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Columbia zapped by HAARP Elf-wave weapon w/ DoD Alaska blessings

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B. Traven Cloned

Feb 2, 2003, 5:13:39 PM2/2/03
GW Bush wants ALL money available for his New World Order, which
includes his old pal Vlad Putin, in Russia. Bush just hacked to
MEDICARE, enabling states to eliminate tens of millions of disabled,
aged, and impoverished members from the Medicare lists and now NO
LONGER recipients of MEDICARE. This is truly a health holocaust in
the USA as a result. Now Dubya and his henchmen want every NASA
monies too, especially if it involves non-robotic piloting of
spacecraft. Humans can reveal secrets of the unknown that they
witness out there ... robots just make a 01010101010101 ...
computation -- of everything, including love and sex, and do not
betray their programmers!

Man has never ever been more than 300 miles above the final layer of
atmosphere, the ionosphere, or his head would explode and his blood
would boil, unless he/she has been injected with substitute blood,
solution. Maybe a few astronauts have done this to their bodies and
souls and are sworn to secrecy in a kind of occult cabal. If they
ever "leak" the truth, they are afterwards "dead astronauts".

The Columbia Shuttle was shot by an invisible ELF wave out of a secret
military installation in Alaska called HAARP. The range of this
tactical weapon starts at 35 miles high. The Shuttle went out of
commission and contact at 39 miles high.

Also, there were ants, bloodworms, silkworms, rats, and spiders,
onboard this mission, to test the effects on silk, spiderweb silk, and
the formic acid body weight of ants, and also the holy "manna" of the
Bible, which is actually a secretion from the anuses of ants, which
might perform differently in the vacuum of space or in the strange
gravity of space.

One of the Columbia shuttle astronauts might have revealed the truth
of our
space program secrecy, and some of the inner dark secrets of the
occult control of our NASA. This is too much for the secret societies
controling the destiny of our globally networked nations now [in the
next few weeks TWO MAJOR COMETS are near the sun and making a
run-around, near the star Fomalhaut -- this has long been an omen of a
pending nuclear war of major global destruction].

So ... now that the Elf-wave of HAARP has been successfully tested by
jamming the electronics of a space shuttle and forcing a failed
booster rocket ignition, NASA will have to bown down to DoD and fold
on this Space Shuttle program, Bush will get the monies for other more
aggressive military purposes [and for world domination], ... the
secrets will never be let out about the space-ants and silkworms, and
the inner weapons sanctum of HAARP have now successfully tested their
ELF weapon!!


In a report on HAARP, "Future Weapons Using High Power Microwaves" a
section describes microwave frequencies developed for use in weapons
against machines and people.

One of the HAARP uses described is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
weapon which gives an operator the same ability to wipe out electronic
circuits as a nuclear blast would provide.

The main difference is that this new technology is controllable, and
can be used without violating nuclear weapons treaties.

Other sections of the report then described HAARP microwave energy
levels that can make the following occur:

"Overheat and damage animal tissue."

"Possibly affect nervous system."

"Threshold for microwave hearing."

"Causes bit errors in unshielded computers."

"Burns out unprotected receiver diodes in antennas."

The effects are based on radio frequency radiation being pulsed
"between 10 and 100 pulses per second". The report confirmed that
non-thermal effects were being researched. These non-thermal effects
included damage to human health when the effects occurred "within
so-called modulation frequency windows (10 Hertz is one such window)
or power density windows".

The way these weapons work was clearly described when the report noted
their effect on machines:

"... a HAARP HPM (High Power Microwave) weapon employs a high power,
rapidly pulsating microwave beam that penetrates electronic
components. The pulsing action internally excites the components,
rapidly generating intense heat which causes them to fuse or melt,
thus destroying the circuit ... HPM (weapons) attack at the speed of
light thus making avoidance of the beam impossible, consequently
negating the advantage of weapon systems such as high velocity
tactical missiles."

In other words, with this kind of weapon there is no machine which
could get by this invisible wall of directed energy.

RADIATION WARNING: Space travel forces one to specialize in
radio-biology, the interaction of biological systems and radiant
energy, or radioactive materials.
We have learned that exposure to radiation [microwave included]
results in damage to blood-forming tissue with decrease in red and
white blood cells, and with bleeding.

THE NEW YORKER magazine ran an article by Jerome Groopman titled
"Medicine on Mars" which discusses these illnesses.

"[...] Can human beings survive long term exposure to deep-space
RADIATION and zero gravity?

[...] last year, medical research received less than two per cent of
NASA's annual budget. The agency, recognizing this problem, decided to
"outsource" [like most temp agencies and employment agencies today]
some of the work to a "non-profit" consortium of twelve (12)
university laboratories.

[...] Human beings evloved over ... the grip of gravity; the fluid and
small bones of the inner ear, which make up the vestibular system,
sense its steady tug. In the absence of gravity, people are without
the signals that they depend on for orientation and balance.

[...] The absence of gravity also wreaks havoc on the circulatory
system ... when you enter weightless space, ... blood is released and
rushes up like a geyser. You can feel as if your head is being hit by
a hammer ... your body is fooled into thinking that it has a fluid
surplus, and typically two pints of water will be lost [...]. As a
result, you quickly become dehydrated ... over the coming months you
will become ... anemic.

[...] The dangers posed by cosmic rays are even more daunting: we have
neither biological nor mechanical defenses against them. These rays
are deflected from the Earth by a surrounding magnetic zone, but
beyond this zone they are commonplace. Composed largely of iron
particles travelling at speeds that approach that of light, they
penetrate deeply into the body, even through the skull. When the
speeding particles pass through the tissues, they trigger what is, in
essence, a nuclear reaction [think of Crohn's Disease].

"Normally, on Earth, we suffer tiny breaks in one strand of our DNA
from UV sunlight and X rays," Dr. Francis Cucinotta, the manager of
NASA's Space Radiation Health Project, explained. "But with the kind
of hight energy deposited from cosmic rays, there are multiple breaks
in BOTH strands of the DNA helix, and we haven't evolved natural
repair mechanisms to restore them."

[...] Researchers have exposed rodents to these high-energy iron
particles and found significant changes in their cerebral DOPAMINE
pathways, as well as consequent behavioral changes, such as apathy ...
autopsies revealed that the rodents' brains were riddled with
microscopic LESIONS from the RADIATION, as if they had been hit by
[nano-sized] buckshot.

Cosmic rays could also cause dangerous mutations in the bacteria and
fungi that normally colonize our skin, mouth, and INTESTINE, as well
as the ambient ones within the spaceship.

[...] Astronauts who have been isolated on analogue missions in
Antartica suffered from T-cell deficiencies, and ... latent viruses,
such as Epstein-Barr and cytomegalovirus, had been reactivated. On a
prolonged mission, these viruses could easily spread in the cabin to
the entire crew."


This LIGHT-TIME Effect--666, also known in some circles as the FIFTH
ELEMENT, an element of a "psychic" or "spirit" world, and may share
the 310 GHz temperature of the COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND (CMB), and
molecules in this "psychic" world would radiate spontaneously into the
CMB, and, within this frequency band molecular ROTATIONAL and

When CMEs collide directly with Earth they trigger geomagnetic storms
and cause satellite failures, electric currents in the oceans, and
damage electric power transmissions. Dr. David Hathaway, a physicist
at the Marshall Space Flight Center says, "[...] basic cause(s) of
CMEs ... occur whenever there's a rapid, large-scale change in the
magnetic field ... although we understand the basics of why CME's
happen, the details are still unclear. [...] Solar eruptions are
clearly associated with sheared and twisted MAGNETIC FIELDS.

Whenever we see a DELTA CONFIGURATION -- that is, a sunspot where
OPPOSITE MAGNETIC POLES are contained within the same UMBRA -- it
means something's probably about to go haywire."

Velikovsky believed that the magnetic theory of celestial motion and
cosmology presented a revolutionary explanation of celestial motion
which CHALLENGES Einstein, Newton, and other TRADITIONAL theories.
They both maintained that ONLY GRAVITY and INERTIA are forces which
generate celestial motion.

The Magnetic Motion Theory can be TESTED in space by placing a highly
magnetic, low mass ball outside the Earth's magnetosphere in a highly
circular orbit and observing if there is a change of that orbit.

ROTATION Theories are ... generally discredited because APPARENTLY no
fundamental relation exists beween MASS in Motion, and and associated

Mike Salsgiver

Feb 2, 2003, 5:18:07 PM2/2/03
This posting brings the concept of "idiotic conspiracy theorist" to a new
low. Please save the electrons and just go away...
"B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message


Feb 2, 2003, 5:23:49 PM2/2/03

"B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message
> GW Bush wants ALL money available for his New World Order, which
> includes his old pal Vlad Putin, in Russia. Bush just hacked to
> pieces
> MEDICARE, enabling states to eliminate tens of millions of disabled,
> aged, and impoverished members from the Medicare lists and now NO
> LONGER recipients of MEDICARE. This is truly a health holocaust in
> the USA as a result. Now Dubya and his henchmen want every NASA
> monies too, especially if it

It appears that we have a new entry in this year's Professor Irwin Corey
Award competition.


Feb 2, 2003, 5:24:08 PM2/2/03
> GW Bush wants ALL money available for his New World Order, which
> includes his old pal Vlad Putin, in Russia. Bush just hacked to
> pieces
> MEDICARE, enabling states to eliminate tens of millions of disabled,
> aged, and impoverished members from the Medicare lists and now NO
> LONGER recipients of MEDICARE.

If this is the case, then why is Bush's budget showing a 17.4% increase in
medical spending compared to last year?

> Man has never ever been more than 300 miles above the final layer of
> our
> atmosphere,

Ever heard of the Apollo missions to the moon? The moon is surely farther
than 300 miles from Earth.

>the ionosphere, or his head would explode and his blood
> would boil, unless he/she has been injected with substitute blood,
> hydrazine
> solution. Maybe a few astronauts have done this to their bodies and
> souls and are sworn to secrecy in a kind of occult cabal. If they
> ever "leak" the truth, they are afterwards "dead astronauts".

Apparently they never "leaked the truth" otherwise somebody else would know
by now, wouldn't they? You listen to too much Art Bell and liberal
conspiracy theorists instead of waiting for facts and data.

> The Columbia Shuttle was shot by an invisible ELF wave out of a secret
> military installation in Alaska called HAARP. The range of this
> tactical weapon starts at 35 miles high. The Shuttle went out of
> commission and contact at 39 miles high.

Go look at any global map and see how far away Alaska is from Texas.

> Also, there were ants, bloodworms, silkworms, rats, and spiders,
> onboard this mission, to test the effects on silk, spiderweb silk, and
> the formic acid body weight of ants, and also the holy "manna" of the
> Bible, which is actually a secretion from the anuses of ants, which
> might perform differently in the vacuum of space or in the strange
> gravity of space.

So we had to blow up the shuttle to destroy anal retentive ants? I don't

Duke of URL

Feb 2, 2003, 5:38:46 PM2/2/03

> Man has never ever been more than 300 miles above the final layer of

> our atmosphere, the ionosphere, or his head would explode

Apparently in this imbecile's case, THREE FEET above Sea Level was


Feb 2, 2003, 5:40:46 PM2/2/03
It dependes how far from the Nevada desert you are. ;-)

George Black

Feb 2, 2003, 6:01:38 PM2/2/03

"B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message

Go away and find your village. They must be missing their idiot...
George Black
ICQ#: 6963409
More ways to contact me:


Feb 2, 2003, 6:21:10 PM2/2/03
Let me guess....You believe in these whackos that came up with the myth that
the Apollo missions to the moon were somehow nothing more than movie making
in the desserts of Nevada?

"The government which governs least, governs best." ~ Thomas Jefferson

"ceniza" <> wrote in message

Richard Smith

Feb 2, 2003, 6:54:05 PM2/2/03
Shut the fuck up asshole.

"B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message

~^ beancounter ~^

Feb 2, 2003, 6:59:09 PM2/2/03
what took the kooks so long, to come up w/their

Richard Smith

Feb 2, 2003, 7:09:38 PM2/2/03
They were busy drinking out of their enema bags...with their heads firmly
entrenched in their lower colons.....


" ~^ beancounter ~^" <> wrote in message

Rebecca Chua Enriquez

Feb 2, 2003, 7:42:56 PM2/2/03
Bwahahahahaha! Oh, God, stop it! Bwahahahahaha!

This must be what happens when the interlock of the old microwave breaks and
the local fry-cook at Mel's heats up leftovers with the door open.


Did the alien ship that carried you away for examination resemble a room at
the Holiday Inn, Paramus?


~^ beancounter ~^

Feb 2, 2003, 7:47:07 PM2/2/03
are you sure you want to give them that much credit ?

"Richard Smith" <> wrote in message


Feb 2, 2003, 7:53:38 PM2/2/03
Now, that's a loaded question. Do your own research.

Anti-Jackass <> wrote in message


Feb 2, 2003, 8:41:58 PM2/2/03
Columbia was shot down by an ELF???
Must have been Legolas and his bow.
Whatta Maroon....The Columbia tragedy is bringing out the loons.

Clifton T. Sharp Jr.

Feb 2, 2003, 9:01:00 PM2/2/03
Richard Smith wrote:
> " ~^ beancounter ~^" <> wrote...

> > what took the kooks so long, to come up w/their
> > "theories"..?
> They were busy drinking out of their enema bags...with their heads firmly
> entrenched in their lower colons.....

No, this one was busy obtaining manna from the anuses of ants.

It is better to light just one little candle than to curse the darkness.
If everyone lit just one little candle, the EPA would outlaw candles.

Douglas Berry

Feb 2, 2003, 9:03:34 PM2/2/03
On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 18:21:10 -0500, a wanderer, known to us only as
"Anti-Jackass" <> warmed at our fire and
told this tale:

>Let me guess....You believe in these whackos that came up with the myth that
>the Apollo missions to the moon were somehow nothing more than movie making
>in the desserts of Nevada?

ceniza is one of those whackos. He wanders into alt.conspiracy every
so often, gets beaten to a bloody pulp with facts, the slinks off in
defeat for another few weeks.


Douglas E. Berry

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as
when they do it from religious conviction."
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Pense'es, #894.

Joe S.

Feb 2, 2003, 8:51:36 PM2/2/03
"Mike Salsgiver" <> wrote in message

> This posting brings the concept of "idiotic conspiracy theorist" to a new
> low. Please save the electrons and just go away...

Well, you gotta admit, he's got it all rolled together right there in one
tight little ball.

Joe S.

[ nothing of value snipped ]


Feb 2, 2003, 10:14:14 PM2/2/03

Anti-Jackass wrote:
> Apparently they never "leaked the truth" otherwise somebody else would know
> by now, wouldn't they? You listen to too much Art Bell and liberal
> conspiracy theorists instead of waiting for facts and data.

Art Bell, liberal...???

Art Bell is the classic RightWingNut.


tim gueguen

Feb 2, 2003, 10:35:19 PM2/2/03

"B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message
An obvious plea for help.

tim gueguen 101867

tim gueguen

Feb 2, 2003, 10:37:38 PM2/2/03

"George Black" <> wrote in message

> "B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message
> Go away and find your village. They must be missing their idiot...
> --
Please don't insult the honourable village idiots of the world by comparing
them to Mr. Cloned. :-)

tim gueguen 101867

tim gueguen

Feb 2, 2003, 10:38:44 PM2/2/03

" ~^ beancounter ~^" <> wrote in message
> what took the kooks so long, to come up w/their
> "theories"..?
Actually I saw a couple of kook theories within 3 or 4 hours of the
widespread announcement of the crash.

tim gueguen 101867

George Black

Feb 2, 2003, 11:06:11 PM2/2/03

"tim gueguen" <> wrote in message
: "George Black" <> wrote in message

Well I see --that-- village as one high in a mountainous area where
they've been inbreeding for the last thousand years and the under
graduating get to infest the other villages of the world..:-))
and was that cloned or clown :-))

Rich Ahrens

Feb 2, 2003, 11:18:01 PM2/2/03
George Black wrote:
> "tim gueguen" <> wrote in message
> news:6ul%9.177028$
> :
> : "George Black" <> wrote in message
> : news:b1k83r$2vl$
> : >
> : >
> : > "B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message
> : >
> : >
> : > Go away and find your village. They must be missing their idiot...
> : > --
> : Please don't insult the honourable village idiots of the world by
> comparing
> : them to Mr. Cloned. :-)
> Well I see --that-- village as one high in a mountainous area where
> they've been inbreeding for the last thousand years and the under
> graduating get to infest the other villages of the world..:-))



Feb 2, 2003, 11:21:42 PM2/2/03
to (B. Traven Cloned) wrote in message news:<>...

> GW Bush wants ALL money available for his New World Order, which
> includes his old pal Vlad Putin, in Russia. Bush just hacked to
> pieces
> MEDICARE, enabling states to eliminate tens of millions of disabled,
> aged, and impoverished members from the Medicare lists and now NO
> LONGER recipients of MEDICARE.

