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"De Morbis Sanguinis"

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Lucas Van Leyden Master Vampire

Oct 26, 2000, 10:43:00 AM10/26/00

Title means (On diseasesof the Blood.)

"I have begotten thee, O m son, and that srangely, as thou knowest,
upon the darkly woman called Hilario, as it was mysteriously fortold
untome in the secret book. Now therefore that thou art come to the ag of
understanding, do thou ear unto my wisdom, for that we may attain even
unto the end.
Firstly, then, I would have thee know that Spiritual experiance and
perfecton have no necessary connexion with advancement in our secret
House. But for eac Lio there exits a path: There is a constant, and a
variable. Seek ever therefore in thy work of De Leone to discover in
each his own true nature.
Let it be rihtly understood my son that you and I and our kind are
bt against the current of the Gods and mankind, and so strive ever to
more, to push and fight even unto our last breath in order to live.
Understand that we seek to find that natural place within this world,
and so find our Will.
Now because Thou art the Child of my bowels, I yearn greatly toward
thee, O my son, and strive strongly with my Spirit that by my Wisdom I
may make plain thy way before the: and thus in many chapters will I
write for thee those things tat may profit thee."

"Sis benedictus" Written by frater W.W.L.
15th century letter, original composed in French
Note: The name "Lion" or "Leone" was often a "blind" for "Vampire" (they
never really used the term Vampire)


Oct 26, 2000, 4:59:27 PM10/26/00

Lucas Van Leyden Master Vampire wrote in message

>"Sis benedictus" Written by frater W.W.L.
>15th century letter, original composed in French
>Note: The name "Lion" or "Leone" was often a "blind" for "Vampire" (they
>never really used the term Vampire)

was the cheesy fake old English thrown in by you ? or included in thy
original translation ?

And why not include the original French, I'd be interested in reading it.



Oct 26, 2000, 7:42:03 PM10/26/00
Van Laden gurgled:

> Title means (On diseasesof the Blood.)

No it does not. morbis is not latin word nor in sanguinis. Illness or
disease is referred to usually as aeger and its deivitives. Anyway the
sentance structure is completly wrong. it would read "Sanguis aegaerum
de" if using the "de" meaning "about" in its corrupt sense, but even
this is not correct it would mor likely read "Saguis aegrae" since the
proposition "of" is declined with the verb.

the sentance De Morbis Sanguinis is meaninless.


A place in Switzerland, not a Waaaampyre

Sire Squire Amethyst

Oct 26, 2000, 11:29:59 PM10/26/00

Maybe its French? Didn't Lucas say it was originally composed in
French? My French isn't good enough to even try and translate and I
really don't feel like looking up those dictionaries online again : )

Oct 27, 2000, 2:29:46 AM10/27/00
Well Vorsuk, since you asked so kindly, no, I did not add the "old
cheesy English". It had already been translated long ago, when "old
cheesy English" was in. And I wouldn't dream of posting it in French,
since I know how badly certain people (coff-Vorsok) whine about other
languages. besides what would anyone get out of a French letter? I'm
sure not many would like to hassle through translating it for nothing
silly! You do amuse me so.
First he berates me for using Latin, now he wants French! LOL

Oct 27, 2000, 10:27:44 AM10/27/00
I do wish you would know what you talking about before you accuse
one of being wrong. I do think you need to study up upon your Latin
lass! I have NO idea where you have come up with your "expertise"
however your sources are not correct. I advise anyone including yourself
to ask one well versed in Latin to read my structure and use of the
language, I am very confident he shall concur with me. I know most
colleges have those capable within them to do this. I do take umbrage
with your rude correction, and hope you shall be proper enough to
apologize once you have learned you are incorrect. None the less I am
not here to argue over proper and accurate Latin. Take it as you wish. I
do think perhaps a good book upon Latin and its grammar etc, shall prove
helpful, although it can be a complex thing to learn indeed. But do not
chide me without proper cause- I KNOW WHAT I AM WRITING!


Oct 27, 2000, 5:31:42 AM10/27/00

<> wrote in message

> Well Vorsuk, since you asked so kindly, no, I did not add the "old
> cheesy English". It had already been translated long ago, when "old
> cheesy English" was in.

