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Why factwatcher hides his identity? An answer to the world

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Jan 9, 2001, 8:49:00 PM1/9/01
why do you hide your identity if you had something factual ?

answer : busted by DR. Bear and this NG before . cannot face Dr. Bear
and this NG if identity made known.

Sent via

Jan 9, 2001, 9:23:24 PM1/9/01
If it is such abig deal remaining anonymous, why do YOU do
it "degreecraver"

Let´s not forget those questions Dr John Bear should be answering...

Dr John Bear, how do you explain that on this message board you have
peddled demonstrably UNTRUE statements as FACTS to your CERTAIN

Dr John Bear, what was your involvement with Greenwich University and
the Institute for Advanced Studies?

Dr John Bear, please explain the chronology of your involvement with
Greenwich University and the Institute for Advanced Studies relevant to
their inclusion in your Bear’s Guide?

Dr John Bear, assuming that the allegations are true, did you post a
prominent warning to your readers that the information you were giving
may not have been unbiased because you were actually involved in the
management of these institutions?
Dr John Bear, did you declare a conflict of interests ANYWHERE in ANY
of your Bear’s Guide?

Dr John Bear, why have you declined to respond publicly to these
questions about your honesty and truthfulness in a sphere in which you
are considered an expert?

Dr John Bear, is your ISP down, as has been reported by some of your
supporters in this message board? If so, can you please let me know
which ISP you use, so that I can verify this statement?

Dr John Bear, assuming your ISP is down, how have you been sending and
receiving e-mails?

Dr John Bear, is there NO way that you can gain access to the internet
(a friend, colleague, family member or Cyber Café in your area) so that
you can respond in this forum?

Dr John Bear, why is it that every time I post to this message board, I
am attacked by users who don’t seem to care whether or not you are
telling the truth?

Dr John Bear, have you (or anyone working for you) been giving your own
books on favourable reviews?

In article <93gf2b$mn5$>,

Kevin Stewart

Jan 9, 2001, 11:09:56 PM1/9/01
What I want to know is, if a surname describes an ancestors' occupation,
(ie, Cook, Baker, Cooper, Smith, Stewar[d], King, etc), how exactly did John
B.'s ancestors make a living?

Expiring minds want to know!

Kevin, (who, unlike some kiddies, used a nom de plume and 'the real thing'
[epic gasp revisited]!) wrote in message <93gh2n$ocn$>...

>If it is such abig deal remaining anonymous, why do YOU do
>it "degreecraver"


Steve Levicoff

Jan 9, 2001, 11:22:24 PM1/9/01
Kevin Stewart wrote:

> What I want to know is, if a surname describes an ancestors' occupation,
> (ie, Cook, Baker, Cooper, Smith, Stewar[d], King, etc), how exactly did John
> B.'s ancestors make a living?
> Expiring minds want to know!

Why, Kevin, after finally becoming "one of us" on a.e.d., is there
actually something that you do not know at this point?

You appear to presume that John Bear's ancestors were named Bear as well
- indeed, that John Bear was always named John Bear.

But that, I'm afraid, is not the case. Perhaps, then, you can show us
how your research skills have grown during your, um, tenure with us - by
investigating and reporting on the original identity of the esteemed Dr.
Bear. Those of us who know the good doctor are already aware of his
distinguished history . . . but we'll never tell.

So, just how good are you these days?

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Steve Levicoff

Jan 10, 2001, 12:06:45 AM1/10/01
In article <93gh2n$ocn$>, wrote:
> If it is such abig deal remaining anonymous, why do YOU do
> it "degreecraver"

*** ha caught you again ! why can't you come out of the corset ? you
want answers from Dr. Bear not me. Ask like a man with balls !

I do not need answers from Dr. Bear. Can't you see the difference ?
Trying hidding your face and ask for directions !

Do you in real life hide your face ? unless you are convicted... too
shameful to see the light.

Kevin Stewart

Jan 10, 2001, 12:45:13 AM1/10/01
Dr. Bear pulled a ''fuctwatcher" with 'his' name? I can't wait to see what
the 3+ stooges do with that tidbit.

Are you the one that always advises folks to "lighten up"?

I think Dr. B. knows where I'm coming from. And I "can't be bothered"
playing trivia pursuit on a name right now.

Geez, laddie, you're giving a whole new meaning to 'tight wad'!

Kevin, who knows "Fords" aren't descended from cars! (Their ancestors lived
near fjords.)

Pssssssttt, Steve, was your surname ever "Bunce"? <G>

Steve Levicoff wrote in message <>...


John Bear

Jan 10, 2001, 12:50:53 AM1/10/01
As tinsmiths.

As I have explained here, as often as necessary, when Marina (Doibrolubova)
and John (Klempner) got married thirty-something years ago, the decision was
made to choose a new name for us, rather than take either of those or,
heaven forfend, go for hyphenation.

The Latvian-German usage of "Klempner" is tinsmith. Dobrolubova means
dobro - good, lubov = love.

>From: "Kevin Stewart" <>
In article <>, "Kevin Stewart"

Thomas Nixon

Jan 10, 2001, 1:08:18 AM1/10/01
John Bear wrote:

Are you saying that "Dobrolubova-Klempner's Guide to Earning Degrees
Nontraditionally" doesn't flow off trippingly off the tongue?


Jan 10, 2001, 1:11:29 PM1/10/01
I Think "John Bear's Shameless Collection of LIES and HALFTRUTHS" trips
even better of the tongue.

Dear Dr Bear,

It has been suggested by others that your reluctance to answer my
questions is because I use an anonymous deja log in (as do many other
on this board by the way) and so you won’t answer because you don’t
know who is asking the questions.

Others suggest that it is because you have been given legal advice to
keep quiet.

Let’s get rid of the first problem shall we?

What if I arrange a third party, (oh I don’t know… let’s say for sake
of argument a very well known and respected TV journalist from a major
network for example) to visit you with his camera crew and ask the same
questions as I have asked, but taped live and with a court approved
stenographer to transcribe the proceedings?

That way you will know EXACTLY who is asking the questions (and so will
the rest of the United States).

We can the publish the transcripts of you answers on this forum.

This will give you the perfect opportunity to “clear your name” and
clear up any doubts or misunderstandings about you, your guides and
your involvement with degree mills.

What do you say???

In article <>,

John Bear

Jan 10, 2001, 2:02:40 PM1/10/01
I have accepted your challenge. I'm waiting.

John Bear


John Bear

Jan 10, 2001, 11:20:46 AM1/10/01
Thomas Nixon <> wrote:

> Are you saying that "Dobrolubova-Klempner's Guide to Earning Degrees
> Nontraditionally" doesn't flow off trippingly off the tongue?

And when our daughter married Dave Rutherford-Pozerycki* and if they had
done the hyphenation thing, and if she took over the book, then we'd have
Dobrolubova-Klempner-Rutherford-Pozerycki's Guide to . . .

* Actually he truncated it to "Zeryck"

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