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calm down (answers questions)

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Sep 13, 2001, 11:29:20 PM9/13/01
I guess some people on this alt.Fan.dragon think I am dumb or retarded
somet think I have some mental problem. Look I do not and as a dragon
I have poor human english okies. Also conerning some questions asked
here it goes ALT.FAN.DRAGONS = AFD for short
evidence of my past angry statement which I was very upset because I
lost some people I knew.

#1 I've seen people rant and rave and burst out their anger on these
newsgroups and arn't critised or insulted as much as me and just look
people support them :)

#2 Most people on these boards tell you to goto hell when they havn't
even looked at the evidence nor they have any respect for others
obviously nor this country and what it stands for. As far as I am
concerned the people who shout and just insult people cowardly are nor
worse than any monster immaginable. Heck if you want to insult me
come down and say it to my face and not on some message board if you
hate me or don't like me just leave it to yourself. You see me making
huge comments like everytime you post saying "Screw off etc etc."
No because I am mature I just get upset when people do this and which
I have no time for to reply but this time I do.

#3 People say I copy peoples music/Artwork/ etc etc. and no I havn't
sold anyone elses work and I give credit where credit is due if you
actually know the real me. Yes I have done copying stuff in the past.
so I could practice and have accidently and one time purposely did it
just to get attention. But I normally don't because if I did then I
wouldn't be working for a company nor would I be making a video game.
People I have shown work to know that and I test them.

#4 and 5 I AM NOT TRYING TO GET ATTENTION.. I am trying to protect
myself before someone can attack me with hate.
normally people don't know I get threat mails, I get hate mails
because of the rumors.

#6 I am a animator what does that tell you, how could I copy someone
elses work? I couldn't really especially if I am doing a movie or
especially one of my own. Also I don't go around with other peoples
names nor do I go on IRC because of these people spreading rumors.

#7 What's with the negativity lately? nor did I say "WE should kill
them ALL" raptoress has made so much BS about me its not even funny.
Its just my opnion we should send in some guys and take out the
problem and not nuke the place geez if thats what people think I am
thinking they are truelly sick.

I hope this answers most of your questions and as I said above.. I
have told people again and again I am sorry for all the things i've
done in the past and no I don't pose as other people, Nor steal others
work. SO give it up already with the I MUST BE Superior attacks
because your acting like humans. I said I was sorry and what more do
you want. All I want is peace and to stop this nonsense. THANK YOU
We must act like a group instead of acting like we are divided.. Thats
all I am going to say

*flys off*

Talbain Nova
real draconic name unknown
/different dimensions exist I am from one of them\
(The Journey is not the Destination)


Sep 14, 2001, 12:15:16 AM9/14/01


I can just picture you standing in the middle of a crowd, waving flags back and
forth, yelling, "I am not trying to get attention! Hey! HEY! LISTEN TO ME! I'M

>I hope this answers most of your questions and as I said above.. I
>have told people again and again I am sorry for all the things i've
>done in the past

And continue to do now.

>because your acting like humans.

Ah, yes. A typical Talbain post. Be sure to piss off as many beings as possible
before you finish.

>all I am going to say

If only that were true...

Give it up. Anyone who's been Here more than a month (if even that long) has
already seen enough of your crap to know that it is crap. I guess that's why
you do it. I remember your previous apology post (3 or 4 weeks ago) and I
actually made the mistake of believing it. Now I know better. Send all the
apologies you want, if you aren't going to change, no one cares.
Dragon Code:DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Pwal Skh Cbk Bfl/ac"weak" A- Fr- M O $ Fo
R"unsure" Ac+ J+ S I V Q Tc++

"Let every man be respected as an individual, but let no man be
"I have a hammer..."-Garfield, to his alarm clock


Sep 14, 2001, 12:49:10 AM9/14/01
Dragons as well as humans are entitled to their opinions so here is mine:

You get down on people for their "I MUST BE superior!" stances then state
they are acting like humans when they do so.

