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Overking in Chardok - How to kill him

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Richard Lawson

Feb 25, 2002, 9:01:02 AM2/25/02
Hiya. =)

Being a 55 Cleric in a guild that has a buncha mid-50's people but no epics
and a little light on "uber" raids, I asked to go along on someone else's
Chardok Royals raid. They managed to kill the Overking twice, then got
wiped when they tried to clear the Queen room and managed to aggro Her Royal
Highness herself. Goodbye Royals, Hello Coffins.

Anyway, with that experience under my belt, I'd like to lead my own Chardok
Overking raid so I can get the scroll I need for my epic. This is the
strategy I've developed, based on my observations and the questions I asked
during the raid. I don't know how complete it is, or what I'm overlooking,
so if any of y'all would care to comment, I'd love to hear what you have to
say. =)

Ok, here's what I learned about taking down the Overking.

First, besides the usual assortment of healers, tanks, and damage dealers,
the following people are make-or-break for the raid:

High-level chanter (58+, preferably 60). Someone who can reliably mezz the
high-level mobs we'll be facing.

Rogue with max lockpick. There's a locked door down there. Also, sneak/hide
will be useful for retrieving the bodies of them that die whilst pulling
(see below).

Monk with max Feign Death. This will be essential in order to break the
Overking's room. Even with max FD, the monk should expect to die a time or
two until we get it right.

Paladin. We need a Paladin to engage the Overking and cast Divine Aura and
then pull the Overking out of the pit. More on this below.

Mage with CotH. Because we'll have people coming and going, probably.

Necro. For DMF and to help recover corpses after the wipeout. =)

Most importantly, any raid will need to be focus and organized. Mobs need to
be taken down quickly and efficiently, while leaving mana to deal with the
next one.

Here's what happens:

Groups are made at the zone-in. NO PETS ALLOWED; too many potential aggro
problems. We begin clearing our way to the palace, going through the fort
and over the bridges, taking down the mobs along the way. This should be

Once we get to the palace and have cleared the mobs in front, the fun
*really* begins. Inside the palace gates are up to ten high-level Sarnaks.
Pulling them singly is a logistical nightmare, and virtually impossible to
do before you get repops from all around. So their are two strategies

A) Rush inside, have the Main Tank pick a target, and start eliminating the
Sarnaks one by one while the enchanters mezz the others. This puts a burden
on the healers to *keep the chanters alive*, even above keeping the tanks
alive. And, again, taking down each mob *quickly and efficiently* is

B) Rush inside, have the Main Tank pick a target, wait until all the adds
gather around, then have everyone start casting AoE damage spells. With
enough people casting these spells, the mobs should drop pretty quickly - of
course, at the cost of most of the raiding party's mana, but that's okay.

Once all the mobs in the entrance area have been taken care of, the party
moves down the hallway. We take care of a couple of other mobs plus a
roamer, then we get to rest. We get about twenty minutes to rez our dead,
recover mana, and rebuff. Then we move again.

Rogue lockpicks a door, and we move to the library. We may get as many as
three mobs at a time, but we should be able to handle that. The library has
a set of stairs going down to the lower level; we go down those stairs and
take out two more mobs.

At this point the necro DMF's *everyone*. Why? Because there's a pit trap
near the door that leads directly to the Overking's lair, and we do NOT want
to drop down that. DMF, because of its fixed duration, is the best way to
avoid that trap. At this point, all familiars must be killed; if they hit
the Overking's AoE, they'll aggro the Overking to the party. After everyone
is DMF'd, we go down the hallway and take care of a roamer.

Then the tricky part:

The monk puller (maybe working with a tag-team partner) begins clearing the
Overking's room. There are eight mobs plus the Overking in the room, and we
want to get that down to two or three. So the monks begin to pull the mobs,
bringing them to the raid party that's sitting in the hallway. We do *not*
pull the Overking. If the Overking aggros the raiding parties, we retreat
back to the library and *camp* to clear aggro. This shouldn't be a problem
if the pullers are careful. On the raid I went on, the monks were able to
successfully clear the entire room except for the Overking.

