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Aug 31, 2001, 7:54:19 PM8/31/01
What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they took
"coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a play on
that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the

****Some Spoilers - Some Lemon-Lime - Some Naughty Langauge - Tons of



"More Coffee Dios?" Akio held out the coffeepot.
"....." Dios nodded and proffered his "Hooters" print coffee mug.
Akio refilled the mug. "So where were we? Oh, yeah, Kanae, she's a
Dios nodded, adding 10 sugar packets to his coffee.
"The thought of settling down with her just makes me . . ." Akio smiled.
"I know, I am incredibly sentimental." Akio laughed softly. "I look at her
and think here is my soul mate. I want no one but her."
"Well, sure Utena's cute but . . . She's no Kanae. Hm? Yeah, Utena
probably would look hot in armor storming the castle."
Akio laughed. "Yeah, on chocolate ponies. You're a naughty one you know
"I do have fun. It's a good life. But sometimes I think I'd rather be like
"True, chicks do dig the car. Some time, come down and borrow the keys


"So, Wakaba . . . " Saionji joined Wakaba at a table ladened with boxes of
doughnuts. The other students milled about. He leaned close and continued,
"Um, would you mind, I mean, would you like to maybe go out to see the
movies this weekend?"
"Kyouichi? With you?"
"Please." Saionji's voice barely rose above a whisper. "I know I'm not
exactly the best looking guy but I think you're really sweet and . . ." He
looked down. ChuChu, sitting on Saionji's shoulder, tugged on one of the
young man's green curls. Saionji smiled and tickled the monkey-mouse's
"Look," stated Wakaba, "I'm busy. Utena's expecting me. Glomp her there,
glomp her here. Jeez." She glanced at her watch. "This is never enough
"I know," said Saionji softly, "I understand. I have to be back at the
courtyard and confront Miki. He's so much more cooler than I."
"We all have our problems, you know." She reached for a doughnut. He
winced. She huffed. "What is your prob? You're the most skittish person
I've ever met."
"I know. I know." He gasped and pointed. "Spider," he mouthed.
"Jeez!" Wakaba stepped on the insect as she took a bite of a jelly-filled
"Excuse me," Saionji grimaced and stepped away.
"Whatever." She watched him join Miki, then she mumbled, "Loser."


"Look!" squealed Nanami pulling a cream-colored cashmere sweater set from a
bag. "Isn't it to die for?"
"It is!" Anthy giggled. "You'll look so hot in it." She sighed. "I wish
I'd seen that."
"Oh, but here." Nanami handed the twin set to Anthy. "This is yours. I
also purchased a pink set for me. We will just be the hottest chicks on
"You know it girlfriend. Oh, heard there's a sale on Charles David bags
this weekend. We must go next break time."
"You so know it. Oh, Anthy, look at Tsuwabuki and Mari. Aren't they the
most adorable?"
Anthy nodded. "It's so sweet to watch children just play and run. Oh, keep
forgetting. Would you remind me to tell Keiko I simply went mad for that
dress she wore to the party last week?"
"Oh sure. She stole the evening, I swear." Nanami giggled. "She keeps
hoping Touga will notice."
"But he and Utena . . ." Anthy nodded toward the couple in question.
"Utena's such a nice girl." Nanami shrugged. "But, Utena, Keiko, I don't
care. I just want him to settle down."


Touga picked up a sugared doughnut and tore it in half. He handed Utena one
piece and he chewed on the other. She thanked him.
"Plans tonight?" he asked.
"Calculus. Then Physics. And you know I've been translating those Latin
books." She shook her head.
"But you love it. If you're not mentally challenged, you get so bored."
Utena laughed. "As if you are not the exact same!"
Touga chuckled. "We're just a pair of nerds I guess. Say, looks like
Saionji got turned down again."
"Aw, that's too bad. But he's so painfully shy. If he'd just get a little
more aggressive. You know what I mean."
Touga nodded. "So I do." He leaned down and ran his tongue over her lips.
Utena laughed and played with a strand of his bright red, silky hair.


"So, then, I stepped in and his foil flew across the room." Juri sipped her
Ruka shook his head. "Don't remind me. My ego."
Shiori giggled. "Oh, you two wouldn't have it any other way."
"True," said Juri. She slipped her arm around Ruka's waist. "And who made
you feel better later?"
Ruka kissed her. "You did my love."
Shiori sighed. "You both are so perfect for each other. I'm so happy that
I played matchmaker."
"So are we," Juri tugged on the shorter girl's plum colored hair. "We need
to fix you up you know."
Shiori re-filled her coffee cup. "No, please. I am not in any way
interested in a relationship. I'm too independent."
Ruka nodded. "I'll agree with you on that. You very much speak your mind."
The girls laughed.


Kozue laughed. "God Miki, another one?"
Miki faced his sister. She tossed him a bagel, and continued, "Here. You'
ll need the energy. How many girls are you seeing this weekend anyway?"
Miki shrugged. "Two tonight. And I think four on Saturday."
"You think?" Kozue shook her head. "You are so crazy. Promise me you'll
go to their rooms. I have that hideous Verdi opera I'm learning."
"I know. I hear the piano all night. I think you sound really nice
"Thanks but you know what they say . . ." She groaned.
"Practice makes perfect," he stated. He eyed Anthy. "Speaking of
"You're terrible! Better hurry. We don't have much time left."
Miki wolfed down his bagel, then winked at his sister. "Wish me luck."
"I need the luck. Not you. When will I ever meet anyone?"
"Anyone? You mean Wakaba, don't you? I see the way you look at her. Ask
her out. I hear she's bi and quite a wild little animal." He brushed his
lips over her cheek. "I'll be right back."


"So, then she waved her ass right in front of me. What could I do? She was
so hot. A rack to make a man scream. And what a wild ride, let me tell
you." Mikage dusted powdered sugar off his blue jacket, then took a drag
from his unfiltered Camel. Glancing around, he then withdrew a small silver
flask from his pocket and poured brandy into his coffee.
Tatsuya snorted. "You get more ass than anyone I've seen. You're worse
than Miki."
Mikage smirked. "Oh, right. Who went home with Keiko, Akio AND Yuuko the
other night?"
Tatsuya ran a hand through his thick hair. "Okay, but I was wasted. We all
were. Your parties . . ."
"Gotta' live in the present dude. Grab what you can and die young and
"Then why you bonkin' Tokiko?"
"'cause she is the finest piece of ass a man could want. Try her. She's
hot. I get a boner just thinking of her."
"You are the crudest . . ."
Mikage laughed. "Whatever. Say, you nailed Wakaba yet?"
"She's a scary one. But I'm workin' on it."
"Let me know. I think I'd like to go down on her in the elevator." Mikage
waggled his eyebrows.


A bell sounded. Akio walked across the room to the looming Planetarium.
"Break's over. Back to work." He flipped up a switch on the machine.

Dios curled in a ball in his illusionary castle and wept. Akio smirked and
made eye contact with Tokiko. Touga made a grab for Utena; she knocked his
hand away and strode off. Wakaba cried out Utena's name and glomped her yet
kept a hopeful glance toward Saionji. Saionji smirked, insulted Utena, then
knocked Miki down. Miki blushed as he watched his sister slip away with two
boys. Tatsuya hid behind a tree and watched Wakaba, a soft blush on his
face. Mikage slipped on his glasses and sat in front of his 'fiche machine.
Keiko, Aiko and Yuuko each slapped Anthy while Nanami demanded Tsuwabuki
fetch her a different coat. He pushed Mari aside to do Nanami's bidding.
Shiori trailed after Ruka who boldly flirted with a glaring Juri. ChuChu
dragged a box of doughnuts to a safe place and waited until the next


L. Gerholz

Aug 31, 2001, 10:03:50 PM8/31/01

sephigirl wrote:
> What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they took
> "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a play on
> that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> clock.

Sam and Ralph, wasn't it? This really is an appropriate theme for the
holiday. Good choice.

Let's peek behind the scenes...

> ****Some Spoilers - Some Lemon-Lime - Some Naughty Langauge - Tons of
> Silliness****
> ~Katherine
> "More Coffee Dios?" Akio held out the coffeepot.
> "....." Dios nodded and proffered his "Hooters" print coffee mug.


> "I do have fun. It's a good life. But sometimes I think I'd rather be like
> you."
> "...."
> "True, chicks do dig the car. Some time, come down and borrow the keys
> then."

Wah! Dios still can't talk? Or only Akio can understand him? Kinda like
Cousin It from the "Addams Family".

> ***********
> "So, Wakaba . . . " Saionji joined Wakaba at a table ladened with boxes of
> doughnuts. The other students milled about. He leaned close and continued,
> "Um, would you mind, I mean, would you like to maybe go out to see the
> movies this weekend?"
> "Kyouichi? With you?"

> <snip>

> "Excuse me," Saionji grimaced and stepped away.
> "Whatever." She watched him join Miki, then she mumbled, "Loser."

You know, after reading this, I had to convince Sai that he's still got
what it takes to be a "bad boy". Fortunately, it was rather fun.

> <snip>

> ***********
> Touga picked up a sugared doughnut and tore it in half. He handed Utena one
> piece and he chewed on the other. She thanked him.
> "Plans tonight?" he asked.
> "Calculus. Then Physics. And you know I've been translating those Latin
> books." She shook her head.
> "But you love it. If you're not mentally challenged, you get so bored."
> Utena laughed. "As if you are not the exact same!"
> Touga chuckled. "We're just a pair of nerds I guess. Say, looks like
> Saionji got turned down again."
> "Aw, that's too bad. But he's so painfully shy. If he'd just get a little
> more aggressive. You know what I mean."
> Touga nodded. "So I do." He leaned down and ran his tongue over her lips.
> "Sugar."
> Utena laughed and played with a strand of his bright red, silky hair.
> "Charmer."

Awwwww! So cuuute!

> ***********
> "So, then, I stepped in and his foil flew across the room." Juri sipped her
> coffee.
> Ruka shook his head. "Don't remind me. My ego."
> Shiori giggled. "Oh, you two wouldn't have it any other way."
> "True," said Juri. She slipped her arm around Ruka's waist. "And who made
> you feel better later?"
> Ruka kissed her. "You did my love."
> Shiori sighed. "You both are so perfect for each other. I'm so happy that
> I played matchmaker."
> "So are we," Juri tugged on the shorter girl's plum colored hair. "We need
> to fix you up you know."
> Shiori re-filled her coffee cup. "No, please. I am not in any way
> interested in a relationship. I'm too independent."
> Ruka nodded. "I'll agree with you on that. You very much speak your mind."
> The girls laughed.

Sigh! So cute again.

> ***********
> Kozue laughed. "God Miki, another one?"
> Miki faced his sister. She tossed him a bagel, and continued, "Here. You'
> ll need the energy. How many girls are you seeing this weekend anyway?"
> Miki shrugged. "Two tonight. And I think four on Saturday."
> "You think?" Kozue shook her head. "You are so crazy. Promise me you'll
> go to their rooms. I have that hideous Verdi opera I'm learning."
> "I know. I hear the piano all night. I think you sound really nice
> already."
> "Thanks but you know what they say . . ." She groaned.
> "Practice makes perfect," he stated. He eyed Anthy. "Speaking of
> practice."
> "You're terrible! Better hurry. We don't have much time left."
> Miki wolfed down his bagel, then winked at his sister. "Wish me luck."
> "I need the luck. Not you. When will I ever meet anyone?"
> "Anyone? You mean Wakaba, don't you? I see the way you look at her. Ask
> her out. I hear she's bi and quite a wild little animal." He brushed his
> lips over her cheek. "I'll be right back."

Hm. This is appallingly like my AU versions of Kozue and Miki. And
actually, so is your Nanami, which I snipped.

> ***********
> "So, then she waved her ass right in front of me. What could I do? She was
> so hot. A rack to make a man scream. And what a wild ride, let me tell
> you." Mikage dusted powdered sugar off his blue jacket, then took a drag
> from his unfiltered Camel. Glancing around, he then withdrew a small silver
> flask from his pocket and poured brandy into his coffee.
> Tatsuya snorted. "You get more ass than anyone I've seen. You're worse
> than Miki."
> Mikage smirked. "Oh, right. Who went home with Keiko, Akio AND Yuuko the
> other night?"
> Tatsuya ran a hand through his thick hair. "Okay, but I was wasted. We all
> were. Your parties . . ."
> "Gotta' live in the present dude. Grab what you can and die young and
> pretty."
> "Then why you bonkin' Tokiko?"
> "'cause she is the finest piece of ass a man could want. Try her. She's
> hot. I get a boner just thinking of her."
> "You are the crudest . . ."
> Mikage laughed. "Whatever. Say, you nailed Wakaba yet?"
> "She's a scary one. But I'm workin' on it."
> "Let me know. I think I'd like to go down on her in the elevator." Mikage
> waggled his eyebrows.

*spew* *snort*
Girlfriend, you owe me a keyboard for this. And a monitor.

> ***********
> A bell sounded. Akio walked across the room to the looming Planetarium.
> "Break's over. Back to work." He flipped up a switch on the machine.
> Dios curled in a ball in his illusionary castle and wept. Akio smirked and
> made eye contact with Tokiko. Touga made a grab for Utena; she knocked his
> hand away and strode off. Wakaba cried out Utena's name and glomped her yet
> kept a hopeful glance toward Saionji. Saionji smirked, insulted Utena, then
> knocked Miki down. Miki blushed as he watched his sister slip away with two
> boys. Tatsuya hid behind a tree and watched Wakaba, a soft blush on his
> face. Mikage slipped on his glasses and sat in front of his 'fiche machine.
> Keiko, Aiko and Yuuko each slapped Anthy while Nanami demanded Tsuwabuki
> fetch her a different coat. He pushed Mari aside to do Nanami's bidding.
> Shiori trailed after Ruka who boldly flirted with a glaring Juri. ChuChu
> dragged a box of doughnuts to a safe place and waited until the next
> coffeebreak.

All in a good day's work...

Brava. Another fun holiday fic. I'm going to be sorry when these end.
Are these being collected anywhere, other than in newsgroup archives?

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper


Sep 1, 2001, 2:59:40 AM9/1/01
<< What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they took
"coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a play on
that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the

Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.


So, while Akio thinks about settling down and starting a family, Dios lusts
after Utena... ^^ Time to trade in the red convertable for a station wagon, or
an SUV... ^^

<< ***********

"So, Wakaba . . . " Saionji joined Wakaba at a table ladened with boxes of
doughnuts. The other students milled about. He leaned close and continued,
"Um, would you mind, I mean, would you like to maybe go out to see the
movies this weekend?"
"Kyouichi? With you?"
"Please." Saionji's voice barely rose above a whisper. "I know I'm not
exactly the best looking guy but I think you're really sweet and . . ." He
looked down. ChuChu, sitting on Saionji's shoulder, tugged on one of the
young man's green curls. Saionji smiled and tickled the monkey-mouse's
"Look," stated Wakaba, "I'm busy. Utena's expecting me. Glomp her there,
glomp her here. Jeez." She glanced at her watch. "This is never enough
"I know," said Saionji softly, "I understand. I have to be back at the
courtyard and confront Miki. He's so much more cooler than I."
"We all have our problems, you know." She reached for a doughnut. He
winced. She huffed. "What is your prob? You're the most skittish person
I've ever met."
"I know. I know." He gasped and pointed. "Spider," he mouthed.
"Jeez!" Wakaba stepped on the insect as she took a bite of a jelly-filled
"Excuse me," Saionji grimaced and stepped away.
"Whatever." She watched him join Miki, then she mumbled, "Loser."

LOL! Saionji's a big ol' wimpy boy, while Wakaba is a tough chick! Works for
me... ^^

<< ***********

"Look!" squealed Nanami pulling a cream-colored cashmere sweater set from a
bag. "Isn't it to die for?"
"It is!" Anthy giggled. "You'll look so hot in it." She sighed. "I wish
I'd seen that."
"Oh, but here." Nanami handed the twin set to Anthy. "This is yours. I
also purchased a pink set for me. We will just be the hottest chicks on
"You know it girlfriend. Oh, heard there's a sale on Charles David bags
this weekend. We must go next break time."
"You so know it. Oh, Anthy, look at Tsuwabuki and Mari. Aren't they the
most adorable?"
Anthy nodded. "It's so sweet to watch children just play and run. Oh, keep
forgetting. Would you remind me to tell Keiko I simply went mad for that
dress she wore to the party last week?"
"Oh sure. She stole the evening, I swear." Nanami giggled. "She keeps
hoping Touga will notice."
"But he and Utena . . ." Anthy nodded toward the couple in question.
"Utena's such a nice girl." Nanami shrugged. "But, Utena, Keiko, I don't
care. I just want him to settle down."

Nanami and Anthy bosom buddies? Will wonders never cease? And Nanami admiring
Keiko? ^o^ And Nanami wanting Touga to have a relationship with a girl?! ^^

<< ***********

Touga picked up a sugared doughnut and tore it in half. He handed Utena one
piece and he chewed on the other. She thanked him.
"Plans tonight?" he asked.
"Calculus. Then Physics. And you know I've been translating those Latin
books." She shook her head.
"But you love it. If you're not mentally challenged, you get so bored."
Utena laughed. "As if you are not the exact same!"
Touga chuckled. "We're just a pair of nerds I guess. Say, looks like
Saionji got turned down again."
"Aw, that's too bad. But he's so painfully shy. If he'd just get a little
more aggressive. You know what I mean."
Touga nodded. "So I do." He leaned down and ran his tongue over her lips.
Utena laughed and played with a strand of his bright red, silky hair.

More wackyness! Utena and Touga in a relationship! Talk about implausable...
^_~ And Utena a brainiac to boot! ^^

<< ***********

"So, then, I stepped in and his foil flew across the room." Juri sipped her
Ruka shook his head. "Don't remind me. My ego."
Shiori giggled. "Oh, you two wouldn't have it any other way."
"True," said Juri. She slipped her arm around Ruka's waist. "And who made
you feel better later?"
Ruka kissed her. "You did my love."
Shiori sighed. "You both are so perfect for each other. I'm so happy that
I played matchmaker."
"So are we," Juri tugged on the shorter girl's plum colored hair. "We need
to fix you up you know."
Shiori re-filled her coffee cup. "No, please. I am not in any way
interested in a relationship. I'm too independent."
Ruka nodded. "I'll agree with you on that. You very much speak your mind."
The girls laughed.

Juri and Ruka as a couple make Touga and Utena pale by comparison! ^^ And
Shiori as matchmaker? lol! And not just that, but also 'independant'! ^^|/

<< ***********

Kozue laughed. "God Miki, another one?"
Miki faced his sister. She tossed him a bagel, and continued, "Here. You'
ll need the energy. How many girls are you seeing this weekend anyway?"
Miki shrugged. "Two tonight. And I think four on Saturday."
"You think?" Kozue shook her head. "You are so crazy. Promise me you'll
go to their rooms. I have that hideous Verdi opera I'm learning."
"I know. I hear the piano all night. I think you sound really nice
"Thanks but you know what they say . . ." She groaned.
"Practice makes perfect," he stated. He eyed Anthy. "Speaking of
"You're terrible! Better hurry. We don't have much time left."
Miki wolfed down his bagel, then winked at his sister. "Wish me luck."
"I need the luck. Not you. When will I ever meet anyone?"
"Anyone? You mean Wakaba, don't you? I see the way you look at her. Ask
her out. I hear she's bi and quite a wild little animal." He brushed his
lips over her cheek. "I'll be right back."

LOL! Kozue is the musical prodegy this time, while Miki is the super-stud! Wow,
he must be trying to beat Wilt Chamberlain's record!

<< ***********

"So, then she waved her ass right in front of me. What could I do? She was
so hot. A rack to make a man scream. And what a wild ride, let me tell
you." Mikage dusted powdered sugar off his blue jacket, then took a drag
from his unfiltered Camel. Glancing around, he then withdrew a small silver
flask from his pocket and poured brandy into his coffee.
Tatsuya snorted. "You get more ass than anyone I've seen. You're worse
than Miki."
Mikage smirked. "Oh, right. Who went home with Keiko, Akio AND Yuuko the
other night?"
Tatsuya ran a hand through his thick hair. "Okay, but I was wasted. We all
were. Your parties . . ."
"Gotta' live in the present dude. Grab what you can and die young and
"Then why you bonkin' Tokiko?"
"'cause she is the finest piece of ass a man could want. Try her. She's
hot. I get a boner just thinking of her."
"You are the crudest . . ."
Mikage laughed. "Whatever. Say, you nailed Wakaba yet?"
"She's a scary one. But I'm workin' on it."
"Let me know. I think I'd like to go down on her in the elevator." Mikage
waggled his eyebrows.

Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^

<< ***********

A bell sounded. Akio walked across the room to the looming Planetarium.
"Break's over. Back to work." He flipped up a switch on the machine.

