I've compiled a list of some of the many conspiracy theories that have
existed at one time or another since JFK's tragic assassination on
November 22, 1963. I'm sure there are even more than my list here
reflects, but it illustrates how utterly desperate (it would appear)
that some CTers are/were to have some conspiratorial shenanigans taking
place in Dealey Plaza during the murder of JFK. (A person has to begin
to wonder how there was even room enough for all these gunmen in the
Plaza? They must have been fighting for available shooting locations,
given the vast number of gunmen purported to be on the scene that
afternoon. I'm surprised there aren't some theories that have the
assassins shooting EACH OTHER, instead of hitting their desired target
of the President.)
I heard a new one fairly recently that proposes the idea that Secret
Service Agent Roy Kellerman (who was seated in the front seat of the
Presidential limousine during the Dallas motorcade on 11-22-63, sitting
next to driver Bill Greer) actually fired the fatal head shot into John
Kennedy's brain with a small pistol that he miraculously fired WHILE
even LOOKING at the President at the time the fatal head shot was fired
-- but does that little detail stop a crazy theory like this one from
being thrown out on the front stoop, in hopes that some uninformed cat
will come by and lap it up? Evidently not.
Another theory which resides in the "Ultra Ridiculous And Worthy Of As
Much Ridicule As Can Be Heaped Upon It" file is the "Great Zapruder
Film Hoax". I cannot help but laugh when I read the blurb that occupies
space on the back cover of James Fetzer's book bearing that "Hoax"
title --- "These findings demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that the
Zapruder movie is, not merely touched up and altered, but wholly
fabricated". ....
"Beyond reasonable doubt"? Jesus H. Christ, give those with a brain a
friggin' break! And "Wholly fabricated"? It sounds as if Mr. Fetzer
doesn't even want to believe that Mr. Zapruder was filming a home movie
AT ALL on 11-22-63 in Dealey Plaza. "Wholly fabricated"? A very curious
and illogical notion to say the least, IMO. (Somebody's ready for the
rubber room it would appear.)
Also: If the Z-Film has been (somehow) "fabricated" from whole cloth
(or altered in any major fashion), as this volume suggests, I'm
wondering why on Earth the conspirators faking the film KEPT IN the JFK
"rear head snap" following the fatal shot to the President's head? Why
wouldn't these "plotters" want to "reverse" these frames to make it
appear that Kennedy was unequivocally shot from the rear (where "Patsy"
Lee Harvey Oswald was located)? But in ALL versions of the Zapruder
Film that exist, the violent to-the-rear head snap still exists. Go
Plus: What about ALL the other films taken on 11/22? Did the plotters
phony-up the Nix, Bronson, and Muchmore films too (so that they'd
"match" the fakery of their "new" Zapruder Film)? Quite obviously, this
is not very likely (even in the "everything-seems-to-be-faked" CT world
of never-ending conspiracies).
The whole idea put forth in Mr. Fetzer's waste of 480 "Hoax" pages is
pure nonsense and unsupportable CT fodder to begin with. It's simply
unbelievable and not even worthy of serious discussion (IMHO).
Let's wade through some more of the most-popular JFK conspiracies,
shall we? (Got the waste basket handy for the upchucking of your latest
meal while perusing the following? Hope so...it might come in handy.)
101 JFK Conspiracy Theories (give or take a few)................
1.) "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax". (Already thoroughly ridiculed and
raked over the proverbial hot coals above.)
2.) "Badge Man". .... "BM", per many theorists, fired the fatal shot
into JFK's head from behind a fence on the infamous Grassy Knoll. The
major problem I have with this Gary Mack-created theory is that it is
derived from large blow-ups of an already very poor-quality still
Polaroid photograph (the Moorman photo). Blowing up the teeny-weeny
area behind the fence to huge proportions and STILL thinking you'd be
able to make out subtle details like a "badge" on a cop's uniform, or
the "arm band" on this police officer, or a "muzzle flash" as the rifle
fires, is (IMO) way too much "wishful thinking" on the part of
conspiracy theorists. *
* = Plus: I'd also ask: What are the ODDS that Miss Moorman could have
POSSIBLY actually photographed the EXACT moment of the rifle being
fired so that the "muzzle flash" would still be visible in her picture?