You're in big trouble now boy. The dudes with the balaclavas are
going to swoop down from their black helicopters and take you away to
a government detention center for anal probing.

Geez, talk about a loon...sounds like you're the one who's been hit
once too often with the Elf-wave.


Feb 2, 2003, 11:36:28 PM2/2/03
>From: " ~^ beancounter ~^"
>Date: 2/2/2003 5:59 PM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <hhi%9.4887$>

>what took the kooks so long, to come up w/their

Slow dial-up.

>> >
>> > The Columbia Shuttle was shot by an invisible ELF wave out of a secret
>> > military installation in Alaska called HAARP. The range of this
>> > tactical weapon starts at 35 miles high. The Shuttle went out of
>> > commission and contact at 39 miles high.
>> >

Pull the trigger for email.

David Bromage

Feb 2, 2003, 11:40:26 PM2/2/03
In sci.military.naval Mike Salsgiver <> wrote:
> This posting brings the concept of "idiotic conspiracy theorist" to a new
> low. Please save the electrons and just go away...

I wondered how long it would take for the conspiracy theorists to jump on
this one. And unfortunately the Challenger "jokes" are being recycled.

Even Saddam says it's a sign from Allah, because Ilan Ramon was in Operation


Fred J. McCall

Feb 3, 2003, 12:49:43 AM2/3/03
"Clifton T. Sharp Jr." <> wrote:

:Richard Smith wrote:
:> " ~^ beancounter ~^" <> wrote...
:> > what took the kooks so long, to come up w/their
:> > "theories"..?
:> They were busy drinking out of their enema bags...with their heads firmly
:> entrenched in their lower colons.....
:No, this one was busy obtaining manna from the anuses of ants.

Just goes to show you what a sustained diet of ant shit will do to
your head....


Feb 3, 2003, 6:52:18 AM2/3/03
Is it crazy to believe man returned safely from the moon every time in the
late '60's/early
70's when present day challenges that are not nearly as complex as a trip to
the moon
sometimes end in disaster?

Berry's ideas are much whackier if you ask me. (Star Wars, nothing but Star
Wars...okay, maybe
a little Star Trek, too)

Douglas Berry <> wrote in message

Duke of URL

Feb 3, 2003, 10:11:42 AM2/3/03
"Rich Ahrens" <> wrote in message

> George Black wrote:
>> "tim gueguen" <> wrote in message
>> news:6ul%9.177028$
>>> "George Black" <> wrote in message
>>> news:b1k83r$2vl$
>>>> "B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message

>>>> Go away and find your village. They must be missing their idiot...

>>> Please don't insult the honourable village idiots of the world by

>>> comparing them to Mr. Cloned. :-)

>> Well I see --that-- village as one high in a mountainous area where
>> they've been inbreeding for the last thousand years and the under
>> graduating get to infest the other villages of the world..:-))
> Tehachapi?


Rich Ahrens

Feb 3, 2003, 10:44:48 AM2/3/03

I don't know - the description reminds me of our Oracle of Tehachapi, the
King of Splaps, the Master of Projection, one J. Tarver.

Douglas Berry

Feb 3, 2003, 11:53:16 AM2/3/03
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 05:52:18 -0600, a wanderer, known to us only as
"ceniza" <> warmed at our fire and told this

>Is it crazy to believe man returned safely from the moon every time in the

>late '60's/early 70's when present day challenges that are not nearly as
>complex as a trip to the moon sometimes end in disaster?

We sent nine missions out to the Moon. Two orbited and returned
(Apollos 8 and 10), one suffered a failure in route and aborted a
landing (Apollo 13), and six successfully landed on the moon (Apollos
11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17.) That's a 11% failure rate. The most
dangerous portion of all these missions, indeed all spaceflight, is
getting back down to Earth.

The Apollo capsules were all custom built for their missions, none
more than a year old and a one-shot deal. They flew in space once and
were done. Columbia was built in 1981 and has been flown 28 times.
The Apollo capsules just punched through the atmosphere with an
ablative heat shield; there were only two systems that could fail: the
heat shield and the parachutes. The shuttle glides down like a brick
with wings, and is dependent on thousands of individual systems
working perfectly.

Nothing in Apollo approached the complexity and danger of landing a
space shuttle. Once you were out of the atmosphere, the only hard
part of Apollo was the landing on the lunar surface, and even then the
astronauts could abort. No such luck for the crew of Columbia.

>Berry's ideas are much whackier if you ask me. (Star Wars, nothing but Star
>Wars...okay, maybe a little Star Trek, too)

Well, at least we now know where you get your scientific knowledge

Kevin Brooks

Feb 3, 2003, 1:03:39 PM2/3/03
to (gbu17) wrote in message news:<>...

All we need now is Perre Salinger claiming that it was a SAM....sad
how this kind of tragedy brings the whackos (further) out from the


Synthetic Telepath

Feb 3, 2003, 3:15:52 PM2/3/03
Pine Gap Australia and HAARP secret weapons:

The importance of the situation led to the secret establishment of the
National Security Agency by the Truman administration in November, 1954.
The initial task of the NSA was to establish and develop reliable and
secure communications with extraterrestrials who were visiting earth and
find out as much as possible about them. There are strong indications
that to this day the NSA is deeply involved with the U.F.O.'s and their
primary activity is to identify and monitor alien communications and to
suppress any information that may confirm their reality to the public.
This policy has been rigidly maintained and is perhaps more useful to
the aliens themselves than it is to the human race.

The aliens are pursuing their own agendas and they do not want
unnecessary interference from earth's officialdom or the broad masses
they control.

Alien involvement in Australia is similar to that of the U.S.A., Europe
and Russia. For some technological rewards and minor co-operation in
other areas the E.T.'s conduct their own genetic experimentation and the
exploitation of the country is generally totally unhindered by humans.
They have a free hand to do what they want as there is no way of
stopping them.

U.F.O. involvement in Australian affairs started in the late 1940's just
as it did in the U.S.A. It became a major concern during the 1950's and
early 1960's when the British were conducting nuclear testing in South
Australia and test firing a variety of missiles at the Woomera Rocket
Range situated in the same state. So intense was the U.F.O. activity in
these test areas that nuclear explosions and rocket launches had to be
suspended, often for several days, due to electromagnetic effects
causing total electrical failure at the test sights. The township of
Woomera itself was often blacked out for hours by the close approach of
the U.F.O.'s which a source advised were filmed by rocket tracking
cameras at great length. In fact during one U.F.O. flap in the area more
than sixteen thousand feet of film was taken of a variety of vehicles
cris crossing the area. The film was promptly sent to Washington D.C.
for analysis. Almost certainly due to the technical achievements of the
U.S.A. there seems little doubt that the E.T.'s focused their main
attention on that country. However, they did not ignore the activities
of other countries and to this day continue to monitor human activities
both military and civil throughout the world.
As a result of internal efforts made during the early 1950's both, the
U.S.A. and Russia-. made contact with two alien species who apparently
often worked together on various scientific projects and joint military
matters including what we would describe as the policing of their own
areas of influence.

Apart from this contact which developed into a form of co-operation it
became evident that as many as seven other groups were visiting the
planet and did not have an association with the firs ' t two. In fact
there was every indication that they were unfriendly to them and each
other and often directly hostile to humans. Secret official research at
the time indicated that several of these groups appeared to be preparing
a huge world wide military operation or police action against the earth.
This made friendly co-operation with the first two groups even more

There are indications that the technical help provided by the two
initial contact groups brought about a tremendous leap forward in
technology and made the development of SDI a real possibility. In return
for our governments giving the groups a free hand to exploit the planet
and human race, and as far as possible keep their presence a secret,
they would provide the technical know how to prevent further major wars
and stop any other interested extraterrestrials from invading the
planet. It has been said with some authority that they are the brains
behind SDI the extension of which is the HAARP (High Frequency Active
Aural Research Programme) system which is aimed at creating an
electromagnetic shield around the world to prevent an attack from outer
space. This development never had anything to do with the threat from
Soviet Russia, in fact the Russians have actively co-operated in the
development programme since it's inception.

Such advanced defence systems required world wide coverage involving
operational centers in secure areas in several countries. Australia was,
and still is, an ideal piece of real estate for this purpose and is
being utilised to the full.
From the beginning Pine Gap has been associated with secret scientific
experiments into anti gravity, magnetic propulsion and what the radical
press of the 1960's described as Sci-Fi research. Certainly, it's
communication functions were important and still are but it's research
and developments sections situated below the surface are considered
vital to the future of the planet.

Here extraterrestrials conduct their
work in partial co-operation with human scientists. They live in special
conditions in virtual isolation and come and go as they please.
The final stages of SDI including the HAARP system should be functioning
providing it all works, by 1998/99 and if necessary it's entire world
wide operation will be controllable from the network of secret bases in
Australia. Who or what would be at the controls, humans or something
from outer space? One can only guess at the answer but it seems certain
that the isolation and security of these bases situated in a distant
part of the southern hemisphere is of as much importance to the aliens
as it is to their human counterparts.

In many ways Nurrungar is similar to the base at Pine Gap. On the
surface it's military role is to draw information from a series of
geostationary satellites which watch for missile launches and nuclear
detonations throughout Asia and the Middle East. However this represents
a small percentage of it's activities. Basically it acts as a back up
facility to Pine Gap complete with extensive underground installations
and an illegal nuclear reactor which has to be supplied with large
amounts of water carried by a regular train service originating in the
southern part of the state of South Australia. Like Pine Gap it is
situated in an isolated area of low electro magnetic activity and sealed
off from the public view by a security zone which is part of the
'Woomera Prohibited Area'.

From the time construction of Nurrungar began in 1969 the U.F.O.
activity in the Woomera area increased to similar levels experienced
during the height of the nuclear and missile testing of the 1950's and
early 1960's. It remains one of the most active U.F.O. areas in
Australia. One source told the writer that E.T.'s used Nurrunga just as
they did at Pine Gap. They have a free hand and there was no way of
controlling them. "They run the place," he said.

Apart from it's more obvious functions, the main purpose of Nurrungar
remains -top secret. It is known that it has similar communication links
as Pine Gap as well as a separate undersea cable link to the U.S.A. Also
it is rumoured that direct links are maintained with a similar
installation situated in North West China and the ultra secret American
base at the South Pole.


The principal partners in this new venture are the United States and
Australia. Under the UKUSA agreement the British and other club members
are given access to the information gathered when it is considered
necessary. The controlling bodies of the ultra modern installation are
the American NSA and the Australian DSD. It's purpose is to monitor the
entire Australian telecommunication system with particular emphasis
placed on all incoming and outgoing international telephone call,
facsimile messages, telex and radio transmissions. It operates in
conjunction with Pine Gap and to a lesser extent Nurrungar giving it
almost unlimited intrusive powers into all levels of electronic
communications in Australia. No one is safe from it's prying abilities
which take place at every level.

As the Geraldton installation is one of the most mu-Ab-rn of it's type
in the world it was also one of the most expensive ever built. The
Australian government announced that it had contributed four hundred
million dollars to the project but in reality their investment was much
more. A source quoted the actual figure at one billion and four hundred
million dollars with the American government contributing equipment and
technical knowhow. In this way the U.S.A. normally makes a profit on the
deal particularly after the host country covers the establishment costs
in full.


Who would ever think a man who cuts the large bulk of medical care to
the old in his country gives one flying phuck about protecting the
same people from a dozen terrorists?


ps: It was Marvin Bush, GW Bush's brother, who held the monopoly on
security contracts for the World Trade Center circa Sept. 11th, 2001,
and for the Dulles Airport [from which two of the United Airlines
planes departed that flew to their demise], and he also held the sole
contract for quite a few eye opening clients that make this whole WTC
affair look pretty bad for the bat eared President of the US. Marvin
Bush was the CEO of security for United Airlines too, by the same
company he ran as an outsourcing contract agency. (B. Traven Cloned) wrote in message news:<237974ea>...

> GW Bush wants ALL money available for his New World Order, which
> includes his old pal Vlad Putin, in Russia. Bush just hacked to
> pieces MEDICARE, enabling states to eliminate tens of millions
of disabled,
> aged, and impoverished members from the Medicare lists and now NO

> LONGER recipients of MEDICARE. This is truly a health holocaust in
> the USA as a result. Now Dubya and his henchmen want every NASA
> monies too, especially if it involves non-robotic piloting of
> spacecraft. Humans can reveal secrets of the unknown that they
> witness out there ... robots just make a 01010101010101 ...
> computation -- of everything, including love and sex, and do not
> betray their programmers!
> Man has never ever been more than 300 miles above the final layer of
> our atmosphere, the ionosphere, or his head would explode and his blood
> would boil, unless he/she has been injected with substitute blood,
> hydrazine
> solution. Maybe a few astronauts have done this to their bodies and
> souls and are sworn to secrecy in a kind of occult cabal. If they
> ever "leak" the truth, they are afterwards "dead astronauts".

> The Columbia Shuttle was shot by an invisible ELF wave out of a secret
> military installation in Alaska called HAARP. The range of this
> tactical weapon starts at 35 miles high. The Shuttle went out of
> commission and contact at 39 miles high.

Sandra Bullock

Feb 3, 2003, 3:56:42 PM2/3/03

Haarp ELF waves could cause communication interference, power
failures, and weather modification designed to have a devastating
effect on food production.

The Earth is protected from harmful cosmic rays by the Van Allen
Radiation Belt in conjunction with the Earth's magnetic field. The
ozone layer protect us from ultra-violet light. If this dual barrier
is weakened, allowing these high-energy particles from the ionosphere
to enter the atmosphere, serve damage could be caused to the DNA
blueprints of all life on Earth. This is only one of the disastrous
effects of which the HAARP system capable.

HAARP records disclose that when the project is up to full power, it
will be able to send very low frequency and extra low frequency (VLF
and ELF) waves at energy levels sufficient to affect entire regional
populations. What other objective can there be but to control people?

What is even more ominous is the authors' picture of what they refer
to as the "psychocivilized society." After reviewing HAARP documents
and Air Force materials, the possibility is there for the HAARP
transmitting system to be used "inadvertently or intentionally to
after mental functions."

We are now the age of sophisticated electromagnetic technology which
can interfere with the Earth's magnetic fields all the way up to the
ionosphere. The consequences of such aggressive tampering with our
natural environment are not known, nor to the HAARP designers seem to
care, brushing aside any attempts to develop a regulatory presence.
Frustrating those who are anti-HAARP is the veil of secrecy and
deception which covers the project.


Feb 3, 2003, 4:01:13 PM2/3/03

"Sandra Bullock" <> wrote in message

> What is even more ominous is the authors' picture of what they refer
> to as the "psychocivilized society." After reviewing HAARP documents
> and Air Force materials, the possibility is there for the HAARP
> transmitting system to be used "inadvertently or intentionally to
> after mental functions."

After whose review, based on what? Has HAARP been shown to be more
deleterious to "mental functions" than the household toaster, the WEGA
set, Phillips Milk of Magnesia, or the hair dryer? How?


RTO Trainer

Feb 3, 2003, 5:28:16 PM2/3/03
After reviewing Paragraph 5 pf the OPORD of 2 Feb 2003 14:13:39 -0800, (B. Traven Cloned) exclaimed:

<presumably drug induced rant snipped>

If we've got this, why are we dinking about with missle defense

"In 1991 teh Iraqis agreed to 'beat their swords into ploughshares.' The inspectors are
there, not to look for swords, but to find the ploughshares." --Sharon, a caller to
to the Gary McNamara Show, Dallas radio WBAP, 27 Jan 2003
SPC Robert White 31U, OKARNG HHC 45th eSB Thunderbirds!

Ronald O. Christian

Feb 3, 2003, 5:42:52 PM2/3/03
On 3 Feb 2003 12:56:42 -0800, (Sandra

Bullock) wrote:
>What is even more ominous is the authors' picture of what they refer
>to as the "psychocivilized society." After reviewing HAARP documents
>and Air Force materials, the possibility is there for the HAARP
>transmitting system to be used "inadvertently or intentionally to
>after mental functions."

That's ok, I've got my tinfoil helmet on.

"Save the whales. Collect the whole set."

Eric Gisin

Feb 3, 2003, 5:40:29 PM2/3/03
"DueProcessAppreciationSociety" <> wrote in
message news:b1mlau$rj9$
Belief in mind control, telepathy, etc is a common result of psychotic
disorders or drug abuse.

Al Brennan

Feb 3, 2003, 5:50:42 PM2/3/03
Recently Douglas Berry <> honored
alt.disasters.aviation with:

>On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 05:52:18 -0600, a wanderer, known to us only as
>"ceniza" <> warmed at our fire and told this
>>Is it crazy to believe man returned safely from the moon every time in the
>>late '60's/early 70's when present day challenges that are not nearly as
>>complex as a trip to the moon sometimes end in disaster?
>We sent nine missions out to the Moon. Two orbited and returned
>(Apollos 8 and 10), one suffered a failure in route and aborted a
>landing (Apollo 13), and six successfully landed on the moon (Apollos
>11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17.) That's a 11% failure rate. The most
>dangerous portion of all these missions, indeed all spaceflight, is
>getting back down to Earth.