Dios curled in a ball in his illusionary castle and wept. Akio smirked and
made eye contact with Tokiko. Touga made a grab for Utena; she knocked his
hand away and strode off. Wakaba cried out Utena's name and glomped her yet
kept a hopeful glance toward Saionji. Saionji smirked, insulted Utena, then
knocked Miki down. Miki blushed as he watched his sister slip away with two
boys. Tatsuya hid behind a tree and watched Wakaba, a soft blush on his
face. Mikage slipped on his glasses and sat in front of his 'fiche machine.
Keiko, Aiko and Yuuko each slapped Anthy while Nanami demanded Tsuwabuki
fetch her a different coat. He pushed Mari aside to do Nanami's bidding.
Shiori trailed after Ruka who boldly flirted with a glaring Juri. ChuChu
dragged a box of doughnuts to a safe place and waited until the next


And back to normal...

This was a lot of fun! Keep up the good work Katherine! And we'll see you next
holiday! ^^

Jiras Corrino, Certified Freak!
afu no Chuchu
afu no Mikage's Elevator
Proud Member, WGPS!


Sep 1, 2001, 6:28:32 PM9/1/01
In article <LsVj7.4075$>,
"sephigirl" <> writes:

>What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they took
>"coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a play on
>that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the

Ha, ha, ha! I *love* it! Let me post this puppy on my site, PLEASE! 8D

Mark. 8)
- proud member of the WGPS and the SDA!
- UtenaCode(1.1) U:6+ F:Wa++>Hi+:pBR D:Sh-->Sa< X:[**]:a39++ M:f:"Toki Ni Ai


Sep 1, 2001, 6:56:19 PM9/1/01
"L. Gerholz" <> wrote in message

> sephigirl wrote:
> >
> > What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they
> > "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a
play on
> > that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> > clock.
> Sam and Ralph, wasn't it?

I thought so, but I wasn't sure. You've confirmed it. thanks.

>This really is an appropriate theme for the
> holiday. Good choice.
> Let's peek behind the scenes...
> >
> > ****Some Spoilers - Some Lemon-Lime - Some Naughty Langauge - Tons of
> > Silliness****
> >
> >

> Wah! Dios still can't talk? Or only Akio can understand him? Kinda like
> Cousin It from the "Addams Family".

Actually my one friend & I do Dios in our version of a chipper, overly cute
Yuki Hiro since he is Dios' voice.

> >
> > ***********
> >
> > "So, Wakaba . . . " Saionji joined Wakaba at a table ladened with boxes
> > doughnuts. The other students milled about. He leaned close and
> > "Um, would you mind, I mean, would you like to maybe go out to see the
> > movies this weekend?"
> > "Kyouichi? With you?"
> > <snip>
> > "Excuse me," Saionji grimaced and stepped away.
> > "Whatever." She watched him join Miki, then she mumbled, "Loser."
> You know, after reading this, I had to convince Sai that he's still got
> what it takes to be a "bad boy". Fortunately, it was rather fun.

I'll bet. Convincing can be quite entertaining... ^^
> > <snip>
> > ***********

> >
> > Touga nodded. "So I do." He leaned down and ran his tongue over her
> > "Sugar."
> > Utena laughed and played with a strand of his bright red, silky hair.
> > "Charmer."
> >
> Awwwww! So cuuute!

I always imagined Touga, when he finally went into a relationship, as being
really sweet & cute.
> > ***********

> >
> > ***********
> >
> > Kozue laughed. "God Miki, another one?"
> > Miki faced his sister. She tossed him a bagel, and continued, "Here.
> > ll need the energy. How many girls are you seeing this weekend anyway?"
> > Miki shrugged. "Two tonight. And I think four on Saturday."
> > "You think?" Kozue shook her head. "You are so crazy. Promise me
> > go to their rooms. I have that hideous Verdi opera I'm learning."
> > "I know. I hear the piano all night. I think you sound really nice
> > already."
> > "Thanks but you know what they say . . ." She groaned.
> > "Practice makes perfect," he stated. He eyed Anthy. "Speaking of
> > practice."
> > "You're terrible! Better hurry. We don't have much time left."
> > Miki wolfed down his bagel, then winked at his sister. "Wish me luck."
> > "I need the luck. Not you. When will I ever meet anyone?"
> > "Anyone? You mean Wakaba, don't you? I see the way you look at her.
> > her out. I hear she's bi and quite a wild little animal." He brushed
> > lips over her cheek. "I'll be right back."
> Hm. This is appallingly like my AU versions of Kozue and Miki. And
> actually, so is your Nanami, which I snipped.

Oh . . . my. Will we see your AU?
> >
> > ***********

> >
> >
> *spew* *snort*
> Girlfriend, you owe me a keyboard for this. And a monitor.

heh I thoroughly enjoyed making Mikage & Tatsuya such crude party dudes.
That may be my favorite.
> > ***********

> >
> All in a good day's work...
> Brava. Another fun holiday fic. I'm going to be sorry when these end.
> Are these being collected anywhere, other than in newsgroup archives?

Nope. If I ever do up the alledged free pages I'm s'posed to get - they'll
go on there. If I'm lucky, I've saved them on discs or hard drives or on
paper, hopefully. Hopefully the archives will never go away. I keep other
folks' fics in a safer form than mine. My "President's Day" pic is in a
frame and out on disply in my living room. May I just say I'm glad my
parents admired the work and didn't ask about the story? There's still
plenty of holidays, I think, that I've not touched. Flag Day was gonna' be
handled this year but the idea wouldn't come to fruition. So, it'll be in

~Mikage's Prince
~~(also)Touga's Prince and Akio's Prince(as needed)
Proud Member, Wakaba Genki Preservation Society
UtenaCode(1.1)U:6 F:To++>Ak+++:pBR D:Sa<Na- - ->
X:*:a[BR++] M:f "Poison" "Akio Car" Mikage's Hits
"Toki Ni Ai Wa"


Sep 1, 2001, 7:02:44 PM9/1/01
"UYatsura" <> wrote in message

> << What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they
> "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a play
> that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> clock.
> >>
> Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.

LOL! That's wonderful! ^^ hmmm, wonder if I could do something like
that.... hmmmm.....

> ~Katherine

> So, while Akio thinks about settling down and starting a family, Dios
> after Utena... ^^ Time to trade in the red convertable for a station
wagon, or
> an SUV... ^^

Yep, actually in my obnoxious SI fic, Touga & Saionji marry (not each other)
and each own minivans. Decided Touga's wife (my character) gets pregnant on
a regular basis. ^^
> << ***********

> >>
> LOL! Saionji's a big ol' wimpy boy, while Wakaba is a tough chick! Works
> me... ^^

Wakabas of the world, UNITE!
> << ***********

> Nanami and Anthy bosom buddies? Will wonders never cease? And Nanami
> Keiko? ^o^ And Nanami wanting Touga to have a relationship with a girl?!

I had no idea who to pair Anthy with, then this occurred....
> << ***********

> >>
> More wackyness! Utena and Touga in a relationship! Talk about
> ^_~


And Utena a brainiac to boot! ^^

Now *that's* implausible!
> << ***********

> Juri and Ruka as a couple make Touga and Utena pale by comparison! ^^

They're more the "settled down" couple.

> Shiori as matchmaker? lol! And not just that, but also 'independant'! ^^|/

That's our Shiori! ^^
> << ***********

> >>
> LOL! Kozue is the musical prodegy this time, while Miki is the super-stud!
> he must be trying to beat Wilt Chamberlain's record!

Mick the stick. hm, no that's just wrong
Miki: I would agree with you on that. Hel-lo!
> << ***********

> >>
> Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^

My two sweetest shyest boys . . .
> << ***********

> >
> This was a lot of fun! Keep up the good work Katherine! And we'll see you
> holiday! ^^

Thank you. Whichever one comes to mind next.... Plus a certain post-er
who's a friend has a b-day this month and I started writing a mini-lemon for
said person. So I may post it.


Sep 1, 2001, 8:21:51 PM9/1/01
"OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message

> In article <LsVj7.4075$>,
> "sephigirl" <> writes:
> >What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they
> >"coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a play
> >that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> >clock.
> Ha, ha, ha! I *love* it! Let me post this puppy on my site, PLEASE! 8D
Wow. Thanks Mark. Sure, please do so. Keen!

L. Gerholz

Sep 1, 2001, 8:45:37 PM9/1/01
sephigirl wrote:
> "L. Gerholz" <> wrote in message
> >
> > sephigirl wrote:
> > >
> > > What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they
> > > took
> > > "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a
> > > play on
> > > that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> > > clock.
> >
> > Sam and Ralph, wasn't it?
> I thought so, but I wasn't sure. You've confirmed it. thanks.

I've got *way* too much Warner Bros. trivia floating around in my brain.
Plus, I looked it up in my copy of "Chuck Amuck".


> > >
> > > "So, Wakaba . . . " Saionji joined Wakaba at a table ladened with boxes
> of
> > > doughnuts. The other students milled about. He leaned close and
> continued,
> > > "Um, would you mind, I mean, would you like to maybe go out to see the
> > > movies this weekend?"
> > > "Kyouichi? With you?"
> > > <snip>
> > > "Excuse me," Saionji grimaced and stepped away.
> > > "Whatever." She watched him join Miki, then she mumbled, "Loser."
> >
> > You know, after reading this, I had to convince Sai that he's still got
> > what it takes to be a "bad boy". Fortunately, it was rather fun.
> I'll bet. Convincing can be quite entertaining... ^^

Saionji: I'm convinced! I'm convinced! Oh, lord, am I convinced!

> >
> > > <snip>

Bits and pieces. That's where the "hat picture" at my page comes from,
and the picture of Nanami and Utena with Nanami in a RB gown.

The whole thing is a massive personality transplant on many of the
characters so it could be a cauldron of ecchiness. It's a tangled web of
PWPs. But a couple of the threads have actually grown plots (they
mutated!), which might even be sharable in a public forum. But I still
think most people here wouldn't accept the personality alterations. Just
to give a taste -- my dislike of Anthy is well-known. What if she and
her brother swapped motives? I also wanted to give Saionji and Utena a
chance to get to know each other without automatically trying to kill
each other. What if Touga was really the devoted older brother Nanami
wants him to be, and at the same time she's not the naive brat we all
love to hate? Other things I've kept, like the fact that Mikage and Miki
are still the brains of the group. And I've thrown in a few characters
purely of my own creation. Then there's that rock band.

> > <snip>

> >
> > All in a good day's work...
> >
> > Brava. Another fun holiday fic. I'm going to be sorry when these end.
> > Are these being collected anywhere, other than in newsgroup archives?
> >
> Nope. If I ever do up the alledged free pages I'm s'posed to get - they'll
> go on there. If I'm lucky, I've saved them on discs or hard drives or on
> paper, hopefully. Hopefully the archives will never go away. I keep other
> folks' fics in a safer form than mine. My "President's Day" pic is in a
> frame and out on disply in my living room. May I just say I'm glad my
> parents admired the work and didn't ask about the story? There's still
> plenty of holidays, I think, that I've not touched. Flag Day was gonna' be
> handled this year but the idea wouldn't come to fruition. So, it'll be in
> 2002.

Well, yeah. I don't recall anything for Thanksgiving. Just the fact that
it's an American holiday hasn't stopped you before. And how about
Midsummer (*really* big in Scandinavia still) or Winter Solstice (as
distinct from Christmas) or the equinoxes. You're right -- there's still
plenty to work with.


Sep 1, 2001, 10:49:30 PM9/1/01
"L. Gerholz" <> wrote in message

> sephigirl wrote:
> >
> > "L. Gerholz" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > YAAAAY!
> > >
> > > sephigirl wrote:
> > > >
> > > > What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then
> > > > took
> > > > "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a
> > > > play on
> > > > that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off
> > > > clock.
> > >
> > > Sam and Ralph, wasn't it?
> >
> > I thought so, but I wasn't sure. You've confirmed it. thanks.
> I've got *way* too much Warner Bros. trivia floating around in my brain.
> Plus, I looked it up in my copy of "Chuck Amuck".

Chuck Amuck?

> <snip>
> > > >
> > > > "So, Wakaba . . . " Saionji joined Wakaba at a table ladened with
> > of
> > > > doughnuts. The other students milled about. He leaned close and
> > continued,
> > > > "Um, would you mind, I mean, would you like to maybe go out to see
> > > > movies this weekend?"
> > > > "Kyouichi? With you?"
> > > > <snip>
> > > > "Excuse me," Saionji grimaced and stepped away.
> > > > "Whatever." She watched him join Miki, then she mumbled, "Loser."
> > >
> > > You know, after reading this, I had to convince Sai that he's still
> > > what it takes to be a "bad boy". Fortunately, it was rather fun.
> >
> > I'll bet. Convincing can be quite entertaining... ^^
> Saionji: I'm convinced! I'm convinced! Oh, lord, am I convinced!

That boy needs a cigarette.

Ah yes. The rock band. ^^

> > > <snip>
> > >
> > > All in a good day's work...
> > >
> > > Brava. Another fun holiday fic. I'm going to be sorry when these end.
> > > Are these being collected anywhere, other than in newsgroup archives?
> > >
> > Nope. If I ever do up the alledged free pages I'm s'posed to get -
> > go on there. If I'm lucky, I've saved them on discs or hard drives or
> > paper, hopefully. Hopefully the archives will never go away. I keep
> > folks' fics in a safer form than mine. My "President's Day" pic is in a
> > frame and out on disply in my living room. May I just say I'm glad my
> > parents admired the work and didn't ask about the story? There's still
> > plenty of holidays, I think, that I've not touched. Flag Day was gonna'
> > handled this year but the idea wouldn't come to fruition. So, it'll be
> > 2002.
> >
> Well, yeah. I don't recall anything for Thanksgiving. Just the fact that
> it's an American holiday hasn't stopped you before. And how about
> Midsummer (*really* big in Scandinavia still) or Winter Solstice (as
> distinct from Christmas) or the equinoxes. You're right -- there's still
> plenty to work with.

Jiras mentioned Columbus Day & I've been considering it. There is
Hallowe'en. And T-day. Christmas - I'm thinking of doing An Ohtori Carol
but we'll see - sounds too ambitious right now. Yeah, and I never did
Girl's Day or whatever they call it in Japan. There were starts of fics but
never finished for some already. May Day was going to be ecchi but it never
went anywhere. And I think I did *not* do Valentine's Day. And, maybe, for
my b-day, I'll give myself a lemon! ^^

L. Gerholz

Sep 2, 2001, 12:06:54 AM9/2/01
sephigirl wrote:
> "L. Gerholz" <> wrote in message
> > sephigirl wrote:
> > >
> > > "L. Gerholz" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > YAAAAY!
> > > >
> > > > sephigirl wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then
> they
> > > > > took
> > > > > "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a
> > > > > play on
> > > > > that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off
> the
> > > > > clock.
> > > >
> > > > Sam and Ralph, wasn't it?
> > >
> > > I thought so, but I wasn't sure. You've confirmed it. thanks.
> >
> > I've got *way* too much Warner Bros. trivia floating around in my brain.
> > Plus, I looked it up in my copy of "Chuck Amuck".
> Chuck Amuck?

"Chuck Amuck" is the autobiographical book by Chuck Jones, one of the
classic animators of Warner Brothers. He's the force behind "Duck
Dodgers In The 24 1/2 Century", "What's Opera, Doc?", "Rabbit of
Seville" and many more too numerous to name. Sam and Ralph were his
creations. I remembered that those two had his "look" to their designs,
so I figured they'd be in his list of credits.

> >
> > <snip>
> > > > >
> > > > > "So, Wakaba . . . " Saionji joined Wakaba at a table ladened with
> boxes
> > > of
> > > > > doughnuts. The other students milled about. He leaned close and
> > > continued,
> > > > > "Um, would you mind, I mean, would you like to maybe go out to see
> > > > > the movies this weekend?"
> > > > > "Kyouichi? With you?"
> > > > > <snip>
> > > > > "Excuse me," Saionji grimaced and stepped away.
> > > > > "Whatever." She watched him join Miki, then she mumbled, "Loser."
> > > >
> > > > You know, after reading this, I had to convince Sai that he's still
> > > > got what it takes to be a "bad boy". Fortunately, it was rather fun.
> > >
> > > I'll bet. Convincing can be quite entertaining... ^^
> >
> > Saionji: I'm convinced! I'm convinced! Oh, lord, am I convinced!
> That boy needs a cigarette.

He can take it outside then. This is strictly a no-smoking accomodation.

Yeah. Duelist. I think I'll have to draw up some of their CD covers some

Hallowe'en, my favorite holiday! Valentine's Day -- all that pink and
red ... hair! And May Day should be ecchi. Maybe 2002 will provide some


Sep 2, 2001, 3:46:14 AM9/2/01
<< > << What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they
> "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a play
> that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> clock.
> >>
> Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.

LOL! That's wonderful! ^^ hmmm, wonder if I could do something like
that.... hmmmm..... >>

Hey, now that's something I'd like to see! ^^

> ~Katherine
> So, while Akio thinks about settling down and starting a family, Dios
> after Utena... ^^ Time to trade in the red convertable for a station
wagon, or
> an SUV... ^^

Yep, actually in my obnoxious SI fic, Touga & Saionji marry (not each other)
and each own minivans. Decided Touga's wife (my character) gets pregnant on
a regular basis. ^^ >>

Now why does that not suprise me? ^^;;;

<< > << ***********
> >>
> LOL! Saionji's a big ol' wimpy boy, while Wakaba is a tough chick! Works
> me... ^^

Wakabas of the world, UNITE! >>

You have nothing to lose but your barrettes!

<< > << ***********
> Nanami and Anthy bosom buddies? Will wonders never cease? And Nanami
> Keiko? ^o^ And Nanami wanting Touga to have a relationship with a girl?!

I had no idea who to pair Anthy with, then this occurred.... >>

But of course! ^___^

<< > << ***********
> >>
> More wackyness! Utena and Touga in a relationship! Talk about
> ^_~



<< And Utena a brainiac to boot! ^^

Now *that's* implausible! >>

Yeah, she's more of a 'shop-class' type...

<< > << ***********
> Juri and Ruka as a couple make Touga and Utena pale by comparison! ^^

They're more the "settled down" couple.

> Shiori as matchmaker? lol! And not just that, but also 'independant'! ^^|/

That's our Shiori! ^^ >>

Pro-Shiorists unite! ^__^|/

<< > << ***********
> >>
> LOL! Kozue is the musical prodegy this time, while Miki is the super-stud!
> he must be trying to beat Wilt Chamberlain's record!

Mick the stick. hm, no that's just wrong
Miki: I would agree with you on that. Hel-lo! >>


<< > << ***********
> >>
> Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^

My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>

Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...

<< > << ***********
> >
> This was a lot of fun! Keep up the good work Katherine! And we'll see you
> holiday! ^^
Thank you. Whichever one comes to mind next.... Plus a certain post-er
who's a friend has a b-day this month and I started writing a mini-lemon for
said person. So I may post it.

Cool! Can't wait... BTW, you said you couldn't think up a fic for Flag Day?
With all the flagpoles on Ohtori's campus, I find that hard to believe... ^,^


Sep 2, 2001, 1:29:00 PM9/2/01
"UYatsura" <> wrote in message

> << > << What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then
> took
> > "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a
> on
> > that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> > clock.
> > >>
> >
> > Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.
> LOL! That's wonderful! ^^ hmmm, wonder if I could do something like
> that.... hmmmm..... >>
> Hey, now that's something I'd like to see! ^^

Do the interviews -

Akio: Well, I have always maintained I am, first and foremost, an educator.
Developing young peoples' minds has always been a priority.
(cut to) Touga: No, no, no. He never expressed any interest in our
(fingers in quote move) mental development. He was too busy looking for his
next piece of tail. They were interesting times, don't get me wrong. But
for Akio Ohtori to say he was (fingers in quote move) an educator, well,
what he was teaching isn't normally offered in most schools, shall we say.


> Yep, actually in my obnoxious SI fic, Touga & Saionji marry (not each
> and each own minivans. Decided Touga's wife (my character) gets pregnant
> a regular basis. ^^ >>
> Now why does that not suprise me? ^^;;;

The minivans or Touga's ever-pregnant wife?

> << > << ***********
> > LOL! Saionji's a big ol' wimpy boy, while Wakaba is a tough chick! Works
> for
> > me... ^^
> Wakabas of the world, UNITE! >>
> You have nothing to lose but your barrettes!


> << And Utena a brainiac to boot! ^^
> Now *that's* implausible! >>
> Yeah, she's more of a 'shop-class' type...

random boy in shop class: Tenjou, we're supposed to create a step ladder,
not a house.
Utena: how? Boys, you're so limited.

> << > << ***********
> > LOL! Kozue is the musical prodegy this time, while Miki is the
> Wow,
> > he must be trying to beat Wilt Chamberlain's record!
> Mick the stick. hm, no that's just wrong
> Miki: I would agree with you on that. Hel-lo! >>
> ROTFLMAOw/K(ozue)!!!!

Poor Mi-ki.

> << > << ***********
> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...

Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
drove the boy a little . . . off.
> << > << ***********

> Cool! Can't wait... BTW, you said you couldn't think up a fic for Flag
> With all the flagpoles on Ohtori's campus, I find that hard to believe...

Well, it's sort of my typical Saionji saying/doing something stupid and
Touga doing the shake head andsighing reaction.

