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V. being petty... again

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Sep 4, 2001, 4:12:05 AM9/4/01
Aww isn't it sweet C's getting married.

Well here's to hoping it's her little House Kepheru guy and that they
have a nice sweet "Vampiric" life together.

And with any look her new found duties as a house wife will keep her
busy and away from the keyboard, saving this place from her
well-meaning, yet bland and contadictory babble about who should nad
shouldn't be ignored.

I love her attack on Nawl "we know who you really are" ? Do you C ? or
is this just yet another attempt by yourself to actually look like you
have a clue about the world around you ? I gravely fear the cape and
fangs are never put down long enough for you to notice anything but
your own sugar coated fantasy.

Post (edited) made by Raven AKA Vorsuc on 29/08/01 in response to
Nawl's commentary on an ACV post.
>Subject : re: The "Fluffy" C'iana

>Ahhh dear sweet C'iana. The woman who poured her heart out to me
about her
>falling in love with some guy from House Kehperu, a bunch of whacked
>cultists, and so desperately wanted to join.

>I mean, all you have to do is take a look at the woman's "Vampire"
diary for
>christs sake... If you guessed that it's the usual self-gratifing
>ramblings about being a vampire, having no-one understand you, having
>of a strange man and never loving anyone as much as some weirdo in
her past...
>then you've just got double jepoardy points.

>Basically, I'd offer this advice :
>"Never take *C'iana* seriously. Anyone who god damn nearly dives down
>throat muttering paranoid rantings of a conspiracy, merely for
guessing that
>C'iana is a shortened version of her real name, and then being able
to work
>out said real name, is definately one to throw on to the "Wampyre

>Besides, any opinions offered up have to be questioned... is that
really her
>opinion ? or merely what she thinks will earn her the most brownie

>Has a history of kissing ass in a henious manner, made all the more
>by her occasional "I'm a bitch" attitude. "I'm YOUR bitch, if you'll
be my
>friend" more like.

>>"usenet is full of people with their own opinion"

>and what she's just offered up is useless opinion no. 45,567,567,789
>to C'iana. See! She *does* belong to a large group of people.

>Imagine BJ without the venom, intelligence or fangs. Then add a brown
>budhist philosophy and wrap it all up in three inches of pink fluff.

>don't it piss you off nawl ? that time wasters like this call
>vampires under the "I need to feel good about myself and find
friends" tag..
>making the job of those of us looking not for social rejects almost



"Evil does NOT wear a bonnet !"
- Mr Twinkles, Cats and Dogs

Tiny Human Ferret

Sep 5, 2001, 9:39:35 PM9/5/01
Vorsuc wrote:

It's all over folks, nothing to see, just a troll, no rubbernecking please,
it's all done, move along, move along folks.

Killfiles adjusted all over town, I betcha.

Whom thou'st vex'd waxeth wroth: Meow. <----->


Sep 9, 2001, 8:03:03 PM9/9/01
Vorsuc wrote:

> Aww isn't it sweet C's getting married.
> Well here's to hoping it's her little House Kepheru guy and that they
> have a nice sweet "Vampiric" life together.

V, get a clue, my fiancee' is not from House Kheperu or vampiric, so
whoever told you that is full of it....... He is a normal, plain,
business man type that dresses like Tom Cruise...... He wouldn't know
anything about gothic life or anything of that nature......

Sorry, you're info is way faulty.......or it's just a dig to get me
aggravated which is not working....

> And with any look her new found duties as a house wife will keep her
> busy and away from the keyboard, saving this place from her
> well-meaning, yet bland and contadictory babble about who should nad
> shouldn't be ignored.


> I love her attack on Nawl "we know who you really are" ? Do you C ? or
> is this just yet another attempt by yourself to actually look like you
> have a clue about the world around you ? I gravely fear the cape and
> fangs are never put down long enough for you to notice anything but
> your own sugar coated fantasy.


