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Circlet of Shadows

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jaZZmanian Devil

Aug 16, 2002, 7:13:21 AM8/16/02
Ok... can somebody explain for me exactly what it is about the
"pre-nerf" version of this item that makes is such a "cat's pajamas"
item that it's selling for anywhere from 30 to 45K PP and people are
fighting to get it?

Correct me if I'm looking up the wrong one, but the stats on this thing
are total crap, and it's only redeeming feature is an instant cast right
click invis. Now sure, that invis is a pretty nice feature, but isn't
this usable only by SKs and Necros??? And again, correct me if I'm
wrong, but aren't these two classes who can cast a free, two second cast
time invis on themselves any old time they want anyway? And if they
happen to be Dark Elves they can even HIDE ferkrissakes!

Unless this is way different from my wizard's invis spell, you get a
warning shortly before it fades. ("You feel as if you are about to
appear.") No matter where I've been sneaking around invis, I've never
had it fading in a spot where I couldn't run over out of the aggro range
of any local mobs and cast another one.

Or is it usable by all classes from the inventory? I can see where a
monk or a warrior would pay through the nose for an item like this, but
a Necro or SK?? What am I missing? What makes this item so damned

jaZZ md
- - - -
"As long as we're offering him advice, we could add this: Instead of
taking up tailoring, get a ball peen hammer and whack yourself on the
head every 15 minutes. Over all, it's certainly less painful, and very
probably more productive."
-- Lokari


Aug 16, 2002, 7:43:08 AM8/16/02

"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message

> Ok... can somebody explain for me exactly what it is about the
> "pre-nerf" version of this item that makes is such a "cat's pajamas"
> item that it's selling for anywhere from 30 to 45K PP and people are
> fighting to get it?
> Correct me if I'm looking up the wrong one, but the stats on this thing
> are total crap, and it's only redeeming feature is an instant cast right
> click invis. Now sure, that invis is a pretty nice feature, but isn't
> this usable only by SKs and Necros??? And again, correct me if I'm
> wrong, but aren't these two classes who can cast a free, two second cast
> time invis on themselves any old time they want anyway? And if they
> happen to be Dark Elves they can even HIDE ferkrissakes!

Only Rogues get the message to tell them that hide was successful, Dark Elf
natural ability (as with wood elves) will often take a few attempts to get
to work, only way you can tell is by either being told by another player or
by con'ing something that doesn't already con as indifferent. SK's actually
get hide as a skill at 35 but it caps at 75.

I have not seen one used but from what I was told it enabled SK's and
Necro's to pull with the same efficiency as a monk.
With their FD spell not being as good (casting time, not instant effect) the
instant invis helps split adds as only the mob you engaged holds aggro when
invis is used...obviously you become visible on each hit from the aggro'd
mob but chain casting it would apparently get rid of the extras. This was
why it was nerfed.
I could be completely wrong about that, again this what I have been told and
not what I have seen done.

I was offered one for 500pp before the patch that nerfed them...couldn't
think of any real use for it at the time so didn't take the seller up on it.
the bruising I gave myself after the patch took weeks to clear :¬)

They are no where near 30k on Bristlebane, more around the 10k mark now.


jaZZmanian Devil

Aug 16, 2002, 8:21:22 AM8/16/02
Freeman wrote:

> I have not seen one used but from what I was told it enabled SK's and
> Necro's to pull with the same efficiency as a monk.
> With their FD spell not being as good (casting time, not instant effect) the
> instant invis helps split adds as only the mob you engaged holds aggro when
> invis is used...obviously you become visible on each hit from the aggro'd
> mob but chain casting it would apparently get rid of the extras. This was
> why it was nerfed.

So it makes a necro or SK as good of a puller on raids as a monk. This
is worth tens of thousands of plat? Are monks that rare on any server?
And for soloing, particularly for necros, it kills your pet as soon as
you use it. I'm not seeing it.

> They are no where near 30k on Bristlebane, more around the 10k mark now.

Welcome to Xev. If they ever let people transfer servers with all their
gear, they should just triple your plat before coming to Xev, since
everything will cost you that much more anyway.