I'd wager the odds are off the charts in favor of "improbable". Maybe
not "impossible", true, but man oh man, it sure would have been amazing
to have been able to capture that one tiny moment in time on a STILL
photographic image.
3.) Limo driver Bill Greer fired the head shot. .... Bill was evidently
pulling double-duty that day -- he had to navigate the heavy Lincoln
limousine while at the same time being depended upon to fire the fatal
bullet into JFK's skull. (Big ol' LOL on this one.)
4.) "The Umbrella Man" ("TUM"). .... The man who was holding the open
umbrella along Elm Street (and who can be seen in various pictures and
films) supposedly fired a "poisoned dart" into the neck of President
Kennedy, apparently (per this theory) to paralyze or incapacitate JFK
so that the "kill shot" could be made by another shooter with more
ease. Anybody buyin' this nonsense? My first question re. this silly
one -- WHY on Earth would any plotters want to fire a PRE-KILL shot
into JFK (thereby warning the Secret Service and/or the victim what was
happening prior to the "big one")? Completely illogical. Why not just
fire the head shot FIRST and be done with it?
4B.) "The Umbrella Man" (Version #2). .... A second "Umbrella Man"
theory has "TUM" being a "Signal Man" (instead of using the umbrella
itself as an actual weapon). TUM, per this alternate version of the
Umbrella theory, was evidently hired by some assassination bigwigs to
stand out in full view of everybody on Elm Street and "signal" to the
real killers in Dealey Plaza, letting the gunmen know exactly when to
fire their rifles at JFK. This TUM theory is nearly as ridiculous and
laughable as the "poisoned dart" version. For one thing, HOW are the
shooters supposed to keep an eye on "TUM" AND keep their eyes on their
target (JFK) at the same time? Plus: To believe in this ultra-stupid
theory, you'll have to throw all notions of common sense out the
nearest window and actually believe that these "plotters" would have
had the balls to put one of their "assassin team" members out on the
sidewalk, in full view of many witnesses and CAMERAS at the precise
time JFK is being murdered. (This kind of reminds me of the incident
where a group of brain-dead criminals thought it might be a good idea
to videotape themselves while in the act of committing a felony! Smart
plan, huh?) ... Both "TUM" theories require ample time to recover from
rolling around on the floor from the uncontrollable laughter that
undoubtedly ensues whenever reading about such ludicrous CT-favoring
5.) "Sewer Man". .... This theory has a killer rooting around the
Dallas city sewer system beneath Dealey Plaza and firing the fatal JFK
head shot from below ground level along Elm Street. Problem being: No
possible angle could have been achieved from any Elm Street sewer to
satisfy the known head wounds sustained by the President. But, still,
the theory persists, without one logical, solid piece of evidence to
back up such ludicrous claims. Amazing.
6.) "Black Dog Man". .... The "BDM" is a dark "blob" seen in a couple
of photographs above the retaining wall on the Grassy Knoll. Some CTers
feel this "blob" is a "man" getting ready to fire the fatal rifle shot.
(Of course, just WHY he would be out in plain sight for all to film and
photograph is, apparently, another matter for discussion.)
7.) "Sandy-Haired Man In West-End TSBD Window". .... "Sandy" (as I call
him) has been purported to exist on the opposite (west) end of the
Texas School Book Depository's sixth floor from where Lee Harvey Oswald
was located in his "Sniper's Nest". Some CTers think "Sandy" can be
seen in a picture taken just seconds after the shooting, and that he
might have been an additional TSBD shooter on 11/22. This theory isn't
as crazy as most others, but it still lacks any solid evidence to back
it up. Plus, any shots from this West-End window do not equate to ANY
known wounds in either victim.
