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Thank god! 50% exp loss cutdown on dying

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May 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/25/99
Now I can continue playing without the feeling that I'm wasting my time.
For the past week, I would play my lvl 14 paladin for hours at a time, then
I would die and lose about half a bubble which took a LONG time to get.
Then usually on my way back to corpse I'd die again. So that's a full
bubble. So in fact, I just wasted my whole day running 2 steps forward and
3 steps back. This is exactly what this game needed.

David Schrank

May 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/25/99
While dying sucks, I thought the challenge level was about right before. I was
14 for 2 weeks due to death. I think they should only reduce the death cost for
people under 10. It should be hard to level at high levels. I think they had to
do this due to the chance of random death (ala griffins giants ect in say the
commons, the hero in steamfont ect). Why not reduce the chance of random death
and just return the exp death thing to normal or double it?

Mark S

May 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/25/99
Drac wrote:

> Now I can continue playing without the feeling that I'm wasting my
> time.
> For the past week, I would play my lvl 14 paladin for hours at a time,
> then
> I would die and lose about half a bubble which took a LONG time to
> get.
> Then usually on my way back to corpse I'd die again. So that's a full
> bubble. So in fact, I just wasted my whole day running 2 steps
> forward and
> 3 steps back. This is exactly what this game needed.

What!?! You meant Verant actually listened to some of the player
complaints and feedback? Whats next, trade skill updates and poison
creation? (Oh wait, that's next month I think...)

Seriously, I hope that people continue to /feedback and /bug in game.
They really do listen. They may not always change things but at least
they listen. Only other thing I'd like to see is some kind of a "hot
topic" list on their website, so we could see changes currently be
worked on or debated. I think players would cut them so more slack if
they knew what was being worked on before the patch hit 'em.

The exp point penalty reduction is a NICE change, but if you didn't read
the patch messages closely you could have easily missed it. It should
have been in bold letters, or italics (maybe even Helvitica...) with
stars around it.

Mark S.
Zerxes of Rathe


May 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/25/99
On Tue, 25 May 1999 07:41:53 -0700, "Drac" <> wrote:

>Now I can continue playing without the feeling that I'm wasting my time.

Kind of ironic that it went in with the "Make enchanters suck


Dundee -

Dan Nations

May 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/25/99
I personally thought the xp loss was at a fine level. Its SUPPOSED to hurt
when you die. Remember in UO when naked mages carrying EQ Scrolls would run up
and nuke a party, fully expecting to be thrashed to death....

Drac wrote:

> Now I can continue playing without the feeling that I'm wasting my time.


May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
On Tue, 25 May 1999 12:19:25 -0400, David Schrank
<> wrote:

>While dying sucks, I thought the challenge level was about right before. I was
>14 for 2 weeks due to death. I think they should only reduce the death cost for
>people under 10. It should be hard to level at high levels. I think they had to
>do this due to the chance of random death (ala griffins giants ect in say the
>commons, the hero in steamfont ect). Why not reduce the chance of random death
>and just return the exp death thing to normal or double it?

I agree. Its fair to lose a decent amount of exp when you lose to a
blue, and a medium amount to an even, but being instakilled by ultra
high level monsters should not have a meaningful experience loss. I
have twice been killed by hill giants spawning over my head, and once
by a griffin spawn. I can't count the number of times I've had PL and
wandered into a griffin that was warping around the zone. I consider
death under those circumstances to be ridiculous, and the experience
loss to be adding injury to injury.

May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
Don't hold your breath TOO long about this boon, however. It comes with
a hefty price.

EQ has ALSO created this so-called "High Level NPC Frenzy" bit with
this patch. After fixing a bug today that caused ALL creatures to KOS
everyone within a 250 pace circle, they broadcasted that the frenzy
would only affect high level NPC's.

High Levels? Turned out to be anything over apparent "7th" in level.
Probably, they're trying to force people to group more, but it isn't
working: groups that used to, in E. Commons, go for kodiaks and lions
now find themselves getting whacked by upwards to four or five at a
time: too much to handle.

They've increased the "attention" radius of these creatures, as well.
Most people I saw yesterday were holding back to safer areas and
becoming a WHOLE lot more cautious.

Perhaps this "50% exp. reduction" is there way of attempting to balance
the new deadliness of this Frenzy feature. If so, then it's warm gravy
on cold potatoes, I suspect. Some may like it, no doubt, but I've lost
three favorite hunting areas. No fun hunting pumas and skeletons in
north ro (I'm level 8) when every mummy within a 10 mile radious
immediately comes after you unprovoked while doing so....

In article <7ied55$2n6s$>,

"Drac" <> wrote:
> Now I can continue playing without the feeling that I'm wasting my
> For the past week, I would play my lvl 14 paladin for hours at a
time, then
> I would die and lose about half a bubble which took a LONG time to
> Then usually on my way back to corpse I'd die again. So that's a full
> bubble. So in fact, I just wasted my whole day running 2 steps
forward and
> 3 steps back. This is exactly what this game needed.

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---

Brad McQuaid

May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
No, that's not why we lowered the exp penalty. The frenzy incident was an
error on our part -- we purposely reactivated the code to tune some of the
higher lvl dungeons and didn't realize (oops) the effect it would have on
some old data (meaning lower level NPCs). We put in a temp fix tonight
(only making frenzy work for higher level NPCs) and Ryan is staying late to
change the old data such that only high level NPCs that we want to will
frenzy (yes, that still means crocodiles, btw). wrote:


Brad McQuaid
Producer, EverQuest
Vice President, Verant Interactive Inc.


May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
On Wed, 26 May 1999 06:51:41 GMT, Brad McQuaid <>

>No, that's not why we lowered the exp penalty. The frenzy incident was an
>error on our part -- we purposely reactivated the code to tune some of the
>higher lvl dungeons and didn't realize (oops) the effect it would have on
>some old data (meaning lower level NPCs). We put in a temp fix tonight
>(only making frenzy work for higher level NPCs) and Ryan is staying late to
>change the old data such that only high level NPCs that we want to will
>frenzy (yes, that still means crocodiles, btw).

