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Re: How do you explain the choice?

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Feb 12, 2006, 10:16:52 PM2/12/06
Nog wrote:

Mary Gordon wrote another brilliant analogy from the mind of a one-eyed
foreskinned purple people eater (ehe):

<<The choice is because a circumcised penis is a better >>

<<Mary snorts I think Chinese men used to make the same comment about
foot binding. >>When surgical alteration has a cultural element,
suddenly the body part in its natural state is seen as ugly. Witness
various cultures where tattoing or patterned scars, lip plugs, neck
rings that result in deformity, head binding to alter shape in babies
etc. etc. >>

While beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, innate beauty does
not lie! ie. Marilyn Monroe vs. Whoopi Goldberg!ehe Which one hit the
gene pool lottery, and which one can be used as the "poster girl" for
birth control?eheheheh No-brainer, right!? Well, the same applies to
circumcised vs. uncircumcised. One is a fugly scab of skin that looks
like a rodent trapped inside of a garden hose (ehe), while the other is
a chiseled work of art that proudly displays its soldier's helmet at
all times.
The chiseled mushroomed head accentuates the shaft, thus projecting a
larger canvas to visualize. In America (most powerful, influential &
circumcised nation in the world), extra skin = queasy gals = less boots
a knockin'! ehe If a man (especially heterosexual) wants to increase
his chances of nabbing high-class trim, he will shed that useless scab
of skin!eh 'Tis always better to stand at attention than slouch like an
anteater!eh Penile posture is just as important as body posture.
Society frowns upon slouches and slackers.
Like it or not, the circumcised member is preferred by most of
civilized society! Over 80% of women prefer the circumcised member.
It's neater, more attractive, and free from cancerous gunk (aka smegma)
that reeks of high heaven. Mary, your SHNOZ must be so accustomed to
wallowing in foreskin, you simply do not know any better!ehehee If you
value your health, you will do everything in your power to distance
yourself from that abominable aardvark snout. -D, NYC "The Egg Cream
is psychologically the opposite of circumcision - it pleasurably
reaffirms your Jewishness!" eh - MEL BROOKS (b. Kaminsky, umpteenth
sweet, Jewish NYer).."The ladies love a circumcision!" eh - RABBI
TUCKMAN (Robin Hood: Men In Tights).."Basically, he's self-conscious
about his dick, and he wants a circumcision" eh - NIP/TUCK.."Life
insurance companies should class wearers of a prepuce under the head of
a hazardous risk" - MEDICAL WRITER, UNKNOWN.."Part of the foreskin they
throw away after circumcision, I believe it is called SCHMUCK" eh -
DAVID GALE (Kevin Spacey in The Life Of David Gale)..."Circumcision is
like a substantial and well-secured annuity; every year of life you
draw the benefits. Parents cannot make a better paying investment for
their little boys" - DR. P.C. REMONDINO.."The anti-circumcision craze
has developed because groups of conservative, sensitive, medically
misinformed individuals, some with fanatical emotionalism, have not
seen the consequences of a society where males are not circumcised.
While medical prophylactic measures are readily accepted by our
society, surgical prophylaxis is in danger of being discarded by an
overemphasis on the return to the "natural." The intense pain of
natural childbirth is seen as a reward while the minor discomfort, if
any, of circumcision is magnified beyond reason." - DR. GERALD
WEISS.."The extraordinary European Jews who emigrated to New York were
enriching the city's intellectual life with an intensity that has
probably never been equaled anywhere during a comparable period of
time. I was raised largely by these Jews...They were my teachers; they
were my employers; they were my friends. They introduced me to a world
of books and ideas that I didn't know existed" - MARLON BRANDO (excerpt
from "Songs My Mother Taught Me") (Most Common Medical procedures in the US -
Circumcision tops list) (Circumcision provides a 2-8 protective fold
against HIV - CORRECT LINK) (Neonatal Circumcision: A Current Appraisal -
Dr. Thomas E. Wiswell, FAAP) (Benefits of circumcision - Prof. Brian Morris
- 30+ years of unbias research) (Circumcision - a lifetime of medical
benefits: Women's Sexual Penile Preference, Sexual Activity, Psych
Effect) (Neonatal Circumcision Is Necessary - Dr.
Gerald Weiss) (New York Jewish History) (Best States For Raising Healthy Kids: #2 -
NY) (NYC - safest, largest city in the US) (NYC Statistics & Fun Facts) (Top 10 Places America Goes To Have Fun -
Times Square) (America's 5 Most/Least Expensive Cities To
Live In: #1 - NYC - most expensive) (NY, NY - Capital Of The World) (NY: 3 of Top 5 Most Expensive Homes in the US) (Do Jews Run Hollywood!? You Bet They do, and
what of it?) (Temple Emanu-El, NYC - World's Largest
Synagogue - Guinness World Record holder) (Brach's - World's Largest Kosher Supermarket,
NY) (US Study - Jews Richer Because Of Religion) (A Study In Differences - Are Jews Smarter?) (Jewish population of the US by State) (Jewish population of the World) (Jewish Nobel Prizes) (Is It True - Do Jews Win More Nobel Prizes
than anyone else?)


Feb 12, 2006, 11:41:43 PM2/12/06

<> wrote in message

> Nog wrote:
> Mary Gordon wrote another brilliant analogy from the mind of a one-eyed
> foreskinned purple people eater (ehe):
> <<The choice is because a circumcised penis is a better >>
> <<Mary snorts I think Chinese men used to make the same comment about
> foot binding. >>When surgical alteration has a cultural element,
> suddenly the body part in its natural state is seen as ugly. Witness
> various cultures where tattoing or patterned scars, lip plugs, neck
> rings that result in deformity, head binding to alter shape in babies
> etc. etc. >>
> While beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, innate beauty does
> not lie! ie. Marilyn Monroe vs. Whoopi Goldberg!ehe Which one hit the
> gene pool lottery, and which one can be used as the "poster girl" for
> birth control?eheheheh No-brainer, right!? Well, the same applies to
> circumcised vs. uncircumcised. One is a fugly scab of skin that looks
> like a rodent trapped inside of a garden hose (ehe), while the other is
> a chiseled work of art that proudly displays its soldier's helmet at
> all times.
> The chiseled mushroomed head accentuates the shaft, thus projecting a
> larger canvas to visualize. In America (most powerful, influential &
> circumcised nation in the world), extra skin = queasy gals = less boots
> a knockin'! ehe If a man (especially heterosexual) wants to increase
> his chances of nabbing high-class trim,

But most of the high class trim, as you put it, doesn't live in America. All
I've seen is obese low class trim. The high class trim is in countries where
the men are not circumcised.

he will shed that useless scab
> of skin!eh 'Tis always better to stand at attention than slouch like an
> anteater!eh Penile posture is just as important as body posture.
> Society frowns upon slouches and slackers.

WOW You sould like a man who has really given other men's penises a lot of
thought and attention!

> Like it or not, the circumcised member is preferred by most of
> civilized society! Over 80% of women prefer the circumcised member.

Most women don't even know the difference lol The skin is back during sex.

> It's neater, more attractive, and free from cancerous gunk (aka smegma)
> that reeks of high heaven.

Well then why don't we remove the clitoral prepuce and labia minora because
the alleged problem you mention is the same or greater?

Mary, your SHNOZ must be so accustomed to
> wallowing in foreskin, you simply do not know any better!ehehee If you
> value your health, you will do everything in your power to distance
> yourself from that abominable aardvark snout. -D, NYC "The Egg Cream
> is psychologically the opposite of circumcision - it pleasurably
> reaffirms your Jewishness!" eh - MEL BROOKS (b. Kaminsky, umpteenth
> sweet, Jewish NYer).."The ladies love a circumcision!" eh - RABBI
> TUCKMAN (Robin Hood: Men In Tights).."Basically, he's self-conscious
> about his dick, and he wants a circumcision" eh - NIP/TUCK.."Life
> insurance companies should class wearers of a prepuce under the head of
> a hazardous risk" - MEDICAL WRITER, UNKNOWN.."Part of the foreskin they
> throw away after circumcision, I believe it is called SCHMUCK" eh -
> DAVID GALE (Kevin Spacey in The Life Of David Gale)..."Circumcision is
> like a substantial and well-secured annuity; every year of life you
> draw the benefits. Parents cannot make a better paying investment for
> their little boys" - DR. P.C. REMONDINO.."The anti-circumcision craze
> has developed because groups of conservative, sensitive, medically
> misinformed individuals, some with fanatical emotionalism, have not
> seen the consequences of a society where males are not circumcised.

Yeah, look at Europe and Asia, they're dropping like flies haha

> While medical prophylactic measures are readily accepted by our
> society, surgical prophylaxis is in danger of being discarded by an
> overemphasis on the return to the "natural." The intense pain of
> natural childbirth

Except in 90% of the world it's rarely very painful and you don't see women
hysterically screaming as you do in the US.

is seen as a reward while the minor discomfort, if
> any, of circumcision is magnified beyond reason." - DR. GERALD
> WEISS.."The extraordinary European Jews who emigrated to New York were
> enriching the city's intellectual life with an intensity that has
> probably never been equaled anywhere during a comparable period of
> time. I was raised largely by these Jews...They were my teachers; they
> were my employers; they were my friends. They introduced me to a world
> of books and ideas that I didn't know existed" - MARLON BRANDO (excerpt
> from "Songs My Mother Taught Me")

Hey fellah, you forgot a link. The one where circumcision protects you
against masturbatory insanity. lol

A variety of other surgical assaults were used. Circumcision was quite
popular and to this day remains so in the U.S. Nonsense about hygiene
continues to influence parents to have their boy babies cut, but in fact
America's obsession with circumcision has more to do with masturbatory fears
than cleanliness. Before the Golden Age of Hygiene in the U.S. (1890-1920),
very few American boys were circumcised. The patent absurdity of the
cleanliness argument (analogous to "the cure for dirt behind the ears is
cutting them off") makes it obvious that another motivation was at work.
Hygiene, in the Victorian sense, was not so much about actual cleanliness as
about ritual purity. The fact that circumcision is an ancient religious
ritual, and that Victorian doctors directed so much of their violent fears
against the foreskin (cutting, wiring, piercing, burning) makes it clear
that circumcision was more about irrational anxieties (fear of being dirty
in a sexual sense) than about cleanliness (fear of physical dirt). The
foreskin seems to have become the repository for all kinds of sexual dread.
As one doctor put it, the prepuce was "an outlaw."