Excuse me?

And you wonder why people think you have a mental problem when you
contradict yourself in one sentence with a specieist statement?

You state:

> #1 I've seen people rant and rave and burst out their anger on these
> newsgroups and arn't critised or insulted as much as me and just look
> people support them :)

Yes, because I'm HONEST and folks here know me. You are not known here
other than through bad reputation, which you decidedly deserve, and you
expect people to get your back? Very funny.

I'm going to break this next one down:

> #2 Most people on these boards tell you to goto hell when they havn't
> even looked at the evidence

This isn't true. I can't speak for the others now, but for me personally, I
consider all evidence with an objective viewpoint and run it through my
common sense-o-tron. Based on my findings, I will either tell you to go to
hell or not.

> nor they have any respect for others

Respect is earned, just like trust.

> obviously nor this country and what it stands for.

HA! Double HA!

1) Son, my family has helped shape and defend this country for over 300
YEARS. I myself have been in the Army and now work for the Air Force as a

Now you tell ME whether I RESPECT this country and know what it stands for.

2) If you're such a dragon what the hell do you care about this country and
what it stands for?

> #3 People say I copy peoples music/Artwork/ etc etc. and no I havn't
> sold anyone elses work and I give credit where credit is due if you
> actually know the real me.

Don't forget the time you cut the signature out of an artist's work and
claimed it as yours... oops, forgot, you give credit where credit is due.

> Its just my opnion we should send in some guys and take out the
> problem and not nuke the place geez if thats what people think I am
> thinking they are truelly sick.

So what's a big dragon like yourself worrying over "human" problems?
Ohhhhh, I seeeee.... so when it isn't to your advantage to insult folks as
"humans" you suddenly care about "humanly" things....

St. Desu of Eeyore
DC2.D Gf L+ W T Phawlt Sks,hl,wl Ceb,ere Tc++(satcom) ° Omnia mutantur
B"napalm"/"guacamole" A+++ Fr++ N"alpine meadows" ° Nihil interit
Mr++v/ H++ $+ Fo++ R+++ Ac+ J+++! S+ I++# V+++ U* °
I only kill to know I'm alive / SO WHAT? - Ministry ° Remove the bird to

Sep 14, 2001, 12:53:30 AM9/14/01
simple Fact, You don't listen and continue on negativity
thats the truth and the truth hurts.. No more

I hope you can look in the mirror and understand this..

YOU Don't understand me and thats that.. nuff said

moving on :)


Sep 14, 2001, 1:24:20 AM9/14/01
<The black dragoness rears her twin heads somewhere within her lair, to
the little beeping alarm next to her hoarde/bed. She sneezes in the
dust, and gets up to impart her opinion.> wrote:

> here it goes ALT.FAN.DRAGONS = AFD for short

Yes, uh, we knew that, I think.

> #1 I've seen people rant and rave and burst out their anger on these
> newsgroups and arn't critised or insulted as much as me and just look
> people support them :)

Nice smily. Frankly, people are welcome to rant and complain, but only
if their opinions are respected or they have managed to make friends(ie:
Their opinions and actions are respected) are they recieved well. You,
I'm afraid, have managed to gather only enemies and people who ignore
you. I believe I speak for several when I say: We don't respect you,
Talbain. Sorry. You have this ability to annoy and aggravate with your
"I'm superior to you all." attitude, with your lies. I remember one
converation where you told us about how powerful you were on some other
plane, and how you could crush us without a thought but wouldn't because
that wasn't right. Thank you for your mercy.
And I'm sorry, but all I could do is laugh.
You return every few months to tell us how you're better, or whine.
Yes, whine. I remember one time, when you'd managed to be rejected by a
large group on the muck, where you came to the clearing and posed some
elaborate suicide attempt, with 'Oh, you cold people' and 'Oh, how you
must hate me'. Oh, but if that had just been a spurt of depression on
your part! I'm sorry, You looked people up on ICQ to whine.
And all of this, for attention. How else? Well, here's your attention,
KID. I hope maybe you'll leave for a few more months, though I have no
doubt you'll return hoping to be accepted back into the fold, only to be
disappointed when you still manage to fail.

