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ConFurence 8 -- Hotel Notes

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Dec 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/13/96

On the way back, yesterday afternoon, from a trip to Anaheim to
clear the last of the Fan Lounge stuff out of the Storage Locker
where it had been sitting since WorldCon, I swung by the
ConFurence 8 hotel, mostly to make a Reservation (my hearing-aid
currently isn't working well with a telephone) (the desk-clerk
said no more 2-bed rooms left, but that I could inquire about a
roll-away bed at check-in... though I'm more likely to toss a
sleeping-bag & air-mattress into the car, just in case), but
partly to Check The Place Out.

Actually, memories of a previous Con there returned once I looked
around -- a WesterCon or LosCon 15 - 20 years ago, maybe. They
were generally pleasant memories, though a bit vague, and I think
the hotel should work out ok. Knotts' is interesting enough to
support a visit or two, and has a fair range (in quality & price)
of restaurants (which I suppose will be open in January, though
perhaps not late in the evenings). Some of the more sedentary sf
fans quibbled about "walking distance", but I don't think the
parking-lot one must cross is _that_ large. We had rain today,
and might well again in mid-January (often our wettest month), so
cautious Furs will bring poncho & umbrella or similar raingear.

The coffee-shop is a _whole lot_ better than that of the Burbank
Airport Hilton (site of the recent LosCon), and of most hotel
coffeshops. Not especially cheap, running $6-7 for lunch, but
quite good (well, the corned beef on rye wasn't up to the standard
of Moshe-Feder's-favorite-lower-East-Side-NYC-Deli, but better
than I usually find) and the service, though not terribly fast,
was extremely friendly; they're pleasant people (and deserve a
decent tip).

Other hotels (the back-up ones, I guess) are across the street for
about a block, and don't look like a bad alternative, but of
course staying the The Con Hotel is usually most convenient...
especially if it's raining.

Don Fitch

Terry Whittier

Dec 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/15/96

I was planning on arriving at the con, walking across the street, suitcase
in hand, and finding a room. My experience is that winter is a slack time
for the tourist industry in LA, so rates are low and just about any place
has vacancies. The rates are bound to be much lower, too.
From Terry Whittier in San Jose, CA

Terry Whittier

Dec 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/15/96

I would have tried to call ahead to one of the over-flow hotels, but I
didn't see any listings for them.
Does anyone know what the phone numbers are for the places across the

Michael Vieths

Dec 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/15/96

Lessee... here're some of the things out of InFurNation (Volume 6, Number

Buena Park Hotel:
$64/night (up to 4 people)
Call between 9am and 5pm PST and be sure to mention ConFurence.

Other places:
The Colony Inn - 1-800-98-COLONY (1-800-982-65669)
The Covered Wagon Motel - 1-714-995-0033
The Crescent Motel - 1-714-828-3483

They're all under $50/night, 'be sure to mention both ConFurence and the
Buena Park hotel, as they've made arrangements for special room blocks at
each hotel.' (not sure what that means honestly. ;)

Travel agents mentioned in InFurnation:
Rick Foss or Robin, his trusty assistant at:
1-800-624-6679 or
1-310-640-0527 in California

Shuttle busses from LAX and John Wayne/Orange County:
call 1-800-772-5299
round trip is $32/adult, $16/child 12 or under from LAX
$16/adult, $12/child from John Wayne/Orange County
They have group rates, but need 24 hour notice for that, so call them

Anyway, hope this helps, and that no one gets irritated at me for quoting
the InFurnation deal too extensively...

Mike Vieths
Foeclan@Lots of other places

It would be tempting, wouldn't it?
All it would take, really, is the will.
Oh, certainly, every last vestige of willpower that could be summoned.
But it would be tempting.
Think of it.
The power to resurrect that which no longer exists...
Or create that which only exists in the mind's eye.
All of it perfect in every detail.
The power to make the dead live again... redress any wrong... rewrite history with a happy ending.
The power... be God.

Green Lantern - Emerald Twilight


Dec 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/18/96

In article <591tmd$>, Michael Vieths
<> wrote:

> Lessee... here're some of the things out of InFurNation (Volume 6, Number
> 3)


> Shuttles:
> Shuttle busses from LAX and John Wayne/Orange County:
> call 1-800-772-5299
> round trip is $32/adult, $16/child 12 or under from LAX
> $16/adult, $12/child from John Wayne/Orange County
> They have group rates, but need 24 hour notice for that, so call them
> early.