Feb 13, 2006, 2:01:38 AM2/13/06
Avenger wrote:
> <> wrote in message

> > The chiseled mushroomed head accentuates the shaft, thus projecting a
> > larger canvas to visualize. In America (most powerful, influential &
> > circumcised nation in the world), extra skin = queasy gals = less boots
> > a knockin'! ehe If a man (especially heterosexual) wants to increase
> > his chances of nabbing high-class trim,>

> But most of the high class trim, as you put it, doesn't live in America. All
> I've seen is obese low class trim. The high class trim is in countries where
> the men are not circumcised.>

Really!? On what Third-World planet?ehe Last I checked, Heidi Fleiss &
Sidney Biddle Barrows (aka The Mayflower Madam) were both American.
Last I checked, they're two of the most high-profiled madams of the
20th century. DOH! Swing 'round to NYC or LA, which are home to the
best piece of gash that money can buy. There are more high-priced
call-girls in one Manhattan (center of the universe) area (Madison
Avenue - center of business, retail & fashion) than in all the world
combined!eheh DOH! -D, NYC "The most beautiful women reside in
Manhattan - how can a man just choose one?" - ALFIE (Jude Law)..."When
you get caught between the moon & New York City - the best that you can
do is fall in love" - ARTHUR'S THEME (Christopher Cross).."All the
folks in Manhattan are sad..because they look at her and wish they
had..the good old Brooklyn Bridge" - FRANK SINATRA (penned by sweet
Jews Sammy Cahn (b. Cohen) and Jule Styne (Yiddish-Brit, raised in
NYC).."And you can hear it in my accent when I talk, I'm an Englishman
in New York" - STING.."She's pure as New York snow, she's got Bette
Davis eyes" - KIM CARNES.."We'll go to Coney and eat baloney (sic) on a Central Park we'll stroll..where our first kiss we
stole...we'll have Manhattan, The Bronx and Staten Island's
lovely going through the zoo" - RAY CHARLES, ELLA FITZGERALD, ROD
STEWART ("Manhattan" by umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYers RODGERS & HART -
one of the most covered songs of NYC).."New York City sits bold and
beautiful, brash and bounteous, a Big Apple, representing the best the
country and people have to offer. Never has there been a city like it,
nor will there be again...It's a city of achievers, often beset by
adversity, but never bested by circumstances." - JOHN CLEMENTIS, New
York Facts.."When you're growing up in Brooklyn, The Bridge is like a
friend" - BARRY MANILOW (b. Pincus, umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer).."Los
Angeles is for those who sleep..London & Paris baby you can
other city will make me dance like New York" - MADONNA.."More history
happened in New York than in any other place in the nation" - KENNETH
T. JACKSON, Columbia University Professor, Encyclopedia of New
York.."New York is a vibrant city. There is so much to do here. It's so
diverse. But in L.A., the whole town seems to revolve around the
industry. That's a good thing when you need to go for work and stuff
like that, and I have a lot of friends out there - a lot of longtime
friends - but I don't want to live there. I just don't like it. In
L.A., you can spend days without seeing another person. You see other
people in your car, but without really making contact with them. I mean
you really exist that way!" - MATT DILLON (umpteenth celebrity
NYer).."I moved into my apartment Sept. 10. In one day I saw the worst
but also the best of New York. Its people are glorious, marvelous. The
best. First-run movies? We got it. Tops in theater? We got it. Ballet,
opera, circus, concerts. More culture here, more in the way of arts
than anywhere in the world. New York is the Athens of today" - MATT
DAMON.."If I'd lived in Roman times, I'd have lived in Rome. Where
else? Today America is the Roman Empire and New York is Rome itself" -
JOHN LENNON (one of NY's most famous adoptive sons, Strawberry Fields
Memorial, Central Park - world's most famous recreational park).."New
York City is the central home for this entire planet. The Olympics
draws contestants from all countries. Wherever they come from we've got
a family for them, a neighborhood for them, a group who speak their
language, cook their food, support their religion, understand their
needs. We have someone for everyone" - JUDGE JUDY (umpteenth sweet,
Jewish NYer).."New Yorkers spend $11 billion a year eating out, making
NY the restaurant capital of the world" - JANE'S NY: RESTAURANTS (NBC 4
NY at NBC World Headquarters - Rockefeller Center, Manhattan: center of
the universe/hub of broadcasting: home to Nightly News with Brian
Williams, The Today Show, SNL, Dateline, and Late Night with Conan
O'Brien).."In New York, even if you're Catholic, you're Jewish. If you
live in Butte, Montana, you're going to be Goyish, even if you're
Jewish!" eh - LENNY BRUCE (b. Leonard Alfred Schneider, umpteenth
sweet, Jewish NYer).."Western civilization is undeniably a 'Jewified'
civilization, however offensive the word may be to our ears because of
the ugly use made of it by anti-Semites - anti-Semites believed that
Jews were everywhere, and in a sense they were almost everywhere that
counted in modern society." - Albert Lindemann in Esau'sTears: Modern
anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews, Cambridge University Press,
1997, p. 20.."1/3 of all American multimillionaires are tallied as
Jewish; 45% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans are
Jewish, yet they comprise a measly 2% of the American populace" -
STEVEN SILBIGER ("The Phenomenon of The Jews" - 2000)..."This legendary
recipient of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize was the second Jew and first
non-American born, ever to hold a US cabinet position - DR. HENRY
KISSINGER".."The first American scientist ever awarded the Nobel prize
was Jewish" - ALBERT ABRAHAM MICHAELSON..."Envy of Jewish talents &
brains has moved the Gentiles to behave like wild beasts toward a
people in some respects their superior" - MARK TWAIN..."The modern
United States, in spite of itself, IS the United States in part because
of its Jewish blood" - JOE MCCAIN (author, lecturer, historian, brother
of Senator John McCain - "The Jews Will Not Go Quietly Again!")..."If
Christians were Christians, there would be no anti-Semitism. Jesus was
a Jew. There is nothing that the ordinary Christian so dislikes to
remember as this awkward historical fact. But it happens, nontheless,
to be true" - JOHN HAYNES HOLMES (Minister, 1879-1964).."Jews are
unique in that for eighteen-hundred years they have had no
country...and have, whenever there was any pretense of equality of
opportunity for them, forged their way ahead into positions of
prominence, influence and power in business, professions, in
philosophy, in art, in literature, and in government. The harshest
persecution and injustice merely strengthen the peculiarity of the Jew
in the adherence to his ancient customs. Give him the sunlight of
freedom and the balmy encouragement of equality of opportunity and he
assimilates himself to his environment with all the quickness of
perception, all the energy, all the enterprise, all the persistence
with which he is so remarkably endowed" - WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT (27th US
President, 1909-1913).."If you take almost anything - science, law,
philosophy, literature, medicine, music - and track it back to its
roots, you will find Jews there, or at least meet an awful lot of them
along the way" - PAUL JOHNSON (contemporary US historian, "History of
the Jews").."Certainly, the world without the Jews would have been a
radically different place. Humanity might have eventually stumbled upon
all the Jewish insights. But we cannot be sure. All the great
conceptual discoveries of the human intellect seem obvious and
inescapable once they had been revealed, but it requires a special
genius to formulate them for the first time. The Jews had this gift. To
them we owe the idea of equality before the law, both divine and human;
of the sanctity of life and the dignity of human person; of the
individual conscience and so a personal redemption; of collective
conscience and so of social responsibility; of peace as an abstract
ideal and love as the foundation of justice, and many other items which
constitute the basic moral furniture of the human mind. Without Jews it
might have been a much emptier place" - PAUL JOHNSON (contemporary US
Historian, "A History of Jews & A History of Christianity").."If
statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human
race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of
the Milky way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is
heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as
any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of
proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the
world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music,
finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of
proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous
fight in this world, in all the ages; and had done it with his hands
tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it.
The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Roman followed, and made a vast
noise, and they are gone. Other peoples have sprung up and held their
torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now,
or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what
he always was, exhibiting decadence, no infirmities of age, no
weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his
alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other
forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" -
MARK TWAIN.."At these colleges and others, Jews are valued for what
sounds like a stereotype - that Jews are smarter, for instance. Yet the
numbers proclaim something like that to be the case. On the recent
College Boards, Jews averaged 1161. Unitarians did somewhat better
(1209), but the national average was 1020. At the elite Ivy League
schools, Jews make up 23 percent of the student body. They are a measly
2 percent of the U.S. population" - RICHARD COHEN (Washington Post, "A
Study In Differences").."It's anti-Semitic to point out that Jews are
smarter than Gentiles. Gimme a break. Who doesn't know that Jews are
smarter than Gentiles? Newsweek (8/21/00) gives the Jewish population
of the U.S. at two percent. Does anybody think that the number of
Jewish lawyers, college professors, successful businessmen,
mathematicians, is two percent? Anybody? How can it be offensive to say
something so dazzlingly obvious? If I were Jewish, I'd be flattered to
hear this. For the record, I consider myself a philosemite. It has been
truly said (by Paul Johnson in his History of the Jews) that if you
take almost anything - science, law, philosophy, literature, medicine,
music - and track it back to its roots, you will find Jews there, or at
least meet an awful lot of them along the way. I am a big fan of
Western Civilization: and I know - again, who doesn't know? - that the
debt we Gentiles owe to the Jews is colossal, and can never be repaid.
No doubt I shall now get letters explaining to me that this opinion,
too, is "anti-Semitic". Another thing you learn writing for the public
is that anything whatsoever that you say about Jews or Jewishness is
"anti-Semitic" to somebody out there" - JOHN DERBYSHIRE ("10 Things You
Can't Say In America" - National Review)


Feb 13, 2006, 2:50:48 AM2/13/06

<> wrote in message

> Avenger wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > The chiseled mushroomed head accentuates the shaft, thus projecting a
>> > larger canvas to visualize. In America (most powerful, influential &
>> > circumcised nation in the world), extra skin = queasy gals = less boots
>> > a knockin'! ehe If a man (especially heterosexual) wants to increase
>> > his chances of nabbing high-class trim,>
>> But most of the high class trim, as you put it, doesn't live in America.
>> All
>> I've seen is obese low class trim. The high class trim is in countries
>> where
>> the men are not circumcised.>
> Really!? On what Third-World planet?ehe Last I checked, Heidi Fleiss

a jew pimp

> Sidney Biddle Barrows

a post menopausal whore

(aka The Mayflower Madam) were both American.
> Last I checked, they're two of the most high-profiled madams of the
> 20th century. DOH! Swing 'round to NYC or LA, which are home to the
> best piece of gash that money can buy. There are more high-priced
> call-girls in one Manhattan (center of the universe) area (Madison
> Avenue - center of business, retail & fashion) than in all the world
> combined!

That's really something to be proud of.

eheh DOH! -D, NYC "The most beautiful women reside in
> Manhattan - how can a man just choose one?" - ALFIE (Jude Law)

A jew film with a plug for hymietown thrown in lol

Compared to the world's cities New York is now the pits, at the bottom for
good looking women. Stop believing the jew hype and take a walk around some
major world cities and judge for yourself.

Where'd you get that off some jew bragging website? In fact, just printing
this nonsense proves you're inferior.

