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JFK Assassination Forum Archives -- Misc. Topics Of Interest (Part 48)

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David Von Pein

Mar 25, 2008, 1:55:36 AM3/25/08















Mar 25, 2008, 3:55:30 AM3/25/08
this is developing into a sickness, David Von Pein.... consult your

David Von Pein

Mar 25, 2008, 12:43:33 PM3/25/08

>>> "This is developing into a sickness, David Von Pein....consult your physician." <<<

Maybe I will see my doctor about this....just to see what he says
about it. My physician happens to be this man, of course:

Mar 25, 2008, 4:30:55 PM3/25/08

Dave, how about posting some new stuff instead of the tired old
stuff? Tired of getting your buttocks kicked?

(This should taunt him sufficiently.)

David Von Pein

Mar 25, 2008, 5:21:28 PM3/25/08

>>> "Dave, how about posting some new stuff instead of the tired old stuff?" <<<

IOW, Robby thinks I should just start MAKING UP stuff out of thin air
(like the CT-Kooks do). Right, Rob?

Kinda like the recent made-up-from-whole-cloth post by Walt where he
claimed (based on ZERO pieces of actual evidence) that Oswald was
taken to the Texas Theater BY CAB on Nov. 22.

Is that the type of "new stuff" I should be dredging up?

(Thanks, but no thanks.)

>>> "Tired of getting your buttocks kicked?" <<<

Still waiting for my first buttocks-kicking from Robby "LHO SHOT NO
ONE THAT DAY" Caprio. Hasn't happened yet. And unlikely to ever occur
(given Rob's insane "ABO" mindset).

>>> "This should taunt him sufficiently." <<<

Just my funnybone.

Mar 25, 2008, 9:24:06 PM3/25/08
On Mar 25, 4:21 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> >>> "Dave, how about posting some new stuff instead of the tired old stuff?" <<<

"IOW, Robby thinks I should just start MAKING UP stuff out of thin
air (like the CT-Kooks do). Right, Rob?"

You are supporting a fable, don't you get tired of it?

"Kinda like the recent made-up-from-whole-cloth post by Walt where he
claimed (based on ZERO pieces of actual evidence) that Oswald was
taken to the Texas Theater BY CAB on Nov. 22.

Is that the type of "new stuff" I should be dredging up?

(Thanks, but no thanks.)"

No I was thinking of you telling the truth for a change, or least
making new posts without links as it is easier to refute your claims
that way.

> >>> "Tired of getting your buttocks kicked?" <<<

"Still waiting for my first buttocks-kicking from Robby "LHO SHOT NO
ONE THAT DAY" Caprio. Hasn't happened yet. And unlikely to ever occur
(given Rob's insane "ABO" mindset)."

You are delusional.

> >>> "This should taunt him sufficiently." <<<

"Just my funnybone."

Vincent Salandria summed up the Warren Report perfectly:

"One who takes the trouble to study the microanalytic material
provided by the federal government must immediately conclude that
there was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy. How foolish it was
of us to dwell so long on these governmentally supplied pacifiers,
rather than to put them aside and undertake the serious work of
constructing a model of explanation. In this connection it is
important to take note that the very organization which made that mass
of detailed microanalytic evidence available to us --- the federal
government --- contended from the first that there was no conspiracy.
But, the federal government's intelligence agencies must have known
that the material which the government issued would indicate a
conspiracy existed. Then why did we get the evidence?

This question presents a serious theoretical problem. Why would the
federal government on the one hand wish to provide us with data which
prove a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy and simultaneously
contend on the other hand that there was no conspiracy?

So overwhelming and voluminous is the evidence of conspiracy provided
for us by the government that we are compelled to conclude that if not
the, at least a number of possible plots, were meant by the
conspirators to be quasi-visible. The federal government has deluged
us with evidence that cries out conspiracy.

