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Governor Connally on the SBT

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Kenneth A. Rahn

Jul 23, 2001, 10:33:38 PM7/23/01

Thanks very much. I stand corrected. Without checking back for the
earlier thread, though, it seems to me that he testified in weaker terms, at
least to the WC. Something like his hearing the first shot and being hit by
the second, and not being able to see JFK until it was all over. I wonder
whether this is a case of a witness's story changing with time, or whether
he believed the 1967 version all along.


"AnthonyMarsh" <> wrote in message
> Ken,
> Digging through my old magazines I came across a quotation from Governor
> Connally which you may not have seen before. It definitely proves that
> Connally stated quite clearly that he thought he was hit by a separate
> bullet and not by the one which hit Kennedy. See attached scan from page
> 46 of The Saturday Evening Post, December 2, 1967.

Jean Davison

Jul 25, 2001, 6:52:12 PM7/25/01
AnthonyMarsh wrote in message <>...

>Digging through my old magazines I came across a quotation from Governor
>Connally which you may not have seen before. It definitely proves that
>Connally stated quite clearly that he thought he was hit by a separate
>bullet and not by the one which hit Kennedy. See attached scan from page
>46 of The Saturday Evening Post, December 2, 1967.

Yes, Tony, the SEPost was quoting verbatim from a LIFE
article of 11/26/66, and Connally did indeed say there that he was
certain he was hit by a separate bullet. He said this after
viewing Z frames at LIFE's offices and deciding that he'd been
hit in Z 234, which is of course after JFK was visibly reacting.
However, he hasn't "ALWAYS" said this. He told the HSCA
he didn't know when JFK was hit because he never saw him
after the firing began.

BTW, handsome Tony, ole pal, ole chum... I don't suppose
I could talk you into posting a picture for me from The Search
for LHO, could I? :-)

>Anthony Marsh
>The Puzzle Palace

Martin Shackelford

Jul 26, 2001, 1:20:31 AM7/26/01
to Jean Davison

You may need to remind JGL that you're a woman, Debra Conway is
a woman, Lisa Pease is a woman, Pamela is a woman, Barb J. is a woman,
and so are quite a few others who post here. Apparently, he hasn't
noticed--it's all "a white male fantasy," according to him.


Bill Cleere

Jul 26, 2001, 12:18:38 PM7/26/01
"Jean Davison" <> wrote in message

Hey, *quit* that, willya?

You're gonna ruin this newsfroup's reputation for being nothing but
guys gettin' mad at other guys. (For more information, see the
thread "How come women don't post here").

-- Bill Cleere

Jean Davison

Jul 26, 2001, 10:33:41 AM7/26/01
Martin Shackelford wrote in message <>...

Yeah, but Martin, the women are greatly outnumbered.



Jean Davison

Jul 26, 2001, 12:38:58 PM7/26/01
Bill Cleere wrote in message <9jpfsu$>...

Aw, Bill, I was just teasing Tony a little bit.
He'll probably get mad at *me*, so it'll be
bizness as usual around here, sorta.

>-- Bill Cleere


Jul 26, 2001, 5:41:54 PM7/26/01

I'd also remind others that people who uses aliases might really be
women pretending to be men or vice versa. Some think that Jerry is
actually a woman, long-time CIA officer.

art guerrilla

Jul 26, 2001, 6:31:17 PM7/26/01

shack unshackled -

>You may need to remind JGL that you're a woman, Debra Conway is

>a woman, Lisa Pease is a woman, Pamela is a woman, ...

free the wimmens ! ! !
hee hee hee

...and eye think it is only fair to include
some 'honorary' woman, who hide behind
the skirts of their mama's, mewing and
mincing words about 'personal attacks' and
other irrelevancies...
ho ho ho

kampers know who they are...
ha ha ha

...and *ahem*, didn't your list leave out
*somebody* dear to my heart ? ? ?
ak ak ak

ann XX-XY? ? ? archy


art guerrilla

Jul 26, 2001, 7:19:21 PM7/26/01

tony ponied -

>I'd also remind others that people who uses aliases might really be
>women pretending to be men or vice versa. Some think that Jerry is
>actually a woman, long-time CIA officer.

um, eye'm fairly certain jane's defense
weakly doesn't think jelly is a woman...
hee hee hee

ann drogynous archy


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