Not to mention the US suffered three dead in the attempt at the moon,
lost the second Mercury capsule at sea, had a couple of close calls on
space walks in the Gemini program, and the terrible safety record of
the Soviet attempt at a moon landing. Plenty of disasters to go
around in this space travel business.

>The Apollo capsules were all custom built for their missions, none
>more than a year old and a one-shot deal. They flew in space once and
>were done. Columbia was built in 1981 and has been flown 28 times.
>The Apollo capsules just punched through the atmosphere with an
>ablative heat shield; there were only two systems that could fail: the
>heat shield and the parachutes. The shuttle glides down like a brick
>with wings, and is dependent on thousands of individual systems
>working perfectly.

A brick glider, that's a good analogy. When I heard the first news
report that Columbia was 15 minutes late for touchdown, I knew it
meant big trouble. AFAIK, the shuttle requires a near-perfect reentry
or it goes down. Remember the story of the Cosmonaut that
miraculously recovered from his craft's attitude control failure, only
to have his chutes fail after regaining control? Here it is -
Vladimir Komarov on Soyuz I in April, 1967.

>Nothing in Apollo approached the complexity and danger of landing a
>space shuttle. Once you were out of the atmosphere, the only hard
>part of Apollo was the landing on the lunar surface, and even then the
>astronauts could abort. No such luck for the crew of Columbia.
>>Berry's ideas are much whackier if you ask me. (Star Wars, nothing but Star
>>Wars...okay, maybe a little Star Trek, too)
>Well, at least we now know where you get your scientific knowledge

Beats paying all that tuition for a college edukayshun.

Peter Skelton

Feb 3, 2003, 6:16:42 PM2/3/03
On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 22:42:52 GMT, Ronald O. Christian
<> wrote:

>On 3 Feb 2003 12:56:42 -0800, (Sandra
>Bullock) wrote:
>>What is even more ominous is the authors' picture of what they refer
>>to as the "psychocivilized society." After reviewing HAARP documents
>>and Air Force materials, the possibility is there for the HAARP
>>transmitting system to be used "inadvertently or intentionally to
>>after mental functions."
>That's ok, I've got my tinfoil helmet on.

Why, any fool knows that Gabriel plays trumpet, harps are for
God's REMFs

Peter Skelton

Duke of URL

Feb 3, 2003, 7:57:37 PM2/3/03
"Rich Ahrens" <> wrote in message

Doesn't Tarver Winter-in-Aspen? It seems like the sort of place/people he'd


Feb 3, 2003, 8:27:52 PM2/3/03
there are many who believe that these three heros may have been victims of
foul play.

Rich Ahrens

Feb 3, 2003, 8:50:17 PM2/3/03

Nah, he prefers his wine with a screw top.

Fred J. McCall

Feb 3, 2003, 10:19:50 PM2/3/03
Peter Skelton <> wrote:

:On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 22:42:52 GMT, Ronald O. Christian

You owe me a keyboard.

Douglas Berry

Feb 3, 2003, 10:25:34 PM2/3/03
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 19:27:52 -0600, a wanderer, known to us only as

"ceniza" <> warmed at our fire and told this

>there are many who believe that these three heros may have been victims of
>foul play.

ceniza, the little men who hide in your head don't count.

Peter Skelton

Feb 3, 2003, 10:04:39 PM2/3/03

Then we're even

Peter Skelton

Steve Hix

Feb 4, 2003, 1:22:19 AM2/4/03
In article <>,

"ceniza" <> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Not to mention the US suffered three dead in the attempt at the moon,
> there are many who believe that these three heros may have been victims of
> foul play.

There are "many" who believe that the earth is flat, too.

Sidney Schachnow

Feb 4, 2003, 2:52:17 PM2/4/03
*Prove the ozone layer is made of O3 and not Noctilucent Water

*Prove the earth's core is made of molten nickel, and not Amorphous
Solid Water

*Prove that comets are dirty snow balls, and not highly toxic
radioactive renegades on more than a maximum of two miles in diameter
[a small intergalactic space ship of some sort?; or a large space
virus] desired by no living life force in the cosmos [we should be
using our Elf waves and HAARP on the comets, and not on space shuttles
such as Columbia, and beam a microwave pulse at the comet to blast it
as well as the Columbia was targeted]

* Prove that the sun uses a core that is like a hydrogen fusion
reactor [what a load of crap] -- when we finally understand the sun
and its dynamics and stars it will be a far cry from any such
one-dimensional chain reaction constipated robotic theory like nuclear
fusion -- what rot!]

* Prove the current beliefs that tie in CMEs [coronal mass ejections]
and solar flares, and differentiate between what is electronic force
and what is non-ionic magnetism [involving no electrons at all].

* Get a life

* Why do quantum mechanics COMPLETELY disagree with what we know of
Gravity, or what we blindling call "gravity" ... it is a term used
like "god".

Sidney Schachnow, retired military, Fort Bragg (ANDREW ROBERT BREEN)
who earned his PHD last century and last millenium
wrote in message news:<b1o26k$1cd9$>...
Did my PhD and two postdocs [class of 1922]as an ionospheric
physicist, specialising in modelling the energy balance
> in the ionosphere. I now do solar wind work, but I did do some work
> on observing irregularities in the upper atmosphere which were pumped
> up using the HF heater at Ramsfjordmoen. They were observable, they
> were also much less pronounced then the irregularities produced
> by aurora (which is as you'd expect, heaters - including HAARP
> - stuff much less power into the upper atmosphere than the aurora
> does.
> Can give more details on the mechanisms etc. if anyone wants, but
> don't intend to clutter the group with OT otherwise.
> In short, the kook is talking a load of bullocks.
> Thank you, and I now return you to your regular programming..


Feb 4, 2003, 6:26:42 PM2/4/03
"Joe S." <> wrote in message news:<>...
> "Mike Salsgiver" <> wrote in message
> news:zOg%9.143874$rM2.58422@rwcrnsc53...

> > This posting brings the concept of "idiotic conspiracy theorist" to a new
> > low. Please save the electrons and just go away...
> Well, you gotta admit, he's got it all rolled together right there in one
> tight little ball.

ah, like a dung beetle?

Jack Linthicum

Feb 4, 2003, 7:30:16 PM2/4/03
to (Synthetic Telepath) wrote in message news:<>...

> Pine Gap Australia and HAARP secret weapons:
> The importance of the situation led to the secret establishment of the
> National Security Agency by the Truman administration in November, 1954.
> The initial task of the NSA was to establish and develop reliable and
> secure communications with extraterrestrials who were visiting earth and
> find out as much as possible about them. There are strong indications
> that to this day the NSA is deeply involved with the U.F.O.'s and their
> primary activity is to identify and monitor alien communications and to
> suppress any information that may confirm their reality to the public.
> This policy has been rigidly maintained and is perhaps more useful to
> the aliens themselves than it is to the human race.
I worked for six years for the Naval Security Group (Part of the NSA)
and never heard anything like this. I did have some suspicions about
some of the people I worked with, LCDR Findlay being one, but I never
saw anything really odd during business hours. You should spend some
time with Reference Data for Radio Engineers and learn where the
really big ones (ELF as you call them) and the somewhat smaller ones
(UHF to EHF) fit together. The H part of HAARP is High
Frequency..somewhere in between the other two. I did know people who
worked at Pine Gap and they mainly got a lot of heat from the City of
Oz press over some kind of satellite business.


Feb 4, 2003, 9:22:02 PM2/4/03

Sounds like a person that devotes their reality from movies of the
80's.....HAARP.....HPM...Microwave used like electricity out at
Nasa....UHF, S-Band, TV, Radar...take your pick....

takes 2ghz to power a 40 meter S-band antennaes Klystron....I have seen
switch gears from Hell power it....needs a small nuclear plant to power
that kind of beam. OR about 120 10kw diesel generators to just...takes
2 15Kw generators just for a small telementry antennae...

I saw go back and study with Chun...Remo's sensei and come back when
you have learned the 4th stage....dont stand in your own shit.

In article <>, Fred J. McCall

Sidney Schachnow

Feb 5, 2003, 5:23:36 PM2/5/03
-->> from the research department of the Univ. of Connecticut:

Patent documents filed during an earlier research effort that evolved
into the HAARP program outline further military applications of
ionospheric-heating technology:

Creating a "full global shield" that would destroy ballistic missiles
or space vehicles [such as a Space Shuttle making a reentry] by
overheating their electronic guidance systems as they fly through a
powerful radio-energy field.

Distinguishing nuclear warheads from decoys by sensing their elemental

Manipulating local weather.

When the full HAARP facility is constructed, it will include several
sensing and analysis systems. At its heart is the antenna field, which
now is a demonstration version of a larger planned array named the
ionospheric research instrument (IRI), which will include 360

The IRI is designed to temporarily modify 30-mile diameter patches of
the upper atmosphere by excit ing, or "heating," their constituent
electrons and ions with focused beams of powerful, highfrequency radio
energy. A household analogy would be a microwave oven, which heats
dinner by exciting the food's water molecules with microwave energy. (ANDREW ROBERT BREEN) wrote in message news:<b1p951$4pot$>...
> In article <>,

> Sidney Schachnow <> wrote:
> >*Prove the ozone layer is made of O3 and not Noctilucent Water
> >

> In-situ sampling. Guy down the corridor from me does it.

> >*Prove the earth's core is made of molten nickel, and not Amorphous
> >Solid Water

> Not my province, guv.

> >*Prove that comets are dirty snow balls, and not highly toxic

> Giotto images.

> >* Prove that the sun uses a core that is like a hydrogen fusion
> >reactor [what a load of crap] -- when we finally understand the sun
> >and its dynamics and stars it will be a far cry from any such
> >one-dimensional chain reaction constipated robotic theory like nuclear
> >fusion -- what rot!]

> GOLF. BiSON. Read the literature, oh least clueful one.

> >* Prove the current beliefs that tie in CMEs [coronal mass ejections]
> >and solar flares, and differentiate between what is electronic force
> >and what is non-ionic magnetism [involving no electrons at all].

> In-situ sampling. Ask Jack Gosling if you're brave anough.
> >* Get a life
> Got one, thank you.

> >
> >Sidney Schachnow, retired military, Fort Bragg

> Thank you. Now take your medication.

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 6, 2003, 4:55:21 PM2/6/03
It is looking pretty clear that a HAARP type microwave beam weapon was
tried out on the US Space Shuttle Columbia to see how well it worked.
This will be very useful in the Defense Industry and World Arms
Merchants warehouse, and there are sheckels to be made!

Look into our #1 Undersecretary of War, second in the Defense Dept.
under Donald Rumsfeld, Dov S. Zakheim. He was the top arms merchant
for corporate america before being appointed by Rumsfeld!

Today's news was full of the MYSTERIES and MISSING LINKs in the Space
shuttles demise. Investigators cannot understand the appearance of
much lower temperatures elsewhere after heat conduction from the left
wing theory is nowhere to be seen in the senors readings! The
abscence of sharp warming in other parts of the craft remains a

Elizabeth Eder (Sidney Schachnow) wrote in message news:<a7108294.>...

Jack Linthicum

Feb 6, 2003, 6:29:15 PM2/6/03
to (Sandra Bullock) wrote in message news:<>...

So far you seem like the only poster with enough cogency to answer the
following: There have been reports (I'll add them to the bottom of
this) that a "purple flash" was seen by an astronomer near the shuttle
when it passed over the astronomer's location in California. I have
heard of a third variant of lightning cloud to ground, cloud to cloud, up. Could this be a phenomenon like that or is there some
other vehicle for high energy transfer at very high altitudes.
(Sketchy knowledge of 30 year old reports on whistlers here)

v. Munchhausen

Feb 6, 2003, 8:19:57 PM2/6/03
There is also the laser in NM, it was designed for destroying ICBMs.

Jack Linthicum wrote: the flwg

Ralph Nesbitt

Feb 6, 2003, 10:41:39 PM2/6/03

"Jack Linthicum" <> wrote in message

> So far you seem like the only poster with enough cogency to answer the
> following: There have been reports (I'll add them to the bottom of
> this) that a "purple flash" was seen by an astronomer near the shuttle
> when it passed over the astronomer's location in California. I have
> heard of a third variant of lightning cloud to ground, cloud to cloud,
> up. Could this be a phenomenon like that or is there some
> other vehicle for high energy transfer at very high altitudes.
> (Sketchy knowledge of 30 year old reports on whistlers here)
There are "High Altitude" electrical phenomena called "Sprites" that little
is known about. For information on "Sprites" see:

Below is a part of the introduction from the referenced site.
Ralph Nesbitt
Professional FD/CFR/ARFF Type
The first images of a sprite were accidently obtained in 1989 (Franz et al.,
1990). Beginning in 1990, about twenty images have been obtained from the
space shuttle ( Vaughan et al., 1992; Boeck et al., 1994 ).

Since then, video sequences of well over a thousand sprites have been
captured. These include measurements from the ground ( Lyons, 1994,
Winckler, 1995 ) and from aircraft ( Sentman and Wescott, 1993; Sentman et
al., 1995).

Numerous images have also been obtained from aircraft of blue jets ( Wescott
et al., 1995), also a previously unrecorded form of optical activity above
thunderstorms. Blue jets appear to emerge directly from the tops of clouds
and shoot upward in narrow cones through the stratosphere. Their upward
speed has been measured to be about 100 km per second.

Anecdotal reports of "rocket-like" and other optical emissions above
thunderstorms go back more than a century ( Lyons, 1994), and there have
been several pilot reports of similar phenomena (Vaughan and Vonnegut,
1989). The associated gamma ray bursts and TIPPS were only recently
reported. Together, these phenomena suggest that thunderstorms exert a much
greater influence on the middle and upper atmospheres than was previously

Jim Watt

Feb 7, 2003, 4:28:09 AM2/7/03
On 6 Feb 2003 13:55:21 -0800, (HAARP Museum
Association) wrote:

>It is looking pretty clear that a HAARP type microwave beam weapon was
>tried out on the US Space Shuttle Columbia to see how well it worked.

One problem with that idea might be that whatever HAARP is. its not a
microwave device, and however stupid people may be shooting down
your own space vehicle is rather foolish to say the least, especially
when it was nowhere near Alaska at the time.
Jim Watt

Victoire Mature

Feb 7, 2003, 1:06:26 PM2/7/03
"Mysterious purple streak is shown hitting Columbia
7 minutes before it disintegrated"

HAARP ELF wave -- Alaska DoD facility same longitude as California
position of Shuttle when trouble first arrived

Sabin Russell, Chronicle Staff Writer Wednesday, February 5, 2003


Top investigators of the Columbia space shuttle disaster are analyzing
a startling photograph -- snapped by an amateur astronomer from a San
Francisco hillside -- that appears to show a purplish electrical bolt
striking the craft as it streaked across the California sky.

The digital image is one of five snapped by the shuttle buff at
roughly 5:53 a.m. Saturday as sensors on the doomed orbiter began
showing the first indications of trouble. Seven minutes later, the
craft broke up in flames over Texas.

The photographer requested that his name not be used and said he would
not release the image to the public until NASA experts had time to
examine it.

Although there are several possible benign explanations for the image
-- such as a barely perceptable jiggle of the camera as it took the
time exposure -- NASA's zeal to examine the photo demonstrates the
lengths at which the agency is going to tap the resources of ordinary
Americans in solving the puzzle.

Late Tuesday, NASA dispatched former shuttle astronaut Tammy Jernigan,
now a manager at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, to the San Francisco
home of the astronomer to examine his digital images and to take the
camera itself to Mountain View, where it was to be transported by a
NASA T-38 jet to Houston this morning.

A Chronicle reporter was present when the astronaut arrived. First
seeing the image on a large computer screen, she had one word: "Wow."

Jernigan, who is no longer working for NASA, quizzed the photographer
on the aperture of the camera, the direction he faced and the
estimated exposure time -- about four to six seconds on the automatic
Nikon 880 camera. It was mounted on a tripod, and the shutter was
triggered manually.

In the critical shot, a glowing purple rope of light corkscrews down
toward the plasma trail, appears to pass behind it, then cuts sharply
toward it from below. As it merges with the plasma trail, the streak
itself brightens for a distance, then fades.

"It certainly appears very anomalous," said Jernigan. "We sure will be
very interested in taking a very hard look at this."

Jernigan flew five shuttle missions herself during the 1990s,
including three on Columbia. On her last flight, the pilot of the
craft was Rick Husband, who was at the controls when Columbia

"He was one of the finest people I could ever hope to know," said

It was an astounding day for the San Francisco photographer, who said
he had not had any success in reaching NASA through its published
telephone hot lines.

