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Mitt's Unacknowledged Son

Jul 25, 2012, 8:44:04 AM7/25/12
"Why Sally Ride waited until her death to tell the world she was gay"

Alan Boyle
American Library Association
July 24, 2012

In life, Sally Ride became famous as America's first woman in space —
and in death, she's now added to her fame as the first acknowledged
gay astronaut.

The revelation came in a low-key way: Monday's obituary from Sally
Ride Science, the educational venture she founded a decade ago,
referred to Tam O'Shaughnessy as "her partner of 27 years." A
spokeswoman for Sally Ride Science, Terry McEntee, said Ride and
O'Shaughnessy, who is the company's chief operating officer and
executive vice president, worked out the phrasing of the announcement
before Ride's death.

In an email today, Sally Ride's sister, Bear Ride, explained why the
former astronaut kept quiet about her sexual orientation.

"In her inherent Norwegian reticence — in this and so many aspects of
her personal life (wrestling with pancreatic cancer, for example) —
she just didn't talk much (see Norwegian comment, and add to that the
typical tight-lipped scientist thing)," Bear wrote. "If you read
interviews from years and years back, you'll see that there was always
a major frustration that she didn't comment much on 'how it feels to
be the first American woman in space' — she just didn't think that
way. She wanted to get the job done. Her personal feelings were just
that: personal. Not right or wrong — simply Sally. Everyone who knows
her well really got that about her."

Bear, a gay Presbyterian minister, takes a different approach.

"I'm a rather out-there advocate for LGBT [lesbian-gay-bisexual-
transgender] rights — my partner and I have even been arrested a
couple of times in public protest!" she told me. "But that's me, and
not Sally."

Here's the essay that Bear Ride has been sending around as a tribute
to her sister:

"Sally Ride was the first American woman to go into space and she
was my big sister. Sally died peacefully on July 23rd after a
courageous 17-month battle with pancreatic cancer. I was at her side.
We grew up in Encino, CA. Our parents, Joyce and Dale Ride, encouraged
us to study hard, to do our best and to be anything we wanted to be.
In 1983 Newsweek quoted our father as saying, 'We might have
encouraged, but mostly we just let them explore.' Our parents
encouraged us to be curious, to keep our minds and hearts open and to
respect all persons as children of God. Our parents taught us to
explore, and we did. Sally studied science and I went to seminary. She
became an astronaut and I was ordained as a Presbyterian minister.

"Sally lived her life to the fullest with boundless energy,
curiosity, intelligence, passion, joy, and love. Her integrity was
absolute; her spirit was immeasurable; her approach to life was
fearless. Sally died the same way she lived: without fear. Sally's
signature statement was 'Reach for the Stars.' Surely she did this,
and she blazed a trail for all the rest of us.

"My sister was a very private person. Sally had a very fundamental
sense of privacy, it was just her nature, because we're Norwegians,
through and through. People did not know she had pancreatic cancer,
this is bound to be a huge shock. For 17 months, nobody knew, and
everyone does now. Her memorial fund is going to be in support of
pancreatic cancer.

"Most people did not know that Sally had a wonderfully loving
relationship with Tam O'Shaughnessy for 27 years. Sally never hid her
relationship with Tam. They were partners, business partners in Sally
Ride Science, they wrote books together, and Sally's very close
friends, of course, knew of their love for each other. We consider
Tam a member of our family.

"I hope the pancreatic cancer community is going to be absolutely
thrilled that there's now this advocate that they didn't know about.
And, I hope the GLBT community feels the same. I hope it makes it
easier for kids growing up gay that they know that another one of
their heroes was like them."

Sex has always been a tricky topic for astronauts: In the old days,
they worried that if they didn't conform with the "Right Stuff"
stereotype, they wouldn't be picked for spaceflights. Issues such as
alcohol abuse or marital problems often were swept under the carpet.
Is it any surprise, then, that no active or former astronauts have
publicly announced that they're gay? Michael Cassutt, the author of
"Who's Who in Space," is quoted on as saying that such an
announcement would be a "career-wrecker."

Men and women have been working together on U.S. spacecraft since
Ride's history-making flight in 1983. Why not straights and gays?
Maybe Sally Ride's low-key way of coming out will represent one small
step toward greater acceptance and acknowledgment of the LGBT
contribution to the space effort. (I'm using the term "gay" here as a
catch-all word for the LGBT community. The fact that Ride was married
to fellow astronaut Steven Hawley from 1982 to 1987 makes it
complicated to categorize Ride's perspective, based on the public
record. And Buzzfeed's Chris Geidner quotes Bear Ride as saying "Sally
didn't use labels.")

