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One thing that ticks me off in EQ...

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Sep 29, 2001, 3:02:04 AM9/29/01
In EQ there is little that really annoys me -- going linkdead and getting
killed without the ability to defend myself properly is the one big beef I

Going linkdead happens but what annoys me is something most have seen. What
caster in his right mind would sit there (not even get up) and get killed by
things that, at times he could dust with 1 spell? Everyone has seen someone
go LD and get waxed. Everyone I have ever met in EQ has seen or had this
happen to them. The game can detect when you go linkdead (it displays it
with your name!) yet, we stand there, or sit there, getting beat to death
without defending ourselves or running away...

My 47th level druid has died numerous times from going LD. He has died
maybe 1/10th as many times from misadventure (gee what is that? POW! ok,
let's not go looking that way anymore...). 1 in 100 LD incidents he
actually finishes a fight with a victory and, to be honest, I would much
prefer he just poof and the critter get away than the exp loss and "anyone
seen my body??? I went LD and..." shouts as you hunt for your remains...

If VI wants to keep it up with this LD stuff then halve or remove the death
penalty for dieing when you go LD. If the game can detect my going LD then
it should know that there is no way in hell I would stand or sit there
getting the crap kicked out of me when I could run or gate away and, at my
level, if a critter gives exp, I sure as hell wouldn't close with it and go
toe-to-toe (suicide isn't so painless when it can take 6 or more rl hours
to get the lost exp back...)

Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid -- Povar

Ben Sisson

Sep 29, 2001, 4:06:58 AM9/29/01
On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 07:02:04 GMT, "Adelphia" <> (if
that IS his real name) disgorged:

>If VI wants to keep it up with this LD stuff then halve or remove the death
>penalty for dieing when you go LD. If the game can detect my going LD then
>it should know that there is no way in hell I would stand or sit there
>getting the crap kicked out of me when I could run or gate away and, at my
>level, if a critter gives exp, I sure as hell wouldn't close with it and go

It can't tell the difference between you going linkdead legitimately
and you yanking out the phone cord or cable. It's impossible to do,
they are exactly the same thing.

It's just one of those things about the internet you just have to live

Ben Sisson

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than
you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you
will understand why I dismiss yours." -­ Stephen Roberts


Sep 29, 2001, 5:57:16 AM9/29/01
> Going linkdead happens but what annoys me is something most have seen. What
> caster in his right mind would sit there (not even get up) and get killed by
> things that, at times he could dust with 1 spell? Everyone has seen someone
> go LD and get waxed. Everyone I have ever met in EQ has seen or had this
> happen to them. The game can detect when you go linkdead (it displays it
> with your name!) yet, we stand there, or sit there, getting beat to death
> without defending ourselves or running away...

You DO take action. the game take over, and do what IT think are the most
appropriate thing to do. Usually its running, but fighers do for example keep on
killing, but dont get XP, and the corpse poofs before it can get looted. My
level 28 troll warrior went LD killing 3 gobbos in IllOmen, my shaman friend was
all right, because i killed all 3 while i was LD.

I have also heard of casters casting spells to defend themselves, should be able
to cast every spell in book, just like when charmed.

> If VI wants to keep it up with this LD stuff then halve or remove the death
> penalty for dieing when you go LD. If the game can detect my going LD then
> it should know that there is no way in hell I would stand or sit there
> getting the crap kicked out of me when I could run or gate away and, at my
> level, if a critter gives exp, I sure as hell wouldn't close with it and go
> toe-to-toe (suicide isn't so painless when it can take 6 or more rl hours
> to get the lost exp back...)

The game CAN see if you go LD. But try to think. If im in a fight i cant win, i
just use the /q to go instantly LD and thereby not loose XP. Bad idea.

Hesten Gnyffa
Level 36 druid
Officer of Da Troll Patrol
Veeshan server


Sep 29, 2001, 7:40:49 AM9/29/01
And I bet most the people justifying (yawn, got to stop those cheaters) it
live in the US with a nice reliable connection. Im sure if they got hit by
it enough, they start whistling a different tune.

Easy to be high and mighty when youre not affected.

