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Discovery Chanel-Pure Bullshit!!!

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Nov 13, 2008, 2:06:20 PM11/13/08
I was just reading in the Orlando paper about ths upcoming Documentary,
where it says-there could be no shot from the Grassy Knoll because a
shot would hit Jackie? Do these idiots realize Jackie was retrieving a
portion of JFK's skull and that a GK Gunman would be at least a 100 feet
ahead of JFK in the limo at Z313?, of course the trajectory would be
closer to two hundred feet at roughly where Ed Hoffman saw a shooter and
in no way would Jackie have to be hit.

People should have been a little suspicious of Gary Mack in 2003 when he
brought in Robert Grossman who had a book deal in the works, because
Grossman was a neurosurgeon who would supposedly take precedence over
Dr. Ronald Jones in supporting the official story, who peviously told
Lifton in the paperback 1988 BE, and JFK Lancer in his beief of a
frontal headshot, thus corroborating McLelland and Crenshaw. In any
event-of course, Larry King was never told about that, and no Parkland
personnel from the early reports remember Grossman being there, nor
working on Oswald, which when David Lifton's article on Grossman came
out on McAdams site, somehow Grossman's book deal vanished. Short

Chuck Schuyler

Nov 13, 2008, 3:19:26 PM11/13/08

Why don't you wait and watch the show before you make up your mind?

Nov 13, 2008, 6:17:12 PM11/13/08
This is the same crew that brought you the magic bullet travesty lest we


Nov 13, 2008, 6:40:55 PM11/13/08
On Nov 13, 6:17 pm, wrote:
> This is the same crew that brought you the magic bullet travesty lest we
> forget.

Why don't you wait and watch the show before you make up your mind?

Chuck? Never use the world "mind" and lazuli in the same sentence.

Chuck Schuyler

Nov 13, 2008, 7:08:10 PM11/13/08
On Nov 13, 5:17 pm, wrote:
> This is the same crew that brought you the magic bullet travesty lest we
> forget.

That was a great program. The bullet did almost the same damage as the
one Oswald fired, and it almost replicated the wounds, too. It even
looked similar when it was recovered.

Where are the kook tests that refute what the Discovery BTMB crew

Nov 13, 2008, 7:06:05 PM11/13/08
Hey-I wouldn't read a Chuck post-a Cdddraftsman, Grizzlie Antagonist,
Von Pein, Bud, Dolan post if you paid me, but Discover is gonna look
pretty pathetic after this feeble attempt...


Nov 13, 2008, 7:23:43 PM11/13/08
to I understand.

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Nov 13, 2008, 8:00:38 PM11/13/08
On Nov 13, 7:06 pm, wrote:

<snicker> You might be better off skipping the show altogether,
maybe just put one of your teletubbies tapes in, curl up under your
mattress in the fetal position and repeat your mantra (:there must be
a conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy"). Keep your tiny mind sealed
off from the outside world and I`m sure you`ll do fine. But you better
get used to shows such as this, whenever real science is applied to
this case, the results will always favor the lone nut conclusion (i.e.
"the truth"). The best you kooks can hope for is a finding of

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David Von Pein

Nov 13, 2008, 8:20:09 PM11/13/08

NBC's Nightly News with Brian Williams tonight presented a preview of
the new Discovery Channel documentary ("JFK: INSIDE THE TARGET CAR"),
which will debut on November 16, 2008, on The Discovery Channel.

And in the few brief clips of the program that were shown on NBC-TV
tonight, it was revealed that none of the "frontal" gunshot locations
that have been theorized over the years line up at all for the fatal
head shot sustained by President Kennedy.

ONLY a shot fired from BEHIND lines up with the head shot (both
trajectory-wise and wound-pattern-wise).

The brief clips on NBC also revealed how ANY frontal shot to a
surrogate head would have resulted in wounds that were much different
than the head wounds sustained by JFK in 1963.*

* = Naturally, this declaration won't satisfy the rabid Anybody-But-
Oswald conspiracy idiots that populate forums like this one...and that
is because those kooks will continue to promote the false notion that
the "real" exit wound in John Kennedy's head was located at the back
of his head, despite the photos and X-rays that prove those CTers to
be dead wrong--including this X-ray:

Based on the brief preview shown on NBC, I'd have to (again)
compliment The Discovery Channel (and Gary Mack) for what appears to
be a job well-done. But, again, that's just from seeing a brief
snippet of the program on NBC's 11/13/08 Nightly News.

So, it would appear that the 4-Part Discovery Channel "Unsolved
History" series of documentaries has come full circle, with the new
4th and final part ("Inside The Target Car") pretty much putting to
rest any doubts at all as to the question of where the fatal head shot
that killed JFK came from within Dealey Plaza. Based on the Discovery
Channel's firing tests, the fatal head shot HAD to have come from the
sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building.