L. Gerholz

Sep 2, 2001, 1:37:28 PM9/2/01
sephigirl wrote:
> "UYatsura" <> wrote in message
> > << > << What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then
> they
> > took
> > > "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a
> > > play on
> > > that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> > > clock.
> > > >>
> > >
> > > Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.
> >
> > LOL! That's wonderful! ^^ hmmm, wonder if I could do something like
> > that.... hmmmm..... >>
> >
> > Hey, now that's something I'd like to see! ^^
> Do the interviews -
> Akio: Well, I have always maintained I am, first and foremost, an educator.
> Developing young peoples' minds has always been a priority.
> (cut to) Touga: No, no, no. He never expressed any interest in our
> (fingers in quote move) mental development. He was too busy looking for his
> next piece of tail. They were interesting times, don't get me wrong. But
> for Akio Ohtori to say he was (fingers in quote move) an educator, well,
> what he was teaching isn't normally offered in most schools, shall we say.

Oh, god! I really, really want to see this expanded. I hope you can fit
this into your docket.


> > << > << ***********
> >
> > > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
> >
> > My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
> >
> > Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...
> Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
> actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
> drove the boy a little . . . off.

Yes, I have to agree with this. We don't *know* that Tokiko would have
returned his affections, as we've discussed in the past, but you can't
really blame her if she doesn't even know he's interested.

> >
> > << > << ***********
> > Cool! Can't wait... BTW, you said you couldn't think up a fic for Flag
> Day?
> > With all the flagpoles on Ohtori's campus, I find that hard to believe...
> ^,^
> Well, it's sort of my typical Saionji saying/doing something stupid and
> Touga doing the shake head andsighing reaction.

A whole fic of this? Man, Saionji is going to be *so* upset. He'll need
comforting ... hmm ...


Sep 2, 2001, 6:30:40 PM9/2/01
In article <zYek7.245$>, "sephigirl"
<> writes:

>"OnsenMark" <locu...@aol.combatrock> wrote in message
>> In article <LsVj7.4075$>,
>> "sephigirl" <> writes:
>> >What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then they
>> >"coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a play
>> >that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
>> >clock.
>> Ha, ha, ha! I *love* it! Let me post this puppy on my site, PLEASE! 8D
>Wow. Thanks Mark. Sure, please do so. Keen!

No problem. Happy to help. ^_^


Sep 3, 2001, 12:24:48 AM9/3/01
<< > << > << What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and then
> took
> > "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a
> on
> > that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> > clock.
> > >>
> >
> > Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.
> LOL! That's wonderful! ^^ hmmm, wonder if I could do something like
> that.... hmmmm..... >>
> Hey, now that's something I'd like to see! ^^

Do the interviews -

Akio: Well, I have always maintained I am, first and foremost, an educator.
Developing young peoples' minds has always been a priority.
(cut to) Touga: No, no, no. He never expressed any interest in our
(fingers in quote move) mental development. He was too busy looking for his
next piece of tail. They were interesting times, don't get me wrong. But
for Akio Ohtori to say he was (fingers in quote move) an educator, well,
what he was teaching isn't normally offered in most schools, shall we say. >>

Big Voice: Coming up next! The school administration is rocked when Akio is
caught sleeping with one of his students! *music changes* And later... The
Academy loses a long-time resident when Anthy Himemiya walks away from it
all... When Behind the Rose continues!

> Yep, actually in my obnoxious SI fic, Touga & Saionji marry (not each
> and each own minivans. Decided Touga's wife (my character) gets pregnant
> a regular basis. ^^ >>
> Now why does that not suprise me? ^^;;;
The minivans or Touga's ever-pregnant wife?

Both of course... ^_^

> << > << ***********
> > LOL! Saionji's a big ol' wimpy boy, while Wakaba is a tough chick! Works
> for
> > me... ^^
> Wakabas of the world, UNITE! >>
> You have nothing to lose but your barrettes!


> << And Utena a brainiac to boot! ^^
> Now *that's* implausible! >>
> Yeah, she's more of a 'shop-class' type...

random boy in shop class: Tenjou, we're supposed to create a step ladder,
not a house.
Utena: how? Boys, you're so limited. >>


<< > << > << ***********
> > LOL! Kozue is the musical prodegy this time, while Miki is the
> Wow,
> > he must be trying to beat Wilt Chamberlain's record!
> Mick the stick. hm, no that's just wrong
> Miki: I would agree with you on that. Hel-lo! >>
> ROTFLMAOw/K(ozue)!!!!

Poor Mi-ki. >>


<< > << > << ***********
> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...

Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
drove the boy a little . . . off. >>

Well, just put Mikage in the right enviroment and he just blossoms... Like say
in an Elevator, with the lights turned low... ^_^

<< > << > << ***********
> Cool! Can't wait... BTW, you said you couldn't think up a fic for Flag
> With all the flagpoles on Ohtori's campus, I find that hard to believe...

Well, it's sort of my typical Saionji saying/doing something stupid and
Touga doing the shake head andsighing reaction.

Oh really now? ^,^


Sep 3, 2001, 2:08:42 AM9/3/01
<< > > << > << What if the the characters are simply *actors* as it were and
> they
> > took
> > > "coffee" breaks and came out of the roles they play? It's sort of a
> > > play on
> > > that old cartoon with the sheepdog and wolf who were buds when off the
> > > clock.
> > > >>
> > >
> > > Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.
> >
> > LOL! That's wonderful! ^^ hmmm, wonder if I could do something like
> > that.... hmmmm..... >>
> >
> > Hey, now that's something I'd like to see! ^^
> Do the interviews -
> Akio: Well, I have always maintained I am, first and foremost, an educator.
> Developing young peoples' minds has always been a priority.
> (cut to) Touga: No, no, no. He never expressed any interest in our
> (fingers in quote move) mental development. He was too busy looking for his
> next piece of tail. They were interesting times, don't get me wrong. But
> for Akio Ohtori to say he was (fingers in quote move) an educator, well,
> what he was teaching isn't normally offered in most schools, shall we say.

Oh, god! I really, really want to see this expanded. I hope you can fit
this into your docket.


We'll give it the old college try! ^__^\/

Alex Picchetti

Sep 3, 2001, 6:37:39 PM9/3/01

> << > << > << ***********
> > Cool! Can't wait... BTW, you said you couldn't think up a fic for Flag
> Day?
> > With all the flagpoles on Ohtori's campus, I find that hard to
> ^,^
> Well, it's sort of my typical Saionji saying/doing something stupid and
> Touga doing the shake head andsighing reaction.
> >>
> Oh really now? ^,^

Y'know, maybe I should feed you *my* mental image of Flag Day at Ohtori...
it's not hentai (necessarily... though... okay, nevermind, it could easily
be *made* hentai) but it was a rather amusing mental image when it hit.

AFU no Ikuhara
U: 6[7] F: Ut++>Ju+++>:pAM D: OhKa- X: *:a24++ M:f"Rinbu-Revolution
(full)", "Truth (full)" "Angelic Creation, namely, Light", "Watashi no
Kuusou Seimeitai"

All that glitters has a high refractive index.
I'm not stupid, I'm not expendable, and I'm not going.
ICQ #8331610 AIM: Ruka23 (not after 'Juri's' Ruka... HAruka. ^^;) (Don't read the fanfics. If you value
your sanity, or your good type of insanity, don't. Read. The fanfics.)


Sep 3, 2001, 9:45:56 PM9/3/01
"Alex Picchetti" <> wrote in message

> <snips>
> > << > << > << ***********
> > > Cool! Can't wait... BTW, you said you couldn't think up a fic for Flag
> > Day?
> > > With all the flagpoles on Ohtori's campus, I find that hard to
> believe...
> > ^,^
> >
> > Well, it's sort of my typical Saionji saying/doing something stupid and
> > Touga doing the shake head andsighing reaction.
> > >>
> >
> > Oh really now? ^,^
> Y'know, maybe I should feed you *my* mental image of Flag Day at Ohtori...
> it's not hentai (necessarily... though... okay, nevermind, it could easily
> be *made* hentai) but it was a rather amusing mental image when it hit.
> ^,^;
ooh, yes, please


Sep 4, 2001, 2:27:32 AM9/4/01

Do the interviews -

When she was in 8th grade, the student known as Utena Tenjou vanished under
mysterious circumstances from Ohtori Academy... Rumours were plentiful: some
said that Utena had been caught sleeping with one of the faculty, some even
said it could have been Dean Akio himself... Mr. Ohtori wouldn't talk to us on
camera about the incident, but our cameras *were* able to catch up with Utena
Utena: Yeah, I was doin' him pretty regular... There was just somthin' about
him, you know? But that wasn't why I left... The real reason? Hell, you
wouldn't believe me if I told you... It was a hell of a bad trip, I'll tell you
Narrator: Traumatized, Utena spent the next four years in various mental
institutions, and she was diagnosed as being seriously crazy... Upon her
release, she emigrated to the United States... Once there, she went into the
one profession where one can be a junior high school drop-out and still get
ahead: Professional Wrestling.
Utena: Hey, the only things I learned at Ohtori all had to do with taking
Narrator: Meanwhile, Anthy Himemiya turned her back on her school and her
family to go look for her missing friend...
Anthy: Well, I was flunking math anyway, so why delay the inevitable? I just
dropped out...
Narrator: She spent the next ten years doing odd jobs all across the civilized
world. In Crystal Tokyo, she became part of an all-girl band called the Witches
Mimette: Anthy was *such* a prima-donna!
Tellulu: TELL me about it!
Anthy: It wasn't such a good experience... I sort of felt like I was supposed
to be the token Indo-Paki Girl... After Mimette sabotaged the brakes on my car
for a second time, I called it quits...
Narrator: She moved to London, and then later to New York, where she landed a
part in the Off-Broadway production of DUNE-THE MUSICAL as the eunuch Count
Anthy: Fame was nice, but I never stopped keeping an eye out for Utena... I
started a career as a solo performer... I played Rome, Sidney, Hamburg,
Athens... And then I took a gig in Paris...
Jiras: Well, I remember back then I was wrasslin' under the name of "Crusher
Corrino"... I got popular enough that Vince McMahon assigned a cute bodyguard
to me...
Utena: I was working for the ugliest wrestler in the business...
Jiras: She had potential. She was willowy, but tall and well-built. I
recommended they send her to Wrestler College, the Andre Roussimov Memorial
School in Paris... She got pretty built up there, too...
Utena: Then one day I see in the paper "Tonight only, Techno artist Anthy H"...

Anthy: I was backstage before the show... and then SHE literally burst into my
room! She was crying, and I was crying...
Narrator: Reunited. At last... But the story doesn't end there. Devestated by
losing his sister, Akio Ohtori dove into a downward spiral of sex and drugs...
Kanae: I mean he would shoot freebase between his toes... and follow it up with
a round of heroin!
Narrator: And meanwhile, disgruntled former student Mikage Souji writes a
tell-all bestseller... and winds up with a fistful of lawsuits... When Behind
the Rose continues...

L. Gerholz

Sep 4, 2001, 6:57:35 PM9/4/01

And after that, she can launch into a promising career in politics. I
speak as a Minnesotan, who currently has Jesse Ventura, ex-pro wrestler,
as our sitting governor.

> Utena: Hey, the only things I learned at Ohtori all had to do with taking
> drugs...
> Narrator: Meanwhile, Anthy Himemiya turned her back on her school and her
> family to go look for her missing friend...
> Anthy: Well, I was flunking math anyway, so why delay the inevitable? I just
> dropped out...
> Narrator: She spent the next ten years doing odd jobs all across the civilized
> world. In Crystal Tokyo, she became part of an all-girl band called the Witches
> Six...
> Mimette: Anthy was *such* a prima-donna!
> Tellulu: TELL me about it!
> Anthy: It wasn't such a good experience... I sort of felt like I was supposed
> to be the token Indo-Paki Girl... After Mimette sabotaged the brakes on my car
> for a second time, I called it quits...

Nice bit from another story. We'll probably see more?

> Narrator: She moved to London, and then later to New York, where she landed a
> part in the Off-Broadway production of DUNE-THE MUSICAL as the eunuch Count
> Fenring...
> Anthy: Fame was nice, but I never stopped keeping an eye out for Utena... I
> started a career as a solo performer... I played Rome, Sidney, Hamburg,
> Athens... And then I took a gig in Paris...
> Jiras: Well, I remember back then I was wrasslin' under the name of "Crusher
> Corrino"... I got popular enough that Vince McMahon assigned a cute bodyguard
> to me...

Uh oh, how many other familiar afu names are going to show up here? ^_~

> Utena: I was working for the ugliest wrestler in the business...
> Jiras: She had potential. She was willowy, but tall and well-built. I
> recommended they send her to Wrestler College, the Andre Roussimov Memorial
> School in Paris... She got pretty built up there, too...
> Utena: Then one day I see in the paper "Tonight only, Techno artist Anthy H"...
> Anthy: I was backstage before the show... and then SHE literally burst into my
> room! She was crying, and I was crying...
> Narrator: Reunited. At last... But the story doesn't end there. Devestated by
> losing his sister, Akio Ohtori dove into a downward spiral of sex and drugs...
> Kanae: I mean he would shoot freebase between his toes... and follow it up with
> a round of heroin!
> Narrator: And meanwhile, disgruntled former student Mikage Souji writes a
> tell-all bestseller... and winds up with a fistful of lawsuits... When Behind
> the Rose continues...

Oh, my, the blackmail material that that man has accumulated ...

Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
Look forward to seeing more.

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper <-- new picture posted 9/3


Sep 5, 2001, 10:56:36 PM9/5/01
"UYatsura" <> wrote in message

Kanae: (laughs) Oh that quote! I'll never be free of that one, will I?
(she faces her mother) My mother and I were making up the most horrendous
stories we could.
Mrs. Ohtori: Somehow that became a soundbyte whenever people wanted to
point fingers at Akio. (ruffles Akio's hair)
Akio: (wraps his arm about Kanae) Silly thing. Sure I did do some
recreational drugs. But strictly on my own time, on the weekends, and away
from the campus. I realize, now, that as a mentor for these bright young
students, I shouldn't have done so. As to Utena Tenjou . . .
Kanae: (leans forward) If we must discuss that girl . . . She was the
worst. She would fight the leading students in the Student Council, insist
that Akio's sister stay by her side (pats Akio's thigh). She was forever
off with the boys.
Mrs. Ohtori: (whispers) She was a lesbian.
Akio: (chuckles) Now, mom, that's not a bad thing. I would really rather
not discuss this. (looks away)
Kanae: I will. You've heard she was in various mental instutions, haven't
you? She just fried her brain. The stories she'd tell about duels, about
Akio, about . . . (sniffs, eyes water, dabs at them with her scarf)
Mrs. Ohtori: Honey . . .
Kanae: It's okay. It's time the truth came out. She has said the most
horrendous things about. So have others. He's a saint. He, he may be a
bit childish at times but that's because he really loves children. He has
always been good to me.
Mrs. Ohtori: And me.
Kanae: People look for a scapegoat for their problems and where do they
turn? It's easier to blame him because he's a man. They don't notice how
strangely Utena acted. Or Anthy. I tried so hard to be a sister to her but
she was, well, different. I think now it was due to Utena's influence. I
know Anthy suffered at the hands of at least one of her boyfriends and some
of the other children were cruel.
Mrs. Ohtori: That Kiryuu terror and her friends.
Akio: Look, it's all in the past. Again, I was doing the best job I could.
Guiding young minds, giving them purpose. You want a monster? Why aren't
you people talking to Nemuro? There's your monster.
Narrator: Professor Mikage Souji, known as Mikage Nemuro to many, has been
accused of committing one of the most heinous crimes at Ohtori Academy -
killing one hundred students by setting a building on fire. Yet he was
never prosecuted. He now lives in Rome with his longtime love, Katherine,
working on a follow up book to his memoirs, "I Didn't Start the Fire: My
Years at Ohtori." His second book, "Dancing With the Devil" goes more
in-depth on his knowledge of Akio Ohtori and a cult known simply by the rose
signet rings they wore.
Mikage: (sips tea, laughs softly) Ah, I'm a monster again am I? If so, why
haven't I ever been brought to trial? I was a researcher at Nemuro Hall in
my youth, that's all. Some may have seen me as a computer like man. And
that's where the problems lie. Ohtori was always causing problems with my
students, my assistant, Tokiko. He couldn't bear it that I was in control
of my emotions, my life. He was burning his candle at both ends. He, and
others, have accused me of being some, some, evil mastermind. That I
created my Mikage Seminar as a way to seduce students and make them, what's
the word? (looks to Katherine)
Katherine: Black Rose Duellists. Imagine! The man lives to research. If
he's not in front of a microfiche reader or a chalk board, well, I would say
he simply doesn't exist.
Mikage: (laughs softly again) Snookums. Well, when Akio accused me of
setting fired to Nemuro Hall, I was deluged with lawsuits from all the
students' families. I demanded he prove it. He couldn't of course. But
the constant hounding . . . I finally decided to write about my years at
Ohtori, to show what life was truly like there, under the Devil's Shadow.
The rumours, they . . . (reaches one gloved finger under his tinted glasses
and rubs an eye). They were cruel, hard. Saying things like I kept a young
boy at my house to serve my pleasure. It was Mamiya Chida! My assistant's
younger brother! He was a frail boy, like my own little brother, if I had
had one. I was conducting, what Akio like to call, "eternity" research;
trying to find a cure for the lad. And he . . . others . . . accuse me of .
. .
Katherine: (brushes her fingers through his hair) Bugbear, your blood
pressure. Lies, remember, they're only lies.
Mikage: (nods, takes Katherine's hands, faces camera) My Snookums, she has
been the best thing to happen to me since I left that horrible place. We
used to explore the Fourm together but I was always reminded of the ruins of
Nemuro Hall. Mamiya, he . . . why he started that fire, I'll never know.
Katherine: It's all their fault. Have you seen the list of those accusing
him of, what's the word, stealing souls? Oh that's rich. Kanae, Wakaba,
Tsuwabuki, Shiori, Kozue . . .
Mikage: Keiko.
Katherine: Keiko. One of the biggest terrors on campus. She and that rich
girl, Namami Kiryuu brought a reign of fear to that campus. They probably
are also behind a lot of my BugBear's problems. Corrupted by money and
power. My Mikage has nothing to hide and should be proud of what he has
Mikage: Proud. (he kisses Katherine) Except of Mamiya. Poor lost soul.

Narrator: Terror. Brat. Rich girl. Nanami Kiryuu. And her friends,
Keiko, Aiko, and Yuuko. Accused of being bullies on the campus. But also
showing a gentler side to younger students. Who is Nanami Kiryuu? Who are
these three young women she would spend time with? Innocent friends or
Unholy Terrors? Next on Behind the Rose . . .


Sep 6, 2001, 1:51:30 AM9/6/01
*Author's note*: the following is an ongoing back-and-forth fic between two
silly people: Katherine (a very good writer) and Jiras (a very bad writer)...
submitted for your perusal...

Narrator: But who was Nanami Kiryuu really? We caught up with her former
associate Mitsuru Tsuwabuki, who lives in Hollywood, CA, where he manages the
estate of his desceased life partner, Miki Kaoru...
Tsuwabuki: Nanami was the queen of the school... always so generous, so kind,
so caring... The things people say about her, I mean they were just jealous!
Jealous of her wealth and power and beauty... I mean people just can't, you
know, handle it when they meet someone who is just so obviously superior to
Narrator: But as we found out, most people did not share Tsuwabuki's fond
memories of Nanami...
Anthy: I can't talk about this. You said we weren't going to talk about this...
I... I can't do this... *takes off microphone, walks out*
Keiko: All the time with her it was just 'me, me, me'!
Huggy Bear: She stiffed me on the last shipment of smack I sent her!
George W. Bush: She's jest despicababobble!
Nanami: People just don't understand me...
Narrator: We spoke to Nanami in the Salusa Secondus Correctional Facility,
where she is serving a life sentance for tax fraud, drug trafficing, and seven
counts of corrupting a minor.
Nanami: I really feel like I'm at peace now with who I was... I live a good
life with my husband Bertha... *smiles*
Bertha: Hrrrn!
Nanami: ...and I've come to understand that people might not necessarily *like*
being treated as the inferior cretins as they are... There is something to be
said for diplomacy... Take my child prostitutes for instance: if I had treated
them better, you know? They might not have ratted me out to the Feds...
Narrator: But that's not to say she does not still have regrets:
Nanami: I do have regrets: I regret not being there for Tsuwabuki when Miki was
gunned down by the police, I regret getting so negative when Saionji got his
sex-change operation...
Kyouko Saionji: I think I've grown to the point where I can make peace with
Narrator: But some are not as quick to forgive...
Ambassador Suzuki: I think she's been villified, but I think she herself has
contributed to it...
Admiral Tanaka: She just has a way of manipulating people...
President Yamada of Peru: She helped me launder a lot of money...
Narrator: But perhaps the people who knew her best were her three closest
girlfriends... uh...
Keiko: We're Keiko, Aiko and Yuuko, nimrod!
Narrator: Right. We spoke to the two surviving members of Nanami's entourage,
Yuuko having been killed in the explosion of the International Space Station in
Keiko: Hiya.
Aiko: I wonder, I wonder!
Keiko: I apologise for her... "I-ko" as she now calls herself, enlisted in the
Order of Kashira right out of High School... I'm the only normal one left...
...Nanami was a user of people. Especially me! You can't deny that there is
something about her that makes people want to follow her... that long blonde
hair... those pert and perkey breasts... those nice round buttocks... What are
you looking at me like that for! You know what? F*CK YOU! *punches cameraman*
Narrator: Certainly, questions remain...