Where evidence of a conspiracy with respect to the Kennedy
assassination surfaced, --- and much did --- thanks in the main to the
government's disclosures, that same government from the very first and
continuously to date has publicly refused to act on that evidence.
Wherever any data appeared to be thoroughly ludicrous and incredible
--- and much of the lone-assassin evidence did violence to common
sense --- the federal government publicly and solemnly declared those
data veracious. The unvarying governmental pattern of consistently and
publicly supporting the lone-assassin myth, and equally uniformly
rejecting the irrefutable conspiracy evidence, was too studied to be
the function of mere bureaucratic stupidity or accident. I propose the
thesis that this uniform governmental pattern did not speak to
official innocence or ignorance but rather to the guilt of the
government at the very highest echelons.

This systematic behavioral pattern persisted in by the government in a
reckless and apparently unskeptical manner, I believe, was meant to
communicate a message to the citizens: (1) about what really happened
to their President; (2) about what was in store for any quixotic
citizens who saw fit to oppose the new rulers of our land."

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David Von Pein

Mar 25, 2008, 11:19:40 PM3/25/08

>>> [QUOTING CONSPIRACY THEORIST AND AUTHOR VINCENT J. SALANDRIA:] "The federal government has deluged us with evidence that cries out conspiracy." <<<

Salandria's delusional.



Vincent J. Salandria's book "False Mystery" attempts to shed light on
a supposed conspiracy in connection with the 1963 assassination of
United States President John F. Kennedy.

But right from the very first few pages, mistakes in facts and
questionable interpretation of evidence begin to pop out at the

For example, on pages 2 and 3, the wounding of bystander James Tague
is briefly discussed, and it is noted that the mark that was left by a
bullet on the curb on Main Street near Tague's location lacked any
copper substance. Which leads the author to infer that the bullet
causing that mark could not have come from the copper-jacketed
Mannlicher-Carcano ammunition used by Lee Harvey Oswald.

But the author fails to consider the very real possibility that the
bullet's jacket might have become separated from its lead core before
striking the curbstone (as a result of possibly hitting the oak tree
in front of the Depository, or as a result of the bullet first having
gone through the head of John Kennedy prior to reaching Tague's
position near Main Street).

Then there's the usual pro-conspiracy nonsense about how the Single-
Bullet Theory is all wrong and how it couldn't have happened that way
-- which is an anti-SBT position that couldn't be more incorrect. The
SBT is most certainly the most logical and sound explanation for the
simultaneous wounding of victims JFK and Governor John Connally.

A huge error re. the SBT presents itself on page 5 of "False Mystery":

"The Governor's body did not react immediately after the President's
body reacted. Therefore, he was not hit by the same bullet that hit
the President."

The above passage is completely inaccurate, and provably so just by
simply examining the very same Zapruder Film that Mr. Salandria claims
proves just the opposite.

Connally's body is "reacting" (involuntarily) to the bullet strike at
the EXACT same time as Kennedy (at approximately Z224-Z230 on the
famous Abraham Zapruder home movie).

In fact, since JFK isn't fully visible after emerging from behind the
road sign in the Zapruder Film until Z225, Connally can actually be
said to be reacting BEFORE Kennedy, at Z224.

At Z224, a very important involuntary reaction is visible in Connally
-- his right shoulder drops and pitches forward slightly, indicating
the transfer of momentum from the impacting 6.5mm bullet that has just
travelled through his back and chest. Watch for that shoulder movement

Also at exactly Z224, the right lapel on Connally's suit jacket
"bulges" out (or "flips" up) toward the middle of his chest. This
jacket movement, too, is something that's probably indicating the
passage of the bullet through his right chest at precisely that point
in time.

At Z225, Connally's facial expression changes, as a startled look
appears on his face and his mouth opens suddenly (it had been closed
at Z224, which is more-than-likely the precise Z-Frame when the "SBT"
bullet struck both JFK and JBC).

Then, starting at Z226, another important (and obviously involuntary)
physical movement on the part of Governor Connally occurs -- his right
hand, gripping his Stetson cowboy hat, rises and drops again extremely
quickly (in just the span of a mere eight or nine Zapruder frames).
This "hat/arm flip" is telling us that his right wrist has just been
smacked by the speeding bullet from Lee Oswald's Carcano rifle.

These "involuntary" signs of Connally being hit at just precisely the
same time when Kennedy is also initially showing signs of distress are
solid indications that the Single-Bullet Theory should more
appropriately reside in the category reserved for "facts", rather than
mere "theories".

