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W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!*

Dec 2, 2016, 5:10:21 PM12/2/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse


I've a feeling that President Trump and his friends are about to become
a lot richer. Go figure!

Beam Me Up Scotty

Dec 2, 2016, 11:05:17 PM12/2/16
If you get richer too then you should be OK with that.... right?

Hillary and her friends were OK when they got rich and Democrats that
got richer thought it was OK. SO now when a Republican gets richer and
you do too then you should like it just the same.

That's Karma


Dec 3, 2016, 1:55:58 PM12/3/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
Are you one of his friends like I am. If not, I'll keep you advised of my

the dukester, American-American

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI

Jan Tagmier

Dec 3, 2016, 6:35:43 PM12/3/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
It's going to be much worse than this if Trump is able to put
the US back onto the gold standard. That will send the nation into a
tail spin with economic instabilities, people will be layed off,
unemployment will run rampant. With no ability to borrow money on the
scale they previously had no unemployment compensation will be paid
out to anyone. People will lose their homes, go without medical care,
and Trump and company will get much richer at the end, when Trump puts
us back ON the Federal Reserve. Yep, I said it..


Dec 3, 2016, 7:12:15 PM12/3/16
On Sat, 3 Dec 2016 17:35:41 -0600, Jan Tagmier <>
Trump isn't so stupid that he would risk wrecking the economy.
Give him a chance.


Dec 3, 2016, 7:19:09 PM12/3/16
On Sat, 03 Dec 2016 19:12:14 -0500, Patrick <>
The following is just an Opinion article and the libs will instantly
disregard it even though it is from a Democrat but it makes sense.
Which is another reason the libs will simply disregard it.:

I'm a Democrat and I'm ashamed at how tone deaf we've become
By Bryan Dean Wright

During a shouting matching Thursday night between top aides of Donald
Trump and Hillary Clinton, the President-elect’s campaign manager
Kellyanne Conway summed up a key reason for why my Democratic Party
lost – and will likely continue to lose. “There’s a difference for
voters between what offends you and what affects you.”

To understand what she meant, look to the recent developments in
Indiana. Millions of voters in the Rust Belt are in awe as 1,100 of
their fellow blue-collar workers at Carrier narrowly missed being laid
off. Instead of training Mexican replacements, these Hoosiers are
celebrating an American paycheck.

In normal times, my fellow Democrats would have celebrated this modest
victory in the fight against globalization. They might have even
applauded the president-elect for helping make it happen.

But these are not normal times.

Media reaction captures how tone deaf we have become. My party is
advancing stories of outrage over the generous tax incentives that
Carrier received – some $7.0 million at present.

We’re hearing disbelief that companies can now blackmail Trump into
getting their own sweetheart tax deals. Even trade critics like Bernie
Sanders are complaining that Trump didn’t save enough jobs from being
shipped overseas.

While there’s merit to these concerns, Ms. Conway knows that however
offended some people may be, there are far more who are affected by
the outcome.

From now until Christmas, we will see narratives of hard working
Americans emotionally recalling how much they feared joblessness and
bankruptcy once Carrier shut off the lights. They will tell us of the
Christmas that almost was, complete with heartbroken children with no
presents under the tree.

But now? There will be presents aplenty. And they will have
President-elect Trump to thank for it.

Facts aside, how does this look to average Americans in North
Carolina, Michigan, and Wisconsin? For better or worse, the headline
is clear: Trump is a president who picks up the phone and saves jobs.
Democrats are whiners. It doesn’t matter whether that’s fair.

Trump 1, Democrats 0.

My party continues to make this same mistake with Trump over and over.

During the election, Secretary Hillary Clinton levied a million
arguments for why Trump wasn’t fit for the presidency. He was accused
of hating women, gays, Latinos, Jews, Muslims, and overweight beauty
queens. He had a bad temperament. He was a Russian spy. He bankrupted
contractors. He hadn’t paid taxes since the 1980s. His skin was orange
and his hair fake.

Since the election, we’ve stuck to the same script. His chief
strategist is a white supremacist. His cabinet picks are Islamophobic.
His business interests are in conflict with Washington protocol.

But guess what? Most voters didn’t – and still don’t – care. In the
Rust Belt and rural communities, they have bigger problems to tackle.
Idle factories, saw mills, and coal mines. Families falling apart from
opioid addiction. Incomes that have less buying power than 40 years
ago. Kids living at home because they are swamped with student debt.

They’re running out of hope.

Enter Donald Trump and his willingness to shame an American
corporation into submission. First with Ford in Kentucky. Now Carrier
in Indiana.

Love him or hate him, voters see a man who delivers.

All of which begs the question: how will Democrats be relevant in this
new era of a hands-on president? After all, the country needs a
faithful opposition. We are not China with their one Communist Party.

Thankfully, the path to relevancy is surprisingly straightforward.

First, we must swallow our pride and acknowledge that Trump is
America’s president. It doesn’t matter if we don’t like the man. The
American people have chosen.

We gain nothing by supporting Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton as they
engage in fruitless recounts. No more excuses. We lost and it’s time
to move on. The 2018 elections will wait for no one.

Next, let’s celebrate if Trump succeeds. When over 1,000 men and women
in Indiana keep their paycheck, let’s be joyful and figure out how to
do it again. Wishing for his failure – or minimizing his successes –
is petty and undignified. Voters see right through it.

Third, let’s find common cause with Trump where it’s in concert with
our values. Start with renegotiating NAFTA and our participation in
the WTO. Collaborate on rebuilding America’s roads, bridges, and rail
lines. Update our water systems to avoid lead poisoning in our
children. And let’s build high-speed Internet service for our rural

Of course, there are important differences between the parties where
compromise will be tough. The social safety net – Medicare, Medicaid,
and Social Security – is a fiscal mess. Republicans want fewer
benefits, Democrats higher taxes. We’re all going to have to give a
little. Nobody will get everything they want.

Make no mistake, there are areas where we simply cannot compromise. We
believe in a woman’s right to control her body. We believe that gay
and lesbian Americans deserve equality. But even here we can at least
be civil as we disagree. Voters and the courts will decide who is

All told, Democrats have a choice: we can make the next four years
productive for the American people, or we can choose obstruction.

But let’s remember that the friends and family of those Carrier
workers are watching. And so, too, are the American people. If we
handle ourselves poorly, neither history – nor elections – will judge
us kindly.

Jan Tagmier

Dec 3, 2016, 8:20:07 PM12/3/16
It has nothing to do with being stupid. If it did then you
could do it too. It has everything to do with being amoral,
just as his previous 6 bankruptcies have proven.

> Give him a chance.

Give the conman a chance. You first, stupid.

Jan Tagmier

Dec 3, 2016, 8:21:51 PM12/3/16
On 12/3/2016 6:36 PM, Ted wrote:
> Does Trump want to put the US on the gold standard?

yes. He is making plans to do just that after he is
in office.