> so I could practice and have accidently and one time purposely did it
> just to get attention.

> #4 and 5 I AM NOT TRYING TO GET ATTENTION.. I am trying to protect
> myself before someone can attack me with hate.

Uhm....someone see anything wrong with that?

> #6 I am a animator what does that tell you, how could I copy someone
> elses work? I couldn't really especially if I am doing a movie or
> especially one of my own.

Now, without saying that you do do anything or have in the past, let me
point out that you could be friggin' Walt Disnye and still be perfectly
capable of copying someone else's work. That is faulty logic, there.
Unfortuneatly, I've seen alot of faulty logic from your corner.

> #7 What's with the negativity lately? nor did I say "WE should kill
> them ALL" raptoress has made so much BS about me its not even funny.
> Its just my opnion we should send in some guys and take out the
> problem and not nuke the place geez if thats what people think I am
> thinking they are truelly sick.

Negativity? Oh, you mean because a couple humans died? oh no, God
forbid people be affected. God forbid people get angry and demand
payment in blood. You can't call people sick when those people are in
shock. You can't call people sick for being angry at what happened.
And you needn't be so damn sensitive. This situation has alot of people
at each other's throats just as much as it has people sticking together.

> work. SO give it up already with the I MUST BE Superior attacks
> because your acting like humans. I said I was sorry and what more do
> you want.

Humans. Acting like humans. I'll have you know that I'm tired of your
bigotry against humans. Hell, not just yours. I left this newsgroup
because of the constant anti-human sentiment.
And what do we want? An apology makes no difference without the actions
to back it up.

Slynth Aurora-Wakanda/Tempest Shimmer
Sig file not added. Why? There's enough signature cr*p out there


Sep 14, 2001, 1:26:57 AM9/14/01
Ah, it appears I was mistaken about several things - including the
identity of the person who wrote this message. Well, now that I know
better, I know how to respond:

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 wrote:
SO give it up already with the I MUST BE Superior attacks
> because your acting like humans.

Funny - I am a human, and I'm superior to you.

Elynne, having said what she wanted to say, is now Done With That

My web-page-esque-thing:
Reply to default address for best results
"Catchy slogans don't win fights. Nasty maniacal weapons win fights."
- BattleBots

Sep 14, 2001, 1:30:29 AM9/14/01
so what makes your better than me? what action do you want?
you want me to stand on my head I guess will be the next thing..
Look I care deeply but more and more attacks just make things worse
and make me say things I really don't mean

Look you have anger obviously and I wish I could change that really I
do. But you do not phase me and those comments which you posted above
like making a suicide attempt. It just goes to show the type of
rumors which people believe true. I have not once done a suicide deal.

if you don't believe me ask Shadowing.. I told him if it would be a
good idea if I should make it look like I died and then all this BS
would go away. But I am not a coward and will not run from your on
going attacks. I am a dragon who is willing to take a stand like many
who don't and I am sick of your comments. So if you want to make
comments to me.. Come over to my house and then we shall see

thats all I am going to say at this point.. Thank you

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 05:24:20 GMT, Tempest/Slynth <>

Sep 14, 2001, 1:35:55 AM9/14/01
actually I don't think you get what I am saying... I feel that people
think they are superior than me..

I don't feel as if I am more superior than you..

just had to clear that up for ya ;)

Talbain Nova


Sep 14, 2001, 1:46:42 AM9/14/01
to wrote:
> so what makes your better than me? what action do you want?
> you want me to stand on my head I guess will be the next thing..
> Look I care deeply but more and more attacks just make things worse
> and make me say things I really don't mean

I didn't say we were better'n you, nope. Never said that. And as for
actions...perhaps that's too much to ask. After all, you haven't been
able to change so far, as far as I can see...

