On Aug 24, 7:20 pm, David Von Pein <
davevonp...@aol.com> wrote:
> >>> "...so many trained medical professionals agree with each other that the head wound was an exit wound." <<<
> Of course the large head wound was an "exit" wound, Chris. Everybody
> knows that--even us lowly and foolish LNers. But there was an obvious
> ENTRY wound in the head of JFK too -- in the BACK of the head near the
> cowlick (as determined by both the Clark Panel and the HSCA).
Hmm. Let's take an informal look at your statement before the
formal crushing of your attempt to save your reputation. The bullet
comes in near the cowlick (high at the rear of the skull) and then
makes a U-turn and zooms out the lower right of the skull. I'm
pretending that there was a shooter at the 6th floor of the TSBD that
got a shot into JFK's skull. In Warren Commission testimony, Humes
said the bullet entered the 'occipital' portion of the skull. That is
the very lowest part of the skull before the neck. This agrees with
all the Parkland medical personnel. Humes though changed his
testimony a few times.
So a bullet coming from behind and slightly to the right would come
in to the top of the head and zoom out the bottom. Picturing that
seems like it's a foolish idea. Especially if we then look at the X-
rays showing damage all over the head and missing chunks of bone
behind the right eye and all sorts of havoc. Unless someone messed
with the head between Parkland and Bethesda. That seems to be the
case when we compare the drawings from Parkland and the autopsy photos
from Bethesda.
Now in the HSCA testimony, Humes says the entrance wound was
"Dr. PETTY. Where is the point of entrance? That doesn't show
Dr. HUMES. It doesn't show. Below the external occipital
Dr. PETTY. It's below it?
Dr. HUMES. Right.
Dr. PETTY. Not above it?
Dr. BOSWELL. No. It's to the right and inferior to the external
occipital protuberance.
The 'external occipital protuberance' is the little bump you can
feel at the lowest point of your skull, just before the neck. Now we
have a problem. DVP says it's near the cowlick, high on the back of
the head. Humes says it's way down low almost at the neck. Should we
ignore DVP's guess, since he knows much less about anatomy than Humes,
and never saw the body?
I believe Humes said this odd thing because he knew that there was NO
wound near the cowlick. Just a simple tiny red mark. Let's look at
the photos of that area near the cowlick:
And here's a bigger one, but flickering:
Looking at the photos of the back of the head, we can see the
cowlick area and we can see absoluterly NO entry wound. We can see a
little red mark, but it's not a wound and doesn't go inward.
Actually, there is NO wound that
Now let's hear the autopsists comments from their HSCA testimony on
the 'little red spot':
"In the newly declassified HSCA files, Finck argues that he had the
body right in front of him and that should be the strongest evidence.
Humes also argues that what the HSCA is now calling a bullet hole does
not even look like a wound to him. Humes said about the small red dot
that the HSCA called an entrance wound, "I just don’t know what it is,
but it certainly was not any wound of entrance."
So now we have 'corroboration' that DVP is far out in space. Of
course, all this is moot, since we have already proven to DVP that no
bullet hit JFK from behind, based on evidence. But we're humoring
him. Let's move on to his next contention, that last was easy to
disprove. For the onlooker, all this has been schooled to DVP in the
past, but he has conveniently forgotten al of it to save the
reputation of his website that gives all the wrong information.
> But you seem to believe in the fantasy that the head EXIT wound was
> located at the BACK (occipital) of JFK's head. Of course, such a
> location for the exit wound is proven wrong by the best possible
> evidence available -- the autopsy photos and X-rays (plus the autopsy
> report and the testimony of all three autopsy surgeons).
Nope. Won't do. The drawings of the trained medical personnel at
Parkland hospital show the large hole in the lower right rear of JFK's
head, and it was a great deal smaller than when it got to Bethesda.
It would fit perfectly if the entry wound were high on the right
forehead angling slightly down (check the Z-film for JFK's position
when the kill shot came in). As well DVP, you have seen all the
witness statements of the medical personnel and they say the right
rear was the EXIT wound. 6-7 trained people. Too much
'corroboration'. I expect that you will forget all this proof in a
day or two and go back to your old stand telling people a lot of
hogwash as usual.