That doesn't explain what the freakin' deal is with EVERY mob - green
or not - attacking anything within sight. Talk about *sucking*. I
get no xp from this lions, but when 10 of them attack at once (along
with everything else in the zone) it's a bit much. Risk death for no
xp. Lovely.

Daniel Thomas

May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
I am? Wow! While I'm at it maybe I'll fix the boats too :-)

Ryan <Barbarian Shaman on Xegony>


>On Wed, 26 May 1999 06:51:41 GMT, Brad McQuaid <>

Charles B. Naumann

May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
By frenzy you mean making NCP attack on sight?

So crocs will now attack on sight, so basically you are shutting the Oasis
of Marr down as a place to gain experience in the 13-18 level range.
You are taking one seriously overcrowded part of Norrath and making
to even worse?

Please tell me this is not so.

If you want players to experience the 'thrill of discovery' fine,
but please do not keep changing the rules. Or please tell me where
a group of 2 or 3 17th level players can play to get good experience
and or good loot.

Charles Naumann

Brad McQuaid <> wrote:
: No, that's not why we lowered the exp penalty. The frenzy incident was an
: error on our part -- we purposely reactivated the code to tune some of the
: higher lvl dungeons and didn't realize (oops) the effect it would have on
: some old data (meaning lower level NPCs). We put in a temp fix tonight

: (only making frenzy work for higher level NPCs) and Ryan is staying late to

: change the old data such that only high level NPCs that we want to will
: frenzy (yes, that still means crocodiles, btw).

May 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/26/99
> Only other thing I'd like to see is some kind of a "hot
> topic" list on their website, so we could see changes currently be
> worked on or debated. I think players would cut them so more slack if
> they knew what was being worked on before the patch hit 'em.
This is an excellent idea!

- Dono, Innoruuk Cleric

Brad McQuaid

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99

Charles B. Naumann wrote:

> By frenzy you mean making NCP attack on sight?

Kind of. Frenzy is a term we use to refer to an NPCs propensity to sometimes
attack a player. NPCs can be set to always attack or to frenzy, which means the
server randomly decides at intervals whether or not to attack a nearby player.
It will also cause one NPC to assist another NPC if it is being attacked and is

In any case, after todays code change, this typically only happens with some very
high level NPCs.

> So crocs will now attack on sight, so basically you are shutting the Oasis
> of Marr down as a place to gain experience in the 13-18 level range.
> You are taking one seriously overcrowded part of Norrath and making
> to even worse?

I hardly think that causing crocodiles to sometimes attack nearby players is
shutting down the Oasis of Marr. If anything it will reduce camping with
impunity in the area, just as LockJaw does. Being able to snuggle up to a
crocodile until you are good and ready to attack it is pretty rediculous if you
ask me. And how does breaking up the camped groups there make the zone more
crowded?? Rather I think it will spread people out.

(by the way, the change we made today probably made the crocs in Oasis passive
again, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them return to frenzy in the near
future as we go through the data and make certain encounters use frenzy).

> Please tell me this is not so.
> If you want players to experience the 'thrill of discovery' fine,
> but please do not keep changing the rules. Or please tell me where
> a group of 2 or 3 17th level players can play to get good experience
> and or good loot.

I'm sure there are tons of places in the game where 2 or 3 17th level players can
get good experience. And we will continue to tune the game because the game by
its very nature changes and evolves and we must react. Walking away from this
game would destroy it, because EQ is not the game it was when it launched, and
nor is it the game it will be in 3 months, or 6 months, or a year. The
population is different, the knowledge base is different, the spread of levels is
different, etc. This means at times we will make things more challenging, and at
times we will make things easier.

Rob Illing

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Brad McQuaid wrote:

> I hardly think that causing crocodiles to sometimes attack nearby players is
> shutting down the Oasis of Marr. If anything it will reduce camping with
> impunity in the area, just as LockJaw does. Being able to snuggle up to a
> crocodile until you are good and ready to attack it is pretty rediculous if you
> ask me. And how does breaking up the camped groups there make the zone more
> crowded?? Rather I think it will spread people out.

I noticed that the Oasis was far less crowded the other day, when the crocs were
aggro. I think this was a significant improvement... Overall, it was less crowded,
there were less psycho sand giants and the game felt more dynamic... Much less

> (by the way, the change we made today probably made the crocs in Oasis passive
> again, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them return to frenzy in the near
> future as we go through the data and make certain encounters use frenzy).

I'd like to see a return to the violent nature of crocs :)



May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Rob Illing <> sez:

>I noticed that the Oasis was far less crowded the other day, when the crocs were
>aggro. I think this was a significant improvement... Overall, it was less crowded,
>there were less psycho sand giants and the game felt more dynamic... Much less

Yeah, I heard that the increased aggro for green MOBs made
Blackburrow a *much* more interesting (and less crowded) place than usual.

Humble Erudite Conjurer of the 3rd Circle

MJ DiBella

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99

Brad McQuaid <> wrote in article

> No, that's not why we lowered the exp penalty. The frenzy incident was
> error on our part -- we purposely reactivated the code to tune some of
> higher lvl dungeons and didn't realize (oops) the effect it would have on
> some old data (meaning lower level NPCs). We put in a temp fix tonight
> (only making frenzy work for higher level NPCs) and Ryan is staying late
> change the old data such that only high level NPCs that we want to will
> frenzy (yes, that still means crocodiles, btw).

And this was documented...where? I mean, you saw fit to publish a whole
list of patch notes, you told about a lot of changes which looked very good
and then you stood around accepting kudos for being so 'responsive to your

So you just kinda *forgot* to mention the changes you made to 'tune the
higher level dungeons'? What else did you change and neglect to mention?

The problem here isn't that you made changes. That's your prerogative.
The problem is that you keep *sneaking* them in without documenting them!
How long does it take to add an item to a patch note list, for God's sake?

Increasing numbers of players have stopped trusting your team. Every day
you see it, here and on the boards and in the ooc to the effect
of 'did they change this or that, because suddenly it's not working the
same.' Sometimes it's just people's imaginations, but the problem is,
they've stopped trusting the game because you keep tweaking and tweaking



May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99

Brad McQuaid wrote in message <>...

>In any case, after todays code change, this typically only happens with
some very
>high level NPCs.
>> So crocs will now attack on sight, so basically you are shutting the
>> of Marr down as a place to gain experience in the 13-18 level range.
>> You are taking one seriously overcrowded part of Norrath and making
>> to even worse?