> Look you have anger obviously and I wish I could change that really I
> do. But you do not phase me and those comments which you posted above
> like making a suicide attempt. It just goes to show the type of
> rumors which people believe true. I have not once done a suicide deal.

I was present. I was one of the people watching and wondering what kind
of people was so desperate as to show up in the clearing and stick a
sword through their chest trying to get some sympathy. I'm trying to
find the log, now, but I'm not sure I have that one..
None of what I have said are rumors. All of these things I experienced
myself. I don't need rumors to add...that's what's sad.

> who don't and I am sick of your comments. So if you want to make
> comments to me.. Come over to my house and then we shall see

I am making my comments to you. O.o Uhm....come over to your house?
You chose this forum, Talbain....

> thats all I am going to say at this point.. Thank

Uh huh.

Hey, this is fun! Teehee..

Slynth/Tempest (Making a nice bad impression and getting people
wondering 'who on earth is that?')

Sep 14, 2001, 2:10:28 AM9/14/01
well I wouldn't do such a thing as of course going around "holding a
sword to my chest" Well anyways.. I have changed that sad thing is
will people accept it or continue to see things the same.
its up to them well take care and I don't find this fun because i'd
like to have fun actually and be able to talk about other things
accept this all night :)

oh no they got me - *holds up a sword* ahhh ahhhh I've been stabbed..
*Falls down ground pretending the sword stabbed him like a play*
sometimes people just can't take a joke and if I did do something like
that.. it probably was a joke or something back in 1996 just to let
you know

Talbain Nova

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 05:46:42 GMT, Tempest/Slynth <>

Sep 14, 2001, 2:11:06 AM9/14/01
well I wouldn't do such a thing as of course going around "holding a
sword to my chest" Well anyways.. I have changed that sad thing is
will people accept it or continue to see things the same.
its up to them well take care and I don't find this fun because i'd
like to have fun actually and be able to talk about other things
accept this all night :)

oh no they got me - *holds up a sword* ahhh ahhhh I've been stabbed..
*Falls down ground pretending the sword stabbed him like a play*
sometimes people just can't take a joke and if I did do something like
that.. it probably was a joke or something back in 1996 just to let
you know

Talbain Nova

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 05:46:42 GMT, Tempest/Slynth <>

> wrote:


Sep 14, 2001, 7:49:51 AM9/14/01

>actually I don't think you get what I am saying... I feel that people
>think they are superior than me..

well, you got THAT wrong, then. we ARE superior to you. come back when
you're capable of saying something that isn't complete crap.

>Talbain Nova


Sep 14, 2001, 11:22:22 AM9/14/01
> that.. it probably was a joke or something back in 1996 just to let
> you know

The MUCK wasn't even in existence in 1996.... would you like to try again?


Sep 14, 2001, 11:51:11 AM9/14/01

--Greffindel the Plaid. moc.rewolfnus@dnefispi :liam-E
lmth.nogard\dnefispi~\moc.rewolfnus.www\\:ptth :etisbew ym tisiV
lmth.renrocyrteop\yrteop\dnefispi~\... :ta yrteoP
*please, no adverts, chain mail, or Internet Marketing Opportunities*

/\/ \/ \/\ --Greffindel the Plaid.
/ ( O O ) \ moc.rewolfnus@dnefispi
/ #/\_/\_/\__\_
/ #( o \ :etisbew ym tisiV
|#\ --v-v-v-v | lmth.nogard\dnefispi~\moc.rewolfnus.www\\:ptth
\#\==\ :ta yrteoP
\#\==\ lmth.renrocyrteop\yrteop\dnefispi~\...
.sig |#|==|
V2.1 |#|==| *please don't send me adverts, chain mail,
|#|==| or Internet Marketing Opportunities*

