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Bill Gates 666

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Jul 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/11/99

Mark wrote in message <7madhh$7kt$>...
>Well, if you take all the letters in
>Bill Gates III and then convert it into ASCII code (American Standard Code
>for Info. Interchange) and then add up all the will get 666,
>which is the number of the beast.

Interesting thought.

>B = 66
>I = 73
>L = 76
>L = 76
>G = 71
>A = 65
>T = 84
>E = 69
>S = 83

This much adds up to 663.

>I = 1
>I = 1
>I = 1

Does this add up to 3 ?

What letter are you using for "lll" ?

Lower case "L" ?
Upper case "I" ?

The "letter" given by the ASCII code of number (one) is "SOH", which I think
is "start of header".

>Add these numbers and they equal 666. Coincidence? Perhaps....


Jul 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/11/99
You have to convert 666 to Roman Numerals first. This isn't based on a
name, let alone the ASCII value of a name at all. I remember writing to
Gates about the true meaning of 666. He must have taken me very seriously,
because he offs his money and refused to even look at his stock quotes. He
even wrote about it in a column he wrote. You see the REAL meaning of 666 is
explained on my web page: The whole page is a
kick.... The starting picture is my view of Gates...

There is a JOKE here. Go figure... There must be a DEMON in our mist because
this is certainly a BEAST! It's like saying your ABCs. People today don't
know how to do math in other number systems. I do! Many...

DC + LX + VI = 600 + 60 + 6 = 666

It means people who count have the MARK of the BEAST. The people obsessed
with money and keeping track of it fall in to the same group as in The Time
of Christ. Let us NOT for get what GOOD FRIDAY is all about. He warned of
the pending fall and it do come to the Jew because they had the MARK just as
people do today. Jew who wanted money turn Jesus over to the government for
money.. There is a Judas in our mist today...

DCLXVI -- The Mark of the BEAST! D C L X V I is like 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
--- It's a count down or blast off of numerals. Watch that stock market.
and think 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 --- we've got blast off....

Count those $$$ folks... and be marked! Gates may have a huge amount of
money, but he won't count it or even deal with it. He leaves that to his
wife, accounts and father... :-)

Now this isn't a coincidence.... Gates does have everyone in the world
counting that stock market and money--his included. But he is superstitious
and numerology is something he would pay attention too...:-)



Jul 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/11/99
Well, try him for harassy then and get it over with! You still have to
calculate the odds of 666 happening three times!!
what are the odds???? not to mention the hall of tortured souls! Where
the F!@$ did that come from?????

my URL

Roger, author, "The Revelation"

Vicki wrote:

> >
> > Mark wrote in message <7madhh$7kt$>...
> > >Well, if you take all the letters in
> > >Bill Gates III and then convert it into ASCII code (American
> Standard Code
> > >for Info. Interchange) and then add up all the will
> get 666,
> > >which is the number of the beast.
> > >
> >
> > Interesting thought.

> Vicki writes
> Not really, you know how many other men have been
> shown to be the anti-christ.
> One thing is he must fit the requirements.
> Bill does not! You can try many different
> ways to make him fit,as they have done with many
> others in the past, like Ronald Reagan, the Pope, etc.
> I have given an example of one posted elsewhere.
> Gates is not. I could go into more detail.
> But it isn't neccessary as your REALLY not
> interesting in it, as the whole reason is to heap
> more smear and bullshit on Gates and MS to make
> him the Ultimate back guy!
> The mouse and monitor the mark...PLEASE!
> It is said the scanner that scans the eye was and
> the scanner that scans your fingerprints.
> All wrong cause people attempt to FORCE things
> It states a mark IN...see that key word IN
> the right hand or forehead. Which would
> make sense if one had no hands, uh?
> The ability to track people as well as goods is not
> impossible with our technology to day. They do goods now
> with ic chips...animals...etc.etc.
> Will it come to that one day.
> I will not be surprised by anything the government
> attempts to do to rule over and control man
> in ways that overstep their right. But, we
> the people, as a majority always give them
> that power to do so. And we will
> have only ourselves to blame.
> Least that is how I feel, but I refuse to accept the
> blame as I have always fought agaisnt them
> overstepping the bounds of what is right and proper
> for a government not seeking abusive power as a goal.
> I will be free...or dead. I cannot be anything else.
> I would wither away in any case if I was enslaved or had
> to live under what so many have lived and still do.
> One of the other. Liberty in life or in death.
> Their is no other option for me.
> This is from another newsgroup.
> Subject: The pope is THE antichrist
> Date: 1999/06/15
> Author: jha_amin <>
> The Pope also has
> an official mitre with the title:VICARIUS FILII DEI
> inscribed on it which
> means VICAR OF THE SON OF GOD. This claim has been
> publicly stated through
> the years. The April 18, 1915 issue of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR
> states "The
> letters inscribed in the Pope's mitre are these:
> is Latin for Vicar of the Son of God. Revelation 13:18
> says, "Count the
> number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and
> his number is Six
> hundred threescore and six (666)."
> V=5
> I=1
> C=100
> A=0
> R=0
> I=1
> U=5
> S=0
> F=0
> I=1
> L=50
> I=1
> I=1
> D=500
> E=0
> I=1
> ------------
> total= 666
> Vicki writes
> So you see....I don't believe you can even consider
> the 3rd to be part of his name,not really.

> > >B = 66
> > >I = 73
> > >L = 76
> > >L = 76
> > >G = 71
> > >A = 65
> > >T = 84
> > >E = 69
> > >S = 83
> >
> > This much adds up to 663.
> >
> > >I = 1
> > >I = 1
> > >I = 1
> >
> > Does this add up to 3 ?
> >
> > What letter are you using for "lll" ?
> >
> > Lower case "L" ?
> > Upper case "I" ?
> >
> > The "letter" given by the ASCII code of number (one) is "SOH", which
> I think
> > is "start of header".
> >
> >

> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Jul 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/11/99
Hey Mark, don't pay attention to mockers... most people haven't done enough
research to even know what the fuck is going on,.... the human race is dumb and
everybody knows it.



Mark wrote:

> This arrived this morning.
> It was new to me but you may know of this, already; in which case, I
> apologise.
> It will amuse some, disturb others or just seem funny in a quirky sort of
> way.
> best wishes,
> Mark
> Read on ...
> Something To Think About.................
> Did you know that Bill Gates' real name is William Henry Gates III?
> Nowadays, he is known as Bill Gates (III) where III means the order of
> third.
> So what's so eerie about this name? Well, if you take all the letters in

> Bill Gates III and then convert it into ASCII code (American Standard Code
> for Info. Interchange) and then add up all the will get 666,
> which is the number of the beast.

> B = 66
> I = 73
> L = 76
> L = 76
> G = 71
> A = 65
> T = 84
> E = 69
> S = 83

> I = 1
> I = 1
> I = 1

> Add these numbers and they equal 666. Coincidence? Perhaps....