Dec 3, 2016, 8:59:47 PM12/3/16
Best post ever.
There have been some republicans who have been extremely
obstructionists - to the point of voting against every single thing
that Obama asked for. They were biting off their noses to spite their
faces. Gosh, I hope everyone wakes up soon and decides to hold hands
and get to work together.... to make our country greater.


Dec 3, 2016, 9:01:41 PM12/3/16
On Sat, 3 Dec 2016 19:20:05 -0600, Jan Tagmier <>
I see that you will be holding up signs, whining, kicking your feet,
and doing absolutely nothing to try to make this country better.
Good luck to you.
I'll be laughing at you on the sidelines.


Dec 3, 2016, 9:05:36 PM12/3/16
On Sat, 3 Dec 2016 19:21:50 -0600, Jan Tagmier <>
It will never happen.
I love Trump's plans.
He will keep you wringing your hands and whining, and counting votes
-- while his team puts America back on the right path.

I mean - really. I heard the MSNBC talking heads today whining that
Trump's cabinet members are already successful and rich. HOW DARE HE
PICK successful members?

And give me a break... Trump promises $ 7 Million in tax breaks to a
company that will save a thousand jobs. What a conman - you say. You
are the idiot here. You make me sick.

Jan Tagmier

Dec 3, 2016, 9:09:20 PM12/3/16
to won't be. You and many others will die in the war that
your narcissistic hero will be causing.

Dead men don't laugh because they don't breath...


Dec 3, 2016, 9:15:40 PM12/3/16
On Sat, 03 Dec 2016 21:01:41 -0500, Patrick <>
The only chance the left has of getting control of the government back
in 2018 and 2020 is to try to stop anything and everything that could
make things better.
If Trump is successful at all and working class folks see any descent
improvement from his actions then they will be looking to at least
2024 before having a chance.
And if they play the same games that they have been then they may then
very well see another loss.

They lost big this time because they became so cocky that they thought
that they could finally start preaching their real agenda which is
Hillary was so convinced that the people were so hypnotized and
brainwashed that she even bragged and laughed about putting people out
of work in order to further their agenda. And it cost her the vote in
a large way in those states where coal is still a very sizeable
portion of their GDP.

You obviously read that article I posted previously. Any bets as to
whether the left takes that advice or simply disregards it and
continues down their path of intentional negativity?

W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!*

Dec 3, 2016, 11:19:32 PM12/3/16
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
Jan Tagmier <> wrote in
Do you have any URLs that confirm this??? If he does, it'd be a
truly major mistake. I doubt he'd do anything that'd cause both
long term problems and short term problems at the same time.


Dec 4, 2016, 7:28:14 AM12/4/16
The dems are sill in the grieving process.
They have not yet faced the fact that they lost for a reason.
The clintoons are over. As are the Bushes.
There is a new sheriff in town -- wasn't it Betty Davis that said:
"Fasten your seatbelts, its going to be a bumpy ride." ?


Dec 4, 2016, 7:30:11 AM12/4/16
I think perhaps that is just another lie.
Otherwise MSNBC would be screaming about the sky is falling, the sky
is falling....


Dec 4, 2016, 7:43:28 AM12/4/16
On Sat, 3 Dec 2016 19:20:05 -0600, Jan Tagmier <> wrote:

>On 12/3/2016 6:12 PM, Patrick wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Dec 2016 17:35:41 -0600, Jan Tagmier <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 12/2/2016 4:10 PM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>>>> <
>>>> 5-18bdcc185a1c>
>>>> <>
>>>> I've a feeling that President Trump and his friends are about to become
>>>> a lot richer. Go figure!
>>> It's going to be much worse than this if Trump is able to put
>>> the US back onto the gold standard. That will send the nation into a
>>> tail spin with economic instabilities, people will be layed off,
>>> unemployment will run rampant. With no ability to borrow money on the
>>> scale they previously had no unemployment compensation will be paid
>>> out to anyone. People will lose their homes, go without medical care,
>>> and Trump and company will get much richer at the end, when Trump puts
>>> us back ON the Federal Reserve. Yep, I said it..
>> Trump isn't so stupid that he would risk wrecking the economy.
> It has nothing to do with being stupid. If it did then you
> could do it too.

Tsk, tsk. How ugly.

W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!*

Dec 4, 2016, 8:51:37 AM12/4/16
Patrick <> wrote in
I think you're right! This is a form of "disinformation", which was
perfected by the late, unlamented Soviet Union. It's one of the
scourges of modern politics. Most people don't understand it, or
how it works, or the damage it can do. The Iraq mess (understatement)
was in large part due to disinformation. Entire web sites are devoted
to debunking disinformation, but they're still less visited than sites
devoted to spreading disinformation. It's truly sad, but go figure, I
doubt we'll see and end to it, ever, or the vast majority of people it
affects learning to recognize it:




Dec 4, 2016, 9:52:09 AM12/4/16
On Sun, 04 Dec 2016 07:28:13 -0500, Patrick <>
Bette said "Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night".

Margo Channing said it using "ride"

Ms. Davis had another one that is most appropriate though.

"It's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for someone
you're not. It's a sign of your worth sometimes, if you're hated by
the right people."


Dec 4, 2016, 10:19:14 AM12/4/16
On Sun, 04 Dec 2016 08:52:01 -0600, First-Post
Damnit. I hit send before clarifying.

The Margo Channing character in the book said "ride"
Davis used "night" while portraying Channing in the movie.

For those not old enough. Margo Channing was the character Davis
played in "All About Eve".

Beam Me Up Scotty

Dec 4, 2016, 1:35:28 PM12/4/16
TRUMP has more to lose than most of us if the economy collapses.

That's Karma


Dec 4, 2016, 2:29:23 PM12/4/16
On Sun, 4 Dec 2016 13:35:27 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>
President Trump is the business President.


Dec 4, 2016, 2:34:05 PM12/4/16
“The chief business of the American people is business.”
Calvin Coolidge

Rudy Canoza

Dec 4, 2016, 2:45:00 PM12/4/16
> President Trump is the crony capitalist President.



Dec 5, 2016, 7:13:33 AM12/5/16
And President Trump is a great businessman. Look how badly we fell with a
non-business loser in 'ratbama.


Dec 5, 2016, 7:15:29 AM12/5/16
It's not nice to deliberately change the words of others. If you want to
challenge what others say, please stick with your own post.

Jan Tagmier

Dec 5, 2016, 9:04:24 AM12/5/16
I was listening to one of his tirades when he said it,
and Trump is just stupid enough to throw the nation into

Jan Tagmier

Dec 5, 2016, 9:08:40 AM12/5/16
You are trying to peg me for a liberal...I am not. I am a
dissatisfied voter, dissatisfied with both parties and you.