The newer, better-quality, digitally-enhanced versions of the Zapruder
Film have given us a chance to "tighten" the SBT timeline, and to hone
in with more accuracy on exactly when the SBT bullet struck the
victims. However, most of these "signs" re. Connally's movements have
pretty much been visible for years (even prior to the MPI Home Video
digital enhancements in 1998); but for some reason nobody seemed to
want to interpret these things as indications of a bullet strike with
respect to Governor Connally.

Below are a couple more examples of the SBT in action (via looped Z-
Film clips). The top clip, in super slow-motion, gives an excellent
view of Connally having just been struck by the bullet. Note the
obvious "strained" grimace that comes over his face at what equates to
Z225 of the Zapruder Film. This "grimace", along with the shoulder
movement and the hat flip, IMO, are absolute proof that Mr. Connally
has been pierced by a bullet just a few milliseconds prior to those

The bottom clip shows another snippet of the Z-Film at the important
"SBT" point of the movie. In my view, any person who watches that clip
a few times consecutively will have no choice but to come to the
realization that the two men in the car were reacting to a bullet
striking them at just about exactly the same moment in time. Please
take note of JFK's hands/arms at the time he becomes visible from
behind the sign. He hasn't even STARTED to move those arms upward
toward his neck when we first see him after the road-sign interference
has been removed from view.

And yet many conspiracy theorists want to believe that JFK was
actually hit many Z-Frames prior to Z224. But if that was so, why on
Earth are Kennedy's arms near his lap at Z225? Doesn't add up. But it
DOES add up if he had just been hit at Z224, and then started lifting
his arms within two Z-Frames of 224......


Here's one more top-notch video extract from the Zapruder Film at the
time of the SBT bullet strike:


An additional interpretive "SBT" error resides on page 5 of this

"The Governor's body did not register any lurch when the first bullet
struck the President."

This is definitely an inaccurate statement of the facts (unless Mr.
Salandria is contending here that JFK was first hit much earlier,
around Z210; but in such a case, neither JFK nor John Connally is
visible on the Z-Film; therefore no visual evaluation of Connally's
physical movements can be ascertained at the exact moment that JFK is
first struck anyway).

As stated above (and visually demonstrated via that excellent slo-mo
Film video clip), Connally is most certainly exhibiting what could be
described as a "lurch" immediately after Z-Frame 223, with his
shoulder being visibly driven downward and forward. And if the impact
of a bullet didn't cause this bodily movement at that time, then the
question to ask would be -- what did?

Another error -- On page 6, this false statement is made: "A separate
shot removed the back of the President's head".

That quoted passage was written to represent what the Warren
Commission had stated in its Final Report in 1964. But that quoted
passage is wrong. The WC never said any such thing. The last shot from
Oswald's rifle entered the back of JFK's didn't "remove"
the back of his head. The exit wound on the President's head was to
the front-right side. The official autopsy report, signed by three
doctors, definitively stated that fact; and the Warren Report says the
same thing. Why this publication says otherwise is yet another "False
Mystery" it would seem.

Mr. Salandria's earwitness selectivity, used to attempt to buttress
the idea that shots came from the Grassy Knoll area of Dealey Plaza
during the JFK shooting, is rather interesting, somewhat strange, and
not very convincing. By utilizing, on page 2 of this publication, the
selective testimony of only the witnesses who were located on the
bridge atop the Triple Underpass (plus Lee Bowers in the railroad
tower to the north of the bridge, who said the shots could have come
from "either the Depository or the Underpass", which certainly doesn't
FAVOR a Knoll shooter any more than a Depository sniper), Mr.
Salandria has (IMO) actually bolstered the "Lone Assassin" position.

The reason I say that is -- Because the cited witnesses (Austin
Miller, S.M. Holland, Thomas Murphy, and Frank Reilly) seemed to hear
shots from ONLY the Knoll general area, although Reilly is actually
closer to a "TSBD" witness than he is a "Knoll" one. And since there
is no doubt at all that at least SOME shots did come from the Book
Depository, it would tend to undercut and weaken these witness' claims
of hearing the gunshots all coming from the front of JFK's car. Which
would indicate, logically, that all of these "Triple Underpass
witnesses" were located in an area of Dealey Plaza where the
Depository shots sounded as if they had come from further west than
they actually originated.