He ultimately reached investigators through a connection with a
relative who attends the same church as former astronaut Jack Lousma,
who flew 24 million miles in the Skylab 3 mission in 1973.

Lousma put him in direct touch with Ralph Roe Jr., chief engineer for
the shuttle program at Johnson Space Flight Center in Houston.

After a series of telephone conversations Tuesday afternoon, the
photographer had a veteran shuttle mission specialist knocking at his
door by dinnertime. Within hours, he was left with a receipt, and his
camera was on its way to Houston.

E-mail Sabin Russell at (HAARP Museum Association)
wrote in message news:<HAARP>...

Ralph Nesbitt

Feb 7, 2003, 1:44:46 PM2/7/03

"Victoire Mature" <> wrote in message

> "Mysterious purple streak is shown hitting Columbia
> 7 minutes before it disintegrated"
> HAARP ELF wave -- Alaska DoD facility same longitude as California
> position of Shuttle when trouble first arrived
> Sabin Russell, Chronicle Staff Writer Wednesday, February 5, 2003
> ----------------------------------------
> Top investigators of the Columbia space shuttle disaster are analyzing
> a startling photograph -- snapped by an amateur astronomer from a San
> Francisco hillside -- that appears to show a purplish electrical bolt
> striking the craft as it streaked across the California sky.
Check: . Composite Components, especially Carbon
Graphite, Like the leading edge of the Shuttle Wing, are more susceptible to
damage by electrical phenomena, such as lightning, than metallic components.

Little is known/understood about Sprites, see above site. Any phenomena
capable of creating a "Gamma Ray Burst" is definitely "High Energy".

To my knowledge the only A/C traveling in the area where "sprites" have been
observed would be limited to classified military operations. Any incidents
involving these A/C & "sprites" would not be "Public Information".

If the Pic discussed in the article is of a "sprite striking the Columbia,
it is entirely possible the left wing was damaged to some extent by such an
event, leading to the breakup.

George Black

Feb 7, 2003, 2:05:14 PM2/7/03

"Victoire Mature" <> wrote in message

: "Mysterious purple streak is shown hitting Columbia


I don't know about any-one else but I'm having trouble with
authenticating the camera type...

George Black
ICQ#: 6963409
More ways to contact me:

Remote Viewer 9x3=27

Feb 7, 2003, 5:20:25 PM2/7/03
The military wants to use HAARP to develop scary futuristic weapons.
Among them: (1) a "global shield" that would zap the guidance systems
of incoming ballistic missiles or shuttle craft or alien space craft;
(2) mind-control beams to incapacitate enemy troops, and (3)
weather-control machines.

HAARP = Directed over-the-horizon radio communication: You could
create one or more "virtual refractors" in the upper atmosphere to
direct a radio beam to a location in a distant part of the globe, and
exploit it as a microwave maser type deadly weapon.

HAARP is in Gakona, Alaska, and Univ. of Mass at Lowell, and funded
through the Air Force Research Lab and the Naval Research Lab, with
some ancillary classified functions in New Mexico -- close to White

The longitude of Gakona Alaska is 145° 18' W Longitude

This is roughly the same longitude as Catalina Island off the coast of
California, so you are onto something here about the HAARP weapon and
the downing of the US Space Shuttle Columbia.

The shuttle spacecraft began to show systems failures just before it
reached the coastline of California!

HAARP ALASKA SKYMAP, every 2 minutes update:

Will HAARP energy beams destroy the ionosphere?

Recently I heard about the U.S. Air Force's new "doomsday machine"
called HAARP, for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. From
what I understand, the Air Force plans to experiment with blowing a
hole in our ionosphere by directing intense high-frequency radio waves
at it from somewhere in Alaska.

The Air Force "experts" assured the interviewer that such a thing
would have no negative impact on our global environment or weather
systems. There was also some discussion of using this technology as a
form of mind control by determining the proper frequency radio waves
and directing them at whole armies to render them insensible.

My understanding is that the ionosphere protects us from lethal cosmic
forces, allowing the earth to support life as we know it. What evil
people are toying with this delicate balance?

When HAARP is fully deployed in 2002 and they flip the switch, either
nothing much will happen or, to hear opponents tell it, it'll be the
end of the world. Cecil has had a long talk with the folks at HAARP
and concludes that the latter isn't very likely, but thinking about it
will definitely liven up a dull day at the office.

What freaks some people out about HAARP is the concept: scientists are
building an array of 360 high-power radio antennas in Alaska to
generate a beam of radio energy for purposes of heating up a patch of
the ionosphere, the outer part of the earth's atmosphere. This may
come in handy for such purposes as:

Submarine communication: Send a pulsed radio beam into the "auroral
electrojet," the high-altitude stream of charged particles found in
polar regions, and the electrojet will rebroadcast pulses of extremely
low frequency (ELF) radio energy. In effect what you've done is turn
part of the electrojet into a giant ELF antenna extending for hundreds
of miles. ELF energy will penetrate seawater and thus can be used to
communicate with submerged submarines.

Underground surveillance: ELF energy will also penetrate some distance
into the earth. By means of "earth-penetrating tomography"--radiating
ELF energy at the earth and seeing what kind of echo bounces back--you
can map out stuff hidden underground, e.g., mineral deposits or, more
urgently for the Pentagon, secret underground nuclear-bomb factories
in countries like North Korea.

Directed over-the-horizon radio communication: You could create one or
more "virtual refractors" in the upper atmosphere to direct a radio
beam to a location in a distant part of the globe.

Doesn't sound so bad, but HAARP opponents say the Air Force isn't
telling the whole story. Their main beefs: first, the project will
pour more energy into the sky than ever previously attempted, with who
knows what awful consequences. Proponents say the energy isn't that
much greater than what existing ionospheric research facilities pump
out and in any case is trivial compared to natural forces.

The second complaint is that the military wants to use HAARP to
develop scary futuristic weapons. Among them: (1) a "global shield"
that would zap the guidance systems of incoming ballistic missiles;
(2) mind-control beams to incapacitate enemy troops, and (3)
weather-control machines.

Sounds wild, but at least some of these schemes were embodied in
technology patented in the 1980s by physicist Bernard Eastlund, who
was a founder of a predecessor company of the current HAARP
contractor. HAARP spokesmen say there's no connection between
Eastlund's plans and theirs, and that they're not cooking up death
rays or anything of the sort.

But check out both sides of the story and decide for yourself. For the
full paranoid treatment see Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in
Tesla Technology by Nick Begich, Earthpulse Press, PO Box 201393,
Anchorage, Alaska 99520, 907-249-9111. For the Air Force's version
(complete with photos), check out the HAARP Website at
(HAARP Museum Association)
wrote in message news:<4f934102.030206135>...

Synthetic Telepath

Feb 7, 2003, 5:32:04 PM2/7/03


U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee

By Alfred Webre, EcoNews Service (Vancouver, BC)

HARTSVILLE, TENN - Newly released documentary and eyewitness evidence
now links an apparent July 6, 2001 electronic warfare attack on a
radio station and weekly newspaper in Hartsville, Tennessee to a
nearby unacknowledged secret access project (USAP). This secret
project, eyewitnesses say, includes the U.S. Air Force as paymaster,
U.S. government aircraft as transportation and security craft;
military troops in black uniforms; and black unmarked triangular
aircraft. The project may also include a secret electronic warfare
unit capable of disabling nearby media outlets with destructive
electromagnetic energy.

It has now known that an official U.S. Air Force cheque was used to
pay for the clandestine installation of massive telephone switching
equipment at a defunct Tennessee Valley Authority nuclear power plant
about five miles from the target media outlets. The private
contractor who installed the unusually large switching system at a
former nuclear power plant that is still officially defunct reported
this to the WJKM investigators on condition of anonymity.

Historically, the U.S Air Force has pioneered in the development and
use of electronic warfare against civilian targets and populations,
notably in the NATO war in Yugoslavia.

Speaking to a live radio audience on July 21, WJKM general manager Ted
Randall for the first time publicly released the results on his
station's official on-going investigation of the attack. Dan Fluehe
and Matt Aaron of WJKM, host Clyde Lewis along with this reporter,
Alfred Webre, participated in the radio program.

WJKM's investigation has eliminated other possible causes of the
electromagnetic blast, such as power transformer malfunction caused by
birds or internal mechanical problems. Centrexnews reporter Joel
Skousen, who initially reported that birds caused the electronic
attack, declined to participate in the radio program.

Although the nuclear facility has been officially closed for some
time, eyewitnesses now testify to clandestine activities going on at
the site. These include sightings of tractor-trailer trucks entering
and leaving the former nuclear power plant at 2 or 3 AM; sightings of
C-130 military aircraft flying over the facility as if to land;
sightings of unmarked black helicopters monitoring the area; sightings
of military troops in unmarked black uniforms; and - yes - multiple
witness reports of black triangular craft hovering over the former
power plant. Civilians venturing near the site have also reported
being aggressively ejected by a private police force of about 30
plain-clothes men.

Randall presented live and audiotaped eyewitness testimony of the
destructive effects of the electronic attack, including a tell-tale
flashing blue pulse that accompanied the destruction, and usually
accompanies the discharge of electromagnetic pulse weapons. He also
presented audio recordings of the audible electronic hum that
accompanied the alleged attack, a clear electronic signature of an
electromagnetic weapon attack.

The accompanying surges during the event fit the pattern of an
electronic attack. According to WJKM, " These surges are not just
coming into the power lines. They are also entering the radio station
through phone lines and the antenna system. This is evident in blown
telephone equipment. Sometimes the equipment is not
destroyed but the program settings are scrambled or wiped out."

On the air, Randall described photographs of dead,
electronically-fried birds that littered a mile-square area around the
radio station, now posted on the station's Internet website at

Randall stated that local residents are experiencing adverse health
effects. Randall said, "It is also interesting that according
listeners have called in, there has apparently been an increase in
what they are calling fibromyalgia. This is a disease name appointed
to the unexplainable severe and disabling pain throughout the entire
body over recent years, as well as, an increase in headaches mimicking
migraines that are not actual migraines."

Randall documented the 2.4 Richter underground seismic earthquake that
struck the area on July 7, the day after the electronic attack, from
10-10:30 PM.

Randall also posted the HAARP magnetometer readings on the WJKM
website for the two days - July 6 and July 7. Both the electronic
attack and the unusual earthquake were accompanied by massive,
anomalous bursts of electromagnetic pulse energy from HAARP, the U.S.
Navy's electromagnetic pulse military facility and possible
environmental weapons system in Gakona, Alaska. Coincidentally (and
perhaps causally) HAARP's magnetometer showed massive spikes of
electromagnetic energy for both days.

According to Randall, " At about 10:45 AM Friday [July 6], radio
station WJKM and CMR (Country Music Radio), with studios in
Hartsville, Tennessee was knocked off the air by a very powerful
strange energy blast! There was a crystal clear blue sky, no
clouds or rain. It was not lightning"

According to WJKM, in the attack, "All the radio station's lines were
knocked out.
Several power transformers were blown several blocks away from the
studios (smoke seen billowing out of one). All phone lines at the
newspaper (The Hartsville Vidette), the local farm co-op and all other
phones in this small radius were knocked out! Radio station
transmitter lost all MOSFETS and the output - tuning network. All
computers at WJKM lost motherboards, network cards etc. ISDN was
knocked out. Most all the equipment Zephyr codec and EAS all knocked

These effects on radio transmission systems closely resemble the
effects on urban radio, television, power transmission and generation
facilities attacked by U.S. Air Force electronic bombing in electronic
warfare missions in recent military operations worldwide, including
Yugoslavia and Iraq.

How and why was electronic warfare carried out in rural Tennessee?

From the known profile of electronic weaponry, the electronic attack
upon WJKM appears to have been caused by a tactical electromagnetic
weapon, emitting a directed electromagnetic plasma, beam, pulse, etc.
at the target. Electronic weapons with this capability are known,
and can be land mounted in a facility like the former power plant,
mounted in portable facilities like vans, trucks, helicopters or

Electronic weapons may even be space-based, on satellite platforms.
This reporter has personally met with an Assistant Secretary of
Defense at the Pentagon who confirmed the existence of such secret
space-based weapons as early as 1977.

An alternative electronic warfare delivery system may involve newly
constructed relays for the HAARP installation in Alaska. The
potential tactical electronic warfare applications of HAARP are under
investigation. Serious public interest researchers maintain that
HAARP's electromagnetic energy may cause effects such as earthquakes,
such as occurred on July 7 in Hartsville. Electromagnetic weapons
have been used in tectonic warfare, intentionally causing earthquakes.
Electromagnetic pulse energy accompanies most earthquakes. Research
shows that ultra low frequencies emitted by the HAARP installation may
affect the human limbic system, and be used for mood management and
mind control.

The close resemblance of the Hartsville attack to other U.S. Air Force
electronic warfare led to speculation that radio station WJKM may have
been chosen as a test target for a clandestine electronic warfare unit
located within the power facility, or to which the power facility
serves as electronic relay point. The likelihood that the electronic
attack was accidental, rather than an intentional military test, is
low, given that the targets were media outlets.

One purpose of such test could be to evaluate the physical impact of
electronic warfare on U.S. domestic radio installations, a well as the
impact of intimidating the local community, as well as the U.S. media
reporting of such attacks. The U.S. military has a long history of
secretly testing weapons on its unsuspecting civilian population, a
practice that is illegal.

Another clue to the motive behind the disinformation attacks may lie
in eyewitness accounts of military troops in black uniforms, wearing
light blue patches, and military vehicles bearing license plates with
the letters "UN" on them. This scenario would be consistent with a
disinformation mission, in which United States government troops would
be disguised with mock United Nations insignia in order to spread
propaganda rumours regarding the actual source of this state terror.
In fact, it would appear that U.S. paramilitary troops are carrying
out military attacks on the U.S. civilian population. This modus
operandi has been characteristic of Central Intelligence Agency
sponsored warfare in developing countries, notably Guatemala.

Randall, Dan Fluehe, Clyde Lewis, and this reporter, Alfred Webre, all
noted that the electronic attacks targeted two media offices directly
- a radio station and a newspaper - both protected entities under the
First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Randall indicated that station WJKM and its parent corporation are
pursuing an official investigation of the electronic attack, including
surveillance of activities at the former TVA power plant. The U.S.
Congress has legislative oversight over the many federal agencies that
may be involved in this secret project, including the U.S. Air Force,
the Tennessee Valley Authority, and other defense "black budget"

Asked if his company intended to contact its members of Congress to
seek a congressional investigation, Randall responded that WJKM is
taking this attack and its investigation most seriously. WJKM's
Congressperson is Bart Gordon, Dean of the Tennessee Delegation, and
currently serving his ninth term in Congress, representing the Sixth
District, which includes 15 Middle Tennessee counties.


WJKM's Report on the Electronic Attack

Real Audio archive of GROUND ZERO radio programs, Clyde Lewis host

Environmental War Desk: Electronic warfare

Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered by environmental
(electronic) war?

U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee

Alfred Webre, JD, MEd, was a member of the Governor's Emergency
Taskforce for Earthquake Preparedness for the State of California,

Jim Watt <> wrote in message news:<>...

Ralph Nesbitt

Feb 7, 2003, 6:29:19 PM2/7/03

"Synthetic Telepath" <> wrote in message

> U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee
> By Alfred Webre, EcoNews Service (Vancouver, BC)
> HARTSVILLE, TENN - Newly released documentary and eyewitness evidence
> now links an apparent July 6, 2001 electronic warfare attack on a
> radio station and weekly newspaper in Hartsville, Tennessee to a
> nearby unacknowledged secret access project (USAP). This secret
> project, eyewitnesses say, includes the U.S. Air Force as paymaster,
> U.S. government aircraft as transportation and security craft;
> military troops in black uniforms; and black unmarked triangular
> aircraft. The project may also include a secret electronic warfare
> unit capable of disabling nearby media outlets with destructive
> electromagnetic energy.
Here we go again, alleged military in "Black Uniforms with Blue UN Patches
no less", "Black A/C", "Black Helo's", "Black Vehicles", "Black Etc." at
"Secret Facilities" in an alleged out of the way place, causing untold
mischief/grief to local investigators.

Where have we heard a "Similar Crock of B/S" before?

Jim Watt

Feb 8, 2003, 5:57:52 AM2/8/03
On Fri, 07 Feb 2003 23:29:19 GMT, "Ralph Nesbitt"
<> wrote:

>Here we go again, alleged military in "Black Uniforms with Blue UN Patches
>no less", "Black A/C", "Black Helo's", "Black Vehicles", "Black Etc." at
>"Secret Facilities" in an alleged out of the way place, causing untold
>mischief/grief to local investigators.

I sometimes wonder if there is a department that produces
these stories in order to hide whats +really+ going on.