>I hardly think that causing crocodiles to sometimes attack nearby players
>shutting down the Oasis of Marr. If anything it will reduce camping with
>impunity in the area, just as LockJaw does. Being able to snuggle up to a
>crocodile until you are good and ready to attack it is pretty rediculous if
>ask me. And how does breaking up the camped groups there make the zone
>crowded?? Rather I think it will spread people out.


>(by the way, the change we made today probably made the crocs in Oasis
>again, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them return to frenzy in
the near
>future as we go through the data and make certain encounters use frenzy).

Actually, putting it back in is a good idea. I was there once with a group
13 - 15, and we were NEVER in any danger of dying. We were a bit south
of the dock, no sand giant ever got over there, Lockjaw never came by, we
just sent out a runner to pick up DW Crocs and DW Caiman (sp?) as well as
their smaller cousins. The only person who died was the rogue, and that was
because he kept backstabbing, and wouldn't lay off a DW Croc before he
went under 2 bubbles. Nothing we did could make that croc leave him. Crocs
should do the "assist" thing, where they help out related creatures nearby
that are being attacked (like Giant Spiders and Scarabs in E. Commonlands)

>> Please tell me this is not so.
>> If you want players to experience the 'thrill of discovery' fine,
>> but please do not keep changing the rules. Or please tell me where
>> a group of 2 or 3 17th level players can play to get good experience
>> and or good loot.
>I'm sure there are tons of places in the game where 2 or 3 17th level
players can
>get good experience. And we will continue to tune the game because the
game by
>its very nature changes and evolves and we must react. Walking away from
>game would destroy it, because EQ is not the game it was when it launched,
>nor is it the game it will be in 3 months, or 6 months, or a year. The
>population is different, the knowledge base is different, the spread of
levels is
>different, etc. This means at times we will make things more challenging,
and at
>times we will make things easier.

Change things, mix it up a bit. Make the complacent campers jump a bit :)


May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
"Charles B. Naumann" <> wrote:

>If you want players to experience the 'thrill of discovery' fine,
>but please do not keep changing the rules.

The rules aren't changing. The game is being constantly tweaked, as
we've always been told it would be.


May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
to (Desdinova) wrote:

>Yeah, I heard that the increased aggro for green MOBs made
>Blackburrow a *much* more interesting (and less crowded) place than usual.

Heheheh. I bet it did. Wish I could have been there to see it, but I
was busy in the commonlands saving people who couldn't figure out
after the third lion in a row attacked them that maybe they ought to
excersize some caution.


May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
"MJ DiBella" <> wrote:

>Increasing numbers of players have stopped trusting your team.
>Every day you see it, here and on the boards and in the game...
>an ooc to the effect of 'did they change this or that, because
>suddenly it's not working the same.'

That's not a sign of lack of trust, sorry.

If someone wants a static game, they should go play solitaire. This is
a dynamic game with a dynamic world. We've been told since Day One
that things will be getting adjusted and modified regularly. *That* is
your documentation.

>you keep tweaking and tweaking

There's documentation, and then there's spoilers.

The only thing I want documentation on is bug fixes and changes to
game functionality (such as drastic changes in spell behavior). I
*don't* want to know if a certain NPC is crabbier than usual - let me
discover that for myself.

When I go to the corner grocers, the man behind the counter doesn't
behave the exact same way day after day. Why would you expect a
monster in a dungeon to?

Mark Asher

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Lokari wrote in message <>...

Cats of all forms have always attacked my High Elf on sight. He must smell
like Meow Mix to them. I didn't notice any increased aggression on their
part, since they are always aggressive. Bears, too, attack me on sight.

Was Steamfont affected? I'm thinking of the mino cave area with all those
passive defective clockworks, drakes, and harpies; if they were suddenly
aggressive one night and attacked players on sight, the area would be strewn
with corpses. It's already like that sometimes when the Hero makes his

Mark Asher

MJ DiBella

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99

Lokari <> wrote in article

> There's documentation, and then there's spoilers.
> The only thing I want documentation on is bug fixes and changes to
> game functionality (such as drastic changes in spell behavior). I
> *don't* want to know if a certain NPC is crabbier than usual - let me
> discover that for myself.
> When I go to the corner grocers, the man behind the counter doesn't
> behave the exact same way day after day. Why would you expect a
> monster in a dungeon to?

So when you go to the corner grocers, and yesterday the man didn't try to
kill you, you won't be taken aback if today he *does* try?

Anyhow, in many cases, we are indeed talking about drastic changes in spell
behavior...just ask any enchanter how he felt last week when he discovered
(many of them the hard way) that monster spell resistances had been greatly



May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
"MJ DiBella" <> wrote:

>So when you go to the corner grocers, and yesterday the man didn't try to
>kill you, you won't be taken aback if today he *does* try?

If my shopping trip was about killing as many grocers as I could, no
it wouldn't surprise me.

By which I mean don't purposely overlook the analogy I was drawing:
Real life people don't behave the same every day, so why expect NPCs
in a rich game to?


May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Brad McQuaid ( wrote:
: impunity in the area, just as LockJaw does. Being able to snuggle up to a

: crocodile until you are good and ready to attack it is pretty rediculous if you
: ask me. And how does breaking up the camped groups there make the zone more
: crowded?? Rather I think it will spread people out.

I happen to agree that crocodiles should be aggresive. When I first
entered Oasis, I found it amusing that you could sit idly by, surrounded
by a horde of carnivorous crocs. The problem, as I'm sure you are aware
from your immortal - mud days, is that players react badly when they feel
something has been 'taken' from them. In this case, the relatively safe,
high-experience zone was replaced with a not-so-safe, high experience zone
(I am constantly attacked on the healing rocks now, while meditating). It
is often difficult to give players something and then take it back.

It's always been my opinion that warriors should be the ONLY ones to
receive dual wield, nevermind the rangers (who without dual wield would do
just fine) and bards. Monks should be able to keep it, though, since it
is used for their fists. If warriors were the only class to ever have
dual wield, then I doubt that there would be fewer rangers or bards in the
game, or that their class would be 'much harder' to play. But now that
rangers have dual wield already, you can't really remove it... imagine the
uproar then!