Aug 16, 2002, 8:49:11 AM8/16/02

"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message

> Freeman wrote:
> > I have not seen one used but from what I was told it enabled SK's and
> > Necro's to pull with the same efficiency as a monk.
> > With their FD spell not being as good (casting time, not instant effect)
> > instant invis helps split adds as only the mob you engaged holds aggro
> > invis is used...obviously you become visible on each hit from the
> > mob but chain casting it would apparently get rid of the extras. This
> > why it was nerfed.
> So it makes a necro or SK as good of a puller on raids as a monk. This
> is worth tens of thousands of plat? Are monks that rare on any server?
> And for soloing, particularly for necros, it kills your pet as soon as
> you use it. I'm not seeing it.

Wasn't thinking of raids, this thing is usable at 20th level (that's 10
levels before an SK gets Gather Shadows) but re-reading my post it came out
wrong. The reason it was nerfed was that by chain casting it you could split
mobs easier and by using it with FD you could loose aggro far easier. I was
just trying to explain what was, apparently, desirable about the pre nerf
one in the first place. It costs a fortune as it no longer drops in it's
instacast state and people will pay for that, more money than sense. How
much will people pay for mana stones on Xev? How many zones can they
actually be used in?

Considering the amount of mobs you are likely to encounter, on a high level
raid, that see invis I doubt it's much use on one at all.


jaZZmanian Devil

Aug 16, 2002, 10:03:46 AM8/16/02
That brings up another question. And I'm really hoping I haven't played
2+ years with a total misunderstanding of this. But it deals with how
invis and the mob's aggro/hate list work together.

It was my impression that, once you were on a mob's hate list (had
aggro'd it) that invis would not work on that mob for as long as you
were on the list. So let's say you have Mob_01 and Mob_02 standing
together. You'd like to kill them, but you can't solo them both. The
problem is, that if you run up and aggro Mob_01, he will share his aggro
with Mob_02 and they will *both* come scampering merrily along to chat
with you about ruining their homelands, etc.

Now, if you suddenly start clicking on your CoS and turning invis, since
the hate list has been shared, won't they *both* still keep following
you? And if you FD successfully, then they're both going to stop anyway.
You have to be standing to cast a spell, right, so it's not like you can
just stand up and click CoS because you'll be back on the hate list
agin, no?

Not to mention that this brings into play the problem of the higer level
SK and Necro using this. You're probably fighting all mobs who are above
level 35 by then, and they always have a chance of remembering you after
the FD, yes?

The more I think about this, the more useless this extremely expensive
items seems for the necros and SK's, particularly at higher levels.
Again, if a warrior or monk could use it, it would be heaven, I'm sure.

So why do the necro and SK web sites seem to literally *scream* that you
MUST go get a pre-nerf CoS?

Dream King

Aug 16, 2002, 10:06:59 AM8/16/02
jaZZmanian Devil <> wrote:

>Freeman wrote:
>> I have not seen one used but from what I was told it enabled SK's and
>> Necro's to pull with the same efficiency as a monk.
>> With their FD spell not being as good (casting time, not instant effect) the
>> instant invis helps split adds as only the mob you engaged holds aggro when
>> invis is used...obviously you become visible on each hit from the aggro'd
>> mob but chain casting it would apparently get rid of the extras. This was
>> why it was nerfed.
>So it makes a necro or SK as good of a puller on raids as a monk. This
>is worth tens of thousands of plat? Are monks that rare on any server?
>And for soloing, particularly for necros, it kills your pet as soon as
>you use it. I'm not seeing it.

I paid 6k for mine about 6 months ago. It was worth it. Is it worth
30k+? Not in my opinion but I wouldn't sell mine if someone offered me
30k. Insta-invis is just too nice to give up.


Aug 16, 2002, 10:12:39 AM8/16/02

Freeman <> wrote in message

> How
> much will people pay for mana stones on Xev? How many zones can they
> actually be used in?
There's a manastone in Ant Bayle Bazaar... only 1 MILLION plat

... and the Mojo Robe came down from 80k to 75 :o)


Aug 16, 2002, 10:17:06 AM8/16/02

Dream King <> wrote in message

> I paid 6k for mine about 6 months ago. It was worth it. Is it worth
> 30k+? Not in my opinion but I wouldn't sell mine if someone offered me
> 30k. Insta-invis is just too nice to give up.