Witness Austin Miller, by the way, said he thought the shots had
actually come from INSIDE the President's limousine itself! And yet he
is still used to try and improve Mr. Salandria's theory of shots from
the Knoll area, when he actually heard none from that specific
location. Curious. (Although it's possible that the author was using
Miller as a "pro-conspiracy" witness based only on another portion of
his account of the shooting, when Miller also claimed to see "smoke or
steam" on the Knoll following the shots that he thought came "from
right there in the car". But this book's author doesn't mention that
portion of Miller's account at all on page 2.)

Another way in which most of those Underpass witnesses do no harm at
all to the Lone-Shooter scenario is due to the fact that most of them
heard three shots precisely -- the exact number Lee Harvey Oswald is
said to have fired from the Book Depository (with one witness in this
batch hearing only two shots). Only Holland, among these examples,
heard more than three shots (he said he heard four).

So, within just the first few pages alone, this book is replete with
questioned items of concern that can easily be interpreted in non-
conspiratorial ways. And the hard, verifiable PHYSICAL EVIDENCE
associated with JFK's murder (and policeman J.D. Tippit's as well) on
November 22, 1963, shall never be able to be turned into "conspiracy"
-- because all of it is screaming "Oswald's Guilty!". Every gun, every
bullet, every bullet fragment, every bullet shell, and every
fingerprint. It's all Oswald's.

I, however, agree with one thing (sort of) in this book -- the title.
The "Mystery" surrounding this murder case is, indeed, a "False" one.
For, there is no "Mystery" at all, IMO. One killer named Lee H. Oswald
fired three shots from his place of employment and killed the
President. No mystery there. And the physical evidence fully bears out
that one-killer conclusion. "False Mystery" seems to me to be an odd
title for a pro-conspiracy volume.


For those interested in studying the Zapruder Film further, below are
two additional outstanding video clips from the Z-Film. The first one
is an amazingly-clear and "stabilized" version of the whole
assassination sequence. The "motion blur" from Mr. Zapruder's panning
of the camera has been completely removed here, providing a rare and
outstanding "non-jittery" view of the event. Watch, once again, for
JFK's and Connally's simultaneous reactions to being first hit by the
gunfire, just after they come out from behind the freeway sign:

The following Z-Film clip is a super-slo-mo clip of just the Z-Frames
surrounding the JFK head shot. The creator of this excellent film
snippet has seamlessly merged frame 312 into frame 313, showing the
obvious FORWARD movement of JFK's head between those two critical Z-
Frames. Also note the spatter of blood, which all goes FORWARD,
indicating (without doubt IMO) that the projectile which caused that
spatter came from BEHIND the President, and not from in front of him:

David Von Pein
March 2006


David Von Pein

Mar 27, 2008, 12:27:44 AM3/27/08
>>> "What kind of explanation do you think the "NO-Large-right-rear-BOH-wound" believers have for the fact that Humes testified that, at the time he saw brain tissue exuding out the large wound (that was chiefly parietal but extended somewhat into the temporal and occipital), he also saw part of a severely lacerated cerebellum (you know--that part of the brain that sits inside the skull just below the EOP)?" <<<

I've come to the conclusion that by far THE BEST EVIDENCE that exists
with respect to the "BOH" debate is this X-ray of President Kennedy's
head (IMHO):

In this case, a picture really does speak a thousand words. And in
this case, it's a verified-by-the-HSCA-as-authentic-and-"unaltered"
picture that is saying (very loudly and very clearly) the following

PERIOD! It just simply is not there.

Mar 27, 2008, 2:56:38 PM3/27/08
On Mar 25, 11:19 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> >>> [QUOTING CONSPIRACY THEORIST AND AUTHOR VINCENT J. SALANDRIA:] "The federal government has deluged us with evidence that cries out conspiracy." <<<

"Salandria's delusional."