> Maybe, but take Windows 95 and do the same procedure and you will get 666
> also. And even MS-DOS 6.31 adds up to 666. Still think it is
> coincidence?Stay with gets better.
> For those of you who still have the old excel 95 (not office 97) try this
> out: (this really works)
> 1 - Open a new file
> 2 - Scroll down to row 95
> 3 - Click on the row 95 button to highlight the entire row
> 4 - Press tab to move to the second column
> 5 - Now, move your mouse and click on help at the top
> 6 - Then click on "about Microsoft excel"
> 7 - Press ctrl-alt-shift and click on the tech support button at the same
> time.
> A window will appear with the title: THE HALL OF TORTURED SOULS. This is
> really eerie, okay! It has a doom style format and you can walk all around
> the hall using the arrow keys. On the sides of the walls are the names of
> the tortured souls.... now walk up the stairs and then come back down,
> facing the blank wall. Now type in EXCELKFA; this will open the blank wall
> to reveal another secret passage, walk through the passage and do not fall
> off. This is difficult to do. When you get to the end you will see something
> really, really eerie.
> As of this point in time, countless witnesses all over the world have
> verified that it is a real eye opener. It could be a joke by MS programmers.
> Or is it?
> Would it be too surprising if Bill Gates was the antichrist? After all, the
> bible foretold that someone powerful would rise up and lead the world to
> destruction. And Bill Gates definitely has this kind of power in his hands.
> More than 80% of computers in the world today run on windows and DOS
> (including those at the Pentagon). If all of his products have some kind of
> small program embedded, like this "hall of tortured souls," that can give
> him control to set off nuclear arsenals, create havoc in security systems
> and financial systems all over the world, etc. All from his headquarters.
> This isn't too far from reality. Just by using the Internet Explorer may
> just allow him to map out what you have on your computer bit by bit each
> time you log on. Perhaps the end of time is near and this is just the tip of
> the iceberg?
> Quote from the Bible: "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and
> poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his
> forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is
> the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If
> anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is
> man's number. His number is 666. " Revelation 13:16-18 "
> This is something you should think about. If the Bible, in the book of
> Revelations, says that without the sign of the beast, one would not be able
> to buy, sell, do business transactions, etc., then my question to you now is
> this....
> Is the Internet a necessity today for doing business? The Internet also
> bears the sign. Note that the Internet is often referred to as the World
> Wide Web, or www. Another way to write W is
> V/ or VI.
> W W W
> 6 6 6
> Here is something to ponder. Isn't everything going towards the Internet?
> (i.e., buying, selling, business transactions) Isn't Microsoft always on the
> move to have a monopoly when it comes to software technology? And now the
> Internet?
> Revelations also says that the mark of the beast will be carved on one's
> hand and on one's forehead. If the Internet would indeed be the beast,
> aren't we all starting to carry it on our hands and foreheads? The screen is
> the forehead and the hand uses the mouse.
> Are things finally starting to fall into place or are we just letting our
> imagination run?? Remember, the devil came to cheat, steal and to destroy.
> So, be vigilant about Bill Gates and Microsoft!
> Coincidence? Maybe..........maybe not


Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99


Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99

> Mark wrote in message <7madhh$7kt$>...

> >Well, if you take all the letters in
> >Bill Gates III and then convert it into ASCII code (American
Standard Code
> >for Info. Interchange) and then add up all the will
get 666,
> >which is the number of the beast.
> >

> Interesting thought.


total= 666

> >B = 66
> >I = 73
> >L = 76
> >L = 76
> >G = 71
> >A = 65
> >T = 84
> >E = 69
> >S = 83

> This much adds up to 663.

> >I = 1
> >I = 1
> >I = 1

Don Zeigler

Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99
On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 01:35:40 +1000, Mark scribbled the following:

> This arrived this morning.
> It was new to me but you may know of this, already; in which case, I
> apologise.

Whatever you've smoked, I want some....
Don Zeigler Bluefield, WV
Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?


Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99
OK Mark, so your freaking me out a bit. Am I superstitious? I don't
believe so. Am I highly religious? Just run of the mill. I believe in a
much greater power ... etc. Am I intelligent? A high IQ mixed with a lot
of "street smarts", which would lead me to answer yes to that, as well.
Tell me something then ... why the heck are all the hairs on my body
standing on end after reading your little numerology compilation? Just


Mark wrote in message <7madhh$7kt$>...

>This arrived this morning.
>It was new to me but you may know of this, already; in which case, I



Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99

Vicki wrote in message <7mbhor$afu$>...

>Vicki writes
>So you see....I don't believe you can even consider
>the 3rd to be part of his name,not really.
>> >B = 66
>> >I = 73
>> >L = 76
>> >L = 76
>> >G = 71
>> >A = 65
>> >T = 84
>> >E = 69
>> >S = 83
>> This much adds up to 663.
>> >I = 1
>> >I = 1
>> >I = 1
>> Does this add up to 3 ?
>> What letter are you using for "lll" ?
>> Lower case "L" ?
>> Upper case "I" ?
>> The "letter" given by the ASCII code of number (one) is "SOH", which
>I think
>> is "start of header".

He is just trying to make the "III" part fit. It does not really. Good try


Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99

Mark wrote in message <7madhh$7kt$>...
>Maybe, but take Windows 95 and do the same procedure and you will get 666

Adding "WINDOWS 95" using all CAPS gives 665. Close !
The sum is much greater if you use lower case.

>And even MS-DOS 6.31 adds up to 666.

Adding "MS-DOS 6.31" using all CAPS gives 635. I did not bother trying lower
case because it would be much greater.

>Still think it is coincidence? Stay with gets better.

Where you one of those who took "basic" math in high school because you
could not cut a "real" math class ?

Please explain in more detail how you arrived at this conclusion. Maybe I'm
doing something wrong, but things don't seem to add up for me.


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
Hi Roger,
I take it you are the original author?
best wishes,

Roger <> wrote in message

> Well, try him for harassy then and get it over with! You still have to
> calculate the odds of 666 happening three times!!
> what are the odds???? not to mention the hall of tortured souls! Where
> the F!@$ did that come from?????
> my URL
> Roger, author, "The Revelation"
> Vicki wrote:
> > >

> > > Mark wrote in message <7madhh$7kt$>...

> > Vicki writes
> > So you see....I don't believe you can even consider
> > the 3rd to be part of his name,not really.
> >
> > > >B = 66
> > > >I = 73
> > > >L = 76
> > > >L = 76
> > > >G = 71
> > > >A = 65
> > > >T = 84
> > > >E = 69
> > > >S = 83
> > >
> > > This much adds up to 663.
> > >
> > > >I = 1
> > > >I = 1
> > > >I = 1
> > >
> > > Does this add up to 3 ?
> > >
> > > What letter are you using for "lll" ?
> > >
> > > Lower case "L" ?
> > > Upper case "I" ?
> > >
> > > The "letter" given by the ASCII code of number (one) is "SOH", which
> > I think
> > > is "start of header".
> > >
> > >
> >


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
The three letters are roman numerals.. I I I as in three ones...
thanks Bob. :-)

Bob wrote:

> Vicki wrote in message <7mbhor$afu$>...
> >

> >Vicki writes
> >So you see....I don't believe you can even consider
> >the 3rd to be part of his name,not really.
> >
> >
> >> >B = 66
> >> >I = 73
> >> >L = 76
> >> >L = 76
> >> >G = 71
> >> >A = 65
> >> >T = 84
> >> >E = 69
> >> >S = 83
> >>
> >> This much adds up to 663.
> >>
> >> >I = 1
> >> >I = 1
> >> >I = 1
> >>
> >> Does this add up to 3 ?
> >>
> >> What letter are you using for "lll" ?
> >>
> >> Lower case "L" ?
> >> Upper case "I" ?
> >>
> >> The "letter" given by the ASCII code of number (one) is "SOH", which
> >I think
> >> is "start of header".
> >>


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
The hall of tortured souls had to of been progammed by somebody within
Microsoft, this kind of thing doesn't happen without intelligent intervention.
Somebody (possibly) wanted to point the finger at Gates and expose him as the
anti-Christ. Is he or isn't he? It's difficult to accept, but one has to
concider it. Two times 666 appears and the third time the number 13 is
revealed. Not to mention "the hall of tortured souls" being programmed into the
OLD Excel 95. What the heck does tortured souls have to do with a spreadsheet
any way?