Now for the paladin.

The pally has DA up, of course. The pally rushes in, aggros the Overking,
DA's, pulls the Overking out of the small pit in the back of the room and as
far forward as possible without going up the stairs and into the hallway.
Then the Pally yells "CHARGE" and the raiding party comes charging in to
Gravity Flux, and if you are in the pit, you'll hit the ceiling and aggro
*the entire library*. Eight adds while we're fighting the Overking is
something we do *not* need.

Once the Overking is dead the rest is easy. We set up camp in the Overking's
room (again keeping out of the pit). The Overking is on a two-hour spawn
timer, the rest of the mobs are on thirty-minute timers. We keep the room
clean of mobs and, two hours later, we again pull back out into the hallway,
leaving behind our Pally to wait for the Overking to pop. We repeat the
strategy above.

That is the strategy I'd like to use. There is an alternative strategy of
getting a CotH mage, a rogue, and a cleric to max their faction with Chardok
by killing Gobs in Nurga and farming them for salts and skins. Then the
rogue and mage merrily wander the palace until the get to the hallway
leading to the Overking's room. They then summon a monk or four who
immediately FD. Then they begin summoning tanks who begin engaging the
roamer in the hallway, with the support of the monks and others who are
there. Once the roamer's dead, the mage summons the rest of the raid. I
hesitate to suggest this because it would mean that the rogue, cleric, and
mage would have to spend many tedious, XP-less hours in Nurga. That's asking
a bit much. I'd rather focus our discussion on what I suggested above.


Monual Lifegiver - 55th Human Cleric on Drinal


Feb 25, 2002, 9:34:16 AM2/25/02
> a bit much. I'd rather focus our discussion on what I suggested above.
> Thoughts/comments?
> -Richard
> Monual Lifegiver - 55th Human Cleric on Drinal

I've raided Chardok royals many many times now, including pulling and
leading raids down there..

Nice research, however a few of your facts are incorrect.

Im going home in 10 mins though so can't answer in-depth just yet.... look
for another reply in an hour or so.. and remember the magic phrase - It
ain't chardok if you don't have to summon every single corpse at least once
during the raid!

brother grandmaster


Feb 25, 2002, 10:38:41 AM2/25/02

"Richard Lawson" wrote

> Being a 55 Cleric in a guild that has a buncha mid-50's people but no
> and a little light on "uber" raids, I asked to go along on someone else's
> Chardok Royals raid. They managed to kill the Overking twice, then got
> wiped when they tried to clear the Queen room and managed to aggro Her
> Highness herself. Goodbye Royals, Hello Coffins.

Coffins are handy for just about any raid of this level until you learn
what you're doing.

> Ok, here's what I learned about taking down the Overking.
> First, besides the usual assortment of healers, tanks, and damage dealers,
> the following people are make-or-break for the raid:
> High-level chanter (58+, preferably 60). Someone who can reliably mezz the
> high-level mobs we'll be facing.

We make do with a 58 and a 56 as backup. We haven't had any
problem with that so far.

> Rogue with max lockpick. There's a locked door down there. Also,
> will be useful for retrieving the bodies of them that die whilst pulling
> (see below).

Yes you certainly need a rogue. Monks can handle the CR, though, as
long as people all make it through the locked door. We haven't had
that problem and the rogue is available if you do.

> Monk with max Feign Death. This will be essential in order to break the
> Overking's room. Even with max FD, the monk should expect to die a time or
> two until we get it right.

Pulling high-level mobs that you haven't done before is "interesting."

> Paladin. We need a Paladin to engage the Overking and cast Divine Aura and
> then pull the Overking out of the pit. More on this below.

Our monks pull him.

> Mage with CotH. Because we'll have people coming and going, probably.