When we come back: we blow the lid off of Tatsuya Kazami's connection to
organized crime...
Don Michael Corleone: He handled my buisiness in the Far East... extortion,
prostitution, drugs... He was one of our best enforcers...
Narrator: And then later, Bernice Tsuchiya remembers her son Ruka...

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 6, 2001, 10:54:11 AM9/6/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< > << > << ***********
> >
>> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
>> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
>> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...
>Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
>actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
>drove the boy a little . . . off. >>
>Well, just put Mikage in the right enviroment and he just blossoms... Like say
>in an Elevator, with the lights turned low... ^_^

... and a sax playing?

Sorry couldn't resist... you weren't sounding to be making something even as
wholesome as a BR duellist being "born" ^.~

Eldrick Tobin

"This message paid for by the Peoples Committee for a Chaotic Overthrow
of this World by the RaRa Army." -Dual

"How'd I fall into the rift? Well I was chasing after our monkey test
pilot. Next Thing I know I've been here 6 hours and I'm drinking beer
with you, Mr. Glitterboy." Actual _Rifts_ conversation.

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 6, 2001, 10:59:06 AM9/6/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

Still here? >.> <.< Nothing important here ^^

>Narrator: Reunited. At last... But the story doesn't end there. Devestated by
>losing his sister, Akio Ohtori dove into a downward spiral of sex and drugs...

Well the drugs are new...

Told ya nothing important.

L. Gerholz

Sep 6, 2001, 7:01:02 PM9/6/01
UYatsura wrote:
> <snip>

> Narrator: But who was Nanami Kiryuu really? We caught up with her former
> associate Mitsuru Tsuwabuki, who lives in Hollywood, CA, where he manages the
> estate of his desceased life partner, Miki Kaoru...

Wah! "deceased"? "Miki"? Waaaah!


> Nanami: ...and I've come to understand that people might not necessarily *like*
> being treated as the inferior cretins as they are... There is something to be
> said for diplomacy... Take my child prostitutes for instance: if I had treated
> them better, you know? They might not have ratted me out to the Feds...
> Narrator: But that's not to say she does not still have regrets:
> Nanami: I do have regrets: I regret not being there for Tsuwabuki when Miki was
> gunned down by the police, I regret getting so negative when Saionji got his
> sex-change operation...
> Kyouko Saionji: I think I've grown to the point where I can make peace with
> Nanami...

??? O.O ??? Now that you've done this, you *better* have a more
extensive interview with, um, her before this thing ends.

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper <-- didn't change family name at least


Sep 6, 2001, 10:56:46 PM9/6/01

So I have heard... ^,^;;; ...oh well, at least you can say with conviction: "My
governor can beat up your governor!" ;P

<< > Utena: Hey, the only things I learned at Ohtori all had to do with taking
> drugs...
> Narrator: Meanwhile, Anthy Himemiya turned her back on her school and her
> family to go look for her missing friend...
> Anthy: Well, I was flunking math anyway, so why delay the inevitable? I just
> dropped out...
> Narrator: She spent the next ten years doing odd jobs all across the
> world. In Crystal Tokyo, she became part of an all-girl band called the
> Six...
> Mimette: Anthy was *such* a prima-donna!
> Tellulu: TELL me about it!
> Anthy: It wasn't such a good experience... I sort of felt like I was supposed
> to be the token Indo-Paki Girl... After Mimette sabotaged the brakes on my
> for a second time, I called it quits...

Nice bit from another story. We'll probably see more? >>

Only if Katherine gives me leeway to do so... ^_^ ...we toss each other little
fanfic softballs at the end of our respective entries and build from that when
we reply... That was the deal we struck... ^^|/

<< > Narrator: She moved to London, and then later to New York, where she
landed a
> part in the Off-Broadway production of DUNE-THE MUSICAL as the eunuch Count
> Fenring...
> Anthy: Fame was nice, but I never stopped keeping an eye out for Utena... I
> started a career as a solo performer... I played Rome, Sidney, Hamburg,
> Athens... And then I took a gig in Paris...
> Jiras: Well, I remember back then I was wrasslin' under the name of "Crusher
> Corrino"... I got popular enough that Vince McMahon assigned a cute bodyguard
> to me...

Uh oh, how many other familiar afu names are going to show up here? ^_~ >>

I... can't tell you. ;P

<< > Utena: I was working for the ugliest wrestler in the business...
> Jiras: She had potential. She was willowy, but tall and well-built. I
> recommended they send her to Wrestler College, the Andre Roussimov Memorial
> School in Paris... She got pretty built up there, too...
> Utena: Then one day I see in the paper "Tonight only, Techno artist Anthy
> Anthy: I was backstage before the show... and then SHE literally burst into
> room! She was crying, and I was crying...
> Narrator: Reunited. At last... But the story doesn't end there. Devestated by
> losing his sister, Akio Ohtori dove into a downward spiral of sex and
> Kanae: I mean he would shoot freebase between his toes... and follow it up
> a round of heroin!
> Narrator: And meanwhile, disgruntled former student Mikage Souji writes a
> tell-all bestseller... and winds up with a fistful of lawsuits... When Behind
> the Rose continues...

Oh, my, the blackmail material that that man has accumulated ... >>

Mikage's not the only one with an extensive network of informants, you know...

<< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
Look forward to seeing more. >>

You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really wasn't
sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...

Jiras "Crusher" Corrino, Certifed Freak!


Sep 6, 2001, 10:59:54 PM9/6/01
"UYatsura" <> wrote in message

> *Author's note*: the following is an ongoing back-and-forth fic between
> silly people: Katherine (a very good writer) and Jiras (a very bad
> submitted for your perusal...
> << > > > Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.
> > >
And tonight's winner is Laurie! Yep, she won the Eagle Eye Contest.
Thanks Laurie for noticing Mikage's name is wrong. Yeah, thanks alot. ^^
(teasing!) I really thought Mikage was his first name all this time! Wow.
All this time I thought Souji was his family name....

I mean, we did it on purpose, to test people. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Sep 6, 2001, 11:01:05 PM9/6/01
> > Nanami: ...and I've come to understand that people might not necessarily
> > being treated as the inferior cretins as they are... There is something
to be
> > said for diplomacy... Take my child prostitutes for instance: if I had
> > them better, you know? They might not have ratted me out to the Feds...
> > Narrator: But that's not to say she does not still have regrets:
> > Nanami: I do have regrets: I regret not being there for Tsuwabuki when
Miki was
> > gunned down by the police, I regret getting so negative when Saionji got
> > sex-change operation...
> > Kyouko Saionji: I think I've grown to the point where I can make peace
> > Nanami...
> ??? O.O ??? Now that you've done this, you *better* have a more
> extensive interview with, um, her before this thing ends.
Yes, your honor, this man has no dick. ^^ Another favorite quote from our
fave movie.


Sep 6, 2001, 11:37:43 PM9/6/01
<< > <snip>
> Narrator: But who was Nanami Kiryuu really? We caught up with her former
> associate Mitsuru Tsuwabuki, who lives in Hollywood, CA, where he manages the
> estate of his desceased life partner, Miki Kaoru...

Wah! "deceased"? "Miki"? Waaaah! >>

Yep. Sorry about that...

<< <snip>
> Nanami: ...and I've come to understand that people might not necessarily
> being treated as the inferior cretins as they are... There is something to be
> said for diplomacy... Take my child prostitutes for instance: if I had
> them better, you know? They might not have ratted me out to the Feds...
> Narrator: But that's not to say she does not still have regrets:
> Nanami: I do have regrets: I regret not being there for Tsuwabuki when Miki
> gunned down by the police, I regret getting so negative when Saionji got his
> sex-change operation...
> Kyouko Saionji: I think I've grown to the point where I can make peace with
> Nanami...

??? O.O ??? Now that you've done this, you *better* have a more
extensive interview with, um, her before this thing ends. >>

Don't worry, it's in the cards... ^_~


Sep 6, 2001, 11:38:47 PM9/6/01
<< ><< > << > << ***********
> >
>> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
>> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
>> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...
>Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
>actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
>drove the boy a little . . . off. >>
>Well, just put Mikage in the right enviroment and he just blossoms... Like say
>in an Elevator, with the lights turned low... ^_^

... and a sax playing? >>


<< Sorry couldn't resist... you weren't sounding to be making something even as
wholesome as a BR duellist being "born" ^.~ >>

Well, there's a time for work and a time for play... ^_~


Sep 6, 2001, 11:40:08 PM9/6/01
<< (UYatsura) wrote:

Still here? >.> <.< Nothing important here ^^

>Narrator: Reunited. At last... But the story doesn't end there. Devestated by
>losing his sister, Akio Ohtori dove into a downward spiral of sex and drugs...

Well the drugs are new...

Told ya nothing important. >>

I... see...


Sep 7, 2001, 12:35:29 AM9/7/01
>UYatsura wrote:
>> <snip>
>> Narrator: But who was Nanami Kiryuu really? We caught up with her former
>> associate Mitsuru Tsuwabuki, who lives in Hollywood, CA, where he manages
>> estate of his desceased life partner, Miki Kaoru...
>Wah! "deceased"? "Miki"? Waaaah!

I agree!! ::cries.:: You'll pay for this, you rat!!

And -Tsuwabuki-? :P He has better taste.

AFU no Scandalous Video
Miki's Prince
UtenaCode(1.0) U:6 F:Hi++SP+++:pBR D:To->Ak--:pOA X:*:a39[AM]+ M:f"Rinbu
Revolution," "Toki ni Ai Wa," "Last Evolution"d"Fuuin Jubaku"
Wai wai!

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 7, 2001, 12:54:51 PM9/7/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< (UYatsura) wrote:
>Still here? >.> <.< Nothing important here ^^
>>Narrator: Reunited. At last... But the story doesn't end there. Devestated by
>>losing his sister, Akio Ohtori dove into a downward spiral of sex and drugs...
>Well the drugs are new...
>Told ya nothing important. >>
>I... see...


Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 7, 2001, 12:59:09 PM9/7/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< ><< > << > << ***********
>> >
>>> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
>>> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
>>> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...
>>Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
>>actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
>>drove the boy a little . . . off. >>
>>Well, just put Mikage in the right enviroment and he just blossoms... Like say
>>in an Elevator, with the lights turned low... ^_^
>... and a sax playing? >>

*holding back the violent tendencies as he sees the sax-ist pig playing his horn
where Jiras is pointing*

><< Sorry couldn't resist... you weren't sounding to be making something even as
>wholesome as a BR duellist being "born" ^.~ >>
>Well, there's a time for work and a time for play... ^_~

But do kill the saxophonist first. ^^

Sax-ist: 0.o

Or I will... and Hoffa will look to have died of old age in comparison.

Sax-ist: o.o;;;

*skips happily off to prepare*

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 7, 2001, 1:05:05 PM9/7/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
>it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>Look forward to seeing more. >>
>You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really wasn't
>sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...

Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...


Sep 7, 2001, 10:51:53 PM9/7/01
Narrator: Tatsuya Kazami, one of the most fearsome gangsters in the Far
East, had connections to Sicilian and Albanian gangs. His trademark was an
onion left at every crime scene. What made this one straight-A student at
Ohtori Academy change to such a sadist of the streets? For turning over
evidence on the head Alabanian gang in Gus, Nebraska, he was given a new
identity and allowed into the witness protection plan. He agreed to speak
with us but only in shadow.

Shadow of Tatsuya (voice altered): Yes, I was indeed a very nice, well
brought up young man. But, I saw no hope for my life when, when the love of
my life (a picture of Wakaba is flashed on screen) lost her virtue to
Kyouichi Saionji. Now *he* is a *she* and he broke her heart! Broke it.
And when I tried to avenge her, I was rejected by that evil man Mikage. He
knew, *knew* how truly dangerous I would be if . . .
(cut to) Mikage: Who the hell is . . . what did you call him? Takehito
Katherine: (shrug) No, he said Tatsuya Kazami. Was he a student at Ohtori?
Tatsuya: So, I became the baddest man in the whole damn town. All for the
love of my life. I knew if I could somehow prove to her how much we were
meant to be together . . .
(cut to)Wakaba: Tatsuya? (laughs) He was cute but what a total geekazoid,
ya' know?
Tatsuya: She and I . . . She was my density, I mean my destiny. (sigh)
Now I've lost her forever. Forever. I was her Onion Prince. Do you
understand? Her Onion Prince.
Narrator's voice: Huh?

Narrator: Another lost soul of love at Ohtori was Ruka Tsuchiya. Popular
with all the girls, handsome, member of the Student Council, President of
the Fencing Team, Chair, Mutant Forelock Assocation, and hopelessly devoted
to the one woman who would not love him. His mother Bernice remembers . . .

Bernice (sits amid a room dedicated to her son - walls are covered with
photos of Ruka): My precious boy. He was always strong willed. He would
be President of that, chair of this, head of whatever. And he charmed them
all. Oh, yes, he may have worn lace underwear and kept a vibro hamster
under his pillow, but he was such a winner. Was my boy. I knew he wouldn't
live to a ripe old age. (drinks from a jug marked "Whiskee") That and the
fact that he was seriously injured in a duel that sapped his strength. And
he, (wipes tear) he risked it all to go back and save the girl he loved.
Bah! Juri Arisugawa! That . . . We don't mention her name in our house.
He would write her letters daily, swear that no one would have her but him,
shredded her photos and dipped them in blood, paperd his room with her
pictures but did she notice? Oh, how he loved her, my boy. He finally
risked everything for her. For a time, we hoped he'd use up that little
purple haired slut Shiori. She seemed like such a nice girl and so very
easy. He needed someone he could boff at a moment's notice. And she seemed
like the right girl for him. But he was still fixated on the curly haired
creature. My boy. He performed a miracle for her and still! Still she
rejected him! My boy was like a freakin' Pope or somethin'. He looked so
good when he and his little brother would stroll down the streets
proclaiming, "It's the Bishop!" in their robes. (sigh) Well, he's wormfood
now, my sweet boy. And she still lives. At least we have his little
brother who we still sort of love even he is living in Minnesota with some
gaijin. My boy, my boy. I'll never see him running around in my pantyhose,
screaming he'd kill important political figures just to impress the girl he

Narrator: Juri Arisugawa, Shiori Shinohara . . . names that have come up
constantly when we contacted the members of Ohtori. Juri, with her ring of
insiders and malcontents, running the annual AniLesboCon, is she as powerful
and dangerous as Al Gore says she is? Shiori Shinohara - prostitute,
friend, ear cleaner, cabbage fairy, car - who is she really? And were the
rumours true that she was the one who Juri would never forget? Next, when
"Behind the Rose" continues....


Sep 7, 2001, 11:27:52 PM9/7/01
<< ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
>it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>Look forward to seeing more. >>
>You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...

Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...

I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing

Jiras Corrino, Certified Freak!
afu no Chuchu
afu no Mikage's Elevator!
Proud Member, WGPS!


Sep 7, 2001, 11:30:28 PM9/7/01
<< > *Author's note*: the following is an ongoing back-and-forth fic between
> silly people: Katherine (a very good writer) and Jiras (a very bad
> submitted for your perusal...
> << > > > Tonight on VH1: Shoujou Kakumei Utena: Behind the Rose.
> > >
And tonight's winner is Laurie! Yep, she won the Eagle Eye Contest.
Thanks Laurie for noticing Mikage's name is wrong. Yeah, thanks alot. ^^
(teasing!) I really thought Mikage was his first name all this time! Wow.
All this time I thought Souji was his family name....

I mean, we did it on purpose, to test people. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Uh... yeah! Yeah! Just like she said... ^^;;; ...Eheheheh...


Sep 7, 2001, 11:37:23 PM9/7/01
"UYatsura" <> wrote in message

> << ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you
> >it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
> >Look forward to seeing more. >>
> >
> >You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
> wasn't
> >sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and
> >^^;;;
> Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
> >>
> I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
> stuff...
And you're doing a wonderful job! *huggles* J


Sep 7, 2001, 11:55:16 PM9/7/01
"sephigirl" <> wrote in message

Author'sNote: Hell! Had Wakaba on the brain. I meant Shiori Takatsuki!
See? Another test? yeah, right.


Sep 8, 2001, 1:42:04 AM9/8/01
>> Narrator: Juri Arisugawa, Shiori Shinohara . . . names that have come up
>> constantly when we contacted the members of Ohtori. Juri, with her ring
>> insiders and malcontents, running the annual AniLesboCon, is she as
>> and dangerous as Al Gore says she is? Shiori Shinohara - prostitute,
>> friend, ear cleaner, cabbage fairy, car - who is she really? And were the
>> rumours true that she was the one who Juri would never forget? Next, when
>> "Behind the Rose" continues....
>Author'sNote: Hell! Had Wakaba on the brain. I meant Shiori Takatsuki!
>See? Another test? yeah, right.

I was wondering if maybe Shiori and Wakaba got married or something... o_O;;

L. Gerholz

Sep 8, 2001, 1:29:04 PM9/8/01
sephigirl wrote:
> > > Nanami: ...and I've come to understand that people might not necessarily
> > > *like*
> > > being treated as the inferior cretins as they are... There is something
> > > to be
> > > said for diplomacy... Take my child prostitutes for instance: if I had
> > > treated
> > > them better, you know? They might not have ratted me out to the Feds...
> > > Narrator: But that's not to say she does not still have regrets:
> > > Nanami: I do have regrets: I regret not being there for Tsuwabuki when
> > > Miki was
> > > gunned down by the police, I regret getting so negative when Saionji got
> > > his sex-change operation...
> > > Kyouko Saionji: I think I've grown to the point where I can make peace
> > > with Nanami...
> >
> > ??? O.O ??? Now that you've done this, you *better* have a more
> > extensive interview with, um, her before this thing ends.
> >
> Yes, your honor, this man has no dick. ^^ Another favorite quote from our
> fave movie.

Hey! If "this man" is no longer a man, then it doesn't count. So there!
Phhhbt! :-P

Even if I agree with the "fave movie" evaluation.

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper

L. Gerholz

Sep 8, 2001, 1:50:44 PM9/8/01
UYatsura wrote:
> > When she was in 8th grade, the student known as Utena Tenjou vanished under
> > mysterious circumstances from Ohtori Academy... Rumours were plentiful: some
> > said that Utena had been caught sleeping with one of the faculty, some even
> > said it could have been Dean Akio himself... Mr. Ohtori wouldn't talk to us
> > on
> > camera about the incident, but our cameras *were* able to catch up with Utena
> > herself...
> > Utena: Yeah, I was doin' him pretty regular... There was just somthin' about
> > him, you know? But that wasn't why I left... The real reason? Hell, you
> > wouldn't believe me if I told you... It was a hell of a bad trip, I'll tell
> > you that...
> > Narrator: Traumatized, Utena spent the next four years in various mental
> > institutions, and she was diagnosed as being seriously crazy... Upon her
> > release, she emigrated to the United States... Once there, she went into the
> > one profession where one can be a junior high school drop-out and still get
> > ahead: Professional Wrestling.
> And after that, she can launch into a promising career in politics. I
> speak as a Minnesotan, who currently has Jesse Ventura, ex-pro wrestler,
> as our sitting governor. >>
> So I have heard... ^,^;;; ...oh well, at least you can say with conviction: "My
> governor can beat up your governor!" ;P

Do you realize how many bumper stickers with that slogan you'll still
see on cars around here?


> << Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
> it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
> Look forward to seeing more. >>
> You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really wasn't
> sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
> ^^;;;

I don't know if "crashed and burned" is the right term. But Kyouko and
Miki's fan club might want to discuss it with you. ^_^

L. Gerholz

Sep 8, 2001, 2:51:24 PM9/8/01
sephigirl wrote:
> <massive snippage>
> > When we come back: we blow the lid off of Tatsuya Kazami's connection to
> > organized crime...
> > Don Michael Corleone: He handled my buisiness in the Far East...
> > extortion, prostitution, drugs... He was one of our best enforcers...
> > Narrator: And then later, Bernice Tsuchiya remembers her son Ruka...
> >
> Narrator: Tatsuya Kazami, one of the most fearsome gangsters in the Far
> East, had connections to Sicilian and Albanian gangs. His trademark was an
> onion left at every crime scene. What made this one straight-A student at
> Ohtori Academy change to such a sadist of the streets? For turning over
> evidence on the head Alabanian gang in Gus, Nebraska, he was given a new
> identity and allowed into the witness protection plan. He agreed to speak
> with us but only in shadow.

"Trademark onion"? Oh noooo. I can see it!