Feb 13, 2006, 4:49:24 AM2/13/06
After another extended weekend pass from the insane asylum, Avenger
returns to fingerpaint the following anti-Semitic psychobabble:

> <> wrote in message
> > Avenger wrote:
> >> <> wrote in message

> >> > The chiseled mushroomed head accentuates the shaft, thus projecting a
> >> > larger canvas to visualize. In America (most powerful, influential &
> >> > circumcised nation in the world), extra skin = queasy gals = less boots
> >> > a knockin'! ehe If a man (especially heterosexual) wants to increase
> >> > his chances of nabbing high-class trim,>> >

> >> But most of the high class trim, as you put it, doesn't live in America.
> >> All> >> I've seen is obese low class trim. The high class trim is in countries
> >> where> >> the men are not circumcised.>> >

> > Really!? On what Third-World planet?ehe Last I checked, Heidi Fleiss>

> a jew pimp>

> &> > Sidney Biddle Barrows

> a post menopausal whore>

> (aka The Mayflower Madam) were both American.
> > Last I checked, they're two of the most high-profiled madams of the
> > 20th century. DOH! Swing 'round to NYC or LA, which are home to the
> > best piece of gash that money can buy. There are more high-priced
> > call-girls in one Manhattan (center of the universe) area (Madison
> > Avenue - center of business, retail & fashion) than in all the world
> > combined!>

> That's really something to be proud of.>

Coming from someone who prides himself on hating Jews (wealthiest
ethnic group in the US, in spite of comprising 2% of its population),
you're the last person to cast aspersions on anyone...

> eheh DOH! -D, NYC "The most beautiful women reside in
> > Manhattan - how can a man just choose one?" - ALFIE (Jude Law)>

> A jew film with a plug for hymietown thrown in lol
> Compared to the world's cities New York is now the pits, at the bottom for
> good looking women. Stop believing the jew hype and take a walk around some
> major world cities and judge for yourself.

Avenger, I see that you're still suffering from the residual effects of
my last tongue lashing in Oct, eh!?ehehe Sorry, but .."I've been around
the world, I, I, I"... (eehhe), and nothing shall ever compare to NYC
(more Jews than Jerusalem; 1st capital of America from 1789-1790) -
leads in more areas of life than any other city in the world: first
among culture, finance, fashion (home to 5th Avenue - retail capital of
the world; home to the biggest & best models & designers who set up
shop in The Big Apple - where the most beautiful women tie comes from!
DOH), retail, trade, cuisine, real estate, nightlife, arts, theatre,
media & communications. Once again, the anti-Semite (aka jealous
Gentile) is immune to refutation from either facts or logic. The
anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred without regard to either facts
or logic.

> Where'd you get that off some jew bragging website? In fact, just printing > this nonsense proves you're inferior.>>

Enough to get your knickers all bunched up, eh?ehe Once again, praise
the Jews, and the jealous Gentiles (aka anti-Semites) come a running!eh
Jews have earned their bragging rights in spades. What have you done
lately, let alone in your entire pathetic existence? BUPKESS! -D, NYC
"To perfect the world (TIKUN OLAM) is in Jewish thought - the
obligation of every human being. Where better to begin by fixing God's
goof of foreskin?".."The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, an
almost fanatical love of justice, and the desire for personal
independence - these are the features of Jewish tradition that make me
thank my stars that I belong to it" - ALBERT EINSTEIN (Greatest Mind of
The 20th Century).."Envy of Jewish talents and brains has moved the

Gentiles to behave like wild beasts toward a people in some respects

their superior" - MARK TWAIN.."I am convinced that the persecution of
the Jew is not due in any large degree to religious prejudice. No, the
Jew is a money-getter; and in getting his money, he is a very serious
obstruction to less capable neighbors who are on the same quest" - MARK
TWAIN.."The Jews are the yeast in the bread of civilization which
causes it to grow" - BEN HECHT (1894-1964, sweet author, playwright,
screenwriter).."Take away the Jews - and Germany is destitute" - JAMES
W. GERARD (ex US ambassador to Germany - excerpt from "Four Years In
Germany" - 1917).."It must be understood that Jews, who for two
thousand years were dispersed among the nations of the world decided to
return to the land of their ancestors. This is their right" - POPE JOHN
PAUL VI.."It would be impossible to record the contribution that the
Jewish people have made toward the Negro's struggle for freedom - it
has been so great" - MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. (1965).."The 20th century
ideals of Americans have been the ideals of the Jews for more than 20
centuries" - LOUIS D. BRANDEIS (1856 - 1941, first Jewish Supreme Court
Justice).."Imagine a world without New York City. The terrorists
already have" - ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.."New York, you are an Egypt! But
an Egypt turned inside out. For she erected pyramids of slavery to
death, and you erect pyramids of democracy with the vertical organpipes
of your skyscrapers all meeting at the point of infinity of liberty!" -
SALVADOR DALI.."NYC is the only town where one's looks are drawn all
the time away from the ground into the sky." - FREYA STARRK, Dust in
the Lion's Paw.."The city of New York, the noblest of the American
symbols" - JAMES MORRIS


Feb 13, 2006, 6:12:00 AM2/13/06

<> wrote in message

> After another extended weekend pass from the insane asylum, Avenger
> returns to fingerpaint the following anti-Semitic psychobabble:

I'm am not anti semitic.

I'm in the wealthiest group sweet jew. Besides most of those wealthy jews
are only wealthy until they get prosecuted for fraud or other perverted
crimes. 10% of criminals are jews, that's 5x what they are in the

>> eheh DOH! -D, NYC "The most beautiful women reside in
>> > Manhattan - how can a man just choose one?" - ALFIE (Jude Law)>
>> A jew film with a plug for hymietown thrown in lol
>> Compared to the world's cities New York is now the pits, at the bottom
>> for
>> good looking women. Stop believing the jew hype and take a walk around
>> some
>> major world cities and judge for yourself.
> Avenger, I see that you're still suffering from the residual effects of
> my last tongue lashing in Oct, eh!?ehehe

Never heard of you sweet jew. Having delusions of grandeur again?

Sorry, but .."I've been around
> the world, I, I, I"... (eehhe), and nothing shall ever compare to NYC
> (more Jews than Jerusalem; 1st capital of America from 1789-1790) -
> leads in more areas of life than any other city in the world: first
> among culture, finance, fashion (home to 5th Avenue - retail capital of
> the world; home to the biggest & best models & designers who set up
> shop in The Big Apple - where the most beautiful women tie comes from!

Yeah, like a handful of models really makes a city lol Look at the average
female sweet jew.

> DOH), retail, trade, cuisine, real estate, nightlife, arts, theatre,
> media & communications. Once again, the anti-Semite (aka jealous
> Gentile) is immune to refutation from either facts or logic. The
> anti-Semite has chosen to live in hatred without regard to either facts
> or logic.

I don't hate jews or anyone else. But con men , shysters and perverts should
remain in the background and be quiet.

>> Where'd you get that off some jew bragging website? In fact, just
>> printing > this nonsense proves you're inferior.>>
> Enough to get your knickers all bunched up, eh?ehe Once again, praise
> the Jews, and the jealous Gentiles (aka anti-Semites) come a running!

I don't mind you praising a jew, although it is a sign of inferiority to
blow your own trumpet, but at least praise a good jew not mediocre nobodies.

> Jews have earned their bragging rights in spades. What have you done
> lately, let alone in your entire pathetic existence? BUPKESS! -D, NYC
> "To perfect the world (TIKUN OLAM) is in Jewish thought - the
> obligation of every human being. Where better to begin by fixing God's
> goof of foreskin?

Why not try fixing god's goof the jew nose first? It's certainly more
visible lol

".."The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake,

Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Persian, Babylonian. You should know these people
because you stole all of your ideas from them lol

> almost fanatical love of justice,

Sure. For themselves and other jews. Everyone else gets to pay a pound of

and the desire for personal
> independence - these are the features of Jewish tradition that make me
> thank my stars that I belong to it"

Sure like you don't secretly want to be a WASP and shag good looking
shickstas.The only way you can get then is by buying them but then your kids
are gentiles lol And you end up being the sap supporting a house full of
gentiles. Hey stick with jewish wives. They won't respect you either and go
with you only for your money but at least you're keeping it in the family.

- ALBERT EINSTEIN (Greatest Mind of
> The 20th Century).."Envy of Jewish talents and brains has moved the
> Gentiles to behave like wild beasts toward a people in some respects
> their superior"

Einstein couldn't find his way around a racecourse and stole his ideas as
well from gentiles.

- MARK TWAIN.."I am convinced that the persecution of
> the Jew is not due in any large degree to religious prejudice. No, the

> Jew is a money-getter aka money grubber and cheat and in getting his

> money, he is a very serious
> obstruction to less capable neighbors who are on the same quest" - MARK

In Twain's time and even today the wealthiest people are gentiles. You like
mentioning sweet NY jews but failed to mention any Christians. I can think
of a few offhand. Rockefellers, Trump, Helmsly, Vandebilt, Roosevelt,
Gillette(like Trump but unknown) Astor, Pell etc etc etc I don't want to
bother looking them all up but they would bury the sweet jews and they are
all from a tinier group than the sweet jews. Episcopalians (Anglicans) are
probably 1% in NYC compared to 25% jews.

"The Jews are the yeast in the bread of civilization which
> causes it to grow"

Most jew girls do have yeast infection from fucking negroes.

- BEN HECHT (1894-1964, sweet author, playwright,
> screenwriter).."Take away the Jews - and Germany is destitute"

Germany seems to be doing well now that they solved the jewish problem :o)

> W. GERARD (ex US ambassador to Germany - excerpt from "Four Years In
> Germany" - 1917).."It must be understood that Jews, who for two
> thousand years were dispersed among the nations of the world decided to
> return to the land of their ancestors. This is their right"

I agree they should all go to Khazastan.

> PAUL VI.."It would be impossible to record the contribution that the
> Jewish people have made toward the Negro's struggle for freedom - it
> has been so great"

Sure. Wonderful. Like the jew communist Slovo who "freed" South Africa from
apartheid. It's a wonderful place today so much better than when the whites
were running it haha

- MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. (1965).."The 20th century
> ideals of Americans have been the ideals of the Jews for more than 20
> centuries"

Another pervert, plagiarizer and abuser of white women.

- LOUIS D. BRANDEIS (1856 - 1941, first Jewish Supreme Court
> Justice).."Imagine a world without New York City. The terrorists
> already have" - ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.."New York, you are an Egypt! But
> an Egypt turned inside out. For she erected pyramids of slavery to
> death, and you erect pyramids of democracy with the vertical organpipes
> of your skyscrapers all meeting at the point of infinity of liberty!" -

Where is that from? The Kennedy's like to steal stuff from real writers.

> SALVADOR DALI.."NYC is the only town where one's looks are drawn all
> the time away from the ground into the sky."

Duh! Thanks to Christian architects and engineers. Name one sweet jew.

Feb 13, 2006, 6:39:28 AM2/13/06
Who in holy hell would justify circumcision by saying "high class" trim
like Heidi Fleiss and Sydney Biddle Barrows are "the best action money
can buy." Yeah, lets lop of boys' penises because prostitutes prefer
it. That makes sense.

Then there's the pop culture justification -- Jude Law says it so it
must be true! Give me a break. But that's not my point.

Without even going into detail, Darrin just made Avengers' argument for
him by that one statement. It's so offbase in terms of logic and
morals that it undercuts any other argument. If anyone really thinks
that those two women or their charges are the "best money can buy,"
that person needs to get out more. Part of the problem is thinking
women need to be "bought," but this argument is so offbase, I give up.