You shouldn't need that for *one* kill but probably will for two or
more. It's a "good to have."

> Necro. For DMF and to help recover corpses after the wipeout. =)

DMF isn't needed but a necro that can use stackable coffins is highly

> Here's what happens:
> Groups are made at the zone-in. NO PETS ALLOWED; too many potential aggro
> problems. We begin clearing our way to the palace, going through the fort
> and over the bridges, taking down the mobs along the way. This should be
> easy.

If it's not, turn around and come back when it is... ;)

> Once we get to the palace and have cleared the mobs in front, the fun
> *really* begins. Inside the palace gates are up to ten high-level Sarnaks.
> Pulling them singly is a logistical nightmare, and virtually impossible to
> do before you get repops from all around.

We single- or double-pull them quickly so it's not "virtually impossible."

> Rogue lockpicks a door, and we move to the library. We may get as many as
> three mobs at a time, but we should be able to handle that. The library
> a set of stairs going down to the lower level; we go down those stairs and
> take out two more mobs.

We pull those two up top and kill them first. And pull from the last
room before the King & Queen as well before moving. We try to avoid
killing anything on the move that we can avoid unless they're just

> At this point the necro DMF's *everyone*. Why?

Because you want to waste time and mana? The pit trap is on one
side; people stay on the other side. Problem solved. "/ooc STAY ON
THE LEFT SIDE" takes a lot less time and mana than having a
necro DMF a whole Overking raid. We do this move by killing the
mobs in front of the raid the move group by group invis'd past the
pit trap.

> Then the tricky part:
> The monk puller (maybe working with a tag-team partner) begins clearing
> Overking's room. There are eight mobs plus the Overking in the room, and
> want to get that down to two or three. So the monks begin to pull the
> bringing them to the raid party that's sitting in the hallway. We do *not*
> pull the Overking. If the Overking aggros the raiding parties, we retreat
> back to the library and *camp* to clear aggro. This shouldn't be a problem

> if the pullers are careful. On the raid I went on, the monks were able to
> successfully clear the entire room except for the Overking.
> Now for the paladin.

We set up camp in the north room before the hallway leading to
the King and Queen rooms. We pull the Overking room until the
King is left alone, same as you're suggesting. Now you rush the
room and explain the danger of doing so. It's a LOT easier just
to pull him. The initial monk will probably die but the second
monk will pull him into the room. And then you don't need to
worry about the gravity flux problem.

All the DA pull is for is to avoid an XP death which will probably
happen anyway for some of the raiding party. Even that's "ok"
if you want to do it that way but there's no reason why it's
required. But I'd certainly pull him farther out instead of
rushing him. As you point out, the gravity flux is a problem.
So avoid the problem by pulling him out of the room.

The keys (for us) are simple:

a) two-monk pulling team that pulls almost everything we raid.
They work very well together and their learning curve for new
situations is very short.

b) never kill mobs on the move that you can pull to a "safe"
spot. Killing-on-the-move implies a lack of preparation and
control is needed. Mobs aggro who they want instead of
who we want, etc. Pulling good; not being in control of the
situation bad.

c) assume that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
It only takes one person getting moved up to the ceiling,
for instance, to aggro the upper mobs, training the raid
and, probably, getting everyone killed. So don't put the
raid in a situation where it can happen when someone
moves around for a better look or a rogue tries to get
behind him, etc.

Other than that, though, it sounds good to me.


Feb 25, 2002, 11:35:00 AM2/25/02
A good royal group will not just have one high chanter it will have 3 . You
dont single target mez (you cant too many people in the way ) . You use aoe
mez and that requires backup. Since chanters are required anyway you may as
well go full blown and use point blank aoe spells and stuns for almost all

With that in mind a good group for the overking looks weird :) It can be
done with far less but with 24 it is absolutely trivial while with 12 still
a bit tricky.