The only one who is delusional is you.

If I was home and access to my stuff I would show you how delusional
you are. It will have to wait until later.

Phil Ossofee

Mar 27, 2008, 3:57:38 PM3/27/08
Von Pein and Cdddraftsman are what we in America call smarmy
cocksuckers. They must get paid by the post, because theres no content
to anything they write.

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
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Message has been deleted

David Von Pein

Mar 27, 2008, 5:39:43 PM3/27/08

>>> "If I was home and {had} access to my stuff I would show you how delusional you are." <<<

But as of right now Rob is still located at his favorite away-from-
home hang-out: The "Anybody But Oswald Club" over on "Saint Oz
Avenue" (down there across the viaduct).

Each member of the "ABO Club" pays $13.87 in dues every month (that
amount was selected because it matches the amount of cash that their
hero had on him when he was arrested).

The Club members had to stay overtime at their ABO Club Headquarters
today because one of the members noticed a slight anomaly in the
November 1963 news film taken of Hero Oswald in the DPD corridor. The
ABO Club member called the emergency meeting so that the ABO members
could get together and discuss the film anomaly and decide on the best
course of action to exploit it.

What was the anomaly, you ask?

In the TV news film in question, after Saint Oswald was asked by a
reporter: "Were you in the building at the time?", Oswald then speaks
the words, "Naturally, if I work in that building, yes sir". (Or so it

But the very alert "Super-Kook/ABO Club member" took note of something
yesterday that nobody else has ever noticed while watching that famous
film (which is a film that ends, of course, with Oswald's famous 4-
word declaration, "I'm just a patsy").....

When Oswald seemingly admits to the world on Live TV that he was "in
the building" (the TSBD) at the exact time of JFK's murder (not that
it's any big mystery really, but certain CT-Kooks enjoy disbelieving
Oswald's own admission to having been inside the building at 12:30,
with those kooks still wanting to put Lee outside the TSBD on the
front steps at the time of the assassination), the ABO Club member
noticed that Oswald's lips move in a "funny" and "erratic" manner.

This led the ABO kook to call the emergency session of the ABO
Club....and that's why Rob was delayed in getting home today. He's
still looking over the film for signs of additional "fakery" and

The ABO Club member who first made this bombshell discovery has
theorized that the voice we hear on the film is not really Lee Harvey
Oswald's at all. Instead, his voice has been dubbed by actor Gary
Oldman (who played LHO in Oliver Stone's 1991 feature film).

So, "Oswald's" words, "Naturally, if I work in that building, yes
sir", were actually spoken by Gary Oldman (per the ABO Club member).
This small bit of film fakery and voice deception was done, per the
ABO kook, in order to further advance the false theory that Oswald
had, in fact, been inside the Book Depository Building at the moment
of President Kennedy's assassination.

The ABO Club member goes on to say that the words that were REALLY
spoken by Pope Oswald I (before they were dubbed over) were these

"No, I was not inside the building! I was standing on the steps
outside the front entrance holding my prized curtain rods. Just ask
Wes Frazier!"

* = The ABO Club member says he can read Oz's lips clearly and can
prove he's right about this "Dubbed By Oldman" revelation. He has sent
his amazing findings to James H. Fetzer. The ABO Club member is quite
confident that Prof. Fetzer will verify the remarkable findings that
prove film fakery within this widely-seen film of Lee Harvey Oswald.

The ABO member hopes that a book deal might be forthcoming as well, in
conjunction with Fetzer's verification of the film's alteration. It's
believed that Fetzer has already started work on a follow-up volume to
his 2003 hunk of tripe, "The Great Zapruder Film Hoax", with this
second volume to be tentatively titled "The Duping Of America: The
Discovery Of Fakery Within EVERY Film And Photo Connected With The
Murder Of JFK". (The book is rumored to be in the hands of a new
publishing house, based out of Fetzer's basement, "Mega-Kook Press,

The ABO Club member who made this incredible discovery about the TV
news film of Oswald doesn't seem to know exactly WHEN Mr. Oldman did
the voice-over dubbing of the famous "I'm just a patsy" film, but he
has ruled out the possibility of Oldman performing this voice-over
work at the approximate time of JFK's murder (seeing as how Oldman was
only 5 years old on 11/22/63).