The ASCII values of "WINDOWS95" do add up to 665 which is one short of 666, Now
9 + 5 = 14 minus that "1" is 13. "13" is a masonic ritual number,. maybe that's
why "WINDOWS95" adds up to 665? hmmmm The Illumati are a strange bunch of
Occultists aren't they?

my url :

My name is Roger and I am Author of "The Revelation"

best regards.......

Mark wrote:

> This arrived this morning.
> It was new to me but you may know of this, already; in which case, I

> apologise.

> It will amuse some, disturb others or just seem funny in a quirky sort of
> way.
> best wishes,
> Mark

> Read on ...
> Something To Think About.................
> Did you know that Bill Gates' real name is William Henry Gates III?
> Nowadays, he is known as Bill Gates (III) where III means the order of
> third.

> So what's so eerie about this name? Well, if you take all the letters in

> Bill Gates III and then convert it into ASCII code (American Standard Code
> for Info. Interchange) and then add up all the will get 666,
> which is the number of the beast.

> B = 66
> I = 73
> L = 76
> L = 76
> G = 71
> A = 65
> T = 84
> E = 69
> S = 83

> I = 1
> I = 1
> I = 1

> Add these numbers and they equal 666. Coincidence? Perhaps....

> Maybe, but take Windows 95 and do the same procedure and you will get 666


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
It's MS-DOS(ASCII code 32)6.21 not 6.31
77 + 83 + 45 + 68 + 79 + 83 + 32 + 54 + 46 + 50 + 49 = 666

best regards. Roger

Bob wrote:

> Mark wrote in message <7madhh$7kt$>...
> >

> >Maybe, but take Windows 95 and do the same procedure and you will get 666
> >also.

> Adding "WINDOWS 95" using all CAPS gives 665. Close !
> The sum is much greater if you use lower case.

> >And even MS-DOS 6.31 adds up to 666.


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
In article <>,

Roger <> wrote:
> The hall of tortured souls had to of been progammed by somebody within
> Microsoft, this kind of thing doesn't happen without intelligent
> Somebody (possibly) wanted to point the finger at Gates and expose
him as the
> anti-Christ. Is he or isn't he?

Vicki writes
Not to worry Laz, oops I mean Bill, got you covered!
(this is what I get paid for!)....the guy was prolly a gamer.
Playing with peoples heads...LIKE YOURS!

How in the hell did you find it? I think one would have some knowledge
of it to begin with. I mean...who goes looking
for that shit? REALLY!!!!

"13" is a masonic ritual number,. maybe that's
> why "WINDOWS95" adds up to 665? hmmmm The Illumati are a strange
bunch of
> Occultists aren't they?

Vicki writes.
WAIT! WAIT Make up your mind! Is it the
a masonic/illumanti bunch, or is it gonna be
the pagan/mother earth bunch? Come on now. Can't have it or the other.


Utamaro Hashiyama

Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 16:48:08 -0400, "Angel_By_Day"
<> wrote:

>OK Mark, so your freaking me out a bit. Am I superstitious? I don't
>believe so. Am I highly religious? Just run of the mill. I believe in a
>much greater power ... etc. Am I intelligent? A high IQ mixed with a lot
>of "street smarts", which would lead me to answer yes to that, as well.
>Tell me something then ... why the heck are all the hairs on my body
>standing on end after reading your little numerology compilation? Just

It's probably because you haven't read any of the other replies. It
might also be that you're naive.



Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
>The hall of tortured souls had to of been progammed by somebody within
>Microsoft, this kind of thing doesn't happen without intelligent
>Somebody (possibly) wanted to point the finger at Gates and expose him as the
>anti-Christ. Is he or isn't he? It's difficult to accept, but one has to
>concider it. Two times 666 appears and the third time the number 13 is
>revealed. Not to mention "the hall of tortured souls" being programmed into
>OLD Excel 95. What the heck does tortured souls have to do with a
>any way?
The "Hall of Tortured Souls" is something called an "Easter egg." An ironic
name given what people are accusing Bill Gates of. Easter Eggs are features
hidden in programs, that require a series of complicated, convoluted steps be
carried out for them to run, but they really aren't all that evil, ominous, or
apocalyptic. What they really are just credit screens. They list the people
involved with creating the product. The names in the "Hall of Tortured Souls"
are just the individuals involved with creating that particular product or
program, in this case Exel 95. I assume that the Hall of Tortured Souls deal
just happens to be some programers trying to be humorous in much the same way
that many of us joke about our jobs as being hell. These "Easter Egg" features
aren't really a secret and there are quite a few of them hidden in computer
programs. Their only function is to give the creators of the programs some
credit, not to foretell the coming of the beast. Mr. Gates writes about Easter
eggs and his opinion of them in a November 96 column which is still available
online at his website. He specifically mentions the Excel 95 Easter Egg that we
discussing here, and gives directions on how to get to it. Sorry to disappoint
some of you who were looking for the antichrist, but I really don't think Bill
am it. But if he is...Does that make Linus Torvalds the second coming?(-:


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99

Sundreme wrote in message <>...

>But if he is...Does that make Linus Torvalds the second coming?(-:

Hmmm, maybe we should add up the ASCII values of "Linus Torvalds". What
could be hidden here ? Maybe Linus is SATAN !


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99

Bob wrote in message <>...

>Hmmm, maybe we should add up the ASCII values of "Linus Torvalds". What
>could be hidden here ? Maybe Linus is SATAN !


J = 74
O = 79
N = 78

S = 83
K = 75
E = 69
E = 69
T = 84

Total = 611

Hmmm, 611, Na, Nobody !


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99

Sundreme wrote in message <>...

>The "Hall of Tortured Souls" is something called an "Easter egg."

Thank You !

I knew of this kind of thing, just could not remember the term for it
"Easter egg".


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99

Roger wrote in message <>...

>Hey Mark, don't pay attention to mockers... most people haven't done
>research to even know what the fuck is going on,.... the human race is dumb
>everybody knows it.
>Mark wrote:
>> This arrived this morning.
>> It was new to me but you may know of this, already; in which case, I
>> apologise.
>> It will amuse some, disturb others or just seem funny in a quirky sort of
>> way.
>> best wishes,
>> Mark
>> Read on ...
>> Something To Think About.................

This is funny. I'm 48 retired engineer so I decided as a joke to forward
this off to one of my old friends who was a systems engineer at MS and is
now a retired Millionaire. We call these things Eggs! The are everywhere
in Windows products. Most engineers hate Gates because he is not so smart
and won't let them do good design. But I will admit, I'm getting some weird
things on my computer in Win 98. All the midi files that are of a religious
nature are duplicating. I now have 7 copies of the Ave Marie and the system
did it not me. Things just come to me without me searching at all.