Does the insta-cast activate while running? (Like I hear J-Boots do)


Aug 16, 2002, 10:12:52 AM8/16/02
"rcsmiley" <> wrote in message

> There's a manastone in Ant Bayle Bazaar... only 1 MILLION plat

geez. these have been sold for as low as 70k on prexus (PRE bazaar)



Aug 16, 2002, 10:21:50 AM8/16/02

-Martin <> wrote in message
lol... I don't think the guy's seriously expecting to sell...

although if I had a million, I'd be tempted

heck, anyone who's capable of collecting a milion plat shouldn't have too
much trouble getting 2 :o)


Aug 16, 2002, 10:15:58 AM8/16/02
"rcsmiley" <> wrote in message

> Does the insta-cast activate while running? (Like I hear J-Boots do)



R. Hoogenboom

Aug 16, 2002, 11:08:34 AM8/16/02

"-Martin" <> wrote in message

ah that makes more sense why the item is worth so much...
And is it an ALL/ALL item too?


Aug 16, 2002, 11:16:11 AM8/16/02
"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message

I always thought it works the way you describe it Jazz, but, he is saying
that if you have not actually engaged the mob, when you invis, you drop off
it's hate list. Interesting, I'll have to try that.

Graeme Faelban, Barbarian Luminary of 55 seasons, Erollisi Marr <The
Tainniel, Halfling Warrior of 29 seasons, Erollisi Marr <The Appointed>
Ganwein, Wood Elf Ranger of 15 seasons, Erollisi Marr <The Appointed>
Giluven, Wood Elf Druid of 15 seasons, Erollisi Marr <Decadence>
Graeniel, High Elf Enchanter of 21 seasons, Erollisi Marr <The Appointed>


Aug 16, 2002, 11:33:27 AM8/16/02
Dream King wrote:


> I paid 6k for mine about 6 months ago. It was worth it. Is it worth
> 30k+? Not in my opinion but I wouldn't sell mine if someone offered me
> 30k. Insta-invis is just too nice to give up.

lol, make up your mind! :) first you say it's not worth 30k, then,
in the same breath you say that it's worth _more_ than 30k.

Kaev <-- who doesn't have 30k and couldn't use it anyway


Aug 16, 2002, 11:38:07 AM8/16/02
"R. Hoogenboom" <> wrote in message

> ah that makes more sense why the item is worth so much...
> And is it an ALL/ALL item too?

No. It is SK/Necro usable


Dream King

Aug 16, 2002, 11:54:00 AM8/16/02
kaev <> wrote:

>Dream King wrote:
>> I paid 6k for mine about 6 months ago. It was worth it. Is it worth
>> 30k+? Not in my opinion but I wouldn't sell mine if someone offered me
>> 30k. Insta-invis is just too nice to give up.
>lol, make up your mind! :) first you say it's not worth 30k, then,
>in the same breath you say that it's worth _more_ than 30k.

I did make up my mind. I'm saying I wouldn't buy one for 30k. But now
that I have one I wouldn't sell mine for 30k either. Same for Holgresh
Elder Beads. It's just one of those items I wouldn't sell no matter what
someone offered.

Dream King

Aug 16, 2002, 11:56:31 AM8/16/02
"R. Hoogenboom" <> wrote:

No. It's SK/Necro. And it can be activated from inventory as well ala
jboots I think. It's been awhile since I've played my SK so I forgot
where I put it.


Aug 16, 2002, 12:12:41 PM8/16/02
Dream King wrote:

Fascinating. I will never cease to be amazed at how people can hold
contradictory positions/beliefs without apparent discomfort:
"I wouldn't buy one for 30k" values the item at less than 30k,
"I wouldn't sell mine for 30k" values the item at more than 30k.
Paradox _is_ the spice of life.