I'm afraid THAT brand of English has never been "in", expect perhaps with
the OTT vampabees who think it's somehow "Gothic" to use "Thou" instead of
"you". The spelling and sentence structure is all wrong, for a start, apart
from the typos it's 20th Century (21st ?) English. The English language,
while still legible by a modern reader, changed greatly over the years, most
notably in the spelling of words and the changing of word order.

> And I wouldn't dream of posting it in French, since I know how badly
certain people (coff-Vorsok) whine
> about other languages.

My,my he's a pissy little one isn't he ? Only child ?

The point was there was no need for you to post in Latin other than to allow
you to strut around proclaiming your "educated" ways whilst being completely
unable (or unwilling) to grasp the debate at hand. Now, when the document's
origins are in question ('cause that sure as 'aint 15th Century English) you
go in a huff and revert back to your child-like manner.

you have posted this, and the other posts in an attempt to contribute to
this group, so do so, contribute, debate. Posting crap and just saying we
should accept the word of a complete stranger, already shown to be less than
consistant, who posts something which "claims" to be 15th century, but looks
more like it's 15 minutes old, now suddenly proclaims that I am to just
accept your crappy fake English (suggesting the document is a fraud) as some
enlightening document, not the ficticious work of a person so desperate to
fit in and be "one of us" ?

Yeah, right...

I'm just waiting for him to add on the all important "court" on the end of
this "De Leone"

V. (not impressed)


Oct 27, 2000, 5:32:45 AM10/27/00
> Maybe its French? Didn't Lucas say it was originally composed in
> French? My French isn't good enough to even try and translate and I
> really don't feel like looking up those dictionaries online again : )

More like it's "supposed" Latin, much like the "Supposed" 15th Century



Oct 27, 2000, 12:07:38 PM10/27/00
<> wrote in message


Can we say "justified" ?

Bex et al... you can all start grovelling at my feet...


"You have met a TRUE Vampire,
not some wannabe like "Vorsuc" (he is,
trust me), and that scares you....."
- Chris,


Oct 28, 2000, 2:12:50 AM10/28/00

Lucas Van Leyden Master Vampire

Oct 28, 2000, 10:40:04 AM10/28/00
Thank you Merle, and hello as well, it is indeed nice to see you again.
Thank you for your comment.

Your friend the Vampire,
Lucas Van Laden


Oct 29, 2000, 7:27:01 AM10/29/00

Merle wrote in message
>Regardless of how it is "written" the information is still there to be
True, but if the "source" of the information is suspect, then the
information itself is suspect and is a work of fiction. If so, then it has
no place on this NG, especially not when advertised as a factual account.

> I can understand the letters, and when I am the one reading them, that
is all that matters.

a mute point. Just because you can understand a document, that bares no
relation on how accurate that document is.



Oct 29, 2000, 11:56:07 PM10/29/00

Lucas Van Leyden Master Vampire

Oct 30, 2000, 11:31:54 AM10/30/00
Well said Merle! Bravo! That is exactly right, in this NG who can
really "prove" anything? One can claim something or post a piece and be
completely wrong. This is a "Discussion" group, were others discuss what
they think or feel or believe, truth as it were is then relative, one
may think he is a horse and write about living as a horse, and go into
detail, but shall we say "You may not post because you are NOT a horse
at all tis impossible!". LOL poor chap, he did just want to have some
friends to share his plight.
What I have written is true, and is indeed a real set of letters passed
down. But how can one prove this? Even I cannot "prove" these letters,
they are old and even the name of the author has been lost. We know a
bit, but I can not convince others that they are real by any means all
would agree.
Merle has the right idea, it is a waste of time to argue over "truth",
one may ask questions, or post his views, and either agree or disagree,
but to discredit one because they can not prove "Latin" and say it does
not belong in here because it is then "a work of fiction" is ridiculous
in the extreme.

Your Vampire,
Lucas Van Layden


Oct 30, 2000, 4:55:16 PM10/30/00
On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 08:31:54 -0800 (PST),
(Lucas Van Leyden Master Vampire) wrote:

>What I have written is true, and is indeed a real set of letters passed
>down. But how can one prove this? Even I cannot "prove" these letters,
>they are old and even the name of the author has been lost. We know a
>bit, but I can not convince others that they are real by any means all
>would agree.

So we are supposed to also believe in them, simply because you do?
Sorry, but I can't and won't buy that. If you make the flat assertion
that something is true, others have every right in world to challenge
your assertion. Further, the obligation to prove that assertion is
yours. If you can't prove it, you have no right to make it in the
first place.