I did a 3D graphic of Bill Gates as a scarecrow with a pumpkin head that
spun around and these files duplicated also. I can't find any logical
reason for any of this. But you can find references to it on my web. My
stuff is all personal. I've had a person involvement with Gates of the Trey
kind. It's gone on for 8 years and is major political with many of the older
engineers who deserted camp.

A lot of people have died due to Gates' brutal treatment. I'm not too sure
the rumors about ghosts in Gates house, Windows, MS applications and
haunting MS are false. Needless to say, a lot of people who have left
Microsoft are getting religion. He has had a literal Exodus by top
executives. These haunting are really getting to them over at MS.

Here is one of the most interesting things related to the Beast. In
Chinese, the character for Demon has the Windows logo in it at the dominant
feature. The uniform for MS Sales is a polo shirt with the Windows logo on
it. I even wrote to Gates about this and suggested that in Asia they may
want to change their logo because it might communicate the wrong message...
:-) And has any one ever noticed that the Window's logo is breaking up and
blowing in the wind?

Another bizarre thing that happened is that I actually saw a vortex over MS
from Marymoore Park on winter night at about 11:00PM. I know what they look
like because I use to live close to the Oregon Vortex and when the light is
at just the right angle you can see them. The one over Microsoft was
produced from the light in Seattle. Microsoft sits on a hill in Redmond and
I had to wonder why there would be a radio vortex there. I've meant Russian
scientist who claim that Vortexes are use by ETs as portholes. They jump
through space like we see in Deep Space Nine but do it from spots where
natural vortex. According to the Russians space travel is instantaneous and
timeless which is where Jody Foster's film Contact comes from.

But the Russians at St. Petersburg University say they can't really
communicate with the aliens. They are scared. They claim there are more
than one species and one is intent on taking control of Earth because of
these portholes. They use telepaths in an attempt to communicate with humans
but due to the differences in culture and evolution it's difficult for a
human to grasp what they are. Is this our real devil and angel concept?

The numerology in 666 is wrong because you've taken it out of context. Date
the original and rethink it. You come to the same conclusions. But it's the
count down. I've got this explained on my web.

From a purely scientific view, things are happening with our satellites and
our weather that are out of our control and seem to be manipulated. We are
dealing with a much higher power. I know it. My own personal conflict with
MS and involvement with Gates may be because he does have so much power and
they want to contact him. The only way they do it is via telepaths. I seem
to be able to read patterns better than normal people. I'm severely dyslexic
and was functionally illiterate at age 30 and not too long after that became
super literate and math conscious. I have NO memory of any thing like I've
ever seen on TV. In fact, I didn't own a TV until after this stated
happening to me and hadn't watch TV or seen many moves since the mid 60s.
I was a hippie chick in the counter culture living in Sprague River
Oregon... Look at the map and altitude. I bet the Government has. I've
never experienced anything that I would be frightened of. But I also have a
healthy distrust.

Perhaps the realities are more bizarre than fiction. My situation was more
like the movie Phenomena. I went through a major overhaul overnight and
ended up divorce because my husband was so freaked! :-)
Could be a natural Phenomena. Go figure. Go to my web site. I've had over
100M of data on my webs, 4 of which have been censored. I have 35Ms of just
what comes to me. I started dating it. The bit that happened with the SOHO
satellite is amazing. My pegasus alias is amazing too. I took it before I
started getting all the information about the satellites tumbling. I do 3D
graphics at random. You never now what will be there or why. The
government had me tested to death. I'm not crazy either. So what is it?

ET Phone HOME!

_ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _

` _
' * [o]
[ ] *
* `~
* *

Joan L. Brewer -- A Muse


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99

Bob wrote in message <>...

>Mark wrote in message <7madhh$7kt$>...
>>Maybe, but take Windows 95 and do the same procedure and you will get 666
>Adding "WINDOWS 95" using all CAPS gives 665. Close !
>The sum is much greater if you use lower case.
>>And even MS-DOS 6.31 adds up to 666.
>Where you one of those who took "basic" math in high school because you
>could not cut a "real" math class ?
>Please explain in more detail how you arrived at this conclusion. Maybe I'm
>doing something wrong, but things don't seem to add up for me.
There are math errors in various machines and processors, even versions of
Windows... Ever do binary math and then try to do decimal or a conversion.
The real way to do this is to do binary math or use a calculator. But the
real problem here is that they are using the wrong set for characters.

This is from a book prior to computers and is part of the Hebrew Cabalistic

1 = A
2 = B
3 = G
4 = D
5 = E
6 = U, V, W I think we hit one WWW = 666 = 18 = 9
7 = Z
8 = H, Ch
9 = Th
10 = I, J, Y
11 = C, K
12 = L
13 = M
14 = N
15 = X
16 = O
17 = F, Ph, P
18 = Sh, Ts, Tz
19 = Q
20 = R
21 = S
22 = T

Anyone need a lesson in numerology? Our alphabet is new and weird.

6 + 10 + 12 + 12 + 10 + 1 + 13 = 64 = 10 = 1 William becomes 1
8 + 5 + 14 + 20 + 10 = 57 = 12 = 3 Henry becomes 3
3 + 1 + 22 + 5 + 21 = 52 = 7 Gates becomes a 7
9 + 10 + 20 + 4 = 43 = 7 Third = 7
now if you want to use the III then you get:
10 + 10 + 10 = 30 = 3

so he is a 1 3 7 7 or a 1 3 7 3. Cool numbers. Why are certain numbers
considered so lucky? History and an association tied to our genes perhaps.
Or maybe we are tagged like bread animals by aliens. : -)

Any way you do it Gates has a lot of lucky numbers... It's a crap shoot.

what about his birth date October 28, 1955 == 10 + 28 + 19 + 55 = 10 + 10
+ 10 +10 = 40 = 4

The way you really do numerology is visually. You have to see the pattern.
WWW = 666 = 9
Remember Microsoft and Gates were late into the Internet and the WWW. Gates
does numerology. It's a very old science or code system. He even use to
have a crystal ball on the table in his office.

I would say the real mark of the best is first the Internet...
second it would be the Roman count DC + LX + VI = 600 + 60 + 6 = 666
DCLXVI -- The Mark of the BEAST! In Roman numerals this is a count down.

It's like saying your ABCs. People today don't know how to do math in other

number systems. I do! Many... Count those $$$ folks on the Internet ... and
be marked with WWW = 666 = DCLXVI... :-) Now this is real spooky stuff.
:-) If you read my e-mail to Gates that is on my web and has gotten me into
mucho trouble with his attorneys yet again (they want to put me in jail).

My web is in code. Apply the old numology to anyone. It's really insiteful. crawl out from under
that rock baby it's time to

Gates' real web site: Got to the e-cards and select
blue jeans. Those attorneys can be damned.

Rock n' Roll those bones... J~ a perfect 10 or the 1 and only UN.


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99

Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>Bob wrote in message <>...

Good Weed Huh ?


Jul 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/15/99
Over you head hah? I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
comments.? It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave. Yes, on some
of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.

