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EMACS TIME library Y2K bug (MIT TECO 1220, EMACS 170, Tops-20 v 7.0)

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Richard M. Alderson III

Jan 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/6/00
We noticed a bug in the TIME library (KMPTIME) on Tops-20 v 7.0, after the start of the year, when dates began to print 4-digit years. This affected, most noticeably, the fancy mode line libraries which put the time in the mode line. Since the XKL version of Tops-20 has been modified to print *only* 4-digit years, this bug affects the current monitor even if the date is set prior to 1 Jan 2000, on those systems. As a courtesy to those using the KMPTIME library, I am including the revised source below: ***************************** Start of code ***************************** !* -*- TECO -*- Library created and maintained by KMP@MC ! ** The funny name comes from fact that ! ** there is more than one TIME library !* []DXX:<EMACS>TIME.EMACS.53, 3-Jan-2000 17:27:45, Edit by ALDERSON! !* Fix the date-and-time selection code in & Get Current Time to deal with the! !* fact that Tops-20 now uses only 4-digit years ! !* Edits marked [RMA] ! !~Filename~:! !Timely macros for EMACS ! KMPTIME !& Setup KMPTIME Library:! !S Setup for using our winning macros! m.vOnly_Time_in_Modeline !* Make variables for user ! m.vTime_Only m.vSaved_Time 0fo..QOld_FS_Clk_Macro !* Maybe remember old value ! fsclkmacro m.vOld_FS_Clk_Macro 13*5fs q vector f([5) M.VMonths !* get ourselves a Q-vector :i*Jan u:5(1) !* Jan :i*Feb u:5(2) !* Feb :i*Mar u:5(3) !* Mar :i*Apr u:5(4) !* Apr :i*May u:5(5) !* May :i*Jun u:5(6) !* Jun :i*Jul u:5(7) !* Jul :i*Aug u:5(8) !* Aug :i*Sep u:5(9) !* Sep :i*Oct u:5(10) !* Oct :i*Nov u:5(11) !* Nov :i*Dec u:5(12) !* Dec !& Kill KMPTIME Library:! !& Clean up on exit ! Old_FS_Clk_Macro fsclkmacro !* Reset clock interrupt thing ! 0fsclkint !* Turn off interrupts !* Return !& Get Current Time:! !S Gets string form of time Time in 7 chars + <Space> + Date in 9 chars If q Time Only is nonzero, the just return time in 7 chars.! !* q0 = String to put in mode line !* q1 = full time (scrap) !* q5 = date [0[1[2[3[4[5[6 !* Initialize q5 to null string 0fo..Q Time_Only !* Get time only? fsdate +1"e !* If system doesn't know the time q6"n :i*No_Time !* Then say so "# :i*No_Time_&_No_Date '' !* fsdate :fsfdconvert !* Save date/time as string in q1 q6"n oSkipDate 3,5:g1 u2 !* Get day in q2 0,2:g1 u3 !* Get month # in q3 !* [RMA] Get year in q4 fsOSTeco !* [RMA] If ITS, still 2-digit years, ! !* [RMA] I guess 6,8:g1 u4' "# !* [RMA] but on Tops-20, now 4-digit ! 6,10:g1 u4' !* [RMA] years Months 3) u3 !* Get month string in q3 0:g2-48"e !* Leading zero in Day? 0:F !* Change to a space :i5_ !* q5: _Day_Month_Yr !SkipDate! !* Come here if no date wanted !* [RMA] Save minutes in q2 !* [RMA] Save hour in q3 fsOSTeco !* [RMA] ITS two-digit years need 12,14:g1 u2 !* [RMA] these offsets 9,11:g1 u3' "# !* [RMA] but Tops-20 4-digit years 14,16:g1 u2 !* [RMA] need these 11,13:g1 u3' !* [RMA] 0fo..QTime_Zone_Adjustment f"n+ 3u3!* If time zone adjustment to do q3"l !* If negative q3+24u3 !* Correct the time q6"e 1,fq5:g5u5 :i5< !>! '' !* Maybe invalidate date q3-23"g !* If bigger than 23 q3-24u3 !* Correct the time q6"e 1,fq5:g5u5 !<! :i5> '' !* Invalidate date q3:\u3 fq3-1"e :i30 ' 'w !* Correct format of q3 to string F=200 !* If its on the hour ... F=300 "e :i*Midnite_ !* Hour = 0 means midnite F=312 "e :i*12_Noon_ '' !