> -- while his team puts America back on the right path.

The path to ruin, we are already on.

> I mean - really.

So do I, REALLY !


Dec 5, 2016, 10:27:35 AM12/5/16
On Mon, 5 Dec 2016 08:08:38 -0600, Jan Tagmier <>
So was I.
However, I do not choose to be unhappy over things I cannot change.
I will hope for the best.
The same thing I did when obammy became president.
Unfortunately, ratbama was a liar.


Dec 5, 2016, 10:37:21 AM12/5/16

W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!*

Dec 5, 2016, 10:44:33 AM12/5/16
duke <> wrote in
Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
Bush and put us on the road to recovery. President Trump will now take
the hard earned recovery and take credit for it, then crash and burn the
economy all over again.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Dec 5, 2016, 11:00:33 AM12/5/16
On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.

There was never a recovery.... there was stagnation. Since when is
stagnation on that road to recovery?

That's Karma

Kurt Lochner

Dec 5, 2016, 11:21:29 AM12/5/16
On 12/5/2016 10:00 AM, Ream Me Up Sotty wrote:
> On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
>> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.
> There was never a recovery....

Gee, and the Republicans didn't lift a finger to help..

Republicans often as not create the very problems they say
that they're trying to solve, while blaming the Democratic
Party for what they did..

Rudy Canoza

Dec 5, 2016, 11:44:27 AM12/5/16
Usenet isn't about being nice.


Dec 6, 2016, 7:37:55 AM12/6/16
1. The 'rats taking over Congress is the last 2 years of President Bush's 2nd
term started the business failure ball rolling.
2. The failure practices of the stock market fed the flames.
3. President Bush had to face 911.

4. 'ratbama took 7.5 years to achieve his first 3% growth in the economy.
5. Unemployment (true) still at record levels. Fake current numbers.
6. Constant policy failures by 'ratbama.
7. Stupid immigration policies.
8. Making America "un-great" again.

>President Trump will now take
>the hard earned recovery and take credit for it, then crash and burn the
>economy all over again.

What recovery? Haahaahaa.


Dec 6, 2016, 7:38:26 AM12/6/16
On Mon, 5 Dec 2016 11:00:31 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>
Wanker is none too bright.


Dec 6, 2016, 7:39:43 AM12/6/16
Usenet is about discussion. And changing what others say is not being nice.


Dec 6, 2016, 7:45:49 AM12/6/16
We as a nation are in chaos now because of 'ratbama. Every one of his grand
policies has been a failure from "$ for clunkers" to obamacare, immigration, a
3rd world country now, friendly nations turning on us in disbelief, green
energy, buying American citizens back from terrorists, the re-entry of Russia,

Our primary need is to correct the mistakes of 'ratabama..

Jan Tagmier

Dec 6, 2016, 8:50:16 AM12/6/16
It is not solely because of Obama. it has been a combination of
bad policy and indifference on the part of both parties to the
needs of people in America. It has always been a common and unGodly
fact that the elite serve themselves first and the nation last of

I agree with you on one point only regarding Obama; he had an
islamic agenda. Calling him a rat is weak. He is a traitor. His
policies were designed by the Brotherhood to sink us into debt
wreck the economy, but those ideas did not quite work out the way
he planned. I will give credit where it is due though, he has tried
to help the poor in the US, giving them a shot at getting treatment
for disease and disability. That is more than the Ratpublicans have
ever done.

Every one of his grand
> policies has been a failure from "$ for clunkers" to obamacare, immigration, a
> 3rd world country now, friendly nations turning on us in disbelief, green
> energy, buying American citizens back from terrorists, the re-entry of Russia,
> etc.

Due in part to sabotage by the Republican congress of certian key
pieces of legislation.

I have not forgotten McConnels vow to ruin Obamas Presidency,
at the cost of many more millions of dollars to Americans.

Knowing of the antics that Republican pulled to destroy Obamas
Presidency, and the cost to america in lives and money, the Republicans
are every bit the traitors that Obama is, particularly when we recall
that congress cut funds to embassies around the world was in part
responsible for personnel do not work for free...:>)
in spite of Republican wishes...

> Our primary need is to correct the mistakes of 'ratabama..

Clean your own house up first, Ratpublican..

Rudy Canoza

Dec 6, 2016, 12:07:57 PM12/6/16
It would be, except for obnoxious trolls like you.

Kurt Lochner

Dec 6, 2016, 12:13:09 PM12/6/16
On 12/6/2016 11:07 AM, Trudy Canola aka Jon-a-thong B. Bald whimpered:
> On 12/6/2016 4:39 AM, duke wrote:
>> Usenet is about discussion.
> It would be, except for obnoxious trolls like me.

Fix'd your spelling for ya, no charge this time..

Beam Me Up Scotty

Dec 6, 2016, 1:02:01 PM12/6/16

>> On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>>> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
>>> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.

We are falling off a cliff and haven't even hit bottom yet. There is NO
road to recovery as long as Democrats are blocking the only road that
could start any recovery.

All you need to do is figure out what Liberals are blocking 24/7 and
you'll know how to fix the economy.

That's Karma

Beam Me Up Scotty

Dec 6, 2016, 1:06:27 PM12/6/16
We are stagnant and or crashing, there was no recovery and the whole
thing will keep crashing under TRUMP, because the Democrats won't allow
the one thing that could reverse this spiral of death.

That's Karma

Eternal October

Dec 6, 2016, 3:17:37 PM12/6/16
On 12/6/2016 10:13 AM, Kurt Lochner wrote:
> Fix'd your spelling for ya, no charge this time..
> --
Oh Urt!

Are street lights still shutting down around you, LOL?

From: Kurt.L...@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Re: Roswell Discussion
Date: 19 Jul 91 07:47:43 GMT

Hey, what about this scenario....

Alien craft is attacked by another alien craft. Doomed
craft crashed in Roswell, NM and the local authorities
pack up the remains efficiently, quickly, squelch the
noises being made by the press. The other aliens hijack
the remains in mid-flight and the very same local air
officialdom that unwittingly aided these beings are now
left holding a weather balloon for their "evidence"...