You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex chat.
The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.

This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
this--you know--a systems person.

I was checking on my Medicare and Medicaid rights. I came across their Y2K
by accident and began to read what they were doing... It's more like Y2HELL

(final comments by systems engineer)

The bottom line is that windowing is probably the fastest solution on Y2K,
especially for those who started late. Also, windowing was adopted early on
by EDS as a corporate approach to Y2K. So, states that started late or
states that use EDS as a fiscal agent are likely to use windowing. It is
important, however, especially where the data exchanges remained in 6 digit
format for such entities to clearly and effectively communicate data
exchange rules to their partners and to gain buy-in for those rules.


Presumably, for cases in which the submitter is telling the provider to "do
nothing", the submitter is giving the provider software to react to the "00"
when the remit advice and other transactions arrive back at the provider
site. In cases where the billing agent does not write the software for the
provider shop or does not provide a terminal-to-data base relationship, it
is unclear how the provider will be able to cope with data with the year
2000 and beyond. The provider has "side-stepped" the requirement, but has
not enabled _herself_ to handle year 2000 and beyond transactions. The "00"
still compares low (early) to "99" whereas the correct year "2000" compares
high (later) to "1999". Unfortunately, the programs will probably not "blow
up" in this case, but run on, with unpredictable results.

NOTE: he used the feminine. I've been dealing with the state Social Service
Dept. regarding my situation via e-mail and they are incompetent--perhaps
due to intelligence but to training. And they are all sheeeZ~

You know the whole medical industry is like this. It's one of the first
industries to computerize and do data exchange for information, records and
billing. All the paper back up systems are gone. So I expect that this
method that was developed by EDS as the corporate solution will be
unpredictable for everyone. We really don't know do we.... And I might
point out that EDS is a company that handles Mainframes.

Every time I interact with these people in DC or in my local state it scares
the hell out of me. My case worker for my handicap services is a National
and the women are scared of the computer as it is. They were only using
these automated PC computer system for about 3 years when the state started
moving them all to Microsoft Windows which is so complex for them they are
overwhelmed. Windows is a MALE interface that even most women engineers
dislike. But for female bureaucrats its like HELL. Social work and customer
services--billing, record keeping, etc. -- in corporations and hospitals is
one of those lower paying jobs that college educated women could get and
they almost are all we got. It's scary... These women I'm dealing
with--about 6 of them--can't open an attachment even when it's a text
attachment or gif file. Yet they keep sending me odd files with bizarre
extensions. They are using Windows too, but also are
using 3270 terminal emulation which looks like a Windows app. They don't
know the difference. :-) So I tell them that I always send attachments that
will automatically display in their Windows e-mail or can be double clicked
on.... Oh.... Ah... What a wonderful notion.

We are totally DOOMED now.

_ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _

` _
' * [o]
[ ] *
* `~
* *


Bob wrote in message <>...


Jul 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/15/99

Mnemosyne wrote in message ...
>Over you head hah?

Nope. Under it.

>I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of

So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.

>It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

No one is asking you to stay.

>Yes, on some
>of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
>and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.

There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.

>You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
>of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex

It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.

>The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.

No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.

>This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>this--you know--a systems person.

Oh No !!! The government is taking over !!! RUN !!!

Waste of time reading further.


Jul 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/16/99
Your right I read the other posts a little late, lol. As for naive ... I
wish I was still naive. :-)

>Utamaro Hashiyama

Utamaro Hashiyama wrote in message <>...


Jul 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/16/99
You never fail to crack me up, Bob. Thanks. :-) <==========> ~~

Stephen H. Kawamoto

Jul 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/21/99
This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the one
that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital illnesses.
I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much antibiotics in
the UV drip?

Bob wrote:

> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

> >Over you head hah?
> Nope. Under it.

You must sleep like a baby at night.

> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
> >comments.?

> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.

This must be your first time.

> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

> No one is asking you to stay.

No one asked you to comment.

> >Yes, on some
> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
> >

> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.

How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
> chat.

> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.

Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy and

> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
> >

> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.

WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most significent
digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.

NEW = 666.

Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.

What are you "Bob"?

> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
> >this--you know--a systems person.
> >

> Oh No !!! The government is taking over !!! RUN !!!
> Waste of time reading further.

At which point Bob's mind snapped shut like a steel trap, and he went on else
where. Hm... I wonder where?

----Begin Geek Code Block----
G!/O C++>$ dpu s--|-- a+ P-- L + c- W+ N++ o-- K- w PS++
PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5 x R* !tv b+++ DI++ G e h-- r- y+>-
-----End Geek Code Block-----


Jul 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/21/99

Stephen H. Kawamoto wrote in message <>...

Ok, I guess I have to admit that you made a good point : Your a waco also !

>This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the
>that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital
>I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much
antibiotics in
>the UV drip?
>Bob wrote:

>> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>> >Over you head hah?
>> Nope. Under it.
>You must sleep like a baby at night.

>> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
>> >comments.?

>> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
>This must be your first time.

>> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

>> No one is asking you to stay.
>No one asked you to comment.

>> >Yes, on some
>> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both
>> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
>> >

>> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just
>> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a
>How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

>> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with
>> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
>> chat.

>> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang
>Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
>If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy

>> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
>> >

>> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
>> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
>WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most
>digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
>NEW = 666.
>Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
>What are you "Bob"?

>> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>> >this--you know--a systems person.
>> >


Jul 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/22/99







Visit "The Revelation"

"Stephen H. Kawamoto" wrote:

> This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the one
> that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital illnesses.
> I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much antibiotics in
> the UV drip?
> Bob wrote:

> > Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

> > >Over you head hah?
> >
> > Nope. Under it.
> >
> You must sleep like a baby at night.
> >

> > >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
> > >comments.?
> >

> > So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
> >
> This must be your first time.
> >

> > >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
> > >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.
> >

> > No one is asking you to stay.
> >
> No one asked you to comment.
> >

> > >Yes, on some
> > >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
> > >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
> > >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
> > >
> >

> > There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
> > no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.
> >
> How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?
> >

> > >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
> > >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
> > >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
> > >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
> > chat.
> >

> > It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.
> >
> Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
> If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy and
> lies.
> >

> > >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
> > >
> >

> > No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
> > three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
> >
> WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most significent
> digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
> NEW = 666.
> Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
> What are you "Bob"?
> >

> > >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
> > >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
> > >this--you know--a systems person.
> > >
> >


Jul 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/22/99








Visit "The Revelation"

Bob wrote:

> Stephen H. Kawamoto wrote in message <>...
> Ok, I guess I have to admit that you made a good point : Your a waco also !