"Adelphia" <> wrote in message

Philippe Steindl

Sep 29, 2001, 9:21:00 AM9/29/01
Adelphia <> wrote:
[ .. ]

Yep, on purpose. If it wasn't this way, you could cut your link
and instantly drop out of game to avoid death anywhere, which
evades death. Skills like FD would not make sense anymore then.
This is a feature, not a bug :)

Joe Bott

Sep 29, 2001, 10:15:55 AM9/29/01
Hehe, dont believe for a second that everyone in the US has nice and stable
connections. After all, we do have AOL. But even then, do you honestly think
that people wouldnt take advantage of going LD if they could, every single
time they got in trouble? I dont think anyone is being high and mighty, just
sensible. It would be nice if I never had to die ever again though...


Vladesch <> wrote in message


Sep 29, 2001, 12:23:05 PM9/29/01

"Gary Beldon" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 11:57:16 +0200, Jam wrote:
> > You DO take action. the game take over, and do what IT think are the
> > appropriate thing to do. Usually its running, but fighers do for example
keep on
> > killing, but dont get XP, and the corpse poofs before it can get looted.
> I have never seen a LD character run away, they always just stand there
> stupidly.
> Approximately 90% of my deaths are from going LD, in situations where I
> would be perfectly safe if I was still in the game. A LD druid standing
> there trying to melee Chief Ry`Gorr is just ridiculous, especially when
> I could have put him down with 2 bubbles of mana.

I can vouch for the fact that LD characters run away. When my barb warrior
was much younger and still hunting in blackburrow, I went LD in mid-train
once. I was standing still near the zone to QH fighting off some gnolls
(trying to get at least a kill or two before I had to zone) when I went LD,
and when I got back on, you guessed it, I was naked in Halas. Well I went
back to BB to loot my corpse, but it was nowhere to be found. So i did a
/shout asking if anyone had seen it, and sure enough, it was about halfway
down the tunnel, nowhere near the place where I had been.

Jonathan Kolf

Sep 29, 2001, 3:19:26 PM9/29/01
Then at least the time you stand there should be reduced to about 15

Sep 29, 2001, 1:53:38 PM9/29/01
On 29 Sep 2001 15:21:00 +0200, "Philippe Steindl" <>

Heck, I dont like cheating, but I'd do it if I could, save having to
loot the corpse, rez myself etc.


Sep 29, 2001, 12:43:38 PM9/29/01
"Joe Bott" <> wrote in message

Its not like we havnt heard that a million times already.
Try dying a few times *yourself* in 54, then 55 and see how you feel about
I dont like the option of people disconnecting-cheating, but I dislike
living in fear of netdeath more. As ive said, I guess it gets down to how
good your connection is. Its easy to be generous with someone elses misery.

I suppose if neither option is aceptable, then its just bad game design.
Diablo2 let you quit out anytime, you dont have to "pull the plug", yet
people are dying a lot more than in everquest. Obviously theres no 30 second
timer like in eq, since u can just quit anytime anyway. So if your
connection goes down from time to time, its just not that big of an issue in

D2 is better than eq in so many ways, yet sucks in others, especially the
online "community" if you could call it that.

Ben Sisson

Sep 29, 2001, 2:57:57 PM9/29/01
On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 12:23:05 -0400, "norm" <> (if

that IS his real name) disgorged:


Actually, believe it or not, in this case its more likely you were
chasing a gnoll while ld, not running away from one.

Danny D Mc

Sep 29, 2001, 6:26:18 PM9/29/01
Connection really has nothing to do with it. I had a 56 K modem that had the
X2 capability and would hook up at 115K or so and went LD often. Since then, I
now have a cable modem and last night I went LD 3 times in an hour.
I grant that there would be a lot of cheating going on, but there must be a
way for the EQ program to read your ping bar. I have never gone from 0% to LD
instantly, it has always been slowly from 0% to 100%. The program should be
able to recognize the difference, but my guess is that it would cost $$$ to do
so and therefore is not an option.

Ben Sisson

Sep 29, 2001, 7:01:45 PM9/29/01
On 29 Sep 2001 22:26:18 GMT, dann...@aol.comnocamp (Danny D Mc) (if

that IS his real name) disgorged:

> I grant that there would be a lot of cheating going on, but there must be a

>way for the EQ program to read your ping bar. I have never gone from 0% to LD
>instantly, it has always been slowly from 0% to 100%. The program should be
>able to recognize the difference, but my guess is that it would cost $$$ to do
>so and therefore is not an option.