Kaev <-- dunno what paradoxes I hold true, but not doubting they exist

Jim Monk

Aug 16, 2002, 12:19:13 PM8/16/02
kaev wrote:

> Dream King wrote:
> > I did make up my mind. I'm saying I wouldn't buy one for 30k. But now
> > that I have one I wouldn't sell mine for 30k either. Same for Holgresh
> > Elder Beads. It's just one of those items I wouldn't sell no matter what
> > someone offered.
> Fascinating. I will never cease to be amazed at how people can hold
> contradictory positions/beliefs without apparent discomfort:
> "I wouldn't buy one for 30k" values the item at less than 30k,
> "I wouldn't sell mine for 30k" values the item at more than 30k.
> Paradox _is_ the spice of life.
Makes sense to me.

If I have not got one now I would pay say 6k for it.
Now that I have one I would not sell it for 30K cause I don't know when
the next one will turn up for less than that in the bazaar.

Sure I could take the risk and sell for 30k and upgrade some other stuf
and keep waiting for another to show up for 6k, but is it worth the risk



Aug 16, 2002, 12:34:55 PM8/16/02
<> wrote:
> Ok... can somebody explain for me exactly what it is about the
> "pre-nerf" version of this item that makes is such a "cat's pajamas"
> item that it's selling for anywhere from 30 to 45K PP and people are
> fighting to get it?
> Correct me if I'm looking up the wrong one, but the stats on this thing
> are total crap, and it's only redeeming feature is an instant cast right
> click invis. Now sure, that invis is a pretty nice feature, but isn't
> this usable only by SKs and Necros??? And again, correct me if I'm
> wrong, but aren't these two classes who can cast a free, two second cast
> time invis on themselves any old time they want anyway? And if they
> happen to be Dark Elves they can even HIDE ferkrissakes!

Try to tag a dragon, then invis and run back through another 20 dragons to
get that single dragon back to your raid force. Now try it with an
instant-cast invis item. Neat how you lived on that second try.

Try to FD underneath a dragon's feet in a total wipe of a raid. Now stand
up and pull corpses away without dying...

Should I go on? Instant invis is a powerful thing. I wouldn't go so far as
to call it overpowering, but it's very very handy.

> Unless this is way different from my wizard's invis spell, you get a
> warning shortly before it fades. ("You feel as if you are about to
> appear.") No matter where I've been sneaking around invis, I've never
> had it fading in a spot where I couldn't run over out of the aggro range
> of any local mobs and cast another one.

There's plenty of places that you won't be able to find a non-aggro range

> Or is it usable by all classes from the inventory? I can see where a
> monk or a warrior would pay through the nose for an item like this, but
> a Necro or SK?? What am I missing? What makes this item so damned
> desirable?

If monks could use it, it'd cost 200k. I'd pay it too.

Good thing for me, I have a pre-nerf circlet. Now one of these days I may
start a SK or necro twink to give it to. :) Until then it sits on my
bazaar mule selling at 50k. I have no real desire to sell it, but it's
gotta sit on a mule anyway.

Of course I had no real desire to sell my gold inlaid ulak either, until
some sucker paid the utterly outrageous price I had on it. Oh well, now I
can buy a dozen circlets. :)


Aug 16, 2002, 12:38:43 PM8/16/02
Jim Monk wrote:

Oh, I can understand it. In fact, thinking it over, I wouldn't sell
my Argent Protector for 20k despite its alleged value of 12k, nor
would I pay 20k for it if I didn't have it because of its alleged
value of 12k (actually I bought it for 7k). But, the fact that the
sentiment is understandable is not the same as it making "sense"
(i.e. being logical). My understanding of it is keyed to sharing
an equivalently illogical sentiment. Successful merchant types
seem to be immune to, or able to overcome, this sort of sentiment.

Think about it this way for a moment:
DK is offerred his choice of either 30k or a pre-nerf CoS, which does
he choose?
DK's stated position, which I understand because I empathize with it
despite its illogic, gives us no guidance as to which he would choose.
His position does, however, tell us that whichever he does choose will
become more valuable to him than the other once it is in his possession
(i.e. he would not exchange one for the other, no matter which came
into his possession).

Kaev <-- who suspects that 30k would overcome his sentiment

chris the monster

Aug 16, 2002, 12:43:54 PM8/16/02

"rcsmiley" <> wrote in message ...