> Post (edited) made by Raven AKA Vorsuc on 29/08/01 in response to
> Nawl's commentary on an ACV post.
> >Subject : re: The "Fluffy" C'iana
> >Ahhh dear sweet C'iana. The woman who poured her heart out to me
> about her
> >falling in love with some guy from House Kehperu, a bunch of whacked
> out
> >cultists, and so desperately wanted to join.

And you are so full of it....."NAWL".....sure...... Point in case - 1.)I
do belong to House Kheperu, I am in their member book...... 2.) There are
no males I know from House Kheperu nor am I in love with anyone but my way
normal businessman type fiancee' for seven years........... So again,
wrong info......

> >I mean, all you have to do is take a look at the woman's "Vampire"
> diary for
> >christs sake... If you guessed that it's the usual self-gratifing
> >ramblings about being a vampire, having no-one understand you, having
> dreams
> >of a strange man and never loving anyone as much as some weirdo in
> her past...
> >then you've just got double jepoardy points.

And that's more of your self opinionated bs......which you are entitled

> >Basically, I'd offer this advice :
> >"Never take *C'iana* seriously. Anyone who god damn nearly dives down
> anyone's
> >throat muttering paranoid rantings of a conspiracy, merely for
> guessing that
> >C'iana is a shortened version of her real name, and then being able
> to work
> >out said real name, is definately one to throw on to the "Wampyre
> pile".

Another full of bs rambling opinionated wrong info.....

> >Besides, any opinions offered up have to be questioned... is that
> really her
> >opinion ? or merely what she thinks will earn her the most brownie
> points.
> >Has a history of kissing ass in a henious manner, made all the more
> laughable
> >by her occasional "I'm a bitch" attitude. "I'm YOUR bitch, if you'll
> be my
> >friend" more like.
> >>"usenet is full of people with their own opinion"
> >and what she's just offered up is useless opinion no. 45,567,567,789
> congrats
> >to C'iana. See! She *does* belong to a large group of people.
> >Imagine BJ without the venom, intelligence or fangs. Then add a brown
> nose,
> >budhist philosophy and wrap it all up in three inches of pink fluff.

You want a war, NAWL, WS, Jareth, or what ever your name is no
problem..........traced you before be glad to do it now.....

> >don't it piss you off nawl ? that time wasters like this call
> themselves
> >vampires under the "I need to feel good about myself and find
> friends" tag..
> >making the job of those of us looking not for social rejects almost
> imposible.
> >-R.
> -V.
> ==================================
> "Evil does NOT wear a bonnet !"
> - Mr Twinkles, Cats and Dogs
> ==================================

I can't believe the time you waste..... I'm here to stay whether you like
it or not.....

It's a free wide open world and I'll type how I please and if I am kind
one day or protective the next then so I am........



Sep 10, 2001, 2:56:28 AM9/10/01
C'iana <> wrote in message news:<>...

For the love of anything can you not read? I've left it in see - It
says - POSTED BY RAVEN AKA VORSUC!!!!! I had nothing to do with it but
I love how you can still find cause to blame me for it.

> > Post (edited) made by Raven AKA Vorsuc on 29/08/01 in response to
> > Nawl's commentary on an ACV post.
> > >Subject : re: The "Fluffy" C'iana

> You want a war, NAWL, WS, Jareth, or what ever your name is no
> problem..........traced you before be glad to do it now.....

Do you still think I would care if I knew who they were?

The current mind set of this group is to instantly label as trolls
anyone that *you* or THF don't like. How do you cope in the real world
when you meet up with people that you don't like but can't flame or

You don't know why you bother replying - why do *I* bother? I'm
automatically taken out of context, flamed and called all sorts of
names when - if you took five minutes you would see that I've not even
said boo bitchingly to you once in this group. Don't bring up the
other post - that was as civil as possible.

This group when I first arrived was full of tossers and wankers who
thought they were vamps and now its full of others who want to live in
a world of nicities and crap. It doesn't all work like that.

Vorsuc is the only person in this group who proved to me that he had a
brain. Believe me - he knows a hell of a lot more about topics you
couldn't even begin to understand.