While its doing that slow countdown you are really 100% linkdead. It
just takes the total amount of linkdeathness over a period of time
when it gives you the percentage.

There is no way to tell the difference.


Sep 29, 2001, 7:41:53 PM9/29/01
> > You DO take action. the game take over, and do what IT think are the most
> > appropriate thing to do. Usually its running, but fighers do for example keep on
> > killing, but dont get XP, and the corpse poofs before it can get looted.
> I have never seen a LD character run away, they always just stand there
> stupidly.
> Approximately 90% of my deaths are from going LD, in situations where I
> would be perfectly safe if I was still in the game. A LD druid standing
> there trying to melee Chief Ry`Gorr is just ridiculous, especially when
> I could have put him down with 2 bubbles of mana.

Saw a LD druid run away once from a giant in FM.

> > I have also heard of casters casting spells to defend themselves, should be able
> > to cast every spell in book, just like when charmed.

> Really?
> I've *never* seen a LD caster cast any spells. While charmed yes, but
> not while LD.

Again, only heard of it, never seen it myself. Seen a druid start meeleeing a giant
and dying by it when LD, guess EQ thought it was the correct thing to do.

> > The game CAN see if you go LD. But try to think. If im in a fight i cant win, i
> > just use the /q to go instantly LD and thereby not loose XP. Bad idea.

> But losing a fight through LD which you should have won easily just
> isn't fair.

Nope, but life isnt always fair, neither is EQ. Never died due to LD, but died 3 times
due to some WIERD problem where a sow'ed druid (wieght 65/85, so not in any way
encumbered. No bad spells on me either) could not outrun outsowed mobs. Been killed by
a giant in GD, Cougars in IC (bad pull, got 2 adds and snare failed on the first one.
I ran a little to get away from them, didnt have time to cast a fear spell, tried that
2 more times, still no luck. Then tried running for a full min before stopping, died 3
sec later when all 3 was beating on me).

But LD have its positive sides too, the goblin incident i mentioned in the post
happened around 2 sec after we decided to zone because we were getting killed, then my
warrior beat up 3 mobs while LD, and still have 50% health when coming back.


Sep 29, 2001, 7:44:29 PM9/29/01

Well, at least the guy didnt petition over it, and ask us all to petition, like
some other unnamed *cough*EverQuestDaBest*cough* people in here.

Darren Chriest

Sep 29, 2001, 9:58:30 PM9/29/01
Adelphia wrote:
> In EQ there is little that really annoys me -- going linkdead and getting
> killed without the ability to defend myself properly is the one big beef I
> have.

Well wouldn't it be nice to yank the plug and get away from certain
death? Aint gonna happen. Get over it.


Sep 30, 2001, 1:55:23 AM9/30/01

"Ben Sisson" <> wrote in message

I hadn't even considered that, it is quite possible.


Sep 30, 2001, 4:11:05 AM9/30/01

Adelphia wrote:

Unfortunately, long before EQ came out, online gamers discovered
a way to cheat death. Quit the game when it becomes clear death
is about to ensue, or that you are about to lose, or whatever.

I recall a game called Chronx as my first introduction to this concept.
Basically a card game set up on a global ranking system, your rank
was based on a formula of some complexity, but at its heart was the
idea that when you beat someone they lost some points and you won

Some players, high ranked ones in fact, would mysteriously go link
dead just as I started to beat them. Oddly, they'd almost never
go link dead shortly before beating me. Their ranks climbed and
mine plummeted, even if I could see I was better than them... I'd
almost win two games and then actually lose one.

They were pulling the phone cords out of their modems before

Similarly, anyone playing EQ could easily fake link death when
it looked like they were going to die. There is no way for the
system to tell what happened, whether the disconnect was on
your end, at your ISP, in the pipeline, or even on the EQ server

One solution to this would be to kill you instantly on LD. A
little harsh though for those of us who aren't "Plug Pullers."

What Verant has done instead is to force your character to
stay around for a couple minutes, and -then- let you out. If
you look at your EQ time, 90% of it isn't inherantly risky,
a couple minutes standing around doing nothing usually won't
kill you.