> >This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the
> one
> >that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital
> illnesses.
> >I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much
> antibiotics in
> >the UV drip?
> >
> >Bob wrote:
> >

> >> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

> >> >Over you head hah?
> >>
> >> Nope. Under it.
> >>
> >
> >You must sleep like a baby at night.
> >
> >>

> >> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
> >> >comments.?
> >>

> >> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
> >>
> >
> >This must be your first time.
> >
> >>

> >> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
> >> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.
> >>

> >> No one is asking you to stay.
> >>
> >
> >No one asked you to comment.
> >
> >>

> >> >Yes, on some
> >> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both
> science
> >> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
> >> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
> >> >
> >>

> >> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just
> makes
> >> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a
> little.
> >>
> >
> >How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?
> >
> >>

> >> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with
> some
> >> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
> >> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
> >> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
> >> chat.
> >>

> >> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang
> out.
> >>
> >
> >Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
> >If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy
> and
> >lies.
> >
> >>

> >> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
> >> >
> >>

> >> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
> >> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
> >>
> >
> >WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most
> significent
> >digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
> >
> >NEW = 666.
> >
> >Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
> >
> >What are you "Bob"?
> >
> >>

> >> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
> >> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
> >> >this--you know--a systems person.
> >> >
> >>


Jul 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/22/99

Larry wrote in message <>...


huh, what ? what the hell are you talking about ?

I did not say a computer made that up. I know a programmer programmed it.
Know what your talking about before you post something stupid like this.


Jul 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/24/99
hey Bob, . explain where the "HALL OF TORTURED SOULS" came from.
Computers cannot make up stuff on their own.... it had to of been
programmed by somebody in Microsoft..

I personally think you know nothing about this subject. You haven't
explained where the hall of tortured souls came from.. DUH!

have a nice day!

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 18:56:43 -0500, "Bob" <>

>Stephen H. Kawamoto wrote in message <>...
>Ok, I guess I have to admit that you made a good point : Your a waco also !
>>This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the
>>that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital
>>I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much
>antibiotics in
>>the UV drip?
>>Bob wrote:

>>> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>>> >Over you head hah?
>>> Nope. Under it.
>>You must sleep like a baby at night.

>>> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
>>> >comments.?

>>> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
>>This must be your first time.

>>> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>>> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

>>> No one is asking you to stay.
>>No one asked you to comment.

>>> >Yes, on some
>>> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both
>>> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>>> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
>>> >

>>> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just
>>> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a
>>How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

>>> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with
>>> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>>> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>>> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
>>> chat.

>>> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang
>>Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
>>If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy

>>> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
>>> >

>>> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
>>> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
>>WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most
>>digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
>>NEW = 666.
>>Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
>>What are you "Bob"?

>>> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>>> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>>> >this--you know--a systems person.
>>> >


Jul 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/24/99

KLP wrote in message <>...

>hey Bob, . explain where the "HALL OF TORTURED SOULS" came from.
>Computers cannot make up stuff on their own.... it had to of been
>programmed by somebody in Microsoft..
>I personally think you know nothing about this subject. You haven't
>explained where the hall of tortured souls came from.. DUH!
>have a nice day!


Read the newsgroup more CLOSELY !

Again "I will repeat". Read the newsgroup more CLOSELY !

Again "I will repeat". Read the newsgroup more CLOSELY !

WHY you need to read the news group more CLOSELY Is because:






I do NOT have or EVER HEVE HAD "Microsoft Accel". I have NEVER EVER seen

What you need to do KLP is READ THE NEWSGROUP MORE CLOSELY and trace back to
the person who DID start the subject of "HALL OF THE TORTURED SOULS" and ASK
THEM !!!






To put it in your DUMB words: DUH !


Jul 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/24/99

Mike wrote in message <>...
>Youre argument has no basis in fact.
>"The Hall of Tortured souls" was programmed by somebody at Microsoft,
>PERIOD. There's no denying this,.. Who did it? and for what
>purpose did they do it??

Hey Mike. I've never seen "The Hall of Tortured Souls". You tell me. I can't
answer your questions. I don't have Microsoft "Excel", or whatever this
stuff is supposed to be in.

As for "argument", since I've never seen it, I have no argument about it. I
do not know who did it, or for what purpose.

What does the "Hall Of Tortured Souls" do or look like ? Please tell me. I'm
curious what people are arguing with me about ?

Sorry, never seen it !!!


Jul 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/24/99

Johne7771 wrote in message <>...


I was trying to explain to these idiots that the ASCII values do not add up.
They in return give me a bunch of numerology CRAP that makes no sense. I'm
glad to see that there is at lease one sane person out there.

>> but take Windows 95 and do the same procedure and you will get 666

>>And even MS-DOS 6.31 adds
>>up to 666.

>WINDOWS 95 = 665 MS-DOS6.31=635
>W=87 M=77
>I=73 S=83
>N=78 - =45
>D=68 D=68
>O=79 O=79
>W=87 S=83
>S=83 6=54
>9=57 . =46
>5=53 3=51 1=49


Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
Youre argument has no basis in fact.
"The Hall of Tortured souls" was programmed by somebody at Microsoft,
PERIOD. There's no denying this,.. Who did it? and for what
purpose did they do it??

On Sat, 24 Jul 1999 17:19:25 -0500, "Bob" <>


Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99

It's MS DOS 6.21

NOT 6.31


Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
To all you mockers out there....

Answer the question as to where the "hall of tortured souls" came

Who programmed it into the software?

and what the hell does it have to do with OFFICE management

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 04:13:00 -0700, "Stephen H. Kawamoto"
<> wrote:

>This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the one
>that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital illnesses.
>I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much antibiotics in
>the UV drip?
>Bob wrote:

>> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>> >Over you head hah?
>> Nope. Under it.
>You must sleep like a baby at night.

>> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
>> >comments.?

>> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
>This must be your first time.

>> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

>> No one is asking you to stay.
>No one asked you to comment.

>> >Yes, on some
>> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
>> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
>> >

>> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
>> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.
>How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

>> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
>> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
>> chat.

>> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.
>Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
>If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy and

>> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
>> >

>> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
>> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
>WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most significent
>digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
>NEW = 666.
>Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
>What are you "Bob"?

>> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>> >this--you know--a systems person.
>> >


Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99

"The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the
universe, the rules of the game are the laws of nature. The player on
the other side is hidden
from us."
-- Thomas Henry Huxley

"In every grain of wheat there lies hidden the soul of a star."
-- Arthur Machen

"The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are and the Old Ones will be...
not in the spaces we know of, but _between_ them ... Yog-Sothoth is
the Gate."
-- Abd al-Hazred, _Al Azif_

"All perception is inferential; all inference uncertain; all
theory, a combination of perception and inference, is therefore
educated guessing."
-- de Selby, _Golden Hours_, I, 93

These days most people have heard of Microsoft Corporation, and its
founder Bill Gates. The majority of computers in use today use
Microsoft system software, and those that do not
often run applications from Microsoft. However, few people know the
true story behind the rise of Microsoft and even fewer suspect the
terrible cosmic secrets that are concealed beneath
the facade of a successful software company.

In the Object Linking and Embedding 2.0 Programmer's Reference there
is a very curious term. On page 78, the second paragraph starts with
the sentence, "In the aggregation model, this
internal communication is achieved through coordination with a special
instance of IUnknown interface known as the controlling unknown of the
aggregate." The term "controlling
unknown" is a very interesting choice of words. It is not the most
intuitively obvious term for what it is describing (a base class used
for implementing an object-oriented data
exchange/embedding system).

A term strikingly similar to "controlling unknown" was the term
"unknown superiors", used by many occult secret societies. These
included the Strict Observance Masonic lodge, whose
members were sometimes referred to as "illuminati", and which had some
connection with Adam Weishaupt's order. "Unknown superiors" is a term
that refers to non-corporeal or
superhuman agencies in command of secret societies or mystery cults.
Such an agency is frequently known as the "inner head" of an order of
organisation, as opposed to the outer head,
who is human.