I called that 800 number, and they said from LAX, it's
round trip $22 adult ($14 one way)

Shuttles depart every half hour (starting at 6:30am) from LAX in the morning
to Buena Vista Hotel, and take one hour to one hour 15 mins. From the hotel
to LAX, they depart about every half hour in the afternoon (starting at 11:55).

-- Raster

Brian Harris

Dec 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/19/96

Raster ( wrote:

: I called that 800 number, and they said from LAX, it's

: round trip $22 adult ($14 one way)

: Shuttles depart every half hour (starting at 6:30am) from LAX in the morning
: to Buena Vista Hotel, and take one hour to one hour 15 mins. From the hotel
: to LAX, they depart about every half hour in the afternoon (starting at 11:55).

Be careful of some of the LAX "shuttles". The uniformed patrols outside
LAX may not direct you to the correct transport terminal, but instead to
some con artist who rips you off by misquoting the cost of a trip to your
At CF6, I was directed to a shuttle stand where a shuttle arrived and
nonchalantly quoted me a $15 trip to the Atrium Marquis. Upon
arrival at the hotel, he pulled out an official looking schedule and
demanded that I fork over $45 or he'd call the cops and keep my bags.
Like a moron, I fell for the schedule since I had no proof that he ever
said $15 and he denied ever quoting that price and I didn't have a
"membership" card which he never ever brought up until 10 miles from the

When you take those shuttles, ask the price -before- you get on and write
it down while you're there before you go anywhere. Make sure there are no
qualifications on that price as well so you cover your bases.
I'm not saying that the shuttles are bad at LAX, but there are people
there who will try to con you if they find an unsuspecting tourist.

- Rigel

Dr. Samuel Conway

Jan 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/21/97

I have contacted the Buena Vista Fire Marshall's office and reported
a few of the more serious fire hazards that were noted during the con:
specifically, sprinkler heads that had been painted over, alarm stations
with no means of breaking the glass covering, overheated light fix-
tures, chandeliers hung from bare and frayed wires, and an apparent
lack of emergency lighting.

I did not use the name of ConFurence in my report, to avoid possible
repercussions. The Fire Marshall's office will inspect the property
to determine what, if any, corrective action should be taken.

This report having been made, it is not necessary for multiple people
to spam the fire department in that town, though other matters can
certainly be taken up with the local Chamber of Commerce.

Brian Harris

Jan 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/22/97

Dr. Samuel Conway ( wrote:
: I have contacted the Buena Vista Fire Marshall's office and reported

: a few of the more serious fire hazards that were noted during the con:
: specifically, sprinkler heads that had been painted over, alarm stations
: with no means of breaking the glass covering, overheated light fix-
: tures, chandeliers hung from bare and frayed wires, and an apparent
: lack of emergency lighting.

You forgot to mention that the elevator inspection stickers had all
expired. Glad I stuck to the stairs. Aie.

- Rigel

Custer J. Winston

Jan 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/22/97

> You forgot to mention that the elevator inspection stickers had all
> expired. Glad I stuck to the stairs. Aie.

I did after I got in the elevator closest to the dealer's room and got to
ride up to the 9th floor and back to the ground level and then back up
again before the doors opened and let me out on the 5th floor.
Except for the decrepit condition of the hotel itself this was the best
Confurence ever. I can deal with the hotel. Besides, I have a camper van
and if the hotel was REALLY bad I cold just stay in it instead!

Terry Whittier

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97

Custer J. Winston ( wrote:
: Except for the decrepit condition of the hotel itself this was the best

: Confurence ever. I can deal with the hotel. Besides, I have a camper van

What did you enjoy about the con? Let's see a list. I want to hear
positive comments. Constructive comments are good, too.

Terry Whittier

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97

Dr. Samuel Conway ( wrote:
: I have contacted the Buena Vista Fire Marshall's office and reported
: a few of the more serious fire hazards that were noted during the con:

Good idea. For all we know, there could be a fire in the hotel next
week, killing dozens of people. If you had noticed violations like the
ones you listed, and had not reported them, imagine how guilty you would be.
I'm glad someone took a little responsibility, for once.