This does penalize soloers more than the rest of us, since
we generally have partners or groupmates to help defend
us, while you will literally just sit there and die if you
get aggro while LD. On the other hand, you get all the
loot and all the exp off your kills; if you have a decent
connection, you are likely ahead of the game even factoring
the additional LD deaths in.

To help lessen the odds of this, try to med in "safe" places
(free of wandering mobs.) instead of right up where the
action is, even though if you are paying attention that forward
spot is defensible. If you are getting the disconnect on
your end, not due to server load from your fights, then the
odds are well in favor of you going LD while medding, your
most common activity.


Sang K. Choe

Sep 30, 2001, 5:38:49 AM9/30/01
On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 21:10:49 +0930, "Vladesch"
<> wrote:

>And I bet most the people justifying (yawn, got to stop those cheaters) it
>live in the US with a nice reliable connection. Im sure if they got hit by
>it enough, they start whistling a different tune.
>Easy to be high and mighty when youre not affected.

I've died to LDs at level 54 and 59.
Those are probably the worst possible levels to die in. Mad, you bet.
But remove death penalty for dying due to LD? Nope, WAY too much room
for abuse.

-- Sang.

Sang K. Choe

Sep 30, 2001, 5:44:25 AM9/30/01
On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 15:10:55 +0100, Gary Beldon <>

>> I have also heard of casters casting spells to defend themselves, should be able
>> to cast every spell in book, just like when charmed.

>I've *never* seen a LD caster cast any spells. While charmed yes, but
>not while LD.

I recall while sitting in LGuk with my group, having the shaman LD.
She stands up and casts a spell. What was the spell? Spirit of the

LD casters cast a LOT of spells.
When we did Overking back when he had that AoE LD, my rogue reported
that I was chain casting superior heals to keep myself alive after I
LDed. The same fucking spell I would fizzle a couple of bubbles of
mana, I was able to chain cast seemingly with infinite mana to keep
myself alive through the AoE nukes.

Going LD sometimes is beneficial.
For example, did you know level 57+ rogue, monk and warrior when LD
will revert to NPC mode and gain all NPC abilities? Including the
ability to ENRAGE at 10% health allowing them to riposte all attacks
for about 15 seconds.

>> The game CAN see if you go LD. But try to think. If im in a fight i cant win, i
>> just use the /q to go instantly LD and thereby not loose XP. Bad idea.

>But losing a fight through LD which you should have won easily just
>isn't fair.

Yep, thems the breaks.
People have been dealing with it for 2.5 years and still managed to
get to level 60. Suck it up and move on.

-- Sang.

Sang K. Choe

Sep 30, 2001, 5:46:14 AM9/30/01
On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 18:57:57 GMT, Ben Sisson
<> wrote:

>Actually, believe it or not, in this case its more likely you were
>chasing a gnoll while ld, not running away from one.

No, you run.
You revert to NPC mode. And just like NPCs run at low health, you
will run at low health. We call this syndrome the "dead man walking"

Happens to us a LOT in ToV when AoEs start burning down casters. They
would LD and get into "flee" mode and start pathing around the area.

-- Sang.

Ben Sisson

Sep 30, 2001, 6:09:38 AM9/30/01
On Sun, 30 Sep 2001 09:46:14 GMT,
(Sang K. Choe) (if that IS his real name) disgorged:

>On Sat, 29 Sep 2001 18:57:57 GMT, Ben Sisson
><> wrote:
>>Actually, believe it or not, in this case its more likely you were
>>chasing a gnoll while ld, not running away from one.
>No, you run.
>You revert to NPC mode. And just like NPCs run at low health, you
>will run at low health. We call this syndrome the "dead man walking"

I've seen plenty of both examples, thank you. The situation he
described was a train. A berserking gnoll (frenzying on someone) would
add to the train. The linkdead player would chase him. Thats one
possibility. Another is he was kicking the hell out of the gnoll and
IT ran. Again, the player would chase him.

I have won fights while linkdead, and found myself quite some distance
away because the running mob managed to get a fair distance before
being taken down.

Btw I have also seen linkdead players chasing mobs in ToV all the
time, especially inexperienced players who try to /q when a pull goes
wrong and aeing mobs appear.