But the ABO member is looking further into this matter, to try and
find out just exactly when Oldman entered into the "conspiracy" arena.

More details on this breaking story of conspiracy tonight at 11:00 on
the new "ABO Channel", which transmits daily from 544 Camp Street in
New Orleans, out of tribute to every kook's favorite fallen leader and
hero, Lee Harvey Oswald (aka, Alek James Hidell, O.H. Lee, D.F.
Drittal, and Dr. A.J. Hideel).

David Von Pein

Mar 27, 2008, 5:40:13 PM3/27/08


>>> "If I was home and {had} access to my stuff I would show you how delusional you are. It will have to wait until later." <<<

Believe me, I can wait. (Forever.)

In fact, Rob, just for the record, out of your last 5 detailed mega-
responses to my just-as-lengthy posts, all 5 have been totally ignored
by this writer. I haven't read a single word of your ABO tripe within
those last five lengthy posts written by Robby in response to my

So, you can save yourself a little time and simply stuff your silly
ABO crap up your anal cavity (where it belongs and always has),
instead of wasting time on typing out a bunch of stuff that I (or any
of the other LNers here) could (if desired) rip to shreds within
seconds (just as I HAVE done to many of RobKook's many earlier posts
here in the booby hatch; which I've archived for my files).

And by not writing more nonsense like your previous gem "LHO SHOT NO
ONE THAT DAY", you'll have more free time to invent more "evidence"
and more ABO theories that you can prop up as the truth.

Who knows, maybe you too, Rob, will get lucky and find a new "anomaly"
in one of the films or photos that you can pretend actually means
something "conspiratorial". Knowing the vivid imagination possessed by
kooks of Rob's strange ilk, finding something "shady"-looking should
be a snap. (Just ask Jack White over at the Edu. Forum for handy hints
on how to fine-tune the "Seeing Things That Aren't There" art. He's
the king of that particular hill.)

Mar 27, 2008, 8:56:08 PM3/27/08
On Mar 27, 4:40 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> >>> "If I was home and {had} access to my stuff I would show you how delusional you are. It will have to wait until later." <<<

"Believe me, I can wait. (Forever.)

In fact, Rob, just for the record, out of your last 5 detailed mega-
responses to my just-as-lengthy posts, all 5 have been totally ignored
by this writer. I haven't read a single word of your ABO tripe within
those last five lengthy posts written by Robby in response to my

Doesn't surprise me in the least, you are chicken. You CAN'T refute
what I've wrote so you have to ingore it. I don't believe for a
second though that you haven't read them.

"So, you can save yourself a little time and simply stuff your silly
ABO crap up your anal cavity (where it belongs and always has),
instead of wasting time on typing out a bunch of stuff that I (or any
of the other LNers here) could (if desired) rip to shreds within
seconds (just as I HAVE done to many of RobKook's many earlier posts
here in the booby hatch; which I've archived for my files)."

Sure you can, that is why you "ignore" them, right? You are hopeless
and have no real responses to my post. I post them for the same
reason you post your long-winded, say nothing posts, for the one in a
million who may stumble on to this desolate site and perhaps read
them. I just can't let your dishonest view of history stand alone.

"And by not writing more nonsense like your previous gem "LHO SHOT NO
ONE THAT DAY", you'll have more free time to invent more "evidence"
and more ABO theories that you can prop up as the truth."

You could disprove my statement anytime by showing real evidence, but
alas you can't.

"Who knows, maybe you too, Rob, will get lucky and find a new
"anomaly" in one of the films or photos that you can pretend actually
means something
"conspiratorial". Knowing the vivid imagination possessed by kooks of
Rob's strange ilk, finding something "shady"-looking should be a snap.
(Just ask Jack White over at the Edu. Forum for handy hints on how to
fine-tune the "Seeing Things That Aren't There" art. He's the king of
that particular hill.)"

I don't need that, the Warren Report and subsequent government reports
have shown me a conspiracy was the cause of JFK's death ALL BY

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