So with that out of the way, I feel certain that there
exists the possibility for our differing cultures to live
together in this universe. Leaving the air force with a
balloon instead of advanced technologies demonstrates to
my way of thinking that they've at least got a sense of
My condolensces, I'm just an out of work physicist.
Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Loch...@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG
From: Kurt.Loch...@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Re: The Coverup
Date: 6 Aug 91 16:46:55 GMT
Hi Kurt,
To add to some people's idea that the Greys look like
insects, I'm reminded of an article in the most recent
UFO Magazine in which a man describes an encounter
with beings that looked like insects to him.
I 'll be happy to sent you a copy of this article if
you want it.
Hmm, I'm wondering how you'll send it to me, I presume
US Snail-mail so here's the address....
500 S. State #40
Edmond, OK 73034
I got ahold of a copy of Strieber's Majestic and find
most of it to be interesting. I still get the impression
that the Roswell debris was hijacked in mid-air and that
the government officialdom is still quite embarrassed.
Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Kurt.Loch...@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG

Oklahoma Space Alliance News
by Syd Henderson

The December Meeting of Oklahoma Space Alliance will actually be
our annual potluck Christmas Party, December 20 at Tom Koszoru's House
in Norman. The meeting will be at 3:00 p.m., with dinner following
sometime around 4:00 p.m. Prospective members are also welcome.
Tom's house is at 514 Fenwick Court in Norman. Take the Main
Street west exit off I- 35, proceed west past the Sooner Fashion Mall,
and turn right at 36th Street, and go north until you turn right on
Rambling Oaks (about half a mile north of Main Street). Fenwick Court is
the fourth or fifth street on the left. Tom's house is the last on the
left side. (Alternatively take the Robinson Street west exit, turn
south on 36th, left on Rambling Oaks and left on Fenwick Court. I think
there may still be some construction on this route.)
In addition to being a Christmas party, this is the meeting at
which we nominate our officers.
You should be receiving a copy of UPDATE the week before the
meeting with an agenda.

Minutes of October Meeting
Oklahoma Space Alliance met on Saturday, October 18, at the Air
Space Museum at the Kirkpatrick Center in Oklahoma City. Attending were
John Northcutt, Kurt Lochner-Harrington, Claire Stephens and Syd
Henderson. Unfortunately the October UPDATE didn't get out in time for
the meeting, and several of the postcards I mailed out did not arrive in
time, so not everyone got informed in time for the meeting
This meeting was a planning meeting for our party at SoonerCon
12. Syd volunteered (argh) to send for extra copies of the most recent
Ad Astra with the 3-D Mars panorama [sent for but not yet arrived as of
November 16], and to publish a special edition of OUTREACH and prepare
other literature and printouts.
Syd and Claire will also take care of the food (so far, mostly
chips, soda, and candy), although other contributions are welcome. We
will also bring petitions, and bumper stickers and other freebies.
Claire will bring the gravity funnel for the kitty,
I found a downloadable model of the Cassini space probe at the
Cassini web site at the Jet Propulsion Lab
( and Kurt agreed to construct
it. In addition, Kurt (and possibly Tim) will create flyers. Kurt will
try to construct balloon rockets.
We will also provide paper, crayons, colored pencils, etc., and
invite visitors to design a space colony.
Any attractive pictures we can display around the room are also
From: Kurt.L...@f22.n14766.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kurt Lochner)
Subject: Shattering Assault?
Date: 14 Aug 91 20:18:26 GMT

> Streiber also speaks of psychic gifts that suddenly appear, unbidden,
> in people who have UFO experiences:"precognition, apparent
> telepathy, out-of-the-body perceptions, and even physical levitation.

I found that tolerable as a premise, but the
following jerked me wide-awake...

> Such people often find street lights mysteriously
> shutting down as they walk down the street.

Ut-ohhh, that's been happening around me.

Kurt Lochner - via FidoNet


Dec 7, 2016, 7:54:08 AM12/7/16
On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:01:58 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>

>>> On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>>>> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
>>>> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.
>We are falling off a cliff and haven't even hit bottom yet. There is NO
>road to recovery as long as Democrats are blocking the only road that
>could start any recovery.

And wanker doesn't have a clue. She things we are in a solid recovery.

>All you need to do is figure out what Liberals are blocking 24/7 and
>you'll know how to fix the economy.


Dec 7, 2016, 7:55:27 AM12/7/16
On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:06:26 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>
Recovery from the crash is what makes America great and Trump President.


Dec 7, 2016, 7:56:21 AM12/7/16
Which means that as long as I agree with an unlearned like you it's ok to be


Dec 7, 2016, 8:03:47 AM12/7/16
I'm not disagreeing with that.

> I agree with you on one point only regarding Obama; he had an
> islamic agenda. Calling him a rat is weak.

That's..........'rat.............not rat.

>He is a traitor. His
> policies were designed by the Brotherhood to sink us into debt
> wreck the economy, but those ideas did not quite work out the way
> he planned. I will give credit where it is due though, he has tried
> to help the poor in the US, giving them a shot at getting treatment
> for disease and disability. That is more than the Ratpublicans have
> ever done.

True, but a lot of their problem is lack of interest in pursuing improvement
thru their own efforts. My family held down 5 full/part time jobs to give us a
better life.

> Every one of his grand
>> policies has been a failure from "$ for clunkers" to obamacare, immigration, a
>> 3rd world country now, friendly nations turning on us in disbelief, green
>> energy, buying American citizens back from terrorists, the re-entry of Russia,
>> etc.

> Due in part to sabotage by the Republican congress of certian key
>pieces of legislation.

Six of one and half a dozen on the other.

> I have not forgotten McConnels vow to ruin Obamas Presidency,
> at the cost of many more millions of dollars to Americans.

The House Leadership is tasked with control of the budget.

> Knowing of the antics that Republican pulled to destroy Obamas

You mean just like the 'rats did to President Bush. Remember that things
collapsed is Bush's last 2 years because the 'rats took over Congress.

> and the cost to america in lives and money, the Republicans
> are every bit the traitors that Obama is, particularly when we recall
>that congress cut funds to embassies around the world was in part
>responsible for personnel do not work for free...:>)
>in spite of Republican wishes...

America protects it's embassies. Wasting money on $ for klinkers is a 'rat

Rudy Canoza

Dec 7, 2016, 11:13:24 AM12/7/16
On 12/7/2016 4:54 AM, duke wrote:
> On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:01:58 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>
> wrote:
>>>> On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>>>>> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
>>>>> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.
>> We are falling off a cliff and haven't even hit bottom yet. There is NO
>> road to recovery as long as Democrats are blocking the only road that
>> could start any recovery.
> And wanker doesn't have a clue. She things we are in a solid recovery.

The economy *is* growing steadily, just not very robustly. In terms of
employment, the recovery is complete: unemployment has been falling
steadily since its peak in late 2009, is still falling, and is
approaching the previously lowest level of early 2007. Wages have begun
rising in real terms. See for yourself:

No time for any of this malarkey about "hidden" unemployment or falling
labor participation rate; those are red herrings. U6, the most
comprehensive unemployment rate, tracks perfectly with the "official" U3
rate. As for falling labor participation rate, at this point it is
nearly all due to "baby boomers" retiring. I did find BLS statistics
that showed the labor participation rate falling among younger cohorts
for a 10 year period from 2004 through 2014, but that has reversed; the
most recent statistics show the labor participation rate *increasing*
among people ages 16-24 and 25-54, and falling only for those age 55 and
up - that is, increasing due to retirement.