> Naturally, all of the above stuff means nothing to Chris. He likes
> Horne's cloak-and-dagger escapades. So, Horne's impossible version it
> will be. Right, Chris?
Wrong, as usual. I've shown evidence to back up my contentions. We
haven't gotten into the fakery at the autopsy yet. But Horne, who was
in a very good position at the ARRB, would have much of the evidence
in front of him or readily avaliable whenever he wanted. He also
performed many direct interviews with people that were important to
the JFK case. You on the other hand, have to scrounge it wherever you
can find it. Horne has done a mountain of work on this case. Your
attempt to denigrate his efforts are poor sour grapes, since the only
work you do in this field is to grab a picture or a bit of text and
paste it into your site. Sort of like a parasite, right?
> And the new NAA stuff does nothing to "prove" the theory about
> multiple guns being used to kill JFK. Even with the newer NAA studies,
> Oswald's bullets are just exactly where they were before those
> studies--in the mix of potential bullets that fired all the shots at
> JFK & JBC on Nov. 22.
Who said anything about 'multiple guns'? where are you now? And
with all the evidence failures of the FBI and others with the bullet
evidence, how can you ever prove those fragments were ever in the
limo? They did preliminary cleaning of the limo at Parkland and no
one found the fragments. They drove the limo onto the plane and off
again, and no one saw the fragfments. THEN, in the middle of the
night, with no log for chain of custody and no witnesses making
affidavits, they jump up and say they found some fragments. By that
time the FBI could have run tests on the M-C rifle and generated many
bullets and fragments. And the CE399, the famous silly-ass 'magic'
bullet that was found on an uninvolved stretcher at Parkland obviously
had nothing to do with JFK. The impossibility of it's almost pristine
nature vs. the status of the fragmented bullet is clear to any dunce.
Now let's also look at a comparison put together by the WC. Look at
F-294 on this page:
CE399 is the 'magic' bullet and is located on the far left of the
picture. Right next to it is CE572. Look carefully at the two
bullets and note that the both have a slight bend and also a bit of
material missing from the tail end. As far as I'm concerned, CE399 wa
a test bullet that they tried to slip onto the stretcher at Parkland
to cinch up the evidence against Oswald. Trouble is that the guy that
was suppsoed to do that made a big mistake and put the bullet on the
wrong stretcher.
> And, as I illustrate at the links above (which Chris won't read
> because I'm so "bias" and untrustworthy), ordinary common sense--all
> by itself--dictates that only Oswald's bullets struck any limo
> victims, even without any NAA analysis being done.
To continue lambasting poor ol'Dave, I went and looked at the links
he mentioned. It won't make that many hits. I saw nothing of any
great import that would prove differently than is being done right
> NAA isn't needed in the slightest way to arrive at a logical and sound
> conclusion about the bullets in this case -- with the only logical
> conclusion, of course, being: all bullets that struck JFK & JBC came
> from Oswald's Carcano rifle.
Welp, let's use logic. That's a useful tool. DVP wants it to help
him out, but it won't. He had given up the NAA test that shows
nothing. He's back depending on his own statement that two
impossible bullets hit JFK and killed him. No logic in that. All the
proof he's had tossed in his path he has completely ignored. He can't
find any real proof that any of it is wrong either. The clear proof
has been given in this thread. JFK was NOT killed by any bullets from
any M-C rifle. Not even a 'Mauser 7.65'. Not from any rifle in the
TSBD or the Daltex building either. Logic was used all through this
thread in proving DVP wrong, but also showing the foolishness aof the
tired old WCR that aq few people are still left clinging to.
> And I challenge any reasonable person to fight and defeat the "Only
> Oswald's Bullets" logic I utilize in the articles above.
Don't be an ass! That's been done throughout this whole
discussion. It's a done deal. Let the readers (if any) look over the
text and decide.
If there are any problems you have with what's ben presented to you,
let me know. I will clear it up in a jiffy...And thank you DVP for
this opportunity to show the truth to more people...:)
Dr. Charles Crenshaw, Parkland hospital, saw entrance wounds, believes
JFK shot from front along with most other medical personnel that saw
the body.