> Shadow of Tatsuya (voice altered): Yes, I was indeed a very nice, well
> brought up young man. But, I saw no hope for my life when, when the love of
> my life (a picture of Wakaba is flashed on screen) lost her virtue to
> Kyouichi Saionji. Now *he* is a *she* and he broke her heart! Broke it.
> And when I tried to avenge her, I was rejected by that evil man Mikage. He
> knew, *knew* how truly dangerous I would be if . . .
> (cut to) Mikage: Who the hell is . . . what did you call him? Takehito
> Koyasu?
> Katherine: (shrug) No, he said Tatsuya Kazami. Was he a student at Ohtori?
> Tatsuya: So, I became the baddest man in the whole damn town. All for the
> love of my life. I knew if I could somehow prove to her how much we were
> meant to be together . . .
> (cut to)Wakaba: Tatsuya? (laughs) He was cute but what a total geekazoid,
> ya' know?
> Tatsuya: She and I . . . She was my density, I mean my destiny. (sigh)

"Back to the Future"! Yes!

> Now I've lost her forever. Forever. I was her Onion Prince. Do you
> understand? Her Onion Prince.
> Narrator's voice: Huh?
> Narrator: Another lost soul of love at Ohtori was Ruka Tsuchiya. Popular
> with all the girls, handsome, member of the Student Council, President of
> the Fencing Team, Chair, Mutant Forelock Assocation, and hopelessly devoted
> to the one woman who would not love him. His mother Bernice remembers . . .
> Bernice (sits amid a room dedicated to her son - walls are covered with
> photos of Ruka): My precious boy. He was always strong willed. He would
> be President of that, chair of this, head of whatever. And he charmed them
> all. Oh, yes, he may have worn lace underwear and kept a vibro hamster
> under his pillow, but he was such a winner.

Now I can see this too. Aghhh! Get it out of my head!

> Was my boy. I knew he wouldn't
> live to a ripe old age. (drinks from a jug marked "Whiskee") That and the
> fact that he was seriously injured in a duel that sapped his strength. And
> he, (wipes tear) he risked it all to go back and save the girl he loved.
> Bah! Juri Arisugawa! That . . . We don't mention her name in our house.
> He would write her letters daily, swear that no one would have her but him,

> shredded her photos and dipped them in blood, papered his room with her

> pictures but did she notice?

Yurk! If he's going to get his rituals mixed up like that, no *wonder*
he screwed everything up at Ohtori.

> Oh, how he loved her, my boy. He finally
> risked everything for her. For a time, we hoped he'd use up that little
> purple haired slut Shiori. She seemed like such a nice girl and so very
> easy. He needed someone he could boff at a moment's notice. And she seemed
> like the right girl for him. But he was still fixated on the curly haired
> creature.

Juri = "curly haired creature". Ooooh, scary!

> My boy. He performed a miracle for her and still! Still she
> rejected him! My boy was like a freakin' Pope or somethin'. He looked so
> good when he and his little brother would stroll down the streets
> proclaiming, "It's the Bishop!" in their robes. (sigh) Well, he's wormfood
> now, my sweet boy. And she still lives.

Hm. For long? Bernice sounds rather vengence-bent here...

> At least we have his little
> brother who we still sort of love even he is living in Minnesota with some
> gaijin.

*mmph* Hee, hee, hee.

> My boy, my boy. I'll never see him running around in my pantyhose,
> screaming he'd kill important political figures just to impress the girl he
> loved.

Just as long as he didn't come visit his brother and go after our
governor. "My governor can beat up your assassin." Then Bernice would've
*really* have something to cry about.

> Narrator: Juri Arisugawa, Shiori Shinohara . . . names that have come up
> constantly when we contacted the members of Ohtori. Juri, with her ring of
> insiders and malcontents, running the annual AniLesboCon, is she as powerful
> and dangerous as Al Gore says she is? Shiori Shinohara - prostitute,
> friend, ear cleaner, cabbage fairy, car - who is she really? And were the
> rumours true that she was the one who Juri would never forget? Next, when
> "Behind the Rose" continues....

I suddenly have an image of Juri in a black man-tailored suit and black
sunglasses. Very chic on her, of course.

And your other notes cleared up the confusion over "Shiori Shinohara".
But there was that speculation of Kirei's, regarding a relationship
between Shiori and Wakaba. Hm. If Wakaba's heart was really broken (and
we only have Tatsuya's word for it above, and he seems a bit ...
biased), maybe her and Shiori ... hmmmm.


Sep 9, 2001, 2:06:13 AM9/9/01
<< ><< ><< > << > << ***********
>> >
>>> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
>>> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
>>> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...
>>Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
>>actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
>>drove the boy a little . . . off. >>
>>Well, just put Mikage in the right enviroment and he just blossoms... Like
>>in an Elevator, with the lights turned low... ^_^
>... and a sax playing? >>

*holding back the violent tendencies as he sees the sax-ist pig playing his
where Jiras is pointing* >>

Careful! He's a Gung-ho Gun! O.o

<< ><< Sorry couldn't resist... you weren't sounding to be making something
even as
>wholesome as a BR duellist being "born" ^.~ >>
>Well, there's a time for work and a time for play... ^_~

But do kill the saxophonist first. ^^

Sax-ist: 0.o

Or I will... and Hoffa will look to have died of old age in comparison.

Sax-ist: o.o;;;

*skips happily off to prepare*

Heheheh... ^^

Jiras Corrino, Certified Freak!
afu no Chuchu


Sep 9, 2001, 2:09:01 AM9/9/01
<< >> Narrator: But who was Nanami Kiryuu really? We caught up with her former
>> associate Mitsuru Tsuwabuki, who lives in Hollywood, CA, where he manages
>> estate of his desceased life partner, Miki Kaoru...
>Wah! "deceased"? "Miki"? Waaaah!

I agree!! ::cries.:: You'll pay for this, you rat!! >>

Bwahaha!!! ;P

<< And -Tsuwabuki-? :P He has better taste. >>

They clicked stopwatches together... ^,^


Sep 9, 2001, 4:06:09 AM9/9/01

Narrator: We were fortunate enough to be granted a rare interview with Juri
Arisugawa at her official residence in Tokyo, where she serves as a Rear
Admiral in the Pacific Fleet...
Juri: Hello, everyone. I'm glad to get this opportunity to let everyone get to
know me better.
Narrator: Let's get right to the heart of the matter: are you as dangerous as
Al Gore says you are?
Juri: A person is only as dangerous as other people think him or her to be.
Narrator: Well, that doesn't really answer the question...
Juri: Do *I* look dangerous to you? *glares*
Narrator: Uh... uh... well what about Al Gore?
Juri: Well, I *wanted* to help him, but I simply couldn't raise a hand against
dear Condoleeza... She is so fond of Georgie, and she was so... persuasive...
Narrator: I see... now, to what do you attribute your meteoric rise through the
Navy establishment?
Juri: Well, they replaced their "Don't ask, don't tell" policy with a "Please
ask, please tell" policy... This being the Navy, it just makes more sense... We
now have more sailors than we know what to do with...
Narrator: Now, you also front a band in your spare time?
Juri: Yes, it is a Villiage People cover band: the Villiage Ladies. We go
around the country and overseas to raise money for the Armed Forces... Haruka
Tennou is the Indian Chief, Rapier is the Construction Worker, Biiko Daitokouji
is the Traffic Cop... I'm the Leather-clad Biker, of course... ^^
Narrator: Who's the sailor?
Juri: Kirei Sarah. She likes to help us out...
Narrator: That brings us to AniLesboCon... a lot of unsettling allegations have
arisen about that lately...
Juri: Oh?
Narrator: Is it true that you fathered a child with Haruka Tennou, also known
as "Sailor Uranus"?
Juri: Well... The others are going to kill me for saying this but... the sperm
donor was actually... David Crosby... *hangs head in shame*
Narrator: I see... Now, can you share your thought on Anne Heche?
Juri: Traitor! God-damned, stinking turncoat!
Narrator: Not suprising... Now, if we may turn to a more sensitive subject...
Juri: Hm?
Narrator: Is you name spelled with a "y" or an "i"?
Juri: A "y". That's how B-Papas spells it. Only know-it-all fanboys spell it
with an "i".
Narrator: I see... Now, what about Shiori?
Juri: Shiori Shinohara or Shiori Takatsuki?
Narrator: Uh, Shiori Takatsuki, of course...
Juri: Right... Well, she was the object of my affection for so long... I
finally got over her, though... and started going after Utena instead... A lot
of good that did me. When she finally resurfaced in America, I followed her
career on the wrestling circuit... I was there when she, fighting under the
name of The Pink Prince, took down the Rock to win the Kaufmann Intergender
Wrestling Award!

The Rock: That carpet-munching carpetbagger cheated!

Juri: But when Anthy showed up again, I knew I was cooked... She's the Pink
Prince's 'bodyguard' now, under the name of Lady Kali... I was vulnerable...
when Shiori popped out naked from my 27th birthday cake, I couldn't help
Narrator: Another question: are you French?
Juri: What!?! That is ridiculous! I am not French! C'est japones! Je aime
Japon! Vive la Japon... ah, Sacre Bleu...
Narrator: What does that last part mean?
Juri: It's French for "oh sh*t"...
Narrator: Can we... talk about Miki?
Juri: Oh, poor Miki... His appetite for drugs and men were simply insatiable...
he was a fixture in San Fransisco's bathouses. He was known to take men four or
five at a time... I still miss him... Please, cut the camera?
Narrator: Besides the late Miki Kaoru, no one is closer to Juri than her
bisexual sometimes girlfriend Shiori Takatsuki... Although she always comes
back to Juri, her taste in gentlemen friends has left something to be
Jay: Man, she is the tightest b*tch I ever f*cked!
Silent Bob: ........
Doug "Pinhead" Bradley: She will tear your soul APART!!!
Senator Strom Thurmond: She can sizzle like spit on a Dixie griddle! Hell, I
could still walk before I met her!
Chichiri: No comment, no da!
Godzilla: Truly terrifying... she stomped all over my radioactive heart!
Tenchi Maasaki: For once, I think she was one girlfriend too many...
Spock: Most illogical...
Luke Skywalker: I loved her... like a sister...
Onsen-Mark: I was DRUNK I tell you, DRUNK!!!
Narrator: We finally caught up with Shiori at the hideout of her present
boyfriends, the group of assassins known as Shwartz...
Shiori: Oh, hello! I'm just hanging out with these wonderful boys here!
Farfello: I wants te find ye Lucky Charms!
Schuldig: Ja, guten tag.
Crawford: I knew you were coming...
Narrator: Where's Nagi?
Schuldig: Zat weiner ist shtill hangin out viz zat Schrient whore Tot
Crawford: Just because she won a Nobel Prize in Physics doesn't mean she should
boss people around...
Schuldig: Teufel! Even zat Mai Shiranui von za Nobel Prize in de Physics!
Crawford: Oh, no, no... Mai didn't win a Nobel in Physics, she won a Nobel
Prize for *her* Physics...
Schuldig: Bwahaha!
Narrator: Anyway... about what people say about you, that you are a prostitute,
a cabbage fairy, even a car?
Shiori: Do I look like a cabbage *or* a car? Tee-hee! And as for prostitute...
I remember you... you'll keep quiet or your wife will find out, capice?
Narrator: Uh... uh...
Shiori: And as for these ridiculous rumors... OW!!! You cut me Farfie!
Farfello: I'm gonna find ye Lucky Charms! Yahahahah!
Shiori: EEEEAAAAHHH! *runs off, Farfie gives chase*
Narrator: Well, that was different...
Crawford: Schuldig, you wouldn't possibly have anything to do with this?
Schuldig: Why, nein...
Crawford: Liar, liar... pants on fire?
Schuldig: You know it baby...
Crawford: Oh! I just remembered! Jiras Corrino was going to come by today and
beat me u-- *POW* *THUD*
Jiras: Thought I forgot, didn't you? Well, don't let me interrupt...
Narrator: Your work again Schuldig?
Schuldig: I hear NUTH-THINK, I zee NUTH-THINK! *achem* I mean, -lets move on-
Narrator: Lets move on...
Shiori: Eeek! Juri, help me! *flies into her arms* This crazy one-eyed guy is
trying to evicerate me!
Farfello: *beheads a cameraman, guts a gaffer* Lucky Charms, Lucky Charms! OOF!
*Juri's foot lands on his face*
Shiori: Oh Juri... my butch hero!
Juri: Now, Shiori, you've got to start taking responsibilities *Shiori starts
fondling her* uhh... AH! Er, I mean for you act - *Shiori squeezes in close*
oh! Your, your... uh... Oh what the hell, let's do it... *slings Shiori over
her shoulder*
Farfello: Mother McCree... *Juri kicks him into orbit* Erin... go...
Juri: Don't wait up...

Narrator: Next, on Behind the Rose... Wakaba Shinohara: glomping friend with a
tortured soul... Her lifelong refusal to accept her own specialness kept her in
an endless spiral of drugs, sex, alcohol, biker gangs and reality TV shows
until the Church of Satan showed her the way to salvation. And we catch up with
Kozue Kaoru, a one-time bad-girl who re-invented herself as the Queen of the
Fangirls... When we come back!


Sep 9, 2001, 1:20:55 PM9/9/01
><< >> Narrator: But who was Nanami Kiryuu really? We caught up with her
>>> associate Mitsuru Tsuwabuki, who lives in Hollywood, CA, where he manages
>>> estate of his desceased life partner, Miki Kaoru...
>>Wah! "deceased"? "Miki"? Waaaah!
>I agree!! ::cries.:: You'll pay for this, you rat!! >>
>Bwahaha!!! ;P


><< And -Tsuwabuki-? :P He has better taste. >>
>They clicked stopwatches together... ^,^

Guess you could say something just clicked between them...


Sep 9, 2001, 1:29:15 PM9/9/01

::dies:: BWAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! Oh my goodness! I made it into the fanfic!! I like
my place, too... ::purrwinkatjuri:: ^~ I'll make you forget that

>Narrator: That brings us to AniLesboCon... a lot of unsettling allegations
>arisen about that lately...
>Juri: Oh?
>Narrator: Is it true that you fathered a child with Haruka Tennou, also known
>as "Sailor Uranus"?
>Juri: Well... The others are going to kill me for saying this but... the
>donor was actually... David Crosby... *hangs head in shame*
>Narrator: I see... Now, can you share your thought on Anne Heche?
>Juri: Traitor! God-damned, stinking turncoat!
>Narrator: Not suprising... Now, if we may turn to a more sensitive subject...
>Juri: Hm?
>Narrator: Is you name spelled with a "y" or an "i"?
>Juri: A "y". That's how B-Papas spells it. Only know-it-all fanboys spell it
>with an "i".

And fangirls. :P (By the way, I've also seen official Utena merchandise spell
Anthy as "Ansi," so we might not want to trust to that u.u)

>Narrator: I see... Now, what about Shiori?
>Juri: Shiori Shinohara or Shiori Takatsuki?
>Narrator: Uh, Shiori Takatsuki, of course...
>Juri: Right... Well, she was the object of my affection for so long... I
>finally got over her, though... and started going after Utena instead... A
>of good that did me. When she finally resurfaced in America, I followed her
>career on the wrestling circuit... I was there when she, fighting under the
>name of The Pink Prince, took down the Rock to win the Kaufmann Intergender
>Wrestling Award!

::cheer:: Go Andy Kaufman. ^-^

>The Rock: That carpet-munching carpetbagger cheated!
>Juri: But when Anthy showed up again, I knew I was cooked... She's the Pink
>Prince's 'bodyguard' now, under the name of Lady Kali... I was vulnerable...
>when Shiori popped out naked from my 27th birthday cake, I couldn't help
>Narrator: Another question: are you French?
>Juri: What!?! That is ridiculous! I am not French! C'est japones! Je aime
>Japon! Vive la Japon... ah, Sacre Bleu...
>Narrator: What does that last part mean?
>Juri: It's French for "oh sh*t"...


>Narrator: Can we... talk about Miki?
>Juri: Oh, poor Miki... His appetite for drugs and men were simply
>he was a fixture in San Fransisco's bathouses. He was known to take men four
>five at a time... I still miss him... Please, cut the camera?

O______o _MIKI_!!! You have got some EXPLAINING to do!

Miki: ::flails:: #####o_o#### It wasn't me! It wasn't me!!!
Kozue: Niichan, I'm back! I borrowed your uniform, I hope you don't mind... ^^

>Narrator: Besides the late Miki Kaoru, no one is closer to Juri than her
>bisexual sometimes girlfriend Shiori Takatsuki... Although she always comes
>back to Juri, her taste in gentlemen friends has left something to be
>Jay: Man, she is the tightest b*tch I ever f*cked!
>Silent Bob: ........

Oh my goodness, I thought that said "Jury" at first...

And we all know Jay is gay :P

>Doug "Pinhead" Bradley: She will tear your soul APART!!!
>Senator Strom Thurmond: She can sizzle like spit on a Dixie griddle! Hell, I
>could still walk before I met her!
>Chichiri: No comment, no da!
>Godzilla: Truly terrifying... she stomped all over my radioactive heart!
>Tenchi Maasaki: For once, I think she was one girlfriend too many...
>Spock: Most illogical...
>Luke Skywalker: I loved her... like a sister...

Well, we all know what that means for him e.e;

>Onsen-Mark: I was DRUNK I tell you, DRUNK!!!
>Narrator: We finally caught up with Shiori at the hideout of her present
>boyfriends, the group of assassins known as Shwartz...
>Shiori: Oh, hello! I'm just hanging out with these wonderful boys here!
>Farfello: I wants te find ye Lucky Charms!
>Schuldig: Ja, guten tag.
>Crawford: I knew you were coming...
>Narrator: Where's Nagi?
>Schuldig: Zat weiner ist shtill hangin out viz zat Schrient whore Tot

::dies:: Oh my goodness, it's my boys... and it's Farfarello, dear. Like in
Dante. ::hates when people spell it Farfello:: u.u;

>Crawford: Just because she won a Nobel Prize in Physics doesn't mean she
>boss people around...
>Schuldig: Teufel! Even zat Mai Shiranui von za Nobel Prize in de Physics!
>Crawford: Oh, no, no... Mai didn't win a Nobel in Physics, she won a Nobel
>Prize for *her* Physics...
>Schuldig: Bwahaha!
>Narrator: Anyway... about what people say about you, that you are a
>a cabbage fairy, even a car?
>Shiori: Do I look like a cabbage *or* a car? Tee-hee! And as for
>I remember you... you'll keep quiet or your wife will find out, capice?

Wow. Go Shiori. >.>

>Narrator: Uh... uh...
>Shiori: And as for these ridiculous rumors... OW!!! You cut me Farfie!
>Farfello: I'm gonna find ye Lucky Charms! Yahahahah!
>Shiori: EEEEAAAAHHH! *runs off, Farfie gives chase*
>Narrator: Well, that was different...
>Crawford: Schuldig, you wouldn't possibly have anything to do with this?
>Schuldig: Why, nein...
>Crawford: Liar, liar... pants on fire?
>Schuldig: You know it baby...
>Crawford: Oh! I just remembered! Jiras Corrino was going to come by today and
>beat me u-- *POW* *THUD*

Oh, yeah, right. You wish. :P

>Jiras: Thought I forgot, didn't you? Well, don't let me interrupt...
>Narrator: Your work again Schuldig?
>Schuldig: I hear NUTH-THINK, I zee NUTH-THINK! *achem* I mean, -lets move on-
>Narrator: Lets move on...
>Shiori: Eeek! Juri, help me! *flies into her arms* This crazy one-eyed guy is
>trying to evicerate me!
>Farfello: *beheads a cameraman, guts a gaffer* Lucky Charms, Lucky Charms!


I love him so. ^o^

>*Juri's foot lands on his face*
>Shiori: Oh Juri... my butch hero!
>Juri: Now, Shiori, you've got to start taking responsibilities *Shiori starts
>fondling her* uhh... AH! Er, I mean for you act - *Shiori squeezes in close*
>oh! Your, your... uh... Oh what the hell, let's do it... *slings Shiori over
>her shoulder*
>Farfello: Mother McCree... *Juri kicks him into orbit* Erin... go...
>Juri: Don't wait up...
>Narrator: Next, on Behind the Rose... Wakaba Shinohara: glomping friend with
>tortured soul... Her lifelong refusal to accept her own specialness kept her
>an endless spiral of drugs, sex, alcohol, biker gangs and reality TV shows
>until the Church of Satan showed her the way to salvation. And we catch up
>Kozue Kaoru, a one-time bad-girl who re-invented herself as the Queen of the
>Fangirls... When we come back!