Sally Ride, the first US woman in space, captured the nation's
imagination with her historic journey into space. NBC's Rehema Ellis
looks back at the intrepid astronaut's life and legacy after she lost
her battle with pancreatic cancer.

"Ride's legacy lives on"

Ride would no doubt be uncomfortable with a public discussion of her
sexuality. She was uncomfortable enough with the celebrity that
surrounded her as the first American woman in space. Based on the
comments from her family and co-workers, Ride's main concern in the
last days of her life was making sure that Sally Ride Science survived
her passing.

"I was very fortunate to spend time with her right before she passed
away," said Karen Flammer, a research physicist at the University of
California at San Diego and one of the founders of Sally Ride Science.
"We were able to talk about what she envisioned for our company, and
our legacy and her legacy."

Ride's status as a former astronaut wasn't uppermost in her mind,
Flammer told me. "Her true passion really was science education, and
inspiring more young people, particularly girls, to follow a career
path in science and technology," she said.

Since Ride's death, Sally Ride Science's donors have confirmed that
they "want to continue funding and supporting our programs," Flammer
said. "The transition will be hard, but we want to keep going as a
tribute to her."

Those programs include science camps as well as global outreach
efforts such as EarthKAM, which lets middle-school students request
pictures of Earth to be taken by a digital camera aboard the
International Space Station. "We've engaged hundreds of thousands of
middle-school students, not only in this country, but around the
world," Flammer said.

A similar program, called MoonKAM, lets kids select targets for
pictures taken by NASA's GRAIL lunar probes.

Flammer said there will be a new chief executive officer for the
company: a woman who has had experience running other educational
companies and "who is going to share all of our passions." However,
Flammer said it's still too early to announce the CEO's name.

And speaking of names, Flammer and her colleagues are looking into
somehow putting Sally Ride's name in space. "Right now, we're in the
process of working with NASA on what types of things we can do in her
honor. ... Her tribute statement always was 'Reach for the Stars.'
That's how she ended the talks she gave to students, or to adults. So
we're keeping that in mind with whatever we come up with."

But the most valuable tribute to her memory will be Sally Ride

"She never wanted the celebrity status," Flammer told me. "What she
really wanted was for her legacy to continue. This is what she wants
to survive her and live on: her name, and her science education

-̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™UsenetLegends вobдиdcaяole

Jul 25, 2012, 1:07:00 PM7/25/12
On 25 Jul., 12:44, "Mitt's Unacknowledged Son"

At least she had the decency to hide her shame from the normal world
until she croaked.


"Well he's a friend of those long haired, hippy type, pinko fags
I'll betcha he's even got a Commie flag tacked up on the wall
inside of his garage"~~The Charlie Daniels Band.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^^^ |P
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̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™bobaлdcaяole -̮̮̃-̃
Copyright © 2012
all rights reserved
News*Justice*Social Commentary
"Bringing you the ultimate uncensored truth since 1997"

"Blobby doesn't know about the forgeries I post and get away
with. That morbidly obese coward doesn't even begin to
suspect me"~~ "Pat Magroyne" aka Scott Salberg proves
once and for all he's a deceitful liar. <patmagroyne>
"I mean, it's not as if I'm bringing up "ass pounding" all the time,
or doing it right in front of you."~~ Deviant homosexual sodomite
Scott Allen Salberg, aka "Enos Penvy" convicted of battery in Broward
County Florida and currently running from the humiliation of being
outed as a convicted offender to usenet.
Image snap of Court and Conviction Record, Scott Salberg.
Conclusive evidence of the countless deceptions and forgeries
perpetrated by Scott Allen Salberg:
"That changed, the complaint to IC3 is sent, it was received, I got
the complaint number and password, and we have begun the process. It
is out of my hands. THEY contact the proper authorities down here. I
did make clear that I want this matter handled in Broward County, in
which county I reside. And I've already linked you to the precedent
in matters such as this. Too late. I've already sent the complaint.
I'm going through with this. I've had enough"~~ Just another Scott
Salberg ko0kso0t/meltdown from 2008 and we're
STILL waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting.... <LOL~!!!>