There is a very large difference between saying that something is true
and saying that you believe something is true.


Oct 30, 2000, 8:14:48 PM10/30/00

>One can claim something or post a piece and be
>completely wrong.

oh sweet irony...

>truth as it were is then relative,

How do you get this simply from this being a place of discussion. Truth is a
rather acute absolute, something is true, or it isn't, it can't be 50% true,
33.345% true. It's either true or not.

> one
>may think he is a horse and write about living as a horse, and go into
>detail, but shall we say "You may not post because you are NOT a horse
>at all tis impossible!". LOL poor chap, he did just want to have some
>friends to share his plight.

True, but he'd have an incredible insight into living as a horse, which
unless one lived as a horse, wouldn't have.. THAT would be their "proof",
not simply "welll you say I'm nuts, I say I'm a horse" ... personal opinion
is exactly that and can be neither used to prove or disprove anything

>What I have written is true, and is indeed a real set of letters passed
>down. But how can one prove this?

Simple, if they are SUPPOSED to be 15th century English, write them in
exactly that, don't just stick "thou" and "art" in them to give the
impression of "olde English" and think we'll all be fooled. That just
insults us, and shows how little you think of the people of this NG.

>Even I cannot "prove" these letters,
>they are old and even the name of the author has been lost.

How terribly convienient .. and um yes you CAN prove the letters
authenticity.. ever heard of Carbon Dating ? Oh no, wait, that only works on
REAL documents, not the fictious shit you pull from your ass.

> We know a
>bit, but I can not convince others that they are real by any means all
>would agree.

That's because they aren't... you can't speak latin, you have no idea about
latin grammar and the supposedly "15th Century" documents you post use 20th
Century English. If this is you best attempt at convincing us these
documents are valid, by gods what kind of ill produced and contradictory
shite do you produce when not trying to ram it's validity down our throats.

>Merle has the right idea, it is a waste of time to argue over "truth",

No it isn't. If it were, wacko can post what they like.

"I am a vampire, I worship the great chicken god and eat 20lbs of chicken
shit each day to this end".

Now if you want to post this "lion" bullshit , feel free, but given your
history ( complete lack of understanding of latin sentance structure,
despite claiming to be a "scholar" of latin, the fact you have been proven
to contradict yourself) I shall reserve the right to label your crappy
ad-hoc "15h century English" for the made up shit it is, and label you as a
pathetic try hard, desperate to fit in and contribute to this NG, when in
reality the best possible way you could do that is by shutting the fuck up
and leaving the fantasy world alone.

>one may ask questions, or post his views, and either agree or disagree,
>but to discredit one because they can not prove "Latin"

Um , que ? we already proved you DON't know latin. You are completely
ignorant of latin sentence structure, "De" is NOT, under ANY circumstances
the correct way to begin a latin sentence. You have proved yoruself to be
completely ignorant on the basics of a subject you claim to be a scholar of,
this is discredit enough.

> and say it does not belong in here because it is then "a work of fiction"
is ridiculous
>in the extreme.

Why ? it ISN'T what you claim (ie 15th Century English), if I write
something, claim it to be from the vampire bible and it is proven NOT to be
whatI claim it is, is it not justifiable to call it fiction ? I however
don't think you are that clever and have this down as being plagurised from
some source or other.

>Your Vampire,

*laughs* yeah, you're a Vampire and GreyMantle's a dumbass Druid with a


Angela Christine

Oct 30, 2000, 11:54:54 PM10/30/00

Am I the only one having Horvath flashbacks here? :)

Angela Christine

"It looks like he scrawled it with a combination
of his own blood and his own intestines."
"Who would do that?"
"Someone who needed a pen very badly."
-Red Dwarf

Angela Christine

Oct 30, 2000, 11:54:59 PM10/30/00
Rumor has it that (Lucas Van Leyden Master
Vampire) wrote:

> Well said Merle! Bravo! That is exactly right, in this NG who can
>really "prove" anything? One can claim something or post a piece and be
>completely wrong. This is a "Discussion" group, were others discuss what
>they think or feel or believe, truth as it were is then relative,

True. If these things were easily proven we would be reading about
them in mainstream newspapers rather than alt.* newsgroups.

>What I have written is true, and is indeed a real set of letters passed
>down. But how can one prove this? Even I cannot "prove" these letters,
>they are old and even the name of the author has been lost. We know a
>bit, but I can not convince others that they are real by any means all
>would agree.