But the black helicopters are real enough.

Jim Watt

Feb 8, 2003, 5:50:49 AM2/8/03
On 7 Feb 2003 14:32:04 -0800, (Synthetic
Telepath) wrote:


Anything that removes the pollution to the airwaves caused
by country music has merit - I want one.

Sidney Schachnow

Feb 8, 2003, 3:58:49 PM2/8/03
Not black helicopters, but HAARP, destroyed the shuttle Columbia.

HAARP Shuttle

The military wants to use HAARP to develop scary futuristic weapons.
Among them: (1) a "global shield" that would zap the guidance systems
of incoming ballistic missiles or shuttle craft or alien space craft;
(2) mind-control beams to incapacitate enemy troops, and (3)
weather-control machines.

HAARP = Directed over-the-horizon radio communication: You could
create one or more "virtual refractors" in the upper atmosphere to
direct a radio beam to a location in a distant part of the globe, and
exploit it as a microwave maser type deadly weapon.

HAARP is in Gakona, Alaska, and Univ. of Mass at Lowell, and funded
through the Air Force Research Lab and the Naval Research Lab, with
some ancillary classified functions in New Mexico -- close to White

The longitude of Gakona Alaska is 145° 18' W Longitude

This is roughly the same longitude as Catalina Island off the coast of
California, so you are onto something here about the HAARP weapon and
the downing of the US Space Shuttle Columbia.

The shuttle spacecraft began to show systems failures just before it
reached the coastline of California!

HAARP ALASKA SKYMAP, every 2 minutes update:

It is looking pretty clear that a HAARP type microwave beam weapon was
tried out on the US Space Shuttle Columbia to see how well it worked.

This will be very useful in the Defense Industry and World Arms
Merchants warehouse, and there are sheckels to be made!

Look into our #1 Undersecretary of War, second in the Defense Dept.
under Donald Rumsfeld, Dov S. Zakheim. He was the top arms merchant
for corporate america before being appointed by Rumsfeld!

Today's news was full of the MYSTERIES and MISSING LINKs in the Space
shuttles demise. Investigators cannot understand the appearance of
much lower temperatures elsewhere after heat conduction from the left
wing theory is nowhere to be seen in the senors readings! The
abscence of sharp warming in other parts of the craft remains a



"U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee"

By Alfred Webre, EcoNews Service (Vancouver, BC)

HARTSVILLE, TENN - Newly released documentary and eyewitness evidence
now links an apparent July 6, 2001 electronic warfare attack on a
radio station and weekly newspaper in Hartsville, Tennessee to a
nearby unacknowledged secret access project (USAP). This secret
project, eyewitnesses say, includes the U.S. Air Force as paymaster,
U.S. government aircraft as transportation and security craft;
military troops in black uniforms; and black unmarked triangular
aircraft. The project may also include a secret electronic warfare
unit capable of disabling nearby media outlets with destructive
electromagnetic energy.

It has now known that an official U.S. Air Force cheque was used to

pay for the clandestine installation of massive telephone switching
equipment at a defunct Tennessee Valley Authority nuclear power plant
about five miles from the target media outlets. The private
contractor who installed the unusually large switching system at a
former nuclear power plant that is still officially defunct reported
this to the WJKM investigators on condition of anonymity.

Historically, the U.S Air Force has pioneered in the development and
use of electronic warfare against civilian targets and populations,
notably in the NATO war in Yugoslavia.

Speaking to a live radio audience on July 21, WJKM general manager Ted
Randall for the first time publicly released the results on his
station's official on-going investigation of the attack. Dan Fluehe
and Matt Aaron of WJKM, host Clyde Lewis along with this reporter,
Alfred Webre, participated in the radio program.

WJKM's investigation has eliminated other possible causes of the
electromagnetic blast, such as power transformer malfunction caused by
birds or internal mechanical problems. Centrexnews reporter Joel
Skousen, who initially reported that birds caused the electronic
attack, declined to participate in the radio program.

Randall presented live and audiotaped eyewitness testimony of the

destructive effects of the electronic attack, including a tell-tale
flashing blue pulse that accompanied the destruction, and usually
accompanies the discharge of electromagnetic pulse weapons. He also
presented audio recordings of the audible electronic hum that
accompanied the alleged attack, a clear electronic signature of an
electromagnetic weapon attack.

Randall posted the HAARP magnetometer readings on the WJKM

website for the two days - July 6 and July 7. Both the electronic
attack and the unusual earthquake were accompanied by massive,
anomalous bursts of electromagnetic pulse energy from HAARP, the U.S.
Navy's electromagnetic pulse military facility and possible
environmental weapons system in Gakona, Alaska. Coincidentally (and
perhaps causally) HAARP's magnetometer showed massive spikes of
electromagnetic energy for both days.

According to Randall, " At about 10:45 AM Friday [July 6], radio
station WJKM and CMR (Country Music Radio), with studios in
Hartsville, Tennessee was knocked off the air by a very powerful
strange energy blast! There was a crystal clear blue sky, no
clouds or rain. It was not lightning"

Randall stated that local residents are experiencing adverse health
effects. Randall said, "It is also interesting that according
listeners have called in, there has apparently been an increase in
what they are calling fibromyalgia. This is a disease name appointed
to the unexplainable severe and disabling pain throughout the entire
body over recent years, as well as, an increase in headaches mimicking
migraines that are not actual migraines."

Randall documented the 2.4 Richter underground seismic earthquake that
struck the area on July 7, the day after the electronic attack, from
10-10:30 PM.

Randall posted the HAARP magnetometer readings on the WJKM

Randall, Dan Fluehe, Clyde Lewis, and this reporter, Alfred Webre, all
noted that the electronic attacks targeted two media offices directly
- a radio station and a newspaper - both protected entities under the
First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Randall indicated that station WJKM and its parent corporation are
pursuing an official investigation of the electronic attack, including
surveillance of activities at the former TVA power plant. The U.S.
Congress has legislative oversight over the many federal agencies that
may be involved in this secret project, including the U.S. Air Force,

the Tennessee Valley Authority.


WJKM's Report on the Electronic Attack

Real Audio archive of GROUND ZERO radio programs, Clyde Lewis host

Environmental War Desk: Electronic warfare

Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered by environmental
(electronic) war?

U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee

Alfred Webre, JD, MEd, was a member of the Governor's Emergency
Taskforce for Earthquake Preparedness for the State of California,

Jim Watt <> wrote in message news:<>...

Scott M. Kozel

Feb 8, 2003, 4:09:35 PM2/8/03
to (Sidney Schachnow) wrote:
> Not black helicopters, but HAARP, destroyed the shuttle Columbia.

The Net loons are coming out of the woodwork .... :-(

Jim Watt

Feb 8, 2003, 7:25:18 PM2/8/03
On 8 Feb 2003 12:58:49 -0800, (Sidney
Schachnow) wrote:

>Not black helicopters, but HAARP, destroyed the shuttle Columbia.


Can you explain (in your own words) how this works?

Firing large amounts of HF straight up a long way away
from the path of the shuttle seems rather unrelated, even
if it was working at the time.

Does HAARP issue QSL cards?

Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra

Feb 9, 2003, 3:52:25 PM2/9/03
18:08 2003-01-15

HAARP Poses Global Threat

"The use of the new geophysical weapon might
lead to the global catastrophe"

A lot of specialists and scientists believe that unpredictable natural
disasters and several man-caused catastrophes that struck Europe and
Asia in the summer of the year 2002 say that there might be certain
global reasons that caused them all. First and foremost, it goes about
a possibility of secret geophysical weapon tests. Those tests were
either secret or unauthorized. The Russian Federation State Duma spent
almost a year, considering the global threat of the HAARP program. The
Duma finally prepared two addresses: to President Putin and to the UN,
international organizations, parliaments and governments of all
countries, to the scientific community of the world, as well as to
mass media. The Russian parliament suggested the global banning of
HAARP tests. In September of the year 2002 the State Duma of Russia
discussed this question and conducted the voting in order to send the
mentioned addresses to the adequate addressees. One hundred and
eighty-eight deputies voted for the address to President Vladimir
Putin, whereas the same subject for the UN returned 220 votes. This
proved that Russian parliamentarians were rather concerned about the
development and possible use of geophysical weapons.

It is well known that the USA and the USSR concluded an agreement at
the end of the 1970s. Pursuant to the agreement, scientific
developments in the field of geophysics for military purposes were
banned. All the works in the field became secret too. However, the
works continued anyway, despite the signed document. It was simply
conducted under the disguise of the scientific research or the
development of the double-purpose technology. The point and the
purpose of those developments were rather vague and even mysterious.

A lot of specialists and scientists believe that a special American
program HAARP is one of those developments. American scientist Bernard
Eastlund is considered to be the godfather of this program. He
received the patent for the method and for the device to measure the
layers of the Earth atmosphere, the ionosphere and/or the
magnetosphere. It is an open secret that the USA (probably, not the
USA alone) has already constructed high-frequency transmitter
facilities. Those devices can heat the earth environment up to the
state of plasma by means of pumping ions. This makes it possible to
control the environment, which might show considerable influence on
the atmospheric phenomena. The owners of this weapon are able to
program floods, twisters and storms, even earthquakes in any region of
the planet. It is also possible to paralyze civil and military
electric surveillance systems, and even to affect the mentality of
whole nations.

There is a suspicion that the unusual natural disasters and man-caused
catastrophes of the year 2002, the unexplainable indifference of
several nations on the post-Soviet territory might be linked to USA's
tests of geophysical weapons of low capacities. However, neither
American politicians and scientists, nor the world community know, if
it is going to be possible to stop the work of the geophysical weapon,
if it is used at its full capacity. This is the major problem. It is
quite possible that the first full capacity use of the geophysical
weapon might end up in a global catastrophe. Does it seem to be
science fiction? Not really, as a matter of fact. High frequency
transmitter facilities already exist. They are located in Norway and
at an army base in Alaska. The short description of the program and
some photographs can be found on the official site
Another high power transmitter facility, a more powerful one, is going
to be put into operation in Greenland soon. When this happens, the
geophysical weapon will be capable of covering Eurasia from the
Atlantic to the Pacific coast.

The information on this subject appeared on several Ukrainian websites
on September of 2002. In this connection, I think that the Ukrainian
parliament must support the initiative of the Russian State Duma as
well. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences ought to consider the issue of
HAARP's potential threat to Ukraine. Adequate institutions ought to
collect all the information available and identify Ukraine's stand on
the subject.

Yuru Solomatin
Ukrainian deputy, the secretary of the Ukrainian committee for the
economic policy, nature management and for the liquidation of
Chernobyl tragedy consequences.

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov (John Griffin) wrote in message news:<>...
> (HAARP Shuttle) wrote
> > Here's the link to the proof
> >
> >
> >
> > HAARP Shuttle (Remote Viewer 9x3=27) wrote in message news:<29eb9b3>...

Scott M. Kozel

Feb 9, 2003, 4:22:28 PM2/9/03
You people need to get a life - you just keep posting the same crap over
and over again...

Jim Watt

Feb 9, 2003, 7:26:51 PM2/9/03
On Sun, 09 Feb 2003 21:22:28 GMT, "Scott M. Kozel" <>

>You people need to get a life - you just keep posting the same crap over
>and over again...

perhaps it should be called harping on

I talked to a man who looked at the installation in Norway and its a
toy device, the one in Alaska is another thing and I for one worry
about the amount of money spent on it for so little obvious reason.

These days people believe that cellular telphone antennas are
the work of the devil, because they haven't a clue how they work

BUT why anyone wants to build a facility to push Gigawatts of HF
into the sky at a astronomical cost remains a mystery to me.

That so much nonsense is written by the lunatic fringe does not mean
that there are not even worse lunatics in charge of the asylum.

how does one spell dis information?

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 10, 2003, 2:54:13 PM2/10/03

HAARP Location In Alaska: HAARP in Gakona, Alaska.

HAARP is located more than 200 miles north-northeast of Anchorage, in
Gakona, Alaska, at a longitude of 145 degrees 17 seconds, West. The
site has a large radio frequency transmit antenna and a collection of
diagnostic instruments. The antenna is currently being configured to
transmit BILLIONS of watts of radio frequency energy into the
ionosphere, an upper portion of the Earth's atmosphere that extends
spaceward 50 to more than 300 miles.

Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's
shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will
pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 4, 2003,
in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day
that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear war
by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq. Comet X5 and V1 [see
website link above].

Elizabeth Eder

Flyfish <> wrote in message news:<Xns931E6122D50D1...@>...
> "solarmax" <> wrote in
> > "HAARP Shuttle" <> wrote in message
> >

> >> Here's the link to the proof;
> >>

> >>
> >>
> >> HAARP Shuttle
> >
> > You knew it was coming.
> Yes Tony predicted it :-) Brian Lehrer [WNYC] is a CIA patsy and a putz.
> Flyfish

Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra

Feb 12, 2003, 5:08:52 PM2/12/03

Disprove it or shut up.

Rabbi Rocky

"DueProcessAppreciationSociety" <> wrote in message news:<b1mlau$rj9$>...
> "Sandra Bullock" <> wrote in message

George Black

Feb 12, 2003, 6:23:48 PM2/12/03

"Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra" <> wrote in message
: Disprove it or shut up.
: Rabbi Rocky

Kook alert

George Black
ICQ#: 6963409
More ways to contact me:

: "DueProcessAppreciationSociety" <>

: >

Spiros Haarp Antiochos

Feb 13, 2003, 5:00:03 PM2/13/03
HAARP microwave weapon disaster [of Columbia Space Shuttle] has
ancient ties to space warfare:

Akheneton is Isis-Ra-El or Moses
-- conspiracy in northern Greece, circa 3000 BC

The unfolding of the revelation of this plasma is made possible by the
fact that we ourselves are also the stuff that stars are made of. Our
electro-magnetic relationship as a race to the very stars in the sky
that we see at night is intimately integrated and potently plays
itself out in human history. It is non nuclear plasma, non-ionic,
non-electric, a form of magetism and gravity that we are completely
ill adept to translate with present day science.

"Let the stars be burnt up in the fire of my nostrils! Let all the
gods and the archangels and the angels and the spirits that are on the
earth, and above the earth, and below the earth, that are in all the
heavens and in all the hells, let them be as motes dancing in the beam
of mine eye!

I am he that swalloweth up death and victory.

Then there is a great plain with soldiers fighting upon it, and an
enormously high mountain carved into a thousand temples, and more
houses and fields and trees, and great cities with wonderful buildings
in them, statues and columns and public buildings generally. This goes
on and on and on and on and on and on and on all on the hairs of this
lion's tail.

And then there is the tuft of his tail, which is like a comet, but the
head is a new universe, and each hair streaming away from it is a
Milky Way. And then there is a pale stern figure, enormous, enormous,
bigger than all that universe is, in silver armour, with a sword and a
pair of balances. That is only vague. All has gone into stone-gray,
blank. "

I AM in a vast crystal cube in the form of the Great God Harpocrates.
This cube is surrounded by a sphere. About me are four archangels in
black robes, their wings and armour lined out in white. In the North
is a book on whose back and front are A.M.B.Z. in Enochian characters.

In recent years it was discovered that the Redwoods and Sequoia trees
had excess lime deposits at the base of these trees. Is it possible
that these trees have evolved the technique to remove the lime from
their water before it is taken in? [3]

"Lime is a coarse, white, solid substance that has many industrial
uses. It is very caustic (strongly alkaline), and can rapidly destroy
animal and plant tissues. It is often used to treat waste materials.
It has a strong chemical action when mixed with water, and may become
hot enough to boil the water.

Manufacturers use it in gas welding, glass, steel, refining sugar,
bleaching powder, fungicides, fertilizers, cement, mortar, and

And behind the plume is a shining filament of quartz, suspended
vertically from the abyss to the abyss. And in the midst is a winged
disk of some extremely delicate, translucent substance, on which is
written in the "dagger" alphabet: Torsion is iniquity. (This means,
that the Rashith Ha-Gilgalim is the first appearance of evil.)

There is a clash of a myriad silver cymbals, and silence. And then
three times a note is struck upon a bell, which sounds like my holy
Tibetan bell, that is made of electrum magicum.

The four Enochian characters are each attributed to one of the four
Cherubic signs; Taurus, Aquarius, Aries and Leo, respectively. The
robed archangels are the four Guardians; the four Watchers; the Four
Horsemen, esp. Gabriel, aka Fomalhaut; the Nephilim or Secret Chiefs.

