On Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 12:22:59 PM UTC-4, Ben Holmes wrote:
> Patrick Collins: Study the case for the SBT on DVP's web site - counter the points and I will respond - civily.
<snicker> When pigs fly - gracefully.
> **********************************************
> From DVP's website:
> Based on the official evidence in the John F. Kennedy murder case, all of the following things are true:
> 1.) President John F. Kennedy and Texas Governor John B. Connally were shot by rifle bullets in Dallas' Dealey Plaza on Friday, November 22, 1963.
> 2.) Lee Harvey Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (Serial Number C2766) was located inside a building which overlooked the assassination site (the Texas School Book Depository) when JFK and JBC were being wounded by gunfire.
> 3.) A nearly-whole bullet (Warren Commission Exhibit #399) was found inside the hospital where JFK and JBC were taken after the shooting. And CE399 was found in a location within the hospital where President Kennedy was never located prior to the bullet being found by Darrell Tomlinson. (Nor was JFK's stretcher ever in the area of the hospital where Tomlinson discovered the bullet.)
> 4.) Bullet CE399 was positively fired from Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle.
> 5.) Bullet CE399, based on the above points in total, HAD to have been inside Governor Connally's body on 11/22/63.
> 6.) A man who looked like Lee Harvey Oswald was seen firing a rifle at the President's limousine from a southeast corner window on the 6th Floor of the Book Depository Building. No other gunmen were seen firing any weapons in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd.
> 7.) No bullets (or large bullet fragments) were found in the upper back or neck of John Kennedy's body. And no significant damage was found inside these areas of JFK's body either.
> 8.) No bullets (or large bullet fragments) were found inside the body of Governor Connally after the shooting. The only bullet, anywhere, that can possibly be connected with Connally's wounds is Bullet CE399.
> 9.) Given the point in time when both JFK and JBC were first hit by rifle fire (based on the Abraham Zapruder Film), and given the known location of Governor Connally's back (entrance) wound, and also taking into account the individual points made above -- Bullet CE399 had no choice but to have gone through the body of President Kennedy prior to entering the back of John B. Connally.
> ******************************************************
> David Von Pein doesn't like to defend his claims against critical review in public, so he posts them on a website where no-one can refute him. Patrick has claimed to be willing to defend these claims, so it's worthwhile to refute each claim to see just how truthful Patrick will be...
> I predict in advance that Patrick will decide that this isn't worthwhile trying to defend...
> So, one by one:
> 1.) President John F. Kennedy and Texas Governor John B. Connally were shot by rifle bullets in Dallas' Dealey Plaza on Friday, November 22, 1963.
> Indeed, probably the only thing that I will agree with, based on the evidence and logic. The possibility of accurate pistol fire over the distances involved would be astronomically small... It's interesting to note that of DVP's nine points, this is the only one that is logical and reasonable.
> 2.) Lee Harvey Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (Serial Number C2766) was located inside a building which overlooked the assassination site (the Texas School Book Depository) when JFK and JBC were being wounded by gunfire.
> Nope. Mere speculation that isn't supported by the evidence. DVP made a desperate attempt to refute the fact that there are no bank endorsements on the alleged money order that was presumed to have been used to pay for the rifle. Yet he failed miserably in that attempt.
> If Oswald didn't pay for the rifle - then the only other logical way to account for the known evidence IS THAT HE WAS FRAMED WITH FALSIFIED EVIDENCE.
This is what logic looks like to the retarded.
> There's truly no other credible explanation for that money order.
Oswald bought a rifle with it. Conspiracy types hate the truth.
> And until that money order can be explained in terms of the Warren Commission's theory, then it's simply dishonest to claim that the rifle belonged to Oswald.
Except the photograph of him holding it. His wife saying he owned it.
But the conspiracy retards like to pretend that if they question a piece of evidence then the whole case against Oswald falls apart. The fail to realize that the only logical way to explain what exists in evidence is if Oswald killed Kennedy.
> And if the rifle cannot be connected to Oswald - then 99% of the case simply dissolves...
They brought OJ to trial without the knife.
> I've demonstrated quite conclusively in my posts on Bugliosi's 53 bits of evidence that there simply isn't the evidence that believers are wont to believe. So this attempt to merely presume what needs to be shown is a common tactic among believers.
> 3.) A nearly-whole bullet (Warren Commission Exhibit #399) was found inside the hospital where JFK and JBC were taken after the shooting. And CE399 was found in a location within the hospital where President Kennedy was never located prior to the bullet being found by Darrell Tomlinson. (Nor was JFK's stretcher ever in the area of the hospital where Tomlinson discovered the bullet.)
