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Best Pets?

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May 5, 2001, 1:21:59 PM5/5/01
Hello, all I play 2 pet classes a Necro and Mage.
I'm kinda wondering who gets the best pets in the end?
Right now my Necro pet seems to be out damaging the Mage pet when he was of
similar level.
Does this hold true throughout the game?
Also of the other Pet classes who gets the VERY best pet?

Melissa Dirmeyer

May 5, 2001, 1:25:16 PM5/5/01
"none" <> wrote in message
My druid likes to drag around a warrior or ranger. They do what you tell
them and when they die you just auction for a new one. Usually they have
their own weapons too.

Melissa Dirmeyer

May 5, 2001, 1:25:51 PM5/5/01

"Melissa Dirmeyer" <> wrote in message
Oh..and they run off and get you things by themselves.


May 5, 2001, 2:57:30 PM5/5/01
ROFL Okies let me correct myself
Pets either summoned from Thin Air or summoned from the world at large

"Melissa Dirmeyer" <> wrote in message



May 5, 2001, 5:30:21 PM5/5/01
While I haven't played a mage high enough to speak from experience, I hear
that a mage's pet will out perform a necro's pet, especially at higher
levels. A necros strengths is not in the pet alone, plenty of DOTs and
other spells to go along with it.


"none" <> wrote in message


Message has been deleted


May 6, 2001, 6:55:58 PM5/6/01
You will not evade me, "Melissa Dirmeyer" <>:

My druid usually prefers one monk pet, but I did pretty well last
night with a warrior and a shaman pet and the shaman pet's pet wolf.

Mages are usually hailed as THE pet class.

Celaeno Duskwalker
Fier'dal druid of Erollisi Marr

Dan E.

May 7, 2001, 1:39:37 PM5/7/01
On Sun, 06 May 2001 17:55:38 GMT, "Johann Joubert"
<> wrote:

>Mage of course. I know of a competition between a level 52 mage and a 59
>necro. Just the pets and no spell casting on the pets or enemy. The level
>52 earth pet beat the crap out of the specter (emissary of thule).

>"none" <> wrote in message

Enchanters, of course. And if anyone differs, I'll prove it. Just my
pet vs their pet.

Wait a moment... where'd he go...

Just a moment. I have to go find him...

Dan E.

"I wanted to play MouseTrap. You roll your dice, move your mice and
no one gets hurt." - Bob

Philippe Steindl

May 8, 2001, 6:41:23 AM5/8/01
Johann Joubert <> wrote:
: Mage of course. I know of a competition between a level 52 mage and a 59
: necro. Just the pets and no spell casting on the pets or enemy. The level
: 52 earth pet beat the crap out of the specter (emissary of thule).

Now why do I think Pokemon here? :)

Lord Mark

May 8, 2001, 6:35:51 PM5/8/01
Magicians have the best pets hands down. Mag pets dual wield at 24, necros at
28. The pets in the 30s seem to be weaker for the lvl then the pets early on
and the ones later on. At 44 the age pets really start to shine, they start to
disarm, they reliably double attack (they will quad hit for 44 points each
attack) block dodge, repose and kick. At 51 the age pets become really
powerful I can pull 5 hill giants in a row to my pet, it tanks then and still
20% health left, and the 52 lvl fire casts Wiz spells, and the 54 water pet
will fight like a rouge. The mage epic pet will defeat a 55 lvl warr with
there epic weapon in a dual. Some people seem to like the air pet, I think
there crap, you have no control over the stun attack so you cant us it to
reliably interrupt spells, they have a high AC do dammage shields are
ineffective on them they are always invisible so noone else can target them to
buff them and they have low hit points, so they get killed by spells easily, so
I cant tell you how they fight, apparently they are like warriors.

none wrote:

"A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise
the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness,
enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others
of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the
mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks."
--Thomas Jefferson

Have Gun Will Travel

Abunra Ben'Ghazah

May 8, 2001, 7:33:54 PM5/8/01
Most people will say that Mage pets are much better than Necro pets. I
tend to disagree.....

Mage pets hit harder than Necro pets, BUT Necro pets take less damage
and hit more often. How you may say????? Fear kiting! A Necro uses
darkness and fear to help his pet kill mobs. Since the mob is running
away the pet hits it more often, and doesn't take any damage in
return. The Mage and his pet stand toe-to-toe with the mob and take
more damage overall. This leads to less efficiency and longer down
times for the mage.

You cannot judge a pet or player character by duel performance.
(Unless you only care about duelling)


Dan E.

May 8, 2001, 7:57:48 PM5/8/01
On Tue, 08 May 2001 16:33:54 -0700, Abunra Ben'Ghazah <>

I've never played either one, but that sounds like you're changing the
nature of the question. The question was which class has a better pet
not which class can utilize their pets and spells the most
efficiently. Fear kiting is totally irrelevant; it's not an ability of
the pet.

By your own comments above, you're agreeing that mages have a better


May 9, 2001, 7:19:56 AM5/9/01

Lord Mark wrote:

> Magicians have the best pets hands down. Mag pets dual wield at 24, necros at
> 28. The pets in the 30s seem to be weaker for the lvl then the pets early on
> and the ones later on. At 44 the age pets really start to shine, they start to
> disarm, they reliably double attack (they will quad hit for 44 points each
> attack) block dodge, repose and kick. At 51 the age pets become really
> powerful I can pull 5 hill giants in a row to my pet, it tanks then and still
> 20% health left, and the 52 lvl fire casts Wiz spells, and the 54 water pet
> will fight like a rouge. The mage epic pet will defeat a 55 lvl warr with
> there epic weapon in a dual. Some people seem to like the air pet, I think
> there crap, you have no control over the stun attack so you cant us it to
> reliably interrupt spells, they have a high AC do dammage shields are
> ineffective on them they are always invisible so noone else can target them to
> buff them and they have low hit points, so they get killed by spells easily, so
> I cant tell you how they fight, apparently they are like warriors.

Have you considered buffing the air pets up? And casting See Invis on the
buffers in order to do so? Air pets are the premium group pet... yes you
can't time the stun, but adding more stuns to the environment at no mana
cost is simply never a bad thing. Further, invis they don't have the problem
all other pets do, of aggroing green mobs that would never think of attacking
the party without that pet in there. In a group, the pet isn't really a good
target for your DS; your party tank will outtaunt pets significantly anyway;
if your air pet does get some attention it isn't a bad thing that it doesn't get
hit all that often.

36 cleric, Morel Thule,
former 28 mage and 49 cleric.. so I have seen a lot of everything but the end
game play out.

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