Not in labor force (in thousands)

Age Nov Nov
Cohort 2015 2016 Diff

16-24 years 17,835 17,623 -212
25-54 years 23,800 23,313 -487
55 and over 52,772 54,153 1381

Once again, while economic growth has not been robust, it has been
steady, and the economy has recovered.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 7, 2016, 11:25:25 AM12/7/16
That's just stupid and wrong, as is everything you wrote, Beamer.
"Official" unemployment is down close to its previously lowest level
right before the crash, and the more comprehensive U6 measure also has
been falling steadily since 2009, although it is still a percentage
point higher than 2007. The housing market has largely recovered. All
the stock market indices are historical highs, exceeding their levels
from before the crash, and they already did so before the election.

Your belief that "we are stagnant and crashing" is based on two things
only: your reflexive hatred of Obama, and your staggering willful
stupidity. You don't know a thing about economics, you don't read
business news, and you wouldn't recognize an economic recovery if Alan
Greenspan beat you over the head with it. You are terminally stupid.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 7, 2016, 11:26:16 AM12/7/16
You aren't agreeing with an "unlearned" if you agree with me. I'm
smart, and clearly and unquestionably smarter than you.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 7, 2016, 11:27:39 AM12/7/16
We as a nation are not in chaos now. That was an unlearned thing for
you to write.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Dec 7, 2016, 12:40:03 PM12/7/16
Recovery means that we will need a private sector 7% GDP growth rate or
more to catch up with Government growth rate, and we need to surpass
that Government growth to begin to make the debt smaller as a ratio with
the size of the economy.

We need to have the private sector economy growing faster than the
Government is growing, the government spending and regulation costs have
been growing faster than the private sector and that creates too large
of a debt. Too much private and government debt. The ratio of Private
sector to Government growth seems to be stable when the government is
growing equal to the private sector since "all" the money for government
comes from the private sector. That means uncontrolled government
expansion into the private sectors freedom and GDP is detrimental to the
GDP and we end up with stagnation and or a shrinking private sector
economy. The government has been growing just fine with NO shrinkage,
and that's the problem.

When the GDP slows then we need a mechanism in place that automatically
slows the government's production of costly regulations and spending and
with Obama and even with Bush we saw the exact opposite and the growth
in government is reflected by the economy having slowed and it keeps
slowing as more people and businesses are expelled from the labor force
and the government has gone farther into debt. It started with daddy
Bush and Clinton.... and Bush Jr. allowed government to keep growing as
it went to war. And then Clinton was a consummate government growth
President and G.W. Bush was useless at slowing it and Obama has only
made it worse and grown government on steroids. And TRUMP is the last

We have a $20 Trillion dollar Federal debt and an $18 Trillion dollar
private sector GDP. This is proof that the Federal Debt is climbing
faster than the Private sector GDP...... The regulations and the
Federal Government are growing faster than the private economy.

This is the spiral of death..... now the old debt will create it's own
new debt unless we can grow the GDP (get a pay raise) to pay that rising
debts interest rates.

So not only is the spending of Federal government creating new debt, but
the debt its self creates higher deficits that create even more debt....
the nation can either cut spending by the amount of the interest on the
debt or the interest on the debt becomes new debt.

In short the Government can no longer afford to pay for its self and the
interest on the debt.

That's Karma

W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!*

Dec 7, 2016, 1:43:35 PM12/7/16
Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote in
More good points, thanks.

W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!*

Dec 7, 2016, 1:45:02 PM12/7/16
Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote in
And now, President Trump will take credit for all the hard work
President Obama did (despite the Republican opposition to everything
Obama did).

Beam Me Up Scotty

Dec 7, 2016, 3:08:17 PM12/7/16
Sure, now look at these charts.

Are you noticing a trend... and it's NOT flat or going up is it?

["""">> The economy *is* growing steadily, just not very robustly.""""""]

NOT only is that NOT accurate.... it will never reach a pace that will
out grow the government's growth rate that is and has been growing at
that "robust" rate that is being needed in the Private sector GDP.

We need a total inversion where government grows slow and the Private
Sector is robust. Unfortunately the forecasting I see is that the
Government and the Federal Debt will grow faster than the Private sector
and GDP will be growing.

That means that while you can pretend you are improving with some fudged
numbers there will be a loss when you look at the relation between the
government and Private sector growth. And that difference in growth
rate will be one step forward and two steps backwards and the Democrats
are pointing out the one step forward and ignoring the two steps

That increased debt will means fewer jobs available and thus fewer to
fill the needed work and and fewer workers means the economy will shrink
as it has been while Democrats manipulate the data to look as if
unemployment is falling when we can all see that real unemployment as in
people on food stamps and people NOT in the labor force keeps going in
the negative for being a better economy that hires more people for more
consumers and more economic activity.

We are failing... of course Democrats don't want you to see it, and soon
it will be Republicans that don't want you to see it, because they all
wanted to be re-elected and will want to be re-elected in the future.

As soon as TRUMP is sworn in you'll see the Democrats showing the
economy start to fail. Just more proof that they are disingenuous when
they told you things are improving.... they haven't, are you better off
than you were 12 years ago? The economy is hyped up on Meth... it's all
hat and no cattle. There is no improvement TRUMP actually saved jobs but
hey, they were already here and that's NOT positive growth either.

That's Karma


Dec 7, 2016, 4:13:39 PM12/7/16
>Yeah, but so is your dog.

His dog is smarter than you also?
I sure wouldn't admit something like that.


Dec 8, 2016, 6:57:36 AM12/8/16
On Wed, 7 Dec 2016 08:13:23 -0800, Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote:

>On 12/7/2016 4:54 AM, duke wrote:
>> On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:01:58 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>
>> wrote:
>>>>> On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>>>>>> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
>>>>>> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.
>>> We are falling off a cliff and haven't even hit bottom yet. There is NO
>>> road to recovery as long as Democrats are blocking the only road that
>>> could start any recovery.
>> And wanker doesn't have a clue. She things we are in a solid recovery.
>The economy *is* growing steadily, just not very robustly.

It took 'ratbama 7.5 years to get to 3% growth. Bad president.

> In terms of
>employment, the recovery is complete: unemployment has been falling
>steadily since its peak in late 2009, is still falling, and is
>approaching the previously lowest level of early 2007.

It's clear you're not familiar with the meaning of unemployment.
>No time for any of this malarkey about "hidden" unemployment or falling
>labor participation rate; those are red herrings. U6, the most
>comprehensive unemployment rate, tracks perfectly with the "official" U3
>rate. As for falling labor participation rate, at this point it is
>nearly all due to "baby boomers" retiring. I did find BLS statistics
>that showed the labor participation rate falling among younger cohorts
>for a 10 year period from 2004 through 2014, but that has reversed; the
>most recent statistics show the labor participation rate *increasing*
>among people ages 16-24 and 25-54, and falling only for those age 55 and
>up - that is, increasing due to retirement.
>Not in labor force (in thousands)
> Age Nov Nov
> Cohort 2015 2016 Diff
>16-24 years 17,835 17,623 -212
>25-54 years 23,800 23,313 -487
>55 and over 52,772 54,153 1381
>Once again, while economic growth has not been robust, it has been
>steady, and the economy has recovered.