Actually, you could prove the letters were authentic, even if you
can't prove they are factual. It would be a reletively simple thing
to have the letters authenticated by a reputable firm.

Barring that, you could have the letters scanned, then post the images
to a free website somewhere. This still wouldn't prove their
authenticity beyond all doubt, but it would be more convincing than
the english translations you have posted here.


Oct 31, 2000, 1:11:58 AM10/31/00
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 04:54:54 GMT, (Angela
Christine) wrote:


>Am I the only one having Horvath flashbacks here? :)

Please. Horvath at least had class. Despite his prediliction for
hanging out at Hooters.

Oct 31, 2000, 11:39:09 AM10/31/00

Well I whatever, I am tired of this silly arguing over this Latin and
defending my Letters.
I suppose in order to share something I must go to great pains to
include references, a text book set of grammar and syntax proofs, a
hefty set of comparable language diction from the same era, a carbon
dating proof from a well know laboratory, perhaps photographs of them,
(taken at every angle of course). X-rays and maybe even a little DNA of
sweat drops (acquired from the translator). I also neglected to include
my real name and address (how silly) and when I may be reached, perhaps
my phone number and a back up addy in case of an emergency. After all
this, perhaps I would be ready to post amongst all you truth sayers, for
I see that you all go to great lengths to prove your words and claims.
Oh and I thought it would be easy to just discuss Vampires! I do wonder
how those fellows in alt.Bigfoot get along? Hmmm perhaps I should pop in
they may be a tad more flexible, with the "facts" at least.
If anyone cares to nt be lazy and if he seeks truth, take my Latin
and my letters to anyone who knowsof the subject, and it shall prove to
be correct I assure you. These ninnies on here no thing obviously.
Well good bye all, I do hope you enjoy reading the wonderfuly
informative and truthful fact riddden and proven words of mr. Vorsuk.

Oct 31, 2000, 11:18:53 AM10/31/00

Dear mr. or Ms. Chooch,

Your words about the letters and my claiming they are true etc, and
so having the obligation of proving them is ludicrous! Many in here
claim to be Vampires of one sort or another, and do they have proof? NO!
I do not ask any one to accept these letters as fact, why should I? Take
them as you wish. If you decided to not believe them, fine. If you do,
fine. We are here to share information and discuss matters upon
Vampires, our beliefs and our ideas, and our personal information. I
don't believe I read in the title of this News Group anything about
"Facts and nothing but the facts", and if that was the case I'm afraid
we ALL would be in a world of hurt, not to mention time consuming mess
(isnt this a free country? Free speach remember?).
What do you want from me? Do you wish a thousand references from my
family? Perhaps phone numbers? Perhaps I should invite you over and
shove the Letters up your nose? Just how do you expect me or anybody
else to "prove" anything? Can you prove anything you have posted?? If
you don't want to accept my letters and "will not"- frankly who cares, I
don't! I am simply trying to share something with all of you, but I
think I see that all you want to do is argue and fight and run on and on
about the little things such as Latin. I do think you are a silly little
ninny, who needs to think a bit more. To tell you the Truth, I am
actually glad you don't accept my letters as fact, this way they are not
profaned. "Never cast your pearls before swine." (I should have
I do think I have posted enough and so I shall not post any more,
tis all your loss.



Oct 31, 2000, 3:52:21 PM10/31/00
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 08:18:53 -0800 (PST),

>Dear mr. or Ms. Chooch,
> Your words about the letters and my claiming they are true etc, and
>so having the obligation of proving them is ludicrous!

Do you have even the vaguest idea of the difference between knowledge
and faith? Or truth and belief? I know that it's very "au courant"
and "new age" to equate them, but they are not the same. At its
extreme, it was exactly that kind of thinking that lead mankind into
the dark ages.

>Many in here
>claim to be Vampires of one sort or another, and do they have proof? NO!
>I do not ask any one to accept these letters as fact, why should I? Take
>them as you wish. If you decided to not believe them, fine. If you do,
>fine. We are here to share information and discuss matters upon
>Vampires, our beliefs and our ideas, and our personal information. I
>don't believe I read in the title of this News Group anything about
>"Facts and nothing but the facts", and if that was the case I'm afraid
>we ALL would be in a world of hurt, not to mention time consuming mess
>(isnt this a free country? Free speach remember?).