8.) Secret Service man George Hickey accidentally fired the fatal shot
from the SS follow-up vehicle (with the bullet miraculously finding the
head of JFK). .... Yet another idiotic theory, without a shred of
validity to it. This is also a rather odd theory to be claimed by
CTers, seeing as how virtually all conspiracy theorists think the fatal
head shot to JFK came from the right-front, and NOT from behind the
9.) "Body-altering surgery" performed on JFK prior to autopsy. ....
This theory usually comes complete with a second casket and a "decoy"
ambulance. Regarding all this hidden cloak-and-dagger type of activity,
I'd simply ask -- Why didn't the conspirators simply shoot President
Kennedy from Oswald's "Nest" and be done with it? If they would have
used just that one rear shooter, they wouldn't have to worry about
"altering" any wounds on JFK afterward (which could not possibly have
been done without some non-conspirators noticing in the first place).
10.) The "Dal-Tex Shooter(s)". .... Were there one or more gunmen
firing from the Dal-Tex Building on Houston Street? Many CTers think so
(despite not ONE person, that I'm aware of, immediately dashing into
that building thinking shots might have come from within it).
11.) "Kellerman Kills Kennedy" (as mentioned and easily-debunked
12.) "Triple Underpass Shooter". .... Some people seem to feel a
frontal shot that hit JFK came from atop the Triple Underpass. Problems
galore with this (IMO) -- because WHY didn't ANY of the many railroad
workers (and two Dallas cops!) who were up there see this rifle-toting
assassin or hear any shot(s) coming from right beside them? Not a
logical theory.
13.) Virtually all of the autopsy photos and X-rays have been "faked"
or altered in some manner. .... This one, too, doesn't reside in the
realm of anything approaching "reality" (IMO). Because 19 different
photo experts for the HSCA have verified the autopsy materials as
authentic and unaltered in any manner. Still, these rumors persist like
gum on the bottom of your shoe.
14.) Any combination of the above theories .... e.g., The Oliver Stone
"Triangulation of Crossfire" theory (with three gunmen in various
locations and six gunshots being fired). .... Amazing, though, isn't
it, that these six shots were somehow condensed into sounding like just
the THREE shots that were said to be heard by virtually EVERY person
who was in a position to immediately report the shooting to the world
(Merriman Smith, Jack Bell, and WFAA's Jay Watson to name but three)?
Funny coincidence huh? And incredibly lucky for the "plotters" too it
would seem. **
** = Plus, there's the added miraculous luck of the
shooters/conspirators that resulted in the THREE separate shots that
supposedly (per CTers) caused the back and neck wounds in TWO different
men (JFK and John Connally) somehow "lining themselves up" to
perfection to make it SEEM afterward like these three shots could all
be explained away with one single bullet (the "Single-Bullet Theory").
Is there no end to the overwhelming good fortune of these amazing
In my own view, there comes a time when you've just got to step back
from the bottomless CT abyss and say "enough is enough"! That time was
long ago for this writer. For it's been quite clear to me for a lengthy
period of time that none of the above theories is worth a hill of
beans. IMO, the Warren Report had it correct from the beginning -- Lee
Harvey Oswald took his own rifle to work on November 22, 1963, and
murdered President Kennedy all by himself. And he didn't even need one
single umbrella to accomplish the deed. .... Three shots; one rifle;
one killer. It's the logical conclusion.
David Von Pein
March 2005
Despite the fact that there is no physical evidence whatsoever to back
up the notion that a multi-shooter conspiracy was afoot on 11/22/63,
tons of conspiracy promoters have filled the landscape with so many
different conspiracy theories, it's enough to make your head spin
around. And not a one of them holds any water.
But, when the Conspiracy Cupboard is this well-stocked with tripe, it's
no wonder that "CTers" love to wallow in the sheer abundance of all
this completely-unproven and unsupportable garbage. (After all, by
accepting as factual the physical evidence of Lee Oswald's lone guilt,
it would surely put a lot of people out of work.)
57 JFK Conspiracy Theories .... And Every One Of Them Wrong:
1. "Badge Man".
2. "Black Dog Man".
3. "The Umbrella Man".