Mark Freid

Jan 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/23/97

Terry Whittier <> wrote in article

> Custer J. Winston ( wrote:
> : Except for the decrepit condition of the hotel itself this was the
> : Confurence ever. I can deal with the hotel. Besides, I have a camper
> What did you enjoy about the con? Let's see a list. I want to hear
> positive comments. Constructive comments are good, too.

Stuff I liked:

Nice, big room
Meeting New People
Stuff to Buy!
People wanting sketches and buying stuff
Good complement of guests
Not as many smelly people
NO BONDAGE BOB! <cheer!>
Big, comfy lobby
Decent breatfast (though pricey)
Walking distance to GOOD food
Proximity to shopping/amusement areas
Big Dealers Room
Nice Art Show Room (could have used more light tho)
The con was dang fun!

Stuff I didn't care for:

The rooms didn't have two queen beds. I slept on a BROKEN sofa-bed
No water pressure in the showers
I missed the silly stringing
Some of the "atire" worn
The bartender doesn't know what "tall" means
The art show was dimly lit
Not enough parties. <g>
Taking more sketchbooks than I could handle (oops)
I spent too damn much money


Mark Freid ("Canuss"), Anthropomorphic Cartoonist
Email : <>
Web :
Creator & Moderator of the FurRing

David G. Bell

Jan 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/24/97

In article <> "Dr. Samuel Conway" writes:

> I have contacted the Buena Vista Fire Marshall's office and reported
> a few of the more serious fire hazards that were noted during the con:

> specifically, sprinkler heads that had been painted over, alarm stations
> with no means of breaking the glass covering, overheated light fix-
> tures, chandeliers hung from bare and frayed wires, and an apparent
> lack of emergency lighting.

> I did not use the name of ConFurence in my report, to avoid possible
> repercussions. The Fire Marshall's office will inspect the property
> to determine what, if any, corrective action should be taken.

I noticed one comment to the the effect that the hotel had threatened to
lock doors on FurLeDance if it went on past a deadline, regardless of
how many people were still in the room.

That sounded like an exaggerated report, even if the hotel was getting
fed up with waiting, but it does sound sort of compatible with the sort
of attitude to fire safety that you've indicated.

The next con I'm going to is in a hotel decorated in the style of the
RMS Titanic, so maybe fire will be the least of my worries.

David G. Bell -- Farmer, SF Fan, Filker, Furry, and Punslinger..

Dear Reader, as a result of severe delays in news articles being made
available to Demon Internet customers, this article may appear
ridiculously late, and ask or answer questions already asked or
answered. This lengthy .sig is temporary. Current backlog 60h+

Steve Gattuso

Jan 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/24/97

Brian Henderson wrote:

> Does anyone else agree that someone needs to learn how to write hotel
> contracts? I'm willing to bet that CF is using whatever standard
> contract the hotel normally uses and that is causing the majority of
> the problems, as well as losing us a ton of money every year.

Well, come to the meeting on the 12th and ask Mark yourself. Easiest way
to get the answer.

> Did anyone ever think that the $10k or so we might spend on the
> convention space is NOTHING compared to the $70k that the people who
> rent rooms from them pay?

I would, were it not for the fact that we didn't even spend that much.
In return for guaranteeing all the room-nights, we got the convention
space for nothing. You get what you pay for.

Most cons run on shoestrings. We tend to run on sandals.

Brian Henderson

Jan 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/24/97
to ("David G. Bell") wrote:

>I noticed one comment to the the effect that the hotel had threatened to
>lock doors on FurLeDance if it went on past a deadline, regardless of
>how many people were still in the room.

Does anyone else agree that someone needs to learn how to write hotel

contracts? I'm willing to bet that CF is using whatever standard
contract the hotel normally uses and that is causing the majority of
the problems, as well as losing us a ton of money every year.

Did anyone ever think that the $10k or so we might spend on the

convention space is NOTHING compared to the $70k that the people who
rent rooms from them pay?

Something to consider.