Feb 13, 2006, 3:35:44 PM2/13/06
to wrote:

I made no such argument! You & your little neo-Nazi bud are doing so!!
I simply stated that if a man (especially American) wants to increase
his chances of getting laid, he should forgo foreskin! At the same
time, if one IS going to treat oneself to a simple, safe & beneficial
circumcision, why settle for second best?eheheh We're not talking crack
ho's from COPS or HBO's Pimps Up, Ho's Down!eh We're talkin' high-price
call girls that work out of their Manhattan penthouses.
As for the quote from ALFIE!? NYC (largest, richest, most creative
Jewish community in the world) IS the most romanticized city in tv,
film & song. This is not an opinion, this is a fact! Every other tv
show is NY, every other film is NY! What's more romantic than a horse
carriage ride through Central Park - world's most famous recreational
park? Or a stroll across The Brooklyn Bridge (world's most famous
bridge; world's first steel suspension bridge), with the Manhattan
Skyline in the foreground?
Like it or not, it doesn't get any better!eh I do not have to use my
quotes to prove anything, since NYC speaks for itself!! I do so out of
pride, I do so to imbue the out-of-town yokels (a state of mind, not
necessarily a state of locale!ehe) with the beauty of The City That
Never Sleeps! If it wasn't the most important city on earth, why did
those terrorist bastards attack it on 9/11?! Remove Wall Street from
the map of life, and see where your silly TUSH ends up! LOL! -D, NYC
"And I'm too sexy for Milan..too sexy for Milan..New York & Japan" -
RIGHT SAID FRED.."The city is like poetry: it compresses all life, all
races and breeds, into a small island and adds music and the
accompaniment of internal engines. The island of Manhattan is without
any doubt the greatest human concentrate on earth, the poem whose magic
is comprehensible to millions of permanent residents - but whose full
meaning will always remain elusive." - E.B. WHITE ("Here Is New York,"

Paul Raposo

Feb 13, 2006, 4:47:33 PM2/13/06
to wrote:

Who exactly is Mary Gordon?

Feb 13, 2006, 6:21:11 PM2/13/06
By the way, the text of the original posting was (dated Jan 13)

Nog wrote: The choice is because a circumcised penis is a better

looking penis.

Mary snorts I think Chinese men used to make the same comment about
foot binding.

When surgical alteration has a cultural element, suddenly the body part

in its natural state is seen as ugly. Witness various cultures where
tattoing or patterned scars, lip plugs, neck rings that result in
deformity, head binding to alter shape in babies etc. etc.


Paul Raposo

Feb 13, 2006, 6:27:32 PM2/13/06
to wrote:

Thanks Mary. His posts are usually hard to decifer, so much as
understand. This one was a real doozy.

Feb 13, 2006, 7:02:00 PM2/13/06
The OP snipped a post of mine out of some other thread out of the blue,
lord knows from when, as I don't routinely get into sparring with
idiots like him (who has spent WAAAAY more time than he should thinking
about other guys dicks).

For the record, I'm married to someone who was born in the 1950's in
Toronto (i.e. circumcision rates 100% or darned close). I'm also the
mother of three, two of which are boys, now 15 and 12, and no, they are
not circumcised, and there has yet to be any issues with either. If it
bugs them or their future partners, they can have surgery at that point
- and pay for it themselves, as it is currently classed as cosmetic
surgery here, and not covered by health insurance.And no, not liking
the way the good lord made you is not a specific problem that will
spring insurance to pay for it.


Feb 13, 2006, 7:20:47 PM2/13/06
Snipped most of Avenger's ongoing War & Peace SPHIEL on anti-Semitic

Avenger wrote:
> <> wrote in message


> > After another extended weekend pass from the insane asylum, Avenger
> > returns to fingerpaint the following anti-Semitic psychobabble:>

> I'm am not anti semitic.>>

Yes you are! Racially tolerant people do not utter your words! The old
anti-Semitic canard is to deny the above and say: "I'm not anti-Jew,
I'm just anti-Zionist!" Zionism is not racism! Anti-Zionism is

> > Avenger, I see that you're still suffering from the residual effects of
> > my last tongue lashing in Oct, eh!?ehehe>

> Never heard of you sweet jew. Having delusions of grandeur again?

No delusions on my end. I leave the sociopathic behavior to your ilk!
Perhaps you need to increase your meds, because our October exchange
appears under the subheading of "Various Insane Ramblings WAS: Don't be
a loner, circumcise that boner!" It was crossposted to
alt.circumcision, alt.tasteless,, alt.feminism,

> Sorry, but .."I've been around
> > the world, I, I, I"... (eehhe), and nothing shall ever compare to NYC
> > (more Jews than Jerusalem; 1st capital of America from 1789-1790) -
> > leads in more areas of life than any other city in the world: first
> > among culture, finance, fashion (home to 5th Avenue - retail capital of
> > the world; home to the biggest & best models & designers who set up
> > shop in The Big Apple - where the most beautiful women tie comes from!>

> Yeah, like a handful of models really makes a city lol Look at the average
> female sweet jew.>

Whether Jew or Gentile, most people are average to homely looking. How
many Cindy Crawfords or Brad Pitts do you see in the street!? How many
Jennifer Connellys (mother is Jewish) or Harrison Fords (mother is
Jewish) do you see? Not many! A handful of models? LOL! Let's recap:
NYC is the fashion capital of the world: home to 5th Avenue - retail
capital of the world. Home to 7th on 6th - the most anticipated fashion
show in the world. Home to FIT - Fashion Institute of Technology. Home
to the Fashion Walk of Fame, which also features 20-foot bronze statues
of legendary pioneers in the garment & fashion world. One in particular
is of an Orthodox Jew. Home to largest number of fashion designers,
model agencies, Supermodels, print & television outlets. Home to The NY
International Press Corp, which reaches out to every inhabitant on
earth. Everyone from every corner of the World sells their goods in NY
or wishes they were selling their goods in NY. -D, NYC "New York City
boy - you'll never have a bored day - cause you're a New York City boy
- where 7th Avenue meets Broadway" - PET SHOP BOYS.."In a New York
Minute, everything can change" - DON HENLEY.."As I stood by my window
and looked out on those Brooklyn roads" - NEIL DIAMOND (umpteenth
sweet, Jewish NYer - one of the Top 100 selling artists of all-time)

Feb 13, 2006, 7:55:48 PM2/13/06
Thier to young, wait until the first girl that gos down on them and see
this strange thing looking back at them. All will change then. And why
would you put them thew the pain of doing it later in life when a one
snip and it is done deal when they were babies? I am sorry and you rase
your children how you see fit but as for my wife and I, it was a must!
On top of every thing now they have to pay for something that would
have been covered in most case under insurance, But I see it will not
Good luck telling them why you didnt.
We elected to do it when they were born so they wouldnt have to go
threw any pain later. Let me know how you fair on this issue.

A father of 2 boys. age 19 and 22.

Feb 13, 2006, 8:18:24 PM2/13/06
Why would a woman think a normal penis was funny looking if that was
what she encountered routinely?

It looks surprising to the generations where circumcision was the norm
- ie. I'm 49, and I think I encountered maybe 1 or 2 uncut men by the
time I married at 31, so yeah, I really didn't know what a normal penis
looked like.

However, I doubt one in its natural unaltered state will look anything
but ordinary to women with partners born more recently, when
circumcision rates are plummeting (currently something like 10%).


Feb 13, 2006, 8:25:26 PM2/13/06

On 13-Feb-2006, wrote:

> Snipped most of Avenger's ongoing War & Peace SPHIEL on anti-Semitic
> psychobabble:
> Avenger wrote:
> > <> wrote in message
> >
> > > After another extended weekend pass from the insane asylum, Avenger
> > > returns to fingerpaint the following anti-Semitic psychobabble:>
> > I'm am not anti semitic.>>
> Yes you are! Racially tolerant people do not utter your words! The old
> anti-Semitic canard is to deny the above and say: "I'm not anti-Jew,
> I'm just anti-Zionist!" Zionism is not racism! Anti-Zionism is
> anti-Semitism!...

Oh, he's even less subtle than that ----

> > > Avenger, I see that you're still suffering from the residual effects
> > > of
> > > my last tongue lashing in Oct, eh!?ehehe>
> > Never heard of you sweet jew.

--- and here's the proof.

> > Having delusions of grandeur again?
> No delusions on my end. I leave the sociopathic behavior to your ilk!
> Perhaps you need to increase your meds, because our October exchange
> appears under the subheading of "Various Insane Ramblings WAS: Don't be
> a loner, circumcise that boner!" It was crossposted to
> alt.circumcision, alt.tasteless,, alt.feminism,
> alt.movies.
> > Sorry, but .."I've been around
> > > the world, I, I, I"... (eehhe), and nothing shall ever compare to NYC
> > > (more Jews than Jerusalem; 1st capital of America from 1789-1790) -
> > > leads in more areas of life than any other city in the world: first
> > > among culture, finance, fashion (home to 5th Avenue - retail capital
> > > of
> > > the world; home to the biggest & best models & designers who set up
> > > shop in The Big Apple - where the most beautiful women tie comes
> > > from!>
> > Yeah, like a handful of models really makes a city lol Look at the
> > average
> > female sweet jew.>

And again.
His reference if not his *mis-spelloing* is sneering.
He'll deny it, but it's obvious.

> Whether Jew or Gentile, most people are average to homely looking. How
> many Cindy Crawfords or Brad Pitts do you see in the street!? How many
> Jennifer Connellys (mother is Jewish) or Harrison Fords (mother is
> Jewish) do you see? Not many! A handful of models? LOL!

Oh, this is one of Deborah's favorite subjects -
Natalie Portman, Paul Newman, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alicia Silverstone....