Actually, I remember it as free speech. As for it being a free
country; which country? This is an international group.

I know you don't like it, but free speech is exactly what's been
happening to you. Others have freely expressed their opinions of your
work. You are equally free to express your own.

Why do you assume that "discuss" is somehow equal to "agree"? And
your"letters" _have_ been being discussed here. Somewhat loudly,
perhaps, but discussions get that way sometimes. If you can't handle
that, perhaps you might want to check out alt.cuddles.

It's interesting that you seem to feel that you somehow have the right
to tell us what this newsgroup is for when it's painfully obvious from
this posting of yours alone that you've never even bothered to read
the FAQ.

> What do you want from me? Do you wish a thousand references from my
>family? Perhaps phone numbers? Perhaps I should invite you over and
>shove the Letters up your nose? Just how do you expect me or anybody
>else to "prove" anything? Can you prove anything you have posted?? If
>you don't want to accept my letters and "will not"- frankly who cares, I
>don't! I am simply trying to share something with all of you, but I
>think I see that all you want to do is argue and fight and run on and on
>about the little things such as Latin. I do think you are a silly little
>ninny, who needs to think a bit more. To tell you the Truth, I am
>actually glad you don't accept my letters as fact, this way they are not
>profaned. "Never cast your pearls before swine." (I should have

You should also have read more carefully, as I actually wasn't
criticizing your letters. I was criticizing your "logic".

> I do think I have posted enough and so I shall not post any more,
>tis all your loss.

Opinions vary greatly about that.


Nov 1, 2000, 9:38:35 AM11/1/00
> Well I whatever, I am tired of this silly arguing over this Latin and
> defending my Letters.

good. I'm sick of you posting this crap and claiming nonsense.

> I suppose in order to share something I must go to great pains to
> include references, a text book set of grammar and syntax proofs, a
> hefty set of comparable language diction from the same era, a carbon
> dating proof from a well know laboratory, perhaps photographs of them,
> (taken at every angle of course). X-rays and maybe even a little DNA of
> sweat drops (acquired from the translator).

>I also neglected to include
> my real name and address (how silly) and when I may be reached, perhaps
> my phone number and a back up addy in case of an emergency.

>After all
> this, perhaps I would be ready to post amongst all you truth sayers, for
> I see that you all go to great lengths to prove your words and claims.

Not OUR claims.. YOURS. Lets make something clear shall we....

I walk into a bar and say "everyone buy me a drink, I'm jesus christ, risen
from the dead and I need a beer". Everyoen is supposed to say "oh hey,
Jesus, have one on me, no hell, have two" ?

So why is it, you say "hey look, I have some 15th century letters, I have
only the transations of them, which is in piss poor 20th century English
trying to look ye olde worlde, which have never been refered to elsewhere,
and describe some half assed vampire clut no-ones heard of... and and just
for good measure, I'll throw in some shitty latin" ... and we coo, and drool
and raise statues of your enlightened form in public places ?

riiiiight. Two words pal, "dream world".

YOU made the claims, back them up, or retract them. Don't start whining
because we don't believe the word of a misleading hypocrite.

> Oh and I thought it would be easy to just discuss Vampires!

so discuss... all you have done so far is TELL us how it is. And you wonder
why you get a backlash from truth sayers... We all have our own truth about
vampirism, yours conflicts. If you are told the world is flat and somone
tells you it's round, do you not ask them to prove why you are wrong and
they are right. It seems Lucas believes himself "aloof" of such mortal
trivia and prefering instead to believe his (?) word is more important than
anyone elses.

>I do wonder
> how those fellows in alt.Bigfoot get along?

Go find out, and do stop by alt.bullshit.fictitious on the way, won't you ?

>Hmmm perhaps I should pop in
> they may be a tad more flexible, with the "facts" at least.

Facts are facts, you can't be "flexible" with them. You may believe that
they can be, such as the FACT of you being a latin scholar, the FACT your
family is part of a vampire cult or the FACT those letters are over 500
years old

> If anyone cares to nt be lazy and if he seeks truth, take my Latin
> and my letters to anyone who knowsof the subject, and it shall prove to
> be correct I assure you. These ninnies on here no thing obviously.