And, when coupled with the third installment of the Discovery Channel
series ("JFK: BEYOND THE MAGIC BULLET", which first aired in November
2004), there have now been scientific tests performed, using real
Mannlicher-Carcano rifles and real Carcano bullets, that go beyond
just mere guesswork in order to arrive at the probable truth about
BOTH of the bullets that struck down President Kennedy in Dallas, with
the "Magic Bullet" program focusing on (and demonstrating the
viability of) the Single-Bullet Theory as well.

Excellent work, Discovery Channel. I salute you!

David Von Pein
November 13, 2008





"Tech Puts JFK Conspiracy Theories To Rest: Sixth Floor Of Book
Depository, Not The Grassy Knoll, Was Origin Of Lethal Shot":

Excerpts from the above article:

"Two experts found a simulated gunshot [wound] to the head that
closely matched the wound Kennedy suffered. Most of the simulated body
material had spattered forward into the car, consistent with a shot
that entered the back of the head and exited toward the front. There
was some back-spatter — material that flew back in the opposite
direction of the bullet's trajectory — but not much. The general lack
of back spatter and the preponderance of spatter in another direction
are two of the clues, among others, that the investigators used to
pinpoint the origin of the shots. ....

"We might never know if Oswald pulled the trigger, but when you
look at the wind pattern, the spread of the debris, the angles and
distances involved, it's consistent with a shot from the sixth floor
depository," said [computer graphics expert Doug] Martin."




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Nov 14, 2008, 2:23:39 AM11/14/08
Does the test dummy go back and to the left like JFK?, and I wonder
how they will explain the avulsive, roughly 21/2 to 23/4 hole in the
rear of JFK's head as seen by Crenshaw, McClelland, Sibert,O'Neill,
Perry, Robinson etc. you know the people who were actually there and
corroborate each other...

David Von Pein

Nov 14, 2008, 3:04:46 AM11/14/08

David Von Pein

Nov 14, 2008, 3:07:15 AM11/14/08

>>> "I wonder how they will explain the avulsive, roughly 21/2 to 23/4 hole in the rear of JFK's head as seen by Crenshaw, McClelland, Sibert,O'Neill, Perry, Robinson etc. you know the people who were actually there and corroborate each other." <<<

Too bad for you kooks that the following image proves all of those
witnesses to be incorrect (beyond all possible doubt):


Nov 14, 2008, 3:28:50 AM11/14/08
On Nov 14, 12:04 am, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> >>> "BTW, how can you explain, using the normal laws of physics, JFK's head and body flying *backwards* if there is a shot from the rear?" <<<
> Here ya go, retard:

no advertising, ya fucking moron....


Nov 14, 2008, 3:29:39 AM11/14/08
On Nov 14, 12:07 am, David Von Pein <> wrote:
<snip the nonsense>

Chuck Schuyler

Nov 14, 2008, 9:50:49 AM11/14/08

How do you explain the fact that the autopsy didn't show this?

Switched casket theory, ala David Lifton?

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Gil Jesus

Nov 14, 2008, 1:16:48 PM11/14/08
On Nov 14, 12:10�pm, "A" <> wrote:

> � � � � "...However, basic findings of the autopsy doctors were disputed by
> the medical panel, including the location of wounds in Kennedy's body. In
> the 1990s, formerly-secret medical testimony taken by HSCA staffers showed
> that many autopsy witnesses gave information which directly contradicted the
> autopsy doctors and the photographs, and the HSCA misrepresented their views
> in this report (apparently the medical panel members never saw these staff
> interviews)."

ALL of the head wound witnesses ( both Bethesda AND Parkland ) AGREED
that there was a large wound at the back of the head. The HSCA medical
panel never saw the summaries of those interviews.

But WE can see them on video:

Nov 14, 2008, 3:32:00 PM11/14/08
Exactly guys on the headwounds, another point about this show is the
mistaken notion we have to see it to criticize it-BS-did we have to read
all 1600 pages of Bugliosi's Govt. apologia? Did we have to watch that
two hour piece of garbage with Peter Jennings to know the score?

A lot of cautious conservative cter's and fence sitters took a lot of
smug pot shots at Groden, Fetzer and Lifton over the years on these
boards-well where the hell are they now? Are you gonna tell me with a
straight face Gary Mack is more credible on the assassination?

Nov 14, 2008, 4:22:07 PM11/14/08

Hi A,

It's good the way you asked DVP how many times he was gonna post this,
thus causing his excellent post to appear once again!

KUTGW A! :-)


Tim Brennan
Sydney, Australia
*Newsgroup(s) Commentator*

On Nov 14, 5:40 pm, "A" <> wrote:
> x-no-archive: yes
> "David Von Pein" <> wrote in
> How many times are you gonna post this?
> Is 3 times enough?

> BTW, how can you explain, using the normal laws of physics, JFK's head and
> body flying *backwards* if there is a shot from the rear?