Feb 13, 2006, 10:01:31 PM2/13/06
to wrote:

Mazel! You made the right decision! Like many of her estrogen-driven
ilk, Mary places emotion before reason! Ask her why she chose to forgo
circumcising her baby baba-booeys (ehe), and she will most likely
respond with typical heeby jeebie anti-circ ideology. Remember,
FOREsight + FOREskin = inevitability of circumcision! There is no
choice when it comes to the well-being of a child. Every precautionary
measure should be taken to ensure that a child leads a happy & healthy
life. And circumcision is one such measure that is analagous to
immunization - in that side effects and complications are immediate and
usually minor, but benefits accrue for a lifetime.
The longer one waits to be circumcised, the greater chance one has of
being exposed to UTIs, the residual risk of penile cancer (practically
unheard of in circumcised men), and the multitude of problems that are
always associated with the male prepuce - cervical cancer in partners
of the uncircumcised, tenfold increase in HIV/STDs, painful sex,
phimosis, balanitis, and the ever obligatory smegma! An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure! The benefits always outweigh the
Only an ignorant & uncaring parent would subject their children to
years of having to SHLEP around a marsupial sac that should have gone
out with Neanderthal man. Only an ignorant & uncaring parent would
create a physical & emotional detachment between father and son. Only
an ignorant & uncaring parent would choose to forgo one of the safest &
most commonly performed procedures in all of medicine, occurring more
frequently than tooth extraction. A hideous & useless scab of skin that
serves no useful function (ie appendix, wisdom teeth), other than to
cause a lifetime of unwanted hassles & upkeep. Foreskin is one of God's
anatomical goofs, and it must be treated accordingly!
In the US (most powerful, influential & circumcised nation in the
world), over 60% of newborns (regardless of ethnicity) are circumcised
each and every year. An average of 1.5 million routine infant
circumcisions per year. Over 80% of the adult American male population
is circumcised. The #1 adult performer of all-time happens to be a
circumcised Jew - Ron "The Hedgehog" Jeremy (b. Hyatt, Queens,NY). Tens
of millions of circumcised men are happily SHTUPPING away!! -D, NYC "Be
wise, circumcise!".."Born imperfect, made perfect on the eighth
day!".."My father never lived to see his dream come true of an
all-Yiddish-speaking Canada" eh - DAVID STEINBERG (sweet Canadian-Jew,
comedian, actor, filmmaker).."Live from NY - this Canadian-Jew
revolutionized tv by creating SNL - LORNE MICHAELS (b. Lipowitz).."He
was the first Jewish settler in Canada - AARON HART".."Jews created the
three major American t.v. networks - William Paley's CBS, David
Sarnoff's NBC and Leonard Goldenson's ABC.."They say the neon lights
are bright on Broadway" - DRIFTERS (penned by sweet, Jews Leiber &
Stoller).."In New York, even if you're Catholic, you're Jewish! If you

live in Butte, Montana, you're going to be Goyish, even if you're
Jewish!" eh - LENNY BRUCE (b. Leonard Alfred Schneider, umpteenth

sweet, Jewish NYer).."I broke hearts like window panes..for breakfast
I'd eat nails & my kingdom I'd proclaim...king of the New
York streets..people come from miles see my rough tenament
crown..always up, never down...local bullies I'd deflated..backstreet
jive that I translated...Top 10 girls were all I dated...king of the
New York streets.." - DION (umpteenth celebrity NYer).."Listen all you
New Yorkers - there's a rumor going round - that some of you good
people want to leave this town - so save your time & trouble - cause
when you leave New York man, you don't go anywhere" - SAMMY DAVIS JR
(sweet, Jewish convert, umpteenth celebrity NYer).."They say it's (New
York) the greatest city in the world, and I think it is!" - ELLEN

Feb 13, 2006, 11:07:26 PM2/13/06

The topic is circumcision, not Jews (unless you suggest the whole of
being jewish is being clipped), and not NYC. I am Jewish, I have lived
in and do love NYC, the two are not connected.
I have two young boys and the second-born is uncircumcised at my
insistance. There is (or should not be) any fatherly or brotherly
"penis bond" to speak of. At least in the US, we (at least those of us
with hetero leanings) are trained young to NOT check out the other boys
in the locker room.
Before I had to make the decision, I spoke with many friends, some
circumcised and most not, and many women (all uncircumsized) and I did
not detect any substantial difference in sexual activity. The American
woman mostly suggested a distaste for it only because it looked so
differrent to them. Guess what guys, MOST of the WORLD is not loping
off the tips of their kids pricks. All of the world seems to have sex,
many countries are less uptight about it than the US.
The medical reasons are BS. It is not simply a piece of skin, it is
more properly compared to the eyelid than any other piece of skin, yet
it does produce smegma, as a vagina does.
I would not cut off my daughters breasts to prevent breast cancer. It
is possible (and a good idea) to teach a child to clean their damn
privates when they get older. This blending of CULTURAL PREFERENCE with
medicine is common and therefore understandable, yet no less absurd.
Personally, I think the New York Jewaphile and the anti-semetic (and
racist) a**-wipe should quite the conversation and go explore each
other's penile attributes. (Not that there would be anything wrong with
OH, and by the way, the conversation may be better in NYC, but the
women are finer in Southern Cal.

Feb 13, 2006, 11:54:24 PM2/13/06
to wrote:

> The topic is circumcision, not Jews (unless you suggest the whole of
> being jewish is being clipped), and not NYC. I am Jewish, I have lived
> in and do love NYC, the two are not connected.> I have two young boys and the
second-born is uncircumcised at my> insistance. >><<There is (or
should not be)
any fatherly or brotherly> "penis bond" to speak of. At least in the
we (at least those of us> with hetero leanings) are trained
young to NOT check out the other boys> in the locker room.>>

Your Jewish!? What else will you have us believe!? African-Americans
you have met while yachting?eheee I-talian war heroes?eh The check is
in the mail!?eh As long as you refuse to circumcise on the eighth day
of life, you are no Jew of mine! In the unlikelihood that you are
Jewish, you're a self-loathing one at that! As Michael told Fredo in
The Godfather: "Never go against the family!" eh You do not go against
your own. We already have enough hatred thrown our way from such lovely
beauts as Avenger.
BTW, NYC (The Mother of American Judaism - home to 1.9M Jews; 1/3 of
the entire American-Jewish population; largest, richest, most creative
Jewish community in the world) & Jews are not connected? LOL! Or Jews &
circumcision? DOUBLE LOL! Or Jews, circumcision & NYC?ehehe TRIPLE LOL!
No matter how you slice it, Jews are like "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"
- we can be tied to practically everything in life!eheee
As for the latter part of your response? Unfortunately, in the real
world (one that doesn't include you as being Jewish! LOL), there IS a
physical bond between father and son. They do share bathrooms. They do
see each other naked. Children are curious, and they will ask why is my
pee-pee different than daddy's? Newkostkamen, I think all that warm
California sun went to your MESHUGGENER head!heeheh -D, NYC "LA's fine
but it ain't home, NY's home but it ain't mine no more" - NEIL DIAMOND

(umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer - one of the Top 100 selling artists of

all-time).."New York City is the place where they say - hey babe, take
a walk on the wild side" - LOU REED (b. Rabinowitz, insert you know
what here!ehe).."2004 marked the 350th anniversary of the arrival of
the St. Cathrien, the ship that brought the first 23 Jewish residents
of this country from Brazil to New Amsterdam (aka New York) in
1654.."The Jew is neither a newcomer nor an alien in this country or on
this continent; his Americanism is as original and ancient as that of
any race or people with the exception of the American Indian and other
aborigines. He came in the caravels of Columbus, and he knocked at the
gates of New Amsterdam (aka New York) only thirty-five years after the
Pilgrim Fathers stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock" - OSCAR SOLOMON
STRAUS (first American-Jew to hold a cabinet post in 1906 - of "Straus"
department store fame)

Feb 14, 2006, 2:35:11 AM2/14/06
Dude, I hate to break it to you, but I am part Jewish, from NY and
married to a Jew. And raised a Jewish kid!! I just think circumcision
should not be foisted upon boys -- they should get a choice. And BTW
Asians outscore both Jews and whites on everything. As a parent I've
witnessed other parents pulling their kids out of classes because of it
and college admission standards that try and keep Asians out.
PS -- If Jews are really that smart, pleae tell my son to get off his
but and use his smarts instead of playing poker.

Feb 14, 2006, 8:25:33 AM2/14/06
So if my ear were to be lopped off, would my sons feel cheated if I
didn't cut theirs off as well? My greater fear is that my elder boy
will ask, "why the hell didn't you stand up and stop them from
performing an unneccessary and painful operation on me?"
And yes, I'm Jewish. Admittedly, my wife works out of the home with a
full head of hair, I light the stove every Friday night including
holidays, and sometimes I like to mix all the meat and dairy on my
plate with everything else.
Still proud to be a Jew.

Feb 14, 2006, 8:42:58 AM2/14/06
Alright, not to perpetuate the myth. By "full head of hair" I mean to
say is her hair is uncoverred (as is mine by the yamulkah except in
proper circumstance). I live near quite a few Russian Orthodox who
wouldn't be caught dead outside without a head scarf.


Feb 14, 2006, 1:40:31 PM2/14/06
Praise the Jews, and watch another anti-Semite
( fall from his jealous Gentile tree:

Close, but no cigar! As a whole (can't speak for your fictional son!
LOL), Jews (1/4 of 1% of the world's population) still leave Asians in
the disproportionate dust. As one example, in "Ethnic America," Dr.
Thomas Sowell, an African-American economist and senior fellow at the
Hoover institute, created a point-scale index that graphed Jewish
economic success compared with that of other ethnic groups. Here are
his findings:

(U.S. Average = 100)


-D, NYC "Often when I found in China an artist of unusual talent or a
mind more vivid than others among my students, the chances were good
that he had Jewish blood in him. It is a creative strain" - PEARL BUCK
(1892-1973, Nobel laureate in literature).."1/3 of all American

multimillionaires are tallied as Jewish; 45% of the top 40 of the
Forbes 400 richest Americans are Jewish, yet they comprise a measly 2%
of the American populace" - STEVEN SILBIGER ("The Phenomenon of The

Jews" - 2000)..."At these colleges and others, Jews are valued for what
sounds like a stereotype -- that Jews are smarter, for instance. Yet

the numbers proclaim something like that to be the case. On the recent
College Boards, Jews averaged 1161. Unitarians did somewhat better
(1209), but the national average was 1020. At the elite Ivy League
schools, Jews make up 23 percent of the student body. They are a measly

2 percent of the U.S. population." "Jewish students, by culture and by
ability and by the very nature of their liveliness, make a university a
much more habitable place in terms of intellectual life," Vanderbilt's
chancellor, Gordon Gee, told the Wall Street Journal. "The very nature
of their liveliness? Is this man out of his mind? Actually, no. Gee is
speaking both a specific truth and a larger truth: Not all groups are
the same." (Phenomenon Of The Jews) (Jews, IQ & Nobel Laureates) (US Study - Jews Richer Because Of Religion) (A Study In Differences - Are Jews Smarter?) (Jewish population of the US by State) (Jewish population of the World) (Jewish Nobel Prizes) (Is It True - Do Jews Win More Nobel Prizes
than anyone else?) (Tel-Aviv - Top 10 High-Tech Cities In The

Feb 14, 2006, 5:22:21 PM2/14/06
Paul Raposo wrote:>

> Who exactly is Mary Gordon?>

The wife of The Gordon's Fisherman?ehe Mary chimed in a month ago with
a beaut that had to be rubutted!eh Since I could not reply to the
original thread (outdated), I had to create a new one. Why Mary has
such a difficult time understanding this may explain why she left her
baby baba-booeys intact! ehe LOL! -D, NYC "New York City, look at me
now..being stared at from behind the plow Mississippi, don't get
annoyed..I ain't no hippie, just a New York boy" - NEIL DIAMOND

(umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer - one of the Top 100 selling artists of

all.."I'm lost, I'm found, I'm up, I'm down, but somehow I survive -
it's got to be the New York City rhythm in my life" - BARRY MANILOW (b.
Pincus, umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer).."I feel safe in NYC" -
AC/DC.."Everybody's smoking and no one's getting high..everybody's
flying and never touch the sky..there's UFO's over in New York and I
ain't too surprised.." - JOHN LENNON.."In New (Strawberry Fields
Memorial, Central Park, Manhattan - world's most famous recreational
park).."In New York, freedom looks like too many choices" - U2 (Most Common Medical procedures in the US -
Circumcision tops list) (Circumcision provides a 2-8 protective fold
against HIV - CORRECT LINK) (Neonatal Circumcision: A Current Appraisal -
Dr. Thomas E. Wiswell, FAAP) (Benefits of circumcision - Prof. Brian Morris
- 30+ years of unbias research) (Circumcision - a lifetime of medical
benefits: Women's Sexual Penile Preference, Sexual Activity, Psych
Effect) (Neonatal Circumcision Is Necessary - Dr.
Gerald Weiss) (New York Jewish History) (Steiner Studios - latest movie studio to
be founded by sweets at the Brooklyn (largest Orthodox population in
the US, if not the world) Navy Yard - new billion dollar movie studio -
largest production facility east of Los Angeles (Best States For Raising Healthy Kids: #2 -
NY) (NYC - safest, largest city in the US) (NYC Statistics & Fun Facts) (Top 10 Places America Goes To Have Fun -
Times Square) (America's 5 Most/Least Expensive Cities To
Live In: #1 - NYC - most expensive) (NY, NY - Capital Of The World) (NY: 3 of Top 5 Most Expensive Homes in the US) (Temple Emanu-El, NYC - World's Largest

Synagogue) (Brach's - World's Largest Kosher Supermarket,
NY) (US Study - Jews Richer Because Of Religion) (A Study In Differences - Are Jews Smarter?) (Jewish population of the US by State) (Jewish population of the World) (Jewish Nobel Prizes) (Is It True - Do Jews Win More Nobel Prizes
than anyone else?) (Tel-Aviv - Top 10 High-Tech Cities In The
World) (Phenomenon Of The Jews) (Jews, IQs & Nobel Laureates)


Feb 14, 2006, 6:36:21 PM2/14/06
American female here.