*laughs* Caught with your pants down Lucas ? so you'll take them to private
discussion where the nasty critics can't get at you and you can spread this
shit as thickly as you like. Such actions make me sick, that people can
blatantly lie so easily, misleading the poor fools desperate to find
themselves that they cling to you like flies to shit... and I do find that
particular analogy fits rather snuggly for you Lucas.

> Well good bye all, I do hope you enjoy reading the wonderfuly
> informative and truthful fact riddden and proven words of mr. Vorsuk.

oh .. lo. He took out the "c" ... you da man Luas.

Well put it this way Lucas, people come on this NG for answers, pertaining
to vampires, and to themselves. And when one Looks for answers, is it best
to stick with people who mouth off un proven nonsense ? or those who, in the
insanity of it all struggle to maintain some grasp on reality, impirical
evidence and Fact.

It's no good looking for answers, and simply grasping the "nicest" one to
hand, you may as well make up your own.

and no doubt Lucas, given time, you probably will.



Nov 1, 2000, 9:42:43 AM11/1/00
> that, perhaps you might want to check out alt.cuddles.

I nominate C'iana as FAQ keeper... *smirks*

> > I do think I have posted enough and so I shall not post any more,
> >tis all your loss.
> Opinions vary greatly about that.

*places hand over chooch's mouth* no, sssh, it's our loss, I'm sure we'll
all be hurt.... buh-bye now, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your
way out...



Nov 1, 2000, 9:49:48 AM11/1/00
> I know you don't like it, but free speech is exactly what's been
> happening to you. Others have freely expressed their opinions of your
> work. You are equally free to express your own.

Ahh, no you see "free speech" isn't, "the freedom to express whatever views
one likes" but "the freedom to express one's views free from other people
freely expressing THEIR view of your views" Didn't you realise ? seesh,
catch up Chooch. *wink*

> Why do you assume that "discuss" is somehow equal to "agree"? And
> your"letters" _have_ been being discussed here. Somewhat loudly,
> perhaps, but discussions get that way sometimes. If you can't handle
> that, perhaps you might want to check out alt.cuddles.

I know, I find an odd sense of deja vue in our man standing behind his posts
claiming our opinion is meaningless, Bex's critque of his latin is "wrong"
simply for contradicting him, that I'm some sort of facist oppressor of free
thought, yet he turns around and goes into a big sulk and decides to storm
off. And all because we didn't lap up his "letters".

> It's interesting that you seem to feel that you somehow have the right
> to tell us what this newsgroup is for when it's painfully obvious from
> this posting of yours alone that you've never even bothered to read
> the FAQ.

Something pointed out to him, and lo, he still hasn't had a peek. Yet it's
clear, our man is the proud defiant defender of truth, standing in the way
of the hate police and ensuring a free area for all vampabees to be safe to
post whatever shit they want. Sorry, but as I said, this is something that
is a big part of my life, I'll not have morons use it as an excuse to play
make believe and get all fluffy. do it on your own time, not mine.

> You should also have read more carefully, as I actually wasn't
> criticizing your letters. I was criticizing your "logic".

No-one has actually said anything critical about the CONTENT of the letters
yet, I for one haven't got further than skim reading them. Looks to me like
the same old RPG shit we always get on here...



Nov 1, 2000, 8:14:32 PM11/1/00
On Wed, 1 Nov 2000 14:42:43 -0000, "Vorsuc"
<> wrote:

>> that, perhaps you might want to check out alt.cuddles.
>I nominate C'iana as FAQ keeper... *smirks*

No way! We found her first, we get to keep her. Besides, C'iana has
far too much class to hang out in a place like that.

BTW, alt.cuddles is a _real_ (TM) (Sorry, couldn't resist) newsgroup.
Be warned though if you try to check it out that it's full of group
hugs and people who are so sickeningly sweet that they'd make your
fangs rot if you bit them. IIRC, it's also moderated so they can keep
malcontents like you and me out. Or at least keep us from posting and
ruining everybodies "have a nice" day. :)

>> > I do think I have posted enough and so I shall not post any more,
>> >tis all your loss.
>> Opinions vary greatly about that.
>*places hand over chooch's mouth* no, sssh, it's our loss, I'm sure we'll
>all be hurt.... buh-bye now, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your
>way out...

Oh, sure. Like anybody believed he was actually going to go. He's
having far too much fun hanging around just to piss you off.


Nov 2, 2000, 4:21:41 AM11/2/00
"Chooch" <> wrote in message

> No way! We found her first, we get to keep her. Besides, C'iana has
> far too much class to hang out in a place like that.