> Once again, we are looking at a wee bit of dishonesty on DVP's part. There was no chain of custody on this bullet that could have stood up in court,
Empty claim.
> and DVP is well aware of that fact. It doesn't matter WHERE CE399 was found... if there's no valid chain of custody, then it's simply inadmissible evidence. DVP is also undoubtedly aware of the threatening phone call that Tomlinson described...
By all means, play the tape.
>and yet has no explanation for...
You assume that Tomlinson represented the call accurately.
> Once again, the facts fit a frameup quite nicely - and is a very ill fit indeed for the Warren Commission's theory.
Fits fine. Someone in an official capacity who was concerned about a bunch of rumors coming from the hospital might try to put a lid on it.
> 4.) Bullet CE399 was positively fired from Lee Harvey Oswald's rifle.
> Nope. CE399 has been established with valid testimony to have been fired from the Mannlicher Carcano, C2766 -
Which was Oswald`s rifle.
> that's ALL THAT CAN BE LEGITIMATELY AND HONESTLY STATED. DVP wishes to go beyond what the evidence shows in order to defend the Warren Commission's theory.
The evidence shows that this was Oswald`s rifle. His prints were on it. Photographs of him holding it exist. Paper trail from Klein`s to his PO box.
> I predict that Patrick will absolutely REFUSE to refute my statement here... and defend DVP's quite misleading assertion.
> 5.) Bullet CE399, based on the above points in total, HAD to have been inside Governor Connally's body on 11/22/63.
> Again... nope.
> There's been no evidence presented to show that CE399 was even fired on 11/22/63.
Of course there is. Victims were shot from the location the rifle was found. Victims were taken to where the bullet was found. This is evidence the bullet was fired that day.
> Indeed, the weight of the testimony tends to indicate that this was part of a frameup, rather than legitimate evidence.
There is nothing less meaningful than what a conspiracy retard thinks the evidence indicates.
> As well, DVP certainly knows that the ballistics tests conducted on behalf of the Warren Commission was completely unable to duplicate the pristine nature of CE399.
Couldn`t get Connally to sit in to get shot again. Kennedy`s body was unavailable also.
> At a velocity low enough to retain the bullet's shape - no bones will be broken... and at a velocity high enough to break bone, the bullet is also severely deformed.
"Beyond the Magic Bullet" show this to be untrue.
> 6.) A man who looked like Lee Harvey Oswald was seen firing a rifle at the President's limousine from a southeast corner window on the 6th Floor of the Book Depository Building. No other gunmen were seen firing any weapons in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd.
> Nope... indeed, Brennan; whom everyone will agree got the best look at the assassin, [b]ABSOLUTELY REFUSED TO IDENTIFY HIM AS LEE HARVEY OSWALD[/b] in lineups conducted that day.
Also said he could in all honesty have selected him as the man he saw.
> As well, [u]all of the witnesses[/u] described the assassin's clothing as different from Oswald's.
Not true. Oswald had a white top on the day of the assassination. One of his co-workers said he was working in his t-shirt the day of the assassination. One of the people who saw the gunman from the outside said that gunman might have been wearing a t-shirt.
> The nonsense about no other gunmen being seen firing a weapon is sheer nonsense... and disguises the fact that DVP knows that other rifles were seen that day close to, or in Dealey Plaza.
List these credible accounts of gunman seen.
> This same argument can be used to show that Nicole Brown is really still alive, since no-one saw anyone using a knife on June 12, 1994. It's a nonsensical argument that can only be used by the faithful to help other believers.
It wasn`t an argument, it was an assertion of fact.
"No other gunmen were seen firing any weapons in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd."
All you need to do is produce a credible witness who said they saw a gunman. Keep Ed Hoffman in the retard vault.
> 7.) No bullets (or large bullet fragments) were found in the upper back or neck of John Kennedy's body. And no significant damage was found inside these areas of JFK's body either.
> Simply untrue. DVP knows quite well that the prosectors WERE FORBIDDEN from dissecting the track of the wound - so there's simply no cause for him to assert that no "significant damage" was not found there - they never looked.
Never heard of x-rays?
> Indeed, it's rather silly for DVP to claim that a bullet went through a body, yet no "significant damage" attended that transit. Surely he's trying to make some other point, because his statement as is - is simply nonsense.
There was damage to the top tip of the lung by the passing bullet.