"I think we'll be seeing less of least while I'm
~Scott Allen Salberg, Resident Fool & Court Jester of APH
#1 pedophile hunters: The Urban Dictionary
#5 ruiner of usenet.
Owner and trainer of Tom Evans aka "mad as a box of frogs"
Tom Evans actual picture:
"Publicity is publicity, good or bad it's STILL publicity"~ Alice
"Did you plug the hole yet Daddy?"~~Malia Obama
Now I know why they call him tiger, "ELDRICK TONT Woods"??
LMAO!! .
"There are 1000 or more reasons for a person INNOCENT of child
molesting to kill themselves"~ Arrested filth-monger frank mccoy
"A victory for one pornographer is a victory for all of the human
race"--pedophile "XXX"
Image snap of Court and Conviction Record, Scott Salberg.
"I am so superior to you that you can't even see it"~ScottyFLL
aka "Enos Penvy" aka scott salberg-- <enospenvy>
violent criminal Broward County Fla.
"You are not decent citizens, you are sick, degenerate filth. The
fact that you attend church regularly proves it"~W.T.S.--
"Only becasue they [bestiality and necrophilia] both ARE,
[harmless] for those who get off on that sort of thing. And what
*they* do is absolutely NONE of my busines NOR any of my concern NOR
that of anyone else!!"~~Craig Chilton <r> showcases why he's
designated a ko0k even by those he claims to defend and shows his
ignorance in using a spell checker..
"I understand, you guys{The UTB} i assume you belong? have been
around forever, and are clearly a force to be reckoned with"~~Carl
<carrrrrrl> makes a correct statement for the first time in
his life

Why should I have to press one for English??? This is AMERICA .
<This space for rent>

End of messages


Jul 25, 2012, 2:20:34 PM7/25/12
First of all, I don't really care either way if she was or not.

But I think the media should take caution with regard to the word of a
family member with an agenda to push.

Interview the ex-husband and the alleged lesbian partner before going
forth with the story.

Lou Keemia

Jul 25, 2012, 4:10:12 PM7/25/12
On Jul 25, 5:07 pm, -̮̮̃-̃ ̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾ ™UsenetLegends вobдиdcaяole
It's notable to mention that she saved her family the shame of being
outed as being related to a sexual deviant. She knew it could ruin her
career if the truth was told. one has to wonder if her marriage was a
total sham or if her gate had bad hinges and swung both ways.


Jul 25, 2012, 8:29:18 PM7/25/12
On 7/25/2012 5:44 AM, Mitt's Unacknowledged Son wrote:
> "Why Sally Ride waited until her death to tell the world she was gay"
Because it shows she was a sexual deviant, and not psychologically
balanced or sound.

X ` Man

Jul 25, 2012, 8:47:54 PM7/25/12
Now that is funny. You're a flaming ass and Sally Ride was a woman of
accomplishment. Are you, perhaps, a TeaKlanner, too?


Jul 25, 2012, 10:48:04 PM7/25/12
I must be because I am not queer.

Tristan daCunha

Jul 25, 2012, 10:58:46 PM7/25/12


Group: alt.gossip.celebrities Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2012, 5:29pm (EDT-3)
From: (azjohn)
You're right on. habby; they're all a quart low.
Vacant eyes....hunger for their parner's shit and/or used tampons.
And they love kids!


Jul 26, 2012, 9:34:17 AM7/26/12
In news:juq30v$saf$ azjohn <> wrote:

> NNTP-Posting-Host:

"Algonquin J. Calhoun" <>
"Algonquin J. Calhoun, Esq." <>
"Algonquin J. Mcafee" <>
"sid9, crying about Wisconsin" <>
"Winston Smith, Prolapsed Asshole " <>
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=A7pam=DFuster?= <>
abelincoln <>
abelincoln <>
Atom <>
azcountry <>
azjohn <>
baddude <>
Billy <>
Bluesfan <"the bossman">
bobo <>
Dems crying about Walker <>
Doppelganger <>
flybd5 <>
Flybd5 <>
Flybynite5 <>
frank <>
Hector <>
Igor <>
Janet <humpm...@liberal.tx>
jetbd5 wants to suck a testicle <>
Kaufman's daughter <>
Kaufman licks testicles <>
Laquisha deBoon <>
Laquisha Liprub <>
Laquisha Liprub <spamb...@sandershouse.tx>
liberals need to bathe <>
M Mcafee <>
mcafee <>
Mcafee <>
McAfee from Mesa <>
Mikey <>
mkillian <>
NM Frank <>
Obama is bad for America <>
Obamabots are swine <>
Propecia Washington <>
Sanders Alinsky <>
Sanders daughter <>
Sanders Kaufman <>
Sanders sucks arabs <>
Sanders wants to suck your testicles <>
Shaina K <>
Shania <>
Shania <>
Shania <>
Shania <>
Shania <para...@mudshark.tx>
Shania Mudshark <>
Shania Sanders <>
sid9 <>
StopObama <>
The Shadow <>
Tireman <>
wireless <>

-- St. Paul, MN

Kris Baker

Jul 26, 2012, 12:22:13 PM7/26/12

"azjohn" <> wrote in message
Your blatherings are boring and repetitive. There's only
one reason you have to jump on any LGBT post:

You masturbate when you talk about gays, don't you?

