What makes you think that Oswald was leaving the building?
(Yes, I know you won't answer, but perhaps you'll squirm a little...)
> But there's nothing in Mooney's testimony to indicate on EXACTLY WHAT FLOOR he saw those men. He might have seen them between floors five and six for all we know, with those men (whom Mooney thought were deputy sheriffs) then stopping to search the fifth floor.
Feel free to offer all the speculation you want.
It's MORE than reasonable to speculate that they were leaving the building - they were certainly HEADING IN THAT DIRECTION.
At a time when others were going *UP* the stairs...
> So when Ben Holmes says that the men Luke Mooney saw on the stairs shortly after the shooting were "LEAVING THE BUILDING", Holmes is doing what all conspiracy theorists always do 24/7 --- he's SPECULATING heavily.
Untrue, David.
A believer such as yourself HAS NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER describing Oswald as leaving the building when he was heading downstairs.
Why would you object to unknown men in the building being described THE SAME WAY **YOU'D** DESCRIBE OSWALD?
Men who were traveling in the OPPOSITE direction from what everyone else was doing at that time?
> The men Mooney saw were almost certainly just exactly what he thought they were, they were police officers who went into the building for the same purpose Mooney did. And those officers very likely were not "leaving the building" at the time Mooney saw them. They were merely walking from one of the Depository floors to another in order to search for the assassin or to search for evidence (just like Luke Mooney was doing that day).
It's certainly *possible*.
It's also certainly possible that they were the two assassins seen on the sixth floor.
The fact that you CANNOT ELIMINATE THAT POSSIBILITY means that I was telling the EXACT TRUTH in my original post. And you've *STILL* refused to publicly acknowledge that fact.
(Although your inability to refute it certainly proves my point!)
> Is my last paragraph "speculation" too? You bet it is, because we don't know for sure who the men were that were seen on the stairs by Mooney that day. But it's very *reasonable* speculation, IMO, given the sum total of the evidence in this case which indicates that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only person who was shooting at President Kennedy in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.
It's also reasonable to presume that these were the two assassins, making their way out of the building.
Just as I originally stated. Two unknowns who were leaving as the police were arriving.
> > So yes, it's likely indeed that these two unidentified men were the assassins. There's **NOTHING** you can point to that contradicts that possibility... NOTHING AT ALL. (If there were, surely you'd have spoken up, right David?)
> >
> I think you're silly, Ben.
Good of you to admit that you have no evidence, and no logical argument.
I think you're a moron, but what does *that* matter to this case?
Your dishonesty & cowardice don't advance *MY* case at all... it merely goes to show that you can't refute the evidence for conspiracy.
> > > I should have known Holmes' claims would turn out to be as bogus as he is.
> >
> >
> > I should have known that you'd refuse to publicly acknowledge THAT MY STATEMENT WAS ABSOLUTELY 100% CORRECT AND NOT MISLEADING IN **ANY** WAY.
> >
> > And indeed, YOU'RE A LIAR - because there's nothing "bogus" about my statement **AT ALL**. Nor were you able to point out anything "bogus" about it. YOU'RE SIMPLY LYING, DAVID VON PEIN... IF MY STATEMENT WERE "BOGUS" - YOU'D BE ABLE TO QUOTE WHAT WAS "BOGUS" - AND CITE THE EVIDENCE.
> >
> > But you can't.
And again, didn't.
When caught blatantly lying, just shut up, right David?
> > But it's interesting to note for the record what David refuses to refute.
> >
> > David refuses to show that the rifle was in the Paines' garage.
> >
> > David refuses to show the legitimacy of the paper bag, and ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to address the paper bag that was mailed to Oswald.
> >
> > David refused to address the issue of identifiable prints on the rifle.
> >
> > David refused to correct the OUTRIGHT LIE that someone (other than Oswald) set up the sniper's nest without leaving fingerprints.
> >
> > David refused to correct the BLATANT LIE that no-one was seen coming down the stairs after the assassination.
> >
> > Tell us David - did you ask for any help from John McAdams? You seem to be slipping...
> >
> > If a failure to refute is your way of accepting all of these issues, you're well on your way to becoming a critic.
> >
> > Keep up the good work!
David once again ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to address anything else in this post... so the next time he brings up the paper bag, I'm going to laugh at him.
And rightfully so...