Um, she hangs on ACV doesn't she ?

> BTW, alt.cuddles is a _real_ (TM) (Sorry, couldn't resist) newsgroup.

No way... u shittin' me man ..

> Be warned though if you try to check it out that it's full of group
> hugs and people who are so sickeningly sweet that they'd make your
> fangs rot if you bit them. IIRC, it's also moderated so they can keep
> malcontents like you and me out. Or at least keep us from posting and
> ruining everybodies "have a nice" day. :)

bastards... I fancied a trip to "smiles ville" and go show 'em a peacock...
damn. Perhaps I could "pretend" ?? nah we all know that'd last five minutes
before I crawl all over some asshole..

> Oh, sure. Like anybody believed he was actually going to go. He's
> having far too much fun hanging around just to piss you off.

Still.. warn the milkman to leave one less pint in the morning. Hell, I'm
getting peckish, I can always eat the bastard. Fiver says he gives me


Sire Squire Amethyst

Nov 2, 2000, 2:04:10 PM11/2/00

Vorsuc wrote:
> I nominate C'iana as FAQ keeper... *smirks*

Not to go off topic, but where is C'iana anyway? She was still here
when I left, and we talked on ICQ for a while, but then she just
disappeared! Anyone see her?

Just curious...

Tiny Human Ferret

Nov 2, 2000, 11:15:52 PM11/2/00

Last I heard, she was getting married!

> Just curious...

Be kind to your neighbors, even though they be transgenic chimerae.

Sire Squire Amethyst

Nov 2, 2000, 11:19:48 PM11/2/00
Tiny Human Ferret wrote:
> Sire Squire Amethyst wrote:
> >
> > Vorsuc wrote:
> > >
> > > I nominate C'iana as FAQ keeper... *smirks*
> > >
> >
> > Not to go off topic, but where is C'iana anyway? She was still here
> > when I left, and we talked on ICQ for a while, but then she just
> > disappeared! Anyone see her?
> Last I heard, she was getting married!

WOW! I don't remember hearing about that! It must've been a long time
then...or just seems that way. *grins*


Nov 6, 2000, 10:40:08 PM11/6/00
Tiny Human Ferret wrote:

> Sire Squire Amethyst wrote:
> >
> > Vorsuc wrote:
> > >
> > > I nominate C'iana as FAQ keeper... *smirks*
> > >
> >
> > Not to go off topic, but where is C'iana anyway? She was still here
> > when I left, and we talked on ICQ for a while, but then she just
> > disappeared! Anyone see her?
> Last I heard, she was getting married!
> >
> > Just curious...

I'm here, dear. *HUGS* No not married year, October 2001.

I have time to run if need be *giggles*.

I am sorry to be away so long..... But I am home now. I am so happy to
be back. Just needed to go on a total journey of understanding for awhile
and healing from the second surgery. I could not walk for awhile. Also
major construction in my house and a bit of computer damage. Never a
boring moment*sigh*.....



Nov 6, 2000, 10:42:48 PM11/6/00
Vorsuc wrote:

I missed a great deal to this message can someone forward me the original so I
can find out why I am being nominated as the "FAQ Keeper".

I am still as far as I can remember the Co-FAQ Keeper, Welcoming Fluffy Vamp,
and Klaatu's little helper. Did you vote me out? *sobbing* That's not



Nov 6, 2000, 10:45:42 PM11/6/00
Chooch wrote:

> On Wed, 1 Nov 2000 14:42:43 -0000, "Vorsuc"
> <> wrote:
> >> that, perhaps you might want to check out alt.cuddles.
> >
> >I nominate C'iana as FAQ keeper... *smirks*
> No way! We found her first, we get to keep her. Besides, C'iana has
> far too much class to hang out in a place like that.

Thank you, Chooch..... *C'iana blushing* You guys can keep me.......=)

> BTW, alt.cuddles is a _real_ (TM) (Sorry, couldn't resist) newsgroup.
> Be warned though if you try to check it out that it's full of group
> hugs and people who are so sickeningly sweet that they'd make your
> fangs rot if you bit them. IIRC, it's also moderated so they can keep
> malcontents like you and me out. Or at least keep us from posting and
> ruining everybodies "have a nice" day. :)
> >
> >
> >> > I do think I have posted enough and so I shall not post any more,
> >> >tis all your loss.
> >>
> >> Opinions vary greatly about that.
> >>
> >
> >*places hand over chooch's mouth* no, sssh, it's our loss, I'm sure we'll
> >all be hurt.... buh-bye now, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your
> >way out...
> >
> Oh, sure. Like anybody believed he was actually going to go. He's
> having far too much fun hanging around just to piss you off.