Stagnant is a better word. Less than 3% is stagnant, now growth.


Dec 8, 2016, 6:59:05 AM12/8/16
Anyone who thinks sub 3% growth annually is anything but stagnant is missing the


Dec 8, 2016, 6:59:56 AM12/8/16
On Wed, 07 Dec 2016 21:07:19 GMT, Ted <> wrote:

>Yeah, but so is your dog.

My doorknob is smarter than his dog.


Dec 8, 2016, 7:00:48 AM12/8/16
RC doesn't understand that numbers can mean 2 things.


Dec 8, 2016, 7:04:51 AM12/8/16
Riots in the streets is not chaos? Killing cops is not chaos? Burning the flag
is not chaos? Continuous failure of presidential programs is not chaos? Rampant
illegal immigration is not chaos? Secretly bringing in unwanted muslims is not
chaos? Sub par economic growth is not chaos?


Dec 8, 2016, 8:29:01 AM12/8/16
Uh oh...
Now you are going to confuse the boy with facts....

Rudy Canoza

Dec 8, 2016, 11:32:22 AM12/8/16
On 12/8/2016 3:57 AM, duke wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Dec 2016 08:13:23 -0800, Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote:
>> On 12/7/2016 4:54 AM, duke wrote:
>>> On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:01:58 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>>>>>>> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
>>>>>>> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.
>>>> We are falling off a cliff and haven't even hit bottom yet. There is NO
>>>> road to recovery as long as Democrats are blocking the only road that
>>>> could start any recovery.
>>> And wanker doesn't have a clue. She things we are in a solid recovery.
>> The economy *is* growing steadily, just not very robustly.
> It took 'ratbama 7.5 years to get to 3% growth.

It's harder to do in a global economy and with the structural problems
of the country. Any president would have taken as long or longer.

>> In terms of
>> employment, the recovery is complete: unemployment has been falling
>> steadily since its peak in late 2009, is still falling, and is
>> approaching the previously lowest level of early 2007.
> It's clear you're not familiar with the meaning of unemployment.

I am very familiar with it. You have no understanding of it at all.
You never took an economics class in your life, and you've never seen a
BLS employment summary. You wouldn't even know how to find it.

The fact is, every measure of unemployment has been falling for seven
years, and even the most comprehensive measure is down close to what it
was before the crash.

>> No time for any of this malarkey about "hidden" unemployment or falling
>> labor participation rate; those are red herrings. U6, the most
>> comprehensive unemployment rate, tracks perfectly with the "official" U3
>> rate. As for falling labor participation rate, at this point it is
>> nearly all due to "baby boomers" retiring. I did find BLS statistics
>> that showed the labor participation rate falling among younger cohorts
>> for a 10 year period from 2004 through 2014, but that has reversed; the
>> most recent statistics show the labor participation rate *increasing*
>> among people ages 16-24 and 25-54, and falling only for those age 55 and
>> up - that is, increasing due to retirement.
>> Not in labor force (in thousands)
>> Age Nov Nov
>> Cohort 2015 2016 Diff
>> 16-24 years 17,835 17,623 -212
>> 25-54 years 23,800 23,313 -487
>> 55 and over 52,772 54,153 1381
>> Once again, while economic growth has not been robust, it has been
>> steady, and the economy has recovered.
> Stagnant is a better word.

No. Stagnant would be no growth. There has been growth, and the
economy is still growing.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just a stupid partisan.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 8, 2016, 11:32:45 AM12/8/16
You don't know anything about growth.

the late Marie Therese LaBourgeois

Dec 8, 2016, 11:33:20 AM12/8/16
On 12/8/2016 3:59 AM, duke wrote:
You grind your anus on your doorknob.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 8, 2016, 11:33:46 AM12/8/16
You don't understand a thing about economics.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 8, 2016, 11:34:55 AM12/8/16
Aren't any.

> Killing cops is not chaos?

No. It's murder. It's still extremely uncommon.

> Burning the flag is not chaos?

No, not even close. It's just something that makes you mad, but it's
not chaos.


Dec 8, 2016, 4:09:18 PM12/8/16
Only a lesbo who has done that before would ever think of anything so


Dec 8, 2016, 4:09:58 PM12/8/16
On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 08:32:44 -0800, Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con>
2007 George Walker Bush $500,679,473,047.25
$9,007,653,372,262.48 5.9% 76.7% 24.0%
2008 George Walker Bush $1,017,071,524,650.01
$10,024,724,896,912.49 11.3% 76.7% 24.0%
2009 Barack Hussein Obama $1,885,104,106,599.26
$11,909,829,003,511.75 18.8% 93.4% 48.3%
2010 Barack Hussein Obama $1,651,794,027,380.04
$13,561,623,030,891.79 13.9% 93.4% 48.3%
2011 Barack Hussein Obama $1,228,717,297,665.36
$14,790,340,328,557.15 9.1% 93.4% 48.3%
2012 Barack Hussein Obama $1,275,901,078,828.74
$16,066,241,407,385.89 8.6% 93.4% 48.3%
2013 Barack Hussein Obama $671,942,119,311.43
$16,738,183,526,697.32 4.2% 93.4% 48.3%
2014 Barack Hussein Obama $1,085,887,854,036.50
$17,824,071,380,733.82 6.5% 93.4% 48.3%
2015 Barack Hussein Obama $326,546,285,750.51
$18,150,617,666,484.33 1.8% 93.4% 48.3%
2016 Barack Hussein Obama $1,241,086,361,182.79
$19,391,704,027,667.12 6.8% 93.4% 48.3%


Dec 8, 2016, 4:15:22 PM12/8/16

Beam Me Up Scotty

Dec 8, 2016, 5:20:38 PM12/8/16
On 12/08/2016 04:35 PM, Ted wrote:
> the late Marie Therese LaBourgeois <> wrote:
> What a pervert.
Sounds like the real problem is the sticky door knobs....

That's Karma


Dec 9, 2016, 7:52:51 AM12/9/16
On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 08:32:21 -0800, Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote:

>On 12/8/2016 3:57 AM, duke wrote:
>> On Wed, 7 Dec 2016 08:13:23 -0800, Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote:
>>> On 12/7/2016 4:54 AM, duke wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:01:58 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>>>>>>>> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
>>>>>>>> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.
>>>>> We are falling off a cliff and haven't even hit bottom yet. There is NO
>>>>> road to recovery as long as Democrats are blocking the only road that
>>>>> could start any recovery.
>>>> And wanker doesn't have a clue. She things we are in a solid recovery.
>>> The economy *is* growing steadily, just not very robustly.
>> It took 'ratbama 7.5 years to get to 3% growth.
>It's harder to do in a global economy and with the structural problems
>of the country. Any president would have taken as long or longer.