I really think that warriors should have some significant combat skill
(read: not beserker fury) that is absolutely unique to them, perhaps
something like weapon specialization. There would be a specialization
slot for each weapon type (1hb, 2hb, etc..), but the warrior (say at level
30) would only be able to learn one, ever. Then they get bonuses based on
the specialization skill (this should be significant). Taking an idea
from MM6 (one of the few things I enjoyed about that game, btw), I think
that depending on what weapon you specialize in, you get different
bonuses. Like, let's say specialization in:

one-hand blunt: +hit/dam, at high skill adds chance to stun
two-hand blunt: +hit/dam, adds some to ac at high levels
two-hand slash: +signifant dam
one-hand slash: +hit/dam, very minor (-1/-2) delay bonus using 1hs

I think that this would not be unbalancing and would give warriors an
extra 'edge' that they need. This might also diversify what weapons
warriors would use at high levels, rather than all warriors using
weapon(x) simply because it is the 'best'.

: different, etc. This means at times we will make things more challenging, and at

: times we will make things easier.

Change is good. It forces adaptation and prevents reliance on the same
tired tactics and expectations.

Ungrin, gnomish wizard, Innoruuk


May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Charles B. Naumann ( wrote:
: So crocs will now attack on sight, so basically you are shutting the Oasis

: of Marr down as a place to gain experience in the 13-18 level range.
: You are taking one seriously overcrowded part of Norrath and making
: to even worse?

I hate it when people do not explore. I'd say 90% of the people in Oasis
are in 20% of the zone, along the beach. There is good experience to be
had in the Oasis (uncrowded, even in peak times) if people would only
look. Besides which, Charles, won't aggressive crocodiles make the Oasis
less crowded, and therefore by your own standards, make it a better area?


A Freudian slip is when you mean one thing and say your mother.

Jim Williams

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Plus you got me making constant suggestions (like the rabid monkey for
rogues, and the one I emailed you about) which will be, when implemented,
massive improvements (otherwise, why would I bother suggesting them, right?

PS - seriously, please read the email I sent. It was a sincere suggestion
for the game, unlike most of the ones I post here.

Brad McQuaid wrote in message <>...

>Charles B. Naumann wrote:
>> By frenzy you mean making NCP attack on sight?
>Kind of. Frenzy is a term we use to refer to an NPCs propensity to
>attack a player. NPCs can be set to always attack or to frenzy, which
means the
>server randomly decides at intervals whether or not to attack a nearby
>It will also cause one NPC to assist another NPC if it is being attacked
and is

>In any case, after todays code change, this typically only happens with
some very
>high level NPCs.

>> So crocs will now attack on sight, so basically you are shutting the
>> of Marr down as a place to gain experience in the 13-18 level range.
>> You are taking one seriously overcrowded part of Norrath and making
>> to even worse?

>I hardly think that causing crocodiles to sometimes attack nearby players
>shutting down the Oasis of Marr. If anything it will reduce camping with

>impunity in the area, just as LockJaw does. Being able to snuggle up to a
>crocodile until you are good and ready to attack it is pretty rediculous if
>ask me. And how does breaking up the camped groups there make the zone
>crowded?? Rather I think it will spread people out.

>(by the way, the change we made today probably made the crocs in Oasis
>again, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them return to frenzy in
the near
>future as we go through the data and make certain encounters use frenzy).

>> Please tell me this is not so.

>> If you want players to experience the 'thrill of discovery' fine,

>> but please do not keep changing the rules. Or please tell me where
>> a group of 2 or 3 17th level players can play to get good experience
>> and or good loot.
>I'm sure there are tons of places in the game where 2 or 3 17th level
players can
>get good experience. And we will continue to tune the game because the
game by
>its very nature changes and evolves and we must react. Walking away from
>game would destroy it, because EQ is not the game it was when it launched,
>nor is it the game it will be in 3 months, or 6 months, or a year. The
>population is different, the knowledge base is different, the spread of
levels is

>different, etc. This means at times we will make things more challenging,
and at
>times we will make things easier.

Jim Williams

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
yer darn right the only place you'll find me in Oasis is at the beach. The
water's my only hope of salvation as I travel to innothule or N. Ro.

Shaun wrote in message <7ik2a9$kra$>...

>Charles B. Naumann ( wrote:

>: So crocs will now attack on sight, so basically you are shutting the

>: of Marr down as a place to gain experience in the 13-18 level range.
>: You are taking one seriously overcrowded part of Norrath and making
>: to even worse?

Jim Williams

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Hey, I was on my way to Rivervale when someone called for help on the skelly
hill in Misty Thicket. I turned around, pounded back up to help, and never
reached him. Had to flee for my life back to the guards, chased by 3
different mobs.

My rogue loved blackburrow. But the druid I was with didn't. The biggest
drawback wasn't the npcs, it was the crowds. :(
And in guk, I finally had to give it up, because people kept incessantly
training monsters from the lower depths to the zone, and it gets darned
expensive, even in bone chips, to keep recreating your pet (and even more if
you like to arm it as I like to.) I spent more time in-transit zoning than I
did either inside or outside of guk :(

Charles B. Naumann

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Desdinova <> wrote:

: Yeah, I heard that the increased aggro for green MOBs made
: Blackburrow a *much* more interesting (and less crowded) place than usual.

Interesting is one word for it. I died twice helping a newbie get his
stuff back. It was like being nibbled to death by ducklings. They would
hit, run, heal, hit again. I will never help another newbie in that way.

Charles Naumann

Charles B. Naumann

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Brad McQuaid <> wrote:

:> So crocs will now attack on sight, so basically you are shutting the Oasis
:> of Marr down as a place to gain experience in the 13-18 level range.
:> You are taking one seriously overcrowded part of Norrath and making
:> to even worse?

: I hardly think that causing crocodiles to sometimes attack nearby players is

: shutting down the Oasis of Marr.

Yes it will. Try it and see! Those deep water beast are unkillable by all
but level 16+ players, and then only in large groups. The camains will
be annoyances.

: If anything it will reduce camping with

: impunity in the area, just as LockJaw does.