Organisations that claimed or were claimed to be commanded by such
"unknown superiors" include the Ordo Templi Orientis of Aleister
Crowley and the Knights Templar, whose Inner
Head was apparently a being named Baphomet.

Apart from the term "controlling unknown", another hint at the secrets
behind Microsoft is the fact that Microsoft Windows has a limit of
five window device contexts. Five is a decidedly
odd number for such an application, being neither a power of two nor
one less than a power of two, but let us not forget Adam Weishaupt's
discovery of the Law of Fives in the

Few people for sure how many buildings there are in the Microsoft
campus in Redmond, WA. No maps of the entire facility are known to
exist. Some Microsoft employees put the
estimate at six or three. An article in an Australian newspaper has
claimed that there are 22 buildings. That is partly true; however,
there is another building, hidden from the public and even
from most Microsoft employees. The twenty-third building, or Building
7, is pentagonal in shape; its exact location is known only to five
people (of whom Bill Gates may be one), however
it is believed that the building is accessible from elsewhere in the
Microsoft campus by a secret passage.

What is in the five sided building is not known. However, it is
believed that the contents of Building 7 are of a supernatural nature.
Apart from the Pentagon, there was a similar five-sided
building in Nazi Germany. This has been carefully kept hidden from the
public. One hypothesis is that Building 7 is inhabited by, or used to
communicate with, the Inner Head, or
"controlling unknown". The identity of the Outer Head is unknown. Bill
Gates may be the Outer Head, a high initiate of the conspiracy or just
a figurehead whose purpose it is to divert

To fully understand this history, or whatever of it may be understood
by human minds, one must have some knowledge of the history and
origins of the Illuminati. Little is known about the
Illuminati, but what is known is that the Illuminati can be definitely
traced back to 1776.

On Walpurgis night 1776, five men met in a cavern deep beneath
Ingolstadt, Bavaria. There they invoked some sort of supernatural
beings and made contact with the Unknown Superiors.
The following day, one of these five men proclaimed the foundation of
the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria, using the name "Adam
Weishaupt", which means "the first man to know the

Although the Illuminati were officially disbanded in 1785, they did
not disappear; throughout the past 200 years, they have been observing
the profane world carefully, and occasionally
intervening (as they did in Sarajevo in 1914, St. Petersburg in 1917,
Manhattan in 1929 (to divert attention from a rather unpleasant affair
off the coast of New England) and Dallas in
1963 to name a few cases. Their contacts with the Unknown Superiors
continued in specially constructed buildings, originally in Germany
but later in Washington. During the 1920s and
1930s there occurred a potential problem; a young writer named Howard
Phillips Lovecraft published many stories which contained allegories
to Illuminated history (for example, Joseph
Curwen's invocation of "Yogge-Sothothe" in an underground complex in
the 18th century). It is believed that Lovecraft's father was a Grand
Orient Freemason. The Illuminati, however,
persuaded Lovecraft to join their cause and faked his death in 1937
(Have you ever wondered why his grave is not marked?) Another incident
occurred on October 21, 1967, when
occultists attempted to "raise" the Pentagon; they were given
permission to approach it but prevented from completely encircling it.
However, in 1975, a crisis developed that threatened
the very foundation of the Illuminati.

A book, claiming to be a fantasy novel, appeared. This book was mostly
fiction; however, it hinted at the secrets of the Illuminati (even
going as far as using Lovecraft's term
"Yog-Sothoth" for the Unknown Superior). To this day it is not known
whether the authors were renegade Illuminati or whether the
information was acquired from informers within the
organisation. The book was called Illuminatus!

Immediately, the Illuminati convened an emergency meeting in Cesme,
Turkey. There they discussed a contingency plan to restructure the
organisation and to move the Pentacle of
Invocation to a new location. They decided on setting up a small
computer company in one of the smaller cities of the United States as
a front. That year, Microsoft Corporation was

But why did the Illuminati select a software company and not, say, a
company that manages investments or makes kitchen appliances? The
answer lies in symbolism (Perhaps because of
their invlovement in mystick arts such as the Cabala, the Illuminati
have always had an affinity for symbolism). There is a recurring
legend about a device in the form of a human head which
could answer yes/no questions (some link this device to the Knights
Templar and their god Baphomet; others claim that Pope Sylvester, who
lived in the tenth century, brought such an
object back from India, where he met the "Nine Unknown Men"). This
device is extremely suggestive of a computer of some sort, and if it
did exist in anything more than hermetic allegory,
it could not have been manufactured by any human civilisation of the
time whose existence is known. Hence, the Illuminati decided to use a
computer company as a front.

It has been already speculated that the name of the founder, Bill
Gates, is a code much as "Adam Weishaupt" was a code. Apart from being
the name of a magician in Aleister Crowley's
novel, "Moonchild", Gates is a reference to the Unknown Superior and
the gateway between ordinary reality and the Invisible World;
Lovecraft himself referred to Yog-Sothoth as "the
Gateless Gate". By the same token, IBM can be said to stand not for
"International Business Machines" but rather for "Iacobus Burgundus
Molensis", or Jacques de Molay, the last overt
Grand Master of the Knights Templar, whose name was borrowed by the
Bavarian Illuminati for one of their ciphers. One must also not forget
that a Microsoft network administration tool
currently under development is named Hermes, after the god of alchemy,
and that a line in Umberto Eco's novel, _Foucault's Pendulum_ reads,
quite clearly, "Microsoft-Hermes".


* Some sources claim that the copy of the Necronomicon which Adam
Weishaupt owned was the von Junzt German translation; this, however,
is unlikely, as von Junzt lived in the
nineteenth century. The Necronomicon involved was probably either
Olaus Wormius' Latin edition or the original Arabic, as the details of
the illustrations would attest.

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 04:13:00 -0700, "Stephen H. Kawamoto"
<> wrote:

>This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the one
>that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital illnesses.
>I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much antibiotics in
>the UV drip?
>Bob wrote:

>> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>> >Over you head hah?
>> Nope. Under it.
>You must sleep like a baby at night.

>> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
>> >comments.?

>> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
>This must be your first time.

>> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

>> No one is asking you to stay.
>No one asked you to comment.

>> >Yes, on some
>> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
>> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
>> >

>> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
>> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.
>How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

>> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
>> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
>> chat.

>> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.
>Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
>If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy and

>> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
>> >

>> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
>> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
>WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most significent
>digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
>NEW = 666.
>Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
>What are you "Bob"?

>> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>> >this--you know--a systems person.
>> >


Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99

Mike wrote in message <>...


>Youre argument has no basis in fact.
>"The Hall of Tortured souls" was programmed by somebody at Microsoft,
>PERIOD. There's no denying this,.. Who did it? and for what
>purpose did they do it??


Read the newsgroup more CLOSELY !

Again "I will repeat". Read the newsgroup more CLOSELY !

Again "I will repeat". Read the newsgroup more CLOSELY !