Brian Henderson

Jan 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/25/97

Steve Gattuso <> wrote:

>Brian Henderson wrote:
>> Does anyone else agree that someone needs to learn how to write hotel
>> contracts? I'm willing to bet that CF is using whatever standard
>> contract the hotel normally uses and that is causing the majority of
>> the problems, as well as losing us a ton of money every year.

>Well, come to the meeting on the 12th and ask Mark yourself. Easiest way
>to get the answer.

I've asked before, I never received an answer. I stopped asking.

>> Did anyone ever think that the $10k or so we might spend on the
>> convention space is NOTHING compared to the $70k that the people who
>> rent rooms from them pay?

>I would, were it not for the fact that we didn't even spend that much.

>In return for guaranteeing all the room-nights, we got the convention
>space for nothing. You get what you pay for.

I was basing that on what Mark said we paid last year ($12k for
convention space in both hotels). If we got away scot-free this year,
where the heck did all the money go?


Richard Chandler

Jan 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/25/97

In article <01bc0971$f17a2680$>,

Mark Freid <> wrote:
>Terry Whittier <> wrote in article
>> What did you enjoy about the con? Let's see a list. I want to hear
>> positive comments. Constructive comments are good, too.

Gallery did particularly well. I expected to move more inventory than I
did, but between renewals and new subscribers, Gallery pulled in around
$2300. I was a little nervous having that much cash around. I did
however end up with about $21 extra that doesn't match up with any
receipts, and one subscriber who signed up who didn't get a receipt (Steve
Arlow, e-mail me) although his funds are accounted for.

I would have preferred a little less overlap between the Dealer's Room
hours and the art show, other than the one hour on Saturday, but that's
not a problem when you have friends who can spot your table for you (Thank
you Alan!).

>Stuff I liked:
>Nice, big room

Kinda tiny, but I had it to myself.


Ditto, although I feel that this year I got even less time to talk
with them than last year. I don't think I got any good long conversations
in except at my party.

I was especially happy when two people whom I though weren't coming
actually showed up.

>Meeting New People


>Stuff to Buy!

To the tune of about $400 in my case.

>Not as many smelly people

There were a few notable exceptions, especialy in a closed and poorly
ventillated arcade room.

>Nice Art Show Room (could have used more light tho)

Seconded. Glad I got to see it this year, and DAMNED glad I won at least
one of the things I bid on, the Margaret Carspecken windsurfing piece.

Complain if you like about the art show line, it was a hell of a lot
faster than CF6, the last time I was in line.

>Stuff I didn't care for:

>No water pressure in the showers

My solution for this was to take baths. That got around the pressure and
temperature fluctuations handily.

>I missed the silly stringing

I was the victim this year (I WANT a copy of the tape!) The set-up was
brilliant. I was told Fred Patten was the target, and as I led the
charge, well, I discovered the truth....

>Some of the "atire" worn

Seconded. I thought the guy wandering the lobby in the harness and bridle
while the medical seminar was going was a little out of hand.

When I was checking into my room at Noon on Thursday, there was a loud
WHACK! behind me and the desk clerk jumped with an upset expression on her
face. Some fool had pulled out a flogger and was letting fly on the backs
of two guys not ten feet from the desk. I walked over said "How about a
little public decorum, eh?"

I'm told that a 17-year-old British fellow auctioned himself off at the
Pet Auction in the "Anything Goes" category. I'm a little nervous that
the "Channel 11 News Crew" filmed the whole thing. Having also heard that
HBO's "Sex Bytes" wanted to film at CF and was turned down, I couldn't
help but wonder if these guys were actually stringers for HBO anyway. In
any case, I can't think that that footage will bode well for CF.

>Not enough parties. <g>

Someone stole the flyer for the Gallery party that Chuck Davies did for me
within half an hour after it went up. I didn't have time to make copies,
it was the only one. :-(

>I spent too damn much money

I'm quite happy with what I spent, and I'm only worried that perhaps I
missed getting a few things I would have wanted.

I was a little displeased that when someone gave me a bottle of their
homemade Mead (I assume, I haven't opened it yet) I had the misfortune of
sitting in the same seat as the jerk who had been openly selling bottles
of the reportedly foul "Fur Beer" (Selling homebrew is illegal). The
Misfortune because someone working con security couldn't tell the
difference and began giving me the third degree and an enormous amount of
hassle, which I eventually solved by putting the bottle in my briefcase.
I was not pleased by the less than diplomatic treatment I was given.