First is the possibility that through crossbreeding with cavewomen,
man as we know him shortened his life span. This would mean that
Noah's three sons brought with them wives, who were not pure
descendants of Adam but those of the Anakim (Heb. ‘anaqim, sons of
Anak, Heb. ‘anaq, long-necked) or possibly the Canaanites. The early
Sumerian texts called them Anunnaki, "those who came from heaven to

The Anakim as in Genesis 6:4 they are the sons of the sons of God,
they are called the Nephilim (uncertain etymology, fallen ones), or
giants (Heb. rapha, raphah, Heb. gibbor, mighty, Rephaim of Canaan
ancestor of Og, king of Bashan, Emims of the Moabites, Zamzummims of
Ammonites Heb. murmurers, Zuzites in Gen. 14:5) who were of old, men
of renown. This crossbreeding may be the reason why the ancestors
believe that sexual relations could affect one's health. One might
even suspect that the Anakim were possibly the Greek Gods of mythology
'fallen angels' the original Hebrew 'B'nai Elohim' who did not survive
the Flood.

The second possibility is the atmospheric change of the ozone layer.

If this layer had been denser, then the immense radiation of
ultraviolet rays was less also. Radiation is the possible cause of
aging directly or indirectly in humans or animals. So when the change
in the atmosphere came allowing more radiation to strike the earth's
surface it also caused more rapid aging. Little is known about the
factors involved in aging.

The process seems to be correlated with specialization of cells for
one or a few highly specific functions. The cells of these ancients
were potentially immortal. Furthermore, the amount of radiation damage
would be proportional to the chronological age. I do not think man's
nervous system could take the strain his complex and fast modern world
exerts on him in a thousand years, so in that sense man is better off
with a shorter life span.

Apparently the dense clouds kept the radiation from affecting the
water and prevented any variations in the atmosphere's temperature.

Water to the ancients was believed to have extraordinary chemical and
medical properties, as if it were a universal solvent ensuring
longevity. This Tradition is in harmony with modern science, which
takes the view that water is a strongly reactive and highly complex
mixture. Researchers study oligo-elements and observe that all metals
are soluble in water in the presence of certain catalyzers such as
glucose at certain temperatures. Some biologists think that old age is
due to the accumulation of heavy water [deuterium] in the organism.

Some scientist believe that certain glands in the human body that no
longer function may have caused the increase in the aging process.

The elimination of heavy water [deuterium] may prolong life, and such
substance may exist in evaporated water, which could cause a
reproducing of cells for centuries. Water then may be capable of
prolonging life to a considerable extent by rejuvenating the tissues.

The answers may lie in the woody perennials, of which the Giant
Sequoia and Redwoods are extreme examples. They may live for thousands
of years, always continuing to grow. Maybe trees such as these contain
a function incomprehensible to us in which water is transformed or
unaffected by something that causes a rejuvenation of its cells.

[2]"Redwoods are among the world's tallest living trees. They grow 200
to 275 feet high and are 8 to 12 feet in diameter. In a typical
redwood forest, these massive trees grow close together, shutting out
most of the sunlight, leaving a cool, dim atmosphere. The Sequoia tree
ranks among the largest and oldest living things on earth. Millions of
years ago these trees grew in large forest throughout the world. Many
of these trees are several thousand years old. Some present day trees
are estimated to be 3,500 years old, around 1,305 B.C."

It is worth reminding ourselves, then, that the biblical edict to
abstain from blood came not from Enki but from Enlil -- the God who
had instigated the Flood, had wrought havoc in Ur and Babylon [but not
Lot's Sodom and Gommorah], and had endeavoured to help Adam by saying
that he would die if he drank from the Graal of Blood. This was a god
who liked people, and the Sumerian records are very clear in this
regard. Hence, if he forbade the taking of blood, this was likely to
have been an edict for the benefit of Noah and his descendants - it
was most probably the basis of their survival!

In strict terms the original Star Fire was the lunar essence of the
Goddess, but, even in an everyday mundane environment, menstruum
contains the most valuable endocrinal secretions, especially those of
the pineal and pituitary glands. The brain's pineal gland in
particular was directly associated with the Tree of Life, for this
tiny gland was said to secrete the very essence of active longevity,
called soma, or, as the Greeks called it, ambrosia.

In ancient Sumer, the key females of the Dragon succession were all
venerated as lilies [many lillies are clones and have no reproductive
capacity, some of the loveliest on earth -- lillies also have a
propensity for volcanic soil], having such names as Lili, Luluwa,
Lilith, Lilutu and Lillette.

"George Black" <> wrote in message news:<b2el58$u2r$>...

Spiros Haarp Antiochos

Feb 13, 2003, 5:01:55 PM2/13/03
to (Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra) wrote in message news:<>...

George Black

Feb 13, 2003, 5:52:20 PM2/13/03

"Spiros Haarp Antiochos" <> wrote in message
: HAARP microwave weapon disaster [of Columbia Space Shuttle] has

: ancient ties to space warfare:
: Akheneton is Isis-Ra-El or Moses
: -- conspiracy in northern Greece, circa 3000 BC
Kook alert

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 14, 2003, 4:24:17 PM2/14/03
Today's NYT reported that the Shuttle Columbia encountered
"superheated microwave plasma particles" that deliver a "blow torch"
effect at somewhere between 145 degrees longitude and 125 degrees
longitude, West, i.e. somewhere between Gakona Alaska and the Sonoma
coastline of northern California. This is also in the same
neighborhood of longitude as the French Polynesian Islands.

How much does a laser or maser arc when shot straight up into the sky
aimed at an object that is about 55 miles high? Would that account
for the discrepancy between Gakona Alaska's longitude and Sonoma
County's coastline longitude, the westernmost point of the California

The NYT also reported that all the troubles of the Columbia Shuttle
began at 450 or so miles off of the coast of California.

I am starting to deeply believe the probability that HAARP facilities
played a hand in this. Don't university nuclear accelerators and
laser and maser labs use up to a billion watts of energy, or even
more, in their experiments. It is not outlandish to think that the
HAARP facility in Alaska has access to this wattage also.

Kinetic-energy weapons against missile targets. This pulse can ram
headlong into a target in space or an object still within the upper
reaches of Earth's atmosphere; such as radio-frequency or
high-power-microwave munitions, that take almost a straight up
trajectory, plus or minus ten or twenty degrees of longitute to
account for arc.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

The ATF is a proposal-driven Program-Committee-reviewed
Users'-Facility dedicated for long-term R&D in Physics of Beams. The
ATF core capabilities include a high-brightness photoinjector electron
gun, a 70 MeV linac, high power lasers synchronized to the electron
beam to a picosecond level, four beam lines (most with energy
spectrometers) and a sophisticated computer control system. (Spiros Haarp Antiochos) wrote in message news:<>...

Remote Viewer 9x3=27

Feb 14, 2003, 4:57:31 PM2/14/03
An article in IEEE Spectrum 25 (3): 50-54 (1988), New York, was very
prescient, re. Today's new warfare and mind games. National
boundaries are not firm anylonger, they are "fluid". The US
government could in fact be the worst enemy of the American people,
and other examples, e.g. Vladimir Putin could be the nemesis of

Poor translation of a german article on Gigawatts, microwave weapons,
and the battlefield of the future. Remote viewing [i.e. reading minds
via the microwave frequency of the human in question] was just the
beginning, the first drop of particle plasma in the bucket. Now it is
all space and our entire planet in jeopordy of attack:

Right from the open public files of our military

The original German website in German:

Not only against persons, but also against cars, airplanes, computers
and other devices the electronic construction units to be contained
radio frequency weapons assigned.

The future battlefield: A blow OF gigawatts?

Both the United States and the Soviet union of acres developing
microwave of generator ton assess vulnerabilities OF of missiles and
aircraft ton of high power beam weaponry

H. Keith Florig
In: IEEE Spectrum 25 (3): 50-54 (1988), New York

The battleground of the future: A fight with Gigawatts?

Both the United States and the Soviet Union develop microwave
generators around the vulnerability of rockets and airplanes by beam
weapons of high achievement to examine.

Microwaves can be manufactured today with so high achievements that
the United States and the Soviet Union evaluate their military

The largest danger consists of it that an opponent could use
microwaves of high achievement, in order electronic circuits, on which
depends many military systems, to disturb or destroy. Both strategic
and tactical systems are possible attack targets: Missile, ballistic
intercontinental missiles, satellites, airplanes, tanks, radar device
as well as communications and navigation systems.

Because however the armed forces of the United States and NATO are
more strongly on sensitive electronics in intelligent weapon systems
and thought out radar systems dependent as the Soviet and Warsaw Pact
armies, could be more verletzlicher the west by microwave weapons.

The research results refer also to some mechanisms, with which jets
could fight or temporarily switch soldiers off (...)

High speed microwaves can each system that on the processing of
electronic signals been based disturb. With high power densities they
destroy sensitive electronic semiconductor construction units in
electronic circuits. To most endangered construction units are
receiver diodes of radar device and communication devices, integrated
MOS circuits the one small energy consumption have and perhaps even
the semiconductors in the electronic ignition systems of vehicles.
Very high power densities could bring even explosive charges from
rockets, bombs and shells to the explosion.

With microwaves of lower power density electronic circuits can be
bombarded whereby wrong signals are released, so that the equipment
concerned is stopped up either with incorrect signals or the equipment
is temporarily set out of operation. One assumes that several crashes
of Black Hawk helicopters of the American army since the year 1982 the
result of influences of the control system of the helicopters by radio
frequency radiation during the flight in the proximity of soil and
schiffsradar or from radio communication systems to the transmission
of news are.

Semiconductor construction units can fail, if the taken up energy
quantity leads to the overheating. Because the semiconductor regions
of the construction units are very small, they need only one
microsecond, in order to deliver the taken up energy again to the
environment. Pulsed microwave weapons with pulse lengths of one
microsecond represent the strongest threat for semiconductor
construction units and among them.

Even if the limit values for the destruction of individual
construction units such as MOS transistors and receiver diodes
relatively well admits are, researchers have to understand only lately
begun, how high speed microwaves penetrate into whole systems. This
task is not simple. Engineers have some experience therein to estimate
the threat by the nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP). But this
experience is from limited importance, because the frequencies of the
high speed microwaves within the range of 0,5 to 100 gigahertz lie the
far over frequencies of the EMP from 1 to 100 megahertz.
High speed microwaves can penetrate into electronic systems by the
"front door" or by the "back door".

Energy linking by the front door designates the transmission of energy
over antennas of electronic systems transmitters or receivers
contained. Linking by the back door designates the penetration of
energy into electronic systems by openings and seams of the housing.

Linking by the front door takes place most strongly at the frequency,
for which the antenna was designed. The sensitivity of a system in
relation to such a coupling can often be measured from the
characteristic of its antenna and its receiver. Linking by the back
door is a by far more complicated phenomenon.
The housings of most electronic circuits serve to give this stop and
to protect them up to a certain degree against electromagnetic

Ray King and its coworkers in the Lawrence Livermore national
Laboratory in Livermore, California examine linking by the back door
as them not completely closed housings with pulsed and ungepulsten
microwaves illuminate and measure the signals caused in pieces of wire
within the housings. As well as the extent to that the microwaves into
the wires launching depends itself on the energy quantity, those into
the housing penetrates on the resonance characteristic.
Measurements of linking into wires in housings with small openings
show strong resonances with different frequencies. Linking is at the
strongest with the resonant frequency of the housing openings, thus
with wavelengths those the size of the housing openings corresponds.
Linking is reduced with removing frequency for frequencies below the
resonant frequency of the openings with occasional small increases
with the resonant frequencies of the wires in the housing.

Above the resonant frequency of the opening linking shows an even
acceptance with narrow resonant frequencies because of complex
electromagnetic conditions of the cavity of the housing.

If the incident high speed microwave jet is strong enough, air can
within the openings and seams of the housing ionized and thus leading
are prevented in this case the openings shielded and a further
penetration of the microwave energy. Thus linking of energy decreases
with some systems within a certain range of the irradiating microwave
energy with increasing strength. The in the long runness of a certain
system does not only become by screen and linking into wires and
cables of the circuit, but also by influence of the different
subsystems by tension and current draws at their entrances and exits

This influence can often be investigated by direct introduction by
pulses in the gigahertzbereich into these subsystems, with which one
simulates pulses of microwave radiation.

The research at original systems is to be preferred to the simulation.
But the sources of microwave of high achievement necessary for testing
airplanes and ground-based weapon systems must be only still
developed. Even if they are present it will remain further impossible
to guarantee the invulnerability of each system by attacks with high
speed microwaves. It would cost to examples of the possible
combinations of microwave frequency, range, much too much, an
individual system with more than unites pulse length, maximum
performance, to test jet direction and jet polarization.

System designers can seize a number of measures around the possibility
of the destruction or influence by high speed microwaves to reduce.
Systems, subsystems and feeder lines can become shielded. Filters can
know linking of system external frequency ranges to reduce subsystems
by fiber-optic cables to be connected.

Construction units to the protection from overvoltage or to high river
can abblocken strong pulses. Sensitive construction units like logical
MOS of construction units can be replaced by less sensitive circuits.
The period of operation of sensitive transmitters and receivers can be
reduced. Reserve circuits can be planned.

None of these measures offers absolute protection and most raises the
price of the equipment, worsens the achievement, increases the weight
and requires more maintenance.

"George Black" <> wrote in message news:<b2h7m7$7qr$>...

Jim Watt

Feb 15, 2003, 10:36:43 AM2/15/03
On 14 Feb 2003 13:57:31 -0800, (Remote
Viewer 9x3=27) wrote:


Jjust one little point, HAARP is not a microwave device.

Natashya Kinskii

Feb 15, 2003, 4:00:54 PM2/15/03
to (HAARP Museum Association) wrote in message news:<4f934102....


Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's

shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will

pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 2-4,

2003, in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day
that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear war

by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq. Comet 2002/ X5
(Kudo-Fujikawa) and V1 [NEAT] ... this comet will be making a very,
very close approach to the Sun at perihelion, less than 0.1 AU. Look
up their orbits on Google!

Is this a portent of a growing tension between the two top producers
of microwave beam warfare, the HAARP of the DoD, and the
Rosoboronexport (aka Rosvoorouzhenie) of Russia?

Or are Bush and Putin members of the same secret society and actually
co-partners in this strategy?

Who are they planning to use it against?

Rosoboronexport [formerly know as Rosvoorouzhenie] -- Russian
Calibration of Equipment to Measure High-power Pulse Electromagnetic

Several years ago Rosoboronexport (then Rosvoorouzhenie) initiated a
programme to harness Russia's technical know-how, especially in the
field of microwave weapons, and create systems that would make
attractive exports. The programme involved a search for concepts and
developments that could enable Russia to establish a new level in
military and technical co-operation with other countries. The
fundamental principle of co-operation was there would be a categorical
exclusion of information related to weapons of mass destruction and
the technologies for their manufacture. All research and development
activity on weapons has been under the stringent control of the
Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, sources said.

The move to pursue previously classified non-strategic concepts and
technologies with a view to exporting systems based on them has been
applauded by Russia's special services, who have long worried about
the leak of ideas and technologies to the West through scientific
exchange. This was partly the reasoning behind giving scientists an
opportunity to implement some of their ideas in commercial projects
within a state-controlled scheme, removing external scientific
contacts. Following the nuclear weapons tests by India and Pakistan in
1998, Russia offered foreign customers the use of its testing
facilities to evaluate the robustness of their military hardware in a
nuclear environment, presumably in the presence of an electromagnetic
pulse. The research was supposed to be performed in Russia. The
advantage of this system, officials said, is that the customer could
perform tests without setting off nuclear devices. All the contracts
concerning this area have been strictly classified. However, the
availability of Russian facilities is said to have triggered a boom of
requests from abroad.

Jack Linthicum

Feb 16, 2003, 8:33:41 AM2/16/03
to (HAARP Museum Association) wrote in message news:<>...

> Today's NYT reported that the Shuttle Columbia encountered
> "superheated microwave plasma particles" that deliver a "blow torch"
> effect at somewhere between 145 degrees longitude and 125 degrees
> longitude, West, i.e. somewhere between Gakona Alaska and the Sonoma
> coastline of northern California. This is also in the same
> neighborhood of longitude as the French Polynesian Islands.
Where do all these fool come from? and who taught them to use a
computer? I am starting to believe the 1000 monkeys theory for
Shakespeare. Fact: Sonoma is 123.4 West, Tahiti 149 degress west. And
ELF waves are very large (30 k or more), microwaves (very imprecise
term) are small about 3 cm. And high frequencies are in between, HAARP
is a High Frequency facility, look at the antennas. I know it doesn't
do any good but I feel better. And Sonoma isn't the most westernly
point in California, Humboldt and Del Norte are further west. I seem
to remember these people walking the street of Washington, DC with
very large hand-lettered signs wrapped around them. And people in
white coats as escorts.

Jim Watt

Feb 16, 2003, 11:37:49 AM2/16/03
On 16 Feb 2003 05:33:41 -0800, (Jack

Linthicum) wrote:
>I seem to remember these people walking the street of Washington, DC with
>very large hand-lettered signs wrapped around them. And people in
>white coats as escorts.