Lockjaw is just about perfect for the area. The area is fun as it is
(in fact, the only thing busted is the trained sand giants).

: Being able to snuggle up to a

: crocodile until you are good and ready to attack it is pretty rediculous if you
: ask me.

I agree that is is not realistic, but the zone is fun as it is. Why
change it?

: And how does breaking up the camped groups there make the zone more

: crowded?? Rather I think it will spread people out.

Yes, you will take the 45 people that 'camp' in the oasis and push
more than half of them back into North Ro (which often run up to
80 people) and East Commons (Which also runs up to 80 people). That is
how it will make things even more crowded. South Ro is just too danged
far from Freeport (the only place warriors can be bound) and now you
are greatly increasing the danger of the connecting zone. What are
you thinking?

If you want people to spread out, pull some of the insta death
out of the west commons, and decrease the price of magic weapons
so that more people can hunt in lavastorm (and sell an inviso potion
in Freeport so that the dead warriors can get back to lava storm
to retrieve there stuff when they die there without having to find
a stranger that is willing to group them (also forcing the dead warrior
to break communication with his existing group) so that they can be
invisoed to cross Dark Elf land.

In short, if you want people to spread out, make things easier (REDUCE
insta death) do not increase it! You are going to end up flooding the
newbie zones with high level players.

: (by the way, the change we made today probably made the crocs in Oasis passive

: again, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them return to frenzy in the near
: future as we go through the data and make certain encounters use frenzy).

PLEASE WARN PEOPLE!!!!! Crap! How many people do you think really enjoyed
that little suprise? Hey, for kick, why not boost skeletons up 10 levels
IT???? Ok, I feel better now.

: I'm sure there are tons of places in the game where 2 or 3 17th level players can
: get good experience.

OK.... Please remember that some play sessions are short, sometimes just
an hour or so... And also remember that I play in prime time.

: This means at times we will make things more challenging, and at

: times we will make things easier.

What I really wish you would do is to make the game more fun. Usually,
this means less frustrating. I fully understand that challenge requires
a bit of frustration.

But if your definition of challenging means 'Turning up the instant death
rate' and 'reducing loot' and 'making it even to harder to level' you
can count me out.

Charles Naumann

Charles B. Naumann

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
I would point out that in the same paragraph that you stated you were
never in any danger of dying is the same one you stated that the
rogue died. How often do you need to die before you believe a zone
is challenging? Try being there when someone trains a Sand Giant
down the beach. Try it when Lock Jaw spawns on top of you. Try it
when someone trains the spectres on you.

I have no doubt that there are many people who would like to see the
heat in teh oasis turned up, but my bet is that there are the people
who have already exploited it and now wish it were less crowded.

Charles Naumann

orang <> wrote:

: Actually, putting it back in is a good idea. I was there once with a group

: of
: 13 - 15, and we were NEVER in any danger of dying. We were a bit south
: of the dock, no sand giant ever got over there, Lockjaw never came by, we
: just sent out a runner to pick up DW Crocs and DW Caiman (sp?) as well as
: their smaller cousins. The only person who died was the rogue, and that was
: because he kept backstabbing, and wouldn't lay off a DW Croc before he
: went under 2 bubbles. Nothing we did could make that croc leave him. Crocs
: should do the "assist" thing, where they help out related creatures nearby
: that are being attacked (like Giant Spiders and Scarabs in E. Commonlands)

:>> Please tell me this is not so.

:>> If you want players to experience the 'thrill of discovery' fine,
:>> but please do not keep changing the rules. Or please tell me where

:>> a group of 2 or 3 17th level players can play to get good experience
:>> and or good loot.
:>I'm sure there are tons of places in the game where 2 or 3 17th level
: players can
:>get good experience. And we will continue to tune the game because the

: game by
:>its very nature changes and evolves and we must react. Walking away from
: this
:>game would destroy it, because EQ is not the game it was when it launched,
: and
:>nor is it the game it will be in 3 months, or 6 months, or a year. The
:>population is different, the knowledge base is different, the spread of
: levels is

:>different, etc. This means at times we will make things more challenging,

: and at
:>times we will make things easier.


: Change things, mix it up a bit. Make the complacent campers jump a bit :)

Remus Shepherd

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Mark Asher <> wrote:
> Was Steamfont affected? I'm thinking of the mino cave area with all those
> passive defective clockworks, drakes, and harpies; if they were suddenly
> aggressive one night and attacked players on sight, the area would be strewn
> with corpses. It's already like that sometimes when the Hero makes his
> rounds.

Some areas *were* filled with corpses. :) The newbie grounds around
Freeport, I hear, turned into charnel houses as fire beetles and large rats
started eating everything in sight.

I was attacked by a tree snake. I'm 12th level. I looked at it
curiously for a second, then rooted it and walked away. Then I was attacked
by a giant spider, and I realized something was wrong. Again, I rooted it and
left. I thought that maybe they had decided to increase the difficulty of
the game, by making things more aggressive.

Then I was attacked by a BIXIE. Once I stopped laughing I smashed it flat,
wiped the gunk off my hammer, and sent a /feedback suggestion that maybe
this recent change to the code wasn't such a good idea. ;)

It was exciting. For one night, EverQuest became a much, much more
dangerous place. But in general, I'm glad they decided not to keep it that

... ...
Remus Shepherd (

Kerry Jane

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Brad McQuaid wrote:
>In any case, after todays code change, this typically only
>happens with some very high level NPCs.

Like griffawns and Hill Giants, yes? Just what we need...

>I hardly think that causing crocodiles to sometimes attack
>nearby players is shutting down the Oasis of Marr.

Maybe not, but the sand giant sure do a hell of a job.

>If anything it will reduce camping with impunity in the area,
>just as LockJaw does.

ROFL. Brad - stop making comments like this, will ya? It makes you sound
like the Dan Quayle of game design.

>And how does breaking up the camped groups there make
>the zone more crowded?? Rather I think it will spread
>people out.

People don't WANT to spread out - because of the sand giants. Don't you see
this??? Insta-kills do not HINDER camping, they ENCOURAGE it.