+--Greffindel the Plaid------------------------------------------+
| moc.rewolfnus@dnefispi * lmth.nogard/moc.rewolfnus.www//:ptth |
+-----------------------------no ads, no spam, no meanies--------+

/\/ \/ \/\
/ ( O O ) \
_/__/\_/\_/\# \
/ o )# \
| v-v-v-v--- /#|

On a day not unlike many others-- bright shiny sun, late-summer
flowers just passing their peak blooms, enough breeze to bring
briskness to the morning, and still a bit reeling from the news of
massive and hideous catastrophes, Greffindel the Plaid ambles oddly
through the xgrmpflmprxyzzz, pausing occasionally to de-ionize an
oxygen free radical in the air. At once he happens upon some kind of
con-dragon-flagration, and becomes curious.

"Elynne" <> wrote in message

> Ah, it appears I was mistaken about several things - including the
> identity of the person who wrote this message. Well, now that I
> better, I know how to respond:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 wrote:
> SO give it up already with the I MUST BE Superior attacks
> > because your acting like humans.
> Funny - I am a human, and I'm superior to you.
> Elynne, having said what she wanted to say, is now Done With That

"Ermm... ah, hello," he says gently. "Sorry to interrupt, but, umm,
what's up? Talblain, is it? I don't think we've met, I'm Greffindel.
Been reading this thread today, including your longer post with the
numbered paragraphs, so I have at least a good chunk of your story."
He turns around to some of the others, including some old and dear
friends. "And I do know most of you, but,
um... could somebody fill me in on why folks seem so upset with this
fellow? ErinRasha? Rae? Anywyrm?

"See, there's some folks I've known and respected a long time over
here displaying more hostility than I'm used to seeing from them, and
I don't know quite what to think. Whatever Talblain's done, as far as
I am aware, he hasn't done it to *me*, so I don't have to be angry
with him and I don't plan on turning against him myself, but I do hate
to see my friends riled up so and I can't help but wonder what it's
all about."

> My web-page-esque-thing:
> Reply to default address for best results
> "Catchy slogans don't win fights. Nasty maniacal weapons win
> - BattleBots

/\/ \/ \/\ --Greffindel the Plaid.
/ ( O O ) \ moc.rewolfnus@dnefispi
/ #/\_/\_/\__\_
/ #( o \ :etisbew ym tisiV
|#\ --v-v-v-v | lmth.nogard\dnefispi~\moc.rewolfnus.www\\:ptth
\#\==\ :ta yrteoP
\#\==\ lmth.renrocyrteop\yrteop\dnefispi~\...
.sig |#|==|
V2.1 |#|==| *please don't send me adverts, chain mail,
|#|==| or Internet Marketing Opportunities*


Sep 14, 2001, 3:25:08 PM9/14/01
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, gem wrote:
> rae

Hey, rae! :D Are you still writing wonderful pomes? I hope that you're
doing well. It's good to see you again.

Uh - I'm Erin, of the Erin & Rasha team, with a new alias thing for
various reasons. Hi. :)

Elynne, who feels she needs to re-introduce herself every time she meets
another Olde Fruite


Sep 14, 2001, 3:33:17 PM9/14/01
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, eriuhfireuhf wrote:
> On a day not unlike many others-- bright shiny sun, late-summer
> flowers just passing their peak blooms, enough breeze to bring
> briskness to the morning, and still a bit reeling from the news of
> massive and hideous catastrophes, Greffindel the Plaid ambles oddly
> through the xgrmpflmprxyzzz, pausing occasionally to de-ionize an
> oxygen free radical in the air. At once he happens upon some kind of
> con-dragon-flagration, and becomes curious.

