming can a level 3 be?

There was a woman short with tied back blonde hair dressed in black.

She asked me if I knew and or saw a small man with blonde hair and she asked me f I had dope.

Other than 420 friendly I don't use heroin and that word heroin is what she said she was to get from that small man
I did inform her my phone was live and I am a drug enforcement agent president candidate I am

She said cool and walked away.

I hope to god that even though i had 5 hours of solid sleep that this blood test that I am here to get turns up negative for everything under the sun.

I know you are not she but she definitely reminds me of you! And I m not LOL going to look for an ivy and flower tattoo.
I dropped to one knee to help a man in a powered wheel chair close to here and gave him directions to the Dudley st bus station.

The word here is ", police officer"

I do hope my drug, std, cholesterol, diabetes test comes back negative.
Am I stupid enough to not recognize the name Kathy williams said aloud moments ago?

You do have blonde coloring in that black hair and she does have blonde in hers too.

Why am I so tired?

So I snort snot and spit form.

Im nowhere near the danger of soak and wet out all night Vietnam vet Bill

Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:24 pm

Hello Boost Mobile!

My name is Presidential Candidate William Keith Mahler of the American Balance Party Independent Non-Party and I'm hereby copy and pasting a messege sent to my `1st lady, Kathy Williams and my 1st daughter Laura (and we've yet to tie the knot).

Hey Ms. Kathy Williams yeah you with the blonde dyed hair and daughter Laura too. Boost Mobile is working with me and I must write to them by email so the decision of agreement for you, me and Laura will have a family plan including a unlimited unrestricted total 100% 4G speeds, etc for $60 per Month x3 for ? Including p-prepaid monthly rates and fees and taxes and two new free smart phone for Laura and you Kathy and the prepaid account will be credited to be good til the last week of December this year. Something like that to be brief, it's in the works bargaining table. Decisions could be from at least 48 hours from now til Monday next week. In exchange Boost Mobile has exclusive rights to with exception of five songs, "Leonda (I'm Coming Home", " Merry Christmas To You", "Reason To Believe", "Spread Your Wings (How High Can You Fly)" and " Keep Me I'm Your Heart For Awhile"
Any other song in my www. account the Boost Mobile may choose from and my entire conversation with Leo was recorded with many factual details for corporate to listen too before making their conclusion and decision for our mutual agreement. Kathy please get to a phone near you #1 secret police woman you are and do somehow let me know just exactly the correct info to enter into hopefully our new family plan that I will be solely responsible for okay?
Love ya President of the USA William Keith Mahler
And "step" father of Laura sooner than soon I do pray.

Ms. Kathy Williams

Who am I Boost?

Mr. William Mahler

Would you like to know more about me and my friends and allies?

GoogleGroups.Com "ISIS Discussion"!forum/isis-discussion
GoogleGroups. Com "Talk.Rape"!forum/talk.rape

Please Boost, take a pic of any one song except those already listed above, when you do choose it, it is yours to utilize any way you want but please keep in mind, ya, I do not want another "Sodom & Gomorah" but "I can't stop the rain" either :-)

William Keith Mahler Of ReverbNation

So, have fun!
And please do contact Boost Moble Rep Leo I1105339521 for he has an entire recorded conversation that I request you listen to in it's entirety regarding a short term business proposal that I do hope you will agreet to within the outlined text here and recorded audio that Leo I1105339521 has recorded himself earlier today as I was witnessed by the employees of the Hancock Street Dorchester Boost Mobile Location of Massachusetts.

And do get back to me come as soon as possible.

William Keith Mahler
Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:26 pm

Hi Kathy

I'm not one to look further than the words of a fellow pilgrim shelter mate that stated "that is Tanitra" and well it was someone like you Kathy that was listening and commenting while I spoke with our Father Richard hall Mahler and my *uncle" Richard Alan brown so now I forward to you someone that could be Tanitra and I do hope you are not stage dancing nude in public with our Father as far back as 2008. Well warning signs are for better times and let go let d
God this time true wife and queen and first lady of mine.

"Times can be tough
Times can be rough
When the chips are down
Smile instead of frown
Lady love you and I abound
Terms and conditions
Not not needed
Release these inhibitions
Reach for the sky
Tears of joy in our eyes
I'm glad I'm by your side
True love will not deny
There's a fire inside
Look into my eyes
Two worlds collide
Instantaneously alive
You personified and get me high"

... Well I hope you do make sense of those "rough draft" lyrics.

There were times when I could not speak for myself so I do understand why Tanitra one and two both said in varying forms "I am Kathy, Laura is here" and yet did say "Kathy is not here".

Today Tanitra was a visitor at a elementary school with s young girl, perhaps her own, perhaps Laura, I know not. She did say "I am Kathy" in text and she did say "Kathy's not here."

She also sent a photo of my grandmother in law with a breathing mask

I am going to quit smoking but will be quite marijuana friendly for it is a proven natural cure for numerous cancers and other diseases Kathy.