3 chanters
5 clerics
4 wizards
2 druids
1 magician
2 monks
2 rogues
2 wariors
1 necro
1 shaman
1 bard


Feb 25, 2002, 12:33:42 PM2/25/02
> High-level chanter (58+, preferably 60). Someone who can reliably mezz the
> high-level mobs we'll be facing.

I would say 4 enchanters if you have this many at your disposale. Royals
has a lot of mobs that are tightly packed together, not only does this mean
lots of crowd control is needed, it also screams AE. Several enchanters
gives many more AE opportunities (at a reduced risk of wipe) which really is
the fastest way to clear Royals.

> Rogue with max lockpick. There's a locked door down there. Also,
> will be useful for retrieving the bodies of them that die whilst pulling
> (see below).

Lots of the sarnaks inside the temple thing see through sneak, for lock
picking all you need is a 51+ rogue with a 201 lockpick skill.

> Monk with max Feign Death. This will be essential in order to break the
> Overking's room. Even with max FD, the monk should expect to die a time or
> two until we get it right.

You mean a 200 skill, or 18 points to max Rapid FD (monk AA skill)? Not
really an issue for a mid 50's+ monk...
Also, your puller should expect to die when you've done the zone a hundred
times.. Chardok is a zone with very little room for error, as a monk your
used to dieing on raids though, so that shouldn't be an issue.

> Paladin. We need a Paladin to engage the Overking and cast Divine Aura and
> then pull the Overking out of the pit. More on this below.

Not at all.

> Mage with CotH. Because we'll have people coming and going, probably.

CoH is always nice to add late comers

> Necro. For DMF and to help recover corpses after the wipeout. =)

Yep, best to be safe :)

What I would suggest - from the zonein, there is a ramp to the zoneout,
above this ramp is a tunnel (with levitate, you can 'float' into this tunnel
by running down the zone-out ramp, and by looking up)

Once everybody is into this tunnel, start to move down, the first mobs are
easy. Then you come to a point where you can go straight on, or turn right
(with a doorway if you chose the right) Pull this room, then go right.
Take the bridge to your right, under the waterfall, and move to the castle
entrance. (stay on the main platform not by the castle door).

When the pits either side of the path to the doorway are pulled, get your
puller to go through the doorway, then immediatly take a left. He will see
a doorway on his left, with 2 mobs inside, pull these. After that, he turns
right and pulls that side too (2 mobs).

The next stage is ideally done via AE (point blank nukes which can hit
unlimited targets, and chanters casting chain stun)
When everybody is buffed and ready, have your tanks run through the doorway
into the castle, and straight ahead into the main room (closely followed by
your casters). Get the mobs in a bunch in the centre, and AE them all
(wizards, mages, druids and clerics all have point blank damage ae's)

You now have 2 choices to go, left or right. If your skipping the prince
completly then go left (he is for the enchanter epic), if you intend on
killing the prince, you can go either way. if you chose to go right (which
is the way I always go) have your puller pull all the corner mobs into the
main room, and kill them (about 5 mobs).

Now for the prince pull, there are several tactics that will work well here.
Your puller can pull the room without agroing the prince, in which case they
should all be AE'd. If the prince comes, you have the choice of mezzing all
his guards, while everybody kills the prince, or (depending on your raid
crew) ae the whole room (pull it, don't rush the room).

Now go ahead, and follow the wall left, on the right hand side is a doorway.
In here are golems on either side, ae/mez its your choice.. AE gets the job
done fast though. Your puller can now pull the library to that golem room,
ensuring small pulls (singles are possible)

Then everybody move into the library, stay in the left corner. The puller
should then pull the downstairs mobs into your corner, when they are dead
move down. Cast levitate if you think its really necessary (just hugging
the left wall avoids the trap), have your puller pull the next room (through
the locked door) back out into the library. This is better IMO then rushing
the mobs, because rushing mobs = people pushed and falling into the pit
trap, people struggling to get past the rogue to get through the door etc..
so pull the left side, then all move in through the door, onto the left
platform (safely away from the pit trap)

Pull the right-side mobs, then rez/med etc, while your puller goes through
the false wall, and pulls the 1 wandering mob. Now when you all move in,
there are no more wandering mobs to deal with. Make sure everybody is
around the corner and *away* from the false wall.