> Presumably, DVP is trying to account for the nearly pristine nature of CE399 - yet avoiding the real place that severe damage would accrue - Connally's wrist.
Much depends on how much energy the bullet had and how it hit.
> 8.) No bullets (or large bullet fragments) were found inside the body of Governor Connally after the shooting. The only bullet, anywhere, that can possibly be connected with Connally's wounds is Bullet CE399.
> Untrue. DVP is well aware of the disappearing bullet fragments found in Connally's wrist. Nor is it true that CE399 is the only bullet that can be connected to Connally's wounds... the attending doctor testified that up to THREE bullets could have caused Connally's wounds.
Since when are doctors experts in forensics or wound ballistics?
> And since the limo was immediately hustled out of Dallas, and never searched by impartial investigators - there's no telling what might have been found in the way of bullets or bullet fragments.
Yes, either there was a huge, complex conspiracy you can`t show or Oswald was just guilty.
> Indeed, Secret Service Agent Kinney claims that he found CE399 in the limo. And since Patrick is fond of statements made decades later - he can't refute this on any logical grounds.
You can`t support fantastic claims with weak evidence.
> 9.) Given the point in time when both JFK and JBC were first hit by rifle fire (based on the Abraham Zapruder Film), and given the known location of Governor Connally's back (entrance) wound, and also taking into account the individual points made above -- Bullet CE399 had no choice but to have gone through the body of President Kennedy prior to entering the back of John B. Connally.
> Nope. The Zapruder film does NOT show that JFK and JBC were hit by the same bullet. It quite clearly shows Connally reacting several seconds LATER than JFK. DVP knows this - and glosses over it.
You are claiming a level of precision that the crappy home movie can`t support. Also assumes how Connally must react and when.
> Nor is it true that a bullet striking Connally had to have gone through JFK first. This is a quite misleading lie. It presumes 'facts' not shown to be true, and simply presumes that the Warren Commission's theory of the shooting sequence is correct.
We know where Oswald was seen shooting from and we know how the two victims were arranged from that vantage.
> Yet the evidence doesn't support this - and DVP knows quite well that it doesn't. Indeed, for many years, believers used to argue a "delayed reaction" on the part of Connally for the express purpose of explaining the extant Zapruder film. They no longer make that argument, deciding that they can move a presumed "reaction" on the part of Connally to a point earlier than the Warren Commission did.
Critics have to latch on to the absurdity of two different very, very closely fired bullets hitting each victim.
And then try to get such an absurd proposition to fit into a very complex conspiracy that had any chance of success. They were counting on the two shots appearing as one, really?
> Also note that DVP has repeatedly asserted a role for CE399 that he cannot demonstrate using the evidence. There's a reason that the United States Judicial system requires a chain of custody for evidence.
We know who had the bullet and who that person gave it to all the way.
> ************************************************
> So in conclusion - what we see here is speculation piled on speculation, and presumptions given the status of evidence.
What you have is a conspiracy retard railing against reality, overly impressed with his ability to dispute, when this silly game has been perfected by thousands of idiots who just can`t come to grips with the fact that Oswald killed Kennedy.
> It's worth noting the evidence... I say again, the EVIDENCE that the theory of a single bullet transiting and striking both JFK & Connally is far more credible ... and rather completely avoided by Patrick (and all other believers, for that matter). Here it is again:
> 1. The depth of the wound.
Assumes the depth of the wound to be the depth it could be probed.
> 2. The location of the wound.
Works fine for a shot from the 6th floor of the TSBD. See the Magic Bullet" program.
> 3. The missing interior chest photo.
Not in evidence?
> 4. The original description of the throat wound.
Round. Just the kind of hole you`d expect a near pristine bullet to make.
> 5. The original autopsy describing a different explanation for the throat wound. (Rankin)
Before the prosectors found out that the bullet wound was obscured by the trach?
> 6. The size of the wound in comparison to it's supposed "exit".
Need some forensic support that this is unusual.
> 7. The complete lack of any metal found on the front of the shirt & tie.
Sixties technology.
> 8. The missing report & testimony of Stombaugh.
Not in evidence?
> 9. The earliest attempts to explain the frontal shot (Life Magazine, Mandel's article)
Ask Mandel.
> It would be truly amusing to see if DVP could address my 9 points the way I've so easily dismissed his 9 points... we already know that Patrick cannot. (Patrick has now gone nearly a week without answering)
> Posted on
Ben`s little irrelevant kingdom.