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog... but they can tell right
off the bat if you're an idiot! -- Me Gallery Web Page
"Yeah, I've got ADD, wanna make something of.... oooh, cool. Look!"

Mathue Taxion

Jan 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/27/97
Dr. Samuel Conway wrote:

> I have contacted the Buena Vista Fire Marshall's office and reported
> a few of the more serious fire hazards that were noted during the con:
> specifically, sprinkler heads that had been painted over, alarm stations
> with no means of breaking the glass covering, overheated light fix-
> tures, chandeliers hung from bare and frayed wires, and an apparent
> lack of emergency lighting.

    Mathue chuckles! "Buena Park really was a bit of work, that's fur sure. I know the bed lamps in my room were in dire need of repair, the sockets were terribly loose and worn. It wasn't uncommon for them to turn off all by their lonesome.
    Other than the dilapidated hotel (And even worse staff) I had a blast.


Mathue Taxion of eastern Rillionia, Netizen.
----Only the pure of spirit may  find the treasure of knowledge----
    ~~Mathue Taxion, an illiop  on  FurryMUCK, TigerMUCK & FT~~
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match fur a good blaster
 at your side.. Han Solo .   *murgle!*    "37? . . In a row!?!?!"

Darren J. Hanson

Jan 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/28/97

On 25 Jan 1997 18:58:32 -0800, (Richard Chandler)

>I was a little displeased that when someone gave me a bottle of their
>homemade Mead (I assume, I haven't opened it yet) I had the misfortune of
>sitting in the same seat as the jerk who had been openly selling bottles
>of the reportedly foul "Fur Beer" (Selling homebrew is illegal). The
>Misfortune because someone working con security couldn't tell the
>difference and began giving me the third degree and an enormous amount of
>hassle, which I eventually solved by putting the bottle in my briefcase.
>I was not pleased by the less than diplomatic treatment I was given.

Please accept my appologies not only on my own behalf, but on the
behalf of the other members of Con Security this year. Please
understand that SEVERAL people failed to comprehend:

Selling untaxed alcohol (including homebrew) is illegal
Selling alcohol without a license is illegal
Providing alcohol to a minor is illegal
Having an open container in public is illegal

Depending on circumstances, all four of the above can be felonies. And
while Con Security tried to keep things quiet, at least once person
kept breaking all four laws until the hotel called the police. Talk
about not being good for image. Then we apparantly had not one, but
two seperate incidenses of people being rushed to area hospitals for
drinking, not just to the point of passing out, but to the point of
going comatose, a condition not far from fatal alcohol poisoning.

We ment no offense to those who made honest mistakes and were willing
to promptly and quietly rectify the situation, but tempers were cut
all too short by those who simply refused to cooperate.

Once again, my appologies.
\/ dj

Dr. Cat

Jan 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/28/97

Richard Chandler ( wrote:
: When I was checking into my room at Noon on Thursday, there was a loud

: WHACK! behind me and the desk clerk jumped with an upset expression on her
: face. Some fool had pulled out a flogger and was letting fly on the backs
: of two guys not ten feet from the desk. I walked over said "How about a
: little public decorum, eh?"

See, that's what I like to hear. When somebody acts up, instead of staying
quiet & then coming here later and saying "We must all stop flogging each
other in hotel lobbies" and maybe those guys don't even read here anyway...
Just tell 'em right on the spot that they need to tone things down. Much
much more practical and effective. :X)

Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions || Free alpha test:
Furcadia - a new graphic mud for PCs! || Let your imagination soar!

(Disclaimer: Dr. Cat has never flogged anyone in a hotel lobby, nor been
flogged by anyone. Anything he might or might not have done with bananas at
CF8 was done solely in private hotel rooms, only with consenting adults, and
only with consenting bananas.)

Richard Chandler

Jan 31, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/31/97

Apology accepted.

At the con, a friend of mine noted that there did seem to be a
considerable increase in the amount of drinking at CF this year as
compared to years past. Hell, CF7 was "Dry" compared to this year.
The increase in attendence seems to have increased the incidence of
Furries Behaving Badly. :-(

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