He did exactly nothing about it. He spend 7 years doing nothing about the debt.

>>> In terms of
>>> employment, the recovery is complete: unemployment has been falling
>>> steadily since its peak in late 2009, is still falling, and is
>>> approaching the previously lowest level of early 2007.

>> It's clear you're not familiar with the meaning of unemployment.

>I am very familiar with it. You have no understanding of it at all.
>You never took an economics class in your life, and you've never seen a
>BLS employment summary. You wouldn't even know how to find it.

I know that unemployment % falls when recipients of unemployment insurance use
up their eligibility when they can't find an equivalent job. I learned that in

>The fact is, every measure of unemployment has been falling for seven
>years, and even the most comprehensive measure is down close to what it
>was before the crash.

Real Unemployment Rate Formula Using Current Statistics
In October, the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the
widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent. 


Dec 9, 2016, 7:53:27 AM12/9/16
>Duke has been called a "smug fat prick".

But a highly intelligent one.


Dec 9, 2016, 7:54:08 AM12/9/16


Dec 9, 2016, 7:54:46 AM12/9/16
>Does he understand anything about anything? If so, he's never demonstrated
>it here.

You have no basis for understanding my superior numbers.


Dec 9, 2016, 7:57:04 AM12/9/16
On Thu, 08 Dec 2016 16:09:19 -0500, Patrick <> wrote:

>>> My doorknob

>>You grind your anus on your doorknob.

Glad I'm not the one that said that.

>Only a lesbo who has done that before would ever think of anything so


Dec 9, 2016, 7:57:45 AM12/9/16
On Thu, 08 Dec 2016 21:35:29 GMT, Ted <> wrote:

>the late Marie Therese LaBourgeois <> wrote:
>What a pervert.

I figured you were the one that said that.


Dec 9, 2016, 7:58:58 AM12/9/16
We're got some real immature kids now in the conversion. With them, it's all
sex, sex, sex. That's how they get their jollies.


Dec 9, 2016, 8:00:08 AM12/9/16
Did you just take a junior high school econ class?


Dec 9, 2016, 10:27:38 AM12/9/16
This is for all you trolls out there who think you are posting "NEWS"
in a newsgroup. This includes matt, catherine, elizabeth, mitch,
kenny, and dozens of others.

Pope Francis gave an interview to a Belgian magazine in which he
cautioned media to avoid several major temptations, including the
desire to always focus on scandal – which he compared to
“coprophilia,” a mental illness in which a person has an abnormal
interest in feces.

“Media I think have to be very clean, very clean and very transparent.
And not fall – without offending, please – into the sickness of
coprophilia,” the Pope said in his new interview, published Dec. 7.

Coprophilia, or coprophagy, is technically defined as a condition in
which a person has an abnormal interest and pleasure in feces or

However, for Pope Francis, his use of the word referred to an attitude
in journalism that always tries to communicate scandal.

Since people looking to the media frequently have “a tendency toward
coprophilia” – meaning they take pleasure in and seek out scandalous
news – this attitude “can do a lot of damage.”

Pope Francis made his comments to Belgian weekly magazine “Tertio” for
the occasion of the close of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The
editor of the publication, Geert de Kerpel, conducted the interview,
which focused on a wide range of topics from the media and the Synod
of Bishops, to religion in the public sphere and war.


Dec 9, 2016, 12:52:13 PM12/9/16
Well, that confirms it. You're a robot.

>> Killing cops is not chaos?
>No. It's murder. It's still extremely uncommon.
>> Burning the flag is not chaos?
>No, not even close. It's just something that makes you mad, but it's
>not chaos.


Dec 9, 2016, 2:01:12 PM12/9/16
Pope is infallible but most would agree, only on religious matters.


Dec 9, 2016, 2:53:56 PM12/9/16
On Fri, 9 Dec 2016 14:01:10 -0500, Frank wrote:

> On 12/9/2016 10:27 AM, Patrick wrote:
>> This is for all you trolls out there who think you are posting "NEWS"
>> in a newsgroup. This includes matt, catherine, elizabeth, mitch,
>> kenny, and dozens of others.
>> Pope Francis gave an interview to a Belgian magazine in which he
>> cautioned media to avoid several major temptations, including the
>> desire to always focus on scandal – which he compared to
>> “coprophilia,” a mental illness in which a person has an abnormal
>> interest in feces.

> Pope is infallible but most would agree, only on religious matters.

He's my Pope and I love him but wish he'd keep his nose out of
sociopolitical matters.

Something I learned from the nuns about "Render to Caesar the things that
are Caesar's... '

E.g., our current immigration laws are Caesar's, and he has no business
pressuring countries to violate those laws by allowing unvetted,
uncontrolled immigration.

Same thing, e.g., with respect to so-called climate change. He's not a
scientist and should refrain from commenting on whether the reasons for any
such change is anthropogenic.


Dec 9, 2016, 6:55:57 PM12/9/16
Do you really think you are?

-- "This troll is one of the
dumbest, most opinionated, most blinkered and also the most arrogant septic
idiots one can come across."


Dec 10, 2016, 8:20:29 AM12/10/16
Very intelligent. Heeheehee.


Dec 10, 2016, 4:13:55 PM12/10/16
BBC admits it underestimated the Church’s opposition to Hitler
by Dan Hitchens
posted Friday, 9 Dec 2016
BBC Broadcasting House in Portland Place, London (PA)
BBC Broadcasting House in Portland Place, London (PA)
The BBC conceded it was false to describe the Church as being 'silent'
in the face of Nazism

The BBC’s internal watchdog has found that a programme wrongly accused
the Catholic Church of “silence” about the Holocaust.

After Pope Francis’s visit to Auschwitz in July, BBC One’s 6pm news
bulletin carried a report which stated: “Silence was the response of
the Catholic Church when Nazi Germany demonised Jewish people and then
attempted to eradicate Jews from Europe.”

In response, the cross-bench peer Lord Alton of Liverpool and Fr Leo
Chamberlain, the former headmaster of Ampleforth, made an official

Nearly six months later, the BBC’s editorial complaints unit has now
concluded that the item was unfair. According to the unit, the BBC
reporter “did not give due weight to public statements by successive
popes or the efforts made on the instructions of Pius XII to rescue
Jews from Nazi persecution, and perpetuated a view which is at odds
with the balance of evidence.”

Pope Pius XII, who was the pontiff during World War II, has been
accused of silent acquiescence to the Holocaust, most famously by a
1999 book, Hitler’s Pope, which sparked a major controversy among
historians. Its author, John Cornwell, has since backed down on some
of his claims.