Some of those were bitches to recover.

Corey Nelson

Sep 30, 2001, 10:26:42 AM9/30/01

If they halved or removed it then people would disconnect or quit when
they were about to die.
Corey Nelson
ride the short bus


Sep 30, 2001, 12:38:04 PM9/30/01
> It can't tell the difference between you going linkdead legitimately
> and you yanking out the phone cord or cable. It's impossible to do,
> they are exactly the same thing.
> It's just one of those things about the internet you just have to live
> with.

yeah but it could play you as an npc caster using the npc caster abilities
instead of the pc ones . Dont mind being crushed by a dragon so much as the
fact that the petrifier cockatrice that is a 2 nuke mob and a 100% sure kill
while in control that kills you automatically when ld is the problem.


Sep 30, 2001, 1:33:15 PM9/30/01

hughes wrote:

Don't be silly, if it played you as an NPC caster, you'd have twice as
many hp, three times the AC, and you'd hit for 20 times as much in
melee as you do now, plus you'd have practically unlimited mana and
almost never get interrupted from normal combat injuries... if the game
did that, standard tactic would be for casters and healers to begin
fights and then /q and log back in in three minutes to loot the bodies!



Sep 30, 2001, 8:18:48 PM9/30/01
Ummm... The idea is that I would *prefer* to just pop than do ANYTHING.

As for /q screw that... send a packet to the server on a /q.

As for anything else about it.. When their servers have problems or the net
is having problems or what have you and you go LD 2 or 3 times in an hour,
unlike your cable TV company, where you can call and shout at the company
and they will 'credit your account', you get nothing from VI for problems
they have with their systems or delivery.

I'm not asking for perfection but I am asking that they simply dump the
penalty for unstable connections... Whether it is from their end or my end.
It would *add* to the game experience for me instead of my spending hours
regaining ground that I lost from going LD.

I'm not asking them to fix the connections just dump penalties for it.

And, yes, I would prefer that they allow for the guy who wants to 'cheat' by
pulling the phone jack/network cable, etc... to go LD. It takes between 15
and 30 seconds of no traffic for you to drop out and be LD so, if you can't
make it that 15 to 30 seconds, you are toast at full penalty.

comming back from LD, the game can tell I died that way. The 'player
selection screen' shows me with shield and weapon but NO equipment. i know
before even going into the game fully after a LD incident whether I survived
or not.

Sanity is optional... You don't have to exercise your options.
Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid
Povar Server


Sep 30, 2001, 8:39:32 PM9/30/01

how can a frost giant at half health (about half green to me) kill me from
full health when I have calafaction, firestrike, grasping roots loaded and
at 80 mana AND in wolf form. dropping both spells one after the other drops
a frostie by over a full bubble of health.

I really don't care about 'continuing' what I care about is just dump me.

Most everyone (guess what -- you are truely an exception) I talk to has died
far more from going LD than from any other incident type in the game. If it
was going to cast any single spell then the 1 I would appreciate the most
would be GATE... I really don't care about the piddeling exp I get from 1
stupid kill vs the 10 to 20 kills I have to do to make up for 1 death.

if they dumped LD folks, the ones who would take the biggest beating would
be clerics -- look at all those 100pp+ per rez they would lose... <grin>

As for your 2.5 years... Guess what... I was here at the start too so your
"I've been here longer and know more" bs ain't a gonna cut it. In case you
don't remember... LD never showed back then. it was put in along with the
"keep fighting" logic to prevent the PvP folks from disconnecting from a
fight so they wouldn't lose their stuff on the PvP servers. Well, from
population density on servers, PvP never flew that well in the game -- the
'blue' servers always won for populations so it would be nice if they took
care of the mainstream players more instead of catering to the slaughter
house sniper jerks from UO land.

I won't go into the 2.5 years of requests from roleplay folks for a RP
server. There are a lot of variants on the 'kill your neighbor' servers but
I have yet to see 1 server setup for Roleplay use exclusively... (and, yes
I know about how hard it is to define "roleplay"... even the folks who do
it can't agree on a fixed definition but, you have how many flavors of kill
your neighbor now and not even 1 attempt at a RP server..)

Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid
Povar Server

"Sang K. Choe" <> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 8:47:36 PM9/30/01
If it takes 30 seconds for the game to sense a LD person then you are LD for
at least 30 more now, then the 30 seconds sense would probably not save
you... Most folks couldn't "cheat" if it drops you for being LD after the
30 seconds no ping from the client.

Only way you could save yourself via a "cheat" from it would be if you were
in way over your head, rooted and couldn't get away with close to full
health... then pulling the plug for the 30 seconds timer to start *might*
save you but those incidents would be rare on non PvP servers.

If they want to prevent the PvP "cheating" that used to happen then leave
that code in place on PvP servers only (another exception to the normal
servers rules) and let the rest of us game in peace without the fear of LD
getting you killed with the frequency it does now...

Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid
Povar Server

<> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 8:49:27 PM9/30/01
A long time ago -- prior to PvP servers, it used to dump you at LD point.

The code was changed to keep PvP people from "cheating" by unplugging if
they got in trouble...

Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid
Povar Server

"Jonathan Kolf" <> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 8:53:29 PM9/30/01
Nope, I didn't.

I did petition when the fiber cables getting cut was announced and I was
going LD every 20 to 30 minutes... Reason: VI knew they were having
problems. I was trying to play and got killed 2 times for it because of
LD... the rep simply said "we are not responsible"...

As for the LD keep fighting, I was reminded of back prior to the first PvP
server being set up... LD meant you were dropped back then. PvP folks
would disconnect if they got in trouble to keep from getting killed so the
"keep fighting" code was added. I'm not asking for a lot when I say, on
'blue' production servers, simply put back the old code...

Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid
Povar Server

"Jam" <> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 9:01:32 PM9/30/01
Ok, Mr braindead... 30 seconds until it senses you are LD. You can still
get killed that way by pulling the plug. The code was changed for the PvP
players because it could easily take far longer than that for 2 players to
duel it out and, if one got in trouble, they did just what you are
describing so, instead of putting it only on the PvP servers, it was put on
all the servers.

just put the old code back for the 'blue' servers and let the PvP folks deal
with the grief because they have the need for it (can't have your neighbor
getting away alive after all)...

"ain't gonna happen"... Nope. you are right. why should VI put the code
back if people don't care... After all, they make their money from you
being on-line and regaining exp from dieing puts you on line that much
longer.. Then again, 'twinking' was officially cheating back then too...
The other week, the logon message was about being careful on transfering
equipment between characters incase you lose it so things do change if
people insist on that...

Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid
Povar server

"Darren Chriest" <dchriest@!NOSPAM!> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 9:11:11 PM9/30/01
Your rational on why the stick around code was put in is exactly why it was
put there... For PvP servers. On the 'blue' servers, it wasn't needed. 15
to 30 seconds with no packet traffic dumped you from the game entirely.

As for solo vs group, true, solo gets you loot, higher risk, less up time,
etc... I have 'sat there' meditating through getting killed while LD due to
a heal of a group member. I went LD and was killed sitting... group said I
never even stood up. Just sat there taking full non-modified damage...
Hell, you can't sit through getting beat on if on-line... First hit, you

How about a puller who goes LD? Runs into the building, hits the mob and
goes LD... Happened to me and I've seen it happen to others too...

There is no special mass re-write needed to 'fix' the problem. They just
put the old LD code back on 'blue' servers and leave it the way it is on PvP
servers. This way, those who wish to kill one another don't end up losing
the kill due to a guy pulling the plug and those of us who enjoy the other
aspects of the game don't have to pay the penalty for the PvP cheat
protections... 15 to 30 seconds to disconnect is still quite a long time if
in a fight...

Kothall Landrunner
47th druid
Povar Server
"Lance" <> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 9:14:20 PM9/30/01
then put back the old LD code... 15 to 30 seconds until it senses you are
LD (as is the case now). Once it senses it (puts the [LD] above your head),
drop the user as it used to be done...

Only on PvP servers keep the minute long code... that way the 'blue'
servers don't have to be penalized for the PvP cheats...

Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid
Povar Server

"Sang K. Choe" <> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 9:16:34 PM9/30/01
Again, like i said to others, put the old code back... 30 seconds no
traffic until you go LD but no LD on 'blue' servers... Just disconnect.
That is how it used to be prior to PvP servers... The code was changed for
PvP to keep cheats from avoiding death in fights... Leave it on those

Kothall Landrunner
47th Druid
Povar Server

"Corey Nelson" <> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 9:22:12 PM9/30/01

/q should send a packet to the server saying it is quiting... unplugged is
different but, if they want to 'fix' the problem, put the old disconnect
code back in for 'blue' servers...

30 seconds until it senses LD and then you drop. No LD after the 30 seconds
of no packets, just disconnected on non PvP servers.

"Lance" <> wrote in message


Sep 30, 2001, 12:51:24 PM9/30/01

"Sang K. Choe" <> wrote in message

Pretty much. What happens these days if theres an overpull in Hate? The
raid wipes out, and you hope a cleric camped. Instead it would be "Too many,
too many, everyone /quit!" And the entire raid logs in a few minutes later
with one or two dead.


Sep 30, 2001, 2:24:52 PM9/30/01
"bizbee" <> wrote in message
> Yn erthygl <9p55ie$avu$>, sgrifenws "Jenn"
> <>:
> >I wish they'd let you choose whether or not you want the AI to take over
> >when you die. It is frustrating to die but even more frustrating when you
> >can't find your corpse, IMO.

Or when you die, can't find your corpse and figure the only place it can be
is somewhere you shouldn't go (Yet.) (Because of low levels, not strong
enough, etc.)

> Three words:
> "chipped bone rod"

Yeah. And other PCs can be helpful too.

Anyway, it was just a suggestion..



Sep 30, 2001, 9:01:05 PM9/30/01

"Adelphia" <> wrote in message

> Ummm... The idea is that I would *prefer* to just pop than do ANYTHING.
> As for /q screw that... send a packet to the server on a /q.

Which would solve nothing. People would disconnect the cord from thier
modem, or Ctrl Alt Delete and close Everquest. /q is the most convenient way
to simulate a linkdeath, not the only one. And the others are undetectable
to the server.


Oct 1, 2001, 4:08:48 PM10/1/01

I agree. You just have to take the attitude of grin-and-bear-it. You
can't expect VI to implement an abusable solution to going LD.



Oct 1, 2001, 6:52:49 PM10/1/01
You will not evade me, "Adelphia" <>:

>/q should send a packet to the server saying it is quiting... unplugged is
>different but, if they want to 'fix' the problem, put the old disconnect
>code back in for 'blue' servers...

/q isn't the potential problem, people yanking the phone line out of
the wall to avoid a fight would be.

Celaeno Duskwalker
Fier'dal wanderer of Erollisi Marr


Oct 1, 2001, 11:17:48 PM10/1/01
> Don't be silly, if it played you as an NPC caster, you'd have twice as
> many hp, three times the AC, and you'd hit for 20 times as much in
> melee as you do now, plus you'd have practically unlimited mana and
> almost never get interrupted from normal combat injuries... if the game
> did that, standard tactic would be for casters and healers to begin
> fights and then /q and log back in in three minutes to loot the bodies!

When you kill something ld the body poofs so no loot :p

What should really be done is they should increase the caster ld abilities
to the point where the average caster avatar and the ld caster npc where
equivalent . It would mean that trivial mobs no longer killed ld casters
while letting only incompetent cheaters get a benifit from going ld


Oct 2, 2001, 9:14:50 AM10/2/01

hughes wrote:

> > Don't be silly, if it played you as an NPC caster, you'd have twice as
> > many hp, three times the AC, and you'd hit for 20 times as much in
> > melee as you do now, plus you'd have practically unlimited mana and
> > almost never get interrupted from normal combat injuries... if the game
> > did that, standard tactic would be for casters and healers to begin
> > fights and then /q and log back in in three minutes to loot the bodies!
> When you kill something ld the body poofs so no loot :p

True, but that only applies if you actually get the kill, like any NPC,
its quite possible to have your LD groupmate help in the fight but
not get the kill.

Some of my fondest memories are in my high 30s, using the
coldain wolves to help me "solo" drakkal dire wolves, and later
Frosties. Really made me feel like a "coldain with a tan" to
get so much help from one of the rare cleric pets like that.


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