On the contrary I suspect that they all have smart uniforms and
spread total nonsense to hide the +real+ purpose of the device
whatever that may be.

For microwaves see:

Do not try this at home. Although you may find it an interesting
experiment to put a free AOL free trial compact disk into your
domestic oven and switch it on for 10 seconds or so.

The effect is more visually interesting than putting it in your PC.

Jack Linthicum

Feb 16, 2003, 6:48:03 PM2/16/03
Jim Watt <> wrote in message news:<>...

Your af (presume air force) like most of their stuff doesn't work.

Jim Watt

Feb 17, 2003, 4:25:26 AM2/17/03
On 16 Feb 2003 15:48:03 -0800, (Jack
Linthicum) wrote:

>Jim Watt <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> On 16 Feb 2003 05:33:41 -0800, (Jack
>> Linthicum) wrote:
>> >I seem to remember these people walking the street of Washington, DC with
>> >very large hand-lettered signs wrapped around them. And people in
>> >white coats as escorts.
>> On the contrary I suspect that they all have smart uniforms and
>> spread total nonsense to hide the +real+ purpose of the device
>> whatever that may be.
>> For microwaves see:
>> Do not try this at home. Although you may find it an interesting
>> experiment to put a free AOL free trial compact disk into your
>> domestic oven and switch it on for 10 seconds or so.
>> The effect is more visually interesting than putting it in your PC.
>Your af (presume air force) like most of their stuff doesn't work.

oops I cut and pasted their reference rather than the link
- they have a mistake on their website try instead:

My microwave CD destructor works.

Jack Linthicum

Feb 17, 2003, 10:24:11 AM2/17/03
Jim Watt <> wrote in message news:<>...

Oooh, those HAARP nuts should check this one out. Right under the
flight path, we have those "amateur" photos taken from Kirkland of the
Columbia, and the mission sounds like what an ELF or HF device
couldn't do.

Gregor Gysi

Feb 17, 2003, 12:09:42 PM2/17/03
MINOR CORRECTION: The Ides of March is the 15th, not the 4th.

Israeli intelligence agencies, according to THE LEON CHARNEY REPORT,
have leaked that GW Bush will attack and bomb Iraq during the first
new moon of March, which is sometime between March 1st and March 2nd.
This does, however, correspond to your 2-comets curving around the
shores of our sun conspiracy potential, at this time. The two comets
will be parallel, around March 2-4th, one coming into the sun, the
other heading back out towards Jupiter, halfway between our Sun and
the planet Mercury.

HAARP and Rosoboronexport, uuhhmmm ... those two Microwave beam
weapons of mass destruction, in all probability, ARE IN FACT just two
faces of the same secret order, that is GW Bush is "Skull", and,
Vladimir Putin is "Bones".

Rudolph_X <> wrote in message news:<>...

> > "Dr. Fred Hambrecht Sr" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Disprove it or shut up.
> > > >
> > > > Rabbi Rocky
> > > >

> Very interesting post.
> God Bless America! -RX (Jack Linthicum) wrote in message news:<>...

> Jim Watt <> wrote in message

> >

Colin Powell Whitepoodle

Feb 17, 2003, 4:33:59 PM2/17/03
MINOR CORRECTION: The Ides of March is the 15th, not the 4th.

Israeli intelligence agencies, according to THE LEON CHARNEY REPORT,
have leaked that GW Bush will attack and bomb Iraq during the first
new moon of March, which is sometime between March 1st and March 2nd.
This does, however, correspond to your 2-comets curving around the
shores of our sun conspiracy potential, at this time. The two comets
will be parallel, around March 2-4th, one coming into the sun, the
other heading back out towards Jupiter, halfway between our Sun and
the planet Mercury.

HAARP and Rosoboronexport, uuhhmmm ... those two Microwave beam
weapons of mass destruction, in all probability, ARE IN FACT just two

faces of the same secret order, that is GW Bush is "Skull" [HAARP],
and Vladimir Putin is "Bones" [Rosvoorouzhenie].

"HAARP & Rosvoorouzhenie"
[the 2 COMETS photos and orbits inching near our sun are given at the
bottom of this website]

Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's
shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will
pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 2-4,
2003, in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day
that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear
war by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq. Comet 2002/ X5
(Kudo-Fujikawa) and V1 [NEAT] ... this comet will be making a very,
very close approach to the Sun at perihelion, less than 0.1 AU.

Look up their orbits on Google!

Is this a portent of a growing tension between the two top producers
of microwave beam warfare, the HAARP of the DoD, and the

Rosoboronexport [aka Rosvoorouzhenie) of Russia?

HAARP puts out three billion watts of power:

PINE GAP, Australia, working with DoD and HAARP:
[Signals intelligence, or "sigint" - including satellite telephone,
microwave phone and walkie-talkie communications and some military
radio transmissions - are sucked down to Pine Gap from US military
satellites, processed and sent on to the US National Security Agency.]
An elaborate underground city is located deep beneath the surface
features of Pine Gap,
not so far from Ayers Rock [comet debris?]

ARE Bush and Putin members of the same secret society and actually

co-partners in this strategy?

Who are they planning to use it against?

Rosoboronexport [formerly know as Rosvoorouzhenie] -- Russian


The sensors-transmitter, which is EEG micro technology, read the brain
waves and transmit a digital signal. The signal is extraordinarily
strong for such a small device. The signal can travel several miles.
It is picked up by a relay receiver and transmitted to a computer,
where instantaneously the software reads the digits and converts them
into language. This is all done at radio wave speed, or the speed of

READ WITHOUT KNOWING IT. It sounds like science fiction or paranoia
doesn't it? It is not fiction and it is not the product of a
psychosis. It is absolutely true.

The technology is this advanced, and the criminal organization is this
psychopathic. The Organization relies on it sounding so bizarre and
heinous that no one would believe it. It is extremely cruel high

Accompanying the above "thought reading" technique are the "thought
inserting" techniques. Very low frequency subliminal sound has been
used for years for "inserting" ideas into one's mind. Basically, very
low frequency subliminal sound is perceived by the victim as one's own
thinking. It bypasses the normal auditory system, but the content of
the words is perceived. Because it is so subtle, if a broadcast is in
first person language, an unaware person finds it impossible to
discriminate the subliminal broadcast from one's own thoughts.
Microwaves are those commonly used in radar sets and microwave ovens,
for example.

The principal advantage of EHF over E(L)F lies in the fact that its
transmissions are "straight line" and can thus be beamed with ease
into small or tiny areas. E(L)F, by comparison, tends to scatter

Microwaves are generated by a device known as a "Magnetron" in which
electrons, generated by a heated cathode, are moved by the combined
force of a magnetic and electrical field. The cathode is a hollow
cylinder with the outside coated with barium and strontium oxide
electron emitters. Arranged concentrically around the outside of the
cathode is a large cylindrical anode containing a large number of
"resonant cavities", normally of quarter- wavelength, on the inner
surface. When switched on, the magnetron generates an electrical field
radially between anode and cathode, while the magnetic field is
coaxial with the cathode.

The complete assembly is sealed inside a vacuum enclosure. The maximum
power output is naturally limited by the size of the individual
Magnetron but research indicates the largest can generate a stream of
microwave "pulses" at up to ten million watts per pulse. The resulting
microwave pulsed beam can be focused in much the same way as a camera
lens - from ultra wide angle to telephoto - creating area or pinpoint

Fortunately the Magnetron is not a small device. Informed sources
indicate a portable Magnetron powerful enough to harm a large group of
demonstrators, for example, would require space equal to a small

Duck Bill Platypus

Feb 18, 2003, 3:58:37 PM2/18/03
to (Colin Powell Whitepoodle) wrote in message news:<>...

Thank you Colin for the news on Pine Gap Australia, HAARP Alaska, and
the Russian microwave beam weapon that is similar. Here are some
interesting facts on Manitoba Canada. Are there deep throat ties?

gamma-ray lasers, or grasers


masers... all about HAARP !!

This has a domino effect with the neighboring atoms: when they are
struck by the photons emitted by the first atom, they also emit two
photons of the same color. The result is a very pure and very intense
beam of light. If the light is of a visible frequency, it is called a

If it is in the microwave band of the spectrum [i.e. non-visible, like
the beam that struck the Space Shuttle Columbia], it is a maser.

The term itself stands for microwave amplification by stimulation
emission of radiation--which is the process just described.

You probably already know that electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom.
But they cannot orbit at any arbitrary distance: there are specific
shells in which they must dwell. The shells are like the rungs of a
ladder: you may step on any rung you choose, but you can't step
between them.

Electrons can move among the shells, but they must have a hall pass to
do so. To get a hall pass, an electron must intercept a photon (a
packet of light energy) of exactly the right frequency (or color). The
photon gives the electron a boost of energy, allowing it to jump up to
a higher shell. If the electron should later fall back down to its
original shell, it will release a photon of precisely the same

There are situations where many atoms have electrons which have been
boosted to the same energy level. We say those atoms have been pumped.
You could also think of it as being primed--they're ready for
something interesting to happen. That something occurs when another
photon hits an atom which has been pumped. This gives the atom another
boost of energy which it doesn't quite know what to do
with--considering it has already been pumped by another encounter. So,
it emits two of the same kind of photons--one is the incoming, or
incident, photon; the other is of the same type that pumped the atom
in the beginning.

HAARP: This has a domino effect with the neighboring atoms: when they
are struck by the photons emitted by the first atom, they also emit
two photons of the same color. The result is a very pure and very
intense beam of light. If the light is of a visible frequency, it is
called a laser.

If it is in the microwave band of the spectrum [i.e. non-visible, like
the beam that struck the Space Shuttle Columbia], it is a maser.

The term itself stands for microwave amplification by stimulation
emission of radiation--which is the process just described.

Manitoba's Aerospace Industry

Manitoba's Infrastructure
Manitoba Aerospace Firms

Company Principal / Position Work Phone



Bristol's diverse manufacturing capabilities are enhanced by having a
strong engineering group on staff to participate in design and build
and simultaneous engineering programs.

Bristol's engineers are equipped with the latest design tools
including Catia, Unigraphics CAD/CAM complete with 3D solids modeling,
MSC Nastran, Aerodynamic, Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Heat
Transfer Modeling. These activities are supported by a research and
development program which keeps Bristol in step with technological

Whether the requirements are for "clean sheet design" to customer
specifications or re-design for product improvement, Bristol has the
design experience and resources.


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NC turret punches. These range from 15 tons to 3750 tons.


Bristol's welding capabilities include conventional arc, tungsten
inert gas, resistance - spot/continuous seam and electron beam.
Bristol's welding capabilities include expertise with materials such
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Bristol has developed extensive expertise in the manufacture of
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Graphite, Kevlar, fibreglass and various core materials are used to
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3-axis high speed CNC trimming, 5-axis CNC gantry trimming, CNC cloth
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Bristol also has experience in advanced metal-to-metal bonding. This
expertise involves components such as structural panels, engine
ducting and flight control surfaces.

A. M. Castle & Company George Pic, District Manager 204-233-8558
ACS Coatings John Gergely, President 204-633-4755
Acsion Industries Chris Saunders, President 204-753-8424
ext. 2890
Advanced Composite Structures Jim Anning, President 204-982-6565
Aero Consulting Services Lane Helms, VP Engineering 204-783-5402
Aero Recip (Canada) Ltd. Alvin Gregorash, President 204-788-4765
Aerotech Herman Nelson Inc. Paul Sigurdson, Chief Executive Officer
Air Canada Aircraft Maintenance W.H. (Bill) Zoeller, Manager, Aircraft
Maintenance Base 204 985-5910
AML Wireless Systems Janice Nagazine, General Manager 204-949-5460
Base Composite Technologies Inc. Sean McKay, Vice President
Engineering 204-255-7438
Blayd Corporation John Claverley, President 204-745-2878
Boeing Canada Technology Ltd James E. Sawyer, President 204-831-2616
Bristol Aerospace Limited James Butyniec, Vice President and General
Manager 204-788-2807
Cadorath Aerospace Inc. Gerry Cadorath, Vice President Marketing
Canadian Aviation Training Centre Hayden Henwood, Director
Canadian Propeller Ltd Maurice Wills, President 204-832-8679
Composite Technology Inc George Prigroski 204-661-6412
Cormer Group Industries Inc. Andrew Corner, President 204-987-6400
Custom Steel Manufacturing Ltd. Ray Haydaman, President 204-783-2272
Dunlop Standard Aerospace Group Robert Hamaberg 204-987-8860
Enduron Custom Inc. Richard Klassen, General Manager 204-885-2580
ext. 310
EPT Manufacturing Ltd. Ernie Enns, President 204-632-0938
Field Aviation Les Mack, Maintenance Manager 204-428-4253
Franklin Enterprises Ltd. Zoltan Gergely, Snr., President 204-633-9838
Grey Owl Aviation Consultants Richard Komarnski, 204-848-7353
J.R. Stephenson Mfg Ltd. Alain Mathieu, General Manager 204-786-2491
K & S Tool & Die Ltd. Peter Klein, President 204-697-2951
Kraus Industries Ltd Juergen Kraus, President 204-988-1234
Manitoba Aerospace Association Don Price, Executive Director
Manitoba Aerospace HR Coord Committee D'Arcy Phillips, Coordinator 204-772-0003
Materials Science & Technology Consulting Alan Phillipson 204-669-6655
National Coating Technologies John Read, President 204-632-5585
Northen Aero Industries Ltd. Richard Williamson, General Manager
Precision Metalcraft Inc. Matt Kaufmann, Vice-President 204-694-7200
Prop Work Propeller Systems Jim Ross 204-837-4961
SERCO Aviation Services Allan McCrimmon, Manager Airport Control
Services 204-428-4208
Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. John Pittman, Director and Chief
Executive Officer 800-558-4680
Spectrum Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Onofre Masesar, Sales Manager
Spiece Associates Inc. Gene Spiece 204-261-7452
Standard Aero Limited David Shaw, President 204-788-2211
Standard Machine Works John Brown, Assistant General Manager
Standard Manufacturing Services Rolf Gretschmann, President
Stevenson Aviation Technical Training Centre Dennis Doersam, Manager
Tarry & Associates Ltd. Bob (R.J.) Tarry, President 204-895-9435
Westavia Technologies Ltd Matt W.N. Woloshyn, President/Flight Test
Engineer 204-487-9612
West-Can Inspection Ltd Larry Russell, Vice-President 204-668-7327
Western Canada Testing Inc. Ryan Schott, General Manager 204-857-4811
Western Propeller Company Ltd. Dan Rogers, Manager 204-831-8368

Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra

Feb 19, 2003, 8:52:27 PM2/19/03
Do you think it was a HAARP graser or maser that downed the Columbia?
Will Grand Warlock [GW] Bush use this microwave beam weapon of mass
destruction on the Iraqis during the first new moon of March [nearing
the 2nd?].

I have a friend that has been victimized by the remote viewing dept.
of the NSA and she has severe headaches and her dreams are implanted
with outside imagery, not from her own subconscious. Believe me, this
ELF wave stuff and microwave brain control is very real.



Grasers based on particle accelerators and on lasers
Authors: E.G.Bessonov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute AS, Moscow,
Comments: 17 pages, LaTeX, Presented to ICFA Workshop QABP98,
Monterey, 4-9 Jan. 1998
Subj-class: Classical Physics

Grasers based on a stimulated emission of gravitational radiation by
relativistic charged particle beams in external fields and on a
conversion of laser radiation into gravitational one in the magnetic
fields as well as detectors are discussed. A scheme of the
gravitational radiation not accompanied by an useless inaccessible by
a value average power of the electromagnetic radiation and a
stimulation of the conversion of gravitons into photons in
gravitational detectors by an open resonator are considered. (Duck Bill Platypus) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Colin Powell Whitepoodle) wrote in message news:<>...

> Thank you Colin for the news on Pine Gap Australia, HAARP Alaska, and
> the Russian microwave beam weapon that is similar. Here are some
> interesting facts on Manitoba Canada. Are there deep throat ties?

>> Manitoba's Aerospace Industry
> Manitoba's Infrastructure
> Manitoba Aerospace Firms
> Company Principal / Position Work Phone


> Design
> Bristol's diverse manufacturing capabilities are enhanced by having a
> strong engineering group on staff to participate in design and build
> and simultaneous engineering programs.
> Bristol's engineers are equipped with the latest design tools
> including Catia, Unigraphics CAD/CAM complete with 3D solids modeling,
> MSC Nastran, Aerodynamic, Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Heat
> Transfer Modeling. These activities are supported by a research and
> development program which keeps Bristol in step with technological
> advances.
> Whether the requirements are for "clean sheet design" to customer
> specifications or re-design for product improvement, Bristol has the
> design experience and resources.

> Welding
> Bristol's welding capabilities include conventional arc, tungsten
> inert gas, resistance - spot/continuous seam and electron beam.
> Bristol's welding capabilities include expertise with materials such
> as titanium, zirconium, super alloys - nickel and cobalt, aluminum,
> high strength and stainless steels.