Jim Williams

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99

Kerry Jane <> wrote in message

>Brad McQuaid wrote:
>>In any case, after todays code change, this typically only
>>happens with some very high level NPCs.
>Like griffawns and Hill Giants, yes? Just what we need...
>>I hardly think that causing crocodiles to sometimes attack
>>nearby players is shutting down the Oasis of Marr.
>Maybe not, but the sand giant sure do a hell of a job.
>>If anything it will reduce camping with impunity in the area,
>>just as LockJaw does.
>ROFL. Brad - stop making comments like this, will ya? It makes you sound
>like the Dan Quayle of game design.

Hey, wow.. pretty big compliment this guy's giving you Brad; you're being
compared to the guy who saved the famous patriot missile, and the guy whom
Clinton stole his rhetoric about family values and personal responsibility
from. Quayle once used the lesser common spelling for potatoe (the one *I*
prefer) and is forever vilified for it; AlGore claims to have invented the
internet and still thinks he has a shot at the White House (while the faux
pas is quickly swept under the media rug.)
If Brad's the Dan Quayle of game design, then the future of games is bright.

bite me.


May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Jim Williams wrote:
> Hey, wow.. pretty big compliment this guy's giving you Brad; you're being
> compared to the guy who saved the famous patriot missile, and the guy whom
> Clinton stole his rhetoric about family values and personal responsibility
> from. Quayle once used the lesser common spelling for potatoe (the one *I*
> prefer) and is forever vilified for it; AlGore claims to have invented the
> internet and still thinks he has a shot at the White House (while the faux
> pas is quickly swept under the media rug.)
> If Brad's the Dan Quayle of game design, then the future of games is bright.
> bite me.

You forgot the smiley...


Shrike -IRIX worshipper, Linux dabbler, Windows victim-

Finnegan the Mage in Mith Marr, Parsifal the Bard in Fennin Ro,
Saharrach the Necromancer in Fennin Ro.


May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99

And how about throwing in the occasional natural disaster, "barbarian" or
monster invasion, creeping menace or other planet or multi-zone wide threat?
Could be fun.

"Freeport threatened by zombie horde, film at eleven".
"Major gnoll uprising in Qeynos. What's causin' all this?"

Brad McQuaid wrote in message <>...

> <snip>

>This means at times we will make things more challenging, and at
>times we will make things easier.


Mark Asher

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Remus Shepherd wrote in message ...

It would be fun to turn up the heat once in while though and make some
creatures more aggressive than usual. You could have NPCs in the towns
shouting about it: "The fire beetles have gone beserk! Be wary!" That would
add some spice to the game.

Mark Asher

Charles B. Naumann

May 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/27/99
Shaun <> wrote:

: I hate it when people do not explore. I'd say 90% of the people in Oasis

: are in 20% of the zone, along the beach.

The sand giants have trained me me. And I though it was the players
training the sand giants. Yes, I know of the Orc camps on the other side.

: There is good experience to be

: had in the Oasis (uncrowded, even in peak times) if people would only
: look.

How many people are you whoing at peak time?

: Besides which, Charles, won't aggressive crocodiles make the Oasis

: less crowded, and therefore by your own standards, make it a better area?

I was not clear on this part. Aggressive crocs should indeed make the
Oasis less crowded. But where do you think those poeple will go?
My bet is back to North Ro and East Commons. The crowding at oasis is
nothing compared to those zones. I do not believe that people will be
pushed into South Ro or West Commons either. The insta death potential
in West Commons is way to high, and South Ro is getting very far
from Freeport.

We will see. I believe Brad has already made up his mind on this one.
If I am wrong I will be happy!

Charles Naumann


May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
Kerry Jane <> wrote:
: Brad McQuaid wrote:
:>I hardly think that causing crocodiles to sometimes attack

:>nearby players is shutting down the Oasis of Marr.

: Maybe not, but the sand giant sure do a hell of a job.

Yep - all 9 of them we saw doing a rain dance circling in and out of the
gypsy camp. Counted them. May have been more.

: People don't WANT to spread out - because of the sand giants. Don't you see

: this??? Insta-kills do not HINDER camping, they ENCOURAGE it.

BINGO! if there is only one or two safe areas, then thats where poeple
will be. And if there are NO safe areas, they will group and camp to
try to create one (like is done in N Ro at the platform).

Wake up Brad...


May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
Charles B. Naumann <> wrote:
: Brad McQuaid <> wrote:
: : And how does breaking up the camped groups there make the zone more

: : crowded?? Rather I think it will spread people out.

: Yes, you will take the 45 people that 'camp' in the oasis and push

: more than half of them back into North Ro (which often run up to
: 80 people) and East Commons (Which also runs up to 80 people). That is
: how it will make things even more crowded. South Ro is just too danged
: far from Freeport (the only place warriors can be bound) and now you
: are greatly increasing the danger of the connecting zone. What are
: you thinking?

Already happened - past 2 nights Ive had my 11th level monk there - and
ALL the derv camps are heavily camped by higher level groups, and all the
other stuff is either (as I heard in a shout) "Green Red or Dead". Not a
single scarabe non non-gree taran, non non-red/non-green mummy or madmad
was to be had. I croseed the sone back and forth from Dorn's the the
platform to the wall and out to the coast for AN HOUR without seeing on
single live fightable creature - didnt see a scarab at all, only one (red)
mummy, and a very few green tarantulas - no madmen, no orc warriors.

Brad, You've killed N Ro by chasing all the 14-16 level folks back into
it from Oasis. THe front areas are fine for 5-6, the 7-9 folks have pumas
and jackals and tarantulas. But 10-13 are screwed becuase of all the 14+
campoing at the derv camps - its not worth peoples time to form teams when
the sites are already camped by people who can kill dervs with a dirty
look for their wizard alongside a warriors growl. You've cut us out -
nice work, makes me wonder if you guys *really* think anything through
(from the serever shortage, to the single login server, to these obviously
faulty design decisions, the the poo prioritization of bug fixes, to the
way understaffed GMs).

: : (by the way, the change we made today probably made the crocs in Oasis passive

: : again, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see them return to frenzy in the near
: : future as we go through the data and make certain encounters use frenzy).

Rethink that one Brad.

: : This means at times we will make things more challenging, and at

: : times we will make things easier.

: But if your definition of challenging means 'Turning up the instant death

: rate' and 'reducing loot' and 'making it even to harder to level' you
: can count me out.

