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Debating The John F. Kennedy Assassination (Part 14)

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David Von Pein

Mar 14, 2007, 5:09:02 AM3/14/07


SUBJECT -- The JFK Assassination: The Ongoing "Lone Assassin vs.
Conspiracy" Debate.

FEATURED TEXT -- Archived JFK Forum Messages From July 2006, August
2006, and September 2006.


CTer (A CONSPIRACY THEORIST) -- {Secret Service Agent George W.}
Hickey was considerably closer to JFK than {Lee Harvey} Oswald was.
So, if and when the AR-15 {automatic rifle} went off, his accidentally
shooting JFK was not such a remote possibility. To disregard THAT is
ludicrous and stupid.

DVP (DAVID VON PEIN) -- It certainly is not stupid to disregard such a
preposterous theory. Why? Because it never happened; nor COULD it
conceivably have happened, given the evidence in the case.

Via the above "Hickey Accidentally Shot JFK" logic, we could also
start advocating (in earnest) the "Greer Shot Kennedy" theory too,
since Bill Greer (the limo driver) was even closer to JFK than was
Hickey...or Oswald.

Plus, there's always Roy Kellerman as well (he was armed with a weapon
that day too). And maybe Nellie. Or even Jackie. (Remember, she had a
purse for hiding small handguns.)

And what about Charles Brehm? (He was one of the closest bystanders.
He COULD have had a bazooka under his jacket...right?)

Back to reality (and some common sense) -- To believe that SS Agent
Hickey just HAPPENED to hit John F. Kennedy (the very same person who
was also Lee Harvey Oswald's target on 11/22/63) in the head with an
accidental shot from his AR-15 rifle is to stretch "coincidence" well
beyond the breaking point.

Not to mention the fact that Kennedy aide David Powers, located just a
matter of inches from Agent Hickey this whole time, would have to be
either completely deaf or the biggest liar in Dallas when he never
came forward after the President's assassination to say WORD ONE about
a man in the very car in which he (Powers) was riding firing a rifle
(accidentally or otherwise) at any point in time on November 22, 1963.

The "Hickey Did It" theory is total nonsense. No one who has looked
into the JFK case in any depth whatsoever could possibly believe such
a silly, unsupportable story. It's just one more idiotic theory being
tossed onto the front stoop by people who have a desire to alter the
unalterable evidence of Lee Harvey Oswald's "Lone Killer" status in
the JFK assassination.


CTer -- I guess that the two females {Jackie and Nellie} were too
frightened to be of much use as witnesses or to be conscious of
everything that was going on around them.

DVP -- I love this one! The two ladies (who were not injured by
bullets in any fashion, to dull their senses on that basis) were "too
frightened" to hear JFK's (supposed) "I am hit" statement after being
shot (per Roy Kellerman's testimony).

And yet these same two ladies were somehow NOT "too frightened" to
hear the comments being uttered by EVERYBODY ELSE in the vehicle --
e.g., Jackie heard John Connally's "My God" statement and Kellerman's
words as well.

And Nellie heard Jackie Kennedy's comments about having JFK's "brains
in my hands", plus other words spoken by the First Lady. And Nellie
recalls her husband saying "oh, no, no", too.

Amazing, isn't it, that this theory has the two ladies being able to
hear everybody in the car, it seems, EXCEPT John F. Kennedy?


Regarding the "Oswald Was Really Aiming At Governor John Connally"

DVP -- That rumor, too, is hogwash. For one thing, if LHO was aiming
at Mr. Connally, he wasn't making it very easy for himself by waiting
to shoot until the car was well onto Elm Street....because JFK was in
the way (a major SBT-supporting point, of course).

Plus: I'd be willing to wager that Oswald didn't even have the
slightest idea on the morning of November 22nd that Connally would
even BE in that Dallas motorcade.

Yes, the above is just a guess....but has anyone been able to prove
for certain that Oswald DID know that John Connally would be riding in
JFK's car (or would be riding somewhere in the motorcade at all)? I
don't think so.

A much better "secondary" target for Oswald that day in Dallas, in my
view, would have been Vice-President Lyndon Johnson (who was located
directly below Oswald's 6th-Floor window at the time President Kennedy
was being shot). If he had had more time available to him (and more
bullets), it's possible that Oswald might have taken a potshot or two
at LBJ as well.

Assassination food for thought at any rate.


CTer -- What about the Mentesana film? What rifle was that? That was
not Oswald's {Carcano rifle} in the Mentesana film!

DVP -- You can't rely on Robert Groden's narration (in the video
program "The Assassination Films") regarding the brief and completely-
inconclusive Charles Mentesana film.

Groden narrates over the top of the Mentesana film on his DVD/Video --
"The Mentesana film is important because it shows the discovery of a
second rifle being found in the Depository".

Now, upon looking at the very brief film in question, can anyone tell
me exactly HOW this very short glimpse of about two-thirds (or so) of
the barrel of a rifle amongst a group of policemen is in any way PROOF
that a "second rifle" was found in the Book Depository Building on

That rifle is either Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano or is a rifle
belonging to the DPD (they had lots of rifles at the ready in Dealey
Plaza that day, remember).