WHY you need to read the news group more CLOSELY Is because:






I do NOT have or EVER HEVE HAD "Microsoft Excel". I have NEVER EVER seen


What you need to do MIKE is READ THE NEWSGROUP MORE CLOSELY and trace back

to the person who DID start the subject of "HALL OF THE TORTURED SOULS" and








Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
>To all you mockers out there....
>Answer the question as to where the "hall of tortured souls" came
>Who programmed it into the software?
>and what the hell does it have to do with OFFICE management

I'm sorry, but I believed I answered that question a while back...Below is my
original post on the matter.

The "Hall of Tortured Souls" is something called an "Easter egg." An ironic
name given what people are accusing Bill Gates of. Easter Eggs are features
hidden in programs, that require a series of complicated, convoluted steps be
carried out for them to run, but they really aren't all that evil, ominous, or
apocalyptic. What they really are just credit screens. They list the people
involved with creating the product. The names in the "Hall of Tortured Souls"
are just the individuals involved with creating that particular product or
program, in this case Exel 95. I assume that the Hall of Tortured Souls deal
just happens to be some programers trying to be humorous in much the same way
that many of us joke about our jobs as being hell. These "Easter Egg" features
aren't really a secret and there are quite a few of them hidden in computer
programs. Their only function is to give the creators of the programs some
credit, not to foretell the coming of the beast. Mr. Gates writes about Easter
eggs and his opinion of them in a November 96 column which is still available
online at his website. He specifically mentions the Excel 95 Easter Egg that we
discussing here, and gives directions on how to get to it. Sorry to disappoint
some of you who were looking for the antichrist, but I really don't think Bill

am it. But if he is...Does that make Linus Torvalds the second coming?(-:


Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
I think deep down inside we all know what the truth is but some of us
are in denial because we are afraid.


On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 04:13:00 -0700, "Stephen H. Kawamoto"
<> wrote:

>This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the one
>that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital illnesses.
>I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much antibiotics in
>the UV drip?
>Bob wrote:

>> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>> >Over you head hah?
>> Nope. Under it.
>You must sleep like a baby at night.

>> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
>> >comments.?

>> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
>This must be your first time.

>> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

>> No one is asking you to stay.
>No one asked you to comment.

>> >Yes, on some
>> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
>> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
>> >

>> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
>> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.
>How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

>> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
>> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
>> chat.

>> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.
>Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
>If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy and

>> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
>> >

>> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
>> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
>WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most significent
>digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
>NEW = 666.
>Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
>What are you "Bob"?

>> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>> >this--you know--a systems person.
>> >

Weston Kesler

Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
Bill Gates certainly fits in with the part of the anti-Christ aye?

hmmm interesting.... makes you wonder what is going on.


On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 04:13:00 -0700, "Stephen H. Kawamoto"
<> wrote:

>This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the one
>that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital illnesses.
>I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much antibiotics in
>the UV drip?
>Bob wrote:

>> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>> >Over you head hah?
>> Nope. Under it.
>You must sleep like a baby at night.

>> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
>> >comments.?

>> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
>This must be your first time.

>> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

>> No one is asking you to stay.
>No one asked you to comment.

>> >Yes, on some
>> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
>> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
>> >

>> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
>> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.
>How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

>> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
>> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
>> chat.

>> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.
>Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
>If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy and

>> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
>> >

>> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
>> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
>WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most significent
>digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
>NEW = 666.
>Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
>What are you "Bob"?

>> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>> >this--you know--a systems person.
>> >


Jul 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/28/99
Hey Bob did you read this illuninati nonsense too? It's funny but when someone
mentions anything to do with organized religion on this site,a lot of replies
come back in the vein that "that organized religion stuff is nonsense." But
when someone starts talking about some far fetched conspirousy,You end up
getting replies like"wow that is interesting or I think that might be
true".People watch too many movies and T.V.. The world is far more rational
then that dramatic crap that most people seem to be brainwashed with.And
another thing,it may be true about MS-DOS6.21 adding up but the rest
dosen't.And this "Hall of Tortured Souls",everyone is so quick to pass on the
message, but I can't find one person who has actually seen it.I think that it
is our obligation as members or contributors to Newsgroups to do our homework
and try to pass on factual info.Truth and reality are the glue that hold all
the popsicle sticks together.If you go in a mental institution you can see all
the popsicle sticks scattered about the floor.

el gato

Jul 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/29/99







Visit "The Revelation"

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 04:13:00 -0700, "Stephen H. Kawamoto"
<> wrote:

>This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the one
>that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital illnesses.
>I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much antibiotics in
>the UV drip?
>Bob wrote:

>> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>> >Over you head hah?
>> Nope. Under it.
>You must sleep like a baby at night.

>> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
>> >comments.?

>> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
>This must be your first time.

>> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

>> No one is asking you to stay.
>No one asked you to comment.

>> >Yes, on some
>> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
>> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
>> >

>> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
>> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.
>How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

>> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
>> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
>> chat.

>> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.
>Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
>If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy and

>> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
>> >

>> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
>> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
>WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most significent
>digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
>NEW = 666.
>Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
>What are you "Bob"?

>> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>> >this--you know--a systems person.
>> >


Aug 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/14/99
I'm sure glad you humans are so dumb, I can just continue controlling
and manipulating you forever!! ha ha!


On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 04:13:00 -0700, "Stephen H. Kawamoto"
<> wrote:

>This remind me of the doctors that forced that pioneering doctor out, the one
>that figured out not washing your hands causes all kind of hospital illnesses.
>I wonder what he'd say about the flesh eating disease... Too much antibiotics in
>the UV drip?
>Bob wrote:

>> Mnemosyne wrote in message ...

>> >Over you head hah?
>> Nope. Under it.
>You must sleep like a baby at night.

>> >I'm always amazed when people make these kinds of
>> >comments.?

>> So you must hear these kinds of comments a lot.
>This must be your first time.

>> >It's prehaps the lack of intelligent interaction that use to be
>> >what these Newsgroup were about that has made most use leave.

>> No one is asking you to stay.
>No one asked you to comment.

>> >Yes, on some
>> >of the list, there are still people with the math interest and both science
>> >and literary backgroud to do something more than come up with
>> >bias--preprogrammed by the media--statements.
>> >

>> There is not biased statements here. Your made up counting system just makes
>> no sense. Well, maybe to you. I think you should lay off the weed a little.
>How do you know it's made up? Where did you first learn to count?

>> >You know when Billy the Kid was still rock n these groups along with some
>> >of the others like Rabit and Peter Pan... We could sling mud by quoting
>> >Sir-C and use spelling harassment to insult the idiots. Now look... the
>> >only places you find people on these Newsgroup is in sex pages and sex
>> chat.

>> It may apear that way to you if sex places are the only places you hang out.
>Sex ngs and channels show only that people enjoy debasing themselves.
>If they lay any claim to self respect the night after, it's all hypocrisy and

>> >The WWW is now really 666 and it's a fact.
>> >

>> No. WWW is WWW, 666 is 666. WWW is not 666. WWW is three letters, 666 is
>> three digits. Again, must be the weed your smoking.
>WWW = 666; W is the 23rd letter. Is the secret code add the most significent
>digit to the least one and add one? Hm.... This also works with E and N.
>NEW = 666.
>Numerology... a forbidden sorcery... according to them Bible punchers.
>What are you "Bob"?

>> >This is even better. If you want real entertainment, check out the
>> >Government's webs... Perhaps only technical people will understand
>> >this--you know--a systems person.
>> >

0 new messages