ROFL! I can't wait for this... whose fangirls? ^o^


Sep 9, 2001, 8:38:58 PM9/9/01

Narrator: Wakaba Shinohara - best remembered at Ohtori as "that glomping
girl" or the "Saionji addict" or "Tatsuya's obsession" or "the girl who
called her best girlfriend her boyfriend" or "the girl who threw water at
Touga Kiryuu but missed and hit Anthy instead" or -

Wakaba: Okay! Okay! Look, it was school, I was like so young, ya' know?
I mean, okay, like I got into some way serious trouble with, you know, the
ectasy, the 'ludes, the yellow jackets, the black beauties, the cocaine, the
codeine, the meth, the lsd (giggles), tabs are so way cool, the heroine, the
hashish, the opium, the rush, and the like. But, you know, I never, like
toked. Though, (giggles) one time Tatsuya gave me this like totally awesome
clip for Christmas but, you know, I like was so not into that. And, like,
okay, I may be drank a little much. But, like, what's a Blowjob, or Slo
Comfortable Screw, or a couple of double-Jacks? You know? I mean they were
way tasty. Hm? No, I don't do those, I drink them! Exactly, what kind of
girl do you think I am? Look, the bikers were, like, way nice and they,
like, treated me like really nice. And, okay, maybe I used to get rubbers
by the case but you know I've always played it safe. Always. Well, okay,
except with Kyouichi (giggles) who's a girl! Can you like believe it? I
mean he was kinda' (waves pinky) but you know he had that tongue . . . and
well, anyway, there was that total loser-boy, nerd, geek, dweeb
negative-nine Tatsuya. Yeah, like he was some dream come true. Doubt he
could come. He was so like virginal. So, like I only had Utena and she was
way cool and the whole glomping thing was, you know, girly. I so get so
tired of people saying I was copping a feel or like I went gay or something.
They are so totally, really whacked. So, she had Touga, and that Anthy
bitch and I swear she was like blowin' Ohtori.
(cut to) Akio: Look! I do not want to discuss Utena. I did not have
sexual relations with the girl. Maybe my avuncular affections were
mis-interpreted by an already damaged child. I should have realized her
pain and found assistance for her. Her little friend Wakaba was just a
sweet little, what's the word? genki child. She can tell you - she rode in
my car and we never touched. I find the whole accusations of me seducing
the girls, and especially the boys at Ohtori rather distasteful. It was
Nemuro who was the fiend.
Wakaba: Hm? No, Ohtori never touched me. Thank God! What a totally,
really rank and skanky old dude, you know? Anyways, Utena was way busy and
sometimes, okay, like sometimes I like . . . (sniffles) like . . . (tears
well up) like I wasn't special. Like I was a no body. I mean here was
Kyouichi sha-boinging me every night but like half the time he'd cry out
Anthy, or Touga, or (shudder) ChuChu. But those were, like, totally special
moments, you know? Hm? Oh, the shows. Okay, like I got totally into Jerry
Springer you know? I felt like I was with family - well, some of 'em were
family and without Utena I just felt like I belonged to Jerry. I was like
a Jerry fangirl. But, luckily my life got totally turned around. Tatsuya
invited me to Chicago in America and, well, since he is such a wasted space
of a lay you know, well, anyway I went and like played tourist.
Narrator: And you discovered the Church of Satan.
Wakaga: (belly laughs) No, you jerkweed! Church of Saint Ann! You're like
a total waste of space moron aren't you? The Church of -
Narrator: Unfortunately we ran out of time. Next, a secret long denied now
comes forth - tonight, we fill find the truth about the Karous.
Kozue: Look, I'm tired of hiding. Okay, I've worn my cute little dresses
and invented the game show and Playstation game "Fangirls" and it's been fun
and enriching being called the Queen of Fangirls. No one has more of an
interest in beautiful young men like I do. But, the lawsuits are building.
Tsuwabuki's making a fortune selling memorabilia, telling his lies.
(stands) I'm Miki Karou. I didn't die. I didn't live that life. My
sister Kozue was . . . (sighs). She was a bad girl. We each had a sex
change operation. She wanted to be a boy; I've yearned to be a girl. We
didn't tell anyone, except Tsuwabuki and Mamiya. I loved Mamiya, you see
but I could never get away from Tsuwabuki. Tsuwabuki wondered why Kozue and
I went to Canada for so long. Yes, Tsuwabuki and I did have a relationship
but he's scary. Possessive, Obsessive. He kept saying he would wreck the
world while he tore apart our bedroom. I had to get away. Kozue agreed to
take my place to break it off with him. He fell in love with her, if you
can call what he expresses, love. She played me for so long that I think
they both finally believed that she was me! But the lifestyle was too much
for her. Yes, the multiple lovers, the bathhouses, all of it. She was
addicted to sex. My sister gave her life for me. I can't live this lie
anymore. He knows it and now it's time the world knew. Let us never forget
my sweet sister. For Kozue; for everyone who's wanted to be all they could
be - Miki Karou is here to set the world a-flame!

Narrator: You saw it here - the world has seen the truth on "Behind the
Rose." Sex changes were as common as changing sex partners at Ohtori.
Another member of Ohtori, Vice-President of the Student Council, Kyouichi
Saionji had it all, the power, the Rose Bride, the hair, the girls and boys,
yet he always hungered for more. His hidden love for ChuChu, the loveable
mascot was revealed at the end of his school term. The diaries that
revealed things about Saionji . . . Who was this young man with the green
curls and maniacal laughter? Did he and ChuChu have a relationship? Who is
ChuChu? Monkey? Mouse? Find out the truth when "Behind the Rose"


Sep 9, 2001, 10:20:21 PM9/9/01


My school is called Saint Ann's ><;;

>Narrator: Unfortunately we ran out of time. Next, a secret long denied now
>comes forth - tonight, we fill find the truth about the Karous.
>Kozue: Look, I'm tired of hiding. Okay, I've worn my cute little dresses
>and invented the game show and Playstation game "Fangirls" and it's been fun
>and enriching being called the Queen of Fangirls. No one has more of an
>interest in beautiful young men like I do. But, the lawsuits are building.
>Tsuwabuki's making a fortune selling memorabilia, telling his lies.
>(stands) I'm Miki Karou. I didn't die. I didn't live that life. My
>sister Kozue was . . . (sighs). She was a bad girl. We each had a sex
>change operation. She wanted to be a boy; I've yearned to be a girl. We
>didn't tell anyone, except Tsuwabuki and Mamiya. I loved Mamiya, you see
>but I could never get away from Tsuwabuki. Tsuwabuki wondered why Kozue and
>I went to Canada for so long. Yes, Tsuwabuki and I did have a relationship
>but he's scary. Possessive, Obsessive. He kept saying he would wreck the
>world while he tore apart our bedroom. I had to get away. Kozue agreed to
>take my place to break it off with him. He fell in love with her, if you
>can call what he expresses, love. She played me for so long that I think
>they both finally believed that she was me! But the lifestyle was too much
>for her. Yes, the multiple lovers, the bathhouses, all of it. She was
>addicted to sex. My sister gave her life for me. I can't live this lie
>anymore. He knows it and now it's time the world knew. Let us never forget
>my sweet sister. For Kozue; for everyone who's wanted to be all they could
>be - Miki Karou is here to set the world a-flame!

::dies:: YAY!!! GO MIKI!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ::happy. Very happy.::

>Narrator: You saw it here - the world has seen the truth on "Behind the
>Rose." Sex changes were as common as changing sex partners at Ohtori.
>Another member of Ohtori, Vice-President of the Student Council, Kyouichi
>Saionji had it all, the power, the Rose Bride, the hair, the girls and boys,
>yet he always hungered for more. His hidden love for ChuChu, the loveable
>mascot was revealed at the end of his school term. The diaries that
>revealed things about Saionji . . . Who was this young man with the green
>curls and maniacal laughter? Did he and ChuChu have a relationship? Who is
>ChuChu? Monkey? Mouse? Find out the truth when "Behind the Rose"

RRRROFL. I -love- this fic.

Speaking of fic, Katherine, I'm about done with Ch. 3, but I don't know which
email address to send it to for you... ^^;;


Sep 9, 2001, 10:56:03 PM9/9/01
<< > << ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you
> >it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
> >Look forward to seeing more. >>
> >
> >You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
> wasn't
> >sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and
> >^^;;;
> Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
> >>
> I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
> stuff...
And you're doing a wonderful job! *huggles* J >>

Awww... shucks! ^^;;;


Sep 10, 2001, 1:39:35 AM9/10/01
Apparently, AOL users cannot see the full fic . . . so this is the most
recent . . .

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 10, 2001, 11:30:53 AM9/10/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< ><< ><< > << > << ***********
>>> >
>>>> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
>>>> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
>>>> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...
>>>Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
>>>actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
>>>drove the boy a little . . . off. >>
>>>Well, just put Mikage in the right enviroment and he just blossoms... Like
>>>in an Elevator, with the lights turned low... ^_^
>>... and a sax playing? >>
>*holding back the violent tendencies as he sees the sax-ist pig playing his
>where Jiras is pointing* >>
>Careful! He's a Gung-ho Gun! O.o

It matters not... if I lose I should then be dead and thus I don't have to hear
the music for a good 4 seconds before my place is ready in hell. If I win it's
one less Sax-ist.

><< ><< Sorry couldn't resist... you weren't sounding to be making something
>even as
>>wholesome as a BR duellist being "born" ^.~ >>
>>Well, there's a time for work and a time for play... ^_~
>But do kill the saxophonist first. ^^
>Sax-ist: 0.o
>Or I will... and Hoffa will look to have died of old age in comparison.
>Sax-ist: o.o;;;
>*skips happily off to prepare*
> >>
>Heheheh... ^^

Sanity is for the birds. Make mine menace.

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 10, 2001, 11:36:15 AM9/10/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
>>it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>>Look forward to seeing more. >>
>>You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>>sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
>Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
> >>
>I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing

Arc-master? I sound like a bad piece of equipment offered in infomercials.

*most of arc cast hits the phones to order... some cause they will me ill ^.^;;;*

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 10, 2001, 11:37:17 AM9/10/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< > << ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you
>> >it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>> >Look forward to seeing more. >>
>> >
>> >You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>> wasn't
>> >sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and
>> >^^;;;
>> Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
>> >>
>> I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
>> stuff...
>And you're doing a wonderful job! *huggles* J >>
>Awww... shucks! ^^;;;

Right. You'll be stopping there. I can see you about to break into song. We'll
have none of that mind you.


Sep 10, 2001, 7:43:04 PM9/10/01
>Apparently, AOL users cannot see the full fic . . . so this is the most
>recent . . .

I'm an AOLer and I have no problem seeing it... o_o


Sep 10, 2001, 9:11:14 PM9/10/01
"Kirei" <kirei...@aol.comieatspam> wrote in message

> >Apparently, AOL users cannot see the full fic . . . so this is the most
> >recent . . .
> >
> I'm an AOLer and I have no problem seeing it... o_o
That's good to know - thanks - then only *certain* aol users cannot see the
complete fic . . . hmmm....


Sep 10, 2001, 9:16:17 PM9/10/01
"Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion" <> wrote in

> (UYatsura) wrote:
> ><< > << ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if
> >gave
> >> >it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love
> >> >Look forward to seeing more. >>
> >> >
> >> >You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I
> >> wasn't
> >> >sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and
> >burned...
> >> >^^;;;
> >>
> >> Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
> >> >>
> >>
> >> I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this
> >> stuff...
> >>
> >And you're doing a wonderful job! *huggles* J >>
> >
> >Awww... shucks! ^^;;;
> Right. You'll be stopping there. I can see you about to break into song.
> have none of that mind you.

Wha-? I can't exactly picture Jiras breaking out into full Andrew Lloyd
Webber special moment song. Me? Yes. And, hee hee, with *lots* of
soulful, sexy saxophone. (flees) Hm, maybe I'll write an afu opereretta
piece with all the regular afu-ers in a full multi-voice song. ^__^


Sep 10, 2001, 10:52:09 PM9/10/01
<< ><< >> Narrator: But who was Nanami Kiryuu really? We caught up with her
>>> associate Mitsuru Tsuwabuki, who lives in Hollywood, CA, where he manages
>>> estate of his desceased life partner, Miki Kaoru...
>>Wah! "deceased"? "Miki"? Waaaah!
>I agree!! ::cries.:: You'll pay for this, you rat!! >>
>Bwahaha!!! ;P


><< And -Tsuwabuki-? :P He has better taste. >>
>They clicked stopwatches together... ^,^

Guess you could say something just clicked between them...

Heheheh... wish I'd thought of that... ^^


Sep 10, 2001, 10:53:48 PM9/10/01
<< ><< ><< ><< > << > << ***********
>>> >
>>>> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
>>>> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
>>>> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...
>>>Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
>>>actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
>>>drove the boy a little . . . off. >>
>>>Well, just put Mikage in the right enviroment and he just blossoms... Like
>>>in an Elevator, with the lights turned low... ^_^
>>... and a sax playing? >>
>*holding back the violent tendencies as he sees the sax-ist pig playing his
>where Jiras is pointing* >>
>Careful! He's a Gung-ho Gun! O.o

It matters not... if I lose I should then be dead and thus I don't have to hear
the music for a good 4 seconds before my place is ready in hell. If I win it's
one less Sax-ist. >>

Well now, that's what I'd call a win-win situation... ^^

<< ><< ><< Sorry couldn't resist... you weren't sounding to be making something
>even as
>>wholesome as a BR duellist being "born" ^.~ >>
>>Well, there's a time for work and a time for play... ^_~
>But do kill the saxophonist first. ^^
>Sax-ist: 0.o
>Or I will... and Hoffa will look to have died of old age in comparison.
>Sax-ist: o.o;;;
>*skips happily off to prepare*
> >>
>Heheheh... ^^

Sanity is for the birds. Make mine menace.

Make mine a double! ^^|/

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 10, 2001, 10:57:27 PM9/10/01
"sephigirl" <> wrote:

Well twas meaning the Python named Monty but Webber'll do in a pinch. ^.~

> And, hee hee, with *lots* of
>soulful, sexy saxophone. (flees) Hm, maybe I'll write an afu opereretta
>piece with all the regular afu-ers in a full multi-voice song. ^__^

I can't carry for long but I can carry on ^^


Sep 10, 2001, 11:05:20 PM9/10/01
"Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion" <> wrote in

I was thinking Holy Grail but I couldn't remember the lead in dialogue &
rather than make a fool of myself . . . All that's running in my mind is

"Someday this will all be yours."
"The curtains?"

> > And, hee hee, with *lots* of
> >soulful, sexy saxophone. (flees) Hm, maybe I'll write an afu opereretta
> >piece with all the regular afu-ers in a full multi-voice song. ^__^
> I can't carry for long but I can carry on ^^


L. Gerholz

Sep 10, 2001, 11:05:45 PM9/10/01

I dare ya! I double dare ya!

Just remember, my singing voice is more a punishment, but masked by a
full chorus, maybe.

And Eld was threatening to kill the sax(ophone)-ist, so be careful
writing that part. Even more careful casting it.


Sep 10, 2001, 11:09:12 PM9/10/01

Hey, I wouldn't think of leaving out my favorite dueling partner... ^___^

<< >Narrator: That brings us to AniLesboCon... a lot of unsettling allegations
>arisen about that lately...
>Juri: Oh?
>Narrator: Is it true that you fathered a child with Haruka Tennou, also known
>as "Sailor Uranus"?
>Juri: Well... The others are going to kill me for saying this but... the
>donor was actually... David Crosby... *hangs head in shame*
>Narrator: I see... Now, can you share your thought on Anne Heche?
>Juri: Traitor! God-damned, stinking turncoat!
>Narrator: Not suprising... Now, if we may turn to a more sensitive subject...
>Juri: Hm?
>Narrator: Is you name spelled with a "y" or an "i"?
>Juri: A "y". That's how B-Papas spells it. Only know-it-all fanboys spell it
>with an "i".

And fangirls. :P (By the way, I've also seen official Utena merchandise spell
Anthy as "Ansi," so we might not want to trust to that u.u) >>

Oh well, I guess it's all about personal preference...

<< >Narrator: I see... Now, what about Shiori?
>Juri: Shiori Shinohara or Shiori Takatsuki?
>Narrator: Uh, Shiori Takatsuki, of course...
>Juri: Right... Well, she was the object of my affection for so long... I
>finally got over her, though... and started going after Utena instead... A
>of good that did me. When she finally resurfaced in America, I followed her
>career on the wrestling circuit... I was there when she, fighting under the
>name of The Pink Prince, took down the Rock to win the Kaufmann Intergender
>Wrestling Award!

::cheer:: Go Andy Kaufman. ^-^ >>

Tank u beddy mich... ^.~

<< >The Rock: That carpet-munching carpetbagger cheated!
>Juri: But when Anthy showed up again, I knew I was cooked... She's the Pink
>Prince's 'bodyguard' now, under the name of Lady Kali... I was vulnerable...
>when Shiori popped out naked from my 27th birthday cake, I couldn't help
>Narrator: Another question: are you French?
>Juri: What!?! That is ridiculous! I am not French! C'est japones! Je aime
>Japon! Vive la Japon... ah, Sacre Bleu...
>Narrator: What does that last part mean?
>Juri: It's French for "oh sh*t"...

RRROFL ^o^ >>


<< >Narrator: Can we... talk about Miki?
>Juri: Oh, poor Miki... His appetite for drugs and men were simply
>he was a fixture in San Fransisco's bathouses. He was known to take men four
>five at a time... I still miss him... Please, cut the camera?

O______o _MIKI_!!! You have got some EXPLAINING to do!

Miki: ::flails:: #####o_o#### It wasn't me! It wasn't me!!!
Kozue: Niichan, I'm back! I borrowed your uniform, I hope you don't mind... ^^

Heh. Like brother, like sister I always say...

<< >Narrator: Besides the late Miki Kaoru, no one is closer to Juri than her
>bisexual sometimes girlfriend Shiori Takatsuki... Although she always comes
>back to Juri, her taste in gentlemen friends has left something to be
>Jay: Man, she is the tightest b*tch I ever f*cked!
>Silent Bob: ........

Oh my goodness, I thought that said "Jury" at first...


And we all know Jay is gay :P >>

LOL! ^o^

<< >Doug "Pinhead" Bradley: She will tear your soul APART!!!
>Senator Strom Thurmond: She can sizzle like spit on a Dixie griddle! Hell, I
>could still walk before I met her!
>Chichiri: No comment, no da!
>Godzilla: Truly terrifying... she stomped all over my radioactive heart!
>Tenchi Maasaki: For once, I think she was one girlfriend too many...
>Spock: Most illogical...
>Luke Skywalker: I loved her... like a sister...

Well, we all know what that means for him e.e; >>

Yep. Mr. Jedi Master would fit right in at Ohtori... ^_^

<< >Onsen-Mark: I was DRUNK I tell you, DRUNK!!!
>Narrator: We finally caught up with Shiori at the hideout of her present
>boyfriends, the group of assassins known as Shwartz...
>Shiori: Oh, hello! I'm just hanging out with these wonderful boys here!
>Farfello: I wants te find ye Lucky Charms!
>Schuldig: Ja, guten tag.
>Crawford: I knew you were coming...
>Narrator: Where's Nagi?
>Schuldig: Zat weiner ist shtill hangin out viz zat Schrient whore Tot

::dies:: Oh my goodness, it's my boys... and it's Farfarello, dear. Like in
Dante. ::hates when people spell it Farfello:: u.u; >>

Oops! ^,^

<< >Crawford: Just because she won a Nobel Prize in Physics doesn't mean she
>boss people around...
>Schuldig: Teufel! Even zat Mai Shiranui von za Nobel Prize in de Physics!
>Crawford: Oh, no, no... Mai didn't win a Nobel in Physics, she won a Nobel
>Prize for *her* Physics...
>Schuldig: Bwahaha!
>Narrator: Anyway... about what people say about you, that you are a
>a cabbage fairy, even a car?
>Shiori: Do I look like a cabbage *or* a car? Tee-hee! And as for
>I remember you... you'll keep quiet or your wife will find out, capice?

Wow. Go Shiori. >.> >>

Hey, this kind of thing is her forte... ^__^

<< >Narrator: Uh... uh...
>Shiori: And as for these ridiculous rumors... OW!!! You cut me Farfie!
>Farfello: I'm gonna find ye Lucky Charms! Yahahahah!
>Shiori: EEEEAAAAHHH! *runs off, Farfie gives chase*
>Narrator: Well, that was different...
>Crawford: Schuldig, you wouldn't possibly have anything to do with this?
>Schuldig: Why, nein...
>Crawford: Liar, liar... pants on fire?
>Schuldig: You know it baby...
>Crawford: Oh! I just remembered! Jiras Corrino was going to come by today and
>beat me u-- *POW* *THUD*

Oh, yeah, right. You wish. :P >>

Hey, it's not my fault he forgot... ^^ He's got Cassandra syndrome... ^,^

<< >Jiras: Thought I forgot, didn't you? Well, don't let me interrupt...
>Narrator: Your work again Schuldig?
>Schuldig: I hear NUTH-THINK, I zee NUTH-THINK! *achem* I mean, -lets move on-
>Narrator: Lets move on...
>Shiori: Eeek! Juri, help me! *flies into her arms* This crazy one-eyed guy is
>trying to evicerate me!
>Farfello: *beheads a cameraman, guts a gaffer* Lucky Charms, Lucky Charms!