I like the uncut ones better. They feel so much better and they're more
fun to play with.



Feb 14, 2006, 8:57:41 PM2/14/06

"Darrin" <> wrote in message

> Praise the Jews, and watch another anti-Semite
> ( fall from his jealous Gentile tree:
>> Dude, I hate to break it to you, but I am part Jewish, from NY and
>> married to a Jew. And raised a Jewish kid!! I just think circumcision
>> should not be foisted upon boys -- they should get a choice. And BTW
>> Asians outscore both Jews and whites on everything. As a parent I've
>> witnessed other parents pulling their kids out of classes because of it
>> and college admission standards that try and keep Asians out.

Asians encompass a very large group of people. Out of the 5 very broad and
sometimes arbitrary groups of humans on earth, 3 are in Asia. So a Caucasian
can refer to himself as Asian because the western part of Asia on the other
side of the Ural mountains is considered Caucasian as is the middle east,
north Africa, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan etc
Asians are indeed penalized on the SAT's and other entrance exams by
deducting points from their scores solely based on being Asian even though
they may have lived in the US for generations. African Americans are given
an extra 125 points on the SAT's based on "race" even if they only have a
tiny bit of Negro ancestry. Is Colin Powell black? Why is he refrred to as a
black when in fact he's basically Caucasian with some African blood. No one
in Russia thinks of the great writer Pushkin as black but he was 1/4 black

>> PS -- If Jews are really that smart, pleae tell my son to get off his
>> but and use his smarts instead of playing poker.
> Close, but no cigar! As a whole (can't speak for your fictional son!
> LOL), Jews (1/4 of 1% of the world's population) still leave Asians in
> the disproportionate dust. As one example, in "Ethnic America," Dr.
> Thomas Sowell, an African-American economist

But he's from a group at the bottom haha

and senior fellow at the
> Hoover institute, created a point-scale index that graphed Jewish
> economic success compared with that of other ethnic groups. Here are
> his findings:

Print the actual study that this Sowell newspaper columnist compiled lol

> (U.S. Average = 100)
> JEWISH 172
> POLISH 115
> GERMAN 107
> IRISH 103
> BLACK 62

It would be more accurate to list the top 5 countries economically in the
world. The US is #1 and is 90% Christian

1 US
2 Japan
3 Germany
4 France
5 Italy
6 UK

Israel? can't find it lol probably down near Bangladesh

> -D, NYC "Often when I found in China an artist of unusual talent or a
> mind more vivid than others among my students, the chances were good
> that he had Jewish blood in him. It is a creative strain" - PEARL BUCK

Sure Pearl. The Chinese did nothing while the jews were wandering around the
desert in filthy rags eating goat meat.

> (1892-1973, Nobel laureate in literature).."1/3 of all American
> multimillionaires are tallied as Jewish;

That's a deceptive statistic. Anyone with a net worth over a million $(and
that's not much really) in assets is a multimillionaire. That "statistic"
doesn't mean jews control 1/3 of the wealth.

Take a trip to NY on a jew holiday eg. Yom Kippur etc and you'll notice that
there are very few cabs. Who do you think are driving a high % of those cabs
normally? haha

45% of the top 40 of the
> Forbes 400 richest Americans are Jewish,

You can't read very well can you? And have probably never even read Forbes
because you would know what criteria they use to list a person. Erm, how
many Rockefellers do you see on that list? Or do you think the Rockefellers
are poor? lol I suggest you call Forbes magazine and ask them sweet jew how
they compile their list haha

yet they comprise a measly 2%
> of the American populace" - STEVEN SILBIGER ("The Phenomenon of The
> Jews" - 2000)..."At these colleges and others, Jews are valued for what
> sounds like a stereotype -- that Jews are smarter,

I lnow a lot more jews than you do (phoney sweet jew) and can tell you that
I've never met one who is Really smart.

for instance. Yet
> the numbers proclaim something like that to be the case. On the recent
> College Boards, Jews averaged 1161. Unitarians did somewhat better
> (1209), but the national average was 1020.

Means nothing. Most jews are from cities where people have a higher IQ on
average and btw also have a higher rate of mental illness.

At the elite Ivy League
> schools, Jews make up 23 percent of the student body. They are a measly
> 2 percent of the U.S. population." "Jewish students, by culture and by
> ability and by the very nature of their liveliness, make a university a
> much more habitable place in terms of intellectual life," Vanderbilt's
> chancellor, Gordon Gee, told the Wall Street Journal.

This guy is either a typical bragging jew or is out of his mind. I won't
bore you with his entire biography but here's some of it lol You be the
judge haha My comments in parenthesis.

Deeply involved with Nashville and Middle Tennessee, Mr. Gee helps conduct
Circle of Hope, a philanthropic leadership program organized by the
Tennessee chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (1 in 25 jews is a
carrier) serves on the Board of Directors of the Freedom Forum Diversity
Institute, Inc (Diversity haha) and is a member of the advisory committee
for the Nashville Alliance for Public Education. He is also a member of the
board of directors for Nashville's Montgomery Bell Academy and the board of
the Tennessee College Association. In conjunction with Vanderbilt, Mr. Gee
was awarded the Outstanding Promotion of Diversity Award by the Nashville
branch of the NAACP (Diversity again! And Negro ass kissing lol) In 2004 he
was a recipient of the Nashville Women's Political Caucus' Good Guy Award
(Feminist arse kisser) and the recipient of the Nashville chapter of the
Public Relations Society of America's Apollo Award for Communications

Mr. Gee is part of The College Board's Commission on Writing in America's
Schools and Colleges ( hmm so that's why it's so bad) an advisory committee
of nationally recognized experts who will help develop the new SAT exam ( he
helped to dumb down the SAT exam giving Negroes an extra 125 points and
deducting points from Asians solely based on race), as well as the steering
committee for a new National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education.
He currently serves as a director or trustee of The Jason Foundation, the
Freedom Forum Diversity Institute (Diversity again!! Beginning to see a
pattern here?), the National Hospice Foundation, the Historic Black College
and University Advisory Committee ( more Negro arse kissing I bet Jesse
Jerkson is his idol) of the Kresge Foundation, Hasbro, The Limited, Dollar
General Corporation, Massey Energy Corporation, and Gaylord Entertainment
Company. Additionally, he is a member of the President's Council for
Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life ( yes keep getting
that grant money from the stupid US taxpayers so that they can go on to
produce masterpieces such as Piss Christ) the Christopher Isherwood
Foundation Board ( Isherwood was a Homo) the Business-Higher Education
Forum, and the National Committee to Unite a Divided America.

"The very nature
> of their liveliness?

I'll translate that for you. The typical jew is mentally unbalanced with a
large % suffering from mania, delusions of grandeur and megalomania
misconstrued by this Gee idiot as liveliness or energy.


Feb 14, 2006, 9:04:57 PM2/14/06

<> wrote in message news:akaIf.14716$CZ4.3687@trnddc05...

Stop the bullshit. Get out of Podunk and walk around a few of the world's
cities and observe the people on the street. And compare apples with apples.
Don't compare the people you see walking on 5th Ave to the slums of another

> Oh, this is one of Deborah's favorite subjects -
> Natalie Portman, Paul Newman, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alicia
> Silverstone....

Those people are all Christians.

> Susan

Feb 15, 2006, 3:06:31 AM2/15/06
Snipped a S-load of jealously insane lies from Avenger, who is a prime
example as to the why God separated the Chosen People from the


> "Darrin" <> wrote in message
> > Praise the Jews, and watch another anti-Semite
> > ( fall from his jealous Gentile tree:

> >> PS -- If Jews are really that smart, pleae tell my son to get off his

> >> but and use his smarts instead of playing poker.
> >
> > Close, but no cigar! As a whole (can't speak for your fictional son!
> > LOL), Jews (1/4 of 1% of the world's population) still leave Asians in
> > the disproportionate dust. As one example, in "Ethnic America," Dr.
> > Thomas Sowell, an African-American economist>

> But he's from a group at the bottom haha

Hapless heathen, as a whole, his group may be at the bottom (500 years
of enslavement may have helped? DOH). As an individual, he's above &
beyond you...

> It would be more accurate to list the top 5 countries economically in the
> world. The US is #1 and is 90% Christian
> 1 US
> 2 Japan
> 3 Germany
> 4 France
> 5 Italy
> 6 UK>

> Israel? can't find it lol probably down near Bangladesh>

How many countries have a measly 5 million people, are in a
constant state of terror, and have the honor of being one of the Top
10 High-Technology cities (Tel Aviv) in the world!? DOH! Considering
the circumstances, Israel (only democratic state in the Middle East)
does disproportionately better than any other country on the face of
this earth. Place an embargo on Israel (one of the hightest ratio of
doctors in the world - 1 to every 450 people), and you and the rest of
the 99% of the Gentile world can say bye-bye to stem-cell research,
computer technology, and a host of other scientific & medical
advancements that Israel & Jews continue to pioneer throughout the
world. If not for Jews, you'd still be chipping away at numbers on
granite!ehe Even without US's aid (aka investing in a country that has
given back to America & the world tenfold), Israel's GDP is greater
than a handful of EU countries. Money alone has never equated to
intellect or perseverance! I can give you a million dollars tmr and you
will never amount to anything, other than jealously obsessing over

> > -D, NYC "Often when I found in China an artist of unusual talent or a
> > mind more vivid than others among my students, the chances were good
> > that he had Jewish blood in him. It is a creative strain" - PEARL BUCK>

> Sure Pearl. The Chinese did nothing while the jews were wandering around the
> desert in filthy rags eating goat meat.>

You better tell that to historian Paul Johnson: "If you take almost

anything - science, law, philosophy, literature, medicine, music - and
track it back to its roots, you will find Jews there, or at least meet

an awful lot of them along the way"... Or Will Durant: "We must study
in greater detail than their neighbors, these numerically and
geographically insignificant Jews, who gave to the world one of its
greatest literatures, two of its most influential religions and so many
of its profoundest men" - WILL DURANT (The Story Of Civilization,
Volume I) I just love watching anti-Semites get all jealously bent out
of shape!eheheee

> Take a trip to NY on a jew holiday eg. Yom Kippur etc and you'll notice that
> there are very few cabs. Who do you think are driving a high % of those cabs
> normally? haha>

You have yet to step foot on NY soil, eh? The majority of cab drivers
(those who do not own their own cab/cab co. - $100K to own a NY Taxi
Medallion - most are owned by Jews) in NYC are Arab, West Indian &
Hindu! DOH!

