On Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 7:53:55 AM UTC-7, David Von Pein wrote:
> Mr. GALLAGHER. I found that there was more barium and antimony on the inside surface of the cast than you would find on the cheek of an individual who had recently washed his cheek. However, the significance of this antimony and barium on the inside of the cheek is not known.
In other words, *not* a "positive" test result.
> Mr. REDLICH. Is that because the outside surface acts as a sort of control on the basis of which you can make a comparison?
> Mr. GALLAGHER. The outside surface of the cheek was run as a control for this particular specimen.
> Mr. REDLICH. And therefore the presence of a lesser amount of barium and a slightly larger amount of antimony on the inside surface was one of the reasons why you could not make a determination as to the significance of the barium and antimony on the inside surface, is that correct?
> Mr. GALLAGHER. Yes, sir.
In other words, a *NEGATIVE* test result.
> Mr. REDLICH. Did the fact that Oswald was believed to have fired a revolver prior to the time the paraffin casts were made have an effect on your ability to determine the significance of the barium and antimony on the inside of the cheek cast ?
> Mr. GALLAGHER. The subsequent repeated firing of the revolver definitely overshadowed the results. That is why it was reported that no significance could be attached to the residues found on the cast other than the conclusion than the barium and antimony in these residues are present in amounts greater than found on the hands of a normal individual who had not recently fired or handled a fired weapon.
> Mr. REDLICH. In other words, given the known fact, or the assumed fact, that the suspect had fired a revolver repeatedly, the barium and antimony could have found their way to the suspect's cheek as a result of the repeated firing of that revolver, and therefore precluded you from making any determination as to whether the elements barium and antimony were placed on the cheek as the result of the firing of the rifle. Is that a correct statement?
In other words, given this speculation, *that* speculation might possibly be speculated... right?
> Mr. GALLAGHER. Well, there is no way to eliminate the fact that the subject may have wiped a contaminated hand across his cheek subsequent to the firing of the revolver, thus contaminating his cheek with barium and antimony.
Which is different, and quite a bit more credible, than that nonsensical theory put forth by believers that Oswald *WASHED HIS FACE*.
> [End WC Quotes.]
> As I've told Holmes numerous times already (but he insists on dredging up this topic over and over again)
You've refused, over and over again, to discuss the scientific 'control' - and what it's used for.
Just as you did here.
> --- In essence, John Gallagher (via the above testimony) and the WC (on page 562 of their report) decided that Oswald's NAA casts were worthless in trying to determine whether or not LHO fired a rifle on 11/22/63 --- even though Gallagher and the WC knew that Oswald DID have "MORE BARIUM AND ANTIMONY PRESENT ON THE CASTS THAN WOULD NORMALLY BE FOUND ON THE HANDS OF A PERSON WHO HAD NOT FIRED A WEAPON OR HANDLED A FIRED WEAPON" (WCR, p.562).
Tut tut tut... so did the "control" surface... WHICH MEANS THAT THE PARAFFIN CAST WAS OUT SHOOTING THAT DAY!!!
What weapon did the paraffin cast shoot? Pistol or rifle? And if it was a pistol, was it an automatic or a revolver?
> But even WITH the above determination, the WC still would not say that it was enough to indicate Oswald definitely did fire a weapon on Nov. 22.
Indeed, they had FAR MORE scientific evidence that the *PARAFFIN* had shot a weapon.
> Why won't Ben give the WC some credit for honesty when it's warranted?
Because, as I've already proven time and time again, the Warren Commission lied.
The fact that *YOU* refuse to defend them against these proven lies shows that *YOU* know you've lost the debate.
> Instead, Ben thinks the WC should have added the following statement to page 562....
Actually, that would have been honest.
Which is, no doubt, why you continue to refuse to discuss 'control' tests, and what they do scientifically.
I know you won't answer, David - but what did Guinn *PROVE* happens in the NAA test results when someone has fired a Mannlicher Carcano?
The fact that you'll ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to answer this, simply goes to show your terror and cowardice...
> But, as Ben has to know, there are a variety of reasons why the above silly declaration should not be applied to the NAA evidence connected with Lee Oswald and the JFK case.
Nope... you're lying again, David.
> Not the least of which is the fact that we know that Oswald's paraffin casts were WASHED before being subjected to the NAA analysis
Absolutely *MEANINGLESS* with regards to the NAA results... and you know this.
This is why you refuse to discuss the *AMOUNTS* of barium & antimony found.
Quite the coward, aren't you David?
>---undoubtedly resulting in some of the elements being washed away before the test. (Given these conditions, why the NAA test was even done on Oswald's WASHED casts is rather ridiculous, because such a test obviously will not be as accurate as a test done on an UNWASHED cast.)
It COULD NOT POSSIBLY have given the results it did... and you know this.
> Plus: nobody can know for certain (not Ben Holmes or anybody else on the planet) if Oswald wiped or washed his face...
I knew it!!! WHAT A MORON...
You can't defend this ridiculous assertion, and you know it.
Wanna try????
> between the time of the assassination and the time his paraffin casts were created. Such wiping (or washing) of the face could have very well removed significant amounts of barium and antimony from Oswald's cheek following the shooting.
Was he washing his face with his forearms?
> And nobody can possibly prove such "wiping" or "washing" of Oswald's cheek did NOT take place on 11/22/63. (Just wiping his face with his shirt sleeve would no doubt wipe away some of the elements that HAD been present on his cheek.
Again, nonsense.
> That UNKNOWN "wiping" or "washing" factor, all by itself, renders this statement uttered by Ben Holmes eight years ago completely useless, worthless, and just flat-out wrong:
> "The cheek cast of LHO -- physical proof that he didn't fire a rifle that day." -- Ben Holmes; June 12, 2009
Still a coward, eh David?
Time to run away now, David... be a good boy and turn tail...