Me too - I hear Asheron's call (sopunds like a goose call to me) - but for
now EQ's is the better call: a siren's call (but if you keep changing the
friggen tune to sound like a duck call, you may just lose out).



May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
On Thu, 27 May 1999 08:11:06 -0700, "Kerry Jane"
<> wrote:

>>If anything it will reduce camping with impunity in the area,
>>just as LockJaw does.

>ROFL. Brad - stop making comments like this, will ya? It makes you sound

>like the Dan Quayle of game design.

>>And how does breaking up the camped groups there make
>>the zone more crowded?? Rather I think it will spread
>>people out.

>People don't WANT to spread out - because of the sand giants. Don't you see
>this??? Insta-kills do not HINDER camping, they ENCOURAGE it.

heh. We spent a good two hours camping FOR LockJaw. Along with
everyone else in the zone - squeeched in along the coast cowering from
Sand Giants.

I just can't *believe* they think these Ubermobs discourage camping.
Is that what Dorn does, too? I stop and kill Dorn every time I run by
there and that camp is *always* camped.

And the kicker: I can't solo' Dorn, but he /con's GREEN. Last time I
fought him Shay healed me for a total of 640 points.

There are some camps on the islands in Oot with mobs that con green to
us. No one is there, of course, because there are also cyclops on the
island and no place to hide. So *no one* *ever* goes there.
Eventually when people can kill cyclops, they'll go there - and
completely ignore the green camps.

So either delete the camps, or delete the cyclops, I'd think. It's a
total waste to have both.

Dundee -


May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
On Thu, 27 May 1999 16:06:30 -0500, "Jim Williams" <>

>Hey, wow.. pretty big compliment this guy's giving you Brad; you're being
>compared to the guy who saved the famous patriot missile, and the guy whom
>Clinton stole his rhetoric about family values and personal responsibility
>from. Quayle once used the lesser common spelling for potatoe (the one *I*

Yeah, Quayle's a great guy that managed to make himself sound like a
total moron just about every time he opened his mouth. I think that's
the comparison Janey was making.

Dennis Francis Heffernan

May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
On Fri, 28 May 1999 13:26:23 GMT, Dun...@SPAMSPAMSPAM.COM (Dundee) wrote:

|I just can't *believe* they think these Ubermobs discourage camping.
|Is that what Dorn does, too? I stop and kill Dorn every time I run by
|there and that camp is *always* camped.

Imagine the camping without him.

Dennis F. Heffernan EQ: Venture (E'ci)
Montclair State U #include <disclaim.h> ICQ:9154048 CompSci/Philosophy
"There's no easy way to be free."
-- Pete Townshend, "Slip Kid"

May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
> People don't WANT to spread out - because of the sand giants. Don't you see
> this??? Insta-kills do not HINDER camping, they ENCOURAGE it.
Yes, this is exactly right. If the intention is to break up camps, then the
insta-kill mobs do the opposite.

- Dono, Innoruuk Cleric


May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
On Fri, 28 May 1999 15:18:12 GMT, (Dennis Francis
Heffernan) wrote:

> Imagine the camping without him.

It'd just be like the Dorn-free camp over the hill. Which isn't
actually any more or less camped than Dorn's.

The camps on cyclops island really bug me. Why are they there? No
one is going to that island until they are cyclops-hunting, and by
then they'll ignore the camps entirely. It boggles my brain to see an
area with nothing but green and red mobs in it. Moreso even than to
see a green mob that can kick my butt, such as Dorn.

Ingot Head

May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99

Kerry Jane <> wrote in message


> People don't WANT to spread out - because of the sand giants. Don't you
> this??? Insta-kills do not HINDER camping, they ENCOURAGE it.

You go girl.


Ingot Head

May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99

Jim Williams <> wrote


> Hey, wow.. pretty big compliment this guy's giving you Brad



disregarding the politics, Kerry Jane's only reference here is to DQ's habit
of flubbing and gaffe's. He could be the best politician in the world, and
you'd still have to admit his tendency to say things that made him look

He also said the following:

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls. "

"I've heard people say that [I have a short attention span]. I don't feel I
do, because when I'm interested in something I'll stay in focus as long as
it is necessary... If you get off on something I'm not very interested in,
it's very easy for me to block it out. It's easy for me to block things out.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 12-JAN-92

"This isn't a man who is leaving with his head between his legs. "
-- Vice President Dan Quayle discussing John Sununu's resignation and
apparent lack of flexibility, 12/6/91

"If you give a person a fish, they'll fish for a day. But if you train a
person to fish, they'll fish for a lifetime. "
-- Vice President Dan Quayle while at a job training center in Atlanta
celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Job Training Partnership Act, which
Quayle helped to sponsor while a senator, 10/13/92. (reported in the NY
Times, 10/14/92).

and my favorite (I was unemployed when this one happened):

"You have a part-time job, and that's better than no job at all. "
-- Vice President Dan Quayle after the manager of the Burger King had said
that the jobs offered were part-time minimum wage jobs, which didn't pay
enough to live on, and that ``It's hard to find people who want to actually
show up for the job.''

Want more? Go to

Oh, and Kerry Jane is not exactly a "guy".

Be polite to the lady.


Dennis Francis Heffernan

May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
On Fri, 28 May 1999 15:22:59 GMT, Dun...@SPAMSPAMSPAM.COM (Dundee) wrote:

|On Fri, 28 May 1999 15:18:12 GMT, (Dennis Francis
|Heffernan) wrote:
|> Imagine the camping without him.
|It'd just be like the Dorn-free camp over the hill. Which isn't
|actually any more or less camped than Dorn's.

The one over the hill is periodically raided by Sand Giants.

|The camps on cyclops island really bug me. Why are they there? No
|one is going to that island until they are cyclops-hunting, and by
|then they'll ignore the camps entirely. It boggles my brain to see an
|area with nothing but green and red mobs in it. Moreso even than to
|see a green mob that can kick my butt, such as Dorn.

I haven't seen the Cyclops island myself.

Charles B. Naumann

May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
Hehe. I love that line! A co-worker of mine was infamous for using
every bit of his sick leave. He was into health foods, herbs, Karate,
and other such stuff. The running joke was that it was a good thing that
he took such good care of himself, imagine how many days he would miss
if he did not.