> 45% of the top 40 of the
> > Forbes 400 richest Americans are Jewish,>

> You can't read very well can you? And have probably never even read Forbes
> because you would know what criteria they use to list a person. Erm, how
> many Rockefellers do you see on that list? Or do you think the Rockefellers
> are poor? lol I suggest you call Forbes magazine and ask them sweet jew how
> they compile their list haha>

Math still doesn't appear to be your forte, eh? As had been told to you
in a thread that you claim does not exist, it doesn't take an EINSTEIN
to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of its
population. There's no great MITZVAH in being able to list all the
above names, whose religions are comprised of 99% of the non-Jewish
world! Jews comprise a measly 1/4 of 1% of the world's population, and
not only have they been able to match Gentiles in every facet of life,
they have managed to overshadow them in a number of areas. There is no
strength in number unless it can be applied. Jews are so few in number,
yet so great in ability. We comprise so few of the world's population,
yet so many of its successes. ie. All I have to do is say "The
Rothschilds," and Rockefeller, et al, go bye-bye!eh The Rothschilds
(Nathan in particular) are the archetype of the international banker.
They started the modern-banking movement! That's in addition to a
gazillion other Jewish names who are synonymous with finance and
banking. I say Sir Alan Greenspan, you say? eh DOH! I say
Goldman/Sachs, you say? I say Haym Solomon (appears on a 10-cent
stamp), you say? I say Ephraim Hart (co-founded the NYSE), you say?

<< "The very nature> > of their liveliness? - RICHARD COHEN (Washington

Post, A Study In Differences) >>

> I'll translate that for you. The typical jew is mentally unbalanced with a

> large % suffering from mania, delusions of grandeur and megalomania
> misconstrued by this Gee idiot as liveliness or energy.

Speaking of mental illness, remind everyone again, how you claim not to
be anti-Semitic? Avenger, if cyberspace ever came with its own psych
ward, you'd be the first one to be committed for a 72 hr. virtual
observation!ehe Unfknblvbl! Anti-Semites truly are a sociopathic bunch.
They truly do not see what they say or do! -D, NYC "How odd of God to
choose the Jews" - WILLIAM NORMAN EWER..."Not odd of God. Goyim annoy
'im" ehe - LEO ROSTEN.."Yes, I am a Jew, and when the ancestors of the
right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island,
mine were priests in the Temple of Solomon" - BENJAMIN DISRAELI
(1804-1881, first Jewish Prime Minister of England, responding to Irish
Roman Catholic leader Daniel O' Connell, in the House of Commons, who
cast aspersions on his Jewish ancestry).."Think Yiddish, dress
British!" - POPULAR MADISON AVENUE (hub of business, retail & fashion)
SLOGAN.."This legendary, circumcised English-Jewish athlete won gold
and silver medals at the Paris Olympics of 1924, and was the subject of
the movie, "Chariots of Fire" - HAROLD ABRAHAMS.."Afterall, I was
representing a couple of million Jews among a hundred million Gentiles,
and I was always in the spotlight. I felt a responsibility. I was there
every day, every SOB was calling me names so that I had to make good.
As time went by, I came to feel as if I, as a Jew, hit a home-run, I
was hitting one against Hitler" - HAMMERING HANK GREENBERG (commenting
on the 1938 season when he hit 58 home runs and was approaching Babe
Ruth's record of 60)

Feb 16, 2006, 10:42:03 AM2/16/06

On 14-Feb-2006, wrote:

> Dude, I hate to break it to you, but I am part Jewish, from NY and
> married to a Jew. And raised a Jewish kid!! I just think circumcision
> should not be foisted upon boys -- they should get a choice.

Now, how many peope can spot the flaws in this that expose this as a lie?


Feb 18, 2006, 11:20:46 PM2/18/06
Eko wrote:

How many eyes do you have?ehe Better yet: slept with many Shar-Peis
have we?ehe Assuming that you are American and female, you are in the
rare minority. But alas..whatever sinks your cervix! LOL! DOH! eh -D,
NYC "This German-Jewish physician won a Nobel prize in 1908 for curing
syphilis with his "magic bullet" - DR. PAUL EHRLICH.."This Jewish
physician co-founded the AMA (American Medical Association) in 1847" -
ISAAC HAYS.."I wish there were some award for the myriad nameless
Jewish immigrants - our parents & grandparents - who never attained
celebrity but who have a substantial part of the bone and flesh and
robust spirit of our community" - DAVID SARNOFF (communications pioneer
who paved the way for the establishment of national radio & television
networks, and started the first radio network, the National
Broadcasting Company (NBC) in 1926, NYC).."It is true that not all
victims of the Holocaust were Jews, but all Jews were victims." ELIE
WIESEL (Holocaust survivor, Nobel Peace prize)..Take a hold of my hand
and come with me...we'll go rockin' around in N..Y..C.." - MARSHALL
CRENSHAW.."Tom, get your plane right on time. I know your part'll go
fine. Fly down to mexico. Da-n-da-da-n-da-n-da-da and here I am..The
only living boy in New York" - SIMON & GARFUNKEL (umpteenth sweet,
Jewish NYers - one of the Top 100 selling artists of all-time).."It's
not hard, not far to reach - we can hitch a ride to Rockaway Beach" -
RAMONES (fathers of punk, Joey Ramone, b. Jeffrey Hyman, Queens, NY -
umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYer)

Michelle J. Haines

Feb 18, 2006, 11:29:59 PM2/18/06

Wow, you really are the Gastaldo of pro-circumcision, aren't you?

*wondering what song lyrics have to do with circumcision*

Well, maybe I don't want to know.

*wanders off baffled and goes to bed*


Feb 19, 2006, 12:01:26 AM2/19/06
> Wow, you really are the Gastaldo of pro-circumcision, aren't you?
> *wondering what song lyrics have to do with circumcision*
> Well, maybe I don't want to know.
> *wanders off baffled and goes to bed*
> Michelle
> Flutist

Pro-circumcision!? LOL! Try pro-common sense!eeh I am obsessed with
civility! As for song lyrics about NYC - most romanticized city in
song? Ms. touchy-feely, they have absolutely nothing to do with
circumcision, which is precisely why they are part of my tag, not part
of the message! eh Sweet creams! LOL! -D, NYC "Well, if you've ever
been to New York City, you know what I'm talking about, they got such
pretty little girls in that big town, make a man wanna jump around and
shout.." - THE YARDBIRDS.."Flatbush boy cruisin' Sheepshead Bay..his
boardwalk mama just a sniff away..underground DMT..ridin' thunder
train...The Coney Island White Fish Boy is on the run again"
-AEROSMITH.. "All the folks in Manhattan are sad..because they look at
her and wish they had..the good old Brooklyn Bridge" - FRANK
SINATRA.."We'll dock in New York...the buildings high...we find a
house...up in the sky...havana moon" - CHUCK BERRY.."Call on your
angels...Come down to the city..Crowd around the big tree..All you
strangers who know me..Bring your compassion..Your understanding...Lord
how we need it..On this New York City Christmas..Yeah I'm sending you a
Merry New York Christmas" - MATCHBOX 20..The most popular selling
Christmas song, "White Christmas," was written by a Jew" - IRVING
BERLIN (raised in NYC).."New York, like a Christmas tree - tonight this
city belongs to me - Angel of Harlem" - U2


Feb 19, 2006, 2:08:30 AM2/19/06

<> wrote in message

> Eko wrote:
>> American female here.
>> I like the uncut ones better. They feel so much better and they're more
>> fun to play with.> -Eko
> Jew schmucks deleted


Feb 19, 2006, 2:11:09 AM2/19/06

<> wrote in message

And there isn't one on your list that you would invite to your club or home


Michelle J. Haines

Feb 19, 2006, 9:47:55 AM2/19/06
to wrote:
> As for song lyrics about NYC - most romanticized city in
> song? Ms. touchy-feely, they have absolutely nothing to do with
> circumcision, which is precisely why they are part of my tag, not part
> of the message!

Then, Snookums, learn the concept of a .sig delimiter.


Todd Gastaldo

Feb 20, 2006, 7:42:12 PM2/20/06

See below.

in article 5a880$43f7f423$4127760a$, Michelle J. Haines at wrote on 2/18/06 8:29 PM:

I am not sure to which Gastaldo the flutist Michelle refers...

Just to be clear: This Gastaldo is ANTI-circumcision.


I began my opposition to the mass infant penis ripping and slicing back in
1987 when I discovered American MDs repeating uncorrected their
babies-can't-feel-pain-for-lack-of-myelin phony neurology.

There were no medical indications then - and there are still no medical
indications - which means the mass infant penis ripping and slicing is mass
child abuse.

There is a sort of "medical indication" for MDs to keep up their mass infant
penis ripping and slicing: to keep American MDs out of prison for committing
the obvious mass child abuse...

See Fink's fraud: The African HIV/penis study and Journalist Stephen Strauss

NOTE: Most infant circumcisions in America - both religious and "medical" -
involve TOTAL foreskin amputation.

Although I am anti-circumcision, I am in favor of an exemption from the
child abuse statutes for the ancient Jewish ritual that leaves most of the
foreskin on the penis.

See Is Jesus really God? (also: NO CIRC = MAYBE CIRC)


Bad (and sometimes fatal) as it is, the mass infant penis ripping and
slicing is a relatively minor MD felony when compared to the MD birth
felonies of senselessly closing birth canals up to 30% (and slicing vaginas)
and senselessly robbing babies of up to 50% of their blood volume.


See Dents in babies' skulls


According to retired obstetrician
George Malcolm Morley, MB ChB FACOG, every cesarean baby and most "cord
blood banked" babies are immediately clamped - asphyxiated, denied umbilical
oxygen, forced to breathe with their lungs before they are ready.

THE KICKER: In the process of immediately clamping their cords, these babies
are robbed of up to 50% of their blood volume.

Instead of reporting the obvious mass baby asphyxiation/baby blood robbery
child abuse to authorities, Dr. Morley recommended that his fellow
obstetricians perform a TEMPORARY baby asphyxiation experiment to help
demonstrate to themselves that they should not rob babies of massive amounts
of blood.