Edward C. Otto III

Feb 20, 2003, 10:04:02 AM2/20/03

"Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra" <> wrote in message
> I have a friend that has been victimized by the remote viewing dept.
> of the NSA and she has severe headaches and her dreams are implanted
> with outside imagery, not from her own subconscious. Believe me, this
> ELF wave stuff and microwave brain control is very real.

And reindeer fly, and it's impossible to catch and kill the Easter Bunny.

Rocky, you've been watching the X-Files marathon over, and over, and over...


Jack Linthicum

Feb 20, 2003, 10:17:59 AM2/20/03
"Ralph Nesbitt" <> wrote in message news:<TVF0a.7$>...
> "Jack Linthicum" <> wrote in message
> > So far you seem like the only poster with enough cogency to answer the
> > following: There have been reports (I'll add them to the bottom of
> > this) that a "purple flash" was seen by an astronomer near the shuttle
> > when it passed over the astronomer's location in California. I have
> > heard of a third variant of lightning cloud to ground, cloud to cloud,
> > up. Could this be a phenomenon like that or is there some
> > other vehicle for high energy transfer at very high altitudes.
> > (Sketchy knowledge of 30 year old reports on whistlers here)
> >
> >
> There are "High Altitude" electrical phenomena called "Sprites" that little
> is known about. For information on "Sprites" see:
> Below is a part of the introduction from the referenced site.
> Ralph Nesbitt
> Professional FD/CFR/ARFF Type
> -----------------------------------
> The first images of a sprite were accidently obtained in 1989 (Franz et al.,
> 1990). Beginning in 1990, about twenty images have been obtained from the
> space shuttle ( Vaughan et al., 1992; Boeck et al., 1994 ).
> Since then, video sequences of well over a thousand sprites have been
> captured. These include measurements from the ground ( Lyons, 1994,
> Winckler, 1995 ) and from aircraft ( Sentman and Wescott, 1993; Sentman et
> al., 1995).
> Numerous images have also been obtained from aircraft of blue jets ( Wescott
> et al., 1995), also a previously unrecorded form of optical activity above
> thunderstorms. Blue jets appear to emerge directly from the tops of clouds
> and shoot upward in narrow cones through the stratosphere. Their upward
> speed has been measured to be about 100 km per second.
> Anecdotal reports of "rocket-like" and other optical emissions above
> thunderstorms go back more than a century ( Lyons, 1994), and there have
> been several pilot reports of similar phenomena (Vaughan and Vonnegut,
> 1989). The associated gamma ray bursts and TIPPS were only recently
> reported. Together, these phenomena suggest that thunderstorms exert a much
> greater influence on the middle and upper atmospheres than was previously
> suspected.
It would appear some of the theories being advanced by the NASA
investigators are almost up to the standards of this thread.

"But there is an intriguing -- and in terms of history, potentially
ironic -- possibility that some kind of electrostatic discharge took
place 40 miles high that blew a hole in the RCC panel and could have
damaged some nearby heat protection tiles.

Although not a front runner, Hallock said it was something the board
has looked at and will be considering again in the future.

"There's not much ionization at that altitude," Hallock told "It's low enough so that in my mind, while I haven't
crossed it off, it's not high on my list."

Little is known about this region of Earth's atmosphere and, in fact,
the Israeli science experiment aboard Columbia was designed to study
electrical phenomena at high altitudes and scored a space first by
capturing an image of one of the so-called "elves."

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 20, 2003, 5:25:55 PM2/20/03
My uncle works in the DC Beltway and I know for a fact that there are
highly trained remote viewing programs going on at the AIII [Assoc. of
International Electrical Engineers], the AAME [American Association of
Mechanical Engineers], the AAM, Intelsat, inside the White House, etc.
The list is endless.

He has often regaled me with stories how he would think something
insulting about the person covertly remote viewing his thoughts using
the top secret microwave technology [no devices can be seen] at his
office job, until the person has a breakdown and goes into aggressive
fits because he/she can't help restrain their anger any longer over
reading in somebody's mind, "... i wonder why this person is so
dissatisfied sexually, too puny genitilia??, or just so low an IQ that
only the remote viewing program would accept the little loser".

If you suspect that you are being remotely viewed, and somebody is
reading your thoughts, think to yourself the most humiliating things
about the person you suspect, over and over. If they are innocent,
they won't have a clue what you are up to. If you are correct, watch
the fireworks, it is LOTS OF FUN !!!


Israeli intelligence agencies, according to THE LEON CHARNEY REPORT,
have leaked that GW Bush will attack and bomb Iraq during the first
new moon of March, which is sometime between March 1st and March 2nd.
This does, however, correspond to your 2-comets curving around the
shores of our sun conspiracy potential, at this time. The two comets
will be parallel, around March 2-4th, one coming into the sun, the
other heading back out towards Jupiter, halfway between our Sun and
the planet Mercury.

HAARP and Rosoboronexport, uuhhmmm ... those two Microwave beam
weapons of mass destruction, in all probability, ARE IN FACT just two
faces of the same secret order, that is GW Bush is "Skull" [HAARP],
and Vladimir Putin is "Bones" [Rosvoorouzhenie].

MICROWAVE BRAIN CONTROL & COCHLEAR IMPLANTS, U.S. Black Ops: (Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra) wrote in message news:<ef268e26>...

> Do you think it was a HAARP graser or maser that downed the Columbia?

> Will Grand Warlock [GW] Bush use this microwave weapon of mass

> destruction on the Iraqis during the first new moon of March [nearing
> the 2nd?].

> I have a friend that has been victimized by the remote viewing dept.
> of the NSA and she has severe headaches and her dreams are implanted
> with outside imagery, not from her own subconscious. Believe me, this
> ELF wave stuff and microwave brain control is very real.

> Rocky
> Grasers based on particle accelerators and on lasers
> Authors: E.G.Bessonov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute AS, Moscow,
> Russia)
> Comments: 17 pages, LaTeX, Presented to ICFA Workshop QABP98,
> Monterey, 4-9 Jan. 1998
> Subj-class: Classical Physics
> Grasers based on a stimulated emission of gravitational radiation by
> relativistic charged particle beams in external fields and on a
> conversion of laser radiation into gravitational one in the magnetic
> fields as well as detectors are discussed. A scheme of the
> gravitational radiation not accompanied by an useless inaccessible by
> a value average power of the electromagnetic radiation and a
> stimulation of the conversion of gravitons into photons in
> gravitational detectors by an open resonator are considered.

> Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's
> > shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will
> > pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 2-4,
> > 2003, in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
> > Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day

> > that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear or
> > Microwave beam global war by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq.

> > Comet 2002/ X5 (Kudo-Fujikawa) and V1 [NEAT] ... this comet will be
> > making a very, very close approach to the Sun at perihelion, less than
> > 0.1 AU. Look up their orbits on Google!
> >
> > Is this a portent of a growing tension between the two top producers
> > of microwave beam warfare, the HAARP of the DoD, and the

> > Rosoboronexport (aka Rosvoorouzhenie) of Russia?
> >

> > Or are Bush and Putin members of the same secret society and actually

> > co-partners in this strategy?
> >
> > Who are they planning to use it against?
> >
> > Rosoboronexport [formerly know as Rosvoorouzhenie] -- Russian

> > Calibration of Equipment to Measure High-power Pulse Electromagnetic

> > Fields
> >
> > Several years ago Rosoboronexport (then Rosvoorouzhenie) initiated a
> > programme to harness Russia's technical know-how, especially in the
> > field of microwave weapons, and create systems that would make
> > attractive exports. The programme involved a search for concepts and
> > developments that could enable Russia to establish a new level in
> > military and technical co-operation with other countries. The
> > fundamental principle of co-operation was there would be a categorical
> > exclusion of information related to weapons of mass destruction and
> > the technologies for their manufacture. All research and development
> > activity on weapons has been under the stringent control of the
> > Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, sources said.
> >

> Manitoba's Aerospace Industry
> Manitoba's Infrastructure
> Manitoba Aerospace Firms
> Company Principal / Position Work Phone


HAARP Museum Association

Feb 20, 2003, 5:28:09 PM2/20/03

Synthetic Telepath

Feb 21, 2003, 1:10:59 PM2/21/03
from newsletter of

DOE's Sandia lab located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, is
in the forefront of directed energy research and experimentation.

It has a 23000 square meter building that houses the world's most
powerful gamma simulator.

It is capable of generating extremely short bursts of an electron beam
of 13 trillion watts.

It is used primarily for simulating the effects of prompt radiation
from a nuclear burst on electronics and complete military systems. The
contractor managing the Sandia lab is Lockheed Martin.

The Air Force operates 14 space weapons programs in space, and at
least two ground based platforms including Sandia and the HAARP
installation in Alaska masquerading as a scientific examination into
the effects of high auroral activity on the ionosphere.

If you would like to receive Medium Rare articles directly, please
contact the author at

My uncle works in the DC Beltway and I know for a fact that there are
> > highly trained remote viewing programs going on at the AIII [Assoc. of
> > International Electrical Engineers], the AAME [American Association of
> > Mechanical Engineers], the AAM, Intelsat, inside the White House, etc.
> > The list is endless.
> >
> > He has often regaled me with stories how he would think something
> > insulting about the person covertly remote viewing his thoughts using
> > the top secret microwave technology [no devices can be seen] at his
> > office job, until the person has a breakdown and goes into aggressive
> > fits because he/she can't help restrain their anger any longer over
> > reading in somebody's mind, "... i wonder why this person is so
> > dissatisfied sexually, too puny genitilia??, or just so low an IQ that
> > only the remote viewing program would accept the little loser". (Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra) wrote in message news:<ef268e26>...

Tom Coradeschi

Feb 21, 2003, 6:13:15 PM2/21/03
to (HAARP Museum Association) writes:
>My uncle works in the DC Beltway and I know for a fact that there are
>highly trained remote viewing programs going on at the AIII [Assoc. of
>International Electrical Engineers], the AAME [American Association of
>Mechanical Engineers], the AAM, Intelsat, inside the White House, etc.
> The list is endless.

Interesting. Can you tell me more about this AIII and AAME that you seem to
know so much about? I've heard of IEEE and ASME (Full Member of the latter,
in fact), but not these Powerful Organizations you mention.

tom coradeschi <+> tcora(at)

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 22, 2003, 2:40:55 PM2/22/03
Excuse moi. I made a few acronym mistakes, so i called my Uncle and
stand corrected.

The offices do not train the personnel in the various DC and Beltway
small agencies -- they merely EMPLOY the trained remote veiwers to
work in their small organizations. Training locale is tip top secret
and off site.

Intelsat [satellite consortium] does not start with an "A"; so your
theory that i went through the phonebook is fallacious; you can add
Medtap out in Bethesda, Maryland, to the list also.

My uncle wants to know how the old retired Admiral is doing at ASME K
Street office, if he still has the photograph of the emerging
submarine on his wall, and did he ever fully mentally recover from the
comet that smashed into Greenland just a few years back, i.e., the
airborne operations surrounding that clean up mission?

DC--Beltway IEEE

IEEE/Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Washington DC/Northern VA Chapter

Mobile robot localization by remote viewing of a colored cylinder
R. Volpe, T. Litwin, L. Matthies , Jet Propulsion Lab., California
Inst. of Technol.,


ASME Nanotechonology


National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), the Federal government's
investment in the future of nanotechnology

OM <om@CT_is_a_troll_AND_a_putz.too> wrote in message news:<>...

> ...Neither exist. They're both bogus groups. A search on AAME comes up
> with ASME as the closest possible match, while AIII brings up only the
> Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE).
> Bottom Line: Lizzie is pushing another hoax here. I wonder if it was
> Jesus or Moses this time feeding her info from her gut, or if it was
> just that Slim Jim yelling "EAT ME!" again...
> OM

Colin Powell Whitepoodle

Feb 23, 2003, 7:46:55 PM2/23/03
Who else sees parallels between the 1997 meteor crash into the
southern tip of Greenland, and the crash of the Shuttle Columbia?
Maybe that was NO COMET or meteor that fell in Greenland, it was a

[for full details on Remote Viewing scroll down past the comet

Meteorite Impact Greenland?
December 9, 1997, 08:11 UTC
The Greenland Qaqortoq* Meteorite

----------------- Wally AngleseaT (

>>Ahem, and thousands of amateur astronomers around the world are part
>>of a grand conspiuracy to cover it up.

Excuse moi. I made a few acronym mistakes, so i called my Uncle and
stand corrected.

The offices do not train the personnel in the various DC and Beltway
small agencies -- they merely EMPLOY the trained remote veiwers to
work in their small organizations. Training locale is tip top secret
and off site.

Intelsat [satellite consortium] does not start with an "A"; so your
theory that i went through the phonebook is fallacious; you can add
Medtap out in Bethesda, Maryland, to the list also.

My uncle wants to know how the old retired Admiral is doing at ASME

K Street, NW, office, if he still has the photograph of the emerging

submarine on his wall, and did he ever fully mentally recover from the
comet that smashed into Greenland just a few years back, i.e., the

airborne operations surrounding that clean up mission of Dec 1997?

DC--Beltway IEEE

IEEE/Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Washington DC/Northern VA Chapter

Mobile robot localization by remote viewing of a colored cylinder
R. Volpe, T. Litwin, L. Matthies , Jet Propulsion Lab., California
Inst. of Technol.,

ASME Nanotechonology


National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), the Federal government's
investment in the future of nanotechnology

Tom Coradeschi:<

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 23:13:15 GMT, tc...@fsm-1.rome (Tom Coradeschi)

My uncle works in the DC Beltway as a satellite consultant,

and I know for a fact that there are highly trained remote viewing

programs going on at the IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc], the ASME [American Society of Mechanical Engineers],

the AAM, Intelsat, inside the White House, etc.

The list is endless.

He has often regaled me with stories how he would think something
insulting about the person covertly remote viewing his thoughts --

using the top secret microwave technology [no devices can be seen]

-- at his office job, until the person within his visual range who
is reading his thoughts and voyeuristically feeling his bodily
functions and viewing his subconscious and conscious imagery --
the remote viewer will have a breakdown and goes into aggressive fits
because he/she can't help restrain their anger any longer over hearing

in somebody's
mind, "... i wonder why this person is so dissatisfied sexually, too

shriveled up and dessicated and used out genitilia??, or, ... just so
near absolute kelvin zero low an IQ that only the remote viewing
program of the NSA would accept the little loser for employment".

If you suspect that you are being remotely viewed, and somebody is
reading your thoughts, think to yourself the most humiliating things
about the person you suspect, over and over. If they are innocent,
they won't have a clue what you are up to. If you are correct, watch
the fireworks, it is LOTS OF FUN !!!

Remember ... if you think in a language they do not understand, you
can smoke screen your thoughts. But if you think in images, any fool
from any country can read you.

Stand or sit VERY NEAR the person you suspect of being a graduate of
the NSA remote viewing program, and make a mental picture of them on
their knees and fellating a poodle with mouth wide open, or something
equally disgusting, make sure you form a clear picture of the remote
viewers face in your imagery, and this will set them off like a
Patriot missle too!

Suspects: HAARP officials; NASA upper officials; many federal
agencies in the DC Loop; many New York City high paid attorneys,
especially at 666 5th Avenue; Skull & Bones members; Air Force MK
Ultra personnel; West Point grads who go on into research acadamies as
professors; -- it could be just about
anyone, so please use this test if something one day strikes you as
strange and you ask yourself "did that person read my mind? ... it is
the only way they could have known?!"


Is this testing occurring in other countries?

I've been getting emails from people claiming to be victims from Asian
and European Countries. Answer: Yes, because they wanted to test the
effects on people with slightly different genetic makeups and/or body
chemistry (different cultures eat differently, for example, so they
have different chemicals in their bodies).

Interestingly, the most resistent to the effects (I participated in
this particular study) have been the Ainu from Japan. Nobody knows
why, yet.


GRASERS -- gamma ray lasers! Very very nasty and unclean.
Stimulated emission of gravitational radiation -- equally radioactive
to a supernova

Grasers based on particle accelerators and on lasers
Authors: E.G.Bessonov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute AS, Moscow,
Russia) Comments: 17 pages, LaTeX, Presented to ICFA Workshop

Monterey, 4-9 Jan. 1998 Subj-class: Classical Physics RUSSIAN

INDIA -- The Guptas
Gamma-Ray Lasers and Related Plasma and Microwave Studies:'sDatabase/MarkHTML/Section12.html


PINE GAP, Australia, working with DoD and HAARP:
[Signals intelligence, or "sigint" -

Feb 24, 2003, 3:19:13 PM2/24/03
In HAARP Museum Association <> wrote:

The unanswered question is how do you focus a beam of elves.

-- | | Ian Stirling.
If it can't be expressed in figures, it is not science, it is opinion.
-- Robert A Heinlein.

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