But I certainly can't tell exactly what brand of rifle can be seen in
the Mentesana film. That brief glance of a rifle in that film in no
way proves conspiracy.

Plus: Anyone who puts any faith in Mr. Groden's narration has a major
problem with any type of "Frame The Lone Patsy" theory as well.
Because why on Earth would these boob plotters leave TWO rifles to be
found in the TSBD? Was Oswald supposedly using TWO guns to shoot

As with most JFK conspiracy theories -- it makes no sense.

Here's a still frame from the Mentesana Film:

Somehow, per Bob Groden, the above image is supposed to prove
conspiracy. Go figure.


CTer -- False "Secret Service Agents" {were} waiting there {on the
Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza} with false ID's in order to redirect any

DVP -- As if those "False SS Agents" are going to be of any use when
it comes to stopping the "real truth" from coming out within minutes
of the shooting should all (or ANY) of the non-Oswald gunmen who were
supposedly firing away at JFK's body actually hit the President (or
anybody else) with bullets from any "non-Oswald" gun(s).

A few "fake agents" are supposed to "re-direct" all of the ballistics
evidence from all of those non-LHO guns back into ONLY Oswald's
Carcano rifle?? In a

That conspiracy-tinged argument is especially inept and ineffectual
when you consider what COULD have occurred to JFK's body, per most CT-
Kooks --- i.e., what if ALL of the non-Oswald bullets had struck JFK
from obvious non-TSBD locations that would have been IMMEDIATELY AND

How could even an army of "fake agents" and after-the-shooting
"Control All The Evidence" operatives be able to handle THAT little
eventuality? (Which is certainly an eventuality that should have been
anticipated by these ace "plotters" prior to actually green-lighting
such a multi-shooter, single-patsy plan on 11/22/63. Correct?)

Unless, for some idiotic reason, these plotters EXPECTED all of the
non-Oswald bullets, fired from various guns located at both front and
rear (per most kook versions of the assassination), to totally miss
the one slow-moving target. And if that were the case, why even bother
shooting from those localities in the first place? Just for the sheer
sport of it?*

* = See how idiotic the "Patsy Plot" looks from any kind of common-
sense perspective?


CTer -- You can't find a FMJ bullet which has performed in such a
manner {with respect to the JFK head shot and resulting
fragmentation}, outside your wildest LN dreams.

DVP -- Why should I have to find another one? There's ample evidence
(the ONLY evidence in fact) to know that just one bullet hit JFK in
the head (from the rear). And a bullet fired from Oswald's rifle did
this damage, based on the one fragment that came out of JFK's head
that was conclusively linked to Warren Commission Exhibit #139 (aka:
Lee Harvey Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle, #C2766).

The "snowstorm of lead fragments" argument is nothing but a conspiracy
dance for the amusement of you kooks in the "Everybody's Guilty Except
Lee Harvey Oswald" club.

We are also not likely to ever find a WCC/MC bullet that looks exactly
like CE399 after doing what 399 did on 11/22/63. That's fairly

But let me ask this -- Has there EVER been a single criminal case in
the history of criminal court cases that has made it a mandatory
requirement for a murder to be re-created with 100% perfect precision
in order to convince a jury the defendant was guilty of said crime?

The answer, of course, is -- No way, no how.

I can just imagine how former Los Angeles Deputy D.A. Vincent Bugliosi
would rip apart your CT dance re. the "snowstorm of particles".

He'd probably say something similar to this.....

[VB Imitation On....]

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury -- This defense argument about a
"snowstorm" of lead particles in JFK's head being "impossible" if only
Oswald's rifle and Oswald's 6.5-millimeter fully-jacketed bullets were
involved in the crime is just simply a preposterous argument.

It is merely yet another instance (among dozens, if not hundreds) of
this despicable defense team of CT-Kooks over here attempting to
isolate a particular piece of evidence relating to the JFK murder

And then what do these kooks do? Yes, you guessed it -- they will just
leave this isolated item laying there all alone out in perceived
Conspiracy Land, without bothering to put it back into the big picture
surrounding this case.

And then these defense lawyers, bent on having anyone except Lee
Oswald and Lee Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle up in that window,
will they always refuse to do in these isolated examine this item in combination with all the other
evidence in the case. Evidence which undeniably, ladies and gentlemen,
is telling the world that Lee Harvey Oswald fired all of the shots
that hit President Kennedy!

Other evidence such as -- One and only ONE bullet entry hole in JFK's
head, which was in the REAR of his head .... and a bullet fragment
from JFK's head that came from Oswald's gun .... and the fact that the
overwhelming majority of the evidence in this case says that only
three shots were fired on November 22nd .... and that all three of
those shots almost CERTAINLY came from the Sniper's Nest on the sixth
floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building .... with that
Sniper's Nest being strewn with so much "Oswald Was Here" evidence
that only an absolute MORON (or a rabid conspiracy theorist, take your
pick) would choose to deny the fact that that man sitting there--Lee
Harvey Oswald--fired the bullets that killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy
on November 22nd, 1963!

Perry (Kook version)....Your witness."

[/VB Mode Off]

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