^^^Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but Dr. Morley's temporary baby
asphyxiation experiment was taken off the web after I publicly reported it
as child abuse to Oregon Atty Genl Hardy Myers...

For those who missed it, here is Dr. Morley's temporary baby asphyxiation
experiment again (note the word "asphyxia"):

"[T]he umbilical cord [is] immediately closed between finger and thumb...The
[fetal heart rate/FHR] will decelerate quickly to about 60 bpm...the color
will change from purple-pink (normal at birth) to pallid blue
(vaso-constriction and asphyxia.)...Few midwives or obstetricians will be
able to observe, without interference, a deep, prolonged FHR deceleration on
a non-breathing newborn for a period of 60 seconds.  Common sense will soon
release the finger and thumb." <--LINK DOESN'T WORK (see above^^^)

For further details about umbilical cord clamping...

See Dr. Morley's TEMPORARY baby asphyxiation experiment in: Water birth and
breathing without lungs...

THE PROBLEM: law enforcement looks the other way.

As Steve B. Harris, MD arrogantly boasted:

"Without enforcement, there is no
law. Without law, there is no crime.  These are elementary principles. Get
an adult to explain them to you."

Dr. Harris's arrogant boast came in reply to my having pointed out another
massive MD crime...

See TIME magazine on chiropractors vs. vaccination

BTW, I am in favor of vaccination - I am just not in favor of MDs
fraudulently promoting vaccination as they fail to promote breastfeeding as
free daily immunizations that reportedly make MD-needle-vaccinations work
better - but that is another story.

I am in favor of pardons in advance for MDs. As medical students, MDs are
TRAINED to perform felonies.

Thanks for reading,



Dr. Gastaldo
Hillsboro, Oregon

PS Darrint68, the guy who promotes the mass infant ripping and slicing,
appears to be promoting TOTAL infant foreskin amputation.

I wonder if he ever tells his readers about the ancient Jewish ritual that
leaves most of the foreskin on the penis.

Again, I am in favor of an exemption from the child abuse laws for the
ancient Jewish ritual.

Feb 20, 2006, 9:09:16 PM2/20/06
Todd Gastaldo wrote:

> See below.
> in article 5a880$43f7f423$4127760a$, Michelle J. Haines at
> wrote on 2/18/06 8:29 PM:
> > wrote:

> > Wow, you really are the Gastaldo of pro-circumcision, aren't you?> >
> > *wondering what song lyrics have to do with circumcision*
> > Well, maybe I don't want to know.
> > *wanders off baffled and goes to bed*
> > Michelle
> > Flutist

> I am not sure to which Gastaldo the flutist Michelle refers...
> Just to be clear: This Gastaldo is ANTI-circumcision.>

OY VEY! eh Michelle must be the Jethro Tull of Troll flutists, because
she just summoned one of the biggest!eheheheh -D, NYC "The most beloved
anthem in American history was written by a Jew - "GOD BLESS AMERICA"
by IRVING BERLIN (raised in NYC).."Come on, there's lots of fun in
store for you...see how the other half lives on Park Avenue" - IRVING
BERLIN (insert you know what here ehe).."NYC...NYC...NYC..Que pasa
NY?...Que pasa NY?..Well we did the Staten Island Ferry..Making movies
for the telly..Played the Fillmore and Apollo for freedom...Tried to
shake our image...Just a cycling through the Village" - JOHN LENNON
(NY's most famous adoptive son, Strawberry Fields Memorial, Central
Park - world's most famous recreational park).."No sleep 'till
Brooklyn!" - BEASTIE BOYS (umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYers - first
successful all white rap group).."To perfect the world (TIKUN OLAM) is
in Jewish thought - the obligation of every human being. Where better
to begin by fixing God's goof of foreskin?".."Ooo wah, ooh,
cool kitty, tell us about the boy from New York City" - AD
LIBS/MANHATTAN TRANSFER.."New York, New York, a helluva town...The
Bronx is up, but the Battery's down..The people ride in a hole in the
groun'... New York, New York, it's a helluva town!" - ON THE TOWN
(original Broadway soundtrack - penned by sweet Jew LEONARD
BERNSTEIN).."I like New York in June, how about you!? I like a Gershwin
tune, how about you?" - FRANK SINATRA w/ TOMMY DORSEY - penned by
BURTON LANE (sweet NYer) & RALPH FREED (sweet).."The more I travel
across the gravel..The more I sail the sea. The more I feel convinced
to the fact, New York's the town for me. That crazy skyline is right in
my line. And when I'm far away, I'm able to bear it for several hours..
Then I brake down and say: Take me back to manhattan...Take me back to
New York...I'm just longing to see once little home on the
hundredth floor" - COLE PORTER

Todd Gastaldo

Feb 21, 2006, 1:07:32 PM2/21/06

(Open Letter, archived for global access - see below. Sent to Jethro Tull
via,, and

Attention Jethro Tull: Helping babies (and instantly saving millions and
billions) - discussed below.

FIRST THIS - for usenet readers...

Jethro Tull is a famous band, but I just learned there was also...

Jethro Tull the agriculturalist
Born: 1674 at Basilson, Berkshire
Died: 1741 at Hungerford, Berkshire

Jethro Tull (1674-1741), born in Basildon in 1674, was a major pioneer in
the modernisation of agriculture. The son of a Berkshire farmer, he trained
for a legal career, but financial problems compelled him to opt instead for
farming. Determined to improve agricultural methods and increase yields,
Tull experimented at Howberry farm, Crowmarsh, near Wallingford with a
seed-drill which could sew three rows of seeds simultaneously. Later, he
devised a horse-drawn hoe to clear away weeds. In 1731, Tull published his
ideas about farming and plant nutrition in The New Horse Houghing Husbandry:
or, an Essay on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation'. Despite initial
resistance to Tull's revolutionary ideas, they were eventually adopted by
large landowners, and in time formed the basis of modern agriculture. Tull
died at Prosperous Farm, near Hungerford on 21 February 1741.


"...[Their b]and names were often supplied by the staff of their booking
agents, one of whom, a history buff, eventually christened them Jethro Tull
after the 18th century agriculturist who invented the seed drill. This name
stuck simply by virtue of the fact that they were using it the first time a
club manager liked their show enough to invite them to return..."


in article, at wrote on 2/20/06 6:09 PM:

> Todd Gastaldo wrote:
>> See below.
>> in article 5a880$43f7f423$4127760a$, Michelle J. Haines at
>> wrote on 2/18/06 8:29 PM:
>>> wrote:
>>> Wow, you really are the Gastaldo of pro-circumcision, aren't you?> >
>>> *wondering what song lyrics have to do with circumcision*
>>> Well, maybe I don't want to know.
>>> *wanders off baffled and goes to bed*
>>> Michelle
>>> Flutist
>> I am not sure to which Gastaldo the flutist Michelle refers...
>> Just to be clear: This Gastaldo is ANTI-circumcision.>
> OY VEY! eh Michelle must be the Jethro Tull of Troll flutists, because
> she just summoned one of the biggest!eheheheh


###### Darrint68 seems to me a sincere Jew who really believes that the
Jewish God commanded that Jewish babies should have their penises ripped and
sliced in perpetuity.

##### Darrint68 quoted back my postscript...but ignored something I have
been wondering about...

##### I wrote:

>> PS Darrint68, the guy who promotes the mass infant ripping and slicing,
>> appears to be promoting TOTAL infant foreskin amputation.
>> I wonder if he ever tells his readers about the ancient Jewish ritual that
>> leaves most of the foreskin on the penis.

##### Darrint68 appears to indicate that that I am "one of the biggest"
trolls. See above. I can assure Darrint68 that, time permitting, I will be
here to "troll"/protest the mass infant penis ripping and slicing (total or
minimal) as long as it persists - as long as sincere persons like him
promote it as a commandment of the Jewish God.


>> Again, I am in favor of an exemption from the child abuse laws for the
>> ancient Jewish ritual.

##### Many/most Jews appear to me to sincerely believe that God commanded
the infant penis slicing.

##### Few Jews, though, are aware that their God originally/reportedly
commanded leaving most of the foreskin on the penis...

##### I hope Darrint68 starts telling his fellow Jews about this.

>> See Is Jesus really God? (also: NO CIRC = MAYBE CIRC)

##### I hope Darrint68 also starts noting in his posts that the recent
African AIDS/penis study was based on a rather obvious fraud perpetrated by
a man named FINK, as in,

>> See Fink's fraud: The African HIV/penis study and Journalist Stephen Strauss
>> alt.circumcision/msg/46e7d701e48b1755


##### A few last notes, since Darrint68 mentioned Jethro Tull...

##### A new DVD...

"In late 1968, the Rolling Stones' filmed various famed and new acts around
a circus theme, with the novel Jethro Tull as the opening act. Now, more
than 35 years later, this legendary film has finally been released. Here's a
great chance to catch a superb video and audio remastering of Tull in their
infancy performing 'A Song for Jeffrey.' The 63-minute DVD includes a
commentary from Ian."

##### Tull and fans raised at least $31,000 for Hurricane Katrina relief.

##### Who knows but that Tull and fans could be persuaded to stop infant
screams and other infant suffering (and death) inflicted by American

##### Don't forget: Just stopping the infant screams instantly saves America
an estimated $400 million dollars per year - and PRESERVES the surgery as a
CHOICE males can make in adulthood. (Most males on the planet are not lining
up to have their penises sliced.)

##### So maybe Tull and fans can combine songs and circ - bafflingly or
otherwise - to help save America a cool $400 million per year - not to
mention the possibility of saving the estimated billions more to be saved by
stopping MDs from closing birth canals up to 30% and robbing babies of up to
50% of their blood volume. (See below.)

##### I'll cc the folks at via

##### Thanks for reading,

##### Sincerely,

##### Todd

##### Dr. Gastaldo
##### Hillsboro, Oregon
##### USA

###### JETHRO TULL the agriculturalist helped feed people. Jethro Tull the
band could help feed babies the BEST baby food - by urging that MDs and
health agencies start informing pregnant women that they scan for pathogens
and manufacture IMMUNIZATIONS which they inject with their breasts - daily.
CDC's vaunted National Immunization [sic] Program doesn't even call
breastfeedings immunization or mention that breastfeeding women immunize far
more babies and reportedly make MD-needle-vaccinations work better. What
woman informed of these simple facts is going to fail to at least attempt to
breastfeed/immunize her baby daily?

>> I am in favor of pardons in advance for MDs. As medical students, MDs are
>> TRAINED to perform felonies.
>> Thanks for reading,
>> Sincerely,
>> Todd
>> Dr. Gastaldo
>> Hillsboro, Oregon
>> USA
>> PS Darrint68, the guy who promotes the mass infant ripping and slicing,
>> appears to be promoting TOTAL infant foreskin amputation.
>> I wonder if he ever tells his readers about the ancient Jewish ritual that
>> leaves most of the foreskin on the penis.
>> Again, I am in favor of an exemption from the child abuse laws for the
>> ancient Jewish ritual.

##### Again, thanks for reading,

##### Sincerely,

##### Todd

##### Dr. Gastaldo
##### Hillsboro, Oregon
##### USA

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