I love him so. ^o^ >>

So I see... ^_^

<< >*Juri's foot lands on his face*
>Shiori: Oh Juri... my butch hero!
>Juri: Now, Shiori, you've got to start taking responsibilities *Shiori starts
>fondling her* uhh... AH! Er, I mean for you act - *Shiori squeezes in close*
>oh! Your, your... uh... Oh what the hell, let's do it... *slings Shiori over
>her shoulder*
>Farfello: Mother McCree... *Juri kicks him into orbit* Erin... go...
>Juri: Don't wait up...
>Narrator: Next, on Behind the Rose... Wakaba Shinohara: glomping friend with
>tortured soul... Her lifelong refusal to accept her own specialness kept her
>an endless spiral of drugs, sex, alcohol, biker gangs and reality TV shows
>until the Church of Satan showed her the way to salvation. And we catch up
>Kozue Kaoru, a one-time bad-girl who re-invented herself as the Queen of the
>Fangirls... When we come back!

ROFL! I can't wait for this... whose fangirls? ^o^



Sep 10, 2001, 11:11:45 PM9/10/01
<< > >Apparently, AOL users cannot see the full fic . . . so this is the most
> >recent . . .
> >
> I'm an AOLer and I have no problem seeing it... o_o
That's good to know - thanks - then only *certain* aol users cannot see the
complete fic . . . hmmm.... >>

Maybe it's because I've still got AOL 4.0...


Sep 10, 2001, 11:14:33 PM9/10/01
<< ><< ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you
>>it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>>Look forward to seeing more. >>
>>You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>>sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
>Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
> >>
>I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing

Arc-master? I sound like a bad piece of equipment offered in infomercials. >>

Heheheh... *designs Arc-master in his head... somewhat hampered by lack of
engineering skills*

<< *most of arc cast hits the phones to order... some cause they will me ill
^.^;;;* >>

Hey Lossoth, Id! Cut that out!


Sep 10, 2001, 11:18:14 PM9/10/01

O.o ...oh... really??? o.O ...Hoooly Heck! I guess insulting people who believe
in God didn't diminish his popularity... ^^;;;

<< <snip>

> << Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
> it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
> Look forward to seeing more. >>
> You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
> sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
> ^^;;;

I don't know if "crashed and burned" is the right term. But Kyouko and
Miki's fan club might want to discuss it with you. ^_^ >>

Bring 'em on! I'll take 'em all on with one arm tied behind my back! I'll do it
standing on one foot! I'll do it with my eyes closed... ^,^


Sep 10, 2001, 11:20:24 PM9/10/01
<< ><< > << ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if
>> >it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>> >Look forward to seeing more. >>
>> >
>> >You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>> wasn't
>> >sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and
>> >^^;;;
>> Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
>> >>
>> I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
>> stuff...
>And you're doing a wonderful job! *huggles* J >>
>Awww... shucks! ^^;;;

Right. You'll be stopping there. I can see you about to break into song. We'll
have none of that mind you.

Oh? Not even "Cruel Angel's Thesis"? Za-n-koku na tenshi no te-se, sho-unen yo
shinwa ni na-re... ^^


Sep 10, 2001, 11:22:10 PM9/10/01

Hey! I can sing... "The muuuuuuuuusic of the niiiiiiiiiiight..." ;P


Sep 10, 2001, 11:26:45 PM9/10/01
"L. Gerholz" <> wrote in message
I have a small chunk of a musical I wrote years ago - lyrics and basic
music - uh, shall we say it sucked? ^^ And somewhere in my apt is a
cassette tape of me singing the songs. #^^# If I ever get robbed, I pray
that never gets taken. I do better ripping off songs. My best friend Rick,
who is a musician, and I wrote a Star Wars musical using the music from
various Lloyd Webber musicals and Les Miserables. That was a hoot; not
fully complete but almost there. We used the first movie only. Just about
every character sings, including R2-D2! So, if I ever get bored, I may do
an afu piece. Be afraid. I know Eld was threatening the saxophone artist -
hence why I'm teasing him. ^^ Tho, every time I read that thread, the song
from Miss Saigon - "The Last Night of the World" plays in my mind - a very
sad romantic and passionate piece where the lovers sing , "A song. Played
on a solo saxophone." and there's sax music. So Eld may curse them but
then I mentally huggle Eld because I'm reminded of a sad love song. ^^


Sep 10, 2001, 11:30:35 PM9/10/01
"UYatsura" <> wrote in message
I swoon, I lose my clothes . . . erm . . . where was I?

L. Gerholz

Sep 10, 2001, 11:35:36 PM9/10/01

Most of the bumper stickers went up right after Ventura was elected. The
crack about belief in God came later. The one that particularily
irritated me was his constant slights on higher education, like "If
you're smart enough to get into college, you're smart enough to figure
out how to pay for it". Well, Mr. Ventura, if I'd been smart enough at
that age to figure out how to get that kind of money, I wouldn't have
*needed* to go to college. I keep wondering if he's going to pay his own
kids' way through college, if they wish to go, since he seems to want to
make paying one's way an intelligence test in and of itself. Oops! I'm
ranting again. Sorry.

> << <snip>

> > << Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
> > it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
> > Look forward to seeing more. >>
> >
> > You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
> > wasn't
> > sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
> > ^^;;;
> >

> I don't know if "crashed and burned" is the right term. But Kyouko and
> Miki's fan club might want to discuss it with you. ^_^ >>
> Bring 'em on! I'll take 'em all on with one arm tied behind my back! I'll do it
> standing on one foot! I'll do it with my eyes closed... ^,^

Hm. And do you wear black armor for these futile battles?

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper (regardless of gender)


Sep 11, 2001, 12:49:00 AM9/11/01
<snip Pt. 1>

Narrator: Miss Saionji, I'm pleased you were able to speak with us...
Saionji: Oh you! Flattery will get you everywhere... tee-hee! ^^
Narrator: Now Saionji, before anything else, we've got to ask the question that
has been burning in the minds of millions: why? Why change your sex?
Saionji: Why? ... well...
Narrator: Yes?
Saionji: You know... I've been in many sexual relationships, but not in a
single one of them was I the seme! I was Touga's uke, then I was Akio's uke...
and for Mikage too. Laurie tried to help, but there was only so much she could
do... I was even Miki's uke for a while, until he passed me on to Tsuwabuki...
Narrator: But... you've had your share of heterosexual relationships too?
Saionji: It didn't make a difference. Even when I had the Rose Bride, Anthy
would peg me with a strap-on! Anthy's a big fan of pegging... But it was the
same with Wakaba too! You know, eventually you kind of get the point that
somebody's trying to make to you... I realized that to be submissive was my lot
in life...
Narrator: But you always had such machismo...
Saionji: I realize now that it was mostly overcompensation for my true femenine
nature... the slapping, the swords, the strutting... I was trying to deny my
true femenine nature.
Narrator: I see... and might I say that your surgeon did a splendid job. You
have an enviable pair of breasts!
Saionji: Oh, go on! ^,^
Narrator: Now, as to the rumours about you and Chuchu...
Saionji: Oh, that was mostly one-sided on my part... the physical abuse I
heaped on him was a desperate cry for his attention... But it could never work
between us... What I said, what I wrote, it was mostly wishful thinking.
Narrator: Now, Miss Saionji, we have a suprise for you... we have arrainged for
you and Chuchu to have a reunion here tonight...
Saionji: Oh my!
(Entering from offstage comes Chuchu, being escorted by four heavily armed and
scary-looking Sardaukar Troopers. Chuchu seats himself on a chair next to
Chuchu: Chu!
Narrator: Now, Mr. Chuchu, can you answer one question for us? Monkey, or
mouse? (Chuchu hands him a written statement) "My good sir, the time has
finally come for me to reveal my true identity, along with my true relationship
between Dios and Anthy. I am, in fact, the elder sibling to those two. My real
name was Crown Prince Charming Himemiya, heir to my father, the Sublime
Padishah Emperor Shaddam Himemiya XIII, ruler of the Known Universe and Secret
Master of this World... My little brother and sister used witchcraft to turn me
into this animalicule in order to remove me from the Imperial succession. I
bear them no malice for this act, it was a simple matter of dynastic politics.
And I have always felt great compassion for my sister, because of what she was
willing to endure for my selfish brother Dios, or Akio as he now calls
himself... I am only glad she was finally able to walk away from all that. And
now the time has come for me to escape this small prison as well. Only a kiss
from my true Princess can save me..." Why Mr. Chuchu! Uh, Charming! This is
Chuchu: Chu...? (Looks hopefully at Saionji)
Saionji: (blinking back tears) Why... yes! (Leans down and kisses Chuchu on his
muzzle. Chuchu's body is infused with a brilliant light, and suddenly he is
Charming: Oh... my word! I can speak again! And I'm human again! (The figure
now seated before us is an unbelievably handsome man, with dark skin, green
eyes, long greyish-purple hair, and a bindhi in the center of his forehead. He
wears an elaborate white uniform and a cape...)
Saionji: Can it be true?
Charming: Oh my Princess, at last we can be together! We shall find peace in
each other's embrace, and our love shall last eternal... (They embrace)
Narrator: But wait! What will your father say? For all his love, Saionji can
never give you a royal heir...
Charming: My good man, you needn't trouble yourself about that! My father will
be most pleased with the heirs we give him, for you see, *I* will be the one
bearing the children... (Charming opens his tunic, to reveal a very femenine
pair of breasts, carefully taped down to conceal them... He then unzips his
slacks to confirm that his womanhood is genuine) see, it was nearly
fifteen years after I was born when Mother gave birth to Dios, and during those
fruitless years in between my Father feared barreness on Mother's part or
sterility on his own... Worried that I was to be his one and only child, he
took great pains to raise me as a boy from youth... For me living as a man is
as natural as a fish swimming in water. And it is my great fortune to have
found the perfect soulmate...
Saionji: With my help, the royal heirs shall flow from your loins, my Prince!
Narrator: But... weren't you gelded, Saionji? You did have a sex-change
Saionji: Just the breasts, silly! I would never, ever consent to
dis-memberment! And I'll tell you why... size is the one and only area in which
I can beat both Touga and Akio... by a *mile*!
Narrator: I... see... (Prince Charming picks up Saionji and carries him off.
The Sardaukar obediently follow suit.) Let's cut to commercial...

Next time, on Behind the Rose! For forty years, Tokiko Chida believed that her
brother was dead. Now, a man named Mikhail Mikhailovich Chidov had come
forward, claiming to be Mamiya Chida.

Mikhail: I was held prisoner in Siberia for years... Akio had many friends in
the Kremlin. But I also know the truth.

Narrator: We will find out the truth, as Tokiko confronts this man for the
first time. And later: Touga Kiryuu, no man more famous, no man more
controversial. He lit the world of Rock and Roll on fire, while becoming a
political powerhouse. Follow his rise, fall, rise, fall and rise... The man.
The myth. The Iron Chef. Touga Kiryuu, later on Behind the Rose...

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 11, 2001, 9:55:00 AM9/11/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< ><< ><< ><< > << > << ***********
>>>> >
>>>>> > Hahahaha! Mikage and Tatsuya as players! That is rich! ^o^
>>>>> My two sweetest shyest boys . . . >>
>>>>> Well, Tatsuya yes... but Mikage? Well...
>>>>Mikage is incredibly shy, poor thing. And he is sweet. Because he wouldn't
>>>>actively chase Tokiko, nor confront her when *spoiler*, well that's what
>>>>drove the boy a little . . . off. >>
>>>>Well, just put Mikage in the right enviroment and he just blossoms... Like
>>>>in an Elevator, with the lights turned low... ^_^
>>>... and a sax playing? >>
>>*holding back the violent tendencies as he sees the sax-ist pig playing his
>>where Jiras is pointing* >>
>>Careful! He's a Gung-ho Gun! O.o
>It matters not... if I lose I should then be dead and thus I don't have to hear
>the music for a good 4 seconds before my place is ready in hell. If I win it's
>one less Sax-ist. >>
>Well now, that's what I'd call a win-win situation... ^^


><< ><< ><< Sorry couldn't resist... you weren't sounding to be making something
>>even as
>>>wholesome as a BR duellist being "born" ^.~ >>
>>>Well, there's a time for work and a time for play... ^_~
>>But do kill the saxophonist first. ^^
>>Sax-ist: 0.o
>>Or I will... and Hoffa will look to have died of old age in comparison.
>>Sax-ist: o.o;;;
>>*skips happily off to prepare*
>> >>
>>Heheheh... ^^
>Sanity is for the birds. Make mine menace.
> >>
>Make mine a double! ^^|/


Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 11, 2001, 9:57:36 AM9/11/01
"sephigirl" <> wrote:

Close enough ^^

>> > And, hee hee, with *lots* of
>> >soulful, sexy saxophone. (flees) Hm, maybe I'll write an afu opereretta
>> >piece with all the regular afu-ers in a full multi-voice song. ^__^
>> I can't carry for long but I can carry on ^^

Yes many ergs of energy to be energetic eventually.

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 11, 2001, 9:59:01 AM9/11/01
"L. Gerholz" <> wrote:

If they have quality they are spared... it's when they are little more than good
enough to be background music in a smut reel that they should be hung from the
navel until dead.

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 11, 2001, 10:00:58 AM9/11/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< ><< > << ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if
>>> >it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>>> >Look forward to seeing more. >>
>>> >
>>> >You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>>> wasn't
>>> >sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and
>>> >^^;;;
>>> Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
>>> >>
>>> I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
>>> stuff...
>>And you're doing a wonderful job! *huggles* J >>
>>Awww... shucks! ^^;;;
>Right. You'll be stopping there. I can see you about to break into song. We'll
>have none of that mind you.
> >>
>Oh? Not even "Cruel Angel's Thesis"? Za-n-koku na tenshi no te-se, sho-unen yo
>shinwa ni na-re... ^^

At least that wasn't the redneck from Texarkana version...

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 11, 2001, 10:06:05 AM9/11/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< ><< ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you
>>>it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>>>Look forward to seeing more. >>
>>>You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>>>sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
>>Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
>> >>
>>I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
>Arc-master? I sound like a bad piece of equipment offered in infomercials. >>
>Heheheh... *designs Arc-master in his head... somewhat hampered by lack of
>engineering skills*
><< *most of arc cast hits the phones to order... some cause they will me ill
>^.^;;;* >>
>Hey Lossoth, Id! Cut that out!

I noticed the other day my Id shriveled up and went poof... and my SuperEgo is on
Crusade... hence why Ego left my body and is highly disgruntled cause he's left
with all the work. ^.^;;

Now Lossoth, Sprint, and a few choice others... they're unfortunately still
around ^.^;

L. Gerholz

Sep 11, 2001, 6:47:04 PM9/11/01
UYatsura wrote:
> <snip Pt. 1>

> >
> > Narrator: You saw it here - the world has seen the truth on "Behind the
> > Rose." Sex changes were as common as changing sex partners at Ohtori.
> > Another member of Ohtori, Vice-President of the Student Council, Kyouichi
> > Saionji had it all, the power, the Rose Bride, the hair, the girls and
> > boys,
> > yet he always hungered for more. His hidden love for ChuChu, the loveable
> > mascot was revealed at the end of his school term. The diaries that
> > revealed things about Saionji . . . Who was this young man with the
> > green
> > curls and maniacal laughter? Did he and ChuChu have a relationship? Who
> > is
> > ChuChu? Monkey? Mouse? Find out the truth when "Behind the Rose"
> > continues. >>
> Narrator: Miss Saionji, I'm pleased you were able to speak with us...
> Saionji: Oh you! Flattery will get you everywhere... tee-hee! ^^
> Narrator: Now Saionji, before anything else, we've got to ask the question that
> has been burning in the minds of millions: why? Why change your sex?
> Saionji: Why? ... well...
> Narrator: Yes?
> Saionji: You know... I've been in many sexual relationships, but not in a
> single one of them was I the seme! I was Touga's uke, then I was Akio's uke...
> and for Mikage too.

Actually, they traded off. Maybe he/she figured if he wasn't seme *all
the time* it didn't count? Always did have rather rigid logic.

> Laurie tried to help, but there was only so much she could
> do...

Um, thanks, I think.

Good lord! I hope there was some sort of warning on this broadcast. Or
do your remote viewers get the computerized pixelated censoring?

> see, it was nearly
> fifteen years after I was born when Mother gave birth to Dios, and during those
> fruitless years in between my Father feared barreness on Mother's part or
> sterility on his own... Worried that I was to be his one and only child, he
> took great pains to raise me as a boy from youth... For me living as a man is
> as natural as a fish swimming in water. And it is my great fortune to have
> found the perfect soulmate...
> Saionji: With my help, the royal heirs shall flow from your loins, my Prince!
> Narrator: But... weren't you gelded, Saionji? You did have a sex-change
> operation...
> Saionji: Just the breasts, silly! I would never, ever consent to
> dis-memberment! And I'll tell you why... size is the one and only area in which
> I can beat both Touga and Akio... by a *mile*!
> Narrator: I... see... (Prince Charming picks up Saionji and carries him off.
> The Sardaukar obediently follow suit.) Let's cut to commercial...

*sigh* Finally, it looks like he/she is going to find some happiness.
I'm pleased.

> Next time, on Behind the Rose! For forty years, Tokiko Chida believed that her
> brother was dead. Now, a man named Mikhail Mikhailovich Chidov had come
> forward, claiming to be Mamiya Chida.
> Mikhail: I was held prisoner in Siberia for years... Akio had many friends in
> the Kremlin. But I also know the truth.

Hm. And what will Nemuro/Mikage have to say about this? Mamiya, if it's
really him, may be the only person who can say what really happened the
night that building burned.

> Narrator: We will find out the truth, as Tokiko confronts this man for the
> first time. And later: Touga Kiryuu, no man more famous, no man more
> controversial. He lit the world of Rock and Roll on fire, while becoming a
> political powerhouse. Follow his rise, fall, rise, fall and rise... The man.
> The myth. The Iron Chef. Touga Kiryuu, later on Behind the Rose...

Lookin' forward to it.

-- Saionji's Prince and Keeper (Well, maybe not any more. I seem to be
out of a job.)


Sep 11, 2001, 10:52:22 PM9/11/01

Heh! Alright. I'm a favourite.

><< >Narrator: That brings us to AniLesboCon... a lot of unsettling
>>arisen about that lately...
>>Juri: Oh?
>>Narrator: Is it true that you fathered a child with Haruka Tennou, also
>>as "Sailor Uranus"?
>>Juri: Well... The others are going to kill me for saying this but... the
>>donor was actually... David Crosby... *hangs head in shame*
>>Narrator: I see... Now, can you share your thought on Anne Heche?
>>Juri: Traitor! God-damned, stinking turncoat!
>>Narrator: Not suprising... Now, if we may turn to a more sensitive
>>Juri: Hm?
>>Narrator: Is you name spelled with a "y" or an "i"?
>>Juri: A "y". That's how B-Papas spells it. Only know-it-all fanboys spell it
>>with an "i".
>And fangirls. :P (By the way, I've also seen official Utena merchandise spell
>Anthy as "Ansi," so we might not want to trust to that u.u) >>
>Oh well, I guess it's all about personal preference...

I used to spell it 'Anshii' but I'm turning rather anti-fangirl Japanese + 1337
japanicizing names that aren't meant to be written in romaji...

><< >Narrator: I see... Now, what about Shiori?
>>Juri: Shiori Shinohara or Shiori Takatsuki?
>>Narrator: Uh, Shiori Takatsuki, of course...
>>Juri: Right... Well, she was the object of my affection for so long... I
>>finally got over her, though... and started going after Utena instead... A
>>of good that did me. When she finally resurfaced in America, I followed her
>>career on the wrestling circuit... I was there when she, fighting under the
>>name of The Pink Prince, took down the Rock to win the Kaufmann Intergender
>>Wrestling Award!
>::cheer:: Go Andy Kaufman. ^-^ >>
>Tank u beddy mich... ^.~

Oh, dude, I worship that guy. He was great. Psychotic, but great.

><< >The Rock: That carpet-munching carpetbagger cheated!
>>Juri: But when Anthy showed up again, I knew I was cooked... She's the Pink
>>Prince's 'bodyguard' now, under the name of Lady Kali... I was vulnerable...
>>when Shiori popped out naked from my 27th birthday cake, I couldn't help
>>Narrator: Another question: are you French?
>>Juri: What!?! That is ridiculous! I am not French! C'est japones! Je aime
>>Japon! Vive la Japon... ah, Sacre Bleu...
>>Narrator: What does that last part mean?
>>Juri: It's French for "oh sh*t"...
>RRROFL ^o^ >>
><< >Narrator: Can we... talk about Miki?
>>Juri: Oh, poor Miki... His appetite for drugs and men were simply
>>he was a fixture in San Fransisco's bathouses. He was known to take men four
>>five at a time... I still miss him... Please, cut the camera?
>O______o _MIKI_!!! You have got some EXPLAINING to do!
>Miki: ::flails:: #####o_o#### It wasn't me! It wasn't me!!!
>Kozue: Niichan, I'm back! I borrowed your uniform, I hope you don't mind...
>Heh. Like brother, like sister I always say...

Those are some crazy twins...