* Hour = 12 means noon 3/12"e !* If before noon, ... :i4am !* Then Use am "# ( 3-12):\u3 !* Else put (Hour - 12) in q3 fq3-1"e :i3_ !* If only one digit, slide over :i4pm !* Use pm F=3_0 "e :i312 !* If Hour = _0, change to 12 "# F=300 "e :i312 !* (Else) If Hour = 00, change to 12! 0:g3-48"e !* If Hour begins with a 0, ... 0:F !* Make it into a blank q6"e :i* !* Return the Time and Date "# :i* !* or maybe just the Time !& Start Realtime Modeline Clock:! !S Get the realtime clock interrupts going Postcomma arg is the number of seconds to wait between updates (Default 60). Precomma arg is time will only f^E the mode line when that macro is in fsmodemacro &1"n ' "# 60' *30 fsClkInt m.v Modeline_Safe_Macro !* Precomma arg (default 0) is safe to f^E! 0 m.v Modeline_Full_Update_Time M.M &_Insert_Correct_Time_in_Mode_Line fs CLK Macro !& Enable MODLIN AutoSave:! !& Set up to run AutoSave every 5 clock updates ! 0m.vAutoSaveFlag [0[1 :i* fo..QMM_&_Periodic_Action @:i1| % AutoSaveFlag -9"g 0u AutoSaveFlag w m(m.m&_Real-time_Interrupt :i* m.vMM_&_Periodic_Action !& Insert Correct Time In Mode Line:! !S Updates modline display of time! 1,M.M &_Periodic_Action M(M.M &_Periodic_Action Modeline_Full_Update_Time 1 u Modeline_Full_Update_Time 0 u Modeline_Full_Update_Time f[inslen !* Bind insert length info Editor_Name !* Put Editor name in q0 f~..J -1-FQ0"N oSet !* If ..J is unknown, Set mode line FQ..J-(FQ0+18)"l oSet !* If ..J is short, same thing ! Modeline_Safe_Macro f"n[0 !* If a mode safe macro was named q0-(]0w fsmodemacro )"n oSet '' !* do the f^E only if a match !* Copy ..J into q0 Time_Only Saved_time !* Push Time Only on q-reg 0 ! Only_Time_in_Modeline Time_Only !* and temply set Time Only M(M.M &_Get_Current_Time !* Get current time in q1 Saved_Time Time_Only !* restore old value of Time Only ! Editor_Name +1:F !* Rplac time into mode line "e 0 !* Exit if no change to make q0 u..J !* Put new mode line in ..J !* Redisplay the mode line !* Return !Set! fs mode macro f"n[0 m0fr ]0' !* If a ModeMacro in effect, call it! !* And return ****************************** End of code ****************************** Rich Alderson Last LOTS Tops-20 Systems Programmer, 1984-1991 Current maintainer, MIT TECO EMACS (v. 170) Customer Advocacy, XKL LLC, 1993-now last name @ XKL dot COM Chief systems administrator, XKL LLC, 1998-now

Kent M Pitman

Jan 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/6/00
to (Richard M. Alderson III) writes:

> We noticed a bug in the TIME library (KMPTIME) on Tops-20 v 7.0, after the
> start of the year, when dates began to print 4-digit years. This affected,
> most noticeably, the fancy mode line libraries which put the time in the mode
> line.
> Since the XKL version of Tops-20 has been modified to print *only* 4-digit
> years, this bug affects the current monitor even if the date is set prior to
> 1 Jan 2000, on those systems.
> As a courtesy to those using the KMPTIME library,

> I am including the revised source below: [...]

Sorry about the sloppy programming. I should have anticipated that ITS Teco
was cool enough to survive into the new millenium and programmed more
defensively. (Maybe we should learn our lesson and instead of wiring in
the 6,8:g1 or 6,10:g1 just bite the bullet and search for the next non-digit
so we can survive the transition into the year 10000 without a need for
someone to bail us out...) Anyway, your fix should do as a stopgap.
Thanks for posting it.
--Kent ("kmp@mc")

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