It is so hard to let go of something that logic tells you must work,
even though it does not work. Logically, it would seem that the
ubermobs would discourage camping. Yet people still camp. So obviously
the solution should be even more ubermobs.

Dennis, I do not know if this line was sarcasm or not. From reading your
other posts, I do not think it was ment to be sarcastic humor. You
may get your jollies watching the camper get slaughtered by unbermobs,
but the ubermobs DO NOT discourage camping. In my opinion, they discourage
people from spreading out, and therefore they are bad.

My logic is often this: Given that I am going to die, and that when I
die I will have to walk somewhere, why not die close to my bind place?
Sure, I will gripe about overcrowding, but deep down I know that the
crowds are a compromise for longer walks.

Charles Naumann

Dennis Francis Heffernan <> wrote:

: Imagine the camping without him.

: Dennis F. Heffernan EQ: Venture (E'ci)

Philip R. Spagnolli

May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
>It would be fun to turn up the heat once in while though and make some
>creatures more aggressive than usual. You could have NPCs in the towns
>shouting about it: "The fire beetles have gone beserk! Be wary!" That
>would add some spice to the game.
>Mark Asher

I think they should try the folowing:

If a certain MOB population gets to high they get mroe aggressive. To
many unkilled orcs in the land the orcs get a little better, sort of
simulating better trainging and more organization that allows them to
fight a little better. Maybe rumors start to fly around that this has
happenned and higher lvl's need to come in or people need to group more
to help with the problm. Also, facilitates trying to get people to
travel to lessor known areas to help prevent the aggro... Perhaps
knowing that a certain mob type is aggro suddennly, would help you know
what things to fight... Maybe this onlyhappens with lower lvl mobs but
give more xp when aggro so slightly higers, for a time, would be able to
get some xp in those slow gap levels...

Maybe if a mob population got to high it would storm the nearest cities.
Based on lvl of the MOB vs the characters would only stun the PC so as
not to be two unfair to newbies and lower lvl's and the PC's at this lvl
are really insignificant to the higher lvl MOB. But they would try to
attack to kill higher lvl characters, maybe PC's that were 4 or 5 lvl's
highr than the mob would get attacked alot in the city raid. Then when
the mob of MOB's thins out theware isover and the mob of MOBS tries to
escape. If done right it could be cool...

Philip R. Spagnolli


May 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/28/99
I Like some of this!

On 28 May 1999 18:43:38 GMT, Philip R. Spagnolli <>

>>It would be fun to turn up the heat once in while though and make some
>>creatures more aggressive than usual. You could have NPCs in the towns
>>shouting about it: "The fire beetles have gone beserk! Be wary!" That
>>would add some spice to the game.
>>Mark Asher

That would be fun, it would also encourage some RP too.

>I think they should try the folowing:
>If a certain MOB population gets to high they get mroe aggressive. To
>many unkilled orcs in the land the orcs get a little better, sort of
>simulating better trainging and more organization that allows them to
>fight a little better. Maybe rumors start to fly around that this has
>happenned and higher lvl's need to come in or people need to group more
>to help with the problm. Also, facilitates trying to get people to
>travel to lessor known areas to help prevent the aggro... Perhaps
>knowing that a certain mob type is aggro suddennly, would help you know
>what things to fight... Maybe this onlyhappens with lower lvl mobs but
>give more xp when aggro so slightly higers, for a time, would be able to
>get some xp in those slow gap levels...

This one Would cause more migration, and less camping. If the reverse
where also true, and the loot level declined in highly camped Zones.
There would have to be some sort of notification though.


Jun 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/1/99
On Fri, 28 May 1999 18:05:24 GMT, (bizbee)

>Yn erthygl <>, sgrifenws "Ingot Head"

>>"This isn't a man who is leaving with his head between his legs. "
>>-- Vice President Dan Quayle discussing John Sununu's resignation and
>>apparent lack of flexibility, 12/6/91
>>"If you give a person a fish, they'll fish for a day. But if you train a
>>person to fish, they'll fish for a lifetime. "
>>-- Vice President Dan Quayle while at a job training center in Atlanta
>>celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Job Training Partnership Act, which
>>Quayle helped to sponsor while a senator, 10/13/92. (reported in the NY
>>Times, 10/14/92).

>These sound more like Yogi Berra! lol!
>Didn't he also make the "...a wasted mind is a terrible thing.." (or
>something along that line) comment?

I like the time he was going to latin America and said he was brushing
up on his Latin. ;-)

Jun 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/1/99
Um, isn't it obvious? people don't spread out because its too dangerous.
hence safety zones and camping? what logic says these big mobs stop
camping? i would have never reached that conclusion. if anything, they
enforce it.

Jonathan Bakert

Jun 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/1/99
Thank GOD Sanity some of you people are the
whiners from MUDs every where. I die everytime I
go to east commons. I like the adventure. I run
from my respawn area in Neriath forest to go
back. I am a lowly shadow knight. I have no
spells at 4th,5th and now 7th level all of the
times I have been there. I was instantly killed
more than a few times but it makes HUNTING so
much more fun when you have to look where you
walk. Why don't you pack of whiners run off
somewhere else where you can get your cheat codes
back and play there. If you want to try something
hard start a dark elf.

>>Increasing numbers of players have stopped
trusting your team.
> >Every day you see it, here and on the boards
and in the game...
> >an ooc to the effect of 'did they change this
or that, because
> >suddenly it's not working the same.'
> That's not a sign of lack of trust, sorry.
> If someone wants a static game, they should go
play solitaire. This is
> a dynamic game with a dynamic world. We've been
told since Day One
> that things will be getting adjusted and
modified regularly. *That* is
> your documentation.
> >you keep tweaking and tweaking
> There's documentation, and then there's
> The only thing I want documentation on is bug
fixes and changes to
> game functionality (such as drastic changes in
spell behavior). I
> *don't* want to know if a certain NPC is
crabbier than usual - let me
> discover that for myself.
> When I go to the corner grocers, the man behind
the counter doesn't
> behave the exact same way day after day. Why
would you expect a
> monster in a dungeon to?

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