In a blog post criticising the BBC report, Lord Alton pointed out that
several historians had praised Pius’s achievements in the fight
against Nazism. The peer quoted Pinchas Lapide, a Jewish historian and
Israeli diplomat, as saying that Pius XII “was instrumental in saving
at least 700,000, but probably as many as 860,000 Jews from certain
death at Nazi hands.”

Through its diplomatic network, the Holy See under Pius XII helped
Jews to travel safely out of Eastern Europe. It also issued baptismal
certificates to Hungarian Jews to help them escape. Thousands of Jews
were also sheltered in the Vatican itself.

Lord Alton quoted the Jewish Chronicle’s praise of Pius (“Such actions
will always be remembered”) and Albert Einstein’s remark in 1940 that
“only the Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign
for suppressing the truth … I am forced thus to confess that what I
once despised I now praise unreservedly.”

Lord Alton also drew attention to the many Catholics, both clerical
and lay, who opposed Hitler – from Bishop Clemens von Galen of
Münster, who openly denounced the Nazis’ euthanasia programme, to
Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian farmer executed for refusing to fight
in the Wehrmacht. Both have been beatified.

After this week’s ruling, Lord Alton told the Catholic Herald: “The
BBC is right to recognise that the libel that Catholics said and did
nothing against Nazism is precisely that, a collective libel. I am
grateful to them for doing so.”

He added that the notion the Church had remained silent was “a canard
that is either repeated through sheer ignorance or because the facts
don’t fit the story.”

Lord Alton also noted the “irony” that part of the report had come
from St Maximilian Kolbe’s cell at Auschwitz. St Maximilian, who died
after taking the place of another prisoner, “had been arrested for
publishing a denunciation of the Nazis in his magazine, Knight, which
had a circulation of around one million people. Hardly silence, then.”

Lord Alton called for “a new BBC documentary that examines the
evidence and corrects the distorted caricatures and lazily
regurgitated half-truths and untruths.”

The BBC’s editorial complaints unit said that the news team
responsible for the report had been notified, “so that any future
coverage might reflect historical understanding more closely.”


Dec 10, 2016, 8:26:43 PM12/10/16

>Pope is infallible but most would agree, only on religious matters.

One thing the Catholic Church got right was to keep the women out.

And they are also against abortion which is good.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 19, 2016, 11:07:35 AM12/19/16
On 12/9/2016 4:52 AM, duke wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Dec 2016 08:32:21 -0800, Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote:
>> On 12/8/2016 3:57 AM, duke wrote:
>>> On Wed, 7 Dec 2016 08:13:23 -0800, Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con> wrote:
>>>> On 12/7/2016 4:54 AM, duke wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:01:58 -0500, Beam Me Up Scotty <Hillary&>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 12/05/2016 10:44 AM, W.T.S. ocv9 The Lamp of Pure, Golden Truth!* wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Oh, yes, President Obama took the disaster area created by President
>>>>>>>>> Bush and put us on the road to recovery.
>>>>>> We are falling off a cliff and haven't even hit bottom yet. There is NO
>>>>>> road to recovery as long as Democrats are blocking the only road that
>>>>>> could start any recovery.
>>>>> And wanker doesn't have a clue. She things we are in a solid recovery.
>>>> The economy *is* growing steadily, just not very robustly.
>>> It took 'ratbama 7.5 years to get to 3% growth.
>> It's harder to do in a global economy and with the structural problems
>> of the country. Any president would have taken as long or longer.
> He did exactly nothing about it.

There was nothing to be done about it by government except not wreck the
recovery, and he didn't wreck it.

>>>> In terms of
>>>> employment, the recovery is complete: unemployment has been falling
>>>> steadily since its peak in late 2009, is still falling, and is
>>>> approaching the previously lowest level of early 2007.
>>> It's clear you're not familiar with the meaning of unemployment.
>> I am very familiar with it. You have no understanding of it at all.
>> You never took an economics class in your life, and you've never seen a
>> BLS employment summary. You wouldn't even know how to find it.
> I know that unemployment % falls when recipients of unemployment insurance use
> up their eligibility when they can't find an equivalent job.

No, that's only one measure.

I'm right: you know nothing about it.

>> The fact is, every measure of unemployment has been falling for seven
>> years, and even the most comprehensive measure is down close to what it
>> was before the crash.
> Real Unemployment Rate Formula Using Current Statistics
> In October, the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the
> widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent.

Meaningless. U6 is always about double U3.

*BOTH* have been falling more or less continually for seven years.
Employment has recovered.

james g. keegan jr.

Dec 19, 2016, 11:07:57 AM12/19/16

Rudy Canoza

Dec 19, 2016, 11:08:15 AM12/19/16

Rudy Canoza

Dec 19, 2016, 11:08:36 AM12/19/16
On 12/9/2016 4:54 AM, duke wrote:
You don't have any numbers.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 19, 2016, 11:10:02 AM12/19/16
No. I have a degree in economics and did graduate studies in it.

You never took an economics class in your life, and it shows. You're
just a dumb partisan hick.

Rudy Canoza

Dec 19, 2016, 11:10:33 AM12/19/16

>>> Killing cops is not chaos?
>> No. It's murder. It's still extremely uncommon.
>>> Burning the flag is not chaos?
>> No, not even close. It's just something that makes you mad, but it's
>> not chaos.

I'm right.

james g. keegan jr.

Dec 19, 2016, 11:10:50 AM12/19/16

the late Marie Therese LaBourgeois

Dec 19, 2016, 8:07:17 PM12/19/16
> And a smug fat prick.



Dec 20, 2016, 7:45:18 AM12/20/16
Hey... what about me?


Dec 20, 2016, 7:48:39 AM12/20/16
On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 08:10:48 -0800, "james g. keegan jr." <jgkeegan@gmaî>
You have to raise to see my cards.


Dec 20, 2016, 7:54:40 AM12/20/16
It's a simple math problem. When one uses up his eligible unemployment and
still hasn't found an equivalent job, he is dropped form the unemployment rolls.
The true unemployment thanks to 'ratbama's ineptness is +10%

>>> The fact is, every measure of unemployment has been falling for seven
>>> years, and even the most comprehensive measure is down close to what it
>>> was before the crash.
>> Real Unemployment Rate Formula Using Current Statistics
>> In October, the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.3 percent. That's double the
>> widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.6 percent.

>Meaningless. U6 is always about double U3.

Yep, people falling off the rolls of the unemployed.

>*BOTH* have been falling more or less continually for seven years.
>Employment has recovered.

U-6 is there for a reason.


Dec 20, 2016, 7:57:06 AM12/20/16
You sure don't demonstrate it.

>You never took an economics class in your life, and it shows. You're
>just a dumb partisan hick.

Econ 101
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