Your monk should then pull the kings guards (2 or 3 at a time, it doesnt
matter) just don't pull the king yet. Its not difficult for a single monk to
break the king room and pull all the mobs except king.

Then just pull king into the hallway (your raid crew should be half way
between the static point of the wandering mob, and the false wall (that way
theres NO adds) and kick his ass. He has a fire ae and dispell, but really
he's a gimp.

> That is the strategy I'd like to use. There is an alternative strategy of
> getting a CotH mage, a rogue, and a cleric to max their faction with
> by killing Gobs in Nurga and farming them for salts and skins. Then the
> rogue and mage merrily wander the palace until the get to the hallway

That would be a horribly long painstaking mission

Last time I lead a royals raid, we killed the first king pop with mass
overkill (6 or so groups) by the time he next popped, we had less then 3
groups (and only 1 wizard.. which was me running 2 chars with my other
computer) it was the first royals raid I've been on that didn't end in
corpse summons!

The key when pulling his guards is SNARE! If a guard isnt snared, it will
run into the library and summon your raid into a fully popped library, and
with the locked door they cant run back. If a mob runs, immediatly camp in
the spot I mentioned above. Only 1 mob pops there, and its the only "safe"
spot once you pass the library.

Royals is very unforgiving, 9 times out of 10 a raid ends in corpse
summons.. 1 unsnared mob and you have big big problems.

As for the queen.. I wouldn't even try her for a while yet. Just pharm the
king for a few and get some cleric notes, end the raid on a high and not by
summoning everybody.

3 good groups can handle chardok royals, pay attention to snare/agro through
walls etc, and you shouldnt have too many problems

brother grandmaster

jaZZmanian Devil

Feb 25, 2002, 12:49:26 PM2/25/02
-martin wrote:
> 3 good groups can handle chardok royals, pay attention to snare/agro through
> walls etc, and you shouldnt have too many problems

Could you be a bit more specific about the average level of the members
of the "3 good groups" please? Also, the key classes and quantities of

jaZZ md
- - - -
Braellaen: "Does anyone know the approx hit points of a rhino?"
Kirstin: "7. But they're *big* HP."

Dan Harmon

Feb 25, 2002, 1:13:48 PM2/25/02

"Richard Lawson" <> wrote in message

> High-level chanter (58+, preferably 60). Someone who can reliably mezz the
> high-level mobs we'll be facing.

I've attempted the Royals (well, King & Prince) 3 times. My enchanter was
55 the first time and 56 the other two times. All three times there was a
53(1st) 54(2nd/3rd) enchanter there as well. Neither of us had trouble
mezzing critters.

Dan Harmon

Feb 25, 2002, 1:20:09 PM2/25/02

"hughes" <> wrote in message

> A good royal group will not just have one high chanter it will have 3 .
> dont single target mez (you cant too many people in the way ) . You use
> mez and that requires backup. Since chanters are required anyway you may
> well go full blown and use point blank aoe spells and stuns for almost all
> pulls.

Huh? Nah, I never used AE Mez there. You're right, 3 enchanters is great
to have but even with 2 (54/56) we didn't have much trouble single target
mezzing anything. At most we only had about 5 or 6 birds (unnamed) which I
can usually take care of solo, but DAMN is it nice to have a second
enchanter around to back me up. <g>

When we got to the Prince I memmed Charm up for a big overpull, but our
puller had learned how to FD pull Royals by then (AWAY from the rest of us)
and I never needed it. When we got to the King unfortunately some weird
aggro thing happened while simply clearing his area and got about 8,
including the King and we were dead long before I could get a charm off.