Louis Epstein

Jul 27, 2012, 12:54:08 PM7/27/12
In alt.obituaries Mitt's Unacknowledged Son <> wrote:
: "Why Sally Ride waited until her death to tell the world she was gay"
: Alan Boyle
: American Library Association
: July 24, 2012
: In life, Sally Ride became famous as America's first woman in space ?
: and in death, she's now added to her fame as the first acknowledged
: gay astronaut.
: The revelation came in a low-key way: Monday's obituary from Sally
: Ride Science, the educational venture she founded a decade ago,
: referred to Tam O'Shaughnessy as "her partner of 27 years." A
: spokeswoman for Sally Ride Science, Terry McEntee, said Ride and
: O'Shaughnessy, who is the company's chief operating officer and
: executive vice president, worked out the phrasing of the announcement
: before Ride's death.

The announcement did not spell out that O'Shaughnessy was female.
The 27 years work out to a time during Ride's marriage to Steven Hawley.

: In an email today, Sally Ride's sister, Bear Ride, explained why the
: former astronaut kept quiet about her sexual orientation.
: "In her inherent Norwegian reticence

I'm half Norwegian and hadn't known that Ride was.

: in this and so many aspects of
: her personal life (wrestling with pancreatic cancer, for example) ?
: she just didn't talk much (see Norwegian comment, and add to that the
: typical tight-lipped scientist thing)," Bear wrote. "If you read
: interviews from years and years back, you'll see that there was always
: a major frustration that she didn't comment much on 'how it feels to
: be the first American woman in space' ? she just didn't think that
: way. She wanted to get the job done. Her personal feelings were just
: that: personal. Not right or wrong ? simply Sally. Everyone who knows
: her well really got that about her."
: Bear, a gay Presbyterian minister,

It doesn't reflect well on Presbyterians who don't see that
as oxymoronic unless "gay" is used in the "happy" sense...
note that Norwegians are typically Lutheran.

takes a different approach.
: "I'm a rather out-there advocate for LGBT [lesbian-gay-bisexual-
: transgender] rights ? my partner and I have even been arrested a
: couple of times in public protest!" she told me. "But that's me, and
: not Sally."

Better to be like Sally.

: Sex has always been a tricky topic for astronauts: In the old days,
: they worried that if they didn't conform with the "Right Stuff"
: stereotype, they wouldn't be picked for spaceflights. Issues such as
: alcohol abuse or marital problems often were swept under the carpet.
: Is it any surprise, then, that no active or former astronauts have
: publicly announced that they're gay? Michael Cassutt, the author of
: "Who's Who in Space," is quoted on as saying that such an
: announcement would be a "career-wrecker."

It's horrendous judgement for anyone to feel entitled to engage in
same-sex sexual activity,and stains one's potential as a role model.

The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.

Tristan daCunha

Jul 29, 2012, 8:47:00 AM7/29/12
Strap on Sally!
Ride Sally ride!!

Tristan daCunha

Jul 29, 2012, 8:44:25 AM7/29/12
Hey Kris; Don't you spank your menopausal monkey?
You still have your toy with the Whoopi head on it?
Yee Haww!

Tristan daCunha

Aug 2, 2012, 4:35:29 PM8/2/12
Liberated Cunt Lappers In Outer Space.
Great movie title.

Tristan daCunha

Aug 2, 2012, 4:36:54 PM8/2/12
X Man; The product of a constipated mother!

Tristan daCunha

Aug 2, 2012, 4:33:10 PM8/2/12
Bet she was a "bottom butch" and an Olympic muncher, in the home
Ride Sally Ride!!!

Tristan daCunha

Aug 2, 2012, 4:43:37 PM8/2/12
What really killed Sally is the despondency of lacking a real dick!
"Shim" had to rely on a strapon or a rapid tongue.
Tell me lezzies don't have fucked up minds, from "teen agery" on...
And they try to emulate the creatures they hate.....MEN!
Tell me these douchebags are "normal".

Just A GOP Dupe

Aug 7, 2012, 11:59:01 AM8/7/12
One thing Sally doubtless had going for her was endurance. It's said
she ran up to five miles a day during her astronaut training.

Of course, that didn't in any way strengthen her jaws or tongue.

But she probably could have kept her face/nose to the ... hind-
stone ... for up to two hours without letup. Kinda frottage-like.
Which probably resulted in many an orgasm anyway.

Ah, anchovies!
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