><< >Narrator: Besides the late Miki Kaoru, no one is closer to Juri than her
>>bisexual sometimes girlfriend Shiori Takatsuki... Although she always comes
>>back to Juri, her taste in gentlemen friends has left something to be
>>Jay: Man, she is the tightest b*tch I ever f*cked!
>>Silent Bob: ........
>Oh my goodness, I thought that said "Jury" at first...
>And we all know Jay is gay :P >>
>LOL! ^o^

Well, he -is-.

><< >Doug "Pinhead" Bradley: She will tear your soul APART!!!
>>Senator Strom Thurmond: She can sizzle like spit on a Dixie griddle! Hell, I
>>could still walk before I met her!
>>Chichiri: No comment, no da!
>>Godzilla: Truly terrifying... she stomped all over my radioactive heart!
>>Tenchi Maasaki: For once, I think she was one girlfriend too many...
>>Spock: Most illogical...
>>Luke Skywalker: I loved her... like a sister...
>Well, we all know what that means for him e.e; >>
>Yep. Mr. Jedi Master would fit right in at Ohtori... ^_^

No kidding... ("It's Dios! Use the Force, Luke!")

><< >Onsen-Mark: I was DRUNK I tell you, DRUNK!!!
>>Narrator: We finally caught up with Shiori at the hideout of her present
>>boyfriends, the group of assassins known as Shwartz...
>>Shiori: Oh, hello! I'm just hanging out with these wonderful boys here!
>>Farfello: I wants te find ye Lucky Charms!
>>Schuldig: Ja, guten tag.
>>Crawford: I knew you were coming...
>>Narrator: Where's Nagi?
>>Schuldig: Zat weiner ist shtill hangin out viz zat Schrient whore Tot
>::dies:: Oh my goodness, it's my boys... and it's Farfarello, dear. Like in
>Dante. ::hates when people spell it Farfello:: u.u; >>
>Oops! ^,^

Just as long as you correct your error... ^^

><< >Crawford: Just because she won a Nobel Prize in Physics doesn't mean she
>>boss people around...
>>Schuldig: Teufel! Even zat Mai Shiranui von za Nobel Prize in de Physics!
>>Crawford: Oh, no, no... Mai didn't win a Nobel in Physics, she won a Nobel
>>Prize for *her* Physics...
>>Schuldig: Bwahaha!
>>Narrator: Anyway... about what people say about you, that you are a
>>a cabbage fairy, even a car?
>>Shiori: Do I look like a cabbage *or* a car? Tee-hee! And as for
>>I remember you... you'll keep quiet or your wife will find out, capice?
>Wow. Go Shiori. >.> >>
>Hey, this kind of thing is her forte... ^__^


><< >Narrator: Uh... uh...
>>Shiori: And as for these ridiculous rumors... OW!!! You cut me Farfie!
>>Farfello: I'm gonna find ye Lucky Charms! Yahahahah!
>>Shiori: EEEEAAAAHHH! *runs off, Farfie gives chase*
>>Narrator: Well, that was different...
>>Crawford: Schuldig, you wouldn't possibly have anything to do with this?
>>Schuldig: Why, nein...
>>Crawford: Liar, liar... pants on fire?
>>Schuldig: You know it baby...
>>Crawford: Oh! I just remembered! Jiras Corrino was going to come by today
>>beat me u-- *POW* *THUD*
>Oh, yeah, right. You wish. :P >>
>Hey, it's not my fault he forgot... ^^ He's got Cassandra syndrome... ^,^

Bah. No way. He would never forget, he's too darn slick for that.

><< >Jiras: Thought I forgot, didn't you? Well, don't let me interrupt...
>>Narrator: Your work again Schuldig?
>>Schuldig: I hear NUTH-THINK, I zee NUTH-THINK! *achem* I mean, -lets move
>>Narrator: Lets move on...
>>Shiori: Eeek! Juri, help me! *flies into her arms* This crazy one-eyed guy
>>trying to evicerate me!
>>Farfello: *beheads a cameraman, guts a gaffer* Lucky Charms, Lucky Charms!
>I love him so. ^o^ >>
>So I see... ^_^

I can't help it, he's... Farfie.

><< >*Juri's foot lands on his face*
>>Shiori: Oh Juri... my butch hero!
>>Juri: Now, Shiori, you've got to start taking responsibilities *Shiori
>>fondling her* uhh... AH! Er, I mean for you act - *Shiori squeezes in close*
>>oh! Your, your... uh... Oh what the hell, let's do it... *slings Shiori over
>>her shoulder*
>>Farfello: Mother McCree... *Juri kicks him into orbit* Erin... go...
>>Juri: Don't wait up...
>>Narrator: Next, on Behind the Rose... Wakaba Shinohara: glomping friend with
>>tortured soul... Her lifelong refusal to accept her own specialness kept her
>>an endless spiral of drugs, sex, alcohol, biker gangs and reality TV shows
>>until the Church of Satan showed her the way to salvation. And we catch up
>>Kozue Kaoru, a one-time bad-girl who re-invented herself as the Queen of the
>>Fangirls... When we come back!
>ROFL! I can't wait for this... whose fangirls? ^o^
> >>



Sep 13, 2001, 11:54:15 PM9/13/01

Don't apologize. ^^ A muscle-brained thug elected to higher office is begging
for a rant... ^^

<< > << <snip>
> > << Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if you gave
> > it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
> > Look forward to seeing more. >>
> >
> > You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
> > wasn't
> > sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
> > ^^;;;
> >
> I don't know if "crashed and burned" is the right term. But Kyouko and
> Miki's fan club might want to discuss it with you. ^_^ >>
> Bring 'em on! I'll take 'em all on with one arm tied behind my back! I'll do
> standing on one foot! I'll do it with my eyes closed... ^,^

Hm. And do you wear black armor for these futile battles?

That, plus my good ol' Soul Crusher Sword...


Sep 14, 2001, 12:20:16 AM9/14/01
<< ><< ><< ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if
>>>it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>>>Look forward to seeing more. >>
>>>You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>>>sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
>>Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
>> >>
>>I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
>Arc-master? I sound like a bad piece of equipment offered in infomercials. >>
>Heheheh... *designs Arc-master in his head... somewhat hampered by lack of
>engineering skills*
><< *most of arc cast hits the phones to order... some cause they will me ill
>^.^;;;* >>
>Hey Lossoth, Id! Cut that out!

I noticed the other day my Id shriveled up and went poof... and my SuperEgo is
Crusade... hence why Ego left my body and is highly disgruntled cause he's left
with all the work. ^.^;; >>

Oops! I got my Freudian terms mixed up... ^^;;; I meant to be yelling at Ego...

<< Now Lossoth, Sprint, and a few choice others... they're unfortunately still
around ^.^; >>

Too bad...

PS: The world's turned upside down since we last spoke... Just when we thought
we had seen all of horror's permutations...


Sep 14, 2001, 12:21:09 AM9/14/01
<< ><< ><< > << ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction
>>> >it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>>> >Look forward to seeing more. >>
>>> >
>>> >You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>>> wasn't
>>> >sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and
>>> >^^;;;
>>> Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
>>> >>
>>> I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
>>> stuff...
>>And you're doing a wonderful job! *huggles* J >>
>>Awww... shucks! ^^;;;
>Right. You'll be stopping there. I can see you about to break into song. We'll
>have none of that mind you.
> >>
>Oh? Not even "Cruel Angel's Thesis"? Za-n-koku na tenshi no te-se, sho-unen yo
>shinwa ni na-re... ^^

At least that wasn't the redneck from Texarkana version...

LOL! You remembered! ^^ I'll do that one for an encore...


Sep 14, 2001, 12:22:24 AM9/14/01

All riiiight... ^.^|/ I gotta get my top hat, cape and Phantom masque...


Sep 14, 2001, 12:32:45 AM9/14/01
"UYatsura" <> wrote in message
Erm - I actually have a Phantom mask - dedicated, obsessive fan of the
musical & Michael Crawford. Tho' when I finally saw the show in London,
that Phantom was so horrible - I've never felt the same way again. Fred
grew up on Phantom of the Opera. I used to play it, literally, every day.
I have cassette tapes of me singing some of the songs while my best pal
Ricky played the piano. I am no Sarah Brightman, let me tell you. I used
to fantasize about marrying Michael Crawford.

Um, did I say I had a life? erm . . .


Sep 14, 2001, 11:54:56 PM9/14/01

Oh cool! I wonder if it fits me... ^_~

<< Tho' when I finally saw the show in London,
that Phantom was so horrible - I've never felt the same way again. >>

Yes, I felt the same way about Star Wars after I saw Jar-Jar Binks... -_-;;;

<< Fred
grew up on Phantom of the Opera. I used to play it, literally, every day.
I have cassette tapes of me singing some of the songs while my best pal
Ricky played the piano. I am no Sarah Brightman, let me tell you. I used
to fantasize about marrying Michael Crawford. >>

Brad Crawford: Hmmm, I wonder if he's any relation...

<< Um, did I say I had a life? erm . . . >>

Heheheh... Join the club, Katherine! ^__^

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 18, 2001, 4:28:57 PM9/18/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

By all the powers of Stodge NO! ^^

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 18, 2001, 4:36:34 PM9/18/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

><< ><< ><< ><< Excellent start, Jiras! I knew you could write fan fiction if
>>>>it a try ... even if it is tabloid fan fiction. Kidding! I do love this.
>>>>Look forward to seeing more. >>
>>>>You really like it? Thank you thank you! To tell you the truth, I really
>>>>sure how I'd be recieved... I was half convinced I'd crashed and burned...
>>>Welcome to writing. At least as far as my own work is concerned...
>>> >>
>>>I will keep that in mind, Arc-master! ^^ I might get to like this writing
>>Arc-master? I sound like a bad piece of equipment offered in infomercials. >>
>>Heheheh... *designs Arc-master in his head... somewhat hampered by lack of
>>engineering skills*
>><< *most of arc cast hits the phones to order... some cause they will me ill
>>^.^;;;* >>
>>Hey Lossoth, Id! Cut that out!
>I noticed the other day my Id shriveled up and went poof... and my SuperEgo is
>Crusade... hence why Ego left my body and is highly disgruntled cause he's left
>with all the work. ^.^;; >>
>Oops! I got my Freudian terms mixed up... ^^;;; I meant to be yelling at Ego...

Don't worry it still ends up in his inbox.

><< Now Lossoth, Sprint, and a few choice others... they're unfortunately still
>around ^.^; >>
>Too bad...

Spices things up.

<snip> -and not through some idiotic "If I don't think about it it will go away"
mindset either. I've been expecting for several years -since I first thought "If
Dr. Doom attacked the world... oh my we couldn't stop him!"- and so I'm basically
*stopwatch click* over it. The Book of Supervillain is a dangerous non-existant

But then I never claimed to be human, humane or normal -doesn't help I got my
conspiracy theory on the night before over 's domain name being owned
by what looks like shadow companies that are only paper dolls under scrutiny...
and these people have my home address. I'm getting paralyzed with fear again...
subject change.

Doesn't it suck when a Car Dealer puts up a car... then doesn't return your


Sep 20, 2001, 2:42:54 AM9/20/01

Heheheh... I'll bet he just *loves* getting his old roommates' mail...

<< ><< Now Lossoth, Sprint, and a few choice others... they're unfortunately
>around ^.^; >>
>Too bad...

Spices things up.

True enough... Best not to provoke them, though...

<< <snip> -and not through some idiotic "If I don't think about it it will go
mindset either. I've been expecting for several years -since I first thought
Dr. Doom attacked the world... oh my we couldn't stop him!"- and so I'm
*stopwatch click* over it. The Book of Supervillain is a dangerous non-existant
book. >>

True... but why did we fool ourselves into thinking that it could never be
real? Probably because Hollywood turned supervillainy into a cheap plot
point... Why worry when Bruce Willis will be there to save us?

<< But then I never claimed to be human, humane or normal -doesn't help I got
conspiracy theory on the night before over 's domain name being
by what looks like shadow companies that are only paper dolls under scrutiny...
and these people have my home address. I'm getting paralyzed with fear again...
subject change.

Doesn't it suck when a Car Dealer puts up a car... then doesn't return your
email? >>

Indeed. But it sucks worse if money has already changed hands...


Sep 20, 2001, 2:44:11 AM9/20/01

Well, if you meant 'by all the powers of Stooge' then I'd say: soitenly! ^,^

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 20, 2001, 11:22:46 AM9/20/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

no... I mean s t o d g e. ^,^

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 20, 2001, 11:29:15 AM9/20/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

And their Spam and... the fact the extra boxes mean more incoming virus

><< ><< Now Lossoth, Sprint, and a few choice others... they're unfortunately
>>around ^.^; >>
>>Too bad...
>Spices things up.
> >>
>True enough... Best not to provoke them, though...

*shrug* I can't do well a provoked villain so... they'd be pissed and goofy
seeming. Not their intent at all ^.^;

><< <snip> -and not through some idiotic "If I don't think about it it will go
>mindset either. I've been expecting for several years -since I first thought
>Dr. Doom attacked the world... oh my we couldn't stop him!"- and so I'm
>*stopwatch click* over it. The Book of Supervillain is a dangerous non-existant
>book. >>
>True... but why did we fool ourselves into thinking that it could never be

Delusion is powerful... just look at Ohtori.

> Probably because Hollywood turned supervillainy into a cheap plot
>point... Why worry when Bruce Willis will be there to save us?

Delusion is powerful... just look at Ohtori.

><< But then I never claimed to be human, humane or normal -doesn't help I got
>conspiracy theory on the night before over 's domain name being
>by what looks like shadow companies that are only paper dolls under scrutiny...
>and these people have my home address. I'm getting paralyzed with fear again...
>subject change.
>Doesn't it suck when a Car Dealer puts up a car... then doesn't return your
>email? >>
>Indeed. But it sucks worse if money has already changed hands...

I'm not to that point yet ^.^

Or the car you want is gonna cost it's own price plus 45 bucks to ship -.-

in this example... 600 (it does need some work and I accept that -cracked
cylinder IIRC) + 645 to ship it... AND I'd still have to pick it up locally. Or
850 for door to door -.-;;;

Like I even have the 600 unless I don't wanna eat -.-;;;;;;; damnit. It's exactly
what I want too >.< why does it HAVE to be in chicago.


Sep 20, 2001, 1:53:26 PM9/20/01

Gee, three times as many "Make your dick super-duper humungous!" spam
e-mails... makes the mind boggle.

<< ><< ><< Now Lossoth, Sprint, and a few choice others... they're
>>around ^.^; >>
>>Too bad...
>Spices things up.
> >>
>True enough... Best not to provoke them, though...

*shrug* I can't do well a provoked villain so... they'd be pissed and goofy
seeming. Not their intent at all ^.^; >>

Heheheh... as if Lossoth needed provokation to become goofy... ^_~

<< ><< <snip> -and not through some idiotic "If I don't think about it it will
>mindset either. I've been expecting for several years -since I first thought
>Dr. Doom attacked the world... oh my we couldn't stop him!"- and so I'm
>*stopwatch click* over it. The Book of Supervillain is a dangerous
>book. >>
>True... but why did we fool ourselves into thinking that it could never be

Delusion is powerful... just look at Ohtori. >>


<< > Probably because Hollywood turned supervillainy into a cheap plot
>point... Why worry when Bruce Willis will be there to save us?

Delusion is powerful... just look at Ohtori. >>

Still true...

<< ><< But then I never claimed to be human, humane or normal -doesn't help I
>conspiracy theory on the night before over 's domain name being
>by what looks like shadow companies that are only paper dolls under
>and these people have my home address. I'm getting paralyzed with fear
>subject change.
>Doesn't it suck when a Car Dealer puts up a car... then doesn't return your
>email? >>
>Indeed. But it sucks worse if money has already changed hands...

I'm not to that point yet ^.^

Ah, good... ^^

<< Or the car you want is gonna cost it's own price plus 45 bucks to ship -.-

in this example... 600 (it does need some work and I accept that -cracked
cylinder IIRC) + 645 to ship it... AND I'd still have to pick it up locally. Or
850 for door to door -.-;;;

Like I even have the 600 unless I don't wanna eat -.-;;;;;;; damnit. It's
what I want too >.< why does it HAVE to be in chicago.

Damn, that's bad luck. A good car is hard to find, even harder to find at a
reasonable price...

Jiras Corrino, Certified Freak!
afu no Chuch


Sep 20, 2001, 1:54:19 PM9/20/01

Ahhh... of course that now begs the question of what Stodge is... ^^;;;

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 21, 2001, 9:55:10 AM9/21/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

I only have a cyclic definition. A bland, craptastic thing wholy unwanted but
there's probably plenty of anyway whether you like it or not.

That's the "feels like that" definition I have for it. Overcooked porridge would
also probably be counted as stodge. "Oh bleah! No more stodge please."

Eldrick Tobin, Master of Perversion

Sep 21, 2001, 10:04:15 AM9/21/01
to (UYatsura) wrote:

<.< No what makes the mind boggle is you used that example.

He normally gets mostly MLM or "Come to my website... I'm Connie ^.~" which when
you look in the mail it's about a guy named steve... and the website is about
spanking and bondage instead. No one named Connie or Steve to be found kinda

><< ><< ><< Now Lossoth, Sprint, and a few choice others... they're
>>>around ^.^; >>
>>>Too bad...
>>Spices things up.
>> >>
>>True enough... Best not to provoke them, though...
>*shrug* I can't do well a provoked villain so... they'd be pissed and goofy
>seeming. Not their intent at all ^.^; >>
>Heheheh... as if Lossoth needed provokation to become goofy... ^_~

Well he WAS not supposed to be the way he is... but I can't do real evil in words
alone. Needless to say that meant he had to have another aspect of Flamers
manifest instead - the idiot aspect.

>>Doesn't it suck when a Car Dealer puts up a car... then doesn't return your
>>email? >>
>>Indeed. But it sucks worse if money has already changed hands...
>I'm not to that point yet ^.^
> >>
>Ah, good... ^^

Wish I was, AND with the car on the way here...

><< Or the car you want is gonna cost it's own price plus 45 bucks to ship -.-
>in this example... 600 (it does need some work and I accept that -cracked
>cylinder IIRC) + 645 to ship it... AND I'd still have to pick it up locally. Or
>850 for door to door -.-;;;
>Like I even have the 600 unless I don't wanna eat -.-;;;;;;; damnit. It's
>what I want too >.< why does it HAVE to be in chicago.
> >>
>Damn, that's bad luck. A good car is hard to find, even harder to find at a
>reasonable price...

Well it'll probably need a new engine... hard to say haven't had a mechanic's
estimate on the repair... and I haven't emailed the seller because I don't wanna
get either of our hopes up ^.^;;


Sep 22, 2001, 12:40:21 AM9/22/01

Ahhh, now I undertand... Webster's actually defines "stodge" as being a slang
term for heavy food...

Jiras Corrino, Certified Freak!
afu no Chuchu


Sep 22, 2001, 12:43:38 AM9/22/01

Hey, I've seen spam like that often enough... ^^

<< He normally gets mostly MLM or "Come to my website... I'm Connie ^.~" which
you look in the mail it's about a guy named steve... and the website is about
spanking and bondage instead. No one named Connie or Steve to be found kinda
things. >>

Ahhh, now I see... Yes, those e-mails are a bother as well.

<< ><< ><< ><< Now Lossoth, Sprint, and a few choice others... they're
>>>around ^.^; >>
>>>Too bad...
>>Spices things up.
>> >>
>>True enough... Best not to provoke them, though...
>*shrug* I can't do well a provoked villain so... they'd be pissed and goofy
>seeming. Not their intent at all ^.^; >>
>Heheheh... as if Lossoth needed provokation to become goofy... ^_~

Well he WAS not supposed to be the way he is... but I can't do real evil in
alone. Needless to say that meant he had to have another aspect of Flamers
manifest instead - the idiot aspect. >>

Well now, he certainly does have that! ^.^


Sep 22, 2001, 12:45:24 AM9/22/01
Sorry, hit the wrong button by accident...

<< >>Doesn't it suck when a Car Dealer puts up a car... then doesn't return
>>email? >>
>>Indeed. But it sucks worse if money has already changed hands...
>I'm not to that point yet ^.^
> >>
>Ah, good... ^^

Wish I was, AND with the car on the way here... >>

True, true...

<< ><< Or the car you want is gonna cost it's own price plus 45 bucks to ship
>in this example... 600 (it does need some work and I accept that -cracked
>cylinder IIRC) + 645 to ship it... AND I'd still have to pick it up locally.
>850 for door to door -.-;;;
>Like I even have the 600 unless I don't wanna eat -.-;;;;;;; damnit. It's
>what I want too >.< why does it HAVE to be in chicago.
> >>
>Damn, that's bad luck. A good car is hard to find, even harder to find at a
>reasonable price...

Well it'll probably need a new engine... hard to say haven't had a mechanic's
estimate on the repair... and I haven't emailed the seller because I don't
get either of our hopes up ^.^;;

Well, that's a reasonable precaution... but you'll never know if you don't try,
you know? ^^

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