Are we talking about that Lucas person?

Lord of all, or please don't tell me Jareth or what ever his name is, back?



Nov 6, 2000, 10:54:51 PM11/6/00
C'iana wrote:

Bloody well of hell, having problems with the email addies again.......

If anyone noticed the other addie, please only post to for
personal messages.

Thank you.....



Nov 7, 2000, 12:29:47 AM11/7/00
On Tue, 07 Nov 2000 03:42:48 GMT, C'iana (posing as Christi)
<> wrote:

>Vorsuc wrote:
>> > that, perhaps you might want to check out alt.cuddles.
>> I nominate C'iana as FAQ keeper... *smirks*
>> > > I do think I have posted enough and so I shall not post any more,
>> > >tis all your loss.
>> >
>> > Opinions vary greatly about that.
>> >
>> *places hand over chooch's mouth* no, sssh, it's our loss, I'm sure we'll
>> all be hurt.... buh-bye now, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your
>> way out...
>> V.
>I missed a great deal to this message can someone forward me the original so I
>can find out why I am being nominated as the "FAQ Keeper".

Vorsuc was nominating you to be the FAQkeeper for alt.cuddles, which
he didn't realize is a real newsgroup. And one you have far too much
class to hang out in.

>I am still as far as I can remember the Co-FAQ Keeper, Welcoming Fluffy Vamp,
>and Klaatu's little helper. Did you vote me out? *sobbing* That's not

Nope, nobody voted you out. And may I say Welcome Back, Your
Fluffiness. :)


Nov 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/7/00
Chooch wrote:

> On Tue, 07 Nov 2000 03:42:48 GMT, C'iana (posing as Christi)
> <> wrote:
> >Vorsuc wrote:
> >
> >> > that, perhaps you might want to check out alt.cuddles.
> >>
> >> I nominate C'iana as FAQ keeper... *smirks*
> >>
> >> > > I do think I have posted enough and so I shall not post any more,
> >> > >tis all your loss.
> >> >
> >> > Opinions vary greatly about that.
> >> >
> >>
> >> *places hand over chooch's mouth* no, sssh, it's our loss, I'm sure we'll
> >> all be hurt.... buh-bye now, don't let the door hit you on the ass on your
> >> way out...
> >>
> >> V.
> >
> >I missed a great deal to this message can someone forward me the original so I
> >can find out why I am being nominated as the "FAQ Keeper".
> Vorsuc was nominating you to be the FAQkeeper for alt.cuddles, which
> he didn't realize is a real newsgroup. And one you have far too much
> class to hang out in.

Oh my, naughty Vorsuc. Breaking my stones even when I'm not around. Thank you for
clarifying. *blushing*

> >
> >I am still as far as I can remember the Co-FAQ Keeper, Welcoming Fluffy Vamp,
> >and Klaatu's little helper. Did you vote me out? *sobbing* That's not
> >nice.....
> >
> Nope, nobody voted you out. And may I say Welcome Back, Your
> Fluffiness. :)

=) Thank you very much...... It's very nice to be home....


Sire Squire Amethyst

Nov 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/7/00
C'iana wrote:
> Bloody well of hell, having problems with the email addies again.......
> If anyone noticed the other addie, please only post to for
> personal messages.
> Thank you.....
> Eternally,
> C'iana

C'iana!!!! Where have you been? I've been wondering what's happened to
you...are you still on ICQ?



Nov 7, 2000, 10:32:24 PM11/7/00
Sire Squire Amethyst wrote:

> C'iana wrote:
> >
> > Bloody well of hell, having problems with the email addies again.......
> >
> > If anyone noticed the other addie, please only post to for
> > personal messages.
> >
> > Thank you.....
> >
> > Eternally,
> > C'iana

> C'iana!!!! Where have you been? I've been wondering what's happened to
> you...are you still on ICQ?
> BB!
> Amethyst

Very long story!!! I'm here now, dear. It's so very good to see you back too.
Yes, I'm still on ICQ # 57433294, if you need me.


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