> Freeman <> wrote in message
> > How
> > much will people pay for mana stones on Xev? How many zones can they
> > actually be used in?
> >
> There's a manastone in Ant Bayle Bazaar... only 1 MILLION plat
> ... and the Mojo Robe came down from 80k to 75 :o)


manastone 30k on fennin



Aug 16, 2002, 12:47:23 PM8/16/02
"Freeman" <> wrote in

> Only Rogues get the message to tell them that hide was successful

/Hail man

You just answered the most difficult enygma I had to solve on
Norrath, with this Hide and no success/fail message.

Tunare be your protector until you die, old and in peace.

Wood Elf blacksmith druid from Kelethin


Aug 16, 2002, 1:30:05 PM8/16/02
In article <9K779.13625$>, says...

Exactly what is a Mojo Robe?


jaZZmanian Devil

Aug 16, 2002, 1:37:30 PM8/16/02
Faned wrote:

> Try to tag a dragon, then invis and run back through another 20 dragons to
> get that single dragon back to your raid force. Now try it with an
> instant-cast invis item. Neat how you lived on that second try.
> Try to FD underneath a dragon's feet in a total wipe of a raid. Now stand
> up and pull corpses away without dying...
> Should I go on?

Yes, please do! :-) No, I'm not being sarcastic. Ok. You've identified,
as other have, how a necro or SK on a raid in a high end zone could take
the place of a monk for pulling and CR work if you don't have a monk.
(Ok, in your examples, he might even be *better* than the monk.) But
it's not like you can't do those raids with monks, right? I mean, do you
raid one of these areas and say, "Oh fuck. The SK with the pre-nerf CoS
didn't show up. Everybody go home." So basically, for the "average
player" and even some higher end players, it sounds like this is a VERY
situational item that's not *needed* that much, and sounds like zero
help for one of those two classes that are soloing or grindin xp in a
group. Can you give me other examples? (Please note, I'm not arguing
*against* having one. Just that this came up on our group, and I'm
shocked at the cost of these things, and how highly the necro and SK
community seem to regard them, and frankly I still can't see what makes
them so damned expensive beyond the novelty of having a "pre-nerf" one.)

> Instant invis is a powerful thing. I wouldn't go so far as
> to call it overpowering, but it's very very handy.

I'll definitely give you "handy" but I certainly wouldn't call it even
necessary, say nothing of "powerful" unless it's in the extremely
specific high-end raid puller situation you describe above.

> There's plenty of places that you won't be able to find a non-aggro range
> spot.

Ok. I'll grant you that. But I'm generally not running around solo in
Hate, Fear, or ToV. ;-) (Ok, Hate, but that was just once. Long story.)

> Good thing for me, I have a pre-nerf circlet. Now one of these days I may
> start a SK or necro twink to give it to. :) Until then it sits on my
> bazaar mule selling at 50k. I have no real desire to sell it, but it's
> gotta sit on a mule anyway.
> Of course I had no real desire to sell my gold inlaid ulak either, until
> some sucker paid the utterly outrageous price I had on it. Oh well, now I
> can buy a dozen circlets. :)

You sold an item for .... *choke*... 600 THOUSAND PLAT? Ok. I dont'
know what the hell a gold inlaid ulak is, but I'm guessing it's a hell
of a lot nicer than something with a right click invis. he he.


Aug 16, 2002, 1:55:47 PM8/16/02
jaZZmanian Devil wrote:

I would expect it's a great aid for pulling when the puller is high
enough to not get chain agro while still being subject to proximity
agro. I've pulled from the "tower" in LGuk with my 53 paladin by
positioning myself out of proximity agro range and casting Holy Might
(6 second stun) followed by IVU and then running to the pull spot
thru a fairly large number of mobs that would agro me if I weren't
invis. The SK or Necro using the pre-nerf circlet wouldn't need the
long stun to get their invis off, just pull with spell/arrow and
click/run (obviously the circlet would be used in a different zone).
Plus with the ability to click on the run they would be able to recast
if they got an immediate Invis starts to wear-off. Sounds like a
helluva deal to me anytime you have a long pull thru non-see-invis
mobs (again assuming high enough to not get chain-agro).