I didn't know that Plaid Dragons also worked in air, uh, purification.
Is it a full-time thing, or just a sideline? ;)

> "Elynne" <> wrote in message
> > Ah, it appears I was mistaken about several things - including the
> > identity of the person who wrote this message. Well, now that I
> know
> > better, I know how to respond:
> > On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 wrote:
> > SO give it up already with the I MUST BE Superior attacks
> > > because your acting like humans.
> > Funny - I am a human, and I'm superior to you.
> > Elynne, having said what she wanted to say, is now Done With That

> He turns around to some of the others, including some old and dear
> friends. "And I do know most of you, but,
> um... could somebody fill me in on why folks seem so upset with this
> fellow? ErinRasha? Rae? Anywyrm?

I dunno about other folks - it seems that there's been some activity on
the subject since I was last here - but the last time I was here, I (and
Bax) had a tangle with the person in question. As the person stated in a
message, he has copied pictures by other artists "for attention," and
claimed credit for other artist's works. When challenged on it, he went
into a frenzy of incoherent, self-contradictory rants, attacking the
character of the people who were challenging him, and demanding
retractions and apologies, as well as the usual threats of lawsuits for
libel and the like. Needless to say, this cuts no ice with anybody. He's
apparantly riled up many, many people with this act; I've only seen it on
the newsgroup, but he's been at work on #afd as well, by accounts.

At any rate, having established for myself the nature of his character,
I'm Done With That. I have no interest in engaging that person again, or
any reason to do so. As you may recall, Rasha and I (seeing as how we
share a brain) have shown ourselves to be somewhat - er, "quick-tempered"
*ahem* ;) in the past. But we have much more important things on our
mind. Now that we know who this is, and what the situation is (he's
kicking up problems for himself again), we're Done With That. 'nuff said.

Elynne, who will be Experimenting With Plaster today, wheee!



Sep 14, 2001, 4:32:37 PM9/14/01
to wrote in

> I don't feel as if I am more superior than you..

Why, then, did you tell me that you had the right to decide who was and who
wasn't a dragon?

Stormdragon, Shadowdragon, Helldragon, [Bronzedragon], Meekdragon, Zendragon
Drinker of all things caffeine.
ICQ: 116707297
AIM: Darxaan
[website coming soon!]
Dragon Code for Stormdragon (my default form):
DC2.Dw~ Gm L~ W~ T~ Phvwaplt Sks Cbl,bbl+,e?,wbl+ B- A~ Fr- Nw M?"Waiting for
an answer" O H+ $- F++f/j/o R+ Ac+++! J+ S--- U-- I---!# V+ Q--[empathic] Tc+

(still haven't gotten those new DCs...)

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
sure about the former." - Albert Einstein


Sep 14, 2001, 7:29:03 PM9/14/01
Have read thru all posts and have only one thing to say..."plunk"
'Nuf said.



Sep 14, 2001, 7:51:28 PM9/14/01

>I said I was sorry and what more do you want.

An end to your posting material that looks like trolling (unproven
allegations against other members of the community, claiming others
are immature or unable to evaluate evidence... things like that) would
be nice.

If you genuinely want to be a part of this community, it's worth
taking a few monents to read your posts as others might see them -- a
little empathy (of the non-supernatural kind) can go a long way. If
you don't, carry on as you are, and you'll quite possibly end up in
most people's killfiles. I'll still see you, because FreeAgent
doesn't have filters, but hey, who just wants /me/ reading their
stuff? ;=8)

>All I want is peace and to stop this nonsense.

To paraphrase a good proverb, the longest journey starts with but a
single step.
,^ ( ..) ~~ Rai ~~ O .---. . F
| \ \ o / O> \/| i
\ `^--^ DC2.De Gm L W-- T Phflt Sks Cbk,sbk o \_. /\| s
\ \ \ Bwi A Fr++ M R Ac J++ I-- V Q++ Tc+ `---' ` h
ksj ^--^ _________________________________________________________


Sep 15, 2001, 5:44:31 AM9/15/01
to wrote:

>I hope this answers most of your questions a

actually, I didn't have any questions at all until you opened your trap.
Now I have heaps.


Bat Rescue Diaries:
I know this might sound strange, |
but all I want is a normal life |
NFiltered - This is serious, Mum.