Dan Harmon

Feb 25, 2002, 1:37:52 PM2/25/02

"jaZZmanian Devil" <> wrote in message

> -martin wrote:
> > 3 good groups can handle chardok royals, pay attention to snare/agro
> > walls etc, and you shouldnt have too many problems
> Could you be a bit more specific about the average level of the members
> of the "3 good groups" please? Also, the key classes and quantities of
> each?

Enchanter, shaman, cleric, wizard, melee, melee
Enc, shm, cle, melee, melee, melee
Dru, cle, wiz, melee, melee, melee

REQUIRED: Rogue, 2 clerics, monk, warrior. Not required but kinda insane
to go without (I mean, most places you shouldn't have trouble root-parking
adds): 2 enchanters.

<shrug> Just keep in mind that overpulls are common and respawn is fast, so
you can't fart around...gotta kill stuff fast and move on. My
recommendation is hardly the only good way to do it, it's just a quick
example. Want to replace a couple melee with wizards/mag/dru/nec working as
pure damage dealers? Sure, go ahead. Make any changes you want. :)

Jeremiah Kristal

Feb 25, 2002, 2:49:44 PM2/25/02
Dan Harmon <> wrote:

My guild generally does royals with 2 chanters, tho there have been
several times when both chanters dropped LD and myself or another bard
took over CC. None of the regular Sarnaks have that much MR, and you just
kill the named ones. A good puller is absolutely critical though.

59 bard

Ben Warren

Feb 26, 2002, 7:47:35 PM2/26/02
On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 08:01:02 -0600, "Richard Lawson" <>

Richard this is the way DV does it . we take about 4-5 high level
groups .These are regular groups with an extra wizzie or 7 . Monks
pull the house or as many as possible . All tanks pick a mob . Aoe
casters do max aoe . Rinse and repeat. Pull the King and all his
buddies still alive at the same time.

Dream King

Feb 26, 2002, 10:50:23 AM2/26/02
"Richard Lawson" <> wrote:

>Being a 55 Cleric in a guild that has a buncha mid-50's people but no epics
>and a little light on "uber" raids, I asked to go along on someone else's
>Chardok Royals raid. They managed to kill the Overking twice, then got
>wiped when they tried to clear the Queen room and managed to aggro Her Royal
>Highness herself. Goodbye Royals, Hello Coffins.

Yeah. King is a pushover, for the most part. Queen is just nasty. It's
interesting seeing all the casters in the group die at the same time. Of
course I usually die 6 seconds later but ah well. It's all in good fun.

>Monk with max Feign Death. This will be essential in order to break the
>Overking's room. Even with max FD, the monk should expect to die a time or
>two until we get it right.
>Paladin. We need a Paladin to engage the Overking and cast Divine Aura and
>then pull the Overking out of the pit. More on this below.

You can do it that way. But it's not a requirement or anything. I don't
think we've ever done a DA pull but I don't see anything wrong with it.
There's really no one right way to do Royals. Just whatever works for

>Mage with CotH. Because we'll have people coming and going, probably.

Put the Mage in the pull group. If the Monk gets in trouble CoH him and
try it again. Might save a few deaths. The puller dying slows everything
down and the main key to a Royals raid is speed. Two experienced Monks
would be a nice option so that if one dies the other can just take over.

>B) Rush inside, have the Main Tank pick a target, wait until all the adds
>gather around, then have everyone start casting AoE damage spells. With
>enough people casting these spells, the mobs should drop pretty quickly - of
>course, at the cost of most of the raiding party's mana, but that's okay.

This is really the fastest and easiest way if you have the classes to
do it. With single pulling you're going to risk repops but when you can
drop 15 at once you don't really have to worry about that.