Kaev <-- loves to pull, wishes there were more zones he could do it


Aug 16, 2002, 1:46:57 PM8/16/02
"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message

> Ok... can somebody explain for me exactly what it is about the
> "pre-nerf" version of this item that makes is such a "cat's pajamas"
> item that it's selling for anywhere from 30 to 45K PP and people are
> fighting to get it?

It's instant-cast. It's also really cool.

James Grahame

Aug 16, 2002, 2:11:41 PM8/16/02

"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message
> Ok... can somebody explain for me exactly what it is about the
> "pre-nerf" version of this item that makes is such a "cat's pajamas"
> item that it's selling for anywhere from 30 to 45K PP and people are
> fighting to get it?

Insta-cast Invis means that Invis never drops on you, ever. That in and
of itself is great utility. But it gets better. If you use throwing items to
pull, you can invis between when you throw and when the thing you threw hits
the target. Because Invis forces mobs to Indifferent faction, you only pull
the mob you tagged with the throwing item. The Circlet is usable from level
20. How much would you pay for an item with right-click Harmony that could
also be used indoors?

It's also pretty grim in PvP, where an opponent without See Invis can't
even keep you targetted. But most PvP players have a way of seeing invis.

> Unless this is way different from my wizard's invis spell, you get a
> warning shortly before it fades. ("You feel as if you are about to
> appear.") No matter where I've been sneaking around invis, I've never
> had it fading in a spot where I couldn't run over out of the aggro range
> of any local mobs and cast another one.

Even if a mob sees through and tags you, you can put Invis back up while
on the run. So you won't get any adds on you that can't see through


James Grahame

Aug 16, 2002, 2:14:58 PM8/16/02

"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message

> That brings up another question. And I'm really hoping I haven't played
> 2+ years with a total misunderstanding of this. But it deals with how
> invis and the mob's aggro/hate list work together.
> It was my impression that, once you were on a mob's hate list (had
> aggro'd it) that invis would not work on that mob for as long as you
> were on the list.

Correct. The key is being Invis before you get added to the hate list.
It works very much the same as sneak pulling does for a rogue - throw
something, hit Sneak before the weapon lands. You will now pull only the
thing you hit, and any mobs that get aggro passed to them where you aren't
in their rear arc.



Aug 16, 2002, 2:42:58 PM8/16/02
"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message
> Faned wrote:

> > Of course I had no real desire to sell my gold inlaid ulak either, until
> > some sucker paid the utterly outrageous price I had on it. Oh well, now
> > can buy a dozen circlets. :)
> You sold an item for .... *choke*... 600 THOUSAND PLAT? Ok. I dont'
> know what the hell a gold inlaid ulak is, but I'm guessing it's a hell
> of a lot nicer than something with a right click invis. he he.

Damage: 16
Delay: 28
Ratio: 1.75 Amazing
Str: +7 Wis: +7 Magic Resist: +7 HP: +75 Mana: +75
Weight: 0.8
Weapon Skill: Hand to Hand
Classes: Monk Beastlord
Races: Human Troll Ogre Iksar Vah Shir
Inventory Slot: Either Melee

Effect: Claw of the Savage Lord
Type: Random
Charges: Unlimited

Average reported price is 19.5k

The effect drains 75hp from the target to you.

Anybody paying 600k, or 360k, or even 72k for one of these seems like they
must be out of their minds. Or have so much money that it really just
doesn't matter.

Tim Smith

Aug 16, 2002, 3:31:19 PM8/16/02
In article <3d5cf4c7$0$232$>, Freeman wrote:
> instacast state and people will pay for that, more money than sense. How

> much will people pay for mana stones on Xev? How many zones can they
> actually be used in?

In the zones that a Manastone can be used in, it is equivalent on a Cleric
to approximately a Flowing Thought 100 item. Taking into account time
wasted getting ported back to a zone it works in, and then gating back to
where you want to be still comes out to equivalent to
something like Flowing Thought 50.

As long as there is a single zone Manastones work in, and that zone has a
Wizard or Druid port, or a Wizard translocate, Manastones will be very

I haven't worked out what a Manastone does for an epic Wizard...anyone know
the numbers offhand?