> --

> NBC's Nightly News with Brian Williams tonight presented a preview of
> the new Discovery Channel documentary ("JFK: INSIDE THE TARGET CAR"),
> which will debut on November 16, 2008, on The Discovery Channel.
> And in the few brief clips of the program that were shown on NBC-TV
> tonight, it was revealed that none of the "frontal" gunshot locations
> that have been theorized over the years line up at all for the fatal
> head shot sustained by President Kennedy.
> ONLY a shot fired from BEHIND lines up with the head shot (both
> trajectory-wise and wound-pattern-wise).
> The brief clips on NBC also revealed how ANY frontal shot to a
> surrogate head would have resulted in wounds that were much different
> than the head wounds sustained by JFK in 1963.*
> * = Naturally, this declaration won't satisfy the rabid Anybody-But-
> Oswald conspiracy idiots that populate forums like this one...and that
> is because those kooks will continue to promote the false notion that
> the "real" exit wound in John Kennedy's head was located at the back
> of his head, despite the photos and X-rays that prove those CTers to
> be dead wrong--including this X-ray:


> Excerpts from the above article:

>       "Two experts found a simulated gunshot would to the head that


Nov 14, 2008, 4:42:13 PM11/14/08
On Nov 14, 1:22 pm, wrote:
> Hi A,
> It's good the way you asked DVP how many times he was gonna post this,
> thus causing his excellent post to appear once again!

Von Pein has NO choice, son... when you're a oser you go with what you
know best, in Von Peins case: bandwidth oratory flatulence
Keep up the good work, troll....

Nov 14, 2008, 4:52:12 PM11/14/08

Notice how Laz hasn't even seen the show yet, yet Laz don't like the
show already. It's not like ol' Laz would close his mind to anything
that might shoot down some of his precious theories, is it?

BTW, in the short preview clips there are grabs with Gary Mack, David
Talbot and Pamela McElwain-Brown, all JFK-CTers and yet all apparently
a part of this show that yet again points the finger of blame squarely
at Oswald.

Circle the wagons, Laz! It looks as if even the CTers have given up on
exonerating the clearly guilty little Marxist criminal and murderer
Lee Harvey Oswald. Seems a very wise move to me.


Tim Brennan
Sydney, Australia
*Newsgroup(s) Commentator*

On Nov 14, 6:06 am, wrote:
> I was just reading in the Orlando paper about ths upcoming Documentary,
> where it says-there could be no shot from the Grassy Knoll because a
> shot would hit Jackie?  Do these idiots realize Jackie was retrieving a
> portion of JFK's skull and that a GK Gunman would be at least a 100 feet
> ahead of JFK in the limo at Z313?, of course the trajectory would be
> closer to two hundred feet at roughly where Ed Hoffman saw a shooter and
> in no way would Jackie have to be hit.
> People should have been a little suspicious of Gary Mack in 2003 when he
> brought in Robert Grossman who had a book deal in the works, because
> Grossman was a neurosurgeon who would supposedly take precedence over
> Dr. Ronald Jones in supporting the official story, who peviously told
> Lifton in the paperback 1988 BE, and JFK Lancer in his beief of a
> frontal headshot, thus corroborating McLelland and Crenshaw. In any
> event-of course, Larry King was never told about that, and no Parkland
> personnel from the early reports remember Grossman being there, nor
> working on Oswald, which when David Lifton's article on Grossman came
> out on McAdams site, somehow Grossman's book deal vanished. Short
> Memory...Jeff

Nov 14, 2008, 5:03:00 PM11/14/08

What are you babbling about here, ol' Toots-E-Roll fella, I mean David
*aeffects* Healy? What's an oser and why am I meant to care about it?

Say, speaking of *bandwith*, I don't see you compliaing when you mate
Ben Holmes starts trotting out his serial nonsense about the *Smoking
Guns* or tries to drag another poster (lately Rob Caprio) into one of
his labrynthine-like swamp posts, when Ben fusses over every dotted i
and crossed t.

How is the little Yellow Pants fella Ben anyway, ol' Toots-E-Roll
fella? Still running from further discussion of his failed Z369
theory? Only been running since March 2008, ol' Toots-E-Roll fella.
Guess he'll run out of puff one day.


Tim Brennan
Sydney, Australia
*Newsgroup(s) Commentator*


Nov 14, 2008, 7:48:24 PM11/14/08
On Nov 14, 4:42 pm, aeffects <> wrote:
> On Nov 14, 1:22 pm, wrote:
> > Hi A,
> > It's good the way you asked DVP how many times he was gonna post this,
> > thus causing his excellent post to appear once again!
> Von Pein has NO choice, son... when you're a oser you go with what you
> know best, in Von Peins case: bandwidth oratory flatulence
> Keep up the good work, troll....

You are worried about bandwidth and you fill it up with this,
addict? You should follow "A"`s lead, and only make posts that self-
destruct after 8 days.

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Nov 15, 2008, 1:31:50 AM11/15/08


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