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Non nova, sed nove

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Aug 25, 2000, 7:00:00 AM8/25/00

Hic in mi citate il ha un interprisa que ha le motto "NON NOVA SED

Illo significa... "Non nove, ma de novo"? ("Not new; instead, again"?)


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Musca Volitans

Aug 26, 2000, 2:35:43 AM8/26/00

Ensjo wrote in message <8o6o5l$kho$>...

>Hic in mi citate il ha un interprisa que ha le motto "NON NOVA SED
>Illo significa... "Non nove, ma de novo"? ("Not new; instead, again"?)

Non intellego exacte dialectum tuam, sed recte me interpretari
videor "non nove cose, ma de novo modo, aut de novo perspectivo" ??

Qualis est ista dialectus? Interlingua de Peano? Alia? Osca? ;-)


Ernest A. Bennett

Aug 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM8/26/00

Muscae Volitanti Ernestus salutam plurimam dicit.

I agree with you that this is Peano's Interlingua or a close approximation
thereto. In a past life I read a professional journal which had each
article abstracted in four (I think) major European languages and
Interlingua. If my memory serves me it was Acta Haematologica Scandinavica.
Is our poster 's praenomen Enzo?



Martijn Dekker

Aug 26, 2000, 7:00:00 AM8/26/00
In article <32Gp5.18820$>,

No, Ensjo scribeva in Interlingua de IALA, le qual era primarimente publicate
in 1951. Vos trovara un description hic infra, anque scripte in Interlingua
de IALA.

Vide <> pro plus de information. Il anque ha un
categoria de Interlingua al "Open Directory Project" <>.

Finalmente, il ha un lista de e-posta active in le qual nos scribe
exclusivemente in Interlingua

- Martijn (Nederland)

Interlingua es un lingua naturalistic basate super le elementos commun de
septe major linguas europee. Per consequentia, le majoritate de su
vocabulario es de origine greco-latin. Le vocabulario es determinate per un
methodologia, non dictate per un organisation. Assi, interlingua
automaticamente se evolve secundo su "linguas-fontes".

Interlingua es designate como un secunde lingua pro communication
international. Gratias a su vocabulario vermente international e grammatica
simple, interlingua es facilissime a apprender, pro uso active e passive, pro
le major parte de gente cuje lingua maternal es un lingua europee.

Interlingua anque es le unic lingua auxiliar que es facilemente comprendite,
sia parlate sia scripte, per centos de milliones de gentes qui nunquam lo ha
apprendite, o mesmo nunquam ha audite de illo. Isto lo da un avantage unic
super altere linguas planificate como Esperanto.

Apprender Interlingua anque es un maniera facile e amusante a ganiar plus de
comprehension del elementos international de tu proprie lingua maternal.

Interlingua era primarimente publicate in 1951 per IALA (International
Auxiliary Language Association), depost quasi tres decennios de recercas
linguistic professional e pagate. Infortunatemente, un del grande sponsores
de IALA moriva justo quando le projecto era finite, e le lingua nunquam
recipeva fundos adequate pro promotion.

Nonobstante, interlingua ha essite usate con successo in conferentias e
revistas scientific. Hodie, Internet offere nove opportunitates a

Interlingua de IALA non deberea esser confundite con le "altere" Interlingua,
anque cognoscite como Latino sine Flexione, proponite per Giuseppe Peano in

Robert Stonehouse

Aug 27, 2000, 7:00:00 AM8/27/00
Ensjo <> wrote:
>Hic in mi citate il ha un interprisa que ha le motto "NON NOVA SED
>Illo significa... "Non nove, ma de novo"? ("Not new; instead, again"?)

Credo, significat 'res non novas, sed novo modo actas'.

Musca Volitans

Aug 28, 2000, 12:12:08 AM8/28/00

Ernest A. Bennett wrote in message <39a7c408@grissom>...

Ernesto M.V. SPD.

There are so many varieties of broken Latin around, it's hard to keep them
straight. There is another version of 'Latina clauda' ;-) called Interlingua,
as well as something I saw either here or on the Web called Romanova
(not presumably a dialect spoken by Tsarist pretenders!). I'd wager there
are more artificial Latins than there are Romance languages/dialects.

Not sure about his praenomen - sounds plausible - maybe he'll let us



Aug 28, 2000, 7:00:00 AM8/28/00
Car amicos de alt.language.latin:

Gratias pro explicar le signification de "non nova sed nove", mi
portugese native (io es brasiliano) me ha facite pensar que "nove"
significava "de novo", perque in portugese "novamente" = "de novo".
Ma io vide que "nove" in latino significa "in un nove modo".

"Non nove, ma in un nove modo."

Musca Volitante ha zzzzzzzzunite: :^)
> (...) There is another version of 'Latina clauda' ;-) called
> Interlingua

Le Interlingua de I.A.L.A. non es exactemente basate super le
latino, como le Interlingua de Giuseppe Peano. Ben, io crede que
Martijn ha explicate isto satisfactorimente in un altere message
de iste linea ("thread") de discussion.

Quanto a mi prenomine, illo es "Emerson"... Mi nepote (le filio
de mi fratre), quando ille era infante, non succedeva a parlar
mi nomine correctemente. Solmente "eng-sho". Io ha adoptate le
"cognomine", sub le graphia "Ensjo". ("Sj" pro le sono "sh",
como in Hollandese, per exemplo.)

Vobis gratias ago,


Ernest A. Bennett

Aug 28, 2000, 2:18:58 PM8/28/00

Ooops! Haven't let the ignorance, of which I have a wealth on a wide range
of topics, out for a gallop for quite a while. I must admit Emerson did not
occur to me. Sorry, Ensjo.


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