--Tim Smith

Tim Smith

Aug 16, 2002, 3:59:55 PM8/16/02
In article <>, jaZZmanian Devil wrote:
> didn't show up. Everybody go home." So basically, for the "average
> player" and even some higher end players, it sounds like this is a VERY
> situational item that's not *needed* that much, and sounds like zero help
> for one of those two classes that are soloing or grindin xp in a group.
> Can you give me other examples? (Please note, I'm not arguing

Little things add up. I learned that in a much older game, called Rogue,
but I think it applies in EQ, too. For those who are too young, Rogue was a
game from before the days of personal computers, the days when we used
computers by sitting down at terminals which were connected by serial ports
to a computer, which was shared with dozens or even hundreds of other users.

Rogue drew a map of a dungeon, using ASCII symbols, not graphics, and you
explored the dungeon, got treasure, and killed things. Rogue is an ancestor
of Nethack, which you are more likely to have heard of.

To win at Rogue, you had to get to level 26 of the dungeon, and retrieve an
amulet, and get back out. If you did that, you totally won, and it said so
on the high score list. Otherwise, your score was just how much gold you

The early versions of Rogue were very hard. There were rumours of total
winners, but most people never saw one. Later, more magical items were
added, and things were made easier, so that people could win. Before they
made it easier, there was one person I knew at Caltech who totally owned
Rogue. He would sit down at the terminal, start playing, and 30 minutes
later, he'd be a total winner. We'd watch him play, and it didn't look like
he was doing anything different than the rest of us--except he won, and we
didn't. Very occasionally, someone else would totally win...and then this
guy would come in, sit down, and put enough total winners on the high score
list to push the other person off...and we'd watch, and still not see how he
did it.

Finally, he explained it to us. He just did everything perfectly. For
example, consider exploring a dark room. He'd never take an extra step. He
would step on the minimum number of spaces necessary to explore the room.
That meant there was a *slightly* lower chance that he'd spring a trap than
the rest of us, who would not be quite so careful. Later, when coming back
through that room when running out of the dungeon, he would only step on
spaces he had stepped on when going down. The rest of us would take the
shortest path, even if it meant stepping on new spaces. Again, we had a
*slightly* higher chance of springing traps.

The traps didn't do much damage, so what's the big deal? In that particular
case, it isn't a big just meant he was, on average, at slightly
higher health than us, and so, on average, would win more fights. It might
only be 1 in 50 games that this particular thing would make a difference.
However, he had a bunch of other things like that. There were maybe 50
things he did that seemed insignificant, but each one gave him a *slightly*
better chance of winning than what the rest of us did, and when you put them
all together, he was overwhelmingly better than us.

In EQ, I think something similar happens. Maybe a CoS only gives a slight
advantage, and then only in some circumstances, but combine that with all
the other slight advantage things that the high end players do, and they add
up. Part of being uber, from what I've seen looking at some uberguild
sites, and talking to a friend who was in an uberguild, is doing all the
little things right.

--Tim Smith


Aug 16, 2002, 4:24:11 PM8/16/02

ryouseika <> wrote in message

Manna Robe (sic)

Int Caster only version of Manastone, worn as a Robe... works EVEYWHERE

Mark A. Rimer

Aug 16, 2002, 10:09:55 PM8/16/02
"James Grahame" <> wrote in message

Correct. HIDE won't work on any once you're on the hate list, but a
successful sneak is 100% effective on every mob in the game. Not
only that, but if you're pulling a single mob, you don't even have to sneak
to get through the other mobs on the path back until you get right to them.
This is handy pre-55 when sneak is still slower, but is REALLy fun and
useful at levels 58-60 when you can't really tell much difference between
sneak speed and regular speed.

Sneak pulling was how I learned to solo the lizard sentinals from the
maze in Cazic back when rogues didn't get groups in Cazic (pick-ups,
anyways) without pulling back green warders and defenders.

jaZZmanian Devil

Aug 17, 2002, 6:19:26 AM8/17/02
m0oni wrote:
> > Ok... can somebody explain for me exactly what it is about the
> > "pre-nerf" version of this item that makes is such a "cat's pajamas"
> > item that it's selling for anywhere from 30 to 45K PP and people are
> > fighting to get it?
> It's instant-cast. It's also really cool.