>The monk puller (maybe working with a tag-team partner) begins clearing the
>Overking's room. There are eight mobs plus the Overking in the room, and we
>want to get that down to two or three. So the monks begin to pull the mobs,
>bringing them to the raid party that's sitting in the hallway. We do *not*
>pull the Overking. If the Overking aggros the raiding parties, we retreat
>back to the library and *camp* to clear aggro. This shouldn't be a problem
>if the pullers are careful. On the raid I went on, the monks were able to
>successfully clear the entire room except for the Overking.
>Now for the paladin.
>The pally has DA up, of course. The pally rushes in, aggros the Overking,
>DA's, pulls the Overking out of the small pit in the back of the room and as
>far forward as possible without going up the stairs and into the hallway.
>Then the Pally yells "CHARGE" and the raiding party comes charging in to
>Gravity Flux, and if you are in the pit, you'll hit the ceiling and aggro
>*the entire library*. Eight adds while we're fighting the Overking is
>something we do *not* need.

Well here's something easier depending on your force and how fast
you're killing things. Stay in the Library and pull King room mobs to
there. Once you get him alone, or with a couple, just have everyone fall
down the pit and engage King. If you're fast enough you'll have him dead
before Library repops so you don't have to worry about GFlux. Or you
could pull him out of the pit just to be safe. I mainly say that because
I hate (hate!) pulling to the hallway. Normally people let the herbalist
room repop while camping there. That's a wipeout just waiting to happen.

>Once the Overking is dead the rest is easy. We set up camp in the Overking's
>room (again keeping out of the pit). The Overking is on a two-hour spawn
>timer, the rest of the mobs are on thirty-minute timers. We keep the room
>clean of mobs and, two hours later, we again pull back out into the hallway,
>leaving behind our Pally to wait for the Overking to pop. We repeat the
>strategy above.

Or you could just stay in the room and wait for him.

>That is the strategy I'd like to use. There is an alternative strategy of
>getting a CotH mage, a rogue, and a cleric to max their faction with Chardok
>by killing Gobs in Nurga and farming them for salts and skins. Then the
>rogue and mage merrily wander the palace until the get to the hallway
>leading to the Overking's room. They then summon a monk or four who
>immediately FD. Then they begin summoning tanks who begin engaging the
>roamer in the hallway, with the support of the monks and others who are
>there. Once the roamer's dead, the mage summons the rest of the raid. I
>hesitate to suggest this because it would mean that the rogue, cleric, and
>mage would have to spend many tedious, XP-less hours in Nurga. That's asking
>a bit much. I'd rather focus our discussion on what I suggested above.

We've used that a few times. You only really need a Mage to be non-kos.
It makes things a lot easier if you can just start near the library and
skip clearing all that other stuff. Also, the Chardok quests aren't that
bad, so I dont think you'd have a big problem convincing a few people to
work up their faction. Put a Shaman on the list as one of the first to
pull once fighting begins. A slowed mob is a wimpy mob. Just be careful
that you don't have half your guild working on Chardok faction. Makes a
Royals raid a little tough when people don't log on because they don't
want to mess up their faction.


Feb 28, 2002, 1:28:20 PM2/28/02
> Could you be a bit more specific about the average level of the members
> of the "3 good groups" please? Also, the key classes and quantities of
> each?

3 groups, with key members 55+

The most important class here is the chanter (well chanter and puller)

At minimum, a chanter and warrior over 55.. individual classes - well when
its been just 3 groups left, thats because everbody left.. not because I
planned 3 groups, so they werent optimal

3 clerics, 2+ chanters, monk, rogue, wizard, 2 druids, 3 warriors - for
minimum i think.. if you have another wizard or 2, then add those (3
wizards, 2 druids and 2/3 chanters is plenty of stunnage and pb ae to do ae
pulls) and assorted melee damage, that leaves 2/3 spots to juggle about..
paladin, shaman and ranger would work

If your warriors and clerics were experienced together (also being a warlord
helps) then you could drop a warrior for a damage dealer (monk or rogue) if
you don't have the wizards available, make sure you have suitable damage
dealers in their place (mages, rogues, monks, rangers) chardok is about
moving fast and not getting caught in repops

brother grandmaster

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