Sep 15, 2001, 5:44:32 AM9/15/01
"eriuhfireuhf" <> wrote:


Good grief! It's YOU!


Sep 15, 2001, 7:21:11 AM9/15/01
Quoth (batty):

>"eriuhfireuhf" <> wrote:
>Good grief! It's YOU!

Somehow I'm having a hard time picturing Greff as a penguin. ;=8)


Sep 15, 2001, 8:25:02 AM9/15/01
R...@reply-to.address wrote:

>Quoth (batty):

>>Good grief! It's YOU!
>Somehow I'm having a hard time picturing Greff as a penguin. ;=8)

hee hee hee

Hoki-Aamrel the Cherry-red Dragon (Urpo Lankinen)

Sep 15, 2001, 9:08:14 AM9/15/01
Elynne <> writes:

>> rae
> Hey, rae! :D

"And hello to you too! Contrary to popular belief, I do exist - as, it
seems, do you." Hoki grins.

> Uh - I'm Erin, of the Erin & Rasha team, with a new alias thing for
> various reasons. Hi. :)

"New name, one letter longer than either of the names you used before?
Interesting - nice to see someone *gets* something after time,
personally I've only managed to shrink in size!"

[Been busy for some time, then a week ago my offline reader's article
database blew up, but here I am again. -W4]

================= Hoki-aamrel the Cherry-red Dragon =========================
DC2.Dw Gm L5.2m W T- Phflwt Sks
Cre\re^,wre+\re^ Bfl A? Fr++^ Yahoo!: hoki_dragon -==(UDIC)==-
Nn M- O? H++ $ Fc R-- Ac++ J+ "It does not do to leave a live dragon
S++ U? I-# V+++ Q++ Tc++ out of your calculations."


Sep 15, 2001, 12:05:12 PM9/15/01
Don't know...but I think YOU...want to be...just like us,
being like us and want to joy us...then I suggest
2. created normal E-Mail adderss
3. come....and say hello...when you ready

Hunter the Earthguardian
Legendary Dragon Pokemon
Kairyu (Dragonite) No.149
Lv.XXX (change by mood)
The dragon that travel between Alfandra and Pokemon world.
"This guy looks just like me"

DC2.D? Gm L W T+ Phfltvw Sks,wl C+or,ebk+,wja BegI/fl/ic/wa A+ Nn M H
$ Fc/v R++ Ac+ J++ S I-# V+++![weater control only] Q[no one can use
mind control on me] Tc-

I don't know...DC2.D?...ok but...DC2.D[pokemon]...can be great.


Sep 17, 2001, 10:04:09 AM9/17/01
In article <>,
Elynne <> writes

>On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, gem wrote:
>> rae
>Hey, rae! :D Are you still writing wonderful pomes? I hope that you're
>doing well. It's good to see you again.

hiya!!!! i'm doing great! (ish. :) i haven't written any pomes for a
while (maybe i should start up the dps again??) but i am embarking on a
major writing project... mwhahah! :D

>Uh - I'm Erin, of the Erin & Rasha team, with a new alias thing for
>various reasons. Hi. :)
>Elynne, who feels she needs to re-introduce herself every time she meets
>another Olde Fruite

*hee!* i wouldn't worry, i remember you! :) how're you doing?



Sep 19, 2001, 4:52:53 PM9/19/01
In article <3ba34878.43945358@localhost>, (batty) wrote:

> R...@reply-to.address wrote:
> >Quoth (batty):
> >>Good grief! It's YOU!
> >Somehow I'm having a hard time picturing Greff as a penguin. ;=8)
> hee hee hee

A plaid penguin waddles by. "Now, why-ever not?" Unfortunately, when
passing some daisies, he begins to sniff and sneezes, sending a blast of
flame from his beak, at which point his cover is more or less blown.

"This is why in many countries antihistamines are mandatory for all dragons..."

> batty

Greffindel the Plaid lives again!

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