Well, thanks to everyone for all the answers. Sadly, in the end, it
seems that m0oni's answer is pretty much the final one. People are
charging a boatload of money for an instacast right click invis item
that's "really cool".


But yeah, at least I can see how SK's could use it for pulling better,
even when soloing.
jaZZ md
"An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a
-- Arab proverb


Aug 17, 2002, 7:57:35 AM8/17/02

"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message

> m0oni wrote:
> > It's instant-cast. It's also really cool.
> Well, thanks to everyone for all the answers. Sadly, in the end, it
> seems that m0oni's answer is pretty much the final one. People are
> charging a boatload of money for an instacast right click invis item
> that's "really cool".
> /sigh
> But yeah, at least I can see how SK's could use it for pulling better,
> even when soloing.
> --

It's more than that. As a hated necro, it's uses for traveling are
invaluable. You can pass though almost everywhere without fear of your
invis dropping at a rather inopportune time, also. Root-Rooting and don't
want an add? Insta invis and you can watch the mobs buddy blithely pass by.
I can even imagine them saying "You know, Ralph doesn't look good today. It
may be the gruel that was served for lunch, it didn't taste quite right, you
know." Need to FD and the mob won't wander away? Stand and pop invis and
they won;t come after you ("Damn! Corpse popped before I could loot! Now I
have to camp anothe necro, and they are tough!")


Aug 18, 2002, 1:50:10 AM8/18/02
In article <uad79.2141$>, says...

*snicker* The most amusing thing about that link is the under 20 chars
"wtf this isn't working I just bought it for my level 15 caster".



Aug 18, 2002, 3:43:23 AM8/18/02
On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 07:13:21 -0400, jaZZmanian Devil
<> wrote:

>Or is it usable by all classes from the inventory? I can see where a
>monk or a warrior would pay through the nose for an item like this, but
>a Necro or SK?? What am I missing? What makes this item so damned

I had one of these on my iksar SK for a long time. Aside from the
benefits in pulling that have already been mentioned, it also helps
faction worries a *lot* which really helps out these two evil classes,
especially when you're *really* hated like trolls, ogres, or iksars.
And I could run through Kael, where I'm KOS, without even breaking a
sweat, as long as I kept to a certian path. Invis only stays up a
random amount of time, and you don't want it to drop at the wrong
moment, which it always seems to have a knack for doing. With the CoS,
you didn't have to worry about having to stop and recast invis, while
taking the chance that a nasty mob might spot you. When I retired the
char, I sold it to a friend.


If you can't figure out my address, you need help.


Aug 19, 2002, 6:30:30 AM8/19/02
"Richard" <> wrote in message

> Damage: 16
> Delay: 28
> Ratio: 1.75 Amazing
> Average reported price is 19.5k
> The effect drains 75hp from the target to you.
> Anybody paying 600k, or 360k, or even 72k for one of these seems like they
> must be out of their minds. Or have so much money that it really just
> doesn't matter.

I don't believe that, no way.

A) Its not even remotely near being a high end monk weapon
B) It comes from a gimp mob (The Va'Dyn) who could be killed with 2 groups
C) Its common as hell

Btw as a price guide on Prexus, a SoD is around 500kpp. It dropped from the
original ST warders (so is very limited) and is a pretty nice warrior taunt
weapon. Can you think of better outside the +hate ssra/aow ones?



Aug 19, 2002, 6:53:44 AM8/19/02
On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 19:59:55 -0000, Tim Smith
<> told the world:

>Rogue drew a map of a dungeon, using ASCII symbols, not graphics, and you
>explored the dungeon, got treasure, and killed things. Rogue is an ancestor
>of Nethack, which you are more likely to have heard of.
>To win at Rogue, you had to get to level 26 of the dungeon, and retrieve an
>amulet, and get back out. If you did that, you totally won, and it said so
>on the high score list. Otherwise, your score was just how much gold you

>--Tim Smith

Still got it, still play it. Keeps the boredom away when customers are
being particularly tiresome on the phone.


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