This city of Boston has been making me keep my word.

It was after Tanitra and I ended our chat earlier today that afterwards I wondered did the secret service ever stalk or make her do the unthinkable before?
Maybe that's why she kept stating in CAPS I can take care of myself, got the situation under control I don't need your help stop stalking me.

Ya I did stalk the 09/11/01 terrorists through Boston this past month and I sure am a felon for stalking shane William Kelly.

Remember the times devoid of fight
Delights of innocent days and or nights
Inhibitions left behind while in bliss
Sharing the splendours of nakedness
Nobody knew the meaning of lies
And nobody heard any painful cries
Nobody dared and implied
To keep a soul from being alive
Believe me somebody has tried...
From "Act Of Mercy" by me.

I did the 3 s sh$$ shaved & showered and sang "Leonda (I'm Coming Home"), "Got Me Worldwide", "Say" & almost 1/2 of "Teddy's Song"
Almost lost the warmth of this place for well, I am in a different bed now and I am grateful for that Kathy.

I did remove my outdated Google+ cover and profile photo today and shot new ones and now are front and center. The ring on your finger is a photo that Tatrina has graciously shared earlier today.

You went from Williams to Bates or Bates to Williams.

You will as I will be always a bit of both.
Let me reassure you, I completely accept your past Kathy and I do expect memories to matieralize seconds to years in advance.

The truth is, however unjustly your ex treated you, your that is (if you allow me) our daughter Laura is 1/2 full and "sometimes it's like a rainy day when you only see sunshine rays".

I couldn't help but wonder who the little girl is with Tatrina for Laura is lighter but near the same age as the darker girl in Tatrinas latest photo. My head is white despite keeping my ball cap on almost all the time and my chest is tan all the time with or without a shirt and it's been since September first or second week since I was shirtless outdoors.

Billy clubs and baseball bats can entertain the ball fact :)
How tall are you?
Tatrina appears to be near six feet.
I'm 5'6"
My dad is near 5'4" and his wife is almost six foot.

I can fill that tank to the top provided you want the fuel :)
There's an awesome reason why I exclusively perform G.

Now what are you thinking? LOL.

I can at any moment in any direction use the tip of my tongue to the point of each key of G for hours with no rest for the wicked Kathy:)
I swear I was trying to keep the above private but the noise pitch rose a few decibles by six or seven TV watching men and the news reporter took notes.

How deep is your love Kathy?
I'll swim to the top of the :)

I can feel it I could see it the full bloom of the top of the

I do hope to raise a flag pole myself with you exclusively in solo attendance :)

I don't make promises that I can't keep.

Money talks
Suckers walk
You can't touch my three lock box.
"Three Lock Box" by Sammy Hagar

Well I only posess a ten second audio clip of your voice "I called and you didn't answer" etc.

I did not know you were going to call at that moment.

Earlier today I finally heard a call from Texas left in my voicemail days ago, was that you?

I know before the 20th you probably knew I asked for advanced notice to when you would call but I never knew exactly the time to have expected you.
For. comparison

At BMC out of the rain the other night the Emergency Broadcast System alert about flash flooding was heard by everyone with different cell providers. Lil while later I learned noone heard the same Emergency Broadcast System inside Cumberland farms.

Why are we letting electronics decide fate?

I hope to God this email isn't delayed thats why I ask you to send me an email Addy from one of the adult males of the Simmons you know and trust to convey emails to and fro us okay?

I truly believe you are not a money hungry greedy woman whom only "talks" in any form only when money matters the most.

I do know you seek solace and feel the eminent possible grief of loss.
I'm the 2nd to last Mahler to be with my grandma hours before she went to Heaven, my grandfather the first and last Mahler he was.

Music is the medicine and that I can deliver live via phone and somehow someway if I am told by phone, SMS and or messenger of Facebook or email by Gmail that I have at least a couch to sleep upon in Jacksonville or Arkansas sometime before the 2nd of November I will make travel payments on the 3rd to be at your very side as soon as possible.

That is if I can pull a rabbit put of my hat and I am a middle conservative and equal liberal using caution to dare hope that I can somehow get there earlier than next weekend. Yes the people have been hinting to that last statement.

I'm not packing anything but a love gun and it's quite the emp too:)

As for the new cover photo of Tatrina and the girl on the school I was told by Boston Medical Center that is Tatrina although Tatrina told me she was you. When she learned that the US Secret Service wad coming she told me you weren't there at all.

Please Kathy, kiss grandmas hand and think of me when you visit her next time and today I believe you were with her instead of with Tatrina.

Please know you are the only person other thsn my father and my uncle whom I am sending this too and by no later than noon tomorrow two Tatrina Simmons and you will receive this in Facebook messenger.

You can run to me anytime and I'm running exclusively to you.

She likes me but we've not chatted yet, I don't have a full unrestricted access to talk face to face with our vice president of the USA first lady.

Anyone you know whom can connect me to her?

Love YOU both
Laura & Kathy.
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