Don't believe me C'iana that I DIDN'T write the post for which you
flamed me? Go and read Vors Corvidae site. I don't expect you will -
you'll just call me a liar and see how many others you can get in on
the act.

For that reason alone I'm probably - no - I am wasting my time.



Sep 10, 2001, 4:11:09 AM9/10/01
> And you are so full of it....."NAWL".....sure...... Point in case - 1.)I
> do belong to House Kheperu, I am in their member book...... 2.) There are
> no males I know from House Kheperu nor am I in love with anyone but my way
> normal businessman type fiancee' for seven years........... So again,
> wrong info......

odd... I distinctly remember you talking to me over ICQ about the
"wonders" of house Kepheru, how you met this guy, he was fantastic and
you were falling for him.

My fault.. should of realised it was more of your "pity me" nonsense,
as opposed to anything factual. It's not like you're acustomed to
talking from any orriface above the waist.

And I'd get over your paranoia hun. Really. Ever imagine that you
might piss off more than just one person in your entire life ? And
besides, I loath Jareth more than you. But hey don't believe ? Go find
out who my domain names (do a whois on ; are registered to. Talk to BJ, she posted an article
to me. I've never hidden behind other names, I'm more than happy to
make myself a target, and have repeatedly posted my Address on this
forum for people taking pot-shots at me.

if anything hun, you need to get the fuck over yourself. I am not
Jareth, I'm not Whitespirit and I'm not Nawl.

Distance yourself from your childish little fantasy island and open
your eyes to the truth C. You are NOT the all-loved queen of vampires.
But on the bright-side, if you ignore me, I might just be another
figment of your paranoid over-worked mind.

"I can't hold on, to what I want
when I'm stretched so thin"

B J Kuehl

Sep 10, 2001, 2:11:50 PM9/10/01
From article <>,
by (Vorsuc):

>Go find out who my domain names (do a whois on ;
> are registered to. Talk to BJ, she posted an article
>to me. I've never hidden behind other names, I'm more than happy to
>make myself a target, and have repeatedly posted my Address on this
>forum for people taking pot-shots at me.
>I am not Jareth, I'm not Whitespirit and I'm not Nawl.

If it is being insinuated that Vorsuc and White Spirit are the same
person and I am being called upon to confirm or deny it, I can say
unequivocably that they are two separate entities.

I've known Vorsuc about half as long as I've known White Spirit, but
I've had personal dealings with both of them. I know their real names,
their ages, and where they live. I've spoken with White Spirit many
times on the telephone, and I did indeed post by snail mail an article
to Vorsuc (which required that I have his address). In addition, I have
had the pleasure of talking with both of them AT THE SAME TIME on irc.
About the only things Vorsuc and White Spirit have in common is that
they're both males, they are both currently residing in England, they
have similar tastes in music, and they're probably both tired of the
insinuation that they are the same person.

That help?



Sep 10, 2001, 6:41:13 PM9/10/01
Tiny Human Ferret wrote:

Killfile who will they bother?????



Sep 23, 2001, 10:54:02 PM9/23/01
May I suggest to all involved, that you let truth settle this matter? As
subjective as you find it, truth does have a way of surfacing.

To C'iana: Reach for happiness now that it is within your reach, and enjoy it.
Offers a cant of the head to House Kepheru.

To Vorsuc,
People do enjoy your wit. Just not in all circumstances.


"Amor...lux...veritas. Sic itur ad astra."

Chris Law

Sep 23, 2001, 10:56:28 PM9/23/01

Ruespelier <> wrote in message

well said....



Sep 24, 2001, 8:05:54 PM9/24/01
Ruespelier wrote:

> May I suggest to all involved, that you let truth settle this matter? As
> subjective as you find it, truth does have a way of surfacing.
> To C'iana: Reach for happiness now that it is within your reach, and enjoy it.
> Offers a cant of the head to House Kepheru.

Thank you so much....... As sweet as happiness is mixed with sorrow in this
saddened time for my family and friends, I respect my life and the love I do have
even more.....

We take so much for granted..... So many little things that we do not realize how
beautiful life really is....


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