4. The Sewer Assassin.
5. The Dal-Tex Shooter(s).
6. The West-End TSBD Assassin.
7. Oswald Was A "Patsy".
8. The Single-Bullet Theory Is An LNer's Wet Dream.
9. Puffs Of Smoke On The Knoll Prove Conspiracy.
10. Oswald Didn't Kill Police Officer J.D. Tippit.
11. Ruby Killed Oswald As Part Of A Conspiracy.
12. Conspirators "Allowed" Ruby To Enter The DPD Basement In Order To
Kill Oswald On Live TV. (LOL!)
13. The Zapruder Film Is A Fake. (Additional LOL required here.)
14. Vast Numbers Of Dallas Police Officials Were "In" On The
15. Ruby Planted Bullet CE399 At Parkland.
16. Ruby Knew Oswald.
17. Tippit Knew Oswald.
18. James Files Killed JFK.
19. Secret Service Agent Hickey Killed JFK.
20. Limo Driver Greer Killed JFK.
21. Acoustics Evidence Proves A Conspiracy Existed In Dealey Plaza.
22. Oswald's Rifle Was Planted In The TSBD.
23. The Three Bullet Shells Were Planted In The TSBD.
24. The Empty Paper Bag Was Planted In The TSBD.
25. Tippit Was "Assigned" To "Rub Out" Oswald Before He Could Talk.
26. Marrion Baker Was "Assigned" To "Rub Out" Oswald Before He Could
27. Michael Paine Was A Conspirator.
28. George DeMohrenschildt Was A Conspirator.
29. Santos Trafficante Was A Conspirator.
30. Carlos Marcello Was A Conspirator.
31. Clay Shaw Was A Conspirator.
32. David Ferrie Was A Conspirator.
33. Guy Bannister Was A Conspirator.
34. John Connally Conveniently "Arranged" For The Motorcade To Pass By
35. All Three Autopsy Doctors Are Liars and "Faked" The Official
Autopsy Report.
36. Gerald Ford "Conveniently" Moved JFK's Back Wound.
37. The Warren Commission Was Comprised Of Only Evil People Who Wanted
Nothing Better Than To "Cover-Up" Any Signs Of Conspiracy At All Costs.
38. Ruth Paine Was An Evil Conspirator.
39. The Oswald "Imposters".
40. The Backyard Photos Are Fakes.
41. The Autopsy Photos Of JFK Are Fakes.
42. The Autopsy X-Rays Of JFK Are Fakes.
43. All Of The "Oswald Bullet Evidence" In The Limo Was Planted.
44. Oswald's Palmprint Was Lifted Off Him In The Morgue.
45. Howard Brennan Is A Liar.
46. Oswald Worked For The CIA.
47. Oswald Never Went To Mexico City.
48. All The Witnesses At The Tippit Murder Scene Are Wrong Or Liars.
49. The Tippit Bullet Shells Are Fakes/Planted.
50. LBJ Killed Kennedy.
51. The Mob Killed Kennedy.
52. The FBI Killed Kennedy.
53. The Military Industrial Complex Killed Kennedy.
54. The CIA Killed Kennedy.
55. Castro Killed Kennedy.
56. Khrushchev Killed Kennedy.
57. And A Biggie For The Finish ---> JOHN F. KENNEDY'S WOUNDS WERE
How many of the above theories do you think are true?*
* = Anyone who answers "all of the above" should contact Oliver Stone
immediately in order to help write the script for Stone's sequel to his
1991 motion picture. It'll be a 7-hour spectacle entitled "Kennedy's
Killing: 20 Shooters Plus The Kitchen Sink". (Rated "G" For "Goofy"
.... MPAA Warning: Film may contain scenes actually depicting a modicum
of "truth"; viewers who encounter such rare items within said Oliver
Stone motion picture are encouraged to contact Ripley's Museum asap.)
a quick look says 37, 45 and 48 seem especially sketchy
8 awaits publication of Arlen's memoirs
39 is true although by itself it does not prove a murder conspiracy
21 has scientists on both sides
14 seems like one of your fantasies
isn't it interesting that no 2 LN theorists agree on the details of the
case that
they claim is "proven"
Astoundingly-brazen hypocrisy.
Show me just 2 CTers who can agree on anything whatsoever with regard
to the case and I'll show you a ..... miracle.
We *ALL* agree that there was more than one person involved in murdering our
Now, care to show us your "miracle"?
NewsGuy.Com 30Gb $9.95 Carry Forward and On Demand Bandwidth
Mine are "Command Performances".
You Felon Supporter.
Address the Destruction of Evidence David.
They are posted at the Botton because I want people to read the Bullshit you
"David VP" <davev...@aol.com> wrote in message
Destroy/Alter/Withhold Evidence
1.. Destroying Oswald's note to Dallas FBI Office
2.. Withholding Hosty's name, address, phone number and license plate
number from Oswald's notebook.
3.. Destroying Walker back yard photo.
4.. Changing Walker bullet from "Steel-Jacketed" to Copper Jacketed.
5.. Changing transcript of Oswald's radio debate.
6.. Lying when claiming Paper for gun bag matched TSBD paper.
7.. Lying by stating Oswald had No connection to CIA.
8.. Lying about Oswald going to Mexico City.
9.. Washing out Limo at Parkland Hospital thus Destroying Evidence. Within
10.. Stealing body from Dallas jurisdiction under Gun Point.
11.. Stealing limo from Dallas Jurisdiction.
12.. Destroying part 3 of P O Box Rental Application.
13.. Showed LHO 133A BEFORE it was Found. WCR App XI
14.. Dry Cleaning/Pressing JBS's Clothing.
15.. Switch Entrance/Exit wounds on JBC's Wrist would.
16.. JFK's brain missing.
17.. Autopsy slides missing.
18.. Alteration of "Z" film.
1 All CT's believe in Destruction of Evidence by Authorities. (A Felony)
2 Several LN's AGREE that the Authorities Destroyed Evidence ( A Felony)
Only Felon Supporters such as you Refuse to address those felonies.
For a Refresher, See list at the Bottom of this Post.
"David VP" <davev...@aol.com> wrote in message
Destroy/Alter/Withhold Evidence
You are the one supporting a felon .... by the name of Oswald.
"Ben Holmes" <bnho...@rain.org> wrote in message
Let's plat it Your way.
Under Your standard, if someone told me that you were a "Child Molester".
I would automatically Accept/Believe/Repeat those charges.
I am SURE you would expect me to ask for Proof Before
Accepting/Believing/Repeating those Charges.
So, WHY would you NOT abide by those Values for Others????
"David VP" <davev...@aol.com> wrote in message
Oswald's guilt in the two 11/22 murders has been proven beyond all
reasonable doubt. Just because many people can't (or won't) realize
this obvious fact doesn't change the evidence.
Oswald's rifle being found on the 6th Floor (and bullets from that gun
proven to have struck any victims) is evidence ALL BY ITSELF, of
course, that substantially supports Oswald's guilt. To think otherwise
is to engage in a CT game of unprovable "planting and faking"
allegations. And, to quote Tom directly on this point.....
"I am SURE you would expect me to ask for Proof Before
Accepting/Believing/Repeating those Charges."
But do CTers "ask for proof" when it comes to all the "planting" that
supposedly occurred on 11/22? If so...what is this "proof"? ("Gut
feeling" falls a tad short, btw.)
What proof do CTers have that more than two bullets (both fired from
Oswald's rifle) struck any victim in the President's limo on 11/22?
Answer -- None.
Until that "proof" comes into view....two and only two bullets struck
any victim in that limo.
Do you Support Felons?
they are listed Below AGAIN David. Go For It.
"David VP" <davev...@aol.com> wrote in message
>>> "It appears that you believe that all one need to do is make "Charges".
> NO Proof needed. Under Your standard, if someone told me that you were
> a "Child Molester". I would automatically Accept/Believe/Repeat those
> charges. I am SURE you would expect me to ask for Proof Before
> Accepting/Believing/Repeating those Charges. So, WHY would you NOT
> abide by those Values for Others????"
> Oswald's guilt in the two 11/22 murders has been proven beyond all
> reasonable doubt. Just because many people can't (or won't) realize
> this obvious fact doesn't change the evidence.
> Oswald's rifle being found on the 6th Floor (and bullets from that gun
> proven to have struck any victims) is evidence ALL BY ITSELF, of
> course, that substantially supports Oswald's guilt. To think otherwise
> is to engage in a CT game of unprovable "planting and faking"
> allegations. And, to quote Tom directly on this point.....
> "I am SURE you would expect me to ask for Proof Before
> Accepting/Believing/Repeating those Charges."
> But do CTers "ask for proof" when it comes to all the "planting" that
> supposedly occurred on 11/22? If so...what is this "proof"? ("Gut
> feeling" falls a tad short, btw.)
> What proof do CTers have that more than two bullets (both fired from
> Oswald's rifle) struck any victim in the President's limo on 11/22?
> Answer -- None.
> Until that "proof" comes into view....two and only two bullets struck
> any victim in that limo.
Destroy/Alter/Withhold Evidence
There's a reason the FBI destroyed the note. It's not because they
assassinated the President.
> How do you "switch" wounds? That doesn't make any sense.
See Gregory Exhibit 1
Changed Exit to Entrance
Changed Entrance to Exit
> Robert Kennedy took possession of JFK's brain.
WRONG; Finck was called to Bethesda a WEEK Later to examine the brain.
> The body wasn't taken by gunpoint.
YES it was.
> There's a reason the FBI destroyed the note. It's not because they
> assassinated the President.
THAT Reason is called "Destruction of Evidence".
Bud is also a self-proclaimed joke... as is Grizzlie... so I took 'em at their
word, and I don't read their material anymore... Life is too short to deal with
Just point it out, then move on...
Spoken like a lifetime, true-to-form CT kook/nuthatch. Congrats. Nice
In article <1144476937.1...@t31g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>, David VP
Very silly. We all agree it was a conspiracy. Some agree that Oswald was
part of it. Some of us agree that the head shot came from the grassy knoll.
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One of your fallacies is just naming something without explaining what
you think that theory is. Do you deny that the Black Dog Man even
existed or is it just that you don't think he was a shooter? Many LNers
also believe that Castro or Khrushchev killed Kennedy. That is rarely
the case for conspiracy believers.
> * = Anyone who answers "all of the above" should contact Oliver Stone
> immediately in order to help write the script for Stone's sequel to his
> 1991 motion picture. It'll be a 7-hour spectacle entitled "Kennedy's
> Killing: 20 Shooters Plus The Kitchen Sink". (Rated "G" For "Goofy"
> .... MPAA Warning: Film may contain scenes actually depicting a modicum
> of "truth"; viewers who encounter such rare items within said Oliver
> Stone motion picture are encouraged to contact Ripley's Museum asap.)
> ~wink~
Many? You probably can't name more than a couple.
All they di is snip
They don't want people to "SEE THEM SWEAT".
"Ben Holmes" <bnho...@rain.org> wrote in message
You are claiming that it is physically impossible to alter wounds? Talk
to the South Africans.
> Robert Kennedy took possession of JFK's brain.
Prove it. And prove what happened to JFK's brain.
> The body wasn't taken by gunpoint.
The SS admitted it.
> There's a reason the FBI destroyed the note. It's not because they
> assassinated the President.
No one ever claimed the reason was because they assassinated the
President. We know it was to cover up their own incompetence. The point
is that it could have been a clue and it was obstruction of justice.
Whal, I don`t take kooks seriously.
> as is Grizzlie... so I took 'em at their
> word, and I don't read their material anymore...
I don`t believe that for a minute. I think Ben reads what I write,
and what I write bothers him. Why else would he keep mentioning me?
> Life is too short to deal with
> nonsense.
Yet he believes some of the stupidiest shit ever proposed, and
eagerly awaits the next publication of crackpot drivel.
> Just point it out, then